#Graffiti artist Mina
mirllop · 2 months
Pages Full of Maybe (BakuDeku) - drawing!katsuki
basically katsuki is a chronic doodler/artist as a way to deal with his emotions. legit let my imagination run wild w this one soooo
Katsuki has anger issues. He knows he does. He just feels this overwhelming rage well up inside of him and has no idea how to handle it other than shouting and screaming. His therapist (that Aizawa forced him to start going to, much to his chagrin) said some bullshit about his anger controlling him and about how it should be the other way around. Whatever. Some stupid shit. It was irrelevant.
But when he feels that full-body frustration, frustration so deep in his bones he can barely do anything but scream and shout and rage at people, he knows it’s best to lock himself in his room and wait it out. If his anger is like a deep well, it's best to wait until the bucket comes up empty rather than try to tip it over manually.
Sometimes Kirishima (or other nosy do-gooders of the "squad") will pester him, but for the most part, when he’s in that sort of mood, his classmates know to leave him alone.
So, what does he get up to during his alone time?
Katsuki draws. He fills pages upon pages, sketchbooks, notebooks, post-its, cards, sometimes even his own arm, filling his skin with ink when he’s run out of paper. There just aren’t enough canvases to contain his sprawling doodles, sketches, and full works. He's at the stationary store every other week.
His class notes are practically graffitied with the amount of ink he manages to plaster on, coherently coming together to portray the visions in his mind. Aizawa says nothing when the tests he hands back are filled to the brim with doodles in the margins.
Maybe he likes it because paper is the only thing that can't fault him for his emotions. It can’t shun him after he’s been too harsh, it can’t tell all its little friends about his issues. It can't rage back. It simply sits patiently on the desk in front of him even when Katsuki presses his anger too hard onto the sheet and it tears. The only indication of its pain is the small cry it emits in the form of a krrshh –– but he can't even be painted as a villain for it. After all, it's just paper.
His hand traces anything he can think to draw. Sometimes, when all he's trying to do is make heads or tails of his frothing emotions, the pieces come out beautifully abstract. Sometimes he draws objects, places on campus, scenes from movies he watched with Izuku.
Sometimes he draws the faces of his friends (not that he'd ever admit to calling them 'friends'). Kirishima, laughing at something Bakugou did (he doesn’t even remember what it was. He just remembers the lightheaded feeling that came from causing that sunshine-like grin). Mina with her gossip face on, telling the group about so-and-so’s crush (that Bakugou definitely did not care about. Sue him if he listened. It was only because he should have the most intel possible to be a good hero, okay???).
Kaminari, getting really passionate about different electrical gadgets and showing the group a new type of charging plug. Sero’s surprised yet beamingly proud expression as a result of finally nailing that lasso he'd been working on for weeks.
His friends.
Izuku. Getting excited over something stupid, his cute round face lighting up, forest eyes shining with passion. Izuku. Rambling about some hero’s Quirk, coming up with infinitely clever improvements to their style. Izuku. Hovering over him after having pinned him down in a sparring match. Eyes shining with victory. Face streaked with dirt and sweat. Izuku.
Pages and pages and pages and pages of Izuku.
If anyone discovered these pages, Katsuki would be done for. He’d never show his face again. They weren’t just drawings to him — no, more like a chronicle of his life. He refused to call them a "diary" of sorts because diaries are for thirteen-year-old girls to gush about their stupid crushes that will never love them back. So no, his endless drawings aren't a diary. Fuck that.
Hours upon hours, alternating between furious scribbling and meticulous measuring, always resulted in a messy pile of papers surrounding Katsuki like a mad composer. He might as well have taken a stack of papers and tossed them in the air –– the space surrounding his desk would have looked the same. But after seeing the scraps of paper and the endless drawings scattered around him after each emotion-fueled session, he could breathe. Calm was washed over him like a gentle, cool wave to his bubbling, boiling magma.
He knew he'd never show them to anyone, but he secretly hoped he could. Maybe someday. The only person... it'd be Izuku, and it'd a small drawing of some random object. Meaningless. Insignificant to anyone but him.
Maybe he'd move onto showing him some of his people drawings. Then, and Katsuki barely allowed himself to imagine this future, maybe he'd finally show Deku himself through the lens of Katsuki Bakugou.
But for now, these drawings were locked up tight in top right drawer of Katsuki's desk. He kept the key pressed between the pages of his favorite childhood All Might biography (that he and Izuku had spent hours poring over the pages of) on the fifteenth page of chapter 7. Sue him for being a sentimental bastard, alright?
For now, this secret was all his. For now. But maybe that future would come. Maybe.
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sadbigemini · 2 months
Hiya, back again with more MHA fic prompts– or more like one prompt with two versions of it. Anyways, let's get started!
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Delinquent Class 1-A Reform Program
They were all in juvie but were handpicked by Nezu and Aizawa for the program.
m*ne*a is added bc he has family on the school board. Neither of them thought it was a good idea.
They have group therapy and live in dorms on campus bc they are living their sentences at UA
Maybe Kouda and Sero are in juvie together. And it's kinda shitty so there are bugs everywhere. So, Sero helps Kouda get over his fear of bugs.
What they're in for:
QUIRKISM: Midoriya (blamed him for Bakugou getting arrested so they called an anonymous tip saying he was talking about selling his notebooks. Which as we know have extensive info on heroes), Shouji (just bc his looks smh), Shinsou (he used his quirk to save himself from being killed– either from bullies, abusive fosters, or abusive parents), Ojiro & Tsu (at a protest and got arrested– it was mostly peaceful and for heteromorphs. They do not know each other), Tokoyami (see Quirk Accident(s)), Hagakure (see Pranks/Vandalism),
QUIRK ACCIDENT(S): Tokoyami (Dark Shadow went overboard defending him against his bullies who followed him after the movies to beat him up. They did not believe that he didn't do it on purpose), Satou (he hurt some people during a sugar rush), Kaminari (someone deliberately scared him in the pool, knowing he would spark. They scared him so bad that he short-circuited. Some people might have died)
PRANKS/VANDALISM: Hagakure (she pulled pranks all the time at school to get back at her bullies. However, nobody could prove it was her but they all knew it was . So, they framed her for stealing things), Sero (he does both but is a famous graffiti artist which is what landed him in juvie. He was caught defacing an endeawhore billboard).
VIOLENCE: Bakugou (being himself and how he went too far– surprisingly it wasn't on Mido but Mido did intervene) Kirishima (he beat a guy half to death for being a pedo to Mina), Mina (punched a cop for being too rough with a cooperating Kiri. He was letting himself be arrested but the cop knew the pedo so), Jirou (same thing but also at the heteromorph protest she decked a hero for being handsy), Iida (for vigilantism- it started with getting revenge for someone hurting his brother but then another vigilante straightened him out), Shouto (the vigilante that straightened him out. His sperm-donor let him be arrested to 'teach him a lesson').
FRAUD(?): Yaomomo (made things w/ her quirk and gave them to the poor some being yen or diamonds), Aoyama (was raised by grifters, con artists and he was involved in several of their schemes. They shifted all the blame on him, pretended it was all him, and acted like concerned parents)
THIEVERY: "Hagakure", Aoyama, Uraraka (she was really hungry and maybe homeless), Kouda (technically- he released several animals from several facilities that were being held captive and experimented on– Nezu likes him lol)
?: m*ne*a being himself
Aizawa: "Some of you don't deserve to be here. Whether it be because of discrimination, teenage rebellion, poverty, your families, or quirk accidents. And there are those of you who do and need to learn restraint and/or had good intentions but broke the law, got caught."
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UA’s Delinquent Reform Program
Quirkless Midoriya Izuku.
All of these who are also seen above can have the same reasons for being arrested.
Midoriya, Shinsou, Kaminari, Hagakure, Kuroiro (quirkism), Shishida (again quirkism and maybe a quirk accident), Shouji, Tokoyami, Tokage (quirkism but also probably pranks), Monoma (again quirkism), Kamakiri (again quirkism but also bc he beat up his bullies and harassers everytime), Hatsume (blew up too many things, too many times), Toga, (you know why, you could use the canon story of why she ran away), OCs(?), and m*ne*a ARE IN THE PROGRAM.
Tokage, Toga, and Hatsume are besties.
Hound Dog is their homeroom teacher. They have group therapy sometimes.
Most of them are there for discriminatory reasons and don't actually deserve to be there. Some were there for more lighthearted reasons like pulling pranks. Or both. And others deserved to be there and redemption doesn't seem to be in their future or it is just very far.
A lot of them fight for a chance to be in the hero course. While some want to go into other courses. Though not all of them get the chance to make it into either (the OCs and unredeemed grapist).
There are times where students are removed from the program. Sometimes it's because of the three strikes and you're out, stipulation. To be considered a strike it has to be something serious. Like physical bullying, sexual harassment, and etc.
Other times it's because the student never belonged there in the first place. A lot of these students still want to stay in the program even if they don't need to be there. Either it's because then they'd just be in ‘boring’ Gen Ed or they made some friends and don't want to leave them (ppl who actually understand them). Or its bc Hound Dog thinks they need to be there to heal. With these students if they are negatively affected by the program they are pulled. Such as being bullied or triggered and it's bad for their mental health.
Final exams are the program’s check point. They stay in the program if by final exams they haven't made good progress. Or if Hound Dog recommends the stay for a while longer. There are also students who are moved into the program after final exams. I.e. Bakugou and maybe m*ne*a
After school and Gen Ed classes when heroics is going on they have classes about discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, managing quirks, and so on and so forth.
Some villains target UA students because of the LoV like it's an internet trend.
How about during the USJ a group of the villains stormed the main campus and all the teachers had already left for the USJ. Believing its security would protect the remaining students and that the threat was only at the USJ. Unfortunately, they were wrong. Luckily our Delinquents come to the rescue.
Sir Nighteye asks Midoriya if he's the one who refused OFA and is pissy about it. It's at his internship bc Mirio thought that Sir could help with Mido's analysis.
Self-defense is an extracurricular/club. Ecto, Eraser, and Snipe teach it but mostly Ecto. Those trying for the hero course take it.
Also RG knows them very well bc Kamakiri rubs off on them.
They also have dorms on campus before everyone else.
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I hope this makes sense
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9r7g5h · 10 months
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
AN: This was written for the CASBkDk event, so each fic is based off a song by the band Cigarettes After Sex!
Words: 958
Being a hero was about being brave. Being willing to jump head first into the kind of shit other people ran from, put your life on the line for others, face the darkness that reveled in other people's pain. Stand as the line between villains - true villains, not just shitty thieves or graffiti artists but people who actually wanted to kill, destroy - and the innocent people who couldn't stand for themselves.
Katsuki hadn't realized that when he was younger, blinded by the glory and fame and riches that came with a successful career, but he'd quickly learned. Sure, everyone might have had their own motivation to get started, but only those who were brave and willing enough to die stayed.
So Katsuki knew, on the battlefield, facing down a villain, he was brave. He could force away the fear and focus on what was needed, determination and adrenaline burning away the fear.
But, apparently, he was chicken shit when it came to love.
"Come on bro," Denki said with a shrug, as if it was oh so easy, "you just gotta go for it." Maybe it was easy for him, sliding in and out of relationships like they were no big deal (ignoring, of course, the squad mandated ice cream and cry nights after each break up). But Denki's experiences had been with random extras, students from random other classes, no one Katsuki gave a fuck about.
This was Deku.
Izuku, who deserved more than a couple of cheap dates, a few make outs, and some giant blow up that seemed to make up the pattern of Denki's relationships. They already had enough drama from their past, and while they, he, was working on it, if he was going to actually go through with this, Izuku deserved more.
Katsuki wasn't entirely sure more was something he could give him, but he sure as hell wanted to try.
"If a big confession is too much for you," Mina chimed in, throwing her arm around his shoulders and leaning her weight on him, making him stop the incessant pacing he'd been doing since he called this little meeting, "then start small. You can work up to the marriage proposal and promises of forever and all that fluffy stuff you're practically allergic to. But for now, do something tiny that you know will mean something to him."
"The only thing I'm allergic to is your breath, Pinky," Katsuki growled, pushing her playfully away. "What'd you eat for lunch, dog ass?" He took comfort in her insulted gasp, the teasing that followed, watching as his friends volleyed insults back and forth with ease as he digested her suggestion. It was a good one, one he could already think of something for.
Just the thought made his heart pound and his stomach turn, that cowardly bit of him that he'd tried so hard to stomp out begging him to reconsider. 'We don't have to risk rejection if we just keep the status quo.'
Katsuki instead just pushed it down harder. He'd accepted that fear was part of the job, but this, Izuku, deserved him being brave.
It still took him a week to put that tiny little plan into action, because fuck him he really was chicken shit, but a week later he found the perfect opportunity.
They were alone in the locker room - the least romantic place Katsuki could imagine, surrounded by the smell of rotten BO and farts, but they were still alone, a rarity since they'd moved into the dorms. Training with All Might gave them more opportunities, but it still wasn't often they were like this, together, with no one able to walk in anytime soon. Tired, sure, hungry and sweaty and exhausted by the new regiment All Might had put them on, but still alone.
So, swallowing his fear and the bile that threatened to rise in his throat, Katsuki let his body just move.
Even with the scars and calluses, Izuku’s hand was surprisingly soft. Rough in the way fighting and training made all of their hands, but warm and soft, even the bumpy scar tissue surprisingly smooth. A different texture against his own skin, something Katsuki wanted to spend hours studying, memorizing, because it was something so uniquely Izuku he hadn't known before. And he was supposed to know everything about him
Something for later, he quickly decided, because he was holding Izuku's hand and Izuku was turning to look at him, eyes wide and curious, letting his hand be held. Eyes that got wider as Katsuki continued to act on instinct, refusing to let his brain get in the way of his raising Izuku's hand to his face, lips ever so lightly brushing against his knuckles, less of a kiss and more of a caress. Never once breaking eye contact, a small smirk turning his lips as Izuku's face broke out bright red and beautiful, squeezing Katsuki's hand with his own at the action.
"K-kacchan, wha-"
"Good job out there, nerd," Katsuki forced himself to say casually, letting Izuku's hand drop, their fingertips lingering ever so slightly as he spoke. "Keep it up and you might actually get on my level."
It was all teasing; they'd been teasing each other for months now, an easy back and forth they'd fallen into, but now Izuku could only just stare at him and sputter, frozen to the ground as Katsuki grabbed his bag. He brushed their hands against the other as he walked by Izuku, one more quick touch before he left back for the dorms, knowing Izuku was a mess behind it.
It was fun to play with him, and hopefully this all just meant that his move was a successful first step.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
The Hero
The Hero by Gallifrey101
When Todoroki and some of his classmates are attacked by your average villain of the week outside their school, it's up to Todoroki's motorcycle-riding, graffiti artist, badass quirkless boyfriend to save them all.
In which all of Class 1-A meets Izuku and isn't sure what to think.
Words: 4823, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bad to the Bone
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Original Male Character(s), Class 1-A, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Jirou Kyouka, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Bad Boy Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, but not really, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Gay Disaster Todoroki Shouto, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Graffiti Artist Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42339318
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
The Hero
The Hero by Gallifrey101
When Todoroki and some of his classmates are attacked by your average villain of the week outside their school, it's up to Todoroki's motorcycle-riding, graffiti artist, badass quirkless boyfriend to save them all.
In which all of Class 1-A meets Izuku and isn't sure what to think.
Words: 4823, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bad to the Bone
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Original Male Character(s), Class 1-A, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Jirou Kyouka, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Bad Boy Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, but not really, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Gay Disaster Todoroki Shouto, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Graffiti Artist Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42339318
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association-righteous · 11 years
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Depuis 2004, l'association Righteous (en collaboration avec Sidy, 100dreen et Catharsis ) vous propose une vraie Block Party Hip Hop en plein air pour la Fête de la Musique avec à chaque fois un concept original. Après 2 ans sur le bd Beaumarchais avec XULY.Bët, la Block Party est de retour dans l’impasse Saint-Sébastien, l’endroit qui l’a vu naître et grandir : l’ Impasse La Plus Groovy De Paris !!!!
Cette année : DJ HAMZA & DJ KEFRAN LaMEUTE - DJ SUSPECT - DJ GLO & DJ LORD JAZZ (The Lords Of The Underground) - DJ MINA - DJ REAL C. - DJ FAB (Hip Hop Resistance) - DJ JUST DIZLE et la BETINO’S RECORDS SHOP TEAM seront aux commandes de cette Block Party exceptionnelle placée sous le signe du : STRICTLY VINYL !
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► 18h00 à 20h00: Street-Apéro en musique, initié par Sidy en 2008, voici le retour du street apéro : on sort une table dehors chacun ramène de quoi boire et de quoi grignoter et on partage avec le public, les voisins, les amis en bonne convivialité pour célébrer la musique et l'été.
► 20h00 : Performance et show case de DJ GLO : à 8 ans, Gloria aka Miss DJ Glo est déjà une artiste Hip Hop accomplie : elle danse, elle mix, elle compose et elle rap ! Comme dit le proverbe « le fruit ne tombe jamais très loin de l’arbre » cette petite a de qui tenir ; son père DJ Lord Jazz fait parti du célèbre groupe US (de Lords Of The Underground) qui a marqué toute une génération de fans de rap.
► Performance Graffiti par EZIR HK.
► RDV le 21 juin de 18h00 à 02h00 : les absents de l'année dernière le regrettent encore !
► ADRESSE : Impasse Saint-Sébastien angle de la Rue Pelée - métro Richard Lenoir ( L5 ) / Saint-Ambroise ( L9 ) / Saint-Sébastien Froissard ( L8) -------------------------------------------------- Partenaires : Aiiight - Get Busy - Lady Caprice Magazine MPC Prod. - ParisLaNuit.fr - Star Wax Mag WeFly - Zulu Nation France -----------------------------------------------------
► VIDEOS et PHOTOS des dernières block party ici :
Video DJ Glo + Redman 2012 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plUxxEoQax4
2009 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...
2009 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...
2008 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...
2008 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...
2012 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...
Vidéos 2008 + 2009 + 2010 : http://www.dailymotion.com/mayleen71
BE THERE or CRY AFTER and don't forget : PEACE LOVE UNITY & HAVIN' FUN !!!
------------------------------------------------- © Flyer by Drop Deezign et De La Soul 
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Good for her
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bunnyrobber · 5 years
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alien queen is still the bombest hero name
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sevensplatsonas · 5 years
What do ya'll do?
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i-nadequada · 6 years
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Viçosa, Brasil. | 2016
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bokunoartacademia · 2 years
Basic Info
BNHA Art Academia Au
No Quirks Au/ No real ship present/ Main character? I’d Like to give every character their own Spotlight
U. Arts-Universal Arts College
An au where the BNHA Students are artists in art school (College) instead of heroes. Like in BNHA all teachers are professional and accomplished artists.
Class 1-A: (Art Identity) A class dedicated to developing your art skills and encouraging interaction between artists of various focuses.
Home Room Teacher- Aizawa Shouta: Creative Writer- Got his claim to fame through his novel "Erasure". Specializes in themes of Man vs self, and Man vs Man.
Favorite Medium: Writing on his phone. Yes, he wrote an entire novel on his phone.
Toshinori Yagi: Comic Writer, Has lived every Artist's fantasy, self-published a comic, All Might, that later turned into a long-running animated tv series popular with all ages. His series has spawned tons of merch and awards. Now he just has to write an ending.
Favorite Medium: Traditional Ink and screen tones.
Midoriya Izuku: Comic artist (Superhero/Action genre), Great at writing and planning but always struggled with the fundamentals of art? Understands the fundamentals but putting ideas to paper is complex, never really developed a "style" for drawing.
Favorite Medium: Digital art
Bakugou Katsuki: Comic artist (Superhero/Action genre), Quickly grasped and applied the fundamentals of drawing. Though he's still a hard worker, has won contests as a child, and wrote comics for his school's newspaper.
Favorite Medium: Traditional pen and ink, + Markers
Uraraka Ochako: Concept Artist(Sci-Fi), Loves sci-fi or anything space-related, wants to become a concept artist for the sci-fi genre. Has a secret commission account where she'll draw Almost Anything for the right price. Favorite Medium- Digital Art
Iida Tenya: Technical artist, Planning to get an engineering degree to pair with his art skills. Likes drawing machinery and designing how they move. Enjoys building models too.
Favorite Medium: Fine Point Drafting Pens and alcohol markers
Kirishima Eijiro: Sculpture, Makes Sculptures by carving stone, terrible at making clay sculptures and pottery. Work part-time at a gym.
Favorite Medium: Stone, Hammer, and Chisel
Mina Ashido: Abstract/Graffiti/Performance Artist, Makes very popular videos on Instagram, however, has a terrible uploading schedule due to time management issues. Her videos features her dancing and creating abstract paintings through her movement.
Medium: Acrylic and Spray Paint
Todoroki Shoto: Hyper-realistic Oil Painter
A known child 'Prodigy', in reality, he's taken art lessons ever since he could hold a pencil, never got to experiment with different mediums, emotions, or styles, just paint what's in front of you exactly how you see it.
Favorite Medium: Oil Paint, for now
Yaoyorozou Momo: Multimedia Artist, Dabbles in everything, sculpture, painting, collages, etc. Doesn’t care for making digital art though.
Favorite medium: Everything except digital
Koda Koji: Photographer/Artist, Main subjects are Animals, makes scrapbook pages for his pictures.
Favorite medium: Polaroid pictures
Shoji Mezo: Dancer, Wears a mask so people focus on his movements and not the expression on his face.
Favorite medium: Interpretive Dance
Tokoyami Fumikage: Creative Writer, His writing falls into the drama and gothic literature field. Drabbles in poetry and short stories. Has an antique-type writer but it’s too heavy to carry around.
Medium: pen and quill
Sero Hanta: Multimedia, Makes art and sculpture using tape. It’s impressive what he can make out of tape and random parts. So far he’s made clothes, shoes, and a tea set. Always gets looks from other shoppers when they see his cart full of duct-taped.
Medium: Tape
Jiro Kyoka: Musician, Solo Popular musician on youtube, has opened for various musicians and has performed at festivals.
Medium: Vocals
Kaminari Denki: Musician/Influencer/model, makes rap, remixes, and pop music. When he’s not making music he actually models for some clothing brands and boasts on Instagram about “Chillin with the boys”
Medium: Turn Tables
Ojiro Mashirao: Sculptor, makes 3-d models in digital format, also makes sculpts of characters using clay.
Favorite Medium:3d Modelling Software
Mineta Minoru: Photographer, Mainly photographs/ draws women, honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do with him.
Favorite Medium: Digital camera,
Sato Rikido: Food Photographer, Loves cooking and posting his photos online. Yes, Cooking is an art and like Koda, he’s putting together a book with all of his picture. 
Favorite Medium: Digital Camera
Toru Hagakure: Fashion Designer, Loves see-through fabrics and hair accessories.
Favorite Medium: Vinyl Fabric
Tsuyu Asui: Children Books Artist, has been developing her book series “Froppy” since she was a little kid. Posts little comics online and has an online store where she sells stickers and pins.
Favorite Medium: Watercolor
Aoyama Yuga: Fashion Designer, calls his work “Flashion” everything is covered with glitter and sequins. Carries a bedazzler arounds
Favorite Medium: Sequins
More Characters to be introduced and more character details to be revealed in the future!
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twicearoundthesun · 2 years
Thank you for answering 🥺
I can definitely see why Mina is the go to for when Dahyun is not doing so well since she knows what to do/experiences it. (Brilliant!)
Also since Chaeyoung has some rebellious tendencies....what about a fill about her sneaking out to do some graffiti....OR TO GET THE TATTOO OMG! (I am a genius) (because artist/tattooed chaeyoung is the absolute hottest)
Also also lmao I’m sorry all of my head canons are for Chaeyoung 😅😅 I keep getting random ideas!! I’ll try to think of some for other people oml.
Of course! I love love love hearing your thoughts on the AUs!
Yeah, mina just knows exactly what to do - or at least where to start - when Dahyun needs her to.
Ooooooo i like both of these ideas I'll have to write them down
No worries at all! Honestly a lot of my headcannons are about Dahyun, Chaeyoung, or Jeongyeon, we all have biases 😜
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dragonseattofu · 3 years
That Reaper Pin (TWEWY Fanfiction)
What if instead of Beat being sent to the UG after his buddy gave him the Reaper Pin, it was Shiki? What will Shiki do, now that she's given this chance to find the person that disappeared two and half years ago? (Written for Neshiki Week 2021 Day 6: Battle Couple)
“Morning Ai!”
“Hey, good morning Mina. Check out what Makoto-kun gave me.”
“Morning Ai, Mina. Did Eri come in yet?” The bespectacled teen asked her classmates as everyone was settling into their seats. On the off days that she was in Shibuya, Shiki tried to attend school, and catch up with her classmates. There were a couple minutes before homeroom started, and Shiki wanted to run some ideas past her co-founder of their new brand that was really taking off in strides.
“Morning Shiki, no, we haven’t seen her yet.”
“Ah, thanks anyway.”
“No problem,” Ai replied, “anyway, take a look at this,” she continued her conversation with her best friend.
“Oh, isn’t that CAT’s design?” Shiki’s heart skipped a beat.
“The graffiti artist? I guess, now that you mention it, it does look like his work. Didn’t he go underground like two years ago?”
Two years and five months, actually. No one has heard from Hanekoma since he disappeared. WildKat was shut down indefinitely, for ‘renovations,’ and CAT stopped creating artwork around that time too. It could just be an art thief or a copycat, right?
“Hey Ai, can I take a look at it?” Shiki asked curiously.
“Yeah, sure, hey aren’t you a huge fan of CAT? You can have it if you want. It’s really not my style anyway,” Ai offered.
Shiki didn’t consider herself a enthusiast of CAT, but she could see why others might think that. When he vanished, she looked into anything and everything that could give her a clue about what happened, including Mr. H’s alter ego, but even that turned out to be a deadend.
“Oh, thanks,” Shiki replied.
Ai handed the item to her, and she ran her thumb along the circular shiny surface. It was definitely CAT’s design; it was so similar to her old player pin. But the sigil was slightly different, more edgy, almost as if it was emitting sinister vibes. She instinctively shivered.
“Thanks, Ai, but I’m good,” the designer said, and was about to give the pin back to her friend, when she noticed that Ai’s pupils started to shimmer.
“Ai?” Shiki asked simultaneously with Mina.
“Class is about to start, what are you standing there for?”
“Hn, I’m not … sure. I thought I was talking to someone …”
They were acting like she wasn’t even there.
“Yeah me, but I’m over here silly. Come on, Mr. Hoshigane is about to walk in!”
Shiki reached for Ai to give her back the pin again, but her hand phased through Ai’s arm, and suddenly she heard a voice in her head.
Mina’s right, I must be going crazy, but I could have sworn I was talking to someone just now.
Shiki jumped back, withdrawing her hand as if she had just touched fire.
No, this can’t be.
The brunette pulled her phone out of her school uniform pocket. No service.
She looked around the classroom, and their homeroom teacher walked in. All the other students shuffled to their seats, no one batting an eyelash to the fact that Shiki was standing in the middle of the walkway. The teacher started to do the roll call.
With bated breath, Shiki waited until he got to Maiki, Miho, Mokane …
Even though her attendance was sporadic, she’d been in this class since the beginning of the semester, and now it was as if she didn’t exist.
Shiki stared at the incriminating object still in her hand. All she wanted to do was throw the pin on the floor, and smash it into a thousand pieces. And she would have done so, if her bag didn’t kick her in the side.
Dropping the offending item, and practically throwing it at the wall, she watched as something wiggled inside, a black object peeking its head out.
“Mr. Mew?”
His head flopped to the side, and he used his stuffed arms to bring it back into place. Kicking the bag strap off his leg, he stumbled a couple steps before successfully righting himself. Shiki watched as he turned his head side to side, then stopped when he found her, and sprinted into her arms.
“Oh gosh, Mr. Mew!” she cried, returning the hug. If this nightmare she found herself was really happening, Shiki was glad that at least she had her friend again.
And she was going to need him again, because if she was … in the UG again, that meant reapers, and noise.
But for some reason, she wasn’t scared, or nervous. This time, she felt a sense of clarity. For years she felt helpless; all she was told to do was wait. If she was in the UG, she didn’t have to wait any longer, she was one step closer to finding who she had lost.
“Say, Mr. Mew, let’s take a look outside and see what’s going on?”
Her companion nodded, then jumped out of her arms, and out the classroom he went, with his master closely behind.
The sky was still blue, the grass around the campus was still green, and the iron gates at the front entrance of her high school were still closed shut. Even though people could phase through her, physical objects did not. She sighed at the sight of Mr. Mew sliding in between the bars before climbing the stone pillar, and jumping over the gates ungracefully. She thanked her lucky stars that now one saw that.
Her first task was to find a partner, since she remembered that she wouldn’t be able to fight any noise without one. The idea of having another partner was unsettling, but her search would go nowhere if she got erased.
And as if the gods were praying for her demise, on their way to Hachiko, the first stop on her journey, Mr. Mew stumbled into the crossing and bumped into an army of frog noise.
Right when one of the noise raised it’s webbed arm to slash at her, in a last ditch effort, she commanded Mr. Mew to block, and attack through psychokinesis. To her surprise, the noise shuttered and disintegrated. In synchronicity with Mr. Mew, Shiki raised her arm and brought it down in a striking motion, wiping out another one. This was so against the rules, but if playing the game alive was also against the rules, then she was okay with breaking a couple more.
She continued to battle until all that remained were flickering pixels.
“Okay, so fighting without a partner is possible, and because I kept this pin around, I can still use my psych.” Her original Groove Pawn pin became more of an accessory for her after the game was over, and now she was glad to have held onto it all those years.
Pocketing both pins, Shiki picked Mr. Mew up, and asked, “what do you think about saying hello to an old friend?” He bobbed his head in approval.
The trek to Hachiko was familiar, the journey was one she took everyday. The bronze statue always waited with her, but today was different.
“Hey Hachi. Thanks for always being by my side, but I’m not waiting today. I’m going to go find him myself.” Shiki placed a hand on his paw. “Wish me luck.”
From there, Shiki decided to head North. Chances are, if Mr. H wasn’t in the RG, then he might be in the UG. To her disappointment, when she got to WildKat, the old cafe looked the same as it did before. She ventured inside, but there was nothing there to suggest it’s been inhabited for a while. Once back outside, Mr. Mew jumped from her arms and scanned the area for any noise.
She didn’t see any noise, but she heard something else, like a low frequency buzzing. It was so faint, she almost didn’t notice it. Mr. Mew walked toward the sound, with Shiki behind him.
As they got closer to the sound, the buzzing morphed into soft murmurs, almost like several people were whispering into her ear all at once. A chill ran down her spine, but she walked further until she reached the Shibuya border. From her knowledge of the game, there was nothing beyond this point, or rather, it was always closed off by reapers. Fortunately, there were none in sight right now, and there was a path along the train tracks that wasn’t there before.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Picking up Mr. Mew again, Shiki journeyed into the uncharted territory, and didn’t look back.
The moment she stepped over the border, a wave of thoughts rushed through her mind, and she crumbled to the floor. Mr. Mew fell out of her arms, and he ran to her, gently patting her legs in concern.
It was like she walked into a hurricane of voices that swirled around her, wailing and screaming about things she didn’t understand. Wherever she ended up, the people here were confused, anguished and desolate.
Shiki shouted in pain, her head felt like it was going to burst.
And then a shocked and familiar singular voice broke through the avalanche of cries.
What? Her eyes wandered around for a splash of orange around her. There was nothing but piles of debris and broken up asphalt.
Again, “Shiki, is that you?”
“Neku?” she asked aloud, tears welling up in her eyes from the thought of him or the crushing migraine, she wasn’t sure.
“Gods, Shiki, what are you – where are you?”
“I – I don’t … know,” she tried to speak, but the screams were overwhelming, and she was finding it hard to breathe. “I can’t see you, N-Neku. How–?”
”Just focus on my voice.”
”Take a deep breath, and focus.”
Air filled her lungs, and she exhaled as slowly as possible, grabbing onto the image of him that she remembered, holding onto the feeling of finally seeing him again. In and out. In and out.
The voices were still present in her head, but quieter, as if someone had turned the dial on a radio down, but not off. With a little more clarity, Shiki picked herself off the ground, clutching Mr. Mew closer to her chest.
“Okay, tell me where you–”
”I’m okay … Just, hold on a sec.”
Without a direction, or even a clue as to where he was, Shiki proceeded into the darkened territory, not realizing that the way she came in was no longer there. The sky was tinted red, and the clouds were blackened and overcast. It was chilly, or maybe she thought it was because everything felt so off, wrong almost. Like nothing was supposed to exist in this space, and she was trespassing.
From his grunts, she imagined he was fighting, but she wasn’t going to let him fight alone. Focusing on him, Shiki felt his presence coming from her left, and with resolve, took off in a full sprint.
Sensing what she was doing, Neku telepathically warned, ”no, don’t come here. Ugh! It’s too dangerous. Argh! I’ll find you when I’m done here.”
“No,” she responded much the same way he did, “I’m coming, my psych works!”
”But –!”
“We are not having this conversation!” She shouted internally, jumping over a heap of broken rocks and a fallen lamppost. She heard actual sounds of combat in the distance and knew that she was getting close.
”Ugh, fine do what you want!” He scoffed, too preoccupied to change her mind.
Flashes of light emerged from a dune in front of her, and she frantically ran to see what was going on.
Wisps of black energy encircled Neku, whipping at him as he deflected their attack. The psych master was greatly outnumbered, and if that were noise, Shiki knew that Neku could probably handle it alone. But they weren’t noise, and he looked exhausted already.
With abandon, Shiki jumped from the top of the crater, sending Mr. Mew flying before her.
Both the faceless monsters and the young man she waited two years and five months for looked up at the sound of her voice. One unlucky wisp of energy dissolved from Mr. Mew’s fist as he then proceeded to land elegantly on his feet. Neku’s eyes widened, his mind no longer on the enemies that were trying to erase him, but instead on the young woman that was barrelling toward him. He slashed at the monster to his side, and ran.
He wanted to be angry; she had the gall to smile at him like that when she was practically free falling. He wanted to yell at her for being so reckless, even though he knew he would always catch her. He wanted to demand why she was in Shinjuku, but actually seeing her for the first time in such a long time left him too stunned.
Tears rolled away from her face as she fell but her smile was simply breathtaking.
Neku stretched his arms out to catch her, spinning her around to lessen the momentum, and pulling her into a tight embrace.
The petite teen looked up from his chest grinning, “You’ve gotten taller,” she said giggling.
He jovially chastised, “and you’ve gotten more brash. What has Beat been teaching you?”
“I missed you,” she pouted.
“I missed you too,” he said, placing a hand on her cheek.
Before he could say more, Mr. Mew was thrown in their direction, smashing into Shiki’s back, and she gasped at the scuff marks on his body.
“Mr. Mew!”
Neku summoned a wall of electricity around them. The shadowy figures whirled outside of his barrier, touching the sparks and recoiling. A brave soul of the group whipped it’s effervescent appendage, and broke through heading straight for him.
A black blur rushed past him, and the monster faded.
“Trust your partner, remember?” Shiki said standing back to back with him, “let’s take these guys down!” Mr. Mew was back at her feet, bouncing in anticipation.
He smirked.
They both rushed forward and the battle began.
Mr. Mew flicked his wrists outward, and elongated red claws emerged. Shiki lifted her right hand out, “Go, Mr. Mew!” A flurry of red lights flashed, black clouds dissolving into dust.
Neku pulled his arms back, focusing on the heat in his palms, and threw the fireballs at the nearest monster. Six more to go.
He summoned a couple ice pillars, and impaled two monsters in one shot. The shadowy figure in the middle cried out in pain as a red claw emerged from its center.
“Neku, come on!”
The young man chuckled, “right behind you, partner!”
Three wisps remained, Neku smashed his glowing fist into the one on his right at the same moment Mr. Mew slashed the one on his left. And then only one remained.
Neku moved to take care of the straggler, but Shiki stepped in front of him, high fived Mr. Mew and sent him flying toward the monster. The stuffed cat kicked the wisp, did a backflip midair, and drove its claws into the shadowy figure from top to bottom, landing with style.
“He’s gotten cocky,” Neku commented, slightly impressed.
“Really? I was imitating what I thought you would do.”
“Haha, very funny.”
As their laughter ebbed, and the sounds of the battle died down, the eerie whispers of the lost souls brought Neku back to reality.
He frowned, “Shiki, how did you get here?”
“I’m not really sure, my classmate this morning had this pin,” she replied, taking out the item for Neku to see, “and when she handed it to me, I ended up in the UG.”
He let out a breath of relief, “so you’re still alive.”
“Yeah.” Shiki walked to him, “but you’re not,” she whispered.
“It’s complicated,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I was sent here to investigate something, and I can’t go back until I do. When I’m done, I have a friend that will help me find a way back.”
Shiki placed a hand on his bicep, “Whatever it is that you need to do here, let’s do it together?”
Neku felt his cheeks warm. He hadn’t felt the touch of anyone in years, and the person most precious to him was now so close. He felt himself gravitate toward her, his hands coming around her subconsciously. The orange haired teen dipped his head down, their foreheads touching. To his satisfaction, she was blushing too.
“Yeah, together.”
I took “Battle Couple” in the literal sense? And then I thought, what if Shiki's classmates gave her the Reaper Pin, instead of Beat? And then I set this during the three year time period that Neku's stuck in Shinjuku. AND THEN I was like, Shinjuku is directly north to Shibuya, what if Shiki could just stumble into Shinjuku to help Neku fight the negative energy left behind from the lost souls after the inversion? AND THEN what if Shiki can actually fight pretty well because I read somewhere that the people who play the game have imaginative souls to begin with, and if power comes from creativity and imagination, than my girl would be really tough! And I can't pass up a reunion story. Sorry, not sorry.
One more prompt to go! The gift that keeps giving even though she should probably stop! My goal for the last story will be before or on Christmas, so stay tuned! - Tofu
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The World is My Canvas
The World Is My Canvas by Monkeygirl77
“We are here today to officially create a new family, please stand for the court,” both hero and teen rise from their seats, still holding hands, something of which he takes notice of. “Keigo Takami, do you wish to adopt Izuku Midoriya into your family today?” Keigo smiles, squeezing the kid's hand, and nods lightly. “Yes, I do.”
Words: 10141, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of An Artistic Touch
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Ashido Mina, Original Characters, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tamakawa Sansa
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Adopted Midoriya Izuku, Artist Midoriya Izuku, Graffiti Artist Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Good Parent Takami Keigo | Hawks, Single Parent Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soft Midoriya Izuku, Graffiti, Vandalism, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Discrimination, Midoriya Izuku Gets Arrested, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Hawks will throw hands, If you hurt is baby bird, in any way, shape, or form, Dead Midoriya Inko, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, We love her, Bullied Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Loses His Shit, Tickling, Tickle fic, If its not your cup of joe, then keep scrolling, dont read it, :D
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30462057
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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NEO: The World Ends with You will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch on July 27, followed by PC via the Epic Games Store this summer, publisher Square Enix announced. The PC version is newly announced.
In Japan, the game will cost 7,480 yen. A 21,000 yen “NEO: The World Ends with Bag” edition will also be available via the Square Enix e-Store and 7net Shopping, which includes a copy of the game, mini soundtrack, art book, pin badge set in a cassette-themed case, Mr. Mew hanging pouch with snap ring, and record bag with graffiti pattern.
Users who purchase the game via the Square Enix Store or Square Enix e-Store by August 26 will receive the downloadable content “Reapers’ Game Survival Set,” which includes the following three in-game items:
“Mutation” (Badge) – Effect: Gradually restores Team HP while holding the button.
“Koumokuten” (Fashion Item) – Ability: Significantly increases HP.
“Twister -NEO MIX-” (CD) – Effect: Can set the background music of the menu screen to “Twister -NEO MIX-.”
Users who purchase the game via the PlayStation Store or Nintendo eShop by August 26 will receive the “Legendary Threads Set,” which contains five equippable items once used by the legendary Neku. These items are normally unavailable until you proceed considerably far in the story. The set includes:
Legendary Headphones – Ability: Increases damage dealt to enemies with less damage taken.
Legendary Off Turtleneck – Ability: Significantly increases damage dealt by attacks.
Legendary Shorts – Ability: Shortens down time.
Legendary Sneakers – Ability: Increases movement speed in battle.
Legendary Audio Player – Ability: Hugely increases HP.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
■ Story
It was just another seemingly ordinary day in Shibuya, but not for Rindo. He could tell something about the city felt different.
A girl with an ominous aura appears before him, identifying herself as a so-called Reaper. With some trepidation, Rindo decides to play along with this Reapers’ Game, but something is weird…
Battles with monsters called “the Noise”, pins that grant mysterious powers, and a place called Shibuya UG (Underground) to set the stage for the Game—it isn’t long until Rindo starts to have second thoughts on his decision.
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■ Characters
The latest Players to join the Reapers’ Game: the Wicked Twisters.
Rindo (voiced by Paul Castro Jr. in English, Yuuma Uchida in Japanese)
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One of the newest Players in the Reapers’ Game, Rindo is a high schooler to whom searching for info on his phone is second nature. He prefers to go with the flow, and although he doesn’t go out of his way to interact with others, he won’t turn them away if they come to him first. Thrust into the Game without even realizing it, he now serves as the de facto leader of the Wicked Twisters.
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Fret (voiced by Griffin Burns in English, Chiharu Sawashiro in Japanese)
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Rindo’s happy-go-lucky classmate and fellow Player in the Reapers’ Game, Fret boasts the ability to get along with just about anyone. While he styles himself as a natural conversationalist, he prefers to keep things light, subconsciously avoiding subjects that are too serious. He enjoys walking around town with his buddy “Rindude.”
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Nagi (voiced by Miranda Parkin in English, Mina Katahira in Japanese)
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Another Player in the Reapers’ Game, Nagi is a college student whose youthful appearance leads others to mistake her for a middle schooler. She is deeply passionate about her pastimes, devoting all of her time and energy to her favorite games. Highly perceptive, she is acutely aware of others’ emotions, and shows disdain toward those she deems superficial and disingenuous.
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Minamimoto (voiced by Andy Hirsch in English, Takayuki Fujimoto in Japanese)
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A fellow Player in the Reapers’ Game, Minamimoto puts his impressive psychic powers to use when he saves Rindo and the gang from a tight spot early on, then forces himself onto their team.
He calculates every possible future using his own unique formulas and acts in accordance with the values he discovers, but he remains a mystery to all around him. He seems to have his sights set on something greater than Rindo and the gang.
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Shiba (voiced by Shaun Conde in English, Daiki Hamano in Japanese)
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Shiba currently ranks number one among the Reapers in the Shibuya UG, having worked his way to the top within a year of his arrival. He also serves as the Game’s Master, arbiter of its rules, and encourages its Players to keep things hot. His psychic powers far surpass those of his fellow Reapers, ensuring that none dare disobey him.
■ Locations
NEO: The World Ends with You takes place in Shibuya, Tokyo. You may recognize some of the landmarks, but the city itself is depicted with an artistic touch unlike anything you’ve seen before.
Explore this wonderfully unique version of Shibuya!
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■ Cutscenes
Dialogue sequences are presented with a comic-esque aesthetic that keeps the story moving while highlighting character interactions.
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■ System: Scan
Scan to read people’s thoughts!
Scanning is one of the fundamental psychs available to players. Press the button to begin scanning your surroundings, which will allow you to read people’s thoughts and visualize enemies known as Noise.
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Noise will start to chase you if you get too close and coming into contact with one will initiate combat. Quickly touch several Noise symbols to start a chain battle.
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Scan your surroundings to see what the people of Shibuya have on their minds. You might stumble upon some important pieces of information, so be sure to scan often!
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■ Team Battles
Team up to take down the Noise!
Each teammate can equip one pin at a time. Press the corresponding button to unleash the psych contained therein. Simple controls keep combat moving!
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Switch your team’s psychs by changing your pin loadout. Choose from hundreds of pins that let you attack the Noise, heal your team, or boost your allies’ abilities!
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■ Staff
Series Director: Tatsuya Kando
Director: Hiroyuki Ito
Character Design: Gen Kobayashi, Miki Yamashita
Composer: Takeharu Ishimoto (Thrill inc.)
Producer: Tomohiko Hirano
Creative Producer and Character Design: Tetsuya Nomura
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Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here: English, Japanese.
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ao3feed-hawks · 3 years
A Commission for the Commission
A Commission for the Commission by silvershadow666
Ashido Mina had gotten into a lot of trouble over the fifteen years of her life so far, but the graffiti thing had been a complete accident. She hadn't meant to go out and defile public property during the night, no Sir. She also hadn't meant to kind of, sort of, become a vigilante of sorts in the process?
Short fic in which Mina accidentally becomes a street artist, meets DabiHawks and gets commissioned by a Pro Hero
Words: 3789, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Ashido Mina, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Class 1-A
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Ashido Mina-centric, POV Ashido Mina, graffiti artist Ashido Mina, street artist Ashido Mina, Foster Child Ashido Mina, Ashido Mina is a Little Shit, Ashido Mina Needs a Hug, BAMF Ashido Mina
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36343396
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