abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
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flashes of history burn through my mind
is this truly me? what have I left behind?
who is this person I’ve given my trust? reaching for memories there’s nothing but dust
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bonetrousledbones · 9 months
i think one of the most underrated things about undertale is how every single character has a unique voice. like genuinely after playing the game a couple times you can pick out some characters by their laugh alone and i think thats just so cool
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This design came together rather well….
Here’s Mallory my 27 yr old goth girl who talks the dead
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renabe4life · 5 months
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continuing my practice with a lucky plant this time :>
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ahogechef · 6 months
@essenceofjustice A continuation of { x } !!! 🧇
The initial sleepiness that Kaede was feeling after a very long and fun night of partying, melted away in a new wave of excitement when Mondo proposed the idea of having breakfast together at a waffle place, wiggling happily in his arms when he had picked her up. Trying new eateries that she hadn't been to before was one of her most favorite things to do, even moreso with someone else; that someone being her favorite biker, making it all the more better!
Even as she rides in the passenger seat in his motorcycle, Kaede wasn't afraid. After all, it wasn't a bicycle; that's different! Plus, she's gotten a little bit used to it, and with Mondo always making sure she's okay while riding in it; she knew she had nothing to fear. In fact, she was all smiles as she watches the passing scenery. "Ahh, I'm so excited to try this place out! I can't remember the last time I had some waffles; I can't wait to see what different kinds they have~! I know you said you heard of it, so will this be your first time trying it, too, Mondo?" She asks while looking up at him with a curious headtilt and smile!
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singeart · 10 months
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Soo true I love her, self destructive queen <3
(She refused to give up her comm badge just in case)
Thank you for the suggestion!
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manawari · 8 months
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authorbettyadams · 2 months
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Humans are Weird – Just a Baby – Short, Absurd, Science Fiction Story
#SciFi #Aliens #HAW #HFY #Books
Betty Adams Books
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kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
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i don’t think i’ve stopped thinking about that one body language analysis picture since i first saw it. so here
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p7agu3 · 4 months
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uhh. love wins. bye
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Fuck It Friday
I was tagged by @eddiediass and heh. heh heh. heh heh heh.
There’s a woman standing on his doorstep. She has thick dark hair spilling over her shoulders, and a soft face with big dark eyes. She has long lashes, and something about that—and the shape of her cheeks, her chin—
He feels like he’s seen her. Or some version of her. But at the same time, he’s never seen her before in his life.
“Can I help you?” he asks, because it’s seven in the morning and this is one of the few mornings he can sleep in and doesn’t have to bundle his kid off to school.
“Where is he,” the woman says. She’s clutching something in her hand—a rock?
The woman shoves past him. “Where is he! Where’s my brother? Where’s Buck?”
Eddie grabs her wrist. “Wait—did you say Buck?”
The woman looks back at him, her eyes blazing and jaw set. “Yes. Buck, my brother. He’s in this house. Where is he?”
Eddie stares at her, slack-jawed, because—this can’t be. “You’re Maddie?”
Her face crumples. “Yes. Yes. You know Buck?”
Yeah. He knows Buck. He knows Buck like he knows every scar on his chest. “Yeah.”
Maddie’s voice cracks. “Is he here?”
Eddie swallows. “You might want to sit down.”
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Steel, dragon and flying for good ol cap?~
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fdgjkfdh Thankyou for providing your own Captain pic I greatly appreciate it <3
Ask from Here
💻Steel Type💻 - Who’s more likely to struggle with technology? How does the other help?
Neither one of us is exactly a tech wiz or anything, we leave that kinda thing to Dot mostly, but at least I can work a Rotom Phone.
He blames it mostly on his paws making the touch screen hard to work, but I've watched Elekid navigate Orla's Rotablet before to watch PokeTube before, so it's not impossible for a Pokemon to work touch screens.
I think he's just old fashioned.
🐉Dragon Type🐉- What would your F/O secretly hoard? How would you find out about it?
The Captain's not much of a materialistic guy, I can't see him hoarding much or anything. I'm not even sure he really owns anything other than that hat Friede gave him and the bracelet I made him.
If he hoarded anything, it'd probably be gifts from the crew, especially the kids. I wonder where he'd stash them.. Friede's room maybe?
🪶Flying Type🪶- What’s something that your F/O does that makes your heart soar? Something you do that makes their stomach fluttery?
Battle! The Captain's fights always get my heart pounding! Watching him get to go all out especially! The Captain is the coolest when he gives it his all! I just want to keep capturing those moments on canvas forever!
Something I do that makes Cap's stomach flutter? Heh heh, I can't imagine there's anything about me that'd interest him that way. The Captain's way too cool for that kinda thing.
Captain (Translated for the viewer): .....I like the look in his eyes when something inspires him.
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starrook · 4 months
"...I thought I might find you here."
Citrinne had seemed rather concerned about Alcryst when Diamant found her again near the tail end of the ball, telling him of his younger brother's abrupt departure from the ballroom. She hadn't gone into full detail, but he knew Alcryst was upset, and that was all that mattered to Diamant.
He leans against the doorframe of the common room, arms crossed over the drink spill on his chest. In his worry for his little brother, he hadn't even taken the time to change.
"Citrinne mentioned something about you going to find a couch...?" Diamant tries to word it lightly, but there's no erasing the concern in his eyes. "She was looking forward to that family portrait, you know. ...Why are you here, Alcryst? What happened?"
Alcryst does not immediately respond. He turns away from Diamant's voice, shifting slowly on the couch to pretend that he is asleep.
Of course, in the back of his mind, he knows his brother won't be fooled by such a childish trick.
What happened? This misunderstanding, Diamant would surely laugh at him. Wonder how such a thing could put his brother out of sorts, like everything else. It's the same reason he couldn't imagine talking to Father about this.
"Could I tell you later?" Alcryst asks, voice barely above a whisper. "I can come back for the picture... I just need some time to myself right now."
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frogmood · 5 months
more like Todd how hard is it to make a game that actually works
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420radiolord · 11 months
Want more funny moments like this? Come join my stream for more chaos!
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reblog-house · 2 years
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