#Graydon Creed
doctorslippery · 4 months
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The Alex Jones of the Marvel Universe.
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cassowarygirl · 1 year
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starkdirewolflove · 4 months
X-Men 97
I need to do a season rewatch to process everything that happened in the finale. It was amazing: wrapped up some storylines, added new ones, cameos galore and a massive cliffhanger. The thing about Graydon Creed poling higher as a presidential candidate than Robert Kelly is ominous and confusing cos I thought after the Friends of Humanity threw him out of that plane and into Sabertooth’s clutches that he was dead but apparently not (fuck you Sabertooth can you do nothing right).
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So one group of X-Men are 3,000 years in the past and another are 3,000 years in the future but where did Morph, Storm and Wolverine end up?
Cable gave a hint to knowing Scott and Jean would end up being a part of his life growing up when he mentioned the rebels that used to tell him stories about the X-Men when he was growing up (keeping the rules of time travel in tact) when they were giving him the goodbye speech. Red and Slim are gonna help raise teen Cable in the future in season 2 by the looks of it.
Also is Mother Askani gonna be Rachel Summers? I would love to see a version of Rachel in X-Men 97, I think there were a few clips of her in Bastion’s dystopian future where the mutants were slaves and we see Hound Rachel.
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van-oskuro · 5 months
Marvel really needs to explore this concept more
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morgangalaxy43 · 28 days
Raven isn’t the best mom to Kurt and Rogue but loves her kids except Garydon
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scaryspears · 12 days
Victor and Graydon Creed
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I have a broken sense of humour, so forgive me. But the fact that VICTOR CREED not only fathered a non-mutant child, but also that same non-mutant child became a politician, suit and all. Sabretooth, a man where the word 'Barbarian' comes to mind, fathered a political figure. Granted, Graydon is as much a monster as Mr Creed senior, but the vision is everything.
Can you imagine the shenanigans?
Graydon being forced to go back on his words about his anti mutant propaganda, and talk about how they're not so bad because a list of nice things they done for him in order to avoid getting a spanking.
Graydon opening up about his mutant background, and how his anti mutant propaganda came from hating himself and his mommy issues, and how he learned that doesn't mean other mutants are the same, and using that to advocate for mutant acceptance.
Graydon getting some kind of promotion, and a party being hosted to celebrate it. Then Sabretooth crashes it, gets drunk and starts embarrassing Graydon in front of all his co-workers and fellow politicians. Saying stuff like "Just to think all those decades ago you was in my balls!"
His co-workers recognising that Graydon's cat-like habits come from Sabretooth. Standoffish with people he's just met. Hissing or growling when annoyed. Disturbing people, but not liking when others bother him. Having no concern for other people's belongings. His co-workers noticing how he avoids people when he's stressed, just like a cat.
Getting asked awkward questions at interviews like "Do laser pointers bother you?" and "Do you eat lots of fish?". Graydon trying his best to stay professional and not lose his cool.
Graydon being forced to stand next to Sabretooth, and everyone pointing out how small he looks in comparison despite being very tall, because Victor is HUGE.
Graydon being forced to acknowledge his other siblings from Mystique's side, and coming to the realisation that Logan is his uncle.
Graydon trying to force Victor and Logan to form a momentary truce just so they can take a good picture for the front page of a news paper (for mutant positivity reasons). Many fights ensue, and it takes over 60 attempts until a picture is taken where Victor is holding up a struggling Logan with a grin prepared to throw him, and the headline being "Sabretooth excited to reunite with little brother" or something.
Graydon meeting with Professor X to discuss the needs of mutants, and bumping into his cousin Laura, who hasn't forgiven him for his anti mutant days.
Professor X helping him with his inner trauma, and unpacking the trauma Mystique put him through, and the shame he felt knowing his parents were bad people, and being normal as the only thing he can cling to in efforts to avoid believing he's like them. How Graydon wants a family deep down, and actively hunted mutants to get attention from one or both his parents. How Graydon always wanted acceptance, and being abandoned caused a dilemma within him that lasted decades.
Graydon being forced to spend his holiday in Canada, and staying indoors at a cabin while Victor gathers firewood because he can't handle the snow.
Being forced to embrace his Canadian heritage.
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Revisiting X-Men and being reminded that Mystique is the only mother ever.
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comicwaren · 4 months
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From Wolverine Vol. 7 #050, “Coup de Grâce”
Art by Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith, Oren Junior and Alex Sinclair
Written by Benjamin Percy and Victor LaValle
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darthdisasterous · 5 months
I need the Creed-Darkholme family to do Family Therapy. Because there is no fucking way Graydon is saying his dad abandoned him when it was Raven who never told Vic about his son, raised Graydon to fear Vic and then abandoned her 13 year old child in a failing Berlin to fend for himself.
I’m going to lose my shit at this boy.
It’s Vic who is the reason for him being back. It’s Vic who spared him when he had every reason to murder the guy.
Like… I swear to fuck Graydon may as well be a clone of his dad because they share the same breed of crazy and misplaced rage.
And I don’t need him to love Victor—they would be a frightening duo the world does not deserve—but I need him to have even some of that rage for Raven.
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why-i-love-comics · 3 months
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Wolverine #50 - "Coup De Grace" (2024)
written by Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle art by Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith, Oren Junior, & Alex Sinclair
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clawsofakiller · 2 months
Okay I have a crazy headcanon. It's not like insane but it is indeed a wild guess.
So in Sabretooth: Death Hunt, it was confirmed that Mystique lied to Graydon about his father's identity when she raised him alone. She told him his father was a bond trader. And Graydon grew up to be a real guy in finance. He owned the Gee Cee Group of Investment Bankers remember?
The probable reason of his choice of career might be the finance industry is perfect for a guy like Graydon, who's got a smart mouth and a big brain, and a lot of energy, to make a lot of money quickly.
But I have another theory.
Graydon's choice of profession may have been partly influenced by the illusory father figure his mother described to him that had been absent all the time. Maybe he wanted to grow up like that father figure before he was abandoned by Mystique. Then he turned 12 Mystique was like: "Oh btw I lied. Your father is not a bond trade he's just something as feral. So long my son, goodbye!" There goes little Graydon's faith and dream.
Yet the pursuit for this made-up father figure still made him a man in finance. He hates his parents soooo much but his whole life had been affected by them. Mentally and somehow physically because his mother and father both took his life once. Pretty rough huh
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theatrical-penguin · 5 months
And they follow-up the exploration of the Lenscherr/Maximoff family with the revelation of Mystique’s status as worst mother in the story. At least Kurt and Rogue each get one good sibling out of it.
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Creed and Sabretooth deserve each other.
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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A preview of Wolverine #50
CREED VS. LOGAN — THE FINAL SHOWDOWN! It’s all come down to this: the final battle between WOLVERINE and SABRETOOTH. The Sabretooth War concludes in the way it began — a violent, bloody battle — but WHO will be left standing? Plus: Special short stories celebrating fifty issues of this run and 50 YEARS OF WOLVERINE, from legendary Logan scribes including Larry Hama, as well as a final send-off from Benjamin Percy and Javier Fernández, and some special SURPRISES!
Written by: Victor LaValle, Benjamin Percy Art by: Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu, Romulo Fajardo Jr. Page Count: 60 Pages Release Date: May 29, 2024
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Oh my god... Hank gets called into the debate and this is just... amazing... as is Charles's reaction.
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puppyoftindalos · 6 months
Can we see Graydon in your style?
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Here's Graydon in a white suit <3 handsome boi
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magnetoeisenhardt · 8 months
The biggest plothole in all of comics is reconciling the existence of Mystique's (not Kurt or Rogue) children with the existence of abortion.
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