#Harry Lyme
machetelanding · 9 months
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riphimopen · 8 months
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woah mama mia cunt
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ollierachnid · 8 months
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Mutually Assured Destruction is a beautiful name for a baby boy
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reallivewire · 7 months
Harry and Marv on their way to rob the president while Kevin plays pokemon on his gameboy in the back
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onesourapple · 2 years
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals :)
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90smovies · 2 years
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taot-sketches · 2 years
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Its Christmas and its my special interest, no one is allowed to be mean to me about this
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mountain-of-madness · 2 years
I wonder in the Home Alone universe, how did Harry and Marv meet? Little headcanon of mine is that they met in the mid 70’s, Marv is a high school dropout and Harry is an experienced (but dumb) crook who takes him under his wing
And they looked like this
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massivefanmilkshake · 2 years
Pour le jour 13 du calendrier de l’avent et le thème film je vous propose un crossover RPZ X Maman j’ai raté l’avion
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bacpain · 4 months
An old comic I did, Noctua and his bisexual ass lol
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riphimopen · 9 months
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ollierachnid · 8 months
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waiting 7 minutes for the bandits to come through
+ collected gets
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reallivewire · 8 months
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what Harry sees whenever he makes threats against Marv's life
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jay-whyy · 7 months
Rodrick Lyme; His Favorite is You and Only You
Rodrick Lyme, the prefect of the Slytherin dorm. That makes him, your prefect and thus, in charge of your affairs.
You often find him by the staircase to the entrance to the Slytherin common room.
He would be there with his friends, only for said friends to walk away the moment you approach him.
With his red-tinted brown coat perfect without any creases, and hair prefectly groomed, he was the image of a perfect prefect.
Then... Why is it that he finds himself playing favorites?
Such a behavior was far below that of a prefect selected by the prestigious school of Hogwarts. Heck, even handing out detention for his own amusement paled in comparison.
But... He can't deny the fact that you are his favorite.
Not your group of friends, not that part-Veela and her two flanks, but you. Just you.
Sometimes, when he enters the common room, he finds you already there, seated at the couch, brushing up on your duelling strategies.
Other times, he sees you writing letters to send to your friends from various adventures.
Gosh, he just wants to spend more time with you.
And so, when he caught wind that you quite liked History of Magic, he immediately brushed up on his notes.
"I know it's not a popular opinion, but I rather love History of Magic. Professor Binns might be dead, but he really brings the subject to life."
Pretending to play it cool when you burst into an animated discussion, it is then that he learns of your special connection to those who participated in the Wizarding War. Or rather, you call the connection as your 'echoes'.
Apparently, they aid you in your usage of specific spell cards that they were previously inclined towards, and provide you with special skills.
He'll turn a blind eye as to how you are capable of tapping into Dark Magic, particularly Obscurus.
He's happy to have your attention on him. At least, until one of your friends come over to drag you away.
What pests they are, perhaps he'll be keeping a closer eye on them, to make sure they get in trouble.
"The best thing about being a prefect? I can give detention to anyone I feel like. Lucky for you, I feel like looking the other way. Carry on."
There's no denying, you are his favorite junior.
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orcinusalba · 1 year
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Pleased with our finds today 😁
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wonderlandhs94 · 8 months
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Happy 30th (Jesus Christ 😭) Birthday to the man who makes me and everyone else so happy, who I’ve been supporting since I was 12/13 years old, who is one of the most sweetest and kindest man to ever walk the planet who we all love so deeply!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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