#Hang Lee & Co.
demospectator · 1 year
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Ross Alley, pre-1906, no date. Photographer unknown (from a private collection).
Legendary Ross Alley
Telling any story about Ross Alley remains difficult because so much material has been written or produced about one of the most iconic small streets of San Francisco’s pre-1906 Chinatown. The Chinese referred to the old Stouts or Ross Alley as “old Spanish lane” or 舊呂宋巷 (canto: “Gauh Leuih Sung Hong”). The literal translation today would be “Old Luzon Lane.” This may have represented the use of a Chinese colonial name for the Philippine archipelago in referring to the Spanish-speaking residents who inhabited this part of the city before the Chinese became the dominant population of today's Chinatown neighborhood.
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An urban pioneer family of four walks north on Ross Alley toward Jackson Street, no date. Photographer unknown (from a private collection). Wooden planks covered the alleyway's surface during the 1870's.
Unfortunately, the origins of Ross Alley have been muddled, even by mythologizing by Chinatown organizations in the 20th century when Ross and other alleyways were remodeled and several historical plaques were installed. Contrary to Chinatown revisionism, the Chinese did not create and construct Ross Alley.
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Street in Chinatown, San Francisco. Completely Burned. No. 2168,” published c. 1906. Photographer unknown for the Photo. Co. of America, Chicago. The street is the pre-1906 pawnshop row along the north side of Washington Street at the southern entrance to Ross Alley. The pawnshop signage for the On Wing (安榮) store at 828 Washington appears in the center of the photo.
In an attempt to dispel the confusion about the alleyway's origin story, Hudson Bell writes in his walking tour blog as follows:
“While it is true that an exploration of Chinatown reveals a maze of alleys unlike other districts of San Francisco, the reason has nothing to do with the factors mentioned on Ross [Alley’s historical] plaque. The truth is that most all of the alleyways in Chinatown date back to the time of the California Gold Rush of 1849, when the exploding population was centered around and pushing out from the Plaza, that is Portsmouth Square, otherwise known as ‘the cradle of San Francisco.’ “Ross Alley is named for Charles L. Ross, one of the city’s pioneer merchants, who built a house next to where the alley is all the way back in 1847, when the town was still known as Yerba Buena. The alley itself was not instituted until the later part of 1849 however, and was originally called Stout’s Alley, as at the time Dr. Arthur Breese Stout, one of San Francisco’s pioneer physicians, had turned the old Ross residence into a hospital.”
Bell’s concise article about Ross Alley’s origins may be read here: https://fernhilltours.com/2016/06/28/ross-alley-the-truth-about-chinatowns-side-streets/
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The southern entrance to Ross Alley on the north side of Washington Street, flanked by pawnshops. Photographer unknown, no date (from a private collection).
The alley was a hub of activity for Chinatown’s underground economy, with at least 21 gambling houses operating openly by the time the City of San Francisco released its “vice map” in July of 1885.
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Ross Alley as depicted on the July 1885 map commissioned by the San Francisco board of Supervisors (from the Cooper Chow collection at the Chinese Historical Society of America).
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“The Street of the Gamblers (by day)” c. 1896 -1906. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). For this southerly view of Ross Alley from Jackson Street, historian Jack Tchen wrote as follows: “As evidenced by the traditional papier-mache garlands hanging above the doorway on the building to the right, this photograph was taken around New Year’s, when seasonal workers were laid off, inundating Chinatown streets with thousands of idle workers. Their cotton tunic tops and cloth shoes are Chinese, but the pants and felt homburg-style hats are strictly Western. Genthe’s title . . . is accurate insofar as Ross Alley had many gambling rooms, but it unfairly ascribes a sinister quality to these men.”
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“The Street of the Gamblers (by night), c. 1896 – 1906. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). Based on the position of the lanterns and small awning structures, the nocturnal view of Ross Alley appears to look northerly toward Jackson Street. As befitting the gambling locale in Chinatown, Genthe captured in the lower left corner of the frame small signage bearing the Chinese maxim: 接財梅引財神, literally “receive the God of Wealth” (canto: “zeep3 choy mui yan choy sun”). Historian Jack Tchen writes about this photo as follows: “Genthe tried to capture scenes of Chinatown’s active nightlife with shots like this of Ross Alley. Here he was able to photograph who were obviously in a relaxed, happy mood. In [his book] As I Remember, Genthe writes about Ross Alley’s ‘rows sliding solid iron doors to be clanked swiftly shut at the approach of the police’.”
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“Dupont St. Wood Carriers of Chinatown Sf Cal.” c. 1890. Photograph by A.J. McDonald (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection). Wood carriers appear poised to turn left onto Ross Alley from Washington Street. The signage in the upper left-hand corner of the frame advertise the location of the Hang Lee & Co. pawnshop or “Pervasive Profit” pawnshop (亨利押; canto: “hung lei aap”), at 830 Washington Street, at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Stouts (or Ross) Alley. Also, the barely discernible signage for the On Wing (安榮) pawnshop slightly down the eastern incline of the street at 828 Washington can be seen in the upper center of the photo.
The residents of old Chinatown preferred to hold liquid assets in the form of gold or gems because of the relative ease with which they could arrange loans from pawnshops when they needed cash urgently. The neighborhood’s pawnbrokers located their shops in strategic proximity to houses of gambling and/or prostitution, with particular concentrations of shops on Washington and Jackson Streets.
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The below-street grade location of the Hang Lee & Co. pawnshop at 830 Washington Street on the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Ross Alley, c. 1900. Photograph by Henry H. Dobbin (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection).
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“Ross Alley from Washington Street (Arnold Genthe’s title: “The Alley”). A pawnshop’s sign appears at the right of the image. Historian Jack Tchen wrote about this image as follows:
An underground culture flourished along the narrow alleys and in the back rooms of Tangrenbu.[*] While the merchants controlled the major avenues of commerce and transportation, the tongs controlled the alleys. Ross Alley was lined with establishments for playing popular gambling games, such as pi gow* (baigepiao) – lottery tickets, or the “the white pigeon ticket,” much like the American game of keno – fantan [*], in which bets were waged on how many of a pile of beads would be left when reduced by fours; and caifa, a riddle guessing game. . . . For many outsiders, this underground culture had an air of the sinister about it. For the Chinese it was simply an everyday fact of life, bound up with the survival of the community.” -- From Genthe’s Photographs of San Francisco’s Old Chinatown, Selection and Text by John Kuo Wei Tchen. [Notes: * 牌九 = (canto) paai4 gau2; ** 唐人埠 = (canto) tong4 yan4 faauh; *** 番攤 = (canto) fan1tan1]
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“Ross Alley Chinatown 1904.” Photograph by Henry H. Dobbin (from the collection of the California State Library). At right, the sign for the 巨興 (canto: “Geuih Hing”) or “Great Prosperity” pawnshop can be seen.
The sheer volume of press accounts of gambling and homicides occurring on Ross Alley complicates understanding of the alley’s history. Throughout the early 1900s, Ross Alley remained embroiled in gang-related activities, including several high-profile assassinations and robberies involving prominent members of the Chinese community. The alley was a hotspot for gambling dens and opium use, which attracted the attention of law enforcement, leading to numerous raids and arrests.
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As documented in a representative sampling by Andy Chan (a former CHSA.org registrar) from news articles from the San Francisco Call newspaper between 1900 and 1906, Ross Alley became the focal point of conflicts between the Hop Sing Tong and Suey Sing Tong, two rival Chinese organizations vying for power and influence. Police collusion with the criminal combines hampered public safety management of the escalating feud, as the police were suspected of accepting bribes from Chinese men, leading to the suspension of patrolmen.
In March 1900, a high-profile murder occurred in Ross Alley when Chin Ah Suey, a member of one of the Tongs, was assassinated by a “highbinder” (a non-Chinese term for Chinese gangsters). This incident brought attention to the growing violence and crime within the Chinese community. The tensions between different Chinese factions and the police corruption issues in Chinatown came to a head in 1903 when several Chinese merchants and community members filed lawsuits against the Chief of Police, accusing him of being involved in fraudulent activities related to gambling dens.
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“164 Highbinders’ Retreat SF. Calif”c. 1890. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the San Francisco Public Library).
In 1904, another major event occurred in Ross Alley when Lee San Bow, who claimed to have information about a Chinatown scandal, disappeared mysteriously. In 1905, a tong war erupted between the Hop Sing Tong and the Hep [sic] Sing Tong, resulting in several murders and a wave of violence in the area. The police were implicated in providing protection for gambling dens, thereby fomenting more distrust between the Chinese community and law enforcement. The Louie Poy homicide as reported in the San Francisco Call on September 27, 1905, typified the cases in this era (and also illuminated one of the occupational hazards to pawnbrokers who advanced bail money).
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From the San Francisco Call of September 27, 1905:
Louis Poy, one of the most desperate and feared Highbinders in Chinatown, was shot and instantly killed last night in Ross Alley near Jackson Street by Highbinders. The murders had their plans well laid and made their escape without leaving a clue.
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Poy was walking along Ross alley at about 7 o'clock in the evening when two highbinders stepped out of a doorway, and one of them fired point blank into the victim's head. The bullet entered his right temple and he fell face forward to the street. To be sure of their prey they stood over their victim and fired two more shots at Poy as he lay lifeless on the sidewalk. One of them entered his back and the other penetrated his hand. The highbinders made their escape through a pawnshop nearby. Detective McMahon, Sergeant Ross and Policeman George Downey were on the scene a few minutes afterward. It was evident that the plot was well laid as the homicides made good their escape. The only evidence left behind was the 44-caliber revolver which was used to do the deed. Poy lived with his mother and sister at 742 Washington street, and was 26 years old. He was considered one of the most desperate Highbinders and had been one of the ringleaders in many tong wars that have occurred in the Chinese quarter for the last eight years. He was a member of the Suey Sing Tong for many years until a few months ago, when he and twenty other Highbinders were expelled from the organization. The police believe he was murdered by Suey Sing Tong highbinders. Though they called a meeting last night and offered a reward for his layers it is though that this is done to mislead the police. He recently testified for the prosecution in a case the Educational Society was prosecuting and this is believed to have led to his death. In March 5, 1900, in the trouble with the Suey Sings and Sing Luey Yings, Poy was a ringleader. A Sing man was killed by a Ying highbinder and a suspect was arrested. He was afterward released on bail. The Suey Sings suspected Tuck Wo, a Jackson street pawnbroker, as having furnished the bail money. Wo was killed shortly afterward and Poy was suspected of having done the deed. In March 29, 1904, Poy and another highbinder, Quan Yim, fought a pitched battle with Low Ying and Low Sing on Baker alley, in which fifty shots were exchanged, but no one was wounded. Poy was accused of having shot at Yup Sing last January. The police have connected him with numerous murders in Chinatown, but were unable to convict him. Invariably when a good case was against him the witnesses were bought off and would leave the city or refuse to testify.
Despite law enforcement efforts to combat gambling and other illegal activities in Chinatown, the situation persisted, leading to further arrests and clashes between different Chinese factions. The history of Ross Alley during this period is characterized by a complex web of rivalries, violence, police corruption, and illegal activities, making it a notorious part of San Francisco's Chinatown. It serves as a reflection of the challenges faced by the Chinese community in the city during the early 20th century, as they struggled to maintain their cultural identity while dealing with exclusion, segregation, discrimination in virtually all aspects of American life, and the resulting social and political pressures.
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“Ross Alley from Jackson Street,” c. 1898. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). Historian Jack Tchen has written about this photo as follows: “The wooden box affixed to the wall on the left was for disposing of paper scraps. [Arnold] Genthe inaccurately entitled this photograph “Reading the Tong Proclamation.” According to many guide pamphlets and books written during this time, these notices proclaimed who would be the next victims of tong “hatchet men.”* In actuality, they reported a variety of community news.” [*斧頭仔; canto: “foo tau jai”]
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Chinese merchant with his two children in Ross Alley of pre-1906 San Francisco Chinatown, c. 1902. Photograph attributed to Charles Weidner. This image would be often be reproduced with the growth of the tourist postcard industry.
In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake and fire devastated the city, including Chinatown. The neighborhood was slow to recover, and Ross Alley was no exception. Practically all of the buildings were destroyed. In the years that followed, the neighborhood struggled to regain its former vibrancy.
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The northerly view on Ross Alley toward Jackson Street, March 28, 2024. Photo by Doug Chan.
Today, Ross Alley is not only a means for Chinatown residents to move efficiently to the neighborhood’s principal streets but also a popular tourist destination and a symbol of the vibrancy of San Francisco Chinatown's once and future street life.
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Southerly view of Ross Alley, July 22, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan. Today, the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory draws visitors to the alley and Chinatown from around the world.
Coda: Ross Alley's Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory
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The northerly view of Ross Alley from mid-block during tourist season, July 22, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan. Patrons line up to experience the Golden Gate Fortune Factory. At center, red-colored saw horses used for lion dance routines help maintain pedestrian circulation through the alleyway.
In his book, San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to its History & Architecture, the late historian Philip P. Choy wrote about the precursors to Ross Alley’s most prominent business in the late 20th and 21st centuries, the Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co., as follows:
“Today Ross Alley is famous for the Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co. [sic], where the only remaining old-fashioned fortune cookie machine in Chinatown is still use [sic]. This is a “must-see” for tourists. “With the popularity of Chinese dining came the fortune cookie. Like “chop suey,” no one knows when it was introduced into Chinatown. Both the Chinese and Japanese take credit. Thus the legend of the Chinese fortune cookie crumbles. “Jennifer B. Lee, in her article in the New York Times (1/16/08), reported the researcher in Japanese confectioneries Yasuko Nakamachi uncovered an 1878 book illustrating a man attending multiple round iron molds with long handles resting on a rectangular grill over a bed of charcoal, much like the way fortune cookies were made for generations by small family bakeries near the Shinto shrine outside Kyoto, Japan. “Confectionery shop owners Gary Ono of the Benkyodo Co. (founded 1906) and Brian Kito of Fugetsu-do of Los Angeles (founded 1903) claim their grandfathers introduced the fortune cookie to America. Erik Hagiware-Nagata mentioned his grandfather Makato Hagiware [sic] made the cookie at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. The daughter of David Jung claims her father the cookie at their Hong Kong Noodle Co. founded in 1906 in Los Angeles."
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Locals and tourist mix outside the Golden Gate Fortune Coookie Factory, the last of its kind in San Francisco Chinatown, July 26, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan.
“At one hundred years old, Eva Lim remembered that while visiting the Tea Garden in the 1920s, her father bought her a package of the cookies but they were flat, not folded, without the fortune. She was fascinated watching a woman baking the cookies with two waffle-like irons through the window of a market at the northeast corner of Dupont and Pacific Avenue. “Originally the batter was baked in individual molds made In Japan, and the cookie was folded by hand when it hardened. The late dentist Dr. Gene Poon described his father’s home operation in the early 1930s, with seven to ten electrically heated units set in a U-shaped assembly line. Each unit was like a waffle iron with two round castings. During World War II, his father, Bing Cheong Poon, went to work in the shipyard but continued making cookies at night. Gene used to deliver them Fong Fong Bakery (established 1937), Eastern (established 1924), and the sidewalk stalls. “Apparently in Chinatown, fortune cookies were a homemade commodity until the mechanized carousal [sic] machine was invented by the Japanese and manufactured in Los Angeles. Kay Heung Noodle on Beckett Alley (founded 1933) by Charles Harry Soo Hoo used such a machine, which had multiple molds placed in a roughly seven-foot-diameter circle. Workers sat outside the circle, individually picked the soft pliable cookie, and folded the fortune. Eastern Bakery bought the machine began to make its own cookies in 1940. “Coming to America in 1952, Franklin Yee worked for ten years before saving enough money to go into business for himself. Yee started his Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co. in 1962, when most existing fortune cookie bakeries had already switched to a completely automatic system. Lacking funds, Yee stayed with the old-fashioned machine. He remembers clearly that in his initial operation, his sales were only $5.00 a day. From this humble beginning, he turned the business into a main tourist attraction. “How and when the Chinese fortune cookie remains a mystery but it is clear that the Chinese made the cookie.”
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Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory proprietor Kevin Chan (in ball cap) poses with (l. to r.) CHSA president Doug Chan, Myron Lee, and documentary producer Contessa Gayles during filming of the Vox documentary about San Francisco Chinatown’s aesthetic as part of its “Missing Chapter” series. (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiX3hTPGoCg)
As old as Chinese America itself, Ross Alley remains a testament to the resilience of the city's Chinese community and a reminder of the important role that Chinatown played in the history of San Francisco.
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“Ross Alley, Chinatown” 1886. Oil painting by Edwin Deakin. The painting depicts a Chinese New Year’s celebration at the southern end of Ross Alley as viewed from Washington Street and the pawnshops flanking the entrance to the alleyway. Deakin included at the top of the painting the triangular standard of the Qing emperor flying from atop a building on Jackson Street.
In its latest incarnation, legendary Ross Alley is known now as one of Chinatown's "cute date" venues. See reporter Han Li's feature here: (or go to the following URL: https://sfstandard.com/2023/08/15/chinatown-date-ideas-san-francisco-cookie-boba-art/?fbclid=IwAR2IHBKCMJff2QZWEA7_3u5m9jKcjpv-3gTnRYl8P9vhsN4EQjGqAARh1vI)
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hoshifighting · 4 months
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Stripper! Reader x Business Man! Lee Chan
— Synopsis: Workaholic Lee Chan's Friday night takes an unexpected turn when he joins friends at a strip club, only to find himself captivated by you, a dancer he can't seem to stay away from. Despite his reservations, Chan finds himself drawn to your company, booking time with you night after night. — WC: 8.8k — WARNINGS: Strangers to lovers, smut, mentions of alcohol, strip clubs, money throwing, booking, fluff, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, fingering, oral (f. receiving), riding, g'spot stimulation, clit stimulation, male sensitivity.
Lee Chan held the weight of being the CEO of the imperium that his dad left at a very young age. Frat parties, hanging out, late-night talks? Nah, not for him. He had to take care of the company and honor the inheritance that fell into his lap. His co-workers could remember very well the times that Chan walked around and around his office, shoulders tense as if he carried the world on them.
His days started early and ended late, filled with back-to-back meetings, strategy sessions, and endless paperwork. The once carefree and spirited young man had transformed into a focused and driven leader, his every move calculated to ensure the success and stability of the company.
Chan's office was a testament to his dedication—shelves lined with business books, awards, and framed photos of his father, a constant reminder of the legacy he was determined to uphold. The large windows offered a panoramic view of the city skyline, but Chan rarely had time to enjoy it. He was always too engrossed in his work, too preoccupied with the responsibilities that consumed his every waking moment.
Even though his life felt like being stuck in traffic on a rainy day, Chan couldn't deny that he loved the results of his hard work. He looked at the luxurious cars parked in his garage—sleek, powerful machines that represented the pinnacle of automotive engineering. 
His closet was a veritable treasure trove of sartorial excellence. Different types of watches, ties, suits, and shoes from every high-end brand imaginable filled the space, each piece carefully chosen to reflect his impeccable taste and status. The feel of finely crafted leather shoes, the weight of a bespoke suit on his shoulders, the precision of an intricate timepiece on his wrist—all these were constant reminders of what he had achieved.
Chan's wealth allowed him to indulge in the kind of extravagances most people could only dream of. He could spend an exaggerated amount of money in a matter of seconds on something completely futile, like a super shaver with a gold coating—exotic and utterly unnecessary.
The week was ending, and Chan listened to the fuss inside his friend group about hanging out this Friday. Jeonghan, seeing his colleagues leaving their desks, noticed Chan still at his desk, tapping his fingers on the glass table. With his bag slung over his shoulder, Jeonghan approached him.
"I know it's a stupid question, but will you come with us?" he asked. Chan was usually seen only at corporate events. Jeonghan couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed a beer with his friend.
Chan looked up, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. He opened his mouth to respond, the automatic refusal ready on his tongue, but something made him pause. He glanced around the office, now emptying out as people headed off to start their weekends. The thought of another solitary night of work made him feel a twinge of longing for something different.
"Come on, man," Jeonghan urged, sensing the hesitation. "Just one night. It’ll be fun. You need a break."
Chan sighed, running a hand through his hair. He knew Jeonghan was right. The constant grind was wearing him down, and maybe, just maybe, a night out with friends was exactly what he needed.
"Alright," Chan finally said, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'll come."
Jeonghan's eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously?"
Chan nodded, standing up and grabbing his jacket. "Yeah, let's do it."
Jeonghan grinned, clapping him on the back. "That's the spirit! You won't regret it."
Before they left the building, Chan paused and asked, "Jeonghan?"
"Yes?" Jeonghan answered, turning to face him.
"Where are we going?" Chan inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice.
Jeonghan just smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You'll see," he said, leaving Chan to wonder what the night had in store for him.
"A strip club? You must be kidding me!" Chan exclaimed as he took in the sight of the half-dark establishment. Neon lights flickered and danced around the room, casting colorful glows on the walls. Music blasted from speakers, filling the air with a pulsating beat.
He could see several women with different curves, colors, and hairstyles, dressed in scanty outfits—or sometimes nothing at all. The atmosphere was electric, a stark contrast to the corporate environment he was used to.
Jeonghan laughed, clapping Chan on the back. "Come on, man, loosen up! It's just for fun."
Chan hesitated, his eyes darting around the room. He felt a mix of discomfort and curiosity. "I don't know, Jeonghan..."
"Relax," Jeonghan said, guiding him further inside. "We all need a break sometimes. Just enjoy the night. You deserve it."
Chan took a deep breath, deciding to go along with it. Maybe Jeonghan was right—maybe he did need this. As they found a spot to sit, Chan tried to shake off his reservations.
His friends immediately ordered bottles and bottles of soju, beer, whiskey—whatever the bar had. Chan downed his whiskey in a single gulp, exclaiming, "If my dad knew I was here..."
Chan's eyes widened in surprise. "You're kidding."
"Nope," Jeonghan replied, pouring more whiskey into Chan's glass. "He said every hardworking man deserves a break. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?"
Chan couldn't help but laugh at that. The thought of his father, the man he idolized for his strict work ethic, letting loose in a place like this was almost too surreal. 
As some of his friends disappeared one by one, Chan found himself alone on the couch they had booked. "Great," he muttered under his breath, feeling a twinge of discomfort at being left alone in such a place.
Just as he was about to sink further into the cushions, the little stage that he hadn't even noticed until now suddenly lit up. A tall pole stood in the middle, and Chan tilted his head in curiosity.
Then, a pair of really, really high heels appeared, and Chan's throat went dry. You emerged onto the stage, your skin shining under the purple light. The outfit you wore was scandalous, barely covering anything, and Chan couldn't help but notice the little glitters spread on your skin, catching the light as you moved.
You took hold of the pole and began to dance around it, moving with a grace and confidence that left Chan mesmerized. Your movements were fluid and controlled, every sway of your hips and arch of your back drawing him in deeper. It was as if you were performing just for him, and Chan felt like he could get lost in the rhythm of your dance forever.
As you held yourself up on the pole like a pro, Chan couldn't tear his eyes away. He felt like he was being swallowed by the couch, completely captivated by the sight before him. In that moment, nothing else mattered but you and the hypnotic spell you cast over him with your dance.
As you made eye contact with Chan, a devilish smile played on your lips. He looked like a new piece of meat, a pretty young man who had never been seen before in the club. You got down from the stage, the sway of your hips drawing all eyes to you as you walked towards him.
"First time here, sweetie?" you asked, laying your hands on his shoulders. Chan felt like he couldn't breathe with the view of your tits practically in his face.
"My eyes are up here," you said, chuckling as you caught him ogling your chest.
Chan blinked, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up his neck. "Uh, yeah," he stammered, tearing his gaze away from your cleavage. "First time."
You chuckled, running a hand through your hair as you leaned in closer. "Well, lucky for you, you've got me to show you the ropes," you said, your voice low and sultry.
"You're tense," you observe, noticing the stiffness in Chan's shoulders. Without waiting for a response, you step behind him and begin to massage his shoulders, your fingers working their magic as you knead the tension away.
Chan lets out a sigh of relief, his muscles melting under your skilled touch. "Yeah," he admits, his voice soft. "Work's been... stressful lately."
You nod in understanding, continuing to work out the knots in his shoulders. "I get it," you say, your voice soothing. "But you're here now, and tonight is all about letting go of that stress and just enjoying yourself."
Chan leans back into your touch, closing his eyes as he relaxes into the sensation. "I guess you're right," he murmurs, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You smile too, glad to see him starting to unwind. "That's better," you say, your fingers tracing soothing circles on his skin. "Just focus on the here and now. Forget about everything else for a while."
Chan nods.
You walk around Chan again, swaying your hips seductively in front of him. His mind races, unsure of what to do next, but before he can even think, you're sitting on his lap, circling your hips against his.
Chan smiles shyly, feeling the heat from your body as you move against him. He can't help but notice the money tucked into the sides of your little shorts, a reminder of where he is and what's expected of him.
It's exhilarating and nerve-wracking all at once, but there's something undeniably thrilling about having you so close, your body pressed against his.
As you continue to dance, Chan's hands hover uncertainly over your hips, unsure of where to touch or how to respond. He feels a flush of embarrassment at his own inexperience, but he's determined not to let it show. Instead, he focuses on the way your body moves against his.
And you smile knowingly, sensing his hesitation, and guide his hands to your waist, encouraging him.
Chan's hands move from your waist to your hips and then down to your thigh, his fingers grazing the soft skin as he explores the contours of your body. His pulse quickens as he feels the warmth of your thigh pressed against his pocket, and he can't resist the urge to reach into his wallet and retrieve a pouch of money.
With a mischievous grin, Chan brings his hand to the top of your head, letting the notes rain down on you like confetti. You laugh, delighted by the unexpected gesture, and give him a big smile.
"What's your name?" you ask, your voice playful.
"Chan," he replies, feeling a surge of confidence.
You lick your lips, your gaze lingering on his. "Nice to meet you, Channie," you purr, the nickname, and Chan blushes. 
The next Monday, Chan sat at his desk, his eyes fixed on nothing in particular. His mind raced with a million thoughts, his thoughts still consumed by the events of that night. He was lost in his own thoughts, replaying every moment, every touch, every glance.
A knock on his door startled him out of his trance, and he quickly tried to compose himself, pretending to be engrossed in some papers spread out on his desk.
"Come in," Chan called, his voice slightly shaky.
The door opened, and Jeonghan stepped inside, giving Chan a knowing smile. "Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Chan felt a flush of embarrassment heat his cheeks. "Oh, hey Jeonghan," he replied, trying to sound casual.
Jeonghan chuckled, walking over to Chan's desk and leaning against it casually. "So, how was your night?" he asked, his tone laced with amusement.
Chan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a suitable response. "Um, it was... interesting," he finally managed, his voice trailing off uncertainly.
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Interesting, huh?" he said, his tone teasing. "Well, if you ever need any pointers on how to navigate the world of strip clubs, you know who to ask."
Chan's cheeks burned even hotter, and he couldn't help but laugh at Jeonghan's playful teasing. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass," he said, relieved to have the topic of conversation shifted away from his night of unexpected adventure.
Chan spent the entire weekend consumed by thoughts of you, unable to shake the memories of your encounter at the club. As Monday rolled around, he found himself itching to see you again, the usual routine of work feeling dull and uninspired.
Deciding that today was not the day for extra hours at the office, Chan made his way to the club, a sense of anticipation building in his chest. He arrived at the club, his eyes scanning the room eagerly in search of you.
As he looked around, a receptionist approached him, sensing his lost expression. "Can I help you?" she asked, her voice polite and friendly.
Chan nodded, grateful for the assistance. "Yes, I'm looking for a girl with hair like this," he said, mimicking the length and curl of your hair with his hands.
The receptionist's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, you must be looking for Y/N," she said, a smile playing on her lips. "Follow me, I'll take you to her."
There you were, dancing around the pole with a big smile on your face, as if you were truly enjoying every second of it. Chan watched from the corner of the room, his arms crossed and a big smile on his face as he observed you.
The club was crowded, with many people gathered around you, admiring your performance. Chan felt a pang of jealousy as he watched others vying for your attention, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from you.
As the night wore on and people began to leave, Chan noticed you finally catching sight of him. Your eyes met his, and you gave him a playful wink, rolling your hips as you glanced at him over your shoulder.
Chan's heart skipped a beat at your playful gesture, and he couldn't help but grin back at you. Despite the crowd around you, it felt like you were dancing just for him, and in that moment, Chan felt a surge of warmth and connection unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
As you took a break from dancing, you bent down to pick up some notes from the stage floor. Before you could gather them all, Chan approached, leaning on the stage with a playful grin.
"Leave it on the ground," he said, extending a big wad of money towards you. "Take it."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "I didn't even have time for you today," you teased, raising an eyebrow.
"Did I ask?" Chan replied, his smile widening. "Take it."
You couldn't help but laugh at his playful response, taking the money from his hand. "You liked me that much, huh?" you asked, knowing full well the answer. You were well aware of the power you held.
"Hmm, I think I need to see more," Chan teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You giggled, enjoying the banter between you. "Well, if you want me all to yourself, you'll have to book," you replied with a playful wink.
Chan's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Can I book all of your agenda?" he asked eagerly.
You stood up, giving him a coy smile. "Don't be greedy, Channie," you teased, enjoying the way he looked at you with eager anticipation.
You glanced down at the wad of money in your hand, barely able to fit into your shorts, and then looked back up at Chan with a playful smile.
"Well, I think I can spare some time for you," you said, glancing over at the clock on the wall. "But just a little while."
Chan's face lit up with excitement as he nodded eagerly. "That's all I need," he replied, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
As Chan began appearing almost every day, he became a familiar face at the club, a quiet yet eager client of yours. The receptionist would often give you a knowing look, silently conveying that Chan had arrived and had booked time with you once again.
Of course, there were other loyal clients who frequented the club, but none seemed to hold the same level of fascination for you as Chan did. There was a certain shine in his eyes whenever he entered the club, a distinct aura of anticipation and eagerness that set him apart from the other customers.
You couldn't help but wonder why you had let him know about the option to book time with you. Perhaps it was the way he looked at you with such genuine interest and excitement, or maybe it was the thrill of having someone so captivated by your presence. Whatever the reason, you found yourself looking forward to his visits, eager to see where each encounter would lead.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of surprise when Chan didn't show up for his usual visit. It was as if a small piece of the excitement and anticipation that had become a part of your routine was suddenly missing. Without even realizing it, you found yourself scanning the crowd, searching for his familiar face.
Then, just as you were starting to wonder where he was, you spotted him entering the club. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched him make his way to his special seat, right in front of you. His genuine smile lit up his face, and you couldn't help but smile back, the warmth of his presence washing over you like a wave.
With renewed energy and enthusiasm, you danced with even more passion and heart than before. You knew that Chan was watching, appreciating every move, every moment. 
Over the following weeks, Chan's visits became a cherished routine. Each time he arrived, you could sense the anticipation in his eyes, the unspoken hope that maybe tonight would be different.
One evening, as you were finishing your performance and making your way to his table, he finally mustered the courage to ask. "Hey, would you like to grab a drink with me sometime? Outside of here, I mean," he said, his voice full of genuine warmth and a hint of nervousness.
You smiled softly, appreciating his boldness but knowing you had to set boundaries. "I'm flattered, Chan, but I don't hang out with customers outside of work," you replied, your tone gentle yet firm.
A few nights later, he tried again, this time with a different approach. "There's this amazing new restaurant that just opened up downtown. I'd love to take you there," he offered, his eyes hopeful.
You shook your head slightly, maintaining your friendly demeanor. "I appreciate the invite, but I have a policy about not mixing my work life with my personal life," you explained, hoping he would understand.
Undeterred, Chan continued to ask, each time finding new ways to express his interest. "There's a gallery opening this weekend. I thought it might be fun to check it out together," he suggested one night, his enthusiasm palpable.
Once again, you gently declined. "That sounds lovely, but I really can't. I have to keep things professional with my clients," you said, feeling a pang of regret at having to turn him down yet again.
Each time he asked, you could see the slight disappointment in his eyes, but he always respected your boundaries. And despite your refusals, he never stopped coming back, never stopped watching you with that same genuine admiration and respect.
Tonight, you made sure every detail was perfect. Your hair cascaded in flawless waves, and you wore your best outfit, accentuating every curve just right. You were eager to dance for Chan, feeling a flutter of excitement as you anticipated his arrival. Sure enough, Chan appeared, booking the rest of the night with you as he had been doing lately.
When he approached, you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, a small gesture that had become part of your interactions. "Hey, Channie," you said with a playful smile. "So, what’s it gonna be tonight? Shorts or no shorts?"
Chan smiled warmly, a bit of that usual nervous energy in his eyes. "Actually," he began, his tone softer than usual, "I just want to talk tonight. I want to spend time with you."
You blinked, taken aback. No customer had ever asked for just your company before. "You... you just want to talk?" you repeated, making sure you heard him right.
He nodded, a sincere expression on his face. "Yeah. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love watching you dance. But tonight, I just want to get to know you better. You know, beyond all this," he gestured vaguely around the club.
Still processing his request, you motioned to the couch. "Alright, let's sit then." You both settled onto the plush seats, the atmosphere suddenly feeling more intimate and less transactional.
"So, what do you want to know?" you asked, trying to mask your nervousness with a casual tone.
Chan leaned forward slightly, his eyes earnest. "Everything. What's your favorite color? What's your dream vacation? What do you do when you're not here?" He paused, then added with a chuckle, "I know it sounds silly, but I really want to know the real you."
You smiled, touched by his genuine curiosity. "Well, my favorite color is …" you began, feeling a bit shy. "As for a dream vacation, I've always wanted to visit Santorini. The pictures look so beautiful, like a place out of a fairytale."
Chan listened intently, his focus unwavering. "Santorini sounds amazing. I can picture you there."
You chuckled, the image of you in Santorini bringing a warm feeling to your chest. "And when I'm not here, I love to paint. It's my way of unwinding, letting my creativity flow."
His eyes lit up. "Painting? That's incredible. What kind of things do you paint?"
You shrugged lightly, feeling more comfortable as the conversation flowed. "Mostly landscapes and abstract pieces. It's like putting a piece of my soul onto the canvas."
For a moment, there was a comfortable silence, both of you absorbing the depth of the conversation. Chan finally broke it, his voice soft. "You know, I've always admired how dedicated you are to what you do, I know it's now easy at all. But hearing about your passions and dreams, it makes me admire you even more."
Your cheeks warmed at his words, and you found yourself opening up more than you had with anyone in a long time. "Thank you, Chan. It means a lot to hear that."
He reached out, gently squeezing your hand. "Thank you for sharing with me. I know this isn’t what you usually do, but it means a lot to me."
Chan observed the small figurine on the table, curiosity lighting up his eyes. “Where do you get these?” he asked, leaning closer to get a better look.
You smiled, a bit shyly. “I make them myself,” you said, enjoying the surprise that flickered across his face.
“Really? That’s amazing,” he praised, his admiration evident. You shrugged modestly.
“It’s not that hard,” you replied, still smiling. “They’re always small.”
Chan chuckled, a warm sound that made you feel even more at ease. He started to remove his blazer, and before you knew it, he placed it gently around your shoulders, covering a good part of you. The gesture was so kind and considerate that it made you feel even more comfortable, despite usually feeling at ease in your usual skimpy outfits.
As you nestled into the blazer, you couldn’t help but notice how much more at ease you felt. Chan’s presence was different; it wasn’t just about the physical attraction or the lavish spending. There was a gentleness, a genuine care that made you feel safe and valued.
“I don’t usually do this,” you admitted, looking at him with a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
Chan smiled back, his eyes soft. “It’s my pleasure. You deserve to feel comfortable.”
The conversation flowed easily as Chan began to share bits and pieces of his life. He spoke about his responsibilities as CEO, the pressure of living up to his father’s legacy, and the sacrifices he had to make. His words were carefully chosen, mindful of not coming across as boastful despite his affluent lifestyle. You could tell he was trying to be as honest as possible while downplaying the extravagance.
“And that’s pretty much my life,” Chan concluded with a slight sigh. “It’s demanding, but it’s what I have to do.”
You admired his humility, realizing how grounded he remained despite his wealth. “It sounds like a lot to handle,” you said softly, your eyes reflecting your newfound respect for him. “But you do it so well. It’s impressive.”
Chan’s expression softened, a mixture of gratitude and weariness in his eyes. “Thank you. It’s not always easy, but I try.”
“You’re more than just a pretty boy,” you teased lightly, wanting to lift the mood. “You’re a hardworking, humble man.”
He laughed, the sound filling the space between you with warmth. “And you’re not just a beautiful dancer. You’re talented and creative.”
The next morning, you were chatting with the girls—your coworkers—as they finished their hair for the night.
“And he just wanted to talk,” you said, a bit incredulously. “He even asked about my favorite color.”
The girls collectively let out a heartfelt “Awww,” their eyes wide with interest and affection.
“Seriously?” one of them, Mina, asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “That’s so sweet.”
“He seems different,” another added, giggling.
“Yeah,” you nodded, still a bit surprised yourself. “We just talked. It was...nice.”
Before the conversation could continue, the receptionist entered the room, a knowing smile on her face. “Ya! Y/N-nie! Your Channie is here,” she announced, her tone teasing.
It was unusual for any customer to visit on a Saturday morning, a time usually reserved for the staff to unwind and prepare for the week ahead. 
“It’s Saturday morning,” Mina whispered, nudging you playfully. “No customers come in unless they lost something.”
“Let him in,” you said, trying to keep your tone casual but feeling the flutter of anticipation.
As Chan walked in, he was met with a scene unlike the usual vibrant atmosphere of the club. The girls were dressed in comfortable clothes, some with bobs in their hair, others doing their nails or simply lounging around.
You were drying a glass behind the bar. He looked around, slightly surprised but smiling.
“Good morning, girls,” he greeted, his voice cheerful. "Good morning Y/N…" He says in a special and tender tone, just for you.
“Good morning,” the girls chimed back in unison, their eyes following his every move.
You put down the glass and walked over to him, a wide smile on your face. “Channie, what are you doing here?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“I wanted to see you,” he replied, his gaze soft and sincere. He seemed a bit out of place in the relaxed environment, but his presence was a welcome one. You could feel the girls watching the exchange with rapt attention, like they were watching an opera unfold.
Chan noticed that you didn’t have bobs in your hair like some of the other girls. Gesturing toward your hair, he asked, “No bobs for you today?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “It’s my day off. I’m not dancing today.”
The girls exchanged knowing looks, some stifling giggles. One of them, Lisa, leaned over and whispered loudly enough for you to hear, “Looks like someone’s here to see you even when you’re not performing.”
You blushed, glancing at Chan, who seemed equally flustered but amused by the comment. He recovered quickly, his smile returning.
Chan stood there, his eyes filled with hope and a hint of nervousness. "Would you like to spend the day with me?" he asked, his tone gentle and inviting.
You chuckled, a playful glint in your eye. "Hmm, I've already told you about hanging out with my customers," you teased, enjoying the banter.
Before Chan could respond, Mina chimed in from the background, her voice filled with encouragement. "Oh, come on! You should accept it!"
Chan seized the opportunity, smiling wider. "You’re not on your work schedule now, are you?"
That shut your mouth, leaving you momentarily speechless. The girls burst into giggles, clearly enjoying the exchange.
“Well, when you put it that way…” you trailed off, pretending to think it over.
Chan’s smile grew, sensing victory. “So, is that a yes?”
You sighed theatrically, then grinned. “Fine, you win. I’ll spend the day with you.”
“Great!” Chan said, visibly relieved and excited. “I promise it’ll be fun.”
You nodded, your smile widening. “Let me just finish up here, and we can go.”
As you gathered your things, the girls couldn’t resist a few more teasing comments, but it was all in good fun, as Chan waited patiently.
As the day unfolded, Chan took you to places you hadn't had the time to visit in years. You sipped coffee at a cozy café, strolled through the park, and even caught a movie at the cinema. With each passing moment, you found yourself enjoying his company more and more, feeling a sense of freedom and joy you hadn't experienced in a long time.
"This has been the best day off ever," you exclaimed, unable to contain your excitement as you walked side by side with Chan.
His heart swelled with happiness at your words, his smile growing wider. He could have taken you to a luxurious restaurant or shopping for designer labels, but he sensed that wasn't what you wanted. Instead, he decided to let you choose how to spend the rest of the day.
Careful to open doors for you and ensure your comfort, Chan drove you around in his luxurious car, enjoying each other's company and the simplicity of the moment. As he glanced at you from the driver's seat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him.
"Where to next?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.
You playfully pretended to ponder your options, teasing him about having more surprises up his sleeve. Chan laughed, shrugging his shoulders as he drove. You noticed that you were nearing your apartment, and the idea popped into your head.
"How about we go to my place?" you suggested, surprising even yourself with the invitation.
Chan's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he quickly masked it with a smile. "Your place? Are you sure?"
You nodded, feeling a sense of excitement building in your chest. "Yeah, why not? I'd love for you to see where I live."
Chan couldn't hide his delight at your invitation, his curiosity piqued. He parked the car and walked with you to your apartment building, taking in the surroundings with interest.
Chan's eyes wandered around the apartment, taking in the details of your life that adorned the walls. He saw framed photographs capturing cherished memories – graduations, family gatherings, outings with friends. The images painted a picture of a life rich in experiences and relationships.
His gaze shifted to the plushies scattered across the couch, a playful and endearing touch that brought a smile to his face. It was clear to him that you had a warmth and sweetness that extended beyond the confines of the club where he first met you.
As you disappeared into the kitchen, Chan took a moment to soak in the atmosphere of your home. The tranquility of the space, combined with the personal touches that reflected your personality, made him feel strangely at ease.
In that moment, he realized that he was seeing a side of you that few others had the privilege of witnessing – the real you, beyond the glamorous facade of the club.
As you settled back onto the couch with snacks in hand, Chan joined you, his presence filling the space with warmth. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he began recounting his visit to the strip club earlier that day.
You listened intently, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as he shared the details of his adventure. When he mentioned Jeonghan's involvement, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards your friend for unknowingly setting this day in motion.
"Looks like I owe Jeonghan a big thank you," you said, your voice muffled as you took a bite of your snack. 
Chan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, Jeonghan is the reason we met, huh?" he teased, leaning closer to you.
You chuckled, feeling a playful energy between you. "Looks like it," you replied, unable to suppress a smile.
Chan's teasing grin widened at your response, and he leaned in closer, his playful demeanor evident. "Oh, so you're thanking Jeonghan, but not me?" he teased, raising an eyebrow in mock indignation.
With a soft smile, you turned to Chan, gratitude evident in your eyes. "Thank you, Channie," you said, your voice sincere as you expressed your appreciation.
Chan returned your smile, his gaze warm as he listened to your words. "For what?" he asked, though he already had a feeling of what you meant.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before replying. "For everything," you began, your tone heartfelt. "For the moments we've shared, the conversations we've had... Even on the nights you booked me, we talked more than danced," you admitted, a fondness evident in your voice.
Chan's smile widened at your words, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "Well, I guess I'm just a talkative guy," he joked, though there was a hint of sincerity in his tone.
Chan's touch was tender as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his gaze lingering on your lips with a mixture of hesitation and longing. You could feel the tension building between you, an unspoken desire hanging in the air.
When he spoke your name, you couldn't help but respond with a soft sound of acknowledgment, your heart fluttering with anticipation. His next words sent a shiver down your spine, his voice barely above a whisper as he confessed his thoughts.
"I know it's not allowed to kiss the dancers in the club," he began, his words laden with a sense of urgency, "but... we're not in the club right?"
His question hung in the air, heavy with possibility. In that moment, the boundaries that had separated you in the club seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, alone in the intimacy of your shared space.
You met Chan's gaze, your heart pounding in your chest as you considered his words. Despite the rules and restrictions that governed your interactions in the club, here, in this moment, you felt a freedom that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
With a hesitant smile, you leaned in closer to him, your breath mingling with his as you whispered, "No, we're not in the club." And in that simple acknowledgment, you gave voice to the unspoken truth that had been lingering between you all along.
Chan's hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as his lips crashed into yours. His tongue explored your mouth with a fervent passion, and you found yourself breathing hard, your fingers clutching the collar of his shirt to deepen the kiss.
The truth was, the more you refused Chan's invitations to dinner, the more you denied the gifts he insisted on giving you, the more you avoided his attempts to kiss you—his feelings for you only grew stronger. And now, seeing his insistence on simply having your company, and not just as the girl who would entertain him at night, made you feel all your girlhood feelings again.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, you looked into his eyes, your breath mingling with his. "Chan..." you whispered "Why do you keep coming back? Why do you keep trying so hard?"
He held your gaze, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and tenderness. "Because you matter to me, Y/N. More than just a dancer, more than just a pretty face. I see you, the real you, and I want to know you better."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you felt a rush of warmth and affection for this man who saw beyond the surface. "But I'm not used to this," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not used to someone caring this much."
Chan's grip on your neck tightened slightly, a comforting reassurance. "Then let me show you how it feels. Let me show you that you deserve to be cared for, to be cherished."
"Show me," you whisper, your eyes locked on Chan's lips. He captures your mouth in a passionate kiss, his lips trailing down to your neck. His hands find the hem of your shirt, and he pulls it over your head. You pull him closer, desperate to feel him, your hands sliding under his shirt to caress his warm skin.
His hands slide to your thighs, lifting you onto his lap, your breasts now level with his face. He glances at the pretty lace bra you’re wearing and lowers the cups, exposing your nipples. He kisses each one tenderly before sucking on one and pinching the other. You melt into him, your hips grinding against his automatically, drawing a groan from deep within his chest.
"Do you know how hard it was to control myself when you grinded on my cock like this?" he murmurs against your skin, his voice thick with desire.
A wicked smile crosses your lips as you continue to grind against him, feeling his erection growing beneath you. "I could feel it, Chan," you purr, your voice dripping with seduction. "I could feel how much you wanted me. I wanted you just as badly."
His hands tighten on your hips, guiding your movements as he presses you harder against him. "God, Y/N, you drive me crazy," he groans, his eyes darkening with lust.
You lean in, your breath hot against his ear. "I want to feel you inside me, Chan. I want you to lose control. Show me how much you want me."
His control snaps, and he flips you onto your back, his body pressing you into the couch. "You don’t know what you’re asking for," he growls, his hand sliding down to unbutton your pants.
"I know exactly what I want," you whisper back, your eyes burning with the same desire. "I want you, all of you."
Chan's lips crash into yours again, more fiercely this time, as his hands work to remove the rest of your clothing.
In a blur of movement, clothes are discarded, and his skin is pressed against yours. He pauses to look into your eyes. "Tell me you want this," he demands, his voice rough with need.
"I want you, Chan," you breathe out, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer. 
Chan giggles softly, his breath hot against your skin. "Wait for me to prepare you," he whispers, his voice laced with anticipation. He opens your legs wide, his eyes dark with desire as he lowers himself between your thighs. His lips find your wet folds, kissing them gently before his tongue delves deeper.
The sensation sends shivers through your body, and you let out a soft moan. Chan's mouth works expertly, sucking on your clit while his tongue teases and explores. As you gasp his name, "Channie," he responds with a moan of his own, the vibrations adding to your pleasure.
His hand slides up your thigh, and you feel the gentle pressure of his finger at your entrance. He slips it inside you slowly, his finger curling to find that perfect spot. Your back arches off the couch, your hands gripping the cushions as he continues to worship your body with his mouth and fingers.
"Oh, Chan," you breathe, your voice quivering with need. The way his tongue moves, the way his finger pumps in and out of you—it's all too much. Your hips begin to move on their own, seeking more of the intense pleasure he's giving you.
He adds another finger, stretching you gently, and your moans grow louder. His mouth never leaves your clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue in a rhythm that drives you wild. You can feel your orgasm building, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter inside you.
Chan's free hand comes up to hold your hip, steadying you as you writhe beneath him. He looks up at you, his eyes full of lust and admiration, and the sight of him between your legs pushes you closer to the edge.
"Channie, I’m so close," you manage to say, your voice barely a whisper.
He doubles his efforts, his fingers moving faster, his mouth more insistent on your clit. The world fades away, and all you can focus on is the overwhelming pleasure building within you.
With a final, deep moan, you come undone. Your body trembles, your muscles clench around his fingers, and a powerful wave of ecstasy crashes over you. Chan doesn't stop, drawing out your orgasm until you're completely spent, every nerve ending tingling with satisfaction.
Finally, he pulls away, his fingers and mouth glistening with your arousal. He looks up at you with a triumphant smile, his own need evident in his eyes. "You taste so good," he murmurs, crawling up your body to capture your lips in a heated kiss. You can taste yourself on his lips, and it only fuels the fire between you.
"Now," he says, positioning himself at your entrance, "I think you're ready."
You nod, wrapping your legs around his waist, and with one smooth thrust, he fills you completely. 
Your pussy was wet enough, spasming, welcoming him perfectly. Chan's eyes were closed, his face contorting as he tried to compose himself. You reached up and gently held his face, and he opened his eyes, scoffing softly, trying to pretend he didn't almost cum right then and there from the sensation of your sopping cunt wrapping so perfectly around him and the pornographic moan that just left your mouth.
"Fuck, Y/N," he breathed, his voice thick with lust. "You feel so good."
You smiled, your own arousal mirrored in his gaze. "Don't hold back, Channie," you whispered, your fingers brushing through his hair. "I want all of you."
He groaned, his hips starting to move, slowly at first, savoring the way you clenched around him with each thrust. The intensity in his eyes made your heart race, the connection between you deepening with every movement.
"You're so tight," he murmured, his hands gripping your hips as he picked up the pace. "So perfect for me."
You bit your lip, your body responding to his every word, his every touch. "Chan," you gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders as he hit that sweet spot inside you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. "Don't stop."
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he rolled his hips, stopping momentarily before hitting your g'spot with a sharp thrust. He repeated this motion, each thrust more deliberate, and the most sinful moans left your mouth. "Yes, Channie," you gasped, your voice trembling with pleasure, "fuck this pussy with that big fucking cock. Yes, yes!"
Chan groaned, the sound deep and guttural, spurred on by your words. "You like that? Hm?" he panted, his pace quickening as he watched the ecstasy play out on your face. "You like how I fuck you?"
"Yes," you moaned, your nails digging into his shoulders. "God, yes, I love it. I love how you fuck me– ah! Channie."
"So wet... all for me."
Your body arched beneath him, your hips moving to meet his thrusts, chasing the pleasure that was building to an overwhelming peak. "Only for you," you whispered, your voice breaking with a whimper as he drove you closer to the edge. "No one else, just you, Channie."
He growled, the possessiveness in your words igniting something primal in him. His thrusts became harder, faster, each one sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. "Say it again," he demanded, his breath hot against your ear. "Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours," you cried out, your legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper. "I'm yours, Channie, only yours."
His hips snapped forward with even more intensity, and you could feel the coil tightening in your core, ready to snap. "Cum for me," he urged, his voice a low growl. "Cum all over my cock, baby."
Your pussy throbbed as the aftershocks of your orgasm rippled through you, your eyes closing tightly, mouth falling open in a silent scream. You wrapped your legs around Chan's waist, locking him in place as you rode out every wave of pleasure. Chan hissed, his abdomen trembling, signaling that he was on the brink of release but unable to escape your grip.
You opened your eyes to find Chan watching you intently, taking in every reaction. "Sit," you commanded, your voice breathless yet authoritative.
"Hm?" Chan responded, his expression a mix of curiosity and lingering pleasure.
"Sit," you repeated, firmer this time. He complied, a small laugh escaping his lips.
"Are you going to dom me?" he teased, scoffing lightly.
Instead of answering, you simply lowered yourself onto his cock, making him flinch and let out a whiny moan in your ear, your legs trembling from the intensity of your recent orgasm.
"Fuck," he groaned, his hands gripping your hips. 
You leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear. "You like that, Channie? You like when I take control?"
"Yes," he gasped, his breath hitching as you began to move, rolling your hips slowly at first. "God, yes."
You smirked, picking up the pace, each movement sending shivers of pleasure through both of you. "You look so good like this," you whispered, your voice low and sultry. "So desperate, so needy. You want to cum, don't you?"
"Yes," he admitted, his voice barely more than a whimper. "Please, let me cum."
You tightened your grip on his shoulders, riding him harder. "Not yet," you commanded, enjoying the power you held over him. "Not until I say so."
Chan's eyes fluttered closed, his body trembling as he tried to hold back. "Please," he begged, his voice raw with need. "I can't... I can't hold on much longer."
"Look at me," you ordered, your tone firm. His eyes snapped open, locking onto yours. "You’re going to cum when I tell you to, understand?"
"Yes," he panted, nodding eagerly. "Yes, I understand."
You imagined riding him since the moment he entered that club, young, hot, with his sleeves rolled up, the scent of masculine fragrance mingling with whiskey on his breath. Feeling this man, needy and sly, with his cock buried deep inside your pussy, spilling all that pre-cum, and fighting his demons not to cum, made you so horny.
 You licked your fingers, circling your clit to help yourself climax, making you clench around him again. A strangled moan escaped his mouth, his eyes were rolling back.
You leaned in close, your voice husky with desire. "You're so close, Channie," you whispered, your breath hot against his ear. "I can feel how badly you want to cum inside me. Do it, baby. Give it to me. Fill me up with your cum."
Chan's hips bucked against yours, his grip on your hips tightening. "Fuck," he groaned, his voice strained with pleasure. "I need to cum, please..."
You smirked, your fingers still working furiously on your clit. "You want to empty those balls for me, make me feel every drop of your cum inside me? Hm?"
Chan nodded frantically, his eyes glazed with lust. "Yes, god, yes. Please, let me cum. I can't hold on much longer."
With a wicked grin, you increased the pressure on your clit, feeling the tension building inside you. "Then cum for me, Channie," you urged, your voice a sultry whisper. "Cum deep inside my pussy."
Chan's entire body tensed, his breath hitching as he finally let go, his cum flooding you with warmth. You cried out in pleasure, feeling your own orgasm crashing over you in waves as you rode out the ecstasy together.
As you collapsed against his chest, Chan wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You could feel your legs trembling in soreness, his cum still dripping from your pussy, and both of your bodies slick with sweat. Despite the exhaustion, Chan's embrace felt comforting and secure.
He ran his hands soothingly over your back, his touch gentle yet firm, as if trying to convey all his affection through his fingertips. You raised your head to meet his gaze, finding him looking back at you with a mixture of satisfaction and tenderness in his eyes.
You pressed a series of soft kisses to his lips, his cheeks, his jawline, savoring the warmth and intimacy of the moment. Chan smiled in response, his own lips curved upwards in a contented –fucked out– expression.
You summoned the last vestiges of your strength just to tease Chan, circling your hips ever so slightly, just enough to elicit a reaction from his sensitive body. 
"Wait, wait," Chan gasped, his voice strained with sensitivity. "I can't... I can't take it."
He held you firmly against him, his grip almost desperate as he tried to steady himself. The sensation of your hips circling against his heightened his arousal to a point where he felt like he might lose control at any moment.
You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. Despite the exhaustion and the intensity of your encounter, you found his vulnerability endearing.
"Sorry," you chuckled softly, the sound mingling with his labored breaths. "I couldn't resist teasing you a little."
Chan let out a breathless laugh, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain his composure. He leaned in to press a gentle kiss against your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment before he spoke again.
"You're... you're something else, you know that?" he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "I don't know how you do it."
You grinned up at him, feeling a surge of warmth at his words. Despite the intense physical connection between you, there was an undeniable emotional bond that had formed, deepening your connection even further.
"I guess I just have a way with you," you replied playfully, winking at him before snuggling closer into his embrace.
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kpop---scenarios · 1 month
The One (1)
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Pairing: Mafia! Lee Know x Reader
Warning: Kidnapping, Mentions of Blood, Weapons, Launguage, and Smut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOY INTERACT]
Word Count: 15.6k
Everything Taglist: @wife2straykids @piscesrising01 @baby-stay92 @kisses-too-the-moon @dwaekkiiracha @rylea08 @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @satosugu4l l @iovecb97 @lordmaahes-nsc @sailorkoss @minh0scat @pixie0627 @50-husbands @jinnies-muse @yaorzu-blog @joyofbebbanburg @number1jeonginstan @skzooluvr @jisunglyricist @ambersnowxxx @stay-tiny-things @thegingerthatwaited
@silly250 @tsunderelino @1810cl @anskiiz @ayyonoona
Fuck, you were tired.
You knew that going out the night before you had to work was a bad idea, but you have always loved a good bad idea, and you only live once so what the hell. You and a friend had gone to check out a club you'd heard a lot about but had yet to experience, and when you tell people you had the best time, you fucking meant it. The vibes in that place were immaculate, the drinks were strong and flowing steadily, not to mention the music they played were all the most perfect songs for dancing and grinding. You'd never had so much fun out, which is why by the time you looked at a clock, you realized it was 6am, and you had to work a double shift in 6 hours. But by the time you had gotten home, showered, ate and crawled into bed, you had to be up in 4.5 hours, and you just knew you were going to die of exhaustion today. And you were right. The day went by so slowly and the bar fluctuated in busy times, leaving you energized but also so exhausted.
Finally, you hit the last five hours of work but you knew that it would go by the slowest. It was only 10pm, and all you could focus on was the dull hum of the shitty music that played through the almost broken overhead speakers. The smell of beer and bleach surrounded you, although the smell gave you a headache it also was a sense of comfort, you were too used to it now.
You stood up, trying to shake the tiredness off, if you stood around any longer you were definitely going to fall asleep on the bar. You had been fine earlier, when it was actually busy but after the mid evening rush, you had only gotten one table, and they weren't pleasant. You walked over to the couple that had sat in the very back of the bar to ask if they needed anything else.
“No.” the woman spat, glaring at you before turning back to the man she was with. You say nothing more, instead walk back towards the bar to find something, anything to do. Instead of doing anything, you stood behind the bar staring at the clock. Maybe if you stared at it, then time would speed up.
It didn't.
You’d never seen time move so slowly until tonight. It was a Sunday, the one night of the week that you technically weren’t scheduled to work. However, you decided to be a nice person and take the shift from your co-worker, who was the girl who also shared the same name as you. She tried to explain to you why she couldn't work but honestly you didn't care enough to listen to Y/N 2.0's reasoning for needing it covered. You figured it was for some shady reason that she would try to cover up with something not so shady. You knew that because she was shady. She constantly had questionable people hanging out in the bar, they were always whispering while their eyes darted around the place, they were so paranoid and it weirded you out but she was kinda nice and did the bare minimum of her job, so you didn't care too much. You're brought out of your thoughts a few minutes later when the man comes up to pay his tab, while also whispering a slight apology for the woman he was with.
“No worries, you two have a great night.” you smile. The woman scoffs at you as she grabs the sleeve of the man, yanking him out of the bar. You just shook your head, you didn’t want her man, you just wanted your bed. You wanted to cry, you could hear your bed calling your name. Why the fuck was a bar even open until 3am on a Sunday? You cleaned off the table, looking around the empty establishment and heavily debated on closing early. It was now 10:45pm, and you still had just over four hours until you were done but you weren't waiting that long. There's no way.
12:00am. You’d give it a little over an hour and if no one showed up in that amount of time, you were going to close. You’d happily take the anger from your boss if it meant you could get out of this hellhole at a decent time. You went to the back office and told Gary that you were going to close early if no one showed up. He just grunted at you, he didn’t care. He was just there to do the cashout and go home, he wanted nothing else to do with anyone or anything.
You did all your closing things, sweeping and mopping the floors, washing the dishes, cleaning everything for the next person to open in the morning.
11:58 pm, you anxiously watched the clock. There was still no one there.
11:59pm you walked to the door. You were just about to lock it when it was pushed open, and 3 men casually walked in, grins on their faces.
You immediately felt uneasy.
"You're still open right?" One of the men asks, tilting his head to the side.
"I was about to close." You admit.
"The sign says you’re open until 3am though." One says, raising his eyebrow and glancing at the clock. “It’s only 12:01am.”
"It’s been extremely slow, so I was going to close.” you say. “But you’re here, so we're open." You say through gritted teeth, forcing a smile.
You had been so looking forward to crawling into your bed.
"What can I get you?" You ask, hoping it would be a beer each and then they would leave. Maybe they would sense your exhaustion and take pity on you.
"3 shots of tequila, and 3 whiskey and cokes." One man says.
“OKay.” you smile, heading back to the bar to make the drinks. As you're pouring their drinks you glance up, glancing at them and notice they are watching you. You couldn't help it, you had a horrible feeling in your stomach, and the vibes they had, they weren't good.
You brought their drinks over to the table, trying to hide your nervousness. You set each drink down with a shaky hand. You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself.
"So, what’s your name, beautiful?" One man asks before taking his shot.
"Really Felix?" Another chuckle.
"Don’t act like you don’t want to know either, Hyunjin." The other laughs.
"I know I do." The last man smirks.
"So there, all three of us want to know." One smiles.
You stand there, debating. Do you give them your real name or do you make a name up? They stared at you, waiting for you to say something.
"Um, it’s Y/N." You say.
"Well!” one of them exclaims. “That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smirks. You give him an awkward half smile before walking away, but not before you hear the one named Felix whisper "It's her."
After you had served their drinks and checked on them again, you went to the back off, just to warn Gary. the feeling in your stomach wasn’t going away and you wanted him to be aware.
“Hey Gary, there's some shady men in here, I don't like their vibes so if I scream, please come help me.” you whisper, looking behind you to make sure one of them wasn't standing there.
“Sure, maybe.” Gary says, not looking at you.
If anything happened, you were totally on your own.
Around 2:30 am, you asked if they needed anything else, especially considering none of them ordered anything else, and sat there staring at you for the last 2.5 hours.
"Just the bill please, Y/N." Hyunjin smiles, pulling out his wallet.
You print off the bill, and gently place it on the table before walking away. You finished cleaning the glasses from their table as Hyunjin tosses some money on the table. You went to the back to put the glasses away and by the time you were back up front, they were gone, and there was a $100 bill left for the $30 bill.
At least you got a little something tonight.
You squeezed your eyes shut as a large yawn took over. You were finishing up the last of the organizing before you were finally done. Your feet felt heavy, they dragged as you walked around switching off the lights. Your body became more tired as you gathered your belongings before walking out the back door.
The crisp cool air hits your face as you leave the building, closing the door to lock it. The city is quiet, all you can hear is the gentle breeze of the wind along with faint sounds of the booming nightlife from the downtown area. there was always something going on down there, where you worked though, not many people wanted to go there late at night.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, you began your walk home. You always preferred walking as opposed to wasting money on a cab, especially since you didn't live very far from the bar. You never had an issue on your way home in the past, so you never thought that tonight would be any different. If anything, you’d encounter someone who cat-called you but never did anything else. It wasn’t the safest neighborhood but nothing bad had ever happened to you.
However, tonight, you couldn’t shake that bad feeling. You had thought when the men left and you were headed home that you would feel even the slightest bit better, but if anything, you felt worse. It was like your body was screaming at you that something was going to happen. You continued on your way, keeping your head down, only glancing up to see where you were going, but you could hear the footsteps behind you. You tried to keep your pace and whoever it was was staying steadily behind you. When you slowed down, you could hear them slowing down. As you picked up your pace again, you could hear them speeding up. You held onto yourself a little tighter, taking deep breaths, trying to ease the hard knot in your stomach. You muttered to yourself, telling yourself that everything would be okay and you were almost home.
Your pace increases and you breathe a little easier as your apartment building comes into view, until the sound of footsteps behind you quicken, becoming louder and faster. Your breathing becomes heavier as you run to the stairs of the front door, your hand almost latches to the railing, just before you could pull yourself up the stairs, you feel something grab onto the back of your jacket, pulling you backwards. Your stomach dropped as your eyes shut, bracing for the impact of the concrete, but instead you met with a hard chest and arms wrapping around your body.
"Oh sweet, Y/N. Our boss will be so happy we found you. He’s been trying to get a hold of you, you know. He wants his money." the voice says, it sounds familiar.
You open your eyes wide. "What? What boss? What money?" You ask, panicking. You open your eyes and immediately recognize the men, the same ones who were in the bar earlier. You try to get up so you can run away but his grip is too tight.
"Don't play fucking stupid. We know it’s you, it won’t work. Let's go." The one whose name you hadn't heard snaps, grabbing your arm tightly, yanking you with him.
"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about" you scream, trying to fight off his grip.
"Don't play stupid Y/N. We got your place of employment and your hours. Stop trying to act like you don't know you owe Lee Know $700k." Hyunjin says.
What? Who the fuck was Lee Know? The most you owed was $67 to your cable company. You didn’t know what to do, he was dragging you towards a van.
Scream Y/N, scream!
“Help! Someone please help me!” you scream as loud as you can. “Changbin, shut her up!” Felix spits.
Changbin slaps his other hand over your mouth, trying to quiet you down. You bite his hand, he yelps, shoving you down to the ground. You smack your head on the hard concrete, almost knocking you out. You quickly try to scramble to your feet, you need to run away, go anywhere away from here. You're caught by your ponytail by Hyunjin, he yanks you down to the ground, pinning you down with his body.
“Stop fucking fighting, you can’t get out of this.” he snaps, pulling you up and shoving you into the van.
“It’s not me,” you cry as you lay on the floor of the van, your head throbbing.
The whole time you were in the van, you tried to tell them they had the wrong person, and you couldn’t understand why they didn’t believe you. You had no idea who Lee Know was, what money they were talking about and why they thought that it was you who had it.
As you try to plead with them again, as the van abruptly stops, the door slides open and a bag is placed over your head. You tried to fight them off, to run away, to get your arms free. You tried digging your feet into the ground but nothing you did worked. The only thing it got you was a tighter grip, fingers digging into your skin, you knew there were going to be bruises left on you.
The three men drag you inside a building but you never stop trying to fight them off. "You've got the wrong person, I'm telling you." You plead.
"Shut the fuck up." Changbin snaps. Forcing you down onto your knees. "Felix, go tell him that we have her."
You hear the footsteps moving away from you, you assumed it was Felix going to do what Changbin told him to do. You hope they get hell when they find out you’re not who they’re looking for. Your stomach twists and turns, the anxiety is beginning to eat you alive, the unknown is terrifying.
What was going to happen to you?
Seconds later you're pulled up to your feet and forced to walk forward. "Get in there." Changbin snaps, shoving you through a door, you lose your balance, falling to the floor. Someone yanks your arm, helping you up to your knees only.
"Here you go boss. Here’s Y/N." Felix says, pulling the bag from your head.
The chair behind the desk turns around, all you can see is the silhouette of a body sitting in the chair. The light behind him shone on his face, covering it. You jumped when he spoke, his voice was deep, yet smooth like velvet.
"You're kidding me, right?" He asks. You can tell he was pissed by his voice.
"No, you asked for her. Here she is" Changbin says.
"I did ask for Y/N, but that's not her." He says.
"What?" The three men say, looking at each other.
"I said, that's not fucking her." He says again, his voice getting increasingly angrier.
"Y/N from Spuds, this is her Minho!" Felix panics. ”She served us there, she said her name was Y/N!”
"There's another Y/N that works there." You whisper, keeping your head down.
"So now we have two problems." Minho snaps. "First, the girl you're supposed to get is out there, who fucking knows where, with my fucking money." He yells. "Second problem, we have a beautiful girl here who now knows a little too fucking much.” he pauses.
“So boys, what do you expect me to do about it? Do I kill her because you're all fucking morons, or let her go?” Minho asks, crossing his arms.
You were feeling brave, and honestly you had nothing to lose. Minimal friends, no good family, so if speaking up got you killed then so be it.
"I mean.” You start, looking around the room. “I personally, I think you should let me go. I work in a shitty bar at a shitty wage. So really, I'm in no position to be telling anyone about anything." You tell him, hoping that he'll see you're anything but a threat to him.
"You're fucking delusional if you think the boss will just let you.." Felix begins before being interrupted by Minho.
"She can go.” He says, standing up. “But I have conditions.” He grins. He comes out of the light and you feel like you can't breathe. He's drop dead gorgeous. He's the type of man that you would do anything he asked, just because he asked. He squats down, his face inches from yours. “First thing, if you say anything to anyone, I will find out and I will kill you.” He smiles.
Fuck. Even more gorgeous.
“And the second thing?” you ask, trying to avoid eye contact. You didn't want to set him off by looking into his eyes.
“That's really my only condition.” He whispers, grabbing your chin to look at him. “But remember, I'll be watching you." He smirks.
He helps you up, nodding his head towards the door. ”Go. Before I decide to keep you here for myself.”
"Thank you." You whisper before quickly walking towards the double doors, as you hear some punches and yelling.
You run outside, you're in the middle of fucking nowhere. Do you go left? Right? Straight? How the fuck were you supposed to get home? you turn around, seeing another man standing there, one you haven't met yet.
“I'm Seungmin. I'll drive you home.” he says, motioning to a car parked on the driveway. You reluctantly get into the passenger seat of the car. Neither of you spoke the entire drive, you didn't even have to tell him your address because he already knew where to go. That was fucking creepy but you were just thankful that you were being let go from such a terrifying situation. Seungmin dropped you off, without a word and drove off as soon as you were out of the car. You went to your apartment, took off your shoes and collapsed in your bed. You were even more fucking exhausted.
Over the next few days, you heard nothing from Minho or any of his guys. You had called in sick the Monday night after the incident, but Tuesday you dragged yourself to work as usual. Your usual routine of getting home late, sleeping late and puttering around until your next shift.
You kinda wished you had seen Minho again, but also not. He was so fucking handsome but you also knew he was a very dangerous man, and that was terrified you.
As the days went on, you'd notice someone on the other side of the street walking sort of behind you until you reached your apartment, different things that were making you feel like you were being watched.
Thursday night rolled around and It was unusually busy for a Thursday. It didn't help that the other girl you were supposed to work with didn't show up and no one you called would come in to help, so you were alone.
And you were slammed.
You were doing your very best to be quick with taking orders, making the drinks, serving drinks, cleaning and clearing tables. It was a lot and you were only one person.
Almost everyone was understanding, except the one table of piss drunk men who were getting more annoyed by the minute. You had been ignoring them as they catcalled you and then yelled at you for not refilling their beers. So you were gonna make them wait.
"Hey! Where the fuck are our beers!?" One of the men hollers at you, laughing with his friends. ”We're fucking thirsty over here.”
You ignore him. You'd told him you would get to him when it was his turn before you started ignoring him, and currently, it wasn't his turn.
"I said we want our fucking beers." He yelled again, abruptly standing from his chair causing it to fall back.
You were going to rage. You put your empty tray on the bar, glaring at the man.
"And I told you, you'll fucking get them when it's your turn. I'm by myself here. I'm trying my best! Have some fucking patience." You snap before putting in the next order of drinks.
"Fuck it." The man spits. "I'll do it myself." He says, moving from his table to walking towards the back of the bar. His friends try to stop him but he's at the point of not listening to reason.
"No you won't." You say, moving to block the entrance behind the bar. "You can't go back there." You tell him.
"I can do whatever the fuck a want." He whispers, his face moving closer to yours. You try to stand your ground, but he's so much bigger than you are, he easily pushes you back until you're trapped against the wall. "And you can't do shit about it." He chuckles, leaning in closer to you. “You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" He whispers. You can smell the alcohol and cigarettes on your breath.
You wished someone would come help, but his friends seem useless. They won't even try to control their friend. You need to get yourself out of this situation.
"Get off me." You say, trying to push him away but it was like his feet were cemented to the ground.
"Like I said, I can do whatever I want." He laughs.
“Please just get off me.” You say, you can feel the tears starting as he caresses your face.
"I think she told you to get off her." You hear from behind the man, you faintly recognize the voice.
He turns around, and you try to get away from him, but he holds you in place. You manage to sneak a peek, and you see Minho with Changbin and another man you didn't recognize.
"And who the fuck are you." The man laughs. He looks for his friends, they sit at the table watching.
Minho chuckles. "I’m a.. friend, if you will.” He says, his face stone cold. “She's mine, and I don't like when people touch what's mine." He says, cocking his head to the side.
"And what are you going to do about it?" The man asks, turning around to grab your arm.
Minho sighs, as he makes his way towards you and the man, pulling him off of you and throwing him to the ground. He places his foot on the man's neck, chuckling as he watches the man begin to panic.
“Chan, get his wallet.” Minho says. Chan digs in the man's jacket, grabbing the wallet and handing it to Minho.
"This is what I'm going to do about it..Brian." He says, looking at his license. "Have you ever heard of SKZ, Brian?"
The man gargles a small yes.
"That's mine too. Now, I don't like you, Brian. You don't listen. And I usually just kill what I don't like. Do you understand me Brian?" He asks.
The man barely nods.
"Good. Now you apologize to her, pay your tab with a hefty tip and fucking pray I never see you again, because if I do, I will fucking kill you." Minho finishes, picking the man up by his collar.
Minho and his two men sit down at a table and watch the men scramble to give you everything they had in their wallets and pockets, leaving you with a large tip and a smile on your face.
"Thank you." You say, standing at the table Minho and his men sat at. ”Really. I didn't know what I was going to do.”
"It's lucky I just happened to be in the area.” He says. "Although, I have to ask. How often does that happen?"
"I work like 6 days a week.. and people get drunk everyday.. and men get rowdy often.. so like 4 or 5 days a week." You say, shrugging your shoulders.
He laughs.
You wished you were joking.
"That's not going to do. I'll have Jeongin start doing security here." He says.
"We really can't pay for security, our boss is cheap." You murmur, waving him off.
"Don't worry about it." He half smiles.
"Look, I gotta get back to work, finish cleaning up for the night but.. is there a way I can repay you for tonight and I guess not murdering me last week?" You ask.
You've always been one to repay favors no matter who it was. It's just what you do. Although you weren't sure if you should repay him, you felt like you should.
"Actually.” He grins. “There is. I need you to be my date this weekend to a club opening, your co-worker, the other Y/N will be there." He says.
“Okay.. and what can I do for you there?” You ask.
"What you can do is bring her to me."
"I.. uhh.." you didn't want to be responsible for her getting killed.
"I need to talk to her. That's all." He assures you. You bite your lip as a swarm of thoughts flash through your head. You wanted to repay him, and this seemed easy enough.
"Okay.” You sigh. “I'll do it. What day? What club? And time? I'll meet you there." You say.
Minho smirks. "No, darling." He pauses, adjusting his jacket. "I'll send a car to pick you up and get you ready. See you Friday at 2pm." He says, giving you a small wink before walking out of the bar, leaving his two men behind.
"Are you guys not going?" You ask.
"Boss told us to stay and help out." Changbin says.
"You guys really don't have too.." You begin to say.
"Boss said we have too. We're at your disposal." Chan smiles.
How could you say no to that? If it hadn't been for Changbin and Chan, it would have taken you forever to clean up, kick everyone out and restock for your next shift. You were very grateful to Minho, which also had you thinking a bit.. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought. Yes, he was in the Mafia, a leader at that, but he was sweet, to you at least. And you couldn't lie that he was the exact type of fucked up you usually went for.
You weren't completely opposed to the idea of being with him, even if it was for one night. However, you didn't think the life he led was meant for you.
The next day you met Jeongin. He was thin and attractive, but had this aura about him that was terrifying. His first night there, no one thought much of him. So when someone grabbed your ass and wouldn't leave you alone, Jeongin was right there with a sinister smile while he absolutely mangled the man.
No one fucked around after that. Word had gotten around about the new security and almost no one wanted to test him. There were a few drunk frat guys who thought one of them should test it out, wondering if it was a fluke but ultimately they all pussied out, no wanting to risk any harm to their faces.
You thought it was nice having Jeongin there, although you got weird vibes from him on occasion. You'd catch him staring at you, with a blank but thoughtful look on his face. Sometimes he stood a little too close before apologizing and going back to the door. You shrugged it off, but kept a note of it in the back of your head.
When Friday rolled around, you waited outside your shitty apartment for Minho, although you should have known better that he wouldn't be coming himself, and instead sending someone to get you.
"He had a meeting." Chan tells you as you get into the expensive car before peeling away to the mansion that awaited you.
Four long and excruciating hours later, you were ready to be his date. Your hair had been left down, while your face was full of makeup. A smokey eye with winged liner, along with red lips painted on your face. You couldn't deny that you looked hot, even more so when you squeezed yourself into the tight black strapless dress, paired with a pair of black Louis Vuitton shoes with red bottoms.
You were nervous to walk down the flight of stairs, not only because of Minho, but also because you, stairs and heels weren't really the greatest thrupple. One of you was always embarrassed, and it was always you.
"Hold tightly." The stylist tells you, placing your hand on the railing before you go downstairs.
You took your time, trying to hold your head high while watching your step. You weren't of use to anyone if you fell and broke your ankle, or neck.
"You look stunning." Minho tells you, with a slight smile, offering you his arm. Without hesitation you take it, allowing him to lead you to the garage where he even opened your car door.
"Are you nervous?" He asks, as the two of you pull up to the club.
"A little." You admit.
"Find her, tell her you know someone in VIP and bring her up to me. Changbin and Hyunjin are working the VIP door so they already know you." Minho says.
It didn't sound bad. You could do that. "And when you're done, go to the bar and drink to your little heart's desires. Tell Jisung to put it under my tab and he will. I'll come down and meet you when I'm finished."
"Okay. I can do that. Easy enough." You nervously chuckle. "Easy peasy." You breathe.
"You go in. Tell the bouncer that Minho said to let you in." He tells you.
You nod your head and get out of the car. You're a little down the block from the club, couldn't risk having the other Y/N see you and Minho together, it might ruin the plan.
You walk for a few minutes, cutting the long line of at least 100 people and heading up straight to the bouncer.
"Minho said to let me in." You whisper in his ear. The man steps back, his eyes wide.
"Yes ma'am, please go in." He tells you, pulling back the rope immediately while everyone else gets mad, asking why you were so special. You really had to admit, that was an amazing feeling. The feeling of people doing what you ask just because of a name was such an adrenaline rush. You loved it.
Once inside, you headed straight to the bar before trying to find the other Y/N. As you walked in you noticed the music was loud, and the bass went hard but it wasn't overpowering. The air wasn't hot and sweaty like most clubs, so far you were impressed, but that's not why you were here. You needed to remember that you had a specific reason you were here for and you needed to stick to it, but first, You felt like you needed a little bit of liquid courage.
Walking up to the bar, you find a small open space. Giving it your best shot, you yell for 'Jisung' hoping someone would turn around, and they did. Another extremely handsome man. What the fuck was in the water here?
"How can I help you?" Jisung asks, ignoring the others trying to get his attention.
"I'd like a double vodka lemonade." You smile. "And I'm supposed to tell you to put it on Minho’s tab." You say.
He smiles as he nods his head and leaves to make your drink. You sit on a stool facing the dance floor, keeping your eyes open for Y/N. You wanted to get this done as soon as possible but you hadn't seen her yet.
An hour and 4 vodka lemonades later, you finally see her, dancing her little heart out on the dance floor, acting like she didn't just about get you killed a week ago. You grin as you slide off your chair, partially dancing while you walk towards her.
"Hey girl." You laugh, putting on a friendly face as you approach her.
"Hey! Oh my god, What are you doing here!?" She squeals, pulling you in for a hug.
"I'm here with some friends up in VIP! Come, let's get a drink." You offer, hoping she takes the bait.
"Oh my god! Yes please! Let's go!" She laughs, grabbing onto your hand.
Hook, line and sinker.
You hold her hand tightly as you walk up the stairs. You see Hyunjin standing there, looking surprised that you actually found her.
"VIP?" He asks.
You nod your head. He walks to the nearest door, pointing to it for you two. You drunkenly pull Y/N inside with you, where to her surprise there are no other people or drinks.
There's a desk, a large window and a few couches. The chair behind the desk turns, revealing a pleased looking Minho. "Ah, that's my girl. Great work. Thank you baby." He smiles.
You feel the blush on your cheeks spreading. "You can go now." He smiles, shooing you from the room.
"Now, Y/N.." you hear as the door closes.
"Please.." you hear her say.
Your stomach is in knots as you think about what could possibly be happening in there with her and Minho. Changbin seems to notice your hesitancy to leave. He slips an arm around your shoulders. "He doesn't hurt women. Don't worry." He smiles, easing your concerns. You headed back down to the main area, making your way back over to Jisung to get another drink. You sipped as you sat at the bar, watching the stairs for her.
You felt as though you could breathe when you saw her walking down the stairs, body fully intact and leaving the club. Now you can enjoy yourself, finally.
"Two more shots please, Jisung." You laugh at the cute bartender.
Without hesitation Jisung hands over your shots, which you take with ease before heading to the dance floor now, with nothing weighing on your mind. You felt a pair of hands slide along your hips with a body pressed up against yours. When you look back you're met with a face you do not recognize, but in that moment, you don't care.
As you continue dancing with the man, your eyes wander around the club, and that's when you notice him.
His eyes followed you like a puppy as you danced with the man. You watched as Minho watched the man's hands travel down your backside, squeezing your ass. He watches the man nuzzle his face into your neck, inhaling your scent.
Your stomach twisted and turned as you tried to read Minho's eyes but his face gave away nothing. He remained just as stone cold as before.
When the song ended, you tore your eyes away from Minho to thank the man for the dance, telling him you needed to go now but before you could finish Minho stood beside you, smirking at the man.
"Hi." He says to you and the man.
"Can I help you dude?" The man asks Minho, grabbing onto your hand.
"No, you can't help me, but I think I can help you." Minho chuckles. "I don't like when people think they can touch what's mine." He snaps, looking at the man's hand holding yours. "So I can help you let go, and help you get the fuck out of my club." He finishes.
Minho snaps his fingers and out comes two other men you hadn't seen before. They asked no questions before grabbing the man you had been dancing with and dragging him away without a care. The man had been pleading to be let go but they did not care.
"Dance with me?" Minho asks.
You nod your head.
He turns you around, your back flush against him as he wraps his arms around your waist, swaying you both to the beat of the music.
"What do I have to do to get you into my bed tonight?" He whispers in your ear.
A small smirk spreads across your face. "Keep going. You're on the right track."
After a few dances with Minho, Felix approaches him, whispering something in his ear that made his brows furrow, and his face instantly twisted in annoyance.
"I have something to deal with. I'll be back." He whispers in your ear, murmuring an apology before walking away with Felix, leaving you on the dance floor, alone.
Instead of standing there, you made your way back to the bar, ordering a couple more shots from Jisung, taking them instantly. It didn't take long for those to kick in and kick out your ability to make good choices. You were already drunk prior to the shots, but these just took it to a whole nother level.
You made a poor decision to leave the bar, stumbling outside, dragging your feet down the street, unsure of where you were, or even where you were planning on going.
"Hey there pretty lady." A man yells from behind you. You turn around, seeing him walking away from his group of friends and coming towards you. "Need some help?" He asks, turning around to wink to his friends.
"I'm fine." You slur, trying to move past him and continue walking on your route.
His hands grip your arms, keeping you in front of him as your head dangles down, your hair in front of your face.
"I think I'll take you home. Take care of you." He says, thrusting his hips towards you as his friends all laugh. "Give you something good for that hangover.” He laughs.
"I think you won't." You hear from behind you, a voice you recognize which makes you perk up immediately.
"And who are you?" The man asks.
"He's a man who wants to be my man… I think." You mumble, snickering to yourself.
Minho chuckles. "Baby, why did you leave?"
You try to spin around, but the man's hands are still latched to your arms, holding you in place.
"Let me go." You say, trying to rip your arm out of his grasp, but he doesn't budge. "I said let me go."
"I don't know. I don't trust this man." The stranger murmurs. "You're coming with me."
"Probably shouldn't trust him. He's terrifying but he will kill you if you don't let go of me. He doesn't like when people touch what's his." You mumble, looking up at the man with a semi serious face.
"She's not wrong." Minho snaps.
"I thought you weren't her man." He scoffs.
"I will be, but regardless if I am or not, I'll still protect her from pieces of shit, such as yourself. So let her go before I make you regret touching her and making inappropriate comments in the first place." Minho snaps.
His patience was wearing thin, and even drunk you could tell.
"I don't think I'll regret shit." The man laughs, with his friends. You weren't sure who this man thought he was, you had no idea who he was or why he was fighting Minho for you, but you currently wished Minho would just take you away from the creep. The situation was not sobering you up.
"Now I'm fucking tired of you." Minho snaps. He grabs your upper arm, yanking you away from the man who stands there confused on what happened. He pulls you behind him before his fist connects with the man's face, dropping him in an instant. "Have any of you heard of SKZ?" He asks the man's friends.
They all immediately begin nodding their heads yes, stuttering they didn't know.
"She's with them, don't fuck with her." Minho warns the group, looking down at their unconscious friend. He gives him one swift kick in the stomach to the man before picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and heading back towards the club.
"You can take me home now." You giggle. You can't see it but a small smirk spreads across Minho's face.
"And what would you like to do there?" He asks, his voice low as he carries you down the street.
"You." You giggle.
Just as Minho walks up to the front door, he sets you down, grabbing your hand before you hear the first gunshot.
Instinctively, Minho pulls you to the ground, covering you with his body as bullets fly through the air for what seems like forever. You were too panicked to notice the feeling of warm liquid trickle onto your body as the weight of Minho's body squishes you.
After what felt like forever,, the bullets stop, Minho stands up, pulling you up after. "Oh my god. You were shot." You gasp, looking at his shoulder.
"Shit. I'm fine." He hisses. "We need to get you somewhere safe. Now." He says.
"Minho!" You are here from behind you. Turning around you see Jeongin standing in front of an open car door, ushering Minho inside. He grabs your hand, pulling you to the car, pushing you inside before sliding in beside you.
Jeongin gets in the driver's seat, making a call as he puts the car in drive, taking off.
"Yeah I've got him. Bullet to the shoulder." Jeongin says.
"Tell everyone to meet in my office asap." Minho grunts, sliding his injured arm from his suit jacket.
"Pressure.. you need to put pressure." You stutter, looking for anything to use. You pick up his suit jacket, murmuring a small apology before pressing it to his wound, causing him to hiss. "Can we go to a hospital please." You ask Jeongin whose eyes really haven't left you, you notice he has been watching you off and on through the mirror.
"Chan has medical training. It's fine." Minho tells you. You're not so convinced that's a good idea but you know you can't do anything to change his mind.
You pull up to the house, Jeongin out first to help Minho out before you follow behind them both. "Chan, get your med bag." Jeongin yells, bringing Minho to his office.
"Upstairs. First door on the right is my room. Take a shower, get cleaned up, help yourself to whatever. I'll be up soon." Minho tells you, walking into his office that's littered with his men.
"Find who did this." He spits as the door closes, leaving you alone.
You wander around Minho's room, looking at the paintings, and awkwardly grabbing a shirt from his drawer, before entering his grand bathroom.
You turn on the shower, shimming out of the tight dress you were wearing that was soaked in blood. You step inside, the hot water feels great on your cold skin. You watched as the blood water went down the drain, making it seem as though it never really happened. But the moment replayed through your head like a movie as you scrubbed yourself clean.
You washed your hair using Minho's shampoo, enjoying smelling like him. After soaking for a bit you got out, drying yourself off before slipping into his shirt and leaving the bathroom.
You were surprised to see Minho sitting on his bed, his shoulder banaged, his toned, muscular stomach in full view.
"Are you okay?" You ask, walking over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
"Are you okay?" He asks you instead of answering your question.
"I'm fine." You smile.
"Mhm. You look good in my shirt." He smiles, licking his lips. "I think I remember you saying something about you wanting to do me?"
"That was before you got shot." You pout.
"I'm all good, baby girl. You can ride me no problem." He whispers.
You look down at his crotch, his cock growing harder by the second. You bite your lip, contemplating if you should really do this, considering he had just been shot.
You stand up, facing him with a smile on your face.
"Shirt on or off?" You ask him, cocking your head to the side, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"On. I want to see you ride me while wearing it. " he whispers.
You crawl back on the bed, pulling down his sweatpants, while he helps you the best he can, bucking his hips. Minho's cock springs free, pre cum leaking from his red tip, down his large, thick shaft.
On your hands and knees, you begin to kitten lick his tip, before taking what you can in your mouth. Minho moans loudly as you hollow out your cheeks, forcing his cock down your throat, making you gag.
"Shit." He moans, throwing his head back, as he bucks his hips.
You pull him from your mouth, taking a breath before you softing continue sucking his cock. He bucks his hips again, forcefully shoving himself down your throat, causing tears to well in your eyes.
"Sit on my cock." He demands. You let go of his cock with a pop, crawling up to straddle him. You slightly lift up the shirt you were wearing, holding onto his cock as you line your pussy up. Sitting down, you slowly sink down onto him, as he stretches you out while filling you up completely.
"Fuck. So tight." He groans.
With one hand on your hip he begins helping you rock back and forth, grinding yourself on him. A few minutes later, you discard his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you as you begin to bounce on him, slowly lifting yourself up before pounding down onto him. Minho bucks his hips again and again as you go back down.
You grind your pussy on him, your clit perfectly rubbing against him. Minho reaches up, rolling one of your nipples between his fingers as you cup your other breast, the sound of fucking and moans fill the room.
"I'm.. i'm going to.. fucking cum." You cry out, your orgasm finally reaching its peak as it explodes through your body, sending shivers down your spine.
You tried to slow down your movement as you rode through your high but Minho doesn't let you. He snaps his hips, fucking you from below as he chases his own high, seconds later spilling himself into you, coating your walls with his cum.
The two of you stay still for a minute, catching your breath until you notice Minho's wound bleeding through the bandages.
"Let me get something." You say, climbing off of him, putting his shirt back on before running to the bathroom for a cloth.
Just as you enter the bathroom, Minho's bedroom door swings open.
"Sorry to bother you…but we found out who ordered the attack." Hyunjin says.
"Who." Minho asks.
"It was Mingi and his men, from Ateez." Hyunjin explains.
Mingi? As in Song Mingi? Why was your ex boyfriend ordering attacks?
"Mingi?" You laugh. "Song Mingi? No, there's no way. Why would he? No, you've got the wrong guy." You say, waving Hyunjin off.
"Do you know him?" Minho asks.
"We dated for 2 years." You admit. "I know him pretty well and I think I would know if he was into this kinda stuff." You say, twirling your finger around, pointing at them.
"She's a fucking spy." Hyunjin yells, charging for you. His forearm presses against your neck as he shoves you into the wall, pinning you there. You panic, looking at Minho who now just looks confused.
"Let her go." Minho says calmly.
Hyunjin doesn't move.
"I fucking said let her go." He yells, prompting Hyunjin to back away from you. "Get the fuck out. I'll handle this." He finishes.
You watch as Hyunjin leaves his room leaving you alone with Minho.
Your eyes are wide as you stand against the wall, struggling to catch your breath. Minho slowly strolls towards you, his wound seeping blood through the bandages.
He puts one hand out, pressing it against the wall as he leans in closely, whispering in your ear. "You better tell me right now if you're fucking working for them, and if you are, you better beg for your fucking life."
"I-I'm not." You stutter. "I didn't know anything about it." You cry.
Minho pushes himself back, turning to the door and walking away. "If I find out differently, you're dead." He finishes, leaving the room. You slide down the wall, breathing heavily as you try to wrap your head around what the fuck just happened.
Later that day, Minho stands in his office, his head hanging down with his hand in his pocket as his men wait for him to say something. His shoulder throbbed and this entire situation was pissing him the fuck off.
"Hyunjin." He begins. "If you put your hands on her again, I'll kill you myself. Clear?" He asks.
"She's a fucking spy!" Hyunjin retorts, frustrated that no one believes him.
"How dare you accuse her of that." Jeongin pipes up. "She said she didn't know about him, so that means she didn't fucking know. Drop it." He grits, his pissed off facial expression barely moving.
"Seungmin, Felix, find out as much as you can about the relationship between the two of them." Minho orders.
The two head out as Minho dismisses the rest, except one. "Hyunjin." He starts. "If it comes back clean, you drop it. If it comes back that you were right, you know what to do." He says before watching him leave his office.
Minho walks away, searching for one man in particular. He walks into the kitchen, seeing Jeongin on his phone, facing away from the door. "Get it done." He spits, hanging up his phone and turning around.
"Minho." Jeongin gasps.
"Get her to call into work for a while." Minho says. He can't help but notice a small glimmer in Jeongin's eyes whenever he mentions you.
It makes him wonder.
"You're keeping her?" Jeongin asks, walking past Minho.
"For now." Minho says as Jeongin leaves the kitchen.
Jeongin opens the door to Minho's room, seeing you sitting on the bed with your legs crossed and your chin resting in the palm of your hand.
"Get up." He yells, startling you. You jump up, still only wearing Minho's shirt. Jeongin could feel the anger boiling up in him, he tried to let it go but it was hard. "Let's go." He says, turning to walk down a hallway. You follow behind him, trying to keep up as he takes another turn down another hallway and then up a flight of stairs. He leads you inside a dark, dusty room.
"Here." He says, tossing you your phone. "Call in sick to work."
"For how long?" You ask, your voice a whisper.
"Few weeks." He answers, his eyes practically burning holes into you.
You turn away from him, dialing the number to the bar you work at, as you put the phone to your ear you hear the ringing. You're staring at the wall that has a pair of curtains hanging down to give the appearance of a window without actually having a window. Your stomach drops as you continue to look around and see faint splatters of blood all around.
"Hello?" A voice on the other end answers.
"Hi." You whisper. "It's Y/N…I um, I won't be into work for a few weeks."
"I um, had a death in the family.. my… mom." You say.
"Ah okay, sorry about that. See you." He says, ending the call.
You turn around and see leaning against the wall. "All done." You say walking towards the door. You walk through the doorway, Jeongin closely behind you. Right before you hit the staircase you feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back before slamming you against the wall. He presses his body against yours, his hand trailing up and down your side before moving up and around your neck. He leans his head in closer to you, his hot breath hitting your ear.
"I can't wait for him to toss you to the side, maybe then you'll give me a turn to play." He whispers. "Believe me when I say, he listens to me more than anyone. Don't fucking lie to us, don't try and play us because we will find out." He pauses, twirling your hair in his finger. "And I will fucking kill you, and I promise, I'll do it with a fucking smile on my face." He finishes, backing away from you before heading down the stairs, leaving you wondering how even after Mingi leaving you 8 months ago, he was still fucking up your life.
Later that evening you were sitting in a chair in Minho's office, as he finished up a call. "Yeah, keep digging. Thanks Felix." He says, letting out a sigh as he hangs up the phone. He raises his head, looking at you sitting there quietly.
"How was your relationship with Mingi if you had no idea about his life?" He asks.
"It was quiet. He told me he worked for some big shot lawyer, so I never questioned the late nights or when he didn't answer his phone. He said he was in court a lot, so it made sense." You shrugged.
"He never showed up covered in blood? Suspicious phone calls? You're telling me he didn't show any signs of not doing what he said."
"He got a lot of calls. Sometimes he would go into a different room, I just assumed he was cheating on me." You admit.
Minho laughs. Before he can ask anymore questions, his phone rings. He answers it, putting it on speaker.
"What?" He asks.
"Minho.. you're not going to like this." Seungmin says from the other side.
"What'd you find?" He asks, glaring at you.
"Her apartment.. It's riddled with cameras and microphones. Someone's been hard-core watching her." Felix pipes up.
You sit up further in your chair, your face confused.
"What?" You whisper, feeling so violated.
"Thanks." Minho says, hanging up the phone.
Seconds later your phone rings on Minho's desk. He looks down and none other than Mingi's name pops up on the caller ID.
"You talk." Minho says to you, as he presses the answer button.
"Hello?" You ask.
"Hi baby, I miss you." Mingi breathes into the phone.
"You ended things with me, Mingi." You spit. "What do you want?" You ask.
"I want to know why the fuck you're sitting in Lee Minho's house right now."
"How.." you pause.
"How do I know? Bitch I know everything." Mingi snaps.
"The fuck you want, Song?" Minho snaps.
"Ah, Minho, the man of the hour." Mingi chuckles. "How's that arm of yours?" He asks. "I assumed you'd leave Y/N alone after that warning, maybe you're not that smart then.. " he laughs. "Let her go."
"Let her go? Nah, knowing how much you want her, makes me want her even more. You know, maybe i'll just fuck her right here on my desk. Do you want to listen to how hard I rail her?" Minho asks.
That shouldn't turn you on, but fuck it really does.
"I'm warning you.." Mingi snaps.
"Or maybe I'll let my men have their way with her. They're all pretty sexually deprived." Minho says before hanging up on Mingi. Minho lets out a frustrated groan, running his hand through his hair. He was trying to not let Mingi anger him, but he did. He glances over at you, and you're already staring at him.
"You didn't mean that, right?" You whisper. "About your men.."
"You can fuck whoever you want to fuck, I don't give a fuck." Minho snaps.
“What?” You ask. That wasn't quite what you were expecting. “Seriously?”
“Fuck all of then at once. I don't fucking care.” He spits.
"Fine." You scoff, standing up and walking out of his office.
You storm down the hallway, looking for anyone to use for the night.
"You." You call out. "Come with me.." You pause, forgetting his name at the moment.
"Um.. Chan." He answers as you drag him up the stairs.
"Where are we going?" Chan asks, looking behind him then back at you dragging him up the stairs. He begins to panic when you don't answer him and continues to drag him upstairs, down the hall before stopping outside Minho’s room.
“I… I can't.” he whispers, his eyes wide as he stands outside his leader's bedroom door.
“Im not going to actually fuck you, Chan.” you chuckle. “No no no, I'm only going to let Minho think I'm fucking you. He claims he doesn't care but he does, or he will.”
“I don't think that's how that's going to play out.” Chan chuckles. You roll your eyes, opening the door to Minho’s room before pulling Chan inside by the neck of his shirt and slamming the door behind you.
You stay in there for an ample amount of time, so that when the two of you come out, it's more believable that he had just fucked you.
"Alright." You say, glancing over at Chan. "Time to go, but first some adjustments."
You walk over to the terrified looking man, and run your hands through his hair, messing it up. After you're done with his hair, you ruffle up his shirt, making him look like he just fucked you good and hard. On your way to the door, you messed yourself up, making yourself look good and fucked before the two of you leave the room; heading downstairs.
"Boss wants to see you." Changbin says to you, passing you on the stairs. You smile to yourself, hoping that it got to him. You were determined to show he cared about you.
You walk just close enough to Minho's office before you give Chan a loud, fake kiss and push him away, making sure to thank him loudly for an excellent time.
"Let's do it again." You yell, walking into Minho's office. "You wanted to see me?" You say, sliding into one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk.
"Did you have a good time?" He asks, his voice low.
"It was great. Why? Jealous?" You ask, a smirk on your face.
Minho chuckles. "My men.." he pauses, walking towards you. He stands over you, leaning down allowing his hands to rest on the arm rests as his face moves in closer to you. "My men value their lives more than that. They wouldn't risk themselves and my trust for them for some pussy." He spits, his voice low. "You're not worth it to them. They won't fuck you. You're mine."
You gulp as he leans in even closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear. "And if you fuck Jeongin, I'll kill you both." He grunts. "Also, if you were going to try to make me jealous, Chan was not the way to go."
"So what? Does that mean you're the only one who gets to fuck me?" You ask, scoffing.
"That's exactly what that means." He says, clenching his teeth together. Minho grabs the collar of your shirt, yanking you from the chair and slamming you down on the desk, your face pushed into the stack of papers he had laying around.
Minho pulls your pants down, licking his fingers before slowly working them inside you. "Already fucking wet." He grunts, pulling his fingers out, undoing his pants. He whips out his cock, pumping it a few times before thrusting himself inside of you. He grunts loudly as his hands grip your hips, violently thrusting into you.
"You're not the one in control." He spits. "I am." He finishes, fucking you fast and hard. He thrusts a few times before pulling you out to turn you around. Minho sets you on his desk, ignoring his shoulder pain as he has been all day, pulling your pants off you, tossing them behind him.
You lay back, sticking your legs in the air. He grabs your legs, dragging you to the edge of his desk before sticking his cock back inside you. He can feel you tighten yourself around his cock, making him moan loudly.
“So fucking tight.” He grunts, leaning forward to bury his face in your neck as you wrap your legs around his waist. His hand snakes in between the two of you, and between your lips, rubbing your clit as he continues to grunt while he fucks you. He rubs quickly, making you twitch as you can feel your orgasm building.
"Cum for me." He grunts. You had been waiting for this, your orgasm had been building rapidly as he rubbed himself against you.
"Just like that." You cry out, arching your back as your orgasm pulses through your body, making you shake. "Fuck." You cry out, clenching yourself around him again.
"Dirty slut." He spits as he cums, spilling himself inside of you.
Minho pulls himself out of you, helping you sit up on his desk. Your eyes look to the door and meet the eyes of Jeongin, startling you to jump off the desk and hide behind a confused Minho.
"What?" He asks, looking at you instead of the door. You point towards the door, trying to cover your naked bottom half.
"What the fuck. How long have you been there?" Minho asks.
"Since you started arguing." Jeongin says, his voice unamused.
"What the fuck." You whisper.
"Y/N, get dressed and go." Minho says, ushering you out. You hide under his desk, getting your pants back on before trying to leave the room, moving past a pissed off looking Jeongin.
"You know." Jeongin says, grabbing your arm as you try to move past him. "I could fuck you better, and treat you better." He whispers before letting you go and looking back at Minho.
You leave the room, making your way to the living room where you sit completely uncomfortable as to what just happened.
"I thought we fucking talked about this?" Minho spits, motioning to Jeongin to come closer. "You're to leave her alone."
"I can't help it brother. She's just so.. tempting." Jeongin smirks, licking his lips.
Minho balls his fists up, taking a swing and connecting with Jeongin's face, causing him to stumble back. Jeongin lightly chuckles as he touches his lip, feeling a small drop of blood on his finger.
"Wow brother. Resorting to violence again?" Jeongin laughs.
"I swore to mom and dad that I would watch out for you after they passed. But I will not do this again, I can't have another Lisa situation." Minho yells.
"Y/N is much more important than Lisa ever was."
"Stay away from her. She is mine." Minho threatens.
"I can treat her better." Jeongin spits.
Minho throws another punch, knocking Jeongin back again. He walks forward, hitting him again and knocking him to the ground. Minho climbs on top of him, throwing punches wherever he could get them to land. Jeongin brings his hands up, trying to block the punches as Minho wails on him, Jeongin laughing as he's being hit.
Out of breath, Minho stands up, giving Jeongin a swift kick in the ribs before stepping over him and walking out of his office, headed to find you.
"Let's go." Minho says, motioning to you to stand up.
"Where are we going?" You ask as Minho grabs your arm to pull you away.
"Jeongin isn't stable right now. You need to stay somewhere else." He says before a giant boom shakes the entire house.
Seconds later, Hyunjin runs into the house coughing. "The SUV was blown up." He announces. "It's Ateez. Mingi's here, and he wants her." Hyunjin finishes pointing at you.
"Fuck. Felix, take Y/N and hide her. Now." Minho demands. "Jisung, give me your gun."
Jisung hands over his weapon to Minho, who tucks it in the waist of his pants before hiding it with his shirt. "Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin, come with me." He finishes.
Felix grabs you by the shoulders, guiding you to a room down the hall before closing the door. You stand there, leaning your head against the door to try and hear what's going on.
Minho and his men begin to walk towards the front door, when Mingi appears from around the corner standing with San and Hongjoong.
"Where is she?" Mingi asks, his eyes darting around the room to find you. "I thought I made it pretty clear that you should have let her go. You know better than anyone she's not safe here." Mingi spits, motioning to a beat up Jeongin.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jeongin snaps, moving towards Mingi before being stopped by Hyunjin
"It means, I know what happened to Lisa remember, and I'm sure as fuck not going to let that happen to Y/N." Mingi yells.
Listening through the door you can hear Mingi yelling, saying your name a few times. "If they're talking about me, I should be there." You snap at Felix. He shrugs his shoulders, paying attention to whatever he was looking at on his phone.
Deciding to take it into your own hands, you pull open the door and run down the hallway and into the living room where all the men stand.
"Hey you." Mingi smiles. "Look.." he begins before you cut him off.
"Who's Lisa?" You ask around the room.
No one answers you. "Who the fuck is Lisa?" You ask again.
Mingi looks at Minho and Jeongin. "Are either of you going to tell her? Or should I?" Mingi asks.
Neither of them answer. Jeongin stands there with his arms crossed, his face straight as he stares at you. "Alright then. Lisa is Minho's ex. They dated for a while before she disappeared." Mingi begins.
"Okay.. I don't understand." You say, you're confused on why this is even an issue.
"Jeongin here took a liking to her while they were together. He stalked her, watched her and them together. One day she disappeared, and I can almost guarantee Jeongin had something to do about it. Either he killed her or he has her locked up."
You can hear Jeongin snicker from behind you. You turn to look at him and he gives you a slight smile before winking at you, making your stomach drop.
"You stay here, and you'll end up gone too, which is why you should come with me. Minho knows his brother is unstable but yet doesn't do a fucking thing about it. I can keep you safe." Mingi finishes.
"You say you can keep me safe? I don't trust you. You lied to me for the entire 2 years of our relationship about what you did. I can't.. this is too much." You sigh. "I need to go." You walk away from the group of men, heading out the front door. You walk around the property, heading out into the distance a bit to clear your head. What the fuck were you supposed to do. It took you a few minutes but you decided on your plan.
You went back inside to announce to everyone what you were going to do.
"I'm going home." You say. "I'm going back to work and I'm not dealing with this shit anymore. I just want to go back to my life."
Minho nods his head. "I'll have people keeping an eye on you."
You were surprised, you honestly didn't think he would just let you go.
"I'll take you home." He says. He places his hand on your lower back to guide you out before looking back at Mingi. "Get the fuck out of my house." He spits, walking to his car with you.
A few days later you were getting back into your routine with work and being home. You always had one or two men at the bar with you, and outside your apartment building at all hours of the day and night. Minho was watching you closely, along with his men.
He had told you not to worry about Jeongin but you couldn't help it. He seemed to be uncontrollable and capable of anything.
"See you tomorrow, Chan." You laugh, heading out of the bar.
"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" He asks, unsure about leaving you by yourself.
"I'm fine." You smile. "I'm like 5 blocks away and I have pepper spray too." You finish. Chan nods his head, getting into his car to drive away as you begin your short walk home.
About halfway there you hear some footsteps behind you. You try not to let yourself panic and just pick up your pace but the person behind you also picks up their pace. Your chest is heaving as you break into a small run, the person behind you picking up their pace again to keep up with you. The person begins to run faster, but now passes you, making you stop to try and ease your breathing. You probably should have let Chan take you home, your anxiety was too high for this.
You continue walking when a man runs out in front of you, putting one hand on your shoulder before shoving a knife into your stomach. "This is a warning for Minho. SKZ better stay out the fuck out of our trafficking district." He spits, pulling the knife out and taking off.
Your hands cover your wound, the blood pouring through your fingers. You fall to your knees, laying on the concrete bleeding out.
You're in and out of consciousness, passing out on the concrete before waking up in someone's arms, being carried somewhere.
"Hospital." You whisper.
"I got you." The man says before you pass out again.
You groan as you wake up, your stomach throbbing but stitched up and bandaged up to heal. You open your eyes but you can't focus, you try to stretch but you have little to no room. Looking around as your eyes try to adjust, you see metal bars surrounding you. You look around more and see a cage you're stuck in suspended from the ceiling. Looking beside you, there's nothing but on the other side there hangs another cage with a dirty looking girl sitting in there.
“What the fuck! Where am I!?” You scream, trying to shake the bars of the cage but you're in so much pain.
“It's no use.” the woman coughs. “No one can hear you.”
“Where are we?” You ask.
“I have no idea.” She sighs.
"What's your name?" You whisper.
"Lisa." She whispers back. Your eyes widen at the name.
"Are you… Minho's ex girlfriend?" You ask.
She cries as she nods her head. "I'm so sorry he got you." She whispers when the metal door swings open from across the room.
You watch as Jeongin walks in with a giant smile on his face.
"My set is complete. My two beautiful girls." He smiles. "Boy, do I have plans for the two of you...” he pauses, his phone now ringing in his pocket.
Jeongin looks at you and Lisa, your hands wrapped around your cage as his phone continues to ring, Minho’s caller ID popping up on the screen. He watches you desperately plead for him to let you go. The wound in your stomach bleeding through the dirty bandages as Lisa coughs so hard she begins spitting up blood.
"Don't say another word. Or I will kill you." He spits, pointing at each of you. "What, Minho? I'm in the middle of something." He says, his eyes darting from you to Lisa, a subtle smile spreading across his face, you don't even want to imagine the thoughts going through his head. "Oh you got a lead on Y/N?" He snickers. "Yeah of course I'll come and scope it out. Sounds fun." He says, hanging up the phone.
"I gotta go, ladies." He says, putting his phone in his pocket and placing a ballcap on his head. "Don't go anywhere." He chuckles, walking away from your pleas and begging.
"How long have you been here?" You ask Lisa whose heaving, her breathing sounding ragged.
"I don't even know." She sighs, trying to find a comfortable position in such a small cage. "Over a year I think."
"How.. How the hell did this happen? Where was Minho? Why didn't he protect you?" You ask in disbelief that he wouldn't have noticed any kind of signs regarding Jeongin.
"It's the same way he didn't protect you from it. He doesn't know all of Jeongin's moves, hell, even Jeongin doesn't know his next move until he does it. He's so unpredictable that Minho never sees it coming. He wants to believe in the best of his brother and can't see all the evil. He doesn't want to believe that Jeongin would do something like this." Lisa says.
"I think he's starting too. He hit Jeongin a few times, and tried to take me away but I said no and I wanted to go home and resume my life. Then I got stabbed and brought here. I'm sure Jeongin was the one who stabbed me too. I think Minho will know that it's Jeongin. He has too." You breathe.
He'll know, right?
"You're sure?" Minho asks Seungmin. Minutes earlier Seungmin stormed into Minho's office saying that someone thought they recognized you, and had seen you a week ago, saw what happened to you but was too afraid to speak up.
"Tell him we'll protect him, nothing will happen to him if he tells us what he knows." Minho tells Seungmin.
Seungmin leaves the room quickly, running to give the information, time was of the essence. Minho didn't want you missing any longer.
"What's going on?" Jeongin asks, walking into his brother's office.
"Someone saw what happened to Y/N." Minho says. "Finally some answers."
He doesn't notice Jeongin immediately tense up, but he tries to not let it show. "Oh?" He questions. "Who?"
"Someone Seungmin found, who saw her walking after the bar closed. I can't wait to get my hands on the motherfucker who did this. I can't do this again." He sighs, grabbing his gun and securing it in the waist of his pants before he walks towards the door. Jeongin stands there, lost in his thoughts before Minho brings him out of it.
"Are you coming?" He asks.
Jeongin shakes his head. "I gotta do something." He mumbles, pushing past Minho and storming out the door.
Seungmin comes around the corner with his arms crossed. "I told you. He knows something." Seungmin states. Minho had a feeling that his brother was somehow involved but he didn't want to believe it. He swore to his parents he would protect Jeongin, but if it turns out to be him, Minho will do what he has to do.
"We need to get out of here." You scream, yanking on the metal bars that barely budge.
"It won't work." Lisa calls over. "I've been trying to get out by myself for a long time. He would let me out.. under circumstances but I refuse his offers. I can't." She says.
"What are his offers?" You ask. Maybe somehow they can be played to your advantages.
"He'll let me out if I agree to be his. But I can't do that to Minho.." She trails off.
"You need to." You exclaim. "Tell him both of us want him. We can take him down.." you begin to whisper as you hear a door creak open. You looked over at Lisa who had a small smile on her lips. You hoped it was Minho whose footsteps you heard but as they got closer, it revealed a frazzled looking Jeongin.
"We gotta move." He mumbles. "He's close to finding you, Y/N." He says, pointing at you. "Maybe I should just get rid of Lisa now." He wonders, a smile creeping across his face, glancing over at her. "I want to hear how her voice breaks as she begs for her life, pleading for me to spare her, saying anything to try to make me second guess my decision, feel something. Even if it won't work.” He grunts. "She'll choose Minho.. fuck, you'll still chooses Minho!" He yells, pointing at you.
"N-no.. I choose you. Jeongin, I want you." You say, scrambling to your knees in the cage, despite your pain, your hands on the bars. "I want you to be mine, Jeongin.”
‘I-I do too..You've done so much for me over the year I've been here. I see how truly sweet and caring you are. Please accept me. You know it's me who you really want." Lisa says, forcing a smile.
Your eyes are wide as you're watching this, you don't want her to trade her life for yours, but what could you do?
"Is that so?" Jeongin asks, walking to her cage. He pulls out a key, unlocking the locks and helping her out before wrapping his arms around her. She struggles to stand, but wraps her arms around him anyway, leaning on him, he holds her closely. It doesn't feel right to him. She's not who he really wants.
"I love you.." She mumbles. "So just let Y/N go.. okay? It's you and me now. You don't need her."
"It's not. She's the one.” Jeongin says, smiling at you. “Your time is up.” He laughs, dragging Lisa from the building. You needed to do something. He was going to kill her.
“Ow… shit. Jeongin.” You cry out. “Please… my wound…” you trail off, falling to the floor of your cage. Jeongin lets go of Lisa’s arm, running to you. He made it to your cage too, jingling his keys to find the right one to unlock it.
“Run!” You scream, watching her bolt out of the open door. Jeongin glares at you, the door of your cage wide open.
“Why did you do that?” He snaps, reaching in for you. You back away as far as you can.
"No no no, please." You cry, trying to squish yourself in the back of the cage so he can't reach you. You try to kick him, and fight him off but you're still weak. Your wound continues to bleed.
"Get out here." He grunts, latching onto your leg and dragging you out and into the floor. He grabs a clump of your hair, pulling you through the door, letting go of your hair, and grabbing your wrist to drag you outside while Lisa continues to run through the field. Jeongin drops you in tall grass, the sun shining down on you, the fresh air surrounding you. He grins as he pulls his gun out, his finger on the trigger.
"Shit." Jeongin spits, pointing the gun at you. Even if he was mad at you, he couldn't kill you.
It's you. He loved you and he was going to have to do whatever he could to make you love him back. He picks you up, dragging you to his car and throwing you in the backseat, before climbing into the driver's seat and spinning out of there. He needs to find somewhere else to take you. He drives the opposite way Lisa ran, trying to figure out the best place to keep you hidden and away from his brother.
"What do you want?" Minho spits as someone knocks on his office door. He was stressed, he didn't know what to do about you. Where were you?
"Hi." A familiar voice whispers. "Remember me?" Lisa asks as she walks into his office.
Minho's jaw drops as he stares at her, she's dirty, wounded and her clothes are torn but it's her. She's here.
"I can't believe it.." Minho says. He briskly walks towards her, pulling her in for a hug. "What happened to you?" He asks.
"Jeongin took me." She cries.
"I knew it." He spits. "What about Y/N? Does he have her too?" He asks.
"I've never met any Y/N's before." Lisa whispers, nuzzling her head back into Minho's warm embrace.
"Jeongin didn't take Y/N?" Minho asks, feeling defeated, but also a little relieved that his brother wasn't involved in your kidnapping.
"But baby, he took me." Lisa pouts, snuggling in closer to him. Minho didn't know how to react to this. She had been gone for so long, and he had moved on, he was falling in love with Y/N, but how did he break it to her when she had just been through something so traumatic.
"Lisa, go upstairs to the guest room, get cleaned up, take a shower and rest. I'll send Hyunjin up with some clothes and a towel for you. I've got some work to do." He says, clearing his throat and awkwardly moving out of her embrace. Lisa looks offended, but he didn't care at the moment. He needed to find you.
"Hyunjin." He calls out
Hyunjin walks into his office, giving Lisa a small nod before focusing his attention on Minho. "Get Lisa some fresh clothes and necessities, but before that, set up a meeting with the informant. I want that information now." He spits.
“Yes sir." Hyunjin says, quickly walking out of the office. Lisa stays behind, watching Minho work, and it made her angry that he didn't care about her right now. The love of his life was standing in front of him after being kidnapped for over a year, and he didn't care.
"Baby." Lisa whines. Minho looks up from his work. "Will you come shower with me?" She asks sweetly.
"Lisa, I'm busy. Go." He spits.
She scoffs. "Can I atleast use your phone?"
He sighs, opening his drawer and digging in it to find an extra phone, there's no way he was going to give her his phone. "Here." He says, sliding a phone and a charger towards her. With a huff she grabs them and storms out of his office, heading up the stairs to Minho's room. She knew he said the guest room, but his room was far more comfortable.
Lisa plugs in the phone to charge and hops in the shower, rinsing off the dirt, grime and smell from her. When she's done, she grabs a pair of shorts and a shirt from Minho's closet, before grabbing the phone and dialing a number.
"Hello?" A voice answers.
"It's done." Lisa says. "I told him I didn't know any Y/N, and that you had only held me captive." She says.
"You fucking idiot, you weren't supposed to say I did it to you. Fuck." Jeongin spits. "You go tell him that I fucking saved you, and you didn't know who took you. That you had gotten shit twisted. Got it?"
"And if I don't?" She asks.
"If you don't, Y/N comes back into Minho's life and you're thrown to the side like the garbage you are."
Lisa hangs up the phone, putting it back on the table to charge more. She stands up, heading downstairs and back into Minho's office to talk to him. She stands outside his office door, her hand hovering just above the door as she listens in before knocking.
"We need to find somewhere safe for Lisa to go. She can't stay here, but more importantly, I need to find Y/N." She hears Minho say.
Shit. She needs to do something, she needs him to forget about Y/N and focus on her. She's here with him right now, she's the one that should matter to him.
She opens the door slightly, forcing her tears out. "Min?" She sniffles.
"Come in." He says, though he sounds annoyed.
Lisa begins crying heavier now, she looks at him with her tearful eyes, hoping he would be the one to say something first. "You okay?" He asks.
"It wasn't Jeongin who took me.. I lied." She sniffles. "To be honest, I don't know who took me." She whispers. Her entire body shakes, her voice whimpers as she tells him what she knows. "But I'm so scared of him finding me again, this is the only place I feel safe."
Minho notices Hyunjin rolling his eyes, he doesn't believe her story, and frankly Minho isn't entirely sure if he believes her either.
"So Jeongin had no part in your kidnapping, or Y/N's?" Minho asks.
Lisa shakes her head no. "Like I said earlier, I don't know Y/N, but it wasn't Jeongin who took me. I'm sorry for lying about that, baby, he just always made me feel so uncomfortable, so I said his name. But thinking back on it, it wasn't him." She says.
"Are you sure?" Minho asks, wanting to really make sure he was thinking correctly.
"Yeah, it wasn't Jeongin, I swear. He would never do something like that." Lisa says, trying to snuggle her way into Minho's grasp.
Minho's eyes dart to Hyunjin, who's already looking at him. He knows that Hyunjin is on the same page as him. Minho gives Hyunjin a nod, and he swiftly leaves the room.
"Lisa." Minho sighs, moving so he can look right at her.
"Yeah?" She smiles.
He sighs, placing his hands on her cheeks, smiling. "If I find out you're lying about Jeongin or especially Y/N, I'll fucking kill you." He says, dropping her face and storming out of his office, leaving Lisa standing there alone and terrified.
Lisa now knew she fucked up, but Jeongin had her convinced that if she came back into his life, everything would go back to the way it had previously been. She should never have believed him when he came to her with his plan but she desperately wanted to be out of the cage, she wanted to be back into his life and she hated Y/N, she hated that Minho had moved on and she couldn't have let that happen.
“She called a random number.” Hyunjin tells Minho later.
“Did you call it?” Minho asks. Hyunjin nods his head.
“There was no answer. It's a burner phone.” Hyunjin sighs.
“They're working together. I fucking know it.” Minho groans, rubbing his hands on his face.
Before Hyunjin can say anything, Lisa walks into the office. “Hi baby.” She smiles, walking towards Minho.
“I'm busy right now.” Minho says, looking down at the papers on his desk.
“Lisa?” They all hear. Minho looks up, seeing Jeongin standing there. “Wow. It's been so long? What happened? Are you okay?” He asks, walking towards her. Jeongin wraps his arms around Lisa, holding her closely. “Keep your fucking mouth shut.” He whispers to her, pulling away, patting her shoulder.
“You must be so happy.” Jeongin says to Minho, motioning towards Lisa.
“Ha, yeah.” Minho says. “I'm busy, can we talk later?” He says to Lisa and Jeongin. They both nod, walking out of the office. Hyunjin emerges from the corner, sitting in the chair across from Minho.
“I know who can get it out of her.” Hyunjin says. Minho knew who could do it too, but he really didn't want to have that conversation.
“Yeah, Mingi.” He says, pulling out his phone, dialing the number.
“What?” Mingi asks.
“I need your help.” Minho grumbles. “Lisa's back.”
“Oh shit.” Mingi says. “He took Y/N, didn't he?”
“I think so. Lisa said no, but I don't believe her. I need you to find out.”
“You know, if you just lose your morals and start hurting whoever fucks you over, you could do it yourself.” Mingi tells him. “But I'll do it. Bring her here.”
Minho hangs up the phone, looking at Hyunjin. “Go get Lisa.”
Minutes later, Lisa comes into the office, smiling at Minho. “Let's go.” Minho says, grabbing his keys.
“Where are we going?” She asks, climbing into the car.
“Somewhere else where you'll be safe.” Minho says. He can't even look at her, knowing what she's done.
The car ride is silent, until Minho pulls up to the house. “Who lives here?” Lisa asks, getting out of the car along with Minho.
Mingi walks out of the house, a smile on his face. Lisa turns to look at Minho with a horrified look on her face. “Why am I here Minho?” She asks, her voice shaking.
“I know you're fucking lying.” Minho snaps. “and Mingi will get it out of you.” He says, climbing back into the car. He peels off, leaving a crying Lisa, being dragged back into the house.
“Jeongin.” You cough, holding your stomach. “I need a doctor.” You say, you hadn't healed at all and it had been weeks.
“I can't take you to the hospital.” Jeongin says, sitting in the corner of the small building. “You'll leave me.”
“I won't leave you… I promise, Jeongin. But I need help.” You cough.
“I'll be back.” He says, standing up, heading towards the door. You groan, laying your head back down on the floor. You were gonna die here. You knew it.
What felt like days later, Jeongin walks back in through the door, a bag in hand. He walks over to you, kneeling down. He lifted your shirt, removing your bandages, replacing them with new ones.
“Take these.” He says, handing you some pills and some water. You didn't even question what he was giving you, you just hoped that it was going to help you.
A week later, a week of Jeongin giving you pills, and tending to your wound a little more carefully you were finally starting to feel better, on the outside but on the inside you were slowly dying. It had almost been a month, you think, since Jeongin had taken you and it made you wonder if Minho was still even looking for you. You thought he would have found you by now, especially if he was actively looking for you. Didn't Lisa tell him Jeongin had you? Every day you waited for Minho to come and bust through the door to pick you up and whisk you away from this shit hole but you were starting to lose faith. You just wanted to go home.
Weeks later, you were finally healed up, and Jeongin had been fucking with your head the entire time. He almost had you convinced that Minho didn't care for you at all and that he was never going to save you. Tell you that he was the one who loved you, and he would always protect you and take care of you but you knew that it was a lie. You knew he was trying to get into your head and you needed to remain strong but you could make him think that you loved him.
That night, you and Jeongin were laying in the bed, fully in the dark. Tears slipped down your cheeks as your lips trembled. “I love you, Jeongin.” You whisper, hoping he believed you. Maybe he would ease up on you and start giving you a little more leeway.
“You do?” He asks, rolling over towards you.
“I do.” You murmur, trying to not let him hear your voice quiver.
“I knew you’d come around.” He happily sighs, holding onto you tightly.
You fall asleep that night, softly crying, wondering if this was your life now, and if you were ever going to be saved.
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strwbrryteen · 3 months
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lee jihoon as your producer (implied idol!reader)
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producer jihoon who was shy the very first time he met you with your manager because, even apart from his general incapability to mingle with females, he found you extraordinarily attractive
producer jihoon who may have been cool and composed on the outside but had firecrackers in his head when he was told he'll be your semi-permanant co-producer for your music.
producer jihoon who suggest you two hang out more often so he can get to know you better and thereby make more suitable songs for your personality, except he really only wanted to spend as much time with you as he possibly could
producer jihoon who started taking gym more seriously than ever when he heard you say muscular men are your ideal type during an interview
producer jihoon who always brings you lunch and dinner whenever you are at his studio, especially your favorite junk foods which you wouldn't be able to eat in front of your manager due to your diet
producer jihoon who has an assorted playlist of all the songs that reminds him of you
producer jihoon who is internally bouncing in joy when you tell him how good a friend he is to you
producer jihoon who gets lost watching you sing in his studio
producer jihoon who streams your performaces and livestreams as often as he can, feeling pride and glee swell in his chest as you give him a special thanks for helping your music
producer jihoon for whom you are genuinely an inspiration because you inspire him with your personality, your pretty body, the things you do for/with him
producer jihoon who is as red as a tomato when you scoot too close to him while editing your music in his studio
producer jihoon whose dick twitches in his pants when you suggest adding some moaning sounds in one of your rather sensual songs as adlibs
producer jihoon whose job as a producer includes telling you that you don't sound realistic enough when you attempt to mimik your own sounds in bed
producer jihoon who, when you ask for suggestions, tells you that you could try touching yourself sensually if it would help, and even offer to turn around to give you that privacy
producer jihoon who is took by surprise when you tell him that he didn't have to turn around if he wanted, the lust in your eyes almost piercing through the camera in the recording studio as you look up at it
producer jihoon who, being a man as he is, takes full advantage, watching you strip out of your lower half and push your top up, taking a seat on the stool there and touching your most sensitive areas.
producer jihoon who records all the sounds you make, slowly stroking himself over his joggers and saves the recordings in one of his private files.
producer jihoon who loses his composer when he hears his name slip off your tongue between moans, and he gets up and barge into the recording studio
producer jihoon who you don't take as surprise as he starts kissing you aggressively with all horniness of a sex-starved young man (that he is)
producer jihoon who holds you up with one arm (thanks for the gym motivation) and takes you to the big white couch in his studio
producer jihoon who practically licks up every inch of your skin, telling you of how much you had been tempting and teasing him and how badly he's been wanting to do this
producer jihoon, prior to whom you didn't know how big of a praise kink you had, because your clit throbs at the way jihoon calls you a good girl
producer jihoon who has the best sex he's ever had, and he might have cum embarrassingly soon all over your stomach, though its fine because you came along with him.
producer jihoon with hom sex after work is now regular, whether its right there in his studio or at his big penthouse where he takes you sometimes
producer jihoon who is glad you ask him out soon because he doesn't think he'd ever have the balls to do that himself (doesn't matter how shameless and nasty he is in bed)
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shuenkio · 5 months
Revenge lesson - ⩇⩇:⩇⩇
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Paring: Heeseung X male!reader
Cw: Smut, rough sex, curse, nsfw.
Synopsis: Co-workers rival, he's mad at you and decides to teach you a lesson.
You're responsible for what you read (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
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{Heeseung} The Co-Worker rivals, who like to compete with each other in order to win the employee of the month title, compete so strongly that the boss was forced to include both of them on the list together.
Late at night at the company, you work overtime as per usual, even completing the paperwork for the next day. Same goes for Heeseung, who also likes to work overtime to earn his keep with the CEO. Unexpectedly, after finishing his work, he walks to your desk, his daily routine after work being to pester and annoy you. The conversation was harsh, and full of insults, today he's gone too far.
"Now i know why you don't have a girlfriend yet because you're a fucking manipulate, two face person who like take advantage of the other, with all those things of you, nobody would want to fuck with you, Mr LEE!" You fire back, standing up from your seat and shooting him a furious gaze, death glaring at him and waiting for his response.
Heeseung's face turns red as his veins are pumping, visible on his forehead. He scoffed forcefully and slammed his bag down to the ground, dropping it in an aggressive manner.
"Nobody fuck with me? Really? Ya!-if nobody will then it'd be you, now I'm gonna teach you a lesson, getting on my nerves, deserve a consequence baby" He let his tongue slide through, poking inside his mouth,With a swift motion, he unlatched his belt and lifts it off his waist. The belt slides smoothly off his body without any effort on his part, falling down to his side where it hangs limply by his leg.
"W-what are you doing!" You nervously ask, You feel your eyes go white, and your entire body starts to shiver with fear. The hell he was about to do?!!
"To fuck you of course, just like you said nobody wanna fuck with me so I'm gonna make you take this place instead" He replies seductively and looks at you like a hungry beast. His scary aura makes you more frightened and excited at the same time. You're shivering and fearful. find yourself too stunned to move, your life was about to flash before your eyes here.
He casually unzipped his pants, His red underwear peeked through the opening, hinting at his member soon to be revealed.
With a playful smirk on his face, he slowly pulled down his boxers just enough to expose a portion of his veiny hard cock, a small droplet of precum glistened at its tip. causing you to gasps.
"Tonight will decide whether we continue as enemies or as lovers, M/N" 🫦
As Heeseung noticed your hesitation, he quickly seized control of the situation. Grabbing onto your tie, he pulled you towards him with surprising strength. Before you knew it, you were standing face-to-face with him.Without warning, he spun you around so that your back was now pressed against his chest. In swift motions, he stripped away your pants and pushed you forward until you found yourself bent over the table in front of you.
The older grabbed a condom from his bag, he slid it onto his 10 inches with practiced ease. Holding your hands in one of his, he steadied your head with the other. Without any warning, he thrust his hip inside you - filling and stretching you in a single, forceful motion. The strength of his, left you speechless, but there was also an undeniable thrill in this passionate. It felt like your insides were being stretched open wider than ever before. His long 10 inches seemed to push deeper with each thrust, filling and stretching you in ways that left you breathless.
The sight of his bulging member against your stomach served as a visual reminder of the depths he was reaching within you.
"You love it don't you, my little M/N? I know it's your first time baby, which is why your ass squeezing me so tight" He leaned down close to your ear, his rhythmic thrusts continuing unabated, he whispered huskily His hot breath sent shivers down your spine, adding another layer of excitement to the already intense experience. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the room,in each powerful stroke.
As you struggled to contain your moans, the pleasure building within you, it seemed to ignite his passion even more. His pace quickened, each thrust driving him deeper inside you with an urgency that spoke of desires left unsatisfied for far too long.
"W-why it's feel so good, i w-want to stop him but i also don't want to---" you speak in your mind, lip bitting, lose yourself in the world of ecstasy.
"FUCK YESSS, ohhh nghhh that's it, you feel so DAMN good m/n" His breath came in ragged gasps, mirroring the tempo of his unstoppable assault.
Despite your best efforts to stay silent, soft groans escaped your lips, revealing how deeply this fervent encounter was affecting you. The sound of skin meeting skin echoed more loudly in the quiet, shadowy office. Thankfully, all windows were tightly sealed and cameras remained unmoving, shielding you from potential disturbances or repercussions.
Heeseung raised one of your leg onto his shoulder, still back facing him, altering his position for increased depth. His rapid thrusts persisted without pause, he has no plan to stop by anytime soon.
Your moans harmonized with his, both of you reveled in the ecstasy of the moment. Even though he was technically your rival, there was no denying that he was giving you the hottest fuck ever, and it's your first time, you're that strong to handle his aggressiveness.
His hips picked up speed, driving into you with greater force than before. The imprint of his veiny cock became more obvious against your stomach with each thrust.
His breathing turned ragged, coming out in short gasps. Meanwhile, you allowed yourself to be swept away by the sensations flooding your body, rolling your eyes to the back of your head and losing yourself in the moment.
"Hell ughh-ahh, I'm gonna fill~ your fucking inside with my fucking cum right!!"
As he felt the urge to release growing stronger, he started to fuck into you with increased speed. When the moment arrived, he filled you completely with his seed.
At the same time, you too were overcome by a wave of pleasure, until finally both of you came together in perfect synchronization, before he collapsed onto your back, still intimately connected to you.
His cock remained buried deep within you as you both struggled to catch their breath.
"*Catching his breath* This is your first lesson M/n, if you dare to insults me again, I'm sure there's many more to come"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
🗣️ My first time writing a smut 🫣 if there's some awkward moment, sorry in advance ~
Ps: I'm planning to write more content like this since my last work is blowing, comment down below who you want next 🤭.
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forbebeandjam · 2 months
helllo! can I pls request smutty, angsty, fluffy college au of jealous bada x reader where bada is older than reader and reader has been chasing her for a long time but bada rejected her confession cos(of a silly reason)reader is younger than her so reader just starts hanging out w someone which makes bada jealous and finally confesses her feelings to reader. many thanks to you in advance!!
Sweet & Bitter | Bada Lee x Reader | fluff, smut, angst part 1
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Summary: Bada is in love with you but hides it because of your age.
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: It’s my birthday so I’ll celebrate it by giving you guys this birthday special fic 🥳🫶 love you all
Young love...
Bada always saw this as a beautiful thing but she felt like she never experienced it. She had remained single for a long time. She was what you would call a bookworm. 
Always achieved her academic goals and reached for the stars. You admired her from afar all of your high school years and saw how bright she was shining. 
You were always head over heels for her and you always imagined being with her since you were younger. The way she treated you was so sweet and soft, you couldn't help it. You fell for her when you were fifteen and stuck with her.
Your parents were long-time friends as well so you and Bada would oftentimes be together for gatherings, parties, and much more. She also helped you study for a few months during your senior year. 
There was only one thing stopping you from being with her and it was your age. She wouldn't date you because you were too young. Bada made it clear to you when she caught you staring at her during a study session. 
"It's not like we are ten years apart. Bada, I am eighteen. You are twenty-two. Please..." but the answer was always no. Eventually, you stopped insisting and just kept her as a friend.  
Over the years, she began to study to become a lawyer and you were going to the same college as her to become a photographer and editor. With your work already going viral, you managed to get into the same school which made you even more jolly. 
Bada seemed to be happy at the idea as well. You would always bring lunch to her and eat in her small office. She would go to your dorm and you two would simply study and talk.
On the weekends, she would go to your studio and bring your favorite dessert. She would pick you up from your classes and take you for ice cream. Random gifts would appear at your doorstep and... well... you fell harder. 
You rejected countless people and dates. You would exclusively hang out with Bada and everything felt like you two were in a relationship. You were over the moon.
This continued for a year until...
Bada began to be a bit distant. When you brought lunch to her she would take a few bites only to push the food away and hop on a phone call. She stopped showing up to your dorm, studio, and classes. She wouldn't take your phone calls. She would never leave her office and you...
You fell into depression thinking you did something to upset her. Your grades started dropping. You wouldn't leave your dorm room. You spend your weekend crying in your room eating ice cream and calling her number. 
No response. Texts? She would read them and answer with 'I'm busy'
You were slipping slowly into darkness. So you decided to get up one day. Try to cheer yourself up and go get your only love, who you had disguised as your best friend, back. 
You fixed your hair and applied makeup. You picked out your best outfit with the intention of inviting her to dinner. You made a quick stop at a coffee shop and bought her daily iced americano and a heart-shaped sugar cookie. Her favorite combination.
Sweet and bitter. 
You made your way into the building and up the elevator to Bada's floor. The elevator opened and you walked down the hall. You spotted a red-haired girl looking at you with a small smirk. 
"That's a nice outfit, pretty lady. Is that coffee for me?" Aiki said, looking at you up and down. 
"Seriously, Aiki. Stop being a perv. I brought Bada her coffee. Is she in her office?" You asked.
"Ugh... Bada. Always Bada. When will you go out with me?" she said pulling on the hem of your skirt. 
"Do you want to go out with me or get me in your sheets?" You said popping your hip to the side. She stood up and stepped closer to you. 
"Why don't you find out? You might like it," She said making you roll your eyes. 
"Whatever. I'm going," you said but she pulled your arm. 
"My intentions with you are serious, Y/N. Please..." she said with a small pout. 
"I don't know... I'm sorry," you said and started to walk again. 
"Wait... don't go in there. Just one date," she said still holding onto your arms. 
"Okay. One date, but can you let me go?" you asked with a chuckle. 
"Don't go in there, please," she said with pleading eyes. 
"Aiki, you're starting to make me worry," she didn't say anything but shake her head. You pulled away and walked rapidly to Bada's office. You didn't knock and opened the door. Bada's assistant, Redlic, was sitting on her desk with Bada's lips on hers.
The coffee in your hand fell making a loud noise. Bada stopped her actions and turned to you. You already had teary eyes. She wiped her lips and Redlic looked at you with a wry smile. 
You threw the cookie at her chest and sucked up your tears. You walked back to Aiki and she stood up when she saw your teary eyes. 
"I'm sorry," she said. You hugged her tightly and she hugged you back softly patting your head. You began crying in her embrace. Bada looked at you from the door of her office and felt... jealous. 
Not a new feeling for her. She would always get jealous when your friends would go over your house or when someone would ask for your number but you never gave into any of it. So why did you run into Aiki's arms so quickly? 
Then, she realized how badly she had hurt you. The sweet dessert in her hands was now split in half and that's how your heart looked. Just like the cookie in her hands, your heart had always been in her hands and she managed to break it in half. 
She also realized how much she loved you as much as she tried to deny it. As much as she tried to push you away. 
"Y/N!" she said. Aiki glared at her and pulled you out of the room into the elevators. 
"Where are you going?" Redlic said pulling Bada. 
"Why the fuck would you pull me into a kiss like that?" Bada asked. 
"You said you wanted a reason to let her go. For her to get over you. Plus, she is not a woman. She's a little girl, Bada," Redilc replied. 
"This was a mistake. Shit" Bada said walking out of the room. 
⊹˙⋆ PART 2. ⋆˙⊹
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 8 months
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader
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i try to avoid descriptors but i do use she/her, mention being shorter than tom and reader is a swiftie! click [HERE] for my tom blyth masterlist :)
the beginning of everything 🩵
*ALSO* speak now (taylor’s version) was released on july 7, 2023 but for my story it’s june 7, 2022 because we only support taylor’s version in this house
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june 7, 2022
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liked by username and others…
yourname enchanted (taylor’s version) 4:13 - 4:36. also no one is prouder of mother than i. she has my whole heart fr
username excuse me???
username whoooooo?!?
↳ username who what
↳ username i think they’re asking who the caption is about. because of the time stamps.
username i’m lazy can someone tell me what the lyrics are
↳ yournamefans “these are the words i held back as i was leaving too soon / i was enchanted to meet you / please don’t be in love with someone else / please don’t have somebody waiting on you”
rachelzegler 🥰 i ship iiiiittt!!!
↳ yourname shhh not so loud hasmzjejiajef
taylorswift meredith said if you don’t tell me who you’re talking about she’s going to be extremely upset. also hi i love you and you totally have my whole heart 💜
↳ taylorswift but tell me. i mean her.
↳ yourname i’m crying right now 😭 but also of course i’ll tell u anything for you my queen
joshandresrivera 🙊
↳ yourname and the monkey’s mouth better stay closed 🙃🙃🙃
ewanmitchell ooooooooooooooo
↳ yourname juliette is gonna put poison in aemonds drink istg
↳ username house of the dragon isn’t even released yet and we’re already witnessing a lovers spat!
↳ username wait is she dating ewan?
↳ username no but ewan plays aemond targaryen and yourname plays juliette atlas. they’re together in the book at least
tchalamet je sais qui 😄 (i know who)
↳ yourname je vais te tuer 🤭 (i’m going to kill you)
tomblyth liked this photo
tomblyth followed yourname
yourname followed tomblyth
~ 2 weeks later ~
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liked by joshandresrivera and others…
tomblyth by the way, i was enchanted to meet you too ♥️
username i’m crying????
username i’m going to die alone.
↳ username heavy on that for me too 😭
username soft launch!!
↳ username more like hard af launch. this is obviously referring to yourname post a couple of weeks ago which means her crush was mutuaaaaal
yourname ♥️
username WAIT that means they’re gonna be in a movie together???
↳ username do your hands hurt from all that reaching 😳
↳ yournamefans i think they’re right. tomblyth and rachelzegler were already announced to play lucy gray baird and coriolanus snow. they were then seen with joshandresrivera and yourname on june 7. that wasn’t a double date based on their captions, so it was possibly a meet / hang out with your co-stars thing? they haven’t known josh and rachel that long so that’s my guess.
rachelzegler i’m screaming! i knew you guys would be perfect together 😍
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If you’d like to be tagged for future Tom x Actress!Reader, let me know! if you’ve already asked to be tagged and don’t see your username, it means I wasn’t able to tag you.
TAGLIST — @daenerysqueenofhearts | @coconut-dreamz | @spencerstits | @callsignwidow | @inf4ntdeath | @upsidedownjill | @toeoffrog | @bada-lee-ily | @sassyangel16 | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @jolleluvsyou | @ennycutie | @ashcosmo | @urfavnoirette | @nomorespahgetti | @a-mysterious-potato
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seongclb · 1 year
— enhypen reaction to you being from another culture !
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bf!enha x gn!reader, fluff, established relationship au, no warnings!
req. by anon
n. i’m so excited for this! hope u guys like it even though it’s a lot shorter than intended
♫ nothing compares by the weeknd
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
he would genuinely be so interested
before u guys dated he definitely used it as an opportunity to ask you things
and flirt
a lot.
“omg no way! i’ll keep an eye out for this celebration just for you”
lots of winks and those adorable smiles
rizzseung for a reason guys !!
now that you guys are together though
def celebrates with you and learns at any chance he can get
“tell me more!” he’s so eager bc he loves u and everything about you
ur family love him for sure
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𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
not only does he love learning about your culture
but he loves trying out the dishes
especially cooking them
instead of online recipes though, he’ll go straight to your family
that way he knows just how you like them and are used to them too
it’s his secret love language like he genuinely bonds with you over it
on days where you’re just homesick especially or just not having a great day and all u want is a homemade recipe
he’ll cook it for you so you come home to something warm and homely
“i know this isn’t the same as how your family would make it but i hope you like it, my love”
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𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
similar to heeseung, he’d use it for flirting with you beforehand
and probably in the relationship too
like if u celebrate something
he’ll be like “let’s match”
would get on so well with ur grandma
so well that she’s teaching him words in your language
she says she would adopt him if you guys weren’t going to get married
he loves learning about it so much
says things like “when we’re old and married, we’ll go to where you’re from and just eat all the amazing food! and meet your family back there too!”
and ur just there like :(
cos he’s so cute and excited whenever something big happens
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𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
is so fascinated by it again
one thing he would love to do is go shopping for cultural clothes
when he gets the hang of the nice styles, he starts picking things for you
and of course, himself!
loves colour coordinating and taking pictures
then hypes you up, “yeahh my baby is so pretty and hot like what nobody else could ever”
so nervous at first around your family but after he researches a ton for how their culture is, he gets more comfortable and they just welcome him as if it’s their new son
asks you to always like explain anything new he hears and then he’s like
“wow that’s so cool, can’t wait to teach our kids one day”
blush time.
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𖠗 김선우 | kim sunoo.
his fave thing is to try snacks and foods with you
“y/n i saw this new food on tiktok and it’s from your culture! do you know it? let’s get it tomorrow”
maybe tries learning how to cook it
even though he loves food (like me) he also loves learning like
anything literally
wants to know everything from bottom to top
buys books about your culture just show to you how much he appreciates it and loves it
doesn’t act like it’s a big thing bc he feels like you’d feel weird if he was putting so much on your culture
but when the opportunity arises, he’s the first to know things even you dont
one thing ab sunoo is that he’s gonna excel in anything!!!
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𖠗 양정원 | yang jungwon.
another fascinated one
again like sunoo, would read books to understand it and search the web
wants to go to visit your home country multiple times when you guys travel the world together
he’ll jump at any opportunity to go with you for anything related to your culture too
the more practise the merrier
he just wants to do as much as he can with it since one day he wants to do the same with his kids
wont tell you though
he just admires it so much
u guys compare superstitions and stuff
interesting, long conversations about what it was like to grow up in each of your cultures <33
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𖠗 西村力 | nishimura riki
always found it one of the most special things about you
you just were different in a good way
he liked that you were a new thing to him, one that he could learn about and grow to settle in himself
and that’s exactly what he did
when learning about it, it’s as if it became apart of him too
like, oh y/n does this bc it’s part of their culture
and suddenly next time, he’s doing it bc it’s part of his culture too
and when you ask him why he does that
he’ll just say something like, “i wanna get used to the stuff you do so we can do them together and it’s not like weird or anything”
hes so pure and kind-hearted i love him
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months
"Batman and Robin: Year One" Announced
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DC Comics' has announced a new "Year One" comic book miniseries. Batman and Robin: Year One is co-plotted by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, written by Waid, drawn by Samnee, colored by Matheus Lopes, and lettered by Clayton Cowles.
After only a month or two after Bruce Wayne adopts Dick Grayson, "a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out for answers, but it’ll take everything they have to navigate both sides of their relationship as father and son and dynamic duo, with Dick Grayson’s present and future hanging in the balance!" (DC Comics)
Batman and Robin: Year One #1 (of 12) goes on sale on October 16, 2024. The first issue sports a main cover by Chris Samnee and variant covers by Mikel Janín, Matteo Scalera, Karl Kerschl, and Lee Weeks.
(Image via DC Comics - Chris Samnee and Matheus Lopes' Cover of Batman and Robin: Year One #1)
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angellesword · 2 months
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, slow burn—really slow burn, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, cursing, blood, stabbing, loan sharks, OC cusses excessively so watch out, hurt/comfort
Pairing: dad! Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 5k
← Previous Chapter (12) | Next Chapter (14) →
Baggage Chapter List
With no money in the bank or dignity to uphold his principles, Jungkook's response to a threat was always flight. He'd long understood that a peasant like him had no chance of fighting.  However, the possibility of you and Soobin getting hurt because of his cowardice sparked something inside him.
Jungkook didn't know how, but he resolutely grabbed Lee Sung's knife with his bare hand, ignoring his trembling hand and his mind telling him to run.
"Now, now, Lee Sung-ah ~" Jungkook's body twisted until he faced the loan shark. His demeanor showed how he stubbornly refused to bend in the face of intimidation. It made Lee Sung's lips curve upwards.
"Not crying for mercy, Jungkook-ah?" A mocking laugh. Lee Sung watched as fresh blood trickled down Jungkook's hand. Jungkook didn't let go of the knife and even gripped its blade more forcefully. "Did hanging out with the feisty professor make you feel invincible?"
The mention of you was enough for Jungkook to lose his playful smirk, bare his teeth at Lee Sung, and snarl. One would think he was a helpless prey (and Jungkook guessed there was some truth to that), but the case changed when his enemies dared to involve you. Besides, Lee Sung had met Jungkook when he had nothing with him. Lee Sung never knew how Jungkook's mind worked and how he dealt with things when no Park Jimin was keeping him in check.
"Easy there, Lee Sung-ah~" Mirth crinkled in Jungkook's eyes. "Our game is for us alone, remember?"
How could Lee Sung not read the real meaning in Jungkook's voice wrapped in an almost syrupy charm? It was a threat, but Lee Sung couldn't help but chuckle. 'Jang Min-ssi,' Lee Sung whispered inwardly as his eyes darted to Jang Min standing meters away from them. "I understand now why you want to involve the professor in this game.'
"I'm so glad you mentioned our little game." Lee Sung blinked his gaze back to Jungkook. He forcefully retracted the knife, leaving a nasty straight cut in Jungkook's palm. Jungkook's face became unreadable, though. He couldn't feel pain—he only felt his heart chastising him to fight for you and his son.
"Because we want you back in our chess game, Jungkook-ah." Lee Sung's smirk grew big. "Jang Min-ssi said he needs you to play the king again."
Jungkook's eyes darkened. Meanwhile, a dangerous smile tugged at Lee Sung's lips as he raised his hand in the air, a small vial gripping his fist.
⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆
You got home at around midnight. You weren’t in the mood to do anything anymore, but the guilt you nursed was becoming too much to bear.
"Mama will help you change your clothes, oki?" You picked up a pajama set from your son's drawer and helped him dress up. You usually soaked Soobin into a warm bath before going to bed. Unfortunately, you weren’t up for it tonight.
'I'm a bad mom,' your mind supplied unhelpfully. You felt as though you didn't deserve Soobin. You thought you had slowly forgotten how to care for your son as Jungkook did it on your behalf. 
Months of playing house with your bastard of best friend lifted half of your burden, but now that Jungkook wasn't around, you were starting to feel helpless.
Just where is that bastard?
Your eyes flicked to the wall clock. This was the first time Jungkook was home late. He didn't even tell you where he was going; he left early in the morning and excused himself for today's office work.
There was no point in stopping Jungkook. Admittedly, you were tiptoeing around him as you didn't want to pressure him into accepting the offer to work with you.
Tonight was the night Jungkook was meant to give his answer. However, You supposed that even a meticulous person like you sometimes went through some lapses.
"You've got your dates mixed up, Mam."  Lee Sung told you earlier this day. You went ahead to the office even without Jungkook. You went there with your son, though. You hoped Lee Sung could babysit Soobin while you went to dinner with Jungkook later.
Although you had reservations about Lee Sung, you couldn't deny that he was still a good babysitter, and Soobin seemed to like him. Your son never fussed and would sleep calmly in Lee Sung's arms.
It had been weeks since Lee Sung landed in Korea, but you refused to contact him. It felt weird being around him while Jang Min was thousands of miles away. You were not one to overthink, though you suspected that your boyfriend's assistant kept you under a hawk-like gaze and was reluctant to follow your requests unless Jang Min explicitly told him to oblige.
Today was one of the times when Lee Sung had explicit orders from his boss.
"Your dinner date with Jungkook-ssi is tomorrow. You're scheduled to meet up with the boss tonight."
"What?" You rubbed your ear as if that would help you understand what Lee Sung had just said.
Your boyfriend's assistant smirked. "Surprise! Boss Jang Min is back in Korea! He wants to see you first. He said there was no need for me to babysit Soobin-ah. He is very much welcome to join your date."
You should be over the moon. Your boyfriend, who you hadn't seen in months, was finally here. Regrettably, your mind was occupied with something else.
"But Jungkook..." You trailed off. You were sure you set up your date tonight. You even made a calendar invite about it so you wouldn't forget.
You were about to check your calendar, but Lee Sung folded down your laptop--an abrupt move that almost pinched your hands lingering on the keypad.
"Oops. Apologies, Mam~." Lee Sung sing-songed. "I've personally checked your schedule for this week. I have synced your calendar into mine for so long. Do you still doubt me, hmm?"
The pitiful look made Lee Sung look like a clown.  You visibly cringed; the thought of your dinner date with Jungkook vanished because of it.
"Okay, fine." You scowled. "I'm bringing Soobin to my date. Where and when should I meet Min-ah?"
"Wanna pick him up at the airport first?"
For some reason, You really didn't. But how could you do that to your lover? Ultimately, you agreed and spent hours on the road and waiting at the airport. You thought your uneasiness would clear once you came face to face with Jang Min. Surprisingly, you were still plagued by jitters.
"Hi." Jang Min kissed you on the mouth. He whispered a few sweet nothings to you before turning to look at Soobin, "Little one, I've something for you."
It was a Hot Wheels Elite 1:18 Scale Ferrari F40. Your eyes twitched. You looked at your boyfriend uncomfortably, "This is expensive. You shouldn't have."
It was wrong to say that to someone who had just given your son a gift. You knew as much. You were about to retract your statement when Jang Min shrugged.
"It's a simple gift, Cолнышко мо. You shouldn't habitually give those discount-store wonders for Soobin. It’s disgusting."
You were taken aback, and despite Soobin not understanding what Jang Min meant, you still wanted to cover your son's ears so he couldn't hear such a mean statement.
"Price doesn't matter to me, Min-ah." Your jaw tensed, your chin jutting.
Jungkook had some free time a few days ago and arranged a scavenger hunt for Soobin. You found it cute, prompting you to take videos and tell Jang Min all about the activity.
You had to admit that it was a cheap game. Jungkook spent 6,600 KRW on rewards he planned to give Soobin during the hunt. His grand prize was the most affordable brand of strawberry pudding, but your son thoroughly enjoyed it.
The game was a success. It honed Soobin's observation skills and exposed him to more physical activities. You participated in the game, too. Jungkook encouraged you with a teasing tone by saying, "Of course, you are welcome to join! You have the temper of a three-year-old. Ow! Don't hit me, such a meanie!"
"Don’t call me that, you piece of shit!" You snarled and hit Jungkook when Soobin wasn't looking.
Jungkook pouted.
"But you are mean, and you snarl like a wolf. Wolf has a good sense of smell; you can teach our pup how to hunt."
It was a feat to ignore your fluttering heart after that. ‘Our pup,’ Jungkook said. You couldn't control your emotions, so you gingerly shut your mouth and faked a hiss before turning to Soobin to brief him on how to play the game.
Overall, it was a fun experience. You won a prize because Jungkook hid an I.D. lace you were meant to find in the bushes. It had a simple design which you loved.
You have been going to your office these past days. The new lace helped because now you wouldn’t struggle to clip your I.D. on your clothes.
"Your old I.D pin is tacky. The new lace will make you a little less uncool."
"Shut the fuck up, bastard," You hissed.
Your playful banter continued, and you appreciated simple moments like this. You made up your mind not to let a mean comment from Jang Min get on your nerves.
Thankfully, Jang Min shrugged his shoulders, too jet-lagged to argue with you. You pushed through with your dinner date, though.
It was in a fancy restaurant Lee Sung had arranged. Soobin set aside his new car toy in favor of running around the place. You were in a private room, so no prying eyes darted on Soobin.
Unfortunately, you couldn't hear what Jang Min was discussing because of how loud Soobin was.
Gone were the days he sat still. Even Jang Min noticed this.
"Why'd he become so hyper suddenly?"
Your shoulder deflated. "I don't know."
It was the truth. You refused to say that the change started when Jungkook started babysitting Soobin, but Jang Min knew about it anyway.
"He's having too much fun with Jungkook-ssi, I supposed." Jang Min propped his chin on his palm as he called Soobin.
The child went near Jang Min at once. He batted his eyelashes at your boyfriend, earning a soft smile from Jang Min.
"Sleep?" Soobin asked obediently while Jang Min caressed his cheeks.
"Later, little one. You can play. Just don't be naughty."
Your heart softened at the sight. Jang Min and your son really did get along. However, you couldn't ignore the uncomfortable feeling in your chest:
You appreciated your boyfriend bonding with Soobin, but that's all to it. You found that you couldn't feel anything for Jang Min aside from gratefulness for trusting and caring for you and Soobin all this time.
"Min-ah." You muttered softly.
Jang Min told Soobin to play with Lee Sung before he turned to look at you. Your eyes looked as deep as the sea. Jang Min wanted to sail through it.
"What is it, Cолнышко мо?" Jang Min held your hand.
Months passed since you last touched him. You used to feel warm whenever your boyfriend's touch lingered on your skin. But now, there was nothing but coldness.
Jang Min's hands were damn cold. You tried to remember if it had always been like this. You didn't flinch now that Jang Min grabbed your hand, giving you a sense of familiarity that the coldness you felt was nothing new.
It was as if this winter feeling had been going on forever, and you simply thought that the cold water was warm since you had just gotten inside your home after being out in the snow.
"Cолнышко мо?”
You snapped your head up and met Jang Min's eyes. They're not chestnut brown—it didn't feel warm.
He wasn't Jungkook.
"Jang Min-ssi," Your chest heaved. You called your boyfriend's name with ragged breath.
Silence lapsed between you. Jang Min's white ushanka froze your heart more.
"I think we should break up."
It was said so suddenly. You gave no preamble, the paradoxical undressing phenomenon kicking inside you. It was your last straw before your feelings for Jang Min succumbed to hypothermia.
There was just no fire left to ignite your heart.
But Jang Min still held a match.
"You've had a long day, Cолнышко мо." The Russian man let go of your hand to signal the server to mind your bill, and then he casually wiped his mouth with a towel before indulgently looking back at you.
It's like Jang Min didn't hear or mind what you said.
"Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow. I only got home, too." He even made an excuse to shoot you down.
"No." But you couldn't wait anymore. You knew you were cruel, but every layer of your clothes begged to be shed. You were seconds away from dying out of the cold. "We—I have been postponing every serious conversation with you. I—"
You licked your lips and swallowed audibly, yet it wasn't enough to relieve your dry and aching throat.
You picked up your glass of wine and drank it in one go.
You looked at Jang Min guiltily.
"I can't anymore, Jang Min. I just..."
No silence or sugarcoating would lessen the abrupt guilt coating your heart.
You ripped off your last layer of winter clothes.
"I don't think I love you like that anymore." Or if I love(d) you at all.
Breaking the news of wanting to end your relationship was sudden, but the moments leading to it were not. You guessed it was partly your fault for ignoring the negative emotions you had felt for Jang Min over the past few months. Now, it was too late to fix them.
You were done. You couldn't fight even when a fraction of your mind told you so. Because if you loved Jang Min like your other half, you wouldn't feel nauseated at the thought of mending your broken relationship.
It's over.
You wanted to say more—to apologize to Jang Min for wasting his time, but you knew there was no point to that. It would just feel like slapping Jang Min in the face. Giving an excuse would only make you feel better. Jang Min wouldn't benefit at all.
"Alright." What was the use of a small matchbox when winter had come? Jang Min could only offer you a small smile. Not even you, who had been intimate with him, could decipher the quick curve of his lips.
"It's late. We should head home."
Jang Min insisted on bringing you back to his house. You were reluctant but agreed since you were with Soobin and didn't like driving while your son remained in the back seat alone. Besides, all of your things were under Lee Sung's care.
Lee Sung handed you your phone and wallet right after you entered the car. “Your phone’s dead.”
You shrugged. You didn’t have any important calls today, anyway.
"Thanks. Lee Sung-ssi--" You then offered your ex-boyfriend's assistant a genuine smile. It was the first time you attempted to be genuine to Lee Sung. "--For everything, especially for looking after Soobin."
"You make it sound like this is our last meeting, Mam." Lee Sung chuckled, oblivious that his boss was a single man now. "I know you got used to me driving you around, but don't get too sentimental on me. Tachihara's driving you home tonight, but we'll see each other soon. I just need to deal with a rat."
You were only being polite with Lee Sung. Frankly speaking, you didn't care what his agendas were. The word rat also left a bad taste in your mouth as you were reminded of your previous conversation with Jang Min. You didn't want to be rude, though—as your ex's calculating eyes were watching you. Soobin was also nuzzled in Jang Min's arms.
"Use your best trap, then." This was your farewell before shutting the car door close. You dared to look at Jang Min just to see his expression; for some reason, Jang Min's upper lips curved more.
The nauseating feeling clogged your throat again. You and Jang Min were done, so there was no need to give him the benefit of the doubt.
But you couldn't—afraid of what you’d know. You just did what you were good at: you pretended the uncomfortable feeling flooding your heart wouldn't drown you.
⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆
The rat was not caught in the trap because Jungkook freely trudged back to your apartment at one in the morning. He had dealt with Lee Sung, and only when he knew Lee Sung wouldn't harm his family did Jungkook decide to head home.
Jungkook was used to going back to a quiet home. Seeing Lee Sung tonight made him think he was back to his old life; this was why it shocked him to see you waiting for him.
"Welcome home, Kook." Your tone was lukewarm, masking all worries and guilt you harbored today because at least one thing was right:
Jungkook came back to you.
Sadly, Jungkook didn't seem too thrilled to see you. One look at your dropping eyes was enough for Jungkook to know you had an eventful night.
Jungkook sneered.
Jealousy was a little shit. Jungkook thought he was over it until he saw you smiling at him, acting like you didn't ditch him for the night.
Don't even get him started with your insincere concern. You had the most gentle smile when you welcomed Jungkook home, but it abruptly changed into an arched brow when you spotted the dried blood on Jungkook's skin.
"What happened to your hand?" You were alarmed, mindlessly crossing the distance between you two. Your rational thought disappeared as deep-seated fury and worry clouded your mind.
"Who hurt you?" You couldn't take it. The low grumble coming from your throat was akin to a wounded wolf.
Protect. You needed to protect Jungkook.
You seized your best friend’s wrist, chest tightening as an unbearable ache spread through your limbs.
There was a deep cut on Jungkook's palm, and God--you wanted nothing but to lick the wound and purr on Jungkook's neck. You knew you shouldn't feel this way. Breaking up with Jang Min wasn't an excuse to suddenly unleash your feelings for Jungkook.
But you were tired and pushed to your limits. Earlier, you wondered if you loved Jang Min at all. Now, the sinking feeling in your chest mocked and rejoiced as the thought of never getting over Jungkook overwhelmed your senses.
You found that the candle lighting your anger toward Jungkook was blown away—just as the darkness in your vision couldn't see and ignite the scorching type of love you once thought you felt toward Jang Min.
You heaved a deep breath.
Everything was too much and too little at once. Tears glistened in your eyes, but the lonely wolf inside of you was deprived of howling in the moon.
Jungkook pulled his hand away.
"What do you care if I got hurt?" His tone was scathing. Between the two of you, Jungkook held the burning lamp. He couldn't shake the image of you kissing another man, even though he knew it was irrational.
He hurt you first. But it didn't mean Jungkook turned into a fucking rock that wouldn't be shaken at seeing the love of his life get taken away.
Jungkook no longer felt human. Unfortunately, he still had his flesh and blood. His body tingled and felt like it was subjected to the fire after being in the frying pan for a long time. He was hurting, and masking his vulnerability didn't work anymore. Jungkook, in the face of the moon, finally bared his broken heart.
"Is that all you got? Pretending to care when you didn't even have the decency to tell me you're not coming to our planned dinner?"
A sharp edge to Jungkook's tone made your breathing hitch. The last time Jungkook acted this way was when you underestimated his venture with Oda. You never thought you’d see this side of Jungkook again. You got used to having the upper hand.
But you couldn't deny that you were in the wrong now.
"Fuck." You cussed, eyes widening as you struggled to keep your hands to yourself. You wanted to hold onto Jungkook, afraid that he'd bolt. "I—Jungkook, I didn't..."
Didn't what? Didn't know that Lee Sung messed up? That you blindly followed Jang Min’s assistant’s claim when you should have known better?
You felt stupid.
Jungkook was wearing the suit you bought for him. You could also tell that your best friend had blow-dried his hair earlier, as it had a more prominent curl at the end. Jungkook was probably nervous but sucked it up because you promised him a good time. You weren’t blind. You might not know what answer Jungkook would give, but you knew it took him much courage to be there.
Jungkook was never one to show up. He was a bolter, for fuck's sake. And the one time he didn't run away was also the time you made him wait in vain.
I'm sorry You liked to say. Unfortunately, the words were stuck in your throat.
Jungkook took in your expression. You looked constipated—as if acknowledging your mistake would be the end of the world.
Jungkook scoffed and shook his head.
"Whatever." He turned away. "You've always been like this, anyway."
That did the trick. You snapped out of your reverie. You looked at Jungkook as if he had offended your ancestors.
"What the fuck do you mean by that?"
But Jungkook wasn't looking at you anymore. He was walking toward his bedroom—as if he wanted nothing but to shut off the world.
You didn't think so. Jungkook had every right to pout, but he couldn't get away from accusing you of some bullshit. What did Jungkook mean you had always been like this!? Weren’t you the one who returned to Incheon after Jungkook and Jisoo stomped at your heart!?
"I'm talking to you, asshole!" You were about to forcefully grab the bastard's hand when Jungkook suddenly turned to you.
Your bodies bumped. You trembled when you felt Jungkook's hot, staggered breathing fanning your cheek.
Silence clouded the room, both your chests heaving.
The rim of Jungkook's eyes was red. He unconsciously nuzzled his nose against your cheek. You held back a flinch, your heart beating erratically against your ribcage.
Jungkook's heart wasn't doing any better. He wanted to claw it out and stomp it until it became a mess. This way, he wouldn’t feel anything anymore.
But that wasn't possible now, was it? Jungkook didn’t want his emotions to overwhelm him, but he didn’t think he could ever let go of the high he got from feeling the warmth of your skin.
You were addicting. It was easy to fall for you, making Jungkook think that what you two had was salvageable.
It wasn't. He made a mistake before, and you made a conscious decision to hurt Jungkook in return.
Jungkook took a step back. He could almost hear your silent protest. It made Jungkook want to pull his hair out.
You two really were fucked up. You both wanted to let go of each other, but neither wanted to unclench your fingers.
Jungkook sighed. He looked at you with resentment and defeat in his eyes.
"You never answered my letters."
Apologizing for your mistake was hard, but apologizing when you didn’t know what you did wrong was impossible.
"What letters?" Your mouth parted in confusion; a deep crease formed on your forehead. You had no idea what Jungkook was talking about.
Jungkook sniffed.
“Jungkook, what letters?” An unberable sense of panic shot through your body. It didn't help that your best friend looked hopeless.
Jungkook didn’t know where to start. All of this was fucked up. He just wanted to--
“I was in prison for years." –let it out. Jungkook broke the news to you as he took out a folded paper in the pocket of his dress shirt. “I sent you hundreds of letters from there, but you never responded.”
The paper was shoved into your chest. You panickily gripped it, scared Jungkook would snatch the paper. You had a feeling that this piece of paper contained the truth you had been craving all this time.
“I was going to accept your proposal, but I didn’t want to base our relationship on a lie.” Jungkook was doing well in trying to steady his voice. “I wanted to come clean to you. I wanted you to know that I paid half of my sins inside that shitty hole.”
You gasped lowly, too stunned to speak.
Jungkook had the urge to laugh because wasn’t it funny? He was just cradling his anger at you for making him wait in vain, but now he was forced to retreat again--to clip his claw and pretend it didn't hurt. How could he ever stand a chance against you when he was deemed as the evil one from the very start? As if making a mistake robbed him of feeling things—like he wasn’t allowed to start over again?
Jungkook didn’t know how to redeem himself anymore. He apologized to you for taking this long to tell him the truth.
“I…” You trailed off. You couldn’t meet Jungkook’s eyes. You were retreating, too.
Jungkook should have seen this coming--
“I..I need to process this.”
--and he had. 
You were forced to be fed with information. You had no chance to chew them, so now you choked. 
Jungkook clenched his jaw, forced to pacify himself to accept this. It’s okay, he told himself, because what else was he supposed to do aside from watching you crawl back to your room?
⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆
Jungkook paced back and forth in the living room before standing before your bedroom door.
4:02AM. It had been hours since you last confronted each other. You said you needed to process the information slapped to your face, but you didn’t say how long.
Jungkook couldn’t help but probe. He knocked on your door once.
There was no answer from the other side of the room.
Inhale, Jungkook commanded himself before trying again.
This time, he used his voice: he called your name.
Jungkook had known you for years and understood that you wouldn’t be able to sleep after the intense stimulation you had experienced. He was proven right when he pressed his ear to the door and heard you stirring on the other side.
Jungkook's breath caught in his throat, a sudden intake of air filling his lungs, but he didn’t choke. 
He felt relieved. You were listening to him.
Jungkook couldn’t waste his chance. He set aside his feelings in the hope of making this right. 
You slowly sat on the floor while listening to your best friend speak. You were glad you couldn’t see Jungkook’s face, as that would prompt you to break down and cry.
“You said you need to process everything, but will you listen to me?”
Your lips were pursed, yet you rested your head on the door.
Jungkook let out a breath, “Being in prison should have been the first thing I told you, but I…”
There was silence. Jungkook forced himself to continue.
“I was scared. When you told me about Soobin, I didn’t know what to do with him. I…” 
Don’t say it. Don’t say it.
“I didn’t want him,” Jungkook said. 
Tears cascaded down your cheek, your fear materializing in the form of Jungkook’s soft tone but venomous words. You hated yourself for wanting to continue listening to him. Your treacherous mind was making you feel as if there was more to Jungkook’s story—that this wasn’t the time to snarl and hate him for feeling things.
“Soobin is my baggage, and he’s so, so heavy. He is a reminder of the things I have to carry with me wherever I go.”
Stop. Don’t say that to my child.
“But he isn’t like that anymore. Soobin is not a thing. He’s not a baggage. He’s my…”
Jungkook swallowed thickly as he puffed out his chest. “He’s my heart.” As he is yours. 
“I understand if you want me gone. I kept the truth from you. You are a mother. I know you wouldn’t want your son to be associated with an ex-convict like me.” Jungkook said this as if he was sure there was no room for any other opinion. Jungkook did not regard himself highly—or even as a human after he fell from grace. It didn’t even occur to him to keep his anger to you. He cared more about what you would feel after knowing the truth. His own feelings be damned.
“But…” Jungkook clenched his hands into determined fists. “Please know that I won’t leave. Not unless you told me to.”
Your head snapped up, but you soon wiped your tears and pressed your ears on the door, thinking you could hear Jungkook say that again. Did you get it right? Was Jungkook really telling you he wouldn’t leave?
“I made the mistake of hurting and pushing you away. I am still living with the consequences of that. I don’t mind. I can pay for it for as long as you want, but I refuse to want to die because of it.”
Jungkook had wished for nothing but death since he messed up his life. However, he was done with that part of him. He said Soobin was his heart, but that was a lie. You and Soobin served as his heart—his family kept him going:
You and Soobin pumped blood into Jungkook’s veins.
Wanting to die was easy. It was his wish, but… “From now on, I will live for you and Soobin.”
Jungkook rubbed his face against the door, hoping you could somehow feel his sincerity. He wished to see you and look at your eyes as deep as the sea. Jungkook wanted to drown in them.
“I will be here,” Jungkook repeated. “For as long as you will take me.”
There was no response from you, but Jungkook didn’t mind. He simply closed his eyes, wishing that when the sun rose, you would find it in yourself to take him back.
⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆
A/N: the fourth pic in the book cover finally made sense. Please look forward to Jungkook's life in prison soon ~~
I don't know when the next chapter will come out since starting next week, I am officially joining a new team in the office. Your girl is a fixed asset accountant or somethin' haha. Please wish me luck <3
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shuastruck · 1 year
one. profile 1 !!! jop till you drop
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previous || masterlist || next
PAIRING || lee chan x female reader
GENRES || fluff, strangers to lovers, college au, humour, love triangle, angst
SUMMARY || lee chan, college's critically acclaimed and certified (read: self-proclaimed) cupid was a hundred percent sure that his guide to love manual aka the simp notes worked just perfectly fine, seeing the number of campus couples he had managed to get together. until you came up with your complex romantic problem and chan finds his trustworthy notes betraying him, especially when he begins to fall for you.
or, in which, chan never thought he would be following his own simp notes to win over you.
WARNINGS || none
A/N || yeah so things got a bit delayed from my end...but i'm so so excited to present you guys the very first chapter of simp notes!!! also for the sake of everyone's sanity and my ease of writing; disclaimer: everyone is of the same age in this smau. and YES shua has my username and what about it its funny and this was my concern since day one of using this url.
if you want to be added to the taglist, send me an ask!
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l/n y/n - third year college student; a huge taemin stan along with best friend kwon soonyoung, will willingly jump into a death match to defend taemin's honour. currently has a mega huge crush on a certain campus heartthrob but has no clue as to how to even befriend him, let alone confess.
hong joshua - third year college student; y/n's neighbour who too happened to get into the same college and that's how they became close friends. all of the parents adore him because of how sweet and 'normal' he is, but unfortunately the group is yet to see his normal side.
wen junhui - third year college student; close friend of soonyoung from the dance team in school who too ended up going to the same college and hence in the friend circle. accidentally became one of the most popular student after his acting in the college play became a super hit.
kwon soonyoung - third year college student; best friend of y/n and definitely taemin's biggest fan. is a pretty popular student due to being a very good dancer and the head of the dance club. also, a huge lover of tigers much to the annoyance of the group.
lee jihoon - third year college student; another popular student and is currently the head of the music club. the reason he got introduced to this group was because his cousin's best friend had invited (read: kidnapped) them to meet his new group of friends and the next thing he knew, he was hanging out with them constantly.
lee seokmin - third year college student; is the cousin. got introduced to the group by his best friend joshua and was an instant hit, especially with soonyoung. is the co-head of the music club. parents adore him because of how sweet and 'normal' he is 2.0.
xu minghao - third year college student; y/n and soonyoung's classmate from high school. ardent art lover and is not quite sure when he started hanging out with soonyoung and junhui so much from outside the dance club until one day he was hanging out with the entire group. parents adore him because of how sweet and normal he is 3.0 only that he is normal.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!  
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heesuits · 1 month
cry baby - lee heeseung ♡
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paring: co-worker!heeseung x reader
genre: soft
! the song lyrics are mentioned at some point.
wc: 3k+
Closed your notebook and stretched your spine... Just finished studying for today, your fingers feel stiff from all the writing, maybe they could even get cramps later. You've been having some online classes at night from different subjects to complement your degree and just got really immersed in it for a couple hours now. You lay your head back at the chair and look at the side glancing at your phone, completely forget about its existence, stretch out your hand to grab it... 10:02 p.m, some notifications and three unread messages:
[8:47 p.m.] heesu: hey wyd :)
[9:12 p.m.] heesu: are you there?
[9:46 p.m.] heesu: there's just something I wanna talk to you about, don't want to bother okay? nothing urgent don't worry, text me back when you can...
Heeseung is a friend from work, you've been working at the same shift for about 3 months now and he kind of makes your days easier with his periodic jokes. Even though he is a shy person overall, you found it funny how it looks like people are always looking for him, trying to find a thing to talk about and make the hours go faster, but you don't judge them, he's definitely a good listener and the big shiny eyes make it easier to know that he's truly paying attention to the issue. But when it comes to the introvert chart you're a full #1 and he's around a #2, cause he often comes to you with some random vent about his life, his meals, his gaming, his love affairs, and you usually just listen carefully and show interest in his matters, rarely opening up about anything, but you can swear he's too good with conversations and still get some facts from you sometimes...
He even caught you crying from stress once, you were hiding at the staircase and he just sat by your side and stayed there for a while not really saying anything but take your time, once you looked done from the crying session you two just got up and went back to work and later that day he brought some chocolate, giving it to you like some sort of secret weapon, claiming that it would help. It surely did. And you've never talked about it but you could feel like since then you've definitely become friends somehow, the atmosphere between the two of you have changed, he always notices when you are having a bad day and keeps looking for alternative ways to help you go through it, and you know when he's just tired of being the listener and needs to open up.
You didn't know what the messages could be about, it's monday, you were working together hours ago and had no other choice than to meet again tomorrow... "I was kind of busy when you texted earlier, here now, what's the issue?" You replied, locked the phone and put it in your pocket. Headed to the kitchen to fill in the water bottle, you were feeling kinda hungry so just got an apple to eat when you felt the phone vibrate, someone is calling, you read the name on the screen: heesu... that fast? Can't help but wonder if there was something happening and just picked up...
"Heeseung? Hello?" he never called before, ever...
"Hi... First of all you're a really bad emergency contact..." he didn't have a worrying tone at least, just the usual.
"And what's the emergency you're needing to contact me about?"
"None actually... did you still not unpacked your bag after work yet?"
"Umm, no... nothing to get off of it today, why?" just too curious at that point.
"I left something there, was wondering why you still didn't say anything about it... go check and then you talk to me okay?"
"I'm not working from home don't even try."
"It's not about that I swear, it's a surprise, cmon go see it."
"Okay mystery man, I'll follow your instructions."
As soon as he hangs up you almost run upstairs to check on the bag, leaving the water bottle and forgetting about the apple... What could it be? A present? A gift card to get some coffee? A prank? Heeseung often handles you pieces of paper during the shift, some just written [I'm bored x.x] sometimes complimenting your different hairstyles [nice buns :D], [cool bangs u.u], [fluffy ponytail ;D], thought it could be one of those and he just made it dramatic to be fun. You found it, now almost sure about the random piece of paper theory: An envelope, locked with an emoji sticker that I gave him some weeks ago cause you recorded yourself unboxing some stationary in your close friends and he said that he liked it. You sat on bed and opened it... Chocolate! And a... handwritten letter? Your face is confused, you tilt your head to the side and go straight into reading:
Hello there :D (I've never written a letter)
Is my handwriting readable? Hope so...
Where to start from?... I think I worry a lot... I've got this anxious feeling but it goes away for a minute when I'm with you. When it comes to you I think I talk too much and try too hard, I want to listen more. When we talk throughout the day there's this feeling of "I know I'll fall in love with you, and that's not what I wanna do" I can taste my heart breaking from the thought of you saying that you know it... but those are just my anxious thoughts and at least I should be honest and give you the opportunity to know about my feelings and decide about yours by yourself. Every single new thing I learn about you makes me hope that there's some more time to know much more, to fall some more. I swear I wanted so hard to shake my fears away and open up to you about this in person, but as my voice fails courage I hope my writings at least let you feel my honest intentions... Oh, right, the point of the letter...
Would you give me permission to know more about you, and fall even harder? I promise I won't be your cry baby.
[ ] yes
[ ] no
From: Lee Heeseung
You get up and grab a pencil to mark your choice, get your phone to take a photo and send it to him without any text or context...
[ ✗ ] yes
[ ] no
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pancake404 · 1 month
Theo and Sam
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Meet Theodore and Samuel.
The two orphans experimented into being Catnap and Dogday(BBI).
Samuel Lee:
Age - 8
"Death" - Was announced adopted before being sedated and experimented on.
Experiment - 1190
Toy - Dogday
Samuel is social and friendly, he's well knows among the other orphans and well-liked. Despite being eight, he already was showing signs of positive leadership which is why Playtime decided to select and greenlight him to be the candidate for Bigger Body Dogday. He was easy to work with and was very friendly to the staff as he was oblivious to the dark nature of Playtime Co.
Samuel Lee was mentioned in the VHS tape featuring him being announced adopted. I believe this was one of the ways they covered up when an orphan goes missing as now the other orphans would think they just got adopted and that's they're gone. The reason why I labeled him as oblivious to Playtime Co. was because Dogday calls us an angel which is a bit weird because it had been implied that the protagonist/player/"Angel" had done bad stuff in the past and had involvement with the experiments which counts Dogday himself.
Theodore Grambell:
Age - 7
"Death" - He attempted to escape but a malfunction with the green hand caused Theo to be electrocuted which in this version, also blew up the machinery causing further damage and burns.
Experiment - 1188
Toy - Catnap
Theodore is more reserved and quiet as he avoids interaction with the staff and even other orphans. Although reluctant at first, Theo's only friend is the Prototype but he still appreciates Samuel Lee's company as he's one of the only other orphans that tries to cheer him up or help him. Unlike Sam, he's more aware of the experimentations thanks to the Prototype's warnings and information which because of that, he's both scared and wary of the staff and doesn't try to open up to them or interact with them at all. He is also troubled from his past.
Theo a lot of the time, is just quietly observing everyone. I imagine him to often feel hopeless as the reality that the orphanage he's now trapped in will eventually experiment him and turn him into a toy. Because of this, he's blank-faced and stoic as he just tries to live through each day knowing that anytime he's forced asleep by the red gas through the air vents, it might be the last time he wakes up as Theodore.
In this version(I guess you can call it that), the reason why Catnap left Dogday hanging there without legs is with his mixed feelings. Dogday was a decent leader-role and did take care of the other Smiling Critters but when Playtime Co. saw this, they realized that if they managed to control Dogday, they can more easily control the group as the Smiling Critters try to avoid listening to Playtime Co's orders. However, although they were able to manipulate Dogday, it wouldn't fool Catnap as he started distancing himself away from Dogday because in his eyes, Dogday was now on the side of Playtime Co. The ones that hurt them. Despite this, Catnap still appreciated Sam/Dogday's company so it was a jumbled mix between liking and disliking him.
Catnap ripped Dogday's legs off before tying him up in the cell instead of killing him. Not because this is what he often does(he mostly just kills them, not torture them) but it was mixed emotions between hating him more than other heretics but still liking him more than other toys.
Of course...none of this canon but just my version so I hoped you like it.
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hellfirecvnt · 4 months
Hellfirecvnt Masterlist
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Started: 5/12/24
Last updated: 6/28/24
Total Works: 24
Fandoms: Stranger Things, Vice Principals, The Righteous Gemstones, Fallout
Stranger Things- (I no longer write for ST.)
Eddie Munson:
Y'know I Knew a Guy Like You. (Eddie x Y/N, but Y/N talks like Theo Von) A silly adventure. No smut.
"Your Sister is Hot." (Eddie x Fem!Harrington!Reader) You're Steve's hot sister and Eddie is down bad. Yes smut.
...Yet (Eddie x Fem!Reader) A pool hangout feat. the whole gang turns steamy after a few shots and a game of Two Truths, One Lie. Yes smut.
Second First Time (Eddie x Fem!Reader) You lost your virginity to a guy who couldn't make you cum. Eddie can fic that. Yes smut.
She's Got a Boyfriend, Anyway. (Eddie x Fem!Reader) Your friendship dynamic changes when you start dating Billy Hargrove. Yes smut.
Let Me See You (Sub!Eddie x Fem!Reader) Eddie's got a kink you didn't know about. Yes smut.
Finish What You Started (Perv!Eddie x Fem!Reader) A night of truth or dare awakens a need in Eddie that his pervy little heart will do anything to satiate. Yes smut.
Where Have You Been All My Life? (Dom!Eddie x Fem!Henderson!Reader) You're Dustin's beloved big sister who happens to be a perfect parallel of his friend, Eddie. Yes smut.
You're Mine (Eddie x Fem!Reader) Eddie goes with you to get a tattoo. He's horny. Yes smut.
Claimed (Eddie x Fem!Reader) You're new at Hawkins and Eddie has already made his claim, you just don't know it yet. Yes smut.
Innocence Lost (Eddie x Fem!Reader) Corruption kink type beat. Yes smut.
Innocence Lost Pt. 2 (Eddie x Fem!Reader) Part 2 of 2. Yes smut.
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson:
Interruption (Steve x Fem!Reader x Eddie) Eddie barges in on your time with Steve. Yes smut.
People Pleaser (Steve x Fem!Reader x Eddie) Eddie likes to see how far you'll go for him. Yes smut.
Billy Hargrove:
It's Personal (Billy x Fem!Reader) Billy's been an ongoing bully/ nuisance in your life since you met. He's acting a little different after finding out you've been hurt. No smut. (Part 2 coming soon)
Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, and Eddie Munson:
What are You Thinking Drinking About? (Billy, Steve, Eddie x Fem!Reader) You and your friends hang out pretty regularly. You've known each other for a long time and have a lot of history since meeting in high school. Some of the group can't make it to the hang out one night, and there's a weird tension between you and the ones who do show up. Yes smut.
Vice Principals-
Lee Russell:
•••Series 1:
First Trip (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 1) You're the new secretary at NJH. You've caught Lee's eye, but disaster strikes before anything can be done about it. No smut.
The Foundation of Learning (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 2) A dream changes things and Lee plots Belinda's downfall by framing a teacher. No smut.
Teacher Work Day (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 3) "Is that bitch pissing on that cop car?" No smut.
Preoccupied (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 4) A plan is hatching, sure. You and Lee can't stay focused. What are you two thinking about? Yes smut.
Light my Fire (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 5) Your plan goes awry. Tensions are high. What's everyone gonna do about it? Ooh. Yes smut.
•••Series 2:
Subordinate (Lee x Fem!Reader) (Pt. 1) North Jackson High has a new principal and your coworkers are not coping well. XOXO. No smut.
The Righteous Gemstones-
Baby Billy Freeman:
Hallelujah, What a Payday (Baby Billy x Fem!Reader) Baby Billy's on the search for his next co-star. Yes smut.
Prewar Cooper Howard:
Hard to Get (Cooper x Fem!Reader) It's been a new experience being cast in the lead of the latest Hollywood movie. What's even more nerve-wracking is your far-more-famous-than-you co-star. After you can't seem to sell the chemistry between you to the director, you're pushed to spend more quality time with your cohort. Yes smut.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Hi, Lee! Your AUs have given me many brainworms so I thought I'll share my brainworms in retaliation XD
No capes actor AU
Bruce inherited his love for theater and acting from Alfred. He's usually shy, awkward and a nervous wreck (think Battinson) but once he's behind a camera, he plays his role flawlessly. He can be the confident and gentle prince charming, the suave and flirtatious rogue or the cruel and sadistic monster. It doesn't matter, as long as the camera is rolling, Bruce Wayne is in character.
An important thing to note is that Bruce Wayne is unbelievably attractive. So, you have an attractive actor playing all these hot characters, what do you do? Create thirst traps obviously!
The kids suffer for it. Bruce keeps winning 'The Hottest Man Alive' and they can't even read reviews of movies their dad is acting in because all the comments are about how sexy he is. They're scrolling through twitter and suddenly someone tweets about the veins on Bruce Wayne's arms.
STOP! Their dad is lovable, innocent and sweet. Stop corrupting him with your lust!
Bruce stopped accepting romance roles because his kids begged him to (in an attempt to stop the thirst) but it got worst! They tell him to mention them in every one of his rare interviews (he's very shy so he doesn't do much interviews) to signal that he's a dad and very unavailable and the internet loves a DILF so you can guess what happened. They can't win. No matter what they do, people keep thirsting over their dad.
The kids are suffering and Bruce? Mr 'please don't perceive me' Wayne? He straight up blocked every mention of himself on the internet so he sees none of it. He told the kids to do the same but they wanted to read about how much people love their dad (they're very proud of him) so they endure the daily psychic damage and simply suffer.
If I may add
BECAUSE he's a highly requested actor who's almost always in the headlines, Bruce can't see his babies as much as he wants to, so all those mother henning instincts can't be bottled up.
Bruce earns himself the reputation of being the Mom Friend to his co-stars.
There's a viral video somewhere of him doing Harley's make up for her because she claims only he can do it right, and a video of him feeding Selina yoghurt, and tying Harvey's shoelaces between takes if they film a project together
Personally, a huge fan of the " actors who play assholes but are in fact the biggest sweethearts " breed, so I'm gonna need the villains being cute as fuck behind the scenes.
If they're doing an intense fight scene, Bane apologizes to Bruce continuesly because the guy insists on doing his own stunts. Bruce always giggles between being patched up and pats his arm
Damian refuses to be left at home, and there's absolutely a viral video of tiny damian wayne jumping to kick and punch at Clark's leg (who plays Gray Ghost's rival in the movie) when he " attacks" Bruce and it made everyone's day
Selina accidentally injures Bruce the MOST and there's compilations of her accidentally kicking him straight in the jaw, or punching him, or dropping stuff on him, and looking impossibly guilty about it. " I'm sorry - I'm so sorry baby" and Bruce of course always is like " It's okay :D"
Bruce's trailer is everyone's hang out spot. He does instagram lives where he talks about theory and lore and technicalities, and there's just someone or someones always there!!
Diana practising sword fighting, Harley doing tik tok dances, Pam watering the flowers he gets everywhere they go in full Mother Nightmare get up, and they're just there to see him blush and mumble at the thirsty comments
Also the batkids are jealous of every single on screen child Bruce films with, because he's so affectionate and loving with them. Jason's twitter is just him dunking on every single child co-star and he's not at all sorry about it
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lazyveran · 5 months
Heyyyy how is it going? I had a question about the political marriage au.
You talked about how jealous katara is of tylee, is it because tylee is azula’s ex (or even someone azula had intimate relationship with)? Or cause tylee is a tease and clingy to azula but azula is oblivious cause it’s tylee she had always been like this.
How is the relationship between tylee and azula in your au?
Thanksss for this amazing au I can’t wait to read the fic.
SO. i have many thoughts on this. my personal fun time hc characterisation for ty lee is that she's kind of (insanely incredibly) toxic when it comes to attention seeking and personal relationships. my idea of ty lee is that she endlessly chases attention - any attention, good or bad - and drops anything and everything once she thinks she's not getting enough/losing/getting bored of said attention. however she IS locked in for life to her childhood friendships with azula, mai and zuko because they afford her the only stability she's ever really had. essentially, shes co-dependant on the group and a toxic, flaky attention-seeker. i LOVE her and her insane brain.
NOW. the way that relates to the azutara au is that ty lee is highkey annoyed azula now has a wife that's taking up her time and emotional investment. very rude. she's grown up with azula and has this possessive attachment to her and to the INTENSE devotion and attention azula gives ty lee (yipeee emotional issues!!). azula is pretty much used to ty lee being like this, it's just one of her normal quirks like auras and whatnot, so she doesnt bat an eye at it. oh ty lee is hanging off her arm directly in front of her wife? that ty lee, she's so silly!
i think im leaning more on the idea they had this really super intense friendship as children (in love with each other and never realised it/said anything) and that kind of carried on/morphed into this strange, a-little-too-close-for-best-friends situation as adults.
katara has to watch in excrutiation as ty lee teases and goads (poking to get attention) while azula defends the damn woman because "this is just how ty lee is" as in she's EMOTIONALLY DUMB and can't see the very obvious weird ass dynamic they have. katara gains a fun new sixth sense called *detect when ty lee is being weirdly intimate with azula* as a result. its very effective
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