#Graph Android
she-3po · 5 months
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yeah y'all might fight me over this but im 3 beers deep and im dying on this hill
"good guys" version here
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changes · 1 year
Friday, June 23rd, 2023
🌟 New
On web, we added a more helpful and specific error message if you’ve used an invalid URL in the “Content source” field.
On web, the “Enable colorized tags” option now also applies to tags that are trending and active (green) tag filters on the “Your tags” dashboard tab.
In the post meatballs menu on web, we changed the “Archive” option to “View Archive.”
There is a new version of the Answer Time page on web.
Blazed posts are now being served in a few other places we were already serving non-Blaze ads: The “For You” dashboard tab, the “Your Tags” dashboard tab, on the “Staff Picks” tab in Explore, in search results, in tag results, in Blog View, and on post permalinks.
We’re no longer filtering out reblogs with comment from the notes view just because they have a link.
In the mobile apps, you’ll now receive a push notification when a poll you voted in ends so that you can check out the final results.
🛠 Fixed
On web, the graph on the Activity page is now a tiny bit narrower, resolving an issue where the labels on the X axis could be cut off at some window sizes.
On web, we’ve removed the unnecessary vertical and horizontal scrollbars from the login/sign up page.
On web, we now show a cover on reblog notes that are flagged with community labels, if the corresponding user setting is set to blur.
On web, we fixed a bug that made it impossible to edit your blog’s appearance more than once without refreshing the page.
On web, when viewing the “Today” tab on the Explore page while logged out, the name of the browser tab now accurately reflects the page contents.
We fixed an issue that made the settings page have very weird spacing between items. This issue was only affected folks using Tumblr in a web browser on a tablet (or on a computer, if the browser window was approximately the width of a tablet).
On web, when navigating directly to the permalink of a post with a community label, we now show an overlay over the post if you have your community labels settings set to “hide.”
🚧 Ongoing
We’ve made a lot of headway in our investigation into ads that are autoplaying audio in the mobile apps. Please let us know if you’re still encountering any ads that play audio unprompted.
Video embeds from Vimeo are not rendering. We’re investigating this.
We’re working to fix an issue affecting the blog network where some blog URLs in posts will open in the blog network (username.tumblr.com) while others will open in the dashboard (tumblr.com/username), even when the blog in question has a blog network page.
🌱 Upcoming
In the next version of the iOS app, we’ve restored the ability to double-tap to zoom on a lightboxed image. We’re working to add it to the Android app as well.
In the next version of the Android app, we’ve fixed a bug that prevented audio from being played until you allowed notifications.
In the next version of the Android app, we’ve fixed an issue that prevented the “Get notifications” option from appearing after following a blog until you refreshed the page.
The next version of the iOS app contains a fix for the bug preventing Voiceover from reading any post content other than the post’s tags.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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baptismsvr · 25 days
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♡Hello Lovelies!♡
Just wanted to share the fasting app that I currently use! I know a lot of people apart of this community used to use the life app as it was free and as I restarted my weight loss journey I had noticed that it had been deleted (bummer, I know :C ) and so I went on a hunt for another free fasting tracker app. After much scrolling and researching through paid subscriptions (that I cannot afford lmao) I found the Easy Fast app! this app can record things like your fasting times, water intake, body measurement, weight and more as well as graphing your progress! Best of all, its free to use! No ADs nor paid subscriptions! I know is available for IOS as I have an Iphone myself but I'm not sure if its available for Android so you'll have to have a look for yourself♡
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abbiistabbii · 1 year
Obsidian Quickstart Guide: Because the video Tutorials make everything more confusing than it needs to be
Set up three folders, Notes, Templates, Attachments.
Go into the Settings. In Files and Attachments, set the attachments folder to attachments and in Templates, set the Templates folder to Templates.
Make a New Note in the Templates called "General" and put this in it:
Category: Subject:
Your "Category" is going to be either #Notes or #moc, which stands for "map of Content", we'll get into that later. Your "Subject " is going to be the Subject or subjects of the note. Make your Subjects one or two words like "Biology" or "Books". While writing your subject, surround them with double square brackets like [[this]]. This will make them into links to ghost articles. Don't worry about that. Just keep making those subjects and reuse them when relevant. Studying Biology? Your subject like should have [[Biology]] in it. When you write your links, if your subject has already been linked, you can select it in the drop down menu.
Also in your notes, if you see something that is a major subject in your notes, like say, a species or an author, highlight the word and hit the [ button twice to make them into a ghost note too. don't just keep links in your subject line.
Do this for all your notes. If you have a vault for "everything", note down everything and anything following these steps. If you have a vault specifically for one subject, just note down everything for that subject.
Eventually if you look in your graph view you'll see a load of dots representing your articles with lines representing links. The Ghost Notes will be greyed out. Some of the Ghost Notes will be larger than the rest. Once they get big enough, click on one to Make it a normal note.
Write Category: #moc at the top. This will be your map of content.
Download the "AutoMOC" plugin from the community plugins. Once you activate it it should appear in your sidebar.
Go into your freshly made Map of Content, write # Backlinks to make a heading, and then click under it and click AutoMOC. This will link to all the articles linked there. You can also put notes about the Subject the MOC talks about.
If you have more than one device, put your Vault on a Pendrive. Not everyone can afford Obsidian Sync but Obsidian are designed to be all text files to they are ultra-portable. The Pendrive I have is a Dual USB - USB-C drive meaning I can plug it into my phone and access my notes through the Android App, as well as on Windows and Linux, so I can take notes while out and about. It's an Emergent system so go for it.
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DBH Connor Drabble: Helping Reader with Dycalculia
Based off a lovely fanfic I just read by @geesegooseblog that was really encouraging and inspiring to me. I just started playing so Idk how accurate this depiction of him is
Content/Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader, Numbers, Some of the things that I personally find struggling or helpful
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You were in the precinct because the way you could understand people and their behavior was something the investigators in charge had lacked, but it sure wasn’t your relationship with numbers. You had avoided letting anyone know about your Dyscalculia, you didn’t want to be mocked.
It was easy enough for Androids to surpass human capacities these days but you were even worse than the regular human when it came to that aspect. You didn’t want to let anyone in on this seemingly easy to overcome struggle, because for you it wasn’t a matter that could be fixed by practicing. It just didn’t make any sense to begin with.
And now you were sat there with the analytics papers in front of you in the break room. Graphs and numbers that simply correlated with each other about the Police statistics, and you were assigned to write a report off of that. How did you even begin to make sense of this??
You nervously drummed your pen against the table, looking around before standing up. You didn’t want anyone passing by you to see that you were struggling. If they saw that you haven’t written anything yet you would make some tea- you would rather have someone think you were slacking rather than being seen as dumb.
You heard steps and quickly went to start boiling some water, your gaze nervously shifting around.
„Y/n, hello.“ You were greeted with the calm, ever steady voice of Connor. Your shoulders relaxed a little bit but you swallowed hard. „Hello Connor. Did you need something?“ You fidgeted a bit with your hands and turned around to look at him. He took a seat next to yours where the graphs were and put his hands on the table. „No. Hank gave me the order to ‚go and bother someone else‘ so I am now doing that.“ You cracked up a little and smiled.
You had gotten somewhat close to Connor since you were mostly entrusted with things like keeping up with Informants, talking to the relatives of victims or suspects- everything that required Empathy and a good understanding of the person in front of you. Connor was pretty lost when it came to the adequate dealings with humans, which is why he came to you pretty frequently to discuss social topics with you. Connor observed that your body language differed greatly from the others when he asked you those questions. Instead of grimacing, sighing and turning away to signal their disinterest you smiled once you spotted him, raising your brows and turning your whole body towards him. You were willing to give him your full attention every time, even if you had something else to do you took a moment to look him in the eye and explained that you would get back to the topic once you were finished.
You slowly sat down again since you were letting your tea sit now and you had to get back to what you were doing.
Well.. you looked at the graphs, but knowing that Connor most likely already picked up on your elevated heart rate made you even more nervous. He tilted his head at you with curiosity, his expression remaining neutral. Your palms became sweaty, you felt shame and lowered your gaze to avoid his gaze. Why couldn't you just.. do this?? This was pathetic.
"Connor um.." you started quietly, he cut you off by pointing on the graph. "1452 cases in total and a succession rate of 86 Percent, that is fascinating." Your eyes shot up to look at him, his eyes were gliding over the papers without any pause. "Where.. did you see that?" You asked carefully and looked at the paper again, hoping to have a pointer to how to understand those numbers. He pointed to a specific point, you quickly got yourself an empty paper and a pen, scribbling down what you remember. You repeated the number in your head, 1452-1452-1452.. you slowly put down a 1. Connor looked at your paper, "Four, Five, Two."
Your eyes widened slightly, quickly glancing at him before hurrying to put the numbers down he dictated you. You let out a quiet sigh, relaxing your posture slightly. "The succession rate of 86 Percent is 1248.72 Cases solved. One.. Two.. Four.. Eight Point Seven.. Two." Connor simply added without stopping once to give you a weird look, speaking gently and patiently like he always would.
You put everything down on paper and sighed in relief, the content of that graph was now clear. You didn't understand it but now you could simply copy that into your report. Connors gaze dropped from your concentrated eyes to your lips which now formed a small smile.
You noticed him looking and met his gaze. "Thank you.." You gently touched his arm for a moment, he noticed that you did that from time to time. Humans touched as a sign of friendliness and companionship, for comfort and intimacy with each other- he recalled. Connor quickly let his eyes roam you before he decided on the best spot for reciprocation- and put the hand of his other arm on yours. Your eyes widened the slightest bit when he did that, he lingered there for a moment before letting you go.
„Your tea has reached the maximum of the recommended sitting time.“ He informed you and you smiled, „Ah, yes. Thank you.“ You both stood up. „I will ask Hank for new orders now.“
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Hope you liked it, tell me if you want me to write more for Connor!
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equipo · 2 years
Cambia, todo cambia
🌟 Novedades
Hemos rediseñado las publicaciones insertadas de Tumblr para que queden maravillosas en cualquier rincón de internet. Cuando copies el código de inserción de una, verás la nueva versión. Los códigos antiguos seguirán funcionando como siempre.
🛠️ Mejoras y solución de problemas
Hemos resuelto un error que causaba que los resultados de las encuestas no se mostraran correctamente en algunas ocasiones.
Al rebloguear una publicación con una encuesta, no podrás cambiar al editor clásico, ya que el bloque en el que se encuentra no funcionaría.
Ya no será posible compartir publicaciones si incluyen una encuesta y el bloque para añadirla está incompleto (tendrás que escribir una pregunta y al menos dos opciones).
Hemos solventado una incidencia que evitaba que las personas que recibían colaboraciones pudieran editarlas.
Estamos trabajando para arreglar varios fallos en las encuestas antes de abrir esta opción a más gente. De momento, hemos resuelto algunos relacionados con los resultados, que no estaban disponibles para quienes no hubieran iniciado sesión, y con la opción de reblogueo, que hacía que las encuestas no se cargaran al usar el editor clásico y daban problemas si la publicación original se borraba. Además, tampoco funcionaban bien cuando la publicación también incluía un vídeo, y el texto añadido no aparecía en las etiquetas Open Graph ni se estaba indexando correctamente en las búsquedas de Tumblr. Aunque nos quedan cosas por pulir, iremos avisando conforme las solucionemos. Estamos esforzándonos para que esta opción esté disponible para todo el mundo lo antes posible.
Si usas la aplicación de Tumblr para dispositivos móviles en iOS o Android y todavía no ves las encuestas o no puedes votar en ninguna, actualiza a la última versión. Por desgracia, las anteriores no son compatibles con esta nueva función.
Hemos solucionado un problema que causaba que el texto que encabezaba la recomendación «Porque te interesa...» apareciera duplicado en la última versión de la aplicación para Android (27.8).
Hemos resuelto un error en la versión web que hacía que los avisos de contenido no se mostraran en el menú de los tres puntos de las publicaciones.
En esta misma versión, hemos solventado una incidencia que evitaba que las colaboraciones que incluían cualquier contenido que no fuera únicamente texto se pudieran editar y publicar en algunos casos.
Además, hemos resuelto varios fallos gráficos que aparecían al visitar la página de una etiqueta que no mostrara resultados con el filtro «Recientes» seleccionado.
🚧 En curso
A estas alturas, ya te lo sabrás de memoria: denuncia cualquier cuenta de spam con la que te cruces. Seguimos trabajando para eliminarlas, pero cada informe nos ayuda muchísimo.
🌱 Próximamente
Nada que compartir por hoy.
¿Tienes algún problema? Envía una solicitud al equipo de asistencia y se pondrán en contacto contigo lo antes posible.
¿Quieres hacernos llegar tus comentarios o impresiones sobre alguna función? Echa un vistazo a nuestro flamante blog Work in Progress y empieza a compartir tus ideas y sugerencias con la comunidad.
¡Y no olvides que puedes consultar todos estos cambios en cualquiera de los idiomas disponibles en Tumblr en los blogs oficiales de los equipos internacionales!
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luimagines · 2 years
Android reader who the chain thought was a quirky weird person with questionable superhuman abilities & they don't know or even suspect that they could be an Android or robot because that idea isn't a common concept to have in their timelines/worlds.
The Android reader who wasn't keeping it a secret from the chain but simply forgot to tell them/didn't realize they were supposed to tell them.
Android readers who can fix & repair their own wounds when the group stops by a town to get supplies.
The Android reader who buys screws,metal and bolts then just eats them as their internal stomach system transports the parts to fix the areas of the body that are damaged.
Some of the members in the chain occasionally catch the reader doing this but don't have much room to judge or be surprised as the cook is also known to eat rocks & other questionable/various things.
Android reader who's built to be a house nanny android for high classed & high profiled members of society that may need something to protect/watch over their childrens & homes choirs.
The Android reader knows every form of material art's & has the strength to pick up entire cars with one hand. Android reader who met the chain because they gained sentience & was going to be dismantled but a suspicious portal opened up for their escape.
Android reader who's inner workings are completely mechanical but thier outer top layer is real human flesh/skin/nails/hair that's self sustaining by small bio-nano bots that exist under the flesh to keep up the appearance of a real human.
Android reader who only gets discovered as a robot when half their face gets chapped off & their Endo skeleton is exposed.
This leads to a long talk with the chain as Hyrule heals the flesh shut over their face because,well, they'd prefer not being creeped out while they're looking at their friend in the discussion
I imagine that once they get to Wild's Era and fight his guardians, that they would want to take down each one just to take their bolts, springs and screws. That would be an upgrade for them. It would make them virtually indestructible... To a degree.
Like- nothing is going to stop their skin graphing from melting off or getting cut but their endo skeleton would be top notch quality at that point. And they would be stronger, faster and more resilient.
I also doubt they would need to sleep- at all. And the chain would be confused as to how they're still going with the "little" sleep they get. No one else talks about it because insomnia is a pattern amongst them so it would be rude- but it's like-
Legend: They were awake during first shift and they stayed up after me. I don't know when they slept.
Twilight: It was after me for sure, well into third shift.
Wild: I'm the first to get up to make breakfast and they were already awake.
Warrior, shaking his head: That poor tortured soul. Who knows what nightmares plague them.
Meanwhile, android! reader: The stars are so pretty and the sun rise is so gorgeous, I'm going to record the entire sequence of the sky. :D
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not-quite-but-maybe · 8 months
Cal Count Calendar!!
I've seen a lot of people using cute emoji calandars to keep track of how many cals they ate in a month, and I wanted to do that but I didn't want to deal with finding the next one every month :')
to those in the same predicament, I present to you: Casual dieting!
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Android | iOS
this app is super cute imo, and while it does NOT have a built-in calorie counter, it does give a nice little graph for progress, and more importantly, STICKERS🤩🤩
it has stickers and a diary, and you can use them to get a visual idea for how many calories you have per day! I had this app a few years ago and now that I'm using it again, it's still just as helpful, if not more so (since I just had the idea to use the stickers to mark cal counts)!
this is the chart that I made and will be using, and if I remember, also posting at the end of each month until I hit my ugw :')
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lostaff · 1 year
🌟 Novità
Sul web, abbiamo reso accessibile a tutti la scheda Reblog Graphs nella visualizzazione delle note e l'abbiamo rimossa dalle impostazioni di Tumblr Labs. Dai un'occhiata a un post che ha molti reblog!
Abbiamo rinominato l'opzione di menu "Questo particolare post non fa per me" in "Ignora". Questa opzione ti consente di eliminare un post che non ti piace. Puoi vedere questa opzione nel menu dei tre puntini di un post consigliato (basato sui tuoi Mi piace, apprezzato da un blog che segui, basato su un tag che segui, postato sul feed "Per te").
Sul web, abbiamo aggiunto i permalink dei post ai timestamp nelle intestazioni dei post e nelle intestazioni dei reblog, per facilitare l'accesso diretto ai post. Dovrai abilitare "Mostra timestamp" nelle impostazioni della dashboard per vedere questi timestamp.
Anche sul web, ora puoi premere Command+clic (Mac) o Ctrl+clic (Windows) sullo spazio vuoto dell'intestazione di un post o di un reblog per aprire quel post in una nuova scheda o finestra.
🛠 Correzioni
Abbiamo risolto un problema recente che faceva sì che la scheda Seguiti mostrasse i post consigliati invece dei post dei blog che segui per alcuni utenti.
Sul web, abbiamo risolto un problema che causava il ripristino completo dello stato attivo della tastiera alla chiusura di un popover. Ora, la chiusura di un popover con la tastiera ripristinerà il focus sull'elemento in cui ti trovavi prima di aprire il popover.
Abbiamo risolto un bug sul web che contava in eccesso gli elementi dell'attività in una riga raggruppata per 1.
Sul web, lo stile del pulsante Elimina blog nella pagina delle impostazioni del blog è stato aggiornato per rendere meno facile il clic accidentale.
Sul web, il menu dei 3 puntini nell'intestazione della vista del blog mostrerà l'opzione "Ricevi notifiche" dopo aver seguito il blog.
Per tutti coloro che hanno avuto problemi nel rimuovere il badge "Top Poster Club" (i denti), questo bug dovrebbe essere stato eliminato. Riavvia l'applicazione. Facci sapere se hai ancora problemi.
🚧 In corso
Stiamo ancora indagando su un problema nelle app per dispositivi mobili che causa la riproduzione automatica dell'audio di alcuni annunci. Pensiamo di averlo individuato e speriamo di avere una soluzione molto presto.
Sul web, nella visualizzazione delle attività, stiamo ancora sperimentando le nuove etichette delle relazioni di follow e gli indicatori dei messaggi non letti. Tale modifica potrebbe essere sparita per alcuni utenti che l'avevano già avuta durante l'esperimento iniziale.
Siamo anche a conoscenza di un problema che impedisce agli utenti iOS di accettare i badge guadagnati. Sarai comunque in grado di accettarli dal web, anche in Safari su iOS.
Siamo consapevoli che attualmente esiste un bug con la riorganizzazione dei set di foto su Android. Avremo una correzione per questo nella prossima versione!
🌱 In arrivo
Niente da segnalare qui oggi.
Hai riscontrato un problema? Invia una richiesta di supporto e ti risponderemo il prima possibile! 
Vuoi condividere il tuo feedback su qualcosa? Dai un'occhiata al nostro blog Work in Progress e avvia una discussione con la community.
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yournightowl · 10 months
Your NightOwl #039
i got into an argument today. Something along the lines of:
"If you care so much about these machines, why not give them rights while they're at it? Or ownership of their labor? Or sentience?"
At the time i wasn't able to formulate an articulate counterargument
Which is to say i pulled out my phone, pretended i was getting a text, and left. (* ̄▽ ̄)
Brave, i know. But it gave me ample time to prepare my rebuttal- this beautiful graphic.
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Everyone's good with the uncanny valley theory, right? Dolls are cute, and photorealistic portraits are beautiful, but walking corpses with dead eyes and blank smiles are upsetting. Or uncanny, if you prefer (´・ᴗ・ ` )
But i think we should expand the analogy. Because we're long past the point of talking about photorealism or impressive CGI. We have androids that look, act, and emote exactly like real people do- and they sell very well. So it's all good, right? We're past the valley.
But what lies beyond that? What if we keep expanding machines' humanity, for lack of a better term?
i think we'd reach a peak. And what lies past that terrifies me- Not in a robots-taking-over-the-world way, but in an existential-body-horror way. ✖ 〜 ✖
The perfect replication of a human mind would be perfect. Indistinguishable. You couldn't tell the difference between yourself and a copy. So ask yourself how you'd feel to be transplanted out of your body right this second And into something lesser.
Like a car. Or a kitchen appliance. (; ̄Д ̄) Or an android body designed expressly for war.
i know things are pretty unsettling in the bottom of that valley but Past that peak? Things get truly ugly.
yodeling across the range, your nightowl
Edit- To all the commenters pointing out that this graph already exists and was better explained in some movie from the 2060's that no one's ever seen: Thank you, now please shut up. (┛`Д´)┛
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mathsinfluencer · 4 months
Did You Know the Math Simulation Software GeoGebra? 🎓🧮
In the realm of educational technology, few tools have revolutionized the way we teach and learn mathematics as profoundly as GeoGebra. This dynamic software seamlessly blends geometry, algebra, calculus, and statistics, offering a versatile platform for students and educators alike. Whether you're a teacher aiming to bring mathematical concepts to life or a student looking to explore the depths of math, GeoGebra has something to offer.
What is GeoGebra? 🤔
GeoGebra is an interactive mathematics software designed to make learning and teaching math more engaging and effective. It's a powerful tool that integrates various branches of mathematics into a single platform, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools to explore mathematical concepts visually and interactively.
Key Features of GeoGebra 🌟
Interactive Geometry: With GeoGebra, you can create constructions and models using points, vectors, segments, lines, polygons, and conic sections. The dynamic nature of these objects allows for real-time manipulation, making abstract concepts tangible and easier to understand.
Algebraic Integration: Directly input equations and coordinates to see their graphical representations. GeoGebra links algebraic and geometric views, helping users see the relationships between different mathematical expressions.
Calculus Tools: Explore derivatives, integrals, and functions with ease. GeoGebra's calculus tools are designed to help users visualize and understand these complex concepts.
Statistics and Probability: Create graphs of statistical data, calculate probabilities, and visualize distributions. These features make it easier to teach and learn statistical concepts.
3D Graphics: GeoGebra’s 3D capabilities allow for the creation and manipulation of three-dimensional graphs and shapes, providing a deeper understanding of spatial relationships.
Spreadsheet View: Handle data efficiently with the integrated spreadsheet functionality. This feature is perfect for visualizing and analyzing large data sets.
Scripting and Custom Tools: Automate tasks and create custom tools using GeoGebra’s scripting language, GGBScript, and JavaScript. This allows for tailored solutions to specific mathematical problems.
Cross-Platform Availability: GeoGebra is accessible as a web application and on various platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android, ensuring that you can use it anywhere, anytime.
Transforming Education with GeoGebra 📚💡
GeoGebra is not just a tool for solving mathematical problems; it's a bridge that connects theoretical mathematics with practical understanding. Here’s how it’s making an impact in education:
Visualization: Complex mathematical concepts become accessible through visual representation, making it easier for students to grasp abstract ideas.
Interactive Learning: Students engage more actively with math by manipulating objects and seeing the immediate effects of changes.
Immediate Feedback: GeoGebra provides instant visual feedback, aiding in the learning process and helping students correct mistakes in real-time.
Collaborative Learning: It supports group projects and resource sharing, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Customizable Resources: Teachers can create interactive worksheets and tailor lessons to meet the needs of their students.
Why Choose GeoGebra? 🤩
User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, GeoGebra is suitable for all educational levels.
Rich Community and Resources: A large community of users shares resources, tutorials, and tips, making it easier to get the most out of GeoGebra.
Cost-Effective: Free to use, GeoGebra is accessible to a wide audience, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder learning.
Versatility: Whether you’re in elementary school, university, or working on professional research, GeoGebra has tools to meet your needs.
Real-World Applications 🌍🔍
GeoGebra’s versatility extends beyond the classroom. It’s used in academic research, professional presentations, and even in real-world problem-solving scenarios. Its ability to visualize complex data and mathematical relationships makes it an invaluable tool for a wide range of applications.
Conclusion 🎉
GeoGebra is more than just software; it's a transformative educational tool that brings mathematics to life. By combining visualization, interaction, and immediate feedback, GeoGebra helps students and teachers alike to deepen their understanding of math. Whether you're solving algebraic equations, exploring geometric constructions, or delving into calculus and statistics, GeoGebra is your go-to resource for a richer, more engaging mathematical experience. Embrace the power of GeoGebra and unlock the full potential of mathematics! 🚀🧩
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changes · 2 years
Friday, January 20th, 2023
🌟 New
We’re rolling out a refreshed look for embedded Tumblr posts across the internet. When grabbing the embed code for a post, you’ll now get an updated version. Old embed codes already out there will continue to work just fine.
🛠 Fixed
We’re fixing various bugs with polls before we roll out to more people the ability to create them. So far, we’ve fixed some issues with poll results not showing up for logged out users, polls being broken when reblogging using the legacy editor on web, polls behaving strangely in reblogs if the original post was deleted, polls not working properly when there was a video in the same post, and poll text not appearing in Open Graph tags or being indexed by Tumblr search. We have a bit more to do here, stay tuned! We’re working as quickly as we can to get poll creation out to everybody.
If you’re using the Tumblr mobile app on iOS or Android and are not able to see or vote in polls, please update to the latest version of the app. Older versions of the app do not fully support the new poll functionality.
In the latest version of the Android app (27.8), we’ve fixed an issue that was causing the “Because you follow…” recommendation header to have duplicate text.
Fixed a bug on web where the Community Label item would be missing from published answers’ meatball menus.
Fixed a bug on web that was preventing non-text-only submissions from being editable and publishable in some scenarios.
Fixed a handful of visual glitches on web when visiting a tagged page that has no results under “Latest”.
🚧 Ongoing
This is our biweekly reminder to please keep reporting any spam bots that are pestering you with follows. We appreciate all of the reports coming in, they do help a lot. We use them to make our entire spam detection process better.
🌱 Upcoming
Nothing to share here today.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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equipebrasil · 2 years
🌟 Novidades
Estamos lançando um novo visual para os posts incorporados do Tumblr na internet. Ao obter o código de incorporação de um post, você receberá uma versão atualizada. Mas não se preocupe, mesmo com essa atualização, os códigos de incorporação existentes continuarão a funcionar perfeitamente.
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yellowcakeuf6 · 10 months
Tagged by @ensign-smith
Last song: Kronos by Carl Finlow
Favorite color: Green, Blue, Purple
Relationship status: mated, but with a secret android crush, lol 😆
Last movie/TV show: oh shew...I've not been to see a movie for ages but the last ones I streamed were i robot and Galaxy Quest...llol
Last show: not a drama but a docu drama "Julius Caesar" - very brave and intense, and a premise terrifyingly similar to the power struggles we currently have in the world..
Sweet/spicy/savory?: Spicy
Last thing I googled: android body part props (photo below is what came up - eeeerrk!!)
Current obsession: robots and underdogs, and writing fanfiction about the same. Star Trek IDW comics, Almost Human show, Asimov's robot stories and drawing silly stuff on my Galaxy Ultra notebook.
Tag Nine People: (sorry if you've already been tagged, the spiner stan network graph is highly interlinked but big thanks to those who've already tagged me 💛
@ladyloresoong @datasimp @adarkroomandawallflower @bochrasbathroom-blog @katsurusato @dataquester01 @sassbot9000 @sweet-android @purpletreklass
**didn't want to bombard all my mutuals, so tagged some other people I follow just to say hello! 👋
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cherrysodabear · 1 year
I love the way you draw those silly animatronic bears [nightmare,n.m.freddy,fredbear, funtime,Toy,Glam and grumpy freddy] !!
Could you please share their ages and a bit of their relationship together? (Ofc if your fine with it and have already have the necessities heacanons) ?
OMG THANK YOU! I'm really happy to hear anon!! 🩷🩷
And sure! I've kinda had a vauge outline of everyone's ages since ya know theyre still techinally animatronics but more so androids here but now I got a solid idea where they all stand atm :3
Golden/fredbear - 75
Freddy - 56
Funtime Freddy - 50
Toy freddy - 37
Nightmare - 60
Nightmare Freddy - 41
Glamrock freddy - 22
And in terms of their relationships
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Here's a 'graph' to show it!
Fredbear and nightmare are brothers! [Forgot to add a line between them so pretend it's there]
On fredbears side:
Fredbear adopted freddy and then adopted funtime 3 years afterwards making them brothers :)
Then freddy adopted toy freddy! Making fredbear his grandpa and funtime his uncle
Then on the nightmares side:
Nightmare adopted Nightmare freddy
Then nightmare freddy adopted glamrock freddy
Making nightmare, glamrock freddy's grandpa :)
Nightmare freddy is cousins with freddy and funtime.
And of course the same with toy and glamrock :)
Though toy doesn't find glamrock at all annoying like his dad does with his uncle LMAO
That's the basis for now, course this will change when I add more freddies [idk when that'll be but YEAH LMAO keep that in mind]
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
For the character ask game - Haru (appmon) 1, 2, 11, 12, 23!
The character ask game is here!
1. My first impression of them
Honestly my first impression (from seeing promo images and such posted on this very website!) was something like “Whoa. Clashing colors much?!” So I guess you could say it was not the best 😂
Obviously I got over that, but I did learn recently that trying to apply his color scheme to any other character is still quite a shock! ROTFL Click for proof if you dare!
The rest is cut! For! Spoilers!!!
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
The first time I watched Appmon, I felt like basically the whole first half of the series was a bit of a crapshoot, quality-wise (not in terms of the animation or anything, but how I felt about it). Like, if you tried to graph my enjoyment of each episode right after I watched it, it would look like a jagged mountain range. The first episode was ok, the second episode was “eh,” the third and fourth episodes was pretty good, the fifth was back to “eh,” etc. I don’t know, pacing and tone and kind of unsympathetic character introductions and it just being “different” were all things that were working against it at that point in my mind, and made me wonder what the writers were really trying to do (honestly, what REALLY sold me on watching Appmon at all was @firstagent’s pitch at a con, which explicitly plugged Offmon and Yuujin’s dynamic!).
(I should say here that despite those rough beginnings, Appmon is probably my favorite Digimon series now, so yeah I take time to warm up to things sometimes but the right combination of factors makes me fall and fall HARD)
All that said, I know exactly when I really start to like Haru, and it was during the third episode (the dungeon one with Roleplaymon). He’s just so excited and happy throughout, while also being a complete nerd, and instead of a big Appmon fight at the end (well, being unable to have one due to an evolution whoopsie), he just talks to Roleplaymon… and it works. That felt kind of revolutionary, and it was the episode that I started to not only understand his character, but (maybe) gain a bigger picture view of the series and what the show was going for. This episode just crystallized a lot of things for me.
Me after episode 3: Haru is kind. Oh, and also he’s my son now, I want to see him grow up strong, I WILL keep watching FOR HIM actually (best decision ever!!) 💖
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11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Joke answer: “Do I need to be working on the blog queue right now, or can I procrastinate a few more days?” 🤔
Real answer: No thoughts anymore, just feelings (rotfl). After watching every episode in order to look at every single shot of Haru and find the very best frames, I can still say definitively that he’s so cute and I love him and all Harus are good Harus 🥺🥺🥺
12. Sexuality hc!
Bisexual! And uh… one specific android-sexual? You cannot deny his crush on Ai, and Haru/Yuujin is so good. They’re one of my OTPs, they’re soulmates (by some definition of the word “soul”), they were made for (and made by) each other, they’re actually making eyes at each other from across the room in my head right now 🤫
23. Future headcanon
Oh, he’s definitely going to be an AI researcher, that much I believe! One who is very literature- and ethics-minded, and thinks a lot about what what “existence” means, and is hyper-aware of beings’ rights and the need to advocate for both humans AND AI, in a world where both appmon and general artificial intelligences actually exist. These beliefs are the cornerstone of his work, regardless of what he actually does with AI. Would he follow in his Grandpa’s footsteps in being an academic designing his own? Maybe borrow a page from Koushiro Izumi’s book and start a company? Or go the Susan Calvin route and become an AI psychologist? Any! All! Idk 🤣
Honestly, so much else about specific future headcanons depends on how you interpret the very last moments of the series (literal or symbolic), and for me it could go either way. I really like interpreting it as literal, if only because it’s such a great hook into the nebulous Appmon Season 2 that exists in my head. Yuujin’s back, but how? Cue mystery and more Appmon shenanigans.
Regardless, I’m most interested in the future where Yuujin comes back in some form at some point during Haru’s lifetime, and no matter how, when, or why that happens it’s going to be a joyous occasion, but also a bit of a rough transition. Yuujin may have changed. Haru may have changed. There would be a LOT anxiety about “is this ok?” and “how do you feel?” and “what does it MEAN that this is how you feel?” and “what does ANY of this mean for us as individuals, and us together?” because it’s all very complicated when you bring the android that was programmed to be your best friend and your ideal version of a person back to life. Is there even a happy ending out there for them? Again, for me it could go either way.
So yeah, a bit rambly, because to me there is no one answer I could ever 100% decide on. They’re all possible. And that’s kind of the great thing about the vagueness of the ending! I will say I like drawing them in happy-ending mode best though, even though I would probably write their future in a way that involves more drama, because it’s way more interesting, and nothing in life is ever that easy (I’m rooting for them though!).
Again, thanks so much for the ask!!
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