qilinkisser · 8 months
Uhh, hey.
Damn it. You’d think corny people in romcoms would make this look easy. Now where do I start…
PJ won’t stop taking the piss out of me. She keeps saying I keep getting distracted whenever we talk. And she thinks you’re to blame! But, uh, can I tell you a secret? Yeah. It’s… mostly because of you.
N-now, don’t get me wrong! There's nothing bad or anything, it's just that... I've been thinking about you a lot lately. The best way I can put it is that you feel like home to me. You make me feel like I have something — actually, someone — to hold on to. You've been there for me through some of the worst days of my life. And I want to make sure I can return the favor. You need anything? Just let me know, and I'll be there.
The point is, I love you. No matter what you’re going through, I’ll be there. I know I’m not much to look at, but I want to be your rock if I can. Someone who can be there when you need them, to stand by you on crappier days... that sort of thing. You mean a lot more to me than you’d think, angel... um, dust.
Wait. Shit. That’s the name of a drug. I take that back.
Well, I guess I better wrap this up. I’m running out of steam. Isabel says she loves you, and, well… I do, too.
Josie M.
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electrozeistyking · 7 days
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How Can I Save You, Stardust?
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birrdify · 3 months
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AND IN RETURN .. looks like smg16 drew someone !! @4thwallbreakerdraws2 <- this wonderful person's RTV!Puzzles (reality TV au) ... gahahh....i lvove..
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horsemeatluvr23 · 5 months
ETHO IS IN MCC ?!?!?!? IN GODS YEAR 2024 ?!?!?!?! with tango skizz and impulse too
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hellishgayliath · 6 months
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Hai I’m feeling okay now 👋
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
each time I say heavy he (the rp blog) likes it so fast and that scraes me bc I do NOT say normal stuff about him.
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callixspod · 9 months
nnh. TF2 artists are so cool. they all have their own distinct personality and have this awesome artstyle and composition. fucking sketch my ass that's the god damn monalisa
ouhh...I am at their disposal.
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tf2-crack-ideas · 23 days
Ok part 2 for my last post
What creatures i think the mercs would be l, mythical creature/not anthropomorphic animal version though (and with less thought put into it) -
Scout : jackalope hybrid thing, or weirdly maybe a merperson?? Idk i think either black marlin based mer or leopard shark based mer weirdly fit for him and i cant explain why
sniper : owl harpy or werewolf, basic ik but i actually have no other ideas
spy : ok for matching with scout it could totally be like octopus thing (plus the entire. Thing.) Or angler fish which i think would be cool. Not matching i think would be vamp (classic ik, i think its fitting for him), invisible man (lmao) or shapeshifter ig
engineer : idk hyland cowtaur is good maybe, zombie too and accidental sorcerer would be fun (like he just starts shooting magic one day woopsies, and maybe pointy ears)
Pyro : my gut says demon or dragon but i feel like there could be a better one. Centaur would be fun but seems less accurate to them
heavy : this ones hard. Most people say werebear or yeti and call it a day, which i get 100% dont get me wrong, but i feel like there could be something more interesting?? Maybe orc or minotaur? Hed be a cool minotaur
Medic : harpy is my first instinct, but i think it would be cool if he was a living skeleton or something too! Maybe he could be basically scp049 but without the touch and die mechanic (like plague doctor look but cant take it off)
demo : sea monster is the funniest for him me thinks. Either that or satyr (ngl thats almost as high of a good idea as sea monster, seeing as satyrs are notoriously drunk all the time)
soldier : it would be really funny if he was a Clydesdale centaur, but i have too many centaurs already so. Raccoon thing maybe, or zombie? Unsure
Ignore how horrific all of these would be with the "gets turned into" plotline
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ijustbesayinstuff · 4 months
Ever since I started eating like 10-60 cals my side has been hurting. It would only start after I eat something and or when I tense my stomach in anyway. I think it’s has something to do with my gallbladder because of where it hurts but should I be eating more vitamins or something?
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shalomniscient · 6 months
milk anon again!! not a thirst but a small bait for your overwhelmed mind to feed on.
it's quite a common occurrence for babies to refuse to come out of the womb even though it's been over nine months already. it's not really dangerous or anything, yet there are several ways to help your little one finally leave it's tiny (not that tiny already tbh) apartment: the first one is obviously exercising! a bit of stretching might assist in speeding up the cervical dilatation. this way little bun will realise it's time to hurry up and leave already.
and the second one is *drums* fucking! lots of fucking. like LOTS. please do not hit anyone's cervixes it hurts as hell actually especially if there's a baby inside but in general lots of sex disturbs the baby and usually they start hustling, now ready to come out. moreover, the more mommy cums, the faster baby makes up its mind!
i'm pretty sure arle's known this already or she's done some research before and in case your baby doesn't come out the day it should she won't drag you to the hospital immediately or call for the professional nurses and nannies help. nahh she knows a better way to fix this situation...
cw. pregnant sex
milk. milk. are you in my walls. how are you dragging kinks ive never told a SOUL about into the light kicking and screaming like this. HOW.
im screaming into my pillow actually. she’d go so slow but you would literally be so sensitive it wouldn’t even take that much to have you writhing squirming on the bed, or as best you can, heavy with child—her child—as you are. she’d be caressing your swollen belly with the gentlest hands, cooing to both you and the baby as she languidly fucks into you……….. I NEED SEDATION LIKE HORSE TRANQUILIZER SEDATION DJDHDKLSND
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rotteneldritchhorror · 9 months
damien as james is... wonderful
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maxphilippa · 1 year
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Painty's and Bot's representation are both pretty different and unique in their own ways.
Meanwhile Paintbrush's representation might portray the struggles of not being seen for who you are, and how it hurts that some people don't realize that, it is still good representation. Like, hell, they even said it two times in the series, the second time explicitely. PB came a long way and finally others respect them for who they are. And yeah, they're more on the androgynus side or something, but that's them. They're unique because of that. Not similar to Bot.
What I did see is that people complained mostly over Bot's eyelashes too and how they were the exact same thing which... isn't true? I already explained Painty but Bot's case is completely different.
Like, Bot was built to be the replacement of someone, but even then they weren't a perfect replacement. If you notice this, even before Bot knew the truth, they were kinder and more approachable in comparison with Bow, they had those differences that let you know that something was up.
And, hell! Bot was heartbroken over the fact that they were never a real person to begin with! That they are the copy of someone else! They even told Test Tube that "you are very lucky, because at the end of the day, mephone4 will get you all back, but I'll be stuck here, in a body that isn't mine, BECAUSE I AM NOT BOW!"
And Test Tube starts to help them to change and feel more comfortable about their body- about themselves.
Like, their legs and arms being able to expand/grow? That was because they wanted it to be like that!
Their voice changing? Heck! They even got a more "femenine" sounding voice! Because that's what they wanted!
Them changing from pink to green? That's because they wanted that.
All of that is because Bot wanted to be themselves.
Not Bow.
And they're still learning about themselves too, they even changed the shape of their body, they have the shape of a butterfly now thanks to Balloon and Nickel too.
They're both good representation because of that, I'd say, because they're both different stories
And, Paintbrush KNOWS who they are, and Bot is still discovering themselves, they're still learning,
And I think that's a beautiful thing.
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heya-moth · 11 days
My dude, us Booker x Grumley fans are starved, we come running the the slightest mention of it. (Also, very excited for your oneshots!)
I have only been here for a short while in the (specifically) uprooted fandom and I just, can’t find much of any Booker x Grumley content.
We’re all starving and I am (at least attempting) cooking for us all
(Also yaya thank you!)
(I’m going to publish the first one soon)
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cabinette · 2 years
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what if medic falls asleep on heavy and heavy does not move at all the whole time so that medic can sleep comfortably, what then? what if medic dreams about being smothered and snuggled super tight by a huge polar bear whenever heavy hugs him in his sleep, what then?
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a drawing of the trio I call "Team Bombers" (the team name that stuck around past Go-Karts) plus art of Achmed (and his bro Amir) bc it's his b-day!
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etonzolo · 6 months
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got possessed by the yuri goddesses to make them butch4butch👍
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