#HW Link
nell0-0 · 5 months
I am totally in love with your design for young Link/Mask it's adorable and full of mischief. Your Hyrule Warriors comics are amazing. I know this isn't an ask but thank you!
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Mask being a little shit is like, my favorite thing ever. Warriors is so confused. The fact Mask is not technically lying, tho-
Glad you like them! Dw about proper asks or whatever, I love getting these, so ty!
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houseofheroesau · 17 days
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Just two brothers living for the chaos and confusing people
Source: this post
Don't tag as LU, please.
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demiboydemon · 8 months
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larrytheflute9 · 8 months
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Some wips that are probably going to take me a while to finish
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harmonysixx · 3 months
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I don't really know what they're saying, just imagine something so nasty even the pirate is surprised af to hear an 11 year old talk like that
Based on @nell0-0's headcanon of Tatl teaching Time/Mask how to swear!
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mooutchi · 7 months
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Love posting on tumblr it feel like a safe place lol
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Thank you @doodlebugdrawz for these wonderful tags
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tloariart · 2 months
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coming back with some hyrule warriors link sketches bc he’s underrated af
i remember being 15 and going through the cutscenes religiously <33
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tenderleavesbob · 18 days
It was past midnight. Link had gone to bed an hour ago but could barely bring himself to close his eyes. His nerves felt raw and his mind refused to shut up. He had resigned himself to a sleepless night when he heard one of the other cots squeak.
It was too soft to be Tune's cot. The teenager was also snoring away like frogs were singing in his throat. That left Mask. Link pretended to be asleep and listened for the quiet padding of Mask's footsteps. If Mask was going outside to watch the moon again, Link planned on getting up to join him. He couldn't sleep, anyway.
Mask's quiet footsteps headed in his direction. He couldn't hear any familiar snickering, so Link doubted it was a prank. Which left...
Link wasn't surprised at all when a small hand tugged on his shirt. He opened his eyes. Mask's face was barely inches from his. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Mask whispered.
Like he had to ask. Link scooted backwards without a word. Mask clambered in after him and tucked himself against Link's chest. Link wrapped his arms and blanket around the boy. He pulled him close and waited. Tune snored on.
Mask hid his face in Link's throat where Link couldn't see his face. "What's the big deal with having a mom or dad anyway?" Mask's voice was muffled but his question was clear enough.
It was going to be one of those nights then. Link braced himself for the inevitable heartbreak. "What do you mean? Did someone say something?"
Mask shrugged. "Just stupid shit. They always act weird when I say I don't have one. I mean, did the Great Deku Tree count?"
Link wanted to hug Mask tight and never let him go. "I think so from the way you talk about him. A parent is someone you can rely on. Someone who means home. Someone who keeps you safe and teaches you about the world and helps you discover your place in it. It sounds like he was a good parent to you growing up."
Mask hummed against Link's throat. It felt odd. "You don't ever talk about yours."
Link broke and hugged Mask a little closer. He started rubbing his back. Whether to comfort Mask or himself, he didn't know. "They died years ago, before I joined the army." Their deaths were why he joined the army, but Mask didn't need to know that grisly story.
Anyone else would have apologized for his loss. Mask didn't know or understand that bit of etiquette. He made a thoughtful noise instead. "When your parent dies, is that the end? You don't get another?"
Link thought Mask was going somewhere with this, but he couldn't figure it out. "You had Hylian parents who loved you once. They tried to take care of you and made sure you were safe with the Great Deku Tree." Link hoped that was how that story went. Mask didn't talk about it. "So you had multiple parents who loved and cared for you. I bet you'll find more loved ones as you go."
Mask made another thoughtful noise. He tapped his fingers against Link's chest. Link noticed Tune's snores had stopped. When had he woken up? "Like you?"
"Like you?" Mask repeated. "Do you count?"
Oh. Oh. Link swallowed hard and immediately felt his eyes burn. So that's where Mask was leading with his conversation. "Yeah," he said huskily. "Like me."
Mask made a satisfied humming noise. "Okay. That's what I thought. Everyone keeps calling you my mom or my dad."
Link laughed quietly. It sounded a little damp. "Mom and dad, huh?"
"Yeah. No one would explain the difference to me."
Aw, fuck it. Link kissed the top of Mask's head. It was all he could see thanks to Mask's position and the blanket. "That's a conversation for a different night. Good night, Mask."
Mask huffed. "Whatever. Good night, Mom."
"Good night, Dad," Tune chirped.
Link squeezed his eyes tightly shut, but it didn't stop the tears. "Good night, kiddos."
To his surprise, it was much easier to fall asleep after that. He even had good dreams.
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tirsynni · 4 months
More random Hyrule Warriors thoughts:
Due to one portion of the game, people tend to focus on pride as the major theme of the game. I strongly disagree with it, because it is literally only featured in one portion of the game. I would argue that instead an accidental theme of the game is CONSENT.
Link has no voice in this game. It is overtly stated that Proxi speaks for him.
There is no choice in being Hero. In this game, when it's discovered that he's the Hero, he's immediately elevated in rank without his say. It's stated that he didn't feel worthy of it, but he would try his best. He is thrust into the spotlight and slammed with the responsibilities of Hero like very few Heroes are.
A major plot point is Cia's obsession with him. His say doesn't matter. His revulsion doesn't matter. She's an ancient sorceress and who knows how long she has been watching Link. I doubt she saw him and decided to attack his era the next day.
Another bit is the emphasis on how the Hero and Princess are destined for each other. Zelda has far more autonomy in the game than Link through her use of the Sheik disguise. It feels like "Of course Cia isn't an option: he's destined for Zelda!" Link's opinion? Who knows.
His soldiers turn traitor on him. They get to choose their side, turning on Link for something which isn't his fault and for something which counts him as a victim in the war. I see it as a popular theme in fanon: Link was the cause of the war. Not Ganon with his chosen actions. Not Cia. Link.
The major choice he made was at the beginning when he chose to run out onto the field and join the battle. Soon after, Proxi found him, made the comment about how quiet he was, and the rest was history.
Almost every Hero got some sort of choice at the beginning of their Hero's Journey. They COULD have turned away. This Link didn't get that choice. He didn't get any choices regarding his role in the war, Cia's obsession, how his soldiers-turned-traitor viewed him. And what everyone remembers about this Link is not that but the moment he gave into his pride. Ow.
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birb-boyo · 3 months
Warriors is the type of guy to say “good morning” at random times
Like, the sun would be down, the stars litering the sky and Sky and Twi have come back from collecting fire wood for dinner
“Good morning”
“I’m gonna strangle you-“
It’s a habit he gained from the war ok? He’s been doing this for years-
It probably just started out as a joke when one of his friends would regroup after going on their own excursions. It’d be like 5pm when they make it back and the first think Link says is “good morning”
And then Impa would hit him back with something like “good dusk” and try to sound edgy💀💀💀
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nell0-0 · 3 months
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Drew something a bit different this time ^^
I know I said not to think too deeply about it on my last Mask and Fi drawing [THIS] but... I thought too deeply about it, augh. Their relationship is so complicated but I wanted to show another side of it. Hopefully I managed it here.
Fi may not have understood the animosity Mask showed towards her back in the war, but that's not the case after everything. And even if they have a bond now (kind of) it's... messy. And it's not like Mask has the stones to open the door (nor does he think he should, what with what happened last time he did). So... yeah...
It's a bit bittersweet and there's still resentment there. Just. Complicated.
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artsy-moonwalker · 1 year
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link series pt 11
Hyrule Warriors (Linkle)
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battlefield flirting
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larrytheflute9 · 5 months
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Murder Boyfriends ⚔️
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harmonysixx · 3 months
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This is a scene from chapter 6 of my fic (it's all fun and games until someone catches the plague)
I don't know if much context is needed. It's basically just Warriors worrying over Wind's future. I tried to fit as many characters as possible into his picto, but HW sure has a lot of them silly guys
doing comics is HARD. did I really do one of my own fic……. uggghhh
Close up of the picto:
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