simnostalgia · 5 months
If I have to endure one more moment of millennial brutalism I'm going to start tracking down white girl influencers wearing beige tops with tasteful french tucks and forcefully tattooing Lisa Frank stickers onto their bodies.
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mespilus · 3 months
can't wait for them to exist
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incorrect-fairytail · 7 months
Loke, babysitting for Gray & Juvia: Okay Greige, let’s get some ice cream!
Greige: YAY!
Random Royal Army Guy: Hey, is this kid your little brother or something?
Loke: Huh? Oh, nah, I’m babysitting for my friend.
RRAG: Uh-huh, he seems to like you a lot…
Loke: Isn’t that better than the opposite?
RRAG: Hey little buddy, do you know this man?
Greige: YEAH! He’s actually a celestial spirit! Loke the Lion!
RRAG: hmm…13 years on the job and my gut says this is bad.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
This has been picking my squishy little thought organ.
Submitted to several others for a wide range of potential awnsers
If Jalice had a kid, what are some hypothetical gifts it could have?
I could see it having the gift of giving hallucinations.
(that previous ANON got me thinking, clearly)
Because of his emotional ability--> making them believable. [Fool the emotions all else will follow.] Her visions are quite sporadic at times. ---> crafting the mental space devoted to that.
Environmental Factors---> Bella & her daughter can project, and I think environmental factors will give the gift a push to be able to be casted. INSTEAD of actually just ending up with hyperaphantasia.
"People with hyperphantasia can imagine scenes, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations with great clarity and detail. They may also have enhanced abilities in creativity, memory, and empathy."
Alice & Bella are besties, so they'll spend a considerable amount of time together interacting. So, I think the block Renesme has on the visions will be a giant factor too.
Despite Bella and Alice just not being close it will happen anyway. Cause there's nowhere realistically for her to go.
She's stuck and Alice probably isn't going to get a vision going oh, now is the right time to leave.
Even if you could argue oh, they'll never fight. Most likely right unless we wanna go even more Au... {Which I am 100% ok with}
But I think Alice's slight harboring of resentment for Renesme for blocking her visions will be the key in the lock for this to all work out right.
She isn't going to stop blocking them. Alice already has had time to get over her gift dependency so much but like she won't do that.
Jasper's gift can't be blocked by a shield, but I imagine he's a little immune to Renesme's gift. (Realistically not...? But it's a silly little Tumblr post I don't want to think about the power scale too hard and implode.)
I was hoping you could pick up where I left off about how things realistically work in Twilight.
Besides the whole vampires have a kid despite one being infertile.
But I think this would be a hell-on-wheels problem. Cause while Jasper I'd argue! Has a more moral conscious (at least in the ways we see it.) than Alice. But they're both pretty grey.
Which means they're both pretty ruthless. Like Bella and Edward are for their child.
All i know is this offspring would have to be so lucky to not be snatched by the Volturi.
I think this kid would fare better than Renesme in the short and long term. Even if they were both hybrids. This kid would have parents that would in my opinion actually teach it more.
I think Bella and Edward don't teach Renesme. much.
I think Jasper would make sure his kid had the skills should they be needed to be used. And Alice would support this or just let it happen. I think he's a more active parent than her but that's 100% different bullshit Au type of discussion and I just needed to drop this meta off to blogs for their thoughts.
I am driving myself crazy. I would like to sleep.
Well, I'm not entirely sure how this child would come to be in the first place as Jasper and Alice can't have one.
Assuming, though, that God bestowed one upon them, I subscribe to @smallcatwoman's fellow who has the gift of seeing emotional outcomes, the child would be as delightfully alien as Alice only in a very different way (optimal future-oriented Alice versus happiest outcome-seeker Greige).
As for how the child is raised, I imagine it would have much the same upbringing as Renesmee. If Jasper and Alice are interested in teaching a child, Renesmee is right there and is, by all accounts, The Cullen Child™. They are all devoting every resource to her, raising her communnaly for all that she is officially Bella and Edward's.
A second child with a different set of parents would, if possible, be even more Cullen Communal Property than Renesmee: Bella, at least, had an interest in her child, Alice screams childfree. Oh, she'll be the cool aunt and take the kid shopping, no problem, but parenting? Motherhood?
Esme and Rosalie can do the hard parts, and Jasper and Carlisle too if they want. Alice will be pointing out that God making the child genetically hers was simply a matter of good taste, doesn't mean she should be raising the damn thing.
And the child gets to live in the shadow of Renesmee, who was wanted by her mother, the first and miraculous baby everybody and their cousin were willing to die for, and has a guy imprinted on her. Renesmee, by all accounts, would be the golden child and the other one would be... the other one.
Wasn't supposed to exist, his mother foisted him off and prefers to dress up Renesmee anyway, and his gift is only able to tell him that he can't be happy around his family, so he ignores it.
Perhaps Greige will love Renesmee, but I prefer the timeline where he resents her too much to recognise his cousin for just as unhappy as he is, and Renesmee has no idea why but only knows that she can't meaningfully connect to him.
Drama is had.
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chanel9bootiez · 10 months
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Dress To Impress 🤍
Hello! This is my very first Gruvia oneshot I’m new to this writing stuff and I’m not very good at it. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve please let me know! However I ask that you be kind or I will die.
anyway, enjoy! :)
“Greige! You get back here!”
“You need to shower before Mama gets back!”
“Greige doesn’t want to shower! Greige wants to be stinky!”
Greige Fullbuster, age 5 and rebellious. Gray was doing everything in his power to get his son to bathe before his wife returned home. It usually isn’t this difficult however today was the young lad’s kindergarten class party. Gray knows his son. He knows Greige ate all kinds of sweets. So now Greige is hyper and running around while Gray is desperately trying to catch him to give the boy a shower.
Gray rubbed the temples on the side of his head and heaved a sighed. He was about to give up on his pursuit. Then an idea came to him. He smiled mischievously and thought to himself ‘Gray Fullbuster you are a genius!!’ He cleared his throat. “Greige, Your mama won’t give you any cuddles or kisses if don’t shower.” The boy stopped in his tracks.
He looked up at his father and pouted. “Mama doesn’t care if Greige’s doesn’t shower! She’ll still give Greige all the cuddles and kisses!” Gray chucked. He felt bad lying to his son. After all it was true Juvia would still love on Greige even if he hadn’t showered. But Gray was desperate. “I’m not so sure about that son. Mama doesn’t kiss or cuddle Papa when he’s stinky” Greige gasped in realization. Gray knew that the boy would catch on to what he was suggesting. For being only five years old, Greige was smart. “Papa is right. Greige should shower quick before Mama gets here! Or else Greige won’t get any cuddles or kisses!” Greige scurried down the hallway and into the bathroom. Gray would follow after him shortly. He just had to celebrate first. He threw his fist in the air and mouthed ‘Yes!’ and did a little victory dance. “Papa! What are you doing! We have to hurry mama is coming soon!” Greige shouted peeking his head out of the bathroom door. Gray nodded and hurried into the bathroom to help his son bathe.
Juvia walked inside the door to her shared home with Gray. She was carrying a grocery bag in one hand and a baby on her hip with the other. She placed the grocery bag on the kitchen table and put the baby girl in a high chair. She sat down at the table next to her baby and sighed. Shopping can be very tiring for Juvia especially when she has one of her little ones with her. “Well sweetheart, I think our shopping experience today was successful” The baby cooed at her mothers words. “Is that you honey?” Gray shouted from down the hallway “Yes darling it’s me!” Juvia shouted back. She smiled gently at the baby girl that was next to her. Gray walked into the kitchen toward the table. He gave his wife a peck on the lips and ruffled his two year olds hair. “Hello my favorite girls” Gray picked up the baby from the high chair and into his arms. “How was shopping with Vi?” Gray asked as he bounced the baby in his arms. “Better this time. I managed to calm her down before she had a tantrum” Gray smiled at the baby in his arms. “That’s good. Hopefully the store owners will lay off our asses for what happened last time” Gray’s face quickly changed from a happy smiled to an angry expression. The thought of what happened last time was enough to piss him off. Violet was only two years old and already showing signs of possessing Juvia’s water magic. The last time the Fullbusters went to the grocery store. Let’s just say Juvia may or may not have taken a candy Violet grabbed from the shelf away from her.. Violet began to weep and the store flooded. The store owners made a big deal out of the situation and were not very understanding. After all Violet was just a baby and it’s not her fault she can’t regulate her emotions. It didn’t help that the store owner wasn’t a mage. Despite this they payed for the damages and apologized.
“Hey, where’s Greige?” Juvia asked. “He’s gonna join us in a bit” Gray chuckled.
“Oh okay..” The water mage was confused as to what her husband was laughing about but didn’t question it. She got up and began to prepare for dinner.
It took Juvia 30 minutes to prepare dinner. Once it was done she had Gray set the table. As Juvia was about to start serving her husband. She realized somebody was still missing. “Greige! Dinners ready!” She called out to the boy. “Greige’s coming!” Greige shouted back. After about a minute, Greige entered the kitchen. He was dressed in an all white tux with a flower from Juvia’s garden in his hands. Juvia looked at the boy confused. Before she could ask him why he was dressed the way he was, He handed her the flower and spoke up. “Good evening Mama, Greige is pleased to make your acquaintance” Juvia fawned at Greige’s cuteness. ‘SO CUTE!!’ she thought. Gray paused his baby talk with his daughter and looked at the show going on in front of him. “MY LITTLE PRINCE! YOU LOOK SO DAPPER IN THAT SUIT~!!” Juvia said as she embraced Greige and kissed his forehead and cheeks repeatedly. Greige giggled as Juvia smothered him with kisses. Gray smiled at the pair. “Greige, Mama loves your outfit but why is Greige dressed so fancy?” Juvia asked Greige as ruffled his hair. “Because Papa said Mama won’t give Greige kisses or cuddles if Greige didn’t shower. Greige wanted to look nice so that Mama would give extra cuddles and kisses” Juvia turned her gaze over to Gray, whose attention was suddenly now on their baby girl. “Who’s Papa’s princess! You are!” Gray cooed at his baby girl. pretending as though he did not hear any of his wife and child’s conversation. “Oh? Papa told Greige that?” Juvia said. her eye twitching slightly as she looked at Gray who was still avoiding her gaze. Greige nodded confirming again. “Well that’s just not true Greige. Mama loves you even when you don’t want to shower. She’ll still give all the cuddles and kisses you want. Papa only said that because it is important to shower. If Greige wants to be big and strong like Mama and Papa one day, he has to stay healthy. Showers keep you healthy.” she smiled. her attention back on her son. “So Greige was correct. Greige will shower if it means he can be as strong as Mama and Papa! Because Greige Loves Mama and Papa!” Juvia beamed at her son’s words. She loves her baby boy, knowing he loves her just as much fills her heart with joy. “Mama can Greige ask you something?” “Of course, Greige can ask Mama whatever he wants. Mama will always answer” Greige glanced toward Gray who again was pretending as though he didn’t get caught manipulating his son to get him to shower. He focused his gaze back to his mother and spoke “Would mama still kiss papa if he was stinky and didn’t shower?” Juvia took a second to think about her response. Yet she knew just what to say. “No. Mama wouldn’t kiss Papa if he was stinky” Juvia’s said as Gray sulked in the corner with his baby girl. ‘Serves him right. how could he lie to our precious angel!’ Juvia thought. “But Mama loves Papa like Mama loves Greige, so why doesn’t Mama kiss Papa when Papa doesn’t shower?” “Well that’s because Papa knows better. Greige is little and is still learning. Juvia said as she glanced at Gray who looked at her with a smile on his face. she playfully rolled her eyes at him. “Greige understands, He wants to eat now please” Greige said as he walked to the table to join his father and little sister. Juvia followed after him sitting down next to Greige opposite of Gray. ‘I’m sorry’ Gray mouthed. Juvia glared at him and mouthed ‘It’s okay but we are talking about this later’ And so the Fullbusters ate their dinner. Greige talked about his day at school and what he and Nasha did together. Gray talked about the recent mission he had as he fed Violet. Juvia talked about how she found a new cook book and more seeds for her garden. Violet just cooed and babbled as the three spoke about their days.
Gray and Juvia tucked Greige in, they both gave him a kiss on the forehead and said their goodnights. Gray closed the door to Greige’s room as he and Juvia stepped out. They quickly peek their heads into their toddlers room to see that she was fast asleep. The pair walked to their shared room and began preparing for bed. All was calm and well. After doing her nightly routine, Juvia climbed into bed next to Gray. He extended his arms out and pulled her into his chest. Juvia sighed and relaxed instantly due to Gray’s touch. He kissed the top of her forehead and pulled his fingers through her long blue hair. “So you want to tell me why you’re lying to our Greige” Juvia asked. Gray haulted his movements. “Baby, you have to understand our boy is rebellious and doesn’t listen to a thing I say unless you’re around” He pleaded. Juvia wasn’t convinced.“Go on” “I had tried to persuade him with sweets but that’s all they gave him at school. He was so hyper and I did my best to think of the one thing he couldn’t refuse. That’s when I got an idea. I used you to get him to shower because I know he’d do anything for you. If showering meant he’d get extra kisses and cuddles Greige would do it all the time. Because he loves you.” Gray explained. “I didn’t tell him to put on his best vest or anything like that— that was all him. he was just so exited to impress you and he even got you a flower from the garden. So in the end he showered and you got to see just how much Greige loves his Mama” Juvia sighed. Gray did have a point. Although he did use her to his advantage, she got a cute little moment that she’s going to cherish forever out of it. “Okay, you’re forgiven. Next time I suggest telling something else that doesn’t involve me. You know he really wants to know more about your Ice magic. I bet if you promise to show him a cool magic trick that he’d shower in the blink of an eye” Gray pondered over it. “You’re right honey that’s great suggestion. I’ll do my best to persuade him with things that’ll benefit him too” And with that Gray pecked Juvia’s lips and the two drifted away into sleep.
(I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot! lmk if you have any suggestions on how I can improve!! or any requests!!)
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citrusbluebelly · 2 years
I watched Ponyo
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pegafin · 1 year
AI Generated McMansions: Bird Sanctuary
I asked the @mcmansionhell Discord chat what kind of AI generated property they would like to see from Pegafin Realty. They asked for:
Bird Sanctuary Conservatory
And we at Pegafin Realty delivered...✨
Stunning conservatory-style home located in 54 acres of pristine bird sanctuary. 7 bed, 35,604 window, and infinite bath, because everywhere is the bathroom when you’re a bird.
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Grand and verdant entryway.
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Over 57 unique sunrooms.
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Active garden kitchen, complete with soil and worms.
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Dining en plein air.
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Call now to book your tour 🦆🦜🦤🪿
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marriedtohowl · 1 year
I love them 😪❤️
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trexalicious · 5 months
Three years later still forced to wear beige AKA her signature neutral look...
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thecatastrophic · 1 year
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FROSTY WIND gusting through the pine trees, the sweet aroma of gingerbread cookies and candy cane, a picture-perfect warm fire dancing with the wood in the fireplace, and gooey love drifting through the atmosphere enveloping the people in a mist.
Shades of white covered the entire land in a thick blanket as pointed icicles decorated the window, cyan orbs lost in the motion of snowflakes trickling down the quaint town of Magnolia as he brought the cup of cafe mocha in his mouth, the rich chocolate flavors bursting through his system.
Years had gone by, trends had changed, and old buildings and roads had been refurbished, yet the sweet taste of the beverages in Mira's Cafe that he had known ever since he was a kid had always stayed the same. He despised changes more than anything in the world, maybe it was also the reason that he resisted the urge to leave their hometown like anyone else; there were times when he had to welcome the inevitable unknown only to go back to where he was used to growing up.
The screeching of the chair against the marble floor brought him out of his reverie, turning his head to meet the gaze of the person standing before his hooded eyes. He could feel his breath hitching, his dark pupils widening as his heart thumped out of his ribcage coming face to face with the person — no, a ghost from his past.
The first thing he noticed about her was her azure loose waves, they had grown longer with specks of lavender hues on their ends, resting on the luxurious beige coat around her body which had grown more mature, voluptuous as it perfectly embraced her figure donning a black top that matched her skirt that reached up to her mid-thigh. 
The stars dancing in her oceanic orbs were shining brighter than he could remember, the last time he gazed into her eyes — it was laced with tears and pain that he had caused. In her delicate hands was a net basket of carnations blooming in vivid pink shades, he also took note of the snowflake diamond jewelry on her ring finger.
"Juvia," her name seems foreign tumbling out of his lips, yet in the same way, familiar.
"Lyon," her voice had grown more feminine as a sweet smile graced her features, one that he hadn't seen in years.
Acting politely, he stood up to help her towards the sit before him to which she reciprocated with a simple 'thank you.' He sat down in front of her, only feeling the awkward atmosphere that seems to envelop the two young adults.
"Juvia knew she'd find you here, Lyon," the blue-haired lady was the first one to break the silence, trying to ease the awkwardness circling their space with the joyful rhythm of her voice. "How has Lyon been?" she intoned.
Lyon faked a cough before answering, "I've been good, Juvia. Working as a public lawyer had been tiring, but it was fun. How about you?"
"Juvia had been doing good too, she learned a lot of new things about marine life while working at Alvarez. She's been saying yes, instead of no. Also, did Lyon know that dolphins sleep with only one-eyed close?" she seemed excited, her fingers tracing the G initial engraved on her circular pendant which did not go unremarked by the silver-head man, he can't help but wonder what the initial meant.
"I have no idea," Lyon chuckled at her display of excitement remembering the same old Juvia who easily got excited over the minuscule of things.
Juvia genuinely smiled as she observed the crease by his hooded eyes as he cackled, the melody of his laughter seeming like an old song that she hadn't heard in years that she almost forgot how it sounded like; even though his cries when she left him by the lakes constantly haunted her in her sleep a few years back. 
"Juvia had this dream Lyon's doing cool shit."
Lyon halt from laughing, tilting his head as he never heard her curse even before, "Like what?"
"Having adventures on your own. Juvia dreamt that Lyon met some woman on the internet and take her home," Juvia responded, looking out at the scenery at the window.
Lyon's brows drew in a straight line, "Wow! That's quite the dream. Contrary to your sleep visions, I haven't been seeing anyone after Ultear." And after you left, he wanted to drag those words out of his mouth, yet found it improper, instead, he asked to further get the conversation going. "How about you? Have you been seeing someone?" he queried his former best friend.
With a flicker of overwhelming emotions that flashed through her orbs, further enhancing the glow of the stars beneath her voids that resembled that of the ocean that she fancy, and the tint of roses coating her high cheekbones, he could only deduce that she's caught in a love mist.
One, two, three.
Lyon waited for the excruciating waves of grief to trickle through his heart; to feel his lungs screaming for air as it felt like a thousand roses laced with thorns is blocking his airway as death knocked through his door of life — the same anguish that he felt almost ten years ago, only that it didn't come.
Had time changed his feelings contrary to his belief? 
"Who's the lucky guy?" he didn't know but his mouth somehow formulated those words.
Hazy chuckles erupted from Juvia as she handed him the basket of carnations, he had only noticed the ivory envelope resting in the center with a gold wax seal. The blue-haired girl gestured for him to open the envelope which he instantly obliged, curious.
Together with their families
Gray and Juvia 
Request the pleasure of your gracious 
presence at their engagement celebration.
It was Gray, of course, he should have known.
Gray and Juvia, their names etched with a fine foil print on the scented paper in swooping, sloping, cursive alphabetical characters were the catalysts to the memories that he had tried to bury deep in his soul; the moments that he realized that it has always been Gray for Juvia as Juvia had always been for Gray.
The tale of the trio's friendship had its genesis in snowy weather with three snowmen clad in Juvia's Santa hats, the ridiculous purple hand-me-down gloves from Gray's sister, and the scarves that Lyon stole from his mother.
The cold breeze continuously prompts the six-year-old Juvia to erupt in a cute sneeze as her tiny fingers moved to shape the snow in a circle, the plush sweater that resembled that of a pink frog failing to do its job to shield her from the cold.
"Stupid Juvia, just go inside the house," shrieked the seven-year-old raven-haired boy, pointing to the house beside his home as he had enough of her sneezes. 
"No, Juvia wants to win!" the younger girl cried as she thumped her feet against the snow-covered ground.
"Let her be, you idiot!" taunted an eight-year-old Lyon who was lost in his world as he sculpt his snowman to perfection.
Gray stood up from his comfortable squat on the ground, harshly removing the scarf draped around his almost-finished snowman which caused the figure that he made for half an hour to crumble down into nothing but an ugly lump, mixing with the ivory land.
The silver-haired kid jumped up and down as he watch his friend's snowman disintegrate, "I won!"
Gray paid Lyon no heed, walking towards the blue-haired girl having a tantrum at Lyon's outburst. Standing in front of her, he encircled the red frozen scarf around her which engaged a shriek from Juvia. "G-Gray, no way! It's cold!" she embraced her arms around her body, squatting down on the ground.
Gray's hand trembled, quite shocked at her reaction as he quickly moved to untangle the scarf around the younger kid, confusion dancing in his deep-blue orbs. "What's wrong? Teacher Elfman said that scarves are made to keep people warm, right?" he questioned naively.
The sound of Juvia's sweet snortles resonated through his ears as he helped her stand up, the blue-haired girl tilted her head in a wavy azure bob as she began to wonder alongside Gray, she motioned the older boy to scoot down as she whispered in his ear, "Maybe Lyon's scarf is broken because he just stole it from Auntie?"
"Hey, I heard it!"
A seventeen-year-old Lyon threw his phone on the bed, his fingers raking his silver hair as he felt the frustration from his never-ending fights with his girlfriend consume him. He lay on the bed, covering his eyes with his hand as he debated climbing over to Ultear's balcony which is a house away from his own to fix their misunderstanding, and if he was lucky, he can have her writhing underneath him or the other way around and make out thoroughly with her, but he decided against it as she says over the phone and he quoted, "I need space."
The teenager stood up from his bed, deciding to just take a much-needed cold shower he opened the blinds to let some light from the sunset seep through his room when a scenery from the next door window caught his eye. His brows drew in a thick line, confused as to what were those two doing. Ever since he dated the purple-haired lady next-next door, he hadn't been able to hang out with his best friends. 
Gray lazily sit on Juvia's bed with Frosch resting on his bare stomach as he read one of the beauty's books about marine life, while the female was slumped in front of him with his bejeweled guitar (courtesy of Juvia) resting on her front seemingly playing a song which prompts the raven-haired athlete to cover his ears with his hands. 
The tune of Juvia's carefree laughter drifted through the air, even engaging a smile on the silver-haired teenager's forlorn features. Her laughter ceased when Gray rested his forehead against hers, their pointed noses brushing against each other. Juvia put down the guitar, her forefinger moving against her best friend's bare chest as she traced stars around the area where his heart resides. The raven-haired male moved his head away from her, only to rest it against her shoulder as he buried his face in her azure curls, the spectator couldn't help but to take notice of Gray's ear blushing to a healthy shade of red. 
The silver-haired male closed the blinds as his jaw clenched, feeling rather vexed over something that he didn't know.
The golden rays of the morning star spread their scorching warmth on the beach, providing heat on the water, the sound of the waves meeting the shore should have been peaceful yet it felt menacingly eerie. The pure sand seeped its way inside his sandals, despite the heat beating down against his body; Lyon could feel the cold sweat trickling down his pale skin as he stood frozen on the ground, his dark pupils shrinking as he stared at Juvia who seems rather pale and unbreathing as she lay in the arms of Gray.
As if she was a delicate China that could break with mishandling, Gray gingerly placed her on the ground as he sat next to her. Trying to be as calm as he could, feigning ignorance to the quivering of his body as his mind dreaded the worst-case scenarios or how he felt like air is being punched out of his lungs, the raven-head placed his hands at the center of the female's chest. His palms pushed as hard and fast as he could, deducing that his best friend wasn't responding, he was swift to tilt her chin upwards as he pinch her nose, sealing her lips with his own as he blew as much air into her mouth. 
The hockey player kept repeating the cycle several times, until the blue-haired girl began coughing up a huge amount of water, feebly shifting to her side to vomit more water. The first thing that she saw was Gray when she opened her blue eyes, heaving rapidly with heavy panting as she tuck Gray in a tight embrace as memories underneath the surface of the sea began flooding her mind. 
"J-Juvia t-thought she'd," blazing tears began to course down her red cheeks, slender fingers clinging to his back. Her shoulders tremble with the force of her emotions as she forced herself to say, choking on her sobs, "N-never sees you again, G-Gray-sama." 
Broad shoulders quivering, the hockey athlete only stroked her tangled locks with his fingers, responding to her cries with the feel of his pale lips planted on her left temple as he embraced her tighter as if she'd evaporate in his arms.
Relief began to wash over Lyon as he watched his best friend alive and breathing, yet he couldn't help but taste an acidic flavor in his mouth as he realized that he did nothing but just stood there while she was fighting for her life. His cyan eyes watched over the two figures on the ground, a green monster emotion burning behind his dark orbs as he felt that there was more to his two best friends than meets the eye, he just can't seem to decipher what.
"Juvia's leaving in a month to study in Alvarez."
Lyon felt like the moment had stopped as her words registered in his mind, he stared wide-eyed and mouth agape as enormous emotions began to consume his being. The chirping of the crickets residing in the pine trees remained as the only music that enveloped the quiet evening, the glow of the crescent moon burning brightly in the ceiling of midnight sky gifted light in the quaint town of Magnolia in which the two figures sat side by side in front of Juvia's porch. 
The barking of his dog next door bestowed him the courage to let out strangled words, "W-what do you mean?" A crease formed between his thick eyebrows as he gazed at the young lady, who exuded a melancholic aura as she further buried herself inside the embrace of her thick blanket.
Her bloodshot eyes were decorated with dark circles, and the radiance that she once emanate seemed to have flown out in the air as her pale lips trembled; it dawned on him that she must have been feeling under the weather for the past few days. The confusion began to circle his mind, ever since they were just children playing around in the neighborhood, it had always been her dream to leave this town and study abroad as her parents did before.
"Alvarez University is sponsoring Juvia a scholarship to study marine biology," she smiled weakly, her gaze drifting towards the empty road in front of them as she sink further into her sheets.
"Truth be told, Juvia's hesitating to leave. Somewhere deep in her soul, Juvia wants to stay in her comfort zone with her comfort people!" the acidic water trailing down her face was glistening under the moonlight. "Juvia does not want to leave G-Gray-sama behind, Juvia doesn't understand why he kept pushing her to go to Alvarez. And does Lyon know what's worst? He said he'd catch up on Juvia so she should just go, but Juvia knew how much he loves the hockey team here! Of course, Juvia being Juvia said no which resulted in a fight. Plus, other girls would probably make a move on him!" she ranted, breathing heavily, she broke out in a childish wail as her hands moved to conceal her face. 
Lyon did not say anything, he ignored how she just blurted out her feelings for Gray, instead he hauled the blue-haired girl in a firm hug to show his sympathy as she let out her pent-up anguish to her friend. She buried her halo of blue in Lyon's shoulder, seeking warmth and comfort after being in solitude for days, without the familiar arms that used to hold her to tend her broken heart.
The heavy footsteps ghosting against the blue-haired chick's front lawn rang through his ears as he looked up, before he could register the storm brewing inside the dark-haired athlete's irises of oceanic blue, the older teenager was drawn upwards as his sharp jaw met his friend's fist causing him to tumble on the ground.
"Dude, what the fuck?!" Lyon screamed in the late evening, gaining the interest of their neighbors who instantly opened their respective windows to eavesdrop, desperate for some gossip, and that includes his ex-girlfriend with an unamused stare as cucumber coated her entire face.
Before Gray had the chance to pounce at him for the second time, Juvia was quick to intervene as she clasp her painted fingers around the furious male's wrists. "Gray-sama, no! Stop!" she shrieked as she leaned her head on his trembling back, drawing stars around his bruised fist to calm him down. Deducing that she needs to lay her armor down to end this cold war with Gray, the beauty flashed Lyon an apologetic smile before hauling the vexed man inside her house.
A flicker of realization dawned on the nineteen-year-old boy, he completely understood now. 
Gravel-grey clouds hover above the pitched-black painted sky, droplets of rain plunged like thousand of icicles scraping his pale skin as he knelt in the wet ground holding out a raindrop ring residing inside a heart-shaped velvet box. The loud cries of the heavens failed to mask her single answer to his proposal, he clenched his teeth with the feeling that the natural calamity was mocking him with the acidic taste of the rain in the corner of his lips, how it rumbled throughout the sky resembling that of a madman's laugh.
Grueling waves of anguish transverse to his heart as a feeling of being ruptured over by a thousand shards flickered through his being, swift yet excruciating; roseate lace thorns seeped through his airways, heartwrenching, and bloody, blocking his means of breathing. The tears that escaped his cyan voids as it hauntingly coursed down his face like a river seeming as the only remedy to ease his pain as he grieved for the living, watching her azure waves drift as she ran away from him reflecting the agony that he was enduring.
Underneath the shower of the petals of water, as he dreads the path towards his house, Lyon loathed himself and his foolish decisions more than anything in the world. It was ungentlemanly, proposing to Juvia on a whim as he strive to stop her from leaving Alvarez to chase her childhood dreams.
The silver-haired man embraced his feelings, feigning ignorance of the emotions of his closest friends as he caused them misery, their prosperous yesterdays of childish laughs and cries seeming to fade into thin air with his act of egoism.
Lyon's soul felt thin as shame washed over his being, the hurt in his heart escalated as if he was struck by lightning, standing frozen a few meters in their neighborhood; his melancholic voids watched as the love of his life tiptoed to savor the taste of Gray's lips as if it is her greatest luxury, with the raven-head's arms embraced tightly around her quivering figure as if it'd shield her from the demons lurking in the world.
Or maybe it was Lyon, himself.
The homey aroma of hot chocolate laced with a hint of burnt wood wafting through Mira's cafe, gently tickling his nostrils was the catalyst to bring his mind back to reality. His keen eyes observed the person in front of her, her oceanic orbs drifting around the cafe she frequented as a child, trying to spot as many changes as she failed to do so. 
Lyon brought the cup of his beverage to his lips, the sweet flavor providing him the determination to speak the words he failed to do back then. "Juvia," he began which caught her interest. "About the night before you left the country," recognition danced inside her starlike voids, "I sincerely apologize. Believe me, when I say, there wasn't a single night where I did not regret what I did. In my defense, I have none for not respecting your feelings to save my own." 
The fair lady painted a ray of sunshine over her angelic features, "Juvia had long forgiven Lyon for that. And it's alright now, but that stunt is something, doesn't Lyon think so?"
"Well," he responded with a nervous laugh.
The awkward aura that he felt earlier ceased to exist as it seemed to have evaporated into the dense air, they continued to converse about their lives for half an hour over cups of hot chocolate and cafe mocha with gingerbread cookies on the side — a similar scenery back when they were foolish teenagers.
The silver-haired man had learned that she and Gray had been together for more than ten years, turns out the former hockey player found himself fascinated with glaciology when he set foot in Alvarez. Juvia had also told him that her relationship with the raven-haired male had hit quite a bump in the road, like how she thought they would break up in the morning after 'the great war' as she quoted, but contrary to her insecurities, the man had remained patient with her as she is for him.
Lyon relish the way how her orbs were sparkling every time she talked about her glaciologist of a fiance, yet there was a selfish part of him that couldn't help but wonder that if one of his wishes had come true, would he be the one to light up the stars in her eyes?
"No!" Juvia exclaimed as she fixed her gaze on her phone, a crease forming in between her defined eyebrows as she gaze back at him with an apologetic smile. "Juvia had to go now, does Lyon remember Lucy? She's going into labor now!" she hastily stood up on her heels, as she fished out two cards from her purse that ranges from blue to black colors.
Lyon stood up with a grin on his lips, receiving the cards in her beige-painted fingers before briefly checking it to see that it was Juvia and Gray's contact details. "Oh! The writer who's dating Dragneel? I'm hoping for her best delivery," intoned the man. 
"Juvia truly enjoyed the chat today, she hopes we can catch up again some other time with Gray-sama like old times!" Juvia took a few steps towards the silver-haired man engaging him in a friendly hug as she pats his back before drawing away, "Be sure to bring a date next month! Juvia heard from Gray-sama that Ultear's single," she winked teasingly, before waving goodbye.
The lawyer stared at her as she walked towards the decorated door with a jump in her steps, observing her through the large window adorned with gilded pinecones, he noticed how she tucked a stray lock of azure behind her ear when a black Lexus car halted before her. 
Gray emerged from the driver's seat to open up the car door for her, he rested his palms on both of her shoulders which made her stop in her strides, before removing the woolen grey-colored scarf around his neck to drape it around her, making sure to hide her gorgeous face from the cold.
Some things never change. 
Satisfastion coursed through his veins, pleased that Gray and Juvia ended up with each other, despite trying to act as the villain of their story to sabotage fate himself. Some things are just meant to be, he thought as he took a sip from his beverage, catching a glimpse of vivid curls of bubblegum pink, and maroon eyes, walking past the couple.
Juvia encircled her slender arms around Gray's broad shoulders, sneakily pointing at the mistletoe by the bejeweled pivot door of the cafe. The raven-haired man rolled his blue eyes, whispering sweet nothings into her flushed ear, before leaning down to claim her luscious lips with his own. 
A sense of contentment washer over Lyon as his orbs of cyan voids stared at his old friends with a proud gaze, the quaint town of Magnolia had never seen a love as pure as these childhood sweethearts who seemed oblivious to the lavender haze that they emanates.
All's well that ends well.
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I am all over Greige! I mean him being insecure towards Renesmee, the golden child, 👌 Him being an absolute Hedonist with a gift to match 👌 He sounds like the perfect addition to the Cullens. I like to think that him, being a somewhat empath (pre-emotions), is completely aware of the Cullen drama and is that one guy at family gatherings who just sits back and watches the drama letting it wash over him. Greige for just existing. Is he the family disappointment/middle child in the family? That’s nice he’s gonna smoke some weed now. Is the family disappointed that he’s not completely ethical and moral? Oh well. They’re doomed to collapse as a family unit anyways. Whatever happens, happens, so long as Greige is happy.
Well, @smallcatwoman and @therealvinelle deserve that praise, I just reblogged.
Look, you two, praise!
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anachrosims · 1 year
I had an epiphany about the greige luxe aesthetic disk horse and I’m here to share it:
Aesthetics are (mostly) neutral things, provided the aesthetic itself isn’t evoking/promoting an ideology that’s rooted in bigotry and/or harming other people. You’re allowed to like greige luxe, which is what I am personally going to call it from now on. Basically, an aesthetic on its own is not good/evil, it didn’t kill your sensei, etc.
Trends, however? Oh, my friends in Christ! My Dear Honeys and Bunches of Oats! Here’s where it gets fun, because trends imply a group of instances within a period of time. A trend is something you can chart out using a graph to say, “this style is being used X (how much it’s used) over Y (a period of months/years).”
When people gripe about the greige luxe nightmare, it’s because we’ve been experiencing it in a gradual crescendo for well over a decade. When a person gripes about a trend, it isn’t a personal attack against people who happen to genuinely have that personal taste, though I’m sure it can often feel like one.
 The problem in this specific case is that greige luxe has a lot of cultural baggage rooted in classism (this aesthetic has been promoted by companies sponsoring overpriced brands--looking at you Magnolia Home) and the diluting (literally) of other styles into being watered down. It’s taken the sleek and often fun pop of midcentury, Scandi, and midcentury modern and even rustic styles and literally neutralized them, sanding off the “rough” edges to make it all more appealing to a wider audience. 
Don’t believe me? Check out this article from the Guardian from 2022, which discusses that “... the origin of this great wave of grey goes back through centuries of western culture to a longstanding prejudice against bright colors, as explored by the artist David Batchelor in his 2000 book Chromophobia.” It goes on to explain, “Goethe’s Theory of Colors, published in 1810, maintained that bright colors were suited to children and animals, not sophisticated adults. ...  Still today, words such as ‘lurid’ and ‘garish’ have negative connotations. ‘Color is often represented as feminine, or Oriental, or primitive, or infantile, rather than grown-up and philosophical and serious … and it’s clearly indexed to issues of race, culture, class and gender,’ says Batchelor.” 
The article further elaborates on this by comparing the trend to what is associated with “’refined taste’”-- “’...a desire for the muted, the minimal, the sparse...’ Over the past 15 years, ‘what we have seen is a move from the yellow end of the spectrum to the cooler one – from beige, to greige’, amounting to what Fox calls ‘a desaturating effect’ across culture.” (Context: British art historian James Fox, author of The World According to Colour.)
As for the Sims community? Well... I personally associate the greige trend with permapaywallers and even well-known early access (but contraversial) creators following it excessively, leading popular builders to make lots based almost entirely around this greige luxe nightmare. In addition to cultural baggage, it’s now got community baggage heaped on, and I expect that’s what’s led to the visceral reaction we’re seeing. Basically in the Sims community, greige luxe is a whole thing associated now with appropriated styles that have been watered down, commodified, and associated with “upper class refinement”, especially to the detriment of variety and vitality.
The article does also point out that as society has become more and more polarized, the trend has grown, “...[s]ince the mid-2010s especially, people have sought not to be energized by their homes – but soothed.” And yeah, that tracks-- people want calm, want simple. And that’s okay! I myself genuinely like soothing rooms, color schemes that are softer--neutrals and pastels and washed-out rustica with a soft pop of color here and there. Absolutely lovely.
I also think there’s merit to wanting something more uplifting, and the article references things like recent tentative trends toward more color, like interior designs leaning for warmer tones, red dining rooms coming back into vogue, and even Apple’s more colorful line of products: “It suggests that post-pandemic people are prioritising not serenity in their homes, but joy.”
To bring it all back home: Yeah, like what you like. Just please try to understand that trend fatigue and changing times can and will lead people to yearn for something different, and it never hurts to branch out into new palettes and decor styles. While I understand the “mass appeal” of simple neutral colors and sleek styles, my own personal happiness needs a bit more levity, more vitality, lest I feel washed out and uninspired.
(I do recommend reading the article; it isn’t an actual indictment of greige, but rather a discussion illustrating opinions both for and against and the history of the “neutral” trend.)
Further suggested reading: How Are Color Trends Decided? Article from DraperyStreet in 2017, & Color Trend Predictions for 2023, from LuxeSource in 2022, & Greige, the Color That’s Taking Over Pinterest, from Business Insider in 2015.
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i love living in an apartment of confusing aesthetics. we got greige mom core, we got witchcore, we got conspiracy theorist core, we got faerycore, we got country music star core, we got girl in her teal phase core, we got a cat.
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Scarlette Halter Dress from Petal & Pup ($79) & LockMe Tender Purse in Greige from Louis Vuitton ($2,760)
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aretis · 6 months
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milkhoney-remaking · 1 year
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by /hasnaa.bct/ . ❀
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