bitofthisandthat · 2 years
How does your muse carry emotion?
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: being unable to stop smiling.  laughter.  bear hugs.  happy tears. waving arms around.  dancing.  contently sighing.  eyes twinkling. laughter lines.  childlike playfulness.  skipping.  talking more.  affection.  cracking more jokes than usual.  gesturing more when talking.  higher pitched voice.  squealing.  jumping around.  clapping.
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: tearing up.  self-hugging.  one-arm cross.  an aching chest.  scratchy throat.  a runny nose. turning away.  deep breaths.  quivery smiles.  crying.  infantile sobbing.  hands gripping each other or an object.  covering mouth.  puffy eyes.  eyes appear red.  voice breaking.   a distant or empty stare.  monotone voice.  asking for comfort.  faking a smile.  crumbling.  shaking.  whimpering.  depression.  abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others.  big teary eyes.  doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑: furrowed brows.  baring teeth.  passive-aggressive comments.  avoiding eye contact.  sarcasm.  headache.  sore muscles.  hiding clenched fists.  irritability.  jumping to conclusions.  raising voice.  going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding.  body tensing. making risky decisions.  middle finger.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑: wanting to flee or hide.  what-ifs.  images of what-could-be flashing in mind.  uncontrollable trembling.  rapid breathing.  screaming.  a skewed sense of time.  irritability.  keeping silent.  denying fear.  turning away from the cause.  pretending to be brave.  nail-biting.  lip-biting.  scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks.  fainting.  insomnia.  panic attacks.  exhaustion.  substance abuse.  tics.  rushing adrenaline.  face draining of color.  hair lifting on the back of the neck.  feeling rooted to the spot.  making body as small as possible.  staring but not seeing.  crying.  a shrill voice.  whispering.  gripping something or someone.  stuttering.  flinching at noises.  pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: constantly yawning.  blurring words together.  dark circles or lines under eyes.  mood swings.  hallucinations.  calling people by the wrong name.  dizziness.  denying they’re tired. slow blinking.  trouble concentrating.  stumbling.  leaning on a doorframe for support.  sluggish movements.  falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”  shaking so bad they spill their drink.  falling asleep in their clothes.  laying their head on the table because they’re so tired.  passing out.
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: being unable to stop smiling.  laughter.  bear hugs.  happy tears. waving arms around.  dancing.  contently sighing.  eyes twinkling. laughter lines.  childlike playfulness.  skipping.  talking more.  affection.  cracking more jokes than usual.  gesturing more when talking.  higher pitched voice.  squealing.  jumping around.  clapping.
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: tearing up.  self-hugging.  one-arm cross.  an aching chest.  scratchy throat.  a runny nose. turning away.  deep breaths.  quivery smiles.  crying.  infantile sobbing.  hands gripping each other or an object.  covering mouth.  puffy eyes.  eyes appear red.  voice breaking.  a distant or empty stare.  monotone voice.  asking for comfort.  faking a smile.  crumbling.  shaking.  whimpering.  depression.  abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others.  big teary eyes.  doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑: furrowed brows.  baring teeth.  passive-aggressive comments.  avoiding eye contact.  sarcasm.  headache.  sore muscles.  hiding clenched fists.  irritability.  jumping to conclusions.  raising voice.  going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding.  body tensing. making risky decisions.  middle finger.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑: wanting to flee or hide.  what-ifs.  images of what-could-be flashing in mind.  uncontrollable trembling.  rapid breathing.  screaming.  a skewed sense of time.  irritability.  keeping silent.  denying fear.  turning away from the cause.  pretending to be brave.  nail-biting.  lip-biting.  scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks.  fainting.  insomnia.  panic attacks.  exhaustion.  substance abuse.  tics.  rushing adrenaline.  face draining of color.  hair lifting on the back of the neck.  feeling rooted to the spot.  making body as small as possible.  staring but not seeing.  crying.  a shrill voice.  whispering.  gripping something or someone.  stuttering.  flinching at noises.  pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: constantly yawning.  blurring words together.  dark circles or lines under eyes.  mood swings.  hallucinations.  calling people by the wrong name.  dizziness.  denying they’re tired. slow blinking.  trouble concentrating.  stumbling.  leaning on a doorframe for support.  sluggish movements.  falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”  shaking so bad they spill their drink.  falling asleep in their clothes.  laying their head on the table because they’re so tired.  passing out.
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I like to imagine that after Thirteen’s Huntington’s diagnosis, whenever she was having a bad day and her hands were shakier than usual, Cameron offered to do her makeup and sometimes her hair.
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lovelyd0gg · 20 days
Hey girlll, hope your doing well. Could u maybe do some HCs for Renée Lemaire? I’ve only found one story about her here and I think we should change that haha.
Could you do it a bit long (if it’s ok).
Just some HCs what it would be like to date her.
Love you, bye❤️
Heyyy darling! I'd love that idea! We don't get to see much screen time for her which is pretty sad:( but I'd love to do that<3 so enjoy!
How it would be like to date Renée
Warnings: nothing really except fluff<3
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Renée Lamaire.
•Just like Eugene, you meet Renée at the aid station, you were a medic/nurse and you were bringing over a wounded man to the aid station.
•You saw Renée, and you believed in love at first sight.
•She was so hardworking, beautiful, gorgeous and that's when she saw you and well, love can't be controlled.
•So when you two started dating, you both were an extremely sweet couple.
•Sometimes when you had to get back to the battlefield, she'd sometimes (most of the time) give you chocolate, just a good luck for you.
•You cannot tell me that she wouldn't brush your hair if you had long hair and comb your hair if you had short hair, she does it because she loves to bond with you, chatting while doing it, she just finds it so relaxing to do.
•Sometimes, she'll leave a little note in your uniform/dress that is filled with affectionate words like 'You look so beautiful/handsome today, chérie.' Or "Good luck, I love you.'
•She's really sweet and you can't deny it.
•If you're feeling sad, she'll always rush over to you and comfort you, hugging you, planting soft kisses on your forehead and saying some comforting words in French.
•She knows that you and her and very busy with war and stuff like that, and honestly, she's scared.
•She's scared that she had grown attached to you, and if something bad happens to you or her, the other one will feel so bad and ashamed.
•She loves you dearly, and every now and then, she'd sneak with you to a secluded place and share chocolate with you, she loves to share things with you and she is happy to see you happy.
•Sometimes, she'd feel really affectionate so when you come to the aid station, she'd grab your arm and kiss all over your face. She's so happy to see you alive, even if you saw her just 5 minutes ago. She's really happy that you aren't dead either. She doesn't know what she'd do if you were gone.
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existingonthisplane · 2 years
A head canon for you:
Mike and Will going on best-friend-iversary dates every year after becoming friends.
It’s probably sometime in august since they met in kindergarten and school years start in august in the US
It starts off as like they’re moms getting together and letting them have a play date or sleepover but as the years go on they plan them themselves
Their plans usually include something one person wants to do, something another person wants to do, and then something they both want to do together
They brainstorm ideas throughout the year of stuff they could do
Mike and Will definitely treat it as some kinda sacred holiday/tradition, filled with gifts and long talks and sometimes they’ll go back to the swing set even if they’re not technically allowed to be there
Everyone, party and family included, knows about these and knows not to plan anything on or around the date. They feel it’s a little dramatic but it’s also kinda adorable so it’s fine really
They haven’t missed a single one. Even if they’re sick. Even if the weathers bad. Even when Will moves. (They both have the idea to send a little present in the mail, they haven’t been talking as much as they used to but they’ll never miss something like this)
When everything’s over they still have these although there’re a little different now, some like underlying context going with it. It feels a little more important
Before they get together, the “friend” dates get a little more romantic as it goes. (i.e Mike decides that for his thing, he wants to take Will to like learn how to make pottery or something and instead of using his own pottery tools they share. there’s a lot of not very subtle hand holding and light touches and being in each others personal space and Mike can’t stop staring. Or Will would decide to take Mike to the library (which Mike thinks is a weird choice) but instead of it being like them just browsing books, Wills got a little nook set up that’s decorated to look like a little fantasy scene (he was able to convince the librarian) and it’s filled with books he thinks Mike would like and he’s brought his art supplies and gotten Mike a new notebook and him and Mike just spend the afternoon talking and writing and drawing, both of them not knowing they’re each other muses. They go out to eat as their together thing, the atmosphere being a lot more romantic than either of them anticipated but they still go and it’s just a lot of pining going on.)
When they do finally get together, the ramp up the romance, almost like a competition. They’ve always had fun with this but they’re really getting out of hand, sometimes it involves the whole party and everyone just has a great time
Even when they’re old and grey they keep it up, sometimes it’s super simple, but they still really love to do crazy dramatic things
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wait omg I don't have any specific asks abt young adam but I would love to hear any headcanons you have about him and his mom 🥺 I remember that lil flashback we see in the movie standing out to me so much, I just know she was the sweetest woman in the world
often for bedtime stories, his mother would tell him about her life before she became royal. about her brothers and her parents and their animals and playing in the sunshine and warm dinners and laughter. she’d always promise to take him there some day.
adam has early memories of sitting in her room while she got ready for a dinner or ball. he’d sit on her bed and play while her lady’s maid dressed her and did her hair and makeup. eventually, the maid would leave and his mother would sit at her vanity. the moment that happened, adam would slide off the bed and climb onto her lap. they’d spend every minute together until the nanny would come to take him away and the queen would have to join the party.
they played in the garden a lot, particularly around his mother’s roses. they’d run around and play hide & seek and tag. they’d also collect flowers for the vase in her room and sit in the sunshine and she would sing to him. they’d go for walks when the cherry blossom trees were in bloom and the pink petals would fall like snow and it always felt a little magical.
on his birthday (august 26th) she would always make a special little chocolate cake for him, a tradition she carried over from what her mother always did for her and her brothers on their birthdays. she would also often send lumiere and plumette to paris to find a present for him, if she would not be going there with the king around the time.
adam was very quiet by nature, even to his mother, but he definitely lit up the most around her. he never said much to anyone when he was little, but you could quite easily tell he was happiest in his mother’s presence. he’d kick his legs and shake his arms when he saw her. and he’d cling to her dress or hand when others were around.
many nights when there was either a storm or a bad dream, little adam would brave the darkness in order to run to the safety of his mother’s room. he’d run in and climb into her bed and nestle right in her arms. she would wake and hold him tight and sing soft lullabies to him to help him fall asleep.
winter and christmas were also a special time. adam’s father often spent his winters in paris or versailles, leaving his wife and son behind. adam and his mother Loved this, of course. they would play in the snow every day and snuggle in her bed every night, the whole castle always smelling of cinnamon and gingerbread.
one of adam’s core memories, which i’ve written this fic about, so i’ll only say it briefly here, is when he was around four years old and his mother woke him in the middle of the night to bring him to the stables. he got to witness the birth of his first horse, etienne.
adam was very prone to meltdowns, especially if any changes happened or if he couldn’t see his mother when he had been told he could, or if his father yelled or slammed a door or hit him. adam was very sensitive to his environment and it would often bring him to tears and/or tantrums. his mother was pretty much the only one that could get him to calm down eventually.
as he got a bit older and started studying with the private tutors, he took so much joy in infodumping about new things to his mother. she never had a proper education, her brothers taught her to read and write, so she was always so fascinated by what adam told her. he’d spend hours telling her things, sometimes. they’d walk around the garden or ride a horse together and he’d ramble on. (truly the only time he’s ever considered a chatterbox is if he’s infodumping. otherwise he was so so quiet and still is generally).
when his mother got sick and became bed-ridden, she told him to keep an eye on the flowers and horses for her. so every day he’d come visit her and tell her how they were doing. he’d also tell her about what he was studying and reading. he was getting very interested in books by this age (nine). many nights he would stay in her room and read to her. she’d fall asleep before him and he’d eventually close the book and snuggle next to her. he could tell she was getting weaker but he’d close his eyes and pretend they were at the farm with her brothers in the sunshine. hoping one day they’d get there.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Do you think Bella ever got drunk as a human?
No. She's far too responsible, and the type of kid who prides herself on how adult and mature she is. Now, if she wasn't American, I would assume Bella had been given alcohol by Renée. Champagne on New Years' Eve, or letting her sip some wine at home so she'd know what alcohol tastes like and how little it takes to get a buzz going, that type of thing. However, from what I can tell (and @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, feel free to correct me on this), Americans are far too leery of alcohol to do this with their kids.
More, even if Renée did get Bella to try alcohol, I can't imagine Bella ever getting drunk. She was, quite famously, the friendless kid who didn't get invited to things, and who'd sit at home paying her mom's bills instead. Party drinking is right out, which leaves us with Renée's liquor cabinet if Bella is to get drunk. And that doesn't reflect that Bella we meet in canon.
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adeerandhisshadow · 9 months
[ Important hc for both Alastor and René:
Both boys met and became bonded with their version of Nwar in life (specifically in their childhood). That’s the reason they’re still together in death, and it’s the reason Alastor and René look the way they do in Hell: they took on Nwar’s appearance…at least in terms of silhouette.
This doesn’t affect the exact intimate details of their bodies, but it does determine their general body type and hair, ears, antlers, etc. ]
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oml lancelot is asexual and aramis is aromantic! santiago cabrera single-handedly carrying aspec representation
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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rejaytionships · 2 years
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inspired by @/roboticromantic, here's part 1/2 of my pokemon f/o lgbt headcanons!
(f/o type and flag descs under cut)
bill (romantic, bf) [genderqueer + bisexual] proton (romantic, ex-bf) [bisexual] roark (platonic, best friend + first crush) [transmasc ftm + bisexual]
giuseppe (familial, godfather/"uncle") [achillean] crasher wake (familial, adoptive dad) [transmasc ftm + gay] byron (familial, close father figure) [achillean]
jessie (queerplatonic, qpp) [transfem nonbinary + lesbian] james (queerplatonic, qpp) [transmasc nonbinary + gay] burgh (familial, cousin) [genderqueer + achillean]
emmet (romantic, bf) [bisexual transmasc acespec arospec] elesa (platonic, close friend) [sapphic] ingo (platonic, friend/in-law) [bisexual transmasc asexual]
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sanguinrose · 8 months
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
bold –   always  ⁄  often italic   –   sometimes
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001.   smoking:  the  action  or  habit  of  inhaling  &  exhaling  the  smoke  of  tobacco  or  a  drug.
002.   binge drinking:  the  consumption  of  an  excessive  amount  of  alcohol  in  a  short  period  of  time.
003.   drug abuse:  the  habitual  taking  of  illegal  drugs.
004.   nail-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
005.   lip-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
006.   night owl: a  person  who  is  habitually  active  or  wakeful  at  night.
007.   early bird:  a  person  who  rises ,  arrives ,  or  acts  before  the  usual  or  expected  time.
008.   negative attitudes: a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  criticism  &  pessimism.
009.   positive attitudes:  a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  optimism  &  confidence.
010.   swearing:  the  use  of  offensive  language.
011.   superstitious:  an  irrational  belief  that  an  object ,  action ,  or  circumstance  not  logically  related  to  a  course  of  events  influences  its  outcome.
012.   inspecting fingernails:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  boredom.
013.   scratching your neck:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  uncertainty.
014.   foot  & finger  tapping:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  stress / impatience.
015.   nose touch:  a  subtle  body  language  sign  of  deceit.
016.   flipping  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  craving  attention.
017.   twirling  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  flirtation.
018.   cracking  knuckles:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
019.   hands behind back:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  confidence.
020.   finger-pointing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  authority.
021.   hands on hips:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
022.   hands in pockets:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  mistrust / reluctance.
023.   frequent touch:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  warmth / familiarity.
024.   throat  –  clearing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  rejection / doubt.
025.   jaw  –  clenching:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  hostility.
026.   eye  –  rolling: a  common  body  language  sign  of  irritation.
027.   head  –  tilt: a  common  body  language  sign  of  interest.
028.   whistling: to  emit  high  –  pitched  sound  by  forcing  breakthrough  a  small  hole  between  one’s  lips  or  teeth;  usually  to  a  tune.
029.   humming:  make  a  low,  steady  continuous  sound  like  that  of  a  bee;  usually  to  a  tune.
030.   perfectionism:  refusal  to  accept  any  standard  short  of  perfection.
031.   photographic memory:  the  ability  to  remember  information  or  visual  images  in  great  detail.
032.   paranoia: a  mental  condition  characterized  by  delusions  of  persecution ,unwarranted  jealousy ,  or  exaggerated  self  –  importance,  typically  worked  into  an  organized  system.
033.   exaggeration:  a  statement  that  represents  something  as  better  or  worse  than  it  really  is.
034.   intuitive:  using  or  based  on  what  one  feels  to  be  true  even  without  conscious  reasoning;  instinctive.
035.   quick-witted:  showing  or  characterized  by  an  ability  to  think  or  respond  quickly  &  effectively.
036.   interrupting:  breaking  the  continuity  of  a  conversation  with  one’s  own  statements.
037.   doodling:  to  scribble  or  make  rough  drawings,  absentmindedly.
038.   irritable:  having  or  showing  a  tendency  to  be  easily  annoyed.
039.   gambling:  to  play  games  of  chance  for  money;  bet.
040.   travel – sick:  suffering  from  nausea  caused  by  the  motion  of  a  moving  vehicle ,  boat ,  or  aircraft.
041.   sensitive:  having  or  displaying  a  quick  &  delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings.
042.   melancholy:  a  feeling  of  pensive  sadness,  typically  with  no  obvious  cause.
043.   chewing gum:  the  exercise  of  chewing  flavored  gum  which  is  not  intended  for  swallowing.
044.   fidgeting:  to  make  small  movements,  especially  of  the  hands  &  feet,  through  nervousness  or  impatience.
045.   skeptical:  not  easily  convinced;  having  doubts  or  reservations.
046.   neat–freak:  compulsively  obsessed  with  cleanliness.
047.   gossiping:  divulging  personal  information  about  others.
048.   prim:  feeling  or  showing  disapproval  of  anything  regarded  as  improper;  stiffly  correct.
049.   abbreviating:  giving  others  nicknames / shortening  names / giving  pet  names.
050.   having a catchphrase: having  a  sentence  or  phrase  typically  associated  with  a  specific  person.
TAGGED BY: @heedingcalls​ & @pussinbccts​
TAGGING: @elveswithoutears ( any of your muses/blogs ); @nctadoll ; @ducktales-wco-oo ; @feathersandforests ; @codenamejudas ; @tournesolette​ Annnnd anyone else reading this!
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reginrokkr · 11 months
𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕. Road to perception of the two truths —cognitive truth vs Truth— and ultimate knowledge.
While Dáinsleif's connection to Irminsul was created since the conception of the Saint's drive to protect Teyvat and continued through his proper birth in the material realm to the present days, it was not a road of constancy from the beginning to the end, but a path of evolution through different phases of his life. During the first stages of Dáinsleif's life up to the destruction of Khaenri'ah, his perception of truth was rooted and limited to the material realm with rarer glimpses into the knowledge of the spiritual realm due to his lack of maturity. This is to say that what he perceived was perpetually tied to his senses, but never beyond— what differentiated him from the rest of the people is simply the prospect that in being in touch with Irminsul, his psyche never ran the risk of collapse nor his spiritual integrity was in danger every time he established a connection with the Axis Mundi.
This would've been dangerous, however, in the context of the Cataclysm when half of his body morphed into a monster, yet his spirit remained intact (and still does to this day). Being touched by corruption in the material realm would imply having his senses warped, thus the truth would also be different and manifest as a subjective thing based on the sentience of his senses as opposed to a more objective truth, devoid of any sentimentality poured other than what it actually happened. For a great part of his journey to find his destiny, his ability to perceive the truth was stunted by his own ill feelings about himself and the injustice of the world due to having learned about the secrets Khaenri'ah kept under wraps and the unfairness of the gods in sparing no mercy to the innocent.
Contrary to what different schools of belief across various nations in Teyvat conceive that in order to perceive the truth one must renounce to their soul, Dáinsleif experienced a breakthrough in realizing that only if he abandons external stimuli and sees the world around him from a different prism he's able to perceive rawer realities that can hardly be seen by the naked eye— but sensed instead. Through all the hardship and his own circumstances, honing the ability to remove himself from the material in pursuit to attune with the spiritual realm opened a new door for him in terms of truth perception, thus causing him to have a different vision of the world that includes the sentience of souls and elements, but also different energies existent in Teyvat and one of which was particularly predominant during the Cataclysm.
At the same time, within time Dáinsleif becomes self-aware of prophetic capabilities he hasn't experienced before, thus giving him a third layer of perception of truth connected with time. Given the fact that the curse he bears doesn't allow his soul to ascend to the maximum potential of his origins as a celestial, he's not currently using his maximum capacity of future prediction and it's limited at best.
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specialagentartemis · 8 months
First Impressions: Doug Eiffel
for this ask game
First impression
Oh my god I can’t stand this fuckin guy. He is SO annoying. Minkowski is a far better woman than I am because if he treated ME like that I would have just left him to drown in space. Little bit disappointed that she didn’t.
Impression now
Favorite podcast protag Basically Ever. I love him and I want him to be happy and he’ not but I want him to be!!! The heart of the team, the social glue who holds everyone together. Character development leaves me in awe. He went through Some Shit and the way he is makes a lot of sense, in retrospect, but also, him getting hit over the head with You Need To Try To Do Better and him truly trying to do better was so well done and I am So impressed.
Favorite moment
Choosing one is hard but I looove “Mayday” when we see Eiffel cast off in space and he shows how clever he actually is to survive!
Idea for a story
It’s extremely spoilery postcanon stuff but I would love to write him developing a friendship with [REDACTED] that absolutely no one else is happy with. The Tension. They get each other now in a way no one else does.
Also SOMEDAY I will finish the Box 953 story where Eiffel comes in clutch to save the day by completely misunderstanding the assignment. A Hero
Unpopular opinion
Eiffel’s relationship with Hera is an extension of the theme of parenthood—the parallels between Eiffel’s relationship with his daughter Anne and Pryce’s relationship Hera are extremely strong in “Limbo” and “Memoria.” The parent who feels a sense of ownership over their child, and in the process gives them a traumatic brain injury because they can’t let go of that sense of control. Eiffel’s relationship with Hera is affirming and healing for both of them—Eiffel can’t undo what he did to Anne, but he can do better this time by treating Hera like a whole person and an equal who gets to have her own choices and have her opinions heard; and Hera getting to have a relationship with someone who has that respect for her. They've mutually adopted each other, but there are times—especially in “Bolero” at the funeral—where Eiffel is taking that parental role and trying to do it better than he previously did, or she previously got.
The father-daughter aspects of Eiffel and Hera’s relationship are pretty thematically relevant to both of their character arcs. And it doesn’t have to be infantilizing or childish because uh adults have parents too, and the relationship between Cutter and Pryce is a third parallel there for a man and his adult daughter when he can’t let go of that feeling of control over her either.
Favorite relationship
Minkowski and Eiffel’s incredibly slowburn friendship to becoming so incredibly important to each other… it’s everything to me
Favorite headcanon
This man is aromantic and I have textual support of this. He has never heard this word before in his life tho.
Also this man went to Catholic school and that strongly informs very much of his general demeanor regarding authority.
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jessicanjpa · 10 months
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Here is your Twilight Advent Calendar for 2023!
Instead of candy, here are some bite-sized headcanon prompts for each day throughout December 1–25. Each one is simple enough to answer with a quick headcanon post, but your ficlets, fan art, and moodboards will add some extra sparkle!
You can answer each prompt on its day or schedule your posts ahead of time. The tag is #twilightadvent23.
Dec. 1 - Who is Rosalie's favorite vampire friend outside of the Cullens? What does she like to do with them?
Dec. 2 - What is Emmett's favorite board game or card game? How has he modified it to be more challenging?
Dec. 3 - Pick one deceased Twilight character to draw or tell us more about. How would the Twilight universe be different if they were still alive?
Dec. 4 - What does Sam like about being the alpha? What's difficult about it? And how does he feel post-BD1 about Jacob's new role?
Dec. 5 - What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they try someday?
Dec. 6 - What was it like for Eleazar to see the Volturi/his fellow guards again in Breaking Dawn?
Dec. 7 - Choose one Twilight couple (or an AU ship) and tell us about an argument they've had. How did they resolve it in the end?
Dec. 8 - What was it like for Jasper to train and fight in the Eclipse battle after so many years of peace?
Dec. 9 - What is it like for Carlisle to work as a doctor now versus back when he was alone?
Dec. 10 - Pick one of the witnesses in Breaking Dawn. What was it like for them to stay at the Cullens' home for those two weeks? Who did they spend time with?
Dec. 11 - Besides painting, what art forms does Esme enjoy? How do you imagine her art room/setup looks? (Fan artists, want to show us?)
Dec. 12 - What changes did the rest of the family see in Edward as he began to fall in love with Bella?
Dec 13 - What were Maria's thoughts when she heard about the gathering in Breaking Dawn?
Dec 14 - Tell us about an OC you like, either your own or someone else's. Include a drawing, moodboard, or playlist if you'd like to!
Dec 15 - Tell us about a point in the canon timeline where things could have easily gone in a different direction. How differently would things turn out in this AU?
Dec. 16 - How close do you think Charlie and Renée will come to knowing the whole story eventually?
Dec. 17 - What do your favorite Volturi guards do for fun/hobbies?
Dec. 18 - What are some things the Cullens do every time they move? Does anyone have any rituals re: leaving a location or starting at a new one?
Dec. 19 - Tell us some headcanons about a Twilight character you don't usually post about. Write a ficlet or include a sketch, moodboard, etc. if you like!
Dec. 20 - Headcanons for the summer between Twilight and New Moon (Bella/Edward or other characters)?
Dec. 21 - Pick any five characters. What's something they always carry with them?
Dec. 22 - What did Alice do to pass the time pre-1948?
Dec. 23 - What's one of your favorite scenes in Twilight (books or films) and why?
Dec. 24 - What Christmas/holiday gifts are your favorite characters exchanging this year?
Dec. 25 - For one of the Twilight vampires, tell us about a Christmas or winter memory from their human days.
Bonus for new year's eve - What resolutions are your favorite Twilight characters making for the new year?
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 months
man I can't remember if you and I ever talked about this, or maybe it was someone else I talked to ?? but anyway, I saw a tiktok of a baby calling their dad by his first name bc they kept hearing their mom say it, which made me think of Sofia and Robert, and it also made me wonder if any of adam and belle's kids call either of them "love" or any pet name on accident just because they hear it so often ?
SO CUTE SO CUTE. hearing sofia calling him robert is so funny and real. i love them. ANYWAY yes yes yes
i actually have thought about this and it’s like a little scene that just plays in my head sometimes. it starts with little renée overhearing some fancy official person referring to “king adam” and renée whispers to belle “who is king adam?” and belle chuckles and says “that’s papa, lovie🥰” and she’s like ??!?!?!??
and then later on she hears adam call belle darling (for the millionth time that day) and she’s like, wait interesting, putting two and two together, okay, got it. so she goes up to them and she says “so, papa is king adam. and mama is darling?” and it just cracks them up lmao
so they explain to her their actual names and the difference between royal titles and affectionate pet names and who gets to call each other what. and how SHE has the very special and exclusive privilege to get to call them papa and mama, as no one except her and her sister get to do this. (she’s little so, it’s before reecy is born.) and she’s like Whaogh…. only us in the Whole World?? and they’re like yeah, pretty crazy right :0
i do like to think that all the kiddos at some random points call their parents love and darling, BECAUSE they’re such a nickname household, it just all melds together when they’re little. when juliette is a baby, two-year-old renée always wanted to help so much. but obviously she couldn’t do anything really, so she’d just follow belle around and give lots of little kissies on baby’s head. and she would hear belle soothingly saying things like “it’s okay, lovie, shhh” and all that, so renée started mirroring her mama and would say the same things, calling juliette lovie and whispering to her that it’s okay. and belle’s heart just Explodes every time 😭
i think reecy is the most stinker about learning their names. the girls kind of get over it quickly but he loves to be like “okay, Adam >:3” and adam’s like Hey🫵 and the little rascal scampers off before anything else happens. but he, too, grows out of it. he gets a lot more into calling his sisters sillier names. bangers such as “poopy head” and “slow-poke” and “marbles brain” (this one, no one can really figure out what he means by it. is he saying their brains are the size of a marble? or that their heads are filled with marbles? they think he’s just getting confused with the phrase “you’ve lost your marbles,” but he’s only five so we’ll let it go.)
the kids also get shortened versions of their names (ren/renny, jules/julie, reece/reecy) SO frequently, especially from belle and each other, so there’s just nicknames and pet names flying everywhere in this house. it’s a very cute thing <3
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