#Hazel x Kayla
at1nys-blog · 6 months
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【The Campers】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ Hungry and exhausted kids (Camp Half-Blood)
【The Gods】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ Thunders leaving hints
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
. *. ⋆⋆.*.
【Percy Jackson】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Annabeth Chase】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Luke Castellan】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Grover Underwood】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Clarisse La Rue】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Charles Beckendorf】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Chris Rodriquez】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Silena Beauregard】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Connor Stoll】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Travis Stoll】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Thalia Grace】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Bianca Di Angelo】
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【Nico Di Angelo】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Lee Fletcher】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Malcom Pace】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Michael Yew】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Alice Miyazawa】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Julia Feingold】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Ethan Nakamura】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Austin Lake】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Katie Garnder】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Kayla Knowles】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Will Solace】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Frank Zhang】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Hazel Levesque】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Jason Grace】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Leo Valdez】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Piper McLean】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Reyna Ramirez-Arellano】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Drew Tanaka】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Laurel Victor】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Holly Victor】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Cecil Markowitz】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Chiara Benvenuti】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Miranda Gardiner】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【The Hunters of Artemis】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Zoë Nightshade】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
【Sally Jackson】
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
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polls-r-us · 1 year
Note: Whoever's in the lead in the previous polls will not be a candidate on the following polls. Every demigod will only get one hero family/hero scenario. Pick strategically, not just your fave.
Previous Polls:
Which demigod has the highest chance of being adopted into the Bat Clan?
Which demigod would be chosen to be a Lantern by a power ring?
Which demigod would have fit in the best with the Amazons?
Which demigod would be an honorary member of the Kent family?
Which demigod is most likely to join the ranks as a speedster hero?
Which demigod would be recruited into the Arrow family fold?
Which demigod would fit in best with the Teen Titans?
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storywriter007 · 7 months
(Part 2) Part 1 - You're Not Her - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n realizes this relationship is no longer worth fighting for
warnings: cursing, character death, toxic relationship, throwing things
genre: angst
word count: 1.1k
y/n laughed as a smidge of vanilla ice cream was put on percy's nose.
"not funny y/n." he said, irritated, wiping it off.
"sorry, won't happen again." she said back, shocked at the mood change. "wanna go for a swim?" she asked, trying to change the topic.
"no, i want to stay dry." he said, plainly.
"do you want to do anything?" y/n laughed.
he looked at her with his sea green eyes.
"what do you think." he said.
"alright per-sassy-eus." she shrugged.
they stared the the lake in silence until a little girl came running.
"y/n! y/n!" she shouted, running towards her.
y/n wrapped her arms around the seven-year old.
"hey serena! what's up?" she asked, smiling.
"me and lily and kayla and a bunch of other girls are making friendship bracelets!" serena said excitedly. "c'mon! hi percy!"
"hey serena." he smiled. "i like your bracelet."
"i have two of them, they are matching!" she grinned. "you can have one."
she slid the blue one off her wrist and gave it to percy.
"now we're best friends!" serena said, returning to y/n and tugging on her hand.
y/n looked at percy.
"percy, i'm gonna go." she smiled, kissing him on the cheek.
"yeah, ok." he shrugged.
"love you." y/n said.
y/n got to the arts and crafts table and sat down next to her good friend, olivia.
"they got you too?" liv laughed.
"yeah." y/n smiled.
"y/n! why didn't percy say love you back?" serena asked.
y/n felt hurt, but she couldn't show that, not to this little girl. olivia stared at her, waiting for the response.
"he's just a little shy now-a-days." y/n chuckled.
"but he's your boyfriend!" serena's friend, lily spoke up.
"boyfriends can be shy." y/n explained, wondering whether she was lying to the kids or herself.
"but he always say i love you to annabeth!" serena's other friend, kayla added.
"i guess he's just a little more reserved after what happened with annabeth. that changes people." y/n smiled.
"he's still my hero though!" serena smiled.
"him and jason are my heroes!" lily added.
"kayla, who's your hero?" they asked.
"my hero is reyna!" she said confidently.
y/n chuckled.
y/n and olivia sat on y/n's bed in her cabin.
"what were the girls going on about today?" liv asked.
"percy, and they were right, and they had good points." y/n sighed, tired of hiding it. "we've been dating for almost a year now, and he's just so negative."
"what do you mean?" liv continued.
"i mean he always gets mad at me, he never wants to do anything with me, and it feels like i'm just someone to look at when he's bored." y/n explained. "i get it, things are different for him after annabeth died."
olivia nodded, placing her hand on y/n's for comfort.
"they'd been friends forever, they went through hell together, they'd been in love, and he couldn't save her at the battle. but it's been three years, and he confessed to me. he said, 'i know you've like me for a while and i think i do too.' i remember the day liv." y/n continued. "and things have changed for me too. piper and hazel are always casting me dirty glances, jason and leo and frank avoid me if i'm in anywhere near ten feet to them. i've been slut-shamed, compared, and bullied because i'm dating him."
y/n began to feel tears well up.
"i just want him to talk to me and hang out with me without feeling like he's being forced to do it." she finished.
"y/n, i think this is something you have to tell percy." olivia responded. "you can't keep going like this, it's going to kill you."
"i don't want to hurt him and what if he just freaks out on me? i care about him." y/n countered.
"just talk to him." olivia encouraged. "he's a good man, he'll understand."
"you're not understanding me!" y/n said, sadness filling her voice. "i-i'm not telling you to get over what happened, i'm trying to tell you that you can talk to me! i'm trying to help you percy!"
"help me! help me! you want to help me by bringing up her name?" he screamed.
gods, he was scary.
"i'm trying to tell you that it feels like you don't even like me, much less love me! it's like i'm a burden to you!" y/n shouted back. "and i understand you're hurting, but why am i a victim of your grief?"
"fine!" he said, throwing a candle across his cabin. "i'm sorry that my girlfriend, who i loved for longer than i've ever known you, is dead and that it makes me upset!"
y/n ducked, avoiding the glass shards. fear ran through her bones.
"and i'm sorry you have to go through that, but it sucks for me too! piper and hazel give me these glares, like they hate every vein in my body. leo, jason, and frank run from me like i'm a disease! and i've told you and you don't do shit to stop it, you encourage it if anything!" y/n yelled.
"they've got every fucking reason too!" he yelled, throwing a picture frame of us across the room.
"what's the reason! tell me, what's the reason!" y/n shouted.
"because you're not annabeth!" he yelled, with every bone in his body as tear welled up in his eyes. "you're not her, she would've never done whatever shit you're doing."
y/n stood still for a minute as the words replayed in her head.
you're not her, you're not her, you're not her.
tears filled y/n's eyes.
it's like percy finally understood the gravity of the situation as he looked around in shame.
"y/n, i didn't mean that-"
"no, no, percy, you did. you really did, because otherwise, you wouldn't have said it. and you wouldn't have followed every action to prove it." y/n chuckled. "i'm sorry i'm not annabeth."
percy took a couple of steps forward, but stopped instantly when y/n backed up defensively. y/n pointed to the glass shards around the room. they stood in silence.
"you're a bad man, percy. throwing shit and telling me i'll never be enough. i wish every little girl and boy could see their so-called camp hero right now. i wish they could see what a fucking monster he is." y/n said, her voice now low and quiet.
she turned around, and walked out of his cabin.
“y/n, can’t we talk about this?” he shouted out.
“oh i tried talking to you percy.” she chuckled. “but, you can always go down to annabeth’s gravestone and talk to her."
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kekaki-cupcakes · 3 months
Heyyy can you please write something for Nico x male reader where Nico has seen reader around camp and reader is friendly and always laughing and talking with everyone. And Nico develops a crush on reader and eventually he decides to confess to reader when he sees them in the woods. Fluffy mainly but like a little spicey at the end if u do that stuff? :)
hey there bestie, let's pretend it hasn't been two months. this fic is also for @golden-boy-muda 's request for nico x transmasc reader <3
I couldn't find an idea in my empty ol head for this request but then I was looking for old oil painting wallpapers for my phone and now you have this incredibly sappy 3.2k of art references [I advise you keep another tab open for cross-referencing if you want the fUlL eXpErIeNcE]
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Oil on Canvas--- Nico di Angelo x transmasc reader [3.2k] »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico definitely isn’t a stalker, he understands boundaries [once Jason explains them to him, of course], but he might have a bit of a staring problem. 
Sometimes he’s just eating gluten free waffles with Hazel in the dining pavilion and ends up watching you shove your siblings around and plait your little sister's hair so it doesn’t get in her face when she goes Pegasus riding.
He spooned some blueberries onto his plate. 
It’s not his fault.
It’s yours, if anything. What is he supposed to do apart from feel like there’s moths beneath his ribcage when you pose, your nose scrunched, up for photos with Drew’s polaroid camera that’s covered with inappropriate stickers? 
Hazel elbowed him meaningfully in the side when he couldn’t help but grin because Holy Hades, a single person shouldn’t be able to look that much like the painting Ophelia [by friedrich heyser, to be specific], just because they wore a green camp shirt and a pearl necklace. 
Maybe it was his fault that he was comparing you to beautiful paintings. 
He scooped the blueberries onto his half eaten waffle and reached for the maple syrup Hazel had finished drowning her breakfast in. 
The Stoll brother’s mortal mum had sent a stack of paintings from art galleries all over the world last Christmas, and they’d let him pick out a few of the older more poetic ones that didn’t have enough blood and guts for their taste. 
Now the oil paintings of lakes and birds and crying angels and… mainly cats, actually, hung around the dark walled Cabin he slept in. 
Your laugh when you threw strawberries at Kayla and Austin while they worked in the infirmary reminded him of Angel [carl von marr, of course] and he felt like Chat a difficult catch [charles van den eycken] when you walked right past him without even glancing back.
So he’d made peace with watching from afar how you would forget daily to put sunscreen on but somehow always remembered to wear this pair of white crocheted gloves that looked like cat paws. 
On a completely irrelevant note, Nico was learning to crochet. 
Hazel made eye contact with him again when he looked from you to her, and he plugged his ears and glared before she started kicking him in the shins and begging him to pluck up the courage to walk over and even just make eye contact. 
Not that he didn’t want to. 
He may have lined up in his catalog of daydreams, this scenario where you both went down to the beach. Any beach, really. You’d collect shells and eat popcorn and grapes and lemonade and squish sand between your toes and pick up crabs with him. 
PROMENADE ON THE BEACH [Charles Atamian, obviously].
There was another scenario where he’d take you to the farmers market. It had the biggest bouquets of flowers, and rows upon rows of fruits and vegetables and incense and beaded jewelry. 
When he was laying in bed underneath the fluffy zebra patterned duvets that Piper forced him to use, mainly because they matched the dark reds of the cushions and browns of the bookshelves and antique lamps in the cabin so well, you were walking down the rows of little stores with him.
You were holding his hand with those soft cat paw gloves and you liked the feel of his rings [he’d read that people liked rings in a book, somewhere] and you’d filled the Studio Ghibli tote bag you had with berries. 
He’d watched most of the movies after he saw your bag. He liked Arriety the best. 
Clarisse stomped past the Hades table, leaving bloody footprints no one asked about, and smacked him in the back of his head. Nico went back to eating his waffles and daydreaming about your smile. 
In the farmers market you would sniff candles and never buy them because Hazel had far too many for all of her spells and the such that he would never run out. And what was Hazel’s was his and what was his was hers, meaning that what was Hazel’s was yours. 
Because Nico would give everything he owned, even his favorite jacket, for you to look his way. 
And he would buy you flowers, whichever were your favorite. 
Maybe the ones from the painting Hazel forced him to take because ‘you can’t just not hang a painting that literally is you, Neeks’. 
Italian Girl with Flowers. Joaquin Sorolla. 1886. 
He didn’t see the resemblance.
But it didn’t really matter, because he’d get to watch you looking at all the cool things for sale and then he’d take you to the best gelato he’d found so far [he was making a list] or just use the shadows, and take you to a proper gelato shop. Whatever you wanted to do, really.
Nico blinked. He huffed, mainly at himself, and stabbed his waffle. It fell apart on the fork.
“Why’re you angry?”
He looked up from his plate, to Hazel. She was sitting opposite him with a mustache made of orange juice. “...I’m not.”
“You’re not supposed to be pushing down your emotions, remember?” she said sternly, and started picking the green bits off a strawberry. She was eating as many berries as she could, since she wasn’t allowed lollies anymore. The perks of braces. 
Nico looked away. “I’m fine.”
“You’re thinking about the cat glove girl, aren’t you?” she asked with a smirk.
“Cat glove boy, remember?” he muttered, and took a bite of his waffle, wiping squished blueberries off his chin.
Hazel’s golden eyes widened, “Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” he said, and was grateful for the excuse to peek your way. You were eating toast. Very pretty-ily. He felt his face heat up.
Hazel perked up, a mischievous grin he didn’t appreciate on her face. “Okay! I’ll go apologize to your boyfriend then-”
Nico stared at her. Why was she like this? She actually went to stand up, and then he yanked her sleeve, pulling her back down to the table. “No! Don’t just… you can’t… stop!”
“You didn’t deny that he’s your boyfriend,” Jason chuckled, sitting down next to Hazel. 
“I hate you all,” Nico said. 
It was torture. 
He felt like Sleepy time potion [Vanessa Stockhard], stuck in the middle of your loveliness, unable to do anything except stare and hope that his face wasn’t too as red as the mushroom he was sitting on. 
In the painting. 
Not in real life. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico stared down at the hat in his lap.
He’d done it. He’d actually finished one of the hundreds of projects he’d started in Piper’s efforts to find him a hobby that wasn’t sitting on the fences of cemeteries or standing in line at Mcdonalds. 
He had lots of other hobbies, he just… couldn’t come up with them when she was arguing with him. 
So they’d gone through writing, painting, records, sleeping, which he excelled in, and then crocheting. None had lasted very long, but he may have had an idea half way through trying to stab Piper with the crocheting stick.
And now he had a white bucket hat with cat ears.
He threw it to the end of his bed, and hid underneath his duvet. Fuck. 
Repose. Malcolm Liepke. 1953. 
What on Olympus was he supposed to do about the way he wanted to hold you so badly he felt like throwing up and tearing his hair out?
He lay underneath in the pocket of stuffy darkness for a moment, before sitting up, untangling his blankets and teddies from him, and then standing. He may have just had the greatest idea anyone had ever thought of before.
Hazel was still in the shower, singing, most likely, so he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack that was actually just a skeleton, and then stomped out of his cabin, the stupid hat in his fist.
His heart was beating wildly. Stupid heart. 
The Wedding Dress. Fred Ellwell. 1911.
He rubbed his face and groaned at the sky. The stars were just peeking out, but it was still pink and yellow, and the sun hadn’t dipped yet. It was hidden by the trees he was trudging through, though. 
His chest was hurting. 
Nico scrunched up the stupid perfect crocheted hat that just had to stupidly perfectly match your stupid perfect cat gloves because Nico was stupidly perfectly obsessed with you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect.
Psyche Weeping. Kinuko Y Craft. 1995.
He trod on twigs that broke underneath his boots and weaved through the tree’s that slowly became more and more laden with hanging pendants and wind chimes and ruins carved into the bark.
He stepped over a thin stream. A frog croaked at him like it was dying. As if it could ever feel like it was dying. As if it could ever fall in love.
Nico groaned at the sky again. 
“Just let it all out.”
He turned, and glared. “Do you mind?”
“Yes, actually,” Lou Ellen said, raising a purple eyebrow. It matched the undersides of her curly hair. She pointed to the cabin concealed in shadows and moss and stones behind her. “This is my house. And you are yelling very loudly.”
“I’m not yelling,” Nico argued. “I’m groaning.”
She stared at him for a second. She rolled her eyes. “Just come in, what do you need?”
“I need a spell. Or a charm. Or hex,” Nico said, following her through the wooden double doors. A wind chime tinkled even though the air was still. There were a few bunks lined up against the wall to one side. “Or a magic thing. I don’t care which one.” 
The rest of the cabin was filled with small coffin shaped pet beds and empty pink soda cans and voodoo dolls hanging from the roof and rugs with cats wearing strawberry hats on the fluffy material and misty crystal balls. 
Lou Ellen lent back on a desk stacked high with papers and paperweights that were actually jars filled with things. “Okay. I have three rules. I don’t kill people, and I don’t make people fall in love.”
“I’ll break both if it’ll be fun?”
Nico frowned. “No. Aren’t you supposed to say you won’t bring people back from the dead? That’s always the third rule.”
She squinted at him. “Uh…no. I send those people to you.” 
Nico squinted back at her, sticking his tongue out. He fiddled with the stupid perfect hat and looked around. There was just more creepy things and stuffed animals. “Whatever. I need your help.”
“With what?”
“I need you to… like,” Nico started. He sighed. He looked away. 
This was awful. 
He was not about to admit that he might be in love, even if it was to reverse the feelings in the first place with whatever heart ripping out brain altering magic was necessary. 
The Apollo cabin would find out through the witch in less than thirty seconds. He would never live it down. 
Nico groaned again. “Oh for fucks sake, do you need me to fic your voicebox or something?” Lou Ellen hissed. 
Nico glared at her. He groaned again, and then whirled around and stomped out of the weird mossy mushroom cabin. “Nevermind!”
“Fine! Have it your way!...weird little emo.”
Nico glared at the frog croaking at him, and kept walking through the forest. 
He followed the little stream through the woods until he could hear wind chimes or Taylor Swift’s latest album anymore. 
The little stream widened into a proper stream, filled with a lot more frogs. Why were there so many frogs? He nearly stood on a green one leaping across the path. Stupid frog.
Nico stuffed his hands into his pockets, along with the hat. He was tempted to just toss it into the river. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with all of the silly feelings that felt like the biggest things in the world to him and his silly head full of thoughts about your lips.
Maybe the frogs could use the hat as a home.
“Here froggie… Come here… I said, come here... No I am not taking a tone with you!” 
Nico froze. 
Fuck. He took a deep breath, probably too loudly. He glanced to the side. 
Of course you were catching frogs, knee deep in a river.
You looked over, making eye contact, and Nico realized the moths underneath his ribcage were turning into bats. You squinted at him, hands on your hips, while water swirled around and leaves drifted from the trees above. A bucket was wedged between two rocks next to you.
A frog jumped out of it and landed near your leg, on a lillypad. 
“Look Albert,” you said, turning to the frog. “It’s a little Victorian ghost.”
“...I’m Italian,” Nico said quietly. He stared at you. He couldn’t help it. Wow. Fuck. Leo was right. He really was pathetic. “And I’m not a ghost.”
“Okay, Victorian ghost.” 
Nico stared at you. Fuck.
After that exchange, he should be able to hate you. Right? Right. He now resented you, and the moths turned bats would stop clawing at his chest and he would go back to having a normal life. 
You squinted at Nico, and then slowly turned to Albert. “I think the cute Victorian ghost is having a stroke.”
Nico blinked once, gulped, and then marched forward through the cold water and frogs, his shoes squelching loudly. Gods. This was so embarrassing. But you thought he was cute, even if you also thought he was a dead english boy, so he would be content with dying from embarrassment. 
He shoved the stupid perfect hat into your stupid perfect hands.
And then left in about 0.3 seconds. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
You stared down at your pancakes. Why were they so gray looking? Had someone poisoned them? You figured that it would be a pretty good way to die, and tipped extra maple syrup onto them before you dug in. 
To counterbalance the poison, of course.
You scratched at the mosquito bite underneath the strap of your binder. It had flowers embroidered into it. Your binder. Not the mosquito bite.
One of your siblings across from you kicked at your shin, probably on purpose, but you continued to eat your odd tasting pancakes and picked blueberry grit off your white cat paw gloves. They were your favorite gloves. 
They also matched your new hat. The new hat that the cute Victorian but actually Italian ghost boy had given you before he teleported away with whatever dark magic he had stored in all that goth-ness.
You tossed a blueberry at Clarisse when she walked past and tried to bash you over the head. 
She wasn’t allowed to ruin your new hat.
You turned to see her flicking the blueberry over at someone else, and your eyes flicked past that too. Now way. You stood up, but you’d lost sight of the mess of dark hair when the Hermes cabin barrelled past.
You clambered onto your seat and stood up there. “Oi! Victorian ghost hat boy!”
The dining pavilion went quiet pretty quickly, and everyone turned to the cute guy with a skeleton hoodie and wide eyes. He pointed at himself when you pointed at him, and then went pink. 
Clarisse stuck her arm out so you didn’t faceplant when you jumped down from your seat, and you held onto your new hat as you traipsed across the cracked floor. 
You’d never figured out how that crack had got there. But there were bigger mysteries. 
Like this cute goth. 
His face just pinker when you grabbed his sleeve and tried to tug him out of the entire camp’s curious eyes. A dark skinned girl with a lot of butterfly clips and a Steven Universe t-shirt sent a thumbs up in your direction. 
It was only when you were standing by the low burning fire pit in a patch of daisies did you realize you hadn’t really planned far enough ahead. 
You took off the cat-ear hat and looked down at it. “...Uhm…”
“Sorry,” the goth said quickly, and when you made eye contact he looked away even quicker. “It’s creepy. Boundaries and stuff, I just… saw your gloves.” 
“It’s not creepy,” you argued, putting the hat back on with a grin. He was really cute when he blushed. “I mean, I don’t even know your name, and I have no idea who you are but your eyeliner is really really great and… Holy Hades if you smile like that again can I… please kiss you?”
The goth with no name stared at you, and then nodded about ten times too many. “Yes please. But, uh.. If you’re gonna kiss me, please, maybe don’t get my dad involved.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico could feel his cheeks growing hotter.
Not because of the sun, specifically, but it was hot and bright in the woods. He’d worn sunscreen though. And forced you to put it on too, once he’d found watermelon scented sunscreen, because you refused to smell gross no matter how sunburnt you would get anyways. 
His face was hot and red because of you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect and also possibly kind of Nico’s stupidly perfect boyfriend. 
“Psst, Victorian ghost boy,” you said with a sing-song voice, quietly, and waved your hand in front of his eyes with your pink, blue, and white painted nails. He blinked. You smiled. “You zoned out again.”
“Sorry,” Nico said, and pulled a daisy out of the ground. He handed it over. “I was thinking about you.”
He hadn’t realized the effect that saying that would have on you, but it was worth it when you opened and closed your mouth like one of the frogs you kept as pets. 
“I.. well, what were you thinking about?”
Nico had played his cards right. He smirked, and you shuffled forwards on the checked picnic blanket Piper had stolen from Drew, who’d probably nicked it from poor unsuspecting Demeter or Iris kid. You knocked over the basket of strawberries too, and then took your bucket hat off and stuffed it in your lap with a grin.
He tilted his head down. You were both following a very well rehearsed script. “...Kissing you?”
You launched yourself forwards then with a laugh, your cat-paw gloved hands landing on either side of his waist and probably squishing some of those strawberries at the same time. 
The sun reflected in your eyes and Nico held the sides of your face as he pressed his lips to yours. 
You kissed back, and once you both stopped smiling widely, you could kiss back. 
He scratched his fingernails, the ones you’d painted rainbow that afternoon after catching more frogs and complaining about sunscreen, along your jaw when you bit down on his bottom lip.
Not as a complaint, certainly not, and you knew that too because you just sat back on your knees between Nico’s lap and tilted your head to fit deeper against Nico’s bruised lips. 
The ones that hadn’t had a single day off since you jumped up in the middle of breakfast with your gluten free waffles you hadn’t realized were gluten free until he had explained it to you later. 
It was intensely crazily unbearably romantic but it also meant whatever cold one of you managed to catch, the other would come down with only minutes later. 
And Nico felt like that smug little cat from Julie Manet’s Auguste Renoir.  
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Full Name: Cameron Flux
Nickname(s): Cam
Pronouns: they/he/she
Gender Identity: trans masc + gender fluid
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mortal Parent: Unknown, missing
Godly Parent: Apollo
Direct Family: One sister, Rhedyn “Rhey” Flux, Daughter of Apollo, Hunter of Artemis. Not that nice to Cam. All the rest of Cam’s family has died.
Tag: #cam’s talking
Light bending: The ability to control or bend light.
Sun manipulation: Heat & light from the Sun, tends to transfer into metal when enraged, angry, or simply just having a lot of emotions.
Glowing: You get the idea. He glows.
Music manipulation: can make music sound beautiful, understands instruments, and can even make people hear music even if it’s not really there—tends to drive people insane or schizophrenic.
Art: He’s just really good at making art and stuff.
Healing: Can heal people easily, works best with singing (in which he has a great voice).
Plague: Can give people plague and diseases that are incurable or deadly, mainly does this to enemies or those how wrong him.
Lasted: 1745–2024
How it happened: Hebe cursed Cam around the age of 3-4, right after his mother went missing.
What it did: Made Cam age 1 year for every 20 years
Broken: 3 years after Cam turned biologically 14
Lasted: 1744–Present day
How it happened: Thanatos came to Cam’s aid when his mother went missing
What it does: Makes Cam immortal, instantly heals him from a green crystal necklace that can’t break nor come off of Cam. If it does he dies.
Ares saw Cam’s pure rage, and decided to become his patron. Now, Cam is extremely successful in war and combat.
Feral. He raised himself on the streets for years, what did you expect?
Speaks a bit of French & Spanish, better in English.
Hispanic descent, 2nd generation.
[if i talk like this, it’s a recorder/writing-in-my-sketchbook-journal-thing/side-note. they’re just for fun.]
(like this is an action! or whatever they’re called.)
Noah Kahan obsessed
Favorite Musicians: Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles, chloe modrino, Lil Nas X, Olivia Rodrigo, etc, etc.
Has an army of alligators
Playlist here
@will-solace-aaaaa half-brother. treats me like an incompetent little sister.
@nico-di-angelo-aaaaa pretty cool. not much to say, other than he’s a son of Hades.
@leo-valdez-graaa Leo. annoying as shit but whatever, he’s super smart
@annabeth-in-your-chase Annabeth! showed me camp when I got here [i’m totally not crushing on her.]
@jason-graceeeeee buff guy. dating Leo. son of Jupiter, i think.
@frank-zhang-skreee i’ve never met him, but what Leo describes him as he seems nice! dating Hazel, last i checked.
@hazel-is-confused Hazel! super nice. daughter of Pluto. [i’m definitely not crushing on her either.]
@piper-mclean-raaa prettiest. woman. alive. 10/10, love her sm she’s like the best older sister ever
@apollos-favorite-child kayla ! super nice, super fun. sometimes makes fun of me [affectionately]
@superbstarlightsheep we get wendy’s together. basically my best friend 🫶
@moththecabin7kid moth ‼️
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades SEL‼️‼️‼️❤️
@travis-stollllllllll trav 🤛
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon lucy 💙
@just-plant-boy 👍 nick
@bill-son-of-boreas my gorjus bf
more, coming soon! [when people interact with me and when i remember everyone else]
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My opinions for Riordan verse books that no one asked for but will provide anyways
・Three book long series, first with Luke running away until he finds Thalia, second after they find Annabeth and their travels, third after Thalia dies and their time at camp before Percy, all from Luke's pov, we get more insight on his backstory and how he felt throughout everything outside of Percy's pjo which is where we saw everything. Also maybe we could get some Thalia x Luke before the betrayal..?
・A five book long series with a crossover with mcaga, tkc and pjo/hoo/toa, we already know their are some problems rising and I think some of the interaction (eg. Alex with Nico and Will with Magnus) could be really interesting to see. Also I feel like there could be something involving bringing Jason back as his death felt really unnecessary and sort of... Idk unfinished or something. Another idea I had for this was after maybe the first one or two books Percy in a way becomes Luke, trying to reach him in any way and carrying out his plan of overthrowing the gods however this time not with the help or Kronos but just trying to convince the other demigods to join him and a kind of descent to madness with him being tired of getting used.
・A standalone book, sort of like tsats except it's about Jason's life with Lupa and his time at Camp Jupiter, maybe just a short story but I feel like it could be good.
・Similar to the previous, a story about Reyna and her life before HoO, maybe a split pov with her and her sister because I feel like that story has a lot of potential.
・A book about Leo, set around the same time as tsats, maybe something to do with his dad or with the waystation, probably involving Calypso, Piper and Reyna (maybe him and Cal getting more development (OR A BREAK UP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF APOLLO) and kind of fleshing her out because right now she doesn't have much character imo) maybe he could also try to convince Hazel or Nico (probably Hazel because I feel like he doesn't have enough development with Nico to play this out) to let him see Jason again and him trying to join him.
・A bunch of short stories (like 10ish pages each length) of Rachel's experiences being the Oreacal and just what it's like, maybe also giving her some development with other characters (maybe Nico with them bonding on feeling out of place) and also some story with her family and how her life is.
・A collection of short stories which is basically just fluff because we don't get enough of that (Solangelo, Fierrochase, Percabeth, etc.)
・ Another short story (I'm sorry I warned you) with Annabeth right after the war, about her being mad at Luke, upset about his death, still caring about him and her getting a visit from Hermes, maybe expecting sympathy but just getting blamed for his death, also maybe a flashback of Luke asking her to leave in a nightmare.
・A book just with everyone's reaction to Jason death because I hate myself, not just in the moment but like a few weeks after and what they did and stuff (Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Nico)
・A collection of short stories about minor characters (Kayla, Austin, Connor, Travis, Clarisse, Lavinia, and just like under appreciated characters)
・A book with Reyna and Thalia split pov about them being in the Hunt and maybe a mission and Reyna could find out more about Bianca stuff. They could also maybe secretly get together but keep it hidden to stay in the hunt (or they leave the hunt and join the Amazons with Hylla (Reyna's sister) and they kind of start to bond) Also Hazel could be brought up because she technically stole from them.
・A short story with Nico and Bianca's life in the 1930s/when they're in the Lotus Casino, how they felt, what their life was like, etc.
Obviously a bunch of these short stories would be in one book, comment your suggestions xx
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collagedotorg · 25 days
Collage Masterpost Part 1
This list will be organized by genre/fandom, and within those sections each collage will be individually linked. This Part Covers Riordanverse and Part 2 will have everything else. I can't pin them both but the link to Part 2 is here: Masterpost P2
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Nico di Angelo
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper McLean
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Apollo/Lester Papadopolous
Thalia Grace
Luke Castellan
Will Solace
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Zöe Nightshade
Bianca di Angelo
Clarisse La Rue
Silena Beauregard
Charles Beckendorf
Lee Fletcher
Michael Yew
Katie Gardner
Chris Rodriguez
Meg McCaffrey
Castor & Pollux
Ethan Nakamura
Lou Ellen Blackstone
Travis and Connor Stoll
Malcolm Pace
Alabaster C. Torrington
Cecil Markowitz
Sally Jackson
Camp Half Blood
The Broken Trio (Luke, Annabeth, Thalia)
Camp Jupiter
Hylla Ramirez Arellano
Sherman Yang
Drew Tanaka
Chiara Benvenuti
Damien White
Miranda Gardiner
Paolo Montes
Julia Feingold & Alice Miyazawa
Jake Mason
Holly & Laurel Victor
Kayla Knowles
Nyssa Barrera
Ellis Wakefield
Lavinia Asimov
Valentina Diaz
The Seven (Plus Nico and Reyna)
Cabin 13
Cabin 14
Cabin 16
Cabin 19
Percy Jackson x Taylor Swift
Percy Jackson and the Olympians on Disney+
The Kane Chronicles
Sadie Kane
Carter Kane
Walt Stone
Zia Rashid
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Alex Fierro
Magnus Chase
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 3 months
You owe me at least three days of rest in the infirmary - Solangelo
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Pairing: Nico di Angelo x Will Solace
Warnings: A hit of sadness from Nico
Wordcount: 955
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- Keep your eyes on the stars 
 and your feet on the ground -
He did miss it. All the moments in the infirmary with Will. The silent moments when he had time to think just by himself, but Will was always there. The dinners they'd shared and Will's soft hands that stitched him up. Even though Nico was too stubborn to admit it, he liked when Will took care of him. It made him feel like maybe he was something to someone. Not just some pawn in the game that anyone could use however they wanted.
He shrugged the thought off and continued eating dinner. Jason and Percy had moved over to the Hades table to accompany him and they were talking loudly about some sword fighting and Camp Jupiter. Nico didn't really pay attention. His gaze rested on the Apollo table where Will sat with his siblings. He was talking with Austin Lake and Kayla Knowles and they all began laughing when Austin said something funny. He couldn't really make out what. Nico turned his head away again, looking down at the food he had on his plate. It didn't seem as good anymore.
With his appetite gone, Nico pushed the plate away and stood up from the bench. Jason and Percy looked up from the talking and nodded goodbye as he left. Nico's steps led to the Hades Cabin. The dark wooden door slid open without a sound when he pulled at the cold handle. He walked right in and closed the door behind him, drowning out the light. Nico's bed was done due to him sleeping in the infirmary the past days. Hazel's bed was done too, the white sheet she had put up to get some privacy was folded and placed at the bottom of the bed.
He sat down on the bed, softly placing a hand on the sheets and feeling the soft material under his palm. A knock on the door startled him and he snapped his gaze to the door.
"It's open," he said, loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. The door handle pressed down and, without a sound, it slid up and revealed Will Solace resting against the doorframe. The sun behind him made it hard to see him properly but the usual kind eyes and reassuring smile was still visible in the shadows. Nico smiled an almost invisible smile and nodded for Will to come in. The blonde boy stepped inside and closed the heavy door behind him. The door clicked and Will turned around again to face Nico who had laid down on the bed staring at the ceiling. His dark hair fell out of his eyes and created a gloria behind his head. His eyes were fixated at the enchanted ceiling. One of the kids from Hecate's cabin had noticed the gloomy cabin and decided to decorate it a little. Nico did not approve of it but now he kind of liked it. It was calming and beautiful. He was too occupied to look at the ceiling to notice when Will sat down beside him on the bed. 
"What are you looking at-" Will began but when he looked up and saw the sight Nico admired he fell backwards beside Nico. "Whoa..." he let out a surprised gasp and his eyes were big. Whatever Will had come to do in the first place was soon forgotten. Nico turned to look at him and smirked. The ceiling was covered in stars. Constellations and moons, planets and asteroids, galaxies and stars. It all was scattered around in the whole ceiling in cabin 13. No one beside the Hecate kid who did it, Nico and Hazel knew. Now Will did too, and Nico was happy to share it with him.
Will had never really admired the cosmos and the stars only reminded him of his pretty stupid father, Apollo, God of the sun. Sure, they held a sort of beauty that was hard to find anywhere else but, more than that they had never become in Will's eyes. But now, lying there with Nico staring at the ceiling and taking in the sight of all the shining balls of gas and the purple and pink galaxies and nebulas and all the moons, he felt like they finally had a meaning. Now he understood why most people like to stargaze. Finally the stars were something beautiful to him too, finally they had a meaning. He shared a peaceful, beautiful moment under the stars with Nico. They didn't say anything, they just laid there on Nico's bed in cabin 13. Their shoulders touched and their knuckles nudged every now and then. 
Will thought it fit in here in cabin 13. He couldn't see this in any other cabin. Nico was the son of Hades, god of the underworld. He resembled the darkness, he took it and let it be a part of himself, a part of who he was. And in space there's only darkness. Except for the billions of stars that scattered around the whole place. The billions of gems that lit up the whole place. It fit in here perfectly with Nico and Hazel. And Nico seemed to enjoy the enchantment too. He looked peaceful and relaxed. His features were soft and a small smile played on his lips. Nico could feel Will's gaze on him and he smirked. 
"The stars are up there, you know?" he said and pointed at the ceiling, not looking away from the stars. Will blushed lightly and smiled but didn't take his eyes off Nico. 
"I know... but just let me look at a star much closer than that. Both in space and in heart."
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Hello, I was wondering if you could write a little comfort pet loss with Suga? I recently lost my dog named meatball and was wondering if you could write something? I would greatly appreciated it. I love your writing by the way.
Hello there Kayla, thanks so much for the request. I’m so sorry about your dog and replying to this request so late :( I hope you feel better soon <3
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Contents: Sugawara x gn reader, fluff, comfort, death of a pet, 0.5k
In life, loss was brutal. You knew that perfectly well. You'd lost your phone for more than forty-eight hours, a gift from your boyfriend when you hadn't meant to and even lost friendships over the years. But as you sat in the quiet of your living room, you couldn’t help but think this loss was the worst of them all. This was the kind of loss you didn't see coming, the air around you light and airy until a formidable weight collapsed on top of you, knocking the breath out of you. A burden so heavy it didn't feel real. "Y/N, I'm home!" Sugawara's cheerful voice rang out as you remained sitting on the floor, legs leaden as they refused to let you get up. You didn't dare call out, knowing how weak and feeble your voice would sound. "Darling~ Where are yo- Y/N? What are you doing on the floor?" "Hi," you smiled, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. "I was just thinking about something," There was an evident choke in your voice, and Sugawara sat down beside you, holding out his arms. "You wanna talk about what's wrong? Or shall we just sit here for a second?" "Sit," you whispered, "please." "Alright, let's do that then," he murmured, placing a kiss on your temple as he embraced you. Ever so gently, he brushed strands of hair out of your face, noticing the way you held back your tears. "Hey, darling, can you look at me for a second?" he asked, and you wordlessly did so. "You're allowed to cry, baby. You can do that," he reassured you, "you have every right to be upset right now, so don't bottle up those precious feelings of yours, alright?" "O-okay," you mumbled, feeling streaks of liquid salt run down your cheeks. "Sorry," you blurted out, not knowing why you felt apologetic. "Don't be," he hushed soothingly, rubbing your back softly as a sob broke out from your throat, your body trembling as you cried. "Oh, my love, it's going to be okay," Sugawara breathed, hugging you even tighter. "I'm right here, darling. Right here when you need me."
And later, when you had stopped crying, the two of you remained on the carpeted floor, relishing in each other's company. "My dog died," you finally choked out, "I got a phone call from the vet saying Meatball was going to be let down," "Darling, I am so sorry," Sugawara gasped, his hazel brown eyes glossing over at the news. "That is awful," "S'not your fault Kōshi. I'm just sad I wasn't there at the end," you sighed, bringing your fingertips to the bottom of your eyes, and rubbing your eyelids gently. Your eyes were undoubtedly going to be swollen tomorrow. "I'm still sad for you, Y/N," he kissed you slowly, warmth spreading through your body as he pulled away. "I know it'll hurt for some time," he began, looking at you with such sincerity, you nearly started crying again. "But I'm always here if you want to talk about it and I'll be here as you go through it," he kissed you again, his hair tickling your skin. "Thank you, Kō. I love you," "I love you too, darling. Shall we depart from this beloved floor and get something to eat? You can show me some photos of Meatball if you'd like," "I don't know, I think I've grown quite attached to the living room floor," you teased, standing up as Sugawara held out his hand to you. "Perhaps I'll just have to make you dinner and deliver it to you personally," he joked back, pressing his lips to your cheek. "How charming," you laughed, noticing how a smile spread across your boyfriend's features. "Even through sadness, I don't think I'll ever stop loving you, Y/N." Sugawara commented, taking your hand as he lead you to the kitchen.
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Holi-day two; Dear Mr. Claus,
Day two of our holidays! Mind you, Santa is mentioned in here so it is not as neutral as it possibly could be :)
Pairing: PLATONIC Lester, Lityerses, Meg, Will and Nico x gn!reader Warnings: None! Word count: ~800
- Asnyox
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In the end, to surprise of most of the campers, the Hermes cabin won! The managed to get an impressive number of light-up statues standing, and somehow, they got permission from the dryads to carefully decorate the entire woods. Besides earning bragging rights and a break from camp duties, they were also allowed to pick the next days holiday activity, within reason of course.
Right before lunch, Lester arrived at camp together with Lityerses and Meg. You had been aware that he wanted to visit, however you hadn’t known when. So, when he pulled you towards the Apollo cabin table during lunch you weakly tried to complain.
“I promised Hazel that-“ “Nope, we are here now, Hazel can wait.” Apollo smiled, as he forced you to sit down.
So, as you sat between Lester and Kayla during lunch, Connor stepped forward to announce today’s activity.
“Dear gentle people, we as humble winners of the cabin decorating competition,” both loud booing and applause were heard from the audience, “After an intense debate, the Hermes cabin decided the recognize one of our members tremendous efforts in getting us this win. Everyone, give it up for Klaus!”
This time there was no booing as people applauded. The elf eared individual waved awkwardly with as he smiled at the praise.
“Now, this is why Klaus has come up with the next activity,” Connor continued when the applause died down, “Which will be, drums please…” Connor paused, as you could here the Hermes cabin drumming on their table, “Writing letters to Santa!”
As the campers around you made loud sounds of confusion, one voice across from you stood out the most, as Lityerses asked to no one in particular.
“Who is Santa?”
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After a while, the writing utensils were distributed to each table. Nico had sat down next to Will after Conner’s speech, and Meg moved away from the Demeter table in order to join Lester in this endeavour. You might think that it was to have fun together, however she more so seemed delighted at Apollo’s suffering.
“Why are we even writing these letters? Santa isn’t real.” Lester grumbled and you gasped. “You can’t say that in front of the children!” You hit Lester on his head, and he let out a small ow. Meg rolled her eyes at your comment, as she was the youngest, yet knew that Santa did not exist.
“Wait,” Nico looked up from his writing, “Santa doesn’t exist?” If your eyes weren’t betraying you, you could see some hurt on Nico’s face, hidden behind the indifference that he normally wore.
“You didn’t know?” Apollo gapes at Nico. Nico shrugged, looking down to continue his letter. “I found out about his existence mere weeks before finding out that the gods are real,” Nico explained, “It only made sense that the guy is real then, right? I mean, someone here never corrected me.” Venom was in Nico’s tone. Will carefully rubbed Nico’s back.
“I’m sorry sunshine,” Will apologized, “You seemed so excited about Santa.” Nico simply grunted in response, still vigorously working on his letter, trying to ignore the disappointment that he felt.
“Why wouldn’t he be excited anymore?” Klaus popped up behind you. You could see Percy’s head perk up from the table next to yours, only noticing because he quickly turned around and stared intensely at Klaus, who now had put a hand on your shoulder. Lityerses, who had barely written down anything, nor had spoken after his prior question, broke his silence.
“Lester said Santa isn’t real, Nico didn’t know, and no one explained who Santa is to me.” Lityerses’ face was full of confusion, “Please, do I write this letter or not? What does this guy even do? Why does he care about me?” his voice cracked a little at the end of the sentence.
“Oh, dear Lityerses, Santa is a jolly person who gifts presents to those who have been kind during the year! Do write the letters, I love reading letters-“ Klaus coughed, “and Santa surely loves to do so too!”
Klaus stepped away from you, and walked towards Apollo, putting both his hands on Apollo’s shoulders, and positioning his face next to Apollo’s ear.
“And Lester, dear, lying is not a kind thing to do,” you saw Lester gulp as Klaus spoke softly, “so you better make up with a kind act or who knows what Santa might do.” Apollo quickly nodded in response; Klaus smiled.
“Great! Be sure to finish your letters before dinner!” he jollily walked away. You laughed at the horrified face Lester was making, and as you once again looked at Percy, he seemed to be having the same scared expression.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
KAYLA WATTS (jurassic world: dominion)
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“I Got You” (Kayla Watts x Fem!Reader)
| A rewrite of Dominion where Reader is Kayla’s wingwoman and gets caught up in the chaos of the movie with her.
| Reader is always black unless I say differently
| SFW, canon typical action & slightly heftier language (Warning: Kayla and Reader argue)
| 3k+
| parts: one, two
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And now, you’re helping her make an emergency take off while some white man on a motorcycle who’s being chased by the two rabid velociraptors from earlier races to get into the back of the plane.
The plane jerks forward roughly as you force it into movement without buildup. The redhead kicks up a fuss at that as she’s screaming back and forth with the man to hurry.
“We have to wait!”
You turn to her in disbelief.
“If you want to lose the people after you, it’s pretty imperative we get moving now.”
“He’s my daughter’s father, I can't just leave him!”
Kayla scoffs, continuing to steer the plane down the landing strip.
“You better tell him to hurry his ass up then!”
Kayla purses her lips.
Kayla purses her lips.
“That’s not how this works,” she calls back.
You huff, only shrugging when the redhead looks at you, before turning around to do a secondary check of the controls as she resumes her yelling at the man.
You wish them the best of luck. Halfheartedly at least.
It’s as you’re monitoring radar that the noises behind you get way louder and you turn around to check, only to throw yourself backwards a second later as a motorcycle comes hurtling at you.
You don’t have the wherewithal to do anything but scream as the bike is just barely stopped from taking your head off by the pseudo doorway between the rest of the plane and the controls.
You watch the dents the bike makes and tears prickle at the corners of your eyes.
“This is too much. This is too much.” Your words speed up in your head the more you go on, hands twisting into your bomber jacket as you struggle to center yourself.
It’s only as you're starting to count your breaths, gaze still stuck on the dents the bike left in the divider, that you realize Kayla doesn’t even seem to have noticed any of the action.
It makes something hot coil at the bottom of your stomach and so many different reactions bubble in the tip of your tongue before you opt to swallow them all back down.
You take the time as everyone else gathers themselves and Kayla steers, to calm down. Hoping Kayla doesn’t need you because you can’t right now.
You smooth your hands down your jacket and when you turn to look down at them you realize you’re shaking.
“Great,” you pant before slowly pulling yourself back up into your seat.
A steady manthra of ‘you’re okays’ goes through your mind as you buckle yourself in. One of these days Kayla’s spontaneous bullshit is gonna kill you. You could only take so much at a time, especially without a plan.
Fuck you’re gonna kill her. You’re gonna kill her.
Kayla gets the plane into the air not twenty seconds after your combined near beheading, flips the switch for the ramp to go up, and cheers.
“Woo! Still got it!”
She glances over at you, excitement lighting up her hazel eyes, but you only roll your own brown ones back and slide further away from her in your seat. Your hands are still shaking and you squeeze them into fists. She’s distracted by the man and woman dropping into the seats behind you, and you breathe out as her line of questioning is halted.
The sounds of the two interlopers that Kayla just decided to invite into your duo feel like salt in your wounds, however, and you can’t find it in you to relax.
“I’m Owen by the way,” the man pipes up before the woman’s voice reaches your ears.
“And I’m Claire.”
“Kayla,” your girlfriend pipes up before taking in your silence and grunting. “And that’s Y/n.”
You narrow your eyes, not bothering to look at any of them even as Owen goes to grab the headset at the side of your head.
“That don’t work,” Kayla says and Owen’s next words are colored in disbelief.
“But you have a copilot?”
Kayla nods slowly and you humph.
“And if you’ll notice she don’t have the headset on.”
“But…what if she needs to take the reins?”
You fiddle with the broken cargo light switch. “If Kayla passes out I’ll just take her headset and keep it pushin’.”
Kayla nods and you see her point at you in agreement from the corner of your eye.
“And what if you pass out too?”
The redheads’ question manages to make both of you laugh, but at the glance you exchange you force the humor from your face.
Again Kayla doesn’t seem to notice, humor still firmly in place as she looks back to the sky.
“Well the autopilot don’t work either so if neither of y’all know how to fly I’d get to praying, cause this baby’s only got two chutes,” Kayla jokes and her playful tone annoys and forces you to tamp down the upturn of your lips in equal measure.
“Just two-”
You listen as Grady takes in and then promptly forces himself past that little bit of information before targeting something else.
“But what if one of you needs to get something?”
Kayla smiles and makes a grand gesture towards you.
“Well then Owen, meet the autopilot.”
You wave with a small amount of flare over your shoulder, still upset but loving the mildly distressed sounds they’re making.
After that the cabin descends into heavy silence and eventually you turn around to see them looking at you open-mouthed.
“Owen I might not give a rat's ass about you or your girl but I do about mine and Kayla’s lives. So as long as we’re in the same plane I’m not gonna let you die. You can relax.” You incline your head. “For now.”
He nods really slowly at you even though both him and Claire still look dubious.
After that you stew for a few more minutes in blessed silence.
Now you’ve got to figure out how to get the two of you out of this mess alive. What you’d like to do is drag Kayla by the ear off of this damn plane and anywhere safer than this, but you knew that wasn’t something Kayla would sit well with.
You rub your hand over your mouth. It’s still shaking.
Leaving her on her own isn’t an option either. You’ve left a lot of motherfuckers out to dry before but Kayla would continue to be the exception. You cross your arms. It really does seem like your best chance at keeping Kayla alive was following through with finding Owen and Claire’s daughter and making sure she didn’t get eaten on the ground.
Kayla throws you a glance that you ignore. You’re not doing this with her right now. She means a lot to you but this shit was unacceptable. She brought unknowns into the plane.
You bite down, every time they shift your hand inches towards your hip. You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Fucking Kayla.
The silence stands until Grady just has to open his mouth again.
“Why’re you risking your life for people you don’t even know anyway,” he asks.
Your eyes snap open, jaw clenching as you stare down the gauges next to you, hand tapping lightly on your gun. You take a deep breath, your hand is still shaking as you unclip your holder.
After all of this he was really asking questions like that?
Kayla’s voice reaches your ears as she adjusts the controls, eyes still on the sky.
“You want a ride or not?”
You interject, “No, cause that’s what I’m saying.”
Your girlfriend had a big heart, and she guarded it well, but that didn’t mean she didn’t listen to it often. That heart could and did get her in trouble, trouble that you often got dragged into right beside her. That led to a lot of near misses.
Those past events are what drives you to pull out your pistol and aim it at the man behind you’s head.
He puts his hands up as Claire, who you’ve gathered is probably married to him, starts trying to barter with you or some shit.
You give her an uneven smile.
“Look, y’all seem nice and all. But nice doesn’t keep you alive. What do you want with us?”
The redhead shakes her head. “I didn’t ask you to help us. Your friend volunteered.”
“Oh I know. What I’m asking is what bullshit did you spew to get her helping you?”
“I didn’t tell her anything. I was being chased by a velociraptor and she decided to help.”
“Baby, put down the gun. I overheard them talking after I left the bathroom and decided to help them then. That’s it.”
“Alright, I’ll take that, but I still need to know if what you’re going to do is going to come back to bite us in the ass.”
Claire shakes her head. “It won't, we promise. All you have to do is sneak us in and then we never see each other again.”
Owen nods.
“Biosyn took our daughter. All we’re trying to do is get her back.”
“Why’d they take her?”
Claire clears her throat. “She’s…special. She’s got a very rare condition that we believe Dodgson wants to use to further his cause.”
You hum, clicking the safety of your gun back on but still not moving it.
“Here’s how I see it. I can’t stop this mess, but what you’re not gonna do is get Kayla killed, do you understand? Your kid is not my problem, she is. So just like you’d kill for what’s yours, I’d kill for what’s mine. So we’ll follow through with this because that’s what she wants, but you don’t get any second chances so tread lightly.”
You wait until the white couple nods before dropping your weapon and holstering it back to your hip.
“Good. I’m glad we understand each other.”
It’s as you’re finally turning back to the front that Owen speaks up.
“You don’t get in our way and we don’t get in yours. Got you loud and clear, lady.”
You smile and nod. There’s only a beat where Kayla takes you ignoring her attempts to get your attention before she turns to your ‘guests’.
“Can y’all fuck off for a minute? Thanks.”
Before they even finish getting up she’s jumping down your throat.
“What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? You put us into this situation without asking me or without a clear story from the two heaping piles of shit you just dropped on our feet. Don’t get mad at me for getting answers after you jumped the gun.”
“I get it alright, but you cannot just threaten to shoot people when-”
“No. You don’t get it, but I’m done. You made a decision and now we’re following through. That’s it, end of discussion.”
Kayla presses her lips together.
You dismiss her and recline back in the co-pilot's seat to watch the monitors as Kayla keeps piloting. She doesn’t need you right now so you resolve yourself to angrily making sure everything keeps kicking as the clouds pass you guys by, and listening to the two newcomers you were apparently now risking your life for going back and forth somewhere in the cockpit behind you.
Fucking Kayla.
“Can you at least tell me if you’re okay?”
You turn minutely at the sound of her voice.
“Nah. I’m perfectly fine with you dragging me to my impending death. I don’t want to have this conversation anymore Kayla.”
Kayla sighs as she clicks on autopilot. You purse your lips as she turns in her seat to fully face you, tamping down the bit of humor that tries to flare up at the autopilot actually working.
“Uh uh, we need to talk before we get more into this. You know as well as I do how dangerous it can be if we’re not on the same page.”
“Oh really,” you turn your head fully to glare.
Kayla blanches at you before glaring right back.
“You’re the one that got in the passenger's seat.”
Your eyes widen.
“No the fuck you are not. You decided on a fly to drive these two to your plane after we were done with a mission. I followed you on impulse. But we’re supposed to be on the ‘same page’ as you so eloquently put it.” You point between your bodies. “This is not an ‘I follow, you lead’ partnership. When you make a fucking decision that can get us killed, like this, you tell me before hand. Not after a couple near deaths!”
“It’s their daughter! You can’t expect me to just not care about that.”
You shake your head.
“I’m not telling you to not care. I love that you care, Kayla. But you cannot do shit like this at the risk of your own life. It’s like you don’t even care sometimes.”
She laughs, smile turning sharp as she leans towards you.
“At the risk of my life or yours?”
Your mouth snaps shut.
You sneer, straightening up and moving further from her with a nod of your head. Kayla’s face drops in tandem with your own going flat.
You ignore the strain in her voice.
“No it’s fine,” you glance at the controls as you push your words past your throat. “Pilot the plane. Autopilot might actually work but we both know it’s not 100% with this old girl.”
You turn away from her and cross your arms, wiping roughly at the tear that travels down your cheek. At least you’re not shaking anymore.
It takes maybe ten minutes before Claire and Owen come back to their seats and you don’t acknowledge them anymore either.
“Um, this might not be the best time, but we need to make a plan before we get to the enemy.”
Kayla takes a second before answering. Voice hoarse when she speaks.
“I guess if you’re good with it I could just drop you off after thinking up some excuse,” she clears her throat. “Uh, yeah, we’re contracted with Biosyn so that’ll probably work.”
“We still need a way back out,” Clair says.
Kayla clicks her tongue, “Shit. I forgot.”
“How about you two stall them enough for us to find Maisie with a fake drop off. Once that’s done we should be able to sneak back in and fly off,” Owen says.
“Could work, but we don’t actually have anything to give them. A decoy delivery could get us through, but that’s it, if we don’t actually have something to give them we’ll be flagged.”
“There’s some empty boxes in the back from a delivery we did two weeks ago. As long as we unload them ourselves then they should do fine.”
At your advice Kayla gives you a doe eyed look, a tentative smile flashes across her face. Facing more naturally forward in your chair you nod back at her.
“So we get you in and then pretend to put some shit up. That should give y’all bout 20 minutes,” she watches you and her voice softens. “You okay with that?”
Your mouth works for a bit, “If you’re going in, I’m going in right behind you. So it doesn’t really matter if I am.”
Kayla nods, fingers drumming on the controls before she glances at Owen.
“Alright. In and out we get the girl and leave?”
“That sounds like a plan.”
“Great,” you say and move to turn up the volume on the two-way radio. “Cause we’re pulling up into Biosyn’s airspace now.”
The whole plane seems to lean forward in tandem as the radio clicks to life not two beats later.
“Ms. Watts this is ground control. State your purpose for being back. Our logs say you successfully handed off your assigned cargo hours ago.”
Kayla’s already got an answer rolling off the tip of her tongue before you even finish swiveling your neck to look directly at her.
“Not that successful,” Kayla responds, voice smooth and unwavering with practiced ease. “We’ve got some overlooked cargo still with us. My partner and I are simply asking for re-entrance into the facility to drop it off.”
“Overlooked cargo?”
At your mouthed words she squints.
“It’s not like you were offering up a better idea, and an entirely new decoy delivery wouldn’t get us in after they check the logs.”
There’s a split second where she stares you down before you brush her off. Delivery logs are always the fastest files for them to look up, and it’s less likely anyone will recheck missing inventory to avoid getting into trouble.
“I didn’t say it was bad.”
“Thank you-”
“Ms. Watts, can you describe the overlooked cargo?”
Click off.
Kayla scoffs and speaks into the transceiver, “Yeah of course,” then she’s waving her hand at you to offer something up. You turn to her with a shrug.
“I don’t know.”
Her brows raise.
“Um, fine. Damn! A container of blue vials, Biosyn logo all over them?”
She takes your idea in stride, relaying the description to Denise on the tail end of your words.
Denise’s voice crackles back on again. You take in and let out a deep breath.
“Ms. Watts, can we have confirmation that your copilot is in the cabin with you?”
One click.
At your side eye Kayla nods. You take the device from her.
“Control, this is F/n L/n, and as you can hear I am present and alive.”
Another click.
“Your request is being examined, Ms. Watts, hold tight.”
Two clicks, Denise finishing and Kayla starting.
“Come on, Denise, girl we know each other. We cool. All of this isn’t necessarily.”
You listen, insides twisting as Kayla talks back and forth with the control tower. There’s a lot of fleeting shared glances for all of twenty seconds as Claire and Owen start shifting in their seats, before Denise denies Kayla entry and your partner tries to evade her questioning while glancing at you again.
“There’s nothing else to be said. You are not authorized to be in Biosyn’s airspace, Ms. Watts. Have a good day.”
Both your eyes widen before Kayla and you move in tandem to start checking your airspace for Biosyn countermeasures.
“Wait! Just hear me out….Denise!”
She clicks off and doesn’t come back on again as Kayla rushes to check the missile lock. You don’t shift your gaze from her hands as she goes through the other early warning systems.
Everyone remains silent even as something near you makes the plane stumble.
Kayla freezes, eyes instantly flitting over to the parameter gauge.
“No need,” you whisper, voice catching, as your own eyes track a giant shadow closing in from behind.
Kayla sucks in sharply.
“Not good?”
“Mm mm,” Kayla shakes her head.
Your abdomen clenches.
A guttural sound traveling in from behind you accentuates the tense line of her shoulders, and your breath stutters out of you as you slowly reach for the controls.
“That’s another plane right?”
Owen’s words make you cringe. Oh, what you’d give for that to be the sounds of a Biosyn plane converging to put you down.
When the parameter warning starts going crazy you let out a small whimper as your suspicions are affirmed.
“We’ve got a visitor,” you say; hands tightening on the steering wheel along with Kayla as you work to slow the plane down.
Making yourselves even more enticing pray by trying to outfly something way faster than the plane was stupid. Your best bet was to hope it got bored.
The peeping bores into your ears as you watch WARNING flash on the screen between the pilot and copilot controls.
“What’s that?”
Owen’s leaned forward enough you see him indicate the bold white words flashing up at y’all as Kayla answers.
“Uh,” you see her trying to look past the plane's blind spots as she absentmindedly flicks off autopilot. “That’s the, uh, that’s the aerial deterrent system.”
She clicks off the relentless beeping as Owen cusses. The cabin goes silent.
“Well why is it going off,” Claire whispers prior to noticing the same shadow you are and making a surprised noise.
“Please tell me that’s another plane,” Owen utters.
An image of the full animal pops into your head at his question, but it’s Kayla who actually has an answer.
“Unfortunately, no. That is a quetzalcoatlus, and we see them a lot around here.”
You keep yourself totally still as you track the shadow’s movements. Quetzalcoatluses were a common topic of complaint. They were bigger than most of the planes that flew in and always were the source if a crash occurred just due to their sheer size, but they also saw the bigger planes as competition. Something a few of the guys you knew flew for Biosyn on a fixed contract had learned the hard way.
You all watch its huge wings flap around you as it glides overhead, rattling the cargo plane even more, before it ends up going on its way. Your abdomen stays clenched as you watch it fly until the sun blocks your view of it.
Kayla loosens her grip on the controls as the dinosaur lets out another guttural roar in the distance in front of you. You can’t bring yourself to do the same.
“It’s cool. We’re good, it’s gone.”
You give her a questioning look and she’s grinning at you when there’s a screech and the thing comes out of nowhere to barrel into the front of the plane.
NOTES: So some of the scenes aren’t linear with the actual movie, and I kind of just had to work it that way so that everything fit for my personal narrative, so it is what it is. My knowledge of planes is also about as good as my knowledge of guns so, good luck with this one.
And this is a part of a series. Hopefully you enjoyed.
Tagged: @shortpeopleisterrifying
37 notes · View notes
polls-r-us · 1 year
Note: This is the final poll of the series.
Previous Polls:
Which demigod would be bitten by a radioactive spider?
Which demigod would be a member of Justice League Dark?
Who would be on the have the best relationship with the Atlanteans?
Which demigod would fight monsters in a mech suit?
Which demigod would fit in best as a member of Young Justice?
Which demigod would be the next Super Soldier?
Which demigod would operate the best in the League of Assassins?
Which demigod would be part of the Shazam family?
7 notes · View notes
what the heart wants - final pt.
pairing: Eddie Munson x Kayla Walker (OC)
warnings: grovelling, heartbroken Eddie, alcohol consumption
word count: 4k
part 1 | part 2
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For the remainder of the weekend, Eddie barely slept. Hating himself for putting Kayla through what he had, and cursing himself for not trying harder to tell her the truth. As soon as there was a hint of feelings, he should have called it quits. Or at least gave back the money and treated Kayla the way she should have been treated. The way she deserved to be treated. Once he got to know her, he knew that he didn’t really deserve to be with her. He’d tried picking up the phone to call her, but could never bring himself to finish typing in her number. 
This was exactly why he never tried in the first place with people. All he ever did was cause people disappointment. The muscles in his chest pulled together and ached as he went over it in his head. Thinking of when he fell so hard for the girl who was supposed to just be a money job. Chrissy was right, as it turned out, she was really good for him. Got him up in the mornings, and made him happy to be at school. 
Eddie knew he couldn’t be that for her. All he did was ruin what happiness she did have. He took this intelligent, beautiful girl and hurt her in ways he couldn’t possibly imagine, and that was what he was never going to forgive himself for. Kayla never asked for this. Chrissy should have just talked to Kayla herself, and he should never have gotten involved. 
Leaning against his van, Eddie’s eyes scanned the school parking lot. He hadn’t planned on being at the school but he needed to see her. One more time. Maybe she’d let him explain. The lack of sleep made his brain feel fuzzy and he knew he wasn’t thinking as clearly as he should be, but he had to do something. He had to tell her something. If Chrissy had gotten a chance to talk with Kayla that weekend, maybe she would at least hear him out. 
The familiar hum of her car caught his attention and suddenly his breath caught in his throat. His palms were sweaty but he tried to wipe them on his dark jeans. It wasn’t the time to be scared. It was time to confess as much as she would let him. 
He couldn’t will his feet to move from their spot as he watched her emerge from her car. Dark hair tucked into a ponytail with a black t-shirt that just skimmed the top of her sweatpants. Her eyes flickered over to him, just for a second, and all he could offer her was a half-lopsided smile before she shook her head and started towards the school. 
Move you, idiot, he thought to himself as she watched her getting away from him for the second time. Eddie sucked in a deep, shaky breath and forced his feet to move across the pavement toward her. 
“Kayla wait, please!” He called, as he caught up to her, jogging around her and coming to halt in front, forcing her to stop as well. 
Her hazel eyes pierced into him, as she cocked an eyebrow and chewed on the inside of her cheek, “What’s wrong, Munson? Did you get short changed? Are you going to ask me for coffee so you can get another twenty bucks?” she snipped.
Shaking his head, he tried to reach forward to brush her hair off her cheek, causing her to step back away from him. 
“I don’t care about the money. It’s not about the money, I just need you to hear me out, please” he begged, as he retracted his hand and stuffed both of them into his jean pockets.
“Save it. I don’t want to hear your excuses,” she shook her head once and walked around him. 
Eddie swore he saw her eyes welling up, but he knew that she’d never let anyone actually see her cry. His chest tightened once more as he walked back to his van. It wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that he wasn’t in class. In fact, it had been a shock that he had been at school every day the previous week. But Eddie knew he was only there for her. To get every moment he could with her. 
He drove himself around town for a while, giving Wayne time to fall asleep so he wouldn’t get in shit for not going to school. Eddie already knew what Wayne was going to say. It would start off with a long list of ‘I told you so’, followed by the importance of persevering or something and showing up when people expected him to, and finally something about life giving lemons. It wasn’t exactly the pep talk Eddie needed at this moment. 
Since he didn’t want to head back to the trailer quite yet, Eddie drove himself into downtown and walked the streets, doing his best to duck into alleyways or walk with his head down when Hopper’s truck drove through. Not that it would be a surprise to him that Eddie wasn’t in school but it didn’t matter. That was the last interaction he wanted today. 
Eddie took the time to squeeze into Kayla’s bookstore. Since she was at school, he knew he could move around and pick up what he needed without making work awkward for her. He’d done enough damage, he wasn’t about to ruin her workplace too. Knowing exactly where he needed to go, Eddie slunk through the shelves to the back where the stationary was displayed on a well-stocked table. 
He picked up the soft lavender, leather-bond journal and flipped it over in his hands. It was her favourite color and since he knew her old one only had a few pages left, he hoped this would be a good addition to her collection. Eddie sucked in a deep breath and pulled the extra money he’d been given at the party out of his pocket. It was only right he spent it on something for Kayla. Even if she never spoke to him again. 
“All set?” Nancy grinned from behind the counter. 
Nodding once, Eddie slid the journal to her and pressed his lips into a thin line. 
Nancy breathed out a small laugh as she took the book and scanned it through, “Kayla’s going to love this,” she commented.
“What?” Eddie’s attention snapped back to the girl behind the counter. 
“It is for Kayla, isn’t it?” she asked, pulling another nod from Eddie. “She’s going to love it. I saw her looking at this when she worked last week, but she never got it, so it’ll make the perfect ‘I care about you’ gift” Nancy grinned. 
Clearing his throat, he ran his hand into the tangled mess of curls, “It’s more of a ‘please forgive me for being a fucking idiot’ kind of gift…” he replied quietly as he passed her a bundle of crumpled bills. 
“Ah well,” she passed the plastic bag over to him, and sighed, “I’m sure this will help. I know you two weren’t seeing each other long, but when I tell you I’ve never seen Kayla as happy as she was last week… I - I think she’ll forgive you” Nancy gave him a soft smile
Eddie nodded again, “Thanks, Wheeler… I’m really hoping your right,” returning the soft smile, he made his way back out to his van.
It was sunny out for once, and everyone walking out of the school just looked so deceivingly happy. It almost made Eddie madder at the world, except he knew this time it was his own fault. He glanced over at the poorly-wrapped brown paper package that sat in her spot, with her name roughly scribbled on the front with a small note “your old one was getting full”. 
He stayed in his van, watching the school doors, for once praying that Kayla wouldn’t come to spend lunch writing in her car. He needed time to leave his gift for her without her seeing him. The last thing he wanted to do was guilt her into forgiving him, and buying her the new journal had been a plan of his anyway. Although, it was in the back of his mind that the small gift might at least get her to talk to him again at some point. 
Once the lunch bell rang and the rest of the students returned to the building, Eddie jumped out of his van and sauntered over to Kayla’s car. As he looked around the parking lot, his ringed fingers gingerly linked under the door handle and tugged, to his surprise pulling the door open. For someone who claimed to hate almost everyone, Kayla clearly trusted more people than she let on if she just left her car unlocked. 
“Silly girl,” Eddie chuckled to himself, as he placed the brown package on her passenger seat and closed her car again. 
Shaking his head lightly, with a soft smile on his face, he jumped back in his van and drove himself home. Surely Wayne would be asleep by now and he could sneak into his room undetected. It had been a weekend of being unable to focus on anything but how he hurt Kayla, but the band had a show to prep for and Eddie knew he owed his bandmates at least a little concentration. 
As he backed himself into the house, he tried his best to close the front door as quietly as he could. It was surprising to him sometimes how deeply Wayne slept with him as a nephew but on days like this, he always counted it as a blessing. 
A deep throat clear pulled Eddie from his thoughts as he jumped and spun around. 
“You thought I was sleepin’, didn’t you?” Wayne cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest as he moved to join his nephew at the kitchen table. 
Eddie let out a deep breath and nodded once, “I was hoping… Why aren’t you?” 
“That’s not the conversation you want to have right now,” a small smirk crept onto Wayne’s lips, “why aren’t you at school? Still avoiding talking to that girl?” 
Sometimes it annoyed Eddie how well his uncle had figured him out. There were fewer things he could get away with and fewer things he could skate around and avoid. Not that he would admit it out loud but this time it was a skill he was happy about. He didn’t expect Wayne to try and make him feel better, Eddie was fully expected to be called an idiot, but coming from his uncle, he also knew it would be paired with some sort of good advice. 
“Kayla… Her name is Kayla,” Eddie finally admitted, chewing on the inside of his cheek and looking down at his hands as he fiddled with his rings, “I screwed up bad, Wayne, and I don’t know how to fix it. I should have worked harder to tell her the truth but once I got to know her, the money didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for her… And now she won't speak to me because the idiot paid me in front of her…” 
“You’re more of an idiot than I thought you were,” Wayne chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Good talk, that’s just what I needed, thanks,” rolling his eyes, Eddie went to stand from the table, but Wayne grabbed his arm gently. 
“Walk me through it, slowly, let’s see if you can figure this out on your own,” 
Slowly sitting back down, and letting out a sigh, Eddie launched into the story of everything that happened. Not leaving out any details. Most of the time, there were situations that he liked to leave his uncle in the dark about, only telling him exactly what he needed to know and nothing more. But for this one, he spilled everything. From the moment Chrissy approached him to the moment she walked away with his heart in her hands. 
The emptiness in his chest was consuming and clearly clouding his thoughts. What he really wanted was a cigarette but he had gotten rid of his packs for Kayla and couldn’t bring himself to buy more. Eddie tried to convince himself that that was part of why he was feeling the way he was; because he hadn’t had a smoke and the withdrawal wasn’t helping. Deep down he knew that the withdrawal was not just from the lack of nicotine though, it was from her. The withdrawal of her deep citrus scent and her laugh that was more beautiful to him than any song he’d ever heard. 
Going through everything again with Wayne did make him feel more like an idiot with each word he said. He could feel the sadness washing over him as he rubbed his hands over his face, attempting to hide the stinging tears that threatened to fall. 
“And then… she just walked away,” he shrugged, looking down at his hands, spinning his rings around and not wanting to look up at his uncle. 
Wayne cleared his throat, and nodded his head a couple of times, sitting there in the silence of the trailer home. Eddie was getting ready for his uncle to make some sarcastic remark again, or tell him that he was right for thinking that he didn’t deserve a girl like that, but instead, he just felt Wayne’s arm wrap around his shoulders. 
“Why do you think she’s angry? You just finished explaining the whole story, or what I hope is the whole story, tell me why you actually think she’s angry,” 
“I don’t know! How many times can I say that?” 
“Sure you do, you just don’t want to admit it to yourself.” 
“Wayne,” Eddie whined, throwing his head back against the bench. 
His uncle let out that deep chuckle that annoyed Eddie to no end, “You're a smart kid, Ed, you’ll figure it out.”
“Look she’s just mad. She’s mad because I lied to her, she’s mad because I didn’t tell her about the money, she’s mad because I humiliated her… Oh my god,” Eddie slumped his body forward, hitting his head on the table. 
With a soft clap on the back and a shoulder squeeze, Wayne left Eddie slumped over in the kitchen. He sat there for a long time, thinking of how he had made Kayla feel. Of course, she was humiliated. He’d taken her completely out of her comfort zone and then torn everything apart that the two of them had built with each other.
After hearing his uncle leave the trailer, Eddie let out a deep groan and slowly moved over to the phone, picking up the receiver and dialling Kayla’s number, pausing for a second before hitting the last number. She would be home by now, and he had to do this. He owed it to her. 
“Hello?” Her gentle voice sang down the line and he instantly felt his breath catch in his throat. 
Eddie chewed on his bottom lip, and sucked in some air, “Don’t hang up, please sweetheart, I just… I just need you to listen to me, you don’t have to talk and when I’m done you can hang up on me, okay?” 
He heard a soft hum from the other end of the receiver and took that as her agreeing. 
“I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am for how everything happened. You deserved so much better than that, and I should have told you from the start what was happening. I never meant to humiliate you the way that I did and there’s no excuse. I am so sorry Kay…” His voice trailed off as he finished. 
A soft sob from Kayla squeezed his heart as he heard the phone click and just like that she was gone again. He needed to get back to his normal routine of band and the Hellfire Club. The past few days he’d been neglecting his other responsibilities, but his friends deserved better. 
Eddie spent the rest of the evening putting the finishing touches on his new song and practising with sweetheart. God, he’d missed her sweet sound out in the open air of the trailer park at night. He sang softly to himself, allowing his voice to surround him and release his feelings. 
The next morning he forced himself to go to school, and even went to all his classes. He did his best to concentrate and even passed soft smiles with Chrissy in the hallway. On break, when he was outside leaning against the cold bricks of the school once more, he recognized the strawberry-blonde ponytail as she rounded the corner. 
“Hey…” Chrissy hugged her arms around herself and pressed her lips into a line. 
Eddie cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair, “Hey, this seems familiar, doesn’t it?” he tried to joke. 
She let out a soft chuckle and nodded, “If it makes you feel better, she hasn’t really talked to me either. We had a family dinner on Saturday and she wouldn’t even look at me after I explained what we did… I’m sorry Eddie, I didn’t mean for it to happen this way”
“None of us meant for it to happen this way, except the only one who got hurt was Kayla,” He sighed looking up at the sky. 
“Just give her some time…” Chrissy smiled at him once more, and patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll see you around, Eddie” 
And once again, he was alone with his thoughts. Kayla still plagued his mind and he knew that wouldn’t go away any time soon. He was going to work to become the man she thought he was. Better late than never right? Although, he begged anyone that would listen that she would forgive him one day and he’d be allowed the chance to show her exactly how she deserved to be treated. With all the happiness he could offer her. 
Tuesday night. 9 pm. The Hideout. Their usual 5 drunks lined the bar as Corroded Coffin finished up their sound check. Eddie made his normal lame jokes into the microphone to warm up the crowd who were just drunk enough to find him funny as the boys behind him rolled their eyes. 
As they were setting up for their first song, the glint of familiar hazel eyes caught Eddie’s attention and suddenly the whole room faded away. The stage light caught her face perfectly, illuminating the small smirk plastered on her lips as her tongue swiped the bottom one. 
“Uh, guys, give me a second…” He clapped his drummer on the shoulder as he slid on the wood and climbed off the stage, trying his best not to run over and wrap his entire body around her. 
In her arms, she clutched the lavender leather journal he had left for her, running her thumb gently on the fabric. Eddie’s heart was pounding in his chest as his feet slowed and he came to a halt in front of his girl. Not his girl, not anymore. 
“Your jokes weren’t that funny, you took advantage of their drunk demeanour to make yourself feel better,” Kayla quipped, biting the inside of her cheek to stop a smile. 
Eddie shrugged his shoulders, and rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah maybe, but even so, at least they think I’m funny” 
She breathed out a soft chuckle and looked down at her white converse, tapping her fingers on the journal in her hands, “Thank you for this by the way,” 
Eddie dipped his head so that his chocolate brown eyes caught hers, with a warm smile, “You needed a new one and this one is your favourite colour, I just thought…” 
“You just thought you could buy my forgiveness…” She questioned, cocking an eyebrow but keeping her eyes on his. 
“I thought it might help..” Eddie admitted, reaching forward and tentatively brushing her dark hair over her shoulder, “Besides I had some extra cash anyway, you know? Some asshole paid me to take out this really great girl”
She was wearing that Metallica cropped tee once more, which caused a blossom of hope to burst deep in his stomach. She was here, standing in front of him and actually talking to him, that had to be a good sign. 
"Sounds like your the idiot there," She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and took a small step forward.
Eddie’s breath once more caught in his throat as he watched her, tracing her features with his eyes, "yeah but I screwed it up though" 
A smile broke out on her perfectly plump lips as she reached out and brushed her fingers against his hand, "how?"
Linking his fingers with hers, and reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear with his free hand, Eddie closed the gap between them, pulling her flush against his body, "I, um, I fell for her..." 
With a soft breathy laugh, Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips cautiously to hers. That familiar explosion of butterflies set off every nerve ending in his body. He knew he missed the way she tasted and he wanted to savour every second of this moment. 
Kayla pulled back and caught his eyes once more, a playful smirk plastered on her lips, “Don’t think for one second that you can just buy my forgiveness every time you mess up…” 
Eddie shook his head, and tucked her hair behind her ear once more, cupping her face in his hands and attaching their lips again. Their tongues tangled together as the two of them smiled into each other. The room faded away as if nothing else mattered in the world.
The banging of a microphone brought the two of them back to the present and out of the bubble they had built for themselves. Eddie groaned and pulled back, pressing soft kisses to her cheeks and down her neck. 
“Stay for the show… please,” he mumbled into her skin, pulling another giggle from her as she nodded her head. 
“Fine, but only if you play some good music,” Kayla teased. 
Eddie smirked, and kissed her quickly, dragging his fingers down her arm and through her fingers, “For you sweetheart, I’ll play anything you want me to,” he winked.
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Dumb camper, saying as a joke: who’s that dude there in the shadows, is he like trying to act like an emo stalker he’s so weird lol  Will:  Will: I mean, yeah, it’s all fine, I don’t mind that, people can say what they want to, it’s fine, I’m perfectly fine with that- Will: who am I kidding there is no fucking way I am going to be fine with that Will: so, course of action; I’m gonna just walk up to that fucker, say hi, then push him in the lava Nico: Nico: wiLLIAM, NO-
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MY Percy Jackson OC'S. Part one? If y'all like it.
Name: Bianca-Maria Naomi di Angelo-Solace
Nicknames: Most everyone she's close to just calls her Bianca; Nico, Will and her girlfriend call her Bee; Sami Zhang and Theo Valdez call her Ria.
Pronouns: she/they but wouldn't be too mad if you used he/him every once in a while.
Age: 15 (Freshman)
Birthday: March 27th (I don't know wtf the year would be but *shrugs*)
Height: 5'2 (she's really hoping to grow at least three more inches, but the chances are slim.)
More physical description: Curly blondish-brown hair, tan skin, has sectoral heterochromia (one eye is brown, the other is like 3/4 blue and 1/4 brown; also fun fact my brother has complete heterochromia. its actually really pretty.), naturally lean.
Speaks: English, Italian, Greek and (very little) Spanish.
Has: ADHD, OCD, depression.
Lives in: Manhattan, NY
Powers (I think that they would somehow be biologically Nico and Will's child, honestly maybe as a 'gift' from Apollo who roped Aphrodite or Hera or something into it or smth): Major umbrakinesis, minor control over the undead, very, very minor shadow-travel, moderate healing, sonic whistle.
Weapons: USES A GUN OR (can she use stygian iron?) SWORD, depending on her mood. I do not accept criticism.
Hobbies: Reading, running, writing, dancing. They most definitely have a Tumblr account, too. Isn't too social, but does like spending time with her dads, her girlfriend, and her best friends, Sami Zhang, Milo Valdez, and Freya Pace.
Likes: Dystopian books, her Papa's amazing coffee, chocolate, dance, (surprisingly) lacrosse, politics.
Dislikes: People talking over eachtoher, people yelling, any chaos, grapefruits, eggs, and math.
Favorite food: Pomegranates.
Girlfriend: Isabella Pérez (named after my amazing best friend, you may know her as Priya).
Sexuality: Omnisexual, preference for girls.
Fatal flaw: Ambition (not hubris)
"Positive" traits: Intelligence, honesty, drive/determination, independence, perceptive.
"Negative" traits: Short temper, cold to unfamiliar people, and just a bit of pride.
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redroseworks · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pastel Goth Hazel/Goth Kayla
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