#Grians an enigma
vesperionnox · 1 year
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[ Day 56 ]
Nothing like a staring contest that slowly does damage
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aiming-for-phantoms · 2 years
Obsessed with Oli OrionSound asking JoeHills what the Resistance Assistance is and Joe responding
"You know, I don't really try to understand what Grian does, it really frustrates my kid because it's all she wants to talk about at dinner. She's like "Dad, why did Grian decide to do this?" and I'm like "I don't know". It's just like, why don't we talk about something more simple like politics in Europe?"
(HermitCraft 9 Ep 49 on JoeHillsTSD, 22:45)
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a-lonely-tatertot · 9 months
Goodnight tfc's ugly as sin starter base. Goodnight tfc's ugly as sin mine. Goodnight season 9. Goodnight TFC.
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bigb-enthusiast · 2 years
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linxkly · 2 years
concept: while grian could be a birb using the origins mod, I offer enigma grian. imagine lizzie and grian as the ultimate enigma duo they’d be incredible you wouldn’t be able to even imagine containing their chaos.
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whiteboardartstudios · 8 months
haven't drawn any fanart for a while, so here's a screenshot redraw from Pearl's episode 2! :D
idk why I just found this image kind of funny lol (I'm imagining that Pearl's just very confused after they just drove by Grian silently fishing like the enigma that he is :P) (they're so silly I love them)
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original image under the cut
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disguisedalpaca · 2 years
grian sounds like toad from mario bros in etho's latest video lmao
i had a vision, an epiphany
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you do not understand the machinations within my mind, I am an enigma
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isjasz · 1 year
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[Day 54]
Desertduo but put them in the 100+ origins @flavarrshop threw us in tdy KSDJakl
I think enigma grian is really cool >:) @vesperionnox will show scars design after!
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 8 months
Xisuma may be the admin of the server. But he is definitely not the strongest on it.
TFC, the god of mining. Half of everything. He knows his way throughout caves. Server hopping may be a difficult, intense process for anyone else, but he can simply mine through world borders if he choses to.
Pearl and Grian, omnipresent gods. The first watchers. They have access to a council full of others like them. They are worshiped by every watcher to know of their existences. Thousands of eyes, watching it all.
Joe Hills. An enigma, but a powerful one. He speaks of a world much, much larger than the confines of minecraft. He knows what the world truly is. He knows the others know that he knows, too. He doesn't dare share these secrets.
Cleo. A mortal, but an unspeakably powerful one. The first to crawl her way out of hell, back into her body, back to consciousness. All out of sheer force of will. There are many myths that speak of her greatness. Few have followed in her footsteps, and even fewer succeeded. But anyone who has tried knows her story.
Doc. A man who pushes the boundaries of life and death for fun. He cackles at the mere concept of rules, knowing how to break them all on his own. In divine quickness, too.
If Xisuma ever tried to rule with an iron fist, if he ever got too cocky, he'll be reminded real quick who he has as his server mates.
The reason why Xisuma's so-called rule works, is that he never tries to use fear or power to control them. He doesn't really control them at all. Hermitcraft is a council of equals, of friends, no matter how much personal power someone has. Xisuma is just the one who stepped up to take on admin duties.
-Mod Mleem
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greeenchrysanthemums · 9 months
Scar is just as much of an enigma to Gem as Grian is, if not more so. He had just appeared by Grian's side one day, and with him he brought a sense of danger that unsettled Gem to the core. He is deceivingly kind with his wide smiles and cheerful tone of voice, but Gem knows he is not what he portrays himself to be. The only problem is that she doesn't know what he is, simply that he is a liar.
Sometimes his green eyes seemed to flash a pale, almost white, blue under the shadow of his hood. A trick of the light maybe? Or was it something more? His smile, too, sometimes appeared to be...wider, sharper, much more cruel than the cheeky grin he usually wore. When these things happen, Gem's ears pop and a heavy pressure builds behind her eyes; some kind of magic, but what kind.
He always seemed to trail behind Grian like a shadow despite the sunny persona that he put on. In fact, there was only one time she recalled having had met the eerie man without Grian present, and it was a memory that kept her up late into the night, hand itching for her sword and eyes uneasily watching the dark corners to her quarters.
She thinks of Grian as a threat, of course she does. The man had built a resistance from the ground up and was a constant nuisance she was sent out to deal with; and she was the best of the best, she isn't sent out to take care of just anything. So, yes, she thinks of Grian as a threat. He, however, does not frighten her.
Scar does.
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someone might have already talked about an all first out life series but I've been Thinking and came up with ways to make it worse >:)
Out Life! A life series where four copies of Jimmy and Lizzie are the only players. The four Jimmy's are Jimmy, Martyn, Ren, and Joel- except they all pretend to be eachother at various different points of time, have voice changers that swap every thirty minutes, and all wear the same skin. (The reason I choose those three is that they're either good actors, get really into bits, or know Jimmy really well.)
Grian joins the game in creative mode at the beginning to explain the twist (as there is more to it, possibly game changing rules and mechanics) but gets angry and leaves in a huff without explaining any new things after Lizzie points out that he technically just canonized him dying first in Real Life. He never joins back, and no one explains any of the mechanics, so they play it like it's vanilla for the most part. Nothing is visibly different.
No one knows what's happening. None of the Jimmy's upload on their channels- however, a new channel called "Jimcentral" appears and is advertised by all of the former life series players on their channels. "Jimcentral" is where all of the Jimmy's povs are uploaded- all edited by one anonymous person so they don't have a telltale editing style. Lizzie spends most of the sessions dying of laughter. There are near constant explosions, and somehow the game runs for nine weeks before anyone drops a life- in the tenth session, everything goes to hell.
The Jimmy's have a civil war, two against two. One team wins and permakills the other. Lizzie is caught in the crossfire and killed as well. The two remaining Jimmy's duke it out, and one wins. The winning Jimmy then recites a twenty minute long peice of poetry and promptly gets squashed by an anvil. His final words are "no longer will a bird be caged, and- hey, what is that?"
Massive social media wars break out as the fan base tries to determine which Jimmy won. None of the content creators know either, as nametags were completely disabled in game, but they all claim to have won. It becomes a well documented conspiracy theory, and exactly half a year after the starting date, the Jimcentral youtube channel is deleted, along with all of the Jimmy povs. Lizzie takes her videos down as well. The series known as Out Life remains an enigma, a phantom in the memory of the Life Series fans. Grian denies that this event ever happened.
...pretty bad, right?
This reads like something that happened in an alternate timeline, because what on earth did I just read,
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seralyra · 1 year
Grian is an enigma in the Life Series. He’s playing to win. He’s ruthless. But he’s also fiercely loyal and the dichotomy of those two aspects messes him up so bad every time.
He is the victim of his own nature. Grian forges alliances out of necessity. Because that’s what he needs to succeed. But he stays because he’s growing attached to his allies every time. No matter how hard he fights against it. How much he rebels against the bonds he creates. He always ends up staying. And he always ends up alone.
The most obvious is Scar. Grian is his ally in 3rd Life. He bonds with him out of obligation and stays because he can’t find it in himself to leave. And in Double Life he tries to get away from Scar, but let’s not forget that he is the one to seek Scar out in the first place. And He’s not the one to use that golden apple. It’s Pearl. Even though he was the one who suggested creating an item to break bonds.
He’s the one to talk Scar into basing together. And while he is secret soulmates with BigB he always comes back to Scar. In Limited Life it is obvious, too. Grian never really attacks Scar without being provoked first. Whenever the two are alone together they just talk and tease each other. And while Grian desperately tries to keep his distance, to make sure they are not allied. He ends up becoming family anyway.
Last Life was a bit of an outlier. But Mumbo was in Last Life and Grian will always fixate on Mumbo first. And even then Grian still couldn’t help but go to Scar after he turned red to give him his stuff back and comfort him.
Jimmy is another case. Whenever he is allied with Grian there will always be an attempt at kicking him out of the group. But it never feels too serious. Grian is used to teasing Jimmy. And ultimately Grian tends to be the voice of reason in the groups he ends up in. The Southlands fell apart as soon as Grian turned red and was kicked out. And the Bad Boys would have died of stupid stunts much earlier if Grian didn’t give them a few things to focus on instead.
Grian is constantly in denial. Yes, Grian, this game as no rules. Now who are you bending those rules for, hm? Oh, allyships don’t matter? Then why are you chosing to stay when all you do is complain about your partners?
It’s because he can’t decide what’s more important to him: Winning or friendship.
His very nature kicks him in the butt every time. He’s so lovely undecided in what he wants. He’s a bastard. He loves chaos. He shoves people off bridges and pushes buttons and is surprised when people die because of it.
He also hates betrayals. Grian doesn’t much care for accidental deaths, but he won’t stand for any backstabbing. And so he’s ruthless in his judgement. He kills Mumbo for it. And Jimmy. And he would have killed Scar for it in 3rd Life, too, had Scar not proven to him that he had not betrayed him.
They are all their own curse. Jimmy and Joel and Grian. They fail because their nature always gets the better of them. Jimmy picks fights he can’t win and let’s himself be strung along crazy missions. Joel falls for his own funny, but oftentimes dangerous ideas and let’s panic consume him once he’s confronted with his consequences.
And Grian is always the downfall for his partners because he can never decide whether he wants to go or stay and just has to cause mayhem wherever he goes.
I think all of that shines through so clearly this season because they are all more careless. They can die more often and that, funnily enough, makes them all have more time to actually act on their nature.
Of course, I know in the end they are just a group of friends having fun playing a game. But in a narrative sense this tickles my brain so bad.
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mcytshipsandmore · 15 days
Is this just where we put random mcyt ship headcanons and stuffs? Hope so cause thats what I'm doing
Ariana Griande (as like a separate character to Grian) and Cleo are exes who are still flirting constantly, despite this neither of them will ever ask the other out again
Idk i just thought of Ariana and Cleo being gay for eachother once and now i cant get it out of my head and it is pain because there are no fanfics about just them
Geuss i gotta write some
On the topic of Cleo ships though I think that people should write shadowrot but with Enigma Lizzie from Afterlife
Like Lizzie litterally killing anyone she looks at for too long but Cleo not being affected cause she's already dead
Somebody do this now or i will
You are a masterpiece of a genius 🫵
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not-kayvalencourt · 3 months
Ahasbands/redwood is so tragic actually when you think abt it
Cut cause this ended up being longer than I thought it would lol, expand for a silly little character analysis of my favorite life series ship <3
One of Martyn's defining traits is his loyalty. He finds a cause and commits. He's willing to do anything to protect his beliefs, even if he can be a bit chaotic.
Mumbo, on the other hand, is way more of an enigma than people make him out to be. Sure, he's a bit awkward and nerdy, but he's able to be chaotic for chaos's sake. The thing is, he has no real loyalties. He's willing to betray anyone for the smallest benefit to himself.
When Mumbo goes red in ll, he immediately defects from the Southlands, blowing up the sugarcane farm he built. He actively targets his former allies - even if it doesn't always go well - but he kind of enjoys it. When Mumbo is red, he makes the most out of it. His mantra is practically "not here for a long time, but a good time."
I could honestly talk plenty more about how their individual personalities clash and how that changes their dynamic and yadayadayada but it's almost 3am and I have to be up in 6 hours ://
While Martyn was in the shadow alliance and objectively a traitor to the Southlands, he's still technically the last one to leave the alliance. He lingers, unable to cut the strings that attached him to the base, as seen by his hallucinations of Mumbo and Jimmy in one of his episodes. Even after the two tried to kill Martyn and Grian, he still used the boogey curse to enact revenge because Grian is a traitor who murdered their allies.
That whole scene was kind of fucked, too. Martyn spends the whole time hanging back. He doesn't want to hurt Mumbo or Jimmy, even if he threatens to. When they attack, he doesn't do much to stop them, nor does he really try to stop Grian. He still sees them as his allies, his friends, his husband tried to murder him and Martyn still wanted to protect him.
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songbirdsanctuary · 3 months
Secrets Beneath
Warnings: Implied self-harm.
Word count: 2,450
The sun blazed mercilessly over Hermitcraft, the heat radiating off the cobblestone paths and wooden structures. It was one of those scorching summer days where even the thought of venturing outside seemed unbearable. Skizz wiped the sweat from his brow as he made his way through the bustling Hermitcraft community, his eyes scanning the horizon for his friends.
He found them near the town square, gathered under the sparse shade of a large oak tree. Zedaph and Impulse were laughing and joking, while Tango, ever the blazeborn, seemed unaffected by the heat. Grian stood a little apart from them, tugging uncomfortably at his heavy sweater, his face flushed with perspiration.
"Hey, Grian," Skizz called out, his voice filled with concern. "Why are you wearing that thing in this heat? You look like you're about to melt!"
Grian offered a sheepish smile, pulling at the collar of his sweater. "Yeah, it's a bit much, isn't it? I just didn't think to change this morning."
Zedaph, always quick with a solution, clapped his hands together. "I've got an idea! Why don't we all head down to the lake for a swim? It's the perfect way to cool off."
Impulse's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds awesome! What do you say, Grian? It'll be way cooler than standing around here."
Tango nodded in agreement, though he preferred to stay dry. "Yeah, come on, Grian. It'll do you good."
Grian hesitated for a moment, glancing at his friends' expectant faces. "Alright, you talked me into it. Let's go for a swim."
The group set off towards the lake, their spirits lifted by the promise of cool water. As they walked, Skizz couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Grian's discomfort than just the heat. He made a mental note to keep an eye on his friend, hoping that the swim would help Grian relax and feel better.
When they arrived at the lake, the sight of the shimmering water was a welcome relief. Zedaph and Impulse wasted no time diving in, their laughter echoing across the water. Grian followed more slowly, pulling off his sweater to reveal a simple t-shirt underneath. Skizz, already in his swim trunks, was about to join them when he noticed something that made him pause.
The cool water of the lake was a welcome relief from the oppressive heat, and the Hermits quickly settled into a rhythm of swimming and splashing. Zedaph and Impulse engaged in a playful water fight, their laughter echoing across the lake. Tango, staying true to his blazeborn nature, remained on the shore, content with building an elaborate sandcastle.
Skizz, however, found himself less engrossed in the fun and more preoccupied with his observations. He floated on his back, letting the water buoy him up as he watched Grian wade deeper into the lake. The sun glinted off the surface, creating a shimmering reflection that danced around them.
As Grian moved, Skizz's eyes were drawn to the scars again. He saw that most of them looked like cuts and scratches, some faded with time, while others were more recent and still raw. There were even scars on Grian's wrists that resembled self-harm marks. Skizz's heart tightened with concern.
The Hermits usually knew each other's battle scars. They had shared their stories over countless nights around the campfire. Skizz's own scars were a testament to his adventures and mishaps, tales he had recounted with a mix of pride and humor. Everyone knew how Scar had been caught in a terrible fire as a kid, leaving him with burn scars that he wore like a badge of honor. Xisuma's prominent X-shaped scar was a mystery he had chosen to reveal in fragments, each piece adding to the enigma of their leader.
But Grian's scars were a different story altogether. Skizz had never seen them before, and Grian had never spoken about them. The realization that he knew so little about Grian's past unsettled him. They were friends, part of the tight-knit community of Hermitcraft, yet there were parts of Grian's life that remained hidden.
Skizz swam closer to Grian, trying to keep his curiosity in check. "Hey, Grian," he called out, aiming for a casual tone. "You're really quiet today. Everything okay?"
Grian glanced up, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Yeah, just thinking, I guess. The water feels nice."
Skizz nodded, not wanting to push too hard. "It does. It's a good break from the heat."
They swam in companionable silence for a while, but Skizz's mind kept returning to the scars. He wanted to ask, to understand what his friend had been through, but he also didn't want to pry or make Grian uncomfortable.
As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the lake, the Hermits gradually made their way out of the water. Skizz, still preoccupied with the troubling sight of Grian's scars, waded to the shore, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. He dried off quickly and scanned the area, spotting Tango near his impressive sandcastle creation.
Tango, with his blazeborn heritage, didn't enjoy swimming, preferring instead to stay dry and build elaborate structures in the sand. Skizz approached him, trying to gather his thoughts. The afternoon had been fun, but the discovery of Grian's scars weighed heavily on his mind.
"Hey, Tango," Skizz greeted as he plopped down beside him, admiring the intricacy of the sandcastle. "That's looking pretty epic."
Tango glanced up, a pleased grin spreading across his face. "Thanks, Skizz. Just trying to make the most of the day."
Skizz nodded, his gaze drifting back to where Grian was sitting, toweling off and chatting with Zedaph and Impulse. He took a deep breath, deciding to broach the subject that had been bothering him. "Tango, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what's up?" Tango responded, his attention shifting from his sandcastle to Skizz.
Skizz hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Do you know anything about Grian's scars? I noticed he has quite a few, and some of them look pretty serious. I don't remember him ever mentioning them."
Tango's brow furrowed in confusion. "Scars? What do you mean?"
Skizz explained, describing the various marks he'd seen on Grian's arms and back. He mentioned the top scars and the ones on Grian's wrists that looked like self-harm marks. Tango listened intently, his expression growing more serious with each word.
"Honestly, Skizz, I had no idea," Tango said, shaking his head. "I didn't even know he had that many scars. Grian's always been pretty private about his past. He's never mentioned anything like that to me."
Skizz sighed, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. "Yeah, it's just... we usually know each other's stories, you know? But Grian's scars... they seem like they've got some heavy history behind them."
Tango nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. We've all shared our scars and stories over the years, but Grian's always been a bit of a mystery. Maybe there's a reason he hasn't told us."
Skizz looked back at Grian, who was now laughing at something Impulse had said. "I just want to make sure he's okay. Those scars... they don't look like they're from the usual adventures."
Tango placed a reassuring hand on Skizz's shoulder. "I get it, Skizz. But maybe we need to respect his privacy. If Grian wants to share his story, he will. Until then, we just have to be there for him, like we always are."
Skizz nodded, appreciating Tango's wisdom. "You're right. I just hope he knows he can talk to us if he needs to."
The two friends sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun dip lower in the sky. The day had been filled with fun and camaraderie, but the discovery of Grian's scars had cast a shadow over Skizz's heart. He resolved to be patient and supportive, hoping that one day Grian would feel comfortable enough to share his story.
As the afternoon turned to evening, the Hermits began to pack up their belongings and prepare for the journey back to their respective bases. The sun's golden glow bathed the landscape in a warm, soft light, creating a serene atmosphere.
"Thanks for inviting me, guys," Grian said, a genuine smile lighting up his face as he gathered his things. "I really needed this."
Skizz returned the smile, feeling a mix of satisfaction and concern. "Anytime, Grian. It was great having you with us."
Just as Grian turned to leave, something caught Skizz's eye. Grian's hair shifted slightly, revealing that his right eye was missing, the socket covered with a patch of scar tissue. Skizz's heart skipped a beat at the sight, a fresh wave of worry washing over him.
"See you later, Grian," Skizz called out, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. Grian nodded and, with a quick flap of his wings, took to the sky, flying towards his home.
Skizz watched him go, the image of Grian's missing eye seared into his mind. He said his goodbyes to Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango, then took to the air himself, his destination clear. He headed towards the docks that Grian had built, a peaceful spot where his friend often went to fish and reflect.
The flight was short, and Skizz landed softly on the wooden planks of the dock. The evening air was cooler now, carrying the gentle sounds of water lapping against the shore. In the distance, he saw Grian sitting at the end of the dock, his oversized sweater once again hiding his scars from view. A fishing rod was in his hands, the line cast out into the still water.
Skizz approached quietly, not wanting to startle his friend. "Hey, Grian," he said softly, taking a seat beside him. "Mind if I join you?"
Grian glanced up, offering a small smile. "Of course not, Skizz. It's nice to have some company."
For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the occasional splash of a fish and the gentle creaking of the dock. Skizz watched Grian out of the corner of his eye, trying to find the right words.
"Grian," he began carefully, "I noticed something earlier. You... you're missing an eye."
Grian stiffened slightly, his grip on the fishing rod tightening. "Yeah," he replied quietly. "It's not something I like to talk about."
Skizz pressed on, unable to hold back his concern. "And the scars, Grian. They look pretty serious. Some of them... they look like they've been there for a long time. How did you get them?"
Grian's expression hardened, and he turned his gaze back to the water. "Skizz, I told you. It's not something I want to talk about."
Skizz felt a pang of frustration but tried to keep his tone gentle. "I understand that, Grian, but we're friends. We care about you. If something happened, if you're in trouble or if you need help—"
Grian cut him off, his voice cold and distant. "Skizz, drop it. I'm fine. I don't need you digging into my past."
The silence that followed was thick with tension. Skizz could see that Grian had shut down, retreating behind a wall of silence. He wanted to push further, to break through that wall, but he knew it would only drive Grian away.
"Alright, Grian," Skizz said quietly, feeling a mix of disappointment and helplessness. "I won't bring it up again."
Grian didn't respond, his focus remaining on the fishing line bobbing gently in the water. Skizz sat beside him, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air. He hoped that, in time, Grian would feel safe enough to share his story. Until then, he would respect his friend's silence, offering support in the only way he could: by being there.
The night air grew cooler as Skizz sat beside Grian on the dock, the tension between them lingering like a fog. The stars above twinkled brightly, casting a soft light on the still waters of the lake. Skizz glanced at Grian, who remained focused on his fishing line, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
After a while, Skizz sighed and began to stand up, feeling it was best to give Grian some space. "I guess I'll head back now," he said quietly. "Take care, Grian."
As he turned to leave, Grian's voice stopped him. "Skizz, wait."
Skizz paused, looking back at his friend. Grian was still staring at the water, but there was a vulnerability in his voice that hadn't been there before.
"Can you... can you promise me something?" Grian asked, his tone hesitant.
"Of course," Skizz replied, sitting back down. "What is it?"
Grian finally lifted his gaze to meet Skizz's eyes, the pain and uncertainty clear in his expression. "Please don't tell the others about my scars. I don't want them to worry or to treat me differently. I just... I want to keep it to myself for now."
Skizz felt a surge of empathy for his friend. He reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Grian's shoulder. "I promise, Grian. I won't say a word to anyone. It's your story to tell when you're ready."
Grian's shoulders relaxed, and he gave a small nod of gratitude. "Thank you, Skizz. That means a lot."
Skizz hesitated for a moment, then pulled Grian into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry for prying earlier. I just care about you, and I didn't want you to feel alone."
Grian returned the hug, his grip tight as if seeking comfort. "I know, Skizz. And I appreciate it. I'm just not ready to talk about it yet."
They pulled apart, and Skizz gave Grian a reassuring smile. "Whenever you are ready, I'll be here. We all will."
Grian nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Skizz. I appreciate that more than you know."
As Skizz stood up to leave once more, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. He had made a promise to his friend, and he intended to keep it. The journey to understanding Grian's past would take time, but for now, he would respect his friend's wishes and be there when he was needed.
"Goodnight, Grian," Skizz said softly.
"Goodnight, Skizz," Grian replied, turning his attention back to the water.
Skizz walked away from the dock, his heart lighter than it had been earlier. He knew that the road ahead might be difficult, but with patience and understanding, he believed that their friendship would grow stronger. And until Grian was ready to share his story, Skizz would be there, a steadfast friend in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead.
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ooooo-mcyt · 10 months
If we're gonna get all Analytical about it the base burning thing. Grian absolutely made those bases to be impermanent structures. He burned them down at the end of each episode because he hated them so deeply they made him wanna tear his skin out, not because there was anything wrong with them, but because he was lonely. It doesn't Matter if he lives in a winding enigma or in a soft nest, if silence still haunts both. So he'd build, and he'd look upon the temporary structures, and he'd burn them down as substitute for the warmth usually filled by companionship, and he promises the next time he builds, it'll be permanent. But every time he builds with wood; kindling for a forest fire or for a hearth (depends on how you look at it). Until he's offered a home with people beside him. He sets another fire, he salts the earth, he leaves, and the next time he builds- with Cleo and Etho beside him- it's out of cobblestone, not wood.
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