#Harpy Boyfriend x reader
Animal Farm: Mondays
Male Yandere Harpies x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, harpies, general yandere behavior, captive reader, spit roasting, cum in hair, aftercare, male harem, brief mention of being used as a cock sleeve by bull men.) Word Count: 500 (Here it is! I have had a solid wave of productivity lately answering old asks and now there is this, something I said I would do a long time ago. I said I would make a mini-fic/drabble with every group of monster men from my animal farm fic which can be found HERE.)
You sighed. It was early on Monday morning, the sun starting to stream into the window enough to disturb your sleep. You glared at your alarm clock and preemptively turned off the alarm that would go off at 10:00. It was 9:53. You wanted to cry. You had not fully recovered from Rory, Sev, and Bruc swapping you between them as a communal cock sleeve all day on Friday. You lamented your decision to be a monster man farmer with so many different species. You should have stuck to one or two. Oh well… no use crying over it now. At least you started the week off easy after your weekend break. The harpy men had pretty forgiving cocks. Ugh. Was that what it had come to? Judging how not awful your day was by the brutality of the cocks you were about to encounter? You scarfed down a quick breakfast then enjoyed your last few minutes before you were swarmed by the three harpies that called your farm home, Zan, Xilra, and Elry. They all looked similar, green and blue feathers in their hair, emerald green eyes to match, dark skin, with large angel-like wings sprouting from their backs and their legs ended in the way any bird of prey’s did. Sharp. Talons. When you stepped into the aviary your watch read exactly 10:30, you weren’t giving them a second more than you were forced to. It was like your one shred of resistance, even though it didn’t really matter very much. You also were too scared to be late after what happened the one time you were. You were sniffed out and fucked. Swiftly. As soon as you stepped into the large greenhouse-like domed building, it was like a miniature forest complete with all sorts of trees and plants, you were instantly pounced upon by the three monster men. They wasted not a single second in taking off your clothes and tossing them aside on the dirt while pinning you to the wall. “Hey come on! Those were just cleeeEEEEAAAAAANNNED. H-hey!” Two of them were biting, licking and nuzzling all over your neck while the third was using his mouth between your legs. “W-w-why do we always have to start the d-daaaay like thiiiiis??” “We love you little starling~” “Yes! And we must show you!” “We haven’t been inside you for a whole week love! It was torture~” “We must make up for the lost time sweet bird.” And that they certainly did. A week's worth of the pent up libidos of three tall harpy men unloaded on you and in you within hours. They spit roast you while you were on the ground before taking you in mid air. By the end of their breeding session with you you were exhausted. And this was supposed to be the easy day. At least they let you rest afterwards, washing the cum out of your hair and off your sore body before cuddling you and petting you while they sang sweet little bird songs and praised their darling little starling~
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monstersflashlight · 23 days
Hello ! How are you ?
I have a little request here. I'm curious if you have any ideas or prompts about an owl, harpy bf monster with their human s/o ? The harpy bf is a cute nerdy guy and the human s/o is whatever you can imagine.
Have a nice day !
Hi there! Sorry I didn't answer this sooner, I loooooove harpies. I had to look up what an owl harpy is but daaaang that's cute as fuck! Hope this little txt is worth the wait! <3
Owl-harpy boyfriend who stalks your hope from a near tree. He saw you passing by one day and was mesmerized by your beauty. He keeps looking at you as you sleep and thinks how good it would be to be closer to you. He ends up buying the house next door, too shy to say anything until one day the fence between your houses collapses. He introduces himself then, promising he will fix it.
By the time the fence is fixed and your backyards don't meet, you want to push it down again just to see him working on it over and over. He looks magnificient with his wings, talons and cute little beak. You are mesmerized by his form and beauty, and maybe you spend more time than not sleeping at night just so you can see him a bit more each day. Your sleep schedule completely fucked up because you have a big BIG crush on the owl-harpy next door.
After the fence incident, you start flirting with him, bringing your best puns, but it's not working. After a couple weeks flirting with him and him being completely obvious about it, you break down and ask him on a date. He stutters and says yes, making you coo at him as he blushes in the most amazing shade of soft brown. You aren't sure what he eats, but he offers to prepare dinner at his place. The moment you step into his house and see the big comfy nest in the middle of the living room, you want to kiss him senseless. So you do. At first is a bit weird with his beak and all, but you make do. You make out messily on the nest and against the wall and against the kitchen counter... You are thirsty and hungry for each other and it's the best feeling in the world.
When you are intimate for the first time, you are surpised to see his cockpocket. He's shy about it, but when you tease it with your fingers and his cock comes out all sticky and warm... you are sold. The fact that you aren't the only one wet when you get to it is as arousing as nothing else was before. You love how wet he gets, how desperate when you play with his slit and stop his cock from coming out compltely, playing with his tip still inside of him. It drives him insane, it makes him beg and squirm and his wings get all fluttery behind his body. And when he finally fucks you, he's so wet that it goes in without any problems, so nice and slow and dirty... You love all of it. Having sex with an harpy is the best experience of your life.
It's not until months later when he confesses that he bought the house just to be near you, you think it's weird as fuck, but what else isn't about him? He's so quirky and weird and you fucking love every part of it. Of him. And when he confesses that he's in love with you, you go down on him for so long that he screams so loud because of oversensitivity that your neighbor two houses down calls the police.
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banj0possum · 1 year
Okay hear me out: yandere harpy. The reader is on a hike or something and he notices them and is immediately enamored. He grabs them and keeps them in his nest and because it's so high up they can't get down on their own 😳
Lovey Dovey
Harpy x GN Reader
CW: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome
first day back from my hiatus and were already on some more sweet sweet terato ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ ive never written a harpy before but by golly ive been wanting to for a while! thank you smallcactus22 for requesting!
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a colorless cubicle for god knows how long.
🪶 You wanted, no, needed a vacation. You looked through the many websites that showcased lovely tourist spots like beaches and retreats, all either a little too shady or way too expensive.
🪶 One caught your eye though, an ad for a hiking trip across a mountainous landscape filled with lush greens and lovely pink flowers, it was pretty affordable too. You immediately booked a spot on the hiking trail and wrote up a letter to your boss that you'd be on vacation for a few days.
🪶 When you finally came, you were already enamored by the scenery. Everything was a pink and reddish hue from all the petals that fell from the trees. You saw a person holding up a sign that said, "Hiking Trail!" and quickly ran up to the group of people supposedly taking the same hike as you.
🪶 The tour guide explained the history of the trail, it sounded more of a legend or myth however, with him speaking of an ancient race of humans with the ability to fly.
🪶 You thought nothing of it, probably just a part of the place's culture or something, you then followed the rest of the group to start the hike.
🪶 You couldn't help this uneasy feeling of being watched while on the trail, like there was something following you as you continued along the red path surrounded by pinks and blueish greens. It was probably a wild animal or two, you were in a forest after all.
🪶 On the other hand, Kalva could do nothing but watch you from the dense flora he was perched within. He's seen humans travel through the harpy infested woods before, all of which were uninteresting as a dried leaf on the ground.
🪶 So when he laid his eyes on you, it felt like an arrow to his chest. He was taken aback by how cute you were, so soft, so graceful. With the shawl you had on he would've mistaken you for one of his kind if it were not for you walking alongside other humans.
🪶 The harpies were very weary of humans, especially tourists. Only the few that have grown up near the mountains know of their existence, one that is protected lest danger falls on them like the old dragons of legend that was wiped out by greedy humans who thought of themselves as divine saviors in a world of evil.
🪶 Even with all these thoughts swirling in his head, he thought you were different. You didn't look at all like the other tourist who were babbling to themselves about who knows what with their funny black bricks that sparked now and again. They were so clumsy and ditzy compared to you who was just admiring the scenery around you, truly in the moment unlike the others who only cared for a nice photo or two.
🪶 After about an hour, the group stopped at a rest stop to take a break, you kept watching the flora dance and sway as everyone else drank and rested their feet. You treaded deeper into the pink forest, making sure to keep the rest stop in sight.
🪶 Just then you hear rustling from above, a large shadow gliding past you from overhead. You would think it was a bird if not for the size of the shadow. The shadow circled around you, as the shaking of the leaves above grew louder and louder.
🪶 Now your uneasiness is back tenfold, your heart racing as you frantically look around.
🪶 There was nothing there however, and you breathe a sigh of relief before turning to go back to the rest stop.
🪶 You yelp as you are, however, met with giant yellow eyes staring at you. You trip on a tree root and fall on your butt as a man half covered in feathers stared at you, penetrating your very soul.
🪶 You try to scramble away but the creature keeps walking nearer and nearer, his head cocking to the sides like that of a bird.
🪶 Your back meets with a tree as you're left in the mercy of this massive birdman in front of you. You feel tears starting to form in your eyes as a taloned hand reaches to your face.
🪶 You were surprised at the gentle touch you felt on your face as Kalva wiped your tear away, cooing softly.
🪶 "uhm...hello there?" you mutter.
🪶 "hello..." He replies in a raspy but quiet voice.
🪶 "Wh-who are you?" you ask, the tension in your body dissipating as you get more comfortable with him, well not really comfortable, just a little less tense as you were before.
🪶 "My name is...Kalva..."
🪶 "Kalva..I'm (Y/N).."
🪶 His pupils dilate at the sound of your name. He mutters it to himself like a word he wished to remember.
🪶 He sniffs at you, all over your body and clothes, focusing then on your bag. You reach inside and take out some crackers you packed for the hike and gave it to him. He was confused at first, never seeing a seed or insect like it, but was then greeted with a wonderous sensation of sweet and salty. He squawks happily, nuzzling his head into your chest, making you a tad bit surprised and unsure of what to do now that a bird man creature thing is cuddling you in a forest. You placed a hesitant hand on the back of his head and started petting him, he started cooing very softly, that must mean he's happy.
🪶 You then hear the tour guide call for everyone to continue on the trail, you greet Kalva goodbye and try to walk away when you're suddenly grabbed by your shoulders and lifted up. You yelp and scream, asking to be put down but the harpy ignored your pleas and flew high up into the mountains.
🪶 Oh what a day it was for Kalva! He knew the little human was the one! They fed him, they preened him, just like a good mate would! He must have been very good as his courting! Of course, his little mate couldn't have seen it from down below, but they surely would have if they accepted him so quickly right afterwards!
🪶 Finally they reached his perch atop a tall mountain. It was a giant circular hut of some kind made of branches and lined with colorful flowers and leaves. Inside, his nest was filled with cotton of the softest kind, only the best for his mate! Little baubles and shiny trinkets hung from the curved ceiling and trinkled softly as they shook. He placed them down as they shook in fear at the height.
🪶 Kalva landed next to them cooing and chirping comfortingly, don't worry my lovely! You won't fall from here! I will protect you!
🪶 It was like this for days; you trapped a thousand miles high in a nest you can't escape from otherwise the harpy would find you and carry you back. He would leave for hours at a time, offering you food and small gifts he's found he thought you might like, some of them things left behind by other tourists like a water bottle, a book, a hat and a few others.
🪶 At night, he'd pull you into a warm embrace under his wings. He can't help but stare at you as you snore peacefully under him.
🪶 Of course you were frightened to the core the whole time, but you tried your best to explain to him that you weren't his mate and that you needed to go home, but he kept insisting that you two were meant for each other, for him to coddle and fed you and you to love and preen him when he returns home.
🪶 He dreams for you both to have chick of your own, the idea of coming home to the happy chirping of little hims and yous gave him a happy giddy feeling.
🪶 After a while you figured getting down on your own wasn't an option and Kalva was your only hope in returning to the familiar world below.
🪶 You started talking to him more, books he would bring home, you'd read to him, food collected would be shared between you two.
🪶 And somehow, throughout this whole process, you managed to grow quite close to the man.
🪶 He understood English more, now collecting other foods like stolen snacks from tourists instead of bugs and wild fruits he'd usually eat.
🪶 You found yourself missing his company when he was away. He'd chirp happily as you rushed to hug him as he lands in your shared nest after a hunt.
🪶 Soon enough, he'd trust you to explore the mountain's peak outside of the nest. There was a lovely little lake next to his abode with a tree bearing red fruits. In the distance you could hear the faint calls of other harpies.
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, and you were given more than what you've bargained for, a glimpse into a hidden world of creatures far beyond your imagination, with one of them being your very loving mate.
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and as a bonus, Kalva doodle for yall <3
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yasashii-leaf · 29 days
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Monster Harpy Tim Drake x reader
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where the birds and fish gather
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A/n: my silly fish and bird hybrids! Few sexual references but mdni! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK ABOUT ANY OF THEM I'M DESOERATE FOR ASKS- ignore my grammar haha
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ sydney the cockatoo
sydney's the most mischievous bastard out of all of them. Your watch is missing? In his nest. Your necklace? His nest aswell. Your hat? He's wearing it. You're never getting it back. He sees something shiny, it's in his little claws. Like all the avian hybrids, his arms are wings and he's covered in feathers. Having a human face with little beak like lips. His legs are bird legs. Black eyes staring at you from his nest in a tree. Be careful where you step after any surprise snow in's. He's probably burying himself in it. 5'4
★ Evangeline the peahen
The elegant, sophisticated, coy, angelic Evangeline. Gabriel's mate but she despises his guts, similar to princess, she much prefers you. Often dragging you to their nest and squabbling with Gabriel when he tried taking you away. She may not be as pretty as he is outside, but she certainly is Inside. Proudly showing off her brown little feathers. 5'6 brown straight hair, black eyes and a little pale
★ gabriel the white peacock
Egotistical bastard. He hates his wife for being so ugly, but he does think you are extraordinarily beautiful. He could definitely envision putting his clutch inside you. He'll figure a way out, don't you worry! An albino peacock male with red eyes, white feathers and extremely pale. 5'7
★ fajarah the ring necked parakeet
she's sydney's little partner in crime, but lately she's mellowed out more. Now preferring to watch the koi mers swim around and munch on some chips she stole from the main house. Tilting her head curiously at something she finds interesting. Bright green feathers and hair, black eyes and tan skin. 5'2
★ foolish the owl finch
often seen in the fields with the cows and bulls, he's quiet and prefers to watch. Hopping around quickly and pecking things that catch his eye. There's not much to say about him since he keeps to himself alot, but he does seem to like the biscuits you bring for him.
★ simon the tyto alba
Simon is deaf and mute, having been found wandering around the farm as a little chick. Now the farmers are looking for any way to help him with his hearing long term, but he seems to have adjusted to looking for any vibrations on the ground. Pale and white hair,black eyes, very pointy beak like lips
★ the koimer quintuplets
There's nothing much different between the quintuplets except their different patterns. Just that tancho is the leader and more mature, Kiko is more curious and childish, Hime is sweet and reserved, tsu is a chatterbox and humble, koromo is loud and nosy
★ mason the "lake monster" (crocodile)
Mason is like an older brother figure for the quintuplets, teaching them Little bits of English and watching you interact with them from the depths of the lake or hidden behind some underwater trees in the lake. You may not always see him, but he's always there. Silently watching. Messy grungy hair, green eyes, and has a light tan. 6'4
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littlespace-imagines · 11 months
Imagine more monster Cgs
(Once again super short blurbs, not proofread)
Contains: Monsters, Cg/L dynamics, established relationships, fluff, littlespace, honorifics (mommy and daddy) used
**Ageregression and littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
Your ghost mommy using her invisibility and ability to walk through walls to always catch you breaking the rules, giving you a playful smile as she gently reprimands her pouting baby.
Orc daddy who’s hulking size truly makes you feel tiny and safe, he adores letting you climb all over him wile regressed.
Small vampire coven that absolutely adores their precious baby, always fussing over your food and sippy cups, rediscovering humanity again thanks to their little human mate.
Harpy mommy that’s so eager to bring you to her nest to care for you, always adding new things she thinks you’ll love so hopefully she can care for you forever.
Dragon daddy who loves letting you use chalk and anything else to decorate the walls of the warm cave he’s slowly stealing furniture for, his tail lazily trapping you in as he uses his body as a massive playpen for you.
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what about a Crow harpy man that’s taken an interest in you //reader..or whoever idk// and mimics you and follows you around and is just cute 24/7 until he kidnaps you and puts you in jest nest
Adding crow mating rituals to my Google search history.
You have no idea what you did to attract the attention of this creature but you have it. You wake up to the sounds of talons tapping on your window. He comes into your room like he owns the place, and you sigh, knowing you'll have to sweep up a mountain of black feathers later.
He brings you gifts. He doesn't seem to understand the difference in quality between scraps of tin foil and silver jewelry. Some of the stuff he gives you is really nice. Most of it is just shiny.
He squawks and sings for you, at least you think it's singing. He likes hearing your laugh. He chitters happily whenever you giggle. Almost like he's mimicking you.
He puffs up his feathers in a weird way and sort of hops around in a strange little dance. You know some birds do that as sort of courting but even if you wanted to accept, you wouldn't know how.
He's an odd bird, but he's a sweetheart. At least you think he's a sweetheart right up until he abducts you. he holds you close, talons digging into your skin as he flies you up, up, up until you reach a nest big enough for the two of you, clearly made by him. You're about 30 feet in the air, no way to escape on your own.
He nuzzles closer to you and chirps happily... you aren't going anywhere you realize. He's taken you completely for his own.
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r0-boat · 8 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 4 months
Writings/Stories Masterlist!
I didn't realize how many of these there were. So I decided to put them all here. Note: these are stories as opposed to little drabbles/random thoughts. I might have to make a tag for those as well. @-@
Put under a read more because this list got LONG.
(Most Recent first)
Love Bite: M!Zombie/Ghoul/F! Reader. A woman sneaks into a cathedral on zombie feeding night to confront their leader.
Song of Summer: M!Forest God/Spriggan/F! Human. A woman recounts the summer she embraced her sexuality.
Bring the Storm: M!Djinn/F!Reader. A woman comes to a djinn's lair, seeking knowledge.
Lesson In Discipline: M!Werewolf/GN! Reader. A human decides to douse themselves with pheromones to attract the attention of a local werewolf and gets more than they bargained for.
Of A Feather: M! Harpy/F! Human (One Shot)
Breeding Season: M! Minotaur/F! Cowperson/Hautaur (One Shot)
Traditions: M! Minotaur/F! Human Reader (One shot, part of a script series that I am planning on turning into a series of shorts)
Cream Filling: Reverse Harem/F! Human. A series about a woman who takes up a serving job at a demon run cafe. Between her monstrous coworkers and clientele, she may be in over her head...
Marked by the Moon: M! Werewolf/F! Human/Werewolf. A series about a vet who is scratched by a wolf. During the next full moon, she runs wild... But She's not alone.
Lips of an Angel: M! Angel/M! Human. A man goes out to a bar and finds himself in some... Heavenly company.
Holy Light: F! Elemental/GN! Reader. (Series, Currently on Hiatus) A paladin discovers a sapient flame and decides to take them under their wing.
Caged: M! Lionman/GN! Reader (Series, currently on hiatus) A noble finds themselves in possession of an interesting leonine.
In Shadows: GN! Shadow/GN! Reader. (One Shot) a shadow monster saves the reader.
Disguises: M! Kitsune (although kinda GN? They're an old god)/ GN! Reader. Series. on hiatus. The reader accidentally pleases and weds an old god!
Burning Love: M! Demon/F! Reader. Craving a lover, a woman summons a demon to bewitch him... But finds what she craves may be right in front of her...
Seeds of Harvest: Multiple M! / F! Human. (Two parts) A follower of the old gods finds how possessive they can be.
Cuddles and Comfort: M! Werewolf/GN! Reader. One shot/fluff. The reader comforts their werewolf lover on 4th of July.
Sharkmate Ooh-ha-ha! M! Sharkman/F!Human. A "finder" goes on an assignment to retrieve a merchant ship, but a dragon attack strands her on an island.
(Published Works)
Whispers In Dreams: A paranormal horror about a literary teacher who stumbles into the world of yokai. (Book On Amazon.)
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 22 days
Naga bf that wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling very cold, and their human mate is right there, suffering from mild cold, feverish and super warm (asleep or not, it's up to you :3)
I actually want a Naga bf so badly, @slightly-knot-insane . Ty.
(Just like usual, I'm going to do my best to make this gender/sex/size neutral (not ALL of my stories are byt yk. <3 if you have tips on how to do this better lmk <3)
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(Imagine this but with purple instead of green :3)
I had been sick for the past week. It was a miserable cold, sinus blockage accompanied by cold sweats and excessive feverish shaking.
My boyfriend, Inferno, did his best to tend to me. He'd bring me soup and various things he thought would help. At night or any time I'd lay down to sleep, he'd wrap around me - his cold skin pressing desperately against my burning flesh.
It was one of the most relaxing feelings, and I couldn't help but keep as close to him as possible. Last night, however, he seemed extra needy, staying in bed with me all day, holding me there and telling me repeatedly to "Rest."
I woke to the moon shining brightly off of Inferno's beautiful, iridescent, purple scales. his pupils dilated as he watched me, my eyes opening softly to take in his appearance.
I could feel his cold tail creeping up my chin and gripping my ankle as my beloved stared deeply into my eyes. I pressed myself into his cold chest and sighed happily, melting against him.
Inferno ran his hands over my sides to my hips and dug his claws into me as herolled me over onto my side and gently pressed his newly found hardened cock against my panties, teasing himself into desperation for my wet warmth.
He'd been trying to contain himself while I was sick, but my constant fever drove him crazy.
He gripped the thin faneric and tore me out of my panties before thrusting his stiff length into my un-prepped hole. thankfully, his body made sure he was covered in his one lubrication before letting himself become fully erect enough to mate.
My beloved Naga couldn't resist letting his tongue lay against my skin. Sliding it all over my shoulder and neck, filling his senses with my scent and flavor.
His tail slinked up my leg further and gently rubbed over my clit as he plunged himself into me.
The violation was so unexpected but seemed well needed. My sinuses cleared slightly as we moved, and he held me tighter. I could feel his claws digging into tender flesh.
My body betrayed me and seemed to coat Inferno's length even more, making his movements much easier as he sped up. He breathed heavily over your shoulder and soon slipped his tongue down to your nipple, wrapping around it and flicking over it.
I panted and moaned, my breath syncing up with his as he moved inside of me. Within just a few minuites I was already squiriting on his cock, but he refused to stop, only throbbing in he as I rode out my orgasm.
"Oh my gooooood!", I whined, trying to press my hips back into the pleasure.
Inferno grunted in my ear before pinning me face down and ramming himself into me.
"Mine.." he groaned, pushing my face into the pillow. My hot breath was pushed back against my face as I felt his claws pressing against my skull.
His knot threatened to enter me, and he seemed to be trying to force it in.
"Im going to breed you - you've been driving me crazy-"
I tried to whine in protest and it only caused him to push me harder into the pillow, muffling my sounds.
I felt his cock throb against my walls and my body reacted well, contracting around him and gripping his length inside of me.
He pushed his knot into me and teased me, pulling his knot back against my g spot as he rode out his own orgasm, his hot, thick cum coating my walls.
The warmth felt amazing, and he just kept milking himself. I came harshly around him again as he pushed himself right up against my cervix screaming out.
We both breathed hard, and he laid across my back, holding onto me tightly.
We both laughed alittle as I moved my hair out of my face and cought my breath away from the pillow.
"You're going to be stuck for a second." After a moment he carefully worked his way out of me as his knot started to go down and curled around me, his tail wrapping around my lower calf as he spooned me.
Inferno rested his hand on my stomach and nuzzled my neck. "My beautiful mate."
I sighed and shook my head as I held his arms around me. I couldn't wait to be the mother to his children, however, that would play out.
(This one wasn't very long or descriptive but if you'd like a longer one let me know!)
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misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere harpy x reader
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TW: bad writing
A/N: sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been so busy and had no energy at all. But all the exams are over now so I’ll have more time to write now yay! I threw this jumpscare story together for you, sorry if it sucks.
Anyway, let’s welcome bird boy to the club! ;)
It was scary how much it resembled a human in some ways, yet you knew it definitely wasn't. From the moment you laid eyes on it, it was clear the creature was male. Which contradicted what you knew about it, for it wasn't the first time you had seen such a being. They were featured in a lot of myths, records of their appearance and power.
Harpy, that's what it was. At least, that's what you think. It was the closest you could come up with that resembled the bird-man you met. The upper body and head was human. He, the harpy, had a thick mane of tangled, dark hair. Due to all the exercises he must go through on a daily basis, his chest was well muscled and firm. If it were anyone else, you'd love to take a good look, but that was not the case.
His humanity ended there. On his back, sat a pair of large, strong wings. They too, were dark in colour. Legs did he not have either, not human ones at least. The bird feet had sharp talons that made you anxious whenever you looked at them, even though you knew he'd probably not use them against you.
And thank god you didn't have to see his private parts, that was thanks to the ruffled feathers covering the area. It would be a lot harder to handle him if he walked around with his bird dick hanging out.
This left the confusion, if he really was a harpy, then why did he appear so different. One, he was a male, which none of the harpies in the myths were, there they were all female. Also, he seemed more human like than them, physically that is. In the Greek stories, harpies are depicted as birds with the heads of women.
Crouching down and leaning against the cave wall, you try to avoid glancing at the approaching form. A coo left him, directed at you. You ignored it, there was no way you'd willingly indulge in its desire. When he received no reaction from you, he frowned, nudging you with his head.
When he had returned from his outing and noticed you weren't in the nest he'd created, his first thought was that you had fallen off the cliff connected to his cave in the tall mountain where he'd settled down. He was horrified at the image of you inching closer the the ledge, standing there and glancing down until suddenly the ground under you gave away and crumbled.
He shuddered. You would never have any reason to be scared as long as he is near, for he will do whatever it takes to protect you, his mate. His sweet, innocent mate. The male harpy had never seen someone like you before, but you were very similar to him. Except the wings and instead having those weird naked legs and arms, of course. How unpractical it was, having no wings.
There's no way you could fly like that! Maybe you were defected from birth? He felt sorry for you, you must have led a very hard life. Not being able to hunt for yourself or protect from predetors that wished ill intent upon you. Oh, dear. In the harpy world, should one of the chicks be weaker, it was inevitable the others wouldn't abandon them.
Not even those males you were with when he found you, showed any indication of protecting you. Unworthy, they were. They didn't deserve company from a female as lovely as you. He doesn't care about your defects,which is much more than he could say for the other males.
They were also strange looking with the same differences from him like you, but it didn't mean they should be allowed to slack of their responsibilities. He was glad he got rid of them. Now you could live with someone who actually knew how to take care of their partner.
"Stop it.." you whispered in defiance, wishing he would just let you be. Of course that would not happen.
The creature kept trying to usher you into the giant nest made from twigs. He always seemed the happiest when you were in it, you supposed it was some kind of instinct engraved in his bird-brain. You weren't dumb, you understood the signals and behaviours he was exhibiting.
The fond touches, protectiveness, trying to feed you, and the special dance he'd preform in front of you. You could see how he felt when you refused to move along with him. But why should you care about his feelings when he obviously had no regards for yours, if he did he would not have murdered your friends in cold blood.
You shrieked in surprise, the harpy lifted you up and was walking towards the bed made of natural elements. Gently, he set you down in it and you watched as he went and grabbed the dead carcass of a rabbit. It wasn’t there previously which meant he must have caught it recently, when he was out.
You frowned and pushed it away when he offered it to you. There was no chance you’d eat it, it was raw and you’d rather not catch anything. Then there was also a part of your pride you wished to protect, if you ate it meant giving in. Until now you had managed to avoid consuming anything he gave you. Although, you did eat when you absolutely had too, and in those cases it was fruits and nuts you still had in your backpack. But they were beginning to run out. You were grateful that you were able to keep your bag, when he first took you, what if he had thrown it out?
The male cawed at your defiance and entered the nest as well, placing himself behind you and pulling you into his lap. Protectively, he formed his wings around you, in the process making it slightly darker and harder to see. It was something he loved doing. Another one of his instincts you supposed. It made him feel like a worthy mate, someone who can protect you and provide. He ruffled his feathers in pleasure at the thought.
You winced as he dug into the flesh of the deceased animal, ripped out a bloody chunk and tried to make you eat it. “No, I don’t want that.” You said in a firm tone.
The harpy made multiple attempts, all failing of course. In the end, he leaned down, looking at you with a sad face while shaking you lightly, but you refused. He stared thoughtfully at the meat chunk for a while before gobbling it up himself.
Good, you thought and went on to ignore the male currently holding you previously. At least he won’t pester me about it anymore. However, you were deeply wrong about that.
It wasn’t long until weird sounds began erupting from him, you glanced back at him with suspicion. He was gagging and it hit you, he was going to throw up! You tried to pry his arms off you and escape to oncoming accident, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Let go of me! I’m not letting you puke all over me, you stupid bird!” You nearly wanted to throw up yourself at the thought.
You quickly looked away when he leaned over his hand and coughed up a slimy red substance into it. The meat he consumed earlier had been turned to a big mucky goo. It was the most disgusting thing you’d ever seen. But what almost made you faint was when he pushed it towards you.
“No, no, no, no!” You exclaimed in protest.
The male’s brows furrowed at your action and demonstrated an eating gesture with the chewed down flesh.
“Yes, I know you want me to have it but I must decline.” You simply wanted nothing to do with it, sadly he did not appear to understand that.
Having read bird relating books before, you also recognised this behaviour. It was called regurgitation and was when parents feed their chicks by partially digesting food from their own stomachs and then transfer it to their chicks.
The harpy male could not comprehend the reason why you did not eat his catch of the day. He could hear the sounds emitting from your stomach so you were obviously hungry, so why? In the beginning he thought that maybe you didn’t know how to eat it, so he decided to help you and rip off a piece. When you still didn’t do anything, he chose to help you further through first digesting the food in his stomach and then give it to you. Unfortunately you did not seem too happy about that, going as far as to reject his hold and try to flee to another part of the cave.
The whole thing made him incredibly pessimistic. He only wished to take care of you! The male had never had a mate before since harpies mate for life, and he didn’t know it would be so difficult to have one. He didn’t regret you or anything, but he couldn’t deny you were a little harder to care for. It wasn’t your fault, of course. The ones he blamed were your parents, they must have been horrible to you because you didn’t look like a normal harpy.
His blood boiled at the thought. However, that wouldn’t matter anymore, because he won’t let you be alone now that he is here.
When nightfall came, you were forcefully wrapped in his embrace again like he has done ever since he brought you to his home. You two were laying down in the nest, your back to his chest, one of his wings under you to create a more comfortable bedding and one wing over you for a blanket. One of the harpy’s feet was gripping your calf in a secure hold, hindering you from sneaking off. Although, his arms around your waist were a pretty good chackle too. You hated to admit it, but it was actually quite nice.
His feathers were softer on the inside of his wings and very warm. Because of the height you were at, there would sometimes be strong winds which caused you to freeze. Your saviour would then be your kidnapper. He would appear and cover you with his feathers to keeep you heated. You could see how much he enjoyed it when it happened. Not very surprising, really, since it was the only time you’d allow him close.
Oh how you wanted to wipe that smile off his face.
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mxnsterbabe · 4 months
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Male Harpy/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 2,918 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
You catch a cute and bashful harpy in the book shop one day. Later, at a book signing for your favourite author, you realise they’re one and the same.
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In the softly lit maze of the bookshop, you meandered between the shelves, your fingertips grazing the spines of countless books. The smell of paper and binding glue filled the air. This was your retreat, the place you went to when the world got too much.
As you approached the fantasy section, your excitement grew; today was the release of a novel you'd eagerly awaited. Just as you reached out to grab the last copy from the shelf, another hand got there simultaneously, lightly brushing against yours.
"Oops, sorry about that," came a light-hearted apology from beside you.
You looked up to see a harpy, all dark auburn feathers and curly red hair. He was beautiful—sharp features softened by gentle brown eyes, a nervous smile playing on his lips.
"No worries," you responded, your initial embarrassment giving way to curiosity. "Looks like we have the same taste."
His smile widened. "I guess we do. I’m Antal," he said, holding out the book to you. "You take the last copy, I was only looking.”
“Oh, I couldn’t—”
His hand extended, offering you the book. A bright orange cover stared back up at you, a phoenix with her wings spread wide.
“Please, take it,” he insisted, claws gently curled over the cover.
You hesitated, the politeness ingrained in you bubbling to the surface. “Are you sure? I mean, we both spotted it at the same time.”
Antal’s smile didn’t waver as he pushed the book a little closer to you. “Absolutely. I hope you enjoy it,” he added, and you swore his cheeks tinged pink beneath the feathers.
Accepting the book, you couldn’t help but smile back. “Thanks, then. I appreciate it.”
As he watched you slide the book into your bag, a thoughtful look crossed his face. “Any other books you’re hunting for today?” he asked, a curious tilt to his head. His dark eyes were enormous, with big pupils that made him look a little owlish.
Was he an owl?
Shaking your head, you said, “well, I’ve been trying to get through all the works of Kristoff Varga,” you replied, holding up the new book. It was the latest in a series of four, but there were dozens of other books written by him. “He’s my favourite at the moment, I just can’t get enough.”
Antal’s eyes lit up, cheeks reddening even more. Dammit, it was too cute. “You like his other books?”
“I like them all so far.”
“Which one’s your favorite?” Antal inquired. He didn’t seem to realise that he was leaning in, closer and closer.
You thought for a moment, trying to ignore how close he was. You could taste the coffee on his breath, feel his feathers tickling your shoulder. It made it very difficult to think.
After a moment you said, “I love Silver Skies. You know, the one about the dragon and the orc princess.”
“I love that one too!”
As you and Antal meandered through the aisles, he began to point out other authors whose works he said were similar to Kristoff Varga. You happily ambled alongside him, listening to his smooth, deep voice.
"If you enjoy Varga, you might also like Helena Rook. Her trilogy about the war between night creatures and humans has that same worldbuilding," he suggested, pulling a book with a dark, moody cover from the shelf.
You took the book, flipping it over to read the blurb on the back. Antal's recommendations sparked a new interest, and you added it to the growing pile.
He pointed out a few more, and you ended up needing a basket to hold all of the books. The entire time he chatted away happily, talking about this author and the next, and you found yourself inching unconsciously closer to his side.
As you approached a display of new releases, Antal casually asked, "So, do you have any plans for the weekend? Other than reading all of these books, I suppose."
The question hung in the air, and for a moment, you thought he might be leading up to asking you out.
The hopeful part of your mind spun scenarios of continuing these delightful conversations over coffee or at a quiet park.
Except, you were busy.
"Actually, I’m going to Varga’s book signing on Saturday," you answered, watching his reaction closely, trying to gauge his interest. "You should come along; it’s rare to see him in public."
Antal’s face flickered with an unreadable expression before settling into a polite smile. "I’d love to, but I’m already tied up that day," he replied with a small shrug.
You felt a twinge of disappointment. "That’s too bad," you said. "It would have been great to have you there, especially since you appreciate his work so much."
Antal nodded, his smile tinged with a hint of something you couldn't quite place—was it regret? “You’ll have to tell me about it. Maybe I could give you my number?”
“I’d love that.”
The question filled you with a pleasant anticipation. You entered his number carefully, excited hands a little too fast for your own good.
He smiled as you both stored your phones away. “I have to go, I was only going to pop in for a minute. Maybe I’ll see you again sometime soon?”
You shivered at the softness, the gentleness, in his voice. “Yeah, that would be great.”
As you moved to the checkout, you felt a sense of contentment. Antal stood beside you as you paid for your books, almost close enough to touch. It wouldn’t have taken much for you to close the gap, and kiss him.
As you thanked the desk clerk, you sighed. Kissing him! What a silly thought.
With your books bagged and receipt in hand, you both walked towards the exit. Antal held the door open for you. As you stepped outside, the sunlight turned his auburn feathers a gorgeous golden shade.
There was an undeniable grace about him—a fluidity in his movements that, under the sunshine, made him almost ethereal. His shoulders were broad, tapering into narrower hips, covered in a layer of fluffy feathers beneath his low cut top.
You paused outside the bookstore, smiling gently. “See you around?” you asked hopefully.
You didn’t want to say goodbye, but you had to eventually. With a sigh, you offered him a smile before turning to the car park across the street.
You felt his eyes on you as you walked away. A quick glance back confirmed it, and he offered you a parting wave with claw-tipped hands, a gesture that you returned. As he turned to vanish around the corner, you paused for a moment to watch him.
Antal disappeared quickly; he was tall, with gorgeously long legs. Even from a distance, there was something about the way he moved that captivated you—maybe it was the otherness of him, since harpies were so rare in Oceanhall. Maybe it was his sweet personality, his flushed cheeks and shy smile.
Either way, he left an impression that lingered in your thoughts as you unlocked your car and settled inside.
You started the engine, but your mind was still back in the bookstore, replaying your conversation, his laughter, and the ease with which you had opened up to each other.
You really wanted to see him again.
You arrived at the bookstore on Saturday, the buzz of excitement obvious as soon as you stepped inside. The queue for Kristoff Varga's book signing snaked through the aisles—a fact that hadn't fully dawned on you until now. Each person in line clutched their copy of his latest novel, their animated conversations filling the air with anticipatory chatter.
Trying to catch a glimpse of Varga at the signing booth proved futile; the crowd was simply too dense, a wall of eager fans blocking any view of the author himself. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, you decided to escape to the relative calm of the bookstore’s café.
As you approached the counter, the barista greeted you with a friendly smile. “What can I get for you today? Something to help with the wait?” he asked, his tone light.
“A flat white, please,” you replied, appreciating the warmth in his greeting. “It’s quite a turnout, isn’t it? I didn’t realise Varga was this popular.”
“Yeah, it’s been non-stop since we opened,” the barista said as he started on your order. “It’s good for business, but I’m running out of hands!” He laughed, handing you your coffee with a flourish.
“Thank you,” you said, taking a sip of the hot beverage, and digging out your card to pay. “I suppose it’s not every day you get a celebrity author here.”
“That’s true. He’s a bit of a recluse, isn’t he? Makes these events all the more special.” The barista wiped down the counter, casting a glance towards the queue. “You might be here for a while. At least it’s a good crowd, all book lovers together.”
You nodded, agreeing, your thoughts drifting to Antal. Throughout the week, you had exchanged messages. He had mentioned being busy today, but a part of you had still hoped he might surprise you and turn up.
With your coffee in hand, you found a table near the window, a spot that offered a view of both the café and the bookstore entrance. Each time the door opened, your gaze lifted, a reflex action fuelled by the hope of seeing Antal walk in. However, as the minutes turned into an hour, the reality set in that he truly wasn't coming.
You took out your phone, typing a quick message to him: it’s packed here! Wish you could’ve seen it. How’s your day going?
Even as you hit send, you felt disappointment and understanding mingle.
As you waited for his response, you sipped your coffee, watching the crowd and wondering about the man behind the author's desk. What would Varga be like? Would he live up to the mental image you had of him?
As the line began to shorten, you decided it was time to join the queue, balancing your coffee carefully as you edged closer to the excited throng of fans. The energy around you was infectious, with snippets of conversation floating over the buzz of the crowd.
"Can you believe we're actually going to meet Kristoff Varga?" exclaimed a young woman ahead of you, her voice pitched high with excitement.
"I know, right? I heard he's a harpy, which is why he hardly ever makes public appearances," her friend replied, the idea clearly adding an extra layer of allure to the event.
You perked up at this, the coincidence striking you as odd. Two harpies in one week? It was rare enough to meet one, given their usual reclusiveness. The thought lingered in your mind as you inched forward, the line’s pace steady but slow.
"He must be quite something to look at, then," someone else chimed in, "All those feathers. And the talons!"
"Yeah, and it’s not just any harpy. They say his feathers change shades with the seasons—how cool is that?" another added, the group nodding in agreement.
As you finally neared the front, you craned your neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the elusive author. There, at the signing booth, you saw him—a figure with striking auburn feathers, his face partly concealed by a black cap. The feathers were glossy under the lights, and strikingly familiar.
No, he couldn’t have been…
"Amazing, isn't it?" the person behind you whispered, almost as if they could read your thoughts. "I've never seen him up close before.”
You nodded, lost in thought as the line moved forward. Each step brought you closer to Varga, and you craned your neck to try and see his face.
Finally, you were second in line, and your heartbeat thumped against your ribs. Your fingers tightened around the cup of coffee you still held, and you fumbled slightly as you pulled the book from your bag. You smoothed down the cover, trying to calm your nerves, your mind still reeling.
When it was your turn, you stepped up to the booth, and he looked up. Your breath caught in your throat.
His auburn feathers seemed more pronounced here, under the softer lights of the signing table, and when his eyes met yours, there was a moment of mutual recognition that ground everything to a halt.
Antal's expression softened. He cleared his throat, his voice softer, more tentative than before. "Hello, nice to see you again.”
You were momentarily at a loss for words, the surprise pinning you in place. Finally, you managed to speak, your voice a whisper of confusion and curiosity. "Why didn't you tell me who you were?"
He hesitated, his glance flickering away before meeting yours again. "Because I wanted you to like me for myself, not as Varga," he admitted with a shrug. "It's easy to like someone for their success or their fame... but you were so excited to meet Kristoff Varga… I wanted to hold off the inevitable."
His honesty struck a chord. A soft laugh escaped you as you shook your head slightly, the absurdity and the sweetness of his concern mingling together. "That's so silly," you said fondly. "I like you, Antal, and I like Varga. They're both you, aren't they?"
Antal's expression lightened, a relieved smile breaking through his initial reserve. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, his eyes brightening.
As an impatient murmur from the person behind you grew louder, Antal’s laughter broke the brief tension, his demeanor relaxing as he took your book to sign it. As he handed the book back, his fingers lingered just a bit too long.
“Are you busy later?” he asked.
“No, I’m free,” you replied, the excitement bubbling up inside you, making your heart race with anticipation.
A shy smile spread across his face, his usual confidence tempered with a vulnerability that made him even more endearing. “Would you like to meet up after the signing?” he ventured, his gaze steady on yours.
“I’d love to,” you said, stepping back to allow him to greet the next fan.
As you moved away from the booth, you heard snippets of conversation and whispers from those around who had caught bits of your exchange with Antal. There was a hint of jealousy in their tones, their eyes following you.
You moved to a quieter part of the bookstore, your heart still fluttering. You sat, waving hello to the barista from earlier, and waited.
As the hours trickled by, you lost yourself in the pages of Antal’s new book, glancing up every so often to see the queue dwindle. Around you, the bookstore began to quiet down, the last few patrons lingering as the event wound to a close.
Noticing the time, the barista approached your table with a gentle smile. “We’ll be closing up soon,” he mentioned, his eyes sweeping over the mostly empty café.
“I’m just waiting for Varga,” you explained, hoping it wouldn’t be an inconvenience.
The barista’s eyebrows rose in surprise, a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but he nodded understandingly. “Of course, we don’t close for another thirty minutes,” he said, and with a final tidy of the table, he left you to wait.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you saw Antal making his way towards you. The sight of him, free of the signing table and the throngs of fans, reignited the excitement from earlier. You stood up, and as he approached, something in his smile made it impossible to hold back.
You stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him, burying into his feathers. He was so soft and warm, and his closeness sparked something in you. Without really knowing what you were doing, you stood on your toes for a kiss.
The kiss was gentle at first, exploratory, even careful. As you grew more confident, the kiss deepened; you clung to him, hands around his waist to pull him closer.
Antal tasted faintly of sugary coffee and strawberries, a hint of sweetness lingering on his lips. You could feel the slight brush of his feathers, his talons carefully touching your back.
As you stepped back from the kiss, breathless and heart racing, the excitement thrumming through you made your heart stutter. Your lips met his again as you practically crushed yourself against him.
Antal's laugh, light and genuinely happy, mingled with the air between you.
Pulling away a second time, Antal glanced down at the book open on the table. "How are you finding the book?" he asked, his tone playful.
"It's fantastic," you replied, your eyes still locked on his. "I love the romance in it—but I have to say, the real thing is even better."
Antal’s response was to pull you close once again, his arms wrapping around you in a hug that lifted you slightly off your feet. The warmth of his body and the strength in his hold were exhilarating.
As he set you back down, your laughter joined his, the sound echoing lightly in the near-empty café. You glanced over his shoulder and saw the barista watching, a knowing smile on his face. The sight might have embarrassed you at another time, but right now, it didn’t matter. You were too caught up to care about an audience.
Smiling, you pecked Antal on the cheek and said, “let them watch. They’re just jealous I’ve got you all to myself.”
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monstercampus · 8 months
Harpy Professor - First Meeting
(cws: slight alcohol mention, brief lewd references)
wc: 3.5k
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Last night was a mess. Priam had been out all night partying with his friends, while Antón had been rage-cleaning the apartment in a frenzy in order to have everything spotless before the first day of term. The two of them you've gotten used to, of course, but their habits still tick you off when you're not in the mood to deal with them. Priam's drunken stumble back into the dorm at 4 AM didn't help either, as your vampiric roommate got into an argument with him over leaving the living room a mess. Exams have been over for weeks, and yet the two of them still find stupid things to fight about in the heat of the moment.
And you were left to endure it as best you could, your pillow clamped over your ears for half the night and your blanket pulled down over your feet by your shadow friend–who also seemed to be quite frustrated by your other tenants and their noise, trying vainly to block out the light and seal your door in his mist to try and muffle the ruckus. Either way you weren't going to sleep, not well, so now you've stepped into your first class of the new semester with bags under your eyes and half your school supplies forgotten. Just get through it today. Tomorrow will be better.
First on the roster this morning is Monster-Human Relations–a class you knew would be small, but not this small, with barely ten or so seats filled so far in the mid-sized lecture room. There's only about five rows of staggered desks on a slope anyways, with a curved, connected desk to separate the section from the front of the class and the podium. And you're a few minutes early, so you anticipate there'll be more students filing in as they wake up from their respective hangovers or hangovers-by-association, like yourself. Being an advanced class, though, it's not going to be much bigger than this. The only reason you're even taking this class was because the professor made a request for your attendance, and gave you special permissions to attend based on your unique species allocation. And lo and behold, even so, there's a face you recognize right as you walk in the door, his piercing eyes perking up as he lifts his head at the sound of your footsteps. It's Nick. Gods you are glad to see him. He peers at you through a few loose strands of dark hair, and at the sight of you a smile flashes across his face.
"Hey," He brightens up, pulling on the back of the chair beside him to offer you a seat. "Didn't know you were in this class too." He chuckles, though your look of relief doesn't seem to entertain him enough not to notice the weight of weariness you carry in your slumped shoulders. You're quick and eager to drop your bag on the table and slide into the chair, but Nick's worry stops you in your tracks. "What's up, buttercup? You look exhausted. Why aren't you in bed?"
"Roommates kept me up," You sigh, flipping open the lip of your bag to pull out your laptop. "But I'm okay. Can't miss the first class, anyways."
"Of course you can." Nicky's grin returns as you hoped it would, but it's gentler this time. "Besides, Wellwright's a big puffball. You can pretty much do whatever you want in his classes."
"I don't wanna be rude."
"You don't have a rude bone in your body." He's not flippant about it, but he does avert his eyes as he makes his comment–although it could just be because he's scribbling the date and the course number down in his thick notebook. "Wellwright's a super sweet guy, he was my mentor in Commonspeak class. He'll love you."
"You took Commonspeak?"
"Sure did." Those pearly teeth make an appearance as he chuckles, pride swelling his chest. "Barely spoke a word when I got here. Now I'm the most voracious person you probably know."
"Voracious?" You laugh, and he joins you, though as uplifting as it is it doesn't last for very long. You're grateful for it even so, your chuckling devolving as more people filter in and drawing to a close as the door to the classroom nearly slams off the hinges.
One moment of peace turns into chaos like the flip of a light switch, a pair of huge, strong wings entering the room with a scraggly, rough-looking man stumbling in alongside them. A tornado of feathers seems to cascade over the front of the room, flying off and whipping up with the breeze as those enormous wings flap and fold in an attempt to keep their host on his feet. Both you and Nick have to grab hold of your notebook and laptop respectively just so they don't fly off the table.
"My apologies!" He squawks, arms full of books and papers that also seem to be flying everywhere as he makes his way to his desk. You spare a glance over Nick's shoulder as he checks his watch, to which he taps and mouths "late" to you to elicit another giggle.
Raven Wellwright, a harpy of considerable acclaim, is definitely a name you've heard beyond the professor hastily scribbling it up on the whiteboard. Not only is he one of very, very few male harpies known to the world, but he's also very conveniently one of a handful of experts on the field of monster and human cooperation. He's penned a library of papers, articles, and books on the subject, won awards for his aid in developmental projects and awareness campaigns, and he's even been the first monster to be welcomed into a previously human-exclusive collegiate of considerable prestige. He's a rarity in all senses of the word…a rarity that's molting his feathers all over his desk, sweat gathering at his collar as his short waves of strawberry-blond locks falling haphazardly back into place while he shuffles around.
"Right!" He bellows out to the three-quarters-empty classroom, the tak tak of his papers hitting the podium echoing off the walls like glass marbles. "What was I saying?"
"You haven't started yet, professor." Nick calls out, and although it's certainly an awkward air in the room the harpy seems somewhat relieved that he hasn't already forgotten what just came out of his mouth.
"Right, thank you Nicholas. Nicholas!" He suddenly bursts into a frenzy, a smile plastered over his glowing face and his eyes sparkling with grateful familiarity. "Nicholas will be our note-taker this term, as well as your TA! Take a bow, Nick!"
Funny enough, even confident-and-cool Nick boasts a spot of shyness and a dark flush to his ears as he's encouraged to stand, turning around to wave at your fellow students who eye him up with varying degrees of interest, all while Raven claps with an eagerness to him that lasts until your friend reclaims his seat. Whispers dominate the classroom while Raven's head is turned, though it doesn't seem like they're just regarding the scatterbrained professor and his handsome assistant–especially not when he turns back and his square glasses-framed eyes land directly on you.
"Oh," That soft puff of air could just as well be a gunshot with how loud it feels to you, Raven's lithe fingers trembling slightly as he pushes his lenses higher up on his nose. For a split second, even with Nick's comforting words in the back of your brain, a tense knot of worry tightens in your stomach as you wonder whether your presence will be met with disdain.
"H-Hello! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," And yet that concern evaporates the instant he skirts around the podium, features bright and his wings rustling excitedly as he hustles towards your desk and thrusts his hand out to yours. You barely have to hold his at all with how violently nervous his grip is, fingers clamped down so tight you can just barely feel the itch of his filed claws for nails against your skin. "Raven Wellwright, P.H.D! I'd like to welcome you to our university–it is a joy and an honour to have you here!"
With one last tight squeeze of his unusually cool hand, he pats your arm and releases you from that iron grip to scurry back to his podium. As luck would have it, all he's got prepared for today is a review of the syllabus, which soon flies by despite being peppered with occasional comments and brief anecdotes to supplement it, courtesy of a now hyper-focused prof who clearly knows what he's talking about. It's almost a little intimidating to watch him switch so quickly from anxiety to decisiveness, the nervous shakes vanishing as he briefly divulges the core topics of the material you'll be going over. It actually helps to stir you a bit from your exhaustion, though the half-smushed granola bar in the bottom of your bag also helps once he reiterates that eating in his class isn't a faux pas.
"I'm sure you're all readily familiar with the plagiarism policy and academic conduct sections as well, yes? Any questions?"
A revolution of head-nodding round the room seems to suffice, and with a quick glance at the clock by the door Wellwright rolls out his shoulders and drops his papers against the podium with a refreshed sigh.
"Well, that's good enough for me! Take an early lunch and enjoy the rest of your day, we'll start with our introductory lecture next class–oh, and could you two come to my office for a spell?" As he passes by your joint desks he gives them a tap, making eye contact with both you and Nick with a reassuring smile as the rest of the class shuffles their bookbags and lets their chair legs squeak as they get up from their seats. Your heart kicks up with a nervous thump, thump, thump, but whether Nick can smell it or hear it or is completely oblivious to it he pats your thigh under the table and nudges your shoulder playfully.
"No worries. He probably just wants to gush over you." He whispers into your ear, and with a half-smile conjured up from your dwindling pool of strength you gather your things in kind and follow alongside the werewolf as you both make your way to Wellwright's office, the path known well enough to him that he can chat your ear off the whole way there, and still make it in time to watch the professor hustle along down the corridor with his bag in tow as the two of you wait for him to unlock the door.
"Come in, come in! Take a seat–anywhere is fine–and have a snack! I've got tea…uh, somewhere! Just give me a moment.."
It's most certainly more haphazard being around him in the cramped office than it was in the lecture hall–as Wellwright hurries in and you two follow behind, Nick has to bring his hand down firmly on your head for you both to duck, just barely missing the professor's wing as it swings around and nearly collides with both of you. And with the size and strength of those muscles and that coat of healthy tawn-coloured feathers, you don't even wanna know how hard it would hurt to get smacked with one of those things.
But, oblivious to your plight, the avian totters around his office chirping up a storm while the werewolf at your side leads you–with your heads appropriately bowed under his wing line this time–to take your seats in the two plush chairs across from his spacious corner desk. Raven busies himself by the window with what looks to be a teapot on a portable burner for a minute or two, before the spout starts to whistle a familiar tune and he expertly tips it out to pour three steaming cups of fresh tea. Ginger-flavoured by the smell of it, the scent pervading your nostrils in an oddly relaxing way as he lays out each cup in front of all three of you. Curious, you watch as he takes his own seat, and notice that the arms of his chair dip towards the back for each wing to settle comfortably in the empty slots. Monster creativity truly knows no bounds, no matter how benign the design.
"-Anyways, that's quite enough about me! I'd like to know more about you." His bangs flutter over each brow as he turns to meet your eyes, not an ounce of enthusiasm missing from his gaze as he takes a sip from his cup–and proceeds to splutter and cough with a napkin pulled up to cover his mouth, mumbling in a half-lisp about burning his tongue. When you follow his lead with a giggle you make sure to at least blow on yours, and it's actually rather sweet despite the strength of the ginger threatening to overwhelm you. "I–we–are well and truly excited to have you here! I can't tell you how integral your presence will be in the pursuit of monster-human cooperation–you are sincerely a gift to this establishment, and I cannot thank you enough for taking the plunge and attending despite the odd circumstances."
Somehow–perhaps it's an effect of the tea–the mouthful of praises the professor drops are free from his usual stutters and vocal stumbling, as if the topic of you is yet another subject he can't help but be eloquently passionate about. You, on the other hand? You're not even sure what to say to that...such high praise feels uncalled for, not that it's unpleasant in nature, but that it should be reserved for someone that's actually done something to deserve it. All you really did was go with the flow and refrain from kicking up a fuss.
"I, uh…th-thank you, professor, but I really didn't do much…" You shrug shyly, suddenly wishing you could disappear from the awkwardness and hide inside Nick's jacket for comfort. But the silent moment passes not in a hollow, nerve-wracking way, because it's filled by Raven's easy smile growing into something a little more intimate, his feathers settling to lay flat as he reaches over the desk and gently clasps both hands over yours.
"You took a risk, my dear. Unsure of what lies on the horizon, you chose a path seldom travelled yet long overdue for progress. That in itself is worth a world of praise."
You knew he could be eloquent, but that…that was poetry. And could that warmth tipping his pointed ears be a blush, coincidental with how his fingers retract from touching you? Worried his touches may come off as something more the longer they linger? Or are you simply reading into things?
"Maybe I should go," Nick teases, and that thankfully eases the tension enough for you to snap back into the reality at hand–and for Raven's feathers to ruffle in embarrassment as he leans away from you just to bump his head painfully on his overhanging lamp.
"Sweet Chaos–ah, I'm fine, I'm fine!" He waves away your worry while Nick erupts into a cheeky laugh beside you, the professor's unyielding clumsiness proving too much for him to keep it all sealed in. Especially hearing a string of curses fly from such a sweet, kind-hearted man's mouth, who wouldn't hurt a beetle even if it bit him. "Before I injure myself further, perhaps I should just get to the point." He sighs with a palm pressed to the back of his head, rubbing the soreness off the fortunately very minor bump there.
"It's the MHC thing, right?" Nick pipes up, sobered from the giggle fit but still grinning from ear to ear.
"Just so." Raven nods, those cotton candy-pink eyes shifting back to you. "My dear, I have a favour to ask of you. Would you consider being a human ambassador on my behalf?"
"...Ambassador? As in..?"
"Oh, i-it's nothing too taxing! Allow me to explain: being an ambassador simply means you would be willing to speak as an individual of your species for MHC conferences. It would really just involve me calling on your opinion and presenting it to the Monster-Human Commission–most of it will just be in writing, no more than a sentence or few."
"You mean 'sentence or two', professor." Nick cuts in, leaning back in his chair like he owns the place. If you weren't mistaken, you could swear there's a glint of something fierce in the harpy's eyes as his gaze flits over to his protégé–but it's there and gone in a moment, and you try not to let the thought linger for fear of how it might make you wonder.
"Goodness! Surpassing your mentor already, eh? Maybe you should be the one teaching commonspeak, Mr. Wolf." He soon returns to the comfort of your gaze on him. "By no means is it a necessity, but it would be of brilliant use to my colleagues in the commission. Take some time to think about it, okay? There's no rush. You can start and stop whenever you please."
"I, uh…yes, thank you, professor. I'll give it some thought." Wellwright nods with a happy grin, and allows you to finish the rest of your tea with a few occasional spurts of scatterbrained conversation peppered in between. He's so courteous and well-spoken, gentle and kind…there's no wonder you've heard giggling from the harpy girls on campus when he's brought up, his dreaminess a total diamond in the rough for any self-respecting monster. An absolute gem. A-
"Hey, professor, I can't quite remember–are we reviewing interbreeding this term?"
As if burning his tongue and bumping his head wasn't enough, Wellwright balks at Nick's unforeseen question and nearly chokes on the dregs of his tea, the liquid splattering his chin with a cough that he's quick to wipe with the back of his hand. If it crossed your mind in time, and if you weren't so tired, you'd have half a mind to give Nick a pinch under the desk for torturing the poor man.
"C-Cross-species mating? Uh, ye…yes, we are.."
"Mmh. Gotcha. We've got a human this year, so maybe we can do our independent study on it? That'd be pretty helpful for your research, huh?"
What hits you right away is that he doesn't say no. Not that it's not his first reaction, but that the word doesn't even cross his lips. The slightest twinge of his brow has the harpy narrowing his eyes at the werewolf, and for a brief spell you think the professor might be humouring the exact same reaction as you were.
"Th-That would depend on the human's decision, Nick–and that is certainly not the full extent of my research, I might add!"
"Y-You, um…you study interbreeding, Dr. Wellwright?"
Your query flits out like the most timid of butterflies, curious and interested in equal measure. It must be so easy for both of them to pick up, but you can't really help it–the idea of such a sweet professor pursuing such a lewd scholarly topic is…fascinating, to say the least.
"He does. In great detail." Nick leans over to whisper into your ear, and the air in the room seems to change as Raven squirms anxiously in his seat.
"I-It's a necessary component of my research…" He mumbles, suddenly unable to meet your eyes as the heat in his face stretches to reach the tips of his pointed ears.
"So necessary." Nick adds with a shit-eating grin.
"Nicholas!” Raven finally huffs, brow furrowed and eyes dimmed of their sparkle. Oh, now he's mad. And yet, with a glance over at your companion, Nick couldn't look more enthused about the prospect. They certainly seem to be on familiar terms with how much teasing your friend knows he can get away with. Ripples start to part Wellwright's feathers like shudders, and almost under his breath, he quietly asks if you would give him a moment with his T.A–and you have never been more quick to oblige, setting down your teacup at an earnest pace before your bag is slung over your shoulder and you're soon closing the office door firmly behind you. The click of the lock echoes in the otherwise empty corridor, and though you'd like to wait for Nick out of courtesy, the hushed whispering that ensues followed by the flap of your professor's wings clues you in that perhaps it would be better to give them some…privacy.
Although, at the very least your phone buzzes before you've even left the wing, a glance down at the messages revealing that Nick's gonna be tied up for awhile, but he's alright. His words echo in your head, “Wellwright's just a big puffball”, and it loosens a pleasant sigh from your throat as you let your shoulders relax. The last thing you want is to get anyone in trouble, which you seem to do quite easily by your very nature of being human.
This class may end up being a different story though, if your professor's…enthusiasm towards the human race is anything to go by.
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blackmambaboobs · 1 year
okokok- so!
I miss Winter- My body is not made for the heattttt- >:( Crackling Fire "Come on, Heavy! Or else Y/N's gonna freeze to death!" Medic says, dramatically, waving his wing at Heavy who was in the kitchen fixing his hot cocoa. You couldn't help the roll of your eyes, snickering at Medic. "I'm not gonna freeze to death, Hon'," you say, sitting on the nest of pillows and blankets Medic put up for all of you in front of the fire. "Yes you will! You need us to keep you warm!" You look at him and then the fire. "Shush." He huffs. "Calm down, малыши." Heavy says, walking into the living room with the small cup of hot cocoa in his giant paw. He was huge to begin with, but in Werewolf form he was even bigger. Luckily, the house was big enough for him, surprisingly. Medic's quick to sit next to you, nuzzling into your side, cooing softly as Heavy sits on your other side, setting his hot cocoa on the floor next to him. You can't help but smile, you were all different, but you worked so well together. "Hey Guys?" They both perk up at your voice, turning their heads towards you signaling that they were paying attention. "I love you!" You don't miss the way they smile at you lovingly as they both take one of your hands with their own. "We love you too!" You felt warm inside and out, whether it was from the fire in front of you or the love you had for these two, you didn't care. You were just happy to be theirs.
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bomber-grl · 9 months
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General Percy Jackson dating hc⋆°🌊
~ ⋆。‧𖦹 Percy Jackson x Gn!Reader(no pronouns)
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Percy is so sassy
I think we as a fandom have established that, however sometimes you underestimate how far he’ll go.
No matter how long you’ve been dating he’ll still be sassy 😔😭
Of course it’s downgraded though
He chose mercy today
Although he can get sassy sometimes, there is without a doubt that he loves you.
If there are 100 people who love you Percy is one of them. 1 person who loves you? Percy is that person
Zero? Percy is dead
He absolutely adores you, even if he can be a big idiot sometimes.
Now, when the two of you got together it was pretty much the same as when you were friends
Just romantic
You’d get reminded of your relationship when he calls you his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner
Especially in front of others
Or when he starts holding your hand and kissing you
It’s definitely a change
But not necessarily a bad one
Hes the type of guy to make being your boyfriend his whole personality
(Not actually but let me explain)
He’ll def wear those shirt with “I love my [insert your preferred title]
And he won’t care who sees it 😭
He’s proud no matter what
And is an absolute menace if anyone says anything about it
Or to you, for that matter
He’s powerful and we all know that
You can obviously defend yourself however sometimes he just can’t hold back
If anything were to ever happen to you
Let’s just say the opposing side will be as if it never existed.
I don’t see Percy as the jealous type ngl
I’ve seen many others say he would be and I think he could be, but only sometimes
He knows you’re just as loyal to him as he is to you
However if he sees anyone flirt and you don’t notice or tell them to back off-
He will for you
He won’t hesitate to slide an arm around your waist and ask what the hell the other person is doing with a raised eyebrow
He sasses the other person so much he leaves no room for argument 😭
Percy trusts with everything he’s got
So if you were to ever betray him he’d be crushed
Especially if you really know him
Just don’t betray him 🤷‍♀️
Percy follows you around all the time when he’s got nothing to do
He’s strong and independent
…wheeennn he’s away from you
He’s always by your side
And he loves to spend time with you too
He can’t say goodbye without hugging or kissing you
That’s a definite quirk of his
He’s technically not supposed to exist but it makes you glad he’s the only demigod child of Poseidon
And the only other person who shares his cabin is Tyson, so that way you two can sleepover and cuddle.
Ofc you guys get to actually do that once Tyson stops talking to you guys 😭
Only when Tyson goes off do you guys have time to chill in his cabin and the sleepovers you have are almost endless
I say almost because you eventually got caught by the harpy’s and luckily Chiron came in time to prevent you guys being ripped to shreds :,)
Before all that happened tho, you and Percy would cuddle and you’d play with Percy’s hair
He LOVES having his hair played with and his scalp massaged
And he accidentally insinuates that he misses that the most out of you getting banned from his cabin
The audacity for him to miss your massages rather than your presence
He let you have his share of desert as an apology for as long as you want 😭😭
You felt guilty so eventually you stopped 😭
If you are a sword fighter like him, you both often spar together.
You hit two birds with one stone
You practice your skills, and get to hang out together
What could be better?
Even then, if you specialize with daggers or a spear then it still works out
Sorry if you’re an archer 😭
Before you’re even introduced to Sally she already loves you!
And vise versa
Percy talks so much about you guys to each other that you practically already met her
And she already knew about you before you guys even started dating 😭
Percy told her (albeit a bit reluctantly) that he had a crush and the rest was history
When you finally meet it’s an automatic click and the both of you hit it off
Honestly Percy’s happy to see two of the most important people in his life getting along.
So, we’re all aware of how much of a menace Percy is, right?
Well he absolutely teases the fuck out of you
If that’s how you’re comfortable with
It’s not bad but it’s definitely silly and makes you smile at his antics, especially when you’re pretending to be mad at him 😭
You’re so weak for him lol
As is he for you
Mans is a simp and a so called “free thinker”
That changes when you step into the room and start talking to him
So after you guys got banned from going into each others cabins for unplanned sleepovers you guys had to make the most of the time you had together during the day
Just imagine an innocent camper walking by and seeing “beat ares, stopped two wars” Percy
The thing is, Percy is absolutely putty in your hands and has his head resting on your lap with your hands in his hair
Some would usually tease but with his reputation nowadays, nobody dares
With the exception of close Ally’s and ofc, Clarisse
It’s little moments that get you guys closer than ever like when there’s campfires and you can just enjoy the moment
Or when you can go into the lake
Which is where you guys had your first kiss
And it was sweet and spontaneous
And then awkward afterwards because of the walk back to your cabins 😭
Even then Percy gave you a quick peck and ran off
Best believe he was kicking his feet once he got back to his cabin 😭
you awoke the next day with being the new hot gossip in camp so that was… interesting
I’m aware that I’ve made Percy to be a bit a menace
Although he is exactly that on the regular-
He really does care about you
Sometimes whenever he looks at you he can’t help but think about how lucky he got
He’s glad to have met you and tries his best to let you know at every chance he gets
Even if the things he might say come off as cringe, he means it
Maybe to a less cringey extent tho lolol
Bro can’t help it, he’s a romantic at heart
But only ever for you
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oc incorrect quotes #9
y/n: Sydney, I love you, but you look fucking stupid. You are not a centaur, love
Sydney pauses his little horse like prancing, only to continue moments later
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