cottondo · 1 year
Fizzarolli x fem!reader | BLACK LACE
Chapter one | spicy
With an irritable scream, you kick the beer can as hard as you could, until it flung at the side of the wall, crunching with a ting.
You fucking hated this place. It was degrading. Taking care of the animatronics, fixing games for kids, and tending bars at night for imps and demons- - it sucked !
You could be doing so much more than working here, for Mammon.
Like, you could go to Ozzie's, and work with Fizzarolli. The real fizz.
You were totally cut out for that place!
The Greed Ring was fun and all, (not) but the Lust Ring was where it's at! Stage dancing, having demons throwing money at you while you slipped up and down a pole, or even have Ozzie's favorite jester shoot flaming arrows at you while you hung upside down from silks!
That's where you wanted to be.
"Hey, w-OO-A-h, kid. Ta-a—take it easy."
You turn to see the robotic Fizz looking down at you from the top of the stage. His hands were on his hips, eyes glowing into the room at your temper tantrum. With a small huff, you snivel your nose and throw the rope in your hand to the ground in a thrash.
"I'm pissed! Nobody takes me seriously, here." You begin to pace back and forth inside the tent, hands scratching into your scalp at the madness. "Why don't they just give me that position already! I'm cut out for the job. I've applied three times to that place!"
"You ever think, they just don't want to hire you?"
You glare over your shoulder at him, teeth baring for exaggeration. Fizz twitched in glitches, spinning his head. "Just s-say-saying."
You plop onto the bleachers, cheeks in hands, and you stare up at him in a sulk. "I don't know why." Your voice lingers into the room. "I have the experience."
The jester snorts, stretching his way over to you. You shift to the side as his ribbed arm stretches around your shoulders. A few sparks fly out of his neck. "Where's your experience? Hmm~?"
You smirk at him, rolling your eyes. "Right here, with you."
Fizz chuckles, breaking out into a fit of broken, glitchy laughter. You cringe inwardly at it.
Okay, so you had a huge thing for the real Fizzarolli.
Like, you were talking, o b s e s s e d.
If this thing wasn't so glitchy, you'd take him home with you. However, the other replicas were wayyy out of your price range, so you suffered a little through visiting this creep while you worked.
"That ain't enough, kid." His grip lets you go, and you shrug off the tension of his arm once being there. "You need to get yourself out th-ERE— there, more! Stop in, and tell them you've applied!"
As if you hadn't done that twice before. You saved yourself the embarrassment of doing it a third time. With a sigh, you wave him off. "Nope . . tried that. It didn't matter." With a somber look, you glance out of the tent doors and tighten your lips.
"Oh, right. Was that when they escorted you out?" RoboFizz snickered behind his hand. You turn to see his head tilting to the side, more sparks flying.
" . . Nooo, that was when I went in for drinks." Your brows furrow. "Are you keeping track?" You narrow an eye at him, and he innocently shrugs off the facts that, yes, he had been. —But only for your reminder of humiliation.
"No— yes, maybe. Listen!" His hands grab yours, and suddenly, you're yanked up to your feet by the animatronic. He spins you once, then wraps you into his arms. With a quick movement, you're raised slightly off of your feet by his grasp on your shoulders.
"You're not gonna get the job moping around he—RE. You gotta just face th-THE facts, doll." His smirk sends a shiver up your spine as your frame is pulled closer to his. "You suck. And you're stuck working here, TAKI—taking care of me." His grip tightens, face drawing closer to yours by the inch. "And this is the closest you're going to get, to talking to the real Fizzarolli." His smirk deepens, and it was ill-intentioned. You catch onto it quickly, and struggle in his grasp.
You pout, looking him in the eyes. The glow of them illuminated your face. Maybe he was right. After all, he should know, right?
It almost kind of . . hurt? hearing that come from the replica of your idol's mouth. It sucked. But, it wasn't true!
You kicked your feet, and try to shimmy out of his hands.
"But, this is the closest I've got to you, so~" your frown turns into a smirk, and without a second thought from the robot, his hands drop you to the floor. You land on your ass, staring up at him.
He snarls in disgust, looking away. "Maybe I was WRO—wrong. You are meant for the Lust Ring."
You smile softly up at him, and stand back to your feet. "Listen, I know that I'm cut out for that place. They just need to give me a chance." Dusting the back of your pants off, you roll your shoulder. "Mammon can kiss my ass, and so can everyone else that shit on me, here." You huff, arms crossing.
It was tiring, for you, and everyone else that had to listen to your complaining.
However, as much as he could be a prick, you actually liked talking to this glitching piece of metal. He was right in a way; he was the closest thing to being the real fizz. At least, for now, until you can actually conversate with Fizzarolli.
There was a few times, seconds worth of moments, really, that you could recall talking with the real Fizz. He'd been up on stage, telling jokes, doing acts, and you'd gotten him to pick on you once or twice. Maybe make him laugh, but it all ended too quickly.
You inwardly let out a little sigh again, and pick up the broom you'd dropped earlier in the evening. Before the temper tantrum you had, you were on your way to clean up the floors of the tent. Robo Fizz's show ended a bit ago, and clearly the imps in here were slobs. Popcorn and soda cups were left all over the floor.
"Well, go-O-OO-d luck with all of t-THA-that, kid." Fizz says, stretching his way back to the stage. You flip him off, and take your time cleaning. Might as well get the extra hours while you can.
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alhoeverra · 1 year
Fizzarolli x fem!reader | BLACK LACE
Chapter one | spicy
With an irritable scream, you kick the beer can as hard as you could, until it flung at the side of the wall, crunching with a ting.
You fucking hated this place. It was degrading. Taking care of the animatronics, fixing games for kids, and tending bars at night for imps and demons- - it sucked !
You could be doing so much more than working here, for Mammon.
Like, you could go to Ozzie's, and work with Fizzarolli. The real fizz.
You were totally cut out for that place!
The Greed Ring was fun and all, (not) but the Lust Ring was where it's at! Stage dancing, having demons throwing money at you while you slipped up and down a pole, or even have Ozzie's favorite jester shoot flaming arrows at you while you hung upside down from silks!
That's where you wanted to be.
"Hey, w-OO-A-h, kid. Ta-a—take it easy."
You turn to see the robotic Fizz looking down at you from the top of the stage. His hands were on his hips, eyes glowing into the room at your temper tantrum. With a small huff, you snivel your nose and throw the rope in your hand to the ground in a thrash.
"I'm pissed! Nobody takes me seriously, here." You begin to pace back and forth inside the tent, hands scratching into your scalp at the madness. "Why don't they just give me that position already! I'm cut out for the job. I've applied three times to that place!"
"You ever think, they just don't want to hire you?"
You glare over your shoulder at him, teeth baring for exaggeration. Fizz twitched in glitches, spinning his head. "Just s-say-saying."
You plop onto the bleachers, cheeks in hands, and you stare up at him in a sulk. "I don't know why." Your voice lingers into the room. "I have the experience."
The jester snorts, stretching his way over to you. You shift to the side as his ribbed arm stretches around your shoulders. A few sparks fly out of his neck. "Where's your experience? Hmm~?"
You smirk at him, rolling your eyes. "Right here, with you."
Fizz chuckles, breaking out into a fit of broken, glitchy laughter. You cringe inwardly at it.
Okay, so you had a huge thing for the real Fizzarolli.
Like, you were talking, o b s e s s e d.
If this thing wasn't so glitchy, you'd take him home with you. However, the other replicas were wayyy out of your price range, so you suffered a little through visiting this creep while you worked.
"That ain't enough, kid." His grip lets you go, and you shrug off the tension of his arm once being there. "You need to get yourself out th-ERE— there, more! Stop in, and tell them you've applied!"
As if you hadn't done that twice before. You saved yourself the embarrassment of doing it a third time. With a sigh, you wave him off. "Nope . . tried that. It didn't matter." With a somber look, you glance out of the tent doors and tighten your lips.
"Oh, right. Was that when they escorted you out?" RoboFizz snickered behind his hand. You turn to see his head tilting to the side, more sparks flying.
" . . Nooo, that was when I went in for drinks." Your brows furrow. "Are you keeping track?" You narrow an eye at him, and he innocently shrugs off the facts that, yes, he had been. —But only for your reminder of humiliation.
"No— yes, maybe. Listen!" His hands grab yours, and suddenly, you're yanked up to your feet by the animatronic. He spins you once, then wraps you into his arms. With a quick movement, you're raised slightly off of your feet by his grasp on your shoulders.
"You're not gonna get the job moping around he—RE. You gotta just face th-THE facts, doll." His smirk sends a shiver up your spine as your frame is pulled closer to his. "You suck. And you're stuck working here, TAKI—taking care of me." His grip tightens, face drawing closer to yours by the inch. "And this is the closest you're going to get, to talking to the real Fizzarolli." His smirk deepens, and it was ill-intentioned. You catch onto it quickly, and struggle in his grasp.
You pout, looking him in the eyes. The glow of them illuminated your face. Maybe he was right. After all, he should know, right?
It almost kind of . . hurt? hearing that come from the replica of your idol's mouth. It sucked. But, it wasn't true!
You kicked your feet, and try to shimmy out of his hands.
"But, this is the closest I've got to you, so~" your frown turns into a smirk, and without a second thought from the robot, his hands drop you to the floor. You land on your ass, staring up at him.
He snarls in disgust, looking away. "Maybe I was WRO—wrong. You are meant for the Lust Ring."
You smile softly up at him, and stand back to your feet. "Listen, I know that I'm cut out for that place. They just need to give me a chance." Dusting the back of your pants off, you roll your shoulder. "Mammon can kiss my ass, and so can everyone else that shit on me, here." You huff, arms crossing.
It was tiring, for you, and everyone else that had to listen to your complaining.
However, as much as he could be a prick, you actually liked talking to this glitching piece of metal. He was right in a way; he was the closest thing to being the real fizz. At least, for now, until you can actually conversate with Fizzarolli.
There was a few times, seconds worth of moments, really, that you could recall talking with the real Fizz. He'd been up on stage, telling jokes, doing acts, and you'd gotten him to pick on you once or twice. Maybe make him laugh, but it all ended too quickly.
You inwardly let out a little sigh again, and pick up the broom you'd dropped earlier in the evening. Before the temper tantrum you had, you were on your way to clean up the floors of the tent. Robo Fizz's show ended a bit ago, and clearly the imps in here were slobs. Popcorn and soda cups were left all over the floor.
"Well, go-O-OO-d luck with all of t-THA-that, kid." Fizz says, stretching his way back to the stage. You flip him off, and take your time cleaning. Might as well get the extra hours while you can.
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viviloveschilde · 1 year
Hello! I liked your childe fics :> i have this thing tht has been in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it with you :D
Like imagine mordern au childe with gamer s/o<3 theyre laying together in bed with childe on theur chest hugging their waist and listening to their heartbeat as s/o is playing on their nintendo/phone<33 childe trying to get their attention but theyre to focused on beating the boss instead of giving him his cuddles and kisses TT its not like theyre ignoring him yk they respond to him and a give a few head pats whenever they can but childe thinks its not enough still so he ends up whining and complaining about how theyre not paying attention to him :( s/o eventually gives in to his pleading and gives him the attention he deserves<3
(Maybe he even glares at their nintendo for stealing s/o's attention away from him)
(can i be 🦅anon? <3)
Dear 🦅anon,
thats actually an amazing idea~ So I'm gonna do the honors of writing my first requested fic! Thx for the request and it was rlly fun to write! Oh and yes, I hope you like it <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:pure fluff only, no warnings <3
𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅
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"Childe...I need to defeat the boss in (favourite game)...come on...ill give you attention later...."
You mumbled slightly frustrated over how clingy Childe was today. On normal days,Childe was clingy enough but now that he could not get your attention, he was as clingy as ever.
Childe was basically clinging onto you at this point, with his arms snaking around your waist and his head resting on your chest, listening to your calming heartbeat.
"But cutie...your beautiful e/c eyes should be on me, not the Nintendo! "
You glance at him for a split second, looking at how he was pouting and whining for you to finally give in and give him all your attention.
"It won't take too long, be patient..."
You give him a head pat and he let's out a satisfied sigh, thinking that you had finally given in. But when your hand left his ginger hair, his eyes sparked with frustration as he glared at the Nintendo.
"Ugh...that stupid Nintendo getting all of y/n's attention..."
He muttered under his breath. You let out a small chuckle as you heard what he said and planted a small, lingering kiss on his nose.
"Now now...I'll be done fighting the boss soon..."
You cooed, trying to pacify him but he continued to look at you with those puppy dog eyes of his.
You had no choice but to give in.
You placed your Nintendo on the bed and jumped into his arms. Although you did this mainly for him to stop being a whiny little baby, you enjoyed it as well.
"I see that you have finally come back to your senses and gave your sweet boyfriend a hug, eh? "
He gently teased you while nudging your cheeks, he longed to pinch them but obviously, now was not the time to do that.
He plants soft kisses all over your face and pulls you in for a gentle hug, smirking at the Nintendo as if he had beat it in a game of winning your attention.
A smug smile tugged on his lips as the game on the Nintendo sounded "GAME OVER". He let out a soft chuckle before pulling you in and cuddling you like he needed you to live, he did need you in his life after all.
What a way to end playing your favourite game, with sweet cuddles and kisses, but you didn't complain anyway, so Childe took it as a sign that you enjoyed it and that he would most definitely do it again.
Side note: Hi it's me! Hope you enjoyed it 🦅anon and feel free to send requests whenever you want some<3 If u don't mind, do give me a tiny like and follow on the way out! I rlly appreciate it~ thx! (^з^)-☆Chu!!
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joestarwhore · 3 years
Dark!Yandere!Jojo’s x AFAB!Reader - giorno giovanna & josuke higashikata
TW: forced, non con, manipulation, dead dove do not eat.
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The entire town of Morioh knows who you are. & Now, it’s not that you knew them personally. They knew your ever following shadow.
Josuke Higashikata.
Eyes, whispers, stares would be thrown at you, but fear would overcome those actions. All it took was a look from Josuke to be reminded.
What’s Josukes is Josukes.
This would piss the ever loving shit off of him. You’d be walking down the street of the town, his breath would become eerily slow. His arm would wrap around you and his hand would rest on top of your tail bone.
His fingers would ever so slowly creep more and more towards your soft cunt, adrenaline centering more and more in your core.
“I remind them time after time to keep their greedy fucking eyes off of you and what to they do?!” He sneered into your ear, “They look at those filthy whore tits of yours.”
Reddened cheeks and a horny driven fog clouded your mind as Josuke pushed you into an alley.
Josuke’s greedy eyes and cocky lips grazed your body as he pushed you onto the asphalt. “Jojo, stop!” you cry out to him, “This is too public & i don-“
Josukes hand collided with your cheek, the force of it throwing you into the brick wall of the alley. You screamed in pain as you fell to the ground, Josuke quick to be on top of you before you could register even falling.
“You know better than to talk back to me, you dumb slut!” He yelled at you menacingly, “I am your boyfriend and sooner than you think, going to be your husband. You. Belong. To. ME.” Crazy Diamond appeared to rip your jeans from your body, cold air of the evening hitting your oddly soaked underwear. Men were peaking from the alley entrance ways watching you be forced upon by your boyfriend who made the town fear your presence. The amount of control you lacked at this moment was embarrassingly arousing.
Josuke put either of your legs over his shoulders, leaning his torso down to where his weight was bending you in half. Fear and adrenaline coursed through your veins as you begged him to stop and to think about this. “Josuke please, i’m so scared-“ Your pleas were cut off by his lips pressing into yours.
“There’s no need to be scared. I control your everything remember, baby? This is just,” he rips your shirt in half and pulls apart your bra in the process. “a reminder to every pervert watching your ass as you walk by. You. Are,”
Without even realizing he had prepared himself , he aligned the tip of his dick with your entrance and bottomed out in you. Your screams echoed the alleyway, men peaking from the entry ways tugging at their pricks to your screams and destroyed pussy. “What are you, Y/N? Tell me what you are and Daddy will make you feel so so good.”
“NNN, FUCK- I’m yours, Josuke!! I’m all yours and ill never leave you PLEASE!!” You screamed as you had a death grip on both of his arms. “Make it stop!!”
Josuke smirked as he slowed his thrusts, rubbing your clit with his thumb in rhythm with his hips. Your screams of pain turned into moans of ecstasy. Your orgasm came as your head became fuzzy and dark. Your wet & sloppy pussy pulsed around his rock hard cock, and with a sick moan he came inside of you.
Josuke pulled out of your crying cunt, fixing his clothes & of course, not bothering to fix yours. He picked you up and looked down at your weak form, not able to stay conscious for very long.
“They just need a reminder sometimes baby, you understand why i did that right?”
You managed a nod.
You knew itd happen again too.
Morioh was heaven and hell. You’d never leave.
Giorno Giovanna doesn’t show stress.
His ever growing estate was your gothic designed prison. You didn’t leave your room. Your ankle was chained to your bed post, you didn’t wear normal clothes, simply beautiful sets of lingerie Giorno would pick for you.
He would always tell you how beautiful you looked. Giorno made sure that his work was done before sunset every day, never missing a minute with you. Giorno might be your captor here, but he was a ray of sunshine you treasured to see.
Today was.. different.
The door quietly opened, and Giorno’s italian dress shoes signified his entrance to your room. The silence was more deafening than anything he could’ve yelled or said. His ocean blue eyes simply just stared at you.
Before you could ask him what was wrong, vines gripped your wrists and ankles and dragged you to a starfish position. Your cries of fear did nothing to Giorno’s expression, in fact they drew him closer.
Giorno stared at your position, drinking in every ounce of how out of control you truly were.
“I killed a squad today.”
Fear settled in your heart. He KILLED a squad?!
“I heard them across the compound, you see. Their Capo was here to drop off his report and their loud mouth assassin decided to speak into the rumors about this estate.
“Like how there’s a beautiful (Y/A) girl here locked away, only seen by the Don.” His unmoving tone made your chest stagger with breath, what could he have possibly done?! “They then started to discuss how they could come use your filthy cunt since you’re sucking my cock every day anyway.”
Giorno’s body started swaying towards you in an eerily patterned way. “I don’t allow intrusion on something so precious of mine.”
Giorno’s body would bend over you, making you fall onto your back. Your (E/C) eyes gazed into his with fear dancing in your heart. Giorno’s lanky hands slid under your panties as you bucked without control against his fingers. His lips attached to your neck and sucked and nursed at the nape of your neck.
Giorno kept a constant pace against your clit, working your panties to the side to line up his cock at your entrance. “Tell me, (Y/N),”
His cock entered your entrance slowly, resulting in a moan falling out of your mouth.
“Who do you belong to?”
“Hnng- you, Giorno.. !!”
His long cock started to consistently pump in and out of you, making you grip his shoulders for support.
“And tell me, mi amore, what is the price for those who covet what is mine?!”
Giorno started to piston his hips in and out of you relentlessly. Your screams echoed your bedroom as you replied the best you could.
A large hand gripped your face and make your eyes look at his, a domineering gaze settled upon you.
Pleasure assaulted every part of your body, convulsing every muscle of you to massage his cock pulsating inside you. Hot threads of cum shot into your overstimulated womb, cries of relief coming out if you both.
Gio slid out of you, landing his body over yours to hold your shaking self against his body.
“I am your life, your death, your evermore. Don’t forget that, darling.”
“I’m always watching.”
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
james potter smut alphabet
james potter x fem!reader
a/n: that took from 9:45pm-12:pm then 7am-9:20am THAT TOOK SO LONG OMG
i’m sorry if it’s bad
warning: literally pure sex smut all that jazz
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
that man is the softest dom, literally the DEFINITION. he gives u so many kisses, he praises u, he will shower with you, wash your hair, gives u his clothes LITERALLY THE BEST.
“mhm jamie, too tired” you murmur. your body melting into the mattress as you speak, all worn down. “but, love.” he pushes your hair behind your ears, pulling you up. “gotta get you all nice and clean f’me.”
he pulls you up, his calloused hands gripping onto your thighs, bringing you into the bathroom. the shower already nice and warm ready for the both of you. he’s holding you under the warm water to the point where you might collapse if it wasn’t for his grip.
“you did good love, so so good all f’me.” he says sponging kisses on your forehead, both of his hands on your lower back holding you.
“i love you, my sweets.”
“you’re the only one f’me.”
you were so tired, so vulnerable just allowing james to take care of you because that’s all he wanted to do.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his biceps, simple. he does A LOT of quidditch training to get to his strength. he also takes pride in being able to just fuck you against the lockers from his strength. it also inflates his ego when he catches you staring at his biceps. or when he’s taking you underneath him your gripping his biceps like your life depended on it.
“james- fuck.” you moaned into his neck, his lips sucking dark hues into your collar bones and his left forearm resting right beside your head and his other gripping around your waist.
he started going slower, but deeper. he hit a new angle inside of you almost hitting your cervix. you let out a strangled moan gripping his bicep almost digging your nails into the flesh.
his head dipping out from beneath your neck to slot your plush reddened lips with his.
that man and you’re THIGHS. he’s a thigh man don’t tell me other wise. whether ur in your school skirt, jeans, leggings, underwear ;) his legs AND HANDS always divert to the soft plush skin of your thigh.
your ankles insticntly went to lock around james’ head, he had been in between your thighs for hours on end without a stop.
“james- i’m gonna cum.” you breathed out in a moan. his hands squeezing at the flesh on your thigh, they were reddened and begging to lightly bruise from him doing those similar actions for the last hour and a half.
“cum darling, cum for me.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
so, esentially speaking theres wizard potions to block out pregnancy. so he would be CUMMING INSIDE OF U. not nessesarily a breeding kink but he likes when your full and stuffed with his cum. he also loves to cum on your chest or thighs because he likes the contrast to your skin and he think it makes you so utterly pretty.
the wave of euphoria and stars dancing across your vision had almost come to an end as your boyfriends thrust got sloppy and rigid.
“pretty girl where do you want it, where do you want my cum?” he panted to you, close to his release.
“i want you to cum inside me jamie, please. fill me up.” you let out a small moan at his constant friction when you felt ropes of seed shoot into you, he rode out his orgasam then pulled out. you clenched around nothing as he came face to you cunt.
he pushed his fingers into you, a small moan leaving your mouth as you made eye contact with him.
“gotta keep you all nice and full, yeah?”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
there’s nothing he would want more than a lap dance. you in you your lingerie you had just bought giving him a little show after one of a quidditch wins. 
“mhm, sit f’me.” you whispered into his ear, placing him to hit at the end of his four poster bed.
“and what have you got going on darling? a suprise?” he said, leaning against his two hands watching you pry at your tie and slip it off.
slowly unbuttoning your school blouse, flinging it on the floor. he lets out a small groan at the sight of you almost naked in your skirt. you walk towards him shuffling onto his lap.
“you did win after all, and winners get rewards.” you said circling your hips onto his clothed cock .
“fuck... the things you do to me.” he groaned into your ear as you continued.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m gonna be honest i don’t think that much when you first get together. i mean there’s been ladies he’s a marauder but he’s only ever wanted to you so i feel like he just gets to know your body really well and he sort of just has instincts. like during your first time there’s those little awkward moments but you both make it run all good and smoothly
“s’gonna hurt y/n.” he murmured to you, situating himself in between your legs as you lock your ankles behind his back.
“i know, but i want this. i want you. i need you inside me.” you whisper in desperation for him, needing to feel him.
“you ready?”
“mhm, please.”
he slowly started to slide into you, when you let out your first hiss of discomfort, he slotted his fingers between yours and slightly halted his movements.
“keep going jamie.” you encouraged
he slid his way into your cunt until he was fully in.
“move please, i need to feel you.” he did his first pulse, light movements when you let an involuntary moan escape the threshold of your lips.
“mhm- jamie, keep going.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
missionary bc he just wants to see your beautiful face, against the quidditch lockers so he can just hold you against them or doggy bc he likes to choke you or pull you up so he can see your back arch for him.
you heard the bang of metal as james took you against the quidditch lockers and you tried to muffle your moans against his lips.
“gotta- gotta be quiet love. wouldn’t want anyone to know what we’re doing in here.” he panted into you ear. he continued as he angled your leg higher, hitting you g-spot as he continued his pace.
“james fuck- so good. so fucking good.”
“you look so fucking beautiful like this y/n.”
“j-james i- i cant hold on much longer. s’too much.” you moaned and whimpered from the back of your throat.
“pretty girl cum for me.”
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
there’s 2 kinds of sex with james, giggly super soft lovie sex. not necessarily making jokes but just giggling because he just tickled your side my accident or accidentally bumping noses. or there’s big dom daddy james where it’s very PASSIONATE but he’s very dominate.
his hand ran down the depth of your curves, a little giggle bubbling through your throat. he looked at you with a cocked brow, repeating his action as his chin rested on your stomach a small smirk on his lips.
you giggled again, your hand running through his hair. you brought his face to your lips as your finger tips danced under his jaw.
he giggled at your actions as well, also seemingly ticklish under his neck.
“you’re so distracting james potter.” you groaned as he continued to pulse through you while giggling at you.
“i’m distractingly beautiful y/n y/l/n”
“quite insuffer- fuck!” you were caught off with a moan as his fingertips danced on your clit. stimulating you.
“hmmm darling, cat got your tongue?”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
so james has that thick mangle of tresses on his head, so i feel like he’s quite cleanly shaven, maybe just a bit of a stubble? but i feel like he would shave not only to make it more comfortable for him but for you seemingly easier and more comfortable.
i don’t think he would care if you were shaved or not, as long as you were comfortable your natural body hair is not stopping him from going down on your or having sex with you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
ROMANCE KING ILL SAY IT ONCE ILL SAY IT TWICE ILL SAY IT THREE TIMES IF HE COULD EVERYTIME HE WOULD SPREAD ROSE PETALS AND CANDLES AND LIGHT FIRE PLACES AND E V E R Y T H I N G. during the whole thing your hands would e interlocked with his, chests pressed against eachother, eye contact, soft touches, soft kisses and mumbles of praise like whew.
“jamie- what’s this?” you asked, your eyes scanning around the room with floating candles and rose petals on the floor.
“well i figured i’d make it special, i dunno.” he murmured shoving his hands in his pockets. you turned towards him with a grin your face.
you grasped his face between your palms lightly kissing his lips before speaking.
“a real sap you are potter, my sap.”
“correct, 10 points go y/h.”
“thanks professor potter.” you teased before leaning in to kiss his lips again.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he would A LOT and you would catch him A LOT. somwtimes u aren’t always there but u know what is there, a picture of you and his hands and he makes due when he needs too. but normally he just goes to you because he would rather anyways but sometimes there are bigger priorities then his random hard ons.
“y/n- fuck me...” he moaned, his hand pumping his cock in one hand and the other gripping his bed post, knuckles turning a shade of white.
his only thought being the way you looked under him, on top of him, infront of him, you’re beautiful beautiful body. you were currently occupied helping mcgonagall with extra transfiguration while james was in need... of you.
you had finished early, waltzing into james’ room like normal except you were met with a familiar sight of james pumping his cock in his hand while his head was slightly leant back and his jaw was slack.
you cleared your throat, crossing your arms and a smirk on your lips with an eyebrow raise. “couldnt wait atleast an hour could you?” you teased, walking closer.
“well now that your here, could you lend a hand?”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
james has a daddy kink😐 literally that’s one of his most prominent kinks. i mean your his angel, his darling girl he would do anything for you i mean he just wants to make you happy. and i mean you calling him daddy while withering under him just makes him 😁
“daddy... please.” you begged him.
“ive been a good girl. i promise!” you were almost yelling at him, wanting him to understand.
“sweetheart we’re you a good girl when flirting with sirius?” his face got seemingly close to yours, asking you the question while raising one of his eyebrows.
“no daddy.” you said, embarassed. you had been waiting for james attention all night long but instead he was stuck all up in detention for a prank against snape.
and then when he finally arrived to the common room he barely spared you a word, so you did what you had to do to grab his attention and... it worked.
“so tell me baby, whyd you break the rules?”
“i just wanted your attention daddy! i just wanted you!”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
i think his fave would be the dorms in the bed. but the prefects bath is a very close second. and he surely doesn’t mind the common room or broom closets that are very open to public where you both could get caught in comprising positions.
you heard the slosh of the water beside you, as you moved your hips onto james’ submerged underneath the prefects bath water as u straddled him.
his hands came to steady your hips as your buried your head in his neck, and continuously grinding your cunt onto james’ dick.
“fuck angel... just like that.” he moaned while tightening his grip
“f-fuck jamie-“ you whimpered in his ear, clawing at his shoulders.
“you’re doing amazing pretty girl, keep doing- fuck- you feel so good around me.” he praised you while groaning.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
“so fucking tired.” james muttered walking into the common room after a two hour detention with filch.
he saw your body displayed on the vermillion couch, very opening that his body could just rest on yours while you were in a conversation with remus and sirius.
he quietly sprawled his head on your lap, his arms arranging around your waist as he gor comfortable.
you mindlessly started caressing his hair, and pulling on the tuffs lovingly, that was until you felt a hard pressure pressing against your calf that you remembered james’ small dirty secret.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t feel like he would be into hurting you? like slapping, knife kinks, seeing you hurt i don’t think he would find that arousing he would more just be concerned because he doesn’t like to see your hurting. i think he would still like spankings but i don’t think he would slap you in the face or anything.
“so y/n, d’you think you’d try it?” sirius asked you, while your eyes paid more attention on the potions text book infront of you.
“try what?” you muttered, clearly disinterested in the conversation.
“knives in bed.”
you brought your head up to look at him, cocking an eyebrow confused at his question.
“um, probably not. i don’t know that’s an odd question pads.” you muttered turning your attention back to your potions book.
“but wouldnt that like... hurt her?” you heard james say in a concerned and confused tone to sirius.
“could if you wanted too, but it’s more of the thrill.” sirius replied to james.
“no, i don’t think i want the ‘thrill’ m’good, thanks.” he agitatedly replied to sirius and looked at his own book.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
i feel like he would like both equally but he’s more of a giver at heart. it’s kind of whatever happens in the moment because when your thighs are wrapped around his head it’s like heaven but your pretty lips wrapped around his cock? also heaven.
your hands braced his thighs as your plunged your mouth deeper onto his girth, trying to take him all in while breathing for your knows.
“you take my cock so well pretty girl.” he praises to you, his hand in a makeshift pony tail holding your hair away from your face.
you went back to his tip, kissing and swirling your tongue around trying to catch your breath before pushing your mouth onto him keeping a fast past.
“i’m gonna cum-“ he groaned and his own release shooting ropes of cum down youve throat cut him off.
he slowly rid out his high as you continue to suck and then swirled your tongue around the tip and opening your mouth to show that you had swallowed his release.
“good girl.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like he changes pace a lot? sometimes it’s really fast, and deep but sometimes very slow and passionate and deep and loving. he’s a man of many talents and whatever the mood is he can keep that pace.
his hand had one firm grasp on your waist as he pounded you from behind and the other gripped the root of your hair.
“you gonna be a messy little girl?” he taunted you through gritted teeth
“y-yes.” you muttered through moans.
he had just lost a quidditch match to slytherin and you offered a solution.
something nice and rough.
and that’s exactly what the both of you wanted.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
i feel like they would happen from time to time but i feel like he would be more into proper sex because you are literally his only priority like getting you off is all he cares about so maybe there’s a quick a few times but definitely not all the time.
“shh if you’re not quiet someone’s going to walk walk by and hear.” james taunted you, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head dug into his neck trying to hold back your moans.
“james- i- i cant s’too much, too much.” you said while biting your lip, unable to see much do you the darkness of the broom closet.
“well sweet girl that’s what happens when you get needy during school hm? is my pretty little slut gonna cum all over my cock while anyone could walk in?” he began to mock you.
“mhm- yes.” your lip becoming dry and chapped from all the incessant biting, “please can i cum?”
“go on, cum y/n.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
i feel as long as it wasn’t hurting you or it ended up with you or him like getting with other people he would try it?
“are you sure, m’scared i might hurt you.” james murmured while tying your hands up to the bed post.
“m’fine, promise.” you assured him, that night you were trying something new. both of you had previously talked about ties and bondage and you wanted to try it once to see if you’d both like it.
you pulled on the ropes a bit making sure they weren’t cutting off the circulation of your wrists.
“see? m’good jamie.”
“ok but if something happens tell me, i don’t want you to hold back because i might be enjoying it you’re not.”
“james i promise.”
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
that man happens to be a QUIDDITCH PRODIGY. HE IS A SEEKER. WHICH MEANS HE CAN LAST AWHILE. i believe that he would stop when you wanted to stop, like he could fuck you all night if he wanted too.
“one more darling, one more f’me.” his voice hoarse from the previous three rounds.
he wanted to know if you could go any more, ready to stop at any time.
“one more?” you said breathily to him.
“just one.”
“yes daddy, i want you, please.” you plead to your bespectacled boyfriend, you began clenching around nothing feeling empty again.
“mhm please, please i want you.”
“alright darling, no need to fret. m’right here.” he assured.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i think he’s more like “why would you need those when you have me.” type of guy. like i don’t feel like he would have them even for punishments he would rather do it himself, even because he would feel closer to you like he’d rather fuck and tease you then silicone (bruh 😭)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
i feel like you would do more of the teasing because he would automatically become obdient to you. if he was teasing it wouldn’t be for long because he would fuck himself from watching you squirm and tease you.
his palm rested on the inside of your thigh, tracing little shapes as goosebumps rose onto your skin.
“nervous, darling?” he teased in your ear while you were trying to converse with peter about arithmancy homework during dinner at the great hall.
“james. stop. teasing.” you said through gritted teeth, your legs squirming at his fingers grazing your panties.
“but you’re so beautiful like this, about to make a mess during dinner? think that’s polite y/n?” he mocked you, he loved that he had that effect on you.
you turned towards his face that was almost touching the shell of your ear.
“if you keep doing this i won’t fuck you for a month.” you whispered, venom like words leaving your throat.
his sapphire eyes quickly widened as he moved his hand by the cap of your knee. you smirked as he was almost frantic by your words.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he wants the whole hogwarts castle to know that you’re his so he is loud. he groans, he moans, he dirty talks, he moans your name like he is EXTRA with it. sometimes you almost have to shush him but he’s not having any of that.
“james, hush! you’re going to get all the prefrecfs scrambling around the room if you’re to loud!” you said covering his mouth, feeling him smirk against your palm.
“but darling, that’s the whole point. don’t you want everyone to know who you belong to?” you flushed and pulled your hand away from his face.
“that’s what i thought love.”
“you know sirius will never let us live this down, bet he can hear from the common room.”
“then let’s give him a show, shall we?”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
cockwarming. if you’re being a brat that’s one of the ways he’s gonna punish you, while he’s working on a prank and his arm is just around your waist to make you stop squirming.
“if you’re going to be a brat angel, i’m gonna start treating you like one.” he murmured to your squirming figure as he tried to figure out a new prank on snape.
you were sat on top of his cock, clenching and squirming almost begging for him to touch you.
“jamie please i need you, please, please please.” you begged him, yet no avail. a determined look on his face as he was scribbling on the parchment.
he swatted your bum, you jolted a bit at the sudden friction of his hand and began to whine.
he looked at you, a dark look in his eyes which shut you up immediately because you knew what that look meant.
“hmm, so you can listen to the rules? good girl.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
that man is big and thick and he KNOWS HE IS. i’d say 8inches hard?
you rested your bum on to your calves before scooching up to this belt buckle as he was standing, holding a faux-ponytail of your hair between his calloused fingers.
“are you sure, y/n? you don’t have to if you don’t want too.” he looked down at you, puling your eyes to look in his sapphire ones.
“m’sure james.” you assured him, undoing the buckle and swiftly pulling down his boxers and uniform pants at the same time.
his shirt discarded on the floor earlier, his dick slapping his clenched stomach. he was already hard from your teasing and grinding earlier.
your eyes widened at his size, nervous how you would fit it all in your mouth.
“what’s wrong darling?” he started to get concerned at your frozen state.
“nothing.. y-your just, so big.” you said looking at his cock and hearing a chuckle in the backround.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
i feel like it’s pretty high but it’s always depending on you, he would rather die than force you to do anything if you weren’t feeling it or just didn’t want too. so if you’re up for anything than so is he.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if it’s during the day i don’t think he would get that tired, but if it was during the night and he just finished aftercare i feel like you would lay on his chest if he hadn’t worked you hard enough and you guys would just talk about anthing. but if you guys did a lot of rounds and you were on the verge of slumber he would just kiss your hairline and praise you as you fell asleep.
“my good girl.” he said while kissing your forehead. “i love you so so much, you’re the only one for me.” his hand dragging against the arch of your back, the only thing seperating him from your skin was the shirt he put on you.
“my sweets, does everything for me. how could i have gotten so lucky.” he whispered on the shell of your ear.
“hmm, jamie been asking myself the same thing.” you murmured, sleep almost pulling you under but not enough for you to reply to him.
“goodnight james. i love you.”
“i love you more, my sweets.”
taglist: @mushroomfleur @fathermarty @kittykylax @famdomhideout @90steaology
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keilemlucent · 3 years
if you are interested, i would like to present my dear salem with hero hawks and his little horny crush on his innocent assistant bc man’s corruption kink go brrrrrr😇
okay look LOOK i have... such a thing for hawks getting a h*rd on for his sweet, far-too kind PA.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: dubcon, coersion, (a little bit of) yandere hawks, reader wears lingerie, reader is sorta oblivious,  sugar daddy hawks, scumbag hawks, power imbalance, hawks is a manipulative bastard but its hot so who cares <3
“Are you sure this is... appropriate, sir?” 
No, no, definitely not, not at all. Taking his sweet, desperately-in-need-of-a-break PA out on a little shopping spree was definitely crossing a lot of professional lines, but how could he care? He was far more focused on the wobbly way ‘sir’ had dripped off your tongue.
It wasn’t sin, but he’d get you there, he was quite persuasive. 
The little shopping trip (literally) landed you at a luxury mall across Fukuoka, many-floored and lavishing decorated with twinkling, bright bulbs and crystal on every fixture. The stores were expensive, too expensive for you to afford on your own but Keigo knew how hard you’d been working! All that extra paperwork (he’d been purposefully giving you because it kept you around the office later and more often) had been getting done beautifully, and you deserved a treat. Many of them. 
Consider it an early bonus.
You already had quite a few bags dangling off your arms, the cords and ribbons digging into your arms (god, he wished he could make some marks of his own--). And Keigo had decided to treat you to one, final stop. He guided you to the store entrance with a hand on your lower back.
God help you, a lingerie store.
Nothing cheap, only custom-made and designer pieces. It was more of a boutique, some places private where no one would bother the two of you. 
He watched your expression, the pull of your brows and the way your pupils dilated. It might’ve been from a bit of ill-placed stress, but he’s sure he can get your eyes just as inky other ways, if given the opportunity. 
“This is remarkably appropriate, dove,” He hummed and ushered you inside the store entrance, flashing a grin to the starry-eyed salesclerk. His hand drifted downward, just over the upper curves of your ass, just to watch you squirm. “Consider it a reward! You’ve been doing so much good for me and the agency, you deserve a treat or two, don’t you think?”
You shifted the bags on your arms and dared to meet his gaze with your own, meek and wide, “I-I think this is more than ‘a treat or two’--”
“Then shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, thanking me for my generosity then?” Keigo smirked as your expression faltered. You were way too easy and god, he fucking loved it.
Before you had a chance to fret anymore, he assured you quietly that everything was alright. A bit of praise to ice the pinpricks he left behind. He shooed you into the fitting rooms, pointing a beaming smile at a clerk and getting to work. 
He’d have you spoiled, whether you liked it or not.
You sat on the plush bench of the fitting room, hands in fist and lip tucked between your teeth. You chewed on it, swallowing around your dry throat. Hawks’ voice drifted back from the salesfloor, though you couldn’t tell what he was saying. You could pick up words like ‘sweet’ and ‘cute’ and you could only assume the words were about the bright-eyed, big-titted employee you saw when you walked in.
You squeeze the fabric of your skirt and tried to let some of the tension in your shoulders dissipate. 
“Oh, wow, dove, the selection they have here is amazing!” Hawks whistled as he returned to the fitting room, alone, carrying an armful of padded, velvet hangers. 
“I can imagine,” You wished you could have looked around a bit yourself, but Hawks had a much better eye for these things than you did. You were very fortunate to have him around. 
He arranged them on a gold railing nearby, wings tucked to his back as to not crowd the small space of the dressing room.
It was truly just a single room, though it was large enough. Six-sided, each wall complete with a well-padded, velvet bench seat to idle on. The middle of the room had a little raised platform, leading to three, angled mirrors. They were massive and felt a bit too revealing as Hawks hummed to himself nearby.
The only thing separating you from the rest of the store was a heavy, velvet draping. 
Hawks plopped onto the cushion next to you, letting out a deep sigh and leaning back. You watched him, gaze flickering from the garments on the rack and the exposed patch of his chest visible from the unpopped buttons of his shirt. 
His feathers brushed up against your arm and you shuddered.
“Now, sweet thing,” He clicked his tongue, jerking his gaze to the hangers. “I picked out some pretty sweet pieces for you. Why don’t you try them on and let me know what you think, hm?”
You nodded, though your stomach felt like there was suddenly lead in it. From the looks of the lace and silks, those pieces weren't going to cover much of anything. You mentally sparred with yourself.
It’s not... that bad. It’s not like he’s going to see anything more than he would if you were wearing a swimsuit. 
Besides, this a gift, right? You should at least show him what he’d paid for on an actual body. 
He had you so well-trained--
You stood, moving to the rack on shaking legs and examining the pieces.
They’re all... a bit whorish. None of those soft babydolls and teddies that folks wore in those softcore pornos that you definitely never watched. The pieces Hawks picked for you aren’t the least bit modest. They’re all lace, mesh, and ribbons. Stockings and garters that looked like they might be a tich too snug. You grab the least garish-looking piece. 
And Hawks was still in the room, body lax and slumped against the cushions.
His eyes lazily opened, a bushy brow-raising, “You good, dove?” 
“... Aren’t you gonna step out?” 
He chuckled and you knew you were fucked. Just not literally, not yet. 
“Why the hell would I do that?” Hawks laughed and righted himself. His vibrant gold eyes bore into yours, though they looked more black than topaz by that point. 
You swallowed. 
“I would prefer if you d-did.”
“And if I don’t?” His voice oozed something that made your knees weak. “What then? I know you don’t like disappointing me.”
You didn’t, but this was a bit far. ‘A bit’. 
“... s-sir, please,” You begged, albeit quietly. 
This was crossing lines. As much as Hawks gave you special treatment at the agency, literally and figuratively taking you under his wing and tending to your needs as he saw them and has he saw fit, stripping and playing dress-up in expensive lingerie definitely was too far.
As much as part of you adored the attention, you tried to keep that quiet. Stuffed down and hidden. Hawks was your boss, and you had to keep yourself occupied with his busy schedule and mountains of paperwork, lest you allow yourself to dissolve into thinking his attentions were anything other than favoritism. 
Oh my god, you really were that dense
“’Please’?” Hawks cocked his head to the side, the corners of his lips curling. “‘Please’ what, dovey? Tell me.”
You let out a shaking breath, “Hawks, this is remarkably inappropriate--” 
“Maybe,” He cuts you off swiftly, a flap of his wings pushing him to his feet and directly in front of you. “You just need some help? That’s it?”
Your mouth went dry. He wasn’t wrong, not really. 
“That’s all, huh?” Hawks ran a hand through his hair, his wings curling around the room, too-wide and fluffed for the small space. “Should’ve just said something. I imagine you don’t do this kind of thing often.”
“N-no, I don’t.”
Does anyone? 
“That’s alright, I know you try your best and just need that extra push, hm?” Hawks sighed, deep in his chest. 
With the scarlet swallowing your peripheral vision, you feel like you’re suffocating. Maybe in a good way. You nodded, pliant.
He always knows you. What you want, what you crave, what you need. 
Nimble fingers untucked your blouse from your waist, and you yipped at the chill of his fingers. He was undeterred, loosening the garment and immediately going for the buttons.
One by one, they came undone and you wrap your arms tighter around your middle. Hawks ogled, openly and without a care. It made something in you writhe, but you still wanted more of it. His attention, overt affections that supposedly mean nothing-- you want it.
He slid the blouse from your shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. You watched as his feather shuddered, rippling as he let out a few harsh breaths. You knew how you must look, hot and flushed to the touch. Bare on your upper half, sans a cheap bra that had seen better. 
“Are you sure--” You weren’t sure what you were going to ask, but Hawks didn’t let you say it besides.
“Yes, of course, obviously,’” He licked his goddamn lips. A taloned-finger caught the pilling strap of your bra, snapping it against your shoulder. “Besides, look at this! Can’t have you representing the agency, me, and my brand wearing shit like this.”
Something burned in your gut, some mix of shame and arousal that was threatening to spill from the wet corners of your eyes. 
Hawks dropped to his knees, so fast you hardly could register it. His hands hooked in your skirt by the first two knuckles and tugged and he went down. The sound of splitting fabric cracked in the air, and your skirt fell to the floor in tatters.
And Hawks, the fucker, hovered just inches away from your covered cunt. The cheap cotton of your panties did nothing to shield you from the hot breath that he fanned over you.
“H-Hawks!” You cried out, attempting to push at his shoulders with sweaty palms. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Just taking a closer look,” He gave you no time to protest as those quick fingers of his pulled the elastic of your panties, tugging them down your thighs. He had the decency to tap your ankles, one at a time, so you could step out of the garment. “You don’t mind, do you?”
You let him. 
Perhaps you should’ve protested a bit more. Maybe. But it wasn’t like this wasn’t your wildest fantasy. Your sweet, too-kind boss, spoiling you. You weren’t sure if you’d thought about Hawks that way at first, but he had gotten to you at some point. The impromptu lunches, the late nights together, the walks and flights home. There was even that one he’d managed to wrestle a guy getting too handsy at a club with (how had he known you’d even been there?)
Hawks unclipped your bra, throwing the thing to the side with a  look akin to disgust. He snatched the hanger and garment from your hand and nodded toward the platform.
“Stand over there like a good girl for me, okay? Don’t take your eyes off yourself.”
You couldn’t disobey him, could you?
You’d seen what he did to people who crossed him, when it really mattered. He didn’t put his heart or energy into something unless he really, actually cared. And the handful of times you’d seen that go to shit had left memories of sharpened feathers and terror-filled eyes in their wake.
But you were good for him. His assistant who always made sure his meetings lined up with his patrols, and that everything was brief unless entirely necessary otherwise. You were the one who made sure he had caffeine nearby and a full belly, even on his most busy of days. 
He’d never do anything other than be kind, right?
You didn’t want to find out otherwise. 
He approached you from behind, the silk of the garment tucked over his arm. His eyes looked predatory, gleaming and inky. 
He only stopped when his chest is flush to your back, hands finding their home just above your hips with a squeeze. You shuddered at the feeling, new and raw and you couldn’t tell if you hated or loved it. 
“I want to see how this looks on you, god,” Hawks groaned, nails biting into your skin. “Hold still for me, dove.”
You did.
You didn’t dare move an inch as Hawks took his sweet time dressing you up. The garment is silken straps, the lace wrapping around the curves of your hips and chest, securely with expert bows that he pats into place after each one.
It was impossible to ignore the bulge pressing into your ass. Even as he pulled the pair of panties between your cheeks, stroking the lace and the fat with a wide palm, you were far more focused on the heat and hardness slowly grinding at the other cheek.
He tied you up expertly, and you watched in the mirrors, seeing each angle of it. The way his hands squeezed and pulled at your flesh along the way. The hungry glint in his eyes as he traced your figure. The way his wings seemed to shake and flutter in tandem with your short, quick breaths.
You were truly at his mercy. 
“Look at that,” He whistled low, grabbing your jaw and pulling your gaze just where he’d like. “Tied up like a pretty present I told you this would be good, didn’t I?”
“Y-You did.”
Hawks sighed, draping himself over your shoulders and nuzzling into your neck. You could feel the part of his plush lips, the way they drag over your skin. You swore you a nip or two.
His gaze met yours in the mirror. One of his hands trailed low, very low, sliding over top of the lace panties and cupping your sex. His index fingers lazily traced your lips through the fabric, idle. His other went to grope your chest, more insistent as he palmed at you, pinching a nipple as you began to sputter. 
A warbled moan cracked from your lips as Hawks fingers dipped below the seams of the pretty garment, rubbing at just the rights parts of you, tugging your body flush to his. 
“W-Wait, Hawks!” You wrapped a hand around on his wrist, begging your breath to stay somewhat even. “What if someone hears? Or one of the employees comes back? What if--”
“Do you think I care?” Hawks groaned, grunting as he ground into your ass. The unmistakable sound of fabric tearing cut through the room (again) and the fabric of his pants hit the ground. And suddenly you could feel how hard and hot he was. 
Something twisted in your gut and your legs rubbed together. Hawks caught your gaze, scarlet enveloping the room from the sides of your vision and the mirror in front of you.
Hawks shifted your face toward his, nosing along your cheek. The grip on your jaw was replaced by one on your throat; he was hardly exerting any pressure but the threat and meaning were clear.
Keigo has you right where he wants you. He always has, always will. You’re just a bit too... naive? No, maybe dumb... That’s a bit mean, isn’t it?”
“You need this just as I do,” He spoke low and rolling, touch burning like embers. “You know you do. I know you do. You trust me, don’t know?”
All you could do was nod before Keigo slotted his lips to yours, staking a claim that was only new to you. He nipped at your bottom lip, tugged until you were wincing into his mouth. He caught every sound, every little gesture of yours was his, just like you were. Keigo kicked himself for waiting for this so long, but he could be ginger, under the right circumstances. Ones that benefited him. He could only hope you were as good of a fuck as you were fun to toy with. 
You’d be sin yet, Keigo resolved as he pulled away. He just had to coax you there first, and he wasn’t against more... direct methods.
Maybe you’d finally get it then.
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1-800-amortentia · 4 years
friends (fred weasley x fem!reader smut)
summary: fred get’s jealous of you and draco
word count: 2.2k
genre: smut 
a/n; kinky ass sex that took me like a week and a half to write so
request something!
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“come on! it’ll be fun!” ron exclaimed. you rolled your eyes. 
“god you two! fine, ill go.” you told harry and ron, who had just spent the last two class hours convincing you to go to a party the twins were hosting. to be honest, you were planning on staying in bed and reading in your comfy clothes, maybe even inviting ginny and hermione over to watch horrible 80′s chick flicks and eat icecream. you were pretty angry and felt like being everywhere else except around fred after he told pansy you and him were just friends, even though you werent. you had been fooling around and going on dates for going on 2 months. 
“you know, i could be doing much better things with my time.” i said with a grunt as i tried to squeeze my boobs into the tight dress ginny insisted i wear. hermione sighed. 
“i say if it sucks, we leave early and watch come back to y/n’s dorm and watch the breakfast club.” she says, staring at her shoe. hermione had been bummed recently. mostly because of lavender and ron. ginny rolled her eyes at us.
“come on! were gonna have a blast!”
ginny was correct. after shots of fire whiskey with harry and ron, you and hermione found your way to the dance floor. you laughed at hermione who was impersonating lavender, and stumbled over, into draco. 
“oh im sor- oh hi draco.” you said, picking yourself up and readjusting your dress straps. he smiles at you. 
“want to dance?” he asks. if you were sober, you would have declined. but, you were not and within seconds you were grinding and sweating with a malfoy. hermione walked away to find ginny. draco held your hips as you sucked down your fourth drink of the night. your smile dropped as you saw fred marching towards you two, picking you up. 
“hey!” you pouted as he through you over his shoulder. 
“bye malfoy!” you said playfully, most likely infurriating fred that much more. fred finally set you down on your bed in your dorm 
“i was in the middle of something, weasley, dont you know it’s rude to interupt?” i asked, teasingly. 
“why were you dancing on him like that?”
“why would i not? hes hot” you said, playing with the ring on your thumb. fred stopped in his tracks. 
“cat got your tongue? it’s not like were dating. we’re just f r i e n d s.” you said, spelling out friends, pissing him off that much more. he ran his hands through his hair, as you leaned back onto your elbows. 
“so you heard me-”
“yeah fred i did.” you interupted. 
“im sorr-”
“stop. just stop embarrassing yourself fred. its annoying.” you began, standing up and walking towards the door. fred stopped her. 
“y/n listen, you know how pansy is. i didnt want her to say something. something mean. or start a rumour. “ he mumbled. i looked up at him.
“you understand, right?” he mumbled. i shook my head. 
“now, what were you saying about draco?” you immediatly flushed red. 
“oh so no youre quiet?” fred said, leading my arms to rest above my head. i looked at the ground. 
he pulled my legs around his torso with his free hand, as the other hold my arms above my head. my breathe started shaking out of anticipation. 
“have i told you how stunning you look?” he mumbled in my ear. i slowly set my arms down, around his neck as he pressed me harder against the wall. i whimpered as he brought his hand closer to my inner thigh. 
“cat got our tongue?” he asked, mocking the words i said early. 
“y-yes” i stuttered. shit. he chuckled, beginning to fiddle with my dress straps. 
“what do you want now. do you want to go back to the party and dance with draco? or do you want to finish this up here?” he asked. 
“i want to stay here, with you freddie.” i murmured. he smirked at me. 
“and why is that?”
“because i used draco to make you angry. so you’d stop talking to pansy.” i whispered. 
“why would you do that, love?”  he questioned. 
“ ‘cause i was jealous. i dont like when you talk to her.” you said quietly.
“do you want to be mine, and mine only? that’s why you were jealous?” he teased. you nodded in agreement. 
“well, are you mine? you are, right?” he asked. setting me down. loosening his tie. i shook my head quickly.
“hands.” he demanded. i gave them to him. he began to tie them with his tie. i grinned.
“you like that?’ he questioned. i nodded. 
“words, my love.” he teased, a finger guiding my face upwards. 
“yes....i like it a lot.” i said. he smiled. 
“you’re gonna regret dancing on draco, doll.” fred muttered. i crossed my legs, looking up at him as he towered over me. his hand slowly caressed up and down the arm, his other hand on my chin. 
“now, if you want to act like a slut, you should get treated like one. right?” he whispered. i licked my lips. 
“i didnt mean to upset you, freddie.” i replied. he shook his head, standing up and pacing in front of me. 
“except you did mean to.” he said. i gulped as he began to slide my dress straps down. 
“you’re mine. do you understand?” he grunted, pulling me off the bed by the tie he wrapped my hands with. he turned me around, so his body was pressed against my back. 
“do you want to do this?” he asked. 
“i deserve it.” i whispered, making his smirk go wider. he drug his fingers down my spine, finding the zipper, and quickly pulling it down. it slowly slid down my torso, with the help of fred. his finger slid down my now completely bare back, finding their way to the hem of my panties. i took in a sharp breathe. he slowly pulls them down, making complete eye contact with me while he does so.  
“i want you...to watch yourself as i make you cum” he says, setting his thumb on my chin. i nodded, making fred smile. my stomach felt like it was in knots and i could tell fred noticed. 
“safe word is stop okay?” fred muttered. i nodded as he pulled me off the bed set on his lap as he sat in my desk chair, right in front on my full length mirror. i gulped as fred positioned me how he wanted, my head on his right soulder and my legs spread. my hands became shakey as he slowly ran his finger down my stomach, giving me goosebumps. he hummed happily as his fingers fell to my clit. 
“ so pretty little one” he muttered in my ear. i shifted slightly. his fingers slowly began rubbing my heat, his free hand holding my face so i had no choice but to watch myself in the mirror. i could see his grin in the mirror. the only light came from my dim lamp in the corner of the room by my bed. his fingers sped up making me moan. 
“how good do my fingers feel, hm?” he asks. i suck in my breathe.
“so g-good” i stutter. he grabs the tie the held my hands together, and wraps the fabric that isn’t tying my hand around the back of his neck, forcing my arms to hand around his neck as he continued rubbing my heat. he let’s go of my face, taking his free hand and sticking two fingers inside of me, making me gasp as he kept his rythm on my clit, and slowly slid his fingers in and out of me. i watched in the mirror, his face contort as he was getting more and more intrigued. 
“my god freddie” i whimpered, making him speed up. i cried out as my orgasm came, fast and sudden. a flutter feeling spread over my entire body as i came. fred unhooked the tie that held my hands, untying my hands. 
“go to the bed” fred said, standing me up and walking to the other side of the room, taking his tux shirt off. i slowly stumbled to my bed, laying down. my legs shook gently from my previous orgasm. i looked at fred, who now only had this pants on, with a rather large erection that made me instantly turn my head with a blush on my face. fred turned to me.
“it’s rude to stare little one.” he said sternly. 
“sorry.” i whispered. he slowly walked back over towards me. he gently lifts my face, softly kissing me. i smile, glad he doesn’t hate. wait does he. 
“do you hate me?” i ask. he looks at me with a weird face. shit. 
“why on earth would i hate you, love?” 
“cause i made you mad and danced with draco.” i said, looking down. he sighs, pulling my face up, revealing my tear clouded eyes. 
“hey. i’m not that mad. just a bit jealous.” he says, stepping forward. i set my face in his chest as he rubs my back. 
“would you like to continue?” he asks. i nodded. he smiles, sitting next to me on the bed. he sets a hand on my face before bringing our lips together once again. he grabs my waist, setting me on top of his lap. i wrap my arms around his neck, his hands rubbing shapes onto my back. i slowly laid me on my bare back, running his hands down to his belt, undoing it. he pulls his pants down, so he’s only in his boxers. i move my lips down his face, down his jaw to his neck. his breathing pattern changes as i suck his lower neck, trying my best to make as dark of a mark as i can. 
“i love when you do that. let everyone know im yours love” he groans. i feel my stomach erupt in butterflies as he sets a hand on my hip. once im pleased with dark red mark i leave on his neck, he reconnects our lips, setting my back against the pillow, pulling my legs over his waist. he slowly pulls away, pushing his boxers down, taking them off and throwing them by my dress. he smiles at me, before slowly pushing himself into me. i sigh at the sudden feeling, letting it wash over me like a wave.he groans quietly, beginning to pick up his pace. as soon as he does this, his dominance returns. he digs his fingers into my hips making me whimper. 
“shit y/n” he groans, speeding up. i moan, as he guides himself in and out of me, using my body as a handle for leverage. 
“all mine. you’re all mine. got that? i never want to see you fucking looking at malfoy again.” he spat, fastening as much as he can. i wanted to scream, but tried my hardest to hold back.
“all yours” is all i could moan out. his fingers found my clit, rubbing just the same way he did to me infront of the mirror. 
“god just like that!” i exclaim. a tingling feeling runs up my body, alerting me about my orgasm that is about to come. 
“are you gonna cum for me again, love?” he asks. i nod quickly. 
“mmm good.” he hums. i feel my core tighten as i quickly released on him, my body growing more and more tired. fred flips us over, my face ramming into the soft comforter as pain and pleasure surge through me.
“you’ve got one more left in you i can tell. i’m gonna keep going til i feel satisfied with you behavior, got it?” he hisses. 
“okay freddie” i whimper. he starts his pace again. more erractic than before. i could tell he was about to orgasm. his thumb brushed up and down my heat once again, starting to rub my clit, making me come close to the edge with him. i open my eyes, watching as his eyes screwed themselves shut, as he began panting. he looked like a painting. how could he be real? his eyes opened once again as he finished in me. he started his quick pace again, rubbing and thrusting, over and over. i moaned loudly as a wave of heat and pleasure crashed onto me, feeling myself cum for a third time. fred slowed his pace. pulling out of me and laying down beside me.  he turns to face me as we both regulate our breathing. 
“my beautiful angel.” he mumbled, kissing my forehead, before turning over to grab his plain white undershirt. i may have been his angel, but no other man could ever make me feel as sinful, unhinged and desired as he did, and i was completely okay with just him, all day everyday for the rest of my days. 
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader Smile For Me
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Summary: you were found curled up outside HQ, basically on the brink of death. However, Levi finds you and takes you to the infirmary. To his surprise, Erwin enlists you as a scout.
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Levi's POV "Levi, where's your squad?" Commander Eyebro-- I mean, Erwin asked. "I don't know. Probably picking each other's noses or some sh*t like that." "Go get them. We need to go get supplies." I sighed, walking away to look for my squad of idiots, who I didn't want to bring along since they would just mess around. I went into the castle, hearing loud chatter and laughter so I went towards the source. Opening the door to the mess hall, I find them sitting around a table. "What the hell are you guys doing? I told you to be at the stables after breakfast." "We were playing truth or dare." "Get your a*ses outside." They all followed me in silence; I'm guessing it was because they didn't want to irritate me any further. All of us got on our horses, me and Erwin at the front, and we were about to leave until we saw something the size of a human scrunched up in a ball. I jumped off of my horse and crouched down as I frowned. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, brushing the unruly hair from their face and I saw (E/C) eyes half-open, staring up at me. I was able to see the bones under her skin on her face, arms and legs, while the rest of her body was covered by a scruffy dress. She looked as if she was on the brink of death, pale and weak, and she seemed to have trouble to breathe. I didn't think she would be able to walk in this state, or maybe even stay alive for a few more days. 
When I stood up and looked at Erwin, he had just leapt off from his horse and neared me.
"What's wrong?" "This girl looks like she's going to die anytime soon." "Let's take her to the infirmary." I nodded and went back to the girl, crouching down again and scooping her up to carry her to the infirmary, which wasn't far. I asked them to take my horse back to the stables before they left to get supplies without me. Normal POV You laid on the most comfortable bed you've ever been on. Out of a window, you could see the bright, azure blanket illuminated by the radiant sun.
Before you had slept, for however long, you weren't able to breathe properly but now you were able to with ease. Though you felt a lot better than before, your stomach was still growling for some food. You brushed your hand over your stomach, feeling the soft and clean clothes you had on your body. The door opened, making your eyes to flit there and you gripped the pristine sheets, terrified to find someone walking in. He had blonde hair, blue orbs that radiated a warmth that made you feel comfortable. He gave you a smile and approached you. You've never seen him before, but he's acting so casually around you. "Do you feel better?" You stayed silent, not wanting to talk to this mysterious man even though he seems benign. "I'm guessing you're hungry after sleeping for two days." He passed you a tray of food, your eyes beaming at the amount there was. Almost immediately, you picked up the spoon and popped a bit of food into your mouth. "Do you like it?" he asked to which you shyly nodded. "One of my men made it. And I don't think he'll make it again, so you're lucky." "Thank you..." you trailed off, wanting to know his name. "Erwin." "Thank you, Erwin," you said quietly. "If you can move, there's a room for you. I'm going to let you stay here and enlist you as a scout." As you listened to what he was saying, you scoffed the food down. You had a bit of food on the corner of your mouth which Erwin wiped with a tissue as he subconsciously smiled. "What's your name?" "...I don't have one..." You stopped eating and kept your eyes on the plate. "Where's your family?" "I don't know..." The blonde had a slight crease in between his eyebrows before he asked another question. "Do you have a home?" "No." "Well, you can call this place home now," he grinned, trying to get a smile on your face, but it didn't work. "If you have any questions or uncertainties about anything, come to me." You gave a mere nod as he got up to leave, taking the tray from your lap since it appeared as if you weren't that hungry anymore.
No place has felt like a home to you, but this place does, you felt so comfortable. After a while of staring into space, a knock on the door snapped you out of your trance. A man you recognised came in, but you couldn't remember where you've seen him. "How are you feeling?" Silence. "So, you're just going to ignore the person that rescued you from death?" His tone had a bite to it, however, you seemed unfazed by his sharp character. That's where you saw him; he was the one who picked you up and brought you here before you would slowly die away. His grey orbs before were pooled with concern then, but now, they hold no emotion whatsoever. He took slow steps towards your bed. "Thank you for saving me. I'm in your debt." "Tch. I didn't save you so I could have something in return." He crossed his arms. "Anyway, Erwin asked me to take you to your room." Slowly getting up, you noticed that you weren't feeling weak anymore and you were able to stand properly without feeling dizzy. Your bare feet padded against the floor, following the raven whose name you have yet to learn. Catching up to him, you walked beside him as you fiddled with your fingers. "Why are you nervous?" he suddenly questioned. You slightly shrugged as a small blush crawled onto your cheeks. "You aren't much of a talker, are you? Well, that's a good thing because I don't want another brat giving me a headache." Brat? He's being harsh with the person he saved and someone he barely knows, and he thinks he can call you a brat? Whatever, it's not like you're going to stand up for yourself. And it’s not the worst treatment that you’ve been given. "When we get to your room, have a shower. You smell like sh*t." You understand that you would stink and you aren't in the cleanest state, but does he have to be so critical? Upon reaching your room, he fished a key out of his pocket to unlock the door, allowing you to step inside as he passed you the key, which you took from his hand, your fingers skimming his which he clicked his tongue to. "Be ready in eight minutes. I'm taking you to Erwin's office." And with that, he left. Why was he so specific about the time? ~/~ "Do you have any experience with fighting?" You shook your head meekly as you sat on a chair on the other side of Erwin's desk, fidgeting with your hands which were slightly damp with sweat. You've never seen these people until two days ago, or even an hour ago, so you were afraid of these new people. Can you trust them? "What were you doing before you stumbled across this place?" "I-I was homeless. I w-would eat the leftovers of what people threw out and people b-beat me up for no reason. I wasn't able to make any friends and I n-never knew my family. I d-d-don't even know my name." Erwin stood up with an expression of sympathy and went towards you, crouching by your chair and whispered, "You don't need to be frightened here. None of us will beat you up and you will have your own room. You won't need to eat leftovers. Don't worry. You're safe here." Not able to hold back anymore, he hugged you, leaving you and the other male in the room in surprise. "And I'll give you a name." After being in thought, he spoke, "... How about (Y/N)? Do you like it?" "Yes," you replied, almost as if you mouthed the word. "(Y/N) it is. And I don't know if you already know or not, but this is Levi. You can trust us if you don't trust anyone else." He stood back up. You nodded, getting up to leave. "And whenever you're ready to start training, let me know." "Can I start tomorrow?" "... Sure. But don't you think it's a bit too soon. You just recovered from a severe illness." "It's fine." "If that's what you want." You left his office, gently closing the door behind you as you made your way back to your room. "Erwin?" Levi uttered. "Yes?" "Why are you being so gentle with that girl? This isn't a f*cking fairytale where she gets pampered by you. This is a military base, Erwin. She's a freeloader with you treating her like that. No one here takes it easy." "That's enough, Levi. I'm not going to let her take it easy, all my soldiers are treated the same way." "Explain the way you hugged her then." "I was simply comforting her. And I don't why you're complaining, you're the one who brought her here." "It was just so she could be brought back to health. I didn't think you would enlist her as a scout. She has no experience with fighting. What potential does she have?" "A lot. You are dismissed, Levi." Levi clicked his tongue and exited the office. He didn't want another brat to look out for. He just hoped that Erwin would be in command of you instead of him. You better not cause any trouble for him. ~/~ You thrust your fist forward, attempting to punch Erwin but you never liked hurting people so it was a light blow. He let out a light chuckle, shaking his head. "(Y/N), don't be scared to punch me. This is part of your training." You went into an awkward fighting stance which he fixed for you, telling you what to do. You got ready to punch him again and this time, it was stronger but he could tell you weren't putting all your strength into it. "Again." You took a moment to fix your posture before throwing a surprise punch to his stomach. But unfortunately, he saw it coming and made a cross with his arms, nearly stumbling back but he kept his balance. You lifted your leg, kicking it into his side where he wasn't able to block it. He smirked, seeing how you were able to get a hit on him. "Okay. I'm going to attack you and you need to defend yourself now." You nodded, getting ready for any attacks that would be coming your way. He threw his fist at your jaw, knocking your head back. Straight after, he punched you a couple of times at your stomach, causing you to cough up some spit as you bent down, too weak to stand. "Get up." You got up unsteadily, complying to his order. "Defend yourself." For another hour, you trained with Erwin until you were too exhausted to carry on. By the time you stopped, the sun was setting as a wind blew over you, cooling you down after your training. Your skin was drenched in sweat and stained by mud and dirt which you were going to go wash off. "Same time tomorrow." "Okay." You reached your room, stripping your clothes off your body and stepping into the raining water, steam dispersing from the shower. You scrubbed all the grime from your body and washed out the sweat in your hair before grabbing a towel to dry all the water that remained on your flesh before slipping on a fresh uniform.
After, you went to the mess hall for dinner, getting some food and sitting down on an empty table, silently eating your meal, desiring the food that was specially made for you a few days ago. "Why don't you sit with the others?" You looked up, seeing Erwin holding a plate and a smile on his face. You faced the table again, shaking your head. The blonde sighed and sat down opposite you, joining you for dinner.
Levi looked over at you two, thinking, Why is she so special to Eyebrows? He's acting as if he's her dad or some sh*t like that. Erwin tried to get you to speak but you would only say a few words since you were shy and there wasn't really anything you could talk about - he basically already knows everything about you for your life feels like it didn't even start until you came here.
Apart from Erwin, Levi, and someone else called Hanji, you haven’t spoken to anyone else. She's a bit too energetic for your taste, but she has a friendly nature. And even though you speak to them, it's only a few words like 'yes', 'okay', 'thank you'. You don't speak to them as they would speak to each other. You try to avoid interacting with anyone but Erwin always seems to get you to talk, even if it's one word. ~/~ Pinning Erwin’s arms over his head, you straddled his legs, breathing heavily as you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. He smiled, glad to see that you have improved significantly over the past month. You were one of the best scouts he's seen develop and you could maybe even be one of the best scouts in the regiment after you train some more. Now, he can show Levi the potential he saw in you. "Well done, (Y/N)." "Is this what you call training?" a voice inquired to which you looked up to. Blushing, you abruptly got off of Erwin, allowing him to stand up as he dusted off his clothes. You gazed at the ground as the blonde cleared his throat, facing Levi who had his arms crossed over his chest. "I never knew you were the submissive type, Eyebrows." "We were training and I can tell you that (Y/N) is better than you think." "Better at what exactly?" He arched an eyebrow. "Fighting. Stop thinking like that." "Whatever." The raven walked away with the roll of his eyes. "Have a shower and go to the mess hall." "Okay." "And you're training with me is over. I'm going to put you in a squad." You were just getting comfortable with Erwin and now, you're going to have to join a squad of new people you've never even spoken to. Oh, well, it's better than living on the streets. You gave him a nod and strolled back to your room, getting stopped by two young boys, whose names were Eren and Jean. "You've been here for nearly a month weeks, but you haven't spoken to me or anyone else." "Jean, leave her alone." "Why's she so quiet?" "It's a miracle she is," a monotone voice stated from behind you, and you knew who it was. "Both of you, go. Let her go to her room because she needs a shower." Again, he came with the usual criticism. At least, it got those boys to leave you alone as you carried on your journey to your room. ~/~ Over the year, you have become one of the best scouts, joining Levi's squad who had no objection because you still don't talk much and you won't give him a headache like the others. And maybe there's another reason... "Oh, come on, (Y/N)! Take it easy on me!" Eren complained after you had knocked him to the ground with two punches and a kick. You shook your head, putting your jacket on, which you took off to spar with Eren who thought he could beat you after he made a bet with Jean. You went off into the building, getting stopped as soon as you entered. "Cadet Smith," Levi, who was watching you spar, called. (A/N: btw I chose Smith since Erwin took you in as his daughter and you never had a surname before). You turned around and shyly saluted, avoiding eye contact. It could be true that you may have developed feelings for the Corporal over time. He might have been cruel to you at the start, but then he started to be nice to you, well, it's his version of being nice and you think he's only kind to you because Erwin told him to. "I told you that you don't need to salute. Put your arm down." You let your arm hang by your side, still standing there timidly as you could feel his gaze burn into you. When you felt an arm rest around your shoulders, you averted your eyes from the floor, soon realising who it was, relaxing your tensed shoulders. "Is Levi being rude to you again?" Erwin asked. "I was never rude to her," Levi scowled. "You always seemed to frown whenever she was around." "Tch. Why are you here?" "I need to speak to (Y/N)." "I was going to talk to her." "You can in five minutes." Levi clicked his tongue with a roll of his eyes. Why did Erwin have to ruin the opportunity for him to talk to you? All Levi wants to do is hear you say full sentences, see a smile on your face and make you happy because frankly, you aren't/don't do anything of those things and you deserve to be happy, in Levi's opinion. But that blonde man comes in and lets the chance for that to happen slip. Yeah, Erwin may be trying to get you positive as well, but Levi wants to do that before anyone else does. Somehow, it makes him upset to see you gloomy and he wants to fix that. "I'll talk to Erwin first," you softly spoke. Damn, he just wants to hear more of that delicate voice you own. "You like him, don't you?" the Commander whispered once you were out of hearing distance of Levi. "What?" "You like Levi." "W-w-why would I?" "I don't know. I'm not the one who likes him." He ruffled your hair with a smile. "You can tell me anything, I'll keep it between us. "... Yes, I do," you admitted. "Okay. You can go to him now." With a pink hue stained on your face, you made your way to Levi’s office, accidentally stepping sinde without knocking. But he didn't seem to mind when he saw it was you. "Bring me tea," was the only thing he said before dismissing you. You merely nodded, heading for the kitchen as Levi continued with the paperwork. You boiled the water and reached for a mug before pouring it inside the porcelain that had a teabag. You stirred it and let the flavours of the tea infuse the water before picking it up from the surface and went towards his office, meekly knocking on the wooden door. Upon hearing a 'come in', you opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind you. You placed the cup on his desk, where there was a space free, and stood there silently. "Why are you just standing there? Sit down." Hesitantly, you sat down in the chair opposite him as he took a sip of the tea and you noticed the slight surprise on his visage. "This tea is really good." "Thank you." You blushed and looked down at your hands. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small jar. He took the lid off, showing some cookies that looked appealing to you. "Help yourself. I made them." You were confused; why was he complimenting you? Why was he giving you his homemade cookies? Why was he making small talk which he hates so much? Why is he being so casual? What did he want to talk to you about? What's going on? "Sir?" "Levi," he corrected you. "I already told you that you don't have to address me formally when you're speaking to me alone." "Why are you doing this?" "Tch. Just appreciate that I'm treating you like this." "But why are you?" "..." Silence settled in the room. You didn't want to ask him any more questions since it may infuriate him and he'll probably kick you out, which you don't want to happen. He continued with his work, acting as if he was ignoring your presence. Tch. Why can't I just say it? It's not like she's one of those people who will shun me out of their life. Why do I hesitate? Do I fear rejection? No, of course not. What is it? I just want to see her smile. See a smile enhance her beauty. See her happy. But how the hell is that possible in this world? "(Y/N)Ilikeyou," he confessed quickly and quietly, making it difficult for you to apprehend what he said.     "Sorry?" "Damn it! I like--!" "Shorty!!!" His door slammed open. "What the f*ck do you want?" "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your date," the brunette grinned as he rolled his eyes. "It isn't a date," he growled. "What do you want?" "I have some more paperwork for you." This is what you barged in here for, you idiot? "Okay. Get out." "Have fun~!" she creepily smirked and closed the door, leaving you two alone again. "You were saying something...?" you inquired. Levi huffed, running a hand through his charcoal locks. "I've been wanting to tell you that I like you," he muttered. Did you hear him right? "Pardon?" "You heard what I f*cking said." "You... like me?" "Tch. Just get out if you have nothing to say." He never even glanced at you. "... I like you, too," you barely murmured. Slightly surprised, his orbs immediately shot to meet yours. He stood up and tipped your head up with his fingers, placing a kiss on your lips, causing you to become a blushing mess. You could taste the tea he previously had and you had to admit, it did taste pretty good. Levi pulled away and gave you the first smile you've seen. "Can you please smile for me?" he whispered, cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb on your skin. Your eyes fluttered away from his steel ones, now pooling with affection and warmth. He tilted your head so you could look at him again. "A woman like you shouldn't be so downhearted." He pressed his lips against yours again for a more passionate kiss. You lidded your eyes, moulding your lips with his as you felt a smile tug at your lips. Once your lips tore away from his, you were still smiling with gleaming orbs gazing up at him. "Thank you." He leaned his forehead against yours, feeling content to see a smile grace your beautiful features.
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starylust · 4 years
Katsuki, Shut Up☾
✧B A K U G O U   K A T S U K I✧
genre: fluff
Coming back to the dorms after a long day of training a nap was exactly what you needed. Thinking peace and quiet would fill the room Bakugou had different plans as he didn’t intend to have a nap. Getting frustrated you call him a name he does not like and he is not going to forgive you so easily. . .
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Your eyes started to droop as you were getting comfy in this bed.
This nap was exactly what you needed after a long day of training.
You were starting to fall asleep as you jumped up hearing a loud scream coming from the other side of the room.
Your eyes moved over to the figure sitting with a headset on yelling at the computer. A groan escaped your lips as you laid back down.
Once again you began falling asleep as another scream launched from the boys mouth. This time scaring you so much your heart rate began to pick up.
"Katsuki, please shut up," you said quietly covering your head and body with the heavy dark blue blanket placed on the bed.
Once more you started falling asleep having a nice dream.
The tiny ocean waves sitting the sand while the sun beamed brightly down onto you. Smiling at the view everything started to go black.
You took a deep breathe in trying to calm yourself down from the shock that woke you up from yourself.
The irritation in your body began rising as all you wanted was to have a good nap before completing more school work.
Taking your legs out from under the covers you swung them to hang off the bed. You started stomping to where bakugou was sitting.
Looking at him sitting in his chair while his eyes scanned the screen you yanked his headset off his head.
"Dude, I'm gonna tell you this one more time. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." You placed the headset down onto the table and started walking back towards the bed.
"Oi, what did you just say?" You heard him hiss behind you.
You turned around and stared at him. "Katsuki I said shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep while your dumbass keeps yelling at who knows what."
"No no that's not what you called me earlier. You called me dude." He said with a face that showed disgust.
"Bakugou I don't care as long as you just shut up and let me take this damn nap." Turning around once more you started heading towards the bed.
You felt fingers wrap around your wrist that tugged you a bit. Turning your head to see his face, "what?" You asked with attitude.
When he didn't answer you turned your whole body around and saw him just staring at the floor.
You were about to bring your hand up to his face to tilt it up as it began lifting it up by itself.
With a confused look on your face you saw a slight smirk on his. He bent down a little bit and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Huh?" You mumbled quietly. The grip around your waist began to tighten as the seconds went by.
Your eyes widened as your body began to lift off the floor. One second you were on the floor the next your stomach laid onto Bakugou's stomach.
Half of your body touching his back while the other was on this front. "Babe let me down," you whined.
"Tch," was all you got back. Bakugou started walking towards the bed while still carrying you over his shoulder.
Before you knew it you felt a gush of wind hit your hit your face. Your back met the blanket covered bed as you bounced onto it.
"Uh what are you doing?"
Before you knew it bakugou hovered over you with now a big smirk on his face. Your eyes roamed around the room as his face started getting closer to his.
You felt soft lips peck your forehead lightly. The temperature in your cheeks began to rise at his sudden action.
Before you could say anything bakugou's fingers started tickle your stomach.
You started laughing like crazy and started swarming around.
"K-KATS~ ST-TOP," you kept being cut off by your own laughter.
"Say sorry," Bakugou said as he kept tickling you. You tried opening your mouth to speak once more but nothing but giggles came out.
Bakugou kept tickling you as your laughter made him laugh just a tiny bit.
He stopped tickling you for a bit looking down at you trying to catch your breath.
"Are you sorry now?" You gave him a confused look as to what he was talking but then remembered a second later.
"I'm sorry for telling you to shut the fuck up." You said mumbling a bit.
"Nope. That's not why you should be sorry, to be honest I could care less about that."
Once again giving him a even more confused look you started thinking.
"Wait why am I saying sorry then?" You questioning him.
"You called me dude. D-U-D-E. What the hell I'm not your 'bro' I'm your boyfriend!" He said in a whiny but grumpy voice.
Staring at him a bit you started bursting out laughing.
"That's what made you tickle me?"
"Yes dumbass why would you call me dude," Bakugou answered in a childish whiny voice.
"Aw come here you big baby," you said while lifting up your arms wanted him to lay on top of you.
He grunted but then accepted the offer.
"I love you," you whispered in his ear.
Bakugou felt his cheeks reddened at the sudden affection you gave him.
"Tch I love you too dumbass." He whispered back.
Your arms that were on his waist tightened as you snuggled your head into his soft fluffy hair.
You felt his head cram itself into your neck making you giggle slightly. Taking a deep breathe in you could smell his shampoo.
You guys stayed like this for a couple of minutes before hearing a faint hello.
"Uh hello? Bakugou?" You lifted your head quickly making Bakugou groaned.
"Why did you do that?" He said in a raspy tired voice.
"Katsuki I heard someone say hello, but there isn't anyone else in the room."
Bakugou's eyes widened as he realized he never turned off his game.
"Shit," he breathed out.
Staying on the bed you saw him heading over back to his desk placing the headset back on.
"Oi shitty hair what?"
"Bakugou~ who knew you were such a softie hm?"
"Tch shut up I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh really? Cause Kaminari and I heard everything. You little softie getting mad that you got called dude," Kirishima said in a teasing tone.
"Babe who are you talking to," you said approaching him from behind.
"Hm no one just some idiots." After that he shut down his PC and took off the headset.
Standing behind his chair you watched as he walked to his bed and plopped onto it. He held out his arms as you once did before.
"Are we taking a nap or what?"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
I decided that im gonna put this one on tumblr instead since i dont have many ideas for the my hero character and scenerios! but i would love if you left ideas in the comments and ill continue writing the mha one shots on here and the haikyuu one shots on my wattpad:)
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effervescentslut · 4 years
how you meet | edward cullen
A/N: wowowow after being on Tumblr for 6+ years I would have NEVER imagined my first published writing to this site being Twilight dnvjdfjaskdlmfkl enjoy!! requests are open :)) I will write for Twilight (mainly the Olympic Coven, except Jasper romantically), Star Wars, and Harry Potter
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: Reader gets unsolicited attention from teenage boys, swear words
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when you moved to forks after spring break because of your dad’s work, you’re unanimously nicknamed new girl™ by all of forks high school’s students
and consequently, you’re the new eye candy for your male peers
Forks boys are, well . . . neanderthals douchebags
the ones you’ve met are egotistical, super immature, and super HORNY
. . . you decide to keep your distance
you get smooshed into ap u.s. history
apush, baby, apush HAAAAA
the teacher points you to an empty seat next to some pale blonde dude
he gives off weird kid energy at first but then he politely speaks to you
“i’m jasper. welcome to forks” and gives you an acknowledging nod
his eyes are topaz!!!?? woooooooah that’s so cool is that like a genetic defect or smth??
aaaaand your teacher immediately assigns a PROJECT
a fuckin civil war project
you swear you see jasper’s pupils dilate
you hear a chuckle from behind you
and when you turn around you see a pale dude w a dark brown buzzcut and some blonde girl smirking beside him
you later find out that those are his siblings
his fuckin goofy ass siblings
anyways a few weeks pass
you pop in at your dad’s job @ forks hospital and see him chatting w a fellow physician
yet another pale dude with blonde hair 
you approach them and your dad embraces you in a hug
“heeeeyyyy sweet pea! how’s it goin’!” 
the doctor he was talking to looks at you fondly
“hello, i’m carlisle cullen” and offers you his hand to shake, which you do
“y/n, carlisle was just inviting us to his house later tonight for some dinner”
dr. hotpants puts his hands in his pockets and humbly grins
“my son jasper tells me you’re his classmate”
oh god he’s one of those pta dads, isn’t he??
“oh, yeah, he’s my partner in history”
he smiles, “that’s wonderful. my wife esme and i would love to have you both over as our guests. it’s not often we have company for dinner. and i’m sure the rest of my children would love to meet you, y/n”
jesus christ how many kids does this guy have?? he looks THIRTY
don’t worry, in the car your dad tells you they’re all adopted lmfao
✰✰later that night✰✰
their house is HUGE jesus fuckin christ
alice knows (well they all know) about you because of jasper
IMMEDIATELY loves you!!
“hi! i’m alice!!!”
i’m EVAPORATING. i’m YODELLING. it’s fine :-)
you thought you weren’t gonna make any pals in forks bc of the weird horny teenage specimens but here we are ;-;
alice envelopes you into a tight hug and you, in shock, grasp her arms to acknowledge this affection
your dad’s chillin near carlisle and esme and he’s silently chuckling
oh . . . they all have black eyes now?? must be the weather
or the fluorescence
you wave at jasper, rosalie, and emmett
you notice the last sibling
he’s very handsome
to you, everything about him was attractive
his soft hair contrasted against his hardened facial features
you could tell he was socially reserved when it comes to new acquaintances, just like you
he physically isolates himself from his family once you and your dad arrived
he was standing alone near a corner away from everyone else
you make eye contact with him and his mental barrier breaks down
he loses his cool
his face contorts
his lips twist into puckered lines
he claps his hand over his mouth and vacates the room immediately, running up the stairs
everyone notices his sudden departure
his family is shocked but tbh not really
✰✰✰ eddy boy is a lil shy around girls sometimes ✰✰✰
carlisle breaks the impending doom of silence
“i apologize for edward leaving us so abruptly. he hasn’t been feeling well as of late; please excuse his absence. . .”
you awkwardly pretend like that never happened
you feel it in your gut that your presence disturbed him
and not only did you disturb him
but you disturbed him so bad that he had to leave
for why?? you don’t know
you then realize that everyone else in the room knows he left bc of you
. . . anyway you all sit down at the table but you and your dad are the only ones who have plates
your dad notices this too
��hey, aren’t you guys gonna eat too?”
esme grins warmly at him
“oh, don’t worry about us. we just wanted to welcome you to town!”
uhhh, ok ma’am
alice talks to you for almost the entire time you were eating ;-; i love her
you’re also talking to jasper, cracking some apush jokes
you, jasper, emmett, and rosalie talk shit about your classmates and teacher
“why the fuck -- *carlisle glares at emmett* -- heck did mr. whatshisface give us a project RIGHT AFTER BREAK???!!”
“and he paired y/n and jasper!! they’re civil war  n e r d s!! they’re gonna get the best grade” rosalie chimes in
“not if we--”
alice  ❀politely❀  tells them to stfu
you giggle
bonding with your new pals <33
allllllright so it’s a few days later
you’re walking home from school
it’s drizzling, as always, but you know that it’s gonna rain harder if you don’t get home fast enough
and some asshole
some persistent prick from your class
keeps flirting with you
he’s talking about how he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since you came to forks
he’s insisting he has your phone number, that he’s gonna take you out on dates. . .
you hate it
you’re so uncomfortable but you can’t really do anything about it
s u d d e n l y
a car pulls up beside where you and the guy are walking on the sidewalk and screeches to a stop
the window is rolled down and you see a familiar face
it’s edward cullen
with one hand on the wheel, he looks at both of you and clenches his jaw
“get in”
even though he was undeniably weird a few weeks ago, you concede
you never got to speak to him, but you knew that edward was trustworthy
you practically launch yourself into his silver volvo c30™
he shoots a stone-cold glare to the jackass on the sidewalk and drives away
honestly, it wouldn’t take much for anyone (not just a mind-reading vampire) to know how uncomfortable you are after what just happened with that guy
your body language is tense
your arms are crossed tightly
your body is pointed towards the passenger window as your knees touch the door
tears are welling up in your eyes
it would be mere seconds until you fully broke down
you’re embarrassed, to say the least
you’re embarrassed that you were put in a vulnerable situation, like a damsel in distress
and of all people, the handsome and mysterious guy--
the handsome and mysterious guy you began crushing on
--who feels seemingly indifferent towards you swept you off your feet and helped you when you needed someone
that made things even more embarrassing
and the tears started streaming down your heated cheeks
edward immediately sensed your unease (hmm wonder why, but also who wouldn’t sense it???)
he’s pissed. 
absolutely livid
that asshole had a  d e a t h w i s h
he knew you didn’t want to address your unsolicited encounter, so . . .
*awkwardly clears throat* “are you enjoying the weather?”
you choked
you did not expect him to ask that
nor did you expect him to talk at. all.
you smile through your tears and laugh
you can’t help but laugh
he’s just so awkward and cute
his half-baked plan of indirectly distracting you definitely worked
you started to excitedly talk about the rain and how much you love gloomy, cloudy days
. . . and then the elephant in the room
the inevitable first impression from a few days ago
“i’m sorry for my behavior from our first meeting. i wasn’t feeling well, and i wouldn’t have wanted for you or your father to be affected by my illness”
you’re a little skeptical at first
buuuuut you give him the benefit of the doubt and dismiss his apology
“that’s okay. it’s allergy season, anyway. i’m glad you’re feeling better”
you have no idea how bad i wanted to make a spanish flu joke right there
a small, soft smile lifts the corners of his lips “i’m edward cullen”
you look at him and return the smile
t h e  t e a s i n g  e n e r g y
“i’m y/n”
the car approaches your house after time seems to have flown by
your dad looks at you both as he walks to his car to go to work
he waves at edward
edward smiles and waves back at him as he enters the car
you gratefully thank edward for the ride, careful not to dwell on the prior circumstances
as you open the passenger door, edward grabs your wrist
!!he grabs your wrist!!
he insists on being your ride to and from school from now on
you object and exit the car
b u t
edward smirks, leaning towards the open door
“i’ll see you in the morning, y/n” 
your jaw drops
and then he closes the door and speeds off
you watch him drive away and your heartbeat becomes arrhythmic 
a garden of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach
blood rushes to your cheeks once more
you smile to yourself before heading inside
secretly anticipating tomorrow morning :’)
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tellatennie · 4 years
Shigaraki smut
I wrote this high asf so it'll most likely get deleted soon because when I wake up after publishing this ill regret being born lmo. This is literally my first time writing smut and i did it when i was high. Probably not a good combo.
"OHH THAT'S JUST CHEATING" I shouted at my boyfriend, while smashing the buttons on the switch controller. We were playing Mario Kart and needless to say we were both quite competitive at it. "TOMURA STOP THAT'S CHEATING" I shrieked, he kept poking my side just when I would be getting ahead of him, causing me to lose control of the controller and allowing him to slip by. 
"Its called playing smart!" he smirked at me and crossed the finish line in first. I sighed and rolled my eyes "Next one I'll get you" We were playing rounds of three, three tracks, three games, three chances to win. Now I only have two chances to win, seeing as my boyfriend was a cheater at every game we played. He even cheated during Monopoly by getting Dabi to distract me while he stole money and hotels from the box.
I had a plan though, I knew what to do to throw him off his game.
We started the second race, and we both kept our cars almost directly next to each other the whole time, at this point we knew how the other would react to something and we used that against each other. Crossing the line to start our third and final lap I waited until just the right moment to put my plan into play. I had planned it just carefully enough where he didn't see something was coming, but I was just barely ahead of him. 
Just a little's way away from the final finish line I jumped on him and grabbed his controller and yanked it from him as hard as I could. He let out a yelp of shock and quickly reacted, going for the controller immediately. My premeditated plan work perfectly as I lifted both my feet up with s p e e d. He landed on my feet and groaned in light pain. He rolled his eyes as I passed the finish line in first and he stood up.
"That was so unfair!" I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster. "Its called playing smart babe!" I said in a borderline mocking tone. He snatched his controller back from me, accidentally disintegrating it. I laughed at his now emotionless 'I just died inside' face expression.
"Don't worry baby, I always keep spares just incase." I stood up and walked over to my table, picking up another controller I had set out, whilst picking up a little surprise present I had gotten Tomura. It was put in a cute little box that I had carefully wrapped ribbon around. I walked back over to him where he was sitting on my couch fidgeting his fingers, "I'm sorry (Y/N)". I plopped next to him and handed him the box. turning to face him while watching his expression change from confusion to happiness at the realization that I got him a present. He tugged at the ribbon but to no avail, the ribbon was put on there a bit tight, so he ended up just disintegrating the ribbon off. He lifted the lid off the box to reveal a pair of gloves that cover only two fingers to help him prevent destroying some things with his quirk. He lifted the gloves up and a smile spread across his face.
"Wow.. Thank you baby" He slipped the gloves on and looked at me with a goofy smile. "But I'm still gonna beat you in round 3"
"I'd like to see you try"
We had a deal that neither of us would try to make the other lose. ‘A fair fight’ we called it. It’s obvious no one had the intention to make this a fair fight, we were both glancing at each other and smiling. So yeah, obvious. 
Eventually we had both made our way to first and second place, but I was showing to have the chance of being first. I was quite ahead of him and I just had my fingers crossed for a Bullet Bill power up to seal my win.
I came up on a row of power ups and I drove through one, waiting to see what I got. I got a banana. I huffed in defeat and kept driving, throwing the banana behind me. 
“Ohh whaT THE HELL” Tomura said as he conveniently ran over the banana, causing his car to slow and allowing me to gain more of an advantage against him. "Haaa looks like I'm going to win!" 
Suddenly he pounced on me, pinning my arms above my head with one hand while taking away my controller with the other. “What happened to no cheating? Did you just get too mad at me?” I mocked. He leaned over and kept my arms pinned with his forearm and used his hands to keep steering his car, not responding to me. I tried wiggling my arms out but to no avail, he’s pretty strong.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and flipped him onto his back in return. I snatched his controller away and made his racer drive off a cliff and tossed the controller onto the ground where he wouldn’t be able to reach it. I looked back at him to see that his face was slowly turning red. I leaned down and rested my head on his chest and smiled at him. I let go of his pinned arms and lowered my hands to trace the scratch marks on his neck. He brought his hands down and ran his fingers through my hair. He sat up and gripped the back of my neck, pulling me in to kiss him. I could feel his other hand start to roam up my thigh when we suddenly heard the Mario Kart finish line music play through the speakers. We broke away from the kiss to see who had won. 
”WALUIGI!?” I yelled, jumping from my spot on the couch. Running up to the tv with my controller. “HOW DID WALUIGI WIN HE FUCKING SUCKS!” I huffed and crossed my arms, mumbling quite rude things directed at the annoying character. I felt Tomuras arms wrap around my waist as he laid his chin on my shoulder. 
“It’s just a game baby, besides, that just means you and I are still tied. So we need to find another way to find the winner” He whispered that last part in my ear. “What other way are we gonna decide who wins then- ohhhh” I felt very very dumb in that moment. Tomura laughed and pulled me back onto the couch. I sat on the couch as he turned off the tv. I patted the cushion next to me to tell him to sit. He gave me a questioning look and sat next to me. 
I flipped my leg around and crawled into his lap, facing him. He rested his hands on my waist and leaned up to kiss me. I put my hands on the sides of his head and deepened our kiss. He licked my bottom lip, asking for my permission. I parted my lips and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. There was no “battle for dominance”. There was him, just this gorgeous man exploring my mouth for the umpteenth time. 
We broke from the kiss and I buried my head in his shoulder, slowly starting to rock my hips against his lap. I took in the scent of his cologne, it was the same cologne I had bought him for his birthday. It was my favorite on him and the fact that he uses it almost everyday makes me feel so many emotions, most of which I had never even grown up with. 
He groaned as I grinded against him faster, I could feel his very obvious hard-on through his pants. He matched my grinding with his and used my hips to direct me the way he wanted. “God I love you” He mumbled into my ear, I tried to giggle but moaned as he put his hands up my shirt and kneaded my breasts. It had been a while since we were this intimate due to him being busy with the league but I was glad I had caught him on a day off. 
He suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and stood in between my thighs as I wrapped my legs around him. He slid my shirt over my head and un clipped my bra and started sucking on my sensitive buds. (I’m literally so high rn) I put my hands in his hair and tugged slightly, moaning his name.
”Nngh- T-Tomura, I n-need you” He looked up at me and stood straight, slipping my leggings and underwear off my legs. “Do you baby? Because you seemed to be doing fine earlier” He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. He aligned with my entrance and I was waiting for the immense pleasure soon to follow but there was nothing. I looked up at him and saw him smirking at me, whilst not moving. 
“W-what the hell. babe come on, pleaseee” I groaned with anticipation, trying to squirm but he quickly put his hands on my thighs, stopping any movement from me. “aghh Tomura I don’t know what you’re trying to do- OH GOD” I was mid sentence when he suddenly trust his member in me as fast as it seemed like he could. He groaned as he thrusted into me again and again “Oh baby you’re so tight” 
Our moans filled the whole apartment as he never showed any sign of slowing down. I gripped the sheets and tried to match his movements but he kept me in his grip. That’s when I knew I was his for tonight, and I loved every second of it. With every deep thrust, his member hit my core just at the right spot where every time I feel like I’m going to burst from pleasure. My eyes rolled back into my head, waiting for my upcoming climax.
He stopped moving. My eyes snapped to him. 
“Get on the bed on all fours for me baby” He said in a low octave that he usually had during our more intimate interactions and I feel like he knows it turns me on. I crawled onto the bed on all fours as instructed. He came up behind me and before I could even say anything snarky he once again thrust his member into me before I could even react. I buried my face in my pillow and matched his pace, pushing my ass into him. 
He rubbed my ass sensually as his pace quickened. “mmm baby I’m close” he groaned. I nodded in my pillow and tried not to make the loudest sound I could. I could feel my climax rounding the corner. 
I gasped and made an almost scream sound as I came around his dick. His pace slowed as he busted in me. He pulled out a few seconds after and I laid on my side, him following suit. 
“I missed you” I mumbled into his chest as he pulled me closer. He rubbed simple shapes on my back and kissed my forehead. 
“I missed you too baby.” I giggled and looked at him, pecking his lips.
”I think it’s safe to say you won the tie”
Ahhhahh i’m so fucking high right noww. I’ll most likely add a note at the top when I get off the high so whatever my sensible self says, listen lmaoooo
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stellarboystyles · 4 years
ahhhh she’s finally done!! now i can rest my weary soul. thank you to my lover @bfharry​ for putting this lovely event together, and i’m sorry this late, i’m a mess.
7k pining, fluff and smut
friends to lovers college au // trigger warning - mentions of illness, family death and childhood trauma, mentions of alcohol use.
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She was reaching as high as she could, desperately trying to get to the book on the shelf that was much too high for her to reach. She turns to Harry, who’s smirking down at her with crossed arms.
“Need a lift, sprout?”
She gives him a look of eloquence. “Please.” 
She giggles as he dips down, wrapping his arms around her legs and lifting her up. Now, she’s happily at eye level with the desired shelf. 
Her fingers skimming over the spines of all the hardbacks sitting comfortably on the wood surface. E...F...G...H...
“Found it!”
Once her eyes lock on the title, she pulls the book out as fast as she could.
“Okay, let me down.” 
“Sure? Don’t like the view from up there? Know you’re not used to it-”
“No, now let me down before I bruise you like the peach that you are.”
“Ouch.” he snickered, setting you back down onto the ground beneath. “S’harsh.”
“Deserved it.” she teased before he sticks out his tongue in a playful response. 
“What d’ya need the book for?”
“It’s for that analysis we have to do for poetry class.”
He blinks at her once, eyes widening slightly. “What analysis?”
She giggles at his expression. “You didn’t read your emails, did you?”
“Fuck!” he exclaims, voice slightly above a whisper, but it was enough to agitate the other students in the library who are trying to either study or get their own work done.
“Sorry, sorry.” he apologizes to the people around them before Y/N puts a hand on his bicep and he leans into her to hear her whispering words.
“You just have to pick a poetry book, analyze it, make a conclusion, all that stuff.”
“So it’s like an essay?”
“Kind of.” she follows Harry as he starts to examine the shelves for a book himself. “You know how Greene is, he’s super chill. He wants it to be more of a review, what you think of the book and the author.”
“So, like a review.”
She blinks at him. “That’s what I just said.”
“M’tired, gimme a break.” he sighs. “He never challenges us in that class.”
“I guess not.” she shrugs. “Easy grade, right?”
“Sounds like it.” he gives a casual nod. “When’s it due?”
“Sweet.” he nods, eyes skimmed across the shelves before landing on a cornflower blue hardback. Harry chose books by their cover a lot. Not metaphorically, just literally.
He nods again. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Once they’d both gotten their book signed out, they started down the path across the patch of grass, making their way to their next class that they had together. 
“So you really didn’t check your phone all weekend?”
He shakes his head. “No, my phone was off ‘cos Gem was visiting over the weekend, remember?” he taps on the side of her head with one finger. “Helloooo, earth to Y/N, you were there.”
“Quit it!” she scolds, swatting his hand away. “Yeah, I think I remember her. She’s the least annoying Styles’ sibling, right?”
Harry unexpectedly clutches his chest, wincing in pain. “Ouch, ow!”
Panic rushed through her, the first thing popping into her mind was that he was having an asthma attack. “Haz, are you okay?” she drops her bag onto the ground so that she can help him. “You’re scaring me, do you need your inhaler?”
He leans over, eyes squeezed closed. One hand is resting on his knee, the other still grasping at his sternum. 
“My ego...it hurts.”
As soon as the words registered, anger washed over her, jaw rippling before punching him in the bicep.
“You’re such a little shit.” 
“Oi, tha’ hurt!” he laughs, which makes her even more angry, whisking her bag off the ground and walking away from him as quickly as possible. 
He lets out a lighthearted sigh before starting to jog up to her. “C’mon, wait up.”
“Go away.” she grumbles, quickening the pace of her steps towards the building that their next class was in. Her hand was less than a foot away from reaching the door, about to push it open but she was no match for his longer legs as he jogged to catch up with her.
“Hey, hey.” he manages to get her hand in his grasp. She turns around in his grip, eyes fiery with vex. 
“C’mon, don’t be like that.” he frowns, moving so that he’s holding both of her hands in his as he stood in front of her. “Please? M’sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the brick wall behind her. “Yes you did.”
“Let me make it up to you?” he offers, resting his palm on the rough surface above her head. 
“Whatever you want.”
The pounding heartbeat in her ears is deafening, but the prank that he’d just pulled wasn’t quickly forgotten.
“I’ll let you know when I think of something.” Pushing herself off the wall, she turns and pushes the door open to the classroom, leaving a sad Harry behind. He trudged along behind her, silently moping before sitting next to her. Not even a minute after they sat down, Harry was leaning over to her, trying to get her attention. 
“Y/N, please.” he whines, laying his head on her shoulder. “M’sorry.”
The butterflies in her stomach were crumbling her resolve, and she lays her cheek on top of his curls. “It’s okay.” he can hear the smile in her quiet voice. He peers up at her, an endearing smile beaming back at her.
“Not mad at me anymore?” he clarifies, voice filled with hope.
“How long have we been best friends?” she laughs. “Y’know I can never stay mad at you.”
“We were babies, don’t you remember?” he snickers. “Like, actual babies.”
Neither of them really remember. 
Harry and Y/N’s parents had been neighbors and friends for years before either of them were born, and when Harry was almost two, they’d given birth to a beautiful baby girl.
“Harry, look.” Anne coos to her son as he sits on her lap. “See the baby?”
He stops playing with his teddy, toddling over to the sound of his mummy’s voice and he’s so fascinated, probably because he’s never seen a real baby before. 
“I hold her?”
The new mum says “of course” before she gives her baby to Anne, now holding her in Harry’s lap. 
“I pet?”
He carefully lifts a chubby hand, places it on her tummy and pats gently at the pale lavender onesie. 
“My sweet boy.” Anne kisses the top of his head, smoothing out his blonde bangs.
Harry leans down and pushes a soft kiss onto her cheek, and it’s safe to say both mums melt at the sight. 
“They’ll be best friends for sure.” 
He looks up at the baby’s mum. “She seepin’?”
She nods with a smile. “Yeah, she's sleepin’.”
He gives her another kiss on her cheek before speaking again, this time in a hushed voice. 
“Night Night, baby.” 
“Our mums are never gonna let us forget that day.” he groans, twisting open the cap of the drink in his hands.
“Or that you had a crush on me.” 
He nearly chokes on his juice, making her split into a fit of giggles.
“Maybe I did.” he admits, leaning his elbows onto the desk. “So what?” 
“You definitely did, remember when you kissed me?”
His cheeks heat up at her teasing, arms crossing on top of the desk before laying his head down in embarrassment. He cracks one eye open at her laughing. “y/nnnn.”
When Harry was five and Y/N was four, he asked if he could kiss her, at school.
“You’re the prettiest girl in the whole world.” Harry tells her as his fingers draw in the dirt.
“That’s what my mummy and daddy tells me!” she cheers, and he may only be five years old but he knows that no other girl on the playground would happily sit in the dirt with him like she would. Her cheeks are resting against her hands and Harry thinks that they’re the cutest cheeks he’s ever seen.
“Can we kiss now?” 
She thinks for a moment before speaking.
“You can’t tell your mummy, because she might tell my mummy and we’ll be in trouble.” 
“Won’t tell anyone, not even Niall.”
Her eyes go wide with a gasp. Niall was his best friend, he must really mean business.
“Promise.” he holds out his pinky for her to squeeze.
Unfortunately for them, while Y/N was over next door at Harry’s for a playdate Anne caught them kissing in the back garden and they were both forced into the friend zone. Y/N was super sad, and Harry didn’t like that one bit, so he tried to make her feel better. 
“Don’t cry, someday when we’re grown ups we can kiss and hold hands anytime we want! We can be best friends ‘til then, okay?”
“The start of an epic friendship.” he reminisces, flashing her a wink. 
“Good times and bad.” she nods, and the mood drifts to sad silence.
“We’ve really been there through everything, huh?” he acknowledges, meeting her gaze. 
When Harry was twelve and Y/N was eleven, Harry’s dad left. Left his family with nothing and Harry was devastated.
“How could he? This isn’t fair to any of you.”
Y/N was standing in Anne’s kitchen listening to her painstakingly tell her what had just happened. He’d left while Anne was working and Gemma and Harry were at school, leaving the remainder of the family devastated. 
“I know darling, but we’ll get through this. I’m worried about Harry, he ran off. He was so upset. Do you know where he could be?”
“I’ll find him.”
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
Her mind and legs worked together to pedal faster than she ever had before through the park behind their street. As soon as she crosses the bridge she sees him. He’s sitting under their favorite oak tree, knees dew up to his chest.
She throws her bike down and sprints to him, falling next to him.
He looks up, releases the grip on his hair and reaches out, grasping her hands and she quickly pulls him into a hug and she’d never held anyone so tight in her entire life. Her own hot tears started to fall from her face at the sound of his heartbreaking cries and she doesn’t know how long they stayed there like that, slowly moving her fingers through his curls as she held him. He let out a whimper when she forced his face out of her neck, cradling his cheeks in her hands. He looked so defeated and she had to use every ounce of strength in her body not to sit there and cuddle him against this tree all night. His mum and sister needed him, and he needed them. Her fingers brushed across his wet cheeks and he leaned into her touch as she repeated the action. 
“I’m so sorry, Haz.” another sob escapes him at her words. “You don’t have to talk about it. You can cry, scream and yell, whatever you want...but we gotta get home., it’s getting dark.”
“Don’t wanna go back there.” he shakes his head and tightens his hold on your shirt. 
“H, your mum and sister need you, and you need them.”
“I need you.” 
Y/N’s heart flutters and she’s not sure why, but she’s sure Harry can feel it because he’s still fisting her shirt. 
“I’ll stay the night at yours, my mum won’t care.”
“What about your dad?”
“He’ll get over it.”
Understandably, of course her father wasn’t too fond of the idea of his daughter sleeping over at her best friend’s house, because he was a boy. But she reassured her dad countless times that “boys were gross” so he begrudgingly allowed it.
They’d cuddled countless times, that night was no different. She held him, stroking his hair some more as they talked. The mood is lightened after awhile. Even though the healing process hasn’t even really begun yet. Harry was gonna be okay, because he had Y/N. 
“Gemma gets so jealous because she can’t have boys in her room.” he jokes, making her giggle. 
“She’s also fifteen and has a boyfriend.” she reasons. “We’re just best friends.”
Comfortable silence engulfed Harry’s room for a few moments, the vibe was mellow from each other’s presence before Y/N spoke again.
“It’s gonna be okay.” her voice was barely above a whisper, brushing the stray hairs away from his forehead. 
“You don’t know that.” he whispers, peering up at her. The moonlight shining through the window is enough to illuminate their faces while they talk.
“Yeah I do.” she argues softly. “It’s bad right now, but it’ll be okay someday. Promise.”
When Y/N was seventeen, her world came crashing down.
“Harry, can you come down please?”
He quickly put down his phone, shoving it into his pocket when he heard the urgency in his mum’s voice coming from downstairs. Ever since his dad left he’d grown closer to his mum and sister, more protective.
He rushes downstairs, finding her in the kitchen. 
“Mum? What's wrong?”
“I need you to go next door and check on Y/N, alright?”
His face fills with confusion and fear but Anne doesn’t give him any time to respond. 
“I just got off the phone with Rachelle, she and Will had gone out to dinner and he started to have some terrible pain. They’re at the hospital now, they did some tests…they found something and they think it might be cancer.”
Harry’s face falls.
“Oh God, Mum—”
“I know, baby, I know.”
“Does she know? She had to work after school today, does she know?”
“Her mum said she was going to call her once she’d gotten home from work.”
“She gets off at eight thirty,” he pulls out his phone and sees that it’s nine fifteen. “She should be home by now.” He briskly walks over to the window that faces Y/N’s house. 
“Her car’s there.” he reveals. “M’goin’ over there. I’ll be back.”
She agrees and without another word Harry’s at her front door. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” he mutters to himself before remembering the spare key under the flower pot by the door. Once it’s retrieved, his trembling hands fumble with the piece of metal before successfully unlocking the door and pushing it open. As soon as he’s inside, he hears muffled crying from upstairs and it’s all he needs to hear before he’s rushing upstairs and down the hall to her bedroom. Normally he would never just walk in her room uninvited, but when he saw the white wooden door decorated with silver stars all over, he wasn’t going to stop until he got to her. As soon as he pushes her bedroom door open, the sight alone is enough to make him cry. He watches her yank her desk chair out, screaming as she throws it as hard as she could across the floor.
He rushes to her, pulling her in the most protective hug he’s ever given. Her arms retreated to frightfully gripping the front of his shirt, knees buckling. They ended up crumpled on the floor, backs against the wall as he held her. Her gut wrenching cries were hushed by Harry’s embrace.
“Hey, hey—shhh. M’here, look at me, okay? Deep breaths, breathe with me, okay?” 
“I can’t, it’s too much. This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening.” her cries made his heart ache, all he wanted to do was make it better, but he just couldn’t.
Needless to say, they’ve been there for each other through everything. Y/N’s dad passed away later that year, leaving everyone devastated. Harry waited a year to go to college to be there for Y/N and her mum.
“Are you excited for NYU?”
She tried to sound happy for him, but her voice was laced with sadness. His back was facing her so she couldn’t see his face as he glanced at the sunset out her window.
“M’not going.” he admits, voice small and her jaw goes slack.
“What? What d’you mean you’re not going?” 
“Can’t leave you two here like this.” he turns around and tears are brimming his waterline. “Already talked it over with mum, and the bakery’s not really willin’ t’let me go yet.” 
“Harry.” she warns.
“Hey,” it’s alright.” he pulls her into a protective hug. “We’ll get everything sorted out, okay? It’ll be nice to take a year off from school anyway.”
His lighthearted tone isn’t enough to soothe her anxiety. “You don’t have to put your life on hold for me.”
“I’m not.” he promises. “We’ve been there for each other through everything, yeah?” he pulls away slightly, giving her a warm smile. “That doesn’t just stop because we aren’t kids anymore.”
“We make a good team.”
Her words warm his heart and he turns to her, nodding with a sweet smile.
“Yeah, we do, don’t we?”
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
Admire her.
Tell her how the crinkles in her eyes are like crescent moons, glowing when she smiles. 
Watch how she giggles at your jokes that aren’t funny, and how coy she gets when you’re sweet with her. 
She couldn’t help but get lost in books like this. Somehow they managed to capture everything she’s ever been through, and everything she’s struggling with now. It was torture, really, being in love with her best friend, seeing him everyday, hiding her feelings from him in fear of their friendship being ruined forever. She couldn’t even fathom if that horror were to become her reality, she surely wouldn’t survive the heartbreak.
Touch her. 
Tell her that the stretch marks that paint her skin are magnificent, and that her body is just one dazzling part of who she is.
Snuggle her with tender touches and soft fingertips, love on every curve of her body.
She found herself daydreaming at times like this—the midday sun beaming down on her through the window of the library as she sat in one of the lounge chairs, reading one of her favorite poetry books. She would think about how Harry would touch her if she were his. How he would caress her skin, what his lips could do, where his hands would go.
Adore her.
Cherish her. 
Her reading was quickly interrupted, her vision obstructed by a pair of hands covering her eyes followed by a familiar voice.
“Guess who.”
“Heeeey.” he protests, moving to sit in the lounge chair next to hers. “S’mean.”
She giggles at his pouting, squeezing one of his cheeks. “Poor baby.”
“Ouch.” he brought his hand up to his face to rub the sore skin. “Like beatin’ up on me, do yeh?”
“Just a little.” she winks. 
“Yeah, yeah.” he playfully rolls his eyes before turning his attention to the book in his best friend’s hands. “Whatcha readin’?”
Her heartbeat quickened as she realised that she had been caught, swiftly shutting the book and tucking it into her bag. “Nothing.”
“Nooo, lemme see!”
He didn’t give her another chance to respond, knowing her all too well. She shied away from his words, cheeks splashing with pink.
“C’mon, pleeease?” he frowns, nudging her arm with his elbow. He notices her apprehension, not wanting to push her.
“S’just me.” 
His voice is softer, giving her a fluttering feeling as he leans in closer. “Y’trust me, right?”
The close proximity made her heart thump in her chest. She gives him a slight nod before quietly replying. “Yeah.”
He gently bites down on his lower lip, his eyes flickering from her eyes, down to her lips.
Were they going to kiss?
“Why won’t you tell me what you were readin’?” he quirks with a small smile, tilting his head slightly. You can see the wheels turning. “S’it naughty?”
“No!” she gives him a look, as if to say stooooop, Haz.
He chuckles at her nervousness, patiently waiting as she keeps fumbling over her words, avoiding his captivating eyes. “No...no, no, it’s a...it’s just a book.”
“Obviously.” he blinks. “What kind of book.”
“Just poetry.” she mumbles, hoping he would drop the subject quickly.
“S’it for your poetry analysis thing? What kind of—”
“Harryyyyy.” she whines, hiding her face in her hands. 
“M’not doin’ anything! Can’t I be interested in what you’re readin’?” he defends, resting his cheek in his hand, elbow leaning on the arm of the chair. 
“M’only teasing.” he swipes his fingers across her heated cheeks as he speaks softly to her. “You’re bein’ so shy.”
It’s so adorable, he thinks to himself. 
“You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.” he reassures. “M’starving. Did you still wanna go to lunch?”
She perked up at his question, the book in her bag eventually forgotten, just as she wished. “Please, I’m so hungry.”
“Can we get—”
“Chinese?” his face lights up. “Please please please?”
“We had that last weekend.” 
“So? S’the best food ever, and since when do you turn down chinese food?” he rests his head on the table. “I’ll help you with French Lit.”
“Compelling argument, I didn’t know you were taking a debate class.”
“So funny.” he rolls his eyes. “C’mon, please?”
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
“I love chow mein so much.” 
Y/N’s words barely register in his ears, let alone his brain as he admired the sight of her, eyes closed in bliss as she slurps another noodle.
She’s just so fucking cute.
“I love you so much.”
He’s sure his heart had just dropped into his stomach and his eyes were going to pop out of his head. He hadn’t even realised he’d said it out loud! 
“Didn’t say anything.” he mumbles, mentally cursing himself after feeling the heat radiating off his cheeks. He avoids her gaze as he shoves another spoonful of hot and sour soup into his mouth.
“So how’s your story for creative writing going?” she wonders, twirling some noodles with her fork, because no, she didn’t know how to use chopsticks, and yes, Harry never missed an opportunity to tease her about it.
“Awful.” he pouts, to which she mirrors his expression. 
“You stuck?”
“Very.” he groans. “Just can’t seem to get the words out, y’know?”
“I’ve been there.” she nods. “Do you want some help?”
“Please.” he begged, giving her puppy eyes. “S’due next friday, been workin’ on it every night and still can’t get a single word out.”
“I think you just need to take a break, babes.” she offers. “Let’s have a sleepover this weekend and I’ll help you.”
He gives a sigh of relief, making her laugh. “You’re a gem. What would I do without you?” 
“Your life would definitely be less exciting.” she notes, taking another bite.
He was silent for a moment, probably thinking of a comeba—
“At least I know how to use chopsticks.” 
“You won’t teach me!” she pouts at his teasing. “Quit being mean.”
“Want me to teach you?” he perks, peering up at her.
“Yes.” she lets out a breathless giggle while nodding. 
He playfully huffs, slightly rolling his eyes as he moves to sit behind her on her bed. 
“Okay, so you hold them like this…”
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
Friday, October 12
Dear Diary, 
I feel like I’m going crazy. I keep trying to finish this story for my creative writing class but I keep getting distracted...all I can think about is him. I can’t help it, he’s all I ever think about. How am I supposed to write a romance fiction piece when all I can think about is how I’m in love with my best friend? Harry is charming and sweet and funny and genuine, any girl would be lucky to be his. How did I get myself into this mess? Harry would never like me like that, ever. My heart hurts if I think about it too much. Sometimes I feel like I should just tell him, bite the bullet, rip off the band aid and hope to God that our friendship isn’t ruined forever. In a perfect world,
Y/N drops her pen at the vibration of her phone.
Harry is calling…
“We’ve known each other for how long and you still answer with hello?”
She lets out a breathless laugh. “Are you having a bad day or are you just making fun of me for shits and giggles?”
“Lil bit of both, yeah?” she can hear the cheekiness in his voice. “We still havin’ a sleepover this weekend? Might have to do it at yours, Niall’s havin’ a party and I doubt we’ll get anything done.”
She could hear the sheepish tone in his voice. “Oh no, if you wanna be at the party we can totally reschedule.” she offers.
Harry scrunches up his nose. “Need to get this paper done, m’never gonna finish it with all the noise.” he’s lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Besides, I’d rather spend the weekend with you.”
She feels her heart flutter at his admission, cheeks tingling with heat.
“ Okay...can you bring some snacks?”
There were no two humans on earth that loved fruit more than Harry and Y/N. so around fifteen minutes later, when Harry showed up to Y/N’s door with two smoothies, she melted like sugar. 
“Berry for you.” he hands you the icy purple smoothie in his left hand. “Strawberry banana for me.”
“Awh, thank you!” she gently pinches one of his cheeks. “You’re so sweet.”
“Oi, worse than my mum, aren’t you?” he rubs at the newly pink cheek. 
“No.” she defends. “C’mon, I’ll help you with your story so you don’t drag it out all weekend.”
“I resent that.” he mutters, sitting beside her on her bed as he flips open his laptop. 
“Do you have an idea of what you wanna write?”
“I have a little bit finished, now, about five thousand words. Wanna have a look?”
Y/N reads it over and it’s nothing short of a masterpiece so far. How can he be so pretty and talented at the same time?
“This is beautiful,” she gapes, turning to look up at him. “This is so good, H.”
“Oh, stop.” He sheepishly brushes off her praise. “Don’t think it’s bad so far, just need to come up with a conflict.”
“Just figure out what breaks your characters, what makes them the most vulnerable, what would completely crush them?”
“Losing each other.”
“More specific?” she tries, staring at the screen in front of her. “It’ll help with the details.”
“Rory’s afraid to tell Daisy that he’s in love with her.” he says. “He’s afraid that, if she finds out, it’ll ruin their friendship.”
Y/N’s lungs felt empty, like all the air had been sucked out by Harry’s words.
“Okay, um,” she gulps, trying to collect her thoughts. “So...write about that, and see where the story takes you.”
Three hours later
“Can we take a break?” he groans, laying back on the pillows of her bed. “M’starving.”
“Me too.” she pouts, fiddling with her hands. “Whatcha hungry for?”
“Mmm,” Harry thinks for a few moments before speaking up. “A veggie grill just opened up downtown, we should go there!”
“You’re making me crave nachos.” 
“You always crave nachos.”
“Why do you always have to call me out?” she whines, giving him a bashful glance.
“S’fun, innit?” he smirks, nudging her shoulder with his bicep.
“No.” she giggles, lying down next to him. “I’m gonna go get a shower then we can go.”
An endearing smile adorned his face as she snuggled slightly into the soft pillows. Her eyes leisurely blink at him, falling closed after a few seconds.
“Thought you wanted a shower?” he hummed. Although, he wouldn’t mind staying here all night. “You can stay here, I’ll go pick up some food.”
“No, it’s okay.” she yawns, pushing herself up off the bed. “I’ll be quick.”
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
Harry gets bored easily, although his best friends room was much more lovely than his. He thinks his room is pretty basic; but Y/N’s room was much more charming. The walls were painted a pale ivory, decorated with fairy lights above her bed, which was dressed with a crisp white comforter and matching pillows. The knitted plum blanket that Harry had gotten her ages ago for Christmas was at the end of her bed. He vividly remembers when he had given it to her.
Her eyes were sparkling with joy as she pulled the blanket out of the box.
“Your mum helped me make it.” he mentions with a sheepish smile. “She was so patient, even though I had no idea what I was doing.”
“It’s beautiful.” she beams, pulling it close to her heart before looking up at him as they sat on the floor of Harry’s living room. “I love it.”
He gives her a soft smile, but he feels melancholic energy surrounding him. He keeps telling himself that he didn’t have a reason to be sad, because they weren’t together...but all he wanted was for her to be his. She was so cute, beanie snug on her head under the glow of the Christmas tree.
“Can I ask you somethin’?” 
To which she nods. “Of course.”
“Do you think,” his lips are pressed together in thought for a moment. “Do you think that fate is real?”
“Like kismet?” she cocks her head with a smile and he nods, breaking into a laugh.
“Yeah. Yeah, like kismet.”
“I think,” she takes a moment, fumbling with her hands before looking up at him. “Yeah, I think it’s real.”
Ten thousand words. Harry has to write ten thousand words by next Friday and he doesn’t have a single word typed out. Creative writing was supposed to be fun, and he had to write a romance fiction piece? Harry didn’t exactly thrive when it came to love. In fact, his love life was bone dry, to put it lightly. Other girls were...boring, compared to Y/N. Harry was charming and romantic and sweet and loving—but he didn’t want some random girl, he wanted Y/N to be his girl. Pining over her was his full time job, always has been.
He walks over to her desk, admiring the pictures that graced the wall just above. One of the photos that catches his eye is Y/N, probably about three or four, and her dad is reading her a bedtime story, her mum most likely being the one taking the photo. Sorrow washes over him, because it never gets easier, does it?
His eyes float to a few photos of Harry and Y/N laying  next to each other on their friend Jess’s parents house on the terrace. It was the first time they’d ever gotten drunk and they were trashed. The first photo is them attempting to sit up for a picture.
“You guys are so drunk.”
“M’not drunk.” Harry glances at Millie and Jess, who were behind the camera. “M’Harry! Who’s drunk?”
Harry’s rebuttal left both of them bursting into a fit of giggles.
“Haz, Jess wants a picture of us, pleeeeaaaase?”
Harry holds himself up by leaning back with one hand on the ground, the other arm slung around Y/N’s shoulder. He then turns to nuzzle his nose into her hair.
“Y’so pretty.” he murmurs drunkenly into her ear.
“Shut up, you’re drunk.”
“M’not, m’serious.”
 The last one from that night was them cuddling on the sofa at the end of their night, Harry’s face nuzzled into her shoulder as they slept soundly well into the afternoon.
His fingertips brushed across his favorite photo of them. They were working together at the bakery, and Harry had just traced his flour dipped fingertips in a line across Y/N’s cheek before she retaliated by sweeping some icing across the bridge of his nose. He grins from ear to ear at the memory.
“Hey Y/N, guess what?”
She turned around to face him when he abruptly drew a line with his flour dipped fingertips across her cheek.
Her jaw went slack at his bold action before icing was swiped across the bridge of his nose.
“Now we’re even.” that is, until she flicks some of the remaining blue icing from her fingers onto his face. 
“Aw, c’mon!” he wipes his face with his apron before narrowing his eyes. “Really?”
“You started it.” she pointed out and Harry gave her a shrug.
“I am so gonna get you back the next time we bake at my house.”
His eyes fall down to her desk, and he promises he didn’t mean to see it. It was his name, in her handwriting, written in purple gel pen inside an open book. Was it a journal?
Friday, October 12
Dear Diary, 
He looked away for a moment, lip caught between his teeth. Should he read it? No, but he couldn’t help himself. 
I feel like I’m going crazy. I keep trying to finish this story for my creative writing class but I keep getting distracted...all I can think about is him. 
Him? Who’s she talking about? Does she like someone? The empty feeling in his chest isn’t a good feeling by any means. 
I can’t help it, he’s all I ever think about. How am I supposed to write a romance fiction piece when all I can think about is how I’m in love with my best friend?
All the color drains from Harry’s face. 
“Is she talking about me?” he murmurs.
Harry is charming and sweet and funny and genuine, any girl would be lucky to be his. 
His heart flutters at the mention of his name, aching at the next line. 
How did I get myself into this mess? Harry would never like me like that, ever. My heart hurts if I think about it too much. 
He felt like he was going to cry. How could this girl not know how much of a sucker he is for her? His heart thumped inside his chest and he could feel the heat radiating off his flushed cheeks.
Okay, don’t panic. Just calm down, don’t freak out.
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to process what he had just read whilst trying to decide what to do. Does he just tell her? Show her the page? No, she’ll be so angry that he read her diary, who does that? 
In that moment, he chooses to do the only thing that makes sense.
He listens to his heart.
* 。˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。 * 。 • ˚  ˛ 。* 。• ° 。* 。 • ˚
She’d just hopped out of the shower when she heard a knock on her bathroom door.
“Hey, s’just me.” Harry’s voice clarifies through the wood. “Already ordered some food, m’gonna go and pick it up, I’ll be back.”
“I can go with you if you want-”
“No, s’okay! Be back in fifteen.”
And he’s gone.
After exiting her bathroom, she changes into some comfy clothes before deciding to read something from her book collection until Harry gets back. WHen she turns to go over to her bookshelves, she sees it.
A familiar lavender book, her diary, was lying open on her desk, and her heart sinks. Had he read what she’d written earlier? That must be why he was in such a hurry to leave! She probably scared him off. Y/N’s heart was racing as she stepped closer and realised that the page the diary was open to wasn’t written in her handwriting.
It was Harry’s handwriting.
Hi lovie, it’s Harry. 
I was too nervous to tell you this to your face, so I’m gonna write out my feelings. 
You’re my best friend in the whole world, and I absolutely adore everything about you. 
I love how you talk in your sleep, and yes, you do talk in your sleep. I know how much you love to snuggle when you’re sleepy or sad or you just want a cuddle...and how you still sleep with a night light on like when we were small. You always tell me it’s so you can see in case you need to get up and have a wee in the middle of the night, but I know it’s because you’re still scared of the dark.
She couldn’t believe her eyes. Was she dreaming?
I love how you crinkle your nose when you laugh, and how your smile glows like moonlight and how you play with your hands when you don’t know what to say. I love your love for books, and how much better your taste in music is than me. I love how you love to snuggle, especially when you’re...inebriated.
She giggles silently to herself, because he was so right. Not that he was any better.
I could go on forever, but I don’t wanna get caught writing this.
I am so in love with you, Y/N.
Love, H. x 
Y/N didn’t know how to feel. Her heart was warm, but she was so nervous. What does this mean for them? How will this affect their friendship? Hundreds of questions run through her brain until she hears a knock on the door.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” she whispers. “Okay, just... be chill, please be chill.”
Trying to calm herself down in a matter of seconds was pointless. Walking over to the door, she took a deep breath in before opening the door.
“Hi.” he blinks at her, letting out a light laugh before setting down the two paper bags in his hands. “M’back. They didn’t have the-”
“I read it.”
He avoids her gaze and he feels frozen by her words, digging his vans into the carpet.
“Harry.” she breathes. “Say something.”
His eyes flicker to meet hers, taking a step forward.
“I...I love you.”
Y/N feels like a weight has been lifted off her chest, like she just came for air after being kept under water for too long. 
“If this makes things weird, I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry, but I love you to pieces and I-”
“I love you too.” 
His smile is pure joy before he takes her hand in his, pulling her closer to him.
“Can I kiss you?” he begs, almost breathless. “Please.”
She nods, and he cradles her cheeks in his hands, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.  
His lips were so soft, moving with hers like they were made for each other.
Harry was sitting on the edge of her bed, her thighs straddling his hips and she sat across his lap. Her hands were in his hair, the fluttery tendrils twirled around her fingers. His hands are settled on her waist, slowly moving to her thighs.
“Is this okay?” he murmurs the serious question against her lips and she nods quickly. “Yeah.”
“Okay.” he breathes. “M’just checkin’.” 
“It’s okay.” she laughs breathlessly against his lips. “Everything's okay.”
Reluctantly, he pulls back slightly to look at her, searching for any sort of doubt, but there was none.
“Don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”
His voice is cautious. “M’not goin’ anywhere, ever. Don’t have to rush anything.”
“Just go with the flow, H.” she murmurs, sliding her hands up his clothed biceps.
“Sorry, who are you?” he raises his eyebrows, a baffled expression on his face. “Since when do you ever go with the flow?”
“A lot of things have changed today.” she confesses, hands resting on his shoulders. “Why not?”
They’d always felt so safe with each other, so now was no different. 
They both dived back into the kiss. Harry’s tongue swiped across her bottom lip, testing the waters before lips and tongue worked together to deepen the kiss.
“Wanna ride my thigh?” he wonders, mumbling against her lips. “Don’t have to if-”
“Yeah. yes.” she gulps, moving to slide her shorts down while he shuffles out of his jeans. Once they were both without pants, they didn’t waste anymore time.
“C’mere, darlin’.” he flicked his fingers, encouraging her back onto his lap.
“Just feel my touch.”
The tone of his voice was unbelievably hot, raspy and low as their lips continuously brushed. His hands grip her hips, guiding her movements.
“Feel good?” he suckles on her bottom lip, drawing a whimper past her lips. She’s rocking against his bare thigh, coarse hair stimulating her even closer to the edge.
“Feels so good, Harry.” 
Her moans are nothing short of melodic, chasing her orgasm through the lace. He pushes her t-shirt up, kisses are decorated down her neck until his mouth is on one of her breasts. She tilts her head back at the suckling sensation with another moan, and it’s so fucking intoxicating to Harry. His tongue flicks her nipple a few more times before lifting his head.
“Like that?” he hums, moving to cup her breasts. She nods and his thumbs start to tweak her nipples and she arches her back at the feeling.
“Harry.” she whimpers, gripping the material of his shirt in her fists. “Please.”
“Whatcha need, tell me darlin’.”
“M’gonna come, m’gonna come.”
He gives a thick moan, hands moving to hold her backside. “Know you are. C’mon angel, you can let go.”
His sweet words coax her through her orgasm as she’s coming down, and she feels like she’s floating.
“Did you like that?”
“Mhm.” she nods, her eyes fluttering closed as Harry’s hand brushes some baby hairs off her forehead. “Wanna keep going.”
“Jeez, at least let me take you out to dinner first.”
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aviantrolls · 3 years
F(r)ight of your life
Inspired by reading one of @jazztrolls old drabbles from a CEF ask.
Errina had been in the ring long enough to think he was actually starting to get the hang of things. He knew what he was physically capable of, and that was quite a lot. He also took advantage of his competitors underestimating him due to his size and the lack of apparent muscles. So far, he had mostly been in throw matches to just pull in money for his sponsor, which he wasn’t very happy with at first, but he learned to swallow his pride. At least he’d get paid that way. 
He had met a troll– a blueblood that went by Chow– and had actually watched him fight a few times! He was an inspiration, but now that they were at least..  acquaintances, he wouldn’t admit that to his face. He wouldn’t risk embarrassment like that.  Your ego wouldn’t handle that well at all. Oh- there he was now. Crazy that your fights overlapped. You’ll at least get to watch from a good spot tonight. 
He couldn’t believe it. His first real fight, after.. Nearly a sweep now? He had already started to lose count of how long he had been in, his sponsor had thrown him in so many easy fights. He pulls out his tiny flip phone, and shoots Chow a text. They had gotten closer after a few months, and he would even go as far as to call Chow his brother. Chow would just call him soft and punch his shoulder just hard enough to bruise. 
Shortstack: Chow! I’m getting my fi/)st /)eal fight. Get you/) ass to the /)ing /)n. I know you’/)e hanging a/)ound he/)e, dumbass. 
Shortstack: Don’t igno/)e meeeeeee
Shortstack: you love me!
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Punching Bag: what do you WANT
Punching Bag: what do you fucking want rrin.
Punching Bag: that you had to spam my phone THAT much.
Shortstack: Fight @ 7
Shortstack: I bette/) see u in the c/)owd o/) in the locke/) /)oom befo/)e :///
Shortstack: u know its my fi/)st /)eal fight.
Shortstack: I stick around for u/)s!!!!!
Punching Bag: …
Punching Bag: …
Punching Bag: fiiiiine
Punching Bag: ill see you then, brrat. 
Shortstack: >:D
It was 6. Just an hour before the fight, and Rin, surprisingly, didn’t feel any butterflies in his stomach. His tail wasn’t lashing nervously. He does snap his gaze to the door when he hears it open, though. Finally, Chow showed up. He grins, and gets up to punch his shoulder. 
“About time you made it, asshole! I was starting to think you wouldn’t show,” Rin cackles, and he steps back, smirking up at Chow. All he was greeted with was a scowl and a roll of eyes. “I keep my worrd, you know.” Chow muttered under his breath, but took Rin into a side hug. “Beat theirr asses forr me.” 
Rin grinned, enjoying the brief contact and being squished against the other’s side. Oh.. he totally planned on it. He squirmed out of Chow’s grip and went back to the bench, stretching his hands above his head. They were wrapped, but clearly, Chow saw a problem with the wrap, as he approached and started to undo them. 
“I thought I taught you betterr. What arre you.. Fucking stupid?” 
“Yeah. I was still on painkillers when you were showing me.” Rin grinned, but let Chow fix up the wrappings. He knew he had done a good job, but Chow was picky. Big Brother Chow at least. He wouldn’t dare do this for anyone else, only for the kid he intended on rescuing from this hell hole. 
For the hour until the match, the two sat and chatted, Rin mostly keeping the conversation going with dumb jokes he knew would egg Chow on. Then, the call. Rin stands, and he socks Chow’s shoulder before standing and doing one last stretch before heading out to the ring. He heard Chow’s faint footsteps follow, and smiled, knowing his brother was watching. He tries to catch a glimpse of his competitor before he gets in the ring, but his height prevents that. When he gets into his corner though, he nearly stops breathing.
A hulking fuchsia. Built like a brick wall. Canines that could rip through his skin without any effort. He swallows, but calms himself. This was his first real match! He couldn’t let the nerves get to him. He could do something about this, even if his usual tactics wouldn’t work. Yeah. He could do this. Especially with Chow watching. Cheering silently from the sidelines. He’d make his brother proud. 
Before he knew it, he was grasping at what fabric he could get a hold on, biting at the hands reaching for him, and trying to keep away from those damn spikes. This troll knew how to use his tail to cut. Then, he felt a grip at the nape of his neck and he’s tossed right into one of the poles, and all he saw was stars. Even though he couldn’t see, he pushes himself up, trying to move from the spot he was thrown. 
The fuchsia was too quick, though, and he was slammed to the ground, and he couldn’t breathe. He scrapes at the single hand- fuck, it only took one hand to encompass his entire neck- around his throat, digging his nails in until he feels cold, pink blood warmed by the lights on the ring. The grip didn’t let up for what felt like an eternity, then it was gone. All Rin could do was lay there stunned. It took.. So long to be able to push himself up, or at least.. It felt so long. He stumbles out of the ring, brushing blearily past a figure he was sure was Chow, because it turned to follow him, grabbing his bicep. 
Almost on cue, Rin collapses, and Chow is on his knees just as quick, keeping his head from slamming into the ground. He pulls him up and close to his face, grip a little tight. 
“RRin..” Chow growled, “RRin look at me.” He couldn’t. The light was so bright. He couldn’t even move his tail. He could barely process the words Chow was speaking. Something.. must’ve broken when he was thrown or.. slammed into the floor of the ring. Maybe a punctured lung? Probably. 
“RRRRIN. LOOK. AT. ME.” Oh.. that.. sounded urgent. He could just almost meet Chow’s gaze. He could feel something warm on his cheeks. Was he crying? “Dont you fucking go.”
Oh.. he must be really hurt. That fuchsia did a number on him. He gasps, and he feels more liquid dripping down his cheeks. Oh.. that hurt. He almost lurches forward, but one of Chow’s hands press down on his sternum. “I don’wanna go.” He whispers, even though it hurts now. “Don’wanna.” 
The last thing he sees before his eyelids feel too heavy to hold up anymore, was a blur and his knuckle scraping on the mottled concrete wall of the locker room. The last thing he heard before he went under was the curse of a name. Chow knew the person he was fighting? 
Thankfully, Cosmit burst into the locker room and just dragged Chow off behind her, not letting him explain. She knew just by the fact Chow was crying something was really fucking off with that little lime in his arms, and she gets him into a hospital bed and under watch. Chow is by his bed every day, even sleeps in the chair beside him. She felt pity for him, and the little lime in the bed. Kam had really roughed him up. He had been in a coma for a week now, showing no signs of improvement. 
Chow begged for another week when she came in that night, looking sadly at Rin. She.. oh, she couldn’t deny that. It wasn’t that uncommon either, but.. she didn’t see much promise in it, that it’d just extend Chow’s suffering. She walks out of the room with a soft promise of one more week.. but only one more. 
Rin did wake up, just a few days before the end of the extra week he had been graced with. He struggled to sit up,  feeling so, so sore. Immediately it feels like his hand is being crushed, and he looks over.
“..Chow?” He rasped, voice rough and throat dry. “..what are you.. Doin’ here? Where am I..?” He was surprised at the sound of his voice. “..how long was I..?” He shudders, feeling the cold of the room. Where were his clothes..? Whatever was on him was scratchy, and he hated it. It was thin, too. 
“Almost two weeks.” Chow croaked. Oh.. there were tear trails. Rin paused, squeezing his hand gently back. Then, he smiles softly. “You were crying over me? Softie.” Chow squeezed his hand harder, and Rin laughed, then gasped at the sharp pain in his side. 
“Fuck.” He wheezed, and this time he squeezed. “F..fuck that hurt.” He whispered. 
“..you had a puncturred lung. Frrom when Kam thrrew you. They.. they say you’rrre rrecoverring. Despite it all. You… won’t come out of it… without.. Uh.” Chow had to pause to think. He couldn’t remember what the doctors had said. “Medical… things.” He finally decided on, though it was clear he wasn’t fully sure about what he was saying. 
“Speaking of-” Chow took his hand back, but Rin snatched it back. He swallows, flushing, before pouting at Chow. He lets him hold it, and reaches with his other hand to press a button. Within a few minutes, a nurse shows up, only peeking into the door before leaving for a doctor. 
A month later, and Rin is wheezing on Chow’s couch, frustrated tears pooling in his eyes before he curses and throws a pillow angrily at the empty wall by the couch. Dogdad peeks in, then pads over, carefully climbing into Rin’s lap and nuzzling into the now empty hand. He whined softly, and Rin looked to him, anger fading a little as he started to pet through the lusus’ fur. Chow joins shortly after, hearing the curse. 
“RRin..” Chow mutters, looking at the pillow on the floor, then his lusus in Rin’s lap. He sighed, going to sit next to his sibling. He wraps an arm over his shoulder, tight enough that Rin couldn’t shrug him off if he tried. 
“Worrds, fun-size.” He was speaking softly, and that just pissed Rin off. He keeps his touch gentle on Dogdad, though. He would never dare take his anger out on him.
“I can’t- I can’t fucking.. Live my life anymore!” He spits, and he bites at his lip, trying to think before speaking again. “I’m.. I’m fucking winded doing- doing things I could do so easy! I.. can’t even fucking..” He draws in a breath, hitched, and Chow knows just where to knead to ease away the flare up. Rin lightly smacks his hand, but Chow knew he didn’t want him to stop. 
After a few minutes, the pain subsides, and Rin finally leans into Chow. “..I’m useless.” 
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
The Cane (Part 4)
@flyboytracy​​​ asked:
Steampunk AU: five uses for a cane and one time Scott used it for its intended purpose 😘
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Aaargh, those migraines messed with my muse on this one. Had to fight it the entire way and the cane reference is tiny. Hope you enjoy it anyway ::hugs to all::
Many thanks to @janetm74​​​ @tsarinatorment​​​ and @scribbles97​​​ for all their help and amazing support of my crazy. And to @flyboytracy​​​ for asking in the first place.
This be Steampunk AU with a mix of John snark, a little bit of wee!Tracys in a little bit of peril, some selfless Scott, and a reason you don’t want to mess with Five or her pilot.
“This is very inconvenient.”
Scott stared at his brother in the dim light. “Is that an attempt at impersonating Lady Penelope?”
John stared back, dust drifting haphazardly off his hard helmet and goggles. “As you’ve said many times yourself, there is no use in panicking.”
He had to give his brother that. A sigh and he assessed their situation yet again, shining his torch about the space they found themselves in.
They were in a basement. It was likely that they were lucky, as all indications were that if they had been in any other part of the building, they would not be having this conversation or any other any time in the future. The basement had a wall of solid bedrock on one side, the building having been constructed with that in mind with half the plumbing bolted into the rock. Unfortunately, the rest of the structure had been built on sand, which promptly liquified when the earthquake hit.
Speaking of earthquake. “How long do you think before the next aftershock?”
John pulled out his notebook, took a note of the time on the watch he had strapped to his wrist, and scribbled down some math. “They are very unpredictable, but I’m hoping this last big one will give us some time. Or at least, Virgil some time to dig us out.”
Scott fiddled with his transmitter unit. There was no response on any frequency he attempted. Either the equipment was broken or something was stopping the signal from reaching his brothers. John had already pulled his apart and attempted a signal boost with no success.
They were both covered in dust, but fortunately uninjured.
But, for the moment, they were stuck.
Scott was not very good at sitting still.
“We may as well rest so we can be ready when needed.”
Scott grunted.
His brother ignored him and wiped off a large chunk of masonry with one leather-gloved hand and sat down. “You know Virgil will find us.”
Another grunt.
“Sit down, Scott. You can afford to take a minute to rest.”
He let out a breath and bit his lip, but with a sigh, he did as his brother asked.
There was silence for a moment, broken only by the sound of dust and rock settling.
“Why did you come back in?” John’s voice was crisp, clear and calm.
“You were in here.” Obviously.
“But now both of us are trapped, whereas if you had run like you should have, you could be assisting Virgil to dig me out.”
Scott’s lips thinned. What had been his line of thinking? Had there been a line of thinking? To be honest, all he could recall was the thought that John was under a building that was about to collapse and he needed saving.
His voice was a little rough. “Virgil will get us out.”
“Hmm.” John was not looking at him.
“What did you expect me to do? Leave you here to die?”
Aquamarine turned calmly to catch his eyes. “Better than both of us.”
“We’re not dead.”
“Pure chance.”
John was always ever so direct.
“But important nonetheless.”
John sighed. “Reminds me of the well.”
Scott eyed him. “Really? You’re going to bring that up again?”
“Eternally, my dear brother.” John’s smirk was exceedingly annoying. “Besides, it passes the time.”
“I would rather spend time finding a way out of here.” Scott shot to his feet and began pacing around the space they were stuck in.
“If you disturb something that brings the rest of the building down on us, I’m haunting you until the end of time.”
Scott slumped a little. His brother was right. Messing with the fragile pile was just asking for trouble. They were lucky to have room to breathe, much less walk around.
“This is the reason why you ended up in the well, Scott. You haven’t changed in twenty odd years.”
Scott glared at him. His little brother had been six at the time, Scott only ten. The two of them had gone beyond the borders of the Tracy farm in Kansas and into land they shouldn’t have. They were exploring. John, as always, was a little more cautious, but Scott was ever running ahead.
It was rather ironic that it was John who fell in the well.
It wasn’t long dug, but the planks covering it were flimsy and the winds from the previous day had obscured them. John had gone through them as if the planet had eaten him.
Scott found his little brother clutching his leg at the bottom of the hole.
It wasn’t a very deep well, but it was deep enough to put his brother out of the reach of a ten-year-old.
“Scotty, my leg hurts.”
“I’ll get you out.” He looked around for something to help John.
Perhaps he knew in some part of his mind that this could be the wrong decision. He had no rope and no real way to reach his little brother. He should get help.
But he couldn’t leave Johnny here on his own.
The thought was terrifying from both of their perspectives.
Perhaps he would have thought it a little less terrifying if he realised what could happen if he didn’t fetch help. Because once he found a long enough stick, he reached over the edge and while doing his best to add to the length John couldn’t quite reach, he fell in the hole on top of his brother.
There were groans and tears after that.
Scott didn’t hurt himself. John had been heard to comment on multiple occasions thereafter that it was because he landed on a cushion he called brother.
Scott countered that by saying he was lucky he hadn’t been impaled by a bony limb of said scrawny brother.
In any case, they huddled together for warmth for thirty-six freezing hours until someone finally found them.
By then, both brothers were dehydrated and starving.
The lecture from their father was almost as long as their time in the well.
Their mother, pregnant with Gordon at the time, took ill with the fright and there was some seriously scary time until the little fish was born a month later…a touch early.
Virgil wouldn’t let either of his brothers out of his sight for a good year after the incident. The nine-year-old obviously terrified they would disappear again.
It became legendary in the Tracy household for good or bad.
“So, you’re saying, I should have gone for help?”
Something clunked in the pile of rubble.
John arched an eyebrow. “As I said, you haven’t learnt. Yes, Scott, you should not have dashed back into the collapsing building. When Virgil finds out, he’s going to scalp you.”
“I’m sorry that my first instinct is to protect my brothers.”
John rolled his eyes, both original and artificial. “Your first instinct should be to protect yourself so you can protect your brothers.”
Folding his arms across his chest, Scott shifted his weight onto one foot, cocking his hip. “Fine. Then explain Bermuda.”
“That was different. That was saving lives.”
“You rammed a twenty-eight gunned frigate with Five!”
“It was firing on a sinking civilian target full of over two hundred passengers, including my four brothers. Grandma was not aboard. It was a fair decision.”
Scott had to admit it had been spectacular, the huge, blue-grey, manta-ray-shaped Five had reared out of the ocean and sliced the pirate vessel in half.
International Rescue had fished the survivors out of the water and there had been minimal casualties, considering.
Five had taken damage, but her cahelium superstructure was designed to withstand something as simple as a mostly wooden hull. Some gentle care from Virgil, an assessment from Hiram, and she was declared fit and well.
They had disappeared for a while after that as the rumours ran riot. Lady Penelope managed to smooth any ruffled feathers at government level.
Scott had both commended and roasted John alive.
“You could have been killed.”
“So could have you, and Virgil and Gordon and little Allie. Was I supposed to sit back and watch?”
Another clunk from somewhere in the rubble.
Scott arched an eyebrow. “Perhaps, you know how I feel.”
“Of course, I know how you feel. We all do.”
“Then what is the problem?”
But John was interrupted by another clank, this time clearly from one of the pipes against the wall.
“Virgil?” They both said it at once and hurried over to the rock face.
The clunk repeated itself and then started on a very familiar dot dot dot…
He reached behind and pulled his folded cane out of its sleeve on his back. Its metal tip shone dull brass in the yellow light.
He only had to tap one letter. Dot dot dot dash.
Three letters came back in a hurried jumble of excited hammering. F A B.
Then…S T A T U S?
J  A N D  S   W E L L  A N D  M O B I L E.
S T A N D  B A C K ?
F A B.
Assuming Virgil was referring to the rock wall as the point of origin, the two brothers stepped as far back from it as they could.
Moments later a rumble and hiss of gears, the crash of breaking masonry and daylight suddenly shot through part of the rubble. This was quickly followed by a massive but familiar brass claw reaching in and grabbing a large chunk of rock, disappearing with it. A crunch of gravel, shove of rock…a shout. “Scott, are you in here? John?” Their goggled and fully armour-suited brother pushed the rest of the way through the pile of broken building, both claws fully extended.
“Over here, Virgil.”
Their brother’s head turned in their direction and metal shoulders sank in relief. “Oh, thank god.”
Something shifted in the rubble pile and Virgil reacted, his right claw slamming into the chunk of masonry threatening to fall. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Scott didn’t need to be told twice as the remains of the building creaked around them in warning. Grabbing John’s arm, he hustled his brother out through the gap past Virgil.
The engineer’s eyes on the both of them.
No doubt there would be a medical examination in their near future.
Shoving John gently ahead of him, Scott turned to keep an eye on Virgil.
His metal clad brother stepped back carefully, letting rock fall in his wake.
Then, as if the final domino had been tipped, the entire pile began collapsing in on itself.
Scott took a step towards Virgil only to have his arm yanked on from behind.
“Damnit, Scott protect yourself!” John dragged him through the remains of the rubble as a cloud of dust roared behind them.
“Virgil!” He dug his heels in, fighting John’s hold.
“He’s wearing his armour, Scott. You are not! Move!”
It went against everything. He had to protect his brothers first. But John was right. Neither of them was wearing enough protection. Virgil was.
He had to trust.
Trust that Virgil knew what he was doing.
When put in those terms the answer was simple. Of course, he trusted Virgil.
Perhaps it was fate he had issues with.
John dragged him clear of the building and the cloud of dust. Two, nestled on her landing struts, was a wonderful sight.
And then Gordon was grabbing at him. Alan was yelling his name and there were dusty hugs and clunking helmets.
But still the cloud…
As if summoned, his brother strode out of the haze, cogs whirring and pneumatic systems hissing, metal glinting in the sun. His goggled eyes searching until they latched onto his brothers.
Thank god.
A matter of strides and he enveloped his engineer brother in a hug, metal suit and all. “Thanks, Virg.”
His brother exhaled in a huff. “What on Earth were you thinking?” And so began the rant about worrying about a brother encased in metal when a building is falling when he wasn’t and could have been killed with a single rock. You idiot.
It went on for some time.
John smirked at him for the entire tirade.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years
Talking to the Moon (Billy Hargrove)
Another songfic. This one is based on "Talking to the Moon" by Bruno Mars
Word count: 2049 words
Warnings: a swear word I think?, mentions of death, description of death, this is basically fueled by angst, sad, mental illness I guess (I think that's it), allusions to sex
I may or may not have made myself cry while writing this
"I know you're somewhere out there" you whispered as you were seated in your driveway, leaning against a car, long abandoned. His car.
Denial. That's what one could call your situation. Struck with grief and pain, yet still not recognizing it.
"Somewhere far away, but that's okay I'll find you or maybe you'll find me." A sad smile traced your lips as your eyes began to water. You gazed at the starry night sky, the moon, shining as bright as ever, illuminating your frame.
You couldn't accept it. And why would you? Just to have your world shutter to pieces before your feet? No thanks!
"I want you back,"
It never happened. Not as long as you refused to believe it. It just had to be some cruel joke. IT HAD TO BE!
Slowly flashes of memories invaded your thoughts and unfolded before your eyes. The way he sacrificed himself in order to save all of you. The way he was impaled from all directions by the beast and how his blood soaked the white tank top he had been wearing that evening. The way his limp body dropped to the floor. How he just laid there unconscious in a puddle of of his own blood. How they had to drag you and Max away from his body, but you wouldn't budge. "No Billy! BILLY! Come on! D-don't do this to me! You can't just leave me here like that!" In that moment you either wanted him to wake up or to just lie down and leave this place with him, but you couldn't do that to your family and friends. And to think that fateful day was your anniversary as well. You quickly pushed your thoughts and trauma to the back of your mind.
"I want you back Billy, please just come back home." Slowly the silent tears started escaping your eyes.
A hand pat your shoulder causing your features to flash with hope. Yet, it wasn't him. "Come on you gotta go back inside" It was just your little brother. The hopeful glimmer in your eyes vanished as you slowly got up. "I know... I know" You muttered and when you had made it to the front door you glanced at the old car again, wiping at your face to dry the tears.
"(Y/n) do you wanna watch a movie or maybe meet up with the gang? They miss you." Your face contorted to one of agony and you flinched at the mention of the kids and some of your friends. However, you quickly tried to mask it up and flashed your brother a smile "Sorry Dustin, those are your friends I'm just your babysitter. Have fun though." You ruffled his hair and just like that you left your little brother standing in the hallway as you made a beeline for your bedroom.
My neighbors think I'm crazy. But they don't understand
Whenever you left the house you got weird or pitiful looks thrown in your direction. It was no wonder you stopped leaving the house. And quite honestly, you were beginning to feel better. You felt better, not because you finally accepted the decision fate had made, but rather because you started to drift off. Reminiscing about the good times and creating your own little world in your head where everything was just fine. Or maybe you were just feeling numb by now...
"You're all I had, you're all I had and you're all I'd ever need" you mumbled to yourself and to the night sky.
At night, when the stars light up my room. I sit by myself. Talking to the moon
You often sat on your windowsill as you told him all that happened on each day. Sometimes you'd rant about your job. Other times you'd ask him questions and beg him to come back to you.
Trying to get to you. In hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too
Could he even hear you? See you? Know you were trying to contact him somehow? If the upside down was real, then so was the chance he might be out there somewhere, right? It was a desparate last glimmer of hope you had left.
"Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon? Maybe I am..." Oh
I'm feeling like I'm famous, the talk of the town.
Of course you noticed the people watching you and talking about you behind your back. They say I've gone mad. Apparently they had nothing better to do than talk about you.
Yeah, I've gone mad. But they don't know what I know
One night when you were rambling into the night you heard his voice.
'Cause when the sun goes down, someone's talking back.
It was faint at first, but it got louder and steadier and sounded more like him.
Yeah, they're talking back, oh. At night, when the stars light up my room
And that was when hope returned to you. You left your room less and less, your family and friends growing more worried with each passing day. They barely got to see you.
I sit by myself. Talking to the moon
You didn't even notice how you neglected your needs.
Trying to get to you
You were too busy talking to him. Too busy to eat or sleep. To anxious that he'd be gone again if you left for too long.
In hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too
Your family was at their wits end. They didn't know how they could help you. But you didn't think you needed help. You had Billy and that was all that mattered to you.
Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon?
Slowly your brain had repressed the trauma, leaving it on the threshold between consciousness and unconsciousness. The images of the distressing and traumatizing memories only appearing in your sleep. In your nightmare plagued sleep.
Do you ever hear me calling? (Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah) Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. 'Cause every night, I'm talking to the moon
They were just nightmares, nothing more. After all he was here. What did you need sleep for when you could be awake and talk to Billy
Still trying to get to you
You had gotten lost in your own fantasy. A different reality where your boyfriend was still alive. Where he was still his usual cocky, jealous overprotective, but loving self, the one you fell in love with.
In hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too
Today was your anniversary. You dressed up nicely and left your room for the first time in forever. Describing your family as shocked when you left your room, went to grab a shopping basket and put on your shoes was an understatement. You flashed a bright smile at them when you saw them. "(Y/n)? What's got you in such a good mood? Are you going out?" Your mother was a little worried about your sudden change in demeanor, but quickly pushed those doubts aside. She was delighted at how happy you seemed. She didn't want to see in what bad shape you were, didn't want to notice how weird that smile looked on your exhausted posture or how that smile didn't actually reach your glassed over, dull (e/c) eyes. Eyes that shone bright with love, hope and life once. She didn't want to realize that you were just a shell of yourself.
What she did notice though, was the effort you put into looking nice today and that you actually wanted to leave your room and even the house.
"Yes mum, of course I'm in a good mood!" you exclaimed, you almost seemed like you were in some kind of trance. "It's our anniversary today. I'll go buy a few things to surprise Billy with his favourite dish for when he comes over later" and just like that you were out the door. Leaving your mother with confusion and worry written all over her face. Dustin had noticed the whole ordeal, however he did not choose to blatantly ignore your change in behaviour. "I have an idea, I know someone who might be able to help." Just like that your brother had left through the front door, sprinting to his friend's home.
Or am I a fool, who sits alone,
You had spent your afternoon cooking and baking for your boyfriend. You prepared everything, now all you had to do was wait for him.
talking to the moon? Oh
A grin made itself prominent on your face as you thought about your favourite anniversary, the one three years ago. The weather was nice and Billy took you to the fun fair that just happened to be in town. He kept you close to him and would've punched anyone who laid their eyes on you for too long if you hadn't stopped him. "Don't worry, I'm only yours Hargrove" you beamed at him with delight in your eyes as you pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. After that he won you a stuffed animal and you got some cotton candy together.
"I love you, you know that right? I'll stay by your side forever you'll see. And I'll never leave you, like my asshole of a father left my mum, I promise. The two of us, we'll stay together for eternity" The blonde told you that evening when you were in bed, snuggled up cozily together after he had shown you just how much he loved you in every possible way. You moved your head which was resting on his naked chest slightly so you could properly look at him. His eyes held so much love, passion, adoration and tenderness for you in them and you knew yours did too "Forever huh?" you grinned as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face. You could feel his fingers trace patterns on your back and arms as his strong arms pulled you impossibly closer to his body, the scent of his cologne engulfing you. "You better keep that promise then because I love you too." A cocky smirk appeared on his face and there was a short pause, a comfortable silence, as you pondered "Billy?" The boy hummed in response, his fingers still caressing your soft skin. "Can you promise to show me the beaches in Cali someday as well?" You felt your boyfriends chest vibrating as he chuckled softly "I think that I can manage (Y/n)" That's how you drifted off to sleep that night.
"(Y/n)..." a soft voice cautiously brought you back to your reality. "It's been three years." Your eyes were wide as you found yourself face to face with Maxine Mayfield, Billy's half-sister. He always acted like he hated it when someone called them siblings, when in reality he didn't mind at all. He loved his sister, he just had a special way of showing it. "What are you doing here? And what are you even talking about?" A smile was on your face. "As much as I love our silly little talks Max, I must advice you leave. Billy will come home any minute now and you know how he can get when he has plans and you appear out of nowhere." a giggle left your throat. As you spoke your eyes started swimming with tears. Why? You didn't know.
"(Y/n) listen to me. Billy died three years ago today, he's not gonna come to your anniversary. You just made up that he's still here with you because you couldn't handle his death. Not with how brutal it was." Tears were now pouring from your eyes as you shook your head. Realization dawning on you. "No...that-that's not true" you said, your voice cracking halfway. "Three-three years ago he took me to the funfair and-" you stopped mid sentence as the images from your nightmares unraveled before you. Max pulled you into her embrace and you hugged her back immediately, your whole body racking with sobs. The redhead also shed a few tears, not only because of her dead brother but also because of the state you were in. "I know, I know..." she soothed you
I know you're somewhere out there.
Somewhere far away...
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jayflrt · 3 years
my studying is long gone and I’m here reading a-list I don’t even know how to being how much I like it no I LOVE IT. the way they had the tension from the fucking stART LIKE URGHHHHHDHNDJDMD yes beautiful.
“I know you do, princess,” Jongseong replied, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You’ve always loved being on Gossip Girl’s A-List.”
oh to be called princess by him 💳💳🗣🗣 I’m not even a fan of pet names but if it was him sign the fuck up.
I LOVE JAYS CHARACTER SO MUCH YES !!! i want a best friend like him ??? no imagine jay as your bestie like it would be so cool. random drives or just randomly spoiling you. he would be such a great listener and giving advice like omg !!! THE HUGS HE GIVES OR RANDOM KISSES. 🥴🤍 ALSO LIKE IMAGINE CALLING HIM AT NIGHT AND HE SINGS FOR YOU or talks about the most random thing at 3am on a school night AHHDINDKEKEK my guy friend could never 🙄 WAIT IM OFF TRACK I SWEAR THIS HAPPENS WHEN IM TALKING ABOUT JAY 😭😭. no i literally re read it cuz I wanna show my favorite parts, and like, how am I supposed to even supposed to take few parts from the whole masterpiece???
ok enough talk of jay, let me give some spotlight to my girl. pls I love her character so much urgh!!!! like she is kinda spoiled but she is considerate of things nice of you and thank you for having an idea of jay actually being head over heels for you. she gave off a lot of girl boss vibes minus her chasing hoon. stop flexing you got the PARK JONGSEONG wrapped around your fingers we KNOW 🤧🥲🤚🏽🤚🏽 give me a chance ig or something I can be your maid thank you 😊 ALSO STOP CHASING MEN THAT DONT LOVE YOU BAVK LIKE JAY PLS BABE !!! no I REALLY LOVE HER CHARACTER ITS SO NICE ?!??!! You SHOULD HAVE CONFESSED SOONER LOVE 🗣🗣🗣🗣 ngl this part made me laugh a little
“I’ll bite you,” you taunted. “Let’s see if you can even do that with my cock down your throat.”
ok I’m big curious but do you write these filthy part and be like damn,,,,, I just really wrote that, woah that’s cool 👍🏽👍🏽 or something but I’m curious what’s your thought process after writing any story like, do you stare at what you wrote and be like “damn that was something” and ignore your assignments???? the songs gave more feels to it like sexy. i loved how you described all the scenes so well and gave the feel to imagine it like hdjdjdk. maybe we deserve a small bit of jay and sunghoon “fight” or whatever. don’t you think 🤔🤔
thank you so much for reading angel :(( and ditching your studying to read 😭😭 i’m honored BUT ALSO ITS OKAY U CAN READ AFTER STUDYING 👉👈 and pls i’m so glad you could pick up on the sexual tension i was hoping i wrote it well :’)) AND THE FACT THAT YOU TOOK THE TIME TO PICK OUT A QUOTE YOU LIKED ILL JUST CRY RN BYEE E 🏃‍♂️😭💝
sorry this is long i must read more this 😞
but pls i hate pet names myself but oh 2 have park jongseong call me princess 🧎‍♀️lord i’ve seen the things you’ve done for others 🙏
PLS IF JAY TREATED ME LIKE THAT AS MY BESTIE HE BETTER CUFF ME RIGHT AFTER BC THATS TOO BOYFRIEND FOR ME 🥸 but pls i would Love to have him be my bestie :((( like late night drives at night and getting food together and watching movies together <33 that’s how my friendship w my guy friend kinda is except i question his driving so midnight drives r me holding on for dear life 🤕 but it’s spooky szn now so my thoughts r simply best friend or boyfriend jay helping u hand out candy or watching horror movies together 😞😞 ITS OKAY MY THOUGHT OF TRAIN GOES OFF THE RAILS BC OF JAY TOO :’)) also you reread it 😭😭😭 i’m so touched rn oh my god 💗💗💗
AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE MC :’)) her character is very blair-esque in that she’s pretty self absorbed but the pedestal she holds herself at makes her just want to be loved bc it’s lonely at the top yk D; so that’s where she’s coming from with chasing after sunghoon (esp when she has that competitive nature and sees him so enamored by ningning). BUT THIS WAS SUCH SELF PROJECTION I JUST WANT JAY TO BE IN LOVE W ME 😞 in reality i am the one wrapped around his finger
LMAODJF MY SMUT DIALOGUE ALWAYS NEEDS HUMOR IN IT HERE AND THERE 💀💀 like is that sexy ?? maybe not but 😀 also OMG so i was kinda surprised by the turnout of my smut scene in this fic because i usually don’t write multiple orgasms (??) LMFOAJD BUT NO I GET MY WORK DONE 🤧 like yesterday i had finished my assignments due on that day and i had to wait at school for like 5 hours for a meeting so i sat down and just wrote :’)) the smut turned veryyyy self indulgement LOLL also it makes me so happy that you think my scenes are vivid ☹️💝 i draw a lot of inspiration from real life and i guess just have a good imagination LMAOAO so it’s p easy to write :’))
as for the sunghoon and jay fight :o i didn’t write it since the fic is from mc’s point of view and i didn’t want her intervening in their convo but the way i envisioned it was just sunghoon and him hanging out like they usually would, and then jay just dropped the bomb. sunghoon was just shocked, anger building up, but he knew jay’s feelings from before so he didn’t explode. the black eye was kind of provoked by jay, like him egging sunghoon on to just punch him, half for sunghoon to have an outlet for his anger and half for him to feel less guilty about his feelings for mc. afterward they would just laugh after their little fight and go back to talking about how they made mistakes in past relationships and should’ve been more communicative with each other :’)
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