#Umbridge is her own warning honestly
cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Hoof Race
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic
I’m going through ALOT because of a dickwad of a piano teacher. So imma just project and vent here. I love piano, but I don’t love the piano teacher. My own personal Umbridge. Bleck. So it’s gonna be sloppily written, projective, just. I’m going through a lot right now. A lot a lot.
Summary: Your first detention with Umbridge. Needless to say, very traumatizing. At least you have a pair of red heads to comfort you. Along with formed an escape plan to get you out of there. With some help
Warnings: Umbridge, scars, blood, depression, anxiety, stress, crying, trauma, Umbridge being Umbridge. Physical Violence against Reader from Umbridge, Humanism(Racism against other species) Surprise Guest Appearance for the Book Lovers from one of our favorite Divination Teachers
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“Where is our little lab rat?” Fred huffed, as he was looking around for you. With George trailing behind. Looking in all the directions that Fred wasn’t looking. You had promised to meet them at Hagrid’s to test out a new product to help with calming animals. Something that was more so a Comission’s for Hagrid than anything else. Would be a nice little treat. Tea, fang, and laughter. Just one problem. Where are you?
“Should have never given Harry that map.” George would grumble, as he was getting worried now. Where were you? You aren’t one to break a promise. Especially to miss out on hanging with Hagrid. Who wants to purposely avoid a cozy evening with him? Especially since the twins had hoards of candy to share. If you missed a treat like that, it has to be beyond your control.
“Checked the dorm, checked Myrtle, checked the Requirement’s, checked the green house-“ The twins would finish each others sentences, as they walked. Trying so hard to think of where you could be. That’s when they stopped infront of the Defense Room Doors. They were open, but the office door was closed. They slowly looked to each other, before bolting inside.
“But Miss Umbridge, it hurts-!” They heard you shout, now that they were pressing their ears to the door. “It’s not suppose to feel good, darling. I should have expected such idiocy from someone who found it wise to speak out of turn-“ Umbridge would huff, as her heels could be heard pacing. A mixture of sharp clicks, and your hiccups.
“Mr. Firenze is not a THING-!” You snapped, only for a sharp smack to echo in the room. Made the twins wince, as you hiccuped again. “That beast is indeed that. Why defend that vile creature, when it even identifies itself as a beast-? Hm? Shouldn’t expect much from an idiotic child like yourself.” She lectured on.
“What do we do?” George whispered to Fred. What could they do? She was still a professor after all. Regardless, they had to do something. Anything. SOMETHING. They had to think fast, before you got even more hurt. Or worse. Expelled.
“Twins-?” A voice called itself, making the duo look over. The familiar blonde hair, and clips of hoof steps, made it clear who it was. Their newest teacher, given Umbridge very literally fired their old one. What a god send, as the twins were able to hatch a plan.
“Please please-“ They made praying hand gestures, as they pointed at her door. Making dramatic movements to try and convey they needed a distraction. Not wanting to get detention next. Never thought detention could be worse than anything Snape could offer.
The echo of another slap was what made the ever calm teacher connect the dots. Oh how he dispised such treatment. It was inhuman. That’s saying something from a man who used to live with trantulas the size of buildings. He would quickly motion for the red heads to quickly go hide under the stairs, before he cleared his throat.
“Mistress Umbridge? I need to speak with you about a matter at hand-!” He called, with a hoof stomp for added volume. The duo was quick to run under the stairs, and narrowly miss her gaze. An ever-plastered fake smile was on her lips, as she would walk down the stairs. A twitch to her eye was given, as she was now forced to speak to the centaur.
"Yes, Firenze? Whatever could you need at this late hour?" She asked, while the twins were quick to rush into the classroom. Left quite a sight. There you were, with bloody hands. To bloody to even make out what scars she had to make your write this time. Along with a firm bruise on your cheek, from her had no less. They were enraged, to put it lightly. This was the last time she would ever do this. That was their promise.
They were quick to your side, as you wrapped your arms around them. Your savior. "She just kept insulting him, and it wasn't right. He's a good teacher-" You would sniffle, as George would use his wand to try and clean your hands. He sneered at the words on your skin. Busy with tending to your immediate wounds, as Fred tried to calm you down and explain the plan.
"WAIT WAIT-I UH-I AM JUST A CENATUR! A WITCH LIKE YOURSELF KNOWS MORE THE I!" Firenze shouted, making the twins realize their time was running out. "Just be quiet, and follow our lead-" Fred just said, and you listened. Typical behavior, after all. They were always scheming, and you were happy to get into any mess they offered.
"Well....You are just a centaur. You aren't modern, or cultured, such as myself. I suppose i can remind you how we properly function here." Umbridge would smugly say, as Firenze tried so hard to not roll his eyes. Was worth it, as he was able to watch you be escorted back under the stairs. That firey red hair hidden away. Just in time, because even his calm soul can only take so much.
"Oh dear, Mar's is infront of Saturn. You know what that means, I better return to my classroom-!” She had no idea what that meant, no one did since it was a big lie. Least it sounded good enough to make her scoff. Feeling as though she wasted her time with him. Regardless, she gave a friendly smile. Now walking back towards her office.
The second her back was turned, the blonde stallion quickly motioned for the three of you to hurry to him. Fred and George basically carried you, as they did. Needing to work fast. Was just yanked around like a doll, but there was no choice. The moment Umbridge had gasped, noticing you were gone, you three were on his back.
“Where did-“ But it was faded, as you three were not having a horse ride of your life. Escaping her, this night. Quite the adrenaline rush. Riding the back of your teacher, as he tried to not trip down the stairs. Least you had Fred and George to comfort you. Holding on to the straps on their teachers body, for his supplies, and comforting you.
“Well clean you up, and make sure that this is the last time she ever hurts anyone.” Fred said, with a firm nod. You never thought the twins could look so angry before. Was scary, but also a morbid reassurance. Given Umbridge’s gaslighting was getting to you. Thinking you were a burden, failure, worthless, just horrible. Didn’t even noticed you were starting to cry. It was all too much. The boys would hold you close, and just hold.
“Dreadful woman. Dreadful dreadful just oh so dreadful-“ Firenze would keep on muttering, as he tried to not break an ankle on those ever moving stairs. Full of much spite as anyone else. Suppose that meant the twins had someone on their side, at least.
“You are gonna crash with us tonight.” Fred said to you, as Firenze took that as advice on where to go. Now heading to the Gryffindor common room. “Think of it as a big sleep over. Chilling in the common room’s living space.” George echoed. Childish, but there is joy in childhood. Had you smile in approval.
“Here, allow me to offer some assistance.” Firenze then spoke, as he rummaged in his bag. Still trotting along, as it was just a hallway roam now.
“This should help with your healing and recovery. Sometimes spells can not solve all problems.” And a small bag was offered to you three. Most likely a herbal of some kind. The kind textures were very reassuring. A reminder you weren’t crazy. That she was in the wrong. Not you. Still, made you tremble in fear.
“Gonna be ok. She’s not gonna hurt you anymore.” Fred reassured, with a kiss to your head. Followed by George hugging you tightly. Just helping ground you, as the centaur finally stopped at the painting. She didn’t even ask for the password. As if she wanted to delay much needed rest.
“Rest, if you can. When you join me for our class, tomorrow, you are permitted to not join. You may just relax, and star gaze. That often times relaxes myself.” Firenze offered, as he laid down at the open wall. Allowing you three to get off. He understood you were a victim, and offered sanctuary where he could.
“Thanks…” You sniffled, as to not be rude. He knows, he knows. He gave you a pat on your head, and a smile, before taking his escort away. Leaving you three with your thoughts. The twins mostly thought of how to make whatever happens to Umbridge look like an accident, while you were still shaking from the ordeal. Murder plots can be for another time. You were first.
Escorted to the common room couch, you were as pampered as you could be. Hands properly wrapped, the herbal deal brewed, helping clean up the blood stains, using their latest invention to help clean up your bruise. Just doing what they could, as you sniffled and hiccuped.
Once done, you were soon lying against Fred. With George semi on top of you. As if some kind of pressure therapy. A means to make sure no one could touch you, or sneak up on you. Was nice. What was nicer was the random fellow classmates who walked around. May it to get something to drink, unable to sleep, what have you.
They took notice of you, could quickly grasp it was Umbridge, and let you have your comfort. May it be making sure you three had a blanket, staying extra quiet to not disturb you, or asking if you needed anything. Just some humanity against the darkness.
The comfort of the twins, the easing calm of the tea, and the sound of the ever lit fireplace. It helped you come back to earth again. Just what you needed. Reassurance that you were the victim. Not the other way around. Just deep breaths of fire, cinnamon, and gun powder.
You’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, and the twins promised.
As if they ever would break a promise.
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54 notes · View notes
justsomewritingblog · 10 months
Late Night Lessons
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Prompt: "You are possibly the worst I've ever trained." "Thanks for the encouragement."
Pairing:  Harry Potter x Gryffindor!OC/reader
Summary:  Drastic measures are taken when Umbridge takes over Hogwarts, forcing the students to practice magic on their own. A certain Gryffindor is having difficulties, though...
Warnings:  some mentions of injury and wounds (Umbridge's detentions), distant family
A/N:  I know they had the meeting in Hogsmeade before finding the Room of Requirement, but the conversation felt like it flowed naturally this way, so I left it.
Word Count:  5K+
This was the worst year of my life.
Dolores Umbridge had taken over the school, restricting everything under the sun and causing torment for anyone that even thought about stepping out of the line she had drawn.  
I walked with Hermione back to the Common Room, grumbling about the lack of practice in DADA.
“I mean, honestly,” I complained, “how does she expect us to defeat Voldemort if we can’t get any practice?”
“I know.  The readings aren’t even very useful.”
“They’re useless!”  I gestured wildly.  “It’s not like Voldemort’s going to quiz us when he finally decides to rear his ugly head.”
Hermione was silent as I continued to rant, waving my free hand through the air and nearly accidentally slapping her a couple times.
I could feel my anger rising the more I spoke, just thinking about the situation getting me more and more upset.
“We need a workaround,” Hermione interrupted.
I turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow.  “Excuse me?”
“We need a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.  Someone with experience.”
I let out a scoff.  “And who would that be?”
“I don’t know if I can, Hermione.”
“Harry, we don’t have much of a choice,” the muggle-born pressed.  “You’re perfect for the job.”
“And what if we get caught,” Ron questioned.  “We’re likely to be in some serious trouble.”
I leaned forward in my seat.  “Then we’ll just have to make sure we don’t get caught, won’t we?”
The three turned to me.
“And how do you propose we do that,” Harry questioned.
“I’m not sure yet.  But we need to find a safe place.”  I held my chin in thought.  “Somewhere that’s off the radar…that we can work in privacy and security.”
The room fell silent as we all thought.
“An empty classroom might do it,” Ron suggested.
“It might,” I acknowledged.
“We’d have to place some protection charms, then,” Hermione noted.  “Just in case someone walks in.”
“Especially if it’s noisy.”
“We’re bound to draw attention to ourselves either way,” Harry spoke up.  “If anyone sees a bunch of students going to the same place-”
“That’s an easy fix,” I said.  “We’ll just have to split up into smaller groups of twos and threes and have everyone show up at different times.”  I looked over at Harry, holding his gaze in an attempt to provide him some assurance and strength.  “No one will be the wiser.”
A few beats passed and he nodded.
“It’s settled, then.”  Hermione looked between the three of us.  “We’ll start looking tomorrow.”
“It’d probably be best if we split up,” I whispered to Hermione, Harry and Ron.  “We can cover more ground that way.”  I shrugged one shoulder.  “And maybe it’ll look less suspicious.”
The three nodded.
“I’ll take this side,” Hermione gestured behind her.  “Harry, you take that way,” she pointed to her left, “Davies, you that way,” she pointed ahead of herself, behind me, “and Ron, you that way,” she gestured to the right.
“What are we doing?”
Everyone spun to face the new voice.
“Neville…” I greeted with a grin that looked more like an anxious grimace.  “What’s going on?”
He looked down at me.  “I was about to ask the same thing.”  His gaze shifted between everyone in the group.
We all exchanged glances.
“We’re building an army,” Harry admitted quietly.  “We’re looking for somewhere private and safe to practice magic.”
“You can help us look, if you want,” Ron piped up.
Neville was silent for a few moments before nodding.  “Which way do I go?”
“Er…” I trailed off.  “Wherever you want, I guess?”
“We already each have a way, so you can pick your own,” Harry said.
“Unless I group with Hermione, or two of you boys group,” I suggested, crossing my arms.  “Since boys and girls aren’t supposed to be within six inches of each other.”
Silence followed.
“I’ll go with Harry,” Ron finally said.  He glanced over at his friend.  “We’re always together, anyway.  It might look more suspicious if we’re apart.”
“Good point,” I admitted.
“Alright.”  Harry nodded, looking between everyone.  “Let’s go.”
I made my way through the school, observing every door.  With each one I passed I mentally made notes on them.  So many of them were in crowded halls.  There was no way we were going to be able to use them secretly.
Letting out a huff, I tugged on my hair in annoyance as I turned another corner.  
Dead end.
With a sigh, I headed back to the Common Room.
Maybe the others had better luck.
I strode back to the Common Room as quickly as I could, desperate to hear how the others did.  Approaching the Fat Lady, I instantly supplied the password, not even slowing my steps and walking inside.
The portrait closed behind me.
My name was called and I turned, seeing the golden trio and Neville waving me over.  I walked over, sitting on the floor between Harry and Hermione.  “How’d we do,” I asked.
“Neville found a secret room,” Harry supplied quietly, leaning over to avoid the rest of the students hearing.
I looked over at him, slightly taken aback by the proximity and the intensity of his blue eyes.  I blinked before clearing my throat.  “That’s great,” I said hoarsely.  I forced my gaze to Neville.  “Where is it?”
“It just appeared on the wall.  I’ll show you guys when I can.”
“We want in, too.”
We all snapped our heads to the voice, seeing Fred and George leaning over us.
The matching serious expressions looked very out of place on their faces.
Harry looked up at them.  “Fine.”
“We should find out who else is interested,” Hermione suggested.
“We have to be careful, though.”  I looked over at her.  “We don’t want anyone telling Professor Umbridge,” I warned.
“Who do we really trust?  We can’t exactly just send out an advertisement,” Hermione said.
The group fell silent.
“We’ll work on that,” Harry decided.
I nodded and looked over at Neville.  “Where’s this room?”
“You’ve done it, Neville,” Hermione said as you all observed the large, open room.  “You’ve found the Room of Requirement.”
“The what,” Ron asked.
“It’s also known as The Come and Go Room,” she expanded.  “The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it, and is always equipped for the seeker’s needs.”
“So…say you really needed a toilet…”
Everyone turned to look at the redhead.
“Charming, Ronald,” Hermione said.  “But yes…that is the general idea.”
“It’s brilliant,” Harry finally spoke up.  “It’s like Hogwarts wants us to fight back.”
I looked around before turning to Harry.  “Maybe it does.”
Neville stared at the practice dummy, his wand raised.
Harry gave an encouraging nod.
Neville looked back to the dummy.  “Expelliarmus!”  His wand flew backwards out of his hand.
I, and everyone else in line, ducked out of the way.
“I’m hopeless,” Neville mourned.
“You-you’re just flourishing your wand too much,” Harry advised.  He held up his own wand.  “Try like this.”  Looking at the dummy, he flicked his wand.  “Expelliarmus!”
The dummy’s ‘wand’ flew onto the floor.
I grinned.
The line in front of me shortened as Ron, Hermione and Luna all tried, each with varying levels of success.
Harry looked over at me.  “Your turn.”
I nodded, stepping forward and raising my wand.  Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes at the dummy.  “Expelliarmus!”
The fake wand shot out of its hand, landing a few feet away.
I grinned as I put my wand in my pocket.
“Nice work,” Harry said, nodding at me with a smile as he placed the wand back in the dummy’s hand for the next student.
I beamed at him, moving to the side to allow Fred to go.
“Great job,” Hermione whispered to me as Fred and George easily performed the spell.
“Thanks,” I whispered back.  “You, too.”
“Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal,” Harry stated, walking between the two sides we had formed.  “It-it’s sort of a wizard’s bread and butter, really.”
I made a confused face at the odd analogy.
Ron chuckled.
“...on then, Nigel,” Harry said.  “Give me your best shot.”
Everyone turned to look at the first- or was that second- year boy standing several paces opposite an unarmed Harry.
The ginger boy shuffled a little on his feet before aiming his wand at Harry.  “Stupefy!”
The spell hit Harry and he shot backwards, landing hard on his back.
Nigel also got flown backwards, though not as far.
I winced.
“Good,” Harry said, a little breathless as he pushed himself off the floor.  “Not bad…at all, Nigel.  Well done.”  He stood, clearing his throat and dusting off his hands.  “Next.”
Ron and Hermione stepped forward, sharing a quiet exchange, before Ron walked to the other side of the room, standing where Harry had.
They studied each other for a moment.
Ron opened his mouth, but he was too slow.
Hermione yelled out the spell, shooting Ron backwards.
I covered my mouth with my hand, eyes wide.
I stepped forward, turning to see who else had joined me.
One of the Weasley twins stood before me, too far away to tell which one it was.
I did my best to mask my apprehension.
“I’ll go easy on you, love,” he said, shrugging one shoulder.  “I am two years ahead of you, after all.”
“Don’t do me any favors, Weasley,” I shot back, trying to force my nerves down as I raised my wand.
The twin shrugged, moving back to the spot Ron had previously occupied. 
“You got this, Freddie,” the other twin called.
I narrowed my eyes at the twin I now knew to be Fred, swallowing a lump in my throat.  I snapped my arm forward, yelling out “stupefy!”
Fred blocked it with another spell, sending a “stupefy” my way.
The spell came at me so quickly I had no time to deflect it.
I flew backwards, landing on the ground with a very audible thud.  I winced.
Fred leaned over me moments later.  “Sorry, Davies.”
I groaned.  “I thought you said you’d take it easy on me.”
He shrugged, giving me a cheeky grin.  “You said not to do you any favors.”
Letting out a huff, I nodded in recognition.
His grin grew as he reached down a hand to help me up.  Pulling me to my feet, he clapped a hand on my shoulder before walking back to his counterpart.
“Next,” Harry called.
I rubbed at my back as I moved out of the way for the next students.
“Are you alright,” Harry asked quietly.
I turned to look at him, meeting his concerned gaze.  “I’ll be fine.”  I smiled at him.  “Thanks.”
He held my eyes a moment longer before nodding, turning sharply away from me to look at the dueling students.
“Have you heard?”
I turned my head to Hermione briefly before looking back towards where I was going.  “Heard what?”
“Professor Umbridge is holding interrogations between classes,” she hissed.
I snapped my head towards her.
“She knows something’s going on.”
My steps slowed to a stop.  I stared at Hermione for a long moment.  “She can’t get to us, can she?  I mean…” I lowered my voice to a whisper, “won’t the Room know that it needs to keep her out and adjust for it?”
“I don’t know.  I suppose it depends on the magic of Hogwarts in comparison to her own.”
I huffed, falling into step beside Hermione as she started walking again.
After several beats of silence, Hermione quietly wondered “I wonder what she uses to try to get the students to talk…”
I frowned.  “I don’t want to know.”
“Very good- keep your concentration,” Harry said as he made his way through the groups of students.  “Nice work.”
I focused on levitating one of the third years, my eyes narrowed as I tried to keep him up.
“Good job,” Harry’s soft voice came from right beside my ear.
My attention faltered, the third year dropping slightly before I regained focus and kept him hovering, though lower than previously.
“Widen your stance just a little,” Harry advised.
I felt a pair of hands land on my waist, a foot working its way between mine to shove them a little further apart.
A quiet, but audible gasp escaped me as my face flared.
The boy fell.
I blinked at him.  “I am so sorry.”
He stood, rubbing his elbow.  “It’s alright.”
I turned to glare at Harry, who stood only a few inches away from me.
Our eyes locked and my expression, without my consent, lost most of its malice.
He looked over at me.  “Sorry.”
I hummed, wanting to look angry at him, but finding myself unable to.
He held my gaze before clearing his throat.  “Try again.”
At my hesitant nod, he moved on.
I let out a harsh exhale, turning back to the third year.  “Are you ready to try again?”
He raised an eyebrow at me.  “Are you?”
“Working hard is important,” Harry began, adjusting people’s grips on their wands as they practiced against each other.  “But there’s something that matters even more: believing in yourself.”  He helped a student send a spell at another before moving on, after looking to see if they were alright.  “Think of it this way…every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now…students.”  He continued to move through the room, maneuvering around people.  “If they can do it, why not us?”
I smiled.
Harry pulled out the practice dummy again, wheeling it between everyone.  “Form a circle.”
Everyone walked closer.
“Now, don’t let the dummy touch you,” he instructed.  “If it gets close, send a spell at it to knock it away.”
I pulled out my wand.  “Sounds like a game, Harry,” I said, grinning.
He grinned back.  “It is.  Kind of.”  He looked back to the rest of the students.  “Alright- someone send the first spell.”
Fred was quick to cast a “stupefy” at the dummy.
It shot across from him, towards one of the fourth years.
“Wingardium leviosa!”
The dummy spun around the room, getting spell upon spell cast at it.
It spun to Neville.
It rocketed towards Ginny.
The dummy exploded into ashes.
Everyone whipped their heads to face the youngest Weasley in amazement.
“Geez, Ginny,” I muttered, looking back to the pile.
Harry moved to step in front of everyone, Ron and Hermione on either side of him.  “So, that’s it for this lesson.  Now, we’re not going to be meeting again until after the holidays…”
Disappointed groans filled the room.
“So, just keep practicing on your own as best you can, and- and well done everyone.  Great, great work,” he said with a proud smile.
Everyone clapped.
Students began to file out of the room, thanking him as they went.
I hung in the back with Ron and Hermione, waiting for everyone to get their turn, as well as not having everyone rushing out of the same place at the same time.
We didn’t need to draw more attention to ourselves than we already had.
Once everyone had left, Harry approached the three of us.
“Good job, Harry,” I said, smiling at him.
“Yeah,” Ron agreed.  “Well done, mate.”
Hermione grinned.  “I told you that you’d do well, Harry.”
The Boy Who Lived stopped in front of us.  “Thanks.”  He looked between us.  “You’re all doing really well, too.”
“Well, it helps to have a teacher with experience,” I stated.  “The only other people here with experience like that are actual teachers, and they can’t help us.”
Ron and Hermione sent quiet goodbyes our way, saying they’d see us in the Common Room.
I waved.
“See you, guys,” Harry replied.  When the two left, Harry turned back to me.
Silence filled the air.
I wrapped my arms around myself, lowering my gaze to the floor as I scuffed my foot against the stone.  Clearing my throat, and without looking up, I asked “do you have any plans for the holidays?”
Harry shrugged.  “I don’t really have a family to go back to, and Sirius is…” he trailed off.
“Elsewhere,” I supplied.
Harry nodded before looking up at me.  “What about you?”
“I’m staying at Hogwarts for the holidays,” I confessed.
Harry addressed me silently for a few moments.  “Do you have a family?”
I looked over at him.  “Yes.  But they’re away.”  I turned my head to the side, looking at the wall.  “Some business trip, or something.”
“Well, we’ll be here together, at least.”
My gaze shifted to the boy and I let a small smile form on my face.  “Yeah.”
We stood in a few more beats of silence before Harry spoke up.
“We should get going.  I think enough time has passed.”
I nodded, gesturing to the door.  “After you, Potter.”
“I snagged these from the kitchen.”  Grinning, I set a plate of cookies down on the table in the Common Room.
Harry looked up at me from his spot on the couch, his expression a mix of amusement and shock.  “You stole them?”
I shrugged one shoulder, sitting down beside him as I picked up a cookie.  “We practically have Hogwarts to ourselves.”  I bit off part of the cookie and chewed it.  “Unless these were for the teachers.”
Harry reached forward, taking a cookie for himself.  “Well, if you’re eating them, I might as well.”
I sent a crooked grin his way.  “I really pulled your arm there, didn’t I, Potter?”
He chuckled, a little bashfully, as he ate his treat.
We fell into silence, the only sounds being our own breathing and the crackling of the fireplace.
The fire’s warm glow filled the room, the heat radiating off of it covering me like a cozy blanket.
The Christmas tree sparkled in the corner, snow falling in front of the window.
I let out a long content sigh, relaxing into the couch and letting my eyes flutter closed.
This was the epitome of comfort.
The couch shifted beside me and I opened my eyes, turning to look at Harry.
He glanced at me before looking back at the table sheepishly.  “Sorry.”
I chuckled.  “You’re good.”
The silence that followed was slightly tense.
“Is Christmas your favorite holiday,” I asked, leaning forward to better see Harry, resting my elbows on my knees.
He looked over at me.  “Probably.”  Glancing back at the cookie tray, he rubbed his hands together.  “It was never very nice with my Aunt and Uncle, but since coming to Hogwarts, I’ve enjoyed it more.  I get to spend the holiday with the people I care about.”  He looked over at me.  “If that makes sense.”
I nodded.  “Absolutely.”
“What about you?”
I clasped my hands together, looking at them.  “Well… my family isn’t very close.”  I pulled my hands apart, gesturing with my right.  “We would spend the holiday together, but it wasn’t like the Christmas’ I would hear about from the other families I knew.  Theirs would be filled with laughter and happy memories.”  I looked at the fireplace, resolutely not looking at the boy next to me.  “I got presents, and we would be together all day, but…” I trailed off, shrugging.  “I don’t know.  It just…felt fake.”  I finally looked over at Harry, meeting his concerned blue eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
I smiled somewhat sadly.  “Well, like you said, now I have Hogwarts.  I have you, Hermione and Ron.”  My smile grew.  “I have Ginny, the twins, Seamus…”  Reaching forward, I grabbed Harry’s left hand with my right.  “I enjoy Christmas a lot more than I used to, too,” I finalized, reaching forward to grab another cookie with my free hand.
Harry smiled, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing another cookie, himself.  “Merry Christmas, Davies,” he said quietly as we settled back into the couch.
“Merry Christmas, Potter.”
I made my way to Harry’s class, strolling through the castle halls.  I was still going to be early, and I had to make sure to not draw any suspicion to myself, so I wasn’t hurrying.  Nearing the entrance to the Room of Requirement, I turned a corner.
The sight had my steps faltering slightly.
I quickly recovered, crossing my arms and halting in my steps, plastering a confident smirk on my face.  “Well, if it isn’t Malfoy and his goons… formerly.”
Draco sneered, marching towards me with quick steps, Crabbe and Goyle on either side of him.
They walked behind him, as they always did.
I briefly wondered if they knew that Draco only kept them around to be his bodyguards and viewed them as no more than that.
“What did you say, Davies?”  Draco’s tone was harsh as he approached me, using his height to try to intimidate me.
I looked up at him.  “Well, I said ‘formerly’, because you’re no longer ‘Malfoy’s gang’.”  I took my time in raking my gaze across the three of them, eyes drifting across the badges they’d received from our new ‘headmaster’, letting my words sink in.  “I’d say ‘Umbridge’s puppets’ is much more fitting…” I looked up and held Draco’s cool gaze, lowering my voice slightly, making sure to add bite to it.  “Don’t you?”
Anger flashed through his gray-ish blue eyes.  “I could take you in, Davies,” he said sternly, gesturing at the badge hanging from his robe.  “I have the authority.”
I let out a short laugh.  “For what?”
He looked down at the space between us before looking back up at my eyes.  “You’re within six inches of me, Davies.”
“You invaded my space,” I reminded.
Malfoy grabbed my arm, leaning down slightly to crowd me as he gave a vicious smirk.  “Professor Umbridge doesn’t know that.”
My eyes widened as he dragged me away.
I hurried to the Common Room, cradling my hand to my chest.  Stopping in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, I wiped my watery eyes and quickly uttered the password.
The portrait swung open, even as the Fat Lady looked at me with concern.
Stepping in, I went to make a beeline straight to my dorm but a call of my name had me halting in my quest.
I closed my eyes.  If I didn’t go over, they would know something was wrong.  Taking a brief second to steel myself, I turned around, approaching the three Gryffindors sitting on the couch.  “What’s up, guys?”  I forced my tone to sound more cheerful.
“What happened,” Hermione questioned.  “You weren’t in class…” she prompted quietly.
“I…” I pulled my sleeves down over my hands.  “I got held up.”
“We were worried about you,” Ron said.
I smiled at him.  “Thanks, Ron.”
“You missed a good lesson,” Hermione informed.  “We started learning about how to cast a Patronus.”
“Really?”  I shifted my gaze to Harry before looking back at Hermione.  “How’d it go?”
“It’s bloody hard,” Ron deadpanned.
Hermione gave him a slightly exasperated look before smiling up at me.  “It is difficult, but we’ll get it.”  She looked over the red head to look at the Boy Who Lived.  “Harry’s been trying to walk us through it.”
I shifted my gaze to Harry.  “How’s that been going?”
He smiled.  “It’s the hardest thing we’ve done yet, so it’s a little challenging.”
I nodded, looking to the wall as my hand trembled.  I slowly reached my other hand over, resting it on top of it.
“Are you alright?”
My head whipped back to look over at Harry, dropping my hand instantly.  “Yeah.  Why?”
Harry looked at me for a few moments before holding his hand out, palm up.  “Can I see your hand?”
Hermione and Ron fell silent, turning to look at us.
I stared at Harry, remaining as stoic as I could.  I gave him my right hand.
He didn’t break eye contact with me.  “The other one.”
“Harry-” I tried to protest, but he reached forward, taking my left hand carefully and rolling up my sleeve.  I winced at the sudden air to the open wound, as well as the knowledge that everyone was staring at it.
Everyone gasped.
‘I must not harass boys’ was carved across my hand.
Harry looked up to meet my eyes, his blue eyes filled with fury.  “What-”
“It was Malfoy,” I interrupted, looking down at the words in my irritated skin.  I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the lump that formed there.  “He claimed I had crossed the ‘six inch’ rule to get at him.”  I clenched my right hand.  “In reality, he was the one that invaded my space.”  Letting out a huff, I moved my gaze from my hand to the floor.  “But of course, it was the testimonies of three against one.”
“Crabbe and Goyle,” Ron supplied, frowning.
I nodded.
Hermione reached out, holding my other hand.
I looked up at the ceiling, trying to force the tears away.
A silence fell over the group, which Ron thankfully broke.
“Malfoy’s the worst.”
“That’s it.”  Harry walked through the students.  “Think of a powerful memory.  The happiest you can remember.  Allow it to fill you up.  Keep trying, Seamus.”  He walked over to the twins.  “George, your turn.”
George flicked his wand.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Pale wisps, a whitish blue, spiraled out of his wand.
Harry continued walking.  “A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents.”
Ginny’s wisps turned into a horse head that whinnied.
Harry beamed.  “Fantastic, Ginny!”  He kept walking.  “Remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused, so Luna-!”
The girl kept staring at the floor.
Hermione’s Patronus, an otter, floated around her head.
“Think of the happiest memory you can.”
“Expecto Patronum.”  Neville’s wand let out a few spirals, but nothing more.  He turned to Harry.  “I’m trying.”
“I know,” Harry assured.  “It’s good.”  He moved on, even as Ron’s dog Patronus ran between Neville’s legs, knocking the boy over.  “This is really advanced stuff, guys, you’re doing so well!”
A bunny formed in front of Luna, hopping around the room.
My wand sparked again.
I glared at it.
“Stupid wand,” I grumbled under my breath.  The urge to throw the thing that had chosen me five years ago was getting increasingly difficult to ignore.  I huffed, closing my eyes, trying to focus.
“How’s it going?”
I snapped my eyes open, looking over at Harry.  I was certain he could guess based on the expression I was sure was on my face, but I humored him.  “Dreadful.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Watch.”  I closed my eyes again, focusing hard on my memory.  I opened my eyes again, holding my wand out.  “Expecto Patronum!”
My wand let out a few white sparks.
I looked over at Harry.  “Maybe my wand’s busted.”
“I think that’s unlikely.  What memory are you thinking of?”
I hesitated, gaze shifting between his eyes.  “Getting my Hogwarts letter.”
“That’s your strongest happy memory?”
My gaze lowered to my wand.  “It was all I could come up with.”
Harry pursed his lips, regarding me thoughtfully.
I shifted a little uncomfortably under his stare.
“We could try private sessions?  I’ll work with you one on one.”
I sighed, nodding.
Harry clapped a hand on my shoulder before continuing on his way.
Harry and I walked to the Room of Requirement, hidden under his invisibility cloak.
My heart raced as we strode through the empty halls, terrified of encountering a teacher and a little unnerved at being in such close proximity to anyone, let alone Harry Potter.
The Room of Requirement opened and we walked in, the door closing behind us.
Harry pulled the cloak off us and I let out a breath of relief.
“Merlin, that was scary,” I mumbled.
“Sneaking around after hours still unnerves me a little, too,” Harry remarked, dropping the cloak to the side.  “It gets easier the more you do it, though.”
I raised an eyebrow at him.  “Got it: break the rules more often.”
He deadpanned at me before his expression shifted into a grin.  “Very funny.”
I grinned back.  “I thought so.”
Harry shook his head, moving to stand beside me.  “Alright.  I hope you have your wand on you, or we’ll have to sneak all the way back.”
I grimaced, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my wand, a quiet sigh of relief escaping me.
Harry nodded.  “Good.”  He gestured at me.  “Alright, think of your happiest memory.”
I held my wand out in front of me, once more thinking of receiving my letter.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Not even sparks.
I huffed.
“That’s okay.  Try again,” Harry encouraged.
And so I did.
For half an hour.
“Do you have any happier memories?”
I looked over at Harry.
“Remember, it has to be strong,” he advised.
I huffed, closing my eyes.  Getting my letter wasn’t enough.  Maybe arriving at Hogwarts?  Seeing the school for the first time was definitely one of my favorite memories.
Opening my eyes, I brought my wand forward, a new determination filling me.  “Expecto Patronum!”
A few wisps left my wand before dying out.
I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.
Harry patted my back.  “That was an improvement.”
I whipped my head around to glare at him.
He pulled his hand off me, raising his hands in surrender and taking a step back.  “Sorry.”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Harry.”
He pursed his lips.  “Let’s go to bed.  We’ll try again tomorrow.”
“Expecto Patronum!”
My wand produced a few wisps, lasting longer than before, but still dying out rather quickly.
Harry chuckled.
“Harry Potter!”  I glared at him.  “We have been doing this for almost a week- don’t you dare!”
He held up his hands.  “Sorry.  It’s just… you are possibly the worst I’ve ever trained.”
I deadpanned at him.  “Thanks for the encouragement.”
“I think you need some happier memories,” he admitted, his smile fading.
I frowned, looking down at the ground.  “Well, I won’t argue with that.”
He walked over to me.  “What do you care about?  What’s important to you?”
I lifted my gaze to meet his, staring at him in silence for several moments.  “My friends.  You, Hermione, Ron…”
Harry nodded.  “So think of a memory with us.  Was there a memory with us that filled you with such a happiness you’d never experienced before?”
I paused, looking away as I tried to think.
Meeting the golden trio was fun.  I enjoyed listening to them as they told me about their adventures.  Spending time in the library studying.  Visits with Hagrid.
Then it came to me.
I remembered the Christmas holiday.  I thought back to the warm fire, the tasty cookies I had snuck out of the kitchen, the comfortable silence, the winter coziness that I had shared with Harry.
I had never felt more content in my life.
I looked back up at Harry.  Lifting myself to stand tall, I turned back to the open space before me and raised my wand.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Pale wisps emerged from my wand, spiraling out.
A chestnut mare formed at the end of them, tossing its head and neighing.
Harry beamed.  “You did it, Davies!”
I turned to face him, grinning.  Reaching towards him, I pulled him into a tight hug.  “Ugh, after weeks-!”
“You did it,” he congratulated, hugging me back.
I sighed in relief, resting my chin on his shoulder.
He mirrored the action for a few moments before we separated.  “What was your memory?”
I blinked at him, face flushing.  I wrapped him in another hug, just so I didn’t have to look at him.
He stiffened, taken aback, but returned the hug again.
“Do you remember the Christmas holidays…” I trailed off, keeping my arms around him.
I felt him nod against me.  “Yeah.”
I paused.  “Do you remember the night I stole the cookies from the kitchen?  The snow was falling, and the Common Room was decorated…” I tightened my hold of him.  “We were sitting on the couch… the whole place to ourselves…”
At Harry’s prolonged silence, I loosened my grip, pulling away slightly, but not enough to look at him.
“I- I remember.”
I waited a few beats before stepping back so I could look at him.
He met my eyes, but I couldn’t read his expression.
I held his gaze, ignoring the way my voice wavered and my cheeks reddened.  “It meant a lot to me, Harry.”
He swallowed.  “It meant a lot to me, too.”
Staring at him, I tried to figure out what exactly he was trying to imply by that.  I took a step towards him.  “Did it,” I asked quietly.
He nodded, his gaze flickering to my lips briefly.
It was all the confirmation I needed.
Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes.
He returned it instantly.
Our lips moved together clumsily, but it filled my heart with warmth.
I reached up, resting my left hand on his shoulder and threading my other fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
He placed one hand on my waist, the other cradling my jaw.
I pulled away first, keeping my hold on him as I opened my eyes.
He smiled at me as we both tried to even out our breathing.
I beamed at him, chuckling, and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his forehead.
Harry met my gaze when I pulled away.  “I don’t know if we should have done that.”
My smile dropped instantly, arms falling to my sides.
A mischievous crooked grin formed on his face.  “I am your teacher, after all.”
I scoffed loudly, slapping him in the arm.
A/n: This was really fun to write, too. I've been on a Harry Potter kick, so expect more stories soon.
Oh! And if anyone is curious as to why I chose the patronus I did, I found this life-saver right here.
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 13
WARNINGS: small amount of swearing
You're in Defense Against the Dark Arts. As usual, you are reading out of that terrible book that Professor Umbridge has assigned. You rest your chin in your hand. Your eyes lazily move down the paragraphs and soon you find yourself drifting off.
You jerk awake when something slaps the edge of your desk. You look up to see Umbridge smiling down at you.
"Sorry, Professor," you apologize. "Haven't been getting enough sleep."
She takes her hand off your desk. "What could possibly be keeping you from getting enough sleep?" she asks in her high, perky voice.
You don't know how to answer her question honestly without revealing that you've been sneaking out late every night to help Fred and George. Umbridge waits patiently by your desk for your response.
"Nightmares," you eventually reply. It's not entirely a lie.
"Ah," is all Umbridge says in response. Though she's still smiling, she appears to be disappointed that she couldn't get you to give away your secret, but, then again, how could she know? Maybe she assumes you are hiding something because you're good friends with the Weasley twins. They're always "up to no good", as every Hogwarts staff member would say. Professor Umbridge starts to walk away.
George leans over. "Probably about her, am I right?" he snickers.
Before you can reply, Umbridge stops half way to her desk. Did she hear George's comment?
"Detention, Mr. Weasley," she says without turning around.
"What?" Fred, who was also falling asleep, quickly sits up. Umbridge continues toward her desk.
"Not you," George growls. He sighs heavily in frustration.
"Aw, man. Sorry about that," you sympathize.
"It's not your fault."
"I'm still sorry it happened all the same. I wouldn't want to spend any time out of class with that woman," you whisper.
"I wouldn't want to spend any time with that woman, period," Fred says. "What'd you do, George?"
"Not anything that deserves detention!" he spits.
You don't like seeing George upset. You search for something to say to change the subject.
"Don't we have a Hogsmeade trip coming up at the end of the week?" you ask. You're glad to see George's expression soften.
"Yeah, that's right!" says Fred. "I can't wait. I've been needing a break from classes."
"I think we all need a break. And not just from classes if you catch my meaning."
"Ah, yes, yes. We have been working very hard. Especially you, y/n."
"You should come to Hogsmeade with Fred and I," George says. "Let us treat you."
You grin. "Alright... thanks." You don't know who else you'd go to Hogsmeade with, other than Hermione, but she's got her own thing with Harry and Ron that you don't want to invade.
"No, thank you!" Fred gives you a dashing smile. You feel your face grow warm. "We've never made as much progress in a whole year!"
You're surprised he feels this way. You feel like you've only barely made progress, but you don't say as much. "You know... I often think the two of you could be at the top of your classes if you really cared. You are both very smart and completely capable."
Fred gasps theatrically. "Bloody hell, did you hear that, George?"
"Sure did, Fred." George tips his head to the side and smiles crookedly. "The great y/n y/l/n just called us smart."
You laugh out loud, then quickly cover your mouth with your hands. You look over at Umbridge. Behind her desk, scribbling away with her pink feathered quill, the corner of her mouth twitches. You wait for her to call your name, but she remains focused on whatever she's writing.
"I think she has a thing for Slytherins," George whispers.
"Pfft. She definitely doesn't have a thing for me."
"She does dislike you more than other Slytherins, but you're still a Slytherin. I'm surprised I haven't gotten detention yet," says Fred.
"Yeah. Don't jinx it," George grumbles.
That night during dinner, while George is in detention, you and Fred sit with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
"Where's Georgie at?" Ron asks through a mouthful of food.
"Detention," Fred answers. "By Umbridge."
Ron swallows thickly and shakes his head. "A terrible fate indeed." He makes eye contact with Harry who tucks his hands underneath the table.
Hermione clears her throat. "So, um, what do you think of her, y/n? Professor Umbridge I mean."
You shrug your shoulders. "Oh, I dunno. She's just another strict teacher. Reminds me of Snape... setting aside all of the smiling and pink clothing, of course."
"Has she inspected any of your classes yet?"
"Yeah," says Ron. "She's been going around with a clipboard. Checking up on the teachers and such."
"She's not just a teacher, you know," Hermione explains to you. "She's here representing the Ministry of Magic. Fudge thinks Dumbledore is no longer mentally sane, so he sent Umbridge to make sure Hogwarts is still adequate enough for students to attend... or something like that."
"She used the word 'safer' to describe her method of teaching," you say.
Ron rolls his eyes. "Right. Because the way Hogwarts does it is so dangerous!" he says sarcastically.
"I don't know about all of you, but I'm not learning anything from her," Harry adds. "At least, not anything useful."
"I've learned that I hate the color pink," Fred says. You laugh.
"This is serious," says Harry, unamused. You listen intently. You don't often get to hear from Harry because he's usually so quiet. "We need a real Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Even the imposter we had last year was better than Umbridge. Sure, he was planning to have me killed the entire time, but I still learned some things during his classes." Your mouth hangs slightly open in disbelief. You're taken back by how casually he can talk about last year's events. "How are we supposed to defend ourselves against Voldemort and his followers if we don't know how?"
There's a startlingly loud clashing that causes everyone but Harry to jump in their seats. You realize that you had absentmindedly let your fork slip out of your grasp and onto your plate.
"Sorry," you chuckle shakily, still unsettled by Harry's mentioning the Dark Lord's name. Fred watches you with concern.
"So how about that Hogsmeade trip this weekend?" Hermione blurts nervously. "I hear The Three Broomsticks has this new drink..."
Fred leans in closer to you. "You alright?" he whispers so only you can hear it past Hermione's rambling.
You nod and give him a weak smile. "I... just wasn't expecting that."
Fred smiles back apologetically. "Harry doesn't give a damn when it comes to being discreet about You-Know-Who."
"I can see that."
"Yeah..." Fred stares at his empty plate for a minute in thought. Then he looks up at you excitedly. "Hey, you wanna get out of here? I have something I want to show you."
You grin, the feeling of suspense already gathering inside of you. "Sure... but shouldn't we wait for George?"
Fred waves a hand of dismissal. "It'll be fast."
After a moment of hesitation, you agree. You say goodnight to the others, gathering your things. Once you're on your feet, Fred takes you by the hand.
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shortandslytherin · 1 year
The Fake Gryffindor - Neville Longbottom x Y/N Malfoy (Part 2)
Sorry it took awhile my life got a little crazy. I'm not sure if there's typos it's 2:23AM. I'll check when I wake up.
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Summary: The reader finds herself caught up in a web of lies when she accidentally is mistaken for a Gryffindor. Soon she finds herself covering up lies for Draco and her family but she might just have a few secrets of her own.
Warnings: Insecure Y/N, light angst, bullying, Umbridge exists, Y/N lies a lot, and mention of death.
Notes: Y/N is Draco's twin. Y/N will have she/her pronouns. She's obviously going to look like Draco but occasionally will change that. In the occasions when she changes that I'll use (h/c) or (e/c). If you are blonde or have blue eyes just use whatever colors you'd like. I'll also use (Y/N/N) which means your nickname but that will make more sense later on.
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September 1995
Exactly three days had passed since Neville Longbottom called you the prettiest girl in Gryffindor. You had deflected. He called you perfect, you said you weren't. Now you couldn't stop thinking about how you'd told him that he was perfect. You also had called him awkward and clumsy. You felt terrible that he was friends with this Gryffindor girl that didn't exist. You should have just told him. Your guilt had you staring at your reflection and wondering if was true that you were pretty. It didn't feel true. You might as well have been what Draco would look like as a girl; in fact that's exactly correct. But you were trying to stare deeper than your reflection. You didn't remember much from your younger years but you remembered that at a Christmas Ball your parents held you'd been told pretty is on the inside. The woman who said it proceeded to call you adorable so you had assumed she didn't think you had a pretty personality. She was right. Later that night you'd thrown a tantrum because you were tired and your father wasn't ready to end the party.
But now at fifteen you didn't think you could get away with throwing a tantrum. So you'd just have to stare in the mirror until it made sense. You'd never been so unsure of yourself. But one thing you knew for sure, Slytherin and Gryffindor didn't mix. You were rival houses for so long that many people just continued the rivalry even if they had nothing to do with the reason that it had all started. You sighed softly and pulled your eyes from the mirror before hurriedly getting ready for class and rushing off. It was today that world decided to test your ability to keep a promise. Neville had done good to stay out of the path of the Slytherins; he'd much too busy looking for his Gryffindor mystery girl. No one knew who she was. Not even the professors seemed to know who this girl was. There was one professor who had a pretty good idea but he wasn't about to confront you about your personal life. But both you and Neville seemed to be unlucky today.
When you turned the corner to get Herbology, you saw Draco and his entourage bullying some poor kid. You sighed and started walking up to them ready to play your part that was written from birth but you heard Pansy speak and stopped dead. "Draco, you can't honestly believe that his little girlfriend exists? I mean look at him." Crabbe and Goyle laughed at her comment. Blaise didn't react. From your vantage point, you could see his facial expression and he looked like he was forced to be there. Draco, however, spoke. "Oh no she's very real. I was in the hall when the met. It was almost pathetic. He was crying over something Snape said and she bumped into him. But she didn't seem like the type to ghost someone." Your brother's words set a bomb off in your brain. You refused to be the topic they used to bully someone you barely knew. You rushed your way over to the greenhouse and narrowed your eyes at Draco. He slung his arm over your shoulders. "We were just telling Longbottom here th-" He quickly gets cut off by your sharp tone. "I heard what you were telling him. Just leave him alone. So what if he has an imaginary friend? You did until you were like twelve." You say in a harsh tone and risk a glance at Neville.
He looks at you with a little hatred but also thankfulness. A combination that makes your stomach churn. But there's a sense of familiarity in his eyes that you can't escape. You feel like you've got some so secret tether to him and you can't help but find it enjoyable.
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Harry Potter had been in detention quite a few times for speaking out in class when you'd finally heard the rumors. There was rumors of a pen that Umbridge was using to make students write lines. When they wrote lines it would engrave the words into their skin. You'd been wanting to get your hands on this pen for days now. It didn't matter if the cut would appear Y/N Malfoy. Y/N/N L/N needed to make an appearance before people really thought Neville made up an imaginary girl. It really had started to seem like that and you'd felt bad. You were going to fix it.
"Sis, is this really a good idea?"
"Look, Draco, only I can put an end to these imaginary girlfriend jokes."
"And that requires you getting hurt?"
"Longbottom has to think I was ashamed to talk to him."
You change the color of your uniform tie to Gryffindor. Afterwards you changed your hair color and eye color. "There. Now I'm ready for Umbridge's class." Draco looked at you confused. "I don't understand the goal here." You look at your uniform and laugh slightly. "Well first of all, Y/N/N L/N gets seen in a class which gives her the illusion of being real. Second of all, I get a break from being hit on by Zabini. Finally, I will be able to cause trouble in class."
"What's so bad about Zabini?"
"He's too cocky. I don't care if mom says it's a good match. He'd be a terrible boyfriend."
"Okay. What about Nott?"
"Draco, can we talk about this later? Little busy right now." You respond as you walk into class. You unceremoniously drop down next Neville. It seemingly throws Seamus Finnigan off guard. "Hey, Neville. Sorry, I disappeared on you I've been feeling a little sick." Neville raised his eyebrows. "You know none of the Gryffindor girls seem to remember you?" You nod. "It's expected. I tend to keep to myself..." He seems to accept this answer but the feeling of guilt and ugliness rears it's head in your throat once again. It starts to feel like you might throw up when you hear Umbridge start laying into Harry again. You stand up and slam your hands the desk. "Oh whatever. It was murder. It wasn't murder. Who cares? Cedric is dead and frankly I want to learn something."
"I don't believe we've met yet miss...?"
"Uhh...we have and it's Y/N/N L/N."
"How have not given an outspoken girl like you detention yet,Miss L/N?"
"I usually end up in trouble with Professor Snape first...." Quite a few people, mostly Slytherins, laughed at that comment.
"Detention during study hall."
"Yes ma'am."
You stay quiet the rest of the class period. You weren't even sure what caused you to get angry at that very moment. You had everything planned out. You were going to argue with Draco when he inevitably made fun of a Gryffindor. But your own ugly behavior reared full force ahead instead.
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When Study Hall came around all whispers were about you. It seemed no one knew your name. But maybe that was better. You walked into Umbridge's office for detention and sighed at the pink office. Everything was pink. It was disgusting; even when you were a child you didn't like pink that much. "Professor Umbridge... I'm here for my detention..." She set a piece of paper and quill in front of you. The quill you wanted so badly to see. It wasn't even because of the reasons you'd told Draco. You could really care less what Neville Longbottom did or didn't believe you. The truth was you wanted to see how how it worked for yourself. You were sick of rumors that Umbridge was using a magic quill to cause the scars. You had to see for yourself. "I want you to write 'I will not speak out in class' one hundred times. You'll know when you're finished." You immediately start and cringe at the pain of the quill writing into your skin. It wasn't a lie. She really was scarring students but you wouldn't say a word of it to Draco. You just quietly worked through your detention; letting out a whimper of pain occasionally. You left the office when the scar was fully present on your arm. The second you left the room, you looked at the words and you didn't even feel angry. There were tears stinging your eyes but they weren't from Umbridge's detention. Her detention was immeasurable to the pain you felt when you remembered you had an ugly heart. You were still deceiving Neville. And for what? What did you gain from him not getting bullied? A clear conscious? Definitely not. You couldn't let this go on. You had to tell him the truth. But as you walked back to the Slytherin common room reversing the color charms, you realized why you couldn't. He would hate you for being a Malfoy. But more than that he'd hate you for lying. You covered your arm with your sleeve and tried to rush to your dorm. But you were stopped by your head of house. "Show me your arm."
"Please, Professor, don't do this. It's fine."
"I'm not asking as your professor."
You held out the wrong arm and he nodded softly. "Head on, up to bed." He didn't say anything else as you ran off to your dorm.
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The next morning, you walked up to the Gryffindor table with every intention of telling Neville the truth. But you choked. You instead said the first thing that came to mind. "I heard I missed your girlfriend yesterday. Too bad I had the twenty four hour flu. Draco couldn't stop rambling about it." Neville looked at you annoyed. "She's not my girlfriend. We're just friends. Did you actually need something? Or did you come here to mock me?" You looked at him shocked. That was a good question but you didn't know. "Well actually....I was hoping..." You looked at the Gryffindor table for an excuse. "We could have some of your pumpkin juice? We never get enough at our table. I mean I'm sure we get plenty but it's always empty." You cast a glare at your brother's cronies before looking back at the Gryffindors' confused expressions. Hermione Granger is the one who speaks up. "Get lost,Malfoy." You smirk at her and lean over the table to look at her. "Oh you just wait. You'll get yours, mudblood." You walk away and drop down next to Draco miserably. You feel even more miserable as Blaise Zabini tries to court you. Arranged marriage really does suck. You pretend to be interested and flirt back just to appease the eyes of others. But honestly this is just more ugly behavior. You could care less if he falls for you or not. You want to marry someone who wouldn't leave you to take care of the house alone.
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October 1995
Everything was fine between your alternate persona and Neville until September 24th. He came to your spot talking about how you should join some revolution that Harry Potter started. You rejected this idea saying that your parents were way too strict about pureblood supremacy and worked for the Ministry. You told him that you'd surely get in trouble. Every date since that one he'd tried to convince you that you could make a difference in the world. Eventually you told him you were going to act like he never told you about it so he might as well not bring it up. And that's how things were. It was October 4th when the first meeting was held and you only knew that because that was the first time he'd cancelled plans on you.
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Make You Mine
Summary - Neville Longbottom is head over heels... some may even say embarrassingly so.
Neville Longbottom x Fem!Ravenclaw!OC (?) This is a shifting story so the “OC” is myself, I do not know if that counts… (Is readable as GN!Reader from any house, however!)
Category - Fluffy as heck!
TW - One mention of Umbridge just existing because she deserves her own warning, written a long time ago (edited recently) so… possibly terrible writing
Please let me know if I missed anything!
Contains - Really corny fluff, do not say I did not warn you now :')
Word Count - 1,095
Author’s Note - Based around the song “Make You Mine” by PUBLIC so I recommend listening to it while reading, if you can :)
Also available on…
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I just managed to sneak away from Umbridge, thanks to the twins. Honestly, I do not know what I would do without them most of the time.
Having just caught a break, I decided to go give a surprise visit to my one and only sunshine. Obviously, I knew exactly where to find him.
As I took my stroll to the greenhouses, I looked around the path, admiring the nature. Hogwarts had such an overlooked beauty. I could not believe how ignorant most people could be, I did not care what you told me, being at Hogwarts was a privilege. I could not understand why some would risk getting pitched out.
If only to remind me of things I should be grateful for, I arrived at the glass door to one of the castle greenhouses only shortly thereafter.  Within, I saw my sole source of happiness, bent over a pot on the long wood table inside.
I opened the door and was about to make my presence known when I stopped myself, taking in the scene around me. When I had thought that Neville was simply working on his plants in the comfort of his own silence, I was very clearly mistaken.
Somewhat loud music was playing from no particular, identifiable source, its tone wrapping the room up in a bright and warm aura. Magic, I thought, isn't it beautiful?
The true beauty, though, was coming from the boy standing a little bit in front of me. The boy who still hadn't noticed my being here. I couldn't blame him, necessarily. The music was quite overbearing, not really in a bad way but I was rather quiet in comparison.
I recognized the tune to be from his personal herbology playlist. He was very proud of it but he never let me listen to it. Typically, he noticed when I came in or was expecting me so it was switched off at the moment of my arrival. I had never really known why that was but it was then that I started to pick up on it.
As a new song came on, Neville started humming along to himself. Or, at least he thought he was by himself.
I leaned against a sink near the door with my bag still slung over my shoulder as I watched him and a small grin tugged at my lips.
When the song picked up, he really started to get into it, singing the words and moving around a bit as he went on.
As time progressed, he started twirling and dancing around the room, his head matching his excitement as it bobbed to the music.
I really had to hold my breath so as not to laugh at his passion when he sang into his wand, or makeshift microphone in this case.
"Put your hand in mine, you know that I want to be with you all the time." He sang out. I really couldn't help thinking that he wasn't half bad. Was that just me simping? Perhaps.
My smile only grew as he continued on with, "You know that I won't stop until I make you mine. You know that I won't stop until I make you mine. Until I make you mine."
He was still spinning around and singing, "Put your hand in mine. You know that I want to be with you all the time. Oh, darlin', darlin', baby, you're so very fine." I had started to pick up on why he wouldn't let me listen to this playlist and why he only seemed to listen to it when he was alone in this very greenhouse. It had never crossed my mind that the songs reminded him of me, much less that he got so excited about the thought of me.
I was grinning and most definitely blushing profusely as the song began to wrap up.
Neville really got into it at the very end. He did a pose, still with wand in hand, his fist balled around the handle, the tip pointed towards his mouth, when the music dimmed and slowed down gradually. 
"You know that I won't stop until I make you mine." Neville began to finish up, "Until I make you-" he jumped just about six feet in the air as he cut himself off. He had just turned and saw me watching him. In an instant, he had flicked his wand in the air and the room went silent.
"How... uh, how long were you there, Sunflower?" He tripped and fell all over his words.
With a sly smirk on my face, I simply stated, "Long enough."
He turned a deep crimson as he started fiddling with his wand and fingers. It was clear that he didn't want to know when he mumbled, "Meaning?"
"Meaning," I chuckled breathily, "I think you're only more adorable than before." I scratched the side of my head with my wand tip, throwing a convincing look of confusion into my eyes, "Which I didn't really think was possible."
He smiled lightly as he looked at the floor.
I took a few steps closer to the table and dropped my book bag on the surface. As I walked down the significant length of the table towards him, his feet shuffled in embarrassment.
"What? Are you embarrassed, Sunshine?"
He only blushed in response, his eyes now on my shoes which wasn't saying much considering how much shorter I was than him, he might as well just have looked at my face.
I put my dainty pointer finger under his chin and pulled it up so as to allow him a look at my eyes.
"You never told me that you spend so much time thinking about me in here."
He blushed again. I loved how I knew just the way to get him flustered.
"I like that," I added proceeding to go on my tiptoes to try and plant a kiss on the very tip of his nose. I pouted when I came over a foot short. He chuckled a bit.
When I tried again, I made sure not to fail. I grabbed his tie, which had been tucked into his matching uniform vest and slid out effortlessly as I tugged on it, which only gave me more hold on it. I dragged his face towards mine, him not resisting at all, and when he was stooped so far that I could reach while on my very top tiptoes, I landed the kiss. He laughed out loud this time.
"What? I don't give up! You know that."
"Oh, yes. I do. And you know I won't stop until I make you mine."
I chuckled at his little reference to the song he had been rocking with.
"Well, I think you've already got that."
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dividers courtesy of the lovely @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune <3
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Joke’s On You Part 8
When Fred Weasley carelessly bumps into you into the hallway, you decide to take him a notch down; not by berating him, but by showing him up at his own game of using your charm and intellect to get what you want. And it’s fine if the end result doesn’t leave everyone quite satisfied - in fact, that’s what you want…
[Fred Weasley x Reader.] [Warning: Story Contains Explicit Smut.] [Warning: Non-Consent.] [Warning: Manipulation.] [Warning: Humiliation.] [Warning: Slight Bondage.] 
⍟ Click Here for Joke’s On You Home Page (All Chapter Links) ⍟
Please do not repost or copy my work without my permission. Thank You!
You were sitting in the library, studying with Kenneth.
"So, did you think the Animation Principle was relevant for question six?" Kenneth asked you.
You tapped your finger on your chin as you stared down at your notes. "Hm… I did mention it, but I thought the more fundamental basis was the First Energy Principle - "
Just then, you paused, for a long shadow had abruptly fallen across your notes.
“That was quite some inspiration that struck you when you were on the loo the other day, huh?”
You looked up to see Fred Weasley gazing down at you, with his head cocked jauntily to the side and his hands in his pockets. As he spoke, he winked at you.
"Wha - ?" Completely taken aback by Fred’s ‘greeting,’ Kenneth accidentally knocked over his ink pot.  
You calmly pulled out your wand tapped the table top. “Evanesco.” The ink puddle disappeared at once – but the ink had already stained some of Kenneth’s meticulous notes.  
“Damn it,” Kenneth cursed. Picking up the soaked parchment carefully, he muttered, “I’ll be back.” As he left, he shot Fred a glare.
Fred ignored him and continued gazing down at you.
You turned to Fred. “That was a right mess you found yourself in yesterday.”
“Was it?”
“You could have gotten expelled.”
“I thought you said that only Dumbledore and McGonagall could expel me.”
“Technically, that’s true, but I wouldn’t put anything past Umbridge,” you replied.  “Anyways, don’t you feel bad about what you did?”
“Why would I feel bad?” Fred seemed genuinely confused, as if your question made no sense. “Umbridge had it coming to her.”
“No, not for Umbridge.” You stood up and lightly swatted Fred on the top of his head with a roll of parchment. “For your mother.”
“Oh.” Fred thought about it for less than a second before assuring you, “She’ll be fine.”
Turning around, you picked up the book you'd been using for research and you walked towards the shelves.
Fred followed you.
As you made your way down the bookshelves, you questioned him. “You honestly don’t care that you upset her?”
“Yeah, she was upset when we weren’t made prefects, either, but she got over it quickly.”
Your nose wrinkled. “You – a prefect?”
Fred grinned. “Exactly. Why would I want to be a prefect? It’d take all the fun out of life.”
“It does not.” You flipped your hair over your shoulder in a dignified manner before putting the book back on the shelf. Turning back to Fred, you pressed, “Returning to my point – why don’t you feel bad about upsetting your mother?”
Fred reached out and rested his hand against the bookshelf, gently caging you in. “Because I know that what she really wants is for me and George to be happy. And we’re going to get there, just not in the way she’s thinking of.”
You had to tilt your head back to look at Fred now, as he was quite close to you. Not wanting to feel small before him, you crossed your arms across your chest impressively. “And how’s she thinking of it?”
“Y' know, by studying and being prefect and stuff. But that’s just school. George and I already know what we want to do, and we’ve already started - ” Fred suddenly broke off.
You caught on quickly. "What? You've started what - ?"
Hesitating slightly, Fred finished, “We… Well, we figure we’ve learned all we can at Hogwarts as it is. Honestly, I wouldn’t have cared one bit if Umbridge really had thrown us out yesterday.”
Your mouth dropped open.
“Not that I didn’t appreciate what you did,” Fred added hastily. “All I’m saying is that school’s not everything. Life’s about having fun and causing a bit of mischief from time to time.” He reached down and playfully slipped his finger under your chin. “You should try it sometime.”
You scowled at him. “Why do you keep saying that? I do have fun.”
Fred looked you up and down. “Nah,” he decided, “I can tell by the look on your face that the mere idea is offensive to you.” He lowered his voice as he whispered teasingly, “That’s why you get off so much on the idea of me being your boytoy, right? I’m the only bit of fun you have in your life.”
Oho, so he wants to try to use that against me, does he? Hmpfh. Not in the least bit fazed, you returned fire.. Reaching up, you suggestively ran your hand up and down his arm as you whispered, so low that even Fred could barely hear you, “That’s right. Why would I need to resort to pranks when I have you to have fun with? My cute little boytoy who does anything to just a glimpse of my pussy, let alone a taste.”
Fred's breath stuttered. Suddenly, he pulled his hand away from you.
You smiled at him.
Fred forced himself to play it off. He rolled his eyes at you. Then, he said, "Well, your boy toy has things to do, so he’ll be off.” Stepping away from you, he muttered, “Got to set up the prank in Umbridge’s classroom.”
Your eyes shot open. “What! You’re already thinking of pulling another prank?”
Fred shook his head. “Way past thinking - executing. See you later, love.”
“But you nearly – I just got you out of trouble - ! ”
Fred simply lifted his hand at you before walking away.
Finally, you burst out after him, “Well, I’m not giving you back your bucket! You'll have to do without it!”
Fred pretended to clutch at his heart and he mouthed clearly at you, in obvious sarcasm, "Oh dear, you've crippled me."
Just then, from two bookshelves over, Madam Pince roared at you, “INSIDE VOICES!”
You flinched, shocked by Madam Pince’s suddenly berating you.
“Oh, so I get in trouble,” you muttered under your breath.
Fred winked at you and he saluted you before flitting out of the library.
You scowled. “Damn Fred Weasley.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Life’s about having fun and causing a bit of mischief from time to time.
“Once you’ve finished your essay, we can look over each other’s – double-check for errors and missing citations and all that.”
You should try it sometime.
“Hey.” Kenneth waved his hand in front of your face. “Did you hear me?”
You blinked. “Sorry, what?”
“I said – once you’ve finished your Transfiguration essay, we can switch and review.”
“Oh. Yes, that’d be great."
“And how about we review Charms this weekend? I’ll invite Patricia and David.”
You hesitated.
“Something wrong?”
“No. I was just thinking that there’s a Hogsmeade trip this weekend. I think I want to go.”
“But exams are only three weeks away,” Kenneth pointed out. “You’d be giving up a whole evening to go to Hogsmeade.”
“I know, but don’t you think we should take a break?”
Kenneth stepped closer to you. In a concerned voice, he asked, “Do you feel burnt out? Is that what’s going on?”
“No! No, I feel as motivated as ever,” you assured him. “I just thought maybe, you know, we should have some… fun… once in a while.” The word ‘fun’ fell awkwardly from your lips.
Kenneth’s brow furrowed. It occurred to you that it could sound like you were asking him on a date.
“I’ll ask Patricia and David too,” you said hastily.
Kenneth's frown deepened. But he only said, “You can ask them, but I think I’ll be in the library, revising.”
“Okay,” you murmured quietly. “Suit yourself.”
Kenneth shot you a disapproving look, but he didn’t comment any further.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
As it turned out, David felt too anxious to go to the Hogsmeade this close to exams, but Patricia was more than happy to come along.
“We can go dirigible-plum-picking!” Patricia said happily. “I’ve been meaning to go for ages. Angelina told me about it. She said the farm will let you candy the plums afterwards and take it home.”
“Can we go plum-picking?” you wondered. “It’s the dead of winter.”
There was already quite a bit of snow on the ground, and the castle was crowned with glittering icicles.
“We can. They’re magical plums, silly,” Patricia reminded you. “I mean, sure, they might be a bit sour, but we’re going to candy them anyways.”
“All right,” you agreed. “That sounds fun.”
As Patricia looped her arm around yours, inspiration struck you, you told her cheerfully, “I’ve already got a bucket we can use.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
You and Patricia spent the whole day plum-picking-and-candying. Afterwards, you both decided to go for a Butterbeer before heading back. As you walked down the sparkling, snow-covered streets, you noticed that Zonko’s Joke Shop was still open. You tugged at Patricia’s arm. “Hey, want to check out Zonko’s?”
"Sure, why not?"
Patricia shrugged. “Okay, if you really want to.”
Once inside the store, Patricia wrinkled her nose at all of the items on display. “Wow, people spend their money on this kind of stuff?”
You pointed to a fireworks display. “Look at that,” you said, laughing, “that firework spells out the word ‘poo!’”
Patricia grimaced a little. “That’s so crude.”
“Oh… Well, I think they’re kind-of funny,” you murmured. “You know, fireworks are supposed to be pretty, glittering things that make you go ‘wow,’ but this one just spells out ‘poo.’”
You looked closer at the display.  “Wow, you can light this one straight from your own hand. I mean, you can hold it while lighting it and you won’t get hurt. That’s pretty cool magic.”
“I s’pse,” Patricia replied, unconvinced. “I still think it’s a cheap joke.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Twenty minutes later, you walked out of Zonko’s. Patricia, who had already left the shop, was waiting for you outside. She immediately spotted the three wrapped parcels in the bucket you were carrying. “You bought them?”
“Trish,” you wheedled, “I bet I’ll be funny once you actually see it.” You pulled out a firework.
“You’re going to light it here?”
“Yeah. Might as well. They're not allowed in the castle. Filch would have a field day.”
"That's true… But…" Patricia murmured uncertainly.
"It'll be fine. These are the easy-use ones, and we're outside. What could go wrong?" As you spoke, you unwrapped the firework. But once it was in your hand, you hesitated. You’d never lit a firework before. Do I just set it on the ground? Only you didn’t want the firework to burst too close to the ground, since people were still passing you on the street, visiting Zonko’s and the Three Broomsticks.
Just then, you spotted a nearby tree.
“What are you doing?” Patricia asked you anxiously. She watched you start to climb the tree, with your bucket dangling from your elbow.
“Just… getting some height,” you grunted. You climbed the tree with difficulty. The ice frosting the tree branches made it difficult to get any kind of grip on the bark.
Finally, you were high enough to be among the first set of branches. You carefully crawled a little way out onto a branch, away from the trunk and into an open patch so that you could shoot your firework off into the sky without having it get all tangled up with the branches.
“I don’t think this is a good idea!” Patricia called out. “I’d rather you just come back down!”
“Well, I’m all the way up here already,” you replied, a bit wryly. You had a hell of a time maintaining your balance while holding the firework out and trying to light it.
Finally, you let go of the tree altogether and tapped the firework with the end of your wand. “Incendio.”
The firework reacted fast – far more quickly than you thought it would.
"Wait! Not yet, not yet!"
With a shout, you let go of the lit Firework and you accidentally dropped your wand.
But it was too late. You scrambled backwards towards the trunk of the tree as the glowing Firework went tumbling down into the branches.
“Trish, get back!” you yelled loudly.
Patricia let out a squeal and she jumped back.
BOOM! A flash of white light filled the air.
Patricia let out a blood-curdling scream. "Ahhh!"
The tree shook with the force of the explosion. You held on to the tree trunk for dear life.
When the vibrations had finally calmed down, you swallowed hard and then glanced down the tree trunk. You gasped.
All the snow and ice around the tree had melted into a big puddle. Engraved in the melted snow and now burning grass a few feet away from the tree was the scorching, blackened letters “P-O-O”.
Patricia had tripped backwards and landed in a pile of snow. She sat up and spat out a mouthful of snow.
“Trish!” you yelled. “I’m sorry! Are you all right?”
To your utter relief, Patricia got up and quickly dusted the snow off of her face and hair. “I’m fine. Had a bit of a fright, is all.” But then, she looked up at you and remarked, “Um, I think we’ve got to worry about you. How are you going to get down from there?”
Still clutching onto the tree trunk, you peered down at the sizeable puddle all around the tree. It functioned as a moat, caging you in. In the muddy water, you could see your wand, floating on top of the puddle, thankfully intact - but well out of your reach.
“That is a good question,” you admitted. “Maybe you could Summon my wand and throw it to - ?"
“Well, well, well, what have we here?”
You froze. I know that voice. It was the last voice you wanted to hear in this situation.
You turned your head to see Fred, George, and Lee standing a few feet behind the tree. Actually, a sizeable number of people had stopped when Patricia screamed. However, seeing that she was all right, people shook their heads at you two and went on their way - except for these three boys, now gathering at the edge of the huge puddle underneath the tree.
Fred grinned up at you. His eyes positively glimmered with glee as he recognized the situation you had landed yourself in. “A naughty little kitten, all caught up in her own stupid trap, huh?”
"Go away, Weasley," you told him.
Lee pointed at the “POO” blaring out on the ground. “Hey, we just saw those in Zonko’s!”
George wondered in amazement, “How the hell do you light the firework badly enough to end up with this?”
“She got scared and dropped it,” Patricia supplied unhelpfully.
You blushed. Damn it, Trish, you didn’t need to tell them that.
Fred smirked up at you, not even trying to restrain how pleased he was to catch you in this state. “Can’t even light a firework right. Tsk, tsk. What was she thinking?”
“Weasley,” you snapped, “shut up and go away.”
George came right up to the puddle’s edge. “How are you planning to get down from there?”
“I’m still figuring that bit out,” you said flatly. “Now, if you and your brother would please go on your way…”
“You can jump," Fred offered suddenly.
"And I’ll catch you… if you admit you’re a crocodile,” Fred finished lightly.
Patricia shot Fred a confused look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Your eyes narrowed fearsomely as you glared at Fred. "Get out of here."
“C’mon," he taunted you. "Say it.”
“How are you going to get down without our help, then?” Fred challenged.
Confidently, you said, “Trish will catch me.”
Patricia’s eyes widened. “I can’t catch you! You’re too high up.”
“All right, then.” Fred suggested instead, “Say you’re an idiot and you don’t know how to light a firework.”
You hesitated. Well, that’s not too bad. I mean, it’s true.
Lee was giving Fred a strange look. “Why are you teasing her so mu -?”
George reached out and clapped his hand over Lee’s mouth.
Fred was still staring intently at you, with his head tilted back to look up at you.
You sighed. “Fine. I don’t know how to light a firework.”
You remained silent.
“Go on. You have to say the other part.”
Finally, you murmured, extremely irately, “I – I’m an idiot.”
“There we are. Now - ” Fred held out his arms. “ – Jump.”
You got up, still holding onto the trunk. Your foot nearly slipped on an icy piece of bark.
“Careful!” Patricia cried out.
You took a deep breath, and you jumped – fwump.
Fred caught you. He hugged you tightly, and his fingers momentarily slipped between your jacket and your jeans and touched your bare hip -  you shivered - he looked down at you - you both froze -
"Hey, what's that falling - ?" Lee started to yell.
“Uh oh,” George muttered.
There wasn’t time to ask what was wrong.
As you’d jumped, the remaining two fireworks had fallen out of your bucket and landed on the still-smoldering grass, which caused the fireworks to ignite and explode in the air just above the ground.
Patricia squealed and threw her arms around Lee, as the word “POO,” in glittering font, went spiraling out in all directions.
Meanwhile, Fred hurriedly yanked you into his side and he lifted the side of his cloak, shielding you both from any stray sparks.
Several passerbys pointed at the fireworks, laughing loudly. Parents covered their children’s eyes.  
“They’re beautiful fireworks,” Lee said admiringly. “Good buy. Might have to go buy some myself.”
Patricia gave Lee a rather disgusted look and she quickly stepped away from him.
On the other hand, you and Fred had found yourselves with your faces mere inches apart. You both stared at each other, breathing rather quickly and unable to think of anything to say to each other.
Meanwhile, George quietly put out the flames by dousing them with magical water from his wand.
Patricia suddenly called out, in a very pointed voice, “Hey! Weren’t we going to go to the Three Broomsticks and drink some Butterbeer?”
“Oh, right…" You stepped away from Fred. There was a moment where you were jerked back briefly, for Fred was still holding onto your wrist. But Fred hurriedly dropped your wrist and you walked away as quickly as you could.
You walked over to the puddle and used a charred branch to fish out your wand. You felt quite foolish as you wiped it clean on your jeans.
Patricia walked over to you. She grabbed your arm and firmly steered you away from the boys. She whispered fiercely, “What in the world was all that about? What’s gotten into you? I’ve never seen you act so reckless. It was like you weren’t yourself anymore! Buying those dumb fireworks, lighting them with no experience, getting stuck in a tree, wasting your time arguing with Weasley, jumping out of said tree, dropping the other two fireworks…!” Patricia kept up an impressive list of everything you'd managed to do wrong in the past ten minutes.
By the time the two of you reached the Three Broomsticks, you were feeling quite ashamed of yourself. When Rosmerta asked you and Patricia for your orders, you pleaded Rosmerta for some Firewhiskey instead.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
When you and Patricia made it back to the castle, you were very drunk. You kept wanting to wander off, and Patricia was firmly steering you back to your room in the prefect’s tower.
You tried to point behind you as you said earnestly, "But we've got to - to fix the grass - from the 'POO' thing!"
"No! You need to go to your room!" Patricia insisted. She managed to get your door open and she all but threw you inside. “And stay there!” she ordered, as she shut the door behind you.
You sighed and stared tiredly at your door. You didn’t want to stay in the room. You wanted to do something.
Just then, you heard two voices outside in the hallway, coming towards your room.
“Yes, I quite agree, Penelope. In fact, I was just saying to Professor McGonagall the other day that prefects should have greater authority when it comes to such things.”
“I hope McGonagall sees our point. She ought to. Anyways, Percy, thanks for walking me back. I wish the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw prefects’ rooms were closer together.”
Percy and Penelope. They’re always so morally upstanding.
You were still holding onto your trusty bucket.
Yes… I wonder how they take to pranks.
You walked over to your bed and dumped the small package of candied plum onto your pillow.
“Aguamenti.” The bucket filled with water.
You picked it up and, sloshing water everywhere, you walked back out.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The plan was simple. It had to be – Percy would be at his dormitory any minute now. You meant to Levitate the bucket of water onto the tiny ledge above Percy’s door (which was where the ‘prefect’ placard and small golden statute of a lion were placed). The ledge was so small that literally any movement below it would cause the bucket to fall off of it. That movement, you predicted, would be Percy walking into his room.
However, you had miscalculated because instead, the movement that set it off was you. As you walked away from the door, you accidentally jostled the doorknob with your hip, and the bucket of water came crashing down. In fact, the bucket made contact with your head first – and the water only spilled after the bucket bounced off of your head.
“Oww…!” You reached up and held your head, which had already been buzzing with too much alcohol, as you suddenly felt very dizzy.
“What in Merlin’s name…?”
You blinked. No, it can’t be. Not again.
You turned around to see Fred and George standing at the end of the hallway.
The water had spilled and flooded the small corridor in front of Percy’s room. Right at that moment, George had nearly slipped on the flooded floor.
Fred had managed to grab him in time. But then, noticing how the water kept going, he’d murmured out, “What in Merlin’s name…?” Just before he finished his sentence, his eyes fell on you.
You were standing there, holding your hand to your head, with watery eyes, and the bucket, which still contained a handful of water, was spinning around at your feet.
Fred noticed how the ‘prefect’ placard and lion statute had been moved to each side on the ledge. Immediately, he put two and two together and realized what you had been trying to do. “Were you trying to prank Percy?”
“No,” you countered. “I was just trying to spruce him up a bit.”
A slow grin began to spread onto his face.
“By drowning him?” George said, clearly referencing just how much water there was.
“No,” you shot back. “By watering him lightly.” You pointed at Fred. “It’s not my fault his bucket was so large. All I did was a simple Aguamenti charm.”
Fred was fully grinning at you now. “And is this why you took away my bucket? You said that you wanted to save Umbridge from our harmless prank, but all you did was stash fireworks in it, fireworks which spell ‘Poo’ of all things, and then you tried to murder our brother Percy by drowning him – or by bludgeoning him to death with a wooden bucket -  which, incidentally, looks like what happened to you.”
George raised his eyebrow at you. “Did you get hurt by your own prank?”
“I am not hurt,” you argued. “I’m - I'm a teensy bit dizzy, is what I am.”
George shook his head at you. “You got clobbered by a wooden bucket. Of course you’re hurt.”
“Nah,” Fred said, still giving you that damned smirk. “She’s got a thick head. She’s fine, I assure you.”
Never had you wanted to punch Fred in the face so much - and that was saying a lot, that was.
Percy appeared around the corner. Taking in the sight, he sputtered out in surprise, “What are you all doing here? And why’s my corridor all – all flooded?”
Fred held up a letter. “Mum sent you a letter. She requested I deliver it by crocodile.”
“Hence the water,” George supplied smoothly.
Percy stared at both Fred and George. “I'm not even going to try to understand what you just said. Honestly, how we came from the same mother, I’ll never know…”
Fred lifted his head high and recited, in a mocking voice, "When a man and a woman love each other very much, they hold hands and pray diligently for a child. If the same man and woman pray successfully multiple times, then you have what are called 'siblings' or - "
“Shut up. Clean up this mess,” Percy snapped, indicating the water on the floor.
“But this shouldn’t be a problem for you,” Fred said sagely.
“Well, I am proficient at Cleaning Spells,” Percy acknowledged.
“That’s not what I meant,” Fred replied. Meanwhile, he beckoned at you, subtly indicating that you should come near him.
You quietly picked up the bucket and walked towards Fred.
Percy eyed Fred with distrust. “What did you mean then?”
In an impressively smooth voice, Fred reeled off, “That you have such a long stick up your ass that you should be able to hop across without having your feet touch the ground. Here’s your letter. Night, Perce!” Fred threw the letter at Percy, grabbed your hand, and then high-tailed out of there. George was right at your heels.
Percy’s vaguely coherent and indignant cries echoed in the water-filled corridor.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
When the three of you reached the end of the hallway, George grabbed Fred by the shoulder. “Hey, slow down. She needs a break.”
It was true – you were panting quite hard. It took a lot to keep up with Fred, who had much longer legs than you (and also spent considerably more time running away from people than you). Also, you were carrying along an unruly bucket and you had to hold it up a little to keep it from banging against your shins.
When you finally came to a stop, you made to breathe in – only to have your breath all tangled up in your throat – and you suddenly hiccupped.
Fred looked back at you. "You say something?"
You shook your head.
"You should walk her back," George suggested. "She's drunk."
“I am not drunk,” you countered at once.
Fred looked back at you. A long pause occurred, in which Fred stared at you. You were staring back at him with lovey-dovey eyes that Fred knew for damn sure you would never make at him normally.
You realized that Fred was catching on. You drew yourself up to your full height, with your back straight, and head high, and you said, very seriously, "I would like to go home."
“You’re drunk,” Fred confirmed.
You slumped forward. "Fine. But I still would like to go home, please." As a form of peace offering, you offered Fred your bucket (or rather, his bucket back).
"What are you giving this to me for?" Fred scoffed, though he took it anyways.
"It's for you to do as you please," you said sincerely. "Aren't I generous?"
“Take her to her room,” George said, clapping Fred on the shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
All the way back to your room, you were glumly reviewing the day's failures in your head. Kenneth and David didn’t want to come with me. Trish got mad at me. Percy, too. And my parents… They would hate this kind-of behavior. I just know it. They would say - Look at where magic's got you! So immature, so stupid… But it’s not. Magic is strong and wonderful - and so is having a sense of humor and - and…
"What did I do that was so wrong, exactly?"
Fred stopped and looked at you. "Huh?"
You blinked. Oh Godric, what am I saying? I didn't mean to ask that out loud.
You shook your head to wake yourself up. "Nothing," you said firmly. "Anyways, we're back at my room. Thanks for walking me back. You can go now."
You opened the door to your room and made to walk in when Fred reached out and grabbed your arm in a surprisingly strong grip.
"What are you - ? Fred?"
For a moment, you and Fred wrestled rather intensely against each other. But Fred finally dragged you back out, despite the fact that you had dug your heels into the ground.
"I said you can go," you repeated. A loud screech accompanied your comment, as your heels dragged across the stone floor.
"Shut up," Fred replied. "Stand here. I'm going to teach you something."
Fred positioned you so that you were standing in front of him, and he had his arms around you - not to hug you, but to hold the bucket out in front of you.
"Watch." Fred pulled out his wand and murmured, "Conjuris ropis." A thick black rope appeared and looped itself around the handle of the bucket.
Fred pointed up at the ceiling. "If you look closely, you can see that every lamp in the castle has a ring. It's so that the lamps can be opened when there's an issue."
He made a quick swish-and-flick movement with his hand. "Wingardium Leviosa." The rope rose into the air. Fred maneuvered the rope to slip right inside of the lamp ring.
"Grab onto the rope," Fred instructed you.
You did.
When you tugged, the bucket rose.
"That's how you create a lever." Fred continued, "The next part is to set it up so that it will magically hold and activate when you want it to. Now, this part's a bit complicated, but it should be a piece of cake for you. You just…"
Fred carried on, teaching you all of the necessary spells. You watched him, and you felt happy.
Finally, Fred reached out and tapped his knuckles on your forehead. "Hey, I'm trying to teach you something here. Are you even listening?"
"I'm listening."
Fred snorted. "Yeah, right, I saw the lights go out in your head five minutes ago and you're hugging the bucket like it's a pillow." He shook his head at you. "How on earth do you pay attention in classes long enough to learn anything?"
"I try very, very hard," you said honestly.
You gave the bucket a yank. The rope detached and came falling down onto the ground. You picked it up and collected it in the bucket.
You once again made to go into your room, but Fred grabbed your shoulder. "Excuse me. Where are you going? That's my bucket, you little thief."
"But I christened it."
"You what?"
"Christened it. It's a religious ceremony for certain Muggles. You baptize a baby and give it a name."
"So you're saying - what? That you bap - bapt - babied this bucket?" Fred's nose scrunched up in complete confusion.
"Yes," you replied seriously. "In Percy's corridor. That's what the water was for. It was symbolic. And you're right - I did mention that you could have it back again. But if I recall correctly, which I do, you weren't very grateful, so I've decided to take it back."
Without further ado, you shrugged Fred's hand off of your shoulder and walked into your room.
Fred followed you, peeved that you weren't giving him back his bucket. "You know, you can't always just do whatever you want."
"Fred," you sighed quietly, "you should go. I'm not really myself right now."
But Fred barely heard you, as he finally aired out his long kept-in grievances to you. "I know you have this dumb thing where I'm your stupid little boytoy, but you still can't just order me around whenever you want and take my things not give them back and call me names all the time - "
You dropped the bucket and whirled around. Grabbing the front of Fred's robes, you kissed him hard enough that he tripped back and slammed the door shut with the force of his falling back.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Fred couldn’t help but respond to you - no, it was more than that. He accepted your kiss whole-heartedly and without a second thought. In the back of his mind, he was aware of his own willingness to accept you, and he wondered vaguely why that was. But there was no time to ponder. Fred’s hands quickly found your waist and he pulled you to him at once. Then, tasting the sweet, yet stinging flavor of Firewhiskey still lingering on your lips, Fred remembered that you were drunk and he gently pushed you away, but only so that you were no longer kissing. He still kept you tucked away in his arms and against his chest.
You both found yourself panting. You dropped your head, so that your forehead almost touched his chest. Fred looked away from you, too, turning his head so that he was staring at the floor.
You were still gripping the front of his robes, and his hands were still on your waist, but neither of you were looking at each other. Because, suddenly, neither of you felt that you could look at each other.
There was a strange, suffocating hush in the room. In your entire relationship, this was the quietest either of you had ever been.
Fred was thinking to himself, What is this? We've done so many lewd things together. How is a kiss, of all things, making me feel so embarrassed?
Meanwhile, you were praying in your head, Say something. Please, say something. While I work up the courage to apologize.
Fred remained silent.
Finally, you lifted your head and looked at him. In a hesitant voice, you wondered, "You have homework and studying to do, right?"
"It's Saturday. So, no."
"Oh. Then, Quidditch?"
"Not that either."
You paused. Then, you suddenly grabbed his arm. "Pranks!?"
Fred looked exasperated with you. "Do I have to be doing something every hour of the weekend?"
Your grasp tightened. "It is pranks, isn't it?"
"All right, fine. George, Lee, and I were going to smuggle a rotten egg into the Slytherin common room and hide it under a tile. Happy?"
Fred waited for you to berate him.
Sure enough, your eyes turned hard. But you only said, "Don't go."
Your voice sounded so soft - almost sad. Fred looked at you, puzzled.
Hurriedly, you added in a much sharper voice, "That's - That's an order."
"I should go," Fred replied. "You need to sleep."
He started to turn away, to slip out from between you and the door, but you grabbed the front of his robes again. "Fred, wait. I have to know - was that okay? That I did that." Your voice started out quite light and normal, but it tightened into a hoarse whisper by the end.
"That you did what?"
"That I kissed you like that… just now."
Fred wasn't sure how to react. For some reason, everything felt incredibly tense, but he wasn't sure why. The serious look in Fred's eyes and the tension in his shoulders were at complete odds with the levity in his voice, as he replied, "Well, yeah."
You slowly leaned in again. You started to press your lips against his once more - but you first paused to ask, "What about this? Is this okay?"
You kissed him softly. Then, your lips traced his jaw…
"And this?"
Your head slipped down so that you could suck gently on his neck. Meanwhile your hands slid up onto his chest.
You gave Fred a soft bite on his neck that made him shiver, before you dropped to your knees before him. You slowly ran your hands up his thighs… until your fingers grasped at his belt buckle. "And… this?"
Fred couldn't help himself - he lifted his hands and slipped his fingers into your soft hair. At the same time, however, he whispered, "Why are you asking me, all of a sudden?"
You blinked up at him, almost mournfully. Then, with a sigh, you rested your head on his thigh. "I always ask for consent, silly. It's no fun edging someone or choking someone or spanking someone or handcuffing someone or tying someone up or teasing someone - "
"That's quite a long list," Fred interjected wryly.
"Erm - right," you corrected quickly. "The point is, it's no fun if they don't want it."
Fred raised an eyebrow at you. "If they?"
"If… If you…" you replied quietly.  
Fred reached down and put his hand under your chin. He made you look up at him. "But the way you're asking me tonight - it's different."
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said bluntly.
Abruptly feeling defensive, you suddenly turned your head and bit at his fingers, telling Fred, "Stop that. It hurts my neck."
Fred hastily pulled his hand away from your chin.
But Fred wasn’t letting you go so easily, not now when you'd opened up the doors to this conversation. "But what the hell were you doing with those fireworks tonight?" he asked you. "And hanging a water bucket over Percy's door?"
At that moment, you reached up, grabbed Fred's arm, and then yanked him down to the floor with you.  
"Whoa!" Fred cried out softly in surprise as he collapsed onto the floor rather ungracefully. Once he fell to the floor, he tried to sit beside you, but you immediately wrestled him down onto the ground and then sat on top of him. Your hands wrapped around his wrists, pinning him to the ground, and you managed to sit atop his lower stomach and hips.
"What are you -?" Fred began.
"Who are you to question me about what I did tonight?" you countered. "You're the one who told me to go do those things."
"I definitely didn't."
"You did. You told me to have fun."
"Yeah, have fun- not almost-blow-yourself-up-and-give-yourself-a-concussion." Fred snorted lightly. "Trust me, if I'd been the one to make you do those things, I'd have taught you how to light a firework safely or set up a lever properly first."
You frowned. "Then why did I go do those things? I made such a fool of myself tonight."
Fred thought about how he'd found you clinging to a tree, peering down nervously at the self-created moat of water at the base of the tree and with the word 'POO' etched on the grass just a few feet away; and then how he'd found you standing sheepishly in a flooded corridor, hand on your head, with a bucket spinning at your feet. He agreed, "Yeah, you did."
"Trish was embarrassed to be with me, I could tell," you murmured, thinking out loud.
"I think anyone would be embarrassed to be with you," Fred teased you. He reached and tugged playfully at a lock of your hair. "You just looked so stupid."
You groaned and flopped forward onto Fred's chest. "I'm the worst kind-of human being. Pulling pranks just because I can. I'm…" You looked up at Fred and stared at him, as you finished, "I'm like you."
"Gee, thanks," Fred murmured wryly.
Fred felt you shifting on top of him, and he felt your hands sneak down to his belt buckle. "What are you doing?"
You undid his belt buckle and then, quick as a flash, you sat up and wrapped the belt around his wrists. You gave the belt a hard yank, tightening it until Fred's hands were bound together. Because you were sitting on his hips, your tightening his belt made his hands come together at his lower stomach.
"What the fuck?" Fred half-groaned and half-sighed.  "What's the deal with you and tying up my hands?"
"I don't know. It just looks nice." You paused. "Do you not like it?"
"I don't - I'm not saying I don't like it, but it's weird - "
"Good." You wrapped the end of his belt around your hand a couple of times. Then, you gave the belt buckle another yank, making sure it was nice and tight around Fred's pretty wrists.
Fred grunted slightly when he felt the leather tighten around his wrists.
You looked around to see where you could tie the belt. You sighed softly. "I wish that desk was closer, so I could loop the belt around the leg. That way, when I pulled it, it'd lift your hands right up…" You paused, as it occurred to you, "Oh. So, I do know how to create a lever."
Fred rolled his eyes. "Seriously, what are you doing?"
Your eyes flashed. "What does it look like, Freddie?" Irritated, you gave the end of the belt a sharp yank.
Fred gasped when his hands were suddenly pulled forward. He instinctively opened his hands, as if to catch himself from falling - only, his open hands ended up pushing into your sweet, soft thighs.
"Ah," you breathed out. "Didn't expect that, but I guess that's nice, too." You yanked on the end of the belt harder, and Fred's hands pressed up even more against your thighs.
All of a sudden, Fred found himself holding his breath. Fuck, just to - to touch her like this... Her thighs are so soft. I want to bury my head between them forever. Damn it, why does she still have this kind-of effect on me? You'd think some of it would have worn out by now, given all the times we've fucked these past weeks, but no… I still want her just as much, if not more, than that first time she trapped me in that secret passageway, when I ran into her and made her late for her exam because I was running from Filch…
Fred forced himself to breathe out. Trying to retain his sense of dignity, he asked you again, "I said - what are you doing?"
You looked down at Fred. Speaking in an ice-cold voice that still somehow managed to be teasing, you informed him, "I'm making myself feel better by using my boytoy. Why? Something wrong with that?"
Fred returned, "Nothing wrong with that. But there's something wrong with you."
"I'll tell you what's wrong with me," you replied smoothly. "My boytoy's been acting all high-and-mighty tonight, trying to scold me and lecture me, when all he should be doing is using his pretty little mouth to please my pussy until I cum."
You grinded your hips into Fred hard, making him wince slightly, as you said sharply, "Bad boytoy. Terrible, in fact. You just do whatever you want."
"Me?" Fred protested, starting to get angry. "What about you?"
"We're not talking about me," you said, quite annoyed with him, though you weren't sure why. "We're talking about how bad you are. Such a bad toy - So thoughtless - So b-bad…"
Fred opened his mouth to retort, but then he paused. Your voice stuttered right as you started to move your hips on top of him.
"Uhn… So bad…" you whispered, clutching hard onto the end of the belt, while you moved your hips on top of Fred, slowly but surely pressing your pussy against the front of his pants.
With the way you were holding onto the belt, Fred had to keep his hands on your thighs and he could feel you - not just the way you were pressing against his hips, but also the way your thighs were moving smoothly and sensually, opening and closing a little as you shifted on top of him.
Fred groaned softly. I'm already getting - short of breath… But she's drunk right now, and sleepy - I shouldn't - we shouldn't -
Oblivious to Fred's desperate attempts to be gentlemanly, you fell into your own world. You mumbled out to Fred, "And you teased me, when I was stuck up in that tree today. Instead of helping me, y-you made me feel so stupid."
As you spoke softly, your eyes slowly slipped shut. Still, your hips kept moving because you loved the feeling of having Fred underneath you like this and you weren't one to let go of an opportunity to use your boytoy like this. Fred's stomach, hips, pelvis, and thighs felt so strong and solid - they were the perfect place for you to sit on, you thought. Then, his waist… He was slender, perhaps even more slender than you, and to you, it was so beautiful the way his hips fell into his waist, and how streamlined his abs were, only to suddenly curve up into his strong, handsome chest. Besides, Fred was always so warm. How could you help but to eagerly grind your little pussy on him, to warm yourself up a little too, and get a little wet, when he was right there, right under you…?
"Mm," you breathed out, as you rubbed yourself a bit harder against him.  "Ah - yes, feels so warm…"
Fred's breath caught. Somehow, he found himself thinking that you looked so unbearably pretty, sitting on top of him like this. You weren't in your school uniform, either, for once, but in a pretty Christmas sweater and a plaid pair of pants that accentuated your thighs - Maybe they're a little tight on her, Fred thought, somewhat dazedly, for not only could he see your pants straining slightly at your thighs as you rubbed yourself against him, but he could also start to see your pussy outlined through your pants.
You started to work yourself in earnest against Fred, gasping out, "Yes…! Ah!"
Then, Fred realized, with a start - She's already wet.
His mind strung the words together and whispered to him, tight and wet. That's how she feels wrapped around your cock… All tight, and when you fuck her just right, she gets so, so wet… Think about how good it felt, how bold it made you, when you realized that it was her cum dripping all over your cock, and how prettily she yelps for you when she gets like that… She'd be doing her utmost to choke you, to keep her hellcat claws around your neck, but at the same time, she'd be falling apart, trying her hardest to take your stiff cock in her sore, clenching pussy. Fuck, she'd get so wet for you, but still be so unbearably tight and you'd have to keep fucking that pretty little cunt of hers open until - until -
Fred swallowed. No, I shouldn't be thinking like that right now. She's drunk. I should be - I should be taking care of her…
"F-Fred!" you moaned out just then. "Nngh - I said go s-slow!"
Fred blinked. His mouth formed a grimace, as he said dryly, "I hate to disappoint you, love, but I'm not moving."
"Yes, you are," you protested, with your eyes still closed.
"I'm truly, truly not."
"Then how come I'm so wet?" you moaned desperately. Still holding the end of the belt in your hands, you put your hands down on Fred's stomach and started to bounce yourself on top of Fred.
Fred let out a low moan, as he felt you bounce on top of his clothed cock, with your wet pussy rubbing up against him. You were still holding onto that goddamn belt, which meant that Fred had to hold onto your sweet, straining thighs as you bounced on top of him.
"How c-come I'm all tight and wet - and - nngh!" You suddenly fell backwards, putting your left hand (which was the hand holding onto the end of the belt) on top of Fred's thigh - Fred started in surprise when he felt his wrists jerked forwards, enough that his shoulders came up off the floor - and then Fred was forced to lift his head and watch you as you plunged your right hand inside of your pants and you rubbed yourself.
Fred gazed in awe at you, as you did not hold back at all in fucking yourself on top of him. Your hand went up and down, up and down, pushing the already wet fabric against your needy little cunt.
All the while, you were moaning Fred's name - blaming Fred for how good you felt. "Mm, Freddie, such a bad boytoy, t-touching me like this, ah - slipping your fingers deep in my pussy, fuck, why do you have to make me so wet? Nngh!"
And when Fred reminded you that it wasn't him, telling you (while drawing in deep breaths as he struggled to contain himself when you were sitting right there and putting on such a pretty little show for him), "I'm - I'm not doing anything, love," you abruptly sat up and leaned forward. That movement meant that you were suddenly pressing your wet pussy against Fred's now very apparent bulge, and Fred unintentionally whimpered. His whimper was pathetic - a soft, puppy-like sound that he would have been ashamed to let out in any other situation. But the truth was: he was painfully hard right now, and he wanted you so badly that he was barely aware of his own voice, barely aware of anything except how much he wanted you.
You grabbed his chin roughly and you asked in a low voice, "Why aren't you inside me, then? Don't you know when your own mistress wants you, you silly toy?"
"'M not - uhn - " Fred breathed out heavily.
"Ah, look at that," you whispered, pausing to drag your finger down his chest. "Such a strong, handsome chest. You're so pretty, Freddie."
"Stop playing around with me," Fred finally choked out.
"But we've only just started. And I told you - I want my toy inside me now," you whispered, never lifting your voice above a whisper.
Fred could tell you meant every word you said and it was driving him crazy. What was worse - you kept talking like that, and you were moving on top of him again, insistently bouncing yourself on top of cock, with your thighs opening and closing against his hips. enveloping his hips in a soft warmth repeatedly. Meanwhile, you were getting wetter and wetter and, for fuck's sake, you wouldn't stop talking -
"Didn't you hear me when I said I wanted my cute little Freddie to - mmpfh!"
Out of sheer desperation, Fred had suddenly lifted his hand up and covered your mouth to shush you. He didn't think he could take any more.
"Mm - mm - mm - mm," you said, in a garble of muffled gibberish.
Just - Just let me get my thoughts straight, please, Fred begged in his head - but you were far too clever for that. You yanked at the end of the belt again, and Fred blinked in surprise when his hand came flying off of your mouth and both of his hands were tugged towards your thighs again.
"Excuse me, I was talking. You just keep holding onto my thighs and listen carefully," you reminded him. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes…" And you proceeded with your verbal debauchery: "I want you, my cute boytoy, to fuck my wet pussy. I want to feel your cock inside me, pushing into me, forcing my cunt open to take you over - " you bounced on top of him - "and over - " you bounced again and Fred let out a strange, strangled noise before biting furiously on his lower lip - "and over - "
"God - no - please," Fred suddenly cut in. His hands squeezed your thighs quite hard.
" - again until I cum all over your cock," you continued, never wavering. "I want to cum all over your cock, Freddie. All over. Uhn…"
Meanwhile, as you were gradually working yourself on top of Fred, you got closer and closer to cumming, and though you didn't show it, you were starting to lose control of yourself. You started to sink lower and lower so that you could drag your pussy from your pussyhole to the tip of clit all over Fred's bulge to your satisfaction and the consequence of that was that now, you were practically leaning over Fred, and your breasts were pressing lightly against Fred's chest.
Just then, you let out a soft and desperate moan that was unexpectedly high-pitched, soft, and arching - a floating little sound that was in direct contrast with your dominant, low, and controlled whisper that you were speaking to Fred in.
Hearing your soft gasp, Fred glanced down and he realized that you weren't wearing a bra. Your nipples were poking out of your soft, slightly wet shirt and sweater.
With a low moan, Fred reached out and he slid his hands in your hair. The end of the belt slipped out of your hands - but you didn't care anymore. You buried your face against Fred's chest. At the same time, Fred  gripped at your locks tightly, until he was pushing your head down against his chest. He was glad to hug you and hold onto you, but mostly, he was in a pathetic enough state that he had to somehow hide your soft, bouncing breasts, poking into and gathering against his chest like that, from view. He didn't think he could resist from ravaging you right then and there if he had to keep watching your pert nipples bouncing gently against his chest as you rubbed your wet little cunt all over him.
All the meanwhile, your mouth kept running off, saying, "And then, I want you to cum all over my face. And I want you to worship my wet, dripping pussy afterwards, the same way I'll worship your cock. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Freddie?"
"W-What?" Fred bleated out, almost crying with want now.
"I - I said - " You were starting to pant, because it was taking quite a lot of effort on your part to let Fred keep you where he wanted you, with your head against his chest, but still bounce your hips against his, to press your pussy up against his cock every time. Your abs were starting to feel quite tight, but it was worth it. And, only a few minutes later, your tummy started to clench and your pussy was feeling so very tight and - and - !
"Fred!" you moaned out in a heated, muffled voice. "Fred!"
"F-Fuck, don't - if - if you cum now - fuck, you're gonna be the death of me!" Fred spat out suddenly. Because you were trembling all over and practically sobbing into his chest with want, and his own cock was so stiff that the zipper on his jeans was all stretched out over his bulge.
Hardly aware of what he was saying, Fred frantically cried out, "Don't cum now, cause I'll - !"
At the same time, you cried out, "Uhn!" - Fred squeezed you hard in his arms, just as you squeezed your thighs flush against his hips - and then, both of you moaned hotly as your cum drenched your pants and Fred's pants, too.
"I - I said not - fuck…" Fred gave up. His cock twitched in his pants. Breathing as hard as though he'd just run a marathon, Fred let out another groan - well, Fred started with a low groan, but it devolved quickly and ended that same breath with a high whimper when he felt your warmth spread on his pants, right on his bulge.
Her pussy's so warm - I can feel it through our clothing, he thought dazedly. Fred let out an exhausted breath. But his entire body was still taut all over because he hadn't cum just yet.
You realized this, too. As you lay on top of Fred, you blearily blinked your eyes open. Your sense of reality slowly came back to you. You reached around, looking for the end of the belt you'd dropped at some point. Finding the cool leather and gripping it in your hand again, you yanked at it once more.
Fred breathed out in surprise as his hands were suddenly yanked down, sliding out of your soft, pretty hair and down your back. You sat up then, and, because Fred's arms were around you now, and still tied, he had to sit up with you.
Almost fearfully, Fred asked you, "What - What now?" He was so painfully hard now that his entire face - if not his entire body - was flushing a bright pink.
Looking down at his blushing face, you spread your legs open and sat on top of Fred's lap. "Hm, an interesting question, that…"  
Now, it was your turn to bury your hands in his hair, and you ran your hands through his hair, both to soothe and tease him, as you pondered, "Well, there's a lot we can do, Freddie. As I said, it depends on what you what. But, as long as you're asking for my opinion, I have to confess…" Your voice dropped into a lower, raspier tone, and you slowly began to grind against Fred again - the tips of his ears went red - as you murmured, "I'd love to spank you, Freddie."
Fred blinked up at you with confused, yet bright eyes. "Spank… me?"
"Yes, love. You have no idea what it does to me when you shiver at my touch…  when you can't help but cum for me… when you get on your knees and beg for my pussy…" You let out a little sigh. "You're so good at it, aren't you? But you pretend like you aren't."
You suddenly gripped Fred's hair quite hard and yanked his head back.
"Ah," he moaned out softly.
You stared down at him with dark, half-lidded eyes. In a low, growling voice, you whispered harshly to him, "Why can't you always be a good boytoy for me, huh?"
Fred blinked furiously. He started to make a retort, to build a defense, to remind you that that stupid idea had been yours in the first place - when you suddenly jerked your hips in a way that made both of you gasp.
Fred's eyes widened. He felt your warm, wet pussy lips push open on his bulge - and you stayed with him and grinded even harder against him, moving your hips sinfully, grinding away on his lap, rubbing your hot, tight little pussy all over his throbbing cock -
"Give it to me," you whispered intently. "Cum for me, Freddie. I know you can. And I want it. I want it."
Fred's thighs started to shake under yours.
"Freddie," you groaned, and your voice became desperate as you pushed and pushed and pushed your hips against him.
Fred gasped - then, with a loud, defeated, puppylike whimper - he came in his own pants.
You moaned with him - and, as soon as you felt him cum, you fell forward onto Fred's shoulder as you soaked through your own panties and pants for the second time that night. Panting against Fred's shoulder, you repeated, "Why - Why can't you be… hah… ah… a g-good boytoy for me…?"
Unable to form words, Fred just groaned out in defiance.
But then, you whispered, "…when I - I like you so much, Freddie…"
Fred's eyes widened and he breathed out in shock. It was such an unexpected turn of words.
There was only silence for a long minute.
Then, all at once, the most amazing blush painted your face. All of the dominance in your persona abruptly turned tail and you sank down on top of Fred and pushed your face hard into the crook of his neck.
"Oh, no. I'm so sorry," you whispered. "I didn't mean that. Not at all. Please don't take that - or anything I've said tonight seriously. I wouldn't have - I would never - "
Fred broke the restraint you'd made for him with his belt with a sudden, sharp yank of his hands in opposite directions. It only took him a second.
Then, reaching up, he pressed his hands on both of your cheeks and he dragged a very unwilling you up to look at him.
Your face was burning pink, as you tried to ready yourself for what was sure to be a very angry retort or else a barrage of teasing.
But all Fred said was, "I know. You're very drunk right now. 'Course you have no idea what you're saying."
You breathed in softly. He's not…? He's not angry with me? I thought he was. I thought that was what he was getting at tonight - that I was mean to him, that I did whatever I wanted with him, that I was toying with him. Shouldn't he be mad at me right now?
Fred rose from the floor, displaying quite a bit of strength by being able to pick you up while getting up himself.
He brought you over to your bed. He didn't exactly lay you down nicely; he sort-of dumped you onto your bed.
"Ow," you murmured, wincing as your head bounced off the pillows.
"Oops," Fred said, wincing with you. "My bad."
Fred thought you would immediately go to sleep, and he waited for you to close your eyes before he left the room.
But you were staring at him, albeit rather sleepily, and your eyes kept blinking awake.
Finally, Fred asked you, "How could you aren't sleeping?"
You murmured vaguely, "Thoughts…"
You left it at that. But Fred thought he might be able to guess at least a little of what was on your mind tonight. Because he'd seen it - the way you peered down from the tree, clearly so anxious about the mess you'd made with the fireworks; the way you hung your head when your friend pulled you away and berated you for being immature; the way you had suddenly blurted out and asked what about you was so wrong tonight, just before you'd made to dismiss him…  
With a sigh, Fred came over to you. He grasped your waist in both of his hands and he pinned you down on the bed before proceeding to kiss you all over your body.
"Ah…" you breathed out happily. "Fred…"
Fred kissed you all the way down from your throat to your lower stomach.
You sighed in pleased anticipation.
But, Fred stopped just before he could kiss your wet spot.
You frowned. "Why aren't you -?"
"I'm not gonna touch you tonight," Fred told you. "You're drunk."
"But then, why would you even start…?" you began, frustrated.
"Because I want to tell you something," Fred said.
Even in your drunk, sleepy state, you realized that Fred was unusually serious. He was trying to remain light in his disposition, for your sake, but his voice was stern as he told you, "Don't listen to them. They don’t know you as well as you think, and they have no right to judge you."
Fred lifted your shirt and kissed your bare tummy once.
You shivered. "Fred…"
"Go to sleep, love."
Fred made to get off the bed. Only, you suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist. Blinking up tiredly at him, you mumbled out, "Wait… Um, if you really are going to smuggle a rotten egg into the Slytherin common room and hide it, don't just put it under any old tile. Put it under a tile under the bookcase or under the piano."
Fred laughed lightly. "Yeah, okay, we'll make sure to do that." He reached down and guided your hand away from his wrist. "You make sure to get some sleep."
"Okay…" You closed your eyes.
Fred waited for a moment before he pulled the covers over you. Then, he made to walk out. Just before he left, he heard you mutter irately in your sleep, "Tch, I know what a lever is."
Fred waited until he was out of your room to let out an exasperated laugh.
Merlin… I could never have imagined such a woman, he thought. I can't keep up with her, and yet… I wouldn't let her go for the world.  
For the first time in his life, Fred Weasley was exhausted - and exhausted from taking care of someone else. Tired as he was, he couldn't say that he had really minded. The only thing that he minded was that his cock was still throbbing thanks to your little grinding and dirty-talk session and he had no way of relieving himself together. He could make himself cum, sure, but that wasn't at all what he wanted. What he wanted was you - you, going all helpless on his cock as he fucked you to his heart's content, while you made him go all helpless with your smart mouth and sense of control…
Sure enough, Fred ended up sleeping worse than you that night, as you came and visited him in his dreams over and over again, teasing and taunting him in your irritating and yet irresistible way…
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Outside of Zonko's Joke Shop, a very confused employee was scratching his head while staring out at the shop's front lawn. Is this a new form of advertisement that I'm not aware of? For there, burned into the lawn, was the word "POO" and the wrappers of one of their fireworks was caught in the tree above, glittering happily as it swung to and fro in the cold winter wind.
Tagged User(s): @saltstacks  
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Under the Weather
Summary: You’re in the order, staying at 13 Grimmauld place and manage to catch wizard flu. Snape ends up taking care of you.
Warning: mentions of sickness and throwing up so if that affects you don’t read.
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I wake up with a pounding head and a sore throat. Oh great this is just what I need right now, to get sick.
I’d been working with the order for a few months now ever since I got suspicions that there was something a miss going on in the ministry. I worked in the foreign correspondence department and I’d heard Fudge mention that there were a group of rogue wizards that believed Harry Potter and they were making a plan to defeat Voldemort. He laughed at the idea but I felt I needed to join them. I managed to find out Kingsley Shacklebolt was part of this group of rogues and I approached him offering my services.
The order welcomed me with open arms and I was happy to be a part of it, so now I spend all my waking time (and sleeping time) here too. Today I was supposed to go to Hungary with Sirius to seek out some werewolves living there and convince them to join us but my body has other ideas. I move to get up and everything aches, I’m going to have to tell him I can’t go.
I trudge downstairs and into the kitchen Remus, Sirius and Severus are in there chatting and look up at me as I walk in. “Oh wow you look terrible lass” Sirius said concerned.
“I feel terrible, I think I caught that wizarding flu from Umbridge in that meeting on Tuesday. She sat right next to me and was coughing and sneezing the whole time. I wish she’d stuck to the rules she gives the students at hogwarts and kept her distance from me like she wants the students to from each other” I laughed weakly.
“Why don’t you go back to bed y/n, I will go to Hungary with Sirius I have just come back from my own mission so I don’t have anything else I need to be doing right now. You get some rest and maybe you can join me in Scotland next week.” Lupin said kindly.
I opened my mouth to argue but honestly all I wanted to do is curl up in bed with a cup of tea. “Okay” I agreed and go to put the kettle on.
“Let me do that Y/L/N, I’ll bring it up to your room” I turn around shocked by who that voiced belonged to, it couldn’t be Severus Snape could it. To my surprise that’s just who it was, looking at me with that same emotionless expression he always does. I must not have heard him correctly surely he must have said something else.
“You don’t have to..” I start, looking to Sirius and Remus who looked equally shocked by Severus’ kind offer.
“Hush now, get some rest. Let me make the tea, go on upstairs.” He dismissed me like I was one of his students after class.
I left the kitchen grateful but confused. Me and Severus Snape have not really had much communication the time I’ve been here, he only stays here for meetings and generally doesn’t stick around to socialise. I mean I always smile and say hi when I see him and make small talk about the weather or something but the only real conversation I’d had with him was when we’d argued in the last meeting about how to handle the giant situation. Oh well, I’m not gonna complain I really did feel like hell right now.
I got in to bed and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I heard a small knock at the door “come in” I croak.
Snape walks in with a tray that contains tea and a strange green potion vial that I’ve never seen before. “Here, I brought you a potion that should make you feel better, it’s a concoction of a flu remedy and a sleeping draft. It’s perfectly safe don’t worry.” He states as he places the tray next to me on the bedside table.
“Thank you” I say weakly as I sit up. I take the tea and start to drink it.
“Let me know if you need anything else, I will be in the study.” He says as he quietly leaves.
I wake up to a quiet rap at the door, I check the time I’ve been asleep for 5 hours. I sit up and immediately regret it, I feel worse than before it really must be the flu, my head is spinning. Snape opens the door a crack then sees that I’m awake and opens it wider and walks in. “ I just wanted to see how you were doing”.
I can’t focus on what he’s saying the room just keeps spinning. I jumped up and run to the bathroom, he follows me and just in time I reach the toilet to throw up. I groan thinking about how I probably just got sick in my hair then realise there’s someone behind me holding it back.
“Are you done or are you going to vomit again?” Severus says gently. My words don’t answer his question as another wave of nausea washes over me. I should be embarrassed he’s here and tell him to leave but I can’t find the strength to.
After what seemed like an eternity the uneasy feeling in my stomach settled and I stood up carefully. I walked over to the sink and cleaned my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked terrible, my hair all over the place and my face was pale.
“I’m sorry you had to see that” I chuckle weakly. “You shouldn’t have followed me in here”.
“I’m a professor at hogwarts, I have to have a strong stomach to work around children all the time. They often take those puking pastilles created by the Weasley twins to get out of my class, compared to some of them that was nothing. Besides anything I can do to help I will”.
“I need to go and lie down” I say starting to feel a little dizzy. He said nothing and just helped me to my room in silence.
Once I was in bed he said “I’ll be back in a moment, I’ll get you something that should help with the sickness” and he walks out the room.
I close my eyes hoping it’ll help but it doesn’t and I open them again once he comes back in. He hands me a yellow vial which I drink without questioning it because if it kills me then at least it’ll put me out of my misery. “Why are you being so nice to me, you never have before?”
He chuckles “I’m not nice to anyone, that doesn’t mean I don’t care. You’re probably the only person around here that actually treats me like a human being and not something they’ve wiped off the bottom of their shoe.”
“Oh” I say, I didn’t know what to say because thinking about it no one does treat Snape with any kind of respect in the order. “I’m sorry they don’t treat you with respect. If you want I can say something to them” I try to smile at him but I feel too crappy I think I end up just grimacing.
“No I’m used to it, it’s been the same since we were all in Hogwarts. But anyway let’s not talk about me, you need to get some rest to feel better. Is there anything else you need, do you need anything to reduce a fever?” He says but doesn’t wait for my answer he presses the back of his hand to my forehead “you seem to feel like an okay temperature. Do you feel hot or cold?”.
I shake my head to answer his last question “I don’t need anything” I reply, he nods and goes to leave “wait” I say a bit too loudly because it hurts my head, I wince.
“What is it, do you need be sick again I can…”
“No” I interrupt him. “It’s nothing like that just would you mind if. I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to I just, can you…”
“What is it, come on you can ask me anything” he says in concern.
“Would you stay with me? I’m just feeling a bit sorry for myself so don’t want to be alone” I say weakly.
“Oh, of course.” he goes to sit on the other side of the bed. If I didn’t feel so rubbish I might laugh at the way he’s comically perched right on the edge almost falling off.
“You can get closer you know, I don’t bite” then regret what I’d said because I realise that he’s probably sitting so far away because I’m contagious. I’m an idiot. “Oh wait yeah it’s probably best you don’t get too close, I wouldn’t want you getting ill too. I mean I would take care of you but my potion making skills aren’t as good as yours so I’d probably end up making you worse” I try to make a joke to hide my embarrassment from my earlier stupidity.
He scoots closer and goes to press a kiss to the top of my head. “I’m not worried about getting sick, I assume you have the same flu that is sweeping its way around the ministry and took a viral prevention potion before I came in here, the ministry has just given the recipe to all teachers and hospital staff to ensure that students and patients can be properly looked after if they get sick. I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by sitting too close” he says matter of factly.
“You couldn’t ever make me uncomfortable Severus.” I slur the last part of that sentence and close my eyes, man I’m tired all of a sudden. I try and open them to stay awake.
“Oh sorry I forgot to mention I added some more sleeping vial to the anti sickness medication to help you sleep. If you want me to leave I can go” he says sounding genuinely apologetic for not warning me.
“It’s okay” I say my voice barely legible. “Please stay at least until I fall asleep” I move to cuddle up against him, enjoying the body heat because I’m suddenly feeling very cold. It must be the fever setting in, I was wondering when that would hit.
He hugs me back. “Always.” he replies and I drift off to sleep not knowing whether I imagined that last word from him or not.
I wake up, groggy and realise that it’s the next day. I realise I’m alone in the room. Maybe Snape being here taking care of me was just a hallucination thought up by my fever driven mind. Then I turn over in the bed and see a piece of parchment on the other pillow.
“Dearest Y/N,
I have had to go away on business of the order for a few hours. Please forgive me for leaving you I did however administer you some anti fever potion and your fever appeared to break not long after that so I do hope by the time you are seeing this you are feeling much better.
I will check on you once I return but I have left you some headache potion on the side as my research suggests the usual progression of this illness that is most likely what you will be suffering with when you wake up.
Severus Snape”
Oh so it wasn’t a hallucination or dream after all, he was really here. I smile to myself especially at the word yours. “If only” I mutter. I realise he was right I did feel a lot better, still a bit of a headache and my throat hurts but there’s no nausea and general aches have all gone. Also I realise my appetite must be back because I’m starving.
I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and shower this icky feeling of illness away and then make my way to the kitchen to see what I can find and decide to make a sandwich. As I’m buttering the bread someone walks in.
“Feeling better I assume” Snape says hopefully.
“A lot, thank you for taking care of me Severus, it means a lot. I promise if you ever get sick I will be your number one nurse” I smile.
“If that’s the case maybe I shouldn’t have taken the protection potion after all” he makes a joke. I’m surprised by this, what’s he trying to say? My brow furrows. He seems to notice this and says. “If it meant I’d get to spend more time with you, then I’d do whatever it takes.”
I laugh. “Be careful what you wish for. But seriously I wouldn’t wish how I felt yesterday on anyone, if you want to spend more time with me just ask.” I say hopefully.
He picks up the headache potion I was about to take with my sandwich and hands it to me. “How about once you are fully recovered, you let me take you out to Hogsmeade for dinner.”
“I’d like that a lot” I say before I drink the potion and kiss him on the cheek. He looks into my eyes for a second and I don’t know what comes over me, maybe I’m still slightly delirious from the fever but I get the strong urge to kiss him so I press my lips to his and for a second he kisses me back. Before I can take it any further though he pulls away, sighs and goes to carry on finishing making the sandwich I started. I stare at him, tears forming in my eyes slightly from the rejection.
He looks at me and notices my tears he lifts his hand to wipe them away before they can fall “You need to eat, and rest and if by some miracle once you’re feeling completely better you want to do that again, I will be more than happy to oblige.” He says reassuringly. “You were saying some very odd things in your sleep and I need to know that your consent is truly valid and not a result of some sort of delirium before I even so much as kiss you.” He looks sad for a moment. “It’s just I can hardly believe you would want to kiss someone like me anyway.”
“Oh Severus” I say. “I barely even feel sick anymore I swear, but it’s admirable that you’re waiting until you know for sure I can consent. You’re such a gentleman and I promise you once I’m better I’m definitely going to want to do that some more” I wink at him.
He smiles, then thrusts the plate containing the sandwich towards me. “Then I will look forward to it greatly but for now please eat”.
I take the plate and sit down, he sits next to me and we sit in silence while I eat. For the first time since Harry had announced Voldemort was back I felt hopeful for the future. Maybe getting sick isn’t so bad after all.
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
The Fiasco
Pairing: Hermione Granger x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Requested?: No
Summary: Christmas, a date and a party...what else Hermione needed? A chance.
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GIF not mine! Credits go to the original creator!
A/n: I hate my restlessness...An early happy birthday to the girl who knew!
The greatest fiasco, Hermione could ever recall, was falling for her own friend…someone who perfectly complimented her yet made her mind go blank.
As she stepped down the portrait hole, her shoes clicking on the deserted stairs and the pink dress ruffling in the cold Christmas waft, her eyes met Y/n's. She was leaning on the stray pillar under the filliped light of the lanterns. Her hair, as much as Hermione could make out, were mangled with the filigree of intricate patterns- she actually looked like some elated angel from the heavens.
"Quit the staring, Granger," Y/n simpered and diverted her gaze out at the elegant window pane, the pallid moon shining fitfully between the ragged clouds. "You hated me till guts from the beginning."
This was something true and not fiction.
Hermione and Y/n, who made up 90% force of the Golden Quartet, had been bickering since their first encounter. The same fights which seemed flirting to everybody, but them.
And so, it was flagrant on Y/n's part when she kicked Goyle on his flaccid gut for holding Hermione too roughly (and not even Umbridge could not dare to halt her bloodshot actions).
"Honestly," Hermione tutted and made her way towards the smug girl, "I'm not staring. You just look pretty."
"What can I do?" Y/n was quick to link their arms together as they resumed their little banter down the dungeons. "I'm quite the catch."
Hermione knew this girl completed her- she could swear upon Merlin's moldy pants.
Hermione backed further into the dainty curtain just to be yanked back by Y/n.
"That's me, Hermione."
Y/n shared a goofy laugh with Harry at Hermione's apologetic expression.
To be with the brightest witch of their age, and to be laughing at her blunder was a different fun.
"That McLaggen git is annoying, honestly," Y/n snorted as the bushy-haired girl went on ranting about elf rights ("How could elves be asked- oh, rather ordered to serve here?" She shrieked).
Harry, meanwhile, was trying to point out the obvious between them.
Wasn't coming to Slug's party as each other's date enough evidence?
"Why don't you go out there and shake a leg?" He pointed at the bunch of couples who were flailing their arms sluggishly at the slow music and nudged Y/n towards Hermione.
Y/n would have hexed his best friend right there (he had been tipping her hether and skether since a few months) if it weren't a formal party.
It was unfair on Harry and Ron's part, she felt, that Hermione wasn't dumped with these tips unlike her.
"Erm- Hermy?" She turned back at Harry and made a dramatic dying face. "Uh- yeah…I was wondering- come let's dance!"
She was taken aback by her sudden bombardment of courage and Hermione rolled his eyes at the raven-haired boy, who gave her a thumbs up.
Potter was being a double agent…Brilliant.
"Quick! Quick! Quick!"
Hermione laughed at her 'friend' who was jumping flabbergasted as the monotonous music vamped into her favorite one.
"Wait- oh, Godric!" The muggle-born squealed as they nearly hit a student who was holding a tray full of drinks.
And Hermione found this super-hyper Y/n awfully cute- the way she babbled at an incoherent speed as her hands unknowingly rested on her waist.
This time it wasn't as difficult as two years back. Y/n remembered how vulnerable Hermione looked- the same Hermione with whom she had a daily competition of scowling and scoffing; the very same Hermione who punched the attitude out of Malfoy- as she sunk down on the stairs, kicking off her black heels in frustration, her delicate ball gown rutting against the dust.
And that was the first time Y/n found herself beside her, circling her arms around the sobbing girl, her cheek pressed to Hermione's disarming hairdo. She knew too, this girl was something different.
“You don’t even know how to dance,” Hermione teased the girl in front of her as she slowly swayed to the music.
“Of course, Mione,” Y/n rolled her eyes and continued following Hermione’s silent tips of left, right, left. “Wasn’t that the only reason I went to the ball with Harry- because we can never dance unlike you.”
Y/n’s eyes fell on the couple in front of her (looked like a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin by their silhouettes) who ultimately leaned into each others’ embrace when she was cut off from her train of thoughts by a cough.
“What are you thinking?”
“Nothing,” Y/n was quick to cut off her eye contact from the unfolding scene.
“Do you like someone...anyone really?”
“I...I honestly like pretty things- like books,” Y/n laughed at Hermione’s exasperated ‘tut’, “like you.”
Nothing stopped really- except Hermione’s breath, if you count. As Y/n moved her arm and tried to twirl the transfixed girl, she was thrown off the ground as Hermione hugged her tightly, and something like soft tears smeared over her shoulder.
And she could just smile- smile as Hermione sniffled lightly as an apology for this sudden outburst.
“I must say,” they had stopped undulating on their spots, just stood by the corner (away from Harry’s line of sight, of course), “I still hate you.”
And Y/n was met by a light peck on her lips as Hermione backed off, looking normal again.
“Is it you or has everything really gone hot?”
And Hermione smote her before joining her in a little laugh.
It wasn’t a fiasco. Really.
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Even Though it Hurts
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin & Son!Reader Summary: You have a will power than no other. Word Count: 2,032 Request: “ Hi, I love your writing so much. Can you do dad!Remus Lupin x son!reader, where the reader is in secret relationship with Seamus and Remus find out? Just some super angsty story, cuz I live for angst (I knew Remus will be supporting parent). Thank you✨” A/n: Okay, I tried my best to make it angsty. WARNING: homophobia, homophobic slur, anxiety 
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It’s not like you wanted your dad to know. 
You didn’t really know what was going through your mind, really, because you know your old man. Your dad was a loving father, he supported you in anything you had interested in. If you were into potions, he would try and get to a little chemistry set - muggle kind that wouldn’t end up exploding the house. If you were into muggle history, he would take you to the museums wherever you lived at that moment. 
If you were interested in quidditch, he would give you books about the history of quidditch and the rule book. He even tried to get to a broom with his own money, but he had to dip into your mother’s money (which was reserved for you and anything you wanted, it was open to Remus as well because before she died she really loved Remus.) 
But, you weren’t sure if he would support you in a new revelation of yourself.
That included kissing pretty boys in the corners late at night. 
Granted, when you spent a summer with Remus and Sirius, they talked about how they had a relationship before Remus got with your mother and Sirius whored about.
Still, it was something you were terribly scared of. Your best friends have tried convincing you and settle your racing mind that you were overthinking it and that Remus would love you no matter what you were or have done.
“You take your time, babe, but I don’t know why you’re stressin’. Your dad is sound and he’ll take the news fine!” Your boyfriend says as you sighed, closing your book. 
“Everyone is saying that Seamus, but that doesn’t eliminate the slight possibility that he wouldn’t approve.”
“I think it does, (Y/n),” Seamus replied, giving you a pointed look, “Why are you so afraid?”
You stare at your boyfriend, “I’m going to bed.” 
Seamus watches you tuck yourself in bed, moving the pillows around you so that your boyfriend could slip into bed with you. You flick your wand to turn off the lights as Seamus watches you dumbfounded.
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You rubbed your hand as you make it to your next class, which was transfiguration, you smiled at your boyfriend - managing to give him a kiss on the cheek as he flushed red. You moved to stand with Ron and Harry as Dean teases Seamus.
“A minute to the hour, what took you so long?” Ron asked you as you shrugged your shoulder.
“Caught up in the library, sorry,” You replied as you sat down.
Harry was next to Ron as you sat down next to Seamus, who was jabbing you in the side trying to get your attention. McGonagall starts the lesson and Hermione randomly appearing out of nowhere. No one batted an eye throughout that lesson, it was a double before the end of the day.
So, when the lesson finishes, McGonagall calls you to stay behind. You tell Harry, Ron and Hermione not to fuss over you as you held Seamus’ hand a bit longer. Seamus was the last to leave, giving you a supportive look because as much as McGonagall was lovely - she sure can be intimidating.
“Mr Lupin,” she says, calling you over to her desk as you meekly pulled your shoulder bag further onto your shoulder as you walk towards her, “Have a biscuit.”
“I’m okay, Professor,” you replied.
She narrows her eyes, “What was the punishment she gave you.”
Of course, your head of the house would clock on. She had seen how happy you were at the end of the fourth year, how you were so comfortable with showing off that Seamus was yours. She could tell there was a behaviour change in you because as the fifth year started - she knew you weren’t stressed about the subjects.
You were a smart kid, but this was something concerning. You avoided being seen with Seamus unless it was in the privacy of the common room and the bedroom.
“Let me see your hand,” She held her hand out and you knew you had to comply because she wouldn’t let you out of the room.
You gave her your non-dominate hand as she examines the injury. She didn’t like how it was still red, it told her that it was a fresh open wound as bruises started to surround the vile words.
She looks up at you and you already had started to sob, it was almost her motherly instinct that kicked in as she abruptly stood up and beckoned you to sit down as she soothes your back. 
“It wasn’t bad at first, you know?” You started to explain, “At first they were about dad and how he was a werewolf.”
McGonagall could see the scarring of the old sentence you had to write, “WEREWOLVES ARE VILE MONSTERS.”
She watches you cry harder as you started to hiccup, with a flick of her wand, a glass of water was starting to make way towards you.
“Catch your breathing, darling,” She says to you, rubbing your back, “I guess the wench found out about you and-?”
You chuckled, surprising her because honestly you hadn’t expected so much venom from a well-kept woman like Professor McGonagall and you weren’t expecting her to comfortably call Umbridge names. 
“Yes, she called me in first, gave me the option to either take the punishment or let Seamus. I couldn’t let him do that, and then she told me not to say a word to dad because if she found out, she- she...”
McGonagall could and would throw her shit if she could. No-one should be able to harm the students at all cost, Hogwarts was a place of safety and inducing fear in the students was the last thing she wanted. 
You hiccupped, “She would find where dad would be and make sure he would pay for his actions - I don’t know what she would charge my dad with, but, I can’t lose my dad like I have with my mother. He’s all I have left. I can’t hurt my dad, I can’t hurt my boyfriend, even if it kills me.”
She stares at you in silence, because a young teenager shouldn’t have to think like that.
“Alright, I’ll write you off for the rest of the week, and let me bandage your hand.”
Perhaps you were terrified to tell your dad about the punishment you have to endure, perhaps you were terrified how your dad would react that you rather endure pain and homophobia than tell him. You know that your dad would lose his cool.
McGonagall tends to your wound, she doesn’t want to see the nasty words on your hand and she knows full well you didn’t want to either. 
You leave her classroom to go back to bed, luckily, it was nearing Christmas so Christmas break was soon to come. 
You spent many days talking to McGonagall, she couldn’t stop you from going to detention, so no matter how many bandages you go through, you could feel the pain of two sentences branded on you.
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You managed to go home early due to the attack on the Wesley family, as you were considered part of their family as well as Hermione and Harry, they allowed you to go home - home as in the base of the Order. 
You weren’t sure how to confront your dad as you tried spending your time sending letters to Seamus. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You slammed your hand down on the desk as your head the voice before meekly turning around to see your dad, raising a concerned eyebrow.
“You scared me,” You sighed out, putting your feather down into the ink, “Announce your presence at least dad!”
Your dad chuckled, “I apologise, next time I will knock before speaking.”
You smiled as you turn yourself to look at him as he slowly enters the room, he wonders why you were cooped up in the room. Hermione was often seen downstairs reading a book whilst Ron and Harry was busy with themselves. But, you, you rather stay in your room.
“Are you ill?”
“Partly,” You responded far too quickly, you were nervous for some reason - the same nerves that ran down your back when you were in Umbridge’s office. 
When you were in “detention” she would rather have you answer quickly, you feared too much that you would reprimand. You pulled your sleeves down just to cover your hands.
“Running a bit of a fever, I’ll just sleep it off, dad.”
“(Y/n),” Remus narrowed his eyes at you, his chilled son that was much more of an anxious mess, “What’s going on? I’ve noticed that you’re sporting the same bandage as the twins and Harry.”
“And they told me it was because of Umbridge,” Remus continues, not meaning to interrupt you, “Son, what did she make you write?”
Remus hated the woman after she was the one to put up the suggestion on the law of werewolves, he would hate himself, but the tears confirmed his fears.
“I’m sorry!” You cried, looking down to cover your face with your hands.
“Shh, my boy,” Remus strides to give you a hug, he kneels in front of you as he lightly grabbed your hand, “May I?”
You sniffled and slightly nodded, you allowed your dad to wrap the greyish bandage. He didn’t know what he was expected, but the words that were scarred into you was worst than he thought. He wanted to throw up, he could understand the werewolf one - you are paying for his condition.
“Can you explain to me the other-?”
“Please don’t hate me!” That was your immediate response.
It wasn’t the confident response that Remus has in mind, he didn’t care if you were gay - you were still his son and he wouldn’t see you any differently. After all, he was a werewolf and you didn’t care at all - and he was considered a threat. 
He hoped that if you ever had the need to come out to him, he was expecting you to send him a letter that you were bringing home your boyfriend to meet him because you were so confident that your dad would welcome him with open arms. But, not this.
“(Y/n), I would never hate you for being gay,” Remus spoke firmly, “I love you with all my heart and you liking boys wouldn’t change the fact.”
“My darling boy,” He says softly, “Were you afraid of my reaction because of the fear that Umbridge had instilled in you?”
You didn’t respond but that was enough for him to understand the situation as he sighs, rubbing his thumb on your forehead before bringing it close to his lips, placing a family peck upon your temple.
“I’m not mad nor will ever be mad, okay?” You nodded, it doesn’t settle the anxiety in you and Remus knows that, “So, do you have a boyfriend?”
Remus changes the topic, get you to relax first before forwarding the situation with you and the fear you had. You looked at him confused at the sudden change of topic before softly smiling to yourself at the thought of your boyfriend.
“It’s Seamus.”
“Seamus?” Remus says, narrowing his eyes, “The pyromantic maniac?”
You nod.
“Well, I guess it’s not Draco,” Remus says as you smiled at your dad, who gives you the same loving smile, “Though, when we’re able to have visitors - we’re not allowing Seamus to use magic. I cannot risk having someone blowing up the house!”
“I mean, that is fair,” You agreed with him, Remus chuckles, “You promise you’re not mad?”
“There’s nothing to be mad about, son, now are you more comfortable to talk about your hand?”
You looked at him, it was now or later and you didn’t want to experience the dread of that conversation. You take a deep inhale and exhale before giving Remus a nod. Your dad perched himself on your bed, preparing to hear your story. 
“I want to hear how you and Seamus got together first, actually.” 
“Really dad?”
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spacexcowgirl · 4 years
I’d Lie - G.W.
George Weasley x Reader
Summary: Y/N fell for her best friend, but she can’t let him, or anyone else, know that.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Alcohol usage/intoxication, swearing, mentions of food, LOTS of pining and unrequited love, I don’t think there’s anything else?
A/N: This is a song fic inspired by the wonderful unreleased song “I’d Lie” by Taylor Swift! mmmm this is my first fic without a *happy* ending and boy does that make me sad. But do not worry I quite literally already have a second part planned oops. Pictures are from Pinterest.
message to be added to tags :)
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I don’t think that passenger seat 
Has ever looked looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes
Y/N distracted herself with her fingers, tangling and untangling them and cracking her knuckles. It was all she could do to stop herself from completely ogling the boy sitting beside her on the couch. He was positioned towards her, one leg bent at the knee and resting between them on the couch. His hands moved back and forth wildly as he spoke, recounting some story that had happened during quidditch practice that night.
“Are you even listening?” George cut himself off, his tone light. When Y/N snapped her head up to look at him, she found that he was smiling, but still he looked a bit offended.
“‘course I’m listening.” Y/N reassured quickly, her eyes finally meeting his. That was all it took, and suddenly she was being reeled into those chocolate brown eyes, drowning in their various shades and hues, with no way out.
Y/N wasn’t sure when her feelings for her best friend shifted from friendly to something more. It was as if one day his messy hair transformed from something to giggle and roll her eyes at to something to swoon over. When his pranks made her admire his genius rather than scold the disturbance they caused. When his incessant teasing shifted from mild annoyance to exuberant joy from receiving any attention from him. Of course, these shifts all happened slowly, over a period of time, but the realization of them hit Y/N all at once. She was head over heels for the boy, and she hadn’t even realized she had been falling.
If she didn’t know any better, she’d be convinced that someone was slipping her a love potion. Or, maybe, she just hoped that, because Godric would it be less embarrassing than the reality of things. Because the reality was, Y/N really had just fallen for George Weasley, no potions or gimmicks needed, and while she was irrevocably in love with him, he had no clue. 
“Seems like you zoned out for a second,” George lightly nudged her with his elbow, although a glowing smile remained illuminated on his face. “What’s on your mind?”
“Just…” Y/N racked her brain for an excuse, something believable, because she knew George could always see right through her. “Just classes, I guess. Umbridge. All of it. I guess I’m just stressed out.”
“So you’ve been letting me carry on about quidditch?” George sounded shocked, but his teasing smile was comforting. “Please, love, if you need something to take your mind off things, you should’ve just said so.”
Without Y/N even having to tell him what she needed, he was up and off the couch, rushing towards the boys’ dormitory steps. Y/N only had a moment to furrow her brows, before George was rushing back down them with a jumper in one hand and a bag of sugar quills, her favorite, in the other. Y/N exhaled a deep sigh, before the involuntary glow and warmth overtook her. Because no matter how much she longed to only view George as a friend, everything about him permeated her subconscious, lamenting and solidifying his place as more.
He’ll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I’m laughing ‘cause I hope he’s wrong
Y/N and George walked side by side down the corridor, laughter bubbling from both of their chests. Y/N adored moments like these, when she could forget everything for just a moment and just bask in the presence of her favorite person. Ultimately, they always were ruined by her feelings hitting her like a truck, or by someone coming to steal him away, so she always tried to live in those few peaceful moments for as long as she could.
George nudged her with his elbow after making a joke, and just as she was about to respond she noticed the change in his demeanor. He was no longer laughing, but instead a small smirk had appeared on his face as he nodded a few feet ahead of them. Y/N followed his gaze, her eyes landing upon his twin brother leaned casually against the wall. In front of him was Angelina, his girlfriend, rocking on her heels as she giggled at something he said.
“Sickening, aren’t they?” George prodded, shaking his head a bit as Fred swooped down to steal a kiss on her lips.
“I think they’re cute.” Y/N tugged her books into her chest, tilting her head to the side as she watched the love-stricken couple. Angelina could have a tough exterior, and Fred could be a lot to handle, but they just got each other so well. Y/N would never say it aloud, but she envied them.
“You would think so,” George scoffed lightly. “You don’t have to listen to him ramble on about her every bloody second of the day.”
“Maybe you’re just jealous.” Y/N teased, turning her body away from the couple to face George instead.
“Hardly.” George rolled his eyes, shifting his books into one arm. He slowly raked his fingers through his newly cut hair as he spoke again, entrancing Y/N entirely. “Love’s just not in the cards for me right now. Someone’s gotta worry about products, and about making Umbridge’s day as awful as possible.”
Y/N laughed at his joke, although she felt a little sting in her heart. Sure, he had said ‘right now,’ and perhaps that should have incited some hope in her, but it didn’t. It just made her chest ache. She knew it was foolish, but she couldn’t just drop it. She had to push on, test her luck and hope that George would offer her any sort of solace.
“Come on, I think it would be nice.” Her voice was quiet, and she found she suddenly couldn’t meet his eyes. “Someone you could share everything with? Yanno, they could just be like… your person.”
George seemed to mull over her words for a moment, before swinging his arm around her shoulder and continuing to push down the corridor.
“Well, I already have you for that, right?” George beamed down at her. “Why would I need a girlfriend? You’re already my person.”
Y/N was certain her heartbreak could be heard throughout the school.
He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn’t a light go on?
Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?
The party was in full swing, blinding lights and near deafening music. It was risky, what with Umbridge slinking around every corner, desperate to give students a detention, but they needed this. Something about this year felt different, and not in a good way, and Fred and George knew one of their infamous parties was just small way to lift spirits.
Y/N scanned the crowd of people, nursing sips of her firewhisky every few moments. Parties weren’t necessarily her thing, but she couldn’t deny that she needed to unwind. As her eyes finally fell upon their desired target, she couldn’t help the warmth that bubbled in her chest or the smile that involuntarily rose on her lips. Once George met her gaze, he shot her a wink and beckoned her over, and she was quick to oblige.
“Having fun, darling?” George rested his weight against her, clearly much more drunk than she was.
“A bit,” Y/N giggled. “Not as much as you, I reckon.”
“What’s that s’pose to mean?” George slurred, giving her a drunken pout. 
“Nothing, nothing,” Y/N teased innocently, shifting her weight to better support the boy. She wrapped an arm around his back, using it to steady both him and her. “Maybe you should lay off the drinking for now though, what d’ya think?”
“Fineeeee.” George elongated the last vowel before grinning down at the girl. “Always taking care of me, aren’t you?”
Y/N hummed in response, a small smile of her own growing as she felt her cheeks begin to heat up. “What would you do without me?”
“Hm. Probably die. Fred’s doing, no doubt.” He leaned down to rest his head against the top of hers, shutting his eyes for a moment as he centered himself. “Honestly though, I’m really thankful for you. I don’t think I say that enough.”
Drunk George was always a bit sappy, but Y/N certainly wouldn’t complain. His words felt like a shock flowing through her nervous system, hitting every neuron and sparking her to life. Alternatively, she also felt completely useless in producing a response.
“Godric, I really do have the best friend in the world.” He hummed.
And just like that, the shock was sucked from her body and she was left feeling nothing but empty.
He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don’t let nobody see me wishing he was mine
Y/N had searched for George for hours. After Gryffindors win over Slytherin, what should have been a wonderful celebration quickly went south. Y/N had watched from the stands as three team members held Fred back and Harry loosely clung to George, as both boys attempted to charge Draco. Of course, she couldn’t hear whatever he said that got the two so worked up, but from the look on George’s face she was certain it must have been bad. Everything seemed to move in slow motion once she saw Harry let go of George, and she watched with bated breath and wide eyes as  he lunged at the Slytherin boy.
Of course, she had heard about the twins’ and Harry’s lifetime ban from Quidditch, and she knew George must be feeling awful now. So, she had to find him. Even if he didn’t want to see her, or anyone, she had to be there for him.
She had checked just about every spot in the castle she could think of, sighing profusely each time that she came up empty. Fred and George knew the hidden corridors and passageways of the school better than anyone, and she was certain he had used that to his advantage. 
Just as she was about to give up, she decided to check one last spot that she knew of. She crept slowly up to the seventh floor, careful to make sure no one was following her. She paced back and forth three times, just as she had been taught, and breathed a sigh of relief when the door appeared. Quietly, she pushed it open, and her breath hitched in her throat when she caught sight of the familiar head of red hair. She had found him.
It didn’t appear he had heard her come in, and she used that to her advantage as she slowly surveyed the room. She felt her heart shatter into a million pieces as she took in the familiar sight of the burrow living room and heard George’s quiet sobs from his place before the fire. After the day he had, all he wanted was the warmth of his home.
“Georgie?” Y/N whispered quietly, letting the door shut behind her. 
Immediately, George straightened up and wiped at his eyes. She had never seen him cry before, and she knew there was a reason for that. Fred and him both felt they had to be strong all the time, they had to be the ones cracking jokes and making people laugh even when it was hard for them. When he glanced back, his face was red and splotchy, but a forced smile was plastered on his face.
“Hey, darling.” His voice sounded scratchy, and it was clear it was taking all of his power to keep it together. Y/N could see that his lip was busted, illuminated by the fire, and she wanted nothing more than to cup his face in her hands and nurse him back to perfect health. “Reckon you saw the fight earlier?”
“Your lip…” Y/N spoke softly, approaching him with tentative steps. She didn’t have the capacity to answer his question, not when he looked so broken and beaten down.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” George swiped his thumb over his lip, and Y/N didn’t miss his slight wince. “You should see the other guy.”
“You don’t have to do that.” She finally reached him, taking her place beside him on the carpeted floor. “You don’t have to joke and pretend everything’s fine, not with me.”
George studied her for a moment before a shuddering breath left his lips. As the tears began to pool once more, he could no longer meet her eyes. And that killed her.
“I don’t know why I’m letting this get to me so much.” He spoke, sounding entirely disappointed in himself. “But, the things he said, about my mum, my family. And then Umbridge…” His words cut off as the tears began to roll down his cheeks once more.
“I’m so sorry, George.” Y/N reached out and gently cupped his cheek, allowing her thumb to brush a few tears away. When he leaned into her touch, her heart soared. “You don’t have to shut yourself off, though. I’m here for you, always.”
“I know.” His voice was soft as he squeezed his eyes shut, willing the tears away.
Slowly, Y/N leaned forward and brought her forehead to his, letting her eyes shut as well. Her hand drifted from his cheek to the back of his neck, gently playing with the hairs at the base of it. The action seemed to calm him a bit, so she continued to do it. By the light and warmth of the fire, the two sat in silence. Neither needed to say anything, they just wanted to be near each other. 
“I love you, you know that?” George was the first to break the silence, not bothering to open his eyes or pull away from her touch.
“I know.” Y/N spoke quietly. “And I love you too.”
And Godric, did she mean it. But she was aware that they meant it in entirely different ways, and that George had no idea.
He stands there, then walks away
My God, if I could only say,
“I’m holding every breath for you.”
Months had passed since that night in the room of requirement, and while so much had changed, so much had stayed the same as well. Y/N had felt herself drifting from George everyday, and not because either of them wanted to. George and Fred were leaving, Y/N knew that, and they had to get everything in order to do so. So, Y/N had to push through everyday with him no longer constantly by her side, and she swore it was killing her.
A few nights prior, he had let her know that this was it, that him and Fred were really doing it. She had faked a smile, excitedly throwing her arms around his neck as she expressed how proud she was. And she was proud, but her chest ached and she swore she felt her stomach in her throat. It was selfish, sure, but she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to get through the year without him.
Now she stood in the corridor outside of the great hall, bouncing nervously on her heels as she watched him say his goodbyes to Lee. She had promised herself she wouldn’t cry, but there was already a stinging behind her eyes and she feared no matter how hard she tried to keep her emotions at bay, it would be futile. 
When George finally turned and took a few long strides to where she stood, her fears were confirmed. Her tears spilled involuntarily as she threw herself into his arms, burying her face in his chest.
“Hey, none of that,” George pleaded softly, gently scraping his fingers up and down her back. “You know I’ll write the second that I’m out of here, and it’s only a short bit before you graduate and I see you again.”
“I know, it’s just…” Y/N sniffled, forcing herself to imprint the moment in her brain. She wanted to remember his scent, and the way it felt to be wrapped up in his arms, and the sound of his voice. Perhaps it was cheesy, or overdramatic, but Y/N could feel her heartbreaking by the second, and holding onto ever piece of him that she could was the only thing keeping her together. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, darling.” George chuckled softly. He pulled back slowly, planting his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her. “You’ll be out of here before you know it, I promise.”
“You’re right, I know.” Y/N sniffled, wiping at her tears before finally meeting the boy’s gaze. The look he was giving her made her knees weak, and she found herself wanting to spill all of the contents in her heart to him.
He studied her face for a moment longer, but then Fred was calling his name and they both knew it was time. He gave her shoulders a soft squeeze and pulled her into a hug one last time, placing a kiss to the top of her head. Nothing further needed to be said, so he gently ruffled up her hair and gave her a reassuring smile, before turning back towards Fred and beginning to walk away.
The moment was ending, he was really leaving, and she hadn’t told him how she felt. Her heartbeat started to pick up, and her palms began to feel sweaty, because it felt as though it were now or never. She wanted to tell him. She had to tell him.
“George!” She called out, causing him to halt and whirl back around.
“Yeah?” He smiled warmly at her, a few paces ahead.
As she gazed into his blissfully unaware chocolate brown eyes, she found that she just couldn’t. She couldn’t drop this on him, not on one of the most important days of his life. So, she bit down on her lip before shaking her head and forcing a smile.
“Give us a show, yeah?”
“Always do.” George winked.
And just like that, he walked away. And Y/N was left feeling entirely empty.
First thought when I wake up
Is “My God, he’s beautiful.”
So I put on my make-up
And pray for a miracle
Months had passed since the fateful day that the Weasley twins left Hogwarts behind. Just as Y/N had predicted, her time left at the school dragged on horribly. Umbridge only seemed to get worse, even in the twins’ absence, and George was no longer there to comfort her. Still, she pushed through.
After graduation, Y/N was quick to get a job at a coffee shop in Diagon Alley, figuring she’d save up her money while she determined what she wanted to do. It wasn’t the worst job, but with the Wizarding World getting darker by the day, she felt constantly in fear. Still, George was close by, and she once again had him for comfort. 
Most nights she’d crash on the twins’ couch, finding it easier to get up in the early mornings and go in to work than staying with her parents in the suburbs. Which usually meant waking up to George preparing breakfast, sleep thick in his voice and his hair still messy. And Godric, was he beautiful like that.
“Sleep well, darling?” George rasped out, a sleepy smile on his face. Y/N wrapped her arms around herself as a small yawn left her lips.
“Mhm.” Y/N hummed, leaning in the doorway of their kitchen. “You?”
“Pretty good.” George grinned, sliding a mug of tea down the counter towards her. Like always, he had made it perfectly to her liking. Y/N cupped the mug in her hands, letting the warmth slowly spread throughout her body and wake her up. “Think I might stop by the cafe on my break, pick up some pastries and coffee.” Just as he finished his sentence, Fred tiredly stumbled into the kitchen.
“You can just say you want to come see me, Georgie.” Y/N teased.
“It’s not just you he wants to see.” Fred winked at the girl, causing her brows to furrow.
“Oi, shut it, Fred.” George glared at his brother.
“What do you mean?”
“He hasn’t told you about his little crush?” Fred smirked, ignoring the daggers being shot his way. “Elizabeth, that girl that works with you. Georgie fancies her.”
Suddenly, even the mug in Y/N’s hand felt ice cold in her grasp. Quickly, she placed it back down on the counter, fearing she would drop it and let it shatter to the ground. A bit of hot tea sloshed out of the mug, scalding her hand and forcing her mind away from her breaking heart.
“Shit, are you okay?” George had already hurried towards her, but Y/N was quick to brush him off.
“‘m fine, I, uh, should just go get ready.”
Y/N didn’t give the boy’s time to question her change in demeanor, but rather quickly gathered her overnight bag and hurried to the bathroom, locking herself inside. She cast a silencing charm before slowly sliding down the wall, allowing herself to sob freely.
Just as she always knew, she’d never be what George wanted.
I could tell you his favorite color’s green
He loves to argue, oh, and it kills me
His sister’s beautiful, he has his father’s eyes,
And if you asked me if I love him
I’d lie
Y/N felt in a daze that entire day at work. She made drinks, rang customers up, and wiped down counters, but she was unable to think about anything other than the revelations of that morning. Of course, Elizabeth was the only other person working with her, and while she normally adored shifts with the girl, she couldn’t find it in herself to even crack a smile at her. It wasn’t Elizabeth’s fault, of course, and she would never purposefully take it out on her, but Y/N just didn’t have the energy to try that day.
When lunch time rolled around and Y/N knew George would be arriving soon, she busied herself with meaningless tasks, intent on avoiding him and saving her heart any extra heartbreak, at least for the time being. She offered him a small smile when he entered, then ultimately let Elizabeth take his order.
As they chatted, Y/N noted the way he lit up with every giggle he pulled from her lips, and she swore she could hear her heart shattering. When he finally left, coffee and pastries in hand, he called out a quick goodbye to Y/N, but she only offered a small nod in return.
“Godric, he’s charming.” Elizabeth sighed, coming to lean beside Y/N. “You two are friends, yeah?”
“Mhm.” Y/N didn’t look up from the sugar packets she was organizing, watching as her hands shook slightly.
“Well, tell me about him!” Elizabeth urged, nudging Y/N with her elbow. “Is he seeing anyone?”
“No,” Y/N sighed, finally forcing herself to look up after finishing her task. “What do you want to know?”
As much as it killed her, she knew what she had to do. George deserved to be happy, and she was his best friend, so she had to help him get there. George would never want her the way she wanted him, and maybe seeing him with someone else would help her get over that fact.
“Anything. Everything.” Elizabeth beamed, her perfect smile on full display.
“Well…” Y/N sighed, gathering her thoughts. “He has a twin, Fred, and they run the joke shop that just opened down the way. He’s a middle child, sort of, I mean Fred is technically the middle child but that’s just because he was born a few minutes earlier. They’ve got three older brothers, then a younger brother and sister. His favorite colors green, but if you ask him he’ll say it’s orange because of his hair. Um, he was shit at potions, but I think that was just because he hated the professor, because really he’s a genius. Oh, and he’s the funniest guy I’ve ever met, which I tell him all the time but cannot say in front of Fred. I don’t know, I guess he’s just about the best person I know, honestly.” Y/N sighed, finishing her rambling with a forced smile.
“Merlin,” Elizabeth stared at Y/N, wide-eyed. “Sounds like you’re in love with him.”
“No, really I’m not. We’ve just been best friends forever.” Y/N laughed, the lie tumbling easily from her lips. 
Because that’s what she had to do, that’s what she’d always done. To keep George in her life, to make things easier, she kept her feelings close to her heart. And no matter how much it killed her, she would continue doing it. If that’s what it took to see George happy, that’s what she’d do. 
She’d lie.
TAGS: @theweasleysredhair​ @letsgotothehop​ @wand3ringr0s3​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @mischiefisbeingmanaged​ @gcdricreads​ @destourtereaux​ @thisismysketchbook​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @evermoreweasley​ @amourtentiaa​ @lunalovecroft​ @sunshineandshadowss​
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Word Count: 3.7k
Dad! Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader (Granger and mum too)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of food, sort of sad, abandonment issues, pregnancy, vomiting, not a lot but tell me if I missed any.
A/N: I'm obsessed with dad fred ok?
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House, Y/N/N: Your Nickname
"I'm sorry! I-It's just that between the shop, and Umbridge, and my mum- It's all too much and I can't also-" Fred says as I feel tears drip down my cheeks. "You also can't have me? I didn't know that I was such a burden Fred. If I knew I wouldn't of burdened you for three fucking years." I say and he looks at me hurt. "No- No! I didn't mean that- Baby" He begins but I let out a choked laugh. "You can't call me that. No not when you are breaking up with me. That's not fair." I cry and he tries to move closer but I take a step back picking up the clothes in my closet. "W-What are you doing?" He asks and I throw his shirts at him as I grab his things on the bottom. "I can barely face you now. I'm not facing you to give you your things back." I tell him and I hear a choked cry. "Please don't do this. We can still be friends." He tells me and I laugh through my tears. "You can't call me a burden and say that shit line." I tell him. I turn around to see tears strolling down his face, barely any because of the fight he is putting up.
I finally cry and wrap my arms around him. He places his hand on my head and the other on my back, holding me where I was. "I'm so sorry" He whispers in my hair and I just sob into his shirt. He finally leaves when George calls him and I watch from my window the fireworks off in the distance. I sit down on my bed and feel myself break mentally. 'I don't know how I will do this on my own.' I think to myself staring at the pregnancy test I took yesterday. I was planning on telling him but when he clumped me in with his burdens, it was too hard. I just curl up into a ball crying until I fall asleep.
"HERMIONE HE'S DOING IT AGAIN- FINN" I yell as the baby flings his lunch at me. "SWITCH!" She yells back in the same worried tone. I grab Ginger my other newborn as she grab my spoon and place her on her tray. She fights me as I try to swaddle her and I plead her silently. I hear the doorbell ring and Hermione perks up. "Don't you dare-" She begins but I place Ginger in her cot and run out to see who it is.
I open the door and my breath hitches lightly. "Hey Y/n..." George says nervously. He looks up and does a double take. "A-Are you alright?" He stutters at my appearance. "Yeah just work getting ahead of me." I explain and he nods. "So... Watcha doing here? For the first time.. In a year..." I mumble the last part and he looks around confused. "Where's Hermione. She invited me saying something about needing to tell me something." He explains. "HERMIONE" I groan and she walks out and smiles at George. "You made it!" She exclaims and I point at her. "You're dead." I say and I run towards her angrily.
"I CAN DO THIS ON MY OWN" I yell back and she sends a firm smack to the side of my head. "YOU ARE 19 YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!" She yells back and George finally made it over to us confused as hell. "As much as I love the Granger sisters fighting over me... This is not what I had in mind." He points and I groan at the sound of Finn crying. "Look what you made me do." I tell her and she gasps starting to rant again. I walk into the baby's room. I smile sweetly at the boy crying in his cot.
"Hi baby..." I whisper and he gurgles at me smiling. I walk over and pick him up, rocking him lightly. I sit down on my rocker and he swiftly falls back asleep. I reach my free hand to poke inside of Ginger's cot, her hand wrapping around my finger. I smile at the two and hear a gasp. "Y/n-" He begins and I shush him softly, not taking my eyes off my baby boy. "He's asleep." I whisper, too distracted by my ginger baby to register what's going on.
"W-Who are the parents?" He asks kneeling in front of the rocker to rub a knuckle against his head lightly. "They're mine..." I whisper and look up, a tear dripping down my face that clearly gives away my happy smile. "What do you mean? Its only been a year since you two-" He stops realizing what happened. "Is this my nephew?" He asks smiling softly at him. "Maybe." I whisper and he looks at me smiling with tears sliding down his cheeks. "C-can I hold him? Or her?" He asks, guessing at the colors of their sleeping sacks. I smile sweetly getting up. I hand him Finn softly and he gasps at the size of the baby in his hands. "Y/n- You're 19. How- Why?" He asks and I sigh, rubbing my knuckle into Finn's chest lightly. "My sister has helped but honestly I don't know. It's been a crazy year." I explain. "I'm willing to help. Especially now." He tells me and I smile.
I pick up Ginger trying to put her shoes on her as she gurgles in protest. "Hey baby you gotta wear shoes now that you're walking, that's the deal." George explains and she gurgles lightly as if she understood. He's fighting Finn to get his shoes on and I finally put on Ginger's. "Tough ones we got here." He says, wiping sweat from his brow. His arm getting hit by a flying tantrum going on next to him. He looks at him and shakes his head chuckling. He scoops up the almost two year old in his arms and laughs. "He is a kicker." He tells me and we finally get them dressed. "Ugh we really need to stop bringing them to the shop, its getting risky." I tell him and he laughs as if I said the best joke ever. "There is no way these kids are being raised without knowing the joke shop, and plus Fred is off on Wednesdays." He explains and I nod curtly.
We walk to the shop talking about the kids who are settled on our hips. "So I will take up cleaning tomorrow if you bring them to the park the next day and I think there might be a Hermione visit. And I bought some baby food with solid because I don't know if they will still like it-" I begin but get cut off by George chuckling. "You are overthinking this. You are a great mum and if they won't eat solid,  you have a blender." He explains and I nod. He's been amazing at calming my anxiety when it come to the kids. He took the role as helpful uncle and comes over all the time but makes sure he doesn't overstep. I make my way inside the shop and he makes his way to customers. I get to the till having Ginger in her stroller next to me. Every hour he switches with me saying they need time with their mama.
The shop finally closes and he helps me with the stroller up the steps. We quickly make our way to the room and Ginger gets up waddling to his bed. I fold his clothes as they play on the bed. I hear a muffled conversation as me and the kids stay quiet. He walks in and Finn gasps reaching out for him. He hands him the milk and Ginger whines until we pass the milk quickly to her. She lays on her back playing with her feet as she drinks her milk.
"These kids..." He laughs. He grabs Finn and opens the door. "Fred's gone don't worry. He will be for the next hour." He tells me to my worried expression. I nod and he comes back with Finn in a new diaper and hands him to me. "He has been kicking me lately. The little bugger." He says rubbing his arm. I laugh and nuzzle my nose against his. "He's obviously like his father." I state and he nods smiling.
I make my way into the shop searching for George as the two toddlers point out everything. I hear Ginger gasp and bolt. I run after her clutching on to Finn. I look around scared as shit I lost my baby. When I hear someone talking to her.
"UNCLE RORGE!" I hear her squeal and I laugh realizing she found her uncle. "What sweetheart? Where's your mother?" I hear a voice ask laughing. "Uncle Rorgeeee. You promised me you would bring treats!!" She complains as I look for the aisle they're in. "I'm sorry little one but I'm not George. I'm Fred. What's your name?" He asks and I freeze. "Isn't Red daddy's name?" Finn asks and I can't answer. He slides out of my grasp, obviously knowing where Ginger is. I yell after him and see the man Ginger was talking to. I gasp lightly and she's giggling.
"Uncle Rorge that's not your name! Your name is Rorge. R-O- MUMMY! I FOUND UNCLE RORGE." She points out. "There's your mum. Hello ma'am- Y/n?" He asks confused. "C'mon Ginger. Uncle George is probably somewhere." I say not answering I pick her up as she cries saying Uncle George is right in front of her. I quickly scoop Finn up and quickly walk to find George. "Y/n! What- Crap its Wednesday." He says shocked. He grabs Finn from my hands and bounces him lightly. "UNCLE RORGE TEL-TELR- HE USED A PORTAL" Ginger tries and I nod rubbing her hands. "You- Oh no- Oh shit- Oh sorry-" George stutters. "I'm going to hide in your office now-" I state and he grabs my hand. "You need to face him. He is their father." He tells me and I wipe a tear from my eyes. "I can't George. Not yet." I say and he drops my hand nodding. "C'mon then." He tells me and I walk to the office with him.
I hear banging on the door and it finally opens. "Y/n-" He gasps and I ignore him playing with Ginger. "Y/nnnn" I hear him say again. "Yes Fredrick?" I ask and he tugs my shoulder playfully and George walks in. "Great, your on babysitting duty." I say and George tries to protest but I try and bolt. Fred stops me. He moves carefully so I can't get past him. "A-Are you sheep dogging me?" I ask and he shrugs. "If it works. Now when did Y/n Granger start babysitting?" He asks and I try to move past him. "Two years ago. When you broke my heart, remember that?" I ask and his smile turns into a frown. "I've been trying to get a hold of you. Every day for an hour I question Hermione or someone." He tells me and I laugh. "Anyways- I need to-"
"MUMMY FINN 'OOK MY BLANKET!!!" Ginger screeches. I turn around and George is trying to help the best he can. "I- They fight over everything-" He tries and I laugh walking over. "C'mere baby." I say to Finn. I take the blanket from his hands and he sobs. I grab the dummy and pop it in his mouth, calming him instantly. "Mummy?" He asks and I sigh. "They're two." I explain. I watch the gears turn in his head. "I- No- Wait- Are- What- No-" He stutters, shocked. "Yep. Meet Ginger and Finn Weasley- Well Granger-Weasley. Felt wrong to take the fathers name out." I explain and he collapses to his knees. "UNCLE RORGE! THERE ARE TWO!!!" Ginger states, finally looking around.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummyyyy." I hear Finn complain next to me. "Yes light of my life?" I ask sighing. "When's daddy coming? And when's dinner? And why are bananas curved? And why are me and Ginger's hair red when yours is brown? Do we get that from Daddy? Where is daddy?" He questions. "Finny- Baby- Daddy is coming in twenty minutes. Dinner will be done in an hour. I don't know, I need to google it. Yes daddy gave you ginger hair. And on his way." I explain turning so we can google it together. "Ok so bananas are curved so they can get sun." I explain. He nods and slides out of my lap. "Thank you mummy!" He yells behind him as he runs.
The doorbell rings and I open it to see Fred. I give him a quick hug as we all sit down for dinner, Fred answering all of Finn's wild questions as I listen to Ginger tell me its paghetti not spaghetti. We all finish and I clean the dishes while Fred reads them a story. He walks out and sighs laughing. "Ginger just had a long ass argument about how an elephant not a giraffe was in  Africa. She does not realize that she can't read." He tells me and I laugh. "She refuses to admit it. Yesterday she tried reading to Finn. Pride and Prejudice was a ballsy move." I explain and he laughs. "My girl would do that." He says. "Want to watch a movie?" He asks and I sigh. "Fred you need to head home soon." I tell him and he nods sighing. "I know... But can't two friends watch the thrilling and sexy adventure of- Aurora?" He says picking up a random tape.
I laugh and take the tape shaking my head. "I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea Fred." I tell him, poking his nose. "Then let's make it the correct idea." He boldly puts. I chuckle taking the blankets from the couch. "What do you mean Fred?" I ask and he moves to hold my arms lightly. "I want to be yours. And- And I want you to be mine." He states and I look at him shocked. "Don't do this Fred." I whisper and his smile falters for a second. "Do what?" He asks softly.
"Don't do this." I say circling my arms between us. "Fred I love you but based off of three years ago, you don't love me. And I finally found my peace with that. But please. Please do not say you love me when I know you don't. I love that you are such an amazing father that you would throw yourself into an unhappy relationship just for them. But I can't. I don't want fake. I want your real love. And I won't allow myself to accept the man I love to say he loves me when he doesn't." I rant and he pulls me closer. "That's not why I'm saying that. Please." He whispers the last part, placing his forehead against mine. "Fred. I'm not going to be a burden again. That's why I couldn't tell you about those two amazing kids in there. I'm not using them as a way to have you again." I say and he looks at me with hurt eyes. "At least allow me a movie. Just a movie. I don't care if you say I don't love you when I do. But I just want to hold you again." He whispers and I sigh. "A movie."
I sit down on the couch and he slides next to me. "I do love you, more than the world." He whispers and I feel my eyes sting from tears trying to leave. I hear Ginger cry and I get up instinctively. "She's been having bad dreams lately." I tell him wrapping my jacket around myself. "Sit down. I got her." He tells me and I nod sighing.
I hear the baby monitor register him entering their room and I grab it to see what's going on.
"Daddy!" She sobs clutching to her fathers shirt. "Hey little one. What's wrong?" He asks calmly, wiping her face. "I had a bad dream. I got up and Finn was gone and mummy and you. Then there was a dragon and it chased me!" She sobs and he holds her close nodding. "Look baby. There's Finn. And mummy is right in the living room." He assures her. "But every time I wake up you aren't here anymore. You always leave. Why can't you stay? Mummy makes pancakes every Wednesday and she tells us they used to be your favorite. And- And why don't you stay?" She cries into his shirt, breaking his heart. "I'm so so sorry baby. I would stay. I would. But I can't right now. But I promise I will be one day." He tries. "Why don't you and mummy have rings?" She suddenly asks and he looks at her confused. "What do you mean baby?" He asks and she digs her face into his shirt more. "Sophie's mummy and daddy have rings. And they always hug. Why do you and  mummy not do that?" She asks and he smiles at her softly. "Because mummy and daddy are a little different than Sophie's." He tells her and she pouts. "Don't you love mummy?" She asks and he sighs. "I do baby. Very much. But some things are harder than others. But I promise. I will always be here for you. And I am so sorry for all that lost time but I promise, I will make it up to you." He whispers. They stay there quietly hugging until Ginger finally drops her head, quietly sleeping. He smiles laying her on the bed assigned to her and tucks her in softly. "God I love you. More than the world." He whispers, almost exactly how he said to Y/n moments before, with the same look in his eyes. Love.
I wipe my eyes hearing him walk out. His eyes are puffy but he shows no sign of sadness on his face. "Fred?" I whisper and he looks over smiling. "Yes?" He asks and I sigh. "Make me a promise." I tell him and he nods confused. "If I do this. You have to promise me. Do you actually love me or do you just love our children?" I ask and he laughs. "I love you all. Y/n you are the love of my life. Why are you asking this?" He asks and I finally kiss him. He perks up in surprise but he slowly melts into it. "God I love you so much." He whisper in between the kiss. Finally we break away chuckling as he smiles at me. "Want to watch our movie now? I was told there are some sexy adventures in Sleeping Beauty." I ask and he chuckles sitting down on the couch. "I also wanted to say, I might have promised a ring in the future." He suddenly says and I laugh holding up the baby monitor. "Shit I forgot we had that." He laughs and I kiss hiss jaw lightly. "Guess I caught you." I whisper and he laughs.
I wake up in my bed thinking last night was a far-fetched dream and smell smoke. "Fuck he is too much like his father." I whisper to myself. I run out and the twins are no where to be seen. I see Fred and he is throwing toast in the trash sadly. "Watcha doing?" I ask and he looks up sighing. "Trying to make breakfast..." He groans sitting down. I walk over and rubs his shoulders as he hums lightly. "Its Wednesday you blessing of a man." I whisper and he chuckles nodding. He turns, puckering his lips and I kiss him quickly. "Get the two arsonists awake please." I say as I grab a pan. He groans moving closer to me. "Why ruin the fun so early?" He asks, his hands sliding around my waist. He kisses my neck as I lean my head away slightly. "Mmm... As much as I would love to, the muffling spell is going to drop at any given moment and Finn is a light sleeper. The boy will tell Ginger we didn't wake them up and they will plot." I explain and he laughs at the thought.
"DADDY!" I hear Ginger yell and Finn runs out to find me. "DADDY'S HERE!" He tells me and I gasp. "He is?! Does that mean we should make french toast?!" I ask and Finn tugs my pyjama bottoms. "NOOO WE NEED TO MAKE PANCAKES!!!!" He whines and I laugh nodding. "FINN! CMONNNN" Ginger yells as she pulls Fred behind her. "COMING! WE'RE WATCHING TV WITH DADDY!" He tells me and I smile. "Go on then!" I tell him.
I finish making pancakes and we all eat together. Fred gets up and Ginger grabs him. "What baby?" He asks and she shoves her face into his leg. "You're leaving aren't you?" Finn asks and he smiles at Ginger, picking her up. "Just to the bathroom. Me and mummy thought you two would like a daddy day. I'm staying here for the whole day." He says winking at me. They all cheer and he moves over to kiss the top of my head and walking to the bathroom. "Mummy..." Ginger whispers. "Yes?" I ask in the same hushed tone. "Daddy kissed you." She tells me and I nod. "Yes he did." I whisper and she giggles happily.
I wake up to feel Fred moving around. "What are you doing?" I ask sleepily and he kisses my head. "Finn peed his bed, I got it though." He whispers and lays down next to me. "Does he need a bath?" I ask and he laughs. "Covered." He tells me and I smile nuzzling into his arm. "My hero." I mumble and he chuckles. I start to feel woozy and I rush out of bed. "Darling?" He yells behind me. I throw up into the toilet as I feel my body shake. He rushes in and grabs my hair into a ponytail. "Darling! Oh my god this is why you don't let me make meals." He tells me and I laugh weakly.
"I feel like now is a brilliant time to tell you. I might be pregnant." I tell him smiling. "Surprise..." I whisper doing weak jazz hands.
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mrssnivellussnape · 3 years
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Summary: Dumbledore calls a meeting with the reason unknown. The Hogwarts staff quickly realizes just what it’s about when he wants to speak about the newest professor: Delores Umbridge
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: Name calling [Umbridge is the target]
- This had all started thanks to a certain Albus Dumbledore
- Everyone had entered the staff room, expecting the usual meeting and anything concerning the school or students. Dumbledore’s all knowing smile told everyone everyone that that wasn’t the case today
- “Ah, come in everyone, come in.” He was way too jovial in the moment, it scared a few of you
- Minerva was the first one to verbally wonder what was going, “I’d ask if something was wrong, but judging by your expression, I’ll say all is well?”
- “You’d be right, Minerva. I think it’s time we all did some bonding.” He saw everyone’s fallen faces
- It wasn’t that you all weren’t grateful for - at least - a temporary break from teaching your classes, but bonding did not sound like a good time.
- “How are we all enjoying Professor Umbridge?” Dumbledore queried
- In a matter of seconds, everyone spoke over one another, hurrying to get their opinions out
- “She’s barbaric” was Pomona’s response
- “I’d rather be fed to a Hippogriff” came yours next
- Filius jumped in next, “She’s nowhere near fit to teach a Defense Class”
- “I would respond, Albus, but I’m afraid of saying something I’d... regret later.” Severus drawled, it was obvious the man didn’t want to be here
- “I’d have to agree with Severus, Albus.” Minerva nodded almost too eagerly
- “Now, now, she may be drastic in what she does; but I’m sure she isn’t all that bad.” Dumbledore countered
- “Hardly,” you disagreed. “And must she wear so much pink? I enjoy the color quite a bit myself too, but her tea was pink!”
- It wasn’t normal. There was a significant difference between enjoying the color and being sickly obsessed with it. There was no reason for everything she owned to be as pink as it was, and there were so many different shades: rose, fuchsia, blush, salmon, even bubblegum! Honestly, how old was the woman
- “Personally, I think her wall full of cats meowing is terrifying,” Flitwick agreed. “Please take no offense to that, Minerva.”
- Minerva shook her head to show she knew he meant no harm... to her at least, “That smile she forces on us is so—”
- “Ghastly?”
- “Disgusting?”
- “Horrifying?”
- “Frightful?”
- “Utterly nauseating.” Severus answered for everyone. He was tired of everyone interrupting with a different word
- “That!”
- Dumbledore chuckled and shook his head, “It appears you’re bonding on your mutual dislike.” The man had the nerve to pop a Lemon Drop in his mouth
- “I wouldn’t say we dislike her...” Pomona contended
- “Do tell then, what would you call it?”
- You all thought for a moment, Flitwick spoke first again, “Albus, I’d say we all disagree with her beliefs.”
- “The way she treats the students is horrendous.” Minerva agreed.
- You nodded, “That laugh she gives after every sentence makes everything worse.”
- “The woman, if you can call her that, might be the worst thing I’ve encountered and I’ve faced many things.” Severus spoke up
- “Not to mention her voice is so annoying”
- “I’ve seen at least three variations of the same outfit with slightly different tones”
- “I’d rather be kissed by a dementor than sit by her.”
- “Alright,” Pomona interjected and faced Dumbledore again. “There might be a small amount of detest for the new Professor.”
- Minerva scoffed, “Professor? Please, Pomona, that’s being too kind even for you.”
- “I agree with Minerva, Pomona. I’d say she’s more of a toad - with lipstick.” You laughed, making everyone else join in
- “That would be mean to toads, Y/n. She’s more like a weasel who’s spent too much time in the powder room.” Filius corrected.
- “Please, hardly is she an innocent weasel.” Minerva uncharacteristically rolled her eyes. “That vile, crude, and tortuous woman is one of the nastiest creatures and should be categorized as her own species.”
- That left you all quiet. You all knew how much Minerva loathed Umbridge, but for her to openly voice a rather colorful opinion about the woman was surprising. She was usually reserved and kept any rude comments to herself. This was gold
- But that left you all thinking and Dumbledore noticed, “It appears you all have a new thought, and almost simultaneously, might I add.”
- “I have better things to do than sit here and speak of a woman who isn’t here. Excuse me.” Severus tried to leave but you sat him back down
- “Oh, please, Severus, you aren’t fooling anyone; we all see how much you dislike her as well.” You pointed out, “Just the other day you were talking about how you wouldn’t mind Fred and George handling her.”
- The man shot daggers at you and you smiled wryly in return, giggling when everyone else laughed at the revelation. Severus rolled his eyes and huffed, sitting back and listening to everyone else
- “She’d be a creature no one else liked and her species wouldn’t have a name because no one would want to say it” the conversation was brought back to the previous topic
- “There’d only be one of her because absolutely nobody would mate with that”
- “Her wild call would be ‘hehe’ and it’d be awful just like that giggle of hers”
- “The offspring would be pink, but each a different shade”
- “I thought we decided that nothing would mate with her?”
- “Well, on the off chances something did...”
- You all nodded in understanding, ignoring the look of content on Dumbledore’s face
- “Yes... and the slogan would be ‘Evil: now available in pink’ Severus joined in
- You all silenced immediately, “Did- did you just.. joke?”
- “I told you all he could be a little funny.” You shrugged when everyone looked at you pointedly, “No one listens half the time...”
- “It would appear so.” Severus responded. “Albus, if we’re done here, I’d like to be prepared for my next class.”
- Dumbledore sat up in an instant, “Of course, my boy!” He boomed. “I appreciate everyone’s views on Professor Umbridge. Maybe next time we could talk about how we enjoyed our time with Professor Lockhart?” He got a collective amount of scoffs and snorts back in return
- As you all were walking out, a thought struck you, “What if we turned her into a rat and allowed Minerva to chase her?” You almost looked gleeful at the idea and everyone else had a twinkle in their eyes. The older witch looked at you with a look of disgust
- “As if I’d put that rat in my mouth, Merlin knows where it’s been.”
Tags: @once-upon-an-imagine @lizlil @snapefiction @passionkillerphil @ablxssm @deniseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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malfoymxnor · 4 years
𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭
➤ pairing: draco malfoy x reader
➤ requested: yes | no
➤ words: 1.5k
➤ warnings: smut!
➤ summary: professor umbridge has passed decree number 23, saying boys and girls must be 6 inches apart at all times. draco malfoy doesn’t feel like following the rules.
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“Did you see that she’s passing the fourth rule today?”
You heard the whispers from your fellow Hogwarts students as you walked at a fast sprint towards the main corridor that stood right outside The Great Hall. It seemed as if every day for the past school year, all of Hogwarts would gather by the large doors at least twice a day. All to watch Caretaker Finch nail endless amounts of decrees on the wall.
A constant reminder that Hogwarts was slowly being taken over by the Ministry, in your opinion. But you didn’t let anyone else know that.
Students whispered to each other as they began to gather, watching the elder caretaker climb up the ladder to nail the decree right above the door. You went on your tiptoes until you could see a head of soft, platinum blond hair poke out. Smiling quite widely, you squeezed past the other students until you stood next to Draco Malfoy.
“Hi, love.” You whispered softly, feeling strange to speak so loudly when everyone was so quiet. “How are you-”
Draco interrupted you by pointing where Finch had now nailed the decree and climbed back down. Looking closer, it appeared to say: “Boys and girls are not permitted to be within 6 inches of each other.”
You held in an eye roll by the new rule and looked at your boyfriend. You expected a smile or some sort of sign of approval. After all, most of Draco and his friends seemed to like Umbridge’s new decrees thus far. They’ve even gone so far to join her little Inquisitorial Squad to enforce the rules further. Instead, a look of fury was apparent on his face.
“This is ridiculous.” He managed to say, taking in a deep breath.
“Draco, what do you mean? I thought you liked Umbridge?”
“I did, until now.” His lips were thinned out into a scowl, his nostrils flared with rage. “What’s the point of this, (Y/N)? How dare she try to tell me if I can touch my girlfriend or not?”
With that, you take his hand, quite honestly a bit afraid by his posture. You knew he would instantly relax by your touch, for a moment forgetting about the new rule. You dragged him into the Hall. Hopefully, a bit of dinner would calm your boyfriend down.
Hours had now passed since the time the new rule had been decreed. It had only been a short amount of time, but already you and Draco had been given warnings about staying 6 inches apart.
Now, you had been sitting in the common room area while everyone was asleep in their dorm rooms. This was often your favorite part of the day, besides moments spent alone with Draco. You sat preparing for your OWL exams in front of the roaring fireplace, when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Come on, love.” You look over and see Draco offering his hand. Without any questions, you place your hand into his, letting him drag you this time out of the common room and to one of the many corridors.
“Draco, wait a minute.” You stop him in his tracks. You weren’t one for following rules anyway, but getting yelled at by Umbridge gave you a fright. “You know we’re not supposed to-”
The blond man let out a soft sigh, gently pressing you into the stone wall behind you, a common favorite way of his to tell you to shut up. It was far too easy for him to do anyway. His taller, more muscular figure easily overpowered yours.
“Do you think I really care about the rules so much now that Umbridge has passed that ridiculous rule?” He sneered slightly, feeling anger rise out of his chest at the mention of the new rule.
You smirked to yourself slightly. “Let me guess, your father will be hearing about this.” Oh, how you loved to tease Draco.
He let out a small laugh, placing one of his hands on your waist as he managed to lift you up slightly, allowing you to wrap your two legs around his hips. “Now you’re getting it.”
His soft lips met with yours as you managed to hide a soft laugh at his remark. The kiss started out gentle like most, but he quickly turned up the pace. With his hand on your waist pulling you closer, he uses his other to cup your cheek and heats the kiss more. Your soft moan was masked by his lips as you felt his hand explore your upper body.
“So eager.” He chuckles as he pulls away slightly for a moment. Your chest felt heavy as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. Any fear you had of being heard went away just as fast.
“Let me see just how eager exactly.” Draco whispered into your ear, leaning his head down further to leave kisses down your neck. One of his hands went under your Hogwarts uniform skirt, gripping onto your thigh before his fingers went up even more. He made no delay in pulling your underwear to the side, feeling the wetness in between your legs.
“Draco.” You let out a soft gasp as he felt your folds, arching your back as you were desperate to get as close as possible.
“Quiet, love.” He got down on his knees, bringing one of your legs to wrap around his shoulders, giving you a seductive smirk. “Don’t want to get caught, do you?”
What followed was easily the hardest time you had in staying quiet your entire life thus far. Pulling you as close as he could, Draco slipped his tongue inside of your wetness. His tongue was quick to action as he licked in soft circles around your clitorius. You couldn’t hold back the moans leaving your body, despite the fact it was the middle of the night and you definitely were not 6 inches apart.
Before you could even register how good it felt to be teased in such a way, you felt two of Draco’s fingers slide inside your folds and begin to pump themselves in and out. “Darling, I-” You tried to speak in a moment of passion, but in response he only curled his fingers, so much so that the tips of his fingers pressed delicately against your inner g-spot
“If you want to cum, (Y/N), keep your pretty mouth shut. Or else you’ll be going back to your room forced to finish the job yourself. Got it?”
You could only nod and close your mouth around your own mouth. As much as you loved to moan as loud as humanly possible, you knew Draco was serious about sending you to your room without a single thrust or lick more.
You opened your eyes to look down at the handsome Slytherin below you, your breath deepening as you fell more into a lustful trance, possibly the most blissful trance you could be in. You could no longer focus on anything around you besides what you felt in between your thighs. You no longer had any sense of time, you were unaware you were in the middle of the corridor where a professor could easily interrupt the two of you. You even had no other thoughts besides how incredible Draco Malfoy’s fingers and tongue felt.
He pushed his fingers as deep as they could, eagerly pumping them directly onto your g-spot. He smirked to himself as he felt your legs shake, aware of what was coming.
“Such a good girl.” He commented before he trapped began to use his tongue on your clitorius, you could feel his tongue lick up, down, under, and around the sensitive bud. “You’re taking my fingers so well.”
Your fingers trapped themselves into his blond hair as you felt the first wave of cum overwhelm your body. You let out several gasps, closing your eyes for a few seconds as Draco continued to thrust his fingers. You finally calmed down enough to open them, seeing Draco’s smiling face as he licked his fingers clean of your cum.
Before either of you could say a word, you both heard footsteps coming your way. Unfortunately for the both of you, those footsteps were right in front of you before you could manage to even move a limb.
“Ah.” You heard Professor Umbridge’s annoyingly chimp voice speak, your eyes couldn’t even meet hers in shame.
You wondered what this must have looked like. There you were, leaning against the ice cold, stone wall with your legs wrapped around Draco Malfoy’s shoulders. He had himself in between your legs, cum staining your underwear and around your inner thighs.
“This clearly is not 6 inches apart, is it? (Y/N), I’m not too surprised by this behavior. But Draco? Now that is a surprise.”
Your boyfriend must have been a bit brave, perhaps it was the adrenaline that must have been flowing throughout his veins. “Professor, with respect, you must admit you can’t deny your lady if she is in need.”
This earned him a soft slap on the back of the head from Umbridge, before she practically yelled for you both to meet her in her office in the morning before class. You pulled up your underwear and hoped off of Draco’s shoulder, laughing as you both ran towards the common room.
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wwweasleystan · 3 years
The Scary Big Sister
Summary: Harry has managed to keep Draco’s taunts and nasty words away from the ears of his big sister. But what happens when she finds out what Malfoy has been saying about her little brother. 
Pairings: Harry x sister!reader Fred Weasley x potter!reader 
Warnings: If you're a Malfoy Stan then...sorry chief. one punch to the nose, a couple threats, but relatively fine 
This is relatively short, but this idea has been playing in my mind all day, thought I’d share :) Please leave a comment!
Fred, George, and I were on our way to Potions when I heard it. Malfoy spitting insults at someone, a group of Slytherins gathered around. Rolling my eyes, I was about to walk over and teach the blonde brat a lesson, but before I could Freddie grabbed my elbow. 
“Cmon love, we’re late and if we walk in after the bell again McGonagall will have a fit, right George?” he commented, tugging me away before I could get to close sharing a glance with George, who nodded quickly. 
“What are you on about? Since when have you two ever walked away from a chance to shut up Malfoy and cared about getting to class on time. Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” I joked, even though I was slightly confused. A Gryffindor is always ready to jump head first into a fight for others, regardless of the cause. Plus, Fred and George hate Malfoy. 
“Nothing’s wrong with me, love. I just think that whoever it is squaring off with Malfoy probably wants to deal with it himself” he says, slightly nervous while continuing to tug me down the hall. 
Coming to a complete halt, I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms at my boyfriend and his twin. “Now hold on a minute, how do you even know it’s a ‘he’ that he’s tearing into. What’s going on Fred?” Even though I was staring right at him, he refused to look me into the eyes, and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Okay okay, but you have to promise not to get mad or do anything. Harry made us promise not to say anything to you. I told him that was just plain stupid but he was so adamant about it- y/n? Where are you going?” In the midst of his rambling Fred and George had failed to notice you turn around and begin briskly walking away once you heard Harry’s name. Who the fuck did that rat think he was, going after your brother? How long had this even been going on? You were quickly storming towards the jeering crowd, some parting upon seeing your icy glare, others you pushed right past. 
Once you got to the front, you could see Draco standing toe to toe with Harry, who was flanked by Hermione and Ron. Malfoy, for his part, had Crabbe and Goyle off to the side for back-up, as if those two pinballs could do anything besides stand there and look dumb. Harry looked calm for the most part, but you could see that Malfoy’s words were beginning to get to him, especially when he started talking about Hermione and Ron. 
“What’s the matter, Potter? Scared to fight back? Never took you as a coward, though I guess daddy was never around to show you what courage looked like. I don’t even know how you got into this school, you’re a sorry excuse for a wizard. Associating yourself with mudbloods and blood traitors, it’s pathetic.” Malfoy sneered. You made a move to step in but both Fred and George had stepped behind you, grabbing onto your shoulders. Fred leaned down to whisper into your ear,
“I know it’s bad love, and trust me there’s nothing I’d like more than to go over and punch his face in, but both Harry and Ron made us promise not to do anything and that they could handle it” he whispered. 
“Sweetheart, you know I love you more than anything, but if you and Georgie don’t let go of me right now, I will not hesitate to hex you as well. You two may have promised, but I did no such thing.” You responded, shaking off their hands and strolling up behind your brother’s bully, who was still spouting off to Harry. 
“Where’s that sister of yours, Potter. Ya know if she wasn’t related to you and dating that weasel I may have tried to get in on that. It’s a shame she’s related to you, she’s kinda hot” Draco snickered, causing Harry to clench his jaw. 
“You’ll leave her out of this Malfoy, she’s got nothing to do with this, it’s between me and you. Talk about me all you want, but leave my sister alone. I’ve done a good job of keeping the shit you say away from her, but if it gets back to her, I’m not going to hold y/n back when she gets a hold of you. Let alone what Fred would do to you.” Your brother responded, clenching onto his wand tighter. 
“Ohh I’m so scared. You’re sister isn’t here Potter, I’m allowed to say whatever I want about her, and you won’t do anything. If you do, I’ll report you to Umbridge, and I don’t think your hand’s healed from the last time, has it?” Malfoy fired back, mocking your brother by grabbing at his own hand and pretending to faint. You had heard enough. Finding out that Draco was partially responsible for getting Harry in trouble with Umbridge was the final straw. 
You silently crept up behind Draco, your brother’s eyes widening as he spotted you. You quickly raised your eyebrows and winked at Harry, then tapped Malfoy on the shoulder. As soon as he turned, you gave him a swift left hook straight to his nose, knocking him straight on his ass. Smiling at the satisfying crack that echoed through the corridor, you watched as Hermione and Ron quickly pulled Harry away and over to Fred and George. Gasps were heard, but you blocked them out as you stood over Malfoy. 
“Get up you prat.” you growled, grabbing him by the collar on his robes. You shoved him back, cornering him against the wall and keeping him there by pointing your wand at him. Malfoy, still dazed from the punch was too surprised  to say anything. 
“Gone all quiet now have you, Malfoy? Imagine my surprise as I’m walking to my class, having a lovely day, only to hear the biggest joke of fifth year coming after my brother. Cornering him with his band of cronies like some macho man. Calling him pathetic, as if you don’t have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday” you remarked, keeping your focus solely on the boy in front of you. 
Appearing to have momentarily regained his confidence, Draco opened his mouth to respond, but you quickly cut him off with a “Silencio!” rendering the boy unable to speak, mouth opening and closing like a fish. 
“Uh-uh. I've heard enough of your chatter to last me a lifetime, and the next. You’re lucky all you've received is a broken nose. I should dangle you over the lake for the Giant Squid, you absolute douchebag. Newsflash, the world doesn’t revolve around you, Malfoy. Thought Mum and Dad would have taught you that already.” you spat, walking towards the clearly frightened boy, who’s eyes had gone wide in shock. Stopping only inches away, you pointed your wand directly at his face. 
“I’m not usually one for violence, but make no mistake, Malfoy. If I hear you sniffing around Harry and his friends again, or anyone else for that matter, I won’t hesitate to reunite you with your ferret form from last year, are we clear?” you spoke, the warning clear in your voice. 
Malfoy, seeming to finally come to his senses, nodded quickly. Swiftly, you patted his head. “Good boy, now take your “friends” and run along to class. And remember what I said, Draco. I never break my promises.”
You watched as Draco took off down the hallway, Crabbe and Goyle clumsily taking off after him. Turning to the crowd, you shouted “nothing to see here folks, go off to class” and quickly the crowd dispersed, obviously a little afraid of what the elder Potter was capable of when it came to her family and people she cared about. 
You casually strolled over to your group, immediately pulling Harry into a hug. “I’m sorry if I upset you by stepping in, but I won’t apologize for doing it. That little ferret had it coming. He had no business talking to any of you like that” you spoke, glancing at Hermione and Ron who gave you grateful smiles in return. 
“Honestly sis, it was pretty funny. I’ve never seen Malfoy so scared in all his life. I truly thought he’d wet himself. I just don’t want you to get in trouble with Umbridge. I’m supposed to protect you too and I don’t want you to have a run in with her because of me” he spoke, returning your hug. 
“Don’t worry about me, little brother. I’m more than capable of handling that Pink Toad should she find out, but I doubt Draco wants to expose himself, merlin forbid his father finds out he got told off by a girl, a Gryffindor no less.” you chuckled, giving Harry a squeeze before stepping back. “Now, you lot run off to class, and if anyone gives you any problems, just let me know, okay?”
The golden trio eagerly smiled at you and nodded their heads, running off down the corridor, probably to tell the rest of the fifth years what a fool Malfoy had been made out to be. You smiled after them, turning back to your boyfriend and his twin, who you immediately smacked in their heads.
“Bloody hell, woman. What was that for??” George, grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “That was for not telling me my brother was being picked on, you numpties!” You then quickly pulled them in for a hug. “I did notice however, that a few more pranks have been played on Slytherin house in the past week than normal, and I appreciate you looking out for him in the way you could. Just next time, don’t keep something like this from me. please.”
“You got it, love. Harry is just very convincing when he’s got puppy eyes. ya know? Bloody fool can convince you of just about anything.” Fred spoke, wrapping his arm around you and beginning to once again guide you down the hall. “Now, let’s actually get to McGonagall’s, and you’re explaining why we’re late, miss.” George spoke from the other side of you, ruffling your hair. 
“Oh and, love? Remind me to never get on your bad side.” Fred spoke, as you all laughed, walking off down the corridor. 
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Irresistibly Yours
Chapter 1 - The Elevator
Summary - Y/N Y/L/N moves to NYC in hopes for a fresh start after a nasty breakup. There she meets her neighbor, the cynical lawyer, Dean Winchester. A love-hate relationship starts evolving between them ever since they met in the elevator one morning but a desperate situation and a string of lies forces the two friendly rivals to go on a date or rather a fake date. Will sparks fly between them when Dean gets to know Y/N real and up close? Will Y/N finally find her Prince Charming in the grumpy, workaholic, divorce lawyer?
Pairing - Lawyer!Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warning - None for this chapter
Word Count - 1981
Square Filled - Moodboard ( @girl-next-door-writes )
A/N - *Cracks knuckles* Ta-daaaa! The series is finally here it's already Sunday where I live and I was dying to share this! It's going to be a wild ride ahead. So buckle up your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
This is also my submission to @flamencodiva's Writing Challenge and @deanwanddamons' 2K Blogiversary challenge (congratulations on your milestone, Sian). Prompts are in bold.
Beta'd by @miss-nerd95 (Thanks again, hon❤️)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist Masterlist
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Throwing her bag over the table, Y/N slumped down on the couch, letting out a sigh. The pressure from the higher-ups, consistent criticism of your work and impending deadlines were weighing heavily on her shoulders and she was in a desperate need of a break.
She looked over to the stack of papers on the table that now lay abandoned. The rejection from the publishing company was the fucking cherry on top. Y/N buried her face in her hands in frustration as she was almost on the verge of a mental breakdown, a few angry tears rolling down her cheeks. Letting her head fall back, she swiped away those angry tears, letting out a long sigh of defeat.
“Why can't I ever do anything right?” She mumbled, her breathing heavy as she bit down on her trembling lips.
In her late twenties, after a nasty break up, Y/N had a marvellous thought that she needed a fresh start. So she had left her corporate job back in Atlanta and moved to New York to pursue her dreams of becoming a writer. She had secured a good position in one of the leading magazine companies and started to write the novel that she had been planning since she was seventeen, but lately nothing seemed to work out the way she wanted. Sure, she was getting paid well but it wasn't enough compared to how much she had to deal with her shitty coworkers and bosses. She had now lost every motivation to continue her novel after the first draft got rejected by the publishing companies enough times to make her feel insecure about her writing.
“Why can't my life just be a goddamn Hallmark movie?” Y/N muttered under her breath as she picked up a cushion and covered your face, letting out a muffled scream.
Her wallowing time was interrupted by the blaring noise of her phone in the awfully quiet apartment, making her nearly jump out of her skin. Another frustrated groan left her lips as she saw the person calling her.
“I told you to stop calling me, for god's sake!” Y/N yelled into her phone.
“Come on, Y/N. One dinner.” The man on the other end pestered. “You know, at work people talk about how uptight you are. Let yourself go, once in a while.”
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. Michael- I'm not interested. I told you a hundred times before and I'll say it again. Leave. Me. Alone!” She said. The line on the other side went quiet.
“Bitch.” She heard him say before the call disconnected.
“Fuck off!” She yelled again, knowing fully well he couldn't have heard her now. Y/N finally decided to put him in her blocklist because Michael didn't seem like he was gonna stop otherwise.
It wasn't that she had a stick up her ass for not wanting to go on a dinner date with her coworker. Honestly, she missed the whole first date experience, but Michael was definitely not the guy for her, or for any other girls out there in her opinion. He threw around sexist comments around the office like it was some cool shit and chivalry was definitely dead for him.
Y/N finally got up from her seat, shoulders still tense from the day's events. Opening the refrigerator, she stood there gawking at the leftovers in it.
“Cold pizza….spaghetti….chocolate brownies….” She looked at your dinner options, weighing each one's pros and cons before settling on - “Brownies it is.”
Taking out the chocolate confection , she returned to the couch. She put on Netflix as she browsed through it's movie section.
“Stupid Prince Charming-” she scoffed, biting into the delicious the chocolate chip brownie in hand. Grumbling at the unrealistic standards of Netflix rom coms, she still pressed the play on the film The Proposal.
Finishing her 'dinner', Y/N picked up the comforter, nestling deep into her couch as she watched the coldhearted Margaret fall head over heels for her assistant, the exhaustion kicked in.
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And that's how the next morning started as Y/N woke up one hour later than usual. She had fallen into a deep sleep on her couch before Andrew even got to propose to Margaret, which was not exactly the wisest decision as the next morning, her neck and back screaming in pain.
The girl knew she was going to be late to work today by the time she had left the house. Hair up in a messy bun, a bag hanging from her shoulder, she tried to smoothen down the creases on her skirt before rushing towards the elevator in high heels.
“Hold the door!” She yelled at the man inside as soon as the door started to close. She sprinted towards the elevator as the man kept looking at her, an annoyed look evident on his face when he slammed the button, taking a step forward to keep the door from closing.
“Thank you!” Y/N huffed, as she got in the elevator. The man chose to remain silent and he pressed the ground button on the elevator. “I am so screwed today! I have never been this late to work!” She babbled on but the man still maintained the stoic look on his face. Y/N slightly turned to face the man of stone. He was probably in his thirties, his dirty blonde hair, sparkling green eyes and light stubble on his cheeks went very well with the crisp grey suit he was wearing. One hand in his pocket, he just stood there, jaw clenched together, eyes focused on the shut doors.
“You know, I should have set the alarm! Stupid-”
“Do you ever shut up?” The man finally spoke, a look of disinterest passing his face.
“Wow. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Excuse me?” His voice was hard.
“I said, someone woke up-”
“I heard what you said. I am just not interested in listening to your morning fuck-up story.” He scoffed.
“Woah, okay.” She widened her eyes at his disrespectful comment, “I just-” The elevator reached the ground floor of their apartment building and the doors opened with a ‘ding’.
“I think you don't want to waste anymore time talking since you're already running late.” Y/N gasped slightly at the audacity of the man. “Have a good day, Miss L/N.” The man wished before moving out of the confined space as Y/N narrowed her eyes at him and wondered how he knew her name.
“Have a good day as well, Mr….” She trailed off as she got out of the vator as well.
“Dean Winchester.” He said as he walked away, never once looking back as Y/N stood there, bewildered at what just happened.
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Hands balled up into fists in apprehension, Y/N inhaled audibly, as she stood on the other side of the door. She was late to the meeting by half an hour, twenty-four minutes to be precise and nothing annoyed her boss more than tardiness.
“Y/N, it's a pleasure that you finally graced this meeting with your presence on this fine morning.” Abaddon’s words laced with acute sarcasm made it quite clear that Y/N was doomed when she entered the room. The remaining four pairs of eyes in the room were zeroed in on her, as she abashedly took a seat at the far-end of the table. She couldn't risk her job because of her smartass mouth and she was already on thin ice, so she kept quiet and let Abaddon carry on with the meeting cause even Cruella De Vil would be hiding her face in shame if she ever met Abaddon. She was an Umbridge before her coffee and a Regina George after drinking her coffee. There was no way she was going to spare the poor girl today.
“As I was pointing out, our sales have gone down in recent months quite drastically. Readers are saying the contents are not relatable or entertaining enough….”
A yawn threatened to leave Y/N as she listened to Abaddon go on about the poor performance of the company, her mind preoccupied by a certain green-eyed man. She had never seen Dean in the building before this morning. He was annoyingly good looking and rude and Y/N couldn't seem to get rid of the image of him looking dapper in that grey suit. She was barely able to focus on what Abaddon was saying.
With Dean Winchester still running through her mind, Y/N trudged back to her small cubicle after the painfully hour long meeting.
Plopping down on the chair, covering her face with her hands, she exclaimed, “I need coffee!”
“Thank me later.” She turned her head to Meg as she pushed a hot cup of coffee towards her before going back to her own cubicle.
“Black, just like my heart.” She said before inhaling the strong smell of the drink. Taking a little sip, she let out a sigh of content. “Jesus, I needed this badly.”
“Yeah, you look like shit,” Meg chuckled, earning a glare from her friend. “Did you even take a look at the mirror today? Honestly, I am not even exaggerating, I-”
“Meg, I’ll forever be grateful to you for this cup of coffee, but please stop talking.” Y/N groaned loudly.
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Michael walking towards her and put on headphones and turning the volume up, trying to look busy. “Heads up, incoming douchebag.” The brunette said. After the hubbub of the morning and the shitshow of a meeting, Michael was the last person Y/N wanted to see.
“Morning, Y/N.” The smug smile on his face made her cringe. This had been going on for a month now. She thought after last night, Michael would finally back down, but apparently she was very wrong. “My messages don't seem to get through anymore.”
“She blocked you. God, take a hint.” Meg muttered.
“She's right. It's ‘cause you can’t seem to take no for an answer.” Y/N huffed.
“One dinner. Just one.”
“She said no. Isn't that enough?” Meg jumped to her friend’s rescue when she saw her fumbling and getting uncomfortable. Michael inched towards Y/N anyway, completely ignoring his colleague’s comment, a smirk evident on his face.
“Y/N, don't be so uptight. What harm does a single dinner gonna do?” He asked.
“It’ll be cheating. I have a boyfriend.” Y/N blurted out, making Meg’s eyes go wide, but it actually seemed to work as Michael moved away from her.
“A boyfriend?”
“Yeah. We have been going out for a while now.” The said man frowned as he thought the words over before leaving her space with a little nod of his head. Maybe it worked on him without any hassle, but she knew this lie would come back to bite her in the ass if the whole office got to know about it. Oh, and they would know since turning around, Y/N saw Ruby staring at her, a grin appearing on her face as she took in all the juicy gossip. The lie was now gonna spread like wildfire.
“Spill.” Y/N turned to look at her friend who stood there, hands folded, eyes wide, brows raised in utter disbelief. She puckered her lips as she waited on Y/N to explain who just frowned in reply. “Well? What happened? I want all the details, Y/N!”
“Oh come on, L/N. Share the deets.” Ruby snickered. “Who's the man that actually managed to capture your heart?”
“Dean Winchester.” The name tumbled out of her lips so easily and that was how she knew she was screwed.
Chapter 2
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Feedback is highly appreciated!
Let me know if you want to be tagged in this series!
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a-simple-imagine · 4 years
New Student
Requested by anonymous: “I was thinking maybe having the reader be a transfer student from Ilvermorny and Hermione tutors her to help her catch up with the curriculum of the new school.”
Pairing: Hermione Granger x fem!reader
Words: 4.3k+
Warnings - Prejudice and brief mention of pain
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"I understand that your family is of pure descent, correct?" You can't help but fidget in your seat; the vibrant pink of her office was making you extremely uncomfortable. Not to mention the gentle mewing coming from the plates that decorated the walls. It was one thing to love cats but surely this grew annoying after a while. You nod a little as you sit up straighter. The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was currently reading your transfer file. Having once attended school overseas, you were new to Hogwarts but instead of arriving like everyone else you were in your fifth year of education and the term had already begun for everyone else. Of course, your father cleared this with the school ahead of time but it was still embarrassing arriving so late. Not to mention, everyone else had four years of relationships and you were now just some weird new kid. "I do hope you'll consider your friends wisely while attending Hogwarts."
"May I ask what you mean by that Professor?" That was the first question you had asked since stepping through that door and you were very quickly regretting it. The woman wore a sickeningly sweet smile as she lowered the file from before her face.
"As a fifth-year student, you will be expected to take your OWLs this year. Do you believe your last establishment has prepared you for your examinations?"
"I guess," you shrug. You'd never had any trouble getting good grades in the past but Professor Umbridge didn't look convinced. Scribbling something down on her parchment, she pauses for a moment to meet your eyes.
"I would suggest acquiring a tutor for additional support. I can arrange for one of your peers to meet with you."
"That's quite alright, Professor." You dread to think of the tutor she would assign you; probably someone very studious and strict. Boring comes to mind too. "You're much too busy to concern yourself with such a task. I believe I'm quite capable of finding someone on my own."
"It is great to see a young witch taking some initiative," Her smile felt more genuine this time whereas yours was awkward.
"If that is all, may I go?"
"Of course. Run along dear" Slowly rising, you wish you could actually run out of the office and never come back but you proceed calmly. Only stopping by the door when you hear her speak once more. "But do keep in mind what I've said. We wouldn't want you falling in with the wrong kind of wizards while you're here. I expect your last school taught you how to conduct yourself."
"Thank you for your time, Professor Umbridge." With a bow of your head, you slip out the door with a sigh of the utmost relief. She was a very... intense woman to be around. After one meeting, you had another but this time it was with your head of house. Having arrived so late, you didn't partake in the sorting ceremony; which honestly you were kind of grateful for. Having to be sorted with a bunch of eleven-year-olds in front of the whole school definitely would have followed you around. Professor McGonagall briskly glides down the hallway as you stumble a few steps behind. She was the head of Gryffindor.
"I hate to be a bother but Professor Umbridge suggested I get a tutor and I was wondering if you might know a suitable candidate? With having started a few weeks after everyone else and OWLs fast approaching, I thought it was best to be safe than sorry"
"Your transcripts from your previous school don't suggest you'll have much trouble but a tutor may be beneficial," The older woman glanced back at you with a warm smile. "I have the perfect witch for the job. She's a real credit to Gryffindor. You were in Thunderbird previously?"
"Yes ma'am. Thunderbird House was considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard and favoured adventures," you announce proudly. "I've never felt like much of an adventurer myself though."
"I'm sure you'll be a grand edition to Gryffindor. I may be biased but we're the best house at Hogwarts."
"I don't doubt that," Although you had no clue about any of the other houses to compare. "If you don't mind me asking Professor, where are we going?"
"To introduce you to your new tutor. She's in your first class so I thought I would escort you."
"Oh," You scramble forward a little faster to keep up with the woman; falling into step. "Do you think she'll be enough? I transferred at such an awkward time."
Hogwarts castle was as big as you'd imagine which made the journey to your first class seem like an eternity. As you're led down the hallway and into the dungeon, it's like the atmosphere completely changes. It's dark and cold down here. She comes to a stop outside a classroom, you peer around Professor McGonagall to see students sat at desks with small cauldrons placed before them.
"Can I speak to Miss Granger?" McGonagall asks of the teacher. He didn't seem too happy about the intrusion but he doesn't object. After a moment, a girl with luscious locks of mahogany brown steps through the door; she looks worried.
"Have I done something wrong, Professor?" Her eyes fall to yours and you offer up a small smile which she returns.
"Of course not. I just wanted to introduce you to our newest student. She'll be joining Gryffindor and was in the market for a tutor. As one of the finest students in all of Hogwarts, I thought of you."
Her eyes seemed to sparkle in response to the praise. "I would be happy to help, Professor."
It was becoming more clear that whoever this girl was, she was very eager to please. It was written in her body language or the way she addressed McGonagall. She introduces herself as Hermione Granger before heading back into class to ensure she doesn't miss anything. The nerves set in as you realise you're supposed to follow.
"A new student for you, Professor." Guess there was no turning back, you step through the archway. It was rather dull and dark but it matched the feeling of the dungeons. The shelves were lined with varying ingredients and while students had previously been working on potions, now all their attention was drawn to you.
"A little late for new additions," The man spoke slowly; he had a nasally sound to his voice. His displeasure transformed into a scowl aimed directly at you. The whispers of nosey students fill the awkward silence
"Just take a seat," He demands and you didn't think twice about it. Hurrying to the first open seat you could find. "We don't have time for frivolous introductions."
Potions class had never been something you had struggled with but it seemed that the Professor - whose name you had come to learn as Snape - seemed to be making it as difficult as possible. Every question was thrown at you despite other students who will not be named being so eager to answer them. They were also specific questions such as where to find certain ingredients within the confines of the UK which you had no clue. You knew today was going to be a very long day.
Lunchtime approached and nothing felt more daunting today than being in a room full of students and not knowing a single one. You park yourself down at the end of Gryffindor table, food lined the middle and you grab a few sandwiches placing them on your plate. You're not sure if it's relief or something else when you spot the only girl you knew so far come to join you; followed by some friends.
"McGonagall gave me your timetable," She announces, sitting down opposite you. "and I have created a schedule that ensures we have enough time to cover everything."
"When did you have time to make this?" You wonder, taking a bite of the sandwich you'd picked up. It wasn't half bad.
"Never underestimate Hermione's ability to do a boring task," Next to her sat a boy with ginger hair; he wore a welcoming smile on his face that was peppered with freckles. "I'm Ron by the way."
The others that had arrived alongside Hermione, introduced themselves one by one. There was Ginny Weasley who was related to Ron; even if she hadn't told you it wasn't hard to figure out. Then there was the famous Harry Potter. A name you knew only in passing; rumours spread all around the world about him. Hermione slides a piece of parchment across the table. Along the top sat the days of the week and down the side were hours within the day. They were colour coded by type so each potion class and potion study sessions were in green and so on. Pretty much every square had been filled in with one boring task or another. "This is... a lot."
"Considering our classes this morning, you seem rather behind so I thought it was best that we take every opportunity to bring you up to speed," Having moved to England, the accent and speed in which they spoke was rather hard to understand but you don't bring it up. "We have a lot to cover before exams."
"I'm actually rather good at potions," you protest. "Professor Snape was asking me weird questions. How am I supposed to know where to find things, I've only just moved here."
"Snape can be a right git," Ron mumbles through a mouth full of food.
"You're from America, right?" This time it's Harry who speaks. There's a part of you that wants to ask about his scar but considering you've just met it seemed too rude to voice.
"Yes," you nod. "I attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until my father insisted on sending me here once we moved."
"Hogwarts is the best wizarding school in the world." Hermione declares. "Or so I've read."
"I liked my old school," You'd grown used to the mechanics of Ilvermorny plus you had friends there. "Hermione, no offence, but I would kind of like to have a little fun while I'm here and this leaves no time for literally anything else? What about clubs or quidditch?"
"Studying is fun. What could be more beneficial than acquiring new knowledge," Hermione's expression is genuine but you can't see yourself thinking studying is the epitome of fun any time soon. "I will not let Professor McGonagall down by not preparing you properly. So that means hard work- we will start after lunch."
"Is she always like this?" You turn to the others.
"Pretty much." They all agree. Maybe this had been a mistake?
"So you're the new girl, huh?" A shadow lingers over you and you look up to the culprit. That vibrant red hair seemed to be everywhere, you frown a little before looking to Ron.
"Heard you came all the way from America." Another one appears beside him, a broad smile on display. Twins?
"They're my brothers," Ron answers the question before you can even ask. There sure were a lot of Weasleys in this castle.
"How many Weasleys are there?"
"I have six siblings, Ginny is the youngest. Bill, Charlie and Percy have already left though."
"I'm Fred." One of the twins announces, patting your shoulder a little. "The most handsome Weasley brother."
"I'm George and I'm much more handsome than that git," He shoves his brother playfully.
"You're identical twins,"
"No, we're not," George protests. "Fred here is adopted. I can't believe you think we look the same."
"I'm offended you think I look like this tosspot, I'm much prettier." He dramatically pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder.
"We can show you around if you like?" They both offer; as bad as it sounds you knew you were gonna struggle remembering who was who.
"We know every corner of this place." Fred declares
"Every nook and cranny." George continues. "We also the guys to go to if you ever need anything- think fanged frisbees or puking pastels. We've got you covered."
"Uh..." Glancing to your timetable, you hold it up for them to see. "I don't think I'll have time for a tour between classes and study sessions."
"Guess we'll see you around then, Miss America." They both leave you alone to finish your lunch. 
Written down Hermione's schedule was a lot but attending sessions was ten times worse.  The constant studying was exhausting; how she was able to just keep going was crazy but impressive. Today was Arithmancy study in the Gryffindor common room. You were sat beside Hermione at the desk; sketching her side profile on the parchment filled with unfinished sums as she explained what she was doing. Every so often she'd look at you and you'd look away. Careful not to get caught staring as you perfected each delicate line that made up her face.
"And that's how you get fifty-six- see?" Hermione shows you her work, tapping the answer with the tip of her quill.
Staring at the answer didn't make much sense but neither did the working out. You hadn't been listening at all so you flash her a sympathetic smile. "I don't get it,"
"Are you even paying attention?" Her brow crinkled; her quill falling to the desk.
"Let's see your work then?" Before she can grab it, you drag your parchment away. Smothering the contents with the palms of your hands.
"Show me." She requested firmly. Eyes narrowing in on you as if issuing a challenge. With a heavy sigh, you back down. Handing over your work.
"Fine. I wasn't paying attention," You admit with a shrug; leaning over the back of the chair to stare up at the ceiling. "Arithmancy is just so boring."
"You chose to take it,"
"My parents forced me to take it," You correct, glancing back at her. Taking your parchment between her fingers, it's hard to miss the rush of colour that floods her pale cheeks. You didn't think your drawing was that good; definitely not even close to some of your other work. If anything you were embarrassed by how bad it was.
"It's pretty rough like I could do better if I had more time and my pencils" Drawing provided you with a distraction when it was most needed. You'd only started a year ago but it quickly developed into your hobby of choice. Learning to sketch people had been tough but after spending pretty much every class, staring at your fellow students you had gotten decent at it.
"It's..." Hermione trails off, handing back your work. "Can you please focus?"
"We've been at this for hours." A long groan leaves your throat as you slump down in your seat. Arms folded over your chest.
"Just a few more questions before we finish,"
You were finally growing used to your life at Hogwarts. Most of your time was spent with Hermione but you did manage to convince her to ease up a little. She grew busy with a club or something so she was more than happy to leave you to your own devices.
"You wanted to see me, Professor," you announce, entering the pink lion's den. It was somehow looking even pinker than the last time you stepped foot in here.
"Ah yes, please do take a seat. I'll be just a moment." Dropping your bag down beside the chair, you sit in the seat she signalled to. There wasn't a lot of time before you were supposed to meet Hermione to practice some charms. After a moment, Professor Umbridge speaks up. "Do you know why I've asked to see you?"
You shake your head slowly.
"Do you remember what I told you when you first arrived?"
"To get a tutor? I don't believe I'm falling behind in my classes." Hermione had been a great teacher overall; ensuring you understand everything before moving on although Snape still had a habit of asking you questions you didn't know. Was this about that?
"I'm referring to your choice in companions."
"Oh," you swallow hard. You didn't know what to say to that. Since arriving you'd started hanging with Hermione and her friends. You'd also found yourself drawn to the Weasley twins on the odd occasion. "Uh... I can assure you I've made friends Professor."
"I've noticed," she didn't sound pleased "Professor Snape also mentioned that you've been a wee bit disruptive in his class."
"That's not a fair judgment-" The words leave your lips sharper than intended but fall short when you notice the crease across the other woman's forehead.
"As headmaster, you must realise that I can't allow you to disrupt the way this school runs. Therefore you will be punished." Other than getting questions wrong, you wouldn't say you've done much else wrong in Snape's class. It wasn't fair that you were being punished for something so trivial but speaking up seemed like a one way trip to something worse. "Don't look so worried. You'll just be writing lines for me."
"Writing lines," you repeat cautiously. That seemed easy enough before you could reach into your bag, a quill and piece of parchment are placed before you. "What do you want me to write?"
"I must not fraternise with muggle-borns,"
"What does that have to do with Snape's class?" You wonder.
"Just do as your told," Umbridge quips quickly. "I do believe you've been seen around the castle with Miss Granger, correct?"
"Hermione?" You hardly believed Hermione had done anything to step out of line. Plus what did that have to do with anything? You were allowed to be friends with whoever you wanted. "Of course she is my tutor after all."
"It seems it may be more than that," Umbridge's sickeningly sweet giggle fills the office. "Now please begin."
"You haven't given me any ink?"
Striding behind her desk, she takes a seat and offers a smile. "You won't need any,"
Picking up the quill, you twist it between your fingers trying to figure out its secrets. It was black in colour, long, thin, and looked to be extremely sharp. Clearly, it was an enchanted quill if it didn't need ink. The tip glides across the paper with ease, gracing its surface with the ridiculous phrase you'd been forced to write in shiny red ink. How many times was she expecting you to do this? Hermione wouldn't be happy if you turned up late to one of your study sessions... again. A weird tingling spilt through the back of your hand before transforming into a sharp pain as you write the phrase a second time. Each letter appeared on your hand as you write it as if etched there by a scalpel. You drop the quill and the words slowly fade away but not without leaving your hand red. "Keep writing," Umbridge draws your attention, peering over from behind her teacup. You take a deep breath and write I must not fraternize with muggle-borns, the searing pain returned to your hand as you saw the phrase carved into your skin. You flex your hand as if that would relieve the pain but again the wound heels over. You no longer stopped between each line, the burning in your hand now a constant but it seemed after so many times the phrase was no longer fading. The hand on your shoulder startles you; the quill slipping from your grip.
"I think that's enough, you're free to go." Grabbing your bag, you leap out of your seat and rush for the door. "As a witch of your social standing, you should know better."
Head down, you charge through the castle to go meet Hermione but your speed slows as you realise tears prick your eyes. Dropping down on the nearest bench, you bury your face in your hands. Surely that kind of punishment wasn't allowed?
"If it isn't our favourite American." Head shooting up, you spy Fred and George. After all this time, you were beginning to be able to tell them apart.
"Why so glum, chum?" Your eyes drift just briefly to the scar on your hand. The twins taking up space either side of you.
"It's nothing- I'm fine."
"If you're fine, why are you crying?" Fred puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
"I'm not crying," but you have to wipe your cheeks to make sure. "I just..." you couldn't explain why you were so upset. Your thumb brushes over the back of your hand.
"Oh- it's no so bad," Fred squeezes your arm gently, they must have figured it out. "It'll fade soon enough."
"And it doesn't hurt very long, look." George shows you the back of his hand, you can't even read what it was supposed to have said. It doesn't make you feel better. "Don't cry, she's not worth it."
"Can you two leave me alone?"
"Nope," George's thumb brushes away a stray tear before tapping you on the end of your nose. You couldn't help but smile a little as you scrunched up your nose.
"We don't leave pretty sad girls alone in corridors to cry." Fred insists. "How about you show us what she had you write?"
Unsure about the decision, you let the two of them see what Umbridge had done. George takes hold of your hand, inspecting it carefully. "I must not fraternize with muggle-borns," George reads out quietly. "Do much fraternizing do you?"
"I don't even know any muggle-borns," Is all you say in response. Muggle was such a dumb word.
"Uh... Hermione? Aren't you two like best friends," Fred comments
"Hermione is No-Maj-born?" So that was why Umbridge had seemed so interested in your relationship. It was clear she held prejudice against No-Majs so it was only logical that she was trying to keep you, a pure-blood wizard, from mixing with Hermione, A no-maj-born.
"No-maj?" George questions
"Right, no-maj stand for no magic? You call em muggles." You sniffle, drying your cheeks properly.
"Ah no-maj." they both repeat.
Feeling a little better the twins escort you to your courtyard for your session with Hermione. She was packing up her textbook when she finally notices you. 0What did I tell you about punctuation? I will not tolerate sitting around here like a fool- if you do not wish to take your studies seriously then don't bother asking me to tutor you at all." The fire behind her eyes brings you to tears only this time they were hot and fast. Spilling down your face as a result of being yelled at. Hermione's expression drops, your tears extinguishing the fire. "I- Uh... sorry. I didn't mean-"
"I-It's alright," With the sleeve of your cardigan, you try to wipe away all evidence of your breakdown.
"What's wrong with your hand?"
"Umbridge," You don't even try to conceal it now. "I don't think she likes that we're hanging out."
"I'm sorry she did that to you," She takes your hand in hers, her fingertip dancing delicately over your scar. It was ripe to the touch causing you to flinch a little; pulling your hand away. "You should tell your parents."
"And cause more trouble?" Was she crazy? "I don't want to give her any more reason to drag me into the office again."
"Then... if you don't wish to continue our study sessions, I would understand. I don't want to get you into trouble." Hermione fidgets with the strap of her bag, unable to look you in the eye. It was probably the smartest choice to never hang out with Hermione again. It would certainly save you from future punishments but if you did that you'd undoubtedly miss her. She'd become such a constant In your life, you could imagine it without her in it.
"I like our sessions together," You declare, offering her the warmest smile you could muster. "Can we skip today though? My hand stings and I'm really not in the mood anymore."
"Sure," Her smile looks almost sad in comparison. "Should we go get some dinner?" 
Finishing up packing, the two of you head for the great hall. There was no way Umbridge was gonna dictate who you can be friends with even if it meant more punishment.
Christmas approaches fast and brought with it a merry aura that filled every inch of the castle. You linger in the courtyard with your suitcase waiting for Hermione. She promised to meet you before you left but had a commitment to attend to first. You don't question her but you do wish she'd hurry up; it was awfully cold out here. It's a miracle when she finally shows up, a bright smile as she approaches
"I just wanted to give you this before I go." Digging through your pockets, you produce a folded up piece of paper; taking a few steps closer.
"What is it?"
"Open it," The nerves settled in your stomach as she unfolded the paper. This time, using your pencils, you'd manage to create an almost collage of sketches. Each one of the girl who stood next to you right now during different times in the past month. It seemed like a nice little farewell gift. "Have a good break, yeah?"
"These are... you're really good." Hermione meets your soft gaze. Her face pink in colour but that may have been due to the cold. "Thank you." She wears a small, embarrassed smile. "When did you have time to draw these?"
"Never underestimate my ability to avoid my responsibilities and draw pretty girls instead," you tease. Leaning toward you place a kiss against her cheek before pointing to the address you'd written on the bottom. "Write to me."
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