#Happy Birthday to a great friend and truly amazing artist
minimutty · 8 months
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I wanna give an absolutely big Happy Birthday to the amazing @ufocraze!!!!! Thank you so much for being patient with me when I waddle into your DMs about Lucius or Raven! You're one of the very first Lucius artists I saw and I'm soo grateful to you for being so kind~ I'm truly appreciative beyond words!
I hope you have a great birthday, an amazing Halloween, and an awesome rest of the year!
Obligatory omake:
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I had an amazing time drawing this, I'm so happy I get the excuse to draw things for friends~~
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So it's my birthday and that means it's also the two year anniversary of me coming onto Tumblr :D it's been a blast and as this is what I did yesterday I want to shout out some of the wonderful people I met and friends I made on the way.
@supremestrangeness whose a brilliant writer and always seems to know how to carry a story endlessly yes...anding my silly whims and ideas. Nat loves the eldritch mess (in all his forms) and I am incredibly glad and ever greatful for your friendship!!
@cherryfinolahobbes anyone who says OC's shouldn't be part of fandoms should go and check out this blog right here. I don't think I've ever seen a muse woven through a fandom with so much care. The mun is just as wonderful, ever patient and happy to listen to my antics while go tackling house hold tasks. I wish we would chat more. I need to make more time for that!! (Also she's got brilliant recepies and food tips, honestly how can you not love that?)
@strxngemxgick I know this muse and mum haven't been around for a while. But they are such an infinitely wonderful and talented person. They've sparked my joy for artistic language and long form posts when there's a partner that matches the enthusiasm and length. I got to explore a softer side and more tragic stories with Nat in all our writing ant it is truly delightful. I hope they will one day decide to come back but even outside of Tumblr the mun is always considerate and so supportive. I'm always happy when they have a minute to chat.
@prplhawk As a fellow country person I am so happy you go along with all the silly AU ideas with a snap of the finger. The mun is amazing and such a flexible writer they catch their muse from silly moments to full fledged angst blood and gore. I miss you!!!! Let's write more crazy AU things!!!
@resignedworkaholics I've literally known nothing about James Bond when I met this lovely Q. And somehow a whole new spy world AU was born. I love the adorable sillyness of these two so much and I'm truly happy we get to write these stories. I know you've got tons going on. But I hope you're well and know you can reach out at anytime.
@ssolessurvivor If you ever need a friend. Logan is the one to call. Again. An amazing OC built and laced into so many worlds with a flexibility that still makes my head spin. I'm having so much fun with this wonderful little flirty friendship thing we have created and I can't wait for you to come back. I hope your wedding goes amazingly and you have the best honeymoon!!!
@seesbetterfromadistance My very first writing partner on this platform. Then he forgot about me XD but that's fine. Part of a very big platform and coming back after a while. I adore your Clint and the way you capture him so effortlessly! The mun is also amazingly talented in his craft and I love it when you share all your fotographs in an excited spam even though I can't always answer simultaneously. I hope that whatever is happening you keep that joy alive :) I don't think I've ever met a person this excited about a cactus in bloom and I am so glad you took me along for the ride (because I was very excited about that cactus then too!!!) I wish you well and hope you return for more writing shenanigans sometime :)
@smertzimy I miss our found fur family. Especially with these two tragic characters. They deserve all the love (and pets) they can get. Watching Eurovision this year has been a blast with the great commentary provided XD and I hope that it will be just as great next year. The mun always finds the greatest memes and pictures and the icons are on point!! I hope you have the grandest time and we find more of it to write again.
@esotericdescent / @thiefofcrows Is absolutely amazing! Please go check out his multimuse if you are even remotely interested in the eldritch and supernatural. But on top of that he is my Main Kaz Brekker (yes I write Inej Ghada on a different blog but this is my blog and my birthday and I get to shout about how much I love whomever I want for as much as I want here.) He is incredibly talented and I adore plotting with him. I am a massive Crows / Literature fan / overall nerd and this mun gets to suffer through it all and meets it with the greatest enthusiasm. I love the stories we built and the complexity I get to write without ever having to think twice if 'its alright to write this' because fuck yes it is!!! Thank you for your friendship and support of all the fun ideas and picture spams you get :)
Regardless of this up there. Thank you if you've stuck around, written, discussed, interacted and lived with me through another crazy year. The world isn't any easier but I know there are safe spaces and people to escape too. Be kind to each other and have a great day. I'm certainly planning on enjoying today to it's fullest (as I try with other days even if it isn't always easy)
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avidoro · 2 years
Holy crap. Finally home safe and sound and I am so ecstatic! First time flying. First time in New York City. First time seeing Beetlejuice the Musical and I loved every flipping moment of it! We had front row seats on September 30th. My friends managed to slap me dead ass center and it was absolutely amazing. I couldn’t be happier having Alex standing literally a foot away from me. He truly is a living cartoon character as I’ve always said and seeing him so close just proves it. He’s has so much expression and his mannerisms are great! I’m not sure what all changes have been noted but a few of the things that got me: He yelled “WAASSUUUUUUUUP!” when he popped out from behind the couch. Gently sticking his finger in Adam’s pocket and swirling it around when he said, “you make daddy so angry”. “Adam, what the shit is wrong with you?”
During his exit he sang “Jason Derulo” and during the second show we saw he yelled “FUCK BRIGADOON!” We had eight people in our front row group and our friend, Marq, was Alex’s target for the evening. We did not forewarn him about this and it was amazing seeing Marq’s reaction. He and his girlfriend absolutely enjoyed it and it was a great birthday gift to her. Marq got a kiss blown to him by Alex at curtain call. Something I’m quite envious of. Marq made sure to blow one back which appeared to make Alex very happy 😆 My friend, Gou, nearly got pelted by the cup that Alex threw which took her off guard, but she wishes it would have landed in front of her. During curtain call I pulled my phone out to record. Elizabeth saw me recording and pointed at me twice while she did her dance at the end! She’s too precious and I absolutely love her! My best friend’s husband, who hates musicals and was not keen on the idea of visiting NYC, only agreed to go see Beetlejuice the Musical because the movie is one of his absolute favorites. He went in expecting disappointment but left laughing and saying he absolutely wants to see it again but only front row. He also absolute adored Alex. In my book this is a total SUCKS YES! We saw the show again on the 2nd. Act 1 was full of goofups but I love seeing goofs in live shows! Almost lost the handbook to the trap door and Alex just stared at it for a minute. It was hanging on by a thread. The squeaky sound effect when Betelgeuse gooses Adam didn’t go off. The suicide note didn’t ignite. Delia’s dress didn’t attach to the pig so her dress never unraveled. Gou told me, during Act 2, the sound effect for Adam knocking on the door at the end of the show didn’t match up to David’s motion. Alex also blessed the audience with a very loud “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” at the end of That Beautiful Sound that had the audience responding similarly 😂 The free swag for Sunday was a slap bracelet lol I didn’t get an October Playbill which made me sad. THEY HAVE SANDWORM PLUSHES NOW!! I also got to go see Curtain Up very close to the front and hear Alex and Elizabeth perform Say My Name. They did a brief interview as well. Alex was a goof, as always, and Elizabeth was just adorable! I took more time, the second show, to really look at the mural. I was dragged back to my own piece by Gou and my best friend’s aunt because they saw someone taking photos of my artwork. They insisted on telling them I was the artist and we had a brief discussion about it. It made me happy hearing that they loved my piece enough to take a photo to send to a friend! I was then asked to take a photo of a family in front of the mural only for my best friend’s aunt to insist they sit in front of my piece. I hate bringing attention to myself but they were so confused as to why she was making them move that I had to explain to them why she was doing it and I apologized. But instead the insisted that I not take their photo but instead get in the photo with them and it was really sweet! I don’t know what else to say except this has been amazing and I’m so happy I got to see it before the show closes in January. I wish I could see it one last time but I will forever cherish what I got.
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cryptofmadness · 2 years
Happy Birthday Will Elder
by Larry Shell
Happy Birthday in Heaven to one of my all-time favorite cartoonists, who was truly a wild and crazy guy, the late great WILL ELDER, born on September 22, 1921 in Bronx, NY!
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Villie was a mainstay of the original MAD Comics where he created some of the most hilarious comics ever published in collaboration with writer and lifelong pal, Harvey Kurtzman! The stuff was dy-no-mite!
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After the fall of EC Comics, the team went on to create and work on Humbug magazine and Help! where they created Goodman Beaver. After the latter mag folded, they accepted an offer from Hugh Hefner and created Little Annie Fanny which ran in Playboy Magazine for many years!
In real life, unless you were part of his inner circle of friends and family, Will was a very quiet, mild-mannered fellow. I had the pleasure of meeting him twice and I wish I could have gotten to know him better as I really was and still am crazy about his work! You could say I'm MAD about it! 😉
Join me in wishing this amazing artist a Happy Birthday!
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tv-eater · 3 months
When I was much younger, probably when I was in year 6 or 7 I joined a discord centered around Minecraft ocs, It was my first real experience in “fandom” and I met so many wonderful people on that server, I doubt they knew my exact age but could guess I was young and I’m forever thankful for how much grace they gave me despite all the “cringy” things I did, it was so fun being able to talk about O.C’s and the members of the discord encouraged me in my pixel art journey. Alongside this it was where I learnt what being nonbinary was! This moment of self discovery certainly helped accept myself quicker then I would have otherwise. There were a few secret santa events I participated in and in kind received some amazing art - which I still have saved - from the friends I had made there!
During that time I joined a few other discord servers, one about the show “epithet erased” where I made one of first truly original characters alongside meeting some wonderful people, we rambled on for hours about the stories we would make and how cool our roleplays where! The other server I had joined was centred around an original project where genres of stories were personified and where trapped in a murder mystery, from what I remembered the story was amazing and the sense of community I had at that time was unmatched.
Aside from discord I played on quite a few minecraft servers, notable one’s including brokenlens and mineplex - sadly both have closed - I made so many friends on brokenlens one in particular became my best friend at that time I still remember how fun it was to go onto all sorts of mini games - they were always better at pvp then me - complaining about school sharing art… they made a few drawings of my persona at the time and I still have them saved. Once, I told her my birthday and she built an entire minecraft world for me to celebrate in.. it's still one of the most heartfelt gestures I’ve ever received. One of the funnest things to do back then was on one of the older lobbies maps on broken lens, you could fall through a hole and make it under the map, it was one of the coolest places to be as a child
I can't recall all the usernames of the people I played with on brokenlens but my username was something like “The Snatcher” as I was obsessed with “ A hat in time” back then.
On a different server which was much more geared towards roleplay I had met a group of people who all roleplayed together frequently and it was great! We would show off our builds to each other and help each other with whatever we were up to.
One particular server I played when I was much younger where I remember making many cringe moments was one that started life out as a skyblock server, before shifting to a factions server before becoming a prison server before its closure, I was not the nicest player to be friends with at that time, and I am forever sorry for all the people who met me atthat time I was truly insufferable.
In terms of player made world, I remember a player whos skin had blue hair invited me to their personal realm, I flexed my newly learnt knowledge of minecraft banners in an attempt to look cool as you do, and they had made a massive hotel which for some reason was in a giant cube of water.
Apart from discord and minecraft I also played murder mysterys, hide and seek, meep city and pokemon brick bronze on roblox religiously I have much fainter memories of this with only the feeling of happiness being clear
I remember my time on deviant art much clearer, It was when the “eclipse” branding was brand new, prior to the AI scandals, I posted a lot of kirby gijinkas and a hat in time art, I followed some amazing artists during those days, some of which I still follow on tumblr.
On the topic of artists I followed I used to be on the social media attached to the game called “Soul Knight” - KTplay which I have just found out has closed down - I was pretty immature - often tracing on that account - despite that I managed to become mutuals with some amazing artists and writers who posted at that time - around 2018 - I managed to follow a few of these artists on deviant art but I am sad to say I’m unsure where the rest of the people I admired have ended up.
My usernames for that time were always something like “MissMischeviouz” or “Miss the artist” . I remember meeting so many people I would play alongside once and never see again alongside the ones I built solid friendships with and I treasure you all to this day.
I miss these times but I wouldn't trade those memories for the world. When the pandemic hit I had a bout of insecurity and decided to leave my old discord account behind alongside the communities I had joined, there are so many wonderful memories on that account - called “localbandit” - having long since been deleted.
I half remember some of the names of the people I was friends with and I wish them the very best, I hope we can meet again in the future in a different time and place and if we don’t I’d like to thank them for being some of the best parts of my life, not to be sappy but I loved you guys
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reviewsbykarla · 1 year
2018 in 10 albums
This was the year that I slept on most albums, but this was also the year where my annual soundtrack dug the deepest. Every song and album I listened to this year on repeat, came to me at a time when I needed it most, when it hit me the hardest. 2018 was truly the most terrible but most amazing year, and I am so, so grateful.
Instead of rating these albums in order of least favorite to most favorite, I will rate them in order of how they impacted my year.
(April - June) Kacey Musgraves: Golden Hour
If I had to chose a number one, it would be this album, because of the moments it got me through. I felt a lot of confusion, fear and uncertainty this year, but I also felt love and adoration and excitement and hope. Kacey Musgraves sings about how she's figured things out a bit, how she's built up even more confidence, but sings it all with this dose of realism that reminds you "life can be really fucking hard and weird but it's also such a blessing to be alive and having real experiences".
Two of my best friends totaled my car at the same time I had this album on heavy rotation. As I raced to meet them hours away in the middle of the night, sobbing and imaging a world in which I didn't have them, getting messages from them apologizing about my car, I kept reminding myself that I have to cherish every second I have with every person that I love. Driving away from the scene, back to reality, with two of the most important people in my life who survived a totaled car with no bumps or bruises, listening to Golden Hour, was really, truly, the most golden hour of my year.
(July-August) Tierra Whack: Whack World
This was the year of podcasts. I always enjoyed podcasts but this year I REALLY enjoyed podcasts. Tierra Whack was an artist I heard about on a podcast, and I was very intrigued. What turned out to be a short, fun, unique album, reminded me that not everything needs to be so serious. Even if it is serious, there is so much lightness in being.
(August-September) Channel Tres EP
Channel Tres came to me right around my birthday. I was feeling good, I was feeling happy, I was definitely ready to finally let loose and party. This EP is fire. I can't listen to it without grooving and smiling. What could have been an EDM album turned into an album reminiscent of the deep house that I always want to hear at the club, but it's so rare to find.
(August-September) Liz Cooper and the Stampede: Window Flowers
I missed Liz Cooper this year. I could have seen her play in June, but I showed up to the concert late because I was busy watching puffins. But I heard she was great, so I kept her on my radar. This album came out not much later, and it brought me back to that weekend in Maine, where I accomplished one big thing I set out to do that year, and said fuck it to everything because I was enjoying every moment of that summer and I was letting myself be happy and seize every moment and feeling that came my way. Liz Cooper's album covers a lot of ground lyrically and instrumentally, and is such an enjoyable listen from beginning to end. It feels and sounds like Maine, and will always take me there.
(September-October) Black Belt Eagle Scout: Mother of my Children
Mother of my Children is one of the most incredible albums of this year. Instrumentally, it's brilliant. Lyrically, you can really feel every word that Katherine Paul lets out. This album is about loss and mourning. You can feel the tragedy, you can feel the pain, you can feel the hope. This album gave me courage.
(October) Adrianne Lenker: abysskiss
Abysskiss gave me the space to reflect on a long, exhausting, painful and rewarding year. Adrianne Lenker has this talent where she can make an album seem so softspoken, but she is cutting through the air with a knife, saying more than you realize. These are the kinds of albums that bring me comfort but also never fail to make me cry.
(October-November) Teyanna Taylor: K.T.S.E.
K.T.S.E. was that album that made me feel like I could do whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted. This modernist soul album is smooth, silky, interesting, exciting, explicit, and everything I wanted to be listening to at that moment. There are moments in this short album where it feels like Teyanna Taylor maybe took on too much too soon, but she executes it with so much confidence that I don't even care. It's fire.
(November) Rick Rude: Verb for Dreaming
Sometimes I get really angry, and all I can do is laugh about it and feel a little rebellious. This album inspires that feeling. It came out right after I saw Rick Rude in concert, and I am still feeling a tiny bit of angst while walking down the street with my headphones on.
(November - December) Mac Miller: Swimming
All of the feelings hit me like a school bus when I started listening to Swimming. The pain, the sadness, the denial, the anger - for everything; for a year I wish never happened, but for a year that made me more whole of a person. I thought about running, I thought about leaving like I usually do. I felt connected to everyone's sadness in a way I had never thought possible.
I felt so much when I discovered this album and I felt closer to those people who were hurting around me. Mac Miller's last album conveys so much emotion, and is so well produced, every note and word digs in to you deep and hard. Also, Thundercat.
(November - December) The Marias: Superclean Vol. 2
Now that the year is almost over, I look back and feel proud that I accomplished many of the things i set out to do. It was the year that I learned just how strong I really am, the year I realized how real my emotions can be, and how much I can convince myself of things that I just make up in my head, of my tendency to self-sabotage. This was the year that I felt everything, and at the end of it I am feeling lucky, happy, more trusting of myself, and just of life in general. Listening to The Marias, this feeling of pure happiness and acceptance washes over me. Their dreamy sound is just that, dreamy, and it makes me all giddy inside. It reminds me that we all really need to take advantage of every fucking second and just enjoy the moments we are in while we are in them, with the people who are here to share them with us.
Thank you :-)
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drunkjaked · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!! We're the same age now omg!! I hope you've an awesome day!!!! I'm actually on a trip right now with my brother so I'll make sure to order some cake to celebrate! I'm sorry about your presentation, it really sucks when you don't do as well as you want 😔 but I'm happy to hear about the guy that's so exciting and he sounds nice!! my classes went well but I'm kind of upset because on one of my final papers I got a way better grade than I deserve and I feel bad for people who tried. I wrote it like half an hour before it was due and actually missed the deadline by a couple minutes so I had to email it to my professor but it was less than half as long as it was supposed to be and didn't have a conclusion and I didn't use actual evidence it was just really bad but I got an a??? And like I shouldn't complain but I will I did not deserve that grade >:( I'm really happy with my necklace, though!!! It's so so pretty and I would share it with you if I could :( I'm not really doing anything for the holidays, I get back from my trip right before Christmas but my older brothers won't be able to come to celebrate with us like they usually do 😔 but we'll call them so it'll be okay. I hope you have fun with your family!!! I'm so dependent on my family idk what I'll do when I move out >.< I actually graduated this semester so I'm done with school?? And I'm starting my career?? Wild. But I'm planning on traveling so I'll have to get used to doing stuff by myself -_- I totally understand about the spotify wrapped I wish you didn't have to go through all that to get the stats and could just see it cause it's a little much. My top artist was Beyoncé because her new album is so good and I can't stop listening it's on loop and my top song... was misery business... I honestly didn't think I listened to it that much but I guess I did. The Disney specials weren't that great now, I really just watched them for the nostalgia but phineas and ferb holds up well I actually watch it a lot... I can match every song to its episode it's kinda sad... but it's fun! Marianne was a really weird show it's about this author whose haunted by some witch demon ghost thing it's really good but it's also super freaky so you probably don't want to watch it... my favourite genres are horror and rom coms which I know is kind of an odd match but idk I've always liked them and they have their own separate appeal 🤷‍♀️ and omg you're going to Paris??? That's so cool!!! I'm actually going next year! Have an amazing time and tell us all about it!!! I think that's everything so have an awesome day!!! -💕
thank you 💕 for the birthday wishes, i truly appreciate it and im glad to be age mates now !!! my day was awesome indeed thank you so much :DDD i hope you guys are having the best time and if you do end up ordering cake i hope it’s the loveliest yummiest cake in the world ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
i have this one friend who’s been studying abroad and i haven’t seen him since september when he left but he came home to surprise me for my birthday and i literally cried so hard it was so so so sweet and i really appreciate him :’))) it sucks he had to go back yesterday though it was great seeing him anyways <3
it was a design project where we had to design and present our idea for a housing estate and i did well in terms of my part of the design and other things i contributed which i’m happy about !!! just sucks i didn’t express it well enough on the day but it’s alright :))) he is really sweet, he ended up calling me to say happy birthday and then we spoke for like 20 minutes about random stuff and caught up a little which was really so so lovely .. sigh 
you got an A??? that’s SUPER impressive on it’s own but especially considering the time frame you had !!! i definitely understand that aspect of feeling bad but it’s over and done with now so don’t beat yourself up too hard ! congrats anyways :DDD 
the necklace is gorgeous honestly, please wear it enough for the both of us hahahahh - you are so sweeeeet !!! 
sorry to hear that your older brothers won’t be able to join you though :( it’s good that you guys will be able to call and chat though and i hope you have a good time nonetheless ! and at least you’re on this trip with your one brother :) 
i actually moved out for my first year but i had to go back home because of covid and everything and i remember being so worried about being away from my family but it’ll be easier than you think when you do end up moving ! don’t worry too much about it 
AND WOWWWWW YOU GRADUATED??? wow wow wow CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO SO MAJOR IM VERY PROUD OF YOU 🥳🥳🥳 and i definitely feel that about finishing everything up.. if everything goes well i’ll be graduating in the summer which is just.. insane to think about – though im looking at applying for a postgrad so i’ll have a little more time :p 
wishing you the best of luck in the world of work when the time comes ! i believe in you 110% :DDD travelling will be so so so much fun ugh my older brotherwent travelling a couple years back and had the best time so i’m hoping the same for you if you’re able to <333 
i actually haven’t listened to her new album yet.. any stand out tracks i should look forward to? OHHHH MISERY BUSINESS oh my gosh i used to listen to paramore all the time that’s so awesome of you wow 
phineas and ferb oh wow i remember loving it so much, such a good theme song as well, AND THAT IS NOT SAD i think it’s really cool actually, i hope to rewatch and be as well versed as you someday :) and wow marianne sounds .. terrifying. but i’m glad you enjoyed it ! 
do you think there’s a market for horror romcom hybrids because rhat would probably be super interesting.. do you have a favourite romcom? 
and oh my god yes i am .. i genuinely can’t believe it :ooo i’m going with my best friend and i’m so so so excited for everything we’ll experience ! extra special because it’ll be our first overnight trip together so im hoping to make the best memories in the world and i’ll for sure talk about it forever and in detail i think 😭😭😭 
so fun you’re going there too, i hope you have the best time and i can’t wait to hear about it !!! 
i hope you have an awesome day too thank u so much and again 🫂🫂🫂
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braincoins · 4 years
The former Kuron is still trying to sort out a lot of things: how to get the Altean Diaspora's machines to work, how to separate himself from Takashi Shirogane, and, most of all, how to deal with the fact that he's falling in love with Romelle.
Fandom: VLD Rating: Teen and up Ships: Ryoumelle Tags: Fluff, Happy Birthday Breezy!, AU, obviously, ‘cause pretty much all my stuff is Fuck Canon nowadays
Author’s Notes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @breezycheezyart​!! You wanted Ryoumelle Fluff, and I am MORE than happy to deliver!! (And thank you, mckinlily for the beta!!)
First of all, anyone reading this should be thinking of Breezy's awesome Romelle, not the VLD one:
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(reposted with permission, please visit The Original Post to leave comments on the awesome art!)
She doesn't usually run around in that lovely formalwear above, but it gives you a good idea of what she looks like (and all her adorable freckles...).
Secondly, this is set in my V:LotD universe (same one as "Yours and Mine", and, in fact, this takes place after that fic). Things to know:
Oriande is a very hard to find planet, one you have to both believe exists and know how to look for in order to find. But anyone who finds Oriande can set foot on it. HOWEVER, the Temple of the Goddess of the Universe won't let just anyone in. It very definitely kept Lotor out, which pissed him off to no end.
Allura and the other Paladins went into the Temple of the Goddess to get Shiro a new arm since the Galra one was actively corrupting him. (Basically just like in "Components.") They discovered that the temple changes every time you walk into it, depending on your purpose (and what the Goddess wants).
The Altean Diaspora - the survivors from Altea's destruction - settled on Oriande 10,000 years ago and have since established a small but thriving colony. Lotor found them when he found Oriande and convinced them he was here to help, did his experiments on them, etc. as in VLD. They have since kicked that moldy eggplant to the curb, thanks in no small part to Romelle, who is the youngest member of the ruling Council, and, of course, Volton and Princess Allura.
This version of Kuron attacked the team when confronted with the real Shiro's return; they managed to subdue him and brought him to the colony on Oriande for help in "deprogramming" him. This effort was successful, eventually. Shiro gave him the name "Ryou Shirogane," and refers to him as the younger twin. Ryou, for his part, has stayed with the Alteans, where he is happy to be useful, even if he feels like he doesn't really fit in and he still struggles with the fact that he was created for evil.
Ryou's hand is still the one he got from Haggar (compared to Shiro's new Altean one).
I think that covers everything, but if you're confused about things, let me know in the comments! ^_^
(4,544 Words - on Ao3)
Teaser below cut:
           He’d kept those feelings to himself successfully for months on end, but then, one night at the Lost Princess public house, Romelle had asked him, over a plate of roast wrestrel, “How’s it going with Dynart?”
           And he’d spilled it all out, all his frustrations over not-really-merged techs and the headaches of it and how he wished he could do something more about it, but he wasn’t even a decent engineer yet, let alone a Sacred Altean. And when he realized he’d just spewed all of that out over what was supposed to be a nice dinner together, he cleared his throat and apologized.
           Romelle just laughed and patted his hand. “You don’t have to be sorry!”
           “I didn’t mean to… we were supposed to be enjoying the evening together, and I…” He liked evenings with Romelle best. She’d been the first to accept him, to believe in him, and for all her outer softness, she had a spine of steel. She didn’t back down, didn’t give up, and her smile was contagious. To him, anyway. So the thought that he had ruined a good dinner with her pained him.
           But she was smiling, and so he had to smile, too. Just a little. Her voice was gentle as she said, “Sounds like you had to vent that to someone. I’m honored you consider me enough of a friend to vent to me about it.”
           Enough of a friend. Sure, he’d go with that.
           “I feel like I can tell you anything,” he admitted quietly.
           Her smile widened and a little blush sprung up in her cheeks. This was another problem he’d been dealing with: she was adorable, sweet, kind, sometimes flirty, and he had trouble unsticking his eyes from her (especially the cute freckles all over her… and her chest… and the freckles on her chest) sometimes. He had memories of… of Being With someone else, but they weren’t his. And he didn’t know how to go about saying to her, I want to make my own memories with you.
           But she was on the Council, and he knew that he was some strange object of pity to most of the colony. He didn’t fit in, and she could do a lot better than the Black Paladin’s redeemed monster clone. He was happy just to spend time with her, to have her smile infect him and her spirit lift him up.
           “Thank you,” she said, patting his hand again before pulling it back to resume eating. “But you’re not wrong about how a Sacred Altean would be a big help.”
           “Winter’s coming,” he replied, pushing the remnants of his food around on his plate. “The colony’s heating systems aren’t going to be able to handle the load without an occasional boost or an overall upgrade. And as good as it is to be rid of Lotor, he was the one bringing us replacement parts. We could probably ask the Princess and the Paladins, but there’s no guarantee they can find us the parts we’d need if that happened.
           “We figured out a work-around for now, but one bad storm could overload it and fry the whole thing. And we just don’t have the parts to replace it all.”
           She nodded. “Dynart’s reported on that to us.”
           “I just want to fix it, to make it better, but I can’t.” He set his spork down and sighed. “I don’t like feeling useless.”
           “No one does. But it’s not just you. I can’t fix this situation either.”
           He thought for a long moment. “What would the Alteans of old have done in this situation?”
           “Not been in it in the first place?” she said wryly. “But it’s not a bad question. Probably… probably have gone and asked the Goddess what to do.”
           “Well, why can’t we do that? There’s that temple.”
           “That no one can get into.”
           “Princess Allura got into it,” he reminded her.
           “She’s Sacred.”
           “And the paladins.”
           “We could at least try?” he asked. “Unless you just don’t want to take that long a walk with me?”
           She snorted and rolled her eyes, but she was smiling again. “You know that’s not true. I love spending time with you.”
Oh, so that’s what it feels like when your heart ‘skips a beat’. He cleared his throat.
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
Inside of Your Light
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Pairing: Jeff Wittek x Plus Size Model! Reader
Summary: The vlog squad threw you a special surprise for your birthday, including a big present that may change your life.
a/n: songfic What Have I Done by Dermont Kennedy
You woke up around 7 o'clock in the morning when your phone rang. You groggily grab it and see that your boyfriend, Jeff, started to facetime you. "Hello?" you whispered as your eyes tried to pry open.
"Happy Birthday, baby girl." Jeff said brightly, making you blush.
"Aww, thank you, Jeff. But why did you call me so early in the morning?" You joked as you started to sit up on your mattress. "Sorry, I'm at the gym at the hotel and I thought you'd be awake right now." Jeff replied sheepishly. Jeff got offered a brand deal in New York so he wasn't able to celebrate your special day in LA.
"It's ok, I was meaning to get dolled up a bit before Carley and Erin pick me up to get our nails done." You started to yawn as it made Jeff's heart melt a bit. "You're so cute when you wake up." he said, admiring how the sun hits the back of your head.
You smirk back at the screen as you playfully roll your eyes. “And to everyone else in the world, I’m Frankenstein coming back from the dead.” Jeff laughed harder as he smiled at you. “I gotta go and wrap my reps. Just wanted to wish my best girl an amazing day.” You blow him an air kiss as he winked back. “Love you, babes.” You said as you got out of bed. “Love you more,” Jeff said before he hung up the call.
You take a deep breath and thought how lucky you were to be with a guy like Jeff. You and Jeff joined the vlog squad around the same time a few years back. You were a plus-size model for a few companies like Fashion Nova and Pretty Little Thing. Once you started off your YouTube channel, Carley saw your videos and dmed you on Instagram to hang out sometime. You met up at a lunch with the group and she introduced you to everyone, but somehow caught Jeff’s eye.
The whole time, you and Jeff started to hit it off. Then with a lot of flirting and calling each other late at night, you both decided to make it official. Jeff thought you would turn him away due to his past, but you truly accepted him for his journey, even if it wasn’t pretty. Now you were going strong for about three years, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
After you’ve gotten ready, Erin texted you that they were outside. You head out and enter their car as they began filming. “Hey, guys! We just picked up our queen, happy birthday!” You smile brightly as you buckle in the back. “Thank you guys!” you said. Carly turns back to you and gives you your favorite Starbucks drink and a cake pop. “Thought you could use a little sugary treat to start the day.” You make a small pout from the gesture, thanking her again.
On your way to the nail salon, you guys start talking about David’s latest antics as well as a fancy restaurant that just opened that you really wanted to try. The girls make a face at the camera but you didn’t make of it as you arrived at your appointment. Carly switches off the camera as you all started heading out of the car.
Once you were all done, you all started to fan over the amazing job of your nail artists (which you all generously tipped) and decided to go out for lunch. “Are we still clubbing tonight?” Carly asked as she sipped her Seltzer. You nod yes as you finished a bite of your appetizer. “Yep, I’m so excited to wear this cocktail dress Jeff gave me before he left. I just wished he was here to celebrate.” You said, fumbling with the end of a napkin in front of you.
The girls give you a sympathetic look, knowing how much you’ve been missing him the past couple of days. Even after they changed the subject, all you could think of was Jeff. But after a good meal and a little site seeing, you started to feel a bit better. The girls dropped you home so you could relax before clubbing the night away.
Right when it hit evening, you began getting ready as you curled your hair and did your makeup just right. You slipped on the dress Jeff gave you that adored every curve on your figure, silently thanking your boyfriend for his taste in fashion.
You suddenly hear a knock at the door, thinking it's one of the girls. You unlock the door and open it to reveal no other than your very well-dressed boyfriend. "Jeff! You're back!" You screamed as you gave him a crushing hug, later kissing him. "Hey, doll." Jeff whispered as you took his breath away, taking out a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"What are you doing back home?" You asked, still dazed that's actually at your doorstep. "C'mon, did you really think I was going to miss my best girl's big day?" He questioned with a twinkle in his eye. You roll your eyes and hug him again, truly blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend.
"I'm here to pick you up to your destination, shall we?" He offers his hand that you gladly took it. He helps you in his car as you both drove off to the main road with his hand on your upper thigh. You notice that he doesn't take the road to the club. "Babe, I think you missed a turn." you told Jeff who was smirking even more at your cluelessness. "Don't worry dolI, I know where I'm going." he takes a hold of your hand and kisses your knuckle as you blush harder.
He then parks in a parking lot and goes out of the car to open your door. Before you could actually take in your surroundings, Jeff shielded your view. "Hey! Jeff seriously, where are we?" you lightly scolded him. "You gotta trust me now, okay?" you agreed as you grumbled under your breath. With a few more steps, you start to enter a doorway that was decorated with...
Jeff takes his hands off and you see all of your friends surrounding you. "Happy Birthday!" they all screamed out loud. You smile from ear to ear as Jeff wrapped his arms around your waist. Utterly shocked, you did your best to express your happiness but you were beyond speechless.
You suddenly realized that the place you were in was the restaurant you've desperately wanted to try and you turn around to Jeff who was beaming at your joy. "All for you, baby girl." his husky voice told you as you hugged him, pecking his face with kisses. Then, all of your friends ushered you both in to dine and dance. You saw how the entire restaurant had accents of rose gold decorations, as well as your friends wearing the same color palette.
Although this surprise was really touching, something was bothering you. Usually, they would throw parties like these for David, so why would they celebrate something big for you?
Later on, you all ate the most mouth-watering food as well as dancing to your favorite songs. Once they take out the birthday cake, you lose sight of Jeff. You ask Carly where he is but she brushed it off, saying that he's probably getting you a drink. As you started to dish out the cake, David stood up and clinked a knife to a glass.
"Hey everyone! If I could get your attention please." David shouted as the whole party calmed down. "There is a special surprise waiting outside on the back patio for our birthday girl, so could our celebrant please wear a blindfold?" Everyone started to cheer except for you. "I swear David if it's a wild animal..." you warned him but it was too late. One of the guys used a long fabric to cover your eyes, guiding you outside.
They take off the blindfold to reveal your boyfriend standing in front of you. You don't understand what's going on until you see a flower arch in the back of him, with a message illuminating "Marry Me." You gasp lightly as you cover your mouth with your eyes starting to water.
Jeff takes your shaking hands into his, ready to start his speech. “I wasn't really in New York for a brand deal, I was picking up your birthday gift.”
He then lowers himself on one knee, taking out a small pastel pink box to reveal a beautiful gold band decorated with transcendent diamonds. Both of you start to cry, but Jeff is literally a mess as he tries to finish his words.
“Before I met you, I thought I’d be better off alone. Now, my soul has been torn and reborn, started breathing for the very first in my life. As I’m standing in front of you, I wanna get it right for once.
Oh, believe me when I say I've been knocked out and beat but this feeling is fleeting. Even this morning, I've been thinking 'bout the way you smile golden…I want to move inside of your light.
I never thought I needed saving, I was right where I should be Good God, I know it's dangerous, but it's you that I need I'm in love this time. So, do you wanna be mine forever?”
You uncover your mouth and shake your head.
"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes." you said. The waterworks literally overcame both of you as he slid the ring around your finger, getting up to kiss your lips. Your friends cheer as they close up to you, firing confetti cannons into the air. You look up to Jeff as you wiped away his happy tears away from his face.
No words were exchanged, but you could tell through his eyes that he was forever grateful for you to be a part of his life. You both kiss again, ending the night with great friends and memories that will forever last in the video Joe has been recording for Jeff's channel (which trended 14 million on YouTube for a whole month).
You were the light in his life and he will bask in it for eternity.
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xanzusx · 2 years
Ahhh I'm feeling emotional. 2021 was a difficult year for most of us so having the opportunity to interact with wonderful people in the Moomin fandom truly made most of my days better. Thank you for all the laughs, all the support, the sweet comments and crazy ideas.
I always joke about how joining the fandom was a mistake because 1. I spend a lot of time in here and 2. It possessed like 90% of my brain. But genuinely? Joining it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, and this is where I want to go with this post: The canon media isn't the reason why I'm so invested in this fandom (I haven't even read all the books!), it is the people I met here who have made my experience here the best thing that could have happened to me in 2021, and the reason why I would love to stay here for even longer.
I don't usually tag people in tagging games, so I want to use this special occasion to do a BIG post mentioning almost all the people I'm talking about.
This is LOONG so I'll use a Read more link. Please do tell me if you feel uncomfortable being mentioned so I can edit this
@krillbeans KRILL! One of the funniest persons I have ever met, multitalented and incredibly creative, it's like a party every time you are around. If I talk to you I take my tea with no sugar, the sweetness of your words and voice is more than enough
@floretfall Floret <3 <3 The sweetest person with a chaotic side that only a few fortunate get to know, the perfect combination! You have to know, your nice tags have made the day to a lot of us, you are truly wonderful!!
@regina-dei-fiori Reggieee, same braincell comadre. Embodiment of Wholesome and an incredible friend, I -need- to eat tacos with you at least once in my life. And your poetry! Las veces que lo he leído me llegan al alma, cañon (also, did you know you were one of my first followers? <3) 
@iemondropsss Eden! You must be the friendliest person I have ever met, I seriously admire you So Much. The fandom wouldn't be the same without you, your creations and your vibes bring happiness to anyone who gets to cross paths with you. 
@hanekdrawsmoomins Hanek dearest, I LOVE your sense of humor, you truly make me laugh like no other person, and I LOVE^2 your art. I'm so lucky to have such an outstanding artist and amazingly sweet person like you as a friend *sobs* ily
@laughinsohard1 Happy birthday Uncle!! I'm forever grateful to you for including me in the Church, I wouldn't be here without you. Great memes and amazing song recommendations are your specialty
@drmaroon Dez! You are so chill that, istg, I still can't believe that you were part of the most chaotic times in the church hahaha you are awesome! Also an incredible artist, your OC is so cuteee and you have a sharp eye for earthy color palettes
@phoena12 BaBean, my face when near you - >🥺 no joke, I couldn't stop smiling for a whole day after reading your fluff fics (coughcough andyoursmutworks cough) I'm a simp for you, you incredibly talented sweetheart /plat you deserve all my hugs
@laecandraw Shibumi!! Supportive like no other and incredibly talented artist. My longest fanfic exists thanks to you *hugs* I would have left Tumblr long ago if you hadn't been here, really, just seeing your username in my notifs is like a serotonin shot. TQMuchisimo!
@finsterniswastingtime Having you as a friend is scientifically proved to be good for your health. Positivity in bold and very wise human being, great conversations are always assured with you. Your analysis of the characters 10/10, your soothing voice 100/10, your vibes 100000/10
@hunsakura I just looove your energy Hunsa, your excitement is contagious in a positive way. You are also SO creative, I could go forever about how awesome your OCs are and how much I smile when I read your tags
@stormy-nights-are-best I feel like we have been friends even if we have never talked in dm hahaha, you are just that amazing! Your art is like a tender hug to my heart and I smile enormously when I read your fanfics because I can FEEL the emotional connection between the characters
@annzybwrites I joined Tumblr so I could follow you so that says a lot! I have thought of you as an AMAZING writer since ever, but when I heard your voice I, no lie, I felt the excruciating need to run to your country, hold you by the shoulders and scream. Goshhh, your talent truly has no limits
@mumrikpaws Mums! Amazing music taste and even more amazing art, I know we haven't talked a lot but I still wanted to include you because you are a HUGE inspiration as an artist. Knowing someone with similar opinions on fandom stuff is so liberating
@smokeys-house Smokey, QUEEN, you feed my Tumblr blog with the best quality posts. I'll keep repeating it, if there was a zombie apocalypse you would be the first I would ask to join my team, please teach me how to be as cool as you 🥺
@a-beautybeast Alex <3 I always have LOTS of fun when we talk in the LCL (lmfaoo, I'm using this name because it's harder to guess) it's odd how we haven't known each other for long yet I would kill to give you a hug/pos you are just so cute aaah
Mutuals who I haven't interacted a lot with, but always give me serotonin with their notifs and amazing art ❤️❤️❤️ whenever I log in and see your posts I feel so happy that I felt the need to include you so I could thank you for being awesome, you are so talented! @hamuletta @nintooner @chlo-le-mouton @gummydamie @littlemystolemypie
+a few friends who preferred not to be mentioned/ have a private account but who I appreciate a lot ❤️.
I began writing this a few months ago so unfortunately I had to delete a few mentions because they already left the fandom or have inactive accounts :') Oh well, let's see what this new year brings us!
(gosh I really hope I haven't forgotten anyone. If I did I'm sorry ;;)
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alleichech · 2 years
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I haven’t posted in a while but who cares? lmao
Happy birthday to Reincarnationtale, a truly amazing comic of an undertale AU created by my close friend @felestina-stilton! I think it doesn’t get enough attention it deserves so click ^ that nametag and make sure to follow this cool artist and also the official AU tumblr page @reincarnationtale-official. (It’s anniversary was actually yesterday but who am I? a great artist who plans their schedule properly? nah (sorry Felya lmao) 
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djarinsbeskar · 2 years
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Happiest of Birthdays to our darling @literallydontlook who has brought untold joy to the fandom through her art, presence and friendship!
Your gifts are enroute but to accompany them, we have a few sneaky extras starting with messages from everyone who made this little project possible!
If you want to leave B a birthday message, feel free to reblog this post so she can see them all together in one post!
From @jazzelsaur
Dearest B — Happiest of birthdays to you! You are always such a delight on my dash; from sharing your incredible talent through your art, your perspectives on things that make me pause and take a moment to think, to being so incredibly supportive of others here, I’m always happy to see you around. I hope your special day is filled with all things wonderful: friends and family, good food and drinks, and lots and lots of love.
From @heartsofbeskar
my sweet bumblebee❤️🐝 you came into my life unexpected but i'm so grateful you did. your beauty and kindness and talent shine from every pore of you, and i hope you have the best of birthdays like you deserve, and the sun shines bright and warm just for you! p.s. i hope petey grants you snuggles today as well. love you to bits my wife! -olive (heartsofbeskar)
From @radiowallet
Dear B- Happy happiest of birthdays to you! Seeing you on my dash never ever fails to make me smile! Your amazing art and talent continues to amaze me. But even more than that you are so kind, so supportive, and you deserve to have a day of love and pampering, food and drink, and all the things your heart desires! Biggest hugs and birthday wishes to you, sweet B.
From @asta-lily
Beloved B!! Beautiful friend, artist, writer, purveyor of sweet porn, devoted dog mama - the list goes on! You are the sweetest ray of light, wise voice of reason, and wonderful cheerleader for us all and I am so grateful to know you. I am always so eager to hear your perspective on ANYTHING, because your outlook on issues and life is always so realistic yet inspiring, you just have this way in the world that is really comforting to hear about... How you cram all of that wonderfulness and huge galaxy brain into that tiny body of yours, I'll never know. Have the best birthday! You deserve to be spoiled rotten, and then spoiled some more. Love you lots Bee 🐝💛
From @ronnieiswriting
Happy, happy birthday BumbleBee!!! I'm so greatful that you decided to not only share your porny art, but also embrace the swarm of us that absolutely died over your hard work and skill! You are well and truly one of the greatest members of this community- and not only for your work but because you've got a huge heart too!! Chatting with you about anything is always uplifting and I always know I can share anything with you and you'll understand 🥺 I wish I wasn't on the other side of the world because I'd love to give you a big hug but a virtual one will have to do! Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing birthday, Bee- you deserve it 🥳💖-ur Aussie wife, Ronron
From @djarinsbeskar
My dearest B! I'm so glad that I can celebrate another Pisces' birthday for one of the single most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of not only knowing, but being friends with! You never cease to amaze me with the depth of your compassion, the selflessness of your support and the unwavering bundle of loveliness that makes my day brighter with just your name popping up on discord! I could ramble on for hours about how you use your insane gifts to show writers how much you enjoy their work, or how you're no one trick pony (I still haven't recovered from that Rex fic ok), or how you breathe life and a steady perspective on things that can seem daunting and difficult and make them so much more easy to overcome. I can't even count how many times you've got me off the ledge with just your friendship and I can't express how grateful I am to you. I thank all the smutty gods and goddesses for putting you in my path and enriching my life to the point that your presence is so intrinsically linked to everything I love and enjoy. (basically you're stuck with me soz for that) I cannot WAIT to see what you think of your gifts that are on their way to you now. Know that you deserve it all and more for being a true beacon and inspiration for all of us.
Love you lots honeybee~~~ 🐝🧡
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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photosworthseeing · 3 years
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Blog recommendation of the month - interview
1. When and how did you start to become interested in photography?
I think I should thank my father for bringing photography into my life. I remember, wherever we went, he always had a cam with him. He was also amateur, but he knew all technical issues and tips. He often gave me his cam just for fun, but later he encouraged me to go on. He gave me my first camera - super stylish black Sony Cyber Shot with sliding panel. But I think it was just a toy. On my 14th birthday, I’ve got my 500D Canon, with the help of which I made most of my pics. That was the beginning of my trip into photography when I started reading books on this topic, watching artwork of others, and searching for inspiration. And I’m still traveling through this fantastic world of photography, though I’ve started more than 10 years ago.
2. If you’d have to describe yourself as a photographer in one sentence, what would that sentence be?
Always doubting and super self-critical amateur photographer
3. You shoot with analog and digital cameras, what is the difference for you? And why do you decide for one or the other?
I am totally for digital photography. This is a tool which helps me to create beautiful scenes and catch fleeting moments. The greatest advantage of this kind of photography is its flexibility. You are the master of the process. And analog photography is just a game for me. Yes, you can feel “the soul” in the film, every shot is unique, but you are helpless to change anything if something goes wrong. It’s kind of extreme sport, where you don’t know the outcome. That’s why I admire photographers creating analog work so much, they are real artists for me.
4. One part of your photography are self portraits, what draws you into this kind of photography?
I’ve never made self portraits until 2020 when the quarantine started. As we all remember, after few months it became really boring to spend the whole days at home, doing everything and nothing, seeing the same things and people. So many of us started to think about new hobbies and activities. One of my good friends and also great photographer inspired me to try self portrait photography. I started. And I will never forget my first photoshoot in the dark bathroom with a bright red light from the projector. I felt so amazing! Who could think that you don’t need studio and special light and equipment to create something cool and catchy just at home! Since that I’ve made many different series, some of them you can see here on Tumblr.
5. What is the biggest difference in your approach when you’re doing portraiture compared to self-portraiture?
I am not good at portrait photography. Really. I share some pics here, but it was just a big big luck to get this result. I don’t have this skill to see the person in front of the camera, I can’t feel them. Mostly I’ve made photos of my friends, so maybe it was a little bit easier, but still it’s a great challenge for me to make a good portrait. And if we talk about self-portraiture, it’s 100% about self-expression. I love to see how my face and body convey what I feel inside. There is always just me and the camera. Nobody can disturb us. It’s a private talk and intimate moment. There is always a difference between how we see ourselves and how people around us see us. For me self portrait helps to reveal the real image of oneself.
6. What is the fascination in macro and abstract photography for you?
The greatest fascination in these two genres of photography for me is the miracle they can create. I love it so much when you see some abstract or macro artwork.. and for the first seconds you don’t truly understand what you’re looking at! That’s fantastic! These pics draw your attention, they intrigue you and after realizing the truth you feel cheated, but happy. Also macro and abstract photography allow  to see the beauty everywhere, especially in tiny ordinary things we would never notice. My greatest love is water drops on the flowers. Sometimes I think it’s boring and so predictable, but.. look how beautiful and elegant flower petals look with transparent shining water drops touching them softly!  
7. What is it that you want to tell the viewers with your photographs?
When I got older, I realized that our world is so imperfect and it would never be perfect no matter how hard we try to change it. But this fact doesn’t make our life ugly. Life is beautiful and stunning in so many different ways! And I want to show this beauty to all the viewers through the fragility of nature. I hope that one of my pic can make someone stop for a moment, cool down, think about life, things around us.
PWS - Stephi
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smoulderingocean · 3 years
Osblaine Week Day 2: Headcanons
My list is long (though far from exhaustive haha- I could really go on forever), so it's under the cut. May we be blessed with more details in the future so we don't have to keep headcanoning them.
Holly is left-handed, just like her Uncle Josh. Nick is deeply moved by this small connection they share, feeling as if Josh lives on in her.
Nick and Holly's birthdays are both in February and are just a few days apart, with Nick's birthday coming just three days after hers. To him she is the greatest possible gift that he could ever receive. And the closeness of their birthdays has a deeper meaning too- his Mum and Josh had August birthdays that were just a few days apart.
Nick's family couldn't always afford it because money was tight and it was hard to get time off of work, but every couple of years they tried to visit Mackinac Island for a week in August to celebrate those August birthdays. Those handful of summer visits are among Nick's most cherished memories because it was the only time that his family was truly happy.
Growing up Nick was really close to his Mum. She was a very gentle, kind, and sweet person, and raised Nick to be the same. She was the head and heart of their household. When she died the Blaine family fell apart. Nick's father and Josh both struggled to function, falling deep into a pit of depression and spiralling further after they were laid off. Seeing no other alternative, Nick, himself deeply depressed, stepped up and tried to fill her place. He never felt like he was enough, because no one could ever replace his Mum.
Because he took on the head of the household role at a very young age, Nick's natural caretaking personality grew stronger, something that follows him for the rest of his life and is part of why he is such a good partner and father.
June sleeps cold while Nick sleeps hot. One night, very early on into their relationship, Nick wakes and looks over at June. He can tell from her face that she is cold and not entirely able to relax enough to sleep more deeply and get enough rest. So Nick gets out of bed and gathers his spare blanket from his trunk, tucking it carefully around her. After a few minutes, he sees June relax and fall more deeply asleep. When she awakens a couple hours later, very well-rested, she is deeply moved by the simple gesture. A gesture that hadn't been given to her in years. From then on Nick has the extra blanket out for her wrap up in. It's unspoken, but to both of them that blanket belongs to her.
Nick is a night owl while June is a morning person. This dichotomy works really well within their relationship as it allows for balance. In the mornings June wakes up early and goes for her run, then gets the kids up and going while Nick makes breakfast. Then at night Nick puts the kids to bed and stays up later than June to read, listen to music, watch tv, or just sit on the balcony and relax.
June enjoys the mornings because they're a new start, while Nick has a harder time with them because getting everyone up and going and out to where they need to be means they'll be apart for most of the day. Meanwhile Nick enjoys nights more because it's a winding down- the family is together and able to spend some quality moments with each other. At night Nick is most able to take care of everyone; there are no burdens or expectations, just love. The nights are peaceful and calming for him. For June, the nights are challenging because she finds it difficult to wind down- she enjoys being busy and being on the go, and the nighttime family rituals are the opposite. Together, Nick and June manage to balance each other out- June's drive and energy get Nick going in the mornings while Nick's tenderness and unwavering support help June wind down and relax at night.
Together, they sleep really well because they feel safe and so their subconsciouses are able to let go and relax. Without the other they struggle to get enough rest.
Nick is the cuddler of the two and really craves those moments in their relationship. The quiet warmth and comfort means so much to him and it's what he really looks forward to each night because he feels safe and loved.
One of June's favourite things to do is to watch Nick read. She finds it -the glasses and the lips pursed in concentration and the emotions on his face- incredibly sexy and she often finds herself unable to resist temptation and ends up distracting him, which Nick enjoys immensely. Nick also knows that she finds the whole thing erotic and so he puts himself into situations where he knows June will notice just what he's doing.
When they were living at the Waterford house, Nick never had to say that June was welcome to read his books, the acknowledgement that she was free to choose went unspoken between them because Nick knew that she didn't need his permission and June knew that she didn't have to ask; it was a natural thing because his apartment is was close to a home that she had in Gilead (he's her home) and so those books were as much hers as they were his.
In the Boston Globe they finally got to spend a lot of real downtime together. There they found many books, dvds, and cds that had been long-banned, left forgotten in the hastily abandoned office tower. In their free hours together they got to be a normal couple. In those hours they found that they both had an unapologetic love for Harry Potter and they enjoyed getting into enthusiastic debates about the subject. (Also, they both agreed that Nick is a Hufflepuff and June is a Gryffindor.) June loves Friends, while Nick teases her that it was before his time and that he preferred Glee, which June hated because she thought the singing was terrible. Both share a love for boy bands, with Nick's music tastes being more varied than June's and he introduces her to many good songs. Both are avid readers, but June is especially and Nick reads each and every book she hands to him.
Together they learn all sorts of things that accompany a normal, happy relationship; June can't cook worth a damn while Nick is skilled at batch meals like soups, stews, and chili. Nick loves coffee and tea equally (he's especially fond of a good Hong Kong-style milk tea, the kind his mother use to make) while June is exclusively a coffee person. Nick's favourite chore to do is laundry and June is amazed to find out that he'd often take the laundry off of Rita's hands whenever he could as she despised it. Meanwhile June's preferred chore is doing the dishes, because she doesn't contribute by and so she likes to do her bit by washing up.
In the Boston Globe, Nick finds a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and reads it in its entirety, an action that makes June cry from emotion.
While in the Boston Globe, Nick does everything he can to fulfil June's pregnancy cravings, including trading his valuable illicit liquor for her beloved Twinkies. He loved being able to do that for her because it made her smile and Nick lived for those smiles.
Both Nick and June share a commonality of being bookworms as children, a trait that they pass down onto Holly. Their favourite weekend family activity is a trip to the library.
June was in the 'in' crowd in school while Nick was more of a loner and was very quiet. June ran track and was on the swim team, and was good enough to get a partial scholarship to a good school where she majored in English. Nick never played any sports (though like all good Detroit boys, was a big hockey fan and knows how to skate, and Nick's parents, especially his father, were such big fans that they gave their sons hockey-related middle names- Joshua Gordon [after Gordie Howe] and Nicholas Stanley [after the Stanley Cup]) but he excelled at English and social studies. He couldn't afford to go to university, something that broke his father's heart as he wanted to give Nick the chance to go that he never got. (Josh meanwhile, was very artistic and was particularly good at photography- one of Nick's prized possessions is a print of one of Josh's photos. Like Nick, he couldn't afford to go to school.)
After getting into Canada together after getting Hannah out of Gilead, June and Nick and their family move from Toronto to Kelowna, finding great comfort in the mountains and also appreciating that it helps Hannah recover from what she's lived through as the mountains are comforting and familiar to her.
My biggest crack headcanon is that Nick and June have the same blood type (O+) and it was Nick's blood that was donated to help June after her haemorrhage. Nick volunteered and this action was seen as so good and so 'godly' that it was a small element in pushing Nick further up the ladder. He knew this, but selflessly gave her his blood anyway, because it was the only way he could help.
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askteacupfollie · 3 years
Hello! Sooo i just read a coment about one thing and i dunno if you would like to answer but, what’s that about the religious trauma?? Did something happend in the past with it?? And also how’s everything?? You doing good??
(Btw; your art is amazing and so does the story, keep going like this!!❤️❤️)
Mod- Oh yeah! Sure I'll talk about it! But is a LONG one so I'll put it under the cut. (TLDR religion is the reason I hate myself) I'm happy you like my art and story! I hope I can keep it to everyone's standers!
It's really a mix of how I was raised and body dysphoria. I was raised as a Baptist Christian as well as a girl for all of my childhood. Growing up I was always told that God had a plan for me and that he loves me unconditionally. I did not have the best childhood btw, at a very young age I was constantly introduced to being poor, racism, capitalism, generational depression, mental illness, learning disabilities going untreated, horrific gender roles from the 80's and 90's, and death. I knew about death and its toll on people before I even knew my own birthday. But my father always made sure that I knew that this was God's plan for me, all of these bad things we're going help me somehow in the future. It never made sense to me but my dad was there and that's all I really needed to be comforted.
Then in 2012 I lost my father. We were so close and so much alike. My dad was on disability check and couldn't work due to his health so when I was born he practically raised me. He was the only one to notice that I wasn't a "normal" little girl and embraced my boyish nature. He bought me boy clothes, let me play in the mud, be roughty, and he was the only person who knew on how I thought. He encouraged my artistic wants of learning to draw and paint as well as my need to understand how the world worked scientifically. He was my best friend. When he died I was so taken aback. The only person who knew the actual me was gone.
As he was being buried I burst into tears, not for the lost but at the not understanding why. Why was he gone? Why had God taken him from me? I was only 15, two months from going into high school, this was THE time I would need someone who new how I worked to teach me how to express emotions right, how to keep on task for homework, someone to help with projects, ideas, and just plain someone to talk to. It never made sense. If god loved me, then why do all these bad horrible things keep happening to me and my family? Not even a few months later I lost all of my grandparents, several great uncles that I was close to, and several cats and kittens.
If god loved me, truly loved me, then why would he keep me in a continuous bought of pain and suffering? For the betterment of me? If its for the betterment of me then that means there must have been something wrong with me. That must mean god thinks who I am and who I was meant to be was wrong. And this is the punishment for it! But that didn't make sense either, because god was suppose to love me unconditionally. Even if I was "wrong". This thinking brought up the conclusions that either there is no god, or I deserved all of this punishment, I was the reason my family was suffering, I was the reason god took away my father.
And so I lived with this thought all throughout my teen years and my early 20's. I lived though the punishment because it was what I deserved. I deserved to live unhappy, to be stalked, to be treated as an object, to be ignored, to be sick, to be failing my classes... to be raped... I lived with this trauma my whole life until almost 4 years now, when I realized I was a man. My therapist told me bad things just happen sometimes. Even to good people. My therapist helped me realize that I was not a bad person, I did not deserve these horrible things happening to me nor was it my fault. I am a good person that unfortunate thing happen to.
I'm doing much better now, I got my depression under control, I'm taking hormone treatments, and I'm gaining friends who see and notice me. As for my religious view on things I have 3 views on it now.
1- There is no god and we are just here to be here. 2- Deism. 3- He's a sick bastard and to quote the innocent jewish people locked away in WW2 "If there is a god, he will have to beg for my forgiveness."
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