mispelled · 2 months
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Just like the post canon homestuck photos..
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fainthedcherry · 2 months
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Alex + Mushu (OCs) ft. the 4 official 2012 torts!!!
I've been in turtle-fever as you can tell,,, I finished this last week actually!!! I was doodling Marco and Niraj this week instead. BUT ALAS...HAVE A POST!!! HOLY CRAP GUYS I'M NOT DEAD AND I'M POSTING FREQUENTLY THIS MONTH!! AND ACTUALLY EXPRESSING MY INTEREST IN FANDOMS FOR ONCE AGAIN!! I might post something TMNT related Tuesday again!! ;D
No srsly why tf is it so hard for me to draw official characters instead of only drawing OCs, it's a curse for me sefklsdlkg
JUST AN IDEA I HAD TO DRAW THIS...NOTHING REALLY SUPER COMPLEX CAME TO MIND. Instead, I accidentally made the doodle w/ Raph 3-VP perspective, had to fix a bunch of lines, gave up on others. THIS WAS DRAWN WO/ A RULER AND YOU CAN TELL. SO DON'T MIND CRAPPY PERSPECTIVE INCONSISTENCY. I swear I can actually draw perspectives like a professional, I just choose to spend as little time as possible on paper. I hate drawing traditionally on paper, but I still force myself to stay in-practice, bc I get more organic ideas through that way. References are more of a digital-art thing for me...AAaaa dsrgrgkloj
I'm REALLY proud of Mikey here!!! My fav boi looks rlly good here,,, 😭
This is only like the 3rd time I've ever drawn these boys in my life!! I think this is a not bad start toward my cringe-embracing era. xD
Hope you don't mind me adding tags of the boys!! I just,,, am so happy I'll be able to!!!!!!!!!! JUST. JUST FINALLY I'VE DRAWN THEM IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY I FINALLY DARED TAKE THE STEP
Also adding TMNT OC tags,, hope you don't mind, I'm not trying to shill I swear, I just really like tagging my art honestly. 😭
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Another Drabble
Jake: "Hey Ax? Can I ask you a question?"
Ax: <I believe you have already demonstrated your ability to ask questions.>
Tobias: <Holy crap. Nobody tell Marco.>
Ax: <What shouldn't we tell Marco?>
Tobias: <That you finally learned sarcasm... You weren't being sarcastic, were you?>
Ax: <I would never be sarcastic with my Prince.>
Jake: "Please don't call me Prince."
Ax: <Yes, Prince Jake.>
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pokegalla · 10 months
Hooooly crap this is going to be a big thing bro-
So I’ve noticed something pretty cool. And I’ve been working on something special just for it! What could it be? Well…..
It’s this:
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Like holy shit thank you so much for EVERYONE who followed man. I was technically supposed to do this a long time ago but I never expected over 300 FOLLOWERS to tag along- bro- y’all are amazing and I appreciate every like and follow so this is just amazing! I hope to continue writing content for you guys and I hope you guys enjoy my AU content and randomness in general lol.
And will I tag everyone?
Because you all deserve a thank you✨
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What was the last Animorphs book you read? (As in, the one which you read for the first time after reading all the others for the first time)
IIRC, it would've been #38: The Arrival. That was the last one I managed to find when building my collection. And I distinctly remember reading that one and going "holy crap, I thought my brother was exaggerating every time he mentioned that one plot where an andalite teen girl gets sent to Earth, introduced as a quadruple child prodigy, paired with Ax for 0.5 seconds, and then put on a bus."
Like, I actually like The Arrival a lot more than my brother does — I love the Suicide Squad plot. It forces Ax to realize an andalite doesn't have to be a traitor to be a monster. It's overtly anti-CIA. It's a huge sign of character growth how quickly Ax swings from awe to contempt. It wraps up the threads introduced in #18, and sets up the endgame. It gets to show off why Ax is on this team: Jake out-leads Gonrod, Marco out-strategizes Aloth, Cassie out-teams the whole team, Rachel out-fights Arbat, and Tobias out-flies their pilots. It is not, no matter what Estrid says, about the cinnamon buns.
I do agree that Estrid is a weird and clumsy character whose backstory doesn't quite hang together, and that her romance with Ax comes off like Ax being so lonely for andalite company he latches onto an objectively terrible person. But that's the last one I remember reading, because I have clear memory of the realization that "Whoa, little bro really wasn't making that shit up."
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xamaxenta · 5 months
Rouge meets a handsome kind doctor and immediately tries to set her son up with him
Marco who is used to this and politely declining
Rouge and marco eventually becoming friends, getting coffees and gossiping
Rouge gets a facetime call from Ace during one of these coffee and catchups and she flips the phone around to face Marco like Say hi to Marco baby!!
And Marco deer caught in headlight look sees Ace sit back in the frame and holy crap. Rouge wasnt kidding when she said her son was pretty
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pjisskullourful · 1 year
So I love Dami as a dad could you maybe do another imagine on that?
allows the kids to colour in/draw on/add to his tattoos (prettymuch holy crap papa is a walking colouring book) (has gotten some of these as actual tattoos)
always knows the kids fav songs& will sing these as often as requested (sometimes they get stuck in his head& sings them when kids arent around, prompting ethan to ask where the mute button is)
always knows the kids fav foods/what they arent willing to eat that particular week
when at the beach he allows himself to be buried in the sand
when constructing kids toys will start without reading instructions
great at playing dolls (remembers names, helps pick outfits, etc)
superior marco polo skills
doesnt get tired/bored of playing on the swings before the kids do
nurtures kids interest in sports, helping them practise
gives helping with homework his absolute best effort, even when totally out of his depth
superior pillow/blanket fort building skills
when the kids learn& then say swear words, he cannot be the parent to give the punishment cos he thinks its hilarious
gets as into it as the kids when at the aquarium
hope this suffices 👍
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e-adlirez · 8 months
Heyyo! Soo thanks to your thea sisters posts, I decided to try reading them again :D! I manage to read two of the treasure seekers series on the internet archive (because im poor lol :'))and is really good as you said and I also have fun reading the comics again despite the changes. I read some of the new ones from the mains series as well and so I wonder, from the newer ones, which one do you think is the best? ( for me is the venice masquerade. I end up liking it waaay more than I thought)
Hiiii, nice to see you got into the series again haha :D glad to be doing my service as a fan of this underrated series
Glad to know that Treasure Seekers lived up to your expectations! When I read it, it was such a wave of nostalgia for the action and thrill of the older books. Nice to see you're able to enjoy the comics despite the changes, too! If I remember correctly, the only reason I completed my comic collection of the series was for the novelty and the knowledge that I will forever be irritated by the possibility of missing a book that isn't available, I never got over the downgrade in narrative and visual quality haha :'D
Now for the main series books. Well, I would say that the books up until Venice Masquerade were bangers with a few meh outliers like uh Frozen Fiasco (sorry bestie you were basically a Professor Layton-Thea Stilton crossover without the good storytelling to carry). The books after that are kinda eeehhhhhh.... while Roman Holiday and Fiesta in Mexico were bangers, everything else after Venice Masquerade are kinda meh. Good for fluff and light shenanigans I guess, but meh in A plot, that is the mystery. Venice Masquerade is really cool, as a fan of Now You See Me the book tickled me in one of the best ways out there-- it's like watching the movie but in the perspective of Mark Ruffalo the entire time except progress is being made :D What would the Polizia di Stato do without the girls' braincells? Nothing but blunder the crap outa catching the mask thief like David Warshofsky, that's what. (Tho uh I'm smelling a hint of Scholastic's editing in the scene where Marco and Nicky trash up the magician's glider. Seriously Marco, mi caro, a magician never telegraphs their magic tricks vocally, and in the span of time you're whispering to Nicky about trashing up the glider, the magician would've already snapped out of it and wiped away all that soggy sweaty bits of confetti you picked from the floor with your sweaty-ass palms--)
I would say that Venice Masquerade is the best of the newer series, but Roman Holiday is also good in terms of shaking things up with the usual formula. Please for the love of everything holy do not touch Rainforest Rescue. If you're Southeast-Asian, do not let the Malaysian setting of the book deceive you into SEA pride, that book is one of the most mid books out there and it irritates me as a Southeast Asian. It's like Prince's Emerald without everything that made Prince's Emerald cool. Like Riddle of the Ruins without any of the nerdy archaeological stuff that appealed to all the nerds out there. Rainforest Rescue? More like MIDFOREST RE--
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maggins · 4 years
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“Marco takes me up on my offer immediately, swooping in to duplicate the extremely strong hug from last winter, bouncing me off my feet for a moment; I barely have mind or muscle to hug him back until he’s putting me down. His hands remain on my shoulders as he grins down at me, his eyes sparkling with delight.”
Dichotomy by @saphruikan​, chapter 10
*me, making dichotomy fanart after 5 years*:
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idk i’m on a snk/jeanmarco kick and this is still my favorite fanfic of all time in any fandom, sooooo have these two idiots ;v;
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poly218 · 5 years
Okay, so in summary
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southsailor1 · 6 years
Svtfoe season 3
First off, I'm going to say I won't give spoilers for the upcoming episodes, but I will say I can't help but think the Korean episode has a lot of foreshadowing, perhaps in favor of Starco. But I have been wrong before (there are FAR better theorists on here than me). I felt it was a kind of filler episode but the whole foreshadowing thing makes me want to say it will be important.
As for Tough Love... Wow. This sets up the season finalie for next week (which can't get here fast enough) and.... Well I won't spoil it but we may finally have a villan perhaps better than Toffee and Ludo combined. This could be, hell, will be a fantastic next couple of episodes. It makes me a bit nervous as to what will happen.
Yeah, this show is getting good, but moving it from XD to the Disney channel makes me wonder what next season will be like or if it will be as good as the first three.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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OMG, first of all, thanks you guys so much for doing this! It's an amazing event, and I hope you all are having fun as well!! I just thought of kind of a weird request if anyone would be interested: Just like headcanons on maybe a couple characters playing a horror game? idk what characters tbh, just whoever you feel like writing! <3
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Request fulfilled by @cyborg-franky Thank you! and your welcome <3 we are all having a good time, it's been fun to get to write so many different things and see so many different requests!
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They think it won't be scary and end up jumping at everything. Nami, Brook, Ace, Thatch, Roger, Buggy, Perona, Barto
REFUSES to play or be in the same room as you playing horror. Chopper
Won't play but watches and enjoys. Brook, Thatch, Rayleigh, King, Killer
Won't play but watches and still craps themselves. Usopp, Nami, Izou
Is a rock, unmoved by anything. Zoro, Robin, Sabo, Marco, Mihawk, King, Law, Kid, Killer, Crocodile
"You think that's scary, you should see the inside of my head." Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Ace, Sabo, Mihawk, Queen, Law, Killer
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK -throws the controller across the room- Usopp, Ace, Buggy, Barto, Kid, Corazon
Pre-jumps at everything, turn a corner, they jump even if there's nothing there. Usopp, Nami, Thatch, Buggy, Yamato, Oden, Barto, Corazon
Sits there with a big smile on their face utterly loving it. Robin, Franky, Luffy, Marco, Rayleigh, King, Law, Kid, Killer Plays for five minutes and is haunted for a week. Sanji, Usopp, Buggy, Barto, Corazon
Is so bad at the game nothing ever happens and you leave the room. Zoro, Jinbei, Izou, Roger, Shanks
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kuldren · 6 years
Taking Requests
Hello everyone! I’m a new SNK blog and I’m more than happy to take on requests!
I write Imagines, scenarios, headcanons and texts
Don’t Expect High Quality Content
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animebw · 2 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 981-983
-”They’re all idiots.” Truer words were never spoken.
-”Wuzzat?” skdjfhsdkjfh you’re allowed to uncover your ears now guys
-Aaaaand I’m officially back to hating Sanji again. Lovely.
-oooooh crap Big Mom’s about to join the fray
-Holy shit, Marco’s here! Been a while!
-ahahahaha and he just kicks them right back down the falls
-”You look exactly like you did when I was disappointed in you as the son of Oden.” Hey, in his defense, the 20 years since you last saw him have been, like, months at most for him.
-Man, nothing’s gonna stop these guys partying, huh?
-Loooootta moving pieces in this raid. I’m gonna stop trying to keep track of all of them and just wait to see how they all unfold.
-”Who the hell are you?” “No, who are you?” A bad guy who doesn’t know Luffy yet? Interesting...
-kfjgdkfkjfhdf I forgot Nami still had Big Mom’s living cloud in tow
-Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a Headbutt vs Headbutt showdown like this before. Neat.
-wh- holy shit! Looks like Kaido’s son was already prepared to fight against him and just needed the right opportunity, huh?
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barbwritesstuff · 2 years
things i discovered playing blood moon today:
you can go with the alpha, sergi, minjo, and the kids at the party scene. holy crap my heart
elma can die?????? full on tears
and i also finally was able to pry myself from marcos route to play farros and man. wow ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm so happy you're exploring the game and discovering all the alternative pathways. Please don't cry too much. 🥲
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the aforepromised AOT analysis taken from my too-long tags:
There are certain characters who - had they been introduced as protagonists rather than villains - would have been beloved by their strongest haters. not because those haters would’ve excused their actions, but because their victimhood would’ve been the first thought, and not the afterthought. i am speaking of the Warriors once again. i feel it is important to note that, while Reiner may have had the mental breakdown, they were all raised under dysfunctional - perhaps traumatic - circumstances before they ever joined the Warrior program. especially Annie. holy crap let’s look at Annie for a second.
> born outside the internment zone. > discovered to be half-Eldian. promptly abandoned to the internment zone. > found by a bitter opportunist who abuses her from infancy into becoming the perfect human weapon. > one day, she cracks and beats him so badly she permanently cripples him. this makes him HAPPY because it means he’d succeeded. super normal response. > she is enlisted into the child soldiers program where the brainwashing gets cranked up x3000. she makes no friends and kills critters for...leisure? existential dread? > is forced to EAT A PERSON at 11 years old. at which point she knows she will die in 13 years. > is sent on a deadly mission at 11 YEARS OLD to eat MORE PEOPLE. as she’s leaving, her ‘father’ repents and begs her to come back. crying, she instantly forgives him, because obviously she is a child and this is the only parent she has ever known or wanted. but now she HAS to complete the mission because if she FAILS, she gets EATEN and her father gets KILLED. > on the mission, Annie watches as their leader (also a child) gets EATEN. she lashes out against Reiner in exactly the same brutal way she did her father. > when she tries to quit the operation, Reiner strangles her into submission. > Improvising without Marcel, Annie then transports Reiner and Bertholdt all the way to the Wall, at which point, she passes out from sheer exhaustion, and entirely misses Reiner and Bertholdt committing what is essentially a terrorist attack the likes of which we have never seen. an act of war and a mass slaughter.
> then, Annie assimilates into this society of monstrous devils who, to her horror, turn out to be merely frightened people. (this is the first place she makes a friend in her entire short life.) > Annie proceeds to complete ALL the mission reconnaissance herself, until she accidentally reveals her face to Kenny Ackerman. she tries to persuade Reiner to take the intel she’s acquired back to Marley, but he insists they must complete the mission if they want to live. > so, at age 15, Reiner & Bertholdt REPEAT the initial slaughter. > after Annie rescues Connie from a titan, Reiner essentially threatens to accuse her father of being a Paradis sympathizer unless she takes Marco’s 3DMG off him. > Marco begs her for mercy the whole time, and she cries as she sentences him to an agonizing death. > this is when she realizes Reiner has lost his mind. and maybe she will, too. > it falls to her to capture the Attack Titan. if she can do so, she will be allowed to return to her father. she jeopardizes this mission by sparing Armin’s life, not once, but twice. > she locates Eren (her first friend, the only person who’s made her genuinely smile) and, in her Titan form, decapitates his Titan with her bare hands. > she has killed everyone in her path, but she ultimately fails to take Eren, and cries when she realizes it was all in vain. remember, she is fifteen. > she is then tricked, cornered, and exposed by the last person she would've wanted to do so. the only person who’d ever called her kind, and the very person she'd made the mistake of sparing before. > in a fight she didn’t initiate, she accidentally crushes innocent churchgoers. this the first and only time she personally kills civilians, and it horrifies her. > she fails to capture Eren again. she fails a desperate escape attempt. > crying, she self-induces an indefinite coma on the off-chance she may be able to one day return to her father, knowing she only has 9 years left to live anyway. >  is actually awake the entire time, and can hear everything being said and done around her - including the silence - for four years. she is trapped not only in the crystal, but in her own mind, with her own guilt, for four years. her peers have spent them growing acquainted with relative freedom, themselves, and the rest of the world. but she is physically and experientially still 15, never having known anything but her mission and the internment zone. > she is forcibly de-crystallized into the middle of the Apocalypse. she has 5 years left to live. her father is dead.
So I dunno, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised when she says things a psychopath would say. maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that she single-mindedly clings to the one piece of human affection her 11-year old mind internalized. Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised when she behaves erratically or brutally while still seeming like a child at times. by all accounts, she ought to be way more messed up than she is. but Armin was right. in spite of her upbringing, in spite of her brainwashing, in spite of her mission, in spite of the world, Annie wants to be a kind person.
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