jay-whyy · 1 day
Agony is a particular type of pain: the word exists to describe a type of grief that destroys your sense of identity. The type of pain that leaves you asking yourself "who am I now that everything happened?", that makes you wander in search of anything that can remind you of yourself.
- Unknown.
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jay-whyy · 7 days
Made, Not Born.
I am convinced that INTJs are made, not born.
For one, when you are born, you are naive of the world around you; Think of a baby, a toddler, a child.
However, take a look at INTJs, and notice how they are so... them. Let's see, cold, rational, judgemental- basically the two dominants of their cognitive stack.
That does not sound anything like a child.
Thus, we can jump into the conclusion that they grew into their current MBTI.
And I'm not going to lie, they're probably traumatized, because there's no way that their development into something that largely resembles a psychopath is natural; They must've been put into a stressful situation and developed into their current selves as a response to their environment.
And a cute little fact: Psychopathy is a mental illness that remains dormant until they are put into a stressful environment, causing them to become dangerous.
So, what if INTJs are actually just dormant psychopaths? What if they're just, INTJs? We'll never know, unless they get a brain scan, but that's a waste of money.
As an INTJ, I am not having fun explaining this.
So, have fun trying to understand the link, because my mind refuses to let me view the process, thanks.
Here's a few more things:
INTJs are known to have obsessions, and they, naturally, want to know everything about their obsession.
INTJs are also, highly likely, to be possessive of their obsessions.
INTJs' minds are a jumbled mess; Some stuff are thought, by them, to be naturally connected, but it may just be a them-thing to see the link.
I was definitely obsessed with my identity as an INTJ, once upon a time.
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jay-whyy · 9 days
"Mu Rulan was the research subject he has targetted. She was his prey. He had wasted a lot of time and effort on her, so naturally, she belonged to him."
Reincarnation- Lord is Extremely Hardcore (Hongkong-Chinese translated novel)
Criminal psychologist x his unsolvable psychopath
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jay-whyy · 12 days
When the day comes that I become a jaded adult, all I have to say is... "I told you so."
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jay-whyy · 19 days
Tumblr media
The candle will remain unlit until next year, 4th September.
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jay-whyy · 19 days
Tell me why,
Am I so alone
On my birthday?
I guess it's true:
Brought unto
This world alone,
Living alone,
Leaving alone.
Alone on Valentines' Day
Why is poetry
So full of love
When I just want
To forget you
On this lonely
Valentines' day
Wherein you are
Not mine to call
And I wonder
How it'd be like
To not be alone.
I see love notes,
And think, solemn,
How it'd be like
To be in love.
Warm embraces
And flustered smiles,
To be so close,
Absence is presence.
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jay-whyy · 19 days
Pause for a minute and ask yourself: Do you like who you are?
"...Do I like who I am?"
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jay-whyy · 1 month
To Jannis,
Memories of you fade to ash,
as dust covers picture frames.
It's with much difficulty,
that I recall your name.
Yet, you remain in my heart.
I struggle to write this out,
but recall the harm you caused.
I would never dare blame you,
and so I write, dear Jannis.
To Jannis, we were too young.
You should've never met me.
Depression was my battle,
yet you witnessed my blood shed.
Bloody and bruised, I hugged you,
proud of my blood on your skin,
for you were my companion,
Jannis, my reluctant friend.
I grinned as my blood was spilt.
Eyes fixated on my grin;
You focused only on it,
whilst I poured my blood on you
My heart bled for you to see.
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jay-whyy · 1 month
Stop revisiting your childhood.
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jay-whyy · 2 months
Who I am.
"Because she was powerful, everyone would feel that it was not a problem for her to suffer a little [more]."
"In life, the tacit rule was that the strong worked more."
"Since you had the ability, you had to do more. You were the strong, so you should protect the weak."
I despise the way such words are uttered, as if I had to give myself away, until all that is left of me is mere bones.
I despise the way people convey these words with their actions, with shameless righteousness.
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jay-whyy · 3 months
Love me like my heart stops beating the very next day, for if you don't, I'm afraid my heart may just stop beating right now.
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jay-whyy · 3 months
Imposter Syndrome
Thinking about my future,
And of ideas not my own.
Putting my name on my work,
Knowing my thinking isn't mine.
Dreaming about the future,
Realizing I'll get nowhere,
When the mind doesn't belong,
To the holder of the body.
Don't have a personality,
Dreadfully boring human,
Mere tales and facts to tell,
A storyteller, a better future,
Yet I stumble over my very own words.
Oh Lord, oh God, oh Divine one,
Tell me truthfully without care,
Am I worthy, am I real, am I beloved?
Or does none believe, as I don't believe you.
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jay-whyy · 3 months
I feel.
I think.
I wish.
I want.
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jay-whyy · 3 months
The Softie
She stares up at the ceiling
Then looks at the clouds outside
Complex eyes drift to the Moon
And back to the clouds again
Pondering, wondering if . . .
Feet padded to the window
Eyes followed the moving clouds
Clouds moving out of her view
Calming cycle, isn't it?
Been some time since she saw them
Much less confided in them
Hidden words drift to the clouds
Carried above everyone
Never falling unto ears
Like the clouds once promised her
On the very day she fell
When they descended from high
Just to check on little her
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jay-whyy · 3 months
The Sky Tells
A little girl roams the skies
Pure wings of white direct her
She floats with the clouds as one
Gave her greetings to the stars
Praises the shining white moon
As she soared, she heard the talk
“The Sun is the only truth”
So she flew to her interest
Fluttering above, so close
Fragile wings went up in flames
She found herself free-falling
Wings disappearing to ash
She outreached her arm, nothing
The clouds tried as they might
The stars were hidden from sight
The Moon stared in pure horror
And the Sun, it laughed in glee
For days did she fall in peace
Till hatred bubbled within
She flapped her featherless wings
It hurt, but she had to try
Slowly, black feathers emerged
Her descent slowed by a bit
But not enough to survive
A voice, she heard in her mind
A demon, it claimed it was
I shall help you, it whispered
For a price that was nothing
Yes, without hesitation
As she wandered through the streets
The memory of her fall played
Truely ironic, she mused
A demon for a savior
How desperate she must’ve been
But angels didn’t exist
How could one ever save her?
Perhaps, she was the angel
And that demon in her mind
Maybe it corrupted her
And she wouldn’t change that fact
Even if she had the choice
The girl who grew pure black wings
The sacred tale of the sky
Never a word on the ground
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jay-whyy · 3 months
The Apocalypse Now
She watches the news
Feet dangling on edge
The end approaches
Many were up high
Or down underground
Smiling, she watches
Feet still dangling free
Her eyes, a story
An ending story
With the ending world
Silence roamed the world
No one made a sound
Everyone was dead
All except for her
Patiently waiting
For a still silence
Brought by extinction
Shaking, excited
But her eyes were blank
No longer caring
If she ever did
The cure, yes, the cure
She had found it, yes
But, why would she try?
All was bound to die
Call her a villain
Call her a monster
Saving everyone
From their own two hands
Hands that destroy all
Should she stay alive
She’d be a liar
Destroying herself
Just like the before
She is to join them
With a smile of pain
And eyes of darkness
She jumped off of that
That lone skyscraper
And soaring up high
The heavens, she goes
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jay-whyy · 3 months
Dim Or Bright
Brighter than the Sun
Dimmer than the Moon
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