#HI IT IS I. THIS THING IS FINALLY DONE. come get yalls juice
srcepiksla · 4 months
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hi everyone!! after putting my blood sweat and tears into it, i'm finally opening a ko-fi shop!
for now these 6 designs are all i have, but if all goes well with this first run, i'll add more stuff and restock if necessary <3
reblogs are appreciated etc etc. love and light <3
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mintkookiess · 1 year
It started out slow (Miles x fem!reader)
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I saw someone post about writing a fic where Miles is cheating on Gwen with us (I reblogged it like before this post) and I just had a surge of "HOLY SHIT LET ME COOK SUMTH" So here we are I made this like straight out of bed at 7 am.
Not proofread as I was hurrying to squeeze the creative juices out of me before it runs out. Hope yall still enjoy!
Summary: Miles had garnered a new friend, but didn't know it would cost his relationship, and start a new one.
Tags: Miles x fem!Reader, Miles x Gwen, cheating au, kind of fast paced, idk what else to put here
Word count: 1.7k
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It started out slow.
You first saw Miles at a supermarket and thought nothing of it, thinking it’s just the ordinary stranger you see around the city.
But then you suddenly just see him everywhere.
Like fate wanted the both of you to meet so bad.
You were both given so many chances; finding out you sit beside each other in the movie theater? To find both your families eating in the same restaurant? Or you’d see each other at the supermarket again but with a more familiarity and peculiarity at the same time.
So it started out slow.
With the casual curious glances, or catching the other staring then immediately looking away.
When fate has finally had enough, it forced Miles to accidentally pour juice on your white dress in a crowded mall.
“O-Oh crap, I’m so sorry!” Miles had exclaimed, mentally slapping himself for being such a klutz. You hadn’t even minded a bit in the least when it happened, but you did finally get the name of the boy you’ve been seeing everywhere a lot lately.
“I’m uh Miles. Sorry about the juice.”
You had shook your head at the time, a polite smile on your face as you said that it was fine and that he didn’t have to worry about it. You introduced yourself and that was that, you both became friends.
That polite smile of yours had become friendlier.
When you find out you both were neighbors and you spotted him by his apartment building’s entrance with his mom smooching his cheeks as he was ready to leave for school, you couldn’t help but stop and watch in amusement.
He catches your eye and he grows red with embarrassment, you nonchalantly walked towards them as his mom spotted you and asked if you both were friends earning her a nod of affirmation from you.
So suddenly, you’ve been invited to dinner.
And almost every week after that.
What he didn’t tell you though, was that he has a girlfriend, Gwen Stacy.
You didn’t think much of it, since you were content with being friends with Miles, but there were times where you knew your presence was causing a little rift between them.
He had introduced her to you at one point, but the girl was immediately playing in the defense with you, and you weren’t entirely sure why at the time, till you overheard them in his bedroom one day when you decided to help his mom with her groceries.
“I know you like her Miles,”
“Me? Gwen you’re my girlfriend why would I like anyone else?”
“I’m not blind.”
You immediately knew it was about you, because you were the only other friend he had other than Ganke, and you’re a girl.
You didn’t worry about it since you know you haven’t done anything wrong.
Until you both did.
The kiss was magical.
Miles had swung you on top of a building when he told you about his Spiderman identity. He was so excited to tell you, wanting nothing more but to show you a cooler side of his.
The two of you watched the sunset for a few minutes until you both were hyper aware of this strange tension between the two of you.
You thought something was bothering Miles, and he thought the same with you,
“Are you okay?” You both had said simultaneously, but only made the two of you laugh, the sun seemingly making your faces glow a tinge of orange.
It started out slow.
The way his fingertips touched yours, and his smile faded into a more serious look as his hazelnut eyes stared into yours.
You hadn’t even seen it coming, but the next thing you know your lips were enveloped between his. You remember your mind making siren noises, warning you that this was completely wrong.
He has a girlfriend. But the girl he was kissing right now, definitely was not said girlfriend.
And it all went downhill from that.
Or uphill, depending on who’s perspective you’re looking at.
The two of you were awkward after that kiss, not talking to each other for a week, and Mama Rio of course notices this but doesn’t pry.
But when Miles couldn’t take it any longer, he swung to your window and immediately apologized for what he did.
You had apologized too, wholeheartedly, but…
Neither of you regretted it.
You haven’t said that part out loud and neither did he, but you two knew by the way your eyes danced around each other between the silence and darkness of your bedroom.
The next days were full of poor attempts from the both of you to salvage the normalcy of your friendship, but at the same time wanting nothing but to repeat that kiss again.
But the both of you knew you’ve done something terribly wrong.
Miles had been torn ever since, getting extra jumpy whenever Gwen would suddenly appear in his room unannounced, kissing his girlfriend hello but it felt different.
He couldn’t help but compare your lips to hers. Gwen’s lips were so different from yours, from the feeling to the taste, how soft it was, and how much he wanted more of you.
He knew he was being a terrible boyfriend, but fate had different plans for him apparently.
Falling for someone other than his girlfriend was definitely not a part of his life plan, but here he was, back in your bedroom window once Gwen had left.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so freaking sorry.” He had said, before strutting inside with no greeting and immediately grabbing your waist to pull you against him, lips instantly smashing together.
He didn’t know why he was apologizing exactly, there’s so much to be sorry about and he just wanted to say it out loud maybe to feel some sense of humanity. Like he’s showing the world how sorry he actually was but internally wasn’t at all.
This second kiss was more urgent, held more longing from the both of you.
You had held out for as long as you could, but the moment he was on you once more, all that willpower you had mustered to distance yourself from him faded into dust in seconds.
It started going fast.
The way his hands gripped on your hips as the both of you made out in the middle of your bedroom. So many words hung in the air, but neither of you spoke up.
Your arms locked around his neck, your head tilting slightly and he took this as a silent permission to deepen the kiss. Next thing you know he was pushing you down on your bed, hovering above you as his hands started to roam your sides.
That night went by blissfully, being in each other’s arms without a single word being said and just letting your bodies do the talking. You both knew what was happening.
But you two weren’t ready for the consequences.
The next weeks were full of hidden kisses, secret meetups, or whenever Gwen was sure to be in another dimension fixing anomalies.
There wasn’t a day where you had thought of how shitty of a person you were, and the same could be said with Miles. But the heart wants what it wants right? And fate had both your hearts twisted around each other into something that was just too complex to just suddenly cut off.
Miles had tried. He definitely did.
Tried to destroy his feelings for you as he couldn’t handle the guilt. Gwen had known something was up since he was acting strange, but he’d blame it on Spiderman duties. He was still too scared to tell her, not really ready to lose Gwen.
But also wanted so much more of you.
It started to slow down to a halt.
How the time seemed to have stopped, the world stopped turning, and the both of you with the same horrified expression as Gwen stood by the doorframe of his bedroom door, watching as he was positioned above you, hands on the hem of your shirt.
The color seemed to have drained from his face as he scrambled to get out of bed, chasing Gwen out of his apartment and left you in his bed with tears streaming down your face.
It had finally happened, the thing that the two of you were dreading the most.
You stayed seated, covered by his blanket as you leaned against the pillows, staring at the ceiling as more tears fell down silently.
Miles had come back after two hours or so, you couldn’t really tell as you were busy wrapped up in your self-hatred.
He had told you how Gwen broke up with him, and you could tell it was bad by how his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his nose still sniffing and his lips held a frown you rarely saw on his face.
The two of you didn’t know what to do, but before you could make a decision to distance yourself from him, fate had other plans as he beat you to it.
He wrapped his long arms around you, and the both of you cried that way for the remaining time that the night allowed you until you were sure it was getting quite late.
“Don’t leave me, please.” He had begged, his voice barely above a whisper as he buried his face in your hair. You thought he’d want to push you away for ruining his relationship, but it looks like you thought wrong.
“I need time Miles.” You replied, staining his black shirt with your tears and you felt him nod in silent response. “It’s okay, I’ll wait. No matter how long it takes.”
Soon, it started to move again.
The two of you had ignored each other for months after that, or more like he gave you as much space as you needed. But it was the biggest, fattest mistake you’ve ever made.
You longed for him more than anything despite everything. You know you should be wallowing at how you broke up a relationship, but wanted nothing more to be in his arms once again, and he did too.
You both agreed to meet at the cafe you both had grown accustomed to going to together through the duration of your friendship. You ordered your usual, and he ordered his.
The silence was defeaning, and the noises of the customers around the both of you seemed to have drowned out.
You wanted to say something but as always, Miles beat you to it.
“Can we, start over again?”
And you had nodded, tears forming as a smile danced across your lips. “I’d like that.”
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Taglist: @ii01vp @laylasbunbunny @missusmorales @fiannee @faeriesberries
(If you want to be on my taglist pls let me know!)
More of my Miles content here babes!
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
Last Supper
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Summary :The Final installment of Not What It Seems. 18+. The night after Change of Heart. All secrets of the last few years are presented and a final judgment is made. Twelve sit down but not all stand back up. Usual show disclaimers, past DV/SA brought up but no detail.
Tag List:@callsignwidow @danzer8705
"Sorry were late" you called as you and Juice walked in hand and hand to the dining room where most of the club was seated with Halfsack following close behind. "No worries sweetheart " stated Gemma as she gave you a half hug as she shared a look with Clay. You and Juice being a thing was not something they had known about and that worried her. "Could have called" stated Clay from his seat at the head of the table. "Lot of things people could have done yet didn't" you replied meeting his steely gaze until he looked away. You weren't the same scared little girl who just did what you told. Now you were a full blown problem and was ready to bring the fires of hell down upon this " family".
"Car accident?" Inquired Jax as he watched the three of you sit down. Your eyes flicked up to meet his before moving to Chibs who gave a slight nod to let you know he had already told him about the conversation last night. "This time" you replied with a smile as your eyes slid over to Clay who was glaring at you. "Hunny, where is that grand baby of mine? " inquired Gemma as she tried to defuse the tension that was building in the room. This was what she had always worried would happen. Especially after the conversation when you came back home. You were going to destroy them all.
"None of your concern where my son is" you snipped as you sent her a smile that could kill. "Don't talk to your mother like that" growled Clay as he leaned forward on the table pointing at you. "Or what Clay?" you questioned as you tilted your head your eyes daring him to say anything. "Enough" stated Gemma as she set the main course down with a clatter.
Everyone was eating in silence when Jax set his fork down and spoke. "Anyone have anything they want to say?" he inquired as he leaned back in his chair. "Amazing dinner as always Gem" stated Tig with a laugh unsure what the building tension in the air was about. "Very good" agreed Bobby as he glanced at Clay and then to Piney. "Not the only thing of my mom's you like tasting huh?" Laughed Jax darkly as Gemma dropped her fork mouth agape in shock. "Not sure what you mean man" laughed Tig as he did his best not to look at Gemma or Clay.
"Interesting. Well maybe my mom or wife have something to say? Maybe about someone's car accident that wasn't a fucking car accident" snapped Jax slamming his fist down on the table. At this point no one was eating as they glanced around the table. "Unser, upstanding officer of the law do you want to tell me about that night?" Inquired Jax as he stood up shaking Tara's hand off him as tears trailed down her face. "What about you Piney? Care to tell me anything about my best friend? Bobby how about you? I'm sure you would like to tell me about hush money right?" he continued as he made his way around the table slowly.
Jax walked around the table coming to a stop behind you making Juice tense. "Relax" stated Jax as he patted Juice on the shoulder. "Your good for her. It's why I never said anything about yalls sneaking around." He continued catching both of you by surprise. "I'm a bit pissed you let her run off for six years and told me you had no idea where she was. I get why you did it now" stated Jax as he looked at Gemma as tears started to spill down her cheeks.
"Mom why don't you start the truth train. Since your the reason we got here in the first place. With my supposed baby sister plotting to kill all of us" stated Jax as he moved to stand behind Gemma his hand on her shoulder tight. Clay gave a laugh at that. "She wouldn't dream of it". He stated as he folded his arms over his chest. Jax grinned before speaking again. "If you broke my mom's no weapons during family dinner rule please place your piece on the table" stated Jax as he looked around the seated people. "They wouldnt" started Clay as he heard Chibs grunt as he set his gun on the table next to his whiskey glass before picking it up and sipping it casually.
He was quickly followed by Halfsack, you and Juice. "Almost forgot" murmured Jax as he pulled his gun out placing it against Gemmas head making her grab the table as her eyes widened. "So mom. Whose my sister's real dad?" asked Jax as everyone else sat silent. "Tig" whispered Gemma as she sobbed into her hands as Clay turned on Tig. "What the hell" snapped Clay in disbelieve as Tig looked down at the table.
"Alright. We are getting some where. Now Tig who killed Donna?" Inquired Jax as he pointed the gun at him. "Me" gulped Tig as he looked at Jax. "Who were you suppose to kill?" asked Jax next. "Opie... I was suppose to kill Opie that night on club orders" stated Tig as he closed his eyes sick at the memory. "Weird Piney isn't it because I don't remember the club voting on that" inquired Jax as he moved to stand behind him.
"Tara. Tell me what happened to my sister that night." ordered Jax as he walked behind her. Tara looked at Gemma but stayed silent. "I asked a question Tara" stated Jax as he leaned down turning her face to his. "She was in an accident" stated Tara quietly. "Interesting. Given your medical knowledge is it typical of car accidents to get you pregnant against your will? inquired Jax his eyes full of a hate she had never seen before. When she didn't respond he moved to stand behind Halfsack. "What did you see that night" asked Jax.
"Juice asked me to pick her up because her car broke down. When I got there I saw Opie ride away and she was facedown in the dirt next to her car. She was bloody, bruised, unconscious and it was obvious what Opie had done." replied Halfsack uncomfortable at having to recall that night. "Thank you. See how easy that was Tara?" asked Jax as he moved back behind you. "Tell me about that night Opie was killed" stated Jax. "I came here and through a fit after I found out I was pregnant. Clay had Bobby give me money to keep quite. I put a hit out on him. My only regret is I wish it had been longer" you replied as you looked down at the table and slid your hand onto your gun.
This night was only ever going to end in one of two ways. "Does everyone feel better? Knowing that they can die without anything left unsaid?" inquired Jax as he walked back towards Clay. "Jax you " started Tara before a gunshot silenced her and she slumped forward. She was quickly followed by Gemma, Clay, Unser, Bobby, Piney and Tig. The smell of gun powder filled the air and the blood flowed off the table in streams.
Twelve sat down and five stood up and walked away. A charter reborn.
The End
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milesworld96 · 11 months
ADAMMMMMMMMMMM. HAAIIIIIII ;33 oml him going over his past with Christian from when they were young is so cute I can’t. Chris why would do that. Awwwwwwww Adam😭😭😭😭😭 this got me in my feels Chris+Adam is so sweet I can’t with them. Sad that they r gonna brutally murder each other soon <\\3 no pls I need them to beat the shit out of each other, ADAM FIGHT HIM. At least ik his title safe <\\3
HIIIII KENNY☺️☺️☺️💞💞💞💞💙💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ this match is GOING to serve so much cunt omfg AND I WAS SO RIGHT. AAAAAA IM GOING FUCKING INSANE OMFG KENNY UR FACE‼️‼️ every once in a while there will be matches that change me as a man, and this is definitely one of them. THIS SHIT IS MAKING MY GAY ASS GO FUCKING NUTS, AAA KENNY. HE WON‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 Sorry Kyle, but look on the bright side no Don Callis in your ear now!!!! :)) SHUT THE FUCK UP DON
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heisenho · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x Fem!Reader
Summary: Daniela has been giving you gifts, Heisenberg does not really take it too well.
A/N: Hello, I am here with my first Heisenberg fic and I really love him sdfsdksf This is basically Porn without Plot, please don't kill me lol. I haven't written smut in a while, in fact I haven't written in a while, period. So this is a little rusty, but i like it, so... Heisenberg stans, come get yall juice!! Also, requests are open!! ~Beff
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You hummed softly to yourself as you walked towards the bathroom. Heisenberg had gone out to meet with his family, and you were all alone. Daniela, the only other person who knew about you being there, had given you some things to make your stay with Heisenberg a little... more bearable.
Cute clothes, some nice perfume (for some reason?), deodorant, small things she definitely did not find from their victims luggage. Every once in a while when Heisenberg brings horribly wrapped gifts back to you, you know Daniela has found yet another trinket to give you.
“Why does she wrap those?” Karl would ask.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
You would smile up at him, holding the gift close to your heart. Karl would roll his eyes, behind his sunglasses of course, and go take care of anything else that needed to be done. He didn’t leave you alone a lot, but when he did, you knew he was feeling upset. Jealousy mostly.
You wore nothing but a cute silk robe that Daniela had gifted you, and held a large fluffy towel against your stomach, another gift from the Dimitrescu (probably belonged to her mother). You were about to reach the bathroom when you heard footsteps through the house.
You turned to find Karl, finding him standing in the doorway. His sunglasses were off and his eyes were dark, filled with something primal, something you had never seen before.
Your voice brought his attention back to you. His eyes raked up your body before finally settling on yours once more.
“Daniela give you that?”
“Uh-” You swallowed hard, watching Heisenberg stalk towards you, slowly, “yes.”
He smirked, “I’m beginning to think this isn’t something so innocent.”
Furrowing your brows and cocking your head, you blinked at him. “Something more? What are you- I thought we-”
“I thought so too.”
“If you want, I can go take it off? I just wanted to take a bath, and- I don’t know, feel cute...”
“Take it off.”
His eyes were darker now, his body tense. You nodded meekly and turned back towards the room you had been staying in. You started to walk towards it, but were stopped.
“No, I mean right now.”
“Karl, I’m-” Your voice grew quiet, almost a whisper, “I’m not wearing clothes under this.”
“I know.”
It clicked. Fuck. He wanted to see you naked. The two of you had shared a couple of heated moments, but never anything further than tongue kissing and almost dry humping. Mother Miranda had a way of stopping anything from happening. She had the best timing it seemed. But, he had already dealt with Miranda, so now, you were all his.
“I don’t know,” you felt like you were going to combust.
Karl was on you now, looking down at you with a lust filled gaze. Almost animalistic. You breath caught and you stared up at him, frozen. His hand met the towel in your arms and he took it from you, softly, and examined it.
“Another gift, I presume? This looks like my sister’s towel...”
You nodded, throat too dry to speak. Karl threw the towel down and your head turned towards it, watching it soar through the sky. Within an instance, Karl’s hand was on your cheek, forcing you to look back at him.
“I promise, I do not like Daniela that way, and I can assure you she doesn’t like me either.”
His hand met the silk tie on the robe and his thumb ran over it, “Hm,” he was deep in thought now, “I don’t think most people give silk robes to friends.” His voice was low and soft, and he was hovering above your face.
Your eyes screwed shut and you blew out air through your closed lips, “She gave them to me so I could impress you.”
Your words came out fast and almost incoherent, but Heisenberg caught it. He definitely caught it. Your eyes slowly opened back up and you watched him smirk down at you.
“Yes, can I please, please go wash off now?”
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You weren’t too sure how you got yourself into this particular predicament, but there you were, pushed against the wall, Karl’s thigh grinding against your cunt. Water was running in the background, but all you could focus on was warm hands under the silk robe that had somehow not been ripped from your body yet.
It had been mostly untied though, Karl’s hands beginning to roam across your stomach and towards your breasts. You let out a soft moan and Karl smiled against your neck.
“Fuck, so soft,” he whispered against your skin as his calloused hands found your breasts.
“The water,” Your attention was brought back to reality when you remembered you had bathwater running.
Karl groaned and moved slightly. His hands grabbed your wrists; he held them above your head. “What are you-” You tried to ask, but a piece of metal came flying towards you, and hit the wall; clamping against your wrists. You were stuck now.
Karl turned around and tended the tub, turning the water off. Your thighs rubbed together, the warmth that was once there now gone. You let out a whine and pouted at Heisenberg as he turned around.
“Let me go!” You pulled against the metal, “Why did you-”
“I don’t need you finishing a job that I’m more than capable of handling myself.”
You cocked your head at him and furrowed your brows. “What?”
“I don’t need you finger fucking yourself, you’ll be getting the real thing soon enough.”
You pouted and kept rubbing your thighs together, trying to get some sort of friction, but nothing was like the real thing. Your robe was hanging from your body now, the ribbon hanging off of your waist loosely.
Karl stopped the water and turned his attention back to you, “I was going to just fuck you right there, but I’d really rather the water not get cold.”
The metal fell from your wrists and your arms dropped to your sides. Karl motioned for you to remove your robe and furrowed your brows. “No. You aren’t even undressed.”
Karl’s face dropped, his eyes narrowing. You felt like you had made a grave mistake. Your mouth went dry and sheepishly took off the robe. As the robe hit the ground, so did your eyes. You instinctively wrapped your arms around your waist and kept your eyes low.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Karl stepped towards you, one of his hands reaching for you. “Come here,” He stepped towards you and gently grabbed your biceps, pulling you closer. “See, you look much better without that robe.”
With a nervous glint in your eyes, you looked up at him. You were beginning to feel a little more comfortable. You let your arms drop to your sides and you inhaled sharply. “I think it’s your turn now.” Your voice was soft.
“Of course,” he smiled down at you.
He motioned for you to go ahead and get in the tub and you did so, gladly. The water was warm and helped you untense immediately. You sat down and leaned back in the tub, your eyes closing. The back of your neck rested on the edge of the tub.
You could hear a belt and pants unzipping, but you stayed put where you were, frozen in the hot water. The water shifted after a couple minutes and Karl was on you in an instant. He placed his palm on the back of your neck and pulled you closer to him. Your eyes fluttered open and you met his stare. Your eyes traveled down his body and stopped at his waist, that was all you could see from your -and his- position.
Karl’s hand moved from the back of your neck and to your chin, coaxing you to look back at him once more. His lips pressed to yours and his tongue instantly pushed into your mouth. You let out a moan and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Karl leaned back, into a sitting position, and easily brought you with him. The air was cold against your once warm skin, causing you to shiver. Karl’s hands roamed your torso and his mouth began to travel towards your jaw.
“So beautiful,” he mumbled, his hands grabbing you a little too tightly.
This caused you to let out a yelp, which led to Karl smiling against your skin. His teeth nipped at your jaw, down to your neck, and he was pulling you as close to him as possible. Your bodies curved together, perfectly made for each other.
Your back arched and you pressed harder against him as his lips trailed down to your breasts. One of Karl’s hands rested on the small of your back while the other held the back of your neck again. He was holding you in place. No chance of escape, but you did not want to escape. You wanted him more than anything.
The bath quickly spiraled into a heated makeout session and that’s all it was. Neither of you got a chance to actually bathe. You knew you’d be annoyed later, but for the time being, you were more than okay with it.
“It’s getting cool.” You gasped out between soft moans.
“Hmph,” Karl huffed against your skin. “I think we should continue in my room anyway.”
You nodded and the both of you stood up. Karl’s hand grabbed your and he helped you out of the tub. Standing beside, naked and vulnerable, you realized how much bigger he was. You weren’t too sure of his height, but, fuck, he was tall.
Karl grabbed a towel and sloppily dried the both of you off before easily picking you up and making his way towards his room. Once you did reach his room, he threw you on the bed and loomed over you. You inhaled loudly and held yourself up with your forearms.
“Lay flat on your back.”
You cocked your head, but you obviously didn’t move fast enough. Karl’s hand met your shoulder and he gently pushed you down.
“I said lay down.”
Your back hit the soft bed and your eyes hit the ceiling. You could hear Karl complain about you being a brat and you huffed. You were going to protest, really, you were! But then, the feeling of Karl’s lips on your inner thigh made you come to a complete halt.
Your hair stood on end and your fists balled around the sheets. Karl’s fingers danced around your entrance and you let out a shaky sigh. You could hear him laugh.
“So wet, already, kitten.” Karl’s fingers pushed into your pussy and his lips stayed pressed to your thigh, slowly making his way up. “All for me...”
You let out a hiss as two of Karl’s fingers pulled out and quickly pushed back in. Karl shifted and, while his fingers pumped in and out, his lips met your cunt and his tongue swirled around your clit.
“Fuck,” you moaned out, “Karl, please-”
“Use your words, kitten.”
“Please, let me cum!”
Karl let out a low growl and his fingers pumped a little faster. His tongue moved back to your clit and lightly pressed onto it, while rubbing circles around it. A heat began to pool into your stomach and you let out a whine. You tried to speak, but you couldn’t. All you could do was moan and cry out.
“Cum for me,” Karl rumbled, and your back arched into him.
Quickly, you came undone. Stars blurred your vision and everything tensed. Karl let you ride out your orgasm, gently licking at your pussy while you came down. You were a twitching mess, lying spread out on his bed.
“Please, I need you, I need you to fuck me!”
Your voice was low, but the excitement was there. Karl crawled over you and you looked up at him. His hand grabbed at his cock and he began to pump it a couple of times, percum spilling from the head.
When you really got a good look at his cock, you were nervous. Worried you weren’t ready for him.
“Trust me, kitten, you’re wet enough.”
You nodded and leaned back. Karl positioned himself at the entrance of your pussy and slowly pushed in. Moaning from the pleasure, your hips bucked into his. Karl froze and his tongue clicked at you.
“Eager, are we?”
You couldn’t help but nod.
Karl’s movements were slow at first, steady. You whined under him and rocked your hips upwards. Karl lazily grabbed your hip and pushed into the bed, not letting you move anymore. You groaned and wanted nothing more than for his hips ro roll into yours.
Suddenly, he was picking up the pace. He leaned his forehead against yours and let out a guttural groan.
“So fucking good... And all mine.”
“All yours, fuck- please, I promise, I’m all yours.”
Something in his eyes became very dark, animalistic almost. His pace quickened again, his hips pressing into yours before pulling back and pushing all the way back in. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. The sound of your wailing was surely heard by the villagers.
“Going to fuck you so good, kitten. You’re being so good for me.”
You let out a loud cry of pleasure, words becoming too hard to say. Your brain was mush and your body was only reacting to Karl. “Karl!” You let out a loud cry, finally reaching your orgasm. He seemed close too.
His hips were rutting into you, his movements becoming sloppy and fast. He was growling in your ear, his chest rumbling. You were easily sent into another orgasm. Your eyes screwed shut and your nails clawed down his scarred back.
“So fucking good, kitten- Fuck!”
Karl finally reached his orgasm, fucking his release into you. His hips slowed and his growling became more quiet.
“Let’s stay like this a moment.”
His cock pressed deep inside you, unmoving, as your pussy clenched around him. His chest pressed yours and his breathing was rugged and fast.
“So,” your voice hoarse, “Should Daniela give me gifts more often?”
That was it, Karl was absolutely ready for round two.
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
techno sword pt 2 you whores
come get yall juice, techno sword pt 2
pt 1
“Princess, please tell me whats wrong.” he looked concerned and you sit up. Nows as good a time as ever….guess you might as well tell him. 
Being behind a door should make it easier, right? Not really when you know that just behind it is a man that could kick it down with only a fraction of his power. It wasnt. 
“w-well…..for a while i’ve been having these…thoughts….” you trail off, not knowing how to phrase what you’ve been thinking. “about you and….and your sword” even if he can’t see you, you still cover your face out of embarrassment. you hear a soft chuckle from outside and the doorknob jiggle. 
“princess, let me in or speak up” he almost growls through the door. that tone manages to do something to you, making you think about him on top— stop, you can’t do this right now. you need to stay composed for this. 
“o-okay so i’ve been having thoughts about you recently...ive been watching you train and seeing how you come back with your sword coated in blood and it just...i dont know it does something to me i guess…you just look so….i dont know its stupid…” you trail off, figuring you werent making sense. More faint growling can be heard before a loud slam on the door.
“You have three seconds to unlock this door before i break it down, princess’ you stay still on the bed, paralized by what could happen when he gets inside. Is he upset? Is he gonna kick you out? Break up with you? Before you get the chance to register all your thoughts the door is torn from its hinges, the looming figure of your boyfriend striding along your room, dragging his sword behind him. “Ready to speak up now, or do i have to force it out of you.” he pins you below him on the bed, sword discarded next to you, showing just how large it is. You try to stutter out an answer but before you get the chance, he picks the sword back up, using it to cut your clothes cleanly off your body. “Aww are you to dumb to speak to me pet? To busy getting off on the thought of me and my sword? Thinking about how many lives ive taken with it? So dirty.” as he says these things his hand begins to trail from the side of your face down your body, causing you to shiver and let out a whine. “Words princess.”
“P-please...want you to fuck me with your sword.” he chuckles and moves a hand between your thighs, slowly moving to tease your entrance. 
“Already so needy for me and i havent even touched you yet, what a dirty little whore” he starts to tease you, rubbing your clit softly and using his free hand to hold your hips onto the bed. You throw your head back and moan softly, desperate for more pressure and touch. You soon get it as he moves his hand from your hips to tease your entrance, pushing one finger in slowly. You arch into his touch, causing him to pull his hands away. “Be good or ill stop and leave you here, nasty slut” you whine and nod, biting your lip as his finger dives back inside you, stretching you out in a slightly painful way. Hes always been bigger than you in every way, hell his hands were twice the size of yours. Once you adjust, loud moans and cries spill from your lips. He adds a second finger and your eyes roll back from the pleasure of it, your legs moving to wrap around him be they were quickly moved back into place by him. You let out a near sob as he pulls his fingers away from you, reaching to grab his sword. He moves it between your legs, slowly pressing the end of the hilt inside you as you wail at the sensation. He only puts the end of it in before stopping, going back to rubbing light circles on your clit.
“If you want more you have to beg. Tell me how much you want it and maybe ill let you cum.” you start babbling out pleas for him to continue. He pushes the rest in without hesitation, setting a rough pace as you gasp and choke on moans from the sudden stimulation. The pressure on your clit increases as he keeps fucking you with the hilt, bringing you closer with every second. 
“G-gonna...please let me…” just as you say that he pulls the hilt out of you and moves off of you, causing you to let out a choked sob “please please dont stop please” he chuckles darkly and looks down at you.
“Oh so the baby knows how to beg? Maybe i havent done good enough yet,” he quickly resumes his pace, causing you to roll your eyes back and reach your hands to grip his hair and pull him into a rough kiss, masking your moans and cries. He doesnt let up with his pace, bringing you over the edge as your legs begin to tremble, wrapping around his waist. He doesnt slow, if anything he moves faster, your orgasm spurring him on to make you cum again. 
“So pretty, wanted to see you like this for so long. Getting off on something so evil like the whore you are.” he whispers into your ear before moving to bite your neck, drawing a scream from you as you cum again, unable to come down from your first orgasm before the second one hits. Hes relentless at this point, drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you until youre crying, overstimulated and fucked out on the hilt of a sword that has killed thousands. When he finally pulls away, your cum is covering the hilt and almost dripping onto the blade. 
“Gonna do this every time i come back, watch you get fucked out after i take a life with this. Now that ive treated you like the queen you are, i think its my turn baby.” you nod below him, to fucked out to speak and your voice hoarse from screaming for him for what felt like hours. He chuckles and moves you easily to your knees at the edge of the bed in front of where hes sitting. You instinctively open your mouth and he spits into it, you swallowing quickly before he shrugs his pants off and moves you right in front of him. “Looks like youre to dumb to suck me of right so ill just make you do it instead.’ you nod quicky as he puts his member in your mouth, starting to fuck your mouth roughly. He lets out soft growls and groans as he continues to use you like a toy, more tears slipping down your cheeks from how deep he is in your throat. You gag slightly and he throws his head back, moving faster. “So good princess, being so good for me. Gonna fill your mouth up, dont want you to waste a drop.” he keeps going, cumming down your throat and staying there as you swallow every drop before he pulls you off him. You open your mouth to show him and he smiles down at you. He lifts you off the ground and carries you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter as he runs a bath, helping you into it when the water is ready.
“Did so good for me my persephone, so wonderfully.” he praises as he washes your hair. You lay back against his chest and start to drift off, only to be woken by him picking you up and carrying you carefully back to the bed and laying you down. He moves the blankets over you and pulls you against him.
“...mmm love you tecchno”
“i love you too princess” 
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fett-djarin · 3 years
this bitch done YEET
anyway this is Boba Fett x f!Reader! I had this idea kicking around for awhile and shit finally came together and i was able to get it done!
Rating: 18+
Length: 4.1k
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, canon-typical violence (not in the smut), PiV intercourse, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, throne sex come get yalls juice, multiple orgasms, creampie, spanking, slight cockwarming?, pet names, swearing
Boba Fett was an enigma. He intimidated you, intrigued you--but he didn’t scare you. Boba could be violent, occasionally cruel, but only to those who had earned his ire. You had nothing to fear.
You still remember the day he stormed into Jabba’s palace, a wrathful spectre on a mission. You had been afraid you would be caught in the crossfire, an exchange of possession through violence. But then your chains were blasted apart, scum of men dying around you instead of finding your own demise. Instead of fleeing like the other girls, you dove towards a dropped blaster and levelled it at one of the smugglers putting up a fight. This particular one had been a thorn in your side for a long time. You’d be lying if you said you felt no satisfaction watching him fall lifeless from your well-placed blaster bolt.
“Nice shot,” the woman--Fennec, you had come to learn--commented. You had turned in a panic, pointing the blaster in her direction, her own rifle coming up in an instant, aimed squarely at your head.
“Easy, girl,” the Mandalorian--Boba--had said. “We have no interest in fighting you.”
“If you mean to sell me again,” you spat, “it would be easier to kill me now.” Your fingers flexed on the blaster, and you tried to steady your shaking hands. Fennec’s aim hadn’t faltered.
“Stand down, Shand,” Fett directed the sharpshooter, who immediately lowered her weapon. He then addressed you again. “I don’t deal in flesh.” You slowly dropped your arm. “What’s your name, girl?”
That had been...a few standard months ago, now. Boba ran his syndicate under a tight fist. He had no use for slaves, and had told you you were free, even offered you credits to return home. Some of the others took his offer. You had opted to stay--your birth planet had nothing to offer you, and you did not want to try your luck as a newly freed woman with nothing to your name on Tatooine. You didn’t even have a name, really. You were called something different each time you moved; your birthname was no longer you. That person had died long ago.
“Call me anything,” you had told Boba. “I don’t mind.”
He thought for a minute, and then decided. “Mayen.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. The gruff, seemingly serious man had a sense of humor. Mayen--Mando’a for ‘anything.’ His lips quirked in a sly smirk. You liked it. Mayen it was.
“You know Mando’a?” He had asked.
“I’ve picked up things here and there,” you smiled in return.
He later on told you that you could pick your own name, you had no obligation to go by the silly pun he called you. But you had a sense of humor, and actually liked how it sounded. It was a new beginning. You decided you would keep it.
You knew quite a few languages, or bits and pieces you heard over the years. Boba had hired you as a translator, and you accompanied him to meetings with traders, smugglers, and pirates. He didn’t allow any of them to harass you. If they so much as leered in your direction, they tended to lose a few fingers or teeth, either by your hand or his. At Boba’s insistence, you now carried a blaster and a vibroblade. Fennec had been showing you how to properly aim and shoot so you could better protect yourself. He had gifted you the vibroblade as part of your payment.
Yes, Boba Fett was a hard man, but you appreciated his kindness.
His scars added to his imposing figure, and you often found yourself wondering about their origin. What he must have gone through for his skin to be marked so. You also wondered about how stupid some people could be--Mandalorians were legendary warriors, and Boba Fett had some infamy connected to his name, yet fools still picked fights they were destined to lose. His armor impressed you--and the dark stare of the T-visor when he looked your way always had something low and warm stirring in your belly.
It didn’t help that sometimes he would watch while you practiced with your blade. Your heart thundered in your ears the first time he came up behind you, chest to your back, and moved your arms into the correct defensive position. His boot also nudged your stance wider, centering your weight. It’s part of training, you told yourself. You prayed he didn’t notice the heat in your face or the way you refused to look at him. Stars, if you turned your head you could kiss him--
What could you say? He was a handsome man.
Occasionally he offered to spar with you, which was laughable. The first time you had outright refused. “I don’t want to die, thanks,” you said.
“You’re gonna have to face people bigger and stronger than you sometimes, princess,” he said the endearment mockingly.
“Most people aren’t Boba Fett.”
“You’re right about that. Still, come on, show me what you’ve learned.”
Your first fight ended miserably in about three seconds. You gave him a pointed look that said I-told-you-so, and he just shrugged. “Not bad for your first time.” Sparring became regular.
“You’re quicker than me. Use that to your advantage, stay out of my reach. Strike and retreat.”
“Arms up, but keep ‘em close--protect your body.”
“Stagger your stance, distribute your weight. Make it harder for people to knock you down.”
“Move with confidence--this is not the time to falter.”
His words of advice came with each session and stuck. After a few weeks, you could hold your own for a minute against Fett. Then five minutes. Then your sparring was like a coordinated, aggressive dance, blades flashing and deflected, ducking, dodging, weaving, spinning around each other. Once, you had even managed to disarm him, knocking the blade from his hand--you both froze in stunned surprise before Boba recovered and had you pinned to the floor in an instant.
“Very good.” He said from his place atop your legs, pride curling darkly through his voice. “But next time, press the advantage. You freeze, you die.” Now you froze for an entirely different reason--his weight on top of you caused something hot and wanting to smolder in you, his thumb gently stroking the hollow of your throat making your breath hitch. And then he was off you, pulling you back to your feet with ease.
You still couldn’t beat him--you don’t think you would ever be capable of that. The best bounty hunter in the galaxy against you? You much prefer being on his good side.
Boba had just returned from a recent bounty hunt alongside a fellow Mandalorian, having left you and Fennec at the palace. You had been helping her sort through the datalogs and contraband left behind from the previous occupants when he appeared, moving surprisingly silent for such a broad, imposing man.
“Mayen,” he called you, and you looked at him over your shoulder, having been preoccupied cataloguing the contents of the crate in front of you. He was still in his armor, adding to his bulk. The green-painted beskar gave nothing away. “I’ve got a meeting. You’ll be needed. Fennec, I sent you scouting information on the next bounty.”
You nodded, and with your acknowledgment, he turned and strode back towards the throne room. Fennec stood, brushing sand off her pants. “Careful,” Fennec warned. “Keep your blaster close. You never know how these meetings will turn out.” She patted you on the shoulder.
“Got it,” you said, adjusting your tunic so she could see the holster on your hip. It would be the first time she wasn’t there alongside you while Boba arranged deals with crime lords. Sometimes Boba would go in alone, or the both of you would attend. “Trained by the best.”
She cracked a smile at that. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to track down our next target.” She exited the storage room opposite of the way Boba went.
You gathered yourself, then followed after Boba. Entering the throne room was daunting, as the traders he was meeting with were already there and turned to stare. A few of them openly looked you up and down. Your eyes were fixed solely on Boba lounging on the throne, legs spread, seemingly completely at ease and exuding power. You strode past the group of men come to bargain, refusing to look away from the void of Boba's visor that tracked your movement. One of them muttered something as you passed that you couldn't make out, but it had not sounded pleasant. You took your place at Boba's side.
"Boba Fett, the legendary bounty hunter back from the dead," a wiry human man stepped forward, rubbing his hands together. His grin was more of a baring of teeth. "Now that you run this joint, I have a few propositions to consider--"
Since he was speaking Basic, you have to admit, you tuned out. You watched the two Twi’leks that had accompanied him, who kept throwing glances your way, murmuring to themselves. Something about them put you on edge. Of course, you never trusted the people who came to do business with Boba, but you liked this group even less.
You translated for a Rodian bounty hunter when it was his turn to speak. You noticed the Twi'leks and the first human had been getting antsy, shifting from foot to foot and continuing to eye you and Boba. The Twi'leks had never come forward. They spelled trouble. You were tense the entire time, but they reached an agreement and left without trouble.
Boba on the throne was a sight. Your mind wandered, wondering what it would be like to sit on his lap, straddle his strong thighs. You shook your head to clear it as Boba cleared his throat, drawing your attention.
"Go get some rest, little one." And with that, you were dismissed.
You touched yourself thinking of him that night. Imagining it was his fingers instead of yours bringing you to your peak. You bit your fist as you came, muffling your moans and preventing you from calling his name out into the night.
The next day, he had gone out once again. When he returned, you noted his armor had some new scratches, some of the fresh green paint chipped away. He beckoned you forward with a wave, following him to the throne room. He sat with a heavy sigh. You stood before him, waiting for his direction, when he removed his helmet and set it aside. There was a new cut on his cheek, dried blood sticking to his skin.
"You're hurt," you said, stepping forward. Boba grunted noncommittally in response, reaching into a pouch on his belt and pulling out a small container of bacta.
"Use this," his voice was gravelly and he tossed the container to you. He...wanted you to put the bacta on him? Your pulse kicked up. But you would do as he asked.
You unscrewed the lid, swiping your finger through the gel. "What happened?" You asked as you spread it as gently as you could over the cut.
"Those hunters from yesterday," he sighed. "Thought they could catch me unaware out in the dunes. Their last mistake." He chuckled. "This was really the only hit I took," he gestured to the cut along his cheek. You had finished spreading the bacta, but your hand still lingered. You were entranced, being this close to him. Your thumb mindlessly caressed his cheekbone.
"Mayen," he said your name. You met his eyes, the heat in his gaze taking you by surprise. He always had fire and fight in him, but this wasn't like that. It was wanting. Boba grasped your wrist of the hand that still held his face, his other coming up to cup the back of your head.
Then you were kissing him.
You don't know if you leaned down or if he pulled you down or if he leaned up or if it even mattered, all you cared about was his rough lips against yours. When you gasped into it, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Boba's kisses were all consuming, overwhelming--he demanded all of you, and wouldn't accept any less.
He leaned back, bringing you with him so you had no choice but to straddle his lap or be pulled off-balance. You settled along his thighs, sighing as you could now grind your center against his stiffening member. He nipped your bottom lip, breaking away to press kisses down your throat.
“Tell me, sweetheart…” he murmured, worrying a mark into the delicate skin of your neck.
You whined, rolling your hips against his. His hands clamped down like durasteel around your hips, stilling you. “Tell me. We stop if you say so.”
“I want you, Boba,” you gasped, and he rewarded you with another hickey sucked into your neck. He guided your hips back into a slow grind, thrusting up against you. The layers of clothes between you dulled the sensation, but warm waves of pleasure still radiated through you. You cradled his jaw, bringing his lips back to yours, before trailing your palms down his chest. You pawed at his chestplate and robes, making him chuckle.
“Eager, aren’t we?” he teased you lightly. You squeaked when he pinched your ass. “Take this off, princess.” His hands slid up under your tunic, running up and down your sides before caressing your breasts.
You lifted your arms, helping him slide your shirt over your head. Instinctively, your arms came down to cover yourself, but Boba tutted at you. “Don’t get shy on me now, mesh’la. Let me see you.” He murmured in your ear before lightly nipping the lobe, sending shivers down your spine. He encouraged you to put your hands back on his chest. You whined against him, need building in your core as he undid your bindings and continued to guide your hips in a deep grind.
Boba’s fingers crept along the waistband of your pants before diving inside. You moaned as they landed on your clit. “This wet already? Someone’s a needy little thing.” You felt your face heat at his teasing accompanied by his rough fingers circling your clit built you up even more. You hid your face in his shoulder, grinding against his hand for more of that raw pleasure. Boba suddenly pressed hard against your clit in a tight circle, making you cry out loudly and grip his robes for dear life.
“Boba, please,” you whined, lips tracing his throat, his jaw, wherever you could reach. You brought your own hand down to cup him through his pants, running your hand along his bulge. He cursed lightly in your ear as you gently squeezed him.
“Up,” he said, patting your ass. You stood, taking the opportunity to shimmy out of your pants and panties. He lounged back against the throne, taking in your form. You didn’t cover yourself this time. “Good girl. Come here.” You stepped between his spread knees and he took you by the elbow, pulling you down and turning you so your back was pressed to his chest and your legs were spread by his own. His touch returned to your clit, sliding through your slick folds to tease your entrance. You pressed your ass back against his hardness and he groaned.
His arm banded around your waist as he finally slid a finger into your dripping entrance. You gasped, head falling back to rest on his shoulder. When he introduced a second one, you began to squirm. The stretch was so good as his fingers slid within you, curling and pressing into that perfect spot that sent you soaring. You were practically riding his hand, your hips circling as his fingers moved faster and faster.
“Oh,” you gasped as he added a third, legs trembling. Your hand shot to his where it was locked around your middle, holding you against him, while your other curled up and back, turning his head so you could kiss him. Boba found that spot in you that made you clench tight around him and zeroed in with deadly precision. You felt him grin smugly against your lips as your breathing stuttered. “Boba!”
“Look at you, so desperate for my fingers. Squeezin’ me so tight, sweetheart, can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
You found yourself teetering at the edge of release. You turned your head, burying your nose in Boba’s neck. “Please, Boba, g’nna cum, please--” you gasped out. It was a good thing he held you to him, else you would have been bucking off his lap.
“Cum on my fingers, cyar’ika.”
Your mouth opened in a silent moan as you tipped over the edge of orgasm, cumming hard around Boba’s fingers. Your cunt flooded with wetness, the lewd sound of his fingers thrusting into you becoming even wetter. If he hadn’t been holding you to his chest you would have doubled over with the devastating pulses of pleasure rocking through you from your center. He continued working you through it until you whined, pushing at his hand that still moved between your thighs, need building up in you again.
Boba brought his fingers up to his mouth and you moaned at the sight of him sucking and licking them clean of your arousal. “Taste so sweet,” he said. “Open.” You opened your mouth, and he slid his fingers inside. Obediently, you sucked on them, swirling your tongue around his fingers like you would his cock. Boba groaned. "Dirty girl."
He withdrew his fingers from your mouth and you begged. "Want your cock, please, Boba--please fuck me, please--"
"Hush, needy pet. You'll get what you want." He bit your neck, the sharp pinpricks fading into a warm buzz that made you squirm, wiggling your hips on his lap. Boba reached down between you two and shifted himself out of his robes, sliding his cock against your soaked folds. You looked down and Maker, he was thick. You were suddenly glad he made you take three fingers--you hoped you would be able to take his cock.
He rutted against you, his cock sliding through your folds and pulling breathless little gasps from you each time his head nudged your clit. Each slick drag of him against your lips coated his cock in your wetness. Boba evidently grew tired of teasing you, because he urged you up and took hold of the base of his cock, guiding it to your dripping entrance. You moaned at the feeling of his thick tip splitting you open, sinking down the first inch.
Boba's hand came around to rub little circles on your clit, making you jerk against him, his other hand caging you in by your hip. Slowly, he encouraged you to sit back on his lap, the thick drag and push of his cock working inch-by-inch deeper into you. Stars, you felt him in your fucking guts. Your thighs trembled, and when your ass touched his lap you nearly sobbed from how full you felt.
"Look at that," he murmured into your hair. "Takin' me so well, princess. Feels fucking good, doesn't it?" You clenched around him at his words, making him choke off a moan. He rubbed your clit a tick faster just to feel you spasm around him again and he laughed at your high gasp of pleasure.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, it was too good--that ache, the raw sparks shooting down your legs and up your spine. Shifting the slightest bit pushed him right up something devastating inside you and you couldn't stop the wrecked moan that tore from your throat. Boba gave an experimental thrust and you nearly shrieked and lurched off of him, if he hadn't grabbed a hold of your hips and held you on his lap. You babbled senselessly, too overwhelmed as every ridge of his cock pressed your walls just right. "B-Boba, Boba, move, please--"
His big hand slapped your inner thigh and this time you did wail, the hot sting fading into a pleasant, buzzing warmth. His fingers dug in to the soft flesh hard enough that you knew there would be bruises in the shape of his fingers come morning. Then he lifted you slightly off him, cock sliding only a few inches out, before pulling you down in time with a thrust upwards, burying himself in you with a deep grind. You let out a choked moan, stars bursting behind your eyelids.
"Ride," he demanded. Your breath hitched as you scrambled for purchase, hands going to his strong thighs for support. It was sort of an awkward position, your feet barely touching the floor, requiring you to go on your tiptoes to pull a few inches off his cock. Boba's thick fingers cupped your pussy in a V shape, so every time you rose and fell they rolled against your clit. You couldn't tell if you wanted to push your hips back away or forward for more stimulation.
He slapped your other thigh this time, rubbing to soothe the sting, encouraging you to bounce on his cock faster. Your breath was coming in high, moaning pants as each drop of your hips buried him deep inside you, reaching places you never had and lighting up your nerves like a star gone supernova. Paired with his touch teasing your clit with every thrust, you weren't going to last long.
Boba's hands on your hips guided you faster, rougher--each downstroke hitting deep and holding you there for a second just to feel how full, how stuffed your pussy was of him. His thrusts up as you dropped down allowed his cock to hit your g-spot dead on, over and over. You felt yourself rhythmically clenching around him, heard his groans as your cunt strangled his cock, and you were so close to cumming again. The feeling coiled up at the base of your spine, the pleasure winding tighter and higher and ready to burst.
And then--then Boba hooked his hands under your knees, pulling your legs up so all your weight rested on where he was buried in you, and he slipped another inch further inside. You couldn't stop the sob of pleasure as he held you like this, open for him to take, and he set a punishing pace. The dull slap of skin-on-skin paired with the wet gush of your arousal around him, dripping down his balls and onto the throne, made your head tip back onto his shoulder and wrenched moan after moan out of you.
You were talking, babbling nonsense--begging, pleading for him to make you cum again. Boba tilted his hips just right and you keened as it pushed his cock right against the soft spot along your walls. Each thrust shoved you closer to the edge right until that coil inside you snapped. Your legs shook and your pussy clamped down so hard around Boba's cock that it stunted him to short, shallow thrusts as you rode it out. You distantly heard him groaning, praising you, telling you good girl, good fuckin' girl--you were spasming around him, each jolt of pleasure like a white-hot knife radiating from your core to your toes. Boba kept fucking you through it and you nearly begged him to stop--it was too much, the bite of overstimulation burning your nerves--when he pulled you down, fucking into you as deep as he could and he came with a groan of your name, cock throbbing as his release coated your walls.
Somehow, you ended up turned, face buried in his neck and legs wrapped around his waist as you trembled and caught your breath. His hands trailed up and down your spine and thighs in soothing motions as you came back down. You sighed and cuddled closer to him, the hard beskar plating cold against your bare skin, but it felt good on your overheated body.
"Made quite a mess on me, sweetheart," he said, deep voice rumbling in his chest under your ear. You just mmm'd and clung closer to him while he chuckled. It was true. Your arousal coated your thighs, dripped down onto the throne, soaked Boba's cock where it was still buried in you. Boba pulled his robe around you and stood, supporting you with his hands under your thighs. "Come on, little one, let's go to bed." You closed your eyes as he made his way out of the throne room and through the palace. He didn't drop you off in your bedroom, instead taking you to his and laying you in the spacious bed before stripping off his armor and joining you.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Midoriya, Todoroki and Mirio waking up with kisses
Request: May I request best boys Todo, Mirio and Deku waking up with kithes. They’re all grown up and maybe the kithes aren’t coming only from the reader......okay I may want them to have kids and be all cute. - anonymous
Um excuse me who gave you the right to make this cute request? I have weak resolve and um ->this<- close to writing another dad fic. I LOVE TODOROKI SO MUCH I SWEAR I COULD DIE! Sorry for the small break I took yall but I’m back and better than ever *that's an overstatement bc my allergies decided to ruin my summer*. Hope you like it. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: characters are aged up, todoroki and mirio are dads, deku is a dad to be, fluff till your very soul
Midoriya Izuku
Tumblr media
-Izuku is a very busy hero. 
-Being the number one in Japan and running his own hero agency is very tiring. 
-He loves spending time with you and really tries to make it up to you whenever he is called into an emergency. 
-Now, Izuku as an expecting dad is a whole other issue. 
-He doesn’t spend as much time at his agency, deciding to take his paperwork home and do it while you’re in his line of vision. 
-Being such an important and strong hero puts both you and your child in danger so he prefers being in a one mile radius. 
-Helicopter dad 99% of the time. 
-There are however, times when he has to go to the agency or on patrols. 
-And there are times when he has to answer to an emergency. 
-This was one of those times.
-He was chilling on the couch while you basically slept on him, on hand massaging your lower back and one rubbing soft circles on your belly feeling the baby kick once in a while. 
-He loves feeling them kick.
-They always do when he touches your belly. 
-You told him that they already love him, “reacting to their daddy’s touch is a sign of pure affection”.
-Now many things happened at once. 
-They gave a rather powerful kick, waking you up with a whine while his phone started ringing on the coffee table. 
-He had to leave and you almost had to kick him out the door since he didn’t want to leave. 
- “But why do I have to go???? I wanna stay with my babies!”
-He came home really late that night and collapsed on the bed, wrapping you in his arms nuzzling into your hair before drifting off to sleep. 
-It was one of those rare mornings when you woke up first, from a kick...again.
 -You expected Izuku to be already awake but nope, he was snoozing. 
-You really cherished these moments. 
-You never truly got to see him really relax anymore, both with hero work and his constant worry for the baby he always had that wrinkle in between his brows.
-Even asleep. 
-Last night’s fight must have taken a lot out of him.
-Getting restless you decided to nuzzle into his neck, leaving feather light on his shoulder, neck and jaw. 
-He didn’t even stir. 
-Trailing up his jaw you left a kiss on each cheek and two on his nose before cupping his face and peppering his forehead. 
-The last kiss was on his lips, feeling him kiss back as he finally woke up. 
- “Mmm good morning.” 
-You just kissed his nose again making him scrunch it up.
-Placing his hands on your sides, his thumbs rubbed your belly as his lips followed their own trail along your face.
-You giggled as he explored your face letting out small whines every time he kissed a rather ticklish spot. 
-He finally reached your lips giving you a long kiss and bringing you flush to his chest. 
- “I wish I could wake up like this every morning.”
-Just then your kid decided it was a good time to sucker punch you in the liver, giving their father their own little good morning.  
-Izuku chuckled at your groan and leaned down pecking your stomach. 
- “Good morning to you too little one.”
- “I think I might be having a kidney failure.”
- “Y/N come on don’t be dramatic.” 
- “You want me to kick you in the balls?”
- “No.....”
- “Good now less talking more kisses.”
Todoroki Shouto
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-Shouto having a day off is a blessing. 
-Your daughters are angels whenever their dad is home wanting to let him relax.
-When I say that the twins are daddy’s girls I mean it. 
-It’s not only about them getting what they want it’s also about loving their dad unconditionally. 
-They don’t see him as the easy parent who will let them go on with their shenanigans unbothered. 
-They just see him less and really miss him so they usually do their best to give him a relaxed and happy afternoon or day off. 
-So when he told you that he was taking the week off you guys were so excited. 
-Your girls even though they were like three stayed calm and collected, dawning their dad’s infamous poker face when he came home that night, playing quietly on the living room floor. 
-The night was really quiet. 
-You knew that the girls were excited and were bubbling with energy, they talked your ear off when you broke the news to them but they also wanted their dad to relax. 
-Really you could never truly understand them.
-They were the most considerate toddlers you have ever met.
 -Since they know that their parent’s jobs are hard, since you are both in the hero business, they always restrained themselves. 
-The toddlers Fuyumi or Natsuo described while the babysat, the constantly arguing and bickering twins, were a far cry from what you saw at home. 
-Sure they had their slip ups but they were generally well behaved. 
-The did crawl onto their dad’s lap though at the end of the night, snuggling into his relative sides and snoozing off almost immediately. 
-The next morning you woke up first.
-Todoroki was sleeping almost on you, his arms around your waist as his head was buried into your neck. 
-He looked really tired last night, poor baby must have been exhausted. 
-You moved some of his hair from his eye tracing the red skin of his scar with your fingertip. 
-Long into your relationship he had told you that he felt self conscious about his scar. 
- “Not many people will find this attractive, I-I think you could do much better than this.” 
-From that day on you had made it your mission to make sure he knew you loved him, scar and all. 
-Leaving a few kisses on his forehead you raised his head slightly bringing your lips to the scarred tissue of his eye as you left feather light kisses on the red skin. 
-When his grip on your waist tightened you let his head rest back on your chest and whispered a soft I love you. 
-That’s when you heard the pitter patter of little feet on the marble floor of your home. 
-Whispers could be heard from outside your door and only caught the words ‘breakfast’ and ‘you’re stupid’, before your bedroom door opened ever so slightly.
-Two heads of fluffy hair, one snow white and one fiery red, walked in and made their way to your bed. 
-You stifled your laughter as one of your three year olds tripped over one of Shouto’s shoes grabbing onto her sister for support.
-You could feel the glare the white haired girl gave to her twin without having to see it. 
-They made their way to your side of the bed, locking eyes with you and waddling to you as quietly as possible. 
-They both gave you a few kisses before looking at their dad who was completely oblivious to all this. 
-You motioned to them to go around the bed and climb on from his side.
-The twins nodded and before you knew it the two of them were looming over Shouto.
-You kinda expected them to plop down on him and give him a heart attack but you melted when your girls just laid their heads on their dad’s back. 
-Shouto stirred at the extra weight but he didn’t wake up. 
-After like ten minutes of your snuggling, the twins got restless and started their master plan of waking their father up. 
-One of them settled fully on his back while the other moved some of his hair from his eyes, like you had done previously.
-Then the assault began. 
-Soft kisses on his forehead, cheeks, under his eye, on his nose. 
-Really anywhere they could reach.
-Soon enough Shouto woke up a smile adorning his features as he slowly wiggled out of your arms, placing the twins between the two of you. 
-He rested his chin on your white haired daughter and brought an arm over both of them reaching for your hand on the other side. 
- “Good morning snowflakes.” 
- “Good morning daddy.” 
-He made all of you snuggle with him for half an hour before scooping his girls into his arms and walking out the door to make breakfast. 
-One of his top mornings no doubt. 
- “We tried to make breakfast.”
- “But Ren burned the toast.”
- “And you froze the juice.”
- “My little girls are not the best cooks huh?”
-*incoherent mumbling*
Mirio Togota
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-To say that Mirio is busy is an understatement. 
-Being the owner of a large hero agency and doing his own hero work on the side even though he no longer has his quirk really takes a toll on him. 
-Having a four year old son didn’t make things easier. 
-He wanted to be there for his child like his father was there for him.
-He hits him really hard when he comes home one night and he finds his son sleeping on the living room couch clearing waiting for him to come home. 
-Until recently the two of them had a ritual before they went to bed. 
-Your son said that it scared the nightmares away. 
-But a handful of paperwork had fallen into Mirio’s hands forcing him to stay longer at the agency, missing his son’s bedtime by two hours. 
-It was the first night that you ad let him wait for Mirio knowing how ever since their small ritual stopped happening , nightmares had been keeping the little boy awake. 
-But alas sleep had won him over and now he was being carried to bed by his dad. 
-Mirio almost had a breakdown later saying that he was a horrible father. 
-You had to calm him down by giving him some examples of him being an amazing dad before luring him to bed. 
-Later that night your son woke up from a nightmare, trembling and crying out for his parents. 
-He spent the night in your bed, Mirio placing him in the middle bringing him flush to his chest. 
-He calmed down rather quickly and was asleep in no time, you two following suit soon after. 
-The next morning you woke up to small kisses on your  forehead as chubby hands held your cheeks. 
-It was the cutest thing you had ever seen. 
-Big blue eyes looked back at you as you opened your eyes, a small twinkle in them. 
-You brought him into a hug, rubbing his back softly as your other hand reached out to grab Mirio’s under the sheets. 
-After a mini cuddle session with mini Mirio you motioned to big Mirio and winked at your son. 
-Slowly getting up you straddled his hips as you placed your son gently on his chest. 
-He let out a low grunt but only placed a hand on your hip turning his head to the side. 
-Then you dove in.
-You left small kisses on his jaw, cheeks and lips while your son hugged him really really tightly. 
-Your kiss attack continued until Mirio’s giggles bounced off the walls, his arms shooting up to wrap around your back, trapping both of you in his embrace. 
-It was his turn to attack you both with kisses, not holding back at all.
-Really your plan kinda back fired. 
-When you finally got up almost an hour later, Mirio had that proud smile on his face. 
- “Maybe I’m not that bad of a dad after all.”
-You just kissed him again a little more passionate now that you were out of your son’s sight. 
- “W-when did you come down? I didn’t hear you coming down the stairs.”
- “He has your quirk you dummy!”
- “Don’t call dad a dummy!”
- “Go put some pants on you shrimp!”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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itspdameronthings · 3 years
Going Home ch 7
Summary: I has been a long time since i have posted something new. It has been one year ago since i wrote this series. Would not have done it without the incouragement from @autumnleaves1991-blog,and @aellynera. thank you for believing in me.
In this chapter .Benny meets someone new. Also there is an announcement to be made.
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Santi’s phone rings. Picked it up. Noticed who it was,” Nice of you to call. Was so Worried about you. So what’s on your mind, Faith.” Santi goes into the kitchen so he could talk to her. She told him what has been going on since the Columbia mission from hell. He listened to her on what she has been up to since she left her old job,and for the reason for the call. Telling him that she is coming to live with him and apple. He knows it has been ages since her and apple were together.
Benny walked into the kitchen via the french doors. Noticed Santi was on the phone. Heard him mentioning a female’s name. Didnt set well with him. Fearing the worst he thumps Santi on the head. Caused him to end the call,” What was that for man! “ Benny leans against the counter fuming,” what is that call about? Are you cheating with that women that you are the phone!?” santi chuckles as he stands next to him,” no im not! She is Apple’s cousin, Faith. Used to work together while i was in columbia. Called to tell me that she is moving down here. Because she got a new job.” benny moans,” sorry man. My imagination ran away with me. Since my break up . My mind is not in a good place. So glad i moved here with my brother to get away from my past break ups. Santi looks at his friend,and thought about something,” Wanna go with me tomorrow to the airport? To pick up her cousin? So i wont be in Apple’s way while she cooks for the gathering tomorrow.” Benny agrees.
Things are buzzing around the house. Tonight is the party,and today is the day when Apple’s baby cousin is coming to live with them. Until she can get her own place. She is so excited to see her. Has been a very long time since they have seen each other.Since Faith was coming back to take the detective job in town. She is tough as nails with a heart of gold. Santi thinks she would be a perfect girl for his buddy Benny.Santi knows deep down that Benny is in need of some kind of female interaction. Been months since his last date. That is why he is coming over so he could tag along with him to pick up Faith at the airport. Will and Frankie do not know what Santi is up to. Right on cue.Benny shows up, in his normal attire tee , faded jeans and his baseball cap. Entered the open kitchen door. Making himself at home. Grab a bottle of juice. Sees Santi coming down the stairs. Checking his phone when he says,” you should check that kitchen door man. Someone can walk in here and murder yall in your sleep.” Santi punches his arm,” Ha ha! Very funny. Let me get my shit together ,and so we can get to the airport. Her flight would be arriving in the next two hours. Traffic is a bitch right now.” Apple sees them about to leave. Gives Santi a kiss goodbye.Benny pouts,” Hay no kiss for me? I'm practically a brother to you.” she giggles and kisses his cheek. Rubs his head before putting on his cap.
Traffic was a nightmare alright. All because of a pile up. Santi asked Benny to check on the flight while he was trying to find an alternative route. Benny says,” the flight is delayed as well. Something about fog. So pope, tell me about Apple’s cousin. What is she like, man?” Santi smiles as he maneuvers through the jam. Finally find the turn off,” She is a detective. Hard as nails. Although much like my baby. “ Benny smiles at that thought. He could imagine what she looked like. Hair that shines in the sunlight. Smile that lights up the room. Santi added,” She too is the baby of her family. Like apple , an only child. That's why they are so close. Fair warning. She knows some fighting moves. If I were you. Don't challenge her to a fight. .”Benny sighs, “ Want to say that I envy you and Apple. So glad you found the one. Hoping I can. You know? Have that special someone to be there for me.” Santi took to heart what he was talking about. So glad that he has his soulmate. As they finally get to the airport. Took a few minutes to find a parking spot.
Faith tried to relax. Hard to do when you have kids screaming, passengers snoring. She pulls on her headphones to zone out for a while. Soon she would head to her new life, job and who knows what else. All she needs is a fresh start. What a good place to do that is where her cousin . Whom she missed so much. Then she finally gets to see Santiago.Has been so long since she has seen him last.Noticed the plane just landed. She took a deep breath. Telling herself,” okay,Faith don’t panic. You are finally here. Starting a new life. No turning back. No one knows my story. Don’t want to dwell on the past. Press on. “ took her backpack,and headed towards baggage claim. As soon as she picked up her other bags, noticed a tanned man with green tee boots, and a baseball cap. Yep!That is Santiago alright. Thought it was fun to toy with him. Walked slowly behind him. Not till she sees another man talking to Santiago. Blonde hair , sweet blue eyes. Smiles at him mouthed, “ don’t tell him that I’m behind him. She taps Santiago on the shoulder. Caused him to move to the left. She moved to the right . Sees faith laughing at him. Benny just stood there staring at this vision. Long hair in a clip. Tee paired with a sweater jacket. Santiago moans,” you are so like your cousin. It’s freaking scary”He hugs her, and turns around, “ Faith, this my my friend Benny.whom you might get to see a lot of since he just moved into town a month ago. “ Benny was scared to speak when he shook her hand. He was never like this around a girl before. Santi clears his throat, “ Benny boy, go get her bags while I go and get the car. Soon we leave and soon we can eat! “ faith giggles. Now she can’t talk. Wanted to say something to him, but she couldn’t say anything. Awkward! His hat fell off his head when he picked up the other bag, so she placed it on her head. He looked up. Damn’ she looks so sexy!
Soon as Benny loads the bags into the truck. Santiago helps him to shut the back. Placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “ why are you so fucking nervous man? Yes, she is almost a carbon copy of Apple. Let me tell you something man. She is like you in some ways. You might not see that now. Just ease up. Put on that Miller charm. “ Benny sighs,” I’ll try, but I don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Santiago laughs as he gets in the truck, Benny gets in the backseat. Sees Faith texting. Looks so cute in glasses. Pretty shade of pink. Sant asked Faith,” hope you texted your cousin that we are on the way. That her man is starving.” She rolled her eyes,” yes, to the coming home part. As for you being hungry? Why the fuck would I tell her that? That is something you should tell her yourself.” Santiago sighs,” I ment I’m hungry for food not for..” Faith reached over to smack him on the back of the head,” I know that ! Just yanking your chain sheesh! “ Benny could not help but laugh at this exchange.
The traffic is not letting up. Faith texted Apple about them being late. On account of another crash. Santi is getting into one of those moods. To set his mind at ease. Puts on his playlist of hard rock and Metallica. Benny rolls his eyes. As much as he likes to listen to some good rock all he wants to do is try to ease up on Faith. Notice she slowly moves closer to him. He tries not to get nervous. He takes a breath, focused on what Santi said. After taking a deep breath, Faith lays her head on his shoulder. Heard her mumbling,” don’t be afraid of me Benny . I don’t bite. Yet” He lets out a sigh, whispers to her,”don’t worry your pretty little head darlin. Not gonna let anything happen to you.” Santiago sees that and gives him the thumbs up. Benny smiles. Now he is thinking why he was so nervous anyway. Now that issue is over. He yawns and lays against her. Santiago sees this, and smiles.
Santiago’s loud singing woke Faith up. Opens her eyes to see Benny laying on her shoulder. Noticed a few strands of hair covering his left eye. All she could do was stare at him. Looks like a baby.
Caused her heart to flutter. Never in her life she ever felt like that. Sure she had few relationships. None of them made her feel what she is feeling right now. Boy, she needs some girl advice about this. Apple is the person to ask about this.
Santiago sighs as they reach the house. Let out a loud sigh. Long drive took a toll on him. All he wants to do is get out of the truck to enjoy the party that is going on inside. Will comes out to help to unload the truck. Sees his brother and Faith. He smiled, asked Santi, “ so.. what happened? Did he get nervous being around her?” Santiago rubs the back of his neck,” at first he did, and then he started to warm up to her. Then he just fell asleep. Poor guy worried for nothing. “ Faith woke up. Noticed that they were at the house. Gently wakes Benny up,” hay blondie ! Wake up we are here! “ he moaned. Sees both will and Santiago smiling. Caused him to beat his head on the seat. Let the teasing begin.
Benny let’s her out first. She smiles at him. Closes the door and walks over to his brother,” what? Gonna tease me about what you saw? Nothing happened Willy boy. So get your fucking mind out of the gutter. If y’all excuse me. I’m in need of a beer.” Will watches him as he goes inside, Faith walks up to the group. Arms crossed. Clears her throat” y’all are a couple of jackasses. Y’all never been in Benny's situation? Oh wait! Santiago has! The very first time you met my cousin. For the record? Nothing happened. He is a perfect gentleman to me. So if y’all excuse me..” Will’s mouth drops,” damn! She tore us up! I feel bad you have to be in the same house with two strong willed women.”
Apple saw what happened outside. Sighs deeply. Wished Faith didn’t do that to Will and Pope. She knew that they were kidding around. Turns around to see her cousin bursting through the kitchen. Apple rushed to hug her cousin. Then bops her on the back of the head,” was that necessary to tell Benny’s brother and Santi off like that ? Yes, Benny was embarrassed about that. There is something Will doesn’t know. Benny has been suffering from a bad break up. Caused him to be uneasy about being with anyone new. He is trying to shake that feeling. Santi is trying to help him to get his groove back.” Faith sighs and sits on the stool, “ I didn’t know! I’m sorry about what I did. Thought he was being bullied. As for Benny? I think he is a cute Apple. I felt something in my stomach when I saw him. Something I have never felt before. You know what I'm talking about?” Apple leans over the bar,” I do. Same feeling I had when I saw Santi for the first time in years. Fought hard to admit to it. Don’t tell him that I told this. He felt the same way.” Both of them giggled till Benny came in from the patio. Sits next to Faith. Look at her. See, something is not right. Asked her,” darling, what is wrong?" She sighs,” thought you were being bullied by Will. I let him have it. Not until Apple told me what you went through. Wanted to come to your aid. Now I feel bad.” Benny leans over to her," that was sweet of you for doing that." Faith smiles, and both of them help Apple with prep work.
Faith went outside to hand Will and the boys the meat for the grill. She takes a deep breath, stands next to Will while he is about to put the burgers on the grill," I’m sorry for blowing my top back there. If I knew you were Benny's brother. I wouldn’t have done that. I was teased a lot for being the only woman on a Swat team where I used to work a few years ago. It didn’t go well with me.” Will stops what he was doing to hug her," Apology accepted. Benny told me what happened so we are cool. So relax and enjoy yourself. Like it or not . You are one of us. Welcome to this insane family.” Benny takes her hand, "looks like you are stuck with us Faith my dear.”
Right on cue. Santi, Applejacks, Along with Frankie’s family show up. His wife went to put the sleeping little one in her crib where apple was set up in the living room. Santiago whispers to his darling,"everyone is present. Time to make our announcement. Are you ready?” Apple takes a breath,
"Okay let’s do this." Santi stands behind Apple, rubs her shoulders," I need to tell y’all something before we eat. There is a surprise I have or should say Apple and I wanted to tell y’all -" apple moans," or for Pete’s sake santi! Just tell them that you are gonna be a daddy! Oye!" Everyone jumps up and hugs the couple! Benny yells" I’m gonna be an uncle again! Oh yeah!”
After everyone ate too much.party is still going on even though Cat had to leave early due to having a flying lesson the next morning. Will stays to help Santi and apple clean up. Good opportunity for Benny and Faith to take a walk. Didn’t tell anyone. Walking hand in hand to a nice part of the property. Nice clearing that overlooks the mountains and the lake. That’s the reason why he moved. To enjoy this kind of view. Also the peace and quiet. Another reason is to be with his brother at arms. He looks over at Faith. Looks so beautiful to him. The breeze was blowing her hair. Both of them find a huge rock to sit on to watch the sunset. Clearing his throat," enjoying the view baby? "Faith turns to look at him. Shyly smiles,"as a matter of fact. I Am. Where did you find this place? Have I been here since I was a kid?"pulls her close to him," I came across it not too long ago. According to Apple, This place had lots of trees around where they had to cut back. Since I don’t live far from here. I come out here to think." Faith looks at him.then laying her head on his arm,"what do you think about? Don’t want to pry or anything.just curious you know?” Benny looks out to view the lake again,"about stuff I have been through the last few years. I Wish I could find someone . To take care of me. Thought I found that, but she was not the one. Can’t go through that again.” She rubs her hand on his cheek so he could look at her," I know what you mean Benny. So to let you know. I Am here for you. Even though we just met today. Feels like I know you.” Benny leans over to kiss her. Foreheads touched. He whispers, “ I would like to get to know you better."Faith smiles as she kissed him again," would like that.``
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chrisevansszn · 4 years
1.3k word count.
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“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted his”, Chris says. You look up at him. “Me too.”
You woke up the next morning, sat up instantly. You were just trying to process everything that happened the day before. Dodger was sleeping at the end of Chris’ bed. When did he get there?
You look over and see that Chris had left the bed. Wonder what he is up to? Then you heard the bedroom door open. Chris walks in with a tray of breakfast food, and a single rose for you.
“You did not!”, you say with a huge smile. “It’s just a little something for you”, he replies. He brings the tray to you and sits it on your lap. You look up at him, “Come here”. He leans over an you give him a sweet kiss, and then he kisses your forehead. “Thank you so much”. “Anytime baby”. He walks across the bed and lays across the bed. You try the eggs he made. “Holy crap, these are good”. “Pesto eggs, my favorite”, Chris giggles. He then picks up your toast and takes a bite. “I ate my food when I cooked, yes I know…I’m a fat ass”. You busted out laughing. “Stop it, have as much as you want”. You and Chris continue to chat and make jokes while you finish your breakfast.
“Is there something you have to do today?”, he asks you. “Nope, I am free until I leave out tomorrow.” “Let’s go out and do something”. “Ok, surprise me”. “Sure thing”, Chris says. You finished your breakfast. He takes the tray. “Um, no sir. You cook, let me clean. That’s the least I can do”. “Absolute not Y/N”, he replies. You and Dodger follow Chris out of the room into the kitchen. You watch him hand wash the dishes. The only thing he’s wearing is gray jogger that are barely holding on to this waist. You walk he behind him while he is at the sink and wrap your arms around him and embrace him from behind.
You can hear him giggle. He turns around with suds on his hands and embraces you back. You can still smell his cologne on his body, Gucci Guilty. You take him all in his eyes, his messy hair, his tattoo, his muscles. How did you get here? He kisses your forehead and turns back around to finish cleaning the dishes.
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“I’m going to take Dodger in the back yard”, you say. “Sure”, Chris says with a smile. “Come on Dodge” Dodger follows you outside. You find a ball and you play fetch with Dodger. After a while you lay by the pool and take in the view. Chris comes outside.
“I know exactly what we are doing today”, he says. You can look at him and can tell he’s up to no good! “What is it?” “No way, you said surprise me…. remember?”  Oh shit, that is right! “Ok then when do we leave”. “Let’s go shower and head out”. You follow Chris back into the house, and head to your room. You can hear his footsteps headed your way. “Come hop in the shower with me”. You stop and stare. You’re just trying to play hard to get. You wait a few seconds. “I’m on my way”. He throws his eyebrows up, and winks.
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He heads back towards his room. You do a little dance after playing hard to get!!
You grab some jeans, a simple white t-shirt, thong, and a bra. You walk back to Chris’ room and you can already hear the shower running. You lay your clothes next to his on the bed and walk into the bathroom. Chris is already in the shower. You can see his silhouette through the foggy shower glass. You take off your clothes and enter. He turns around the water is dripping down his body. My God what a work of art! He pulls you close and gives you a kiss. You step in front of the shower head and let the water fall down your body. Chris holds you from behind. He grabs a towel and Dove soap and begins to wash you. You can feel his hands all over. He grabs your breast with his right and then makes his way up to your throat. You absolutely love it. He continues to wash your back and stop. You turn around to return the favor. You grab some soap and rub all over his body. You grab his dick with both hands and begin to rub. He lets out a moan, you continue. Up and down, up and down. Chris is holding on to the wall as he moans deeply. You swaps places with him and let the soap rinse off. You lead him towards the seat in the shower and he sits. You get on your knees and take his dick in your mouth.
“Yes, baby”, he says. He grabs your hair, as you lick all over his dick. You begin to slobber everywhere. You hear him whisper “just like that”. You give Chris all you have and work your hands up and down as you suck his dick. He cums in your mouth. “Goddamn….now it’s my turn”, Chris says. He picks you up and pins you again the shower wall, he lifts you higher and higher. He is holding you up high while he is eating your pussy. No man has EVER done you like this! You are leaning back to make sure you don’t fall. Chris is gripping you by your ass and waist and devouring you. You play in his hair while he eats you out. You can hear him sucking up all your juices. “Oh my God, oh my God”. You cum and Chris doesn’t let up. You can feel your body jerking. “Chris please!!” You finally holler out. He lets you down softly. Your body is still twitching. Chris giggles. You both finish showering and get dressed.
You jump in Chris’ truck and head down the interstate. When you get close, he tells you to close your eyes. You arrive at the location. He gets out and walks around to your eyes. You still cannot open your eyes yet. He grabs you hand and leads the way.
“You can open your eyes Y/N”, Chris finally says. You open them. “Bungee jumping???”, you say. “No?”, Chris asked concerned. “Um, hell yes!” You are extremely adventurous and love these kinds of activities.  Chris is so happy. The instructor gives you both the instruction and takes you to the platform. The workers gear you both up. You are so excited you can barely keep it together! “Have you ever done this before?”, you ask Chris. “Never”. “Me neither”. “We are popping our bungee jumping cherry together”. You both die laughing.
Yall are ready to go! You and Chris are strapped together face to face. “Whenever you both are ready, jump”, the instructor says. You and Chris sit and look at the other face to face. “I’m a little nervous”, he says. “Are you?” Before he could answer you lean off the platform and down you both went. Chris is absolute screaming, and you are just laughing. You both are holding on to each other for dear life! You can feel your stomach drop and then you feel the rope tug. The workers pull you both back up and unstrap you guys. You couldn’t have asked for a better surprise. There were other platforms that you both went to jump off of before heading back Chris’ house.
The ride was nice, and you guys held hands the whole way home. When you got back home yall decided on order Door Dash. You both were taking off your shoes and such when the doorbell rings.
“That’s odd”, Chris says. You both was still standing in the hallway, and Chris walks up to the door and opens it. Standing there is his ex, Lily James with a bottle of wine.
“Hi there”, she says with a bottle of wine. 
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Enjoy babes!!
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kvgehiras · 3 years
can i request sleepover hcs with trickstar (separate)? i feel like they would be so much fun to be with... the new shuffle unit really woke up my inner trickstarP 🥺 (hope it's not too much to request all 😭)
HELLO !!! nd no it's ok !!!! it took me some time bcs i didnt . rlly know how to start out hokuto's part BUT IT'S DONE NOW !!!!!!! (also i hope u meant it in a setting where y/n nd the members r in a relationship (separately ofc) bcs that's how i wrote it so ye) hope yall like it ~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• he probably brought up the idea while u were accompanying him on a walk w daikichi
• u were talking abt how u brought these glow-in-the-dark stickers nd they remind u of him
• "it would b so nice if u could see it omg!!! but .... it's the best when u watch it right before u go to sleep.....nd ur probably busy :(("
• nd ur just like :0 bcs u cant believe this dumbass . he has a live to perform in day after tomorrow but he's gonna have a sleepover........what
• "dw abt my live !!!!!!! ill tell hokke nd the others that i can't come today but i'll practice extra hard tomorrow !! they'll understand dw (*・∀-)☆"
• they didn't.....actually...but he cut the call on hokuto before they could get him to attend so uh-
• "anyways!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^"
• yall bring daikichi over too. it's not even a question daikichi is literally yalls child at this point but anyways
• he probably looks for board games for a good hour or two while u get some food for daikichi nd then get some food for subaru nd urself
• (he doesn't find it)
• u peek at the doorframe bcs for a while u keep feeling like someone has been watching u for a while now nd then boom . u see the other baby (read : subaru . main baby is daikichi, ofc!) pouting at u
• u laugh nd wipe ur hands on ur apron before ruffling his hair nd he goes
• "i can't find the board games :((((( y/n :(((((("
• surprise guessing game : whos the actual puppy? akehoshi subaru or his actual dog daikichi??????? it remains a mystery
• anyways u help him look for them nd after u hand him over the thing u get food for the both of u nd force him to eat atleast a bite bcs this bitch is too busy trying to win against u in snakes & ladders 😭😭😭
• "subaru.....pls....the food is getting cold....."
• "no i Know im gonna win!!! the sparkly stars r my good luck!!!! i know it!!!!!!"
• he.... doesn't win .....for the 5th time....
• so manz just gives up, noms all the sandwiches visible (aka his portion bcs u alrdy finished urs an hour ago JDJDKDN)
• nd then sleeps, still sulking
• yes it ends up in u guys cuddling under the glowy stars
• nd subaru thinks that mayb losing against u isn't that bad after all (´꒳`)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike subaru, this was actually a planned one
• u both had homework to do, u especially had a test tomorrow nd subaru just ditched the rest of trickstar to go hang out w someone else instead of their practice so ┐(´∀`)┌
• hokuto appears at ur doorstep around 6:30pm, as discussed earlier
• "right on time!!!!!! so true hokke (´∀`)b"
• he chuckles a lil as he closes the door behind him nd takes off his shoes
• "(y/n) u keep sounding like that masked pervert whenever u say smthg like that pls"
• u laugh it off nd then get him to the living room, where u two get ur books out nd then start studying
• hokuto asks if uve studied any material before to which u quietly reply no nd hokuto just goes
• "oh, that's ok… i think it will be good practice for me too if i taught u all this, right? so let's start, hm?"
• HOKKEEEEEEE ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
• sasuga hokuto kyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• anyways !! u guys (finally) start studying now!
• except…..except ur alrdy falling asleep……
• hokuto doesn't even realise this till he looks over to his shoulder bcs wow it suddenly feels heavy! wonder why!
• nd then boom ur face is an inch away from his
• poor hokuto his face gets all red and his ears r burning nd when he realises that ur sleeping he just . freezes
• doesnt even move fucking muscle
• mentally too manz just checks out NDNDNDJDJKS
• poor guy he can feel how hard his heart is beating nd hes praying that u dont hear it nd wake up
• thank goodness ur a heavy sleeper……..nothing, nd i mean not even if boulder is dropped on u, can wake u up
• sasuga…..y/n……?
• anyways !!!!!
• u wake up at like . 2 or 3 am nd u find hokuto just closing his eyes shut, cheeks still bright red nd. WHYS HE SO CLOSE-
• o u fell asleep on his shoulder lol-
• u jerk back up nd apologise a million times for falling asleep even tho hes so desperately trying to teach u nd hokuto just tries to hard to explain that it's ok !!!!!!! (bcs he actually kinda . liked it . aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA)
• after much thought u guys just decided to go to sleep bcs ur too tired anyways so it's not like u would retain this info anyways
• nd it was a good decision bcs after waking up in the morning nd going thru his notes instead u actually aced the test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so true y/n !!!!!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• this one….. it's like . neither planned or accidental?????
• it just happened????? yk?????
• he called u suddenly in the evening bcs he went to this new game shop that opened near his place right
• nd hes just like !!!!!!! y/n!!!!!!! uve got to check this game out !!!!!!
• nd so u go to his place to play the game nd u see that he just has everything prepared so u get the snacks that u got for both of u on a plate nd get some juice from his fridge nd start playing the game
• nd the game is rlly good !!!!!
• from the graphics to the boss music, makoto rlly knows ur taste
• (he blushes nd thanks u all flustered too hehe)
• nd after switching consoles nd playing the game for over 3 hrs, yes it's a pretty huge game, u finally reach the boss battle!!!!
• nd this . this scares u
• uve seen ppl on the net say that this battle will absolutely End u . periodt
• u never rlly understood why but holy shit u now do
• uve been trying to win against this bitch for AN HOUR at this point . why cant he just die
• poor makoto is just cheering u on in the bg bcs u refuse to let him help
• "y/n….(;´Д`)...... it's ok bb…...i'll finish this up for u…. it's like 4am we have class tomorrow- wait no it's actually today-"
• "makoto No u always help me in games let me finally win smthg for u !!!!!!"
• nd u point at his forehead nd poke it several times as u make ur point
• "ill win for u !!!!! ok!!!!! this stupid boss can never be as strong as my love for u !!!!!! (*`へ´*) 彡3"
• nd hes just . looking at u all worried but he . he trusts u . so he lets u do it urself
• yes u lost even more times nd cried a lil out of frustration
• so at one point, instead of directly helping u, he just starts giving u directions nd at this point ur too tired nd exhausted to say anything so u just follow him
• (u also have ur head on his lap nd hes combing thru ur hair nd looking down at u like :') lmao what a lovebird)
• but when u actually beat the boss, finally, nd the screen says "win!" in huge yellow letters ur eyes go O.O
• nd u jump out of his lap, while he's still spaced out, combing ur hair nd hug him v tightly
• nd hes like ????? huh ???? wh wh wh ?????????
• nd u explain that u finally won nd u guys just rejoice lol
• then immediately fall asleep. both of u
• (u guys were late to school next day . sigh)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other three, this man was actually dragged to ur place
• why? u might ask
• so after u guys r done w school, nd when u check in w his fam too that hes gonna stay at ur place (nd also that he has almost no work today, ofc) u drag him to an arcade nd hes like ???
• "today is a rest day!!!!!! so no work at all!!!!!!"
• u said this while pouting a bit so mao mostly thought u were joking
• but even after going to the arcade, going to the shopping mall nd getting snacks, going to the fast food place u guys visit alot nd getting food from there, his brain doesnt catch on that ur indeed not joking
• until it's been 3 hours at ur place, ur having the dinner that u guys had bought from the fast food place while watching a random movie that was airing on some channel that his brain suddenly went
• 'i know they were saying that this is a rest day nd ur not allowed to work probably as a joke but bro…. i dont think it's a joke anymore'
• this is so sad f in the chat for mao lol
• but also he doesnt bring it up bcs ur forcing him to watch musicals w u (some of ur favs) nd he... actyally likes it?
• he hasn't felt so ….relaxed in a very long time now that he thinks abt it
• nd he has to thank u for it yk
• nd so after the musical marathon ends, as he thanks u, he kind of just goes on a rant yk
• abt how he's feeling
• he never expected for this to happen but u tell him it's ok yk
• nd while he shouldn't burden himself w so much work, ur always open to listen to his thoughts, opinions, random bs, anything !!!!!!
• for hours u guys just have a very deep talk abt how guys have been doing nd mao feels like hes so so glad that u did smthg like this for him
• yall also go to bed early bcs mao alrdy has a bad sleeping schedule (so let's not make it worse!!!!)
• nd in conclusion, it was a v good day! now yall do this whenever either of u r feeling down or get burnt out lol
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 4 years
Maito Gai x F! Reader Smut
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Warnings: sexual themes, dark thoughts, initial angst, grinding, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), pwp
This one was very good to me 😂♥️🔥 when I talked about it initially it didn’t get so thirsty towards the end, but hey, it happens.
There was a time in your life when you didn’t wake up in cold sweats, heart rate accelerating.
Then again, those were mostly before you became a shinobi.
You had your fair share of traumatic experiences that haunted you when you fell asleep at night. Some might think they would revolve around gruesome crimes, bloodshed, and the atrocities of war. They did from time to time.
But the worst thing that ever plagued your mind was the images of the people you loved. Them in situations you could do nothing about, in ways you could never save them. And unfortunately, many of those situations had played themselves out into reality.
At the moment, you had sworn you lost him. Maito Gai. Your whole world— the light of your life. The man that made you smile, that made you laugh when no one else could. The idea of someone taking him from you made you sick to your stomach.
When he finally came back to you, you were by his side no matter the consequences. You refused to leave him. Never again, not until someone had to pry you from him.
He had lost all use in his legs, and it of course dampened his spirits. It had been one of the select times you had ever seen him so low— and understandably. For all he had done for you, however, you knew it was your turn to be a source of light. To try to bring his spirits up, even if it only worked a little bit.
And like clockwork, his character began to show again. He cracked jokes with you, and made a point to start what conversations he could while you visited. And late into the night when you would fall asleep at his bedside, he found himself thanking every god he knew of for you.
He could still recall running his hands through your hair while you slept, never wanting to cause you any trouble again.
But even still, you had no control over the nightmares that plagued your mind of his incident. You could not come to voice your fears directly, but he had an understanding of your concern. You would bolt upright in bed at some unheard of hour, a hand shooting out to tightly grip his arm.
All that could sway you in the moment was his voice. He would see your stiff frame and put a hand to the small of your back and keep the other hand wrapped around you. Whatever time you needed, he would give you. It was the least he could do. Each time after you would finally calm, he would pull you into his chest and hold you there as safely as he could. Only in his arms could you ever start to lull back to sleep.
It had been some time since your last nightmare, but tonight, it would revisit you. The cold of winter had already started to creep into your home, and you shooting straight up from your slumber nearly sent you into shock.
You were nearly vibrating. Every last detail about the day Gai nearly died entered and swirled inside your psyche to make a tornado. It numbed you to the core, and all that could shake you was Gai’s presence at your side.
“I’m here,” his deep voice echos in your ear. He doesn’t try to pull you, but he does encircle your frame in a hug that envelops you with warmth. “I’m here.”
Your heart rate manages to still for a moment. You look to him tenderly, and he offers you a small smile.
“I’m sorry Gai, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Nonsense. I want you to wake me when you’re troubled.” His large hand cups the side of your face, and his thumb begins to wipe tears from your eyes.
You hadn’t even felt them begin to fall.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to have the details in your head any more than they needed to be.
“Just... hold me.”
It came out so much weaker than you wanted to sound, and it bruised your pride a little bit. But it nearly made Gai melt.
He shifts you in bed so you have your legs on either side of his lap, and pulls you in for the longest hug he can manage. His arms are firmly but comfortable situated around you, with one hand gently holding your neck as you buried your face into his shoulder.
This was your favorite way to hold him, and to be held. He always made you feel safe— and you were satisfied he was your only confidant that ever saw you so vulnerable. You loved him more than you could ever put into words.
“I love you, Y/N.” He says into the night so calmly, and so earnestly.
You could certainly try to phrase how much he meant to you. It nearly choked you up to start, but you would manage.
“I love you too,” you breathed, your exhale tickling his neck. “I love you so much.”
If he had told his younger self that one day he would have you, the one he’d been smitten with for ages, seated in his lap and confessing your undying love for him, he might have fainted.
And his younger self would have had to fight a serious erection at the feeling of your lips on his neck. He was living the dream of his youth.
Your velvety lips did things to him like utter magic. As you begin to touch him, he can feel the heart raise from your body despite the cold or the room, and it passes to his body so tastefully. And above all, he feels your palpable need with each kiss.
He has to stop you though. Just momentarily. “You don’t have to do this. Not if you don’t want to.” He says it while he holds your face in his hands so tenderly, his eyes full of honest intention. His primary concern was your emotional state, and it got your heart going again.
“I do want to,” you confirm. “I want you. Right now.”
He could never tire from hearing you say that. His wonderful smile shows itself, and he pulls you in for a deep, heartfelt kiss. He wants you to know that no matter what, he would be there for you. He loved you too much to ever let you go.
And like clockwork, you’re the one to slip your tongue into his mouth. He grins into your kiss. There you were.
You lay your hands at his sides to glide up his hard stomach, to run over his intense pecs. Your hands relish in doing over his collarbones to rest on the sides of his neck while you swirled your tongue around his, and he swore he felt a trail of fire every place you touched him.
His hands gliding down your back made you shiver, and you felt the want in your gut ignite when his grip on your hips tightened. That was when he got serious— and you couldn’t wait to have him put little butterfly kisses on the bruises in the morning.
He pulls you into him suddenly, returning open, warm kisses to your neck and shoulders with as much fervor as he can muster. Gai’s lips are always soft, and his enthusiasm always has a way of making you feel weak for him in the best possible way.
You expose your neck to him, at the same time learning into his touch. He’s incredibly satisfied with the reaction he’s brought out of you— so it’s time to even the playing field.
You roll your hips so your cunt traces his boxers, and he groans. It was one of the benefits in sleeping in a nightgown. Just a nightgown.
You stick a hand down to free his cock without removing his underwear, and relish in how he shakes when you glide the lips of your cunt over his shaft.
“I’m so happy you’re mine,” you breathe heavily into his ear, feeling his cock pulsate.
He gulps. You were the only one that could make him blush.
“I’m so happy I’m the only one that can do this to you,” you pause your grinding over his cockhead, and use your hand do rub it over your hole without penetrating you.
“You’re mine, all mine.” He says lowly, sucking dark marks into your collarbones.
You’re holding onto him for dear life at this point, but the high is worth it.
“I’m never wasting any more time with you,” Your heart promises. “No one is ever taking you from me.”
You punctuate the fact with a bite to his neck to quiet your groan as you take his cock to the balls. You both moan nearly as deep as his cock goes inside you.
Somehow under the heavenly pleasure, Gai laughs. “I had your heart the day I met you. You’re never getting rid of me.”
Your eyes bulge. Is it possible to get even more wet?
He overtakes you in an instant— it’s a dangerous game to undermine his strength, despite not being able to use his legs. You’re firmly situated on your side as he pulls his underwear off to fling them across the room. He settles in behind you, hoisting your hips into his pelvis as his cock enters you again.
At some point, one arm reaches under you to fondle your breast while he licked delicious circles over your neck, hips slowly pulling into you. It made you pant like a bitch in heat.
No one had ever taken you the way Gai did. You had never been so willing to be submissive with anyone but Gai. He was that impressive.
“Fuuuuck, please, Gai, please—“
His tongue stops on your neck, and travels to your ear. “Is that you? Begging?”
Abso-fucking-lutely. “Please Gai—,”
“Use your words, darling” he nips the shell of your ear, but slightly falters when you shimmy your hips, rolling his already sheathed cock inside you.
“I love you Gai. Please,” you groan. “—please fucking ruin me.”
It’s like flipping a switch. You toss one hand behind you to hold onto his hair, and suddenly he’s jackhammering into your sopping cunt like there’s no tomorrow.
All that comes from your room is your incoherent cries coupled with Gai’s animalistic grunts, and the shaking of your bed mixed with the wet noises of two hormonal bodies heating up the room.
You can barely manage enough energy to throw your leg up to wrap around his ass while he continue to fuck you, using it as some kind of leverage.
You lean back again to lick from his cheek to his ear. “Should you play with my clit or should I?”
It was not meant to be so seductive, but Gai puts his fingers to rub deliciously over your little pearl of pleasure in an instant. His big fingers swirl lovely circles into and around you, and you can feel the build to cloud nine completing.
Gai was groaning like an animal, but fucking like animals had made you as needy as one. You could top him another day— him getting off to your voice did things to you you couldn’t fathom to explain.
He love you talking filthy into his ear, asking him how much he loved to fill you to the brim with his fat cock. It drove him wild.
And wild enough after you keen “fucking hell Gai, you own this pussy. I’m all yours, holy fuck, I’m all yours— I’ll take whatever you can give!” that he comes undone in one of the most powerful orgasms of his life.
Gai’s strangled noises when he comes inside you are akin to a religious awaken. They’re somewhere of a mix between heavy and lighthearted, and they make your head spin.
Then again, everything about him makes your head spin. You loved this man more than anything.
That thought rings across your mind as he keeps pumping into you, and then encircles your clit once more. You follow him over the edge with a scream, gasping like you’ve just run a marathon.
You might as well have.
It takes a moment for both of your movements to still, save for the rise and fall of your chests. Only then does the coldness of the room return, the sweat on both of you chilling to spike goosebumps.
Your legs are wobbly, but you pull yourself around to lay your head on Gai’s chest, and he wraps both of his arms around you again, tightly.
He smells intoxicating, especially when he’s sweaty you think. You love the feeling of his beautiful skin and listening to his breathing. The heartbeat beneath your ear is the most comforting thing he could have offered you.
“I love you Gai...” you wrap your arms around him again this time. “so much.”
His chuckle does your heart so much good. And he returns the sentiment.
The rest of the night he can’t motivate himself to fall asleep, however. You were resting much better as he held you, happy to have him at your side more than ever. And he you.
He was really going to have to do something about the ring burning a hole in his nightstand.
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telomeraseee · 4 years
can i request ,, fucking tsukki after he’s all hyped up from blocking ushiwaka 🥺🤙
a/n: hehe here u go! hope you like it!! this was one of my first times writing a smut image, so i hope it doesnt disappoint! haha my laptop broke this morning so im using my phone to do this, bless, anyways hope yall have a great day and keep the requests coming !! :))
“hey tsukki what’re you doing? why are you pulling me into the storage room? hey!-“ you say as tsukki’s grip on your arms tightens and he forcefully pulls both of you into the storage room of the gym and then locks it. “what in the world do you-“ he didn’t give you the chance to finish as he slams his lips against yours, his hands started to roam all over your body. you let out an involuntary moan when you feel his hands caress your ass.body was like a drug to him, he just wanted more and more.
after successfully blocking ushijima during the practise match and seeing you jumping and cheering for him, his blood was pumping and the only thing he could feel in his veins was the adrenaline from the match. he knew right there and then that he was going to take you, whether in the storage room or the locker room he didn’t care, as long as he could get his hands on you, he was going to make sure that he was going to fuck you so hard that you’d not be able to walk out of this gym.
so here you were, in the storage room, having a heated make out session that you knew would result in more... sinful acts in due time. just the thought of tsukki rearranging your guts here had your heart racing. his hands finally moved to the hem of your shirt, not wasting a second to pull it off your body. both of you were panting like dogs but the moment your shirt was off his mouth few to your cleavage, leaving a trail of forbidden kisses along the way. his hands kneaded your breasts through the fabric of your bra which had you squirming and moaning for him to just take it off. “tsukki....” you let out a gasp when you feel his hands unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them off along with your underwear in one swift motion. his mouth was now placing kisses and leaving bruises along your inner thigh, a mark left to remind you of the dirty deeds done here. the closer he got to your heat the wetter you felt yourself become. you were sure that you were practically dripping at this point. you were squirming and squealing for him to touch you, to kiss you, to worship you. “tsukki please, please......” please what baby? you have to tell me what you want.” he replies, knowing how flustered you were. “tsukki, please touch me, please.... please fuck me... i need you, tsukki, i need you now,” you beg, your voice shaking with the anticipation of being ravished in this room. “my baby gets what my baby wants,” he says with a smirk on his face as you feel his finger slide up and down your heat, feeling how wet you were. “so wet already....who made you this wet huh? who’s the one who’s gonna fuck your brains out right here, right now?” You! tsukki its you! please!” you reply him, your mind swirling with bliss you feel one of his long digits enter your heat. you let out a loud moan that you were sure the people on the other side could hear, but that just made it even more erotic. he enters another finger into you followed by a third and you feel yourself shaking from the pleasure. your mind goes blank with only one thought running through, tsukki. you feel the familiar knot in your abdomen building as tsukki starts pumping his fingers in and out even faster. “tsukki, im gonna.....come....tsukki....please,” you feel yourself pleading to get a release. right when you feel that the knot in you is going to come undone, tsukki removes his fingers from your pussy, the wet sounds resonating through the room.
“sorry sweetheart, but today, i want to feel your tight pussy clamping my dick down when you come,” he says to you as he whips his member out, his dick standing tall and proud with precum oozing out. you could practically feel his cock throbbing and the though of that already had you creaming. he snatches your waist and roughly turns you around, your ass pressing against his cock. you moaned at the feeling as you place your hands on the wall in front of you. you feel him rub his tip along your folds covering it with your juices as he finally positions it as your entrance. then, in one swift motion he enters you, all the way, balls deep. you feel your head get clouded with pleasure as tears fill your eyes at how much of you he’s filling. “ugh..so tight....so good,” you hear him moan, as he started rocking his hips back and fourth, hit spots in you, you didn’t even know existed. his pace starts getting faster and your moans start getting louder. you don’t even know what’s going on anymore, the only thing you can focus on is tsukki’s dick moving in and out of you shattering your walls and bringing you close to your orgasm. “who makes you feel this good princess? who’s cock is fucking you huh? who’s pussy is this?” tsukki says, his grip on your hips tightening and you already know that there are going to be bruises left there once you were done, but in that moment you didn’t care. “yours tsukki! it’s all yours! im all yours!” you scream out as you feel your self getting closer and closer. “tsukki, im gonna....ugh..gonna come soon...” you say as you feel your walls tightening around him. “come for me baby, come all over my cock,” he says as you feel yourself finally reach your high coming undone around him. the feeling of your walls tightening and spasming around him was enough for him to come too. you feel his cock twitch inside you and you hear his guttural grunts as you feel his hot seed spilling inside you and painting your walls white. both of you stay there for a while, coming down from your highs.
“that was fun wasn’t it,” tsukki says to you as you both walk out of the room together. you just look at him and tell him, “it’s your fault if i can’t walk home later,” don’t worry i’ll carry you.” he replies, as both of you walk off to where the rest of his teammates are.
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 5, part 2: connie’s proposal
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an: hey yall 😛 i'll be posting another q&a before the final elimination chapter comes out. the day after that, i will close the poll, so make good choices! if you wanna change your mind, do it NOW! if you haven't voted, NOW is your chance😁 also, once again, i had to add an extended part to the connie family chapter because the full thing did not upload :( if the extended part helps you change your mind on connie, let me know! also, i really like this chapter because i could properly write a beach story! i went to a beach last week for the very first time and now i won't sound stupid when writing (and i'll never beat around the bush again!) link at the bottom!
tags: fem, black reader
tag list: @taybird
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Unlike Jean, Connie did give you an idea of where you were going. He told you to bring some sandals and a light outfit and "not to worry about swimming because I know you don't want to mess up your hair- or makeup". There was a high chance you would be going to the beach where you had your first solo date. It was also the first time you talked about Connie being your husband. He said something about being "wise" about your decision. Now that you think about it, there was a pattern of Connie trying to avoid the fact that you two would have to be in love. You wondered if he'd bring that up again while proposing to you. You wouldn't want to say no to Connie if he did that but the whole friend zone thing is a BIG turnoff (y'all's words, not mine 😉)
But there was a positive side to this maybe? You already knew Connie and he had a higher advantage than Jean. You wouldn't even have to think about building a connection with him because you already had one. But the problem was love. You knew would enter a relationship with Jean, y'all would be lovey-dovey BUT you would need to build a friendship too.
Damn, this was hard. But this would all be over soon. You'd get a big wedding and if you didn't like Connie or Jean, you could move on. It's not like you're signing papers at the televised ceremony.
But anyways 😭 let's starts Connie's date. No time for analysis!
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Connie had texted you that he was outside. You grabbed your purse and left the mansion. When you got outside, Connie was leaning on his car, being handsome and all.
"Hey," you greet him. You hold your arms out, hoping for a hug or even a kiss. Connie steps forward leans towards you but his head goes to the side and he's hugging you. Would this guy wait till the possible engagement before getting romantic with you or would the rest of your marriage be like this?
Connie pulls away. "I'm really excited," he says. You want to yell at him right now but the day just started. Maybe he was doing all this to lead you on and make sure you want to fight for him. To be real, this was getting tiring. Connie better be doing something big!
"I'm really excited to see what you have in store for me as well," you reply. Other than seeing Connie's next moves or his proposal, you were excited about the food. You knew Connie could cook, it was in his genes and he did cook for you multiple times throughout the show. As Connie opens the passenger seat for you, you begin to ask him what was on the menu today.
"Well, I've noticed how nauseous you get when under the pressure, so I made egg sandwiches and I packed juices and water. I hope that's alright. When we get engaged, I'll make you a big meal. I promise," Connie says before closing your door.
You thought it was sweet that Connie took note of that. When he got into the driver's seat, you gave him a small smile before opening your mouth. "Thank you, Connie. I really appreciate the fact that you thought about that."
Connie starts the car and begins the drive to the venue. There wasn't much talking done, probably because you would bring up the whole friendship thing. You wanted to get that settled but you also wanted to see what Connie has planned. These two dates weren't just about you saying yes or no but it was a way to see how much Jean and Connie wanted you. If there were problems in the past, they would try and fix them now.
Minutes later you were at the beach (you were right😁). Connie found parking and got out of the car to get the food. You got out on your own. It was weird not having someone rush to your side to open your door. Connie met you on your side of the car and offered you his hand. You can't remember him doing that before (if he has, forgive me yall🧍🏾‍♀️). But his hands felt nice, so you couldn't complain.
The same table from your solo date remained there. "Hey, Connie, just for you, I'll get in the water," you suddenly say. "Huh?! Really?!" he explains. 'Gosh, what a kid,' you think. "You just made this better, y/n! Thank you!" Connie continues. "Just my feet though. I didn't come here to get baptized or anything."
Connie places the picnic basket with all the little things he packed for you. He then proceeds to pull a chair out for you. When you sit, he pulls out one egg sandwich for you. "Juice or water?" Connie asks. "Um, (juice/water)," you reply. He places the drink of your choice in front of you and finally sits down. Connie sets up his food and is ready to dig in until he notices that you haven't touched any of your food.
"Hey...is everything alright? You feel sick?"
You shake your head. "Connie, we need to talk."
Connie sits up slowly. "What's up?"
You liked that Connie was able to see that something was up. This would be useful if you got married.
"How long are you going to friendzone me?"
Connie chokes in his spit. "What?"
"I mean sure we've been lovey-dovey but I still don't feel that romantic connection. If I do say yes to you, I expect us to start acting like a couple. I want you to be my husband, not my friend."
Connie is silent for a minute and then he opens his mouth. "But people who are friends-"
"Oh, shut up. You can be my friend but I want a husband! Please, stop bringing up those statistics and love me!"
You never thought you would be throwing a mini tantrum over a man. Is this who we are? Is this what we represent?
"Come with me," Connie says. You're hesitant to get up until he offers his hand to you. You take it and he pulls you up from the chair.
Connie slowly leads you down the water and you start to freak out mentally. Was he going to drown for telling him off? Connie wasn't that crazy right?
As you walked, you felt yourself slipping out of your shoes. The sand didn't hesitate to fill in the gaps of your toes and tickle your feet. The further you went, the deeper you were. Connie was just walking like it was nothing. You reached the water and Connie came to a stop. For a moment, he stared out into the ocean. You just stared at your feet. The waves pushed the water on your feet causing you to sink more into the sand. This was the world. You were on the edge. You weren't going to live for long, so you had to make the best of it.
"y/n, I hear your cries for love and I'm willing to give it to you. Marry me. I'll work on myself and you'll work on yourself. I promise you, I'll do anything to grow old with you."
Connie’s ring didn’t come in a box. He just pulled it out from his pocket. It was a diamond covered band with a halo shaped sapphire right in the middle.
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damn, wonder who y’all gonna choose🤒 LINK
if you’re curious about how these rings look like, here:
connie (left) jean (right , however, his doesn’t match the description i wrote😒)
also, sorry for the white hand. i took a buzzfeed quiz
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some new(ish) kids
“new” as in they didn’t exist yet when we last posted. so some of them are at least 9 months old. anyway!
list under the cut:
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- they’re a half-elf monk! but now that i think about it it would be kinda funny if they had a level or two in rogue
- honestly? they’re a frat boy, but one who drinks respect women (and everyone, really) juice
- complete thembo. they have a -1 int, but +5 dex and +3 cha so who’s really winning here
- seriously when i say they’re a thembo i mean it. cas can dodge bullets all day but they don’t know that a tomato is a fruit
- they’re a people person and respectful and are very much work hard play hard. i love them
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- now this is a bastard right here
- he/they tiefling rogue. yes they stole that crown what about it
- very much like mollymauk tealeaf i’m not gonna lie. they’ll charm the pants off of you and run away with your whole coin pouch
- smth i love about pumpkin is 1) their last name is pye 2) they have aliases bc in nearly every town they’ve been in there’s a warrant out for his arrest
- pumpkin pye (persona), a flirty rapscallion. if they had to pick one alias to stay as, this would be that one
- apple pye, a quiet sweetheart. kinda country bumpkin-esque
- pecan pye, taciturn but honest (as he can be while using an alias and on the run from the law and generally up to no good) and a hard worker
 - underneath all the layers? he’s kinda sad and lonely, still a flirt and a rapscallion but considerably less, and sometimes he just wants to stay in bed instead of going out and getting into all kinds of trouble
- oh also! he’s self conscious about his freckles, and usually uses some kind of makeup to cover them up if hell brain is acting up/he’s causing trouble
- i’ll be honest i do not remember if i still have their picrew
- i do nvm
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- this is tenjin! iirc they’re a drow enchanter (homebrew class my cousin made) but ig in a legal game they’d be a divination wizard
- he’s such a sweetie, oml
- fun fact he has autism! mostly nonverbal and gets overwhelmed super easily, and has a whole pouch full of trinkets that they fidget and stim with
- baby. baby boy
- really fun to play actually
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- she’s here to kick names and take ass, and she’s all out of names
- a whole lesbian. most of why she does what she does is to protect pretty girls
- human (shocker, i know) cleric of a storm god that i forgot to write down
- anyway!
- do no harm but take no shit is her motto. her methods may be borderline illegal, but hey, as long as the thing gets done it’s fine
- usually.
- basically her only method is swing a bat around until people talk and if the bat hits anything/anyone, well. that’s not her business
- oh yeah her bat. it’s infused with electricity and deals lightning damage as well as bludgeoning. it’s sick as hell
- she’s pretty rad
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- everyone needs a weed druid
- okay but seriously. they eat every plant they come across to 1) figure out what they do (they have insanely high con dw) and 2) for magical power
- are they high most of the time? yes. are they really sad actually? also yes
- they aren’t religious, but they do worship the deity their childhood best friend (turned lover, yes) worshipped
- i might talk about that more later :)
- anyway they’re super chill and also one of the few drows i have, iirc
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- okay now we’re starting to catch up
- his name isn’t actually walker, but it’s what everyone calls him so that’s what he goes by
- he/they (wow theres a lot of he/theys huh) fallen aasimar gloom stalker ranger
- basically think of the edgiest anime boy you can imagine and go “what if he went to therapy”
- he’s such a good boy! yes they still do the adventuring thing, but make a point of going to therapy every week
- they’re making some great progress :)
- while he’s basically a witcher and gets treated like one (i.e. poorly), he just wants to settle down somewhere quiet when there’s no more evil in the world to grow vegetables where the only one around to judge him for being mute is his crow
- the picrew didn’t have a crow so please pretend that’s what the pigeon is
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- valor is a tiefling fighter who came into existence bc i rewatched netflix castlevania and was super gay for striga so i made a character inspired by her
- also has autism, but in addition, she has ptsd from her days in the royal army. she’s seen some shit yall
- isn’t very good with social interactions, a lot of stuff goes right over her head and she’s just awkward as hell, but get her talking about her special interest (military tactics) and she will talk for hours. please let her
- fun fact she met her wife bc she was fishing in a bog trying to catch dinner and fished out a wholeass lady instead
- she’s buff as hell. she could use literally anything as a weapon and make it hurt
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- i don’t have a name for them yet BUT i do know that they’re a bitch
- yet another he/they, this time we have a neutral evil wizard who doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as they get results for their experiments
- think albedo genshinimpact but with almost no morals
- yes he’d cast ninth level spells on his party if he was researching something. no he would not feel remorse. probably
- idk i haven’t fleshed him out yet i just know that he’s a bitch
- finally! my favorite character on this list
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- this is maisy, but she’s so tiny that everyone calls her mouse
- when i say tiny i mean she’s a halfling and also seven years old. she’s fucking little
- little human druid girl who basically raised herself in the forest and can & will make friends with literally any animal she comes across
- her arcane focus is her flower crown, which also has berries growing on it. they grow back every time she picks one to give to her friends :)
- she’s so fucking pure oh my god. actual cinnamon roll and everything that’s good in this world
- her rat’s name is rat. he’s her friend :)
- and also dog sized compared to her it’s hilarious. she has a little leash for him made of vines and particularly spry twigs
- have some bonus art bc oh my god cutie
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ferie-anon · 3 years
(●’◡’●)ノ hey, I hope you could look at my signs and see which member in NCT (any sub unit) would you ship me with? My placements are: aries sun & mercury, aquarius moon, saggitarius rising, capricorn mars, and pisces venus:)) Thanks!💗
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(Your moodboard)
Alrighty, aries sun with aquarius moon, so I see you are someone with strong opinions and stubborn of your own beliefs/views. Probably rlly active, physically and mentally, your thought process and randomness is always intriguing and inspiring for others. With aries mercury, you adhere genuine thoughts, honesty, and expect loyalty just as you are loyal and there for those you care about. With pisces venus, you are sweet, self-less in love, and it is quite balanced with your aries energy that you choose to give your all, and heart to those you trust. Also that emoji in your ask desc, is literally uwu your placements make for someone genuine/authentic, and you also desire/value those same things back. Your aquarius moon with sag rising, kinda makes you pretty easygoing/the impression, idk wut it is but you seem someone who is able to cheer up or bring light to others, aquarius moons are actually pretty funny imo, they rlly got this thing going on where ppl be loving them and they don’t even know who these ppl. With sag rising, I feel you may be pretty active irl in some aspect, maybe hanging out with friends? Or going somewhere/doing any activities. Your complexion/impression may be glowy/healthy, in the sense, or physically. Lastly, your capricorn mars pairs well with your pisces venus and everything imo, with capricorn mars you hold yourself to a certain set of work ethic of consistency, carry and are aware of the responsibility, and you also show through care of others by taking care of them in a way, capricorn mars are lowkey smoothly quiet when aiding someone. I appreciate capricorn mars grounding/consistent nature becuz you guys are always getting something done or mostly.
Your match in Nct is.... Johnny!
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Johnny here has an aquarius sun with a gemini moon! Fun in many different ways and every type of moment with Johnny is quite not the typical norm, something that will always be unrestricting and free but mentally stimulating. (Well in Nct, not the norm seems often there lol) With double air in the big 3, his sun in aquarius makes him someone who is quietly resilient yet engaging and a bit distant from his true personal feelings to new ppl, as aquariuses open up once they feel like they’re comfortable with sharing their true emotions with someone they care and trust enough. After all, there’s many aspects and layers of Johnny from wut we have seen, his variety moments, then his serious and lowkey intimidating moments as he is one of the eldest, and him with his members, playing along with them and talking with them personally. Johnny has a lot of meme moments, or rather memes insert in many video compilation of nct, it’s either iconic or just very “johnny” of him in terms of thinking, but remains memorable in nct content which can show of aquarius innovation and making new statements(moments/events). His gemini moon makes him share his intellect of moving through his thoughts quickly, at times making him quite reflexive verbally and etc, and him being random at times becuz gemini moons are the type of brains that will go through so many ideas and thoughts that wut u see may be only a fraction or part of their wittiness and intellect. The first meeting of a scenario, would be the first day at campus/college or uni. Though you heard or thought you heard some screeches that were similar to a parrot, and spotted the noise coming from a tall boy who was chilling and fooling around with his friend group. 'Hmm wut was that lol', you chuckled to yourself as you rush to the entrance realizing you're nearly late.
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(Johnny explaining the term “oh daddy” is iconic and so awkwardly hilarious in context)
Johnny's moon is in gemini, and these natives are logical, ends up attempting to rationalize emotions through why they feel this way, however they appear distant emotionally or rather not be upfront with taking of their emotions till someone close, as with their playful and spontaneous they are deep down emotionally vulnerable and caring of others but shown in a rather lighthearted and communicative way. Displayed, Johnny on camera and all doesn't seem to publically display or make known of his emotional moments and etc, and that despite being one of the oldest, they still care a lot and face other emotional conflicts innerly thought they don't display as much as they're seen as dependable and taking care of others as the oldest ones. With your aquarius moon, you both are similar in that your emotional needs and feelings aren’t directly channeled or displayed at first. With aqua moon, as they rather open up eventually to the one they find trust and closeness with, new ppl/acquaintances coming into the life may not get to fully grasp your emotional sense of thoughts and may only be able to get the notion of your somewhat detached nature/closed off to ones you have yet to trust or be close to. Both of you guys are inquisitive and observant, however aquarius moon are observant like self aware of the final outcome or contribute to the big picture of all the details they intake. While gemini moons notice detailed things and small tidbits and things that comes through their mind. You both will be able to grow more open and navigate through the emotional space and company of each other with the similarities and with some differences regarding your thinkings, it will be a good development of new perspectives for each other. The communication will be very expanded upon, both being active mentally-wise and bonding together will bring new topics/ease at expressing oneself.
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His mercury is in aquarius. Aha, these ppl communicate in a very intriguing, funny/expressive way that isn’t typically boring in a way. Either fromt eh way they speak or present their explanation, there’s something that is expressively creative or genius-like in the out of norm examples or speech they draw out. Becuz they think from different approaches to explaining the issue or concept, they’re good at making “sense” in some form, and others being persuaded at times and seeing a different perspective with their logic. So combined with Johnny’s gemini moon, the creative juices of humor and words with his aquarius mercury makes him quite the fun and mentally stimulating conversationer, at one point he’s basically enlightening u with deep social issues topics and talking about thoughts, then springing up a new topic about ten being scared of fruits and coming up with theories and jokes (or he’s gonna switch the topic again lol). With your aries mercury, u would enjoy his active perspectives and logic, mostly u would challenge it with ur own opinion and perspective and u guys were talk extensively on it, tho it may lead to banter mainly u attempting to stand by ur point for some topics, and sometimes u both would be laughing it off during a convo becuz u both thought it was funny and agreed with each other. Spontaneity and intellect in the mix is an enjoyable rollercoaster ride lol.
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He has venus in capricorn~ Cue Johnny explaining the term “oh daddy”, cuz he himself is lowkey one- jkjk on the pg rated side, there’s a sense of security and trust that comes with reliability of each other here, where Johnny would like to be able to provide that sense of secureness, whether emotionally, or “materially”, that ties with the bond and connection that is made and also initiates and desires stability. Johnny wouldn’t be very upfront regarding his affections and physical displayment of love or feelings, but it would be inherently noticed by you eventually, you may be a bit oblivious at first like “..? Oh he did something thoughtful becuz of me”. (Mark cheerleading in the audience: “oh dude he’s flirting”) Your pisces venus would give words of affirmations and selfless help and attentiveness at him, it may just be watching and wandering around him as you guys talk or eat. And he would also notice, tho similarly he may be a bit oblivious but probs realize quicker, ‘oh that’s why u said that-‘. I feel like you would initiate physical touch/skinship to express yourself, it may be subtle like hand holding or just playing around with his sleeve or hand. Johnny would be smiling softly inside, he would have a sliight lift of the corners of his lips in reaction to wut ur doing, cuz he wanna play it cool/he’s “totally not paying attention to wut ur doing”. Cute vibes yall.
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Lastly, Johnny has mars in leo. Yuh, get into it, lol Johnny definitely is ambitious and also driven/puts it into action of it. The passion these placement exhibit and hold within their emotional desires and channel it through to get the success/outcome that they work for, Johnny is very talented in many aspects. Dancing and with a focus of the things they love, like for johnny being an idol, performing, interacting with fans international and in korea, and having a good time all through becuz that’s wut their heart is at. A focus/motivation that pushes through from their heart’s ambitious passion. (That probs didn’t make sense lol) Anyways paired with your capricorn mars, yall are power duo in this aspect of working till you meet ur goal/get that bag lol. In all seriousness, you both are ambitious, and where the amount of hard work lies is evident in both of yall. I would say leo mars are more reactive regarding their ambitions and dreams, linked to it in a firey manner or expression, like they’re charging through to it. Whereas your capricorn mars may be more pragmatic about the process but also charging through to meet ends of the goal. Though his leo mars does opposite your aquarius moon, the attraction drawn through each others difference in manners and execution is enough to create a expansion of new perspectives for each other as u guys spend more time. In the end u both will be able to understand each others own initiation and process of thinking and action, and the team work and work ethic together will be formidable to others ahaha.
Overall, it’s very interactive, fun, and a learning and experiencing relationship that is also calming in some aspects. The talkative couple, that would even say weird shit conversationally lol and everyone would not bat an eye becuz it’s “normal”. Goofing around and then being very close to each other that u both are comfortable in that aspect, so expressing your feelings to each other and dates would be cute and fun learning and experiencing from each other and hardships that you both face together to pull each other up for the better, very mutually caring. Yall are memey couple combined with intellectual sense of wisdom and care, and also power in focus of ur own passions and ambitions. The vibes you both exude together ->🍓✨🐠☀️🦭💅💞👯‍♀️📽 🍧 👜
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