#Harry Trevelyan
spy-battle · 1 year
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The spy tournament is here!
Don't forget to vote for your favourite spy character
The voting begins tomorrow
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blackvoidspace · 1 year
Daemon Targaryen and Jacaerys Velaryon
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Stepfather, stepson, father-in-law, son-in-law and great-uncle and great-nephew.
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masterworker-shargo · 2 years
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occhicerchiati · 1 year
Esercizi di scrittura
4) Scrivi una scena in cui si senta il sole
Le prime ore del mattino riuscivano a far scorrere il tempo a modo tutto loro; sembrava lentissimo ogni minuto, tanto quanto flebili erano i raggi di un timido sole, fattosi spazio in un cielo ancora addormentato.
Ed anche la sua pelle si trovava in balia del venticello freddissimo di marzo, coprendosi di brividi invisibili.
William portò le maniche della sua felpa fin sopra le dita, chiudendo le mani in una stretta guidata da un grugnito ristoratore.
Le nubi della notte appena trascorsa si erano dileguate, lasciando all'orizzonte l'opportunità di dipingersi di un rosa pallidissimo.
Erano solamente le sette e lui era già sveglio da un'ora, di nuovo. Doveva ammettere che le lezioni alle otto del mattino iniziavano a non essere più così tanto indigeste, se alzarsi per primo dal loro letto poteva donargli quei momenti di pace assoluta.
Sospirò, lasciando lo sguardo a vagare lento sugli edifici attorno a lui. L'ultimo piano iniziava a piacergli, da quando Edoardo gli aveva mostrato l'alba per la prima volta, l'inverno passato. Avrebbe voluto andare a svegliarlo per mostrargli i giochi che il sole aveva deciso di portare nel cielo quella mattina, sempre diverso ma spettacolare in ogni sua apparizione.
Una punta di arancione in lontananza, immersa nell'azzurro ceruleo, gli increspò le labbra in un sorriso. Distolse l'attenzione da Apollo solo per un attimo, rincorrendo il fremere delle sue mani, ostaggio del freddo pungente d'inizio mese. Sentiva la pelle tirare attorno agli occhi e alle labbra, la punta del naso completamente gelata.
Prese un sorso dal suo tè caldissimo, scaldandosi anche le mani, appoggiato con gli avambracci sulla ringhiera ed il viso rivolto dritto verso il sole.
Il profumo di agrumi gli riempì le narici mentre riportava la tazza fra entrambe le mani e tornava a scrutare il giorno appena nato.
Si lasciò baciare dai raggi timidi, chiudendo gli occhi in un'espressione rilassata. Tornato a casa, quel pomeriggio, avrebbe potuto dedicarsi completamente alla lettura della traccia che Edoardo gli aveva chiesto di controllare. Il pensiero gli increspò la pelle in una rughetta al lato degli occhi.
William desiderò di nuovo di averlo affianco in quell'istante, con i capelli legati alla svelta e le mani infilate nella tasca della felpa che indossava, abbracciato a lui per proteggersi dal freddo.
E sentire sulla punta delle sue labbra lo stesso calore dei baci avidi che il sole gli stava lasciando sulle guance.
Forse, Edoardo sarebbe stato geloso di quei raggi, imbronciandosi solo per farsi baciare un secondo dopo. William arricciò la bocca in una risata accennata con se stesso, sorseggiando il suo tè.
William lasciò le braccia del sole per voltarsi verso quel sussurro impastato dal sonno. Edoardo lo guardava con un occhio mezzo chiuso, affacciato alla porta del balcone, avvolto fra le proprie braccia come unico scudo dal freddo.
William sentì le guance già tiepide diventare ancora più calde. «Ehi. Torna a letto, è presto.» lo salutò, parlando piano.
Edoardo lo ascoltava senza guardarlo, rapito dal panorama dietro di lui. Uscì con una gamba soltanto, adagiandosi alla porta con una spalla. I ricci morbidi gli coprivano il collo e rimanevano incastrati nel colletto della felpa verde scura che aveva sopra il pigiama.
William mosse un passo verso di lui, studiando la meraviglia sul suo viso con un sorriso abbozzato.
Alle sue spalle, il sole si era indispettito e aveva deciso di sfoggiare i suoi vestiti più belli, inondando il cielo sopra di loro di nuvole dalle sfumature di rosa e di viola talmente varie da lasciare entrambi senza parole, con il naso rivolto all'insù.
Edoardo gli cinse la vita con le braccia, affondando le mani nella tasca della sua felpa, facendo sì che adagiasse la schiena al suo petto.
Gli lasciò un bacio sulla tempia, riposando il mento sulla sua spalla in una coccola guidata da un lieve rimasuglio di stanchezza.
William sorrise, inclinando la testa verso le sue labbra, adagiandosi alla guancia di lui. «Will?»
«Questa è la mia felpa?»
William abbassò il naso fino ad incontrare il colletto della felpa che indossava, ridacchiando. «Può darsi.»
Il sole gli venne in soccorso, accarezzando le guance di Edoardo con il più dolce dei raggi. Questi chiuse gli occhi, lasciando andare quella risposta con un sorriso appena accennato. «Si sta proprio bene.»
William annuì, lo sguardo a passeggiare sulla pelle di Edoardo, osservandone i minimi dettagli per impararli di nuovo a memoria, come ogni mattina.
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katesprydes · 6 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
thank you @good-enemy for the tag <3
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: sorry but i prefer disney i could name maybe like two dreamworks movies off the top of my head
coffee or tea: tea because coffee tastes burnt
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: unfortunately i am a marvel fan
x-box or playstation: i havent used either of these in years
dragon age or mass effect: what
night owl or early riser: night owl
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: depends on the food but usually vanilla
vans or converse: docs
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: ⁉️
fluff or angst: angst. hurt that blorbo you know you want to
beach or forest: beach
dogs or cats: dogs by default because im allergic to cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies but like the kind of clear skies when its sunny with no clouds in the sky but its chilly out
cooking or eating out: depends on the food
spicy food or mild food: mild food bc im a picky eater and also white
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: hanukkah
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold
if you could have a superpower what would it be: telekinesis but that might just be because im a jean grey girlie
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: ⁉️
baths or showers: baths but unfortunately showers are more convenient
team cap or team iron man: i hate both of them
fantasy or sci-fi: anyone who knows me knows i am the biggest fantasy lover out there
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: idk i have a lot but i couldnt name them off the top of my head
youtube or netflix: youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson obviously. he'd also kick harry potter's ass but thats a whole other conversation
when do you feel accomplished: when i succeed
star wars or star trek: ive seen bits of star wars so that one
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover books because they have built in bookmarks and also theyre pretty
live in a world without literature or music: nice try but no
who was the last person to make you laugh: i dont know probably my dad
city or countryside: city i love the city i am a big city person (i dont live in a big city)
favorite chips: baked lays
pants or dresses: pants
libraries or museums: museums we have no good libraries here
character driven stories or plot driven stories: oh thats hard. probably plot but i do love a good character driven story
bookmarks or folding pages: bookmarks
dream job: music therapist
what gives you comfort: my dog. also music
what are you currently having brain rot levels of interest over: the once upon a broken heart series by stephanie garber and also maisie peters's music
what is your current favorite song: coming of age by maisie peters
(added question) how many books have you read this year?
tagging @henwilsons @napollya @thegoosewitch and whoever else is interested
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konigs-left-pec · 5 months
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Tagged by ❤️ @voidfromouterspace ❤️
Under the cut because I'm a peasant on mobile who can't format her post properly. 🥲 They're in no particular order and definitely reveal something about me lol.
Tagging @soapskneebrace @blingblong55 @reeser333 @hexqueensupreme @mischievoussealll and anyone else who feels like participating. Or don't. I'll find a way to carry on.
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Solas, everyone's favorite snooty apostate elf - Dragon Age Inquisition (it was a toss up between him and Anders, but Solas/Trevelyan is such a damn hot ship that I couldn't resist.)
John Graves Simcoe - TURN: Washington's Spies
The Drifter - Destiny
Paladin Danse - Fallout 4
Miraak - Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Call of Duty: MW2
Garrus Vakarian - Mass Effect
Grima Wormtongue - Lord of the Rings
Severus Snape - Harry Potter (Severus deserved so much better, but don't get me started on that.)
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper - Overwatch
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melisusthewee · 15 days
Fanfic Writer Questions
I was tagged in this by both @dreadfutures and @blarrghe ! I did this once a few years ago, so it's interesting to see what's changed since then.
Tagging forward: @theluckywizard @greypetrel @darethshirl @natliecole @if-not-now-tell-me-when @madame-fear
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 35, though I believe 5 of them are artwork only for exchanges and not actually fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 87, 413 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? In my AO3 era: Hockey RPF; Dragon Age; La Sociedad de la Nieve/Society of the Snow Pre-AO3 (the ff.net/LJ era): Digimon Adventure, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Beatles RPF, a little bit of DC/Marvel
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. The Tang of Liquor On His Tongue (Dragon Age) 2. The Dreamer Sets the Rules (Dragon Age) 3. mala suledin nadas (Dragon Age) 4. Smut Challenge 2: War Table Boogaloo (Dragon Age) 5. Mañana (LSDLN/SotS)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try to! There have been a couple of times where I've gotten overwhelmed or have been busy and fallen behind. But I try really hard to reply to every single comment I get.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That's hard to pick. I think that a lot of my fic endings lean more towards catharsis than raw angst. Perhaps "Lathbora Viran" is the angstiest ending because it concludes a trilogy of fics about Solas' spirit friend Wisdom and ends with the implication that Wisdom became corrupted into the Regret demon that appears in Skyhold in "Tevinter Nights".
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Any of my romantic fics, I guess? If I had to pick one then I would probably say "Nothing Else Than What is Now" which was the extremely long one shot that led to all my Quinn Trevelyan/Horatio Morris nonsense. It originally wasn't supposed to have a happy ending, but about midway through writing it I changed my mind and even though OC / OC is extremely niche in just about any fandom, I'm still glad I did it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. We'll see if that changes now that I've mentioned I've written LSDLN fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep. 2 out of my top 5 fics are smut, and 2 more out of the top 5 have implied sex. I suppose that says I must be good at it. I don't really know what kind of smut I write since every smutfic I've written has been either a challenge or a prompt fill or a gift. I think I'm an example of that meme of "the 2000 word blow job is an important piece of character development". I really lean into tricking you into having emotions and feelings and getting introspective inside characters' heads while they're naked and getting down dirty. Come for the smut, stay for the emotional feelings!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I did when I was younger, but haven't really vibed with it much in recent years. In terms of published fic, maybe the Harry Potter/Beatles crossover drabble I wrote based on a piece of artwork that an old friend of mine had done. I still have the fic, but the artwork has sadly been lost to the ethers of the internet. But the idea was that the Beatles didn't really break up in 1970, they just took on a different career.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge. But I have taken to granting permission in my author's notes of new fics for anyone who might want to translate them into other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, actually! Some of my very first fanfics were co-written with a friend of mine. We never published them, but it was just fun to write little stories together.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? Even though I've never written any fanfic for it, I am 100% pure unleaded Chrobin trash. They are my OTP and I am probably due for a replay of Fire Emblem Awakening for it again. "YOU ARE THE WIND AT MY BACK AND THE SWORD AT MY SIDE."
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? One of the very first fics I ever started writing for the Dragon Age fandom was an Alistair/Cousland piece that looked at the period of time between the Warden's disappearance and their (hopefully) eventual return. It was meant to be 10 chapters, with each chapter split between a section in the past that looked at their romance over time and a section that took place in the more immediate present as Alistair navigated the events of DAI. I still have the document sitting on my laptop as well as backed up in my google drive, but I only ever finished the first chapter and even though I go back to it sometimes and make notes, I've not worked on it with any serious attention in years (I started this fic not too long after the Trespasser DLC was released) and at this point I doubt it will ever be in a publishable state let alone finished.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at dialogue! I'm very good at conveying personalities and speech patterns in written dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Blowjobs
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? For me, I think it depends on the amount of dialogue that is being spoken in another language and whether or not it's something the character whose POV is being written would understand.
With fantasy settings like Dragon Age, most of my fics are written from the POV of one of the game protagonists which are all human in my world state. So they wouldn't understand things like Qunlat or Elvhen, but also as those conlangs are incomplete languages, I will usually just refer to dialogue as being spoken in a language that the POV character doesn't understand. In a few fics where I've written from Solas' POV, I have used things like italics or sometimes <<special dialogue brackets>> to denote that this speech is being spoken between two characters in another language. Since the languages are fictional but the story is being told in English, it makes sense that the "author" translates in a similar logic to how Tolkien's books are "translated" for us to read.
With stories and settings that are more grounded in reality, I'll use other languages where appropriate. Usually this is in the form of nicknames or titles or expressions that I feel can't really convey the same tone or idea if they were translated into English. I've been very fortunate to find several new friends in the LSDLN fandom who have taught me a lot about monickers and nicknames and phrases in different regional dialects of Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically it was Digimon Adventure - baby's first Mary-Sue fic
20. Favourite fic you've written? It's a tie between "In the Long Hours of the Night" and "The Many Faces of Wisdom". With the former, this was the fic where I first felt like I finally got Quinn Trevelyan. It was the fic where he emerged as a more formed and complete character and I'm still proud of it. With the latter, it was an experimental idea that toyed with a rather ambiguously-defined relationship between Solas and the Inquisitor. It also was the first time I played around with writing Fade scenes and spirits and you can see a lot of the building blocks that I would eventually revisit and explore more as I fleshed out my own lore. It's also the one fic where I started with a very specific image in my mind and that I would really love to commission art for one day.
Blank Form Under the Cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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Plot Bunnies &c
Sometimes I have ideas for fic that will not let me rest until I've written them down for the world to see.
Raven’s Plan, but make it Star Wars [x]
A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon/Ned [x]
Re-Entry, but make it Obi-Wan and Yoda [x]
Re-Entry, but make it Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon [x]
The White Princess, but make it GoT [x]
GoT SI, but make it Lysa Arryn [x]
ITFOYL, but make it Dorian/Male Lavellan [x]
Spirit of Curiosity!Inquisitor/Male Hawke [x]
Dorian/amnesiac!mage!Male Trevelyan [x]
Old God Razikale!Inquisitor [x]
Dragon Age, but make it Warden!Inquisitor!Hawke [x]
The Accidental Warlord, The Prequel [x]
Harry Potter, but make it early Tudor culture [x]
GoT, but make Jon Snow Rhaella's bastard [x]
GoT, but make it f!Jon Snow/Jaime Lannister soulmates [x]
Dragon Age, but give us an older!Inquisitor [x]
GoT, but Rhaenys lives and takes the throne [x]
ITFOYL, but make it a time loop [x]
Star Wars, but make it Empress Palpatine [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it First Age!Legolas [x] [x]
LotR, but make it Legolas/Gimli secret relationship [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it Second Age!Legolas [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it Third Age!Legolas [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it half-Maia!Legolas [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it half-Elf!Legolas [x]
Lord of the Rings, but make it Princess of Dol Amroth [x]
LotR, but make it Legolas/Gimli established relationship [x]
Percy Jackson, but make it upgraded [x]
Game of Thrones, but make Joffrey legitimate [x]
A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon/Renly [x]
A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon/Jon Arryn [x]
Game of Thrones, but make it Horatio Alger [x]
Winter Roses, but make it Jon/Rhaenys [x]
Rhaegar wins, but Targaryen drama abounds [x]
Targaryen Restoration, but make it a RomCom [x]
Aegon Targaryen, but make it reincarnation [x]
Robert's Rebellion, but everyone loses [x]
Hallowed King, but make it Aemond/Lucerys [x]
Belligerent Sexual Tension, but make it f!Jon/Viserys III [x]
...and even more
Feel free to adopt or share any of these, just link me if you ever do anything with them.
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blackjackkent · 11 days
7, 17, 27 for the oc asks for anyone you want 👍
(OC Development Questions)
Aight, let's see here! Gonna do RNG to see which OC I talk about, and the RNG says...
Dominic Trevelyan!
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Good old Dom. <3 I miss him.
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Dom's in-game voice, obviously, is Harry Haden-Patton and he does a very good job. (I always particularly loved his moment of closing the trap around Florienne at Halamshiral.)
However, I did always headcanon that Ostwick was a more Irish-influenced area culturally (I can't remember how much of this was headcanon and how much was actually based in canon), so I always pictured him having a more Irish accent. So maybe a Colin Farrell vibe?
17. How prepared is your oc? Ready for the worst no matter what, or completely lost in every situation? Would they have a medkit when it was needed? Would they have an umbrella if it rains?
Dom is a very capable person and by the end of Inquisition I'm pretty sure nothing surprises him anymore. XD He's pretty hard to throw. Whether he'd always have the appropriate supplies on hand is another matter, but he's always equipped with a sword and a shield and a joke and a smile and he's found that those four things cover a wide variety of situations he finds himself in. :D
27. How flexible is your oc? Can they touch their toes or do they have trouble just sitting down because of how stiff they are?
Dom is definitely pretty flexible. (Just ask Cassandra. ;) ) He's super fit and in excellent shape, although it's a fairly muscular sort of fit so he's not doing, like, gymnastics-level flexibility, but he can most certainly maneuver himself pretty deftly.
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scriptorxfabularum · 10 months
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
💀 - Andrea Harrison - Canon - The Walking Dead
🍄 - Owen Moore - Canon - The Last of Us (1/2)
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon
Dragon Age:
🧙🏻‍♀️ - Freya Amell - Canon
🧝🏽 - Zevran Arainai - Canon
🦁 - Michel de Chevin - Canon
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon
🔪 - Faith - Crossover
🍆 - Ros - Canon
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon
Lost Girl:
💖 - Ysabeau "Bo" Dennis - Canon
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - vampire
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle - OC - vampire
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - nurse
🩸 - Theresa Lewis - OC - serial killer
💸 - Ryan Miller - OC - Heir to a Fortune 500 company
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - exotic dancer
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rcrisdraws · 1 year
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Commission for @evilpol featuring DA OCs Robert (left) and Harry (right)!!
[ID: Illustration of two men, Robert Raine on the left and Harry Trevelyan on the right, dancing on a bright night on one of the balconies of Winter Palace surrounded by fireflies. Robert is much shorter than Harry, has somewhat long dark, wavy hair and a short beard, he’s dressed in a dark waistcoat embroidered with golden laurel and plant motifs. Harry is big and burly, slightly fairer in complexion with bright ginger hair and beard without a moustache, his face is scarred on the forehead and the right side of his face, he’s dressed in Winter Palace formal attire, but the color is red instead of blue with a light colored sash and golden accents.]
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napollya · 6 months
Rules: answer all the questions and add one question of your own. thank you @bodybetters for the tag.
coke or pepsi: coke.
disney or dreamworks: both are good, but disney was more of my childhood. (sorry spirit and shrek)
coffee or tea: coffee.
books or movies: movies.
windows or mac: windows! never have owned an apple product ever in my 20 yrs of living.
dc or marvel: ugh, both. soz.
x-box or playstation: playstation. i also have never owned an x-box in my 20 yrs of living.
dragon age or mass effect: i've never played either, but i know more about dragon age (i've never heard of mass effect until now.)
night owl or early riser: early riser.
cards or chess: chess.
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate.
vans or converse: vans.
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: i don't know what this means but going off of names cadash.
fluff or angst: it really depends on my mood, but rn i guess fluff.
beach or forest: forest.
dogs or cats: cats. sorry i have had way too many bad run in with dogs. but i still like them, sometimes. unless they're a doodle.
clear skies or rain: rain.
cooking or eating out: cooking.
spicy food or mild food: spicy!!!!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: odd that these are the only holidays lmao but christmas.
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: little too cold.
if you could have a superpower what would it be: percentage manipulation.
animation or live action: animation.
paragon or renegade: i also had to look this up, and i have no idea.
baths or showers: baths.
team cap or team iron man: team cap.
fantasy or sci-fi: ummmmm ig fantasy.
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: "I know it is my father's first time on this Earth, too. And I know he had it worse when he was little. But I was little too." - Franz Kafka "And I'll dream each night of some version of you. That I might not have, but I did not lose." - Noah Kahan "If I am ever caught in the wrong place / at the wrong time, just being alive / and not bothering anyone, / I hope I am greeted / with the same kind / of mercy." - Rudy Francisco
youtube or netflix: youtube.
harry potter or percy jackson: i wish i could say percy jackson, but i haven't read the books in years. I stopped before mark of athena because i was caught up and he hadn't published any more books yet.
when do you feel accomplished: when i finish all my school work.
star wars or star trek: both, but mainly star wars, but i cannot completely disregard star trek simply for the memories in my childhood.
paperback books or hardcover books: paperback, i love cracking the spine.
live in a world without literature or music: i hate this question, but i've been saying both for a lot.
who was the last person to make you laugh: a girl in my folklore class.
city or countryside: countryside. i am southern
favorite chips: takis.
pants or dresses: pants.
libraries or museums: i would argue that they are the same thing, but museums.
character driven stories or plot driven stories: character driven.
bookmarks or folding pages: bookmarks.
dream job: unrealistically; a safety car driver in f1. it just looks so much fun. realistically; a cat cafe owner.
what gives you comfort: my cat.
what are you currently having brain rot levels of interest over: my original novel idea right now.
what is your current favorite song: 2008 - cleopatrick
how many books have you read this year? maybe 9? 10? i'm not sure. I know i read 8 books in a week over the summer.
what's the most obscure or weirdest thing you find interesting?
tagging: @andreethier / @alightwood / @rep-meow-tay-tion / whoever else wants to do this!
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lunalucykat · 6 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Thanks for tagging me @menkhu !!! :) :D
coke or pepsi: my soda of choice is Dr Pepper, but if i HAD to choose between these two then Coke
disney or dreamworks: i really don't know. I don't keep up with these studios anymore. Maybe Disney???
coffee or tea: coffee
books or movies: movies
windows or mac: sorry, born and raised with Macs....
dc or marvel: neither lol. I really don't do superhero stuff, but I GUESS DC if i had to choose
x-box or playstation: nintendo lol
dragon age or mass effect: i've never played either of these so i dont have an opinion
night owl or early riser: born to be a night owl, forced by job to be an early riser... catch me waking up at 4am to go to work...
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: i own a singular pair of vans, so i guess vans lol
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: sorry, i don't know what this is in reference to
fluff or angst: why not both? :3c
beach or forest: beach. It's been so long since I've see the ocean, I wanna go back
dogs or cats: dogs
clear skies or rain: Clear skies! I used to be one of those emo teens that would always say rain on this question, but now that i'm in my extreme late 20s I understand the importance of sunshine
cooking or eating out: tough question. SOMETIMES I like cooking, but also most of the times I'm lazy as fuck so I do get carryout a fair amount
spicy food or mild food: mild, my stomach can't handle a lot of spice unfortunately
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Boy do i LOVE the aesthetics of Halloween, but Christmas is really the best. I love the lights and warmth and music and food and family during the WORST season (winter. I hate winter so GD much)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: either invisibility (because i'm a nosy binch that loves dropping eaves) or shapeshifting
animation or live action: i generally prefer animation
paragon or renegade: idk what this is, sorry
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: could not care less
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: oof! I don't really have favorite quotes. But at the current moment I can almost perfectly recite the whole of Live Action One Piece (not joking lol) There's a lot of talk about believing in yourself and following your dreams which is really nice though. I do also have legit quotes from Octopath Traveler that I like: "Even grown-ups need a good cry from time to time." -Alfyn Greengrass. And then as a more funny quote that I love from Octopath: "O, woe is me, doomed to never realize the full depth of my good looks and charisma!" -Cyrus Albright. Because I am very humble lmao
youtube or netflix: very rare for me to NOT be watching YouTube
harry potter or percy jackson: Percy Jackson
when do you feel accomplished: i guess when i make a joke and people laugh :)
star wars or star trek: I don't have a strong feeling on either of these really
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: i love writing, but i am almost always listening to music. I don't think i could live without it
who was the last person to make you laugh? almost positive it was TJ
city or countryside? small city/town?
favorite chips? i like just plain but salty tortilla chips that i can dip into hummus or queso or what have you
pants or dresses? my favorite thing is to wear shorts over leggings. Pokemon protagonist lookin' ass!
libraries or museums? museums
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? lol...lmao..... YouTube/ Twitch streamer lol.
What gives you comfort? unwinding in my room. late night chats with TJ. my dog. watching whichever show i'm really into at the moment (rn it's One Piece)
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? Oof... Like in general? Because I know there are songs I like to sing just because they're fun to sing... But I don't really know if i have any songs where the lyrics really jump out at me in a meaningful way. Well, okay. All of the Simple Plan songs I have meant something to me for sure as a little emo teenager, but, hmm.... For current me? Dreams by the Cranberries has been one of those songs where I really just soak in the vibes and listen to it, so I'll give you a nice lyric from that. "Oh my life/ is changing every day/ in every possible way. And oh my dreams/ it's never quite as it seems/ never quite as it seems"
Do you believe in ghosts?
Tagging: Literally anyone who wants to do this!!! Seriously! It's pretty fun! But in order to try and keep it going (cause I know almost no one will just do it if I don't tag them specifically, and i Get It) But I'll tag @bitter-like-coffee, @pawelcyril, and @electric016
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nessietessie · 6 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
thanks for the tag, @menkhu!
coke or pepsi: i don't like soda lol
disney or dreamworks: disney i GUESS but like specifically pixar just because as a kid i watched both toy stories and also the incredibles over and over again
coffee or tea: i don't like either. i'll take milk though
books or movies: i guess movies, though i should read more.
windows or mac: unfortunately i'm a mac guy. it's what my family used when i was growing up and it's what i know how to use.
dc or marvel: neither lol. though i guess gun to my head i'd choose dc. i liked shazam.
x-box or playstation: playstation of the two of these, but i'm more of a nintendo guy
dragon age or mass effect: i haven't played either of them, nor do i have any desire to
night owl or early riser: kinda neither? i'm at peak power midday. but i do like to stay up kinda late sometimes. if 11:30 counts as late lol
cards or chess: cards. i'm not smart enough for chess, but i LOVE me some solitaire
chocolate or vanilla: tough choice. kinda depends on how i'm feeling but i do tend to lean vanilla more often
vans or converse: chacos. i love sandals
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idk what this is lol
fluff or angst: i don't really have a strong opinion on this one
beach or forest: maybe beach, if only for the novelty of it. landlocked gang rise up!
dogs or cats: dogs! i haven't had many good experiences with cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies these days
cooking or eating out: depends on the mood. oftentimes i'm too lazy to cook lol
spicy food or mild food: i'm kind of a weenie when it comes to spice, so mild. but i'm getting better!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas, just because i have the opportunity to hang out with my fam and not be at work for a little while
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: like. shapeshifting. or teleportation.
animation or live action: animation for the most part, HOWEVER the live action one piece slaps so. points for that i think.
paragon or renegade: assuming this is one of those games i didn't play. so idk
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: don't care. i don't like marvel
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: i have no idea at the moment. trying to think of what i frequently quote. a lot of opla these days. one of my faves is luffy's little "mutiny..." in the beginning of episode one lol.
youtube or netflix: well. i'm pretty selective either way. so both and neither i guess.
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson, though i only read like. the original five books and half of the first book in heroes of olympus
when do you feel accomplished: uuuuh don't ask me that lol. felt pretty good about getting 100 notes on a drawing i posted a few days back lol
star wars or star trek: don't care really
paperback books or hardcover books: prob hardcover because of my careless ass. harder to ruin a hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: writing and reading are neat and all, but i think i would literally lose my mind if i had to drive the 5 hours to my parents house without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? probably kat
city or countryside? small city? does that count?
favorite chips? sour cream and onion lays
pants or dresses? shorts, but also pants.
libraries or museums? libraries, because i respect what they do but also museums are really neato
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? voice actor. i would also love to get paid to play video games, which i guess can happen if you're a letsplayer or a twitch streamer or something
What gives you comfort? recently, watching one piece lmao. also sorry i guess for all the one piece on this blog but it's my house.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? i don't often listen to songs with lyrics so this is kind of a hard question lol. but how about all of the lyrics in "We Can" which is team Sonic's theme in Sonic Heroes. Love that. lol
favorite video game?
Tagging: lol. uh. anyone who wants to do this? i don't actually interact with people much on here, but if you see this on your dash and would like to take part, i say go for it!
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menkhu · 6 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
ahh thank you for the tag @jxstnn !! btw the confusing questions were referencing dragon age and mass effect respectively
coke or pepsi: water :)
disney or dreamworks: i don't really do movies
coffee or tea: a few favorite teas>coffee>most tea
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows, i've got a sniper trained on apple inc and i'm waiting to line up that perfect shot
dc or marvel: the only superhero i care about is spider-man
x-box or playstation: pc
dragon age or mass effect: both but i have to say dragon age as a fantasy lover
night owl or early riser: huge night owl, coming at you from 2am
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: whatever's in the clearance aisle tbh
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idr inquisition that well but i do think being able to play as a qunari is rad as hell
fluff or angst: fluff < angst < fluff and angst
beach or forest: forest
dogs or cats: cats, doggy kisses are too gross to me
clear skies or rain: clear skies, i am photosynthetic
cooking or eating out: cooking
spicy food or mild food: mild, by a small margin
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: crimbus; i love gift giving and gift receiving and reciprocal kindness
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: healing; i wish to relieve your burdens
animation or live action: live action but also both
paragon or renegade: paragon, mean dialogue options make me sad
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: team spider-man, the only superhero i care about
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: oh man i gotta remember stuff? you're getting some favorite song lyrics instead: "they don't understand; i'm not what they think i am" -waterman, userx "kill them with kindness; i'm so polite i know all the right knives to use" -fight! sophie hunter "you ain't gotta boo me just to tell me that i love wrong; gloves on" -gloves on, 80purpp "do you wanna kill time in aisle 3 with frozen food" - hospitals, shiny wet machine
youtube or netflix: yohoho
harry potter or percy jackson: nah
when do you feel accomplished: when i laugh at my own jokes while writing
star wars or star trek: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
paperback books or hardcover books: audiobooks
to live in a world without literature or without music?: sorry music i love you but writing is part of my soul
who was the last person to make you laugh? a discord friend
city or countryside? countryside
favorite chips? pringles
pants or dresses? dresses, free the knees!
libraries or museums? libraries
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? telling myself i'm gonna remember the page number and then forgetting the page number
Dream job? that's the question isn't it
What gives you comfort? baking with friends, rambling at friends, stardew valley
what are some of your favorite song lyrics?
Tagging: @kcvagabond @dingbingbats @wheelie-butch @lunalucykat @nessietessie @cornflower-fields
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