#Grace & rian
smashpages · 1 month
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Birds of Prey #14 (DC, October 2024) variant cover by Rian Gonzalez
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 3 months
god the humans = boring crowd should really just learn to speak the truth, which is "i am a loser, i am a moron, i am incapable of creating compelling characters who could stand on their own regardless of pointy ears and horns, but please cheer for me and high five me bc humins boring tee hee."
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louisxleprince · 4 months
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officially submitting my serious but also chaotic knives out 3 casting choices
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sunsetofdoom · 2 months
Hot take, but The Force Awakens having "potential" to have been good is, I think, actually a detriment about it.
Look. JJ Abrams' 'mystery box' moviemaking style with that movie was out of fucking control. It was two hours of setup, of unanswered questions, and then he fucked off. Do you know what the most important thing about that situation is?? NONE OF THOSE QUESTIONS WERE EVER INTENDED TO BE ANSWERED. JJ set all that up with no thematic or philosophical throughline to all those questions.
Sure, somebody could have taken that and, effectively, written a fanfic for it. But it wouldn't have fixed the fact that the movie was written to not have answers. It was purely designed to be all setup, and no payoff.
That isn't good art. Say something true and beautiful, Abrams.
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slythernnn · 6 months
Pretty pretty fingers for my lil getaway with C
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lilyvalerieorchard · 4 months
If anyone of you interacts with any irredeemable media such as
Steven Universe
The Owl House
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend Of Korra
Gravity Falls
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Young Justice
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball Z
All anime
All manga
Harry Potter
G. Willow Wilson's run on Ms. Marvel
All modern Cass Cain/Batgirl story post-One Year Later
All modern Peter Parker/Spider-Man story post-One More Day
Super Mario Bros
The Legend Of Zelda
The Last Of Us/The Last Of Us Part II
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Sly Cooper
Metal Gear Solid
Tomb Raider (old and new)
Final Fantasy
The Original Star Wars Trilogy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Rebels
The Last Jedi
Lord Of The Rings
The Mad Max saga
The Evil Dead Trilogy
Lethal Weapon
All films by Francis Ford Coppola
All films by Roman Polanski
All films by Woody Allen
All films by Terry Gilliam
All films by Brian De Palma
All films by Quinten Tarantino
All films by Stanley Kubrick
All films by Tim Burton
All films by Rian Johnson
All films by Don Bluth
All films by Steven Spielberg
All books by Stephen King
All comics by Dan Slott
All comics by Donny Cates
All comics by Jason Aaron
All comics by Jeremy Whitley
All comics by Grace Sina
All comics by Tom Taylor
All Comics by Tom King
All comics by Scott Snyder
All comics by James Tynion IV
All comics Brian Michael Bendis
All comics by Tini Howard
All comics by Vita Ayala
All comics by Joshua Williamson
Music by Michael Jackson
Music by Janet Jackson
Music by Prince
Music by Madonna
Music by The Beach Boys
Music by The Beatles
Music by Mozart
Music by Bach
Music by Beethoven
Music by Hyden
Music by Handel
Music by Wagner
Music by Dvorak
Music by Holst
Hideo Kojima
Greg Weisman
Weird Al
Rebecca Sugar
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fantasticsandwich · 1 month
yandere influencer x fem reader (pt 5)
Your fingers hovered in the air, inches from the tarnished brass of the door knocker. Your pulse hammered in your ears. The hallway felt too narrow, the air thick with the scent of stale cooking and old wood. You'd expected to be greeted by chaos—the aftermath of Rian's heartache—yet when you finally mustered the courage to tap against the cool metal, the scene unfolding before you was far from what you had envisioned.
The door swung open, revealing not a disheveled den of inebriated sorrow, but a stranger, standing amidst a stillness that seemed to part around him like mist. His pale skin caught the dim light, lending him an ethereal glow, while his dark hair framed his face in stark contrast, softening the sharp angles of his cheekbones. Your breath hitched, and you felt as if you'd stepped into a quiet corner of the world you hadn't known existed.
“Uh, hey,” you stuttered. The bag of takeout dangled from your grasp, its colors vibrant against the monochrome backdrop of the apartment. “I brought food.”
His lips quirked, a glimmer of amusement in his cat-like eyes. “For me?”
"Sort of, but I don’t usually bring food for strangers,”  you managed to say, awkwardness tangling your words. You offered up the takeout like a shield, something tangible to fill the space between you.
“Well, I’m Blaise, and because I was told to anticipate your arrival, you must be Y/N. Now that we’ve had introductions, come in," he said, stepping aside.
As you passed the threshold, the door clicked shut, a quiet seal to the cocoon of warmth that enveloped  you as you stood inside Rian’s apartment. Alone now in the small living room, you rocked on your heels.
“Pardon if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“We haven’t. I’m only babysitting Rian for the evening ‘cause he’d drink himself to death otherwise,” Blaise blandly said. “Connor had to step out. Family stuff.”
“Right, I hope everything is okay,” you replied, aware of their proximity in the narrow hall.
“Rian’s coping, have no idea what’s going on with Connor.. I’m not too close with him, but you know how it is. Anyway, I made a portion for him, but since he left, would you like to stay for dinner? I’m making Tuscan chicken.”
The scent of herbs and spices already wafted from the kitchen. It smelled promising.
“I—”  you faltered, eagerness warring with the knot of anxiety that coiled in your stomach. You clutched the bag of takeout, now rendered superfluous. Yet, something about the offer tugged at you.
“Sure,” you found yourself reluctantly agreeing, the word escaping your mouth before doubt could reclaim it. A flash of triumph lit his features, quickly masked by the flicker of a passing car outside the window.
“Great,” he murmured, leading the way to the kitchen. His silhouette etched against the stainless steel appliances and sleek countertops.
Expensive, you noted. How were these students affording decent flats in the city center?
As Blaise moved to resume his cooking, the subtle scent of rosemary and garlic wrapped around  you, a comforting shroud that made you forget, for a moment, the pressures that lay just beyond the door.
Your fingers brushed against the cool metal handle of the refrigerator, easing the takeout inside as if tucking away your unease alongside it. You straightened up and turned to find Blaise back by the stove, his movements a quiet ballet as he stirred the contents of a pan. The sizzle of chicken meeting hot oil was a soothing symphony in the modest kitchen.
“Mind if I sit down?” you ventured, gesturing toward the table set for three.
“Please, do.”
You slid into a chair, the wood cool beneath your palms, and watched him work. There was a grace in his gestures that belied the tired shadows under his eyes.
“I’m surprised we haven’t met before. You know Rian and Connor well?”
“Ah, we go way back,” Blaise replied without looking up, his attention on a jar of herbs. “Same primary schools, but we split for secondary, though. Connor and I are in the same year, meaning we’re one behind you.”
“Right, that makes sense.” You fiddled with a napkin, folding and unfolding it as your mind ticked over their age difference, an insignificant detail.
A door down the hall creaked open, and Rian shambled in, his figure slumped and eyes rimmed red like the last whispers of sunset. He looked as though he had wrestled with heartache and came out the other side bruised and on life support.
“Hey,” you said, standing so quickly your chair scraped loudly against the floor. “Rian, are you starting to feel okay now?”
Blaise turned off the stove and joined you, his impassive expression softening as he took in Rian’s sorry state. “Sit down. Let us get you something to eat.”
He managed a weak smile, grateful yet overwhelmed, and sank into the remaining chair. “I’m sorry for being such a mess.”
You patted his shoulder. “S’alright. For better or worse, you’re our mess.”
As Blaise plated the food, a fragrant offering of comfort, you stood by Rian’s side, your hand hovering above his shoulder, hesitant yet yearning to reassure. The tension in the room was palpable, a static charge waiting for release.
“Here,” Blaise said, setting down a plate.
“Smells incredible,” you chimed in, hoping to lift Rian’s spirits.
“Good. That means you won’t be able to detect the poison.”
You settled into a silence punctuated only by the clink of cutlery on plates and the distant hum of city life beyond the apartment walls. You twirled your fork through the creamy pasta, the rich aroma of herbs and garlic coaxing a sigh from your lips.
You had never tasted anything as decadent. And under the tutlage of a college student?
“Blaise, this is just… it’s absolutely wonderful.” The flavors exploded across your palate, a symphony of home-cooked perfection that made your store-bought takeout seem like a distant, bland memory. Frantic, you shoveled another forkful into your mouth. “If I were being executed, this would be my last meal request.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a modest chuckle, his hand resting lightly on the back of your chair—a touch so faint it might have been accidental, but it sent a ripple of awareness down your spine.
Adjusting your sleeves, you tried not to dwell on the warmth radiating from where his fingers brushed against the fabric, or how your heart seemed to pulse in time with his proximity.
“Connor has got to see what he’s missing out,” Rian suddenly exclaimed, wiping his mouth with a napkin before reaching for his phone. His voice was tinged with mischief, a spark of his usual playfulness returning as he dialed his roommate’s number.
“Watch him be eating instant noodles again,” you joked.
Connor accepted the video call request. Soon, the group was face-to-face with him. His surroundings were dark, with only the light from the computer illuminating the place. You heard faint, crackly conversation and deduced that he wasn’t in his room. He was out, but where? Blaise had mentioned a family emergency… You hoped everything was alright.
“Hey, Connor! You have to see what Blaise cooked up over here.” Rian beamed into the phone screen, panning the camera over the spread of Tuscan chicken and sides that adorned the table.
The screen flickered, and Connor’s face appeared, squinting through the darkness. He gasped.
“Bastard! How could you make that without me? It looks amazing.”
As everyone had fortold, he held up a sad cup of noodles, eliciting laughter from the trio.
As they bantered, the screen shifted, and a pale face came into view beside Connor’s, his dark eyes locking onto the scene. Heart pounding, you were suddenly confronted with the image of Cillian. Or rather, his bag still slung over his shoulder. But you knew that jawline anywhere.
Leaning away, Connor eagerly gestured for him to step into frame. Quirking a brow, Cillian ventured closer to the desktop. His lips moved, mouthing something, but without him even approaching the mic, you could not hear him. As his eyes roamed around the screen, the surprise expression on his face morphed into something you were unable to decipher.
When he finally realized it was you, he went entirely still as if the screen had frozen. While you shook, he remained deathly still. His lips pressed together like he didn’t want to say anything at all. He was staring. Just… staring. Directly at you, into your soul. With the screen’s blue light shining against his face, he looked like a ghost.
“Cillian!” Rian called out, seemingly oblivious to the sudden change in atmosphere. “Look at what you’re missing out on. Connor’s friend made a delicious meal for us.”
“Hi, Lee,” you added weakly.
“Looks good,” he said at last.
Blaise’s brows furrowed. Leaning in, he squinted at the screen. “What’s with Samara from The Ring in the background? Bro is ghastly.”
“Uh, I think it’s just bad lighting. But you still look good!” Rian mumbled, but before anyone could press further, Cillian lunged forward, seizing the device.
“Hey!” said Connor, voice warbled.
He looked directly into the camera, and your heart experienced a start. You felt as if he was there in the room, confronting you face-to-face. You had to lean back from the intensity of his gaze.
Without another word, he ended the call. His visage flickered and vanished like a specter dispelled by the light of day. A hush descended upon yhe group, broken only by the distant hum of city traffic filtering through the window.
You felt a chill snake down your spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. You glanced at the blank phone screen, then at Blaise, whose casual demeanor seemed to have returned as quickly as it had left. He shrugged and tossed the phone aside, but you remained motionless.
“What was that about?” He asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.
“Cillian has major FOMO,” you simply said. Your eyes darted to the spot where Blaise’s hand had once rested on your chair, now conspicuously absent. With a start, you realized you missed the warmth.
As you resumed eating, you found yourself stealing glances at Blaise. He hummed between bites, mindlessly twirling pasta with his fork. You were startled by your momentary lapse; for the first time in eons, your mind was not consumed by thoughts of Cillian.
a/n: idk how i feel about the direction and pacing of this story. :/ do y'all feel like it's too slow burn??? i have at least 20 chapters planned
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ultrameganicolaokay · 1 month
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Birds of Prey #15 by Kelly Thompson and Sami Basri. Variant covers by (1) Serg Acuña and (2) Rian Gonzales. Out in November.
"Things have gone sideways in the Birds of Prey’s investigation of the Ninth Day cult, and the Birds’ undercover operative, Cassandra Cain, has gone deathly silent. The team going in to break her out are heavy hitters of the highest order—Black Canary, Big Barda, Grace Choi, and Onyx—with Oracle at mission control, and Sin frustrated she’s been benched. But what they find is so much more than they feared…"
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aftermoved · 6 months
— 「 RE: @sorrowsick .
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❝ ALWAYS A PLEASURE. ❞ HE TILTS his hat, the brim shielding his eyes beneath the mask for a moment before Rian graces her with soft hazel hues. Not every time they meet is pleasant, but today? There was a part of the cowboy that just wanted to see her. A lull in the pit of his stomach that he just couldn't kick.
Reaper whinnies next to him, and a creeping grin appears on his lips, the man turns, and pats her heavily on the neck. ❝ The night is young. Wan'a go for a ride? ❞
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bafflinghaze · 2 months
Snippet tag
Thank you to @avaseofpeonies for tagging me again!
Below is a snippet of Chapter 235 of These Side Characters 🤭
I'm tagging @hatcubed @smallbug-ars @floofymeow @pppppiamo @ladymoonpearl !!!
Next, Duke Blewitt demanded a meeting with Crown Prince Rian.
Prince Rian smiled faintly and inclined his head. “Your Grace, what can I do for you today? Please speak plainly.”
Duke Blewitt snorted. “Then you know that your actions have caused a major backlash and fractured the people’s support for you.”
“I believe that the benefits outweigh the losses,” Prince Rian said. “If certain people no longer want to work with either myself or Marquis Rosewood, then we’ll make a lot of money with others instead.”
Duke Blewitt: “…”
“Or, are you jealous that I like Ayden and that Ayden likes me?”
Duke Blewitt spluttered. “I’m older than your father!”
“Oh, you’re frustrated that you didn’t think of becoming the consort of my Imperial father or my late Imperial grandfather?” Prince Rian said ‘innocently’.
Duke Blewitt felt dizzy with anger. “Impudent!” He couldn’t stand Prince Rian any longer.
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kurtisthesnivy · 10 months
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So about six years ago, I created a homebrew system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tabletop game. It didn't quite pan out, so I migrated to a heavily homebrewed version of DnD 5e (also designed by yours truly.) Until about 4 months ago, I was running two different campaigns as well as a handful of smaller adventures. I can't take full credit, my boyfriend has been a massive help with running games and coming up with homebrew. Over the last half decade, I've kept a record of all of the characters that have played in our games. And as a celebration of finishing such a long journey, here's all 72 characters that have been played in PMDnD. 
Also, I recorded the timelapse of the whole process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b3rYlGvFU
All characters in rough order of being drawn 
Xaio, Oshawott Rogue (old system) 
Byron, Nidoran Mercenary (old system) 
Qyzen, Litten Fighter (old system) 
Tobu, Oricorio Black Mage (old system) 
Argaveus, Scyther Zealot Barbarian/Blood Hunter 
Tovu, Togedemaru Grave Domain Cleric 
Issac, Riolu Gunslinger Fighter 
Lest, Arcanine Pyromancer Sorcerer 
Dolon, Sylveon Life Domain Cleric
Blaze, Charizard College of Swords Bard 
Skye, Zoroark School of Illusion Wizard 
Ludwig, Dartrix Oath of Redemption Paladin 
Noelani, Floatzel Life Domain Cleric 
Roger, Monferno School of War Magic Wizard
Joshua, Hakamo-o Gunslinger Fighter 
James, Toxicroak Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Micheal, Pachirisu Ancestral Guardian Barbarian 
Koishi, Oricorio Dancer Bard 
Clay, Lycanroc Battlemaster Fighter 
Grace, Comfey Totem Master Fighter 
Gabriel, Auroros Hexblade Warlock 
Elena, Floatzel Horizon Walker Ranger 
Allen, Scizor Way of the Kensai Monk
Haku, Zoroark Assassin Rogue 
Alex, Weavile Thief Rogue
Stella, Chesnaught Fortune Teller Astrologian 
Iona, Cinccino College of Valor Bard/Trained PKMN 
Akira, Kekleon Alchemist Artificer 
Shift, Eevee Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 
Justin, Sceptile Oath of Ancients Paladin 
Arin, Roserade Pact of the Deep Warlock 
Zhang, Smeargle Eldritch Knight Fighter 
Firokhan, Houndoom Way of the Kensai Monk 
Camilla, Gardevoir Divine Soul Sorcerer 
Hyargrum, Alolan Marowack School of Necromancy Wizard 
Lilliana, Audino Spiritmaster White Mage 
Koko, Thwacky Dawnbringer Warlock 
Aiden, Lopunny Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 
Dex, Sableye Echo Knight Fighter 
Jae, Banette Order of Scribes Wizard 
Minet, Cinccino Way of the Kensei Monk 
Ergin, Houndoom Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Audra, Manectric Circle of Wildfire Shaman 
Tristan, Goodra Cavalier Fighter 
Kasi, Frogedier Way of the Dragon Monk 
Mobius, Decidueye Gloomstalker Ranger 
Rook, Krokorok Inquisitive Rogue 
Jack, Decidueye Drakewarden Ranger 
Guinness, Haxorus Path of the Totem Barbarian 
Kadmos, Sceptile Way of the Kensai Monk 
Pluto, Delibird Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Meryl, Golurk School of Abjuration Wizard 
Penicillin, Meganium Life Domain Cleric
Cleo, Ampharos Celestial Warlock
Quin, Quilava Drakewarden Ranger
Rheda, Hisuian Sneasel School of Illusion Wizard
Rian, Zangoose Path of the Beast Barbarian 
Lucas, Delphox Knowledge Domain Cleric/School of Divination Wizard 
Rubix, Typhlosion Arcane Archer Fighter/Soulfuse 
Henry, Kecleon Storm Sorcerer
Floss, Delibird Spiritmaster White Mage 
Cassandra, Absol Celestial Warlock/Soulfuse 
Calvin, Archeops Oath of the Crown Paladin 
Ballard, Azumaril College of Whispers Bard/Hexblade Warlock 
Adachi, Toxicroak Way of the Open Palm Monk/Barbairan 
Zeish, Lucario Swashbuckler Rogue/Celestial Warlock 
Sol, Charizard Gunslinger Fighter/Artificer 
Thalnor, Charizard Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Ariana, Nidoqueen College of Swords Bard/Fighter 
Clade, Absol Hexblade Warlock/Soulfuse 
Jace, Luxray Battlesmith Artificer
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gender0bender · 2 years
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(IDs under the cut) Tranny by Laura Jane Grace / Comme des Garçons: Poem T-Shirt (2002) byJunya Watanabe / Transsexual Fires by Patrick Skater /  Truisms (1977-79/2008) by Jenny Holzer / Running up that hill by Kate Bush /  Pecos Bill by Rian Fierros
Gender Envy.
First two images: text from an online copy of a book that reads “ It was 1985 and I was five years old, still young enough to think the lyrics to Madonna's song “Material Girl” were “I am a Cheerio girl." I stood in the glow of the television in my family's living room, watching her movements in stunned, silent awe. My parents liked music, but weren't fanatical about it. My father enjoyed country and in particular Willie Nelson, while my mother's favorite was Diana Ross and the Supremes. But something about this pop star spoke to me. Watching Madonna get into the groove, I was completely mesmerized. Her dirty blond hair was moussed and frizzed to perfection. Her neon and black clothes were ripped and torn to accentuate her curves. Her chunky bracelets and necklaces sparkled and jangled against her arms and neck as she moved to the beat. I reached out my hand and touched her on the screen. That's me, I thought, clear as day. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be that. This sense of wonderment was cut short by confusion. Suddenly I realized that I would never be her, that I could never be her. Madonna was a girl; a confident symbol of femininity, singing and dancing onstage in a short skirt and high heels. I was just a small boy, living in a ranch house on an Army base in Fort Hood, Texas.
Second image: A black t shirt with white text on it that reads “I don’t want to be your lover of companion I want to be you.”
Third image:  A picture of a passage from a book that says: What would you think if your belly was full of fire, your nose choking with smoke rising from a rage so blinding you could not turn left or turn right but just stand staring out into a world you knew was enemy, no firemen in sight? How would you be nice then, appropriate, outstanding? that I stood under the lights of the ballfield and waited for my name to be called with the other boys so I could run out onto grassy arena in my clean new uniform, run out there to play with the other guys, run out there through the cool evening air. But no one ever did call out my name, didn't call out. Didn't. And so I burned like so much after-game trash, in the back, under the stands, by the chipped tar, and my ashes formed into a mutant child.
Fouth image: A cinema billboard with rearrangeable letters that are arranged to say “sex differences are here to stay.”
Fifth image: A screenshot of a lyrics page that reads “ And if I only could I'd make a deal with God And I'd get him to swap our places Be runnin' up that road Be runnin' up that hill Be runnin' up that buildin' Say, if I only could, oh.”
Sixth image: 
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gotta-pet-em-all · 9 months
"What do you mean, you're going back to your family? This is our family," she hisses, gesturing around them. Teal dye in various stages of fading separates the inmates from the wardens here-- oh, sorry, former misguided cult victims in need of a rehabilitation facility, and the kindly employees.
Like that makes it any better. You can call a punch a love tap, but you can't hide the ugly bruising with pretty words.
They have the grace to look away from her as she stares them down. "I mean... I want to try. Looking back, I know... they weren't perfect. But there was so much that I couldn't articulate back then, things I needed, but... didn't know how to ask for."
"I thought I was your family!" Her voice comes out broken, like a wounded creatures. Gods, she's still a crybaby, even after all this time. Even after Commander Mars took her in, taught her to be strong. "I-- you taught me so much, you're my friend, Rian--"
"And that doesn't have to change," they say, in the tone that you use to calm a pokemon before you stick the needle in.
"Yes, it will," she insists. "Please, please don't go back to them. They don't appreciate you like we do here. We can change, be whatever Interpol says we need to be before they let us go, and as long as we lay low after that, no one needs to know or care. Don't go back, please, they only want to hurt you. Parents only ever want to hurt you."
"I'm not you, Elle. This is...different," they say, but their resolve is wavering.
They're wrong. They have to be wrong. Because if they're not, that means her parents could have loved her. They just... chose not to. Disowned her a month after her ex-girlfriend left, left her a sobbing wreck that only Galactic managed to put back into the shape of a person.
But Galactic is gone. Her roots are growing in dark grey, Rian's a pleasant shade of brown.
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seesaipepper · 9 months
character irl birth months🎂🥳🎉
so... technically speaking, each season in mta would be comprised of 3 months, with each month being around 9.3 days in-game... with that in mind, here are the approx. birthdays of the sandrock bachelors and bachelorettes, as well as their zodiac signs because why not <:3c
🌷 SPRING: Owen - Early March (Pisces) Haru - Mid March (Pisces or Aries) Qi - Early April (Aries) Elsie - Mid April (Aries or Taurus) Grace - Late April (Taurus) Burgess - Early May (Taurus) Pablo - Early May (Taurus) Ernest - Mid to Late May (Taurus or Gemini)
☀️ SUMMER: Pen - Late June (Cancer) Venti - Early July (Cancer) Jane - Mid July (Cancer) Justice - Late July (Cancer or Leo) Heidi - Late July (Leo) Logan - Mid to Late August (Leo or Virgo)
🍁 AUTUMN: Nia - Early September (Virgo) Unsuur - Mid September (Virgo) Arvio - Mid to Late September (Virgo or Libra) Amirah - Early October (Libra) Catori - Mid to Late October (Libra or Scorpio) Mi-an - Early November (Scorpio)
❄️ WINTER: Miguel - Late December (Capricorn) Fang - Early February (Aquarius)
+full citizen calendar below the cut since i had done it anyway lol
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Spring 1-9 (March) Spring 10-19 (April) Spring 20-28 (May)
Pisces - (February 19 - March 20) Aries - (March 21 - April 19) Taurus - (April 20 - May 20) Gemini - (May 21 - June 20)
Owen - Early March (Pisces) Rocky - Early March (Pisces) Haru - Mid March (Pisces or Aries) Vivi - Late March (Aries) Coco - Late March (Aries) Qi - Early April (Aries) Elsie - Mid April (Aries or Taurus) Grace - Late April (Taurus) Burgess - Early May (Taurus) Pablo - Early May (Taurus) Earnest - Mid to Late May (Taurus or Gemini)
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Summer 1-9 (June) Summer 10-19 (July) Summer 20-28 (August)
Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) Leo - (July 23 - August 22) Virgo - (August 23 - September 22)
Crystal - Early June (Gemini) Hugo - Early June (Gemini) Mort - Late June (Cancer) Pen - Late June (Cancer) Venti - Early July (Cancer) Banjo - Early July (Cancer) Jane - Mid July (Cancer) Justice - Late July (Cancer or Leo) Heidi - Late July (Leo) Rian - Late July (Leo) Cooper - Early August (Leo) Meerkat - Mid August (Leo) Logan - Mid to Late August (Leo or Virgo)
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Autumn 1-9 (September) Autumn 10-19 (October) Autumn 20-28 (November)
Virgo - (August 23 - September 22) Libra - (September 23 - October 22 Scorpio - (October 23 - November 21) Sagittarius - (November 22 - December 21)
Nia - Early September (Virgo) Dan-bi - Early September (Virgo) Captain - Mid September (Virgo) Unsuur - Mid September (Virgo) Andy - Mid to Late September (Virgo or Libra) Arvio - Mid to Late September (Virgo or Libra) Sandy - Late September (Libra) Pebbles - Late September (Libra) Amirah - Early October (Libra) Yan - Mid October (Libra) Catori - Mid to Late October (Libra or Scorpio) Mi-an - Early November (Scorpio) Nemo - Early November (Scorpio) Matilda - Early to Mid November (Scorpio)
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Winter 1-9 (December) Winter 10-19 (January) Winter 20-28 (February)
Sagittarius - (November 22 - December 21) Capricorn - (December 22 - January 19) Aquarius - (January 20 - February 18) Pisces - (February 19 - March 20)
Fennec - Early December (Sagittarius) Gecko - Early December (Sagittarius) Mabel - Mid December (Sagittarius) Miguel - Late December (Capricorn) X - Early January (Capricorn) Jenson - Mid January (Capricorn) Jasmine - Late January (Aquarius) Trudy - Early February (Aquarius) Fang - Early February (Aquarius) Macchiato - Mid February (Aquarius or Pisces) Zeke - Late February (Pisces)
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uovoc · 9 months
2023 Media consumption
God tier: media that invoked blorbo-induced euphoria, mini-obsession, or just haunt me
White Cat Legend (大理寺日志, Dali Court Journal) - donghua, seasons 1 and 2. The new vice minister of the imperial court of criminal justice is, unfortunately, a cat demon. Tang Dynasty workplace comedy/political intrigue. Lovely animation, sick fight scenes, and catboys.
Scissor Seven (刺客伍六七) - donghua, seasons 2-3. Netflix summary: "Seeking to recover his memory, a scissor-wielding, hairdressing, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among feuding factions." Season 1 was just ok at best, season 2 was great, season 3 was phenomenal, season 4 was meh.
Derkholm duology by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
God Troubles Me / Hanhua Riji (汉化日记) - donghua. Cringefail loser girl Su Moting, her cringefail smartphone god, and her cringefail cat (demon) have to save the world. But first she has to go to work. And get takeout. And watch dramas. The premise sounds SO cringe but it's well-executed and hilarious. And actually a pretty sharp but good-humored window into the delights and horrors of modern everyday life in china.
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt (reread). At the peak of the California gold rush, hitmen Charlie and Eli Sisters are hired for a job that Eli is liking less and less. 1st-person perspective of a stone-cold killer, where it turns out the killer is just Some Guy. Who is kind of awkward. And pathetic. And maybe not very bright.
Gobelins graduation animated shorts: "Chroniques de l'Eau Salée" (2021), "Last Summer" (2022), and "Go Fishboy" (2022). Available to watch on YouTube. Got caught up on 2021 and 2022 and these are the ones that will haunt me.
Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi - manga (reread). Teenage martial artist is cursed to transform into a hot girl whenever he's splashed with cold water. Still some of the funniest and most deranged comedy I've ever read.
"Golden Age" - short story by Naomi Novik set in the Temeraire universe. Hilarious and delightful Feral Temeraire AU.
Just ok: media that I didn't hate, and maybe even enjoyed
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore
Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings by Christopher Moore
Glass Onion (2022) dir. Rian Johnson
Puss in Boots: the Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford
Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead
Witch's Business by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones (reread) - Charmed Life, The Lives of Christopher Chant, Mixed Magics, The Pinhoe Egg
Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Sharyn November. Faves: "Beauty" by Sherwood Smith, "Little Dot" by Diana Wynne Jones, and "Remember Me" by Nancy Farmer.
All Systems Red (异星危机) by Martha Wells, Simplified tr. by 黎思敏
All Saints Street (万圣街) - donghua, seasons 1-3
Moira's Pen by Megan Whalen Turner
Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
The Game by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Selected Discworlds: Thief of Time, Unseen Academicals (reread)
The Confessions of Max Tivoli by Andrew Sean Greer (reread)
The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer
"Louise", Gobelins 2021 graduation animated short. Pretty good, but not god tier.
The Time of the Ghost by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Less by Andrew Sean Greer. Most of it was a slog, but the ending was wonderfully tender.
The Merlin Conspiracy by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke
Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Spinning by Tillie Walden
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (reread)
The Mermaid (美人鱼) - movie (2016)
Exhalation by Ted Chiang. Fave: Exhalation
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
Motorcity - cartoon (rewatch)
Sing 2 - movie
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - movie
White Cat Legend (大理寺日志) manhua through chapter 186
A Monster in Paris - movie (rewatch)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - movie
Lionboy trilogy by Zizou Corder: Lionboy, The Chase, and The Truth (reread)
The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms (封神第一部:朝歌风云) - movie
Our Flag Means Death - season 2
Skellig by David Almond (reread). Even more unsettling and magical than I remembered.
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (人渣反派自救系统) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Savvy by Ingrid Law (reread)
The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry
Golden Age and Other Stories by Naomi Novik. "Golden Age" alone was amazing. Every thing else: meh.
Wonder by RJ Palacio except that the ending sucked
蓝溪镇 (Lanxi Zhen/Blue Creek Town) - manhua (reread), through chapter 112
Translation State by Ann Leckie
Disliked and often DNF'd
House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds
A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro
Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn
The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley
Phoenix Rising by Karen Hesse
Palimpsest by Catherine Valente
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nhi Vgo
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots. Genuinely creative concept, enjoyable characters, and horrifying (affectionate) ending! Writing was just very, very bad.
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore
Stowaway by Karen Hesse
Nirvana in Fire (狼牙榜) - ok objectively it was fine. It was just SO long that I started losing patience at multiple points.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes on (2021) dir. Dean Fleischer Camp
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
Suzume - anime movie
Fairies Albums (百妖谱) - donghua
Link Click (时光代理人)- donghua
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn by Tri Vuong - webcomic
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo
Journey to the West: Demons Strike Back (西游伏妖篇) - movie
Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Others Writings by Jorge Luis Borges
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
Frozen 2 - movie
Logan - movie
The Three Sisters of Tenmasou - movie
The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Nothing new.
Bewilderment by Richard Powers
Nimona (2023) - movie
Prophet by Helen MacDonald and Sin Blache
One Piece - the live action Netflix series
Good Omens season 2
Birdwing by Rafe Martin
Blue Eye Samurai - netflix cartoon
Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto - anime
System Collapse by Martha Wells
The Cay by Theodore Taylor (reread)
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
Bottoms (2023) - movie
Daily Life of the Immortal King (仙王的日常生活) - donghua
Witch King by Martha Wells. Actually I enjoyed the Kai/Bashasa storyline a lot. The present-day storyline I found extremely boring. Which was unfortunate because it was more than half the book.
The King's Avatar (全职高手) - donghua
The Apothecary Diaries - anime
Assorted nonfiction
The Electricity of Every Living Thing by Katherine May. Bored. DNF
Alone in the Wilderness (2004) - dir. Dick Proenneke. Documentary of Proenneke's year spent living alone in the Alaskan wilderness. Neat look at one dude building a cabin, furniture, and all his accompanying household implements by hand.
A River Lost: The Life and Death of the Columbia by Blaine Harden. The human and environmental significance of the Columbia dam system.
Gifted Earth: The Ethnobotany of the Quinault and Neighboring Tribes by Douglas Deur. Guide to key native species and their traditional uses.
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life by George Saunders. Four classic Russian short stories with accompanying technical analysis of their narrative construction. Great look at the process of writing and analyzing stories.
Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin - animal behavioral psychology
Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin - more animal behavioral psychology
Crying in HMart by Michelle Zauner. DNF. Felt like the book could have been 1/4 of its length. Mostly nothing new.
Wood in American Life: 1776-2076 by WG Youngquist and HO Fleischer. Wood use in America. Really makes you realize just how many things are now made out of plastic but used to be wood. And how much more difficult and expensive it was to make and replace objects.
Authentic Diversity: How to change the workplace for good by Michelle Silverthorn. Concise and nicely concrete. Would be a good starting place for an executive.
Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil - how some big data algorithms reinforce preexisting inequality, and how to improve them.
The Relationship Cure by Joan Declaire and John M. Gottman. The classic originator of the "bids for attention" approach. Pretty good, most helpful was the part where it identifies the styles of responses.
Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults by Sara Zeff Geber
A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs
the excellent hyperlocal nature guidebook I bought after encountering the author at the mall
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. 2018 ed.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 4 months
Sorry but I ,along with other certain leftist content creators, just can't go after Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Michael Bay, Brian Taylor, Mark Neveldine, Todd Philips, the Postal devs, the Hatred devs or any other cishet white male reactionary creators. We're just too scared of getting attacked by their channer-board fanboys.
That's why we ONLY ever stick to attacking marginalized creators like Rebecca Sugar, ND Stevenson, Dana Terrace, G. Willow Wilson, Jeremy Whitley, Sina Grace, Vira Ayala, David Gaider, Tini Howard, Leah Williams, James Tynion IV, Grant Morrison, ect. Or (if we're extra charitable) innocent, non-bigoted, non-marginalized creators just doing their jobs like Jason Aaron, Dan Slott, Donny Cates, Tom Taylor, Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson, Greg Weisman, Bryke, Jonathan Hickman, Brian Michael Bendis, Tom King, Neil Druckmann, Rian Johnson and others. It helps us earn more woke brownie points!
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