#Harry potter hogwarts mystery gameplay
endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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There are two wolves inside you
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pressplayvee · 2 years
Part 1 of Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay. The graphics are amazing!
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gogoxoxo · 2 years
Harry potter Demo
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cursedonyx · 10 months
What I want in a Hogwarts Legacy Sequel
Whilst it might be too much for us to hope for, I really do hope we get a sequel.
For me, I’d absolutely love to have a sequel be a continuation of our story, with the same characters that we’ve come to love, as well as some new ones to interact with.
Starting in our sixth year, what makes the most sense to me from a gameplay/story standpoint would be the Triwizard Tournament. Yes, it’s not canon that it would have occurred at this time, but then our MC isn’t exactly canon either!
So, here are my ideas.
The Overarching Story
A Triwizard Tournament could work for a number or reasons, such as each trial splitting up the seasons in much the same way as the Keepers Trials did, the narrative being that you as the Hogwarts Champion (because of course you are) has to solve puzzles and prepare to fight through various tasks. This will enable the character to learn new spells and potions to help them on their quest. The end of each school ‘term’ would be a Task, much like the Trials. Your friends and teachers could help your prepare for it by teaching you advanced spells, tricks and lore that will help you in your endeavours, as well as our main friends helping you figure out what each task is.
As well as this, there could be some kind of sub-plot that enables our characters to go beyond the Scottish Highlands – naturally we would spend a lot of our time in the world the devs so lovingly created, I’d never want to leave that world behind for anything, and there’s plenty the devs could do to add in new things for us to explore.
The sub-plot I’m thinking of could build on the remnants of the poachers and Ashwinders we defeated at the end of fifth year, and they’ve somehow fenagled the Goblet of Fire to accept only us as the Hogwarts Champion in an attempt to get rid of us, a la Harry Potter. Our investigations could take us to Diagon Alley, the Ministry of Magic, even Azkaban, using spells we’ve learned to solve the mystery.
It could also mean we get to meet students from other schools – yay new friends! Or rivals! Sebastian gets jealous if you flirt with them!
(Also there’s the opportunity for that Yule Ball everyone wants where you can ask one of your friends as a date.)
Oh, and whatever you chose to do with Sebastian at the end of fifth-year (if any of you turned him in I'm coming for your innards) there will be a reason he's back at school - either lack of evidence or Omi used his connections to help bail him out or whatever, but he's still with us.
We should keep ALL the spells, potion recipes and abilities we had in HogLeg. There’s no way to logically remove said knowledge from our arsenal, and it makes sense that, as sixth-years, we would expand our knowledge of magic and the world around us.
Spells like Reducto, Impedimenta, Episkey and such would be useful and make narrative sense to learn. We could build on our Ancient Magic, the Keepers teaching us a new ability each term that makes narrative sense without overpowering us (I know we’re pretty OP anyway, but stay with me on this). Other spells we could learn could be Expecto Patronum (I reckon an in-game quiz of some kind would be useful for this, as well as our choices in-game impacting on what our Patronus is), even some more unsavoury spells from our favourite curse-master.
We could learn other spells from our other friends as well, who of course would be eager to help us prepare for the upcoming tournament tasks. I reckon Sebastian, though he will have sworn off Dark Magic by this point, would be willing to teach us powerful spells that toe the moral line a bit, defensive magic or stealth spells. He’s very clever, so he’d be the one to teach you the history of the TWT and be instrumental in helping you figure out what each task is. Ominis, of course, could teach us useful detection spells that help him navigate (like a suped-up Revelio or echolocation charm) or healing spells. Poppy could teach us more about beasts (more on that in a minute), Natty could teach us how to become an animagus, Amit could teach us a method to level-up certain magic at night… the possibilities are endless!
I want all of our original friends to remain our friends and act accordingly – they want to help you win the TWT and help where they can – these could be side quests/tie in to the main quest.
In HogLeg’s original game files, there is a friendship chart. It was sadly scrapped and only in the very early stages of development before it was cut, but I’d love to see it implemented in a sequel. I’d say all major characters and professors should have a relationship meter ranging from -10 to +10, like nemesis to best friends, and your choices matter in this game. For example, you might have to very carefully navigate your relationship with Sebastian and Ominis, because pleasing one might upset the other, and you’d have to make very astute decisions to make them both your besties (I imagine Omi would still be upset with Seb for all he did in fifth year, and part of your relationship quests with them is helping them be friends again at the start).
Other relationship quests could be helping Sebastian repair his relationship with Anne (or helping him accept he's done wrong and he should let her come to him), helping Ominis begin the Downfall of the Gaunts (Gaunt Manor, yo!) and giving Noctua a proper burial, helping Poppy rescue beasts from her parents, getting into trouble gathering ingredients with Garreth, things like that.
Doing favours for other students will impact positively on your relationship, while fucking them over or refusing to help them (like not giving Zenobia her gobstones back, or not giving Puffskein Duncein his Tentacula leaf) would make them dislike you. I think for major characters like Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, Poppy, Amit and Garreth, it’s a given that you’re friends, and you’d have to actively work to upset them and make them dislike you – if one of them does, and you need them to learn a spell or something to progress, you’d need to be nice to them to make them like you enough again to help.
For Professors, doing well in classes (more on that later!) and completing your tasks well would curry favour with them, whilst slacking off, being rude etc would make them dislike you. Professors should be more inclined to give you housepoints if they like you, and dock them if they think you're a little shit.
I’d also like to be able to influence friendships between students as well, but that’s less important on my list of wants.
I’d say at the end of the school year, if enough students and teachers like you, they’ll see your Triwizard victory as a just achievement and celebrate as such, but if you’re unpopular, you won’t get the credit you deserve, with some students commenting that you must have cheated, etc. It's a small thing, but I think it matters.
Personally, I don’t need a romance option in HogLeg (lets face it, nothing could live up to what we’ve dreamed up in the fandom!) but even something as simple as handholding would be amazing.
On that note…
We NEED companions for the sequel. It's all very well for us PC players, we’ve got mods, but what about everyone else? Companions need to be brought into the sequel, and this is where I’d love the handholding mechanic to come into play. Walking through Hogwarts, the Highlands and Hogsmeade with the option to be holding hands with Natty or Garreth or Poppy or Sebastian or Ominis would be incredible, even if it’s just an animation and it holds no narrative weight. Being able to bring someone along with you, with their little lines of dialogue about your surroundings just makes the game even better than it is by itself.
(Playstation's Ico had a wonderful handholding mechanic, I want it to be like that).
Having your friends with you to fight by your side is, in my opinion, very important. I don’t think companions should join you in the tasks, much like they can’t join you for the Keeper’s Trials, but having them with you while you dash off all over the place and get into trouble would be brilliant, especially if they have more companion-focused dialogue, like Ominis being horrified if you use an Unforgivable in front of him, but encouraging you to get up to a little mischief (you’re quite the covert little thief, aren’t you? 💦💦), Sebastian commenting on your skills when you fight or if you sneak into somewhere you shouldn't be (how funny would it be for companions to comment on you breaking into a professor's bedroom, especially if your companion was a professor!), Poppy sassing enemies left and right, and Garreth using his experimental potions… I could go on forever about how amazing it could be with just a little more.
It’s been mentioned that one of the things people would like is the ability to feel more like a student. Whilst I think that too many lessons you have to attend would spoil the freedom of the game a bit, I’ve seen ideas bandied about that your spells can only reach full potential if you do some lesson ‘mini-games’ – I’m on board with this idea. The only worry is it could become repetitive, but provided it’s not overdone and is optional, it could make for more immersive gameplay.
Collectibles/Selling Stuff
I really do like collectibles in RPGs like this, and I think it’s an essential part of the HL/HP games to have them, but I’d like more options to sell things we acquire. Usually by the time we hit winter in HogLeg, I’m so overpowered I don’t need to use wiggenweld except in rare circumstances, and have to actively injure my character in order to take the potion and free up the slots for when my hopping pots all have wiggenweld in them so I can use them again! If we had the option to sell the potions we brew and the plants we grow as well as clothes we find, that would be incredible.
(Also, if we upgrade our clothes, it should sell for more. Just saying.)
Merlin trials can sod off though, unless they make the cutscene skippable.
Beasts and the Room of Requirement
I don’t think the RoR needs much improving on what we’ve got, so at the start of sixth year it should be like it was at the end of fifth, only through the game and exploring the various locations you can get more decorations and furniture you can actually use (like sitting on the sofas or having a cup of tea, or doing your homework at a table, even if it’s just an animation) and the Room gets bigger/gets more rooms. A bedroom, a bathroom, things like that would just be perfect.
We NEED to be able to bring our friends to the Room, and they actually comment on it. Each student should have favourite beasts that they like (and if you bring Duncan Hobhouse in to meet your Puffskeins, he runs away screaming), and they actively play with them/groom them without you directing them (Omi would totes be besties with your unicorns). Poppy, especially, would be happy to see Highwing again, I’m sure.
You should be able to play games with your friends, like wizard chess or the like, which improves your relationships with them regardless of whether you win or lose (but if you win they give you a present), plus sassy dialogue if you lose and comments on your strategy.
New beasts would be amazing, like aquatic beasts, perhaps, winged horses (new mount!), crups and such. Not essential, but I think it would be great.
Choices Matter
Perhaps the most important bit of this long, rambly post is that your choices should matter. Originally there was going to be a housepoint/morality system in HogLeg, and I’ll be damned if I don’t want it for a sequel. Earning points for helping people, completing your class work, rescuing beasts and choosing ‘good’ dialogue options would net you points, whereas being a dickhead would lose you points. You should compete with other houses, and each student should have a percentage of points that they’re likely to win or lose. Sebastian, for example, ever the hellion, would likely lose a lot of points because he’s a rule-breaking little devil, (I imagine Ominis would too, in fairness he’s canonically a bit of a troublemaker too, but he’s just as likely to earn points IMHO). Garreth I think would win and lose points equally – he’s talented, but a bit too strong-headed to really listen to authority. Natty I think would earn more than she loses, etc etc etc. I could go on.
Breaking curfew, casting curses (where you can be seen by a prefect/teacher) or general asshattery could lose you points, but I reckon depending on the difficulty level should impact how easy it is to win points back. I’d say it’s not a given that your house will win the cup, and you actually have to work for it.
Other Bits I Want
Photo Mode – the game’s too beautiful to not have it.
No Mercy Mode – after you complete the main story, we should have this option
Ability to change Seasons after the main game is over
Curfew (turn on/off) – it’d be fun to have, but the ability to turn it off would be great so it doesn’t get too troublesome
No flight restrictions. Let me fly over Hogsmeade, damnit!
More enemy types – including dementors/lethifolds
Alohomora just unlocks doors – no shitty minigame
Functional Common Rooms – sleeping in your bed to speed time, classmates congregating there at night/going to bed (don’t care if they have to teleport there), etc.
Meals in the Great Hall – even if it’s just an animation, it’d be nice to sit with your friends.
At LEAST one F-bomb from one of the characters. Unexpected and hilarious. But which one?
I’m sure there’s plenty more I’ve missed or some things that just won’t work, but this would be my ideal sequel. Thoughts?
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shadowjax · 28 days
Harry Potter Magic Awakened MC
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In honor of the game closing its American server, here is my mc and some lore. I'd love to write a few fics about them and their life at Hogwarts. Since it seems like we won't get an end to the story then we might as well write one.
Name: Jax Lucifer (they/them)
Magical Status: Muggle-born
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 11-inch Cherry with Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: Red Panda
Owl: Scops Owl named Lil'Nugget
Specialty: Easily create strong bonds with magical creatures, skilled cartographer
Personality: Strong-willed, patient, loyal, introvert
Likes: Magical creatures, maps, butterbeer, adventure, dancing
Dislikes: Poachers, disloyalty, unforgivable curses
Lore: A distant relative of a student from Hogwarts Mystery, originally adopted by a couple from America. Their family moved to England in their early teens due to a job relocation. Their mom is a conservation zoooligist while their mother is an environmental engineer. Jax is very introverted and the move was very hard on them, their parent's jobs taking up a lot of time. Supernatural things began to happen which made it hard to make friends and led to them being bullied by other students. When Hagrid explains that they are a wizard and have been accepted to a school of magic they never applied for, Jax is very nervous about the change. But it became the best decision because they have made so many wonderful friends and now consider Hogwarts their home. Jax has found a love for Magizoology which definitely stems from their mother and dreams of being a conservation Magizoologist. They plan to incorporate their love for cartography into their career somehow.
Jax, Ivy, and Daniel are like three peas in a pod. The three of you have been through so much in the early years of school. They helped the adjustment so much easier, it's a shame you didn't have the same support when you moved to England. While Cassandra may seem like a bully to most students, she has never directly insulted you. The two of you shared a mutual respect for one another, although her taunts towards your friends sometimes cross the line. you are surprisingly good at dance, enough for you and Cassandra to become casual dance partners.
Sometime during their 3rd year, there was an incident where they were dueling a dark wizard that overpowered Cassandra. Jax won the battle but at the cost of their wand and a scar that spread across their entire right arm, side of the neck, and just barely touching their jaw. Ever since the incident, the two found a new level of respect for one another, and Cassandra's attitude had subsided. Ever since the incident, you changed your dueling tactics, going from being summon-heavy to defense-heavy. Also a fear of a certain green glow illuminating from wands.
Their favorite classes are care for magical creatures, herbology, charms, astrology, and divination. Defense against the dark arts, potions, and the history of magic is their least favorite. They've never been big on sports but quidditch is something they have slowly become a fan of. Not only is it entertaining to watch but it is fun to play with friends.
This is only the beginning for Jax and they are excited to see what the future holds 0_0.
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Legit sad that we only have half the story it is so much more entertaining to play than Hogwarts Mystery. The art style is sooo beautiful and I love the characters so much, they're better than Legacy's side charters. Personally, I prefer it over Mystery and Legacy in terms of story and a few other things. I was so excited when the global launch was announced bc I saw artwork and some gameplay and was like "I want to play that game". I put 400+ days into this, that's def more than any other HP game I have played lol. I do find it crazy that it's shutting down everywhere but Asia, I guess the audience is bigger there idk. I just want an ending at least o_o
Link to petition for NetEase devs to keep global alive
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“We were strangers starting out on a journey, Never dreaming what we'd have to go through... Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you. No one told me I was going to find you --  Unexpected, what you did to my heart... When I lost hope, you were there to remind me This is the start!”
~“At the Beginning” by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx
✨❄️✨ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔶𝔫'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱✨❄️✨
A series of gameplay posts based on the first two years of the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, chronicling how Carewyn Cromwell made her very first friends at school and started on her journey to save her older brother Jacob as Hogwarts’s resident “Cursebreaker.”
Year One
Carewyn Meets Rowan Khanna
The Sorting Ceremony
Merula Snyde
“We’re Friends!”
The Voice in the Artifact Room
The Duel
Snape is Most Displeased
Enlisting Penny
Breaking Into the Locked Room
A Word with Albus Dumbledore
Year Two
A New Mystery
The Black Quill in Gryffindor Tower
The Frozen Fifth Floor Corridor
Ben in the Hospital Wing
Beyond The Vanished Stairs
Rowan’s Suggestion
Befriending Bill
Cromwell and Weasley, Cursebreaking Duo
Ben Agrees to Help
The Ice Knight
Inside the Vault
Another Word with Albus Dumbledore
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fluffomatic · 2 years
Slightly random question, what's the harry potter game you made Xavier in? Also, what's game play like?
It's an app called Hogwarts Mystery! Obviously it's a mobile game so the gameplay is very simple, mostly just tapping shit. The main thing u do is use energy to fill up a bar to complete a mission. There's also dueling where you pick between aggressive, defensive and sneaky and if you pick the correct one over your opponent you get to go first, you choose a spell to use to get their health down until you win. You can also play Quidditch. It's just grab a circle and slide em to 4 other circles at the right time. Then you have to befriend other students. There's 3 different ways to do it. Meal with Friend, Play Gobstones, and Drink Butterbeer. They're just quizzes you have to answer correctly to fill up your bar until it's full. Oh and you get to adopt Magical Creatures you have to feed and bond with! You just gotta find food for em (there's plenty of ways to get it, you can get them as rewards or by going to corridor to find some). That's pretty much it!
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Review | Hogwarts Legacy
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Note: Were it not for controversial comments made by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, this game would be universally beloved and applauded. As it stands, there are a fair amount of people that view supporting this game as the same as supporting repression of or violence against transgendered individuals. The Geek Cave Podcast does not endorse any views or movements that practice anything other than peace, acceptance, and tolerance. A game code was provided for review; the following article looks solely at the game and its individual merits.
Anyone who has ever heard a story about wizards and witches and picked up a twig as a child to pretend it was a magic wand has wondered, at some point or another, what it would be like to actually be able to practice magic, casting spells, riding fantastic beasts (or brooms), and having incredible power at one’s own disposal. Portkey Games’ Hogwarts Legacy, which takes place within the Harry Potter universe but centuries prior to Harry’s own adventures, seeks to at least give you a taste of what that’s like, and it does so admirably.
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You take on the role of a new student at Hogwarts, the school for witchcraft and wizardry known the world over, except you’re no ordinary student: you’re jumping in as a fifth-year student (practically unheard of except for a few outliers) and also have the ability to see traces of ancient magic (ditto on the “practically unheard of” part). The game wastes no time in alerting you to the seriousness of the whole situation by having a dragon attack your ride to Hogwarts, straight up eating one of your carriage’s passengers in the process. 
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Once you escape, your studies begin, as you balance getting classwork done with unraveling an ancient mystery into the special magic that is also desired by a group of goblins revolting against the current societal norms. Whlle there were some concerns prior to launch about the goblin race seemingly being used as a charicature for the Jews, in my playing experience the “evil” goblins made up a minority of the goblins you’ll encounter in the game; it seems, just like with any other group of people, there are good and bad examples. 
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Commentary aside, the world is as you may remember it from the Warner Bros. Hogwarts-related films. Hogwarts itself is lovingly recreated in fine detail, including a small memorial at the groundskeeper’s hut in honor of Hagrid actor Robbie Coltrane. Hogsmeade, similarly, is vibrant and full of the same energy you get glimpses of in the films (disclaimer: I haven’t read the books but I’ve been assured by a few said book series fans that the details are spot on). The environments and set pieces are well-made, and the visual effects from each individual spell also look great. The only time I had a hard time actively looking at Hogwarts Legacy was when I tried it out on the Steam Deck (we received a code for the PC version). On a decent PC or laptop, it looks great. On the Steam Deck, it runs on low to medium settings, and you’ll be able to tell it was a bit scaled down. Expect the Switch version to be similar. 
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Gameplay-wise, though, no matter what version you pick up, combat feels fast and very customizable. I compared it to the Fable or Kingdoms of Amalur series of games when talking about my experience with a friend. Specific spells are mapped to the face buttons on your controller, while the right trigger can fire a basic attack spell when tapped. Defensive actions are also mapped to the face buttons; to differentiate between those and using a particular spell, just hold the right trigger before casting... and there are a lot of spells to learn, giving you ample reason to take on side quests. 
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Speaking of side quests, Hogwarts Legacy gives you plenty to keep yourself occupied, whether you’re into fetch quests, monster hunting, or herbology. Eventually you’ll unlock the Room of Requirement, which will let you set up your own potion brewing and plant growing stations plus more. Hogwarts Legacy almost has too many things for you to do, as I found myself constantly overpowered for whatever part of the main campaign I finally got around to doing after first focusing on doing things for my classmates and teachers. Each “house” of Hogwarts Legacy also has exclusive sidequests, so completionists will have to replay multiple times (I went with Hufflepuff for my first playthrough because it’s the only one that featured a trip to Azkaban Prison). 
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The game’s soundtrack evokes the classic John Williams theme, which even showed up as an easter egg for a particular puzzle. Voice acting is mostly good, with a couple of side characters being a bit annoying to listen to (but not to the point of unbearable). 
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Overall, Hogwarts Legacy delivers exactly what someone would want from a Wizarding World game. Controversy about the world’s creator aside, it’s clear that the team behind the game care deeply about not only the fiction, but the real-world fandom. 
Be Like Me. Definitely worth playing.
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toursenergylife · 2 years
Harry potter hogwarts mystery unlimited gems
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The longer the task, the more energy is needed to finish it, but more prizes you will receive. Usually, you may set the task duration for 1, 3, or 8 hours. You can decide how long some tasks in the game last before you begin. Therefore, remember to read all the dialogues carefully! Select the Duration Wisely This results in your characters leveling up slower and failing to build relationships with others. For example, if you answer the professors’ questions randomly, you may risk losing your house points. More importantly, some of your dialogue choices decide how the story develops. Since Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery is story-driven, you won’t know what’s happening around you if you don’t read the dialogues. That’s why we provide you with some useful tips and tricks below. You have just set out your adventure in this game, there are many obstacles that you don’t know how to deal with wisely. Tips & Tricks for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Some more features of the modded version of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery include anti-ban, smooth gameplay, incredible graphics, fully unlocked, etc. However, you now can access all the premium items for free. In this game, there are a lot of premiums that you need real cash to unlock. Feel free to use gold coins to buy your clothes and accessories without any restriction! Other Premium Features To deal with this problem, you can download the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery MOD APK to countless gems and coins without finishing any challenging mission. In the normal version, your gems are limited, so sometimes you cannot get the items you want. Gems are the currency that you can use to purchase any premium items in the game. You will have unlimited energy for free! Unlimited Gems/Coins But now, you can restore energy without waiting or wasting any cash with the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Apk hack version. You can only refill that energy by waiting for a long time or buying gems through in-app purchases. Unlimited EnergyĮach task in the game has a time limit and it will reduce your energy. But the modded Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery will help you have all these items for free. In other words, you have to use real money to pay for gems and other In-app purchases to level up in the game. However, the money-grab design decisions by its developers may hinder you from enjoying this game. With diverse options to show your creativity, the game is indeed addictive to RPG game lovers and Harry Potter fans. Features of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery MOD APK These high image quality and attractive sound effects ensure you have the fullest experience of the game. The magic tools, costumes, or small details are meticulously depicted and adjusted with eye-catching colors. Players will feel satisfied with vivid 3D graphics of the character images. The graphics in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery are decent, with pretty well-animated characters. You also have to deal with powerful enemies, but there would be several immersion-breaking moments you would love. In other words, you have to participate in many activities or complex tasks and interact with others to unlock new things. Players will pick secret rooms around the school and unveil hidden mysteries by completing different missions. Particularly, each player can select their favorite map to uncover different sorts of magic and fight against rivals to gain victory. What many players love in this game is that they can choose to be a witch going on their own adventure instead of playing characters. It’s an awesome experience throughout your path to figuring out the mysteries behind the witch school. Each house has its own features that attract players and you have to deal with different challenges there. When the game starts, you will have four houses to explore: Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. You have to overcome many challenges and carry out different missions during the journey full of fun and mystery. You will play the role of a student at Hogwarts, who is in search of his brother and detecting the secret behind his disappearance.Īt the same time, you can encounter familiar characters, including Dumbledore, Voldemort, Snape, or Ron Weasley. Instead of the Harry Potter boy adventures, the game engages you in a different experience. Now, let’s take a look at them.īased on the original Harry Potter novels, the game is set in the Wizarding World in the 1980s. It has received a lot of positive reviews from players worldwide due to its impressive features. Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery is one of the famous role-playing video games introduced by Jam City under the license from Portkey Games.
4 Download Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery MOD APK for Android.
3 Tips & Tricks for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery.
2 Features of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery MOD APK.
1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Review.
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sampeixotoofocial · 4 months
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Gameplay #iphone #meninagamer #garotagamer #sampeixoto #gamergirl #1
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gamescardblog · 7 months
Experience a New Wizarding World Adventure. Be the Witch or Wizard You Want to be: hogwarts legacy ps4 games
Welcome to the Wizarding World, where magic and adventure await at every turn. In this blog, we'll take you on a journey through the enchanting realm of Hogwarts Legacy on PS4. Get ready to unleash your inner witch or wizard as we explore the immersive gameplay, captivating storyline, and where to find cheap Hogwarts Legacy buy PS4 deals.
Immerse Yourself in a New Wizarding World Adventure:
Enter the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a new narrative set in the 1800s.
Explore a vast open-world environment teeming with magical creatures, hidden treasures, and thrilling quests.
Embark on your own personal journey, customizing your character and shaping your destiny as you see fit.
Be the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be:
From mastering spells to brewing potions and taming fantastic beasts, Hogwarts Legacy offers endless possibilities for customization.
Choose your path and make decisions that will impact the course of your adventure, forging your own unique story in the Wizarding World.
Experience the Magic of Hogwarts on PS4:
Immerse yourself in the stunning graphics and immersive gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy on the PS4 platform.
Explore iconic locations from the Harry Potter series, including Hogwarts Castle and the Forbidden Forest.
Engage in thrilling duels, unravel ancient mysteries, and uncover the secrets of the Wizarding World.
Where to Buy Hogwarts Legacy for PS4:
Ready to begin your magical journey? Purchase Hogwarts Legacy PS4 games from your favorite gaming retailer or online store.
Whether you prefer a physical copy or a digital download, there are plenty of options available to suit your preferences.
Keep an eye out for cheap Hogwarts Legacy PS4 deals and discounts to make your magical adventure even more affordable.
In conclusion, Hogwarts Legacy on PS4 offers players an immersive and unforgettable experience in the Wizarding World. With its captivating storyline, rich gameplay mechanics, and stunning visuals, Hogwarts Legacy is a must-play for fans of the Harry Potter series and gamers alike. So grab your wand, don your robes, and embark on a magical journey that will leave you spellbound.
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dicloniusgames · 1 year
The Pipe Bomb #25: The Claustrophobia Of The Open World
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Open-world games have been prevalent throughout the gaming industry since the arrival of GTA 3 that they became commonplace over the last couple decades. 
What if I said open-world games could make you feel virtually claustrophobic? For me, it’s very real. Now I don’t mean actual claustrophobia because that’d make no sense but a form of claustrophobia to where you don’t want to finish the activities in the open world and just get through the story as fast as possible. While not all open-world games suffer from this, there are some I’ve played that either threw on too much at once or over time became too much content to try and tackle to a point where finishing the story was the end goal and not going for 100% completion. 
A few of these come to mind. 
First is a game I’ve recently finished...that being Hogwarts Legacy. At first I didn’t mind that you got to explore not only the entire castle, but Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest and other parts known to the Harry Potter universe. Being able to play as your own created student is something I enjoyed as well as having zero tie ins to the films as the game takes place before the films. You’re sorted into one of the four houses (for my playthrough it was Slytherin) and you go on an adventure to uncover a mystery while making friends along the way and learning new spells. 
While I think this game is good, it suffers from the vast amount of open-world content that it contains and there’s a lot to do along with the student relationship side quests like Natty and Sebastian. This is the basis for this essay that there needs to be a perfect balance of side activities vs. how large the map is. At first I was doing some of the side activities, side missions and going for the collectibles until the map became cluttered with it to the point where I stopped going for everything and just focused on the story. 
All of the examples I’ll point out will prove open-world burnout is a real thing and game devs need to find that perfect balance. There’s having an abundance to do and having jack to do in an open world. Games like entries in the Assassin’s Creed series balance this equation out equally as well as the Arkham games. 
The second example to take a look at is the Far Cry series (mainly after 3) but focusing on Far Cry 6. With the exception of Far Cry Primal, which I oddly enjoyed for the setting and gameplay of the game, after Primal, my enjoyment of the Far Cry games waned a lot especially after 5. My enjoyment tanked to absolute zero after playing 6. Far Cry 6 suffers some of the same issues with the open-world equation that Hogwarts Legacy does but turns into a bore fest quickly as you feel you’re doing the same thing, but only in different parts of the map with the goal of taking down Anton Castillo’s empire. The differential issue here is that there’s no variance of activities within each district of the map. Far Cry 6 feels like the Just Cause games as you’re destroying things and infiltrating bases and you come to the same conclusion of skipping a good majority of the side content to get through the story which I was able to. The story was good, but having so much to do on such a large map in Far Cry 6 is demanding. 
The final example (and sadly one I couldn’t bring myself to finish) is Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Remember when I said the Assassin’s Creed games had good balance of open-world activities vs. map size? Valhalla destroys this equation with a nuke. 
With Valhalla, the maps are large and the activities are about as abundant as PS5′s in scalpers’ dens. Previous entries like Syndicate, Origins, and Black Flag had a balance of activities on their maps to where it had a fair balance. Valhalla’s maps just throw the Encyclopedia Britannica at you when it comes to activities to a point where you’re overwhelmed from the very start. It makes Valhalla (if you’re a completionist) almost impossible to do without an extreme time sink. I stopped playing this twice for the same reason of open-world burnout from the AC series. 
You’ll probably stop to conclude that I hate open-world games....I don’t actually. I just don’t like ones that don’t have an equal balance of activities vs. how large the map is. Maybe that’s why I prefer the PS2 GTA games because their maps weren’t seen as large compared to today’s standards of open-world games. 
The other question being, will I go back to 100% some of the open-world games I never finished? Possibly. For me it not only depends on the game but also if there are other releases that take precedent over having down time to play what I want. 
In conclusion, open-world games are good, but should also be played at a steady pace and mixed in with other games to avoid burnout from trying to do everything all at once. 
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usagirotten · 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Wizard: Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG Role-Playing Mobile Game Trailer Unveiled!
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Step into the enchanting world of Harry Potter with the new trailer for Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG, a captivating mobile game that brings the magic of Hogwarts to your fingertips. Join us as we dive into the mesmerizing trailer, exploring the thrilling gameplay and immersive role-playing experience that awaits fans of the wizarding world. Calling all aspiring witches and wizards! Prepare to be spellbound as the highly anticipated trailer for the Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG (Collectible Card Game) role-playing mobile game has finally been revealed, stirring excitement among fans worldwide. In the latest installment of the beloved Harry Potter franchise, players will embark on a remarkable journey through the magical universe created by J.K. Rowling. The trailer offers a sneak peek into the captivating gameplay, graphics, and innovative features that promise to transport players straight into the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From the very first frame of the trailer, it's evident that the game developers have meticulously crafted an immersive experience that pays homage to the iconic series. As the Hogwarts Express chugs along, we catch glimpses of familiar characters like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, brilliantly brought to life with stunning visuals.  But what truly sets Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG apart is its unique blend of role-playing and collectible card game mechanics. As players progress through the game, they'll unlock an extensive array of spells, magical items, and artifacts. Mastering the art of strategic card battles will be essential to overcoming challenges, vanquishing foes, and rising to the top of the wizarding world. The trailer showcases a variety of exciting gameplay scenarios, including duels between players, fierce battles against powerful creatures, and exploration of enchanting locations. Whether you're testing your mettle in the dueling club, teaming up with friends to tackle dangerous quests, or delving into the mysteries of the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG promises an unparalleled adventure that captures the essence of the Harry Potter saga. The attention to detail is remarkable, with spells being cast in spectacular fashion, transporting players to the heart of the wizarding world. Engaging visuals, combined with a rich audio experience featuring an enchanting soundtrack, make the gameplay even more immersive and captivating.
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The developers have also hinted at an array of social features, allowing players to interact, form alliances, and compete against one another in real-time. Imagine teaming up with fellow Gryffindors or engaging in friendly rivalry with cunning Slytherins - the possibilities for magical camaraderie are endless! As we eagerly await the official release of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened CCG, the trailer serves as a tantalizing taste of the captivating adventure that lies ahead. Fans of the series, both casual and die-hard, will find themselves immersed in a world where magic becomes reality. So, grab your wands and prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey, filled with spells, challenges, and the indomitable spirit of the wizarding world. The magic is awakening, and it's time for you to step into the role of a lifetime! Read the full article
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nextgenconsole · 2 years
Hogwarts Legacy - Best PS5 to play right now [March 2023]
Hogwarts Legacy is truthfully Avalanche Software's single-player, open-world RPG that takes place in an 1800s Hogwarts valley that encompasses Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmeade, as well as the surrounding villages and more. It is the play anyone straight away wanted just after you've finished reading or watching the Harry Potter game series. You will be able to lose yourself in the ever-changing places of Hogwarts and allow Lumos to guide you into the Forbidden Forest, or take on a broomstick across the rolling hills to find your way straight from the castle to Hogsmeade; all of this and much more is quite possible with Hogwarts Legacy.
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Story After creating their character, Hogwarts Legacy players are thrust into their own Wizarding World with a fantastic opening scene that reveals the game's fundamental mystery as well as introduces its principal heroes. Hogwarts Legacy players deal with the position of a brand new Hogwarts student with a strange link to an essential form of magic from the past. They are supervised by Professor Fig, who aims to assist them in figuring out the unknown surrounding their particular special competencies. In the meantime, gamers certainly need to attend classes at Hogwarts, deal with the threat of a goblin rebellion, and master a range of useful spells. Hogwarts Legacy wastes very little time acquiring fans' valuable first spells. That they include the standard Lumos for delicate darker segments and Levioso to levitate objects. While spells can be employed to great effect when fighting, they shine when used for solving puzzles. Quite possibly the most thrilling game in Hogwarts Legacy is truly trying to figure out which sorcery one needs to make use of to conquer a barrier, whether or not it's repairing a bridge damaged by Repairo, casting Alohomora to open locks, or making use of Revelio to discover hidden paths. The dungeons in the game have all kinds of puzzles that require several spells. It's therefore essential for players to be aware of all the spells they really can use. Our website is the best place to buy cheap New PS4 games.
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Combat Combat is overwhelming, loaded with flashy effects for spells and fun ways to capitalize on individual weak points. Combat animations are fun, making it feel like you're in that life-or-death Marvel duel or a horrifying dispute with an elven troll. A lack of variety among enemies starts to dim the ardor after a few minutes. However, I have always enjoyed fighting and the possible stealth options that sometimes let me stay away from the fight with a little invisibility potion on my flank. Hurry up, cheap PS4 racing games are on the market. As previously mentioned, Hogwarts Legacy is a big video game jam-packed with lots of things to do. While this is an issue in online gaming titles, Hogwarts's wide entire world of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts Castle are generally full of exciting games, such as mysteries, that, though repetitive, manage to be exciting and enjoyable because they are bite-sized. They concentrate on bringing you deeper into the world and will make you feel like a master of sorcery and magic. Most importantly, the prizes associated with these puzzles aren't a mere collection because they always have a gameplay element. A few examples of prizes for completing puzzles are improved storage for equipment, ornaments, the latest costumes, and, yes, additionally, the ability to earn XP. The most crucial aspect of the overall experience of playing the game mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy is the player's newfound freedom. Honorable whenever a fight turns out to be tiring You can switch the tempo by engaging in a puzzle, searching for some beasts, decorating your Room of Requirement, or learning the latest spell. You might be getting bored with a certain aspect of the game; you can at any point try something else. The exponential liberty that is available with Hogwarts Legacy, together with its numerous levels of gameplay, is breathtaking and authentically habit-forming.
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Characters There's a vibrant collection of characters you will meet while playing in Hogwarts Legacy, which is all adorable and convincing because of their great execution and artwork. Certain characters have bigger characters than others, but you'll have the chance to come into contact with them all and roleplay the replies to create a relationship with anyone you'd like. The houses each have their collection of cool college students that help to make Hogwarts Legacy feel like a legit class.
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Bottom Line Hogwarts Legacy is most likely the game title Harry Potter fans have dreamt of since the first novel turned out to be published. This puts anyone firmly in the position of a student and turns you loose to obtain your residency within the wizarding world. However, the biggest problem is that it can feel like you're in seclusion.
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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techarena · 2 years
Hogwarts Legacy House Sorting
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Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action role-playing video game set in the magical world of Harry Potter. It is developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Like the Harry Potter books and movies, in Hogwarts Legacy, you can choose your house through a Sorting Hat quiz.
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The four Hogwarts houses are Gryffindor - Gryffindors are brave and daring Slytherin - Slytherins are cunning and ambitious Ravenclaw - Ravenclaws are eccentric and intelligent Hufflepuff - Hufflepuffs are trustworthy and hardworking However, your house does not define you. For instance, Hermione Granger is seen as one of the most intelligent students at Hogwarts, yet she is a Gryffindor and not a Ravenclaw. By understanding how Hogwarts Legacy’s sorting quiz works, or by using the account link feature before playing, you can end up in the house of your choosing. Hogwarts Legacy House Sorting Soon after the start of the game, you’ll arrive at Hogwarts just in time for the Sorting Ceremony. There are two different ways you can be sorted into your house. You can either take a very short in-game quiz, or you can link your Harry Potter Fan Club and WB Games accounts for a more personal house selection. Whichever method you decide to use, you can influence the Sorting Hat’s decision. Once you arrive at the Sorting Ceremony after the tutorial, you’ll sit at the front of the Great Hall, and Professor Weasley will place the Sorting Hat atop your head. From here, you’ll be given two prompts where you must make a choice. Prompts and Answers The first prompt asks whether you can't wait to start classes or explore, but your answer here will not affect your house selection at all, so feel free to choose either option. The second prompt is the only question that will affect which house you’re sorted into. The Sorting Hat will ask, “Hmm. I wonder. Hmm. I detect something in you. A certain sense of — hmm — what is it?” You’ll then be given four options, and your answer to this question will determine your house. Daring leads to Gryffindor, curiosity leads to Ravenclaw, loyalty leads to Hufflepuff, and ambition leads to Slytherin. If you’re not happy with the house you’ve been sorted into, you can choose whichever house you’d like to join. However, this decision is final, so make sure you’re happy with it before continuing. How will your decision impact the gameplay overall? The house you’re sorted into will change some things in Hogwarts Legacy, but it will not change the overarching story. Your Hogwarts house will determine your common room, clothing cosmetics, and quest line. You don’t spend much time in your house’s common room, but if that factors into your decision, you can see what each common room looks like in the video playlist below, courtesy of the official Hogwarts Legacy YouTube channel.
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Clothing As for clothing, your robes and outfit will feature your house’s colors and insignias. If you want to wear clothes of a specific color, such as red, blue, yellow, or green, take that into consideration when choosing a house. There are also a bunch of clothing options in Hogwarts Legacy that don’t feature your house at all, so you can always choose to wear something else. The overarching story for Hogwarts Legacy will be the same regardless of which house you choose, but your path to the finish line may be different. For example, the main story quest after “Trials of Merlin” will be different for each house, but everyone will receive the quest “Jackdaw’s Rest” upon completion. Gryffindors will receive “The Hunt for the Missing Pages,” where you’ll meet Nearly Headless Nick and help him find the pages of a missing book, while Slytherins will receive “The Phantom of Hogwarts,” where you’ll investigate strange occurrences in the castle. Ravenclaws will receive “The Enigma of the Patronus,” where you’ll investigate the mysterious appearance of a Patronus in Hogwarts, and Hufflepuffs will receive “The Search for the Chalice,” where you’ll search for a lost artifact. These quest lines will provide different challenges and opportunities to explore different parts of the game world, making each playthrough unique. In addition to the house-specific quest lines, your Hogwarts house will also affect the interactions you have with other characters in the game. For example, certain characters may have different reactions to you depending on your house, and you may be able to form closer relationships with characters in your own house. You’ll also be able to participate in house-specific activities and events, such as Quidditch matches and house dueling tournaments. Also read: Hogwarts Legacy Quidditch Mod Conclusion Overall, the house you choose in Hogwarts Legacy will play a significant role in your gameplay experience, influencing the quests you undertake, the characters you interact with, and even your outfit. With the ability to influence the Sorting Hat’s decision and the option to change your house later on, players have the opportunity to explore the magical world of Harry Potter from different perspectives, making each playthrough a unique and exciting adventure. Read the full article
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