#Grandma Sole Survivor
Just got the best idea for an oc for this blog a Sole Survivor who is a 191 year old grandma who is looking for her grandson.  Also she’s gonna be part of the BoS because that would be fun.
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sammypinkgirl · 8 months
Sole Survivor is synth grandparent
Shaun: Through science we are family. The synths…me…and you.
sole survivor: (Visibly Overjoyed) I HAVE GRANDBABIES??
— After Institute —
SS: I have a VERY successful grandson! He’s a soldier! Just like his grandpa.
Danse: Soldier please stop, I’m so uncomfortable. —
curie: (Is Clearly the adopted granddaughter. She probably loves it.)
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Another Word For Protection Masterlist
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NAVIGATION || Simon 'Ghost' Riley & Niece!reader (Platonic series)
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❝ [There were many different words and examples for protection. Ways of saying it and ways of showing it; all varied from one person to another, oftentimes held reserved for the few that they love the most.
Defense, sanctuary, guidance, barrier, and buffer. A watchful eye and a steady hand.
It all led back to the same overarching meaning at the end of the day. You didn't need all of those fancy words to tell you what the sensation of it felt like, to be cared about. To you, another word for protection wasn't even a word at all, it was a single name:
Simon Riley.] ❞
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WARNINGS ➺ Talks about death, murder, Simon's comic backstory & the themes that they carry with them, abductions, tense situations, etc. (Specific warnings stated/implied in each work)
This will be a small collection of fics featuring Uncle Simon & Niece Reader! It will include any future requests I might get for them/ideas I come up with myself/random thoughts, drabbles, or blurbs. No set update schedule or anything.
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╰┈➤❝ [Thinking about how Uncle!Simon would try his best to be at every school event that a young Niece!Reader has, even if he has to race out of the base to get there on time.] ❞
╰┈➤❝ [Thinking about Uncle!Simon and how he would try his best to tell a young Niece!Reader about her parents, brother, and grandma when she asked him where they were.] ❞
╰┈➤❝ [Your father died years ago, and so you fall under the stiff, and unyielding, protection of your Uncle Simon. But it's not all bad. He can be funny when he wants to be.] ❞
╰┈➤❝ [You were his best kept secret.] ❞
✎ MONKSHOOD - unwritten
╰┈➤❝ [Undetermined] ❞
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IMAGE: Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, Floral still life
Platonic Simon & Platonic Price fic Doodles
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I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform/A.I. program.
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
My "My Inner Demons" overhaul
alright, since I'm bored- here's what I got so far.
I renamed Asch's kingdom to Phobos, in reference to the original term of Daemos (probably an aphmau 'sound it out' name like Ein and whatnot.) With Mars' moons. Phobos and Deimos. While the general species of Asch's kingdom are referred to as Daemos.
Appropriately, I gave the kingdom a family name. Dacite, a type of Volcanic rock. Asch Dacite, Rhal Dacite. ectect.
Backstory time:
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Noi Barter. I gave him the backstory of "sole survivor" from a long dead and fallen land, the story of a late bloomer/ someone whose actually more powerful than the rest. He just has amnesia. The key item being the locket around his neck, changed from a lightning bolt. To a sun shape. Spending most of his days fighting for his food, he found strength in stealth and being quiet. Due to having little muscle mass compared to his future companions made it easy for him to sneak into Phobos. Being caught and eventually set up for Execution, Asch recruited him. Being the last addition and stuff. (Similar to the original story, but I put a bigger spin on it since we know very little of a majority of them.))
Leif and Pierce now come from very different kingdoms. Since.. an entire universe dedicated to one kingdom is weird.
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Feng Leif, or just Leif appropriately is from a Chinese-inspired kingdom, exiled for assassination crimes, later hired by Asch the same way in canon. And leaning into another horned creature from the same culture, the Dragon. While his name was chosen by himself after seeing it somewhere. While knowing it correlates to wind, which I HC him being rather proficient in using it with magic. And instead of.. entirely insane maniac, he's definitely smarter than he appears. Not book smart, but very street smart and survival wise. The insanity is a choice for him. Instead of being soothed/ calmed by an E-girl over time. (/lh j)
(The rest of the designs are being worked on. I'll make full body posts later. )) Pierce Stone, making him originate from a Japanese-inspired kingdom. Y'know, with his kimono and whatnot, I'm leaning into my other culture fixation! Youkai. I made Pierce an Oni. A wanderer that eventually got hired like the rest, by Asch himself. How? I'm toying with the idea Pierce signed up for a tournament/ exhibition kind of event in Phobos. Recognized by Asch and eventually hired.
Rhys Wynn, (It's pronounced Reese, Aphmau.) is a scholar from Phobos. Someone finally from the same Kingdom as Asch. Designated by Lady Grandma to be an assistant to Asch. It's.. pretty straight forward with him, I'd say.
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grecoromanyaoi · 5 months
just trying to organize sum thots anyways. there is this brand of. not "converts", bc 99.99999% of converts dont act like this, n these ppl v rarely actually try n seek out conversion. but "conversion curious" ppl who talk abt wanting to convert to judaism. not bc they feel a connection to judaism, or jewish people, or even good old fashion philosemitism, nothing like that. bc its almost the only oppressed minority label u can gain simply bc u want to. not bc ur born to a specific group, or have a disability, or experience ur gender/sexual orientation in a different manner. simply bc u want to.
these ppl dont seek out to convert (again, they almost never do, bc the entire conversion process is solely for the purpose of weeding out ppl who dont truly want it) bc they love judaism or jews, they want to be more oppressed. scratch that, to *look* more oppressed. and this isnt exclusive to like cis ppl or white ppl or anything. they dont respect judaism. they respect jewish people even less. the littlegreenfag example is a good one (dont wanna call them by their "chosen name" bc they p much just clicked 'randomize' on jewish names in behindthename) bc if they respected jewish ppl they wouldntve done any of that. they wouldve said 'i want to convert to judaism'. maybe even mention they have distant jewish ancestry. not what they did tho (also note how they werent even in the process of conversion). if they respected jews n our history they wouldntve made up a holocaust survivor grandma who was personally experimented on by mengele (???). they wouldntve posted thinly veiled antisemitic posts n spread them around w their gentile followers. they dont respect jews n judaism. they don't even actually wanna put in the work and convert. they want to seem more oppressed online for clout.
now ofc judaism n jewish ppl r no longer acknowledged as one of the most historically prosecuted minorities in the world, but rather something white ppl made up to sell more racism. i wonder what religion the tumblrinas will choose to ""convert"" to next. my bet is on islam or hinduism (can u even convert to hinduism? either way im sure theyll try) ("cruelty free" religions who have never oppressed anyone, ofc 🙄). anyways its like 11pm feel free to ignore all of this
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sugarbombs-n-stuff · 5 days
Companion’s Hobbies
I hope you all enjoy this one and let me know what you want to see from me in the future!
(No gage or longfellow this time around, ill add them later if yall want but i think longfellows boring and i haven’t really played with gage enough for me to say much about him,)
Ada - She actually really digs birdwatching! She can name basically every bird you see and she gets sad whenever she thinks about pigeons.
Cait - Most people would assume something violent and while she does enjoy sparring she’s also really good at wood carving. She picked it up when she was enslaved but she didn’t really do anything with it until traveling with Sole.
Curie - Besides science things she enjoys swimming and gardening with Codsworth. After Sole taught her how to swim she was basically always in water though she does panic a bit when she dives down too deep. Her and Codsworth started gardening when she started getting interested in plants and now they do it for the ritual of it.
Codsworth - Gardening and telling stories. He likes the monotony of gardening as it gives him peace of “mind”. And if there are kids around he’ll tell them stories about Pre-War America, folk tales, and even original stories. Deacon and Cait have dubbed it as Story Time with Codsworth.
Danse - Danse enjoys reading and working out. He likes the sore feeling after working out on whatever equipment Sole set up. Most people might believe that when it comes to reading, he prefers non fiction, he does not. If you get a look at what he’s reading when he’s enjoying himself you might find him reading Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit or any of the Narnia books. He’s a huge fan of fantasy but there are times where he’ll read I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
Deacon - Fiber arts like knitting, weaving, embroidery, anything like that. It has some to do with making disguises but he also grew up doing it with his mom and grandparents. His family are Big-Horner ranchers so they had plenty of wool that his grandma Harper would spin and him and his mom would knit and weave with it. His other grandma Maeve would dye and weave it mostly. After all these years he kept the skills and still loves fiber crafts. He basically always has a knitting project he’s working on. If you’re close with him(or pay enough caps), he’ll make you something.
Nick Valentine - He’s an old man that listens to audio dramas while he mends either his clothes or Ellie’s. Like Deacon, if he’s close with you he’ll mend your things too. It became his hobby accidentally after he kept ripping his clothes and by the time Ellie came to stay with him it had already weaseled its way into Nick’s heart. He’s also fond of checkers and he and Ellie play it a lot.
Piper - She writes. Its her hobby that she made a business out of. It started a little after her dad died and she does it now to grant her self some peace of mind. She’ll write stories for Nat and they’ll act them out together in their living room through laughs.
Preston - Hunting, Fishing, and repairing , though he isn’t as good as Sturges. He grew up on the island near far harbor so its pure muscle memory when he does it now. His brother taught him how to fish when he was younger and his auntie taught them both how to hunt. He can really clear his mind when he’s doing it and its one of the rare times his mind gives him peace instead of problems.
Hancock - Hancock doodles a lot. It was always getting him in trouble when he was in school but now its what he does when he’s first watch when traveling the wasteland. Even on important documents for Goodneighbor you’ll be able to see tiny almost chibi-esk drawings of whatever’s on his mind.
MacCready - Mac also draws! When writing notes to Duncan he’ll draw pictures of whatever creatures he encountered when traveling with the sole survivor’s merry band of misfits. He works hard on every drawing that he makes and it shows cause even though its just a hobby he could make good money off of it.
Strong - Even though he will never admit it, he enjoys hunting with Preston. He also likes reading shakespeare and he’s slowly but surely branching out to other authors. He can read on his own but if him and Sole are close enough, he’ll ask sole to read to him while he’s cutting up what ever fresh kill he got from hunting.
X6-88 - Insect Taxidermy and Gun Cleaning/Modding. If you walk into his house he has butterflies, bloatflies, blood bugs, etc on the walls. He hunches over a desk and pins their wings and bodies and it’s genuinely one of his favorite things to do. Gun care empties his mind as he lets muscle memory take over. While it is calming , he does it more so when he gets an itchy trigger finger. He’ll take it apart, inspect it, clean it, then reassemble it over and over. He’ll tire of it quickly though
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xxnomadsxx · 8 months
Nomads AU! Meeting Creek and a certain troll killer-
This is a long one
After the events of the first movie the chef and Creek are defeated they are kicked out of Bergen town to which they were eaten……..until the creature got a goood taste of the Bergen and quickly spit it out. They made very good distance a few 100 miles and once they crashed the chef immediately chased creek screaming that it was his fault and he was going to make her happy before she dies. They run and make a pretty good distance as well, but just as the chef was about to catch Creek she immediately springs a trap to which Creek makes fun of her … then he gets caught in a trap. (ironic right?) Anyway a few minutes later many flashes of small cloocked and shadowy figures circle them getting a look at the hideous monster and……..troll? Soon the leader of the small hunt team arrives and immediately gets the leader. Branch was not too happy to be rushed to find another dinner in a trap, but let me tell you once he got a good look at his captive. Well Some would say that day by just looking in the leaders direction you could immediately tell all hell broke in his head! As he immediately called for them to cut her down and tie her up. Branch at this point was violently shaking both anger, pain and sadness painted his face, he was sobbing barking orders to get more hunting teams here as they were going to have a feast as soon as more teams got there. After getting there many trolls were confused, some recognized the hideous thing as a bergan but felt not a lot towards it but anger for their leader. But soon as the few pop trolls there got a good look at her they immediately started panicking, which caused a panic in almost all the troll.. oh this was baaaaddd. Once the feral (Trolls?) got everyone calmed down. Branch gave an order, an order that made everyone feel true unbridled fear…… they were told to eat the bergan
Sure the feral(trolls?) have eaten things alive before they would swarm the creatures as they would tear it apart, but the trolls never would have thought to do that why it was sick, it was horrible as to eat something defenseless, and alive (kinda funny the roles basically reversed for the trolls) but then Branch gave his reason “The killer of millions of trolls deserves a fate similar to what she has caused to the innocent.” After that they….no one talks about that day the feral (trolls?) saw it as a normal Tuesday for them. While most grey trolls were horrified by what they have done some pop trolls felt justice has been served for their kind while some of the greyer trolls were too numb to even care anymore. After that the others were able to feed the village for a couple weeks. The residents who didn’t join the hunt never knew why every time they had this new meat it brought a wave of sadness and misery but hey they’re grey what’s new.
Branch took it the hardest I mean he had done it! He had killed his grandmas killer the one who killed millions of trolls was finally dead he..he did it! (His right hand man congratulated him for weeks after that)
But what about that purple troll? After the trolls … did there thing they cut down Creek and asked him what happened. He told the story that the awful chef came to a loud party he and ALL of the villagers were captured! She took them all to bergan town to be eaten on trollstice by chef. Until he was let out of the pot to be an early treat for the king. But he got away and even after fighting some of the bergans it was too late✨ all the trolls were eaten him being the sOlE SurVivOr the chef greedily tried to eat him too and has chased him for days(this lying little-😃) After his sob story Branch felt sadness? That the pop village was dead (bro you hate pop why you crying 🤨) after he contained himself he allowed Creek to stay in the village for refuge after this traumatic event.
Yea Branch allowed Creek to stay in the village and isn’t the most well liked guy.But hey he’s friends with Branch he’s untouchable. Anyway this traitor forgot to tell Branch he was a sellout traitor, that all of pop village is alive and that he didn’t fight a bergan what is wrong with him
(ps Creek did eat some of the bergan it was…weird to say the least)
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lakesbian · 1 year
thots on blake's backstory? it may not be real but it still affects his characterization so its worth asking i think
insofar as it did not literally happen in real life it's not real but insofar as he remembers & is impacted by it + his friends remembered & were impacted by it up until he got eated, it's real to him and them. i would not have pegged "cult survivor" specifically but yeah that checks. it's so funny (terrible for him) that miss grandma thorburn was like. hmm i need to make sure he really doesn't like hugs. and then hit him with the double whammy of "survivor of cult where manipulation into sex was used to keep men satisfied enough to stay & entrap women, and also he gets sexually assaulted after he leaves said cult juuuuust in case the cult thing on its own wasn't enough." it's like customizing a picrew but with intense human suffering instead of fun outfits. anyway, yeah, it checks. paranoia wrt other ppls motives, intense discomfort towards touch, funnily enough still not great at noting when something is too good to be true or someone is a little happier than they should be about smth. love how existentially horrifying it is for him that he's really tenacious and vigilant but in a way that leads him to disastrous pyrrhic victories rather than long-term survival and that's Explicitly bc gramma custom-tweaked his brain to make him the ideal meatshield who draws fire and then explodes. i'm really really endeared to the character trait where he Admits to himself that as much as he responds like a cornered animal (one w/ the worlds lamest oneliners) when threatened, if those threats are actually followed through on, he Will immediately start freezing and crying and pissing himself. like he's haunted by the memory of begging carl to take him back so that carl will stop, and he very desperately wants to Never be that person ever again, so even when he runs into someone as big & terrifying as conquest, he refuses to give an inch--he can't stand feeling like he remembers feeling back then--but he very much knows that if conquest called his bluff & started dragging him off he'd instantly turn into that person he never wants to be. his life sucks! both in terms of apparent memories and in terms of the Sheer Existential Horror of why he has those memories! devastating for the guy who has an entire Complex about the sanctity of his body & identity that literally none of his body or identity is his, it was all cobbled together from other people for the sole purpose of using him as a tool. even his own rejection of touch isn't his, it was forced upon him.
which. hm. i will say i think that's why arc 9 is paradoxically a form of catharsis & freedom--despite it being a horrific low point, it's not so much corruption of his body as it is him realizing that the changes haven't been corruption but what his body has been all along being revealed. the form he takes on when he's filled in by spirits is arguably more His than his old body was, because it's something he's gained thru his own choices & life experiences rather than the simulated ones that were forced upon him. he literally described himself as a doll, he's experienced the ultimate violation of autonomy thru being custom-manipulated to serve a purpose--choosing to fuck his own hand up and grow branches in place of false flesh is more Him than the original flesh ever was. his life is going to be awful forever and he will be reduced to next to nothing but it will be His nothing, i think.
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brightlotusmoon · 4 months
'Beverly Hills, 90210' Was Low-Key Incredible at Addressing Jewish Issues
But then there’s Andrea Zuckerman (Gabrielle Carteris), the overachieving, highly principled, glasses-wearing editor of the school newspaper. Andrea is Jewish and, unlike her peers, has not inherited a Scrooge McDuck-level of wealth. And she is not just a vehicle for bagels-and-schmear jokes — her Grandma Rose is a Holocaust survivor, and there are frank discussions about the horrors that she witnessed.
In fact, Jewishness is regularly addressed on “Beverly Hills, 90210” in a way that I have rarely, if ever, seen on mainstream television. In the third season, Brandon dates a pretty but bigoted girl named Brooke (Alexandra Wilson). Referencing the beach club where both Brandon and Andrea work, Brooke says, “I just don’t get why she works here, anyway. It’s not like she needs the money.” Brandon brushes it off, but she leans in, smiling: “Come on. Andrea Zuckerman.” Brandon’s outraged, but Brooke digs in, declaring, “No! … Jewish people are great with money. I meant it as a compliment.” Brandon shuts it down, explaining in no uncertain terms that it’s an ugly stereotype.
Brandon’s right: One of the oldest and most pernicious stereotypes out there is that “all Jews are rich,” but it’s so rare to see anyone on TV speak to the paradox that something “complimentary” can actually be harmful. And the fact that star hunk Brandon Walsh is speaking up on Andrea’s behalf is nothing short of revelatory — the burden of fighting antisemitism should not rest solely with Jews.
But it’s not just small scenes; “Beverly Hills, 90210” addresses antisemitism and Jewish identity in real, substantive ways. Episode 11 of the fifth season, “Hate Is Just a Four-Letter Word,” totally blew me away. It aired in 1994 and yet the issues it brings up around antisemitism, free speech, race and Jewish identity are stunningly relevant.
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nukanobody · 4 months
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Weird as hell to start off a blog like this but hi, i'm NukaNobody, i like making head canons, i'm fixated on fallout 4 atm, so here's my head canons on the hygiene of fallout 4 companions.
Why did I do this? I got in a debate w some people and realized that the sole survivor would immediately perish if they got defrosted to only go to the commonwealth where it's been 200 years of radiation, dead bodies with rot everywhere and the lack of access to good water would mean it would be stank as hell.
read more for explanations, send an ask for anything
Brotherhood probably has a rule about hygiene considering they want to look good and close quarters.
After his banishment he doesn't need to shower because he's a synth, but occasionally does it as a comfort to remind himself of the time he was human.
Probably smells like gunpowder, Copper and Cedar.
Likes to take care of herself.
Will sometimes splurge on handcrafted soap made from brahmin fat or perfume made from flowers.
Smells of ink and sweets
Can't be sneaky when you're stinky
Scent probably changes a lot due to disguises, but there's always an undertone of citrus/lemon
Is a robot, a one in good condition at that. Probably smells like, febreze or fake flowers and chemicals, the type to give you a headache.
Nick Valentine
Learnt how to maintain himself so he somewhat good condition,
Likes to keep clean to make himself more approachable for someone who is obviously a synth.
Smells of Cigarettes and expired pre-war cologne.
Neglected his condition out of concern for his family, never really cared for himself so he's pretty banged up and rusty.
Smells of Rust (duh) and motor oil (duh), with a hint of baby powder.
I haven't gotten too far in game yet (only 2 days on my save) but since he's a synth that's still apart of the institute, smells like new metal/plastic (there's a smell from it i swear) and rubber. So he's like a new car.
Are you surprised. I love the guy and romance'd him but he would not smell good at all.
More focused on good neighbor than showering, doesn't really see the use of wasting water but does out of respect for other people's noses.
He'd probably smell absolutely horrendous, rotten radiated flesh, smell of old pages, chems and dust. Imagine going through your grandma's attic where she accidentally left thanksgiving turkey leftovers in there for the past 2 weeks. Yeah that's what he smells like.
Used to shower more before the quincy massacre but became too overwhelmed afterwards and concerned about resources being wasted where it could do good in settlements.
Eventually does begin to shower 1-2 a week when he feels secure with settlement procedures
Smells slightly of burning (laser) ash and foliage.
On the open road a lot and more focused on acquiring caps, only showers and takes care of himself when the people he's killing can smell him from miles away.
One of his biggest insecurities, will start fights if you even say he might smell bad even if he does.
Smells like rubble, gunpowder and oddly enough eggs.
The most he's showered is like, wandering into a lake every few months, if that's even considered.
I'm not even gonna attempt to describe how rank he'd be
Does not care if she smells at all, more focused on survival, understandable.
Will MAYBE shower if she gets too uncomfortable with how much grime and sweat she'd accumulate, but even then it's like, 13 seconds long.
After going clean, might shower a bit more because she doesn't spend her only caps on chems or alcohol.
Smells of sweat, iron, and gin. After going clean she'd still smell of sweat and iron, with a hint of peppermint.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Avatar Returns
Exposition as an opening theme song is an interesting choice. I thought that was a quirk of the first episode, but nope. Less catchy than an actual song, but probably less annoying that hearing a song 50+ times in a row.
Episode 2 starts right where episode 1 left off, making me think that this must have been a two part premiere.
Yeah, Sokka is right. Gran-gran is right. Katara's known this boy for five minutes and she's already breaking what seem to be basic, long-established, life or death rules. See this is why gran-gran weighs Katara down with washing Sokka's dirty socks (and probably any other chore she can find). The first time this girl has more than five minutes to herself she endangers everyone (albeit with help). But Aang seriously doesn't get how dangerous the situation is, what with him being frozen for a hundred years. Katara had to be the responsible one with regards to the ship and she blew it. And now presumably they're all gonna get melted to death. Or burnt. Fireburnt? Firebended? Killed a bunch.
"Well I'm banished too!" UUUGGGHHH wrong hill to die on! This girl goes from 0 to 100 lightning fast. Although if the Fire nation do attack, Katara may be setting herself up to be the sole survivor of her village.
Why does the temporally dislocated 12 year old have more sense that Katara? So bossy and hotheaded and teenage girl-like. And she's known him for five minutes, why is she heartbroken by his leaving? Girl you feel too much.
"I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years" such a simple joke but it completely caught me off guard. Aang's priorities are so in line with what an actual 12 year old prioritises. I love it.
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Laying it on thick.
You know it's too bad that igloos don't have wooden doors because I think Katara would feel a lot better slamming one right about now. Don't yell at your grandma.
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Can ice do this? Also Appa looks so comfy. The one time I lived somewhere with bay windows & box seats I sat like this all the time. Messed my neck up every time I did, but that didn't stop me. The comfiness outweighs the pain.
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They weren't kidding when they said all the men went to war. I was expecting a Helm's Deep type situation where old men and younger teenagers would be there to man the defences. But it's really just Sokka. That's an impossible burden.
This is the second episode of a kids' cartoon so I don't think they're going to kill anyone, but if this were a more realistic show, or real life, that whole village would be doomed.
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What a shot! And he's not running. That's an unquantifiable level of courage.
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Boat's got no brakes
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That is not where I was expecting that ship to open.
The fire benders have horns. And I bet that steam coming out of the ship smells sulphurous.
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That might be the best possible outcome. Head first in a snowbank is embarrassing but not fatal. Also war cries are manly but they give advance warning to your target. Hush up.
I love the "show no fear!" kid. Sokka's genuinely got these little kids believing in him. The potty break scene last episode shows that he pretty much has no idea what he's talking about but he's got the kids convinced! And the moms probably appreciate him taking charge of them for a few hours, even if he has no actual combat experience. And he keeps getting up!
How hard did he throw that boomerang!?! It took 24 seconds according to my DVD for it to come back.
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It honked. Lord have mercy it honked. I have a weakness for well-placed sound effects and this one got me. Also these other soldiers must have orders to be as useless as possible. And do they all have the same face?
Zuko's spent years meditating? Don't believe it. Unless angry meditation is a thing? Maybe he has to meditate himself into angriness before he can burn stuff? Like work up a rage? Just guessing.
"Well you're just a teenager" They're all babies! All of them!
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I repeat, Katara you feel too much! You need to grow up apathetic and cynical like the rest of us dried up adult husks ASAP or else you're really gonna be hurting.
"Take care of Appa for me until I get back!" I love this. He's announcing at maximum volume that he's going to escape and none of the fire soldiers react?
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Sokka my man of practicality and action. Gran-gran my grandma of practicality and action. Katara my annoying little sister.
Is Zuko's little speech to Aang supposed to be a veiled insult or is he just making small talk? Obviously it's exposition for the viewer re: how monks are raised, but why did he feel the need to say that? Also your dad likes sticks? Cool. We all have hobbies.
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So pretty.
Sokka, my man of synonyms. So Appa understands basic language commands but not spoken English. Heartfelt pleas won't get him flying, but yipyip will.
These two are such siblings. "big deal he's flying" careful there Sokka, you were nearly uncool in front of your younger sister. That can be fatal.
Aang is so polite when he's wiping the floor with full grown men. Also he has crazy good aim. That trick to break the ropes? How?
To be fair, Aang said he'd go with them, not that he'd stay with them.
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Burrito Zuko
Aang's whole defense is running away. And it's working! Not the bit with burrito Zuko but he's actually winning this fight.
That mattress slam is brutal. I know this is a cartoon and physics isn't real here, but that caught me off guard. How is Zuko still conscious?
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Prince burrito is a parkour champ.
Appa! Has the same problem as Sokka re: announcing sneak strikes.
Zuko what was your plan? Knocking him into the water doesn't recapture him.
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Yep. Appropriate reaction to cyclone Aang.
So Aang does know how to waterbend. Katara didn't need to go north after all.
Love the head bonking callback.
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This is genius on the fly problem solving. Only works backwards? Then do it backwards! Also these guys are dead. They'll suffocate long before they freeze.
"Shoot them down!" He orders... himself?
Siding with Zuko over the old man on this one. Aang is crazy powerful.
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I just realised his eyes are different sizes. Does that impact his vision? For that matter, if that is a burn from taking a fireball to the face, how does he still have an eye?
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So so pretty.
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A literal cloud passes over when a cloud passes over their conversation. Clever.
Aang's waterbending was instinctive? Or only accessible during the glow-up. So they do still need to go north.
Katara you know your brother so well. He does indeed want to knock some fire bender heads. Sokka, having defeated his nemesis the potty break, now moves on to greater targets.
No matter what goes on in the show, all episodes end on a high note because that credits song is just so good.
Final thoughts
This was good! I think I liked this episode better than the first one, which makes sense. The first episode has to do all the set up, it's the next one that can have fun. Those moves Aang was pulling in the ship were really impressive. And really clever too.
Still loving Sokka, still loving Aang, Zuko was less of an asshole this episode. He also felt more competent, or maybe coherent? Like his character hangs together better, despite the butt honking. I laughed just typing that. I'm still not used to Zuko's voice actor though. I like how unique all of the characters' voices are in this show so far, but Zuko's still feels out of place to me.
The show doesn't dwell too much on Sokka facing down the fire nation ship (there is lots of build up but it gets played for laughs), but I think it's the stand out moment for me in this episode. Obviously it was foolhardy and a doomed effort, but it was also Sokka very literally fulfilling his responsibilities to the village. He was tasked with protecting his sister; he did. Goofy as it is, this moment is a win for Sokka. Not wise, but a win.
I love that Aang is 12, and feels 12. So often fiction about kid heroes that is intended for young readers/viewers has characters that feel like adults despite their stated age, but Aang feels 12. Katara feels like she's trying to be a grown-up so hard but keeps slipping up and acting her actual age. Sokka feels like he's trying to act as he thinks a man should, but keeps getting called out by Katara and responding in a way that fits his actual age. They close out this episode with plans for a multi-stage animal-riding safari. I love these priorities. Saving the world can wait, hopping llamas cannot.
My one problem with this episode is Katara. She needs to slow down, dial it back, stop yelling at grandmothers, and stop feeling everything at 110% before she exhausts herself. I get that the South pole and a grand total of like 25 people is probably a really boring way to grow up, but she threw herself heart first at Aang with near-suicidal enthusiasm, assuming that banishment in the South Pole would actually be a death sentence. I don't know how old she is, but that is such a teenage girl thing to do. And she's gonna get hurt!
Next episode needs more Sokka quips and more Appa. I would watch whole episodes with just Appa. I'd watch a whole Sokka episode too.
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deerhillsniperservice · 8 months
Nicknames/names each Fallout 4 characters gives to Sinclair
Ellie : Sinclair / Clair
Nick Valentine : Ms. Deerhill / Cupid
Maccready : Sinner / grandma
Dogmeat : *woof*
KLEO : The sniper
Hancock : Sinister / Sinny
Kent Connolly : Mistress of mystery's daughter (jokingly)
Cait : Gungirl
Sole survivor : Mac's mom
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
An analysis of Rococo (OMORI), because he doesn't get enough love :)
This is an analysis of Rococo as a character, looking into almost every word he says and interpreting them. It's time to find out just how tragic this funny little artist man can be >:]
"I've been alone for so long... but after what feels like an eternity... At last... I have... an audience!"// "PLEASE LISTEN! I'M SO LONELY!!"
He's been alone for ages, judging by Sweetheart’s long-lasting relationship with Spaceboy, him falling in love and moving in with SWH when she got her castle 'as a young donut', and his loneliness . This is someone who hasn't spoken to anyone in years and is willing to beg for a bit of company. 
He also clearly thrives on attention, both from this quote and the grand flamboyance of others, so being without that for so long must have been terrible for him. While 'what feels like an eternity' could quite probably be a hyperbole, he's had no way to tell the time since he's been literally trapped inside the walls.
The poor guy's so lonely . :[ 
"In the beginning was me... crying in a pod in the middle of space... witnessing my home planet blow up right before my eyes." // "I can still remember it all so vividly... Fire... Fire... everywhere... and then darkness." // "Even as a baby, I knew I was the sole survivor of my species... the last elf in the entire universe."
I know this is a Superman reference, but I’m going to treat it as its own separate thing for the sake of the backstory :)
Immediately, this shows us that he's lost his home as a child (being a literal baby when his planet was destroyed) alongside any family, friends or even people of the same species. He was completely alone from the start, and there's no way that something like this wouldn't cause issues later on.
Also, the fact that he remembers this shows two things: A- this affected him so deeply that it remains with him to the present day; and B- he can remember it despite being incredibly young. This means that it's likely he remembers a lot more , having such an extensive memory– e.g. everything that happened with SWH, too: them being close, her claiming 'Sweetheart is for everyone', himself getting abducted by the guards, every moment of living in the walls... It may be a stretch, but it's a possibility, and his storytelling shows that he may overdramatise his past a lot, but there are still some key facts within it.
The repetition of 'fire' makes it seem like he's almost reliving it, caught up in his memories. This is a tragic backstory already , and this is just the first 2 lines.
""So this is how it ends..." I thought."
There's no panic, no regret. Just pure, depressing acceptance. He was ready to die, knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop it and having been exposed to death so early on.
(This is also likely just something he made up remembering for the effect, but that shows that either then or later on, he realised he could very well have died in that desert. Ouch)
"Yet... In a stroke of luck, I was found by none other than a young DONUT by the name of SWEETHEART. She brought me to her family and they took me in as one of their own."
He and Sweetheart grew up in the same house, the same area of Faraway, best friends. They seemed to be like siblings, judging by her taking him in, them fighting, and knowing and caring about each other incredibly well. This makes her later betrayal all the more heartbreaking because this isn't just a woman Rococo's pined for before, but rather his entire world . 
He never mentions Donut Grandma or any other relatives outside of this, just her. They don't mention him, either.
 He doesn't have any friends, or a close bond with anybody , except  for Sweetheart, who intentionally locked him in her walls for years. Again, Rococo's completely alone.
"It was a rough childhood. We fought frequently, but she would always win... If I fought back... Well... ..." // "Anyway! I learned to run! And I got quite good at running… But... there's only so far you can run." // "Yes, it was a hard time. But even through that suffering, I stood firm."
I have... A lot of feelings about this part.
He describes his childhood as 'rough' even after he was rescued, which is immediately a red flag. He says that he and Sweetheart fought frequently, and it doesn't seem like any adults broke up their arguments.
Then, Rococo says that SWH always won. They would get mad or disagree, but even as a child, Sweetheart refused to accept she was wrong. This says a lot about her character; Sweetheart's always been like this.
'Fought back' means that Sweetheart had to be fighting him in the first place, and Rococo just had to take it. He was getting hurt, either physically or verbally, on the regular.
The frequent ellipsis throughout show how difficult it is for him to remember and share this. He cuts himself off a few times, his voice trailing off, while never explicitly saying what Sweetheart did.
However, as a result of Sweetheart having different opinions to him, Rococo 'learned to run' . This means he had to be running from something, his forced cheer at the matter and determination to change subjects and make his story dramatic and lighthearted again demonstrated through the exclamation mark. 
Then, there's the phrase, '...there's only so far you can run'. He's speaking from experience here, and it really brings to question again just what he had to run from, and why. 
Furthermore, this is immediately followed by, 'Yes, it was a hard time', showing that he found simply growing up around her– and having reason to run– difficult. This is to be expected growing up with Sweetheart, but the fact that he didn’t seem to have anyone else means that she was his only company constantly. His childhood is far sadder than I initially realised.
'Suffering' again shows us just how much he endured as a child; I'll go back into this in the next point.
"Because even then, I knew everything had a purpose. I was sent to this planet and survived for one reason and one reason only... to repopulate my entire species."
Rococo ploughed through his 'suffering' for only one reason: he felt it was his obligation to repopulate his wiped-out species. That's... Actually really disturbing, when you think about it.
Rococo doesn't think he's alive for the sake of being alive. He doesn't think he was just fortunate enough to survive. He believes that he has been kept alive by the fates solely in order to procreate.
This is an impossible goal, too, since he is the only one left. There are no other elves for him to have kids with– even if they were, options for partners would be incredibly limited and based not on love, but necessity. At best, he could make hybrid elf-donut kids with Sweetheart, but he can't repopulate his species. What he views as his only purpose is one he isn't even able to fulfil.
This is also a huge weight on his shoulders. There would always be that sense of estrangement since he is the only one of his kind, his desire to make more showcasing even that hidden hope for those like him. Because people like to be around those of the same likes, interests and species , but for Rococo, that last bit's impossible.
Loneliness is the centre of his entire backstory, and has followed him relentlessly throughout. 
"There is a conspicuous gap in my memory after this, so I'll fast-forward a few years." // "At some point... SWEETHEART and I fell deeply in love, became engaged, and moved to this giant castle together!"
This has some truly horrible implications. 
Rococo, having remembered his time as a literal baby, lost an entire chunk of his memories as a (presumable) adult? It doesn't seem likely, and 'conspicuous' only further supports this.
The fact that this is immediately followed by him and SWH falling in love seems wrong , to say the least. Rococo has just said he suffered at her hands, fought frequently with her, learned to run because of her, and now, he doesn't even remember falling in love with her.
One moment, he's living in Orange Oasis with his adoptive family. In the next, he's engaged to Sweetheart in a giant pink castle with no clue how he got there.
What seems more likely is that Sweetheart, who loves people loving her , got frustrated with Rococo's lack of blind adoration and decided to do something about it. 
It seems that here is when she encountered the Keeper of the Castle, who she begged to make the castle hers. In the Keeper's words: "That girl. She was an elaborate one.
This dwelling. It takes the shape of one's deepest desires. A place to return to. Somewhere to call home."
Her 'deepest desires' resulted in Rococo having a years-long gap in his memory before finding out he was apparently in love with and engaged to Sweetheart. He probably believed this, too, as by that point, he would have been affected by the Castle he now resided within. 
The Keeper said he gave her "A castle full of riches, servants for her to command, a stage for her to flaunt her power". He does not mention Rococo, but this tells us about SWH's desire for power and reveals that the sprout moles are either of Sweetheart’s creation/wants or were tricked into loving her.
If it is the latter, the same would have likely applied to Rococo.
"We were inseparable, her and I... and we loved each other dearly! I would do anything for her, and I mean anything!"
The ellipsis here indicates either that Rococo looks back on this fondly or with unease. The following exclamation mark again shows that he's trying to make his story seem happy, trying to convince himself that the only person he was close to genuinely cared about him as a person.
The emphasis on 'anything' once again contradicts his feelings prior to the memory gap, suggesting that Rococo's mind has, in fact, been tampered with. There is no mention of SWH doing anything for him– only the Keeper' remark on her hunger for power.
Needless to say, this doesn't suggest that their relationship was particularly healthy .
"I was ready to spend the rest of our lives together... to grow old... and to raise hundreds upon hundreds of children!" // "Hmm... Thinking about it now, I wonder if I ever made that clear to her."
Again, he longs for people of the same type and is excited to fulfil what he believes is his purpose. He made it clear quite early on that he's always wanted to be a father, so him not mentioning this to Sweetheart ever seems unlikely. 
Knowing SWH, she was probably far more focused on her own wants than Rococo's, regardless of his feelings. Their relationship was based off of what she wanted– and it seemed that Rococo grew a little too attached for her liking.
"Alas, all good times must come to an end. As SWEETHEART's fan base grew, she and I grew apart as well."
He views their relationship as 'good times', despite what he's depicted being sudden and unequally reciprocated devotion. As Sweetheart became more centred on her fame and fans, Rococo grew more and more alone. 
Again .
"She began receiving gifts and letters from suitors from all over the universe... asking for a chance to prove their love to her."
The ellipsis once again shows his hesitation. He doesn't want to remember this, yet recounts it all the same as it is an integral part of his story. She’s the only person he has, and Rococo doesn’t want to lose her.
Don't forget that by this point, he and Sweetheart were engaged . 
"Being her one true love, I was vehemently against this notion! But she wouldn't have it!" // "“SWEETHEART is for sharing!” she would say!"
They are planning on getting married by this point. Sweetheart is all Rococo has, and he has said that he would have done anything for her.
And yet, that wasn't enough for Sweetheart. Rococo is being perfectly reasonable here, yet once again, he suffered as a result. This is a sad echo of their apparent fights as children.
"..." // "So... one night while I was asleep... SWEETHEART and her servants tied me up and sealed me inside the walls of her castle."
The pause here shows his sadness at this, seeming to have to take a moment for himself before speaking. Here, his grandeur is gone, replaced by pure misery.
Sweetheart assisted in tying him up, and as the guards were manifested from her desires, them helping her get rid of him shows that she simply no longer desired Rococo.
This would have been traumatising in itself– being kidnapped in the middle of the night and aware enough to see your attackers–, but the fact that Rococo knew and trusted her so much makes this even sadder.
He had nobody else, and Sweetheart sealed him away for what was probably intended to be forever. Rococo, once again, was alone .
"I have been wandering aimlessly through the darkness inside the walls ever since... surviving off old TOAST and TOFU." // "Yes... You four are the first living beings I have seen since that fateful day."
Firstly... Toast? As in, toast that people become if they lose a fight? As in, toast that is essentially dead bodies?
Considering all of Sweetheart’s skeletons in the dungeon, it would not be a surprise if the corpses of those she executed were also thrown into the walls– anything SWH didn't want, after all.
Rococo, potentially having never been exposed to the concept of toast=person, had to survive off of this. What's even worse is that he could have known what it was yet had no choice but to eat it, supported by the use of ‘living’ in the above quote. This also means he's been here for a while , long enough to start starving and for SWH to make through multiple seasons of a show and date Spaceboy.
If that isn't a horrifying thought, then what is?
Secondly, he became absolutely isolated after this. Left with no closure and no explanation, Rococo can only wonder what went so wrong for this to happen.
Living in the walls means he could have been able to hear everything SWH was doing– including her courtship of Spaceboy and 'Sweetheart Quest for Hearts'.
Either that, or he’s been exposed to no other form of human contact for years. He's also in a dungeon , with no natural light and a distinct lack of hygiene or, well, anything really.
"Sniff... Oh... SWEETHEART... Why did you do it? Was I not good enough for you?"
He doesn't blame her. He doesn't blame the fans.
Rococo blames himself .
His idea of 'not being good enough' for Sweetheart is equivalent to him being locked in her walls to rot for years. This is someone who is very much not okay.
He has to stop himself from crying here, sniffing as he laments what he views as his failure. Because Rococo has been alone for his entire life, and Sweetheart was the only exception.
He loved her more than anything, so it's hard for him even after he's found to view her as in the wrong. Sweetheart, after all, was always the one to win their arguments, to do something that caused Rococo to run if he fought back.
"Sigh... For the last few years, I've had a long time to think." // "I kind of gave up on my dreams and all that stuff now... It all seems so far away and pointless..." // "So... I've decided to drop everything and become an artist instead!"
He's given up on his dreams. Rococo's main one was to repopulate his species, but now, he can't think of anyone who loves him. It takes two people to make a child, and Rococo's all alone.
So, he's left without a purpose. He has nothing to do but utilise his surroundings– until Omori & co. find him, Rococo believes he's never going to leave the dungeon. So, he decides to use what he has available.
And that's painting supplies. He aspires to become an artist, waiting and waiting for anyone to make art for. He's desperate to be commissioned, to have a purpose again.
We never actually see him leave the dungeon, but he had to be getting those bed upgrades from somewhere . Imagine, after years of solitude, Rococo finally manages to leave the walls, only to retreat back to them at the first possible opportunity. He doesn't know how to live anymore, how to be around other people.
He feels incredibly lonely, but can't find the strength to interact with others anymore.
Art becomes his only reason for existing, Rococo devoting every bit of his time to it until he masters it. But then...
"Thank you, fellow living beings. Through these few commissions... I feel as if I had made great leaps in my quest of self-discovery in the process. I am also very rich now." // "I can do no more for you! I truly feel complete!"
'Fellow living beings'. Rococo's so socially awkward by this point that it's not even funny (okay, maybe it's a little funny). He feels the need to remind himself that he is, in fact, still alive.
He 'feels complete'. There's nothing more for him. He is ready to pass away.
Now, Rococo has managed to 'find his purpose', be it what he originally intended or not. He's become as good as he can at what he focused on doing, except...
...There's nowhere to go from there. 
Rococo will inevitably be left alone once again, trapped in a cycle of loneliness and purposelessness. If his purpose is to be an artist, how will he get any better than he already is? If he wants to spend his money, what will he use it on?
At the end of this story, just like the rest of the points throughout, Rococo is still alone. 
He has money, he has his art, he has a comfortable bed, but he still possesses a total of zero friends. Omori and co. are customers. Sweetheart is in Deeper Well, working for the Slime Girls and not giving a toss about him. None of his adoptive relatives in Orange Oasis seem to care about him.
Rococo always has been, and seemingly always will be, all by himself– all the way up until he dies, just like the rest of his kind. He was never able to complete his original goal, he is left with nothing more to do after completing his last commission, and he has nothing more to spend his money on.
Because Rococo is alone once again
The End :)
Huh, that turned out a little longer than I thought it would. Oh well :)
Rococo's such a fun character but I barely see anyone talking about him, so I hope you enjoyed this little look into him! He's so silly and dramatic and angsty :D
Thanks for getting this far lol
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vg-mom-throwdown · 2 years
The List is Here!
We’ve gone through all your submissions and picked out the 64 characters that will fight for the title of Best VG Mom! Down below is all the match-ups that will take place, but they haven’t been placed on a bracket up. We tried to keep all match-ups as fair as possible, but please give us feedback if you feel like some of them are unfair. We wanna keep this fun for all, no matter how big or small the game might be. Please take a look! - 🐟
Meta Knight (Kirby) Vs. Olimar (Pikmin)
Ender Dragon (Minecraft) Vs. Minecraft Chicken (Minecraft)
All PC Moms (Pokemon) Vs. Your Mom (Animal Crossing)
Lusamine (Pokemon SM) Vs. Melony (Pokemon SWSH)
Hinawa (Mother 3) Vs. Ness’ Mom (Earthbound)
Persephone (Hades) Vs. Nyx (Hades)
Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) Vs. Honey Queen (Super Mario Galaxy)
Yayoi Dojima (Yakuza) vs. Yumi Sawamura (Yakuza)
Thora West (Slime Rancher) Vs. Grimora (Inscryption)
Among Us Crewmate (Among Us) vs. Mama Rabbit (The Man in the Window)
Queen (Deltarune) Vs. GLaDOS (Portal)
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Mommy Mearest (Friday Night Funkin)
Yoshi (Super Mario) Vs. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Crono’s Mom (Crono Trigger) Vs. Isaac’s Mom (The Binding of Isaac)
5-Volt (WarioWare) Vs. Mrs. Sanderson (Chibi-Robo)
Lumera (Fire Emblem) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Kyra (Our Life) Vs. Niko’s Mom (OneShot)
Cubone’s Mom (Pokemon) Vs. Kangaskhan (Pokemon)
Urbosa (Legends of Zelda) Vs. Impa (Legends of Zelda)
Milla Vodello (Psychonauts) Vs. Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Joyce Price (Life is Strange) Vs. Lisa Johnson-Fisher (Sally Face)
Ei/Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) Vs. Cloud Retainer (Genshin Impact)
Freya (God of War) Vs. Morrigan (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Naru (Ori and The Blind Forest) Vs. Masked Songbird (Songbird Symphony)
The Night Mother (Skyrim) Vs. Sole Survivor (Fallout 4)
Kara (Detroit Become Human) Vs. M (Xenoblade 3)
Mother Brain (Metroid) Vs. Lisa Tepes (Castlevania)
Ballora (Sister Location) Vs. Isa (Minecraft: Story Mode)
Sonic Boom (Skylanders) Vs. Worried Mother (Miitopia)
The Queen of all Cosmos (Katamari Damacy) Vs. Hitomi Sagan (Ai: The Somnium FIle)
Justine Courtney (Ace Attorney) Vs. Link’s Grandma (LOZ Wind Waker)
Cooking Mama (Cooking Mama) Vs. Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)
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gutsfics · 2 years
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I have like. Zero energy today to do anything more than this. so here r some info pages for my It Lives mcs! if you wanna know more about any of them feel free to shoot me an ask <3
Devi Casil
he/him, but any pronouns work
born October 3rd, 1999
died 3 days before his 18th birthday & was resurrected half a month before his 22nd
5'10 but wears thick soled stompy goth boots that bring him over 6'
LI: Noah
on somewhat shaky terms with Jory because he's kind of pissed that Jory gets to live a more normal life. he tries not to let that effect their relationship but man. it's hard.
on horrible terms with Dent
because of the murder.
fucking shreds at Through The Fire And The Flames on Guitar Hero, even after he comes back to life and struggles with his motor function
his hair is actually 3C curls and the under half is dyed purple
more info can be found about him here
Harper Vance
trans man
born April 13, 1998
LI: Tom
he's super friendly and cheerful, and way too psyched about get into fights. he wants to be a pro wrestler
at the same time, he'll try and defuse fights by saying "woah, hey I'm just a little guy! and it's my birthday! I'm just a little birthday boy. you wouldn't hit a little birthday boy?" it really depends on the context of the fight
"has killed before" is in reference to Richard
"will kill again" is in reference to Dent
he and Jory are chill
wishes he could have helped Grandma Josephine move on more peacefully
lowkey struggles with the fact that he killed someone, even if that someone was a huge jackass that really deserved it. especially because that someone's son is dating his brother. plus like who's he supposed to tell? how is he supposed to get therapy for that? "hey i killed someone but it's okay because he tried to kill me first"? yeah. no.
Jory Fields
ILW MC, blood ending
trans man
born July 7, 1999
died in August 2016 but was brought back by Loha the same day
LI: Abel
really sarcastic most of the time, but knows when to dial it back. there's being a jokster and there's being a dick and he knows where that line is
lost his eye. wears an eyepatch so people know he can't see through it, but has a bunch of neat prosthetics, which he jokingly compares to wearing lingerie under regular clothes. like having a spicy little secret throught the day.
........he's probably wearing lingerie under his regular clothes, actually
as much as he loves his fully human life, sometimes he feels a sort of.... survivor's guilt? for not fixing the breach and giving his friends the oppertunity to live a more normal, human life.
but ultimately he is very happy with his decision. he loves his life with his silly dorky husband and wouldn't trade it for anything
he did fix Amalia's college issues the second he realized he could! he'd never forgive himself if he hadn't
he did enjoy fighting monsters, but he's glad he doesn't have to anymore
Arthur "Dent" Hemmings
ILW MC, betrayal ending
the group's token cis boy :(
born January 1, 1999
died in August 2016 but was brought back by Loha the same day
had the strongest relationship with Lincoln before Everything Went Down, but didn't end up dating him because Joss overheard him being a dick about stringing everyone along
he was also FWB with Jocelyn
and he fucked Luis
and Marianthe
and he wanted to fuck Abel as well but he wasn't close enough with him
and yet for some reason he was Deeply Offended when Connor called him a slut, despite the fact he knew full well he was toying with everyone's emotions with no intentions to stop 🤔
ultimately (obviously) he ends up with Matthias
or maybe he kills Matthias to have the power all to himself
or he could have been sacrificed by Devi to become the new anchor
OR. maybe he and Matthias got a divorce and now he's living it up using his powers to manipulate mansplain malewife people into giving him nice things
honestly i love all of these endings for him & they're all equally canon. in my heart.
anyway. he's an agressive asshole who puts himself first & will royally fuck over everyone around him if it means he gets to have his fun
he did Not fix Lia's college issues. or tell anyone that he's the power made human until he was forced to
he would have just let Connor stay a horror had Noah and Devi not been there
The Real Dent Hemmings absolutely hates what faker Dent is doing with his life and had a hard time moving on because of it. he was still a bit of a brash asshole, but he wouldn't have done any of the shitty things faker Dent did
honestly if Real Dent had been the one to make the final decision, he would have merged with the power to close the breach for good. he's a hardass, but he'll do the right thing no matter what
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cosmicangst · 1 year
tags you're it
personal blathering space ft. mostly psycho-pass, joseimuke, (j)rpgs, and video games, lit, vibes, and some misc romance-adjacent stuff. maybe writing and some art. 
i don’t tag everything but i will tag content/trigger warnings so drop me a line. i also collect tropes/themes:
#god’s not dead; she’s just very tired. catch-all religion, spirituality, and mythology
#they used to shout my name; now they whisper it. prophets, martyrs, and made heroes
#après moi le déluge. witch grandma à la strega nona and/or neighbor who communes with goats and that old dead guy who lives in your cupboard
#those who do and those who don’t. cyberpunk, machines who dreamed themselves into sentience, (non)binary states
#upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand. decaying empires, beasts slouching towards bethlehem, and crumbling concrete in the backstreets of the city
#tragedy is clean. it’s restful. it’s certain. the ontology of tragedies, loop storytelling, doomed endings, and good old-fashioned classics
#half daughter / half apology. kind of an ‘about me’ tag— mixture of queer-ing, gender-ing with monster theory and being slightly off from that mental illness luv <3
#diaspora blues. soul-weary homesickness when home doesn’t resemble home anymore
#whatever walked there walked alone. ghosts, hauntology, places that are born rather than built
#romance novels are good actually. because they are!!! also featuring romance novels that i’ve recently read
#💌. future love letters for me and you <33333
#growth. revisit and repeat
#provocations. other food for thot
#footnotes. arbitrary to-read list, mostly history or critical theory/activist texts
fandom-specific things:
#secondhand smoke. tsunemori akane and kougami shinya from psycho-pass (this is THE blog essentially)
#hawya. my fic, “here, and where you are”, a shinkane pride and prejudice/regency au
#pp. psycho-pass meta, memes, discussion, etc.
#sims. my long lifespan sims 4 playthrough ft. shinkane and their descendants
#one single thread of gold. artem wing and rosa/mc (named “elle finch” in-game) from tears of themis
#got your six. shepard and garrus vakarian from the mass effect series because no universe exists where one is without the other
#shepard. my mass effect oc, augustine jane shepard. she’s a pinay earthborn sole survivor with a paragade streak.
#if he is not the word of god. god never spoke. tomas ortega and marcus keane from the exorcist
#please picture me in the weeds. five and viktor from the umbrella academy, and the loving oroborous of the apocalypse that is their family.
#there was the poetry. a dot ham and a dot burr from hamilton. yeah i know
#jm. catch-all liveblogs/notes for all my joseimuke playthroughs
#tme. my book, the moon eaters, which is magical realism set in contemporary los angeles with elements of filipino mythology! really love this novel, hope to write it someday
#for a rainy day., #drafts. prompts, ideas, fic fodder/memes, and works-in-progress
#notes., #fic rec. media reviews, notes, and recs
#weekly reads. my round-up/reviews for what i read the past week
#audio. mostly showtunes, my middle school emo phase, etc. that i downloaded from limewire
#🇵🇭. philippines and filipino diaspora-related art/text
#gif., #edit. non-fic/art related things i’ve made
#reply. answered asks/replies
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