#Gymnastic Crash Mat
octopiys · 2 months
hmmmm I'm thinking about olympic ring gymnast!simon.... his almost too pale skin, like he's perfectly sculpted from the same marble the Greeks used for their statues, the way his muscles ripple beneath his leotard, smearing chalk onto his hands. It clouds up the air in front of him, catching in the slight fuzz crossed his chest. The mat isn't too springy. He used it earlier, before the comp started. Not too much an advantage, but he just used his resources. Just a landing pad.
His coach is on the sidelines, as are many other gymnasts, some he recognizes, and some he doesn't. This will be his third individual gold. His difficulty can't be matched.
The rings are warm, a familiar fit to his hands. In, and out, he breathes deeply, before he begins.
It doesn't even cross his mind as he performs. His fingers flay out across the rings, he doesn't think he's ever done a false grip in his life. The lights flash, and he straightens his arms, flipping himself, pointing his toes. He forgot to do that once, and the media gave him hell. Like they could ever dream of doing better than him. He holds himself straight, slipping upside down, perfectly vertical. Someone cheers as the ropes groan, and he flips again. A muscle in his wrist strains uncomfortably. It's hot in here.
Off, off, off....
He misses the sit. He flips again, and nails it, pointing his toes as his legs straighten in front of him. He can't forget to point his toes. His arms shake with strain, the ropes shaking with him. He's got to reign it in. He's just getting to the finale.
He tucks his legs, and flips once, twice, three times, repeated, melodious, using his momentum to come out of the third with his arms straight out to his sides, parallel to the floor. His legs tense, straightening where they are, pointed towards the ground.
In, out, and off. He holds the iron cross for a few moments, before pulling himself up, the rings in towards his sides. Sweat beads on the back of his neck. He brings his legs up, swinging once, twice, and flips, letting go of the rings.
He can't tell how many twists he does. It was supposed to be three. His feet plant on the mat, knees bending to absorb the shock. He... he didn't stumble.
Blood rushes in his ears as he straightens, leaning forward slightly, his arms out to hold his balance. His back is tense. There's a pain in his wrist. The tips of his fingers point out, and he pivots on his heel to face the judges, dipping his head in a bow of acknowledgement, and the sound of a roaring stadium returns. They cheer for him.
In, out, and back on again. The adrenaline crashes into him as he makes his way towards the team benches, Price meeting him halfway with a cool cloth, and a water bottle. Price is grinning like a madman.
Simon can tell he is, too.
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mermaidgirl30 · 2 months
✨Somersaults and Stealing Hearts Part 2: Watch Me✨
Coach! Joel Miller x gymnast! OFC
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Thank you to the lovely @alltheirdamn for beta reading and screaming about them with me 🥰
Summary: While all the other girls gush over Coach Miller, Madison can’t stand him. And when her turn comes on the vault, she gets a little carried away.
Word Count: 3.2k
Rating: 18+ only
Tags: Lots of banter, arguing to flirting, dual POV
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The next day is barely tolerable as I stand with my arms crossed firmly against my chest, my right hip cocked out to the side. I let the cool breeze from the vents take the bitter sting away that rushes like a raging waterfall through my sore joints. 
   The slick purple leotard clings to my tanned, burning skin, and my tight blonde ponytail feels like it’s creating an incurable migraine at the back of my skull. I roll my eyes with every insufferable breath Joel breathes, not even caring if he sees how his droning voice affects my sour mood.
   He’s not my coach. He will never be my coach.
   “Listen up, girls,” Joel yells across the room, standing in the middle of the blue mat with a clipboard in one hand and a black ink pen in the other. “I’m gonna have each of you go through your uneven bar and vault routines. We have a lot of cover to ground before regionals, and it’s not that far off.”
   Unbelievable. If he really knew me, he’d know those were my two strongest routines. It’s my floor and balance beam routine that’ve been kicking my ass lately, and I just can’t stick my landings like I need to to qualify for nationals. And the double back salto? Well, that’s another beast entirely that I can’t quite grasp. Coach Carr would know that, but she apparently didn’t include Joel in that conversation. 
   Go fucking figure.
   How the fuck am I supposed to make it without her by my side? 
   Katelyn raises her hand and practically whips it around with no control. 
   Eager much? 
   “Coach Miller, can I go first? I’d love your help with my dismount.” She bats her long lashes, her icy blue eyes practically shining like stars in the night sky, and it makes me want to vomit. 
   “Sure thing, Katelyn. Jus’ head on over to the vault. I’ll be right there,” he assures her, tucking his plastic clipboard under his arm.
   When he turns to head to the back of the room where the long runway and vault lay, I watch the way his broad shoulders flex against the black t-shirt, and I feel sick when he pushes his long fingers through his tousled curls. It irks me that he’s allowed to look that good. Even more so, flames radiate through my chest just thinking that this is his team now. 
   Nuh-uh. I won’t allow it. This isn’t his team. And I’ll make damn sure of it. 
   Coach Carr may have asked me to be nice, but what she doesn’t know won’t kill her. 
   Katelyn shines her perfect smile and poses, saluting that she’s about to begin her routine. Joel nods from the corner of the room, standing a few feet from the vault, eyes locked while he waits and watches with bated breath. She wastes no time and takes off, feet striking the mat and running like her life depends on it. 
   I watch the way Joel carefully assesses her movements, ready to move at a moment’s notice if she falls. And I don’t know why, but it annoys the hell out of me. Probably because Katelyn is used to getting what she wants, and she wants Joel. She can have him for all I care. I don’t even want him here. 
   Katelyn completes her handspring double front and nearly eats the blue mat beneath her. Joel quickly steps in and catches her before her body crashes down, and I know she did it on purpose. She’s never messed up that move before. She’s putting on a fake show, and Joel’s her shiny new doll to mess around with. 
   “Whoa, slow it down there. You overturned your twist. Try to focus on your body mechanics next time. You’ll get it,” he encourages with a light pat to her shoulder.
   “Thanks for catching me, Coach. I’ll try again.” She turns away sweetly, walking all the way back to the end of the seafoam floor, swaying her curvy hips and flashing the sparkly sequins on her peach leotard. 
   “Oops, did I get a little too excited with that flip? Maybe I should do it again just so he’ll catch me.” She flips her highlighted hair and pushes past me, smacking straight into the side of my shoulder with enough force that it makes my stance unsteady.
   Narrowing my eyes, I scowl at her and feel hot lava rising in every joint of my boiling body. I keep my mouth shut tight but only because she’s trying to get a rise out of me. And there’s no fucking way I’m getting heated over a bitch trying to steal a man I couldn’t be less interested in. She can have him. I just wish she'd leave me the hell alone. 
   Before I make any rash decisions and decide to turn and smack her straight across her lip gloss coated mouth, Cassie pulls me back to reality and gives me a concerned look. “Don’t mind her. You know she’s only jealous because Coach Miller took notice of you yesterday.” 
   I sigh and try to relax, uncrossing my arms and easing my mind of any unnecessary distractions. I’m here to practice, not to be involved in some petty drama I want no part in. “Yeah, you’re right. I just wish she’d stop, you know?”
   “I know what you mean, but a bitch is a bitch no matter what. So just focus on the task at hand. You’re better than her at everything; that’s never going to change. Just do you, boo,” she smiles, giving me a friendly bump against the hip while her emerald eyes flash over mine.
   “Thanks for doing this with me, Cas. I couldn’t do it alone,” I smile gently, squeezing her hand in mine as I silently thank her again for being an anchor in the cesspool of snakes. 
   “Always got your back, babe,” she finishes.
   The rest of the squad finishes their turns and return to the navy blue colored spring floor, stretching and watching who’s left to do their routines. Suddenly, I realize I’m the last of the girls, and it’s now my turn to go. Picking my head up and gazing all the way down to the end of the mat lights my nerves on fire. Joel is staring at me, large hands on his hips, chocolate-covered eyes scorching mine even from feet away. It feels like a giant spotlight is shining down on me, signaling to act, but I can’t move. I’m paralyzed in time, and I want to run far far away from those deep brown eyes. 
   “C’mon now, don’t be shy. Show me what you got.” His deep voice echoes through the large room, booming through my eardrums like a loud bass, and I want to rip the noise from my rushing ears. His curled smirk and playful eyes make my skin boil and my toes tingle like I’m standing on sharp wires. I puff out a cloud of invisible smoke and clench my hands into tight fists. 
   He thinks I’m shy? That’s cute. I’m not the least bit shy. No. I’m a fierce tiger, and I’ll rip my sharp claws straight through that ridiculous smirk. 
   He gives me a teasing smile, and that does it. I snap. Sprinting as fast as I can down the solid floor, I throw all my raging emotions into my swift movements, letting my stinging feet barely hit the mat, blurring the whispering girls on the mat, only focusing on the vault in front of me.
   Throwing my whole body into the roundoff back handspring, my feet catch the springboard for just a second and then I’m flipping defiantly over the smooth edges of the vault table. I chose the Amanar twist, the harder of my moves, wanting to show Joel just who the best is around here. 
   The air whips across my face, my body humming with every second I’m in the air, completing two-and-a-half twists as if this is as easy as walking a straight line on the balance beam. I stick the landing perfectly and salute, my arms stiff and graceful like I just wowed the judges. My hazel eyes slightly narrow when I see his doe eyes widen just a smidge, his mouth parted and a sickening smile curled up across his plush mouth like he’s in awe. I should smile back, but I won’t give him the satisfaction.
   A low whistle leaves his lips and he applauds slowly. “Well, I’ll be damned. Nearly flawless, Shining Star.” I hear the snickering and whispers come from behind, but I block them out. The only thing I’m focused on is making Joel’s life a living hell.
   I drop my stiff stance and cross my arms over my shimmery leotard. “I can go harder than that,” I challenge. 
   Joel’s eyebrows raise in attention, and his tongue slowly slides over his bottom lip like he’s closely assessing my movements. “Oh? You think you can land a triple twist?” The way his warm eyes stare into mine makes a hot fire light in my chest, and that fire is pure rage.
   “I know I can.” I pop my hip out and slit my eyes into thin slots, letting him know I’m not playing games. But he wants to play. Oh, yes. He’s intrigued now. A devilish smirk widens over his mouth and his darkening eyes look like they could eat me alive. 
   Look what you fucking did.
   “Yes,” I snarl out. 
   “That’s a pretty risky move there, sweetheart. You sure you can handle it?” He’s toying with me, edging me on to get under my skin, but it’s too late. He’s already there, prodding at my stings like a damn nuisance.  
   “Don’t call me sweetheart,” I spit with venom shooting across the room, hoping it’ll silence Joel’s taunting words. 
   So, he’s learned I like to play games. Well, I can play them better. 
   “You never heard of Southern hospitality, darlin’?” He accentuates the word darlin’, and the widest smirk I’ve ever seen in my life rests on his tanned face. One hand slowly rakes down his patchy scruff, and his eyes sharpen into mine. It makes me nearly stomp my heel into the gym mat to show how extremely irritating and impossible he’s being.
   Sweetheart? Darlin’? Just what the hell is he trying to prove? That he’s charming? He wishes. 
   “Just stop with the Texas nicknames. I get it. You think you’re slick, but you’re not. And for your information, I can handle anything,” I snap, folding my arms back over my chest to show how much he’s driving my patience. 
   “Alright then. Show me,” he demands, flexing his thick arms tighter against the black material of his shirt, his eyes lit with playful fire. “Let me see you land a triple, and maybe I won’t make you repeat it a third time.”
   I flare my nostrils and storm off, mouthing curse words under my breath like that’ll do any good. I forget that my teammates are gawking and staring at me like I just screamed blasphemy inside a holy temple. I ignore the bite of their stares and carry on. It’s just me and Joel right now for all I can see, and I need to teach him just who he’s dealing with.
   My body hums with electricity, lightning guiding my every movement. Maybe I overestimated by trying to outsmart him, but there’s no backing out now. I’ve made my bed; now I have to sleep in it. 
   Joel’s wide smile flashes under the harsh lights, and his deep brown eyes that antagonize me have me ready to blow steam out of my ears. I decide right then that I hate him and his stupid tousled curls. 
   Why did Coach Carr leave me with him?
   Putting my body into full drive mode, I crash like thunder down the mat, running as if I’m getting chased by a stampede of wildebeests. My body flips through the air, the back handspring pushing my muscles into overdrive, and then I jump. Hard. 
   I hold my breath like I’m underwater, body limbs curling and twisting in the air, and I focus on those three simple rotations I need. I start the count and then my vision blurs, closing my eyes so I can feel the intricate movements cycle through me. Still holding my breath, I count and pray that it’s enough.
   One, two, three. My feet land shakily on the slippery mat, my head reeling at the intense motions, but I land it, fortunately.
   Holy shit. I did it!
   His jaw drops open, and I hear him mutter a curse under his breath, clearly impressed that I was telling the truth. 
   I flash him a generous smile and end it with a slight scowl. “Look at that, Coach,” I stammer, imitating his Texas drawl from earlier. “I landed a triple.”
   He shakes his tousled curls and nods his head in disbelief. “So you did, Shining Star. So you did…” His eyes roam over my body, giving me a quick once over and again, he smiles. 
   “Told you I could,” I huff.
   I stand there glaring, challenging him to a duel I just might lose, but I hold my ground steadily.
    As I start to turn away, he stops me with his deep voice that tears through my unsettled mind. “Next time, don’t hold back the first time.”
   My eyes slit like snake eyes, and my head whips back around to him. “I wasn’t holding back.”
   “‘Course you weren’t, sweetheart. Keep bringing that heat to the floor,” he smirks, letting his shoulder brush against mine as he makes his way back to the rest of the squad.
   “Hey,” I snap, making his head turn back around toward me. “Don’t pretend like you know me.”
   He arches an eyebrow and challenges me with his gravelly tone. “Oh, I think I already got a good readin’ on you. Yeah, think I got you figured out jus’ fine,” he chuckles, flicking his dark eyes once more over mine.
   I scoff and dig my heel hard into the mat. “If you really knew me, you’d know that my floor and balance beam routines need the most work. My vault routine is near perfect. But apparently, you don’t know me at all.” 
   He lifts an eyebrow quizzically, letting the gears grind in his jumbled head like he’s trying to figure me out, but I don’t give him the chance. I storm off toward the uneven bars and wait with my arms crossed over my chest, fuming, just wanting to get this day over with. And I feel his eyes burn hot like a match running painfully slow through my body. 
   I’ll show him I’m not a pretty, dainty flower. I’m a tiger, and I’m out for blood. His blood.
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   Joel’s POV
   The laptop screen flickers on, the Google tab already pulled up in front of my face. Using the smooth black mouse to control my thick fingers, YouTube is the link I pull up first. I quickly type out the name Madison Summers and instantly, dozens of gymnastics videos pop up on the glowing screen. Clicking on the first one, the video comes to life like a movie.  
   It’s last year’s fall competition in Orlando, Florida. The floor routine. The one she said needed to work on. 
   Sitting back comfortably into the leather office chair with my legs splayed wide, thumb tapping against the mahogany table, I scan and assess like I’m just a viewer in the audience.
   The crowd goes wild when her name is called, chanting her name and clapping like a wave of thunder. She doesn’t even flinch, her hazel eyes bright and alight with a hint of confidence glowing in the fluorescent lights that shine down on her. And when the music comes to life, so does she.
   She takes to the floor like a graceful swan, her movements as smooth as butter. She has an essence about her that screams confidence, her pretty eyes sharp and narrowed each time she flips or performs a split jump. 
   I let my fingertips scratch down my patchy scruff, eyes locked intensely when she takes a deep breath and braces for her big move. I don’t know what’s coming, but I find myself on the edge of my office chair, palms sweating as I wait with bated breath. 
   Why I’m nervous, I don’t know. But I keep my wide eyes glued to the screen, as if I’m there with her, standing on the sidelines cheering her on with clenched fists.
   She snaps, running like a prowling lion, ready to attack a pack of wild gazelles. She has fire in her eyes with every breath she takes, and I can see right there she has a heart of a winner.
   Flipping into her jump, she performs a Double Arabian, building momentum with every twist her body constructs. And when she lands, shakily, she has the crowd standing to their feet, screaming their lungs out as if she’s already won the gold. 
   She’s powerful, nearly flawless, a beautiful lioness that claws her way through the spring floor, daring anyone to take the title away from her. And I see why Coach Carr called her Shining Star now. She’s absolutely sparkling like a thousand galaxies in that room, and she’s got the entire crowd’s eyes locked on her, including mine. 
   I sit there for over an hour glued to the screen, watching every single competition video I can get my hands on. One hand digs into the leather arm, the other anxiously taps away at the side of the sleek mouse. I make little notes in my mind, things she needs to work on and moves that make her stand out amongst the rest of the gymnasts. This girl is a fucking powerhouse, and she’s got immense talent that’ll take her far.
   But there’s one tiny thing I notice. There’s an entire year missing from the videos. No trace of anything but a speck of dust. Coach Carr told me one of the girls had taken a year off, but she didn’t specify who or why. And now all I can wonder is what made this special girl lose an entire year of training? I’ll find out. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but I will figure it out one way or another. Even if I have to rip it out of her stubborn mind. 
   Madison was made to be a champion. I can see it in the way she commands a room, fighting for her chance at the gold. She’s incredible, nothing less. And dare I say, I even think she could make it to the Olympics. I will take her to the Olympics, if only she’ll accept me as her coach. 
   That stunt she pulled in practice today? She obviously hates my guts. The way she talked back to me and made it a statement to show off she could land a triple? Well, if she wants attention then she’s got my full attention now. If she wants to play with fire, I’ll give her the whole damn inferno. 
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stunkbug · 5 months
those videos of gymnastic coaches spotting kids training and literally catching them out of the air to avoid them slamming their head against the ground or shoving the crash mat under them so they don’t get clotheslined against the horizontal bars have Extreme early robin training vibes
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captain-safetypants · 2 months
I love how when you’re watching gymnastics, like in the Olympics, they have lots of things going on all at the same time. Sitting here watching the us women’s podium training, the camera is watching Suni Lee’s balance beam routine, and these tiny Chinese women are like randomly flying sideways through the shot in the background to crash into the mats. Meanwhile somewhere else in the gym another team you can’t see is practicing floor routines, so all of this is happening to the accompaniment of delightfully dramatic and incongruous music.
The podium training is one of my favorite bits bc there’s no commentary.
Unrelated: I want the number of whoever did Simone Biles’s microblading.
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blacksupremacy86 · 1 year
Taking It By The Horns Part 1
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Steve Rogers AKA The titans of The USA The Captain America is on his way back to the base after a run in slim toned tight grey shirt.
He races up the staircase to the main floor in a huff of air he sighs backing to the wall laying his back he does not expect anybody else to be up that morning.
A large crash can be heard from high above In the glass ceiling the shattered remains of it land on the floor and Captain jumps to it once more.
A man in the shadows stood waiting for him in the darkness of the night he claps loudly as the lights blare on revealing a man in a cloud of blue aura.
Captain America crosses his arms in a truly super defiant stance he runs out leaping on to a giant pipe line and flips up and down like a Russian gymnast.
He threw up in the air flipping till he lands on to the mat with an impressive show of skills in a superhero fascination and the world would be astonished.
The next day Steve woke up in fit of sweat and horror washing over him he rolls on to the grass coming back to reality he could not believe that’s
What a strange dream he thought as all else fades in to the light of the bright shining lite silver moon dancing on his skin and he fell deep.
He backflips on to his feet he remembers his jump kicking his axe upward by his foot and he caught it in his right hand he cuts a case of wood.
“The wood it felt so good to place it on the board.”
“All I can do it cut it in half “
“I am lost”
“My mind is a fog”
“Hello Steve”
“My name is Steve?”
“Do you remember?”
“Yes! Steve Rogers”
“My champion “
“Yes! Captain America “
“Are you my sweet pet?”
“Pet me”
“Rub me”
“Feel me up “
“What took you so long?”
“I’ve waited for you “
“How long was the wait?”
“Many years”
“Oh the shame!”
“You should be embarrassed “
“Spun to me”
“Follow me “
“My eyes are your focal point “
“Good boi”
“Mmmmm…yes Master”
“It’s Master Lawrence “
“Yes….Master Lawrence “
“I love you Steve”
“Say it “
“I love you too “
“Good boi “
“Kiss me”
“Tenderly “
“Baby! Stevie”
“God! I want you so bad”
“Ravish me Steve”
He kisses me with every bit of effort he has memories are fading in to a foggy sense of nothingness and Peggy, her niece and his parents disappear.
The end
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greer-morgan · 3 months
Greer untwisted the cap of her water bottle, pulling a long sip before replacing it again. It was getting late, and somewhere along the periphery of her mind there was a daydream of turning the air conditioning in her room as cold as it could go, burying herself under the blankets, and never stepping foot in the training center again. Training had been kicking Greer's ass, and what had she even done over the past few days? Work the plant station for a few hours? Try to keep her cool whenever Kedzie spoke? Watch Mahlon train from across the room while pretending she absolutely wasn't doing that? Mostly, she figured, it was the mental gymnastics of trying to learn the ins and outs of every tribute she could, when normally, she'd be going out of her way not to know them. That and she couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten something that qualified as a fruit or vegetable.
"Goin' again?" Greer asked, stepping back out onto the mat to face Mahlon. "If you think you got it in you," she teased him, because even if she wanted to, they couldn't crash quite yet. She'd agreed to spar with Mahlon before they called it a day, or maybe she'd convinced him-- the technicalities were slightly muddled-- either way, she knew this was more important than getting her head on her pillow for the night.
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ourraeline · 9 months
Gymnastics Crash Mats in Australia
Gymnastics Crash Mats in Australia offer premium safety for athletes during training and competitions. Constructed with high-density foam and durable vinyl covers, these mats provide excellent impact absorption. Visit https://www.rae-line.com.au/gymnastics-mats-australia/
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polefitnessdancing · 9 months
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gripsportsindia · 10 months
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Introducing the Grip Crash Mat by Grip Sports! 🤸‍♂️ Engineered for safety and resilience, it's a vital accessory for gymnastics and martial arts. Elevate your practice with our premium-quality mat. Like our commitment to excellence, ensure a secure and cushioned landing. 👉👉You may also order online at: https://gripsports.in/grip-crash-mat/ 👉👉You may also call us at Toll-Free No: 18002087711 👉👉WhatsApp at +91 9891907711
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sarathjohn · 11 months
Choosing the Best Safety Padding Solutions in Dubai and UAE for Optimal Protection
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Introduction: Understanding the Importance of Safety Padding in Various Industries
In our modern and rapidly changing world, ensuring safety takes precedence in every facet of our lives. Whether in industrial settings, sports facilities, playgrounds, or gyms, ensuring the well-being of individuals is of utmost importance. One key component of safety in these domains is safety padding. Safety padding solutions play a vital role in protecting people from potential hazards and minimizing the risk of injury. In Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the demand for high-quality safety padding systems is on the rise, driven by a commitment to safety and security in various industries. In this blog, we will explore the types of safety padding solutions available in Dubai and the UAE, factors to consider when choosing a safety padding system, and some of the best quality safety padding manufacturers and suppliers in the region. When it comes to safety padding solutions in Dubai and the UAE, there are various options to consider. Whether you need industrial safety padding, sports safety padding, playground safety padding, or gymnasium safety padding, it's essential to understand the different types available and choose the one that best suits your specific needs. In this blog, we will delve into each of these categories, highlighting the key features and benefits of various safety padding solutions.
Types of Safety Padding Solutions Available in Dubai and UAE
A. Industrial Safety Padding Solutions:
Industrial safety padding solutions in the UAE are crucial for ensuring the well-being of workers and the protection of equipment and structures in high-risk environments like factories, warehouses, and construction sites. These safety padding systems, designed to meet strict safety standards, are indispensable for preventing injuries and minimizing damage to machinery and infrastructure. In this region, safety padding systems in the UAE have become a fundamental component of workplace safety, and they come in various forms to address specific needs. Some common types of industrial safety padding systems in the UAE include:
1. Column and Beam Padding: Heavy machinery and structural components like columns and beams pose a significant risk in industrial settings. Padded protection around these elements can prevent accidents and reduce the severity of injuries.
2. Wall and Surface Padding: Walls, floors, and other surfaces can be covered with padding to prevent workers from sustaining injuries due to collisions or falls.
3. Machinery Padding: Equipment and machinery can be padded to safeguard the machinery and workers operating them. This type of padding minimizes the impact of accidental contact.
B. Sports Safety Padding Solutions:
Sports safety padding is essential in sports arenas, gymnasiums, and recreational facilities to protect athletes, participants, and spectators. It ensures that athletes can give their best performance without the fear of injuries. Common sports safety padding solutions in Dubai and the UAE include:
1. Wall Padding: Sports facilities often have walls near playing areas. Wall padding can prevent athletes from getting injured if they collide with the walls during intense play.
2. Goalpost and Pole Padding: In sports like soccer and rugby, goalposts and poles can be hazardous. Padded covers on these structures reduce the risk of injury during impact.
3. Gymnastics Mats and Crash Mats: In gymnastics and martial arts, mats play a pivotal role in injury prevention. High-quality padded mats absorb shock and protect participants during falls and landings.
C. Playground Safety Padding Solutions:
Playground safety padding is essential for children's safety while playing in parks and recreational areas in the UAE. It safeguards against injuries resulting from falls and collisions with play equipment. Some common types of playground safety padding solutions, ensuring the best quality safety padding in the UAE, include:
1. Safety Surfacing: This includes materials like rubber or foam tiles, which provide a soft and cushioned surface to absorb the impact of falls.
2. Playground Equipment Padding: Padding on equipment such as swings, slides, and climbing structures can reduce the risk of injury during play.
3. Fencing Padding: Safety padding on fencing and borders can protect children from injury if they accidentally run into these structures.
D. Gymnasium Safety Padding Solutions:
Gymnasiums are spaces where physical activities and sports take place, making safety a top priority. Gymnasium safety padding solutions in the UAE ensure that athletes and fitness enthusiasts can train and compete without worrying about potential accidents. Common gymnasium safety padding solutions, designed specifically for safety padding systems in the UAE, include:
1. Wall and Ceiling Padding: Gym walls and ceilings can be padded to protect athletes from injuries resulting from collisions and falls during various activities.
2. Pole and Beam Padding: Padding on poles and beams in gymnasiums is crucial to prevent accidents during activities like basketball and gymnastics.
3. Floor Mats and Padding: Gymnastics, yoga, and martial arts rely on padded flooring to provide a safe surface for training and routines.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Safety Padding System in UAE
When selecting a safety padding system in Dubai and the UAE, several factors should be taken into account to ensure optimal protection:
1. Material Quality: The quality of the padding material is paramount. It should be durable, shock-absorbent, and weather-resistant, depending on the application.
2. Customization: The padding should be tailored to the specific requirements of the environment, ensuring a proper fit and maximum safety.
3. Safety Standards: Ensure that the safety padding systems meet or exceed relevant safety standards and certifications in the UAE.
4. Installation and Maintenance: Consider ease of installation and ongoing maintenance requirements to ensure the padding continues to provide effective protection.
5. Aesthetics: While safety is the top priority, the appearance of the padding should also be considered, especially in areas where aesthetics matter.
6. Budget: It's essential to balance safety requirements with budget constraints to find the most cost-effective solution.
The Best Quality Safety Padding Manufacturers and Suppliers in the UAE
Finding the right safety padding system in Dubai and the UAE is crucial for the safety of individuals in various environments. While we can't endorse specific manufacturers or suppliers, it's recommended to do thorough research and consider the following steps:
1. Research: Look for well-established manufacturers and suppliers with a good reputation in providing safety padding solutions.
2. Get Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from industry peers or associations for trusted sources of safety padding.
3. Check Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials can offer insights into the quality and performance of safety padding solutions.
4. Request Quotations: Reach out to multiple manufacturers and suppliers for quotations and compare the cost, quality, and customization options.
5. Verify Certifications: Ensure that the chosen supplier complies with relevant safety standards and certifications in the UAE.
Conclusion: Enhance Workplace and recreational Area Safety with High-Quality Safety-padding Systems in Dubai and the UAE
In Dubai and the UAE, safety is a top priority across various industries and recreational spaces. Safety padding solutions, such as industrial safety padding, sports safety padding, playground safety padding, and gymnasium safety padding, are a critical component of this commitment to protection. Whether it's safeguarding workers in industrial settings, athletes in sports facilities, children on playgrounds, or gym-goers in fitness centres, high-quality safety padding can make a significant difference in preventing Preventing harm and maintaining a secure environment for everyone's well-being.
When selecting a safety padding system in Dubai and the UAE, it's essential to consider the specific needs of the environment, the quality of materials, compliance with safety standards, and budget constraints. By taking these factors into account and conducting thorough research, you can enhance safety in your workplace or recreational area with the best quality safety padding systems available in Dubai and the UAE. Whether you are in an industrial setting, a sports facility, a playground, or a gymnasium, safety padding solutions in Dubai are a crucial investment for protecting people and minimizing the risk of injury.
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loominilearning · 1 year
The Importance of Foam Pit Cubes
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For gymnastics practice, foam pits and foam pit cubes are often used. By making the landing area soft and forgiving, they help people learn new skills. People trained to use foam pits and foam pits know that the right way to enter is still the most important thing for a safe landing. It's safe to fall on your feet first and keep your core tight. You could hurt your back or neck when you land in a pit head first or with your back bent.
Foam pits are filled with polyurethane foam blocks meant to make landing soft and safe for kids and adults. Unfortunately, mistakes can still happen and cause serious injuries. In the worst cases, they've even killed customers. If someone gets hurt in a foam pit because it isn't safe, the companies that made it, supplied it or ran the event can be held responsible.
Why Do Foam Pits Use Cubes?
There are many ways that pit blocks can be used as a crash pad. The foam cubes are soft but hold you up, so they can help protect you from low-level falls or tricks. You can also use foam pit cubes to have fun and mess around with them. Foam pits are often used in gyms, for gymnastics, at trampoline parks, for skateboarding, and BMX.
Large foam pit cubes, like 8-inch cubes, work best in trampoline parks and gyms. These big blocks allow more room between the cubes, making the foam better at absorbing impact. To build a foam pit, you need to think about more than just foam. You also need foam to line your pit. 
What are Foam Pit Cubes Made Of?
The foam pit cubes are all made of polyurethane foam. Fading or yellowing does happen to this kind of foam when it is near bright lights. It does not shorten their useful life or affect their ability to receive energy. Any maker will have this problem because it is a cosmetic flaw of the material.
Regular maintenance is needed for foam cube pits. With regular fluffing, foam cubes will stay fluffy for a long time. It is important to clean the pit and get rid of any dirt before putting the cubes back in after fluffing. Later, the pit will need to be filled with new raw foam because the old foam will break down. 
Most customers will update a few cubes every year or every other year. Learn more about Pit Cubes here.
What Is A Foam Pit For?
Besides being useful in many situations, foam pit cubes can save lives in sports settings. Some common places to use these foams are in landing pits and crash mats in gyms. Depending on the purpose, they come in a variety of standards. The many uses of foam are very varied, ranging from BMX landing foam pits to trampoline park items made of foam.
Different sizes, thicknesses, and shapes of foam can be used for these kinds of things. When you are thinking about buying foam for these uses, it is important to keep this in mind. For instance, the foam used in landing pits for professional gymnasts differs from that used in a more casual setting, like a kids' class. The professional foam is generally denser and in deeper foam pits.
Are Foam Pits Safe?
The purpose of pit blocks is to keep people from getting hurt by impacts. They help keep everyone safe in a lot of different sports. Thousands of people are kept safe daily by foam pits, whether studying to be a gymnast or having fun at a trampoline park. However, things should be done and thought about to make foam pits as safe as possible.
The material Foam Pit Cubes can be used in a lot of different ways. It is used for many things, from comfort to safety. When it comes to pit foam, its main job is to keep things safe. We also want it to look good, but safety will always come first.
Your Pit Foam's Quality
It works great in foam pits made to protect BMX and Motocross riders when a harder landing is needed. Before buying any pit foam, you should know what grade it is and why it's right for your needs. We have a highly skilled professionals that are always happy to help you and give you full information about the different types of foam we have here.
Do You Have Sufficient Foam?
It is just as important to ensure you have enough pit foam as choosing the right grade. To maximize foam pit safety, your pit should be fully filled with foam cubes or logs. 
Protecting Your Foam Pit
If you want people to use your foam pit, you should always make sure someone is watching them. Protecting is an important part of foam pit safety that you shouldn't skip. These people who use your foam pit should know how to do it right and always do it that way.
Putting safety signs around your foam pit will let people know how to use it. If something goes wrong, which is very rare, staff members should know how to do CPR to help people immediately.
It is important not to land on your head or neck, especially going forward. No matter what, you should never enter head-first, even when using foam pit cubes. Even though open foam training pits are the best they can be right now, there is still a chance of getting seriously hurt or dying. Before digging a pit, you should talk to an insurance company about protecting yourself from risk.
Contact us if you'd like to talk about our pit foam with a team member. You can learn more about the foam pits at Loomini Learning.
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
I read your gymnast teacher and was wondering if you would continue with a full on nsfw😳👉🏻👈🏻I’m so thirsty for toji it’s so unreal
Sorry for bothering! I’m sorry to bother you if you won’t continue it and of course that’s totally fine if you don’t!!
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sure thing, love! i'm fine with continuing the gymnastics au. who could resist? 👀
extra practice. (gymnastics teacher!toji x reader)
word count: //4.5k+//
synopsis: you were exhausted, so much activity in one day was enough to knock you out. but instead of getting knocked out, you get knocked up. thanks toji. (a continuation of my gymnast teacher toji imagine)
tw/tags: DILF!!!!!!!, gymnastics au, daddy kink, age difference, afab reader, oral (giving/receiving), dirty talk, tit groping, rough kissing, teacher-student relationship, (slight)dubcon, public sex, almost getting caught, soft toji(?), he gets a little mean though, creampie.
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You've already practiced multiple stretches and moves with Fushiguro-san today. You would think that the copious amount of back handsprings, aerial cartwheels, and round offs would suffice for the day but you were only met with the witty gaze of emerald eyes. Toji chortled at your naivety.
"Yes, 'more'. Don't tell me you thought it was over? Silly girl. We're just getting started." You would say that he was jesting if he hadn't dragged you over to the balance beam. You looked at him before mounting the object - making sure he was serious - and he was. His eyes wavered from yours to the balance beam then back to you.
'Well?' They said. You couldn't do anything but oblige to his silent request. You lift your weight on the beam and look down to Toji, pondering on what he wanted you do next.
"Remember what we practiced yesterday?" He starts. "Front pikes?" You nodded. The rapid movement required a jump and a sharp tuck of your legs towards your chest before landing. You already mastered the floor exercise version with Fushiguro-san the other day - performing with graceful leaps and intense flips before ending with a front pike. Now, Fushiguro-san wanted to put your balance to the test. You conclude that he wants you to do those same actions you did on the floor on the balance beam. A visible bead of sweat appears on your forehead. You questioned on whether you were capable of doing such a move.
Toji noticed how tense you looked but he sent you a encouraging smile (more so a smirk). "I know you're nervous. You have every reason to be. There's a high chance you might screw up on your first try," You scoff. Such a pleasant thing to say, Fushiguro-san. He picks back up from where he left off, "Sorry, doll. I can't sugar-coat it for ya'. But I promise the more you do it, the better you'll get. Yeah?" You inhaled and prolonged your exhale. You nod.
Not wanting to overwhelm yourself, you start off slow, doing something that you were already familiar with - back walkovers. You bend your body backwards until you felt your palms touch the sturdy beam. Strengthening your core, you lift your hips and legs to perform a handstand split before picking yourself back up.
You resume doing the basic acrobatic moves - a front handspring, a back handspring, a cat leap, a sissone. You were doing good. You're gonna be fine. You attempt to reassure yourself and at some given point of time, it was steadying your nerves. But with every start eventually comes an end. You had to finish up soon.
You gain momentum to engage in one final handspring and convert it into a pike towards the end. You took a bullet to your confidence when you realize that you weren't in the correct angle to land properly - stumbling in midair before your side collides with the crash mat. You wince and Toji immediately rushes to your position.
He helps you sit up and wipes of the imaginery dust off your shoulders. He looks at your face to see small teardrop erupt from the corner of your eye. You hide under your arms to conceal yourself. Are you seriously crying just from a little impact to your body? You felt so weak.
"I'm sorry." You apologize for your minor outburst. You were being so dramatic. Fushiguro-san probably sees you as a quievering coward - a feeble little girl who can't even endure the slightest amount of pain.
Expecting to get ridiculed, you were taken aback when Toji separated your arms to reveal your face - like a groom unveiling his bride. You gaze at his jade-colored orbs once again and, for the first time, they beared something other than the typical impish overtone he's always seen wearing. They were filled with sympathy - tender and warm. He looked really good like that. More charming than what he already is. You feel your heart race.
He's so close to you.
Releasing one of your arms, he caresses the side of your face. His scar tilted upwards as he gifted you with a delicate smile (it wasn't even his usual sleazy smirk). It was alluring. Was this the same Fushiguro-san you've been practicing with these past couple weeks?
"You did amazing." He coos. He sounded unbearable genuine it was almost unnerving. The color in your face darkens a few shades when his thumb trails along your bottom lip. His benevolent act didn't stay for long because his dangerous smirk makes its way back to his scarred lips.
"Hmm? My, my, are you blushing?" There goes that grin that you grew so fond of. You avert your eyes to the floor that you suddenly found so interesting. Toji couldn't have you back away now so he grabbed your chin to face him again.
He let a faux sound of shock. "You are blushing. You're such a cute little thing, you know that?" No. You didn't know that. If you knew, your face wouldn't be flaming red as of right now.
His thumb then finds a way to the side of your neck - tracing up and down along its crevice. You clench your teeth as your eyebrows softly furrow together. Are you really going to get this touchy feely with your gymnastics teacher? No...no, you can't possibly-
You stop Toji's hand from going any further down. He frowned as his eyebrow quirked upwards, waiting for your explanation as to why you stopped him.
"Fushiguro-san. Whatever it is that you're thinking, I-I really don't think it's a good idea to get any further than what we are doing now," You didn't want to lose that teacher-student bond just because you decided that you wanted to sleep with Fushiguro-san. You saw him as a reliable person who was willing to go an extra mile just to help you improve in performances. You didn't wish to ruin that relationship (and what would Megumi-kun think when he finds out you're sleeping with his father?).
Your words went through one ear and out the other. Toji only stared in anticipation.
"Come on, doll. What are you so worked up for? I promise nothing bad will happen between the two of us. Is that what you're worried about?" He brings you closer to his frame - his body practically engulfed yours. You can feel his pecs smother your face. He looked around the room before wrapping his arms around your lower back. "I promise I'll take care of my babygirl. Give her what she wants, treat her right." You swoon at his convincing words, discarding your moralities. Exactly what Toji planned.
"You know you want this too. Don't think I haven't noticed the way stare at my body. Those doe-like eyes of yours aren't hard to miss. You think I wouldn't find out, hm?" You didn't have room to deny him. You have had multiple scenarios where you would gawk at Toji's chiseled torso and defined jawline. He was, inevitably, your eye candy whenever you were around. Toji knew. You were aware of how attractive he was, as did he. How else did you think he got women to wrap around his finger?
"I wondered what was going on in that pretty little head of yours. What is it that you think about when you look at me? Fushiguro-san would really like to know." He banters. You tremble underneath him like a cold puppy - your thoughts were flithy. Indelicate. You were sheepish to say you would go as far as to touching yourself. You couldn't help it. It ached. Toji was who you dreamed about, day and night. Your hands would always find their way down your body and pretend that it was Toji's gargantuan ones - making it to your pulsing heat, you would imagine the absolute filth he would murmur into your ear:
'Is this little pussy wet just for Daddy? Mmm, what a slut you are.'
'Don't muffle your moans. Lemme hear them. Y'know Daddy love those sounds.'
'Oh? Are you gonna come? Go ahead. I want to feel you tighten around my fingers. Go on, come for- mmm fuck - such a good girl.'
Each and every time, you would come to the sound of his husky voice your imagination would fabricate - grimacing at the pure bliss your climax gave you. You would lay there, ashamed to be in your own skin after fantasizing about your teacher. Coming to the thought of him doing more than just the practices you would do in the gymnasium. Now here you were, huddled under your teacher, the one you fantasized about on the daily basis.
Toji heeded your silence and took the oppurtunity to place his hand on top of your pussy. You gasp aloud when you felt his finger rub across your folds through your leotard.
"Fushiguro-san! W-what are you-"
He draws out a mocking hum. "What's this? Your pussy is soaked. I'm starting to have a theory on what it is you think about," He leans closer to the shell of your ear. The heat of his breath tickle you as he pursued you with his words:
"You think about how my fingers feel against your body, how they aimlessy wonder to your plump tits and flick your sensitive nipples," You mewl at your clit being fondled by his fingers as he continues to whisper sinful things in your ear. "Or maybe you think about how my fingers will feel in that tight, wet cunt of yours. I bet you fantasize of me when you touch yourself - playing with your pussy while stiffling your moans because you don't want to wake your parents up. Isn't that right?" He was spot on.
"But it's not enough for you. You want more. There's but so much your tiny fingers can do - you want the real deal." Your breathing becomes rapid. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad. And Toji read you like an open book. Lifting you up bridal style, you exit the gymnasium and down the hallway to the storage room. The people that resided greeted Toji with a smile before looking at you in his arms. You can hear their inquries as you stray further away.
You both hide behind the mountain of supplies. Toji places you on the spare crash mats to get you the slightest bit comfortable. He hovered above your aching figure to kiss you. It was rough but skillful. You've never kissed anyone like this before. Your heart fluttered when his tongue hugged yours - teeth clashing against one another when he deepens the kiss. You moan at the pleasing sensation. His hands roamed your body, feeling the weight of your breasts before circling his finger around your nipples.
He ends the kiss and retracts away from you - the string of saliva breaks as he backs further away. "You're so fucking adorable. You react to my touch quite effectively. Tell me, love, do you just so happen to be a virgin?" A whimper leaves your wet lips as you languidly nod. You missed the sinister grin he sent your way. Oh how delighted he was to finally know that you've never been touched in such a lewd manner. He was ready to present you the wonders of being handled by a man. His hand finds its was to the top of your leotard, determined to peel it off of you.
"Don't worry then, dear. I'll make sure you'll feel so good." Your perky breasts are revealed from under your leotard. The predatory growl Toji lets out strikes your heat. He was equally affected as you were. The cock buldging in his grey sweatpants served as proof. He didn't think twice to wrap his wet appendage around your puffy nipple - circling around your areola. Your back arched as you clutched onto his track jacket.
"F-Fushiguro-san." You were already squirming at his small ministrations - twisting and turning your body with each suckle and 'pop' that emerged from his mouth, feeling his smirk against your skin. You yelp when he bit you - it wasn't hard, but it was enough to yell out his name. He shushed you by putting his fingers in your mouth - they rested on your tongue as he grip your jaw.
"Shhh...you don't want anyone walking in here, do you? Unless that's what turns you on?" You shook your head - embarrassed by the image of getting caught being a moaning mess under your teacher.
"No. Thash not 'rue." Toji chuckled at your muffled remark and went back to pleasuring you. He had his fulfillment with your tits and proceeded to take off your leotard - fully removing it off your body.
"Wet" was an understatement when he saw your pussy. It was absolutely drenched. Cream emerged from your convulsing cunt and dribbled down your puckered asshole. He barely touched you.
Toji steadied his head between your legs, seeking for a comfortable postion before getting ready to eat you out - starting off by taking a fat strip of your bundles of nerves. That put your mind into a frenzy. You were unable to manifest coherent thoughts when Fushiguro-san was sucking so passionately on your clit. Loud slurps and soft whimpers echoed in the spacious room.
It was an erotic moment. The air was thick and stuffy with the sexual tension between the both of you. Your fingers tangle with Toji's tufts of raven hair when his tongue protrudes your sopping channel - its spikiness tickled your palm. The vibrations of his low growl lead to your pussy. He took note of your reaction and growled again - loving the way your grip would tighten around his scalp.
You sense pressure in your core as Toji continue to devour your sensitive lips. Your movements were excessive. You tried to move your hips away from Toji but his grip around your thighs was brutal. You couldn't even close your thighs around his head. He backs away from you - lips tainted with your juices.
"Look at me when you come, babygirl." He glares under hooded eyelids, his face was soaked with fluids as his tongue guided its way from your labia to your clit. His slurps were exaggerated and obnoxious, and at some point, you think that he's the one who favors the idea of being caught.
I-I'm coming..! Fushiguro-san. I-" He lets a laugh - loud and dark - and leans even closer to your cunt, plunging two thick finger in you, curving them upwards to experience a feeling you never felt in your entire existence.
"Do it then, dirty whore - coming on your teacher's fingers in a storage room. Your morals really are gone." His words led you to your climax. You twitched as the remnants of your orgasm invaded your mind. You were in such a daze that you failed to realize that Toji had taken off his sweatpants.
"Sit up." His tone was demanding and heavy with lust. You sit up from the floor and inspect his dick. It was huge - veins angrily buldging out his member, it twitched under your stare. "Like what you see, doll?" You answer with a meek nod.
He snakes his hands to the sides of your face, nudging his cock on your nose. You grimace. It smells. His cock wafted the scent of sweat through the air. You attempt to get away but he only pulled you forward again - smothering your nose with his balls.
"Trying to get away even after I let you squirt all over my face? I never took you as the selfish type." He moves your head from side to side - his thin pubic hairs feather against your face as his ballsack glide across your chin.
"I assume that you've never sucked a dick before so I'll start off slow just for you." The tip of his cock hits your bottom lip - transparent precum squirts out and onto you. You were nervous. What if you do bad? What if you accidentally bite on his cock? You're sure he'll hate you for that. Your eyes widen in fear as you looked up at him. Your innocent demeanur got him harder than iron. He was ready to plummet you already
"What if I hurt you, Fushiguro-san? I don't wanna do that." Toji groaned before patting the top of your head.
"Don't worry about that right now. Just focus on keeping your mouth open wide, alright?" You hum in acknowledgement before following his command. Toji slapped his cock on top of your flat tongue before sliding in your hot cavern. He could feel your teeth slightly hover above his dick as he slides in like butter. It wasn't long until he's halfway in - your gag reflex come to play and Toji jolts at you choking around his cock. He keeps you still as you cough.
"Easy, easy. Breathe through your nose." You took his word of advice and took staggered breaths through your nose, nostrils flaring as you try to calm yourself down. Toji praises you once you finally relax and you couldn't but feel that warm sensation return in your heart.
You were thrown off when he slid out of your mouth and went back in with a harsh thrust. Tears form in your eyes.
The tip of his dick hit your uvula and your eyes roll to the back of your head. He said he would start off slow. This was the complete opposite of 'slow'. His broad pelvis repeatedly slaps your face as he penetrates your tight throat. You gurgle around his dick with each thrust, thrashing against him as a signal to make him stop but he ignores it.
"Oh. I did say I was gonna start off slow didn't I?" His fingers grip your hair and forced you to stay still as he ferociously pound into you. Toji smirks. "Whoopsie~"
Drool leaks down onto the floor. Spit bubbles form at the corners of your mouth as your teacher manhandles you. You weren't quite sure how much more you could take. You would assume the look on your face might be enough to make him cease his thrusts - nostrils flaring and covered with spit mixed with precum, glimmering eyes gazing up toward his, pink hue illuminating on your cheeks. But Toji didn't falter at all.
He was so close to his release, he could almost grasp it. He picked up his speed and you were certain you would throw up, but you held back. You were doing an extrodinary job for your first BJ.
"God damn- Are you sure this is your first time? You're taking my dick to the back of your throat like such a good girl. Shit, I'm 'bout to come...!" Your pussy quivers at his sigh and grunts. You never heard such lewd sounds coming from your teacher. Touching your stimulated clit, you circle its perimeter before fingering yourself like what Toji did to you. It was enough to make you come for a second time.
Prepared for his cum to shoot down your throat only to feel empty once he takes his cock out of your mouth. You elicit a small whimper. Why did he pull out? Your question was answered when he lays you back down on the mat and lifts your leg towards your chest. It gave you a good stretch since other leg remained on the floor. His dick prodding at your entrance and you ponder on how the hell it would fit inside of you.
"Lets stretch these limbs while we're at it. Don't want to stiffen you up while Daddy fucks this aching little pussy of yours." You moan when he said the term that plagues your fantasies. A grin is plastered on his face as drinks in your reaction.
"You like that, huh? Is that what you've longed to call me? Daddy? His voice pitches down an octave and you give him the same reaction you did before.
"Yes." Toji's cock teased your convulsing entrance, tip slowly entering you before pulling back out. His eyebrow arched. He expected more than just a mere 'yes'.
"Yes what?"
You were flustered to say what he wanted you to say, but you obliged regardless.
You let out a short breath of air when he plunges inside you - shattering your hymen and taking your virginity. "Hard part's over." He says with a restrained grunt. It hurts. It hurts so much. Your walls stung from the pain of him stretching you thoroughly. His girth sent no remorse to your afflicted cunt. You weep as he pulls out of you - cock enveloped with small traces of your blood - and pushes back in. A loud slap echoes in the room as both your pelvises clash together.
You were incapable of speaking. His tip jabbed at your cervix with each leisure stroke. Hot breaths were exchanged with each given second. "D-Daddy-" All you could think of was the name that he preferred you call him. He picks up the pace and the loud slaps transform into boisterous smacks - loud enough to gain the attention to anyone who walked past the door to the storage room.
Sweat trickled down Toji's forehead as slammed in your cute pussy - the squelching noise made it to both pairs of ears and he tilts forward and whispers.
"You hear that? Those squelching noises? That's the sound of your cunt gushing around me. It's happy to finally get the care that it needs. To be stuffed to the brim by my cock." His intense thrusts made you to wail with glee - the pain finally subsiding and converting into pleasure.
Tears stray from your eyes and graze down your cheek. Toji kept his promise. He was making you feel good. You felt butterflies erupt in your tummy, giving you a fucked out expression. Toji knew he was making you cum dumb. It was easier for you to get to that point considering you were a virgin (well, not anymore). He was deep in your guts and it made you go feral.
"You are so tight - God - I know you love this, that look on your face says it all - stupid and completely out of it. Just what I thought it would be." Your vice-like grip was bringing him close to coming in your womb - you were close as well. He changed your position and put you on your hands and knees. Your back arched inwards as he shoved you into the wall. He finds his way back inside and resumes his rough thrusting - littering your body with hickies while doing so but slowing himself down once he hears a new voice outside the door.
"Huh? Y/n should be here right now. Her practice is over."
Nobara uttered in confusion as she searched around the brightly lit hallway. She couldn't seem to find you. She looked almost everywhere but couldn't seem to find any trace of you. She didn't know that you were getting fucked stupid by your teacher in the corner of the storage room.
Toji smirked at the voice, recognizing it to be your friend's. You recognized it as well - looking back to Toji to be met with an eerie smile.
"Try to keep it down, love. We don't want your friend to see you in such a pathetic state, now do we?" It didn't help you in the slightest that he started to quicken his thrusts again. You try to muffle the moans with your hands but Toji only cuffed his large hand around your wrists, preventing you from doing so.
"Maybe she left already." Maki's voice followed behind Nobara's. She had been searching for you as well. Her idea wasn't enough to convice Nobara. The said girl shook her head.
"I don't think so. She wanted me to pick her up today. And besides, even if she did leave early, she would've texted me prior to me coming here." Maki nodded. It's strange that you weren't nearby. She was starting to get nervous. They were close to leaving if it wasn't for the abrupt sounds to pique their interest.
'slap' 'slap' 'slap'
It sounded close by. The two girls look at each other with knowing gazes. 'You heard that too, right?' They thought. Surveilling the area to find out where the noises were coming from. Maki tapped on Nobara's shoulder which cause the girl to whip her head around to face her - wondering if she found the source. She did.
Maki's finger pointed to the storage room. That's where those noises were coming from. They both stealthily make their way to the door and the sound increase in volume. What was going on in there? Maki stretched her arm out to hold the doorknob, getting ready to open it and find out who or what was causing the noise - Nobara stood close behind.
You could hear the knob twist as they try to enter from the other side. Oh no. They couldn't see you like this. Not when you're being fucked by Fushiguro-san's cock. You tremble at the squeak of the door opening (Toji didn't even stop fucking you).
You clench your eyes shut before they both get to finding out that-
"Heeeey! Maki-san, Nobara-san! I think I have an idea on where Y/n might be." They halt at Yuji's outburst, closing the door but not before taking one last look inside and being unable to find the source.
"We're coming!" Nobara replies. And so were you. Your pussy tightened at the potential thought of being caught although you couldn't help but feel at ease that they didn't further investigate. You were put back to reality when you feel Toji pulsing inside you - he was just as excited by the little incident.
"Disgusting. You even clenched around me when your friends almost found out how much of a skank you truly are." You were both close to your high.
"Daddy- please! Can I please-"
"You want to come? Tell me how badly you want it. Tell me how much you want me to fill this greedy pussy with my load. Tell me." You happily give him what he wants.
"Wanna come on your cock. Need to come. I wanna - mmmph! - feel you stuff this virgin pussy with your sperm - fill me up. Please fill me up, Daddy!"
That was what led you to the end. Gushing on his shaft while he came inside of you. It was warm. Both of you collapse on the floor - his weight heavy on top of you. He took the time to catch his breath - recovering from his orgasm.
"I think it's time for you to meet up with your friends. I'm sure they're worried about you. Make sure you tell them you had extra 'practice' today." His cock slid out of your sore cunt as he helps you up on your feet. You hold onto him to catch your balance - legs wobbling in the process.
"I'll give you a week to rest up for our next practice. I'm being lenient." He winked at you before you smiled, getting dressed and limping your way out of the room - already thrilled for the week to end.
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jesus, mary, and joseph. i'm finally done with this fic.
This fic belongs to @DILFtaroooo
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blu-joons · 3 years
Your Daughter Has A Fall At School ~ Nichkhun Horvejkul
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Your eyes went wide as you hung up the phone, immediately nudging Nichkhun’s arm as he typed on his phone, blissfully unaware of your frantic voice after sitting down and talking to one of the teachers at your daughter’s school.
“We need to go, now,” you warned him, trying to pull him up from the sofa as you stood up without any explanation. “We need to go and get Y/D/N as soon as we possibly can Khun.”
“She doesn’t finish for another two hours?” He questioned.
Your head shook as you struggled to keep yourself together, trying to tug at him to get up. “They said she had a fall whilst she was doing sports, something about a broken arm.”
“She’s broken her arm?” Nichkhun asked you, instantly standing up as he felt his heart begin to panic, “how did she manage to injure her arm? What are they teaching them in that school?”
Your head shook as you reached into your pocket to check for your car keys, “they said she tripped when they were doing gymnastic, fell off a pommel horse or something, I wasn’t really listening.”
“I’ll drive,” Nichkhun told you, “you’re not in the right frame of mind to go behind the wheel.”
You nodded in reply to him, ushering him towards the front door, “I don’t care which one of us drives we just need to get her and take her to the emergency room as soon as possible.”
Nichkhun allowed you to push him as he leant down and picked up his shoes, sliding them on without even doing the laces up, “just try and stay calm, I’ll get us there as quickly as I can.”
You were a mess as soon as you got into the car with your legs unable to stop bouncing up and down with nerves. In the corner of his eye, Nichkhun could see it all, and whilst he tried to focus on the road, he couldn’t help but worry too.
At times the two of you loved how daring your daughter was, she wasn’t afraid of a challenge or trying something new. She had bumped and bruised herself around the house several times, but never had she had an incident at school before.
You couldn’t even begin to think how bad of a fall she must have endured, with crash mats placed all around the school, you couldn’t make sense of how she had still ended up injuring herself.
The drive to the school was something of a nightmare for you, you couldn’t will Nichkhun to get you there quick enough, to ease your mind and to stop you from worrying. Each road felt like another kick in the teeth for you in knowing that you weren’t there yet.
As soon as Nichkhun did arrive at the school, you went to fly out of the car, but his hand reached out and grabbed your arm, stopping you from getting out and staying in your seat.
“You’re too nervous to be going into the school,” he told you, “I’ll go in, calmly, without worrying, you stay here and wait for her to come back across with me.”
“Fine,” you sighed, refusing to argue, “I’ll wait here for her.”
Nichkhun leaned across to press a kiss against your cheek before climbing out of the car to collect your daughter. Your eyes remained fixated on the gates of the school as you waited for him to reappear with your daughter in his company.
As soon as you spotted her, you climbed out of the car, kneeling down as she walked across to you with tear-stained eyes and her arm tied up safely with a sling.
“I think someone’s a bit frightened,” Nichkhun informed you.
“There’s no need to be scared darling.”
Whilst you checked your daughter over, Nichkhun opened up the back door of the car, waiting patiently until you were ready to let her go before helping her to get into the car.
He was incredibly cautious as he tried not to knock her arm, finding a way to place her into her seatbelt without causing too much discomfort. With every little thing that Nichkhun did, you watched over him, trying to keep yourself relaxed.
“Are we going to hospital?” Your daughter asked as the two of you climbed back into your respective seats too, both sighing as your backs hit against your seats.
“We’re going to get that arm of yours looked at,” you smiled, turning back to face her.
Nichkhun’s head nodded in agreement with you as he placed the key into the ignition, “some lovely nurses are going to see what you’ve done to yourself. I think with your injury you might even end up getting an x-ray taken of your arm too.”
Her eyes lit up at the thought of getting an x-ray, at such an innocent age it seemed like such an exciting prospect, despite the difficulties that would come with the x-ray being taken and the consequences of her injury too.
“I’ve always wanted to have an x-ray,” she calmly informed the two of you.
You both could only bring yourselves to smile as she slowly seemed to settle, sitting excitedly in the back of the car knowing that she was going to get an x-ray.
Your eyes looked across to Nichkhun as she began to entertain herself, forgetting momentarily about the pain that she felt in her arm. His shoulders shrugged back at you as you exchanged a glance with him, enjoying seeing her relaxed.
“I just hope she’s this excited about the thought of having surgery,” you half joked, making sure that your voice stayed quiet so that she couldn’t hear what you were saying.
Although you felt a little better having her in the car with you, you were still terrified to think about all that was to come. There were going to be a lot of tears, a lot of stress, and a lot of pain for your daughter especially too.
“She’ll be alright, she’s made of tough stuff,” Nichkhun whispered across to you.
Your head nodded back at him, weakly offering him a smile to try and convince him that you were composed, and not as stressed as he knew you were.
“She’s got the two of us looking after her when she gets home too,” he added, moving his hand across to rest against your leg, “we’ll get her laughing in no time.”
You continued to smile, trying to keep yourself together, “it’s not being at home that worries me, it’s being at the hospital that terrifies me.”
“Hospitals have always terrified you,” he chuckled, “do you remember how terrified you were even when we were going to have Y/D/N.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the memory, on one of the best days of your life you still hated looking around at the four white walls of the hospital suite that you were in.
Before you knew it, you were pulling up in the car park of the hospital, peering behind you to see that your daughter had managed to nod off, making the most of the few minutes without pain that she had.
You pointed Nichkhun’s arm as he stopped the car, turning him in your daughter’s direction. “What do we do when she looks so peaceful?”
“I’ll carry her in,” he suggested, unfastening his seatbelt, “we’ve got to take her in, we can’t prolong all of this for her Y/N.”
“I know,” you whimpered, unfastening your seatbelt too, “she’ll wake up as soon as one of us touches her arm though, you’ve got no chance of carrying her in.”
“Let’s get her fixed up,” Nichkhun smiled.
You climbed out of the car as he did the same, “I still hate hospitals, just looking at this place makes me shudder.”
“Don’t worry, the three of us will be just fine.”
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Tumblr went funny and deleted the ask - but here's that stuckage (M) Mason/ (GN) reader fic, cause I haven't written Mason in a while.
Hope you don't mind but I made Mason the one getting stuck here, with a little bit of yandere reader.
NSFW below: (tw: dubcon, giving a blowjob)
You had been helping Mason with putting away gym equipment after class, apparatus out for a gymnastics session. Plenty of things needed to be cleaned, and most of the students just bolted for the door to go home afterwards. The others left at a leisurely pace. You'd volunteered to help tie back the nets and put things away.
You had decided to stay to help out your teacher. Your wonderful teacher who always helped you out when people tried to grab at you. Who gently held you when showing you how to kick your legs properly in the pool.
You shiver at the memory of his touch. A touch you think about often, alone at night with your sleep shorts around your ankles and hand playing with your core. One you've fallen asleep daydreaming about in class. His smell invades your mind, too, when you think of him. Especially his scent when you meet him at that secret pond in the woods, how you'd taken your shirt off one time and he'd blushed seeing a flash of your bare chest.
He wants you, too. He has to. Why else would he accept your company so much? Why else would he pay special attention to you above all the other students. It's obvious. Mason wants you like you want him, but his silly moral hang-ups around what's right and wrong for him as a teacher hold him back.
Picking up a safety mat, you grunt as you begin to drag it towards the storage cupboard. The ache in your arms is a good little distraction from that angry voice in your head. The one you've learned to ignore for the most part. Doctors had warned you in the past that you couldn't let that little part of you take over. That was after people caught you scrawling in your notebook about your previous crush. It wasn't anything bad, but they'd told Sirris, who told Leighton, who called home. Then a trip to the doctors was earned. And who were you to argue with professionals?
A metallic crash pulls you from your thoughts, the sound originating from the very storage cupboard that you were heading to. The one Mason was in. Panic rises in your chest as you drop the mat and bolt towards your teacher, desperately hoping that he wasn't hurt. You don't see him at first, the room dark save for a tiny bit of light streaming through a vent to the outside. Then, there he is. Right at the back of the cupboard, but he's there.
Laying on his back on top of the gym mats, Mason is trapped beneath the metal framework of some climbing equipment. He's pushing at it and it's budging, but not enough to give him space to get out.
"Are you okay?" you call out, rushing over to help free the poor man.
"Y-yeah I'm good. Just keep cleaning, I'll get free in a sec," he grunts out, releasing the metal bars and taking a breath. "Didn't expect this to be so heavy."
Confused, you look at the scene and approach, spotting what was trapped where. Mason's chest was pinned beneath a ladder-like structure, heavy enough to be trouble lifting but resting on a horse thingy stably enough that it doesn't threaten his breathing. His legs are also pinned in a similar situation. The metal had all fallen onto him (somehow) and if you made your way around... ah yes. There was the issue. The bars weren't what was heavy. The balance beam that had tipped over onto them was.
"How did you even manage this?" you mutter, circling the scene to find where to stand and start pulling things. He'd been awfully quiet back here while you'd been putting things in their rightful place, you'd almost worried that he'd gone home and left you to clean up alone.
"I-it's nothing. Really, I was just tired and having a breather, I leant on this and it fell on me. I swear I can get up, don't worry." He refuses to look you in the eye when he says that. And you know he's lying. You know him.
Having been in the dark for long enough, your eyes have adjusted properly. Once again, you look over Mason, just to double check you hadn't missed any injuries - and that's when you spot it. Just a slither of flesh peaking out from his shorts. A flushed, wet piece of skin that makes your mouth water for a taste. Because that's the head of his cock and its leaking pre-cum.
So that's what he was up to back here. He was tossing one off. And he obviously didn't want you to know. That stings a little, but you know it's likely just to save his reputation, right? He certainly needs your help now.
Your body moves before you mind has the ability to stop it. You climb up on the mats, standing over your teacher, eyes unable to tear away from the thing between his legs. And wanting to unveil more. Mason squeezes his eyes shut, blushing deeply. "Look, don't tell anyone, alright? I'll let you sit out in class when you like, just don't let this get back to Leighton. I don't want to be fired, I love this job."
He keeps pleading, but you aren't listening. Not as the blood rushes through your ears and turns the world into white noise in the background. Your legs move first, straddling Mason and sitting down. Then your hands are reaching for the waistband, gently pulling it down as Mason's hips jump in suprise. Inch by inch of his impressive girth it revealed, the length so heavy it can't stand straight on its own.
"Hey! Hey, stop, you can't, I'm your teacher, you-"
He's interrupted by the feeling of something warm and wet licking over the leaking slit of his cock. His breath catches, length bobbing at the sensation and begging for more. You give him what he needs, tongue travelling up and down the shaft to get a proper taste. To feel what all of his soft skin is like. To just make him feel good.
Mason pants, head lolling back against the mats and his brain fogging. With each long, teasing stripe you make with your tongue, his good, sound morals fly out the window. He's your teacher, this is wrong, he's your teacher, this is wrong, he's your teacher, this is-
Good. So fucking good, and of course it's his favourite lavishing him with their attention. The prettiest one with the lovely eyes that treats him with respect. That doesn't look down on him for being the youngest faculty member - or swimming naked in the woods. That he wants to be properly inside of now.
He won't get that, though. Not today. No, right now you're too absorbed in how he tastes. Covering your teeth with your lips, you start sucking him into your mouth, inch by inch, until the blunt head hits the back of your throat. By far, most of it doesn't fit, so you bring your hands in to pump what's left. Mason lies completely still, moaning out and hissing from the sheer pleasure that your hot, wet mouth gives him.
Then you hollow out your cheeks and he nearly explodes then and there, saved only by the pain of biting his lip from the shock. The pain doesn't last long, then he's bucking his hips up and whining as you move your head and hands, up and down, up and down in a repeated motions that has him seeing stars.
One of your hands carefully trails down, cupping his balls and beginning to gently massage the sensitive glands. You can even feel the skin tighten in your grip the closer he gets, and when Mason's breath catches you decide to go all out.
With a deep breath in through your nose, you push your head down until the burn in your throat is too much; and you stay there. Your stay and suck, pumping the base of his shaft with your hand as the other fondles his balls, and Mason yells out as his vision goes white for a split second. Then it's wave after wave of cum flowing down your throat, and you have to scrunch your eyes closed to concentrate on swallowing it all. Some of it still spills from your lips, dribbling down the teacher's prick and onto his thigh, but you'll early lick it back up in a second.
He taste is addicting for you. It's one you want to taste again and again, and you have the sneaking suspicion that he might not deny you that luxury. Not with how his hips rock up into your mouth, seeking to milk every last bit of pleasure that he can get.
You pull from him with a lewd pop, tongue lapping up anything spilled just as you intended. When you pull away, there's a satisfied little smile on your face, widening into a grin at how out of it your teacher looks.
"Let's get you out now, yeah?"
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Focus On Me
i want yall to pretend i dont have outstanding wips i need to finish lmao. Have this instead:
Dickinette One-shot 1.9K words
“Dick is pissed as hell after arguing with Bruce.
His solution? Go to an underground fight club to get the shit beaten out of him.”
without further ado
Richard Grayson was many things. He was a professional acrobat. He was a dedicated vigilante. Son of freaking Batman himself. And now? Now he was pissed as hell. The fallout between him and Bruce wasn’t supposed to get this bad. Wasn’t supposed to go on this long. The radio silence was deafening and the cold shoulder burned hotter than any flaming hoop he jumped through as a kid. He knew Bruce had issues about Dick’s decision but that had nothing to do with his capabilities as a vigilante and everything to do with Bruce’s own fears and insecurities. Thinking about it just gets him riled up and he keeps replaying the harsh words they threw at each other before fists started flying too.
He needs to get out of his head for a few hours before he plans what his next move is. No. He needed to get out of his head, yes, but he needs to breathe and maybe punch someone who he doesn’t fear disappointing or someone who hasn’t dumped a ferry’s load of emotional bullshit on him. Planning what comes next can have the decency to at least wait a week. 
Trying to distract himself, he went to an underground boxing club he discovered when he was sixteen. The club was deep in the East End, hidden between the Black Bass Bar and 83rd Street. He’s been sneaking there every now and again when he wanted the time to recenter himself and get grounded before facing the world. It was therapeutic, the bruising knuckles, the blistered lips, the burning sweat in his eyes. It was rough, jaded and unpolished. Everything he wasn’t allowed to be. 
He snuck in through the regular back entrance that was reserved for fighters. The air reeked of tequila and piss and cigarettes. He could already hear the cacophony of roars and jeers from the club’s patrons as a match went on in the center ring. Making his way to the side of the ring to put his name into the bracket, he sees the current fight come to a close with a knockout. The poor guy was lying limply with a twisted ankle and a suspiciously dark bruise forming on his left side. The mat is soiled with blood, spit and what was possibly bile in one corner. Dick swung his gaze over to the fighter left standing. 
His breath feels punched out as he takes in the absolute powerhouse before him. A lean figure clad in simple matching black spandex and sports bra that left nothing to the imagination. Her bare feet were bruised and taped in seemingly random places but Dick recognised an arch to them that was only achieved through professional dancing or gymnastics. She was light on her feet, strong on her toes. Chiseled abs that put Superman to shame were marred by scars on pale skin and a fresh bandage over what could possibly be a recent stab wound resting near her hip. He eyed her wrapped fists that were caked in blood and dirt as she flexed and curled her fingers repeatedly. 
If he was left breathless by her physique then her face left him dead and buried. Bold blue eyes narrowed in concentration with her busted lips curled up in a sneer. Her cheeks were flushed and her entire face was covered in a light sheen of sweat. Her hair is pulled back into a regular ponytail with loose strands framing her face. Her hair, pure black, except for bleached blonde ends, looks greasy and unkept, highlighting her lack of care regarding her appearance. Her shoulders are hiked up to her ears and her muscles twitch and flex with pent up energy. She carries herself like someone who’s addicted to pain and the worst parts of themselves, desperate for a quick fix; the perfect reflection for how he feels right now.  Dick can’t wait to get in the ring.
“I’ll pay you $50 to get me in the ring with her right now.” He turned his neck to the fight coordinator who was counting a wad of cash. The balding man barely looked at him and just held out his hand for the payment. Dick couldn’t get his money out fast enough and before he even confirmed that he was the next fight, he was already taking his shirt off and going between the rope barriers to the floor.
The loser of the last fight was being dragged off with no concern for his well-being, while the victor stood off to the side guzzling some water. She barely side-eyes him, a quick sweep of her eyes without turning to face him, and he already feels himself flushing hot from the attention. He preens and starts stretching out his shoulders, rolling his ankles and warming up his legs at the same time. 
He barely registers the presence of the announcer, ears filled with cotton and eyes narrowing at his opponent. He looks for weaknesses, anything that would get him an edge, as he crouches into a starting position. Her wound is an obvious target and she’s short enough for easy face and neck shots. Hair pulling is also an option if he feels particularly brutish. She mirrors his stance, crouch closer to her feet and legs wider to increase lunging distance, and the full force of her gaze almost bowls him over. His eyes harden into ice shards, not willing to be swayed by twin pools of blue fire. The bell dings. He charges.
He swings an uppercut that just grazes her chin and she recoils, spins back and jabs an elbow in his ribs. He grabs her by the same elbow and twists his wrist. She twinges in pain but the hold doesn’t last long. She follows the rotation of her arm and faces him. He smells faint traces of beer on her lips and his mind swims. Pain erupts in his nose as she smashes her forehead into him. She kicks into his knee and sweeps his other leg out from underneath him. She clasps her fists together and drives them into the protruding knobs of his spine, ramming him into her awaiting knee. She moves to pin him and he uses this to his advantage. He grabs the arm that was about to press into his throat and spins her around on top of him, his chest to her back. He locks one leg around hers and cants his weight to the side, pinning her face first into the disgusting mat; he completely blankets her with his much larger body. This position doesn’t hold for long either. She still has an arm free and she uses it to punch into the side of his head. It’s not a particularly strong hit, but with the pain in his nose, and his brain feeling like it’s underwater, it is enough to disorient him and she pushes him off by her hips. 
Her narrow escape lights a fire under his skin and he reaches to grapple for her again. She slips away, again, and stands. He scurries to stand as well and immediately ducks from a leg swinging for his ribs. 
“What brings you here?” Dick almost gets whiplash from how fast he has to move. He was not expecting her to engage in conversation, much less initiate it. But she doesn’t sound malicious, just curious, and she pauses in her assault in attacks to display how genuine she was.
“Same as everyone else,” he says. He swings right for her head and follows left when she ducks, knocking her in her shoulder. “I want to pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist and get slapped around for a while. You?”
She snickers at his honesty and drops into a leg sweep. He jumps over the leg but clearly she was expecting it. She rides her momentum into a roundhouse that knocks him flat as he descends. She doesn’t hesitate and charges to pin him again. 
He lets her.
“Why does someone as pretty as you want to risk ruining that nice face of yours?” Her face is close, much closer than this pin requires but he doesn’t want to push her away. But the show must go on so he kicks her in the stomach, digging his toe into her bandaged side to get her off. She recoils like a snake about to spring and regards him with cold resentment. She clearly doesn’t like the reminder of her injuries. 
“I could ask you the same thing, sweetheart. What’s a lovely lady like you doing here getting down and dirty with the local dogs?” She is many things he regards, but lovely is not one of them. ‘Stray cat’ would better describe the scrappy woman before him. The address sets her on edge and he almost regrets describing her as such. Almost. Her next series of punches have him on the defensive and he’s pushed back all the way until he feels the ropes rubbing into the bare skin of his back. The flurry of sensations is exhilarating. Suddenly it’s too much and not enough. He ducks the next punch and grabs both wrists. He made the mistake the first time and knows better now. She won’t escape him unless he lets her. Not one to be outdone, she pulls one more trick out. She doesn’t resist his grip and instead leans up closer to his ear. Her chest is pressed flush against him and he knows she’s tipping just to reach him. Her lips, damp with sweat and cooling blood, brush against his ear and a weight settles at the base of his spine.
“Got a firm grip there?” her voice is soft, almost delicate, and he almost doesn’t register the question. His tongue feels like lead and his mouth has run dry; his brain can’t make the right connections to form words. He tightens his hold on her as an answer instead. She gets it though because she chuckles a swift ‘Good’ before she’s leaping and bracing her feet against his stomach. She leans back and uses her weight to pull them both to the ground, then she lifts her feet and flips him over. His fingers loosen and she slips out of his hold again. She follows the momentum of her roll and sits firmly on his hips, one leg pinning each of his down. She grabs both of his wrists in her small hand and uses the other to tip his chin back, his skull crashing into the mat harshly, blunt nails digging into his skin.
Her face looms over his, again closer than is strictly necessary, and she smirks at him. Her tongue peaks out and swipes at the sweat above her upper lip. He holds his breath, waiting to hear what she has to say next. His patience doesn’t reward him that satisfaction, however. A ding echoes into the room, cutting through the shouts and growls of their captive audience. She won. 
Her victorious smile is a thing of beauty, he can’t really lament his loss. Before he could overthink and get lost in his head he takes a dive headfirst and gives into his impulses.
“I’m Richard Grayson. Call me Dick.” He sounds breathless and rung out. 
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” her name is perfect like her. She releases his arms and moves to get off him. She offers a hand to help him up and he takes it. Before he could say something stupid she continues her introduction.
“You can call me Nette. I hope to see you next week.”
She will.
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kayleezra · 3 years
I’m Half The Person You Need Me To Be P.2 // (Frankie Morales x Preg!Reader)
Warnings: PTSD, depression, therapy,
Word Count: 2080
Summary: Your romantic relationship with Frankie ended. Continuing as though everything was okay wasn’t healthy for either of you. Frankie needed help, he needed to put all his time, effort and attention into himself.
AN: Thank you to @candidpedropascal for bringing me back to this piece. I absolutely loved the writing the first part and after revisiting it couldn’t help but continue it.
Part 1
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You said you’d be there for him and you were and are. But, as a guide or friend at most. The moment emotions got involved things receded and got messy. So for the best of the both of you, you separated, you found an apartment nearby that would do wonderfully.
Frankie didn’t help you move. Not because he didn’t want to but because you wouldn’t let him. You packed your own stuff on your own because sharing that with him would’ve been too personal and domestic.
Before moving you had been helping Frankie find proper professionals and programs to join. He was scared and you didn’t blame him. He’d have to face his demons head-on but you promised him that you’d be at his side. Even though you weren’t together it was to help ensure he kept his focus on himself, so you were metaphorically standing just outside his peripherals.
Frankie was lucky enough to get his pilot's license back, but he didn’t fly. He wanted to but it triggered him so he couldn’t. Therefore, he started working at a landscaping company. He was essentially the muscle, shoving dirt or sand, carrying rock. Anything and everything that didn’t require a degree or certificate.
Frankie was also seeing a therapist 2 weekly, saw his doctor to help him sleep better and joined a group for veterans with PTSD. He was on the right track, now he just needed time to reach the finish line.
—- 3 months after separation —-
You’re just over 7 months pregnant and yikes. Your back is killing and you're exhausted all the time. You even got a prescription for your heartburn because sleeping upright in a chair and eating a concerning amount of Tums wasn’t enough. And to finish it all of, your son seems to think he’s a gymnast and you’re the trampoline, balance beam and crash mat.
You haven’t heard from Frankie in a few days which isn’t unusual. You let him have his space and time and while he’s focusing on himself you’re focused on you and your unborn son.
You’re sitting on the couch in pain. Wallowing in self-pity and feeling every ache and pain in your body. Why? Well, normally this would actually be considered relaxing but you don’t think you’ll be relaxing for a while.
Your phone's text tone crashes your pity party of one. You see it from Frankie but it’s weird. Usually, his texts are about his therapy or group sessions, this text is one word; Mateo.
‘Mateo who? Who are you talking about?’, you reply.
‘Morales. Mateo Morales.’
Your breath gets caught in your throat. Frankie had picked his favourite name for his son. You’ve of course thought about his name, but nothing fit right.
‘How’d you come up with Mateo?’, you text.
‘Once, when we were on the phone our son decided to do a summersault. And you groaned “Dois mío” and I heard “Dios Mateo”. So when he is born you could easily say “Dios Mateo” when he’s inevitably causing trouble. Like I had thought you said.’
An exasperated laugh leaves you while tears well in your eyes. Your Frankie is slowly coming back. You look down at your belly, “what do you think? How does Mateo sound?”, and for the first time, the name feels right.
‘Mateo Morales it is’
Frankie couldn’t stop the biggest smile from forming on his face. His heart had been in his throat this whole time and he’ll never admit it but he really loved the name and didn’t want you to reject it. He looks at his phone which seems to be blurry, it’s then that he realizes he’s crying. It the first time in a while that he’s felt human. It sounds ridiculous but, he was a dead man walking for so long and for once it feels like his humanity is returning. That he’s becoming himself once more.
--- 2 months later ---
Ready or not, Mateo has decided he’s ready. Well, he will be soon enough. Your water has just broken so labour will be within the next 12 to 24 hours. Truthfully, you’re more annoyed than anything. You’re exhausted and now there's a mess on the kitchen floor you need to clean, getting on and off the floor is not an easy task while 9 months pregnant. With a sigh, you decide to handle the mess in a minute.
You pick up your phone and call Frankie, you won’t be able to drive yourself to the hospital once contractions start and there no need to take up a hospital bed until you need it.
Frankie’s comforting voice comes through your phone, “Hey, what’s up?”.
“Hey, I don’t know what you're up to but my water just broke and I’ll need you when the contractions start.”
You can hear nervous shuffling on his end. “Frankie, relax.”
“What do you mean relax? Your water broke you need to get to the hospital.”
“Not until I’m going into labour. This isn’t the movies, we’ve got plenty of time.”
“I’m coming over.”
“Wait I-.”, but it’s too late Frankie has already hung up.
Frankie was actually in therapy when you called him. His phone is silenced with the exception of your phone calls, for this reason. He apologized profusely to his therapist but she reassured him that he was needed.
Truth was, she was happy to see him jump to action for you and your child. When they started he was very dispassionate but slowly he’s been recovering and allowing himself to feel again.
“What a goof.”, you say to yourself once Frankie has hung up. But, then you sigh having to face the mess on the kitchen floor. You grab some old towels and begin soaking up the majority of the mess. Which was easy enough as you just pushed the towel around on the floor with your feet, once that was done you put them in a basket to be washed. Now the hard part, with a rag and cleaner in hand you painfully lower yourself to the ground.
“Who the fuck put the ground so low.”
Spraying the floor and wiping the floor was more tiring and difficult.
Frankie doesn’t knock, he just lets himself in. You glance over your shoulder at him while on the floor.
“I was going to tell y-.”Frankie cuts you off.
“What are you doing on the floor, is everything okay?”, he frantically asks while running to you.
Frankie helps you up before you can explain or even answer his questions and reassure him. Once you’re up, he grabs hold of your shoulders, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I was just cleaning.”
“Yeah, my water broke. Where do you think it ends up?”
Frankie laughs in relief resting his forehead on yours.
“You could’ve left it. I would've cleaned. You need to rest and take it easy. I’ll stay here and care for you until we need to go to the hospital.”
You want to kiss him. He’s so close and is most like himself you’ve seen in months, tears sting your eyes. Frankie notices the glossy look, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
You can’t tell the truth, he’ll feel guilty. So you say, “We’re having a baby. We’re going to be parents.”
Your words cause you to sob and he holds onto you, hugging you and holding you tight. He kisses the top of your head and whispers reassurances until you’ve calmed down.
It's been 18 hours and it’s currently 5 am. You wake on the couch with Frankie with light stomach cramps. You gently wake Frankie and when his soft brown eyes open you feel reassured. He’s here for you and your son.
“I’m sorry, I think I’m going into labour.”
At that, Frankie jumps up and runs his fingers through his hair and puts his cap on.
“Okay, let’s go. We’ve got a little man to meet.”, he says while extending his hands to you.
Frankie wraps an arm around you and carries your overnight bag in the other. You don’t do a thing as he locks up and walks you to his truck. He acts as though you might break any moment but his kindness and warmth are something you’ve missed. On the way to the hospital, he holds your hand tightly, rubbing circles with his thumb.
Frankie didn’t let go of your hand until your son was born. Even when you squeezed it until you thought you'd break it. Mateo rests on your bare chest, your sweaty and sore but seeing your son makes it all worth it. You and Frankie each have a hand on him while the others are still intertwined.
“We did it.”, you say to Frankie.
“No. You did it. You did it all alone too. I was a broken man and I was bringing you down with me. You made the tough decision but the right one. For you, me and our son.”
You squeeze his hand reassuringly.
“My therapist says that I’m stable. And I’m ready to try again if you are. Of course, I stick with my programs and continue to care for my mental health. But, I want to be there for you and Mateo. All the time, 24/7. I want to wake up in bed with you while Mateo cries. I want to be sleep-deprived with you. I want to guess the stains with you. I want to ask why something is sticky with you. I want you, us, our family.”
Tears run down your face, “I want that too”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
--- 6 months later ---
Frankie did as he said, the two of you even did couples therapy for the first couple of months and it’s been going well. Your Frankie is back. He’s happy and loving. He nearly races you to change diapers and the two of you celebrate everything little thing that Mateo does. Frankie even started flying again. You never pried for details about Columbia or therapy but whatever he was doing it was working.
It’s 7 pm, Mateo has just been put to sleep and you and Frankie sit in bed. Frankie seems lost in thought while you catch up on the rest of the world on your phone. Frankie takes hold of your hand, and you look to him. He’s got a warm yet nervous look, you put your phone away.
“Frankie, is everything okay?”
“We should get married.”
Your heart stops for a second then you smile and giggle, “What?”
“We should get married. Like now.”
“Well, maybe this weekend.”
“A huh, right.”
“What do you say?”
“Will you marry me?”
A tear rolls down and you smile both in joy and at the obscurity of it all, “Yes, of course.”
The two of you share a kiss.
“Good because I’ve planned it for this weekend.”
He laughs. “Yeah, your family and my own are all game. It’ll be small, outside on a beautiful estate within my family. You just have to get a dress.”
“Frankie you're insane, how could you pull this off?”
“Well before, we talked about marriage. In fact, we had so much of it planned already. I just made calls and our families banded together.”
You start crying, “Oh my gods. You’re serious.”
You kiss him passionately. All you can say is, “I love you.”
“I love you more. Oh and,”
He leans over and takes something from his bedside table. He opens it to you, revealing your dream ring.
You cover your mouth in shock, crying more.
Frankie puts the ring on your finger.
“You saved my life. I will spend the rest of it thanking you and loving you. You will always have me, you’ll never lose me as you did. I won’t even put you in a position to have to make such a difficult decision as I did before. I will love you unconditionally and prove to you that I do in fact love you more.”
All you can do is lean in and embrace Frankie, you fall asleep in each other's arms like that. With a ring on your finger, a wedding this weekend and a promise Frankie won’t break.
11 months ago, you made the hardest decision of your life. But, now it’s paid off. Your Frankie came back to you and became the best father in the world and an even better husband. Sometimes, what feels like the end is only the beginning.
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