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teddybeartoji · 4 months
mickeyyyyy *smiles too wide* i would love to hear ur thoughts about snow leopard hybrid!gojo if ur up for it,,,the words themselves just itched something in my brain
MOSS<333333333 i love ur smile btw I AM KINDA NEW TO HYBRIDS OKAY BUT THIS ONE IS JUST SOOOOOOO MMMMMMM also wait here is the twt art that made me lose it (everybody say thank u logan we love u logan for showing it to me) AAAAAAAAAAA IT'S SOOO FUCKING GOOOOOD HE LOOKS SOSO PERFCECT it suits him so well my brain is all mushy already
geto locking him out bc he purred too loudly fuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk he's so cute i want him. like he'd be sooooo clingy right?????? always trying to settle down in your lap always trying to get you to pet him to scratch his ears and he ALWAYSSS PURRS SOOOO LOUDLYY although i would never lock him out sugu is weak for that smh... i think he'd kind of like it when you played with his tail too?? usually felines don't like that too much but since it's you - he loves that shit. he likes to twirl it around your arm and his eyes go so big whenever that makes you laugh GOOD GODDDDDDDD look this is a full on ramble i hope something makes sense too i'm sorry for that i just🥴🥴🥴
oh my god he probably waits for you by the door when you come home, biting down on his tail just like in the picture?????? i'm kinda torn between whether he'd be good while you're gone or would he act up bc i mean it's satoru. the ultimate brat. so maybe he does scratch the couch a little or something? to show how upset he is over you leaving him at home:(((( you can't stay mad either bc c'mon look at him:((((((((((((((((((((((( god i wanna pet him sm
he probably likes to take care of you in his own way too right? like groom you? is that the word? he'd want to lick you, clean you, make sure you're all relaxed and feeling good after a long day. he's such a good boy:(((( he loves you:((((((((
oh and obviously he's super fucking clingy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean that's canon for him anyway but now even more. he always wants to drape himself in your lap, his tail curling around you like i said before too. please scratch his ears please please please:((( when you're trying to cook he's glued to your side, nuzzling into your skin - whether it's into your neck or just your back, he just wants to be close to you:(((
he also likes to nip at your skin!!!! there have been a few times where he bites down just a tad bit too hard and it drew blood but it was an accident!!!! he never wants to hurt you he felt so bad after that:(( went at sat in the corner with his tail between his legs:(((((( but you of course forgive him and coax him back to you with some belly rubs
after that he learned how to be more gentle, though. so now he often just fakes biting you just to hear you laugh or playfully scold him. when he does sink his teeth in - maybe your arm or your thigh; he always keeps eye-contact.
when you're just lazing around - reading a book, playing a video game - he's always next to you. always. maybe every once in a while he decides to take a nap, belly up, paws kind of folded and oh, he looks adorable like that. he's just a big kitty okay. btw he's always touching you. clingyclingyclingy. even when he's sleeping, he has to be touching you in some way.
SUGGESTIVE! gets upset when you come home and you have other smells on you. especially other mens' smells. maybe your co-worker hugged you goodbye or something and now his cologne sticks to your skin and satoru can't have that. he's just immediately pawing at you - begging for your attention and when you grant him that, he's jumping on you, pushing you down and licking over whereever the stench is. after he deems you clean, he just rubs himself against you - his way of marking you. you don't know that though... you just think he really missed you...... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
can hybrids go into heat............................? LOOK I'M NEW HERE OKAY I NEED TO LEARN. if they do.............. if he does............ oh boy... you need to get something to surpress those bc he will lose it. he's humping your bed, he's humping your pillow, he's sniffing your clothes. your underwear. sometimes he's pawing at your dresser, looking for more clothes but mostly his target is the dirty laundry basket....................................... everything goes when you're out....... he's gonna make a big big mess..............................................🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 ok i think i need to stop myself here otherwise i'll really lose it........................
moss i need to hear your thoughts on this. NEEEED TO HEAR THEM. DESPERATELY NEED TO. if u know about hybrids u can teach me. i'm..... in it now......................... heheheheheh this was so fun i'm sorry it took a min love but yeah i can't wait to hear your ideas aaaaaaaaaa I LOVE YOIUUUU I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD DAY MY BELOVED<3333
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Saw your tag on the post about devotion corrupting and the absolute need for more corruption verse kicked me in the head. So may you please spare some breadcrumbs about corruption verse :looks at you with big, wet eyes:
oh gods idk what to even say abt corruption verse bc i genuinely intend on writing it... Uhhh i can talk abt Grian ig!!! Grian is super fucking cool, im kinda obsessed with him and the powers i gave him in this au
Basically, Grian is an ancient trickster spirit of corrupted power-- explicitly power that corrupts. He has a LOT of it at his disposal, and a few thousand years ago he regularly made deals with people who wanted that kind of thing. New rulers, martyrs for a cause, rebellion leaders. People who were desperate enough to come looking for him and strike a deal. And if you were foolish enough to do that, he'd grant you his power.... but it would poison you slowly, twisting you into someone unfamiliar. Kings became tyrants. Martyrs became pariahs. Leaders grew harsh and were turned on by their friends. Everyone he ever gave power to met an untimely and usually very gruesome death, which was why he was ultimately sealed away by a team of powerful magick users, in a tiny artifact that was passed through generations until it was donated as an old historical trinket to the Academy of Natural Magicks.
Idk i just think he's a neat lil morally grey guy >:] i really cannot wait to write his and Scar's first meeting bc its SOOOOO good.. thats gonna be such a fun encounter. But yeah in case your wondering, Scar and Grian did end up striking a deal prior to a little victimless crime, but Scar knew abt the effects up front and didnt care, which is why Grian thinks he's the most interesting guy on the planet. Thats his babygirl and he is soso mad the Academy hurt him<3 rip to them bc the both of them are abt to watch the world burn
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justfor2am · 1 year
THE NEW CAHPTER IS SO????!???$?$!$!$!-$;$+$ HOLY SHTI!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have missed this au soso much omg the entire bit at the beginning between scar n pearl :(((( plspls the way that they're both trying to get the other to accept the things that got fucked w their appearance while they cant accept their own n how their existence as androids is so similar yet so different (smt ab scar being the first of his kind w others that look like him yet nobody knows him vs pearl being the last of her kind n everyone knowing what she looks like its complete opposites but yet.... ough im losing it) AND THENNNNNN GRIANNNNNNNNNNNNN of COURSE they would send another android .man i feel bad for him but also 😭 my guy.. acting like he's human isn't going to be a great solution LMAO i feel like this will go terribly but i am SO excited to see how it goes anyways!!!!!! AND ALSO. THE LAST LINES. IM SO ...WHAT THE FUCK SHAKING YOU SO HARD my dog is staring at me she has been this whole time i both read the chapter and wrote this what the fuck frankie ANYWAYSSSSSSS its very good im totally normal about this
i really wanna develop pearl and scar's relationship because not only do i think it's the most interesting combo between the deviants atm, it really digs into the thought of "what makes a deviant a deviant," because they both come from polar opposite living conditions.
the GT line that scar is a part of is already an exclusive model, and he was the first one in proper working order. custom made on top of that! he has all the latest tech upgrades and parts, the highest quality operating systems, but none of that prevented his deviancy.
pearl meanwhile was a run of the mill generic model, one of the first to go out to the public, and riddled with lazy errors. she's a face among a million, ancient compared to scar's model, and falling apart at the seams. (for reasons that will be revealed.)
yet here they both are, in the same predicament.
also grian simply cannot catch a break and i intend to make him suffer. :)
also also, i couldn't NOT throw impulse in there, we gotta have all of boatem chillin yanno? but i'm sure grian playing the denial route is gonna go perfectly fine, mhm, yup, zero chance for error there.
frankie has impeccable spelling then omg
sooooo glad ur normal about this chapter tho because this was pretty much just a warm up. like, the end of act one i guess :)
[the fic in question!]
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vriskacircus · 1 year
got this ask on my main but im going to answer it here @owlfacenightkit
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ok im picking jane cause im objectively correct about this guy in every single way
1: the lesbianest lesbian to ever lesbian but she takes So long to figure it out. shes having a crisis and everyone else is just sitting there like bestie... You Are A Womanliker.
2: i don't have any really big ships for him but janecallieroxy is cute as shit and we Know roxy thinks hes hot asf
3: JANE AND DIRK JANE AND DIRK JANE AND DIRK if they have one fan its me if they have no fans im dead etc etc. to quote my literal most popular post on this site: Dirk wrote Detective Pony. Jane read it. MAN. they understand each other on a level that none of the other alpha kids have they admire each other so much but dont idolize each other even when they're having stupid teen love triangle drama they still love each other soso much. When they're talking to each other on their godtier beds waiting to die and they're so so devastated about how they've acted but they just talk through it and. AUGH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH
4: janejake. pretty basic opinion but yeah. ive also seen romantic janedirk on occasion and im like???? no??
5: he's bigender and uses he/him and she/her pretty equally and he is So proud of it. it actually took him way less time to figure his gender out than his sexuality lmao -> he is voted most epic and cool looking god of earth c seven times in a row his fashion sense is impeccable (its actually Roxy's fashion sense. Roxy shows up to Jane's house at least once a month with outfits for him and Jane has so much fun w it)
6: this exchange:
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7: she reminds me so much of myself as a little kid. she doesn’t know how to help her friends and doesn't understand whats messed up about her own life yet but she just so badly wants to do right and be happy. shes also very uptight in the same way i used to be and it hurts a little to watch her let out her silly side. but like in a good way. have i mentioned i love her
8: oh god hes so embarrassing about jake. i dont fault him for it cause god knows teenagers in love are embarrassing and ive Been There. but it makes me die a little inside
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bl4ckasjet · 3 months
Nate's blabbers #3
Being demi aroace is so weird. I can absolutely get a celebrity crush and be "in love" with them so fucking easily but when actually interacting with others ? Nah. I need a genuine emotional connection that takes a while to build. It's not as simple as "oh yeah they're hot I wanna date them". It takes time, I gotta learn more about you, I gotta spend time with you and form memories as friends before even falling in love, otherwise I'm just like nah. However, if I have a crush its rewl obvious.
OH BUT OH GOD CELEBRITY CRUSHES ?? JESUS CHRIST THOSE ARE CRAZY (probably because of how neurodivergent I am and a celebrity crush usually leads me to hyperfixate). No because like by now, if we're mutuals, you def know that I got a fat fucking celeb crush on Adam Gontier. Oh God I NEED to tell yall about how that shit happened, it's actually super dumb.
Okay so, on the 10th of January 2024 (yes, I got the date, WHAT ABOUT IT), I thought to myself "yk what I feel like rewatching the music video for Scars by Papa Roach". I went on YouTube and watched it. Very great time. I replayed it a few times because the song hits fuckin hard, then I let it end and a certain music video played. It was Pain by Three Days Grace !! I didn't pay much attention at first because I was playing games on my phone but then I peeked at the screen and saw Adam during the bridge and was like "woah woah woah lemme replay this shit". So, I replayed the music video and watched it. The bridge part came back and I was like "wait why's he kinda hot..." I couldn't stop rewatching the MV. I then proceeded to google him. (Now I knew of three days grace before, they are my first ever rock band I listened to when I was like what 3 yrs old on my dad's old ass iPhone). I saw images of him and was like "woah well okay this is def just a "wow he looks good" situation". I was wrong. Then I messaged @vahntoki like "BRO LOOK AT THIS GUY HES HOT HIS NAME IS ADAM GONTIER !!" Toki agreed and then I hissed at him. I'm now hyperfixated on probably smth I never expected to be hyperfixated on and its probably turning into my special interest im very happy about it tbh bc I LOVE IT ! Adam makes me happyyyy and I love seeing content of him. OH AND HIM AND HIS FAMILY ARE SO ADORABLE !! THEY SEEM SOSO HAPPY AND I FIND THAT AMAZING AND ADAM CENSORS HIS KIDS FACE FOR THEIR PRIVACY. I love seeing what kinda thing he's done or does. Little silly Grace man. Oh and saint asonia is amazing band by Adam too he made after leaving tdg SOOOOO GOOOD UGHHH I LOVE DIGGING AROUND AND FINDING SECRET ACCOUSTIC SONGS HE WROTE AND WATCHING HIS V-LOGS.
Okay this post is long I'm gonna stfu now LMAO
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hgfhngffgjnhhgh · 4 years
lara sjsjsdjdjkdldd baekhyun may be eboy material but pls do not slander my bf baëkhyun!!!
plsss Im not slandering shbjsjs he looked sooooo good in that era, his edgy outfit just reminds me soso much of tiktok eboys skekjejejs hes VERY SECSI THOUGH !!!!!
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laphicet · 6 years
sweetlaphicets 2017 games of the year
Its just me rambling nonsensically and unedited about games I loved this year
2017 was a damn good year for video games <3 I played a lot of different games and DLC’s this year, and I just wanted to talk about some of my favorites this year !  Also, this list will be limited to things that were released this year.
 Resident Evil 7 – Starting off the year right for me. I love Resident Evil and survival horror a lot, and the series was unfortunately waning in terms of interest to me, with its shift towards more action instead of puzzles and exploration. Then Resident Evil 7 comes a long and throws all that out, and pretty much is classic Resident Evil formula, but modernized a little bit, and in first person. What a game it was. Fantastic atmosphere, with small memorable areas that you explore every nook and cranny of, and really just get to become familiar with all of the environments, with an interesting story with an entirely new cast of characters, with a focus on developing the games main antagonists, the family whose house a large portion of the game takes place in. Survival horror is BACK baby <3 Nier Automata – I love Yoko Taro, a lot. I love platinum games games’. Put them together and well… you have an unforgettable experience. Music that I listen to on a daily basis (Vague Hope is sooooo good), and characters I think about constantly (9S needs a hug…). It’s funny, when I first finished all the routes of the game, I cried a lot, especially on ending D, but I also felt… the characters weren’t as developed or memorable as the first Nier’s. As time goes on, and the more I think about the characters, the more I realize, I really did like the characters a lot, it just took me some time to appreciate them more. This game made me really happy, because I feel Yoko Taro is finally getting the widespread recognition that I’ve always felt he deserved. His stories are so far out there and different, but the drakengard/nier universe is my favorite universe of all time, and the lore is sooooo cool. Can’t wait to see what Yoko Taro does next <3 Detention – As I said in the Resident Evil 7 section, I love me some survival horror games, but I also have a big passion for psychological horror games, and Detention hits all the right notes in that department. Every single thing in the game has some deeper meaning, the reason you see enemies, all the puzzles, and all the imagery in the backgrounds, which is totally my jam (something Silent Hill gave me a passion for) and the story in general is just really dark and good. The game itself is a point and click side scrolling game with a focus entirely on puzzles (pretty good and very…interesting ones at that) and exploration. There are enemies, but they don’t really pose a threat, and they’re just there more for serving a purpose in the story. Detention is really great and not that expensive, if you like horror games, I definitely think its worth looking into.
Azure Striiker Gunvolt Striker Pack – Always wanted to get into these games back on the 3DS, and since they came out on the Switch, I got to give both games a go, and they immediately hooked me. Super fun megaman styled games, with an emphasis on tagging enemies and then electrocuting all tagged enemies at once. It feels really satisfying to use Gunvolts electric abilities, and it definitely has that Inti Creates charm to it. Visually, it reminded me a lot of Megaman Zero. I was even surprised at liking the story as much as I did. It’s not a super detailed or developed story, but I really loved Gunvolt and Joule <3 I hope for a third one at some point.
Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana – I love Ys games, and I went into this one specifically knowing absolutely nothing, never watching any videos and only having seen a few screenshots. I was so surprised by the structure of the game and the fact that the world was as big as it was, and gorgeous at that. As usual, Falcom made some damn good music too <3 Also for the first time in the series, the characters resonated with me more then usual. I think it was the stuck on an island premise of the story, everyone having to work together to survive and having to actually speak to everyone and get to know them a bit more through quests. I don’t really like the raid or defense missions, but they’re not unbearable, but definitely a low point for me. The rest of the gameplay though… man is it good. Each character feels damn good to play, especially Dana. Dana as a character in general is pretty great, and I’d really like to see more of her at some point. Soso localization aside (which they’re re—localizing now) Ys VIII is probably my favorite Ys game at this point.
The Evil Within 2 – This game is what I might call the “surprise of the year” for me. I enjoyed the first game a lot, but it had so many design aspects that I really hated (so many damn 1 hit deaths in that game) This sequel however… does everything right in my eyes. An open town to explore as a sort of giant hub world that gave me Silent Hill vibes (exploring the town was always my favorite part of that series) But perhaps the biggest surprise for me with Evil Within 2 was the story. The first games story was pretty bland, and somehow they turned the bland, boring main character from the first game in to a really well developed and well done character that honestly made me feel bad for him. Going into this game I wasn’t expecting to cry going in to this game, but it definitely gave me a lot of feels.
(DLC) Final Fantasy XV : Episode Ignis – This DLC episode gave me (and I think some other fans, 1 in specific that I know :3 ) exactly what I wanted, but I won’t spoil that here. I loved this DLC and I don’t really want to talk too mumch about it because its hard to talk about without spoiling the main game. So I’ll just sayh this, I love Ignis and I want to hug him. Also Yasunori Mitsuda composing for a Final Fantasy is pretty damn rad.
And now for my game of the year… (99% of people who know me will not be surprised xD)
Tales Of Berseria – Some of the games on my list are better designed, have better gameplay, and waaaaaaaaaaay better level design, but nothing resonated with me more this year then Berseria. Something about it just clicked, and clicked hard. I love the characters so much, especially Velvet and Phi.  I kinda don’t think a cast of characters for a game has resonated with me as much as this game, the closest its ever been before this was Yuri and Alice from Shadow Hearts, and the cast of the first Nier. There are scenes from this game that I can just think of out of context and start to get emotional >_> no games ever done that for me before. I’m not sure if it’s the game itself really emotionally resonating with me to this extreme extent, or that the game was there when I needed comfort more then anything due to some really awful bullshit that happened this year, but either way, I really love this game and its incredibly special to me. I also saw a lot of my self in Velvet and Phi... the way Velvets moods are and her anger remind me  a lot of my self when I have really bad mood swings that come at random. And then Phi... well.. I saw more of myself in him then I ever have with any other character before, for reasons that maybe I’ll write about in a seperate post one day. He has a lot of my own personality traits and one big thing about his development and over the course of the game that just really... resonated with me in a way no character has ever before. 
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ari should i watch the apothecary diaries? i've been kinda interested in it for a while + you keep hyping it up... today i woke up with the opening playing in my head
i agree with what you said about jinshi, his behavior reminds me a little of cult leader geto's antics... he's so pathetic... (my all time most favorite genre of men after motherly). he's also so so beautiful and the lining of his outer thing (sorry i don't know what it's called... fake chinese moment) is really similar to the sash on geto's gojo kesa... which i think is sooooo beautiful as well
n my friend said i'm realllllyy similar to maomao so this will probably be a self-indulgent watch for me... read her backstory and it's making me so sad but she comes across as so strong... i'm already so attached to her it's not even funny. also i didn't know your whole family was into anime!! that's so wholesome and cute..
about the kenny plushes, they don't sell very well (especially in the jp fandom!) so you can get them for sooo cheap. you can use a proxy if you really want to! i use sendico and the shipping isn't bad! i know they ship to a lot of smaller european countries too ^ ^
i can NOT believe they got lost at sea. omfg i am fuming for you that is so very sad. we should track down the ship. that lost it. it's negligence.
are you talking about these? https://jp.mercari.com/item/m92282289388 i actually have the cat plush one that's fairly similar! https://jp.mercari.com/item/m20944297256 N ABOUT THE MERCH I JUST.......... ORDERED A LOOK UP.... finally found geto's for a reasonable price :( now i just have to wait for golden week to end for it to shipp,.w;...... AND THIS ONE https://jp.mercari.com/item/m89522427367 where he looks so hot that i'm literally about to die
thank you so much for listening to my rambles!! :D <3 🌖🌖
YOU SHOULDDDD YOU SHOULD!!!!!!! it’s super duper duper good!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the plot is amazing and the animation is gorgeous and the characters are so so charming…. JINSHI IS LITERALLY CULT LEADER GETO just. less evil. and more flirty. he’s kinda like…. if you mixed cult leader geto and teen toru in one big bowl. BUT HE’S GENUINELY VERY SIMILAR TO HOW I PICTURE CULT!GETO BEING W A CRUSH…. like….. in an au where there aren’t any complications and you’re on his side. i think he’s soooo silly and bratty and pouty. but he wants you to lean on him so badly.
he makes me insane btw motherly/pathetic men are the actual standard ANYWAYYY MAOMAO. i adore her!!!!! just as much as jinshi!!!!!! 🥺 AND WE’RE TWINNING SO HARD 🌖 ANONNNNN i see myself as super similar to her too 😭😭 just. the way she acts…. but she rlly is so lovely and funny and soso strong!!!! she’s a wonderful character……
AND YES KINDA PHDKDJ … honestly it’s mostly just. me and my two older brothers. but my mom likes manga!!! i think she’s still caught up on detective conan to this day…. the amount of chapters are frankly really silly i can’t believe it’s still ongoing 💀 BUTTT i do force my older sis to watch anime w me sometimes :3 yesterday i made her binge dungeon meshi w me!!! i’m still not nearly finished w it (and all the episodes aren’t out yet!!) but i recommend it SO strongly it’s so feel-good but also so???? idk. it’s special. and i adore laios like nothing else…. mr puppydog…….
BUT WAHHHHHH :((((((( kenny being neglected…. sniffle……… i tried using that site but it does Not work for me lmao it won’t let me register my credit card :’3 and i’m worried since i can only write my name and adress using english letters…… the kenny stuff rlly was so cheap grrr i’m mad. but oh well!!!
AND YES EXACTLY IT’S THOSE CATS!!!! 🥺🥺 wahhhhh i need the goken set so BADLY just look at them…. the meowmeows ever…….
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all the merch you linked…. GRRRRR you are tempting me so hard rn 😭😭 THAT ONE OFFICIAL GETO ART. need him so bad. he looks soooooo fucking good it should be illegal…… i’m also sooooo jealous you found geto’s look up!!!!! i need to hunt him down!!!!!!!!!!!! but i can’t spend any more money on merch this month…. sobs…….. I’M ALWAYS VERY HAPPY TO HEAR ABT YOUR MERCH ESCAPADES THOUGHHH i hope your sugus reach you safely!!!!! pls send pics once he comes home plspls 🥺🥺🥺
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