seoafin · 1 year
No I need every trigun thought you have bc wolfwood’s character is tragic like vash. This whole crew is just messed up and I need to see thoughts and feelings!!!
before anyone says anything you asked so i am answering. i talked about how insane it makes me that wolfwood is literally doomed by the narrative. both in the manga and stampede (sorry to those who think he'll make it out alive in stampede. he's dying.) our first look at him in both the manga AND stampede is seeing him carrying his own grave marker (which i could write a whole paper about just in the fact that it's literally a cross and a fucking machine gun!!!!!). it's representative of the lives he's taken and a tangible manifestation of his sins and guilt that is pointed out as extremely heavy by others. i think in the manga the only other person capable of picking the punisher up is vash??? (which makes me even more crazier bc what do you think that represents huh). the thing about wolfwood is that not only is he a character foil to vash, he completes vash in a way that only he can. only wolfwood can take the lives vash cannot in order to save people, which is something vash finally acknowledges during their fight with leonof the puppet master. i think the absolute saddest thing about wolfwood's character is that he is absolutely a caretaker at heart and violence is not at all inherent to his nature. in the orphanage he grew up in he cooked he took care of the younger children he helped the women out!!! thematically the orphanage he grew up in being the place of his last stand makes so much sense. he fights and dies to protect the orphanage and all the children (yes this includes livio). not to quote myself here but:
ww’s death doubles as salvation and tragedy. somewhere along the way of meeting vash and being witness to his unconditional love and forgiveness for humanity he found it easier to hope!!!! to begin to think that he could be saved. and that’s how he dies.
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dolokhoded · 9 months
mel c magdalene made me realize what was missing from my magdalene design and it's that she's not fucking jacked. it's crucial to her character
#🧅#literally my takeaway from jcs2012 was mary magdalene's arms. yeah those guys were there too i guess#i think hers might be my favorite portrayal of mary#like. not just because she's jacked i just really liked how jc2012 worked with magdalene#she felt more fleshed out. and i <3 yvonne elliman in this role i always will but lets be so for real in the 1973 movie mary was a sexy lam#character except instead of sexy she was like. sopping wet cat lamp character#i mean i think she was also sexy. but that's beside the point this post is not about how attractive i find yvonne elliman#or mel c#well it kind of is about how attractive i find mel c#whatever. my point is it was the 70s and she was a female character. so like. you get it !#and i feel like a lot of the time magdalene is very girlbossified in a way that makes her very one dimensional#without EVER her appearing masculine of course because god forbid the one female character does not appear to the male gaze#(well originally female character anyways. today genderbend casting is a thing and it fucks)#it's either she's a Girl Disciple (no further elaboration) or she's like. a girlboss stone hearted biker gang leader leather jacket queen#(no actual further elaboration but her one 'ooh i love this man and i dont know how to show it' solo tricks you into thinking there is)#while 2012 magdalene somehow seems much more well rounded to me.#they let her be herself more. idk. that's how i interpreted it at least. in my mind.#it's like. i feel many other marys i've seen are described by how they treat jesus (and sometimes judas)#but this one still feels present even when jesus is not around. or he is but she's not interacting with him.#again this is a very specific interpretation that clicked in my brain im not saying that jcs2012 like. did some groundbreaking feminist#portrayal of magdalene. but yknow !#she also didn't acknowledge judas' existence once while he had created some weird one sided beef with her which was. very funny to me#literally did not waste a glance at him.
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realnielsbohr · 10 months
watched the 2000 jesus christ superstar for the first time today. hey what was up with that
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tybaltsjuliet · 9 months
usually, i reserve this level of insanity for easter, but since i’m in JCS mania, get obsessed about josh young with me
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listening to the jesus christ superstar soundtrack and remembering my main takeaway from seeing it which is that every character in it is really interesting except for jesus.
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picklepie888 · 1 year
We Don't Talk About Judas (Biblical Encanto Parody)
We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas
It was the Passover
It was the Passover
We were all together and we're passing the bread and the wine
Passing the bread and the wine
Jesus comes through
With some upsetting news
Are you telling the story or am I?
I'm sorry dear brother go on
Jesus said 'I'll be betrayed'
Why would He tell us?
Upon this news, we're all dismayed
The whole room was in chaos!
Who of us would dare betray?
We're not naming names
But we'll just say
We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas!
Hey! Grew to be weary of Judas's intentions
None of us suspected his crime beyond comprehension
I equate him to the sound of coins hitting the floor (clang, clang, clang)
How could we remiss
With a kiss, he touches
Failed to keep our Rabbi out of the Romans' clutches
Choking on his guilt until he can't breathe anymore
Gone forevermore
Thirty pieces
Of silver in his sack
When the night ceases
He stabs us in the back
He had seeled our doom
Led Jesus to His tomb
(Hey) We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas
They say He was sacrificed
To pay our cost! (No no)
The Romans had dragged Him off
To Pilate, their boss! (No no)
He said that Jesus of Nazareth
Would hang on the cross! (No no)
The Hebrews mourned
Our most devastating loss!
He told me
That upon this day three
Not to worry for He will soon rise
He told me
The Messiah will come
And our souls will be made divine
He told me
Before that next morning
I'll deny him times three
Upon the cock's crowing
It's like I hear it now
It's like I hear it now!
I can hear it now!
Yeah, about that Judas
I really need to know about Judas
Give me the truth and the whole truth
Hey the King of the Jews is here!
He has risen!
(Overlap of Peter/Andrew, Matthew, John, and Mary Magdalene verses)
He's here!
Don't talk about Judas
Why did I talk about Judas?
Not a word about Judas
I never should've brought up Judas!
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penny-anna · 6 months
@snaitf recommended i check out this production of JSC on youtube so i gave it a watch & had a really good time!!
i found Judas a little underwhelming (sadly) but every else very on point. really great vocal performances. will probably listen to this one through again.
soo let's rank it:
How do they style Simon Zealotes?
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costuming very minimal throughout so taking that into account yeah this is a good look ✔️
How camp do they play Herod?
ok uh. due to the above mentioned minimal costuming i wasn't expecting much from this but uh
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the fuck?
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this is where the entire costuming budget went huh dghfdkjghjk
anyway. she was a delight & the whole number was mesmerisingly weird & jarring in a way i've only seen before in the 2000 production. no notes 10/10 ✔️✔️✔️
How’s the high note?
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ok this production as a whole has a very heavy emphasis on vocal performances BUT he actually acted the hell out of this number. big tick. ✔️
How do they stage Judas taking the money?
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boo 👎i realise this is a very minimal production but they couldn't spring for 1 prop for this scene. c'mon. nothing wrong w the performances we just don't actually see him take the money!! ❌
How’s Judas’s Superstar outfit?
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ok i don't actually love this as a look but in keeping w the rest of the production i think it's appropriate so i'll give that a ✔️
How gay is the betrayal with a kiss?
so at first i was like boooo bcos Jesus said the line but they didn't actually kiss??
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but no turns out they'd just made the intriguing decision to switch the order on the line & the kiss. anyway this whole production is pretty firmly platonic (which is fine) but the kiss is very soft & tender so i'm giving it a pass ✔️
anyway some other things i enjoyed:
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this is a tiny detail but one i don't recall seeing before, they had the line 'come on god, this is not like you' in the arrest scene delivered by Simon?? i love that actually.
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Mary Magdalene is so so beautiful & has the voice of an angel im in love with her
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Pilate played by a woman is a new one on me. im VERY into it. took me a little while to click w her bcos she started out playing it very villainous but by the end im like actually that was all pitch-perfect. loved it.
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Mary fully scream-crying through the crucifixion was another choice i haven't seen before and honestly. harrowing to watch.
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My roommate: so Jesus Christ Superstar the Muppet movie
Me: uh huh.
My roommate: Kermit's Jesus, Miss Piggy is Mary Magdalene. Obviously. Judas has to be the human, right?
Me: obviously
My roommate: who's playing him?
Me, unfamiliar with JCS, my brain only able to conjure that interview where Con said that he and Taika listened to JCS and that's the only conversation they ever had about Ed and Izzy's relationship: uh ... Con O'Neill?
My roommate, unfamiliar with this bit of OFMD lore, who has seen Chernobyl more times than OFMD, with glee: CON O'NEILL!
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"Judas spends most of the show miserable because his best friend/crush/boyfriend/ex boyfriend Jesus is getting way too cosy with Mary Magdalen. Both Mary and Judas sing about how they don’t know how to love Jesus, meanwhile Jesus is off having a breakdown in the corner because he’s got a weird martyr complex going on and he’s about to get crucified and he just wants to get his forehead kissed by Mary and to stop fighting with Judas. Also Judas kisses Jesus and anyway everything could’ve been fixed if the three of them embraced polyamory" - Anonymous
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ofmdsalt · 2 months
i really enjoyed con and taika’s implied backstory/headcanons for izzy and ed’s past and how they met at kids, grew up together etc etc and i was always really bummed that we never get a flashback to see that.
then I saw the fandom discourse and it’s sheer unerring devotion to misread every single one of Izzy’s relationships & interactions in the worst possible faith, and I’m pretty sure that if we’d gotten that flashback in canon, the gentlebeardies would say some shit like “it’s so clear now that Izzy groomed Ed from the beginning” because that is level of media illiteracy we are at.
hey op! if you have any links to where con and taika have talked about their backstories for there characters, i'd love to check them out and see what they said!
the one part on Taika's take on Ed and Izzy's relationship is him saying to Con that they were like Jesus and Judas Iscariot from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and i for one find this imagery very interesting! indulge me for a moment here.
many people raised within a Christian context and/or society all likely know of the story of Jesus and Judas. Judas, as one of the original 12 disciples, being the one to eventually betray Jesus and lead the Romans to him in the Garden of Gethsemane all for 30 pieces of silver. the guilt of this leads Judas into killing himself. the interpretation of his character is predominantly about how bad he is. how evil he is. how he is responsible for Jesus' death and it's largely simplified his character. i prefer more modern interpretations of him, and i think Jesus Christ Superstar made him a much more nuanced character than say others media have done (Mel Gibson's fairly antisemitic Passion of the Christ comes to mind when it sort of also supports the over-simplification of Judas' role in Jesus crucifixion)
but this is all to say the interpretation i like the most comes from the understanding of Judas being more concerned and hesitant about Jesus when he started kicking up more attention. more attention directed at them. like clearly Judas was comfortable with what Jesus was saying and preaching. he stuck around long enough to be called a disciple, but the moment those words turned into actions? when Jesus started flipping tables in the temple? when he started miraculously healing and calling people back from the dead? well, now, hang on, Teacher. all this noise will draw the ire of the Romans. is that what we want? is that what you are calling us to do? what if they come and jail us? what if they kill us? Jesus' radicalism in a time of oppression may have scared those too willing to keep their head down. consume some radical materials on the side, but otherwise not stick their necks out too far out of fear they would get themselves killed. i mean, Peter likewise denied ever knowing Jesus for fear that he would be crucified too.
but even after all that, Jesus was killed. murdered by the state for his beliefs. perhaps Judas didn't think they would take it that far. that he wouldn't be made a message, but he was. and it's that grief that pushed Judas into committing suicide
going back to the parallels of Ed and Izzy, it's easy to see where Taika would get this inspiration. Jesus Christ Superstar starts with Judas warning Jesus against Mary Magdalene because accepting a prostitute would go against his teachings. Izzy is frustrated by Ed's growing fascination with Stede because it goes against his teachings of keeping pets on board, and Izzy tries to get Ed to see how Stede is nothing more than a pet project to Ed. and pets are not allowed.
i can see Izzy's frustration with Ed's changing path of being more "why would you give up the image of Blackbeard when that fearsome reputation has kept you and your crew safe for all this time? why would you give it up to be this gentleman? to be this fish out of water?" just as Judas might wonder why Jesus is as outspoken as he is. why draw more attention to yourself? why make yourself a deliberate target in this way? why why why?
Judas does what he thinks is best in the moment and so does Izzy, but Izzy doesn't let Ed go to his doom. he pays his bail and tries to show him why it's dangerous for people like them to give up on the things that have kept them safe. even if those ways of being are no longer required. the world has changed, is changing, and they should change with it.
it's a tragedy what they have become. too used to the pain and violence that has become a reality for them to even see that there is another way of existing.
all we can do now is speculate on how Ed and Izzy came to meet and how they came to be friends. how they came to be what they are. i think there's a lot of potential for people to play around with who they were, how they rose to infamy, and how they ultimately destroyed each other. it was mutual self-destruction and it's frustrating to see how certain other fans try to over simplify the relationship. either by removing Ed's agency entirely to say that it was all Izzy's doing, despite how they also assert that Izzy is actually a terrible planner and has never done anything successful in his life ever.
im sure David and co had more plans for Ed and Stede flashbacks as they did throughout s1. it would've been interesting to see how Ed took on the name Blackbeard. where he started. where it all came together because we all know how it fell apart
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Redder than Hellfire: an Alastor Analysis from the Perspective of a Redheaded Asexual
If you’ve spent any amount of time in the Hazbin Hotel fandom, you will know that Alastor is the most shipped character in the fandom. That’s rather ironic, considering he’s canonically asexual and creator sources have all but outright stated that he’s aromantic. However, Vivziepop pussyfooting around his romantic orientation is a discussion for another date. I want to discuss Alastor's unique situation as a redheaded asexual and the ways this intersection affects how the fandom treats him.
While red hair is more common in Scotland, Ireland, and other areas affected by the Vikings, red hair is a genetic mutation. This means it can occur naturally in any people group. There have been cases of it all over the world. As such, it is possible for African-American people such as Alastor to have naturally occurring red hair. I believe that his hair was dark in color, as is common among mixed-race children. However, I am not opposed to the idea of his hair having been red in life.
If we wish to assume that Alastor’s hair was red in his life, he would have twice as many stereotypes aimed at him. During the 1920s and 1930s, when Alastor would have been an adult, African-American men were stereotyped as sexually violent (and to some extent they still are stereotyped as such today). Redheads are stereotyped as “better in bed,” more sexually active than others, as well as freakier in bed. Those things combined would make for a lot of assumptions about a certain radio demon.
Redheads are either highly vilified or highly sexualized. Redheaded men as a whole are seen as ugly. Redheaded women, on the other hand, are stereotyped as fiery and sexually wild. It isn’t uncommon to see redheads as either the bully or the unattractive friend in children’s media, but in media directed toward adults the redhead is often the sexpot character.
Redhead stereotypes have a few different sources. While a few date back to ancient Egypt and Greece, the most common ones toward men can be traced back to (surprise, surprise) antisemitism, primarily depictions of Judas Iscariot. He was commonly portrayed as a redhead, which led to the perception of redheaded men as untrustworthy or crooked in their ways.
Mary Magdalene is also tied to redhead stereotypes. She has been incorrectly assumed for much of Christian history to be the sex worker who washed Jesus’ feet, and she has been commonly portrayed as a redhead, which has tied redheaded women to sex. This idea of depicting sex workers as redheads seems to date back to Lilith. There is historical precedence for Lilith being portrayed as a redhead, and she is known for wanting to be equal with Adam and being sexually out of line—in this specific instance, wanting to top, sleeping with the devil, and not having kids. These perceptions of Lilith and Mary Magdalene have led to the stereotype of redheaded women as fiery, independent, and sexually passionate. I find this connection to Lilith particularly interesting, as it’s commonly speculated that Alastor’s soul belongs to her.
Alastor’s reception by the Hazbin Hotel fandom has been more in line with the reception of redheaded women than of redheaded men. Granted, I can see why this is. Alastor isn’t exactly traditionally masculine. His silhouette is hourglass-shaped when one includes his coat, his haircut isn’t masculine, and he’s shown to be more comfortable around the female characters of Hazbin than around the male characters. He’s also highly sexualized by the fandom. Interestingly enough, he also picks up the Judas stereotypes—he’s violent, greedy, untrustworthy, in league with a demonic power, and it’s heavily speculated among fans that he will betray the protagonist.
Here is where we will deviate from strictly facts and I will discuss my own experiences as a redheaded asexual.
It is exhausting. I’ve known I was ace before I even knew the term, I just knew that sex seemed crawl-out-of-my-skin gross, exhausting, and like a poor way to use time I could be spending elsewhere. I’ve gotten used to sexual humor, but I personally still find it immature and unoriginal, and any time a sexual remark is directed at me, my brain reacts as if I’ve just heard nails on a chalkboard.
It seems like everywhere I turn, someone is joking about redheads being wild in bed. For example, one of the first men I went on a date with told me that his last ex had been a redhead who stabbed him in the butt with a pair of scissors. Another time I was at a church function, and I had not been there five minutes when a man old enough to be my grandfather came up behind me, put his hand on the small of my back, leaned in close to me and asked in a hushed voice, “you one of those crazy redheads?” I said “no” and laughed nervously, then stuck with a male friend for the rest of the evening.
Those examples are the more dramatic ones, but that’s common for redheaded women. I’m a novelty item. I remember being a child and having grown adults touch my hair without asking, and to this day it’s something I have to dodge in salons while I listen to how people pay thousands for my hair color. I’m a beautiful young woman with fiery hair, manic pixie dream girl charm, and supposedly incredible talent in bed.
I wouldn’t know if I’m any good in bed, and I have no desire to ever find out. Yet everywhere I look, I hear that I’m a hot-button commodity. In 2013 women made up roughly 22% of porn stars according to NBC, and in 2014 redheads were in 30% of TV commercials. I’ve heard and read more stories than I can count about how as soon as women dye their hair red, men immediately see these women as more sexual. I am desirable, whether I like it or not.
How does this connect to Alastor? Given what I’ve shared here both statistically and anecdotally, I feel that I’ve extensively proven that feminine redheads are seen as inherently sexual. While I don’t know that I fully believe it, I wouldn’t be shocked if part of Alastor’s personal hell is being seen as sexually desirable when he is a sex-repulsed asexual. Being perceived as inherently sexual is bad enough, but it is doubly painful when you want nothing more than for people to stop trying to get into your pants.
This sexual perception of him is not merely limited to his own fictional setting. He is also the most widely shipped Hazbin character on AO3, with thousands of fics shipping him with Lucifer, Angel Dust, Vox, Charlie, or a reader. He is by far the easiest to find NSFW fanart of. Ever since Viv made it publicly known, fans have been either pitching fits over his asexuality or choosing to ignore it because they find him hot.
I’m aware this is relevant to myself and perhaps three other people. I’m also aware he was designed when Viv was very young and she probably wasn’t putting this much thought into it. But this is an angle of his character I’ve never seen anyone talk about before and it was an angle I connected with.
Works Cited:
“Primetime TV Ads Feature an Unusually High Number of Redheads.” The Hollywood Reporter.
“The Porn Myth: Uncovering the Truth about Sex Stars.” NBC.
Lilith. Jewish Women’s Archive.
Red: A History of the Redhead by Jacky Collis Harvey.
Tagging people who seemed interested:
@sonneillonv @creepysora @usedtobethelegendcreator
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cartoonnerdygoat · 11 months
bible and tadc
Let's start with the obvious stuff:
Caine seems to be a reference to Cain, one of the first humans, who kills his brother because of jealousy that god likes him more. Our caine is very not violent, and i have some thoughts but not sharing them yet.XD
We see a C&A logo, so everyone is assumimg that's Caine and Abel.
The last scene looks like the Last Supper by Leonardo de Vinci. Pomni is sitting in Jesus's spot, so we can assume pomni will parallel jesus.
Now, the good stuff...
Goose said that Jax will be the morally worst character, and he'll do something very unlikeable in later episodes. You know who does something bad to jesus? (Jesus like pomni)
JUDAS. In the bible, Judas betrays Jesus. That would really suit Jax, and here's a scenario I came up with:
Jax will somehow cause Pomni to be abstracted (jesus died bc of judas), maybe because he thought that would let him escape. Everyone will hate jax lol
Pomni goes to the cellar (jesus's tomb) as her abstracted form. SOMEHOW, she gets unabstracted (resurrection).
Someone said ragatha could be Mary magdalene (prostitute that jesus stopped from being stoned to death, later she was the first one to see resurrected jesus). Pomni already kind of (albeit badly and not really) saved ragatha from abstracted Kaufmo. Later, ragatha could be the one to find unabstracted pomni.
My bible knowledge is a bit shabby, so not guaranteeing accuracy XD most of these ideas come from other people!
Feel free to reblog with any questions/stuff of your own, i loooove rambling
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perplexingly · 3 months
I really enjoyed it! It was a German production in Nuremberg, but the songs were sung in English. They modernized it, having Jesus and his followers speak out against the catholic church and its controversies (treatment of queer people, women, children, ...). So Herod was the pope and so on. (This Video is German but it has snippetes of the songs: youtube.com/watch?v=bL1zvFUHzMY And this one some more immagery: youtube.com/watch?v=aCcIiCqCCI0 ) Both Jesus's and Judas's actors were sick actually, but they somehow managed to find replacement (Jesus: youtube.com/watch?v=DqFpvyhbtOk and Judas, tho i could only find him as Jesus, too: youtube.com/watch?v=L5w4y_2KNco)! I liked Mary Magdalene a lot. Something about her voice really suited the role imo? like how rough?? it was maybe.. (youtube.com/shorts/rxC6FgRjv8s) I cried multiple times, in particular during "Superstar". they made it out to be this scene in which Judas was wearing a sparkly suit, holding a camera (which was projected in large for everyone to see) and microphone into Jesus's face, who was all naked and bloodied from being whipped. The scene was really bizarre with everyone ignoring Jesus's suffering and telling him he didnt do enough. And Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a son together, who in the end was the reincarnation.
I'm really looking forward to comparing it to other productions!! it was the very first time for me to even listen to the songs, so i dont have a full opinion on this production in particular, except for that I liked it and i'm glad I got to see it and that it got me into the JCST in the fist place. (My boyfriend said we'd have to go again to compare it to other productions so I know he's the right one 🙏😤)
Omgggg that sounds incredible! Glad that you had fun 🥰 I love it when theatres do something unique to the play, thank you for summarising it! (the one I saw was very traditional, back when Neely had his European tour, I also watched it in Germany 🙈)
There's a couple recordings of different productions on YouTube if you want to compare, though I'd say most of them are different from one another only through the costumes and acting, without major changes. Still, this show tends to go all weird and unique with the setting so it's still worth watching other productions : D
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disregardcanon · 6 months
there are so many moments in jesus christ superstar that i LOVE, but one of my absolute favorites is the way that jesus backtracks in gethsemane
"why, then, am i scared to finish what i started? what YOU started. i didn't start it." jesus in jesus christ superstar is bearing the weight of everyone's expectations and just. doing his best to try to manage them. judas wants him to stay grounded in his humanity and the opinions and thoughts of people on the ground. respectability politics is how you stay under the radar long enough to make lasting change. make the money to give to the poor, keep our reputations up strongly, we can make a real impact here and now if we don't get too loud.
simon wants him to rise up and lead a revolution. the people in need want him to heal all of them right now immediately even though he's just one guy with only so much ability and time and focus.
mary magdalene wants him to chill out and let her take care of him. peter and the background apostle gang want to be his posse as he gets big and use him to get big and famous. "then when we retire we can write the gospels and they'll still talk about us when we've died"
herod wants him to do his magic as a party trick to gain his salvation, as though that could save him
pilate wants him to deny what he's being accused of so that pilate "can save him", as though that was an option.
and then, of course, we have the absent god the father wanting him to die "far too keen on where and how, not so hot on why". and in the 1973 movie version we get this montage of different images of the crucifixion that implies god sent him this vision of how impactful his death will be, but he still doesn't necessarily tell him WHY, and in other versions there's no evidence that jesus gets... any answers. whatsoever.
different characters TRY to be attentive to his needs and thoughts during the musical, but even those who try very hard (mm, judas, pilate) just.. can't get through. because even if jesus told them.... there isn't anything any of them can do. the story was written long before any of them got here. and there are no answers left in its wake
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goldshirtleia · 6 months
Hello yes it is that time of year again, I am listening to the 1970 OG recording of JCS on vinyl and have decided to finally make a list my rankings for every role and aspect of this show. For the record I am a pagan whose only real knowledge of the Jesus story is from this show so forgive my unhinged takes.
Ian Gillan (OG album/broadway)
Ted Neeley (1973)
Ola Sålo (Swedish 2014)
Jack Hopewell (North American Tour 2022)
Morgan James (all female cast 2022)
Carl Anderson (1973)
Brandon Victor Dixon (2018)
Murray Head (OG album)
Shoshana Bean (all female cast 2022)
Peter Johannson (Swedish 2014)
Honourable mention to Colm Wilkinson (it is a CRIME that there isn't a full recording of the Irish cast)
Mary Magdalene:
Yvonne Elliman (OG album/broadway/1973)
That's it, no one else even comes close
(Maybe an honourable mention for Gunilla Backman)
Pontius Pilate:
Barry Dennen (OG album/1973)
Filippo Strocchi (Vienna 2018)
Orfeh (all female cast 2022)
Bob Bingham (OG broadway/1973)
Norm Lewis (NBC 2018) I will ALWAYS stan Norm
Victor Brox (OG album)
Simon Zealotes:
TIE - Larry Marshall (1971)
TIE - Eric Grönwall (NBC 2018)
John Gustafson (OG album)
Tony Vincent (2000)
Alice Cooper (NBC 2018)
Mike D'Abo (OG album)
Chris Moyles (Arena Tour 2012)
Overall - staging/set design/costumes:
1973 Movie
NBC 2018
North American Tour 2022
Arena Tour 2012
Honourable mention to the OG broadway production -- I haven't seen enough footage to accurately rank it but I LOVE Jesus's cape in Superstar.
Best overall rendition of Superstar (incl. staging, costumes, etc)
1973 Movie
NBC 2018
Arena Tour 2012
Swedish 2014
Best facial expressions:
Carl Anderson during Simon Zealotes
Carl Anderson right before he engages in respectability politics to slut shame Mary
Tim Minchin when the priests take his joint lmao
Best Superstar costume:
Carl Anderson's white maxi fringe jumpsuit (come ON)
Peter Johannson's shirtless #lewk (I have a whole thing about how Judas should not look like a demon but the sparkly red pants and the Legolas hair are too fantastic)
Brandon Victor Dixon in the full silver fit
Best WTF moments:
That bit in the 1973 film where they all form The Last Supper for a quick second and no one comments on it
When the 1973 crowd says "won't you die for me?" in Hosanna and it just FREEZES on Jesus's face
The Swedish cast pushing Jesus into Jerusalem in a shopping cart
The fighter pilots swooping at Judas after Blood Money in 1973. What WAS that. How did they get that.
That is all lol. Every time we watch even a clip of a new production my mother and I spend 2-3 hours discussing how it fits into our rankings, so this could change.
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nadiegesabate1990 · 1 month
Jesus is responsible for creating the largest religion on the planet, according to my studies.
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After the defeat of the Romans, the barbarians emerged victorious and the other peoples lost influence. Many will complain about the legitimacy of the story of Jesus as true. A carpenter by trade, he began his religious and political career in the mountain passes of Jerusalem, joining his brothers. In fact, Jesus had five brothers. The youngest was the tax collector Judas, and his goal was to convert people. Jesus was the leader and also worked as a fisherman. And he opposed the Romans. After the religious rise to fame as a miracle worker, he emigrated to Jerusalem and later took his remains to Rome. However, I believe that after the crucifixion, Roman soldiers took his body to the Dead Sea. So that the place would not become a place of pilgrimage. Jesus was seen as a terrorist. The remains of Jesus are in Rome and at the time he had a prominent position. Jesus was from the interior of the country. And in prison along with Barabas. From then on, he began to build the free Christian religion, which would be responsible for preparing the seizure of power by the apostles of Christ and the occupation of Rome and, after the Roman defeat, founding churches, etc. And, a few days after the crucifixion, Jesus returned to the world, where he had a decisive influence on the reconstruction of his religion and the creation of the administrative bodies of his kingdom of Jesus. In fact, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the only female apostle of the group, and to her mother Mary. And in close collaboration with his brothers, he strengthened the Christian religion and occupation, becoming the most influential religious man in the world. The union he orchestrated resulted in the creation of the German Nazi Party. The growing opposition to his repressive methods and his religion resulted in a revolt by the German barbarians, and the Jews were severely crushed. And there were several attempts to make the internal and economic religion more flexible, but they were doomed to failure. The division of the religion into two would be cemented with the construction of the new, pagan religion. Of course, this is an obstacle.
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