scrambledd3ggss · 10 months
How I’m feeling after finishing The Song Of Achilles:
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strwbrryeyes · 4 months
𖦹°。⋆ haikyuu boys as my breakup playlist
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⟡ featuring: suna, oikawa, tsukishima, atsumu
⟡ cw: angst, idk still bad at these
⟡ an: i found my old breakup playlist from three years ago and took inspiration from that so these songs are old lol. writing this was silly because im in a loving relationship but it was like i felt all the pain of a breakup again </3
⟡ part two, part three
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⟡ suna rintarou: you broke me first - tate mcrae
suna would be the one to break things off with you. when you first started dating he genuinely thought he loved you but as time went on and he became more distant, you started to feel like he was losing feelings for you so you asked him about it. in his words, "i think you were just the first girl to give me attention after my last relationship" and "im not ready for a relationship". a week later, he starts talking about all the girls that have come to him after the breakup and started talking about his hookups to you. this bothered you and hurt you deeply so you decided to cut things off with him completely and he was not a fan of this. so he tried everything to try to get you to talk to him again saying that he misses you and that he wants to get back together. you couldn't care less though, he's already broken your heart too many times for you not to notice his pattern of wanting your attention just to make you jealous or upset. in the end, it actually did end up hurting him and made him realize what he lost. he knew he fucked up but there's no going back anymore.
⟡ oikawa tooru: over breakfast - ellise
it's been a few months since oikawa left for argentina. it's been hard for the both of to be apart for so long and in completely different timezones. you could feel the connection fading but neither of you wanted to admit it because you both loved each other so much. but the longer you guys try to keep the relationship afloat, the more frequent you end up arguing over text or facetime. but you both decided that it could be something to figure out when oikawa visits for the holidays. well, the holidays come around and you finally have time to see each other and talk in person. from the moment oikawa entered your apartment, you both knew it was over. you could tell so many things have changed over the course of the last few months but instead of facing it, you just decide to spend one more night together just to have one final time to say that you tried. it was bittersweet and it hurt a lot but you didn't want the night to end. maybe you could fix this over night? in the morning everything will be better and you can set aside your differences! unfortunately, that morning, nothing had changed and you and oikawa finally came to terms with the fact that maybe you two just maybe weren't meant to be.
⟡ tsukishima kei: high definition - waterparks
when tsukishima was still part of the sendai frogs, he traveled a lot. it's not like he was off in another country like some of his old teammates and rivals, no, you lived with him. even though you two had been dating for quite some time by this point, tsukishima still had trouble expressing his love for you. he tended to push you away whenever he was stressed even though the one thing he wanted the most was your comfort and loving. he was just worried he would end up snapping at you and making you hate him. he didn't know that you'd end up upset with him regardless. you loved him so much but you don't know how long you could going on like this. i mean come on! tsukishima was always away for volleyball matches and even when he's home...it's like he's still not even there. tsukishima knew that you were starting to slip away from him so one day he sat you down and explained how he was feeling and it was finally then that you understood why he acted the way he did. you tried protesting his decision to break up with you but he kept insisting it was for the better. by the next week tsukishima had moved out leaving you alone in the once shared apartment, wishing and hoping he'd come back one day.
⟡ miya atsumu: better off - ariana grande
everyone knew that atsumu could be hot headed most of the time when it came to volleyball but what they didn't know is that it would sometimes affect your relationship with him. much like tsukishima, he would close himself off from you whenever he was mad at the world or whatever else there is that could make him upset. it was starting to get tiring for you. you felt like you had to walk on egg shells around him just so he wouldn't snap at you (wether he meant to or not- his mind would always fog up). towards the end of your relationship, you could feel yourself start to get numb in regards to your feelings towards atsumu. atsumu couldn't really tell at this point that you were losing hope for the relationship. if anything he thought everything was normal but that was only because half of the time he was too much into his own thoughts to notice any flaws between the two of you. it wasn't until he came home one day after an away game on the other side of japan and found that all of your stuff was gone along with you, that he realized nothing is what it used to be. he found a note from you that explained that you weren't happy in the relationship anymore and that you felt trapped. you also stated that you hope he figures out his issues and that you'll always be there for him if he needs but that right now you just needed space. atsumu spent that night crying and angry at himself for letting your relationship get to this point.
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hoonvrs · 6 months
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PAIRING riki × gnr
GENRE fluff, confessions, coming of age
W. COUNT 0.5k
S. NOTES happy bday to my baby <//3 cant believe he’s growing up
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finishing high school is a bittersweet feeling.
realising that you’ll never be in the same school as all your friends anymore, that you won’t be seeing them five times a week when everyone moves on with their lives attending different colleges. safe to say it isn’t the happiest day in your eyes.
halls filled with students crying and hugging, some with markers in their hands as they write their goodbye messages on each other's t-shirts, their own covered in colourful messages.
everyone roaming the buildings one last time as a high school student before they leave to officially enter their adult stages. thankfully exams were over so the weight on your shoulders had lifted slightly, making sure to cherish the last few moments you had in this stage of life.
“guess what? i heard that kei is going to give hana his second button,” your friend gossiped, filling the whole group with gasps.
“poor guy, she’s definitely going to reject him.”
every year there would always be a select group of boys handing their crushes the second button of their uniform, a common confession practice at the end of high school year. there’s something sweet about it, giving the person you like the button closest to your heart instead of outright saying it.
it feels youthful, too shy to speak but brave enough to do something so bold in front of the whole school.
so after witnessing keis rejection live, your friends decided to go out to eat not being able to handle the second-hand embarrassment from their classmate. you didn’t make it too far out the school gates before someone called your name.
turning around to see someone running towards you, nishimura riki. everyone knew of riki for his dance skills always shown through the multiple stages and events he holds yearly, and maybe you’d spoken to him a few times but nothing enough to be considered friends.
you can hear your friends mumbling behind you as you walk towards him meeting him halfway, “hi riki, what’s up?”
there’s no denying riki is cute. from the mole adorning his face and his pouty lips, anyone could see he was blessed with looks alongside talent.
“erm—“ you could see him nervously fiddling as he reached for something from his pocket, “i just wanted to give you this.”
in his hands was a single gold button engraved with your school's cherry blossom design. you look up, scanning his uniform to see all his buttons intact except one.
the empty space where his second button once was stared back at you, as riki was starting to feel his adrenaline wear down and embarrassment start to crawl up his body when he noticed your friends a few feet away giggling and talking amongst themselves.
“you don’t have to take it. actually, this is stupid. i’m—“
before he could finish his sentence, you grabbed the button before his hands could close around it, clasping your own around the metal and pulling it closer to your own heart, “thank you riki, i'll text you?”
under different circumstances, you would’ve been worried how red the boy had gotten in the face as he aggressively nodded his head before running back the way he came. 
maybe this next step is sweeter than expected.
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perm taglist @mesopret @whoschr ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @boyfhee @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre @dneltrise @aleiouvre @nyxvrse @yohanabanana @whois-alexis @tinyegg @sserafimez @satsuri3su @yuemvi @chirokookie @idk-tbh777 @s00buwu @ynsvnte @isawritesss
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softguarnere · 1 year
Girl i hink i fell in love with your headcanons! Can I request some headcanons about nurse!reader they date says she has another man who is waiting for her in her hometown and she was thinking their relationship is not something serious and just for having fun. For Speirs, Roe, Winters and Nixon. Only if you are not busy of course ♡♡♡
Awe, thank you so much! I'm so glad that you like them, and of course you can request some 🤭 I loved this idea!
The last thing he would want to do is step on another man's toes by coming between two people in a relationship, but there's something about you . . . he just can't stay away
I feel like he would be happy to be with you while he could
He understands that someone else is waiting for you and he respects that. At the same time, though, he wants to enjoy this while you both can
He's not the type to try and change your mind. He drinks his Respect Women Juice™️ and will be mindful of your boundaries
But if you - or anyone else, for that matter - ask, he'd be willing to admit that he's invested in this relationship
You'd both definitely get to have some fun sneaking around to see each other
Every time that your nurses' station is set up nearby, he pops in to visit you
Like, he's trying so hard to make it look casual, but all the other nurses are high-key jealous because the handsome man from Dog Company is making excuses to visit you (and to give you little gifts of whatever finery he's been looting lol)
When the war ends and you go your separate ways, his heart breaks a little
You'll always be sort of a "the one who got away" figure for him, but he would only ever think fondly of you
Y'all would totally hit it off as friends to begin with
You being a nurse and him being a medic, you would spend a lot of time together. The more that you get to know each other, the more that your affection for each other grows
Despite the fact that he's an introvert, I can totally see him opening up to you more than anyone else
Omg, can you imagine? Everyone knows Eugene as this quiet, polite medic, but put the two of you together and he's talking a mile a minute and laughing about every little inside joke between you
Pet names in French! It's very sweet. He never hesitates to display his affection for you in this way
Would be so conflicted when he realizes that you have someone else waiting for you at home
I mean, when the relationship finally starts, he's on cloud nine. So to find out that you had different thoughts about where the relationship was heading would lowkey crush him a bit
When you tell him about having someone back home, he gets very quiet. He looks so ashamed of himself. Especially when he finds his words and manages a sad, "Is there anything that I can do to change your mind?"
You would be so conflicted for the rest of the war, trying to figure out if you should head back home to the love that's waiting for you, or if you should stay with Eugene
I mean, the war changes everyone. What if the man waiting for you at home has changed - or what if you've changed too much for him? Eugene is right there, and he loves you as you are
The romance would definitely take on a bittersweet quality for the rest of the war as you try to make up your mind
But whatever you decide, Eugene would support your decision
Sneaking around with you is such a thrill for him
I mean, this is like the one time he's breaking the rules. It's kind of exhilarating to find excuses to go visit you at the nurses' station, or to see you sneaking into CP to visit him
I feel like he would think a little more realistically about a war time romance. Like, he understands that emotions are running high all the time, so part of him is always conscious of the fact that this might not last
So he's going to enjoy it while he can
He would constantly check in with you, though, trying to gauge where this is all going so that he doesn't get his hopes up
Let's face it: he's in love with you, and he'll show you through his affection, but he's trying so hard to respect your boundaries
He would occasionally drop hints about you coming to Pennsylvania with him after the war, but if you didn't seem interested in it, he would drop the subject immediately
When the war ends, y'all would definitely share a bittersweet moment where he kisses you goodbye and watches you leave, promising each other that you'll keep in touch
At least you can still be in each other's lives as friends - and if that's what you want, then it'll be good enough for him
Okay, so elephant in the room - homeboy is married!
He would start the relationship with the attitude that it's just some casual fling until the war ends
He's more willing to flaunt the rules than others, so instead of sneaking to the nurses' station to see you, he totally just shows up lol
So open with his affection. This man is not worried about getting into trouble. After all, what's one broken fraternization policy in the grand scheme of the whole war?
Because of this, you both feel that you're on the same page about where this relationship is going - as in nowhere, because you both hold on to the idea that it's just for fun until the war ends
I think it would hit him at some point in Bastogne that he has real feelings for you
Winters probably has to point it out to him, haha
And then after that, he would be doing everything in his power to show you that his emotions run so much deeper than what he shows on the surface
He's not the greatest at using his words, so he's probably trying to show you with actions, and starts being more physically affectionate when you're together, or trying to give you gifts
When he finds out that his wife is divorcing him, it feels like a sign that he's meant to be with you
He would definitely go out of his way to confess how he really feels and to try and convince you to come to New Jersey with him after the war
You tell him that you'll have to think about it, and waiting for your answer would be the most nerve-racking time of his entire life, because he's never so badly wanted something to work out
Thank you for the request! I hope you like these 💕🕊️
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hellcheer-heaven · 1 year
Can I Handle the Seasons of My Life?
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It wasn’t like Eddie Munson to isolate himself. Mr. Make-a-Big-Speech-About-Conformity was unusually quiet this past week. His friends and Chrissy weren’t sure what to make of it. At first she believed that he was mad at her for something. Eddie wasn’t the type to hold a grudge against anyone. Jason Carver? Absolutely. Certainly not towards Chrissy Cunningham.
She stopped by the Munson trailer to check in on him after school. She called him before chemistry and at lunch time and she received the same thing, no answer. In between passing periods, Chrissy overheard Dustin and Mike talk about how he didn’t come to school on Friday, so that meant no Hellfire Club that night. Something was definitely wrong and she had to find out why. When school finished up, she hitched a ride with Nancy and Robin, silently praying that everything was alright. Nancy offered to stay and wait for her, but Chrissy insisted that she would be alright. After saying goodbye she quickly headed over to the front door hoping that he would answer. Nothing after the first few knocks. She did it again and still there was nothing but the sounds of the trailer park; and even that felt eerily quiet.
She reached into her backpack and fished out a key that he gifted to her should she ever need it. Chrissy took a deep breath before entering, calling out his name softly. Nothing but the hum of the air conditioner and sounds of wildlife just feet away from the area. Wayne was set to work until the late hours of the evening that day, so it was only the two of them.
“Eddie? Eddie are you in here?
What was she expecting? Oh yeah, hey there Chrissy! Sorry I haven’t said anything and I’ve been missing for a whole day! Come on in, put your feet up and relax!
She slowly walked over to his room, how strange the door was open just a crack. She peaked inside and saw a sight that made her heart feel heavy. Eddie was bent over at the side of his bed, his face in his hands as he let out his silent sobs.
He swiftly turned around and quickly rubbed away his tears, trying to find any kind of words to tell her that that he’s fine. Eddie wants to ask her to leave him alone, but the lump in his throat was just too big and all he could do is whimper. She sits beside him and offers him a big, warm hug.
“I’m here Eddie, it’s okay I’m right here.”
His arms wrap around her, burying his tired face into her neck as he lets his tears fall again. She cradles her beloved, rocking him gently as she helps him lay down on the mattress. Too much is happening in his life right now. The unhappy memories of his childhood have been coming back much more frequently to haunt him. Eddie truly feels like he’s a complete failure and he believes that he’ll end up just like his dad. On top of all of everything else, he also feels ashamed for crying, especially crying in front of Chrissy.
His dad always told him: “Boys don’t cry. Be a man.” Crying was for weaklings. Men deal with their issues through smoking, drinking, and working late. Whatever it takes to distract yourself from confronting what’s going on. Being with Chrissy helped him realize that there is no shame in being in touch with his emotions. That he’s not alone when it comes to expressing how he feels. The wall that he’s been building since childhood doesn’t have to be as high as it’s always been.
Chrissy pecks the top of his forehead, her own tears beginning to form as well. Holding him as close as she possibly can, never wanting to let go of the most precious person in her life. She snuggles his face between her breasts, her heart beat soothing his harsh and unforgiving thoughts. Chrissy begins to hum a tune, a familiar tune that she’s cherished since she was a child; one that Eddie remembers hearing as well on the radio. The humming transitions to soft and gentle singing, the words are as loving as they are bittersweet.
Landslide never fails to make them tear up, but she continues to sing it so sweetly in his ear. Eddie’s breathing slowly returns to a regular rate, his ever rapid beating heart comes down as well. They stay like this for the remainder of the afternoon and well into the night.
Later on Wayne returns with a couple of take out bags. He’s attempted to have a heartfelt talk with his nephew, but Eddie has told him multiple times to leave him alone. He gave the young boy his space, something he wishes he would have gotten in his youth. Maybe a nice greasy burger and a side of fries might help to ease the tension before diving into a conversation. Before he can call his name, Wayne notices Eddie’s door is wide open from down the hall. The van was still parked nearby and he wasn’t expecting any visitors. He feels his heartstrings getting pulled when he sees the two of them holding on to each other.
Wayne grabs a clean blanket from the laundry cupboard and drapes it across the two figures. He looks over his shoulder one more time, offering them a gentle smile.
He looks to Chrissy, gently whispering the words “Thank you,” before closing the door.
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civilight-eterna · 2 months
Fanfic Writing Questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Looks like 17, incidentally my lucky number!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
204,980 so far!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Arknights. If Ex Astris gets any more content though I'll probably lunge for it again. I'm also always open to writing Vocaloid stuff even though I'm a little embarrassed looking back at some of my earlier works. I don't write for RWBY or Danganronpa anymore. I've been kinda hurt by people in those fandoms and I'm baby (or was baby) so it kinda killed my heart for it.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. From Hell to the Moon - 953 kudos My gigantic Touko/Komaru fic from back when Ultra Despair Girls had me in an absolute chokehold. I still love them but I kinda fell off from updating because I got a lot of comments like 'ughh i'm so sad this will never get updated' and the pressure got to me. 2. Between the Li[n]es - 425 kudos Another one I left on a massive cliffhanger for Danganronpa V3, my Miu/Kokichi/K1-B0 fic. I appreciate the support it received so much. I do enjoy writing robot sex. I fell off of updating because I made a friend in the fandom that kinned Kokichi pretty hard and seemed to feel like he was a much 'softer boi' than the way I wrote him and implied that my Kokichi was OOC and even though I didn't really believe it...well, you become your actions, so, by kind of, tolerating their interpretation it kind of neutered my own. We haven't talked in years. Sometimes I think about writing a quickie update chapter but I'm too into my other writing. As one comment put it: "came to nut, stayed for the feels", so I felt pretty damn good about the naughty scenes in this one. One of the more vulgar things I've published.
3. Other Side - 288 kudos My first fic for the RWBY fandom! I wrote it right after the Weiss trailer came out and we knew nothing, so a lot of the story is nothing like how the characters act now. I look back on it pretty fondly because it got me out of a pretty bad writing rut, but it's kinda bittersweet because I've moved on from RWBY. Still a sucker for Ruby/Weiss and I was overjoyed when Ice Queendom came out and gave them some spotlight. 4. Amor fati - 188 kudos My beloved golden child chenmiya fic. It makes me so happy to see this one climbing high into the list even though it's the most recent. A lot of tender love and care went into writing this and reading this is the key to my heart. Nothing excites me more than comments on this or any of my other chenmiya fics. It's basically my love letter to the ship. 5. Secondhand Smoke - 177 kudos One of my early entries into the ~problematic yuri~ genre from when Cinder/Ruby from RWBY had me by the throat. I got a lot of much-appreciated appreciation for writing these two and I remember this being the year that a bunch of my artist friends drew me Cinder/Ruby for my birthday! I'd never had anything like that happen before and I felt so loved.
5. Do you respond to comments? Sometimes! If you leave a lengthy comment I try to at least pop in and cry about how much it means to me haha.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Sour Grapes, easily. But is anyone surprised?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Definitely dodecatheon meadia. If ever I've written something I can consider to have a true fairytale ending, this is the one. This one really healed my heart too! I felt like I had a real fire under me while writing it and these girls have deeply affected me. I don't want to say too too much about it since some people are very likely still finishing the game. But it's also a new feeling to be the first fic in a tag!
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, I sure do, almost exclusively-but I tend to have myself in this hostage situation of, "please make a 50k-100k epic to perfectly justify the characters having sex" that I occasionally escape containment from. I've gotten a little better at just laying the foundations quickly and getting to what I like to write, but it can still be a struggle because I get a little perfectionist with it. Which is funny because to me the 'perfect' smut doesn't exist, and it's made 'perfect' through the imperfections. I think the little bumps and hiccups and misunderstandings along the way are a lot more compelling to me than having everything go without a hitch, but there's definitely exceptions and different circumstances! Like when that's a big part of the story-like a character really really in control for another character's safety. When I write robot sex or medfet there tends to be a bit more detail about the safety side of things because I like to take the reader through the experience of safety too. I never turn right to the camera and go 'and now the safe way to do it is x' but I rely on the characters to express their expertise to each other, and their reassurance, and for the trust of the other character to speak for itself. haha, i rambled.
this is why for the lin/chen/amiya bondage i'm working on writing that i have a notebook with several pages of questions that lin goes through before tying people up. things like 'if you start to cry, does that mean you need to stop, or is that just what you need?'
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really, the only one I've kind of written was the Ex Astris/Arknights one in dodecatheon meadia, based lightly off the fact that the games did a collab and I wanted to acknowledge them with the outfits of those girls from another world that they didn't quite get to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh, just once. But it was SO long ago and the person was pretty young I think and they were ashamed and took it down right away, so live and let live.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Some kind folks translated Sour Grapes into Chinese! I asked them for a link to where it ended up but I don't think they totally understood what I was asking. I was flattered nonetheless.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't. I do a lot of rping though still, though less publicly than I used to. I think if I co-wrote anything and published it it would have to be with @lanymme because she's my most trusted peer! When we talk about writing things and whenever she gives me feedback, she is so kind and spirited about it in a way that pushes me to do my best. Her encouragement is truly so earnest and even though I can be a little protective of my writing she has a really nice way about her of discussing how to make it stronger without making me ever feel like I'm not 'enough' as an author. I can't overstate how much I value her companionship; as an editor and a good friend and just lovely person overall. And when she leaves huge comments on my fics spotting all the little painstaking details I put in and mentioning them-what better satisfaction can there be as a writer? I always intend to do the same back but I am always just so floored and wiped out by the quality of her writing that I atomize before I can form cohesive thoughts. It just makes it all the more impressive that she can put together a fucking. bibliography of the story's moments and her reactions. So lanymme I hope you know how much I adore your style. /)///(\
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Chenmiya. I sort of felt inklings of it all throughout the beginning of the story and then chapters 7 and 8 sealed my coffin shut. Amiya sort of represents, I think, the idealism that Ch'en had wanted to believe in growing up. The world was really cruel and Ch'en adapted in her own ways, but she...rejects Amiya a bit because I feel like in her heart she can't let herself get too attached. She knows-or thinks she knows-that Amiya will lose hope and she'll feel that heartbreak all over. But slowly, her optimism and continued efforts to just...keep going, in a world that is cold, a world that shows her cruelty-it reaches Ch'en. And even though Ch'en puts up her front at first, Amiya's ultra-high empathy helps her understand who Ch'en really is, and she has the maturity to not begrudge her for the way she's processed things up to the events of chapter 7 and 8. As she puts it, "I saw the color of her heart", when talking about how Ch'en interacted with the kids in the slums that didn't have anyone else. And then she launches a rescue for Ch'en, and ends up so linked up with her memories and emotions that she just like. Becomes the other half of her soul in that fight. Amiya arrives with her optimism and hopes on the sheer chance that Ch'en is still alive and still needs her help and goes up the tower alone to find her and she does even against all odds. She talks about how she wants to cry when she sees her. In Ch'en's hour of need, Amiya arrives carrying the hopes of what she wanted to be herself, and they fight a battle where they are alone, saving each other, promising each other that they can do it, and they come out alive.
There are so, so so many more details about them. Ch'en's wishes for Amiya to call her by first name in a closer way, the way that Amiya shyly, obstinately continues to add some form of honorific for her. The way Ch'en inherited her abusive father's rhetoric and echoed his lines to Amiya to try to get her to distance herself from her in the beginning, only to apologize at the top of the tower and tell her she wishes she'd met her earlier.
But the main thing I always think about, at the top of the tower, is where black-snake-controlled Talulah puts Amiya in a prison of fire specifically to goad Ch'en. She wraps her in flames and says "I wonder how her melting flesh will smell"/something akin to that and Ch'en loses her mind and yells as her to "don't touch her!" and says "I'm the one you want, let her go!" etc., you know, all the good shit. So my interpretation of the scene is this: since the black snake can't make Talulah do something she doesn't actually want to do, I've always felt that the feelings behind that scene were of Talulah wanting someone close to her to really, truly understand how it feels to lose someone you love, and she saw Amiya to Ch'en as being someone analogous to what Alina was to herself. I think even if you read Ch'en's feelings for Amiya as non-romantic, Amiya was still so so dearly important to her to make her react that way, and that the black snake being cruel enough to try to leverage their relationship to, ultimately, kill Ch'en, who was Talulah's last tether to not losing control of herself fully-was so outrageously heinous. Ch'en could have killed herself trying to get Amiya out, which would have been what the black snake wanted most of all, since it couldn't quite urge Talulah to kill Ch'en directly, and it would have done so by preying on both Talulah's love/sorrow for Alina and Ch'en's love for Amiya.
scrolling up and seeing the wall of text i wrote and. yeah. there's still so much more.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Between the Li[e]s. Danganronpa fandom just hurts too much.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aside from dialogue, I think my other big strength is that I'm not afraid to write what I want even if and especially if it's fucked up. I also feel like another strength of mine is that the characters will take over for me, and get me to write them truly as they are without letting me change them. Even if that results in me writing things I'm very embarrassed and shy about writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I lack discipline. I need to get myself consistently writing more, but it's hard for me to make time to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't tend to do more than a few phrases, and only then if it's a character's native language and I want them to call someone a cute nickname or something.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Princess Tutu. I was 13. it was the 4th of July. I was supposed to be in bed asleep. But I was using the string lights illumination to light up my journal and it was then for the very first time I felt the feeling of realizing that I could make anything happen that I wanted.
It was not very good at all! But I treasure the memories of having boundless energy to write with because I was just so excited to see something become real from something that had only till then been inside of me.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
dodecatheon meadia. maybe it's surprising because it's not one of my headliner chenmiya fics, but-it's a secret chenmiya fic if you squint!
and honestly even though the story of ex astris is a little patchy at times, by the end you feel just...gripped by the world building and by yan and vi in particular. so i remember writing for them, desperate to see the happiest ending i could make, weaving it in with the canon with as many of my favorite details as possible, and it felt so good. i wrote pretty much nonstop for a week straight and finished it. the feeling of just-DYING to write was burning under my skin after finishing the game and the satisfaction of finishing the fic was magical, even if it came with the usual...idk, 'fanfic post-partum' of sending your writing out into the world when it's all done.
tagging: @lanymme, @annierosaart, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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loz-furbies · 5 months
Alright done with OoT 3d. What a game! Not my favourite loz title, nor would I consider it the best either, but I can definitely see why this was huge in the 90s.
The camera remained an issue through the whole game and is the biggest reason why I won't put this to top tier
Navi wasn't as annoying as I expected
Hyrule field is boring
Water temple was a fun challenge and the people still whining about it are weak, like I'm sure in the original the boots thing was the worst and I would not have been able to do it without a guide if it wasn't for the updated glowing light markings for the switches, but this has been fixed, no need to still complain about it when discussing the water temples of the newer games
Overall yeah I can see what the general complaints about the botw/totk style dungeons are about, the navigation challenges and venturing deeper into the dungeon were exciting
Dark Link entrance was amazing
In general getting to play as the more powerful and capable adult Link after being a little kid for a while feels cool
The cast was fun and memorable, Ruto is probably my fave out of the side characters
I like how a lot of the story has a somber or bittersweet tone
The revelation that Ganondorf was playing his own theme music on an organ all along is a high moment in the franchise
In the end I just prefer the open world style gameplay where I can do things at my own leisure, so botw/totk will remain my favourites, but their dungeons could definitely use some improving. Or don't bring back the "dungeon item is a glorified key" format, that can stay in the past. Still it feels a little baffling how much more I enjoyed this over SS even though it should be the newer and improved game.
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krbysreed · 1 year
some s/i thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain but i've yet to do anything about them:
coming in as a new student at woodsboro high and meeting her through classes is cliché but i have the social skills of a sheet of paper. and i (unfortunately) think there are a lot of parallels between charlie & i which would grab kirby's attention — horror fan, reserved, unwilling to give up too much about oneself but there's definitely something more there. i think the key difference between us is that i'm much more independent and don't engage in the cinema club (or school in general, but that's another point). but it's obvious that her & i have shared interests.
and the nice thing about that! is that everything can happen organically in terms of relationships because it's not diving straight into this romance because that's unrealistic for both of us. but i 100% fall first, maybe even prematurely.
the one event that sticks out to me is the 3rd annual stab-a-thon. it's true that i float around by myself but a marathon dedicated to the movies that inspired the previous & current murders? that isn't the real reason, the reason is kirby might be there. which is sly at face value but, jumping back to my previous point, school was/is unofficially optional for me (i.e. avoiding certain classes like the plague) so this is a chance to see each other in person and make sure they're okay.
at that point, we are just very good acquaintances rather than friends who would call each other up to hang out. but seeing her at the stab-a-thon, inviting her to ditch and maybe, just maybe, receiving an invite to her anti-party is good development! but it's a strange sensation so we both decline and part ways — then the massacre concludes later and she's alone from there.
depending on what happens afterwards (the missing person poster for them in 5 seems like a plot hole if she was doing tv interviews as early as 2018, so let's ignore that), i make an extra effort with her. nothing invasive but little things to show i'm thinking about her & care.
trying to keep it minimal until everything after the remake massacre is revealed is so hard but! i think her return to woodsboro is inevitable and that's when we reconnect. very bittersweet at first + feels like high school really will never end but ... the sweetness will gradually overpower the bitterness.
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deviiancetv · 2 years
Cinema Starview Presents: Things Are Gettin’ Strange
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I absolutely loved Volumes 1 & 2 of Stranger Things Season 4, that I had to watch the episodes a few days a piece. The feel of this season is so different and new, but so familiar with season 1. With all of the characters in different locations & all grown up, it gives this season a much more mature theme. ‼️Spoilers ahead so you can steer-clear from my perspective & opinions on this season ‼️
Vecna, The 5 Star General:
The storyline of Vecna is also really intriguing, with him being one of the first test subjects 001, and how similar he is to a lot of old horror movie villains, in a paranormal way & a slasher thriller way all at the sametime. We know that Vecna resides in the upside down, and he looks like a humanoid form of the Mind Flayer. What’s so unique about his powers is that he’s the embodiment of what you feel at your lowest point, he’s made of trauma and depressive thoughts, and he attacks those that are feeling guilt for what they’ve done, in a dream realm similar to Freddy Krueger, especially with those claws he has lol. I love that we learned about his past & how disturbed he was. He’s the face behind everything in The Upside Down, and the creator of The Mind Flayer. The final season is gonna be really epic with his portrayal, I just hope it won’t be as easy as it was to take him down again.
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California Love:
I want to mention that ever since the first season, I’ve started to see the implications of Will being queer-coded, and the fact that this season, he’s began to remind me so much of myself in high school is really what is making me root for him to be loved and to find love. If not with Mike, then someone else. The love triangle is kinda messy, because of Will having a crush on Mike even though Mike doesn’t like him in that way, it’s gonna be a bit controversial for Byler shippers, but I do hope that Will can openly admit who he is, even if it means he can never confess his love for Mike in the end. On their way to find El, Will eventually showed Mike the painting he had been working on, after Mike started to wonder what his role in Eleven’s life would be. Will essentially have a heartfelt speech about how Mike is the heart of the group, and in a bittersweet way admitting his feelings to him in the guise that Eleven & Mike would always be together. Once he was done, Will turned and began to cry looking out of the window. Eventually after the battle was said to be done, they all travel back to Hawkins, and Will tells Mike that Vecna’s plans aren’t over, he’s still alive and he will be coming for everyone. I definitely think Will is gonna play a big key role in the next season because of his connection to Vecna.
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Eleven 011 vs. Vecna 001:
Eleven dealing with not having her powers, and feeling like a social outcast at her new school, and having to work with her captors to regain her powers again. The bullies are just so mean, and it’s paralleled to the type of bullying she faced when she was in the lab with other kids who bullied her for being “weaker” than they were. Dr. Brenner is like a roach that never dies, but in this case he was very helpful, both him & Owen coming together to help Eleven go through memory regression to unlock her powers once again. The similarities between her & Henry/Vecna of them both being 001 & 011 was compelling, as she is the second strongest lab kid since Henry, even though she was experimented by trying to recreate Henry’s powers. They used the Nina Project to help El get her powers back, but Papa wanted her to stay longer than it was anticipated, and before long The General from earlier in the season that wanted to kill Eleven, came and raided the facility she was in, but Eleven successfully stopped them. Honestly that fight was very cool with how she was just spinning the helicopter in the air, as if she was just playing with them lol. After being rescued by The Cali Boys, they find their way to Surfer Pizza to fill an ice freezer with water for Eleven to help Max & defeat Vecna. With Max almost dead, Eleven comes to grasp her powers and now has the ability to heal. Which isn’t fully out of the realm of possibilities since Vecna & Eleven are similar opposites of each other. I hope next season this is further expanded upon to see what she’s capable of being able to do with this new ability to defeat Vecna.
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Max’s Story:
Victor & Max’s story of being able to break free from Vecna’s Curse using music and the will to overcome is so powerful to me. ‘Episode 4, Dear Billy’ really a showcases that with Max. I’m so proud of her development this season, cause it’s something I’m struggling with myself as I write this review. The Hawkin’s Gang realize that Max is the final key to opening the portals for the Upside Down to manifest into their world, and most importantly in Hawkins. Eleven tries to save Max and goes all out in a battle of the mind to rescue her, but in the end Max gets taken, and almost dies. Once Eleven healed her, she’s currently in a state of being both alive and dead, due to the portals now being open.
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Hawkin’s Mystery Gang:
I also want to mention, I love Robin so much!! The team up of Robin, Nancy, Lucas, Max, Dustin, & Steve is always a treat. I feel like Lucas’ character from being the runty nerd to popular jock is something that I wasn’t fully expecting, but I’m glad he came to his senses and helped his friends in the end look for Eddie. I really loved Eddie, he’s got a very charismatic charm to him & full on goofball. I loved the parallel when Erica, Max, Dustin, and Lucas were riding their bikes the same way Robin, Nancy, Steve, and Eddie were in the Upside Down. I could literally watch a show with all of them and just be entertained. They make an amazing group for hunting down mysteries. Once they all ventured out of the Upside Down, Nancy was taken by Vecna, and her tortured her with different visions of a possible future that could happen if they don’t defeat him & find Eleven, but luckily The Hawkins Gang started gearing up for battle, stealing somebody’s Trailer Van, and going to a honky store to buy weapons along the way. After going in, Dustin & Eddie hold down the fort to lure in the bats, while Robin, Steve & Nancy go to kill Vecna while Max distracts him. Eddie sacrifices himself, and dies a very heroic death, which brings Dustin to tears (and me too).
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The Russian Prison:
Truthfully, I wasn’t that interested in the Russia plotline, and it does suck that Hopper, Joyce, & Murray get taken on side missions for character purposes, it sometimes feels like they’re underutilized. Though I do like the bond that Hopper & the guard Antonov had, as he helped him break from the prison. After escaping the prison, the adults tried to find away to leave Russia, after finding a secret lab where the Soviets had been incubating a bunch of Demogorgon’s. They find their way back to the prison to kill the Demogorgon’s and destroy the Hive Mind that creates them. Following this, Hopper & Joyce are able to make it back to Hawkins and reuniting with their kids… all the while Hawkins is in complete disarray. I’m happy that Hopper & Joyce are officially a couple!!
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After 3 years of waiting, The Duffer Brothers DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!! It’s amazing how each season of ST the show gets better & better, with storylines and the ongoing plot of The Upside Down. Granted, I understand peoples frustrations with how long the show takes, and it’s waning popularity as the seasons continue. Overall, I just think that the world building & the nostalgia factor of the 80’s period makes this show sooo enjoyable to watch. I’m excited to see what’s in store for us in the final chapter of Stranger Things!!
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SCORE: 9.5/10 ⭐️
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melwsnt · 1 year
A/n: I just spent an hour writing this because I was bored, this definitely isn’t great but I’m hoping you like it :) also- for the sake of this imagine let’s pretend hopper didn’t ‘die’ at the end of s3 because I said so <3
It had been an eventful couple of days. You couldn’t believe it was over- thank god it was- but it felt wrong- like it wasn’t actually completely over.
You stood outside of starcourt, most of the group had gone home already, as you starred at the last of the fire being put out, the memories of the mindflayer hitting you as you almost died a couple hours before.
You were lost in thoughts when a hand was placed on your shoulder startling you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, where were you just now?” You turned to face Steve, a concerned look on his face.
“I don’t really know. Was just thinking, I guess. Why aren’t you home?” You asked- fairly embarrassed that he caught you daydreaming.
“Uh- my parents, they didn’t pick up. Guess they aren’t home.” He said- his turn to be embarrassed. He lied- he knew they must’ve been home, they just didn’t care enough to actually pick up the phone even if it meant that their son had just came this close to dying.
“I can drive you home. My car’s a couple blocks away. If it’s still here.” You sighed. You had joined the group a little bit after they had discovered the Russian secret code- so your car had been there for three days.
“ Yeah. Yeah that’s fine, you sure you don’t mind?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to bother you.
“ Yeah- it’s fine. Plus, I’m your only ride, as long as you don’t mind waking a bit?” You said as you started walking- him following you instantly.
The walk to the car was silent. Both of you were lost in thoughts- forgetting about everything around- and each other.
“Isn’t that your car?” Steve stopped- putting you out of your thoughts once again.
“Shit, yeah. Thanks.” You said quietly as you fumbled with the car keys in your hands- shaking.
“Do you want me to drive? I don’t mind.” Steve asked from the passenger car door.
“ No- it’s fine, it’s gonna ease my nerves.” You mumbled- Steve barely able to hear it. You had been awfully quiet- which in all fairness was unusual even for you- though the circumstances of the past days made sense of you being quiet.
“So I’m taking you home?” You asked as you put the key in the ignition to start the car, turning to Steve waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I got nowhere else to stay, home’s fine.” He said as he looked down at his lap.
“You can crash at my place if you’d like? I know you don’t wanna go back there; I don’t mind.” You knew Steve might refuse- he would be embarrassed, but he took you by surprise by agreeing and thanking you. Neither of you had the force to fight anything- even less parents so he accepted instead of fighting with his own thoughts.
When you parked in your driveway, Steve was first to get out of the car, admiring the house in front of him.
“I haven’t been here in ages.” He pointed out- and that one comment made you smile- though it didn’t quite reach your eyes- it was nice to hear him acknowledge that.
“ Yeah- well, if you hadn’t turned out to be an asshole in high school you could’ve spent more time here.” You said as you unlocked the front door, turning around and smiling at him only to see him frowning.
“Sorry- I was just joking. I mean you were an asshole- but that was just to lighten the mood a bit.”
“ I’m sorry.” He just said- still standing outside the door, in his scoops outfit.
“ It’s fine Steve. It was a long time ago- I shouldn’t have bring it up. Also- please come inside you’re making me nervous.” You smiled lightly at the boy, closing the door behind him as he didn’t say a word.
“You remember where my room is?”
“Yeah, you’re not coming?” He asked as he went up the first step.
“No- I’m coming in a second, just gotta check something real quick.”
You went to the living room to see if your parents had left anything- a letter maybe- but nothing. You had been missing for three days- and yet they didn’t seem to care a single bit.
You sighed as you made your way up the stairs, taking a deep breath before entering your room Steve was in.
The last couple year- Steve and you had driven apart. Once- he had been your best friend, your shoulder to cry on, but when high school hit and popularity became a thing, Steve ditched you for better friends- less lame than you- you thought.
The whole fight with demogorgons, and the mindflayer had bring you together once again- much to your dismay at first.
Steve had already apologized though you’d dismissed it every single time.
The truth was- after seeing how much he had changed, and how he had gotten back to his old self- the Steve you knew and loved, things were too complicated. He’d go on countless dates- not that you had anything to say about it since you were barely friends anymore- but it ate you inside. You just wanted it to be you. You always had.
So now- after everything- after realizing that all these years you’d only missed him- and that having him back in your life made it a little better- though the circumstances it was in- it was incredibly hard to keep it to yourself. But you had to.
You pushed the door open, Steve was sitting at the edge of your bed, his head in his hands, as he run them down his face when he saw you entering.
“ Hey. I’m back.” You closed the door behind you as you made your way to sit down next to him, trying to put a certain distance between the two of you.
“You okay?” He asked as his eyes ran down to your face, you looked exhausted- yet you still looked as beautiful as ever to him.
“I mean, are you?” You looked up only to see him look at you already- your cheeks turning pink.
“Right. That was a stupid question.” He laughed it off- and you’d missed that sound.
“Hey, I’m sorry about your parents. I know it’s always been complicated but you know I’m here right? It’s not because we’re not as close that you can’t talk to me.” You smiled sweetly at him, putting your hand on his knee, you hadn’t noticed you had gotten a bit closer to him.
“I know. Thank you. Your parents aren’t here either, what’s that about?” He asked- as you retrieved your hand and rested it in your lap- suddenly feeling weird about it all.
“Yeah, guess we’re both part of the same group called ‘the ones with parents who suck’ “ you stiffed a laugh. He had no idea.
“I thought everything was okay with them?” He asked, slightly turning his body fully to be seated in front of you.
“Yeah, that was like 4 years ago. Then it went downhill. I mean, right now, I could bet you that my dad is at a motel screwing one of his coworker, and my mom is probably at a bar looking for some random guy to screw for the night. Then they’ll come home in the morning and pretend everything‘s bright and pink. They’ve been doing that for awhile and they think I don’t know.” You rambled and took a deep breath.
“Shit. I didn’t know- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” Steve felt guilty- he could see you held back tears and it pained him to see you like that.
“No- it’s fine. Felt good to say that out loud for once. I didn’t mean to ramble.” You said- making him shake his head as a response.
“No I don’t mind- I’m here for you. You’re still my friend Y/n, I’ll listen to you ramble everyday if I could.” Steve smiled then caught up on what he said and turned red- making you smile at him.
“That’s sweet. Thank you.” You both looked at each other- and just after a few seconds of silence- you put your hand on his cheek- examining his black eye.
“Does it still hurt?” You ran your finger over it- making him hiss- only for you to retract your hand once again not wanting to hurt him more.
“No- not as much. It’s fine now.”
“Good. You still look like shit though.” You teased him-just like you used to.
“Yeah?” He asked as he raised his brows.
“Yeah. You definitely need a shower. You smell too.” You smiled, and he stayed quiet for a bit.
“I’d tell you you look like shit too , but you look pretty, even like this.” He asked- unbeknownst to you- his eyes made their way to your lips.
“Oh C’mon Steve. My makeup is smudge all over my face, I’ve got blood all over me, and I haven’t showered in three days. I assure you, I’m not pretty right now.”
“No, you are. You always are.” Steve felt confident- he didn’t know where it came from, but after almost dying, he realized he couldn’t lose you- he couldn’t take you for granted anymore.
“Don’t you like Robin?”
Steve was taken aback by your question. He thought he did- but when he talked to Robin and she revealed to him she liked girls- she gave him a pep talk about how utterly in love he was with you. He always talked about you- about how he wanted you back in his life- and Robin saw in his eyes something different when he thought of you. He was in love- and he only thought he liked Robin because it was less scary than being in love with his ex best friend.
“No- I mean. I did- I thought I liked her. But we talked-and she made me realize it’s you.”
“What do you mean it’s me?” You were confused now- you thought you knew where this was going- though you didn’t wanna believe it was happening. You’d waited your whole life for this.
“I mean it’s always been you. I think- I think I’ve loved you for so long it never occurred to me that I ever did like that. You were my best friend so I never thought it was more than that. But you almost died, Y/n, and I think that made me realize I can’t lose you. I just- I thought you were dead and I felt like a part of me was dying. I’m in love with you- and you don’t have to feel the same I just - I had to tell you.”
You couldn’t believe it. It felt too surreal- and too much. When the car hit you- and you found yourself going back and forth in between consciousness and unconsciousness, all you could see was him. Your life flashed before your eyes and all you saw was him. It was enough for you to realized that- you loved him. And you had for years. But hearing him say that he felt the same before even knowing how you felt- it was bittersweet.
“I- I love you too.” You blurred out- he had just poured his heart out so you had to do the same. Plus- you knew how he felt now. So what could go wrong?
“What?” He blinked many times- which made you laugh.
“I’m in love with you, Harrington. Keep up.” You looked up only to see him completely shocked.
“Thank god. I thought you might kick me out.” He let out a relieved breath.
“ I mean.. I still could.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! It’s my house!” You laughed, as you saw him get in position.
“Steve?” Your eyes went wide, still a huge smile on your face.
“Are you sure you wanna kick me out?”
“If you keep asking, then yes I will!”
A scream left your mouth as Steve attacked you with tickles, forcing you to lay on your back, Steve on top of you as both of you laughed your hearts out.
“Still wanna do it?” He asked as he put a strand of hair behind your ears.
“Not sure now. I always wanted to have Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington on top of me. I like it.”
It only took that sentence for Steve to crash his lips into yours, a slow- passionate kiss- a kiss you’d both been waiting for for years.
Steve was the first one to pull away before you spoke up.
“Is it crazy that it took us three times of fighting monsters and almost dying to realized we’re in love?” You laughed- red spreading all over your cheeks.
“Yeah. Kinda. I’m glad we did though, I couldn’t keep listening to Robin and Dustin telling me to pick up my balls and go tell you how I feel.”
“That’s gross.” You laughed.
“Can I kiss you again now?”
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straykats · 1 year
kat talks: 5-star
tldr; it did not take long at all for this comeback to grow on me i love it so much. i find that with most new songs my first listen is always very apathetic and/or ??? LOL and there exists only a small handful of songs that i immediately was like oH MY GOD (this is across all artists i listen to) but yeah i always forget that when listening to new music and i think this comeback is the first time i fully acknowledged that my first listen is rarely (and doesnt need to be) instant likesies. theres a lot of small bits throughout the album that remind me of other songs (not a bad thing, just smth i noticed i kept noticing?). topline, dlc, the sound and time out were/are my favs hehe (update: relistening to the album again and collision and fnf are creeping up to my favs too help)
hall of fame
okay im pretty sure i've heard this in my brief listen before but i also dont remember it at all
i cant describe it but that alien-sounding melody actually has me seeing like a weird alien brainwashing thing
WHOS FUCKING-- WAS THAT JEONGIN??? AT 1:24???? that was so pretty i want that framed
during hyunjins bit i got weird b me flashbacks??? i dont think it sounds similar but my mind immediately went 'b me !!'
jesus felix
the moon landing audio is such a cool inclusion,,, 5 star,,, hall of fame,,, a star/celestial body themed comeback,,,,
okay wbk i was so confused the first time round but its grown sm on me
i LOVE the power of the opening
the cartoon boing/spring sound and (its not but) the tom and jerry running sound hehe
this song definitely sounds.. grand? and wide? and a good title track
"[im] up above the world so high" nice nice twinkle twinkle reference hehe
i absolutely love jeongin's bit in the bridge and i love the choreo of it too
i love the game sounds they use in this hehe
seungmin's prechorus reminds me of smth but i cant place what it is
felixs ... tone? like? the voice he uses???
hyunjin/changbin bit in the bridge >>>>> i cant explain it but it sounds so good
super bowl
the instrumental at the beginning took me by surprise.. i also am sitting ehre trying to identity the?? The Sound. digital/synth. like the almost cowbell almost snare one. ive replayed it so many times.
i thought this when i first heard it (while doing the dishes lol) but is this song all in english?
whats that sound between 'have a bite' and 'make it mine'
screams TFDGVJABVAD the whisper im sorry i cant do it HAHAHAHAHA
to be mad honest i was SO excited for this based on just the teaser
'we skedaddle intoxicated razzle dazzle' best line fr
okay ik i didnt say much for this one but its one of my favs
underground rebellious kinda vibes i love it (i described that wrong but i have a very specific img in my head)
im trying to play this on the pino and its driving my nuts but in a good way
the 'amudo moreuge' line throughout the entire song is so [deep breaths] like i cant explain it but it BUT AHHHHHH (fun fact for any pokemon people LOL the song oracion has the same kinda thing in it. idk what to call it.)
oh i LOVE love the piano during the second verse AHHHHHHHHH not gonna be able to replicate it but thats okay
the song/chorus has a.. an urban tropical feel? like it's ALMOST something you would hear with a tropical background but smth about the key, maybe, plavces it instead in an urban setting at night (bc lyrics) and seems kinda bittersweet
THATS WHAT THE AMUDO MOREUGE LINE DOES it adds such a sad kinda tired/resigned feel to the song which is like. on one hand the lyrics are so 'lets dance like crazy without a care in the world' but on the other hand the song feels so lonely and kind of. 'don't worry about me, i'll manage my sadness alone'??? like, 'let's have fun together but i'm really sad even though i'm smiling' kinda thing ARGHHHHH
get lit
seungmin's line rmeinds me of smth ARGHH its another skz song i know that for sure but i cant remember which one (ngl a lot of the songs in this album have parts that remind me of another kpop song,,, one of the above reminded me of nct but icr which song)
oh wait i think its my pace @ seungmins line
the instrumental would be so cool for mashups etc
wait one of the lines is 'today im so cocky' which is interesting bc theres a previous line (sueprbowl?) thats about not being cocky or smth HMMM i would revisit but tbh i cbb rn rip
trumpets reminded me of maknae on top and this song also suits jeongin's voice sm i love it here
oh??? the ringing at the end???
this REMINDS ME OF SMTH TOO an dits not kpop
but i do really like it
'ashes up in the sky' ,,,, thinkingthinkingthinking
this feels like the opposite of time out and idk how to explain it
lix singing !!!!!! i love it sm
WAIT THSI ONE ACTUALLY REMINDS ME OF B ME wait no or is it levanter
the flaura and fauna line also reminds me of venom
both of the above points refer to the melody ,, seungmin's venom prechorus "cant escape-" and then it jumps The Other Song which i cant figure out what it is AHH
was that an eagle did i just hear an eagle
the minho/chan ending is so <3 <3 <3
the muted piano i [crying] also almost gives me knnw vibes
'must be an oracle' ????? trying to understand this. like. it must be predicting smth,, but what,,, 'look at the stars fall / they leave the sky, goodbye' which part of this is the oracle i-- ad oracle as in like a person or a message but either way
if anyone covers this song please use a xylophone or marimba hehe would be so <3
oh i can see this second verse being animated so beautifully
why did changbin singing at the end make me so incredibly soft
the sound
okay this song has been out for ages but i think the only thing i said about it was smth about the bass and also how it sounds like a 'final stand' kinda song
okay ngl i liked the jpn lyrics better for the chorus oopsies im sorry
the piano sounds so RAW like the ringing of it the way the key falls and the mallet hits the string like you can HEAR it like thats exactly how it sounds when you play that high on a piano and also like. imo i notice the sound more on older pianos and just bc of that personal association (???) this song gets a bit sadder
adding to the 'final stand' feel is the police sirens in the chorus
time out
i just love this song sm man like idk what to say at this point
OH IT REMINDS ME OF A DEEMO SONG AHHAHA WAIT LEMME FIND IT // this song omg i've never thought about it before but listening to time out just then, i literally went 'you ready?' and then i was like WAIT THATS A DIFFERENT SONG
this song would be such a fun end-of-concert/encore song woah
yeah no i really dont have much to say i just love this song sm
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saintadeline · 2 years
OH MAN that's opening a whole other barrel o' phantasms as they say ... What to even say...
My hot take is that people really don't think about Adeline enough as her own person rather than someone to attach to maria when she's not even that reliant on her ... Of course she holds her opinions in high regards and thinks very dearly of her, but she also does make it clear that she's where she is now out of her own volition and even maria couldnt change her mind about it. I always say it but the fact that shes so strong willed and stubborn is my favorite thing about her <:) she may not know who she is but she knows what she wants and nobody can stop her once she's decided something.
I get way more shy talking about hcs and such that aren't directly supported by canon, idk why... I think that before the healing church was formed and she became a blood saint, she used to serve as a nun and care for patients of her church's ward... Be it prayers for the sick or simple company. Which also probably made her good to have around in the research hall since she had some experience in that kind of clinical context. I also think at first she worked in the rh as general help, especially since i feel like a blood saint would be very welcome in helping keep the patients alive with the use of blood healing/ministration, and after some time there she decided to join in the experiments herself. She's the kind of person to have a lot of complicated thoughts about herself and her role in the world she lives in so the way she copes with that is by being entirely selfless and helping others as much as she can, to have a sense of fulfilment through others. She does find herself in two positions of her own will that are quite terrible for herself but for a "greater cause" in the long term. The only time she ever thought of herself first and foremost was in the nightmare when she starts actually feeling the effects of close great one communication and knows it's what she Really Wants for herself. She does share the rune with you but i think she has some sense of the fact that it's entirely useless for the ascension of humanity as the rh has been abandoned and cut off long ago and so finally she can find peace in the self and have a revelation of final self fulfilment before her end. I find that very bittersweet.
If you want more general non-lore hcs, i think she's an older sister and i like to think that if she wasnt so (vague hand motions) about having a clear purpose, she would like to work as some kind of florist or tend to a garden :) I think she has dissociation issues and she's also very autistic but that's not a surprise LOL. You Know she stims with that key you know it. Shes not a very good cook however shes very skilled at sewing. She also knows a Lot about constellations... I wonder what kind of constellations there are in bloodborneverse (i hate to say it but in a real world setting she would totally be super into astrology). I think she talks with her hands a lot (as in using hand motions. But she does also know sign language). Also she's a chronic illness queen (definitely projecting here LOL but something about how chronic illness adds to complexes about self worth and usefulness... Sighs) </3
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srisuwans · 2 years
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#srisuwans : how strange it is to be anything at all.
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–––– –––  dependent muse for nostrumfm, detailing the highs and the lows of the one and only riley sriuswan. cared for by grace.
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ㅤೀ     𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐔𝐓𝐘 !      RILEY SRISUWAN sets sail to assist those with broken hearts . the  TWENTY-SEVEN  year old is known to be BOORISH  , but makes up for it by being  COMPASSIONATE  . you can usually find THEM listening to PURE/HONEY BY BEYONCÉ ; might be a way to unwind from working as a  BARTENDER  AT  BITTERSWEET BAR  .     ﹕     ꒰   ten lee, nonbinary, he/they   ꒱  
full name: riley srisuwan nickname: ri, riles height: 5′6 age: twenty-seven birthday: august 1st, 1995 hometown: chiang mai, thailand languages spoken: thai, english, a little chinese that he mostly speaks around his maternal grandparents zodiac: leo gender: nonbinary pronouns: he/they sexual orientation: gay  occupation: bartender at bittersweet bar character inspo: samantha jones (sex and the city), fleabag (fleabag)
♡ everyone meet riley! born in thailand and raised in the chicago, they’re a little bit of a wild card. they’ve absolutely got a mouth on them and he’s never ever been shy about sharing his very brutal, very honest opinions. he’s not a complete bitch though, he’s definitely got a kind and compassionate side. if you’re riley’s friend then he will literally get into a physical fight in your defense and will have fun the whole time. 
♡ has been a bartender for a minute and it’s partially why his attitude is the way it is. once you’ve had to deal with three dozen drunk adults at two am on a saturday night, nothing really fazes you whatsoever. he had a bowl behind the bar that he would make people put their keys in if they wanted a drink but were clearly too fucked up to drive. very bossy but they got shit done! period! very experienced and they will make u a negroni spagliato with prosecco in it and only roll their eyes a little bit :) 
♡ a little bit emotionally stunted and doesn’t quite know how to deal with any intimacy that’s not platonic or ummmmm.... sexual. very much runs from love because they’re too scared to navigate it so instead just fucks around and then hides behind things to avoid their hook ups
♡ ironically they’re deathly afraid of the ocean and everything in it but they heard bartending on a cruise was very lucrative and that  cruise ships are so big that you really can’t tell you’re on the ocean so he decided to risk it. he can very much tell they’re on the ocean. at all times. he hates it bad.
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thisultraviolet · 1 year
How would you rank the Fearless vault tracks? No one really talks about them except Mr. Perfectly Fine
OH THANK YOU FOR THIS BC I AGREE THEY ARE CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED. We’re going 6-1 bc I love drama and also 1 is one of my fav Taylor songs ever so I want it to be the finale
6. We Were Happy: Midnight Rain’s prequel (no it’s NOT about Taylor Lautner literally fight me), definitely had to grow on me but it’s just really pretty. Keith ate the harmonies let’s be honest, especially in the last chorus. When it was good baby! It was good baby! I definitely understand why it didn’t make the cut for the og album but I’m definitely glad we have it now!
5. Mr Perfectly Fine: It’s a great song, but (and idk if this was just in Australia) the radio overplayed it so much that I am literally still recovering, like I will never choose to put it on, only on shuffle. Wonderfully petty and we love a key change but I must say Forever & Always does it better.
4. That’s When: I have genuinely NO idea why it gets so much hate? It’s super catchy, perfectly bittersweet, good use of both perspectives which Taylor excels at every time. I think their voices sound great together, the backing vocals are so pretty. The bridge is super simple but the vulnerability? 2nd chance romance? The way they say cuh-rying? I love it all
3. You All Over Me: Walked so rwylm could run, I ADORE the production (the opening is so peace it drives me crazy), Maren’s harmonies are so good, the whole thing feels very mature for Fearless honestly. Like she lived! She learned! Had you! Got burned! One of her most underrated songs period.
2. Don’t You: As someone who took 4 years to get over my ex while remaining friends with them the whole time YEAH THIS ONE HITS. Love the production even if it isn’t very “Fearless” bc I think it works really well with the more mature and reflective tone. At the same time the somewhat pleading nature of each line of the chorus makes her sound so young, and you can hear her frustration at both herself and the subject with “I swore I wouldn’t do this” because ultimately they still hold this power over her, so all she can do is beg them not to abuse. Another baby rwylm, and I love her for it.
1. BYE BYE BABY: BEST VAULT TRACK (YES THAT INCLUDES ATW) AND HONESTLY SOME DAYS BEST SONG ON FEARLESS (she swaps with F&A constantly). The VOCALS first of all oh my god, specifically the chorus directly after the bridge with the option up on “Bye bye babyyyYYYyy” while the music cuts out, honestly could be my fav moment in any Taylor song ever. The harmonies the whole time are just perfection, specifically the male vocals at the end of the second chorus. “Feels like I’m becoming a part of your past” OH MY GOD? SHE PUT IT INTO WORDS? There’s a resigned quality to the sadness, she knows nothing will change this outcome but still holds enough love to call them an endearment even in this betrayal. The high piano melody almost sounds like a music box doomed to keep repeating. One of her first movie references if I’m not mistaken with the opening lyric and we love the birth of a career long motif. ALSO THE DRUMS. I JUST LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH, BEGGING ON MY KNEES FOR IT AS A MELBOURNE SURPRISE SONG EVEN IF I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO’LL BE HAPPY WITH IT
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donotpercieveme123 · 2 years
madahika for the ship game <3
Thank you sm for asking about madahika! I could talk about them forever!
1. What made you ship it?
I wanted to explore Madara's relationship with the clan and I wanted him to have important and complicated relationships outside of Hashirama or Izuna. Hikaku initially started out as a personification of the clan as a whole, the how and why they came to treat Madara like that leading up to and after Izuna's death. (Also the way Hikaku is written in WASS and Tangle definitely effected how I characterise him and how that would therefore shape his relationship with Madara). Also I love when characters are good but so bad for each and no longer on the same page about anything, and when it's toxic because one character is dismissive and takes the other for granted, and they in turn grow to hate and resent them for it, and their actions as a whole, when they would have once done anything for them. Especially if they have so much shared history and trauma, especially around the same person they both loved more than anything (Izuna in this case, who at times and in a lot of ways was probably even closer or more compatible with Hikaku than with Madara).
Anyway grief and anger and resentment and love that hurts but never goes away. Two people coming together then falling apart and still returning to each other over and over to torture themselves and each other, to feel some of that old intimacy that they can never have again because there's no way to fix it and they feel like they have no one else left anymore. Then the abandonment afterwards and all the complicated feelings Hikaku has about that, especially after Hashirama kills him, and how he has to learn to live with it or to heal and move on. Also hate sex, and the whole leader/ attendant dynamic👀
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Aside from everything I mentioned, I really also like how their personalities fit, or rather don't fit, together. Hikaku being the poised and collected one who's far too uptight and needs to chill tf out before he has a stroke over not being able to micro manage everything constantly. Also him being a good leader because he has a good grasp of politics, can delegate, and can better understand the experiences, fears and needs of the clan because he is 'one of the people' in the way Madara has never been or could never understand. (The clan turning to Hikaku as a result and the feeling of betrayal on Madara's end). Also Hikaku having to essentially clean up after Madara because he only ever considers the larger picture and kind of just paternalisticly does what he thinks is right with poor regard for how it might affect 'average' people.
Hikaku trying to metaphorically keep Madara on a leash, but Madara also being the more dominant one in the dynamic because of his personality and the power imbalance. Also passive agressive (and low key high key emotionally abusive) Hikaku who carries grudges to the grave, and emotionally distant, hot and cold Madara who's far too distracted and self centred to notice how he's using and hurting him. They're so fucking toxic and divorced and they don't deserve each other but they so do and its fun to watch them suffer and drag each other back down if the other looks like they might leave or start to heal without them. NO CHILDREN BY THE MOUNTAIN GOATS that sums up a lot of what I love about their dynamic!!
I also love that they were once a team, who yh had their disagreements, but they were healthy and supportive and they made each other better. The same traits that became reasons for frustration were once what made them work well together. And they have a world of tender amd bittersweet memories that they can't let go of even after they all turn sour (especially since a lot of them are perfectly recorded with the sharingan). In a happier (most likely a modern AU) where their circumstances were different and they had healthy support systems outside of each other they would work best as platonic life partners who have sex because intimacy.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think anyone has opinions of them AT ALL, nothing I say would be unpopular lmao. But they only work in a romantic setting if it's unrequited and toxic and they hate each other, or if Hikaku is silently and painfully pushing it down and trying to be content with his companionship (and the sex), because Madara fancies himself in love with Hashirama (or he's at least almost entirely too fixated on him and the dream he represents but feels like he can't have). And Hikaku knows, oh he knows! And he hates Hashirama more than anyone for that and multiple other valid reasons I'm not gonna get into cuz this is already far too long). Which leads me to: its most (or really only) interesting if Hashirama is indirectly involved and has been involved in their relationship since the river. (Bonus if Hashirama has no clue about any of it; Madara possibly being in love with him, his relationship with Hikaku, and Hikaku hating his guts lol).
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blankwashed · 27 days
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Heartstrings P5 P1 P2 P3 P4 (NEXT CHAPTER P6)
"Okay, fine," Naoya defeatedly says. "You want it to go like this, then I guess it’s better for me to leave and forget about this than prolonging this entire fiasco."
He accepts your offer to leave the house. "I wanted to come over to mend things with you, maybe offer you some money to be quiet on this entire divorce issue. But I guess there’s no more 'us.'"
"'Us'?! There was never an 'us' in the first place! I felt as if I was a concubine that you kept in safekeeping! Please just leave, you’re already ruining my day. Don’t ruin my entire life," you assert, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt.
The smug look that he kept on his face only fueled your anger further. Why, WHY were you married to such a heartless person? The money and fame you received from Naoya were never worth it. In the end, they were nothing compared to the pain and heartache he caused you. You wished you could turn back time and undo the decision to marry him, to erase all traces of his influence from your life. But for now, all you could do was learn from your mistakes and move forward, determined to find true happiness and fulfillment on your own terms.
When Naoya left, you broke down. You were definitely not crying because you lost him, heavens no. You were crying because of the waste of time. The realization hit you hard – all those years spent in a loveless marriage, all the sacrifices made for the sake of appearances, all for nothing. It was a bitter pill to swallow, leaving you feeling hollow and empty inside. But amidst the tears and despair, a glimmer of hope flickered – Satoru, who was always standing right beside you.
“Hey, you okay?” Satoru asked with his hand on your back, making sure you were feeling better.
You wiped your face dry with your hands, trying to compose yourself. "Sure, I’m fine, it’s just a lot to take in. I don’t think my brain has registered it yet...it has been a few years with him...the torture, the betrayal," you admitted, your voice wavering with emotion. The weight of those years of suffering felt heavier than ever, but you knew that acknowledging the pain was the first step towards healing and moving forward.
"The y/n that I knew from high school would’ve kicked him then sent him to cry to his mother. That’s the y/n I like," Satoru remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. His words brought a faint smile to your lips, reminding you of the strength and resilience you once possessed.
Deep down, you knew that reclaiming that assertive and confident version of yourself was the key to overcoming the pain and moving forward with your life.
"I’m still like that Toru, just…all of this is new to me. I’m also very young and without the guidance from elders, I get lost sometimes,” you confessed, your voice tinged with vulnerability. It was a rare glimpse into your inner struggles, and Satoru couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for you. Despite your confident exterior, you were still navigating the complexities of life, just like everyone else.
Satoru hugged you from the side. “I’ll take you on shopping sprees, going to new cafes, concerts. Maybe I don't understand how you're feeling but I know how deeply he must have hurt you. Just trying to be a good friend," he promised, his voice warm with sincerity. The gesture was simple, yet it held the promise of brighter days ahead, filled with laughter, friendship, and new experiences. In that moment, you felt a glimmer of hope wash over you, grateful for Satoru's unwavering support and companionship.
"Thank you, Toru. I always knew you were an everlasting friend since the day I met you,” you confessed, feeling the stirrings of feelings in your heart once again. It wasn't just gratitude you felt, but also the beginnings of something more, a flutter of emotions that made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks flush with warmth.
It was already the last time Naoya would bug you and it was bittersweet for you, bad memories overweighing the good.
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As the sun rose on a new day, you felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through your veins. With Naoya out of the picture, you were determined to seize control of your destiny and pursue your passion for cooking with unwavering dedication. It was your first day at work in the chef’s restaurant, Sakae Yakimura. You felt excited and nervous at the same time. It was your chance to prove to yourself and others about your ability in the culinary world, to showcase your skills and abilities and creativity to a wider audience. Donning the chef’s hat and greeting your fellow colleagues for the first time made you feel giddy.
You took a moment to soak in the sights and sounds of the kitchen. The clang of pots and pans, the sizzle of ingredients hitting the hot grill, the tantalizing aroma of herbs and spices filling the air – it was like music to your ears.
With a deep breath, after getting instructions from the head chef you dove headfirst into work, channeling all your energy and focus into each dish you prepared. From chopping vegetables to seasoning meats with finesse, you moved with a grace and confidence that belied your years of experience.
Throughout the busy lunch service, your passion for cooking shone brightly, earning her praise from both customers and colleagues alike. Your final touches on dishes were a symphony of flavors, each one carefully crafted to delight the palate and leave a lasting impression.
But amidst the hustle and bustle of the kitchen, you couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching her from afar. Glancing around, your eyes met Satoru's across the crowded dining area, a proud smile playing on his lips. It was a silent gesture of encouragement and support, reminding you that you were not alone through this journey.
As the day drew to a close and the last of the dinner service came to an end, You found yourself reflecting on the events of the day with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Despite the challenges that lay ahead in this new job, you knew where exactly where you’re meant to be – pursuing your passion for cooking with all your heart and soul.
With a newfound sense of confidence and determination, you looked towards the future with optimism, ready to embrace whatever culinary adventures lay in store. For you, this was only the beginning of a journey filled with endless possibilities and delicious discoveries.
While you were finishing up your shift, Satoru approached you with a warm smile. "You did amazing today, y/n. Your passion for cooking truly shines through in every dish you create, I would know." he said in front of other customers that made you blush.
Your heart swelled with gratitude at his words. "Thank you, Satoru. I couldn't have done it without your support and setting up the meeting with the chef."
Satoru's smile widened. "Speaking of support, I was wondering if you'd like to stay with me at my house while you work here. It's closer to the restaurant, and it would be nice to have some company, its been getting lonely staying alone."
Your eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected offer. "Are you sure, Satoru? I don't want to impose," you replied, voice tinged with uncertainty.
Satoru shook his head. "It's no imposition at all. Besides, it would be nice to have a fellow food enthusiast under the same roof. What do you say?"
A feeling of warmth spread through your chest as you looked into Satoru's earnest eyes. Despite your initial doubts, you couldn't deny the allure of the offer.
"Alright, Satoru. I'd love to stay with you," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. In that moment, you knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
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On the day of the move came, you felt a flutter of anticipation in your chest. You spent the morning carefully packing your belongings into boxes, each item a reminder of the life that you have left behind. The people that tormented you and how it felt like being born again in a new house feels.
Satoru had offered to help you with the move, and as you heard the familiar sound of his car pulling up outside, you knew that the time had come to begin this new chapter of your life.
With a final glance around your now-empty apartment, memories of the past, you took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway, where Satoru was waiting for you with a warm smile.
"Ready to go?" he asked, offering you one of his reassuring smiles.
You nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for his support. Together, the both of you loaded boxes into the trunk of Satoru's car, the heavy weight of your past.
As he drove to his house which is your new home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement within you. This wasn't just a move; it was a fresh start, an opportunity to leave behind the pain of your past and embrace a brighter future with a new housemate; the honored one.
Arriving at Satoru's house, you were warmly welcomed by a few of his maids and chauffeurs, ready to greet their master.
"Welcome to my home y/n, or I should say, our home." Satoru said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "I'm so glad you're here."
It already felt like a place where she belonged, a sanctuary where she could heal and grow. Approaching the room he spared for you, you gawked. The room was beautifully decorated with polaroid photos from the old days close to the bed, fairy lights hanging above the bed, a closet big enough for a person to live in and more.
“Wait! We haven’t talked about how much I need to pay for rent each month, Toru..and I think I can do some of the chores for you as well. How does Friday nights sound?” you realised that you haven’t discussed how much you have to pay him.
Satoru shook his head, "You don't have to pay me anything, don't sweat it. "But.." he stopped.
"Promise me that you'll make desserts for me, okay?" he said while smiling with his eyes. Always making you chuckle, always putting a smile on your face. That's Satoru.
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As the both of you spent more time together, Satoru's friendship with you deepened, blossoming into something even more meaningful. With each passing day, you felt that you've drawn closer to him, like how a person reads a fairytale.
Moving in with Satoru was the best decision you had ever made. In his house, surrounded by love and warmth, you've finally felt relieved, finding a place where you can be yourself without judgement from others.
In the modern advanced kitchen of Satoru's house, you busied yourself with the comforting ritual of baking. The sweet smells filling the air, mingling with the scent of coffee that Satoru had just brewed. This kitchen was quickly becoming your sanctuary, a place where you could pour your heart into your passion for cooking. A place where you had always feel serene.
Satoru entered the kitchen, drawn by the delicious smells. “Ooh! What are you making~? Any for me~?” he asked, leaning against the counter with curious smile.
Glancing up at his flawless face you smiled as you continue to mix the batter for another one of your creations. A chouquette! "This is another French classic, puff pastry, almond paste and of course, some sugar. I'm trying to master all the French pastries so that maybe one day I can open my own shop," you grinned.
He chuckled, watching you with an adoring gaze. “I’m sure you will. Everything you make is incredible.”
Your heart fluttered at his compliment, and you felt a warmth spreading through you , “Thanks, Toru. I’m glad you think so.”
As you sifted flour and measured out sugar, you felt a deep sense of contentment. The simple act of baking felt like a form of therapy, helping you to leave behind the lingering shadows of your past.
"Toru, can you pass me the sugar? I wouldn't know where it is, considering your kitchen is the size of my previous house!" you ask for his assistance, reminiscing the time where he helped you make the kikufuku in your kitchen which was miniscule compared to his.
As the pastries baked, you and Satoru chatted about everything, the conversation flowing easily. Your mind was no longer in torment! It was moments like these that made you grateful for this new chapter in your life. The pain and heartbreak of the past seemed to fade a little more with each passing day, replaced by the joy of simple, everyday moments. When the pastries were finally done, you carefully took them out of the oven, their golden-brown tops promising a delicious treat. Satoru couldn’t wait to try them, and his eyes lit up as he took his first bite. “These are amazing as always!” he exclaimed, savoring how soft, light and airy the puffs were.
"That's what you say about everything I bake or make, Toru. Cut me some slack, its going to be hard to impress you in the future," you teased, smiling at his enthusiasm.
Seeing his enjoyment, you felt a surge of pride and happiness. This was what you loved most about cooking—bringing joy to others through your creations. And with Satoru by your side, encouraging and appreciating you, the future looked brighter than ever.
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its coming to an end for this fic, cos my semester is going to start in a week. *tears*. the next chapter will be the last one~ i'm still gonna post random one shots and stuff whenever im free. i love any of u who are reading this right now and for those who have read every single chapter, i love u more
i feel like i rushed alotttt for this fic (because i myself have no time so can't blame me)
(im not affiliated with any copyrighted name of anything written here, the sole purpose of this fic is for fun)
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