#Harry Potter centaur
cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Hoof Race
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic
I’m going through ALOT because of a dickwad of a piano teacher. So imma just project and vent here. I love piano, but I don’t love the piano teacher. My own personal Umbridge. Bleck. So it’s gonna be sloppily written, projective, just. I’m going through a lot right now. A lot a lot.
Summary: Your first detention with Umbridge. Needless to say, very traumatizing. At least you have a pair of red heads to comfort you. Along with formed an escape plan to get you out of there. With some help
Warnings: Umbridge, scars, blood, depression, anxiety, stress, crying, trauma, Umbridge being Umbridge. Physical Violence against Reader from Umbridge, Humanism(Racism against other species) Surprise Guest Appearance for the Book Lovers from one of our favorite Divination Teachers
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“Where is our little lab rat?” Fred huffed, as he was looking around for you. With George trailing behind. Looking in all the directions that Fred wasn’t looking. You had promised to meet them at Hagrid’s to test out a new product to help with calming animals. Something that was more so a Comission’s for Hagrid than anything else. Would be a nice little treat. Tea, fang, and laughter. Just one problem. Where are you?
“Should have never given Harry that map.” George would grumble, as he was getting worried now. Where were you? You aren’t one to break a promise. Especially to miss out on hanging with Hagrid. Who wants to purposely avoid a cozy evening with him? Especially since the twins had hoards of candy to share. If you missed a treat like that, it has to be beyond your control.
“Checked the dorm, checked Myrtle, checked the Requirement’s, checked the green house-“ The twins would finish each others sentences, as they walked. Trying so hard to think of where you could be. That’s when they stopped infront of the Defense Room Doors. They were open, but the office door was closed. They slowly looked to each other, before bolting inside.
“But Miss Umbridge, it hurts-!” They heard you shout, now that they were pressing their ears to the door. “It’s not suppose to feel good, darling. I should have expected such idiocy from someone who found it wise to speak out of turn-“ Umbridge would huff, as her heels could be heard pacing. A mixture of sharp clicks, and your hiccups.
“Mr. Firenze is not a THING-!” You snapped, only for a sharp smack to echo in the room. Made the twins wince, as you hiccuped again. “That beast is indeed that. Why defend that vile creature, when it even identifies itself as a beast-? Hm? Shouldn’t expect much from an idiotic child like yourself.” She lectured on.
“What do we do?” George whispered to Fred. What could they do? She was still a professor after all. Regardless, they had to do something. Anything. SOMETHING. They had to think fast, before you got even more hurt. Or worse. Expelled.
“Twins-?” A voice called itself, making the duo look over. The familiar blonde hair, and clips of hoof steps, made it clear who it was. Their newest teacher, given Umbridge very literally fired their old one. What a god send, as the twins were able to hatch a plan.
“Please please-“ They made praying hand gestures, as they pointed at her door. Making dramatic movements to try and convey they needed a distraction. Not wanting to get detention next. Never thought detention could be worse than anything Snape could offer.
The echo of another slap was what made the ever calm teacher connect the dots. Oh how he dispised such treatment. It was inhuman. That’s saying something from a man who used to live with trantulas the size of buildings. He would quickly motion for the red heads to quickly go hide under the stairs, before he cleared his throat.
“Mistress Umbridge? I need to speak with you about a matter at hand-!” He called, with a hoof stomp for added volume. The duo was quick to run under the stairs, and narrowly miss her gaze. An ever-plastered fake smile was on her lips, as she would walk down the stairs. A twitch to her eye was given, as she was now forced to speak to the centaur.
"Yes, Firenze? Whatever could you need at this late hour?" She asked, while the twins were quick to rush into the classroom. Left quite a sight. There you were, with bloody hands. To bloody to even make out what scars she had to make your write this time. Along with a firm bruise on your cheek, from her had no less. They were enraged, to put it lightly. This was the last time she would ever do this. That was their promise.
They were quick to your side, as you wrapped your arms around them. Your savior. "She just kept insulting him, and it wasn't right. He's a good teacher-" You would sniffle, as George would use his wand to try and clean your hands. He sneered at the words on your skin. Busy with tending to your immediate wounds, as Fred tried to calm you down and explain the plan.
"WAIT WAIT-I UH-I AM JUST A CENATUR! A WITCH LIKE YOURSELF KNOWS MORE THE I!" Firenze shouted, making the twins realize their time was running out. "Just be quiet, and follow our lead-" Fred just said, and you listened. Typical behavior, after all. They were always scheming, and you were happy to get into any mess they offered.
"Well....You are just a centaur. You aren't modern, or cultured, such as myself. I suppose i can remind you how we properly function here." Umbridge would smugly say, as Firenze tried so hard to not roll his eyes. Was worth it, as he was able to watch you be escorted back under the stairs. That firey red hair hidden away. Just in time, because even his calm soul can only take so much.
"Oh dear, Mar's is infront of Saturn. You know what that means, I better return to my classroom-!” She had no idea what that meant, no one did since it was a big lie. Least it sounded good enough to make her scoff. Feeling as though she wasted her time with him. Regardless, she gave a friendly smile. Now walking back towards her office.
The second her back was turned, the blonde stallion quickly motioned for the three of you to hurry to him. Fred and George basically carried you, as they did. Needing to work fast. Was just yanked around like a doll, but there was no choice. The moment Umbridge had gasped, noticing you were gone, you three were on his back.
“Where did-“ But it was faded, as you three were not having a horse ride of your life. Escaping her, this night. Quite the adrenaline rush. Riding the back of your teacher, as he tried to not trip down the stairs. Least you had Fred and George to comfort you. Holding on to the straps on their teachers body, for his supplies, and comforting you.
“Well clean you up, and make sure that this is the last time she ever hurts anyone.” Fred said, with a firm nod. You never thought the twins could look so angry before. Was scary, but also a morbid reassurance. Given Umbridge’s gaslighting was getting to you. Thinking you were a burden, failure, worthless, just horrible. Didn’t even noticed you were starting to cry. It was all too much. The boys would hold you close, and just hold.
“Dreadful woman. Dreadful dreadful just oh so dreadful-“ Firenze would keep on muttering, as he tried to not break an ankle on those ever moving stairs. Full of much spite as anyone else. Suppose that meant the twins had someone on their side, at least.
“You are gonna crash with us tonight.” Fred said to you, as Firenze took that as advice on where to go. Now heading to the Gryffindor common room. “Think of it as a big sleep over. Chilling in the common room’s living space.” George echoed. Childish, but there is joy in childhood. Had you smile in approval.
“Here, allow me to offer some assistance.” Firenze then spoke, as he rummaged in his bag. Still trotting along, as it was just a hallway roam now.
“This should help with your healing and recovery. Sometimes spells can not solve all problems.” And a small bag was offered to you three. Most likely a herbal of some kind. The kind textures were very reassuring. A reminder you weren’t crazy. That she was in the wrong. Not you. Still, made you tremble in fear.
“Gonna be ok. She’s not gonna hurt you anymore.” Fred reassured, with a kiss to your head. Followed by George hugging you tightly. Just helping ground you, as the centaur finally stopped at the painting. She didn’t even ask for the password. As if she wanted to delay much needed rest.
“Rest, if you can. When you join me for our class, tomorrow, you are permitted to not join. You may just relax, and star gaze. That often times relaxes myself.” Firenze offered, as he laid down at the open wall. Allowing you three to get off. He understood you were a victim, and offered sanctuary where he could.
“Thanks…” You sniffled, as to not be rude. He knows, he knows. He gave you a pat on your head, and a smile, before taking his escort away. Leaving you three with your thoughts. The twins mostly thought of how to make whatever happens to Umbridge look like an accident, while you were still shaking from the ordeal. Murder plots can be for another time. You were first.
Escorted to the common room couch, you were as pampered as you could be. Hands properly wrapped, the herbal deal brewed, helping clean up the blood stains, using their latest invention to help clean up your bruise. Just doing what they could, as you sniffled and hiccuped.
Once done, you were soon lying against Fred. With George semi on top of you. As if some kind of pressure therapy. A means to make sure no one could touch you, or sneak up on you. Was nice. What was nicer was the random fellow classmates who walked around. May it to get something to drink, unable to sleep, what have you.
They took notice of you, could quickly grasp it was Umbridge, and let you have your comfort. May it be making sure you three had a blanket, staying extra quiet to not disturb you, or asking if you needed anything. Just some humanity against the darkness.
The comfort of the twins, the easing calm of the tea, and the sound of the ever lit fireplace. It helped you come back to earth again. Just what you needed. Reassurance that you were the victim. Not the other way around. Just deep breaths of fire, cinnamon, and gun powder.
You’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, and the twins promised.
As if they ever would break a promise.
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basiatlu · 2 months
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C for Centaur
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kolori · 2 months
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You can get full spicy version of comic on boosty 🍓🍓🍓 🌚🌚🌚 (in best quality) Art for the festival Kneazle_2.jpg @hohogwarts-kekacy! It looks like our potion makers Sharp and Garreth are definitely having fun with female centaur on the photo... 🌚👀
My 🌿Telegram🌿 VK 🌿 Twitter (will be more nsfw soon)🌿
Also Instagram Artstation
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nizar-dreams · 11 months
As amazing as Fantastic Beast is with all of the interesting creatures and additional lore, I loathe the take on the American Magical World. And not because American pride (‘Merica🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅) but because that might work in New York, but that social structure sure as fuck don’t work the farther west you get.
Each state is different, it gives them their charms, and each state also has… drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁
NATIVE AMERICANS!!! Yes the people who’ve been on these lands since before the first of the 13 colonies even existed!!!
Can you imagine Magical America? The creatures who lived alongside tribes? The giant forests? Hell, the other sentient beings like the centaurs, goblins, elves, etc.? Imagine:
The great Rivers and Lakes guarded by the merfolk and swimming with the great salmons, occasionally assisting the tribes along their borders so they all may share what the waters have to offer them
The great Plains and Forests with centaur tribes being mighty and powerful, guardians of the lands and occasionally allying with the human tribes
Elves that are still short but mighty and healthy and who get mistaken for native children when they live alongside human tribes
Goblins living deep in the caves of mountains, living happily with little human interaction besides for trading for safe passages and materials.
Imagine the werewolves loving their inner wolves and having their own tribes and living peacefully in their homes.
Imagine that, for thousands, and hundreds of years they lived in peace, occasionally waring against themselves but things happen of course but they way the magic and earth had never been so healthy as it was. Gods imagine Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon? Or the Mojave Desert? The great basins, the plateaus…
And then, when the Europeans started claiming the land that the magical beings fought to protect the lands they have lived on for centuries, the creatures of the forest hiding the remnants of their great lands from human eyes and hands, protecting the magic that slowly dies as the land gets destroyed and the magical beings who called those lands home started to die and could no longer protect the land.
That they tried to cling and hide and fight for their homes with whatever they could, but when the magical Europeans got involved it just went to hell for the magical beings.
The Native Reservations, National Parks/Lands, and deep into the mountains, are some of the few places that magical creatures can live in relative peace. The centaurs are not as many, and the elves either live on the reservations or the forests. The goblins are not like their European kin, but they are not the same as they were, now instead of trade for safe passage it is trade for protection of human materials or trading for goblin creations. The merfolk have perished in most lakes and rivers where humans have polluted or hunted their food to extinction. The magical creatures who once lived on the land are either hunted down for sport or for being declared born of hell.
Now imagine Ilvermorny, created by a mother who wanted her children to learn magic, and turned into a way for tribes to take shelter and teach their ways as well as learn other ways for magic. The school cropping up in the midst of Magical Americas downfall becomes a place that the few tribes not driven out of their home learn different form of magic while creating a foundation for Native American magic to survive and be taught in the school. Imagine multiple sister schools (because America is too big for there ti be only one school) to the original Ilvermorny being created to teach, to embrace and preserve a culture they refuse to let be erased.
Years later and it is a core course that gets taught, and keeps a part of a culture alive that was on the bring of complete erasure.
Imagine that when African slaves started appearing and become enslave, those who escaped and found themselves at Ilvermorny schools, they started teaching their magics as well. Then as more minorities started to appear in America, so did the lessons in certain Ilvermorny schools where these minorities were prevalent.
America is a cauldron full of magical cultures being mixed, and Ilvermorny is the first to openly teach different magical cultures. The southern schools involve more Mexican, Spaniard, some French, and African magical courses, while the north is more French. The east coast is more influenced by British magics, while the west coast is influenced by the Spaniard, Chinese, and Russian.
They all had their own mix and all have the main course shared by the people who lived their first, but magical america is sooo much more more fascinating and so young still! There is still so much that I can’t possibly cover without a month of research! And we haven’t even reached the southern hemisphere!
Fantastic Beast is great, but it’s missing the uniqueness and complexity of America. And I can only dip a finger into the endless possibilities of the magical American world.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Double Standards: Draco Malfoy Edition
My main issue with HP is Slytherin vs Gryffindor double standards. I like Draco Malfoy and I find Slytherins very interesting. I understand why people don't like him. But I hate when people demonize Draco for something but are perfectly ok when another character (eg. the golden trio) does the same thing. So based on the post above, I wanted to share a defense for Draco Malfoy. Most of the logic comes from the post above but a good portion of these arguments are mine.
Draco mocks Hufflepuffs
Hagrid: “everyone says Hufflepuff are a lot o’ duffers–”.
Hagrid also says everyone in Slytherin is destined to be evil. Hagrid is a grown man (well half-giant) perpetuating harmful stereotypes to Harry while Draco is a kid (11 yrs old).
Also, Harry did not lift a single finger to defend Cedric and Hufflepuff house when the lions were bashing and mocking Cedric. This is AFTER Cedric, being a good sport and overall great guy, told his housemates to back off Harry. Cedric was too good for these books. Cedric was the hero horrid Harry could only dream of being.
Draco has not mocked Hufflepuffs since his intro chapter.
Draco bullied Ron and Harry
Harry and Ron initiated this antagonism. Harry likened Draco to Dudley after a short conversation. The same Draco who engaged him in conversation despite his poor appearance. Harry never gave Draco a chance before he painted him as evil. Draco ignored Ron on the train until Ron laughed at his name.
Long before Draco did anything truly hurtful to them, the golden trio cheered his misfortune and his fear. For example, before we saw Draco & Hermione exchange dialogue, Hermione danced in joy at Draco getting detention. Harry declared him his arch-enemy and worse than Dudley (the cousin who abused him all his life) and threatened him with physical violence (threatening to shove Draco off his broom). Up until that point, the worst thing Draco did was set them up to be caught by Filch. That makes Draco worse than Dudley lol.
Draco could be doing something innocent, not Harry related, like welcoming a new house member or getting sweets from Mama Narcissa and Harry would be glaring daggers at him like he is committing a crime. These three boys bullied each other.
Draco called Hermione a mudblood
Draco never said a word to Hermione and ignored her existence until she dissed his quidditch skills. Also, Sybill and Hermione call Firenze a horse. Firenze saved Harry's life - you think Hermione could show some respect. Dean brazenly asked Firenze to his face if Hagrid breeds them like thestrals. Please note: All of these actions are somehow better than Umbridge calling centaurs half-breeds lol! According to the narrative, "half-breed" is more offensive than HORSE. Hagrid and Minerva use "muggle" as a slur. Remember that WE are the muggles.
If JKR wanted "mudblood" to be meaningful, she should have shown how mugglebornes struggled in the wizarding world. Such as strained relationships with loved ones in the muggle world (Lily & Petunia's relationship is an example) or discrimination in employment. But the wizarding world at large is on mugglebornes' side.
What impact does Draco calling Hermione a "mudblood" have? Her blood status up till that point has been irrelevant and does not disadvantage her. Compared to the bigotry centaurs and muggles face in HP! I don't give a crap about Draco calling Hermione "mudblood" when no other slurs or discriminatory behaviour seem to matter!
She is hardly bothered by it anyway so who cares? I don't. Draco is not an impressive bully when it comes to Hermione. Draco's bullying of Hermione basically boils down to him calling her "mudblood" and hardly anything else. It's hard for Draco to truly be a bully when Hermione never takes him seriously and he never has any real power over her (except when he is on the inquisitorial squad in book 5).
Draco bullied Neville
Everyone mistreats Neville. Including his own housemates and 'Queen Minerva'. That includes Harry and Ron btw. Harry and Ron laugh at Neville in his face and behind his back. In book 1, they basically tell him he should not stick up for himself when he confronts them as they sneak out. Harry thinks Neville is a loser half the time. I thought the golden trio were Neville's friends but after looking at the books I am horrified. My baby boy Neville deserves better than the rotten trio. For example, Harry compares Peter Pettigrew to Neville! Harry sees Peter as pathetic and the first person that comes to mind for Harry is Neville!!! Poor Neville :(. Draco, however, has not been seen or mentioned bullying Neville since book 1.
Draco is mean to Hagrid
Hagrid may act like a disgraceful, blubbering crybaby half the time, but he is a grown-ass man. He's what...50 or 60. Draco is a preteen/teenager. We have seen Hagrid threaten Draco several times. For example, when Draco rightfully calls out Hagrid in book 4 about the (possibly illegal) blast-ended skrewts, Hagrid uses the ferret incident (a horrific case of child abuse) to silence Draco into submission. It's so outrageous for Draco to backtalk and mock Hagrid but it's hilarious when Hagrid, the adult, abuses the child under his care. The HP fandom is insane!
Hagrid endangers children and he is a horrid teacher and should have been fired! And he would have been fired if not for the meddling rotten trio (specifically Harry freaking Potter). This dimwitted jackass knows Hagrid is a bad teacher and drops his subject in book 6 but is willing to ruin the subject for everyone else because he likes him!!! And he is willing to intimidate/bully his friends (especially Hermione) to comply with his views on Hagrid. Harry is extremely selfish and can go rot in hell with Hagrid! If I were Harry's classmate, I would be tempted to punch him myself!
Draco is punished for saying what everyone else was thinking. No one thinks Hagrid is a good teacher. Including the rotten trio! Why does the narrative and fandom coddle Hagrid and treat him like a damn child?! Why is Draco, the student, constantly bashed for Hagrid, the teacher, being incompetent!?
Edit: Hermione disrespects Trelawney in Divination (in the same chapter I believe) but she's seen as a girl boss. She has no need to be there and clearly hates the subject (what a wonderful use for a time tuner). But everyone has a problem with Draco hurting dumb Hagrid's feelings wah.
Draco does mean impressions of other people
So do Ginny (of Fleur) and Ron (of Hermione). At least Draco's impressions are entertaining! Draco is totally the class clown and/or theatre kid type. He has a captivating and dramatic personality. I think he would thrive in the arts. I can literally see him as the male version of Sharpay :)
Draco called Molly porky
Molly is objectively overweight. Draco is a 14 yr old boy throwing out insults (porky is pretty tame if you ask me). JKR, through Harry, goes into unnecessary detail every other sentence about how fat Dudley is whenever Dudley is around. Dudley is a kid. Why should Molly be excluded from the fat character treatment? Plus Harry is actually very shallow when he describes people. He always focuses on how pretty or ugly someone is. Even in serious situations, you can count on Harry describing Fleur as beautiful, Sirius & Tom as dashingly handsome and Snape as hideous. Ron is quick to label Eileen Prince as ugly when the trio discovers she is Snape's mom in book 6. She has done nothing to them but he insults her because of who her son is. Why is it ok for the trio to mock people's looks but Draco calling Molly fat is a crime worthy of physical abuse?
Draco wanted his classmates to die
So did Ron and Harry. Ron says “shame that his mother likes him” when discussing shoving Draco off a glacier. Harry has fantasised about killing and/or torturing Draco/Snape. And guess what! He almost made his fantasies a reality! He nearly murdered Draco with very short-lived remorse and then attempted to use the same spell (+ multiple crucios) against Snape! What a hero :). So full of love and pure goodness, right Dumbledore (gag).
Draco used the cruciatus curse
Attempted cruciatus. Draco said ‘cruci-‘ before Harry somehow yelled out an entire sectumsempra and almost eviscerated him to death. I think that is the only time Draco has attempted to use the crucio in a fight.
When Harry saw Draco being forced to use the curse in a vision, Draco was terrified, right? Harry on the other hand has fantasised about the cruciatus since the moment he learnt about it (he daydreamed about torturing Snape after Fake Moody's class). Harry has used the curse multiple times before and after Draco's use in book 6 and unlike Draco's attempted crucio, Harry's actually hit. Harry sure loves his dark spells :). For a while, sectumsempra and crucio became Harry's new expeliarmus. Harry is called gallant for using the cruciatus in book 7 too by 'Queen' Minerva, how lovely.
Why is Draco demonized more than Harry by the fandom for this curse? Harry used the curse 3 more times than Draco. He hit Bellatrix and the Carrow guy and attempted to crucio Snape twice in book 6 in the SAME FIGHT. Make it make sense!
Draco (& Lucius) almost got Buckbeak put down
Hagrid, as the teacher, should be held responsible - not the animal. But if the ministry is going to claim Hagrid has no fault, then Buckbeak sure as hell needs to be put down. In our world, we put down animals that attack people, especially kids. Once again, Buckbeak is a wild animal so Hagrid's bad teaching is ultimately to blame. If Hagrid won't man up, then sorry Buckbeak! I know several people hate Lucius but the man is being a decent father. Wouldn't you be outraged if your only kid, and heir, was attacked in a class like Draco was? Be real.
Also in the same book, Hermione shows gross indifference to the well-being of Scabbers - “All cats chase rats, Ron!”. Ron should have slapped this inconsiderate bitch. Ron has the patience of a saint. If my friend acted like this, our friendship is through unless sincere apologies are made. I am not even a pet person but Hermione was utterly disgusting in book 3. Ron deserves better than this girl with the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. Ron always wants to kick Norris the cat. The Weasley twins experiment on animals. Hagrid mistreats the animals under his care (eg. the dead flubberworms and poor Fluffy). Transfiguration class is 99% animal experimentation. But boo-hoo, the ministry is killing Buckbeak...why should I care again about some random wild animal when animal cruelty is a staple of HP?
Draco hates Muggleborns
Draco is supposed to be from a family of blood supremacists. Yet he willingly engaged Harry in conversation despite Harry being dressed in unkempt MUGGLE clothes and not knowing who he was. So you can't say Draco spoke to Harry because of his fame (unlike Ron Weasley who deliberately sought out Harry Potter). Harry is the one who judged him because Draco was talking about things that are normal to him, ironically proving Draco’s point — “I really don’t think they should let the other sort in, do you? They’re just not the same, they’ve never been brought up to know our ways” — true. How hilarious.
Anyway, all wizards, so-called light side included, hate/mistreat muggles. But it's ok because JKR wrote it that way. It's ok for wizards to invade muggles' privacy and threaten them. You don't see Draco attacking mugglebornes like this when you meet him. He just thinks wizards should keep to themselves. As a muggle, I approve of this message. I don't want these sadistic wizards near me.
So how did Draco go from this in book 1 to the boy in book 2 declaring "mudbloods are next"? I have no clue. Draco was almost creepy in book 2. I think Draco had a grudge against Hermione and was childishly acting out. Draco is a pampered 12 yr old, what does he know about the horrors of death? Heck, sometimes I wished I was aborted when I was an angsty preteen. Not knowing what exactly I was wishing for myself. Plus, I believe JKR was using Draco as a lazy plot device in book 2.
Plus, I think his negative interactions with the golden trio made him more radicalized as time went on. We don't see Draco calling other students "mudblood", right? I don't recall Draco harassing people like Justin. Draco seems to have a "Hermione" problem, not a "mudblood" problem.
Bonus: James Potter bullied Snape to first impress and then later blackmail Lily, a muggleborne, into dating him. And when said muggleborne girl retaliated...James threatened to hex her. James literally threatened Lily with violence for (barely) attempting to defend Snape. The girl he supposedly has a crush on! James Potter is supposed to be from a muggleborne friendly, light-side family haha. At least Draco was upfront that he despised Hermione. I have read Dramione fics with healthier foundations than canon Jily - not that I like Dramione as a ship. But sure Dramione is the only toxic ship around here!
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Please add any other double standards I missed! (Book) Canon Draco fans need to call out the unfair treatment of Draco! Draco is not the evil monster people paint him to be. And you can like him too without warping him into this pathetic, bland, crybaby, gay fanon version. I used to like Fanon Draco when I just started reading HP fanfiction and did not know any better, but book Draco is so much more entertaining, colourful and even charming :)
You don't have to like Draco. But stop giving the heroes passes for the same awful actions.
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rhapsody-tomoe · 5 days
I have started the Chamber of Secrets🤩But I feel the need to express my feelings on the Philosopher’s Stone after chapter 14–
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Firstly, is it only me who thinks Hagrid kinda didn’t handle the whole Norbert dragon issue properly?? Getting an illegal dragon is already risky. Also, his living environment is prone to burning, causing students to get hurt if there’s a fire. Added with how temperamental Norbert is, many students may get bitten if Norbert escapes his hut. That’s a lot of ‘if’ scenarios here, but they can come true, especially as this is the first time Hagrid got a dragon. I know his dream was to have a dragon and letting go of his dream was hard, but still…
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Can he help a bunch of first-years think of a more reliable plan?! Maybe he could accompany Harry and Hermione up to the Astronomy Tower so Harry and Hermione would get a pass from being outta bed-? Hermione could act as a lookout while Harry and Hagrid could hand the dragon over to Charlie’s friends. This plan isn’t 100% reliable, but it’s def better than the one in the book… (as seen in Harry and Hermione getting caught afterwards)
As we can see in Hogwarts, detention isn’t ‘writing lines’. It’s going into an off-limits forest at night to search for a dangerous creature who has the power to kill a saintly unicorn. It’s also about meeting centaurs who may see you as a threat and shoot you to death. Oh forgot to mention, there may be werewolves too!
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Yeah I get it, Hogwarts is a place for extraordinary education. But is it really appropriate for detention to be like that?!?! Maybe Hogwarts could make them go to the Forbidden Forest during daytime—werewolves won’t appear during daytime. Or maybe Hogwarts could make them help Filch clean the castle. Facing Filch for more than 1 hour is a depressing, but not dangerous!!
I found some hints of future plot in the book too. In the Forbidden Forest, Ronan and Bane kept on saying ‘Mars is bright tonight’. Mars is the Roman god of war, so that indirectly means war is coming, with blood and deaths. Mars is also a male god, so that means a male (Voldemort) is going to wage war against others.
Apart from that, readers can predict Quirrell set the troll trap through the trapdoor as DADA teacher. In earlier chapters, Quirrell was the one who warned Albus of a troll in the dungeons. Bit of a coincidence? Haha nope.
Also, I think I found a potential plot hole. In the scene where Hermione was sorting out which bottle belonged to which, she assumed every bottle was arranged in order to the piece of paper Severus wrote. But Quirrell was expecting Harry to come; could he’ve mixed up the bottle’s order to kill them off-? But again, that didn’t happen so just a thought.
Okay time for some appreciation: Neville was really brave alright. He had come a long way from being a low-confidence boy to a boy who stood up to his friends and handled Crabbe and Goyle on his own. I have to give JK Rowling that that is well-written character development. Later in Deathly Hallows, Neville is even the leader of Dumbledore’s Army. RESPECT🫡👏
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The friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione is also so amazing😃 Ron was willing to sacrifice his life in chess to let Harry and Hermione defeat Voldemort🥲 (luckily the chess pieces didn’t kill-) Hermione also went from ‘we could’ve died, oR wOrSe, eXpElLeD’ to ‘I’M DEF COMING WITH YOU. YOU NEED ME FOR CHARMS!!’ BFFs until death✨💀
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People say Gryffindor gaining those sudden points in the end was weird, but I totally thought Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville deserved it😃
Onto the ultimate battle, the contrast between Harry and Quirrell is so well-written- Quirrell was so afraid of death and yearned for power from Voldemort; while Harry would fight to the death against Voldemort and didn’t desire power or fame… Harry also saw the image of him finding the Philosopher’s Stone instead of his family in the Mirror of Erised, so he had got over his unfulfilled dreams and accepted reality🥲 When I was reading the scene, I was so breathless even though I knew the outcome already😂
In the end, we see Albus saying his classic quote, ‘Death is but the next great adventure.’ I love that Nicolas Flamel destroyed the Stone and embraced the unknown of death. Death isn’t something to be avoided or feared when you had a great full life😃
Overall, I liked rereading this book although some of the scenes were…concerning. I look even more forward to the Chamber of Secrets because that book was my favourite in the series when I was in elementary school.
With an ending note—
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(Has Minerva never caught the Marauders outta night before😂)
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marianaillust · 5 months
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"Firenze partit alors au galop et Harry essaya de s'accrocher de son mieux tandis qu'ils plongeaient dans la forêt, laissant Ronan et Baine derrière eux.
Harry n'avait aucune idée de ce qui se passait."
-La Forêt Interdite, Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers.
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blood-jewel · 1 year
My Headcanons for Poppy Sweeting for Hogwarts Legacy:
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• Looks like a cinnamon roll but will actually show that Badger side of Hufflepuff if anyone harms animals or someone she trusts. Cause she is a fierce duelist she just doesn’t like to show it.
• Growing up with her parents as poachers she’s got tough skin and not afraid of any bully that tries to pick on her at Hogwarts.
• I feel like Poppy and Ominis would get along very well. At first Ominis wouldn’t want someone new in his inner circle but as the MC invites Poppy to sit at the Slytherin table and on the adventures with them, they start getting along because they both know what it’s like being raised by horrible parents. It’s a surprise friendship.
• Prefers being around animals instead of people because animals won’t judge or harm you in ways people can. Being around creatures helps soothe all the pain she’s seen growing up and strives to make sure all animals are protected.
• She had enough of being around poachers when she was traumatized by a huge slaughtering of innocent creatures which resulted in her being able to see Thestrals. She immediately left her parents and moved in with her Gran.
• She is the sunshine and healer of the group. She radiates positivity and keeps everyone in the light of any dark situation they get themselves in. She’s always ready for any adventure outside the castle and is there for her friends and will stand by them thick and thin.
• After saving the Golden Snidgets Dorran spoke to his herd and they had Poppy and the MC become trusted by the Centaurs which is high honor and it is rare that Centaurs will trust a witch or wizard. So whenever they’re in danger in the Forbidden Forest they’ll come to their aid.
• After everything Poppy opened herself up and to making new friends at Hogwarts. She became close friends to Adelaide Oakes, Natsai Onai & Ominis Gaunt.
• She cherishes any gift given to her by her friends and she’ll already have another gift planned for them.
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Fanfic: Serpentkind Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Humor & Drama, [Hermione G., Severus S.], Words: 79k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Jul 2, 2017 Updated: Nov 15, 2023
Summary: [HG/SS] AU: Neville's nervous twitch causes a really severe potions explosion that hits his lab partner, Hermione Granger. Her life is drastically changed forever. [Completely Crack]
Snakes are sometimes perceived as evil, but they are also perceived as medicine. If you look at an ambulance, there's the two snakes on the side of the ambulance. The caduceus, or the staff of Hermes, there's the two snakes going up it, which means that the venom can also be healing. - Nicolas Cage
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If you need a smile or laugh this story is sure to leave you with one.
My favorite part is Hagrid running from tiny spiders...🤣
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anizscheri · 1 year
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Biblically accurate Firenze
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yu-doodles · 1 year
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harry potter comic for a school assignment!!
i am doing god’s work by drawing firenze how he should’ve been in the movies.
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basiatlu · 8 months
Day 25: Lost
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“We aren’t lost! Merely.. wandering a bit. S-scared, Potter? Haha knew you couldn’t handle a simple stroll. Admit it!”
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?! I mean NO stop trying to avoid the q-question!”
“Will you shut it!”
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steampunkserpent27 · 1 year
Don't Eat Those
for @hdcandyheartsfest 's prompt: Surprise rated: G CW: Deer-Centaur Draco A sequel to this
He was observing a young tree, one that had just started to bear fruit. Its leaves were short and spiky, reminding him of wide pine needles. They ran down the length of the stems, giving the green foliage a dangerous and hostile appearance. Growing in small clumps were round, red berries. Only these berries had a hole in the front of them, revealing the seeds inside. They were strange berries, ones he had never seen the likes of before. He plucked one of the berries free from the stem and rolled it around in his fingers. It was smooth and soft, crumpling, as he crushed it, staining his fingers a dark red. “Don’t eat those. You’ll die.” He flinched, completely surprised and turned to find Draco watching him from behind a large shrub, before he stepped out into the open, his white fur glistening in the sun. Draco looked annoyed, as if he was about to scold a disobedient child. He wiped the juice off on his trousers. “I wasn’t eating them.” Draco crossed his arms over his chest, as he trotted over to him, his short tail flicking up and down, as if agitated. “No. You were just about to. Don’t you know anything?” “I was not.” He fought against the urge to roll his eyes. “I wasn’t raised in the forest, how am I supposed to know which berries are safe and which ones aren’t?” “Even fawns know not to eat yew berries. They’re one of the easiest to identify.” Draco stomped his cloven hoof into the dirt. “And there’s not even any flowers this time?” “What?” “You didn’t bring me flowers. You brought flowers last time.” 
“Oh. No, I didn’t.” He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling a loose curl out of his eyes. “I didn’t think you’d want more.” Draco turned away, sticking his nose into the air. “Whatever. I didn’t want any anyway.” “Don’t be cross. I’ll bring you flowers next time.” Draco continued to walk away, as he refused to look at him. “Okay. I’ll get you flowers now.” He suggested, unsure of what to do. There was a brief pause, before Draco stopped and glanced back at him from over his shoulder. “You’re clueless, you know that?” He shrugged and leaned against a pine tree. “I’m trying my best, but it’s not like you’ve told me much about yourself or your customs.” “Well, I’m not really meant to.” “Why?” “Because you’re an outsider, and I’m just not meant to.” Draco gestured wildly with his hands. “Would you be punished?” Draco looked him up and down, his eyebrows furrowing. “No, but they might delay my…” He fell silent, his expression turning to annoyance. “I’m not meant to be talking to you about this. Stop asking questions.” “You’re very secretive. I have to ask questions.” He pointed at the bow slung around Draco’s chest. “What do you use your bow for?” Draco continued to glare at him. “What did I just say?” “Not to ask questions?” “Precisely.” “But why? It’s not like I’m a threat to you. You’re like the size of an ox.” He opened his arms wide, indicating how large Draco was. “What part of ‘I’m not meant to’ do you not understand?” He let out a huff, mumbling under his breath, “It’s just stupid, is all I’m saying.” Draco repositioned his bow, as he shook his head. “I’ve got to go.” “Already?” “I’m not even meant to be out here. They’ll come looking before long.” Holding back a sigh, he pulled away from the tree, moving closer to Draco, although he remained a respectable distance away. “I was going to get you flowers.” Draco paused by the edge of the clearing, one foot-step away from the foliage. “I like bluebells the most.” Then he was gone, and Harry was left wondering what bluebells looked like and how exactly he was going to find them. 
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schmem14 · 11 months
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Pairing: Dolores Umbridge/Female Centaur OC Rating: M CW: Dubious Consent, Implied Monsterfucking WC: 50 *credit to @broomsticks​ for the pairing idea 😉
“She’s mine.” The speaker parts the angry herd of Centaurs.  Dolores gasps to see plump breasts and the softer features of a beautiful, charcoal-skinned female. She grips Dolores by the nape, wrenching her neck back.  “I can’t wait to make you scream,” she croons.  Dolores whimpers in half-fright, half-unwanted arousal. 
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hpshipbattles · 14 days
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(i used the first image that came up for each character)
(rules and submitted characters)
(round two ships)
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teeth317 · 16 days
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Just the centaur guys from hp. There’s literally no evidence that Firenze and Magorian are brothers but yk what this is my headcanon and no one can take it away from me
(I know no one cares about them but I do so)
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