#Hazbin hotel toxic fandom
ms-cartoon · 7 months
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I. Am. So. Sick. Of. This. Fandom.
Seriously, how are these folks immediately gonna assume the op is homophobic because of this??? They already know Vaggie's a lesbian!! They know she's a girl. This is literally just an au fanart with FICTIONAL characters! Y'all act like it's the most abnormal thing for people to gender-bend characters.
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ask-vaggie · 2 months
You seemed um... "close" with some of your former comrades (Lute, Ava, etc). Exactly how many exorcists did you date to the point of it basically being a Heaven Harem??? Does Charlie know about that era??? I'm so invested in this.
Do you guys just not read the pinned post? Does "stay on topic" mean nothing to you?
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Let’s be honest here, the only reason why Viv’s fans attack anyone that draws redesigns is because said redesigns are better than the source material.
Why is that people who don’t work on the show understand that Angel and Vaggie are supposed to have a spider and moth motif, but Viv (The person who created these characters.) doesn’t?
Even the people who don’t know anything about demonology get that Beelzebub makes more sense as a giant bee/fly than a sparkle dog.
Most animated shows have a bunch of character designers on staff, so they can share ideas when it comes to a character’s design.
But not Viv’s shows! Viv is only one who has final say on what the main cast should look like, while the character designers are only allowed to design a bunch of background incidentals, who end up looking a hell of a lot more appealing than the main cast.
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If you’re an artist who enjoys drawing redesigns, please don’t let Viv and her fandom’s toxic behavior discourage you from doing what you love.
Yes, there are artists who only draw redesigns because they wanna “Fix” a certain design, and those assholes shouldn’t be given any attention, but most of the people who do redesigns of Viv’s characters do it for fun.
With that being said, if you are an artist who’s thinking about posting your Hazbin/Helluva redesigns online, please be aware that the fans will end up harassing you, so be careful out there.
Also, I don’t blame anyone who says that they don’t want to draw redesigns of Viv’s characters because of how toxic the fanbase is.
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‼️ Please read ‼️
If you are active in fandom spaces— Especially Sander Sides or Hazbin Hotel, I encourage you to read this thread for your own safety!!
There is a user you may know as they have been called out before, that goes by the name Roman Calvary System, Calvary or Roman Calvary, they were previously known as The Trojan Horse Collective or The Trojan Horse System but has since separated that identity from themselves as a Sub-System although I doubt the validity of that claim because they have previously admitted It was simply to seperate themselves from their past.
Calvarys previous partner, Atlas, somebody who also came forward about Calvary and their repeated abuse, has also been allegedly exposed for inappropriate and gross behaviours regarding children and also saying the n word as a white person. While I cannot speak much on the situation regarding Atlas due to my lack of knowledge, I can bring forward evidence I have seen regarding the claims.
However, this post will probably focus more on Calvary as I have been involved with the drama regarding them personally and I know more about it.
Calvary has already got themselves a reputation amongst the Sander Sides community for various abusive and disgusting behaviours- Just some of them being inappropriate exchanges with children (As young as fourteen) Telling people to kill themselves, wishing death upon peoples mother, being racist/racially insensitive. I wish that was the end of the list but It sadly is not. Calvary has also been condemned by Thomas himself personally which there is evidence of in a seperate call out post that I will be linking below, along with all the other evidence of their behaviour.
Something I would like to close down before it gets brought up as an excuse is the infamous ‘I’ve changed’ tactic. Calvary recently made a post on their X (formerly known as Twitter) claiming that they have changed as a person and the drama is from when they were fifteen and they have since bettered their behaviour- This is not true. Calvary has not changed and has not bettered themselves at all and the drama is not just old things from when they were fifteen. These incidents are recent and from this year.
One of these instances being Calvary (Or one of their alters, Remus- An alter you will probably see a lot of here as he is the main perpetrator of most inappropriate exchanges regarding children) attempting to SRP with a literal fourteen year old- Instead of doing the logical thing and refusing to SRP with a minor, they pulled the typical ‘If you’re okay with it’ card, and I mean, sure- Maybe an uninformed minor would be okay with it but why are YOU okay with it as the older person? ‘As long as you’re okay with it’ Why are YOU? That is very creepy and gross behaviour and any decent person would have refused to SRP with a minor, people under the AOC.. cannot consent.. It is your responsibility as the older person to have known better and said no. You should not try to SRP with minors and you shouldn’t be okay with it either.
Another instance regarding their Remus would be an instance where another one of their alters blatantly admitted that Remus finds it funny to make inappropriate comments about people and even FUNNIER when it’s a minor- You know what that makes Remus? A predator, finding it funny to walk all over peoples boundaries and even more so when It is a child is absolutely horrific and taking pleasure in making children uncomfortable is not only disgusting but also blatantly predatory.
Remus has also been harassing, threatening, and finding out personal information about a minor because they came forward about Atlas dating them when they were *eleven* and Atlas was fourteen, I am sure we can all agree that that is not okay and that the age gap is obviously a problem, minors can very well hurt other minors and be in appropriate towards other minors, Atlas should not have gotten into a relationship with an eleven year old at fourteen years old, children are capable of taking advantage of other children, I’m not sure if that was the case here but regardless, you should not date an eleven year old at the age of fourteen. You also shouldn’t call black people the n word. You also shouldn’t say sexual things to minors.
I will be attaching screenshots of these instances below and potentially reblogging with more to the story because there is a LOT! If you see these users, please be cautious of them, especially if you are a minor!
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ishbdudi · 7 months
It's sad that there are YouTubers possibly afraid of criticizing hazbin because of possible harassment that might happen
I just saw harriyanna hook's video and she put THIS in the comments
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There should be no reason YouTubers feel the need to say something like that
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bahja-blix · 7 months
😐💀Longish Post regarding Vivziepops Stans (POC Woman Speaks up)
TW: The following post mentions serious topics: S*icide, bullying, racism, and other topics, viewer discretion is advised (and No I do not know whom originally sat here and typed this post I don't want to know)
So I saw this image floating around and I as a Bisexual biracial Woman of color wanted to speak up about this because if y'all think it's hilarious or cool to say dumb shit on the Internet and not expect to get called out for your crap by reasonable people that you yourself put yourself out there for then your dead wrong.
Let's take a look amigos
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Let's start from the beginning
This person who's an obvious biased boot licker who deliberately put themselves out there on the Internet ON PURPOSE said all of This!
Here's some things I completely disagree with because in their own words:
"You probably heard over and over again that Viv is a terrible person who's toxic that made all kinds of terrible things in the past but I assure you, (even if it's true) these stories are all "completely fake" and "made up" and that Viv is "flawed" and makes mistakes like all of us and that she "doesn't deserve" the "hate" and "bad faith" comments"
"I have decided to "fund" the "StopVivziepophate" train because poor ol Viv is sweet and innocent and we as fandom must stick it to these "critics" and express to vivziepop our eternal love and "actively convince" people (without any proof btw) that Vivziepop has done absolutely "nothing wrong" at all and we must defend her to the ends of the Earth because I said so and thats the Truth. You guys are liars and bigots and racist and are anti progressive"
Vivziepop has proved Time and Time again that she's a deliberately toxic shitty ass dumbass of person and has gotten much WORSE over the years! That is a FACT! She HAS made shitty, questionable, nasty things in her past artworks depicting minors, Nazi shit, racist shit and other stuff! This is a FACT and can be proven!
These Critical people on the Internet are All people who Used to LOOK UP to Viv because she was inspirational, saw right through her bullshit, and decided to call her out For said bullshit that she inflicted on herself especially nowadays seemingly on the daily. These Critical people who used to look up to Viv often back up their claims using pictures and evidence to Prove what they say! Vivziepop is a person who has proven that she is ass backwards on an absolute altitude of ways through thick and thin.
Viv refuses to back up her claims, do basic research on complicated topics regarding many things, weaponizes her fanbase to silence Anyone and Everyone regardless of who they are or what they identify as who speaks up or validly critiques her foolishness, never improves on herself as a person and chooses to carry herself in a negative way that affects her overall character and the people around her, bullies or judges anyone who chooses a different path, didn't call out her cult of a fanbase out for bullying Shay into suicide, and the list goes on.
What are you Stans going to prove huh? That we as a critical are right? There's an abundance of evidence against Viv yet your going to sit here and make a post like this?
Please tell me what you said is Bait!
Viv absolutely deserves EVERYTHING that people throw at her ESPECIALLY regarding the fact that Shay is no longer with us because Vivziepops cult of a fanbase brutally bullied Shay into s*icide over a fictional ship that these hypocritical Stans supported Before their new ship with Alastor came out with a different character
And Viv also absolutely deserves to be criticized for hiring a disgusting person with a r*pe fetish who's NOT a s*xual assault victim at All who also fetishizes r*pe and let this person illustrate and write their own sick fantasies into HER SHOW which she actively supported and still supports!
She's Shit All Around!
"Most" of the "hate" comes from the "fact" that she's both *Checks notes* 🧐 "inserts identity politics here"
"Woman and Hispanic" ahh yes who Could've thought that poor ol Viv was being targeted simply because of her identity! Why as if I didn't hear that BS before as a fucking POC woman myself
People are "totally not" validly criticizing her for actual shit she does to herself on purpose
We critics are "totally" all just "making up" shit regardless of clear as day evidence, articles, or any picture evidence we have and are "totally jealous" over her success
We critics totally dunk on Viv because we're magically all racist, bigots, or istaphobes even though we're of varying backgrounds and identities and don't dunk on her for the bullshit you pulled out your ass because you decided to do what some far left thinking people would do. Blame the entire world for X, Y, Z using their identity as a shield even though vivziepop herself got caught! BY HER OWN POLITICAL PARTY which is the left.
Let me bring up a successful Black YouTuber who's indie for Black History Month whom I support and followed for years and bought his comics! Since you wanna blame the world for people criticizing Viv for her identity, I've decided to use an excellent example! He may not be a woman but he's Black so... :D let's begin
You wanna know who's Black and made millions of dollars because of his comics and is successful? Youngrippa59! Yes the Black Libertarian himself who made the Rippaverse, ISOM, and ALPHA CORE and made millions of dollars in short periods of time who also helped successfully dominated the comic book industry when it was dying! He's Not a conservative btw!
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Heres one of his most recent successful projects ALPHACORE
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Look at this! A Black person made this! He's successful! He didn't use his race as a shield. He ain't Viv but doesn't have to be! That's the beauty of him because he doesn't have to be the richest, or the most popular!
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His message to everyone! Mr. Rippa also known as Eric July is one of my biggest inspirations to this day and this is why! People who were on the far left decided to attack him (it's been proven btw) but y'all say your for "diversity" and "inclusion" but when a black person becomes successful now it's an issue???
I Can't imagine what will fly outta your mouths when I become successful with my own shows behind the scenes... As diverse as I am as a biracial, bisexual, goth, God damn X, Y, Z, I Don't pander, I observe what everyone wants through multiple people!
Vivziepop is a woman who's a biracial Hispanic! I am ALSO a woman who's a biracial Hispanic
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As a biracial Hispanic I'm more Puerto Rican looking IRL. Viv is a biracial Salvadoran Hispanic but looks more "white" because maybe she has more European family members. My family is made up of mainly Puerto Ricans on both sides of the family some European. I have dark eyes and dark naturally curly hair too. Few have said I can pass as "Indigenous" because of my features and tanned skin. Regardless my point still stands! I don't actively use my identity as a shield and neither should you!
I don't want to know who sat here and typed up that post! I as a woman of color of the brown community am still sick of this! Like who's saying they hate Viv because she's Hispanic? Huh? Who? Who's dunking on her for simply being a woman too???
Prove to me by providing solid concrete evidence by pictures or tweets or something else actually showing me people are dunking on Viv because she's both "Woman/Hispanic"! Well I tell you now that that shit Doesn't happen and if it does, it's a VERY SMALL minority that are saying shit for bait reasons or to be an asshole on purpose to get a reaction. The fact this person decided to say "Most hate comes from her race and being a woman" is BS because they cant even take the time to dig up evidence of this to prove it!
Show don't tell not TELL DONT SHOW goddamnit!
Legit you wanna play the race x woman card so badly then BACK IT UP with actual evidence or someone like me with more than two functioning brain cells will call you out.
I'm sorry but I agree with the critics on this one because they're not wrong for calling Viv out!
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thearoaceshark · 7 months
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factsilike · 5 months
So I recently watched Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
And have come to the realisation that their fandoms focus so much more on stupid shipping wars than the inherent messages of the shows, especially Hazbin Hotel, which is about corrupt power systems in place allowed to do whatever they want, and how people questioning them get attacked and done away with, because the inherent corruption in a society is not something the privileged want unveiled or examined too closely.
I've barely seen anyone talking about this. Hello? When did media consumption get so surface level and shallow? When did we only start focusing on 'whether this character deserves another or not' or how 'problematic' they are, rather than story narratives and character arcs?
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starzposts · 6 months
voxval oneshot :D I have another one that's straight porn ready to be posted but I really like this one and wanted to post it. I'm a little tired of the interpretations of Vox and Valentino I've been seeing, so I wanted to write something showing how I see him. Vox is my favorite character, so I have a lot of strong opinions and feelings about him. Well uh, enjoy!
Valentino's top set of hands drag down Vox's front, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles in the fabric. His wicked smile reflects at Vox in the mirror. Vox adjusts his cuffs and straightens his bowtie; Valentino's bottom pair of hands rests at his waist.
"Look at you," Val purrs, his eyes lingering on the sleek black suit Vox had changed into for their dinner date. It's not just new and well-tailored, it's a masterpiece that accentuates Vox's every curve. Vox isn't into fashion like Valentino and Valevette, but he does like to look nice and sharp. He also knows that Valentino likes a man in a nice suit.
"You like it?" Vox asks, his voice a little husky as he eyes Valentino's expression in the mirror. He looks hungry, sending a wave of heat straight down between Vox's legs. Valentino's finger traces the embroidered red V on the collar of Vox's suit collar, the same color as Valentino's wings, and he presses the length of his body against Vox's back, their bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
"I like it very much," Val mumbles, bottom hands tightening around his waist. Vox smiles and checks the time on his watch; they'll be late for their reservation if Val keeps this up. Not like it matters, they're the fucking Vees. The table will be held until they arrive. "You look sexy in black, papito," Val comments, stepping back and turning Vox around to face him. Valentino crosses his bottom arms and uses one of the top ones to tilt Vox's screen up to look him in the eyes, touch lingering. "the embroidery was a nice touch," his voice is a little breathy like he's getting worked up from just looking at Vox. Vox knows he's been deemed forgiven for their fight earlier this week. He could stop the whole date and take Valentino to bed, and all would be well.
"Only the best for you, Val. You know that," Vox smiles, grabbing the hand resting on Vox's shoulder, palm pressed against the embroidery, and bringing it to his lips to kiss. Val smiles, wings fluttering and antenna fluttering happily. Vox forces his smile to remain a facsimile of soft affection, hiding away the shark's smirk that threatens to take over. Val is so easy. All it takes to get Val back under his thumb is a few sweet acts and letting him feel in control. Vox would think it's pathetic if Valentino's cooperation wasn't his goal. "Shall we?" Vox asks, offering his arm. Val laughs and uncrosses his bottom arms to hook one around Vox's.
"We shall. Lead the way, amorcito," Val giggles like a schoolgirl with a crush, and Vox resists the urge to roll his eyes. He keeps a smile on his face and leads Valentino down to the limo. He holds the door open and chuckles at how Val's cheeks get dark. Vox plays the gentlemanly role, treating Valentino how he thinks he deserves to be treated. These dates always work to satiate Valentino's need for attention. When they fight, or Vox gets too busy with his games, Val will go off the wall, and Vox will apologize and grovel in the way he knows Val likes. Then, to show his "devotion," he'll invite Valentino to a nice restaurant, treat him to the best wine, and fuck his brains out until Valentino forgives him. Vox doesn't mind displaying himself; the more Val thinks he's in control, the easier it is for Vox to manipulate him. If Val believes he's winning their little game, it means he has no real idea of what's going on. So, Vox suffers on the empty masquerade and dances the steps he knows like the back of his hand. He pretends, lies, and acts. He gives Valentino just enough to keep him where he wants.
It's all so dull, but it needs to be done.
Valentino is so fucking easy, Vox lays a hand on his knee, and Val looks at Vox like he hung the moon and stars. He thinks Vox doesn't see.
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ace-robot-has-matcha · 8 months
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Idk, this is just my theory based on my experience with the shows, with vivziepop and with the fandom. Hazbin Hotel is pretty decent so far, I like it
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fizzy0bloom · 1 year
I keep seeing people in and out of the Hh/HB fandom trying to defend what happened to that kid with Brandon.
and I'm like, seriously? I don't give a fuck about the people in the fandom; all I care about is that kid's safety, and whether people like it or not, those shows aren't for kids.
What the fuck is wrong with everyone? trying to prove a dumb point just because the fandom is toxic? You just want to fight.
i had to unfollow and block more people, even the ones I used to support. because yall sound stupid and creppy as hell. go outside 
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shaylarain · 8 months
Sign of being terminally online is letting randos ruin your day because you ship something they don't like
Sign of being terminally online is caring very hard about what others ship that you make content for it, ya know? y'all just do you, you know?
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Well, it happened.
Viv's fans have finally reached the "We're not a cult, honest!" part of the toxic fandom cycle.
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thisbisexualbrainrot · 7 months
y’all will find literally any excuse to hate on Vivziepop like if she breathes y’all have a fuckin problem with it
jesus fuck how do you find the energy
better question: why are you still watching her content if it’s all so terrible and she’s so terrible?
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its-autumn · 7 months
okay what the fuck is going on with the HH and HB fandoms dear god.
TW!! suicide and harassment.
just saying, yall in those fandoms need to grow the fuck up. yes, i watch the shows. does that mean i support harassing a person until they fucking commit suicide over a goddamn ship between two characters? NO.
"viv gets death threats all the time!" correct, she does. but that is because she throws a fit over every single ounce of hate she finds. this person shipped two characters that a pot of people didn't agree with. so you bullied them until they found no other way out. YOU GUYS FUCKING ENDED SOMEONES LIFE GET A GRIP. this isnt a goddamn game where you get to be vile if you don't agree with a ship over TWO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.
come on guys. there are two whole fucking wars going on and you lot are throwing a hissy fit over a ship its actually pathetic. get a life.
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bahja-blix · 7 months
You speak the whole truth on that post especially the part where you bring up how viv stans be quick to pull the race card like coming from a black women i don’t give a damn that Vivzepop is Salvadoran Hispanic SHE STILL NEEDS TO BE CALLED OUT FOR MAKING RACIST STEREOTYPE CHARACTERS 👋🏾👏🏾👋🏾😤
hello Anon and Thank you mate, I agree! on twitter they play that race card left n right because that's the Best they can come up with instead of making a real counter argument. She absolutely deserves everything coming for her because she inflicts problems onto herself on purpose.
Viv is a person who doesn't want peace, She wants problems ALWAYS!!!
Now between me and you we both know viv will never listen to anyone unless they actively boot lick her and get dirty doing so. Viv is racist intentionally or unintentionally and doesn't care either way as long as it benefits her getting all that money and fame at the end of the day. That's why she sucks because she Never EVER Listens Ever !!
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