#He died at a young age for Rhea
randomnameless · 2 years
Uh, weird math time -
We don’t know when Sothis went to sleep after the Nuke Wars, but we know she never met Flayn, in Nopes, she says Flayn isn’t the “Benevolent One” she remembers, and even is awed by her existence!
(is it because Flayn was born after her “sleep” meaning Nabateans could, uh, create other Nabateans without her help, or is because Flayn is an hybrid which would be something impossible during the war (between humans and Nabateans) so by existing she sorts of shows that at least for shagging Humans and Nabateans could work together?)
But we know Flayn is no older than 1400, since Enbarr was built 1400 years ago.
I heavily suspect Nemesis didn’t do his thing back then - otherwise I don’t see Cichol meeting a human, fucking and then going to Rhodos to live a domestic life after the Red Canyon.
The War of Heroes roughly ended in 100 - Flayn thus feel in her coma - meaning, assuming Flayn was born the day Enbarr was built, Flayn was around 300-ish when she “died”.
So the timeline would go like this :
Sothis lands and shares tech
Some nabateans are born
Rhea is the last born
Nuke Wars
Sothis goes to sleep
-220 Rome Enbarr is built
Seteth meets his wife in a church,
Flayn is born
They move to Rhodos’s coast
Nemesis’s party
-41 Seiros the Warrior appears near Enbarr
That’s 1400 years or lore done with, only 8600 years to go!
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drunk-person · 30 days
Come Back (Modern au) P.6
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and aunt and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
This chapter is a part of a main story The gossip, you can find the previous chapter, summary and general tags by accessing the link.
Summary of the chapter: Every step taken in the past frighteningly alters the future, these are some of the steps Aemond and Y/n took.
Warnings of the chapter: 18+, family fights, dysfunctional family, mention of death of a secondary character and mourning, parental abandonment, pounds and pounds of teenage romance, teenagers being totally crazy and hormonal, teenagers discovering themselves, young love, no description for reader.
Word count: 8.094 k
A/n²: Let's go back a few years in time and see what was happening at the Targaryen mansion? Hope you like the new chapter, comments and suggestions are welcome 💕
"Hey hey kings landing, it seems that our dear Daemon Targaryen aka Prince Rouge is back in kings landing for the first time since the death of his wife Rhea Royce. Our sources say that he brought with him his 7-year-old daughter Y/n Targaryen, who was seen leaving a casino with her father at four in the morning about a month ago. Are the Targaryen siblings finally in harmony or are they still at odds?"
For the first 6 years of her life Y/n Targaryen was raised in runestone with her mother, and she was very happy there, even with the constant fights between her father and mother. As a child she liked to think that the two loved each other even amidst the fights and all the bad things. As an adult, she wasn't so sure anymore.
Her father Daemon Targaryen came and went all the time, he never stopped at home, he was always traveling, and when he was there, there were fights, fights, and more fights. Y/n usually hid under the blankets and covered her ears with her little hands, but it did little to muffle her parents' screams, it was painful, and sometimes, without being able to understand at such a young age, she thought that maybe it was her fault for some reason.
When her mother died in a car accident, Y/n cried for hours alone next to the coffin, there was only her and her uncle who had come to take over the business now that Rhea had died. So small, so alone, she barely understood what was happening, but she knew she would never see her mother again.
After that, Daemon came to get her and took her with him, Y/n loved her father, but she had discovered that she didn't like being with him. He was always on planes traveling from one place to another, and it was different from how it was with her mother, she no longer had a home, she was always in hotels, moving almost weekly. The only good part was that she had gotten rid of school and could just draw and play with her dolls. That didn't last long since her father decided to visit his older brother and took her with him.
As soon as she entered the mansion for the first time, still with her eyes shy from being in a strange place hidden behind her father's leg, she saw him, and could feel a smile forming on her lips almost immediately. A boy who must have been her age sitting upright on the couch while reading a thin book with a red leather cover with a black dragon drawn on it. His hair was silver as was common in the family and he had eyes so blue they looked like two precious stones.
-Try not to make a mess while I talk to my brother. - Her father's voice sounded serious as he ruffled her hair slightly, making her snort, already straightening the strands again and carefully replacing the tiara as she went down the steps of the entrance hall.
She looked at the boy a little longer, and he seemed so focused on his book that she seriously considered not disturbing him, but it was as if she was being pulled towards him somehow. Y/n didn't know if it was because she was scared and alone, or what it was, and without thinking much more about it she decided to walk to the boy on the couch with a smile.
-Hi, I'm Y/n. - She said, tilting her head and placing it in front of the pages of the book, preventing reading and making her eyes meet his clear eyes that looked at her scared, having been so focused on reading the new book that he had barely noticed someone's arrival.
Aemond couldn't explain what he felt at that moment. He had never been able to throughout his childhood, throughout his adolescence and not even in adulthood or old age. But when he saw that unknown little girl smiling at him as she hid in front of the fantasy book he was reading, his heart raced and it was as if a shock ran under his skin at that moment.
It took him almost a minute to remember that his mother had told him that his uncle was coming and would bring his daughter along to visit. And trying to be as polite as possible since the girl was still looking at him smiling, waiting for an answer, he extended his hand, just as he saw his father do with important guests, and introduced himself.
- Nice to meet you, I'm Aemond.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh as she shook the boy's hand gently.
-Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. - She repeated what he said with a very serious and formal voice, pretending to be in one of her father's meetings and then laughing right away, making Aemond blush.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be mean. - Y/n apologized immediately when she saw the boy's blush. - I was just kidding.
- It's okay. - Aemond shrugged a little more calmly but still shyly, and Y/n sighed, smiling at him.
-What are you reading? - She asked curiously, sitting next to him on the couch.
-How to train your dragon.
-Oh, I watched the movie with my dad. I didn't know there was a book.
-I really like books. - He spoke a little too quietly, but Y/n heard anyway.
-Well, I prefer to watch TV, I can't read that well.
-Mom says reading is a matter of practice. - Aemond shrugged, looking at her. - I can lend it to you when I'm done.
-I probably won't stay long. - She smiled sadly. - My dad travels a lot and I stay with him.
-It must be nice. - Aemond tried to sound encouraging when he saw his cousin's sad look.
-Not really. - The girl rolled her eyes, crossing her legs and putting her feet on the mansion's expensive sofa as she turned to Aemond. - There's nothing fun to do, and I can only play alone all the time and I can't have a room anymore.
-Can I tell you a secret? - She whispered to him and Aemond promptly nodded positively since no one had ever told him a secret. Y/n then moved a little closer and after looking around, confided in her cousin.
-I even miss school a little. - She whispered even lower and Aemond laughed, making her glare at him.
-Sorry, sorry. - He asked when he saw the pout on her face. - It's just that I like going to school.
-Why? It's horrible. - She grimaced.
-Then why do you miss it? - He raised an eyebrow as he asked and Y/n didn't know what to answer, so she just laughed.
-I liked you, Aemond.
Aemond just smiled and looked away from the book he was reading, not knowing what to answer her, not wanting to seem silly, like Aegon and Jace usually said he was.
-You like cats? - He then decided to ask curiously and Y/n nodded.
-I do, but I prefer dogs.
Aemond grimaced when he heard that.
-You don't like dogs? - Little Y/n asked confused.
-Not much, they're drooling and make a lot of noise. - He said, sounding older than he really was. - I prefer cats, they're smarter.
-Smarter? - Y/n sat closer to him curiously.
-Yes, my grandfather gave me a book about cats for my birthday. - Aemond smiled a little shyly. - Did you know that in ancient Valyria they worshiped cats?
-Are you serious? - Y/n's eyes widened when she heard that.
-Yeah. - He nodded, excited that she was paying real attention to what he was saying. - It's all in the book, I haven't finished reading it yet and it's a little bigger than the ones I usually read. - He concluded, blushing a little at the admission.
Suddenly, screams interrupted their conversation. Y/n's wide smile gradually disappeared, the memory of the horrible fights between her father and mother returning to her at the same moment. And Aemond, noticing the girl's sad look, squeezed her hand to get her attention.
-Come with me.- With a kind look he guided her out of the mansion, to a large tree with a stone bench near the trunk. - I always come here when my parents fight. - He shrugged. - Or when my brother and nephews are bothering me.
Y/n smiled again when she heard that, feeling important that Aemond shared something so special with her.
-Do your parents fight a lot? - She asked, looking at the ground.
-Sometimes, yes. - The boy shrugged as he sat down and grabbed a leaf that had just fallen from the tree. - But my mother says that adult matters are not for children.
-Mine fought all the time. - She said sadly. - Until my mom died. - The last part came out so low that Aemond would not have heard if it were not for the silence of the garden.
-I'm sorry about your mom. - His voice was solemn and in a gesture of comfort Aemond reached out his hand to Y/n's and squeezed it gently, making her smile sadly at him.
-I miss her. - The youngest admitted. - I miss our home, the cookies she made. - Little by little, tears began to run down Y/n's cheeks as she spoke. - Listening to songs with her and hearing her sing. - She smiled a little at the oldest. - My mother liked to sing, does yours?
Aemond thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that he had never heard his mother sing in his life, so he just shook his head while the youngest wiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingertips.
-What else did your mother like? – He encouraged her to talk.
-Horseback riding. - Y/n smiled at her cousin as she thought about her mother. - She took me with her to ride whenever she could.
-Looks amazing. - He smiled slightly at Y/n.
-Thank you. - Y/n said, sitting closer to Aemond.
-For what? - He was confused, since he hadn't done anything special for the girl.
-From hearing me talk about her, my father doesn't like it very much when I remember mom. - Y/n shrugged and Aemond smiled at her as he tore an orange leaf.
-She's my daughter Viserys! - Daemon mocked as he walked around his brother's office.
-Just because she's your daughter doesn't mean you know how to take care of her! - The older man hissed irritably.
-Because you've been such a good father, haven't you, brother? - A mocking smile took over Daemon's face.
-You are certainly qualified to judge my performance.
-Y/n is a child, Daemon, she needs a home, stability, by the gods the girl needs to go to school! - Viserys just ignored him as he listed on his fingers what his brother should provide for his daughter, but he didn't. - You can't drag her around the entire country with you like a dog and take her to every inappropriate place you frequent.
-Y/n is doing very well with me. Better than she was with that bitch of a mother. - He practically spat out the words.
-Daemon, I really hope you're not talking about the girl's mother like that in front of her. - Viserys pressed his temples when thinking about such a thing.
The younger man just laughed in mockery as he threw himself into the chair in front of the table.
-But of course I am Viserys, is fifth on my evil list. Cursing my daughter's dead mother in front of her every day at 2 pm. - He then looked at his wristwatch with an ironic look. - I'm a bit late today.
-Viserys why called me here? It wasn't to be brotherly, I've already realized that, so be clear.
-I filed a request for custody of Y/n. - The oldest spoke with a hard voice.
-What? You can't do that! - He slammed his hands hard on the table, leaning his body forward with his face contorted in anger.
-Y/n's custody belonged to her mother while she was alive, Rhea left me a letter of intent saying that if anything happened to her, custody of Y/n should pass to me.
-That damn bitch. - Daemon cursed, kicking his chair back as he stood up angrily.
-And I can clearly see why she thinks you're not fit to take care of a child, Daemon.
-You can't do that, Viserys!
-I'm already doing it. Y/n will not leave this house with you anymore! The girl will be under my and my wife's care, where she will be well cared for and attended to. - The eldest also stood up to face his brother with a firm voice and louder than Daemon, who in a fit of fury picked up the fallen chair and slammed it on the floor several times until there was nothing left but broken pieces of wood.
-The all-powerful main heir Viserys! - Daemon shouted as he grabbed one of the glasses that was on the table and threw it against the wall, making it shatter into broken glass.
-So upright, so moral, so perfect! - He mocked while walking around the office. - Always ready to ignore his own mistakes while pointing out those of others.
-Me traveling with my daughter is a big problem. - He rolled his eyes, staring at his brother.
-But you marry that bitch who frequented your house when your wife was alive a year after her death and everything is fine, because Viserys Targaryen is perfect! - The youngest sneered as he walked through his enraged brother's office.
-Don't you dare talk about Alicent like that! - Viserys slammed one of his hands against the table.
-Oh, I touched a nerve, didn't I? - He laughed as he stomped hard towards his brother's table, stopping inches away from him.
-Tell me something, my fair and noble brother. - Daemon's gaze dripped with evil and venom dripped from his words. - Did you fuck her in this house while Aemma was still alive and pregnant and while Rhaenyra and she were still studying together at college?
Daemon had barely finished speaking when Viserys had already slapped him loudly in the face, leaving a slight cut where the ring he wore on his little finger had hit him, and Daemon just laughed in mockery.
-That's enough, Daemon!
-Okay, I wouldn't have resisted such a young and hot cunt either, but that makes you more like me than you pretending not to be, brother. - The smile slowly disappeared from his face.
-I'm going.
-Say goodbye to your daughter. - Viserys ordered in a still irritated voice.
-I don't like goodbyes. - He said without emotion as he walked towards the door.
-And you don't think about her feelings about this? - Hearing his brother say this, Daemon stopped before opening the door.
-There's no point in wasting my time saying anything since you're going to poison her against me from now on.
-Don't try to fool me by pretending it's the first time you've left without saying goodbye because I'm not an idiot! Your wife told me how you behaved.
-Ex-wife! - Daemon hissed at his brother. - And in case you forgot, I didn't ask for that hellish marriage.
Viserys took a deep breath at the mention of his brother's marriage.
-Daemon, no one is going to poison Y/n against you, you can visit her whenever you want.
-With you and your bitch all over me acting like I'm some kind of maniac who needs supervision? - His voice sounded bitter like gall. - I don't think so.
And then he closed the door behind him without even looking back.
Alicent's heart ached as she walked towards the garden knowing the news she would have to give to her niece. The pain only increased seeing her jumping smilingly through the grass while talking to Aemond who was smiling too.
-Hello kids. - She smiled sitting on the bench near the tree under the watchful eyes of both. Y/n looked at the ground slightly shy in front of the unknown adult and Aemond, realizing this, got up and went to her.
-That's my mother.
-Hi. - Y/n looked at Alicent and gave a shy smile after Aemond spoke to her.
-Hello, my dear. - The woman smiled at her. - I'm Alicent, your aunt.
She didn't know how to tell a child who had already lost her mother that her father had left without saying goodbye and taking a deep breath she started to speak.
-Y/n your father has been very busy lately and has been traveling a lot. You know this, don’t you?
Y/n just nodded as she looked into Alicent's eyes.
-So we all think it's best for you to stay here in Kings Landing with us for a while. - The redhead spoke uncertainly as she tried not to look away from her niece.
-Stay here? - She said confusedly, pouting.
-Yes, dear, here in our house with your family. - Alicent leaned forward and stroked the girl's hair affectionately as she said this.
Aemond suddenly felt extremely happy when he heard that. Y/n was going to stay, so the two of them could be friends and play together every day.
-But where is my dad? - She asked, still confused.
-Y/n, dear, he had an emergency and needed to leave as soon as possible. - Alicent lied to avoid hurting the girl's feelings even more. - He told me to tell you he's sorry.
-My dad left? - Y/n asked sadly in a tearful voice looking at her feet, already feeling tears in her eyes.
-I'm sorry, my dear. - Alicent sighed to the girl while stroking her hair.
-He promised me that he would never leave without saying goodbye. - The girl's voice sounded choked as she hugged her arms against herself. - Why didn't he say goodbye?
Alicent opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She just stared at the crying girl, not knowing what to do in such a complicated situation. And that's when Aemond stepped forward and gently wrapped Y/n in his arms while the youngest cried and sobbed.
-It's okay, Y/n, I'm with you. - He smiled at his cousin and she tried to smile back, but it seemed more sad than anything else.
-Since you're staying, I'll share all my toys with you. - Aemond promised, still holding her close to him while she gradually calmed down.
-Truth? - She asked, still in a very sad voice.
-Yes, I have a lot of board games and puzzles. - He smiled kindly at his little cousin.
-I like puzzles. - The youngest sniffed and tried to smile as she looked at Aemond.
-And while you're here, my mother will take care of you. - Aemond promised. - She can make cookies whenever you want.
Alicent looked at the scene with relief, seeing the girl slowly stop sniffling as her son calmed her down. Y/n seemed to like him, and it would be good for Aemond to have a friend since he was such a quiet child, unlike his older brother.
-I don't want to be alone. - The girl said, looking at her own feet as she crossed her arms, hugging herself.
-You won't be. - Aemond assured her with a slight smile and pulled one of her hands, holding it in his. - As long as we're friends, you'll never be alone.
-You swear? - She asked hopefully, her eyes shining as she looked at Aemond, still moist with tears.
-I swear. - The older one promised, squeezing her hand lightly, and Y/n finally smiled happily.
That night at dinner, Aemond taught Y/n how to write his name using the noodles from the alphabet soup that was served at the children's table, and with a smile on his face he wrote her name next to his.
The months passed and Y/n quickly adapted to the routine at the Targaryen mansion, mainly because Aemond was by her side all the time. She also liked her other cousins, Helaena was great at playing with dolls even though she was three years older than her and Y/n had a lot of fun with her cousin. Aegon was a little silly sometimes and even a little mean when he wanted to be, but she liked him too, and Daeron was always running around and knocking over all of their toys.
But with Aemond it was different, he understood her, and the two talked and confided everything in each other. He listened to her talk about her mother and made her feel better about it and about her father's departure. Y/n felt like she could do anything when she was with him.
They all went to the same school, except for Daeron who was still too young for that. The only bad part was the fact that Aemond was a class ahead of her and they didn't have the same class, but the new school was great and unlike the old school they let her draw and had even told her uncles to enroll in a drawing class, something that Alicent did promptly.
Y/n was elated at this. She now had a part of the day exclusively for drawing, and her teacher was very kind and reminded her of her mother. She had even discovered that the woman liked Shania Tyrell's music and now during classes they could listen to the songs together.
At the same time that she had drawing class, Aemond had fencing class, something he seemed to really enjoy although Y/n didn't understand why. The two also had swimming classes together, something that made them absolutely happy because they could spend the whole afternoon together playing in the pool.
And the rest of the time the two just played and talked to each other, Aemond seemed to gravitate around Y/n, as if she were the sun and he was one of the planets in its orbit, and where one was the other was always there too.
-Let's play house, Aem? - Y/n practically begged, pulling on the sleeve of the fancy outfit the eldest wore to the Targaryen annual charity ball.
-You can be the father and I can be the mother. - She smiled vain as she smoothed her own pink dress full of beautiful white ruffles. - Daeron can be our son.
Upon hearing this, the younger boy ran away and left the two alone, causing Y/n to have a cute pout on her lips as she looked at the more Aemond.
-Mr. Bunny can be our son. - Aemond said as he pulled Y/n's stuffed rabbit that she had lent to Daeron but he had dropped when he ran.
Y/n's eyes lit up when she heard the eldest's idea and she quickly agreed, shaking her head and taking the stuffed animal from his hands and cradling it in her arms as if it were a baby.
-Now husband, I need a place to sit. - She spoke very seriously and Aemond promptly ran to get a chair under the watchful eyes of some of the adults at the party.
-Little Aemond seems enchanted by Y/n. - Mrs. Blackwood said with a smile as she watched the children playing in the corner.
-Yes, the two became friends very quickly, thank the gods. - Alicent smiled when observing them. - The friendship has been good for both of them, he takes care of her as if she were a sister.
Alicent excused herself before leaving, since one of the maids was calling her from the other side of the room. Shortly after she left, Mr. Blackwood turned to Viserys, laughing.
-I don't think he looks at her the same way he looks at Helaena. - He took a sip of champagne as he said this. - In my opinion, if we consider the look on your son's face, little Y/n has hung all the stars and the moon in the sky.
-Nonsense. - Viserys said as he laughed, shaking his head. - They are just good friends.
In the corner, the two of them were playing and laughing, oblivious to everything else. They both took turns rocking the stuffed rabbit while pretending to be married. Aemond had already left for work at the company three times by that point, and Y/n had already pretended to bake dozens of cookies while singing to the stuffed animal.
-We haven't fought once. - Y/n said, confused, looking at Aemond. - How can we be married if we don't fight?
-Well, there are no fights in our marriage. - He shrugged his shoulders while smiling. - It's our game, we make the rules and I say we don't need to fight.
Y/n's smile could light up the entire room when she heard that.
-I want to marry you when we grow up, Aem. - She spoke innocently excitedly while looking at her cousin. - That way, we'll never fight, and we'll be happy forever.
-And I will never yell at you. - The older stated with conviction, making Y/n smile even more.
Aemond's heart suddenly filled with an unknown feeling that seemed like happiness when he heard Y/n say that and showing that he would be a good husband, he told her that he would bring her more sweets, making her smile even more.
Aemond walked past his father to get to the sweets table and Viserys, seeing a sticker stuck to his son's lapel, pulled him and then straightened his clothes.
-Thank you dad. - Aemond said, a little embarrassed by his father's unusual attitude.
-What are you and Y/n doing? - Viserys asked, smiling.
-Playing house. - Aemond replied, blushing a little. - I'm the dad and Y/n is the mom, I'm going to work to buy more sweets.
-He only got married for a children game and is already being exploited like the rest of us. - Mr. Lanister said and then laughed out loud at his own joke, followed by all the other men.
-When we're adults, I'm going to marry Y/n. - Aemond announced with a timid smile.
All the adults laughed out loud once more, but none of them told him he couldn't do it. And from that day on, playing house became their favorite game.
The years passed and the two grew closer and closer to each other, becoming practically inseparable. Aemond did absolutely everything that Y/n asked him to do, he was always around and if he denied her something, Y/n just had to blink her eyes, give a cute smile and say "Pretty please, Aem" and he would soon change his mind and do it.
On Y/n's 10th birthday, she received a Polaroid camera from Helaena, and while Aemond ran away from all the cameras, always covering his face when they photographed him, he let Y/n take instant photos of him with the new camera, as well as taking photos of her, who was usually laughing or making funny faces, like pulling her eyes down with her fingers while making a fish face.
The two grew up like that, around each other, one telling the other everything, one defending the other, one always in the other's presence. Everything between the two was very simple and innocent until Aemond and Y/n began to grow up and look at each other even more differently than they already did.
One of the things that most fueled students at the KL Royal Academy was gossip and whispers about each other. When Aemond was 13, he knew that all his schoolmates had kissed except him, because he couldn't feel like kissing any of those girls.
It was then that Aegon decided to solve the problem on his own terms, since he couldn't stand his younger brother being teased by anyone other than him, and he practically forced him to kiss a girl from his own class behind the gym, and that was the worst feeling in Aemond's life. It was disgusting, wet, and tasted like cigarettes, and he felt like he never wanted to do that again in his life, and for a long time he didn't do it.
Until 1 year later, Y/n came home from school without saying a word to him or Daeron in the car. No matter how hard he tried, she didn't give more than a nod of her head. After arriving home, Y/n went straight to her room and Aemond went after her immediately to try to understand what was happening, and after much bothering about the subject, he finally found out.
-All the girls in my class have kissed someone except me. - She said, looking at him from under her eyelashes, and Aemond felt his stomach warm.
-But that's not a problem.
-Well, they think it is, they laughed at me and then they wanted me to kiss Jai Lanister. - She said shyly, looking down.
-And you kissed him? - Aemond's voice was trembling and he felt something twisting inside him as he imagined that disgusting creature putting his paws on his Y/n.
-No! - She immediately denied, making Aemond sigh in relief and squeeze her hand gently. He couldn't let what happened to him happen to her, and so finally, after a year, he told Y/n what had happened and apologized for keeping a secret from her for the first time in his life. Y/n was annoyed but accepted his apology.
-Did you kiss anyone else after that? - She asked, her face still red with anger, and Aemond quickly shook his head.
-No, never!
Y/n sighed in relief when she heard him say no, and then, looking into his eyes, she asked decisively.
-I want you to kiss me.
Aemond's eyes widened at the request and he immediately said no, even though something inside him had heated up at the prospect.
-I don't want to be the only one who hasn't kissed, and I don't want it to be with just anyone, I want it to be you, Aemond.
She looked at him with that sweet look that enchanted everyone around her, and Aemond, upon hearing her say those words, leaned forward, joining their lips in a sweet, soft kiss.
It was different from the first kiss with that girl behind the gym. It was slow, innocent, delicious, and he didn't want to stop. Their lips intertwined and Aemond felt his stomach flutter with the sweet sensation, her mouth tasted like bubble gum and he thought that if it weren't for the lack of air he could kiss her forever.
The two separated and stared at each other with both red faces sitting on the floor of Y/n's room.
-Just this once, right? -He asked looking into her eyes and Y/n nodded in agreement while biting her slightly red lips.
After that afternoon Aemond couldn't think of anything else but kissing. But not just any girl, he wanted to kiss Y/n, he wanted her sweet and soft lips that tasted like bubble gum. And when he arrived at school the next morning, Aemond made sure to make it clear that any idiot who tried to get close to his cousin would end up with him, Y/n hugged him smiling and Aemond felt his stomach do somersaults with the sweet smell of her hair.
He held back, he really tried, but it turns out he couldn't think of anything else, and so three days after the first kiss, on Saturday afternoon he went to Y/n's room and asked her for one more kiss. Just one last one, because it had been so good and he wouldn't want to kiss anyone else. And she agreed, sitting in front of him on the bed and waiting for him to join his lips with hers.
It was even better than the first one. The two were no longer so embarrassed and held hands while exchanging light sweet kisses. From then on, they always did this, they said it was the last time, but one always went to the other in search of more kisses.
They exchanged kisses in the bedroom, hidden in the attic or in the basement, places in the mansion where no one else went became their personal hiding places. The two were still very young, and the kisses they exchanged were nothing more than innocent, just simple touches of lips while they smiled at each other and held hands.
But as time passed and the two grew older, the kisses became harder and less soft, more demanding and less sweet. Y/n had barely understood when one day during the break between classes Jason Lanister was accompanying her and suddenly Aemond called her very seriously saying that he needed to talk to her.
When she went, he dragged her to the theater room, pressing her against the door and kissed her in a hungry way that he had never done before. And the worst part was that she liked it, she liked it so much that she didn't even care that they were out of their safe places. He bit her lips lightly and Y/n sighed at the action, Aemond had never bitten her lips before.
Aemond said he didn't want her near Jai Lanister after the kisses. Y/n didn't understand what had come over him, but she just agreed, shaking her head, still dizzy from her cousin's kisses and wanting him to kiss her like that again.
A few days later Y/n understood what had gotten into Aemond when she saw Alys Rivers, a much older girl, laughing next to him and touching Aemond's shoulder as if the two had some kind of intimacy. Y/n's blood boiled, she wanted to tear out Alys's eyes personally, so that she would never dare to place them on Aemond again. And without thinking much about her actions, she walked to where they were and gave her best sweet smile to Alys, then turned to Aemond, looking at him from under her eyelashes as she spoke.
-Cousin, I need help with my locker, the door is stuck and I can't open it.
Aemond immediately put aside all other things and turned his attention exclusively to Y/n, just like he always did.
-Sure, let's go there. - He said, picking up the philosophy book he had left on the bench next to him while he was talking and following her without even saying anything to the colleagues he was talking to, and especially without giving explanations to Alys Rivers.
Instead of going to her own locker, Y/n turned to the opposite side, making Aemond raise his eyebrows.
-Your locker is on the other side.
Y/n just shrugged and entered the math lab with Aemond in tow. And when the door closed, she jumped on him, kissing him madly while pulling his hair, deepening the kiss even more. The two walked until Y/n bumped her back against one of the large study tables, and she let out a slight cry of surprise when Aemond dropped the book on the floor and lifted her by the waist and placed it on the table.
She brought her hands to the back of Aemond's neck and he held her by the hips as they kissed each other more and more deeply. Y/n wanted to prove that Aemond was hers. Then she slowly placed her tongue against Aemond's lips, who gladly accepted and in return did the same. And for the first time, their tongues intertwined, they both forgot everything, the only thing they knew was that they wanted to kiss each other's lips.
The heat grew inside both of them, they both felt their skin burn and tingle and Aemond squeezed Y/n's waist tightly between kisses. He put his head on her neck as he tried to catch his breath, feeling even more intoxicated by her scent.
-What's gotten into you? - He asked breathlessly, looking at her after breaking the kiss.
-Nothing, I just don't want you near Alys Rivers. - She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning.
Aemond smiled and kissed her again, but more gently, and then stated that he wouldn't let the older girl get close to him again as he hugged her.
That afternoon, the two of them didn't go home after school. They went to the edge of the forest where they could walk and be alone. And after finding a comfortable place under a large tree, Y/n spread out a blue scarf that she had put in Aemond's backpack and the two sat on the lawn, hugging each other while looking at the city in the distance.
-You can see the sept of Baelor right from here. - Y/n said with a smile as she reached for the bowl with the lemon cake she had kept in her bag, Aemond just smiled back, already pulling out the bottle of orange juice he had brought with him and placing it next to the cake.
-See that? I told you I would bring you for a picnic. - Aemond arched his eyebrows, opening the cake bowl. - Are you happy?
The question was genuine as he looked her in the eyes.
-Quite. - She responded simply, leaving a kiss on his chin and eliciting a smile from Aemond.
The two ate and talked about their day at school while laughing and exchanging kisses. And Y/n had her head resting on Aemond's thighs while they both admired the sunset smiling.
-I love you. - Aemond confessed to her for the first time after gathering courage, feeling his own heart in his mouth as he watched her under the orange sunset of Kings Landing.
Y/n sat down again immediately upon hearing this, looking him directly in the eyes, feeling her eyes watery with the statement.
-Are you serious?
-I've never been so serious about anything.
-I love you too, Aem. - She whispered, hugging him while smiling against his neck.
-In truth? - He asked uncertainly.
-In truth. - Y/n answered almost at the same time.
-When we're old enough and no one can boss us around anymore, I'll buy a house that will be just for us. Facing Visenya Hills, and we'll be able to get married and build our own lives. - He promised her under the orange light of the sunset.
Y/n's smile was exultant, the biggest and brightest Aemond had ever seen on her, and overcome with joy she pulled the sketchbook from her bag and opened it, skipping through the pages filled with drawings of clothes, dresses, flowers and sketches of people until she reached a blank one where she began to draw what Aemond noticed was an attempt at a blueprint for a house.
-I don't want us to have a very big house like your father's. - She rolled her eyes as she started drawing. - But we need more rooms for the children and for guests.
Aemond felt his heart warm when he heard her say children, they both always loved playing house and pretending they had one or two children. Thinking about a future where all of this would be real made him exultant.
-Don't forget about the library. - Aemond demanded as he watched the progress of the drawing. - I've always wanted to have a private library.
-Can it stay with your office? - She asked, looking at him thoughtfully - Then we could put my studio in the next room and we would always be close to each other when we were working at home.
-I like that idea. - Aemond smiled, looking at the plan in formation.
-A very beautiful dining room for us to have dinner together every night. - She added this part excitedly as she imagined family dinners.
-We also need a very large living room. - Aemond suggested. - That way we can camp in the living room on the weekends.
-Yes! - Y/n immediately agreed, adding the idea. - That would be perfect.
Little by little, more ideas began to emerge and when the plan was ready, Y/n began to draw the exterior of the house on the back of the sheet under the watchful eye of Aemond, who gave his own opinions and Y/n continued smiling as she shared her own ideas with him.
-I want lots of flowers. - She murmured, drawing a garden around the house.
-You could place a bunch of flowers near the main door. - Aemond suggested and Y/n loved the idea.
In the end, the house had two floors and details that referred to ancient architecture, which Aemond chose, a beautiful garden in front and a bunch of flowers climbing up the main entrance. And inspired by the orange light of the sunset, the two decided that the house would be orange with white windows.
The two admired the drawing with satisfied smiles on their faces as they held hands and thought about the future.
-You really mean all this, don't you, Aemond? - Y/n asked, still insecure, and Aemond gently pulled her by the chin and placed a kiss on her lips.
-You know that. - His voice was serious as he looked into her eyes. - That's our future Y/n. We will get married and be together forever, we are destined for each other.
Y/n smiled and hugged him as the night fell, feeling safe in his arms like she didn't feel anywhere else in the world. And that night, when they both slept, they dreamed of a happy future together.
A few days later, it was a Sunday morning after breakfast. Aemond and Y/n were making out in the basement, their kisses getting more and more out of control. Amidst the hungry kisses, Aemond began to trail kisses down Y/n's jaw, making her gasp softly for him, making him even crazier, making his imagination run even wilder.
And without being quite sure of what he was doing, Aemond left a hickey on the side of Y/n's neck, making it hard for both of them to cover it up later. But after that, Aemond couldn't get enough of kissing her neck. It was his new favorite pastime: kissing her neck and avoiding leaving too many obvious marks that would make them get caught.
Things got difficult for Aemond. He couldn't stop kissing Y/n, and every time he kissed her, he felt his body heat up uncontrollably and the twinges in his lower abdomen were becoming painful. So he created a habit that was certainly not very healthy, but after the habit of making out with his own cousin in any minimally empty place, anything didn't seem so bad. He touched himself every night thinking about her before sleeping, and when he finally fell asleep he dreamed about her on his body, and usually in those dreams Y/n wasn't leaving much to the imagination.
What he didn't know was that Y/n was having the same problem. And when the two finally talked about it, they both started touching each other's bodies more deeply or touching their own bodies under each other's adoring gaze.
The first time Y/n was naked in front of Aemond, she thought she was going to die from so much embarrassment, but it wasn't long before Aemond's gaze became so comfortable that she no longer even noticed when she was naked. Aemond would sneak into her room in the middle of the night whenever he could, and Y/n would eagerly welcome him and let him touch her the way he wanted.
Aemond knew they were going too far and he knew how screwed they would be if anyone found out, but he couldn't care, he just wanted her and he knew that nothing else in this life would satisfy him.
On the morning of Y/n's 16th birthday, the day had barely dawned and Aemond was already opening the door to her room, jumping inside anxiously with a black velvet box in his hand. She was still sleeping tangled in the sheets with her hair messy and the straps of her pajamas slipping off her shoulders, giving him a slight look at the breasts he liked so much.
And with a smile he sat on the edge of her bed and shook her gently while calling her name, and when Y/n opened her eyes he smiled at her.
-Happy birthday beautiful.
Her eyes lit up and she promptly sat up, hugging him with a wide smile.
-I have a present for you. - He held out the velvet box and Y/n thanked him before even opening it, and when she opened it her jaw almost dropped and she put her hand to her mouth.
-Aemond I… I don't know what to say… it's beautiful. - She still spoke with her hand over her mouth. - It's the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen in my life.
-I ordered it to be made for you. - He smiled, satisfied with her reaction. - You always say that my eyes look like sapphires, so I chose this stone, so that I'll always be close to your heart and you'll always think of me when you wear it. - He then brought his face closer to hers and gently brushed his nose against hers. - But also so that you remember that my heart is yours.
A tear ran down Y/n's cheek as she admired the necklace between her fingers and everything it meant, then leaned in to leave a kiss on Aemond's lips.
-I love you Aem. - She murmured against his lips.
-I love you too Y/n. - He replied, caressing her face with the palms of his hands.
Aemond then placed the necklace around her neck, and Y/n admired herself in the mirror, enchanted by the sight, smiling even more when Aemond took a picture of her using the old polaroid camera that was on top of the bookshelf.
-Don't take it off. - He placed a kiss on her neck as he said this.
-I'll never take it off, Aem. Never. - She swore, looking at him through the mirror.
And that night, on Y/n's 16th birthday, after all the expensive gifts, the party with hundreds of guests, the dances and even the sudden and unusual presence of Y/n's father, Daemon Targaryen. She went to Aemond's room at dawn and thanked him for the silver necklace with a heart-shaped sapphire stone that he had given her. But she informed him that as much as it was her favorite gift, she thought she deserved more from him, and when Aemond asked Y/n what she wanted, she confidently told him that she wanted him to make her his completely.
And that's what Aemond did, he took her for himself just as he had been dreaming of doing since he discovered what sex was. That was certainly one of the sweetest moments of both their lives.
For all the years that passed, Y/n remembered that night, every touch, from the simplest to the hungriest. From every breath, from every sigh, from every word of love that Aemond said to her. And Aemond, in turn, felt that his soul had been marked forever at that moment, and he knew that there could never be another in his life.
And still naked and smiling, tangled between the sheets, the two promised to whisper against each other's skin, Y/n first because she needed to affirm Aemond so that he knew for sure that she would always only be his.
-I will never let anyone else touch me like that, Aemond. - She sighed against his lean chest.
-You swear? - Aemond asked, feeling taken with the courage to make his own confession upon hearing Y/n's, who slowly shook her head in affirmation.
-I swear.
-Good, because I will never touch another person like that in my life, Y/n, just you. Forever. - He confessed against her hair, with his nose stuck there smelling the sweet smell of her shampoo.
-You swear? - Y/n asked, but now she was looking at him with tears in her eyes.
Aemond then held her face delicately while smiling lovingly.
-I swear. - He said as he caressed the sides of her face with his thumbs. - It will be you and me forever, nothing in this world will separate us.
A tear ran down Y/n's cheek as she heard him say those words, and with a hopeful smile she leaned in and kissed Aemond's lips sweetly.
tag list: @afro-hispwriter @fan-goddess @strangersunghoon @zenka69 @callsignwidow @amanda08319 @alesswift-blog @marialikescherries
Final notes: I can't imagine Viserys punching Daemon, so we got a slap. I hope you're enjoying the progress of the story, and spoiler alert: trouble is coming! Tell me what you think, it makes me very happy and thank you for all the support so far! 💖💕
Next chapter
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darkestspring · 2 years
Rhea not telling Daemon he has a daughter and when she dies no one tells Daemon. Years later, Aemond announces his betrothal to the daughter of Rhea Royce, heir to the Vale.
Omg I'm begging you to expand more on this, an entire fic omfg
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You had loved your mother, more than anything else. She was your only parents even though you knew your white hair and purple eyes did not come from her. From a young age, you had mastered the bow and arrow, a feat which your mother threw a feast for.
She had died when you were six years old, you had sobbed over her cold body, begging her to come back as your cousin, Ser Gerald Royce, comforted you. They told you it was your father’s doing. Prince Daemon Targaryen, he had hated your mother, your cousin told you.
You hated him, he had taken the only parent you ever had. You told the maesters to not inform him of anything. you had lived without him so far, you would continue to do so.
Not long after your mother’s death, he came to the vale for his inheritance and you hid away, listening to his words with anger in you. Shortly after, he remarried and you found peace.
You went looking for a dragon without anyone knowing. And at the age of seven, you claimed the monstrous Cannibal. He, who refused to bend to the will of other, bonded with you.
You came back to the vale, victorious.
Most of what came after was a blur. Your father’s wife gave birth to two girls and then died and then your cousin’s husband died, and then your father and cousin married. What a charade, you had thought with a raised eyebrow.
You had grown into an accomplished young lady under the vale’s eyes. Under your maester’s, under your cousins, Jeyne Arryn and Gerald Royce. You were the woman your mother had been. Strong and fiery with the cannibal behind you.
It was only a matter of time. You traveled to King’s Landing, taking advantage that your father would be staying in Dragonstone and your uncle was far too ill, to inform him of your existence. It was your advantage.
A girl of ten and four, you strode forward in a black dress, your white hair glinting against the sun.
Your purple eyes connected with a lone purple one and you stared at him for a moment longer before looking forward.
A guard announced your name and titles as you walked forth unflinchingly. You gazed upon the queen and the hand.
“My queen, My lord hand. I show myself in front of you, as you have requested of me.”
It was all memories from there one. Shock when you stated of your claim over cannibal, understanding when you spoke of your father’s unknowing of your existence.
Your fate had been sealed that day, you had been betrrothed to their second son, Aemond Targaryen.
It was an arrangement but love grew from it as you spent time together. You had to return to the Vale after your third year there. I must collect some of my important things, you had stated to your betrothed, you hand holding his.
I will return within two week, my love.
You had been unaware of the audience. You had returned in the house Royce colors and Aemond had told you what was happening.
“There’s an audience going on. My sister’s bastard son’s claim to driftmark is being contested.” He spoke, taking your hand in his after instructing that your things be taken to your room. “Your father is here, my dragon.”
Your eyes lit up with an almost feral joy as you smiled. “We must not disappoint then, my love. Let us cause chaos.”
You stopped before the door as you waited, with Aemond’s hand in yours. He pressed a kiss to your cheek as the doors opened.
“Lady [Y/n] Royce, Daughter of Lady Rhea Royce. Lady of the Vale and Runestone.”
Hearing your title just made you feel so much more vindictive. You walked forward, feeling your father’s gaze on you.
Good, you thought, as you smiled at Aemond. Let the games begin, I am more than ready.
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a/n: this is just the story preface, not yet chapter one. for this fanfic i am keeping mostly the book timeline, but there will be a little bit of show timeline further ahead.
it is a AU which blends aspects of book and show canons but is also a lot of headcanons. i am a bit of a history nerd, so there is bits inspired by real life historical events, i also drawn a lot of inspiration from medieval/renaissence royal courts to write how i imagine life at the Red Keep would be, most numbers i will use in this story are also taken from history (noble households, courtiers, armies, ships and crews etc), as are titles for functions an jobs that are not shown on the show or books. There are a couple of Original Characters that are going to be introduced over time, and a few canon characters that are barely mentioned or not seen at all on the show. additional information: I chose to keep the show's 'ages' for some characters, so, for the sake of the story: Viserys was born in 70 AC, Daemon in 74 AC, Rhaenys in 67 AC, and Aemma and Rhea share the year 76 AC.
word count: 2802
warnings: none for this chapter
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“...Princess of Runestone, proved herself in her maiden voyage crossing of the Narrow Sea, six pirate ships gave chase as we crossed through the Stepstones, their inferior ships however were no match for our girl or to our brave crew. We had already sunk three carracks when they choose to surrender the remaining three after sighting Archonei descending upon them. We lock the surviving pirates in the holding cells, and seize their cargo, to my great surprise I was able to ascertain that the cargo on the ships once belonged to none other than the Sea Snake.”  Enya reads aloud the letter she received from Ser Orys, her half-brother, coming all the way from Lys, the first stop on his great voyage. “We intend to sell the cargo in Lys, Maester Aldus believes it will yield a great profit, at least 20-times Mother’s initial investment, it seems almost unbelievable that we are only on the first leg of the journey. Gods willing, my next letter home shall be sent from old Volantis. Tell Mother I miss her advice and our morning rides, as I miss your sweet face, and our daily flights. Send my love to everyone home and make sure that young Willam is dedicating himself to his training. Your loving brother, Ser Orys Stone…”  Her granddaughter finishes reading her the letter, folding it carefully and putting it inside the hard cover of the book she has next to her on the wheelhouse seat.
How the girl manages to read in the bouncing carriage is something that marvels her, she feels nauseous just watching it.
Elys would have much preferred to have made the journey by ship, but the early spring storms that plague the East Coast they didn't allow them to leave the safety of the harbour.
The lady wouldn't be making the trip if she could help it, she had just come out of mourning period for her dear husband, all she wanted was to be able to take the time to visit her daughters and spend time with her grandchildren before returning to Eyrie to resume supervising her niece's upbringing. But the beginning of spring means Visenya's relocation to the royal court in King's Landing, to spend the spring and summer with her father and paternal family.
Last time her granddaughter was at court was four years before the death of the Old King, whom she had served as cupbearer when he still had the mental faculties to attend the Council. She had been just a child then, the king's favourite great-granddaughter.
 Since then, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty, no longer a girl but not yet a woman, striking in that way that only those from the blood of the dragon are.
A beauty worthy of a crown.
A crown she had been promised as a child.
If the gods had been merciful, little Prince Aerion would have survived infancy and today he would be a boy of nearly three and ten, the heir to his father’s throne, betrothed to Visenya by the will of King Jaehaerys. But Aenar died in his cradle, followed by his little brother, Aelor, and two early miscarriages. And her granddaughter lost the her chance at the crown promised to her.
“Do you think Orys can one day surpass the feats of the Sea Snake?” Elys turns her head from the window to look at her granddaughter.
“He might,” Elys candidly admits, “Orys has advantages that Velaryon did not, Archonei being the greatest of them."
Elys had disagreed with her daughter's decision to raise the prince's natural son after the boy's mother died—Orys was, in Elys' opinion, the stain on her daughter's dignity, a bastard child her betrothed fathered on a Royce cousin of lesser consequence, during the feast celebrating the union between Houses Royce and Targaryen—as he grew, the boy proved her wrong in her reservations against him. He was as devoted to Rhea as he was to Visenya, respectfully calling her ‘Mother’ after asking permission to do so, loyal and honourable, dedicating himself to every life opportunity offered by his stepmother.
She would never forget his terror when Visenya's egg hatched in his hands, it was the day he won her over, he had tears in his eyes as he asked Rhea for forgiveness for hatching the dragon as it was not his intention, he went on to say that he had never coveted her sister's egg and that she could have the hatchling. Her daughter just laughed, kissing the boy's head and explaining that the dragon had chosen him.
Jaehaerys was not at all pleased with the accident when Rhea sent a letter informing him of what had happened. Daemon finally took an interest in the dark-haired boy Rowena birthed, flying to the Vale to see the dragon, taking it upon himself to have twenty dragonkeepers sent to Runestones.
“I hope he can accomplish it, for himself and for House Royce." Visenya says looking out the window, pulling back the curtains to get a better look, wrinkling her little nose at the stench that enters the carriage and allowing the curtain to fall closed again. “I had forgotten that the city smells so bad.”
“You better get used to it again." Elys passes a bag of scented salts to the young woman. “Tie it to your wrist, you can smell it when the stench gets too much.”
The slums around the city wall have grown considerably larger than Lady Elys remembered from her last visit so many years before.
People beg with outstretched hands on the road as they see the bronze wheelhouse pass by.
It's a sad sight.
The lady sighs before pulling the small dark wooden chest out from under the bench under Visenya's curious eyes. She takes out a heavy bag of coins and pushes the chest back with her foot, hiding it with her skirt. She signals with her hand for any of the knights escorting them to approach the window. Willam Royce, her nephew by marriage, Gunthor’s youngest boy, and Leofric Corbray squire, is the one to come to her.
She contains a smile as she sees the boy blush when he notices Visenya's curious gaze on him.
It's no secret that the boy is sweet on little Enya—just like half the boys of similar age in Runestone—in another life he would be a good match for the future Lady of Runestone, Willam is handsome, with dark curls and blue eyes, and will probably grow up to be a tall, handsome man, and appease everyone in the family that the next heir would retain the surname Royce without the need for major manoeuvres.
“Lady Aunt." He greets her with a nod, keeping his horse's gallop in sync with the carriage. “My princess.”
Visenya just smiles at him, looking at him from beneath her lashes, which only makes him blush more.
“Willam, my sweet, be a dear and hand out these coins to the people." She passes the heavy bag into his hand.
The squire just nods again, looking once more at the Targaryen princess before doing as his aunt asked of him.
Once he is away and the curtain is closed again, Elys lets out the laugh she forced herself to hold in, lightly slapping her granddaughter's knee in reprimand.
“Shameless flirt!” The Dowager Lady of Runestone pointed her finger at the girl.
“I have to train for court life, don't I?" Visenya says with a naughty tone. “I'm of marriageable age, I have to charm all the beautiful second sons, have them all at my feet asking for my hand, there is no better opportunity than during a season at court.”
A beauty of beauties in all the Seven Kingdoms, if not in all the Known World.
Visenya is slender, nymph-like of body, with very pale white skin dotted with golden freckles—the only inheritance from Rhea in her appearance—, plump lips and pretty pearly teeth, a neat nose, and large eyes of an unusual bluish-lilac shade. Her hair is a beautiful flaxen, a few shades lighter than Elys own, curled and long—she's not sure her granddaughter's hair was ever cut more than a little trim at the ends—now ribboned for practicality during the travel.
Elys remembers vividly the Good Queen Alysanne carrying the baby in her arms during her anointment commenting that little Visenya reminded her of Viserra, the most beautiful of her daughters, in appearance.
“Be careful child, you don't want a reputation, especially in the Red Keep."
“I can be discreet." The girl winks at her grandmother amid giggles.
The wheelhouse takes a while to cross the city from Dragon's Gate to the Red Keep, the guards escorting it thought it better to go around Fleabottom than through it. Especially with the four glitzy wheelhouses carrying the noblewomen and their ladies-in-waiting, and the wagons with their belongings coming right behind, with things that attract the attention of the wrong kind of people.
Their retinue arrives at the Red Keep midday.
There is quite a crowd waiting to receive them. The standard-bearers stop between the carriage and the people waiting, proudly carrying the banners of Houses Targaryen, Royce and Arryn, and the Princess of Runestone personal crest: a pearlescent white dragon with the halved shield with the crests of Royce and Arryn between its claws in a black field with bronze runes around the border.
“Princess Visenya of House Targaryen, heir of Runestone.” The Herald announces her granddaughter, as a guard opens the wheelhouse door for them. “Her Lady Grandmother, Lady Elys of House Arryn, Dowager Lady of Runestone.”
Elys arranges the balzo on top of Visenya's head and centres the small jewel on her forehead, pinching her cheek for a healthy blush before the girl pushes back the linen curtain and leaves with the assistance of a Kingsguard guard.
The lady fixes her own skirt before leaving the wheelhouse behind her granddaughter.
The first person she notices is the Queen, her younger sister, in the light blue silks of her paternal House.
A chill runs down her spine as she looks at her sister.
Despite her Targaryen blood through her mother, Princess Daella, in appearance Aemma is an Arryn, with pale sandy hair, an aquiline nose and light blue eyes. Aemma is only eight and twenty, a few months older than her Rhea, however, she looks like a woman nearly to Elys own age.
She looks emaciated, haggard…sick. The Stranger follows her closely. Her youngest sister would not survive a full-term pregnancy and childbirth, it surprised Elys even that she had lived until this moment, with so many failed pregnancies and increasingly long and painful periods of recovery.
Beside her, giving her his arm for support, is Viserys, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, dressed in silk damask of gold and Tyrosh-purple, his grandfather’s crown upon his brow, looking more youthful and healthier than his younger wife. His silver-gold hair is kept short, following southern fashion which has a great Andal influence, he also sports a silver-gold moustache, so thin and pale it almost disappears on his face.
He is a handsome man, but pales in comparison to his dashing younger brother, especially when the two are side by side.
“Your Graces.” Visenya makes a perfect curtsy to the King and Queen and stands as if the castle belongs to her.
The couple is smiling at the young woman with indulgence.
“You have grown beautiful Visenya.” The king says, his eyes fixed on his niece.
Elys recognizes the expression on his face.
Like any woman who was once young and desired, she recognizes the almost obscene expression when older men look at women young enough to be their daughters and imagine themselves as young as their sons.
 The look on a man's face when he lusts after a woman old enough to be his daughter, and who he knows he shouldn't desire.
“Thank you, Your Grace."
“Just stating the truth my dear." In a gallant gesture, the king kisses his niece's hand.
“Brother, stop holding up the line!” The prince’s impatient voice interrupts, causing the King to take his covetous eyes away from his young niece.
Prince Daemon is a tall man, only a few centimetres shorter than his older brother, he keeps his silvery hair long, following the fashion of Old Valyria.
Unlike Viserys's ostentatious clothes, Elys good son is dressed in all black leather, well cut and elegant, but infinitely more subtle than the rest of the court. He carries Dark Sister around his waist, and his only ornament is the livery collar that marks him. as a member of the Small Council and Master of Coin.
Visenya smiles and turns to her father making a new curtsy. “Lord Father.”
“Little dragoness.” There is a smile on the prince's face, he has his hands on his only daughter's shoulders, despite being considered a tall young woman, Visenya looks small next to her father. He puts his forehead to hers, saying something that only she hears, and then kisses her cheek.
“Sister." Elys takes her eyes off the reunion between father and daughter and approaches her sister with her hand outstretched.
“My queen." In a gesture of deference, Elys kisses her sister's pale hand and offers a profound curtsy. “Your Grace.” She bows her head to her good brother.
“Lady Elys, it is good to have you at court again." Viserys says amiable. “I am sure your sisters missed you dearly." He looks at Aemma with a smile and at Lady Amanda Redfort born Arryn, standing next to the queen. “Let's give them time to rest from the road, later we shall have a welcome feast.” The king announces to the court members present, taking the queen's hand in his and guiding her into the castle.
Prince Damon follows them, his arm around his daughter's shoulders, and head tilted toward her as they continue their private conversation. One by one the courtiers follow them, even her ladies and her granddaughter's, Elys nods for them to enter, until only Amanda and her remain in the courtyard.
“How bad is she?"
Amanda approaches until the two are face to face, she looks to the side for a moment, making sure there is no one else around.
Her younger sister, like herself, maintains a youthful appearance, even as they have both now seeing past their forty years of age. It comes with their Upcliff blood, their mother died young, not even thirty years old, yet she still had the appearance of a woman half her age.
Amanda inherited her colouring, beautiful red-gold hair, and blueish grey eyes like a stormy sea.  
“The Maestre has already recommended that she not try to get pregnant again after the last miscarriage, she had a difficult time recovering, almost a year," Amanda informs her, there is concern in her eyes “now she is once again with child, and it is taking a toll on her. I don’t believe she will live to see the child.”
“The child will not be born." Lady Elys declares it like a sentence. She can feel it.
 “There is more." Amanda says. “The Small Council has been hinting that he should set her aside, that he should marry a queen who can bear him heirs.” She lowers her tone, tilting her head toward her sister. “There are rumours that His Grace had a bastard boy with a courtesan, and he might be discreet, but I know for sure that there are mistresses.”
“Does Aemma knows?”
“I believe so.” She nods. “They are, however, ladies of little consequence, barely noble, daughters of second and third sons, some not even that, daughters of knights and rich merchants,” Amanda explains, “His Grace has a king’s an appetite and a queen constantly bedridden who clearly does not meet his needs.”
“Hm.” It's the only reaction Elys gives.
A tale old as time, men will be men, even the best of them.
Viserys may be gentle and amiable, but he was always a man of appetites, and pious Aemma was never an ardent lover.
Elys blames the Good Queen for her precocious marriage and sheltered upbring, Aemma was just a girl, still playing with dolls.
The marriage was not consummated before her four and tenth nameday, and until then Viserys would entertain himself with whores and courtesans usually in the company of his brother and half a dozen favourites.
“We shall have to stay alert to whom he takes to bed." Elys says, linking her arm with her sister's and directing her into the castle.
“What happens if she dies or is put aside?"
Then perhaps Visenya will have the crown she was promised. And we might yet have a king of our blood on the Iron Throne.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
I've been thinking about Rhaenys line in 2x2 'where (daemon) goes he wishes to be his own master.' Honestly though, it makes a lot of sense why he's this way, always wanting to be the one in control and making the decisions, when you think about his late teens/ early adulthood.
At just 16 he is married off against his will to Rhea Royce. Forced to leave his home and go to the Vale, he doesn't get on with his wife, he hates it in the Vale. Then when his brother becomes king he asks for an annulment only for that to be rejected, he gets only a small victory in that he's allowed to come back to kings landing.
He was made master of coin but after only a brief time Otto persuaded viserys to take the position away from him, then he was made master of laws but once again Otto saw to it that he was dismissed from that position too. Then he gets the position of commander of the city watch, a role that he seemed to really love and that he flourished in, but once again thanks to Otto's scheming he once again loses that position and on top of that is then exiled from his home again.
He was heir to the throne, but that was taken from him at the same time that he was banished by his brother.
He wants to marry rhaenyra but is told no, you're already married, then when rhea is dead rhaenyra is already engaged to someone else. Laena at least was his own choice but that all falls apart too when she chooses to die a dragon riders death and he watches her and their unborn child burn. He finally gets to marry rhaenyra and it seems like for a while everything was dandy but then his brother dies and all hell breaks loose.
Honestly, I think Daemon has just been messed around so much, forced into marriage at a young age, he was only a year older than alicent was. Then having position after position taken away from him. He must have constantly felt like he was never in control of his own life, all decisions were made for him, by his mother, or his brother, or otto and now by rhaenyra. It makes sense that as someone who often had his free will taken from him, he would seek control in whatever way he could and at every opportunity he can.
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msmorningstaarr · 5 months
Holy and Heathen - Chapter 11 (Moans and Lullabies)
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Pairing: young!Oberyn MartellxF!Original Hightower Character
Word count: 5.7k
Chapter Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI
ao3 | masterlist
SUMMARY: Lady Melara Hightower is the youngest daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and has a distinct, serious and pious personality. She is sent to serve the Faith as a Septa, but her destiny suddenly changes once she becomes betrothed to the heir of Dorne, Prince Oberyn Martell. She sees herself living in a land far from hers with distinct habits, dealing with many divergences and a husband far more wild than she could ever expect. Would she be capable of lighting the way of her mind and heart?
a/n: comments, likes and shares are always appreciated 🩵
(Except for Melara Hightower, all characters do not belong to me but to George RR Martin, author of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' book series.)
Taglist: @princessanglophile @hiroikegawa @hiraethrhapsody @martellspear
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It was a calm evening. Oberyn had decided to end his duties around the castle earlier to be taking care of Melara, who still had not overcome her sickness and tiresome. The Gods seemed to finally open Oberyn’s heart and since that day where they decided to put their differences aside to build a relationship, everything changed. When both discovered that the blonde princess was with child, a new spark was born in the eyes of her husband. The Father was just and listened to her prayers. Being with child at first was quite the distressful news, in all honesty. Melara could not fathom the feeling of yearning for something so much and still dread it to its core. There would be nights where her nightmares would haunt her sleep and she would dream of a bloodshed where the maesters would cut her in half to take the babe out of her, just like it was done to her mother. 
Lady Rhea told her the story of her birth when she was no older than seven years of age and her mind graphically imagined the bloody moment she was born. Guilty often dawned on her to think that her life was possible at the expense of another person. Was I worthy of it? She thought. 
The words of her stepmother tormented her mind and now, more than ever, the fear of being a disappointment grew stronger inside of her. Could she ever be a good mother to the child growing inside of her? Could she even survive the childbirth to be anything to this child? For a pregnancy in the mild stage, her bump was huge. Word spread throughout the castle that Melara could be expecting twins, given her current size and stage of expectation and the intrusive thoughts were dreading her again. That is when she felt close to faint when she was listening to Septa Lorna give her recommendations to maintain a good health besides her current state. 
Melara still felt bothered by the constant fuss over her, it was not something she was used to having in the Starry Sept and not even in Hightower, but after sharing many conversations with her husband, he convinced her to be more welcoming to this kind of treatment.
Oberyn smiled at her once he entered their quarters and found Lya, Megga, Lys and Melessa surrounding her. Lys fed Melara with grapes and Lya took water to her lips. Melessa and Megga massaged her feet while two other servants fanned the princess. Melara briefly stared at Lya and noticed a certain blush spreading across her cheeks and her eyes lowered quickly once Oberyn entered the room whilst Lya used her own hands to caress her also pregnant womb. 
The servants immediately bowed to the salty prince and waited for their commands. “You can leave us now.” He said, calmly. His gaze never left Melara’s. The prince and princess have not even noticed how quick to disappear the other ones were.
There was a time where any kind of eye contact would make her embarrassed, ashamed. None of this was real around her lord husband from now onwards. He had made a mother of her, once her wish was given by the Mother and her infinite kindness. Everything was different, Melara felt different. She felt comfortable around him. There was no fear or displeasure, only sympathy. “I came the second someone told me you were on the verge of fainting again.” He said, slowly approaching her.
Melara just pouted her lips and arched her eyebrows. “I was not, husband.”
“Many moons have been gone since the day I took you as my wife and I can count on my fingers how many times you have called me by my name. You must call me Oberyn, my fallen star.” He softly commanded, grabbing her feet to massage it. His hands were callused as it would always be, but Melara could feel the heat of his large hand spreading throughout her body and tingle her intimate parts. An unusual side effect of her pregnancy was the constant urges for bedding. 
Although Oberyn seemed more than satisfied to take her whenever the time was needed, Melara still felt shame for this, it felt so unladylike to take initiative in this matter. Melara had her cheeks rosy and her pout turned into a sly grin. “Very well, Oberyn,” Melara wrinkled her eyes in a silent giggle and her hands reached her swollen belly. “We are fine. There is no need for all of this.”
“You carry my heir, my silver star. I should take good care of you. I could not do this to the mother of Obara, but I did it to the mother of my littlest Nymeria.” Her body felt tense by the thought of his bastards. It was still a rather sensitive topic within their relationship, but Oberyn was straightforward and had no issue exposing the wounds of it before it would fester. Yet, Melara felt not even close to being fond of having his bastard daughters around. 
At times, Melara would feel repulsive for desiring the death of small children, however, that was the truth of her heart: could she hold any little power over it, Nymeria and Obara would be away from Sunspear or even Dorne, where their little shadows could never reflect behind her ever again. Her eyes lowered as her expression grew bitter and Oberyn seemed to notice, curling his lips before changing the subject.
“You are my princess, my silver princess,” He hummed and kissed her belly as he made his way over to her face and kissed her lips. “Must be treated as such.” 
Melara looked at Oberyn and her fingertips traced patterns as she silently shared a moment with him. His brown eyes had a strong effect on her, it was bewitching. Melara always had in her mind that Oberyn has a charming, enchanting and involving persona, even when she had no trace of true feelings for him. Now, when she could finally see the caring and loving Oberyn that Elia spoke so much that day when she departed from King’s Landing to Dorne, those feelings inflamed within her heart and her head lacked words to explain what she was feeling for him. Not even when she was training to be a Septa she felt so close to the Gods in the way she felt by just staying by the side of her husband.
“Sing for us, hu-… Oberyn.” She corrected herself after breaking the brief silence between them. The salty prince smirked and lowered a bit to kiss her bump slowly and gently.
“High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts…” Besides being a great politician and quite skilled at fighting and extraordinarily smart in the arts of alchemy and philosophy or history, Oberyn was also a great artist. His voice was smooth and powerful, capturing the sensibility of that song.
“… The ones she had lost and the ones she had found, and the ones who had loved her the most…” His hand caressed her belly gently and Melara would feel the strange feeling of her babe and their little legs kicking her belly from inside every time they would hear any sign of Oberyn’s presence.
“… The ones who'd been gone for so very long, she couldn't remember their names…” he kept singing, loud enough for them only to listen. Moons ago, Melara would never have the idea that her life would turn to this. Oberyn could be quite the difficult figure, but once he opened up his heart, things swiftly began to change within their relationship and even if the silver princess could not consider herself fully loving Oberyn, the sentiment of being cherished, appreciated and pampered felt good. No one has ever been this affectionate towards her, not even her lord father.
“… They spun her around on the damp old stones, spun away all her sorrow and pain…” The princeling stared at Melara and caressed her belly tenderly, his voice lowered calmly and his fingertips traced gentle patterns over the fabric of her dress, feeling the fussy babe inside of her kicking as a reaction to the presence of their father. 
“… And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave…” Oberyn kept singing and smiling to the reaction of their babe. Melara found an odd satisfaction and a certain pride in the sensation of what it means to create life. In the Sept, she learned everything regarding the seven-faced God and its virtues - the Mother, ever so caring and powerful, blessing the path of motherhood felt much more real to her. Right there and then, Melara could understand what it means to be the true embodiment of the Mother, once Oberyn knew exactly how to worship her. Which is odd, hence the fact that her lord husband is far from being a holy man, but quite the heathen in truth.
“… They danced through the day, and into the night through the snow that swept through the hall, from winter to summer then winter again…” As he sang, Oberyn began to roam his hands on her lower body and squeeze her rear, hips and thighs, all over the thick fabric of her dress. Melara felt her cheeks burn and flush, body increasing the heat as Oberyn furtively revealed the skin of her legs by lifting the skirt of her dress and showing the underpants she wore. Melara bit her lips to the ache in her entrance, anticipating and fully desiring Oberyn to take her right there.
“… 'Til the walls did crumble and fall …” The smug smile rose on his face to see the fluster on her face. His lips kissed her thighs over the fabric of her undergarments and Melara could not help but let out a small moan. After the beginning of her pregnancy, her skin would crowl and be extra sensitive at any slight touch on any part of her body. Right now, her intimacy was drooling and covered by her wetness caused by Oberyn. It was odd and a wave of shame still crossed her mind, however, it felt rather difficult resisting Oberyn, once he knew exactly how to take Melara to the edge and reach her peak.
“… And she never wanted to leave,” he sang, intercalating the music with soft kisses on her inner thighs. “never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave…”
“… High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts…” His hands squeezed her thighs and shuddered the thin hair on her legs as his smooth voice breathed against her legs. Slowly, his lips were getting closer and closer to her centre, raising the tension within her body.
“… The ones she had lost and the ones she had found…” And then, Oberyn deposited a soft kiss right there, causing Melara to squirm and arch her head back, involuntarily pulling his face closer to her privates.  
Oberyn smirked and was eager to take her hands from his curls. “Too eager, my fallen star,” he stopped singing and touching Melara for a while, making the silver princess whine before he would finish the song. “… And the ones…” 
Both of his hands levelled up to her waistband and started pulling off the underwear she was wearing, slowly revealing her bare lower body to him until there was nothing left to cover down on her body. “… Who had loved her the most.”
His eyes darkened to the sight of Melara almost exploding and shattering her body into pieces, just for him. “Please, husband…” Melara said, breaking the silence after the song ended. Oberyn smiled even more.
“Please what, my silver princess?” her husband asked. 
Her cheeks felt so close to catching fire, Melara had to gather her strength to reply to his question. “Touch me, please.” she muttered.
Oberyn gazed at her from downwards, mischievously grinning and biting his lips, with his smug attitude of always. “Touch where?” Melara could never say that word out loud and yet, here he was, pushing her to the edge to say it. Timidly, she tried to guide his hands towards her wet spot, however, the salty prince dismissed her attempt of silently guiding him. “Use your words, Melara.” 
“My… intimacy…” Melara replied in a whisper, hiding her face from Oberyn after saying the naughty words her husband required. He kept smirking at Melara and gently, he traced his index over her sensitive bundle of nerves, causing another squirm on her back.
“That is quite the unholy word for my little lady to be speaking,” he purrs, circling his fingers around her sweet spot and driving Melara to madness. “I am proud.” 
And then, Oberyn dived into her intimate part and his tongue worked intensely on her pleasure. Melara felt her heart beating fast and her mouth going dry, which is the opposite of the lower part of her body. The heat was high and her entrance still ached with anticipation for the moment she waited mostly: when he would be inside of her. His lips were soft and suckled her button, focusing on it. Melara had her legs shaking excessively and her thoughts were everywhere. It was such a conflicting sensation to enjoy something she grew up hearing that it was wrong and unladylike. Yet, it could be the most sinful feeling to be quite sure she reached Seven Heavens everytime Oberyn licked, suckled and touched her intimacy with so much passion and hunger.
Her hips involuntarily moved towards his head, pressing his lips against her core and her head fell back, crying out and in readiness to release. Oberyn went forward with his head when Melara bounced her pelvis against him, his hands squeezed her hips and the bright princess bit her lips, trying to muffle her moans. Melara grabbed his hair when a desperate whimper left her lips and her body began to tremble, announcing her undeniable climax. Melara pressed her hand over her chest, trying to recover from the whirlwind of sensations Oberyn just provoked on her, trying to readjust her heart beating. Still, the dornish prince felt restless and eagerly went straight to her lips, kissing her with more hunger this time.
“Gods, if I knew earlier you would be this beautiful when you are with child, I’d have built another Great Sept just for worshipping the Mother and bless us with an army of our children.” He said between the kisses. She could feel the salty taste of her wetness mixing with both salivas and her cheeks kept flushing, but her body yearning for more. “Maybe I shall do this, my dear wife.” He continued and took a flush on her cheeks, which she fastly covered with her callused hands.
With not much time to lose, Oberyn released his hard member and positioned on her entrance. Melara tried to look away, but her husband grabbed her chin and locked their gazes together. “Keep looking at me, silver princess.” he softly commanded and so she obeyed, biting her lower lip as Oberyn made his way inside of her slowly. Melara could not help but scream alongside her salty husband, who grunted to the sensation of entering her warm walls. Her insides were filled up with him and his thrusts were strong and steady, but slow. Oberyn grunted and his greedy hands squeezed both sides of her hips, yet, he was ever so careful to his wife in order to not hurt her or the babe.
He held her hips to control her body and his pace, but Melara wanted more. She could feel her inner parts clenching around Oberyn and gently, he got his face closer to hers as he kept pushing himself inside of her and kissed her forehead. Melara locked Oberyn by involving her legs around his waist and digging her nails into his olive skin, opening space on her neck so he could kiss there, and so he did. He suckled and nibbled her neck, passing his hands from her hips to her hair, holding the silvery gold cascade in a strong grip. “More, please.” she muttered and Oberyn felt as if someone lit wildfire inside of him, taking up his speed and thrusting within Melara faster.
The young woman was lost in a daze, the world around her faded and all there was was her and Oberyn. Her nails gripped into his skin, her legs gripped him tighter. She let out a moan as her eyes fluttered and rolled upwards inside her skull. The princess shivered, inclining her head to kiss his shoulder as his hands took her waist, her legs wrapping around him in a desperate embrace of her lover’s body as he made her his own. Melara’s lips were parted as Oberyn kissed her neck, her arms holding him by his shoulders as he increased his pace, each thrust taking the princess to new heights of pleasure and very soon, another peak was being close to reach. 
“My silver princess takes me so well…” He said amongst grunts and moans, Melara coyly smiled, intertwining with soft whines and wiping the traces of sweat from her face.
“Oberyn…” her words were a gasp, soft and breathy, filled with the sweetness that she rarely felt. Each word had a soft purr to it, each breath an inhale as the Prince took her, each moment a sigh as the two enjoyed each other's bodies. The two kissed. Melara could feel the warmth of her skin growing hotter, her breath growing shorter. She could feel her prince throb inside of her and his breathing getting heavier as his own climax seemed also close, her back arching slightly as she moaned softly, her heart beating faster. The young lady’s breath was coming in soft gasps between kisses, her words filled with a soft, quiet purr.
“Yes, my little lady…” He replied, pounding her aching core. Her lips were parted as she leaned her head back, breathing slightly harder as she sighed and her heart beat more quickly. Her thighs were tightening around the Prince's body, her body responding to his touch in a way she never could as her body began to quiver. 
"Oh-" she sighed before exhaling a loud, breathy moan and Oberyn smiled, presuming what was happening to his lady wife.
“Use your words, Melara.” He coos reminding her, giving hints that his own climax was building inside of him as well.
"I am..." she whispered, trying to catch her breath as her body began to shake. The lady was nearing her peak, her face flushed as she pushed her body into Oberyn's, her hands squeezing his hands tighter as she grew closer and closer to her release.
“You are what, Lady Melara?” He provoked her, thrusting slightly harder.
"I'm close..." she breathed, squeezing the Prince's neck. Her breathing grew faster and faster as she began to writhe below him, her back arching slightly as her muscles began to shake, her face flushed as her body reached its pinnacle. Oberyn, on the other hand, gave his final grunt once she finally released her pleasure, he could not hold himself and found his own climax, coming inside of her in full strength and lust.
“Oberyn…” she repeated again, this time more breathless than before, taking a moment to pause and catch her breath, her teeth slightly bared with each moan. “Oh Gods.” she muttered, her voice quivering ever so slightly as she felt her body grow tighter. “Oh.” Oberyn fell beside her, laughing and biting his lip with a satisfied and relaxed expression. He immediately held Melara, who even overwhelmed by physical touching learned to enjoy how much Oberyn liked to be affectionate with touching, embracing and caressing. The dornish prince kissed her temples, caressed her belly and wiped her carefully with a washcloth before going back to lay close to her.
“My fallen star is growing more and more keen on the sexual arts.” He whispered in her ear as he placed beside Melara, who had her cheeks burning even more red with his comment, still recovering from the aftershocks of their momentum. “Yet, you are as shy as ever.”
It was true, although having intercourse had become something more interesting for her and the company of Oberyn had turned to be congenial afterwards, years of a strict conduct still endured on her mind, always taunting the moments after the pleasure experienced. Oberyn leaned his index finger on her chin and lightly squeezed it, with a tender smile and Melara felt her heart burning by looking at him and their bodies facing each other in that bed. Half of her heart burned affection and the other half burned in shame. Her mind still had not detached from the idea she was no longer a Septa, even being in Dorne for what felt like ages and married, with a child on the way. 
Oh, Mother above, with your comforting gaze,
Lead me back to the path of your righteous ways.
Forgive my transgressions, and grant me your peace,
In your endless love, may my soul find release… her mind repeated the prayer again and again.
”This is a subject I am still working on, hus-… Oberyn.” He smirked at her and kissed her temples once more, bringing her closer to his body. She laid her head and both stood there for some brief moment, enjoying each other’s company. 
The salty prince looked at Melara again and smiled at her, faintly. Then, Melara watched her husband fetch water and wine. Wine for him, water for her. He gave her a glass and raised his cup to cheer silently before starting his drinking. “I wish I was allowed to take you to the place where I keep my poisons.”
Melara raised her eyebrows calmly and looked at her window, always caressing her belly. “Am I not allowed to visit it in such conditions?”
“The maesters avidly recommended not to. Won’t risk endangering the mother of one of my children.” It was a hardship not to feel a pang of jealousy everytime she would remember Oberyn already had two children and none of them belonged to her.
“Then you will only take me once I deliver the baby.”
“Or babes.”
Melara sighed heavily once she heard her husband correct the sentence from singular to plural. This prospect had no chance of being seen in a positive light at all for her. “Do you think I might be carrying twins too?” She asked, apprehensive. 
Oberyn nodded and kneeled by her side, kissing her belly. His widow’s peek stared at her ever so solemnly and his warm, callused hands touched her waist with care. “I indeed think you carry more than one babe in your belly.”
Melara felt numb. Her heart beat faster in angst and suddenly tears scrolled down her face, nervously as she tried to wipe them quickly. Melara kept her thoughts mostly to herself all this time from everyone but right then, it was hard to hide her fear over her childbirth. Being vulnerable to someone human and not the Gods was proving to be quite the humbling experience, for the thought of letting Oberyn see her fears reminded of a time where no secrets were maintained amongst sisters and shame would hover her body every time Lady Rhea would betray her trust, for a small confession her step mother would turn to a great judgement of her character and belittle her feelings. However, now it was different. Oberyn was patient with her and let her be vulnerable in her own time and although a rough young man, he was proving to be loving as Elia promised her. “What is happening?” Oberyn asked, concernedly trying to wipe her tears. Melara nested her body on his, seeking comfort. “Tell me, fallen star.”
Melara lowered her head and tried to speak, feeling her mouth going dry and her heart exploding within her. No words would leave her mouth, a small part of her head still felt scared to tell him her true feelings over that possibility. “Melara…”
“I am scared of childbirth.” She spilled the words in a mutter in low sobs. Oberyn furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, taking her hand gently.
“You are scared of giving birth?” He asked, sternly. Suddenly, Melara was a child again, being in front of her older sisters and step mother saying some random feeling roaming her mind, to be mocked by them or reprimanded immediately. Anxiety consumed her mind and her hands trembled, tears went down faster and the princess shrunk her body, which turned Oberyn to extreme worry with Melara. “Listen to me,” he spoke to her, cupping her face with his hands and forcing Melara to look at him. “I will not allow anyone to murder you in childbirth. I promise to be by your side, protecting you.”
Oberyn cupped her face and his eyes turned tender whilst facing her. His fingertips traced her lips gently but no arousal rose on his face, only something Melara could not categorically name that moment. It was magical the manner that man could be fiercely dangerous and so unwaveringly charming and loving. Her heart burned again, but in that strange feeling her heart insisted to feel whenever she was around him after that eventful day when she allowed him to get into her intimacy. Melara also felt calmer, her tears had dried for a while, her eyes sparkled looking at Oberyn. “My handmaidens will help me too.” She completed, calmly. Oberyn lowered his eyes and Melara noticed the change of expression. It went from bubbly to numb, instantly. A certain dissatisfaction rose and he moved his lips uncomfortably and he fixed his posture on the mattress.
“There is a matter I have been wanting to talk to you about, in fact.” The olive skinned prince broke the silence, brushing her hair with his fingers.
”Speak.” She replied.
”Your new handmaiden…”
“What about Lya?” Melara asked, confused. Oberyn had never paid attention to any of her personal servants at point of talking about them, but due to her latest condition, Melara found it could be anything related to her imminent pregnancy and current work serving as her handmaiden. Although Melara never thought of Oberyn as a judgemental man, she wondered if her state could bother him at any instance.
“Do you believe she is suited enough to be your handmaiden? I don’t think of her as an appropriate company for you.”
Melara furrowed her eyebrows. “Said the man who walks amongst the smallfolk and goes on to have two bastard children? Is it because she is carrying a bastard of her own?” 
“I could not care less if she is carrying a bastard or the next King of the Seven Kingdoms,” He said, serving himself a glass of wine and pouring water to her. “She is none of our trust.”
She drank a bit of her water after sitting down on their mattress. Of course, Melara did not approve at all once she received the news of the upcoming of her handmaiden and thought of sending her away, as a manner of not raising a bad influence over her other servants, however, she felt as the one to blame of Lya’s destiny once the girl dropped the Sept on a promise to be held safe in her new castle before her departing from Oldtown. Melara held a sense of responsibility for her future once her mind rumined about what Lya had to endure to survive outside the castle and on her travels from the Reach to Dorne. Besides her pious reasons, part of embracing Dorne as her home was to understand that her unmarried pregnancy was no reason for judgement to the dornish.
“Why would she not be of trust?” Melara asked and Oberyn pouted his lips and sighed, his black viper eyes seemed slightly lost, contemplative for a moment before replying to Melara.
“Your handmaidens carry your secrets, your most intimate situations, they are with you from the moment you wake up, and for a moment even guard your sleep. This girl… she came from nowhere and now she is here, carrying a great deal of honour.”
Lya was trustable, she wanted to believe it. Oberyn indeed carried a point but Lya was one of the nicest people she ever had in her life and she could not fathom sending a person like her away, even with her eccentric personality and sharp tongue. “When I was in the Sept,” Melara started, holding her belly and turning her gaze at her husband. “There was one day right in the beginning of my journey where I had to clean one of the worship rooms and scrape the rest of melted candles in the altar, to right after sweep the dust in the room. I had no idea of how to hold a broom and a shovel, the elder Septas joined to make me the object of their mockery over the fact I could not even do such a simple task as cleaning one room. Lya joined me and taught me how to use those items. Lya defended me when I needed her the most. Nothing she would gain but my silent company and stern behaviour, yet, she chose to be my defender and friend. I could not do such a thing as leaving her behind because you find her not worthy of my trust and company.”
Oberyn, as always, looked defeated after her brief, yet incisive words. Melara noticed the taciturn moment between them and how awkwardly dissatisfied Oberyn turned out to be. “Does it bother you?”
”Yes. I do not trust her and neither should you.” He responded, joining his hands while making his body comfortable on a chair. Melara was instantly annoyed by his words and scoffed, rolling her eyes in discontent. Oberyn raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised by Melara and her attitude.
Melara's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she listened to Oberyn's concerns about Lya, her trusted handmaiden. The notion that Oberyn doubted Lya's loyalty and suitability irked her, especially given the personal bond she had formed with the young woman.
"Oberyn," Melara began, her tone measured but firm. "Lya has been nothing but loyal and supportive to me since she arrived. She stood by me when others mocked and belittled me in the Sept. Her loyalty isn't something I take lightly."
Oberyn's expression remained stoic, but Melara could sense his underlying apprehension. The bright princess understood his need to protect their household and maintain trust among their staff, but she couldn't bring herself to dismiss Lya based solely on suspicions.
"She has earned my trust," Melara continued, her gaze unwavering. "I appreciate your concern, but I believe in giving people a chance to prove themselves. Lya has proven herself to me time and again."
Oberyn sighed, his features softening slightly as he regarded his wife. "Melara, I only want what's best for you and our household. I would not forgive myself if I allowed anyone to harm you, dear wife."
Melara nodded, acknowledging his concerns but remaining resolute in her decision. "I understand, Oberyn. But I ask that you trust my judgement in this matter. Lya has been a friend when I needed one most."
The prince studied her for a moment, his gaze lingering with a mixture of frustration and affection. Eventually, he relented, knowing that Melara was steadfast in her convictions. Still, an evident distress was formed in Oberyn's eyes. Melara would question herself what harm could Lya ever do to deserve such mistreatment and suspiciousness from her husband.
"Very well," Oberyn conceded, a hint of resignation in his voice. “She is allowed to stay, my silver princess. You are entitled to choose your companions and I apologise for my words. But if there are any concerns or issues, promise me you'll come to me."
“No need for apologies, husband.”
Melara nodded, relieved that he had acquiesced. He was proud, but Melara appreciated how Oberyn accepted to compromise for her, even when he was not very fond of her. With that, a semblance of peace settled between them, though Melara knew that tensions could flare again if Lya's presence continued to be a point of contention. For now, she would stand by her decision and uphold her trust in Lya, hoping that Oberyn would eventually see the value in the bond she shared with her handmaiden. Yet, a sense of confusion rested in her mind, wandering the reasons behind such an open campaign against a simple handmaiden of hers. Melara reassured herself, Lya is of my trust, she is my friend constantly in her head with an intonation close to her matutine prayers. She was sure the Gods had blessed her with a true companion through her marital journey. Her olive prince put his glass aside and embraced his wife from behind and pulled the little princess to bed. Melara entangled her fingers on his, sighing briefly to the warmth of his lips throughout her neck tenderly. 
“Let us rest now, princess.”
“Let us rest then, prince.” With this, Melara closed her eyes and leaned her head on his chest to finally fall asleep.
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latenitewaffles · 3 months
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Meet Cernunnos, The son of Saint Macuil, as well as Mortala and Begalta! Or as he goes by around humans, Fionn. He's a combat instructor at the Officer's Academy and a Knight of Seiros who typically acts as Rhea's bodyguard. An extroverted and sweet man, Fionn's known for giving people pep talks after being reprimanded by Catherine and taking on more squires than anyone else ever has. He's got the Crest of Cernunnos, and is the only person to have ever had it; in fact, it's barely recorded in history.
Age: ~1700 (Academy/War); Is constantly mistaken as being 18-20 and doesn't correct anyone. Born on the 16th of the Verdant Rain Moon.
Height: 6'3" - 190cm
War Monk
Crest of Cernunnos
Strengths: Faith, Brawling, Axe
Weaknesses: Riding
Close Allies: Seteth, Flayn, Alois
Likes: The Four Saints, helping people, storms
Dislikes: Horses, people sacrificing themselves for him, screaming
More Info Below and Design Notes below! (TW; Mentions of parent death)
Like most Nabateans, Cernunnos lived in Zanado with his parents; Macuil and Begalta, his fathers, and Mortala, his mother. One day, the village was raided by those who would soon be known as the Ten Elites, and many Nabateans were slaughtered. Begalta and Mortala were no exception, killed by Riegan and Fraldarius respectively. Cernunnos was chased down by some bandits and almost killed as well, until he was rescued by Cichol. He was roughly 500 at the time, the Nabatean equivalent of 8 for a human.
Though Seiros had intended on making him a Saint, Macuil loudly objected. After all, the man had just lost his husband and wife; making his son a Saint would just put a larger target on his head, and Macuil didn't want to lose him too. Regardless, Cernunnos still fought in the War of Heroes and quickly became known as a force of nature on the battlefield despite his small stature and (relatively) young age. Humans for the most part had a hard time dealing with the fact that they were being shown up by a child; Macuil took mild pride in it whenever he wasn't worried sick.
Then, after a battle, Cernunnos was getting healed by Cethleann after receiving a particularly nasty injury, they were ambused by the Elite Riegan; Cethleann jumped in front of her younger cousin, taking the hit from Riegan's arrow. Cernunnos went into a rage, transforming into The Stormbringer (his dragon form), and proceeding to rip Riegan to shreds. Despite managing to stabilize Cethleann and constantly being told by his other family that it wasn't his fault, Cernunnos constantly blames himself for what happened and took on a healer role to "make it up to Cethleann".
After the War of Heroes, Cernunnos followed his father to Sreng and stayed there for the coming centuries, developing an incredibly jovial mask to hide the pain he still felt from the War and Zanado. This clashed heavily with Macuil becoming more and more bitter, until it eventually resulted in a falling out where Cernunnos ran away to live at the Monastery in Imperial Year 937, taking on the name Fionn and joining the Knights of Seiros.
Fun Facts and Design Notes!
His Sacred Weapon is called the Fists of Nemea. They have a built-in 3 pointed twisting blade.
He's met many nobles across the 3 countries and has dirt on several people's ancestors
One of the houses he doesn't have dirt on is House Bergliez; One of Caspar's ancestors, Emmeline von Bergliez, was a squire of his.
Avid reader of legends and a big fan of a particular story called "The Shadows of Valentia".
Balthus and Rodrigue both recognize him from their Academy days and are both floored that he looks nearly identical. Catherine does too, but knows his secret.
He considered Sitri his cousin. When she died, he took a long break from the Knights of Seiros.
While both depicted designs are based on the War Monk, the Academy/War design mixes it with Seteth's outfit and the War of Heroes design mixes it with the Sothis Regalia.
His hair is meant to resemble a mix of Chrom and Cloud Strife's hairstyles.
His War of Heroes design puts him at around 600, roughly the equivalent of a human 13 year old. Why did I choose to make Nabatean aging weird? Idk.
The Stormbringer is meant to simultaneously look Wolfish, Birdlike, and Draconic.
The Crest of Cernunnos is associated with the Adjustment Arcana (Alternative Justice Arcana. If you know me you know why) and is known as the "Cloud Dragon Sign".
The Crest of Cernunnos has a slight chance of healing adjacent units the same amount as the target unit.
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
Relating to what @redrosesandcharmingsouls ask. Do you think that Viserys and Otto, even Daemon to extent complicated relationships extend to the fact that Jaehaerys chose Otto as his hand after Baelon died.
I always seen it as Otto was groomed in a way to be Viserys' hand. In someways they do balance out each other. And that also plays into Daemon’s relationship with Viserys. He wants to be hand, he wants that relationship that Otto has with Viserys.
We're going to have to base the answer on book lore in this case. Show lore is going to be different because the ages are different, but these details are not provided currently and who knows if they ever will be.
But textually Jaehaerys was 67 years old in 101 AC when Baelon died, Viserys was 24 and Daemon was 20. Now, Jaehaerys was an old man and had only two more years to live, he wasn't exactly predisposed to naming a 20-year-old impulsive Daemon to become his Hand.
We don't know Otto's age exactly, but we do know Alicent was born in 88 AC, so he must have been old enough then to father her. I'm choosing the very early, very arbitrary age of 16, which would make Otto 29 years old in 101 AC. It's very unlikely he married that young, though, so he was most likely older when he became Hand. In this situation, it's very understandable why he was chosen instead of Daemon or Viserys. Whether Daemon, with his brash filtre, would interpret this as a slight or another reason to consider himself aggrieved is a different matter.
Jaehaerys did probably think that giving Otto the opportunity to gain experience as Hand would also help his preferred choice of King (Viserys) in the long run. You're also right that Daemon has probably coveted the position of Hand for quite some time. But he was still too young in 103 AC and still very chaotic, whereas Otto had proven himself to be a steady hand and adept enough at administration for Viserys to have kept him on.
What the Realm needed after settling a succession crisis was stabilisation, not further trouble. Daemon was just not the right person for that and his behaviour since Viserys became King was not indicative of someone with the potential to take on so much responsibility. He asks his brother to set aside his marriage with Rhea Royce, which is always a controversial move in any political climate, and flip-flops between several short-lived political offices: master of coin, master of laws, the City Watch. Needless to say, he was not removed from those posts because he did such a good job. In a way, you have to laugh at Daemon's insistence on becoming Hand, because he probably would have thought the post very boring and uninspiring.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
what are your thoughts on alyssa targaryen (daughter of jaehaerys and alysanne)? do you think if she never died, she would've advocated for baelon's usurpation of rhaenys and then viserys's usurpation? I've seen a lot of AU fics where she actually does aspire to be queen consort and/or queen mother and thus is willing to step over any woman to put her husband or son on the throne, which I think is an interesting interpretation.
hell, maybe viserys's reign would've been less of a disaster if his terrifying mom was urging him to be a man like his dad and what could viserys do to kick his mom out besides like, sending her to the motherhouse or pulling a nero?
i think if alyssa had lived, she would have pushed hardcore for viserys to marry rhaenys and would have thrown an absolute fit until she got her way. i think in general what i get from the relationships between jaehaerys' children is that he wanted them to be close, to foster love between them in a way that did not exist between maegor and aenys - if rhaena had not loved jaehaerys and alysanne so much, jaehaerys' reign would have looked much different, and i think he's very aware of that fact. so i think just like baelon seems really fucked up over aemon's death, alyssa would be as well. and just like alyssa was following after baelon as a girl and that absolutely normal childish impulse to bug your brother got twisted into sexual and romantic interest, alyssa would take any sign at all of fondness between rhaenys and viserys as proof that they're meant to be and push for them to get engaged. now do i think her motives are completely free from self interest? no, absolutely not, no one's are. and do i think she would fight her father in having viserys named king and rhaenys named queen-consort? again, no i do not. but i do think that if alyssa had lived, those two are getting hitched, and imo this would force the question of who gets what title a little quicker. that doesn't fix or even lighten the dance at all, probably just kicks it down the road, but when you look at alyssa's life and family tree, it is just one "loving" (GROOMING) brother-sister incest marriage after another - aegon and rhaenys, jaehaerys and alysanne, herself and baelon. i imagine she would take rhaenys under her wing, convince her in the way that alyssa herself was suspiciously convinced that she's meant for viserys, that their marriage can be full of love, that she can have access to power and have freedom if only she submit to being her shitty little cousin's brood mare.
as for "what can viserys do" well....he can do exactly what jaehaerys did, which is trap his mother in a marriage he knows is abusive until it kills her at a young age, and forgive the husband who ultimately did exactly as he wanted to do, which is get rid of his overbearing mother. it's not like viserys is above this sort of behavior - he traps daemon with rhea, traps rhaenyra with laenor, puts mysaria on a boat while she's pregnant, on and on. i don't think he would force alyssa to remarry but i imagine they'd have....maybe some sort of cross between rhaenys & otto as a relationship, where he loves her, he leans on her, but there is a distance there that is insurmountable, and it eats away at their relationship over the years.
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randomnameless · 6 months
AG AU where Billy is recruited, ignores Jerry and hangs out with those people who look like the gremlin in his head (who apparently logged off their mind otherwise the plot wouldn't work).
The shady lady Jeralt always told them to watch out for has a strange hat, but she talks to them and even said she enjoys spending time with them, even if they don't say a thing or eat a strange fruit together. Sometimes she talks about their mom, a woman called Sitri, and recalls stories and anecdotes and Billy feels closer to the mother they never met than to Jeralt.
(then Billy felt immensely wrong and guilty, because they are the reason why Sitri isn't alive anymore and is it their fault? Jerry drunkily said Sitri died to birth them, it's as if they killed her :( - the shady and evil lady then hugs them - it's so awkward for the both of them but Billy feels so strange and they hug the evil lady back, crying for the first time, and they cry even more when the evil lady tells them Sitri would never have wanted them to feel sad about her fate because she chose their life over hers (she still doesn't tell them about the magic rock).)
The young lady who loves to talk about romance and to ask them how was the world they saw was saddened when they told her they don't like to be called Ashen Demon - so she calls them Billy, and gives them a new nickname : "Big Tuna", because they can catch a lot of fishes.
Billy found this nickname so ridiculous, but was happy to have something else, that they laughed, and from now introduced themselves as "Big Tuna".
The "not-fun" man who always frowns, well, frowns but often asks them to help him "supervise" stuff here and there - but he is different from Jeralt, because when Billy does something he thanks and congratulates them - saying it is important to convey his gratitude for the help he received through Billy's actions, which leaves Billy puzzled - what even are thanks? They grow more and more puzzled when some randoms, from kids to knights to monks to random persons thank them, and they finally ask the "not-fun" man if they could continue making people smile after the war.
Seteth is surprised, but nods : if they want, when the war will be over, they could join a place called Garreg Mach, to help and make people smile all around Fodlan.
(Jerry returns from a two weeks long mission, and sees his kid eating an inedible fruit with Rhea and her clique, sitting a on magically warmed rock, and now Billy call themselves "Big Tuna" and say they want to make people smile by helping not by killing anymore, just like their Mother did before, and even now after, her death.)
Post AG when the war is over : Billy joins Garreg Mach and learns Faith magic to heal people (without charging them a fee!) and becomes the fishing instructor of Garreg Mach, thus becomes popular with the students who leanr how to focus and how "it is important to rest. And please, try not to drop your belongings on the floor."
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a-d-nox · 1 year
atalanta, the human huntress (asteroid 36)
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Atalanta, left to die at birth due to her father's wish for a male heir, was raised by a bear for first few years of her life. Growing up in the wilderness, and eventually adopted by hunters, she became a skilled huntress. At a very young age, she vowed to Artemis to remain a virgin. And she did her best to keep that vow. Hylaeus and Rhoecus attempted to rape her, and she killed them instead. She frequently overpowered men in many competitive arenas and some say that she was among the Argonauts who sailed with Jason. In one myth in particular Atalanta wrestled Peleus and won during the funeral games of King Pelias. During the hunt for the Calydonian Boar, Atalanta drew first blood and the son of King Oeneus, Meleager, killed it. Meleager was enamored by Atalanta and offered her the skin - his uncles were offended by him and tried to take the skin from her. Meleager killed his own uncles to defend Atalanta's honor and to maintain his respectability. But somewhere in the fray, Meleager sustained an injury (often it is his mother that finds out that he murdered family, so she in turn burns his life source - a piece of wood), and he died. This was not Atalanta's only encounter with a male suitor - after reuniting with her father, he demanded that she be married (despite having been told that her marriage would result in catastrophe). Atalanta still wished to maintain her promise to Artemis though - she felt confident in her athleticism, so she stated that she would marry the first man who could beat her in a footrace. Many suitors failed until one asked Aphrodite for help - his name was either Hippomenes or Melanion (depends on which source you use). Either way this suitor was given three golden apples to drop as the two raced. The suitor dropped an apple whenever she was gaining on him - much like the goddess herself was once enchanted by the prospects of a golden apple, Atalanta was as well. She stopped to pick up each when she noticed they were dropped. When the young man won, the two married. But he forgot to thank the goddess Aphrodite, so she cursed the couple with uncontrollable lust. The two disrespectfully fornicated in a temple dedicated to Rhea. Rhea turned the couple into lions and forced them to pull her chariot. IN MY OPINION Atalanta in your chart can represent a) where you are resilient, b) your feminine strength, c) where you guard your honor physically, d) feminism, e) athleticism and/or f) where love and death are intertwined.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of atalantia along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of atalantia AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede atalantia!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: artemis (105), aphrodite (1388), rhea (577), jason (6063), and peleus (11311)!
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By Jane von Mehren
11 January 2023
The highly civilized Etruscans had a huge impact on the city’s eventual geography, architecture, government, trade, and agriculture.
They created excellent schools to which rich Romans sent their sons, much as they would later send them to Greek institutes.
By the sixth century B.C., some of Rome’s most famous institutions, from the Forum to the Senate, were in existence but even the most reputable historians — including Fabius, Livy, and Plutarch — started their accounts of the empire in legend.
Legendary beginnings
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The story of Rome’s founding begins in Alba Longa, the first “city” of Latium, a region in central western Italy, occupied by Latins.
The area had been inhabited since the Bronze Age by farming communities and was known to the ancient Greeks, which is perhaps why Aeneas, a Trojan prince, is said to have established it around 1150 B.C.
According to legend, in Alba Longa, two of Aeneas’s descendants, the brothers Amulius and Numitor, fought over who would rule.
Amulius triumphed, killing Numitor’s sons and exiling his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to become a Vestal Virgin.
Through divine intervention, she gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus.
Threatened by these potential claimants to his throne, Amulius beheaded Rhea Silvia and abandoned the babies in the river Tiber.
Miraculously, a she-wolf rescued and cared for the boys until a shepherd, Faustulus, adopted them, raising them on the Palatine Hill, located in modern-day Rome.
The legend goes on to say that the brothers established the city of Rome on the banks of the Tiber River, where it was narrow enough for crossing and the hills provided a good defensive position.
The land between the hills, however, was quite marshy and not all that fertile.
The twins soon quarreled about the city’s exact boundaries and Romulus killed Remus.
Romulus, along with the outlaws and criminals he recruited, invited neighboring tribe the Sabines, who had resisted intermarrying with the Romans, to a fête.
During the merriment, Romulus raised his cloak signaling his men to seize and abduct the young Sabine women.
As the origin story goes, being Roman wives suited the women and they stopped the Sabine men from battling the Romans when they came to recapture them.
In the end the Sabines remained in Rome as part of the new city.
Influences in the area
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Archaeological evidence tells us that Rome’s actual origins were less dramatic.
The first Romans were Latin farmers and shepherds living in small village huts on the Esquiline and Palatine hills.
The Sabines, a tribe living to the north, divided soon after the city’s founding, and some of them came south and united with Rome’s people.
Rome remained relatively primitive until the 600s B.C., when the Etruscans, who controlled a series of city-states to the north, began taking control of the city.
Kingdom of Rome
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While modern scholars discount some of the accounts of ancient Roman historians, they agree that during the first phase of its history — from approximately 753 to 509 B.C. — Rome was ruled by kings.
According to these writers, Romulus was the first, succeeded by Numa Pompilius, a Sabine, and in 616 B.C., by an Etruscan named L. Tarquinius Priscus.
Kings had almost absolute power, serving as administrative, judicial, military, and religious leaders. A senate acted as an advisory council.
The king chose its members, who became known as patricians, from the city’s leading families.
Unlike later monarchs, Roman kingship was not inherited.
After a king died, there was a period known as an interregnum, when the Senate chose a new ruler, who was then elected by the people of Rome.
The king-elect needed to obtain approval of the gods and the imperium, the power to command, before assuming his throne.
Etruscan influences
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The Etruscans ruled a loose confederation of city- states that stretched from Bologna to the Bay of Naples.
It remains unclear where they originated, but they used a version of the Greek alphabet and some ancient sources describe them as coming from Asia Minor.
Around 650 B.C., they were already dominant in the region and took control of Rome, wanting its strategic position on the Tiber.
Under Etruscan kings, Rome grew from a series of villages into a proper city.
The Etruscans drained the marshes around the city, constructed underground sewers, laid out roads and bridges.
They established the cattle market, Forum Boarium, as well as Forum Romanum, the central market and meeting place that evolved into the heart of the empire.
Toward the end of this period of Etruscan influence, the first temple of Jupiter was built on the Capitoline Hill.
This temple, although rebuilt many times, became the symbol of Rome’s power.
Founding the Republic
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The era of Roman kings ended in 509 B.C., when the Romans supposedly expelled the last Etruscan king, L. Tarquinius Superbus, in another mythicized event.
As recounted by historians, including Livy, the son of Tarquinius Superbus, Sextus, raped at knifepoint the noblewoman Lucretia, wife of the king’s great nephew.
Lucretia, feeling that her honor and virtue had been lost, committed suicide.
Her uncle Brutus swears to avenge her and commits to revolution and the expulsion of the monarchy.
To the Roman people, her story represents the tyrannical powers of the monarch on the state, and so the saga of Lucretia is cited as the event that spurred the Roman Republic into being.
In place of the monarchy, Romans established a republic, which lasted until 30 B.C.
Over the course of nearly five centuries, Rome became a dominant Western power, seizing territory throughout the Mediterranean, creating an enormous and efficient army, and learning how to administer its vast provinces.
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The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 21 April 753 BC.
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ilovesmosh55 · 10 months
This is a certified fire emblem headcanon info dump post . Bullet points copied and pasted from my notes app for the most part so sorry everyone if the formatting or grammar or something is weird
Exactly how the Nabateans work isn’t ever fully explained in game so this is. My take on it based on hints from the game and the characters’ relationships with each other and with Sothis:
-Sothis is an otherworldly alien being who DID come from far beyond the stars. Her lifespan is unfathomably long compared to an average human’s (if not just infinite/indefinite. I imagine as long as her home star shines she could live forever) and her godly power is basically like. An average human’s ability to wield magic times one bajillion. Naturally just has More Magic.
-She left the rest of her kind behind to visit earth and settle there but she doesn’t talk very much about her life before earth to anyone even her closest family. She greatly prefers life on earth and forming human connections to… whatever was going on back on the blue sea star.
-She created her children not by giving birth but like the games said . With her blood. She can just sculpt a human form from Anything, press together a crest stone, and blood-let on it a little bit, and badda bing badda boom new Nabatean. A Nabatean’s abilities, dragon form, and personality can be influenced by what she created their vessels out of. The first ones were created from the clay and mud of the earth she landed on hence the name Nabatean meaning earth dragon lol.
-Sothis DID love and want to watch over humanity, despite not being omnipotent and all-powerful like the Church claims. Creating her children and living among them and humans side by side was sort of her way of expressing that love.
-Despite not claiming to be omnipotent and all-powerful, Sothis’s strange appearance and abilities lead the people of Fodlan to begin calling her a goddess and worshipping her, which she happily accepted and encouraged. The idea that she watches over all life from above and is the arbiter of every soul came along with the church after she died (and is not really true). During her lifetime, she was just worshipped and was the queen of Zanado
-Sothis can create and bring life to a Nabatean at any age/stage of life. Rhea is one of the few she created as a baby rather than a fully grown adult, and she raised her as her own as a result.
-Seteth and his brothers are one of many “batches” of Nabateans made as adults and as a result they aren’t nearly as close to Sothis as Rhea is/was.
-Specifically, Macuil seems to even resent Sothis as he mentions byleth “stinking” of her during his battle. I imagine he’s the eldest brother and resents her for seemingly “abandoning” him to watch his brothers alone when others like Rhea got centuries of her time, love, and attention.
-Nabateans are all created by Sothis and most of them view her as a mother or at least a distant family member/matriarch figure but unless specifically made by Sothis to be siblings (as Seteth and his brothers were. Made as a matching set.) Nabateans aren’t actually related to each other. Sothis travelled all over Fodlan and probably other parts of the world too and created countless sets of Nabateans based on all different types of people. She would often make a few sets/unrelated individuals at once so that her creations/children could have like-minded company.
-Flayn’s mom/Seteth’s wife was also a Nabatean but from another “clan” and therefore yknow not his sister. Rhea Seteth and Flayn only really see each other as family in 3h because they are the last of their kind and feel the need to bond together for safety.
-Seteth and his brothers were based on whatever the Fodlan equivalent of Celtic people is. Rhea was made as a baby for Sothis to raise herself and is made more closely in her image than most of the others.
-Nabateans DO age, but very veeerryyy slowly. Rhea was pretty young, about the equivalent of 19 when Sothis was killed and the war of heroes started. By the time 3H canon begins, she’s about the equivalent of 38-41-ish. Seteth is about 40 in human years too, though he’s actually much younger than Rhea because he was created after her but was created as a young adult. Flayn is the equivalent of 15. Was only like 12 when she was injured and fell asleep back in the day.
-Sothis’s body, like when she was alive properly, will never die/rot so long as the blue star shines. However, the other Nabatean’s bodies DO rot but again. Veeerrryyy slowly. It would take centuries before they’d start to smell off.
-Other Nabateans, especially ones created later who weren’t raised and taught how to use their power by Sothis herself are not nearly as powerful as she was. Rhea is one of the strongest and was raised by Sothis personally but even she can’t control herself and goes crazy if she overuses her dragon form too much.
-Rhea was able to create Sitri/the other failed mom vessels because she was taught how to by Sothis. Probably watched her create many other Nabateans. However, since she is not nearly as powerful as her mother (and was just reusing the crest stone of a dead woman), Rhea’s vessels are far more fragile/sickly and humanlike. Most of them died very shortly after being created from their bodies basically being unable to sustain themselves. Sitri was pretty sickly and feeble but she was actually the healthiest and longest living one
-If not properly utilized and honed, Nabatean’s magic also fades over time, hence how Seteth’s brothers are now basically stuck as dragons. They didn’t transform for so long that they got rusty and probably can’t anymore.
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crowsandmurder · 2 months
Daemon Targaryen Tags and Verses
Daemon  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Daemon ✖ (Thoughts)
Daemon  ✖ (Character Development)
Daemon ✖ (Crack)
Daemon  ✖ (Headcanons)
Daemon  ✖ (Photos)
Daemon  ✖ (Starter Call)
Daemon ✖ (Verses)
Prince Daemon Targaryen was a complex and controversial figure in the history of Westeros, known for his prowess as a warrior, his ambition, and his turbulent relationships. Born in 81 AC during the reign of his grandfather, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Daemon was the second son of Prince Baelon Targaryen and his sister-wife, Princess Alyssa Targaryen. He had an elder brother, Viserys, who would later become king, and a younger brother, Aegon, who died in infancy. From a young age, Daemon displayed a rebellious and adventurous spirit. He was knighted at the age of sixteen and soon earned a reputation as a skilled and fearless warrior. King Jaehaerys gifted him the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister, which Daemon would wield with deadly efficiency throughout his life. He was also a dragonrider, bonding with the fearsome dragon Caraxes, known as the Blood Wyrm.
Daemon's ambition and thirst for power often led him into conflict with his family and the ruling Targaryen dynasty. He craved recognition and authority, but his impulsiveness and disregard for convention frequently alienated him from those in power. He had a tumultuous relationship with his brother, King Viserys I, marked by rivalry and resentment.
Daemon's personal life was equally turbulent. He was married twice, first to Rhea Royce, Lady of Runestone, Laena Velaryon, and later to his niece, Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne. His marriage to Rhaenyra was controversial and ultimately contributed to the Dance of the Dragons, a devastating civil war that tore the realm apart.
Despite his flaws and controversies, Daemon remained a formidable figure, respected for his martial prowess and feared for his ruthlessness. He played a crucial role in the Dance of the Dragons, leading Rhaenyra's forces and achieving several victories. However, his ambition and thirst for vengeance ultimately led to his downfall. He perished in a dragon duel with his nephew, Aemond Targaryen, leaving behind a legacy of conflict and bloodshed.
Daemon Targaryen's story is one of ambition, passion, and ultimately tragedy. He was a man of contradictions, capable of both great cruelty and surprising tenderness. His complex personality and turbulent life continue to fascinate and intrigue those who delve into the history of Westeros.
Coming Soon
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neverwheres · 3 months
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*  ♔  ◟     (   lewis tan,   thirty seven,   cis man,   he/him)     the  capital  of  king’s  landing  welcomes  alesander of  house farwynd,  the  ruling lord  of  lonely light.  news  borne  by  raven  sends  word  that  they  are  reputed  to  be  kind,  but  with  the  eyes  of  court  watching  their  every  move,  they  might  prove  to  be  stubborn.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of the sea at early morning + the sound of creaking wood of an old ship + the rustling of book pages being turned  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  the ironborn and his house,  where  they  conspire  to  improve his house's social standing.  but  in  the  end,  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones. 
name: alesander farwynd / age: thirty seven / title: ruling lord of lonely light / gender & pronouns: cis man, he/him / relationship status: widower
height: 187 cm (6'1'') / eyes: dark brown / scars: multiple on his arms and torso
aside from being a very good sailor and warrior as expected from an ironborn, alesander is a skinchanger, able to enter the minds of sea lions. he spent most of his teens and twenties learning how to control the ability thanks to old tomes he found in lonely light's library. nowadays he can do it easily, although he does it only when he's alone and for brief periods of time.
first born of house farwynd, alesander was a frail, sicken child who spent most of his time inside. as lord farwynd had no other heirs at the time it was important to make sure little alesander would survive into adulthood.
that is when the dreams of the sea and swimming started, but he would not understand what they meant until later.
his health improved with the time, and as alesander grew up he took a love for the sea, spending most of his time at the shores of lonely light, learning how to swim and how to sail, becoming a very capable sailor.
married young to rhea hightower, his wife died in a shipwreck a few years later. alesander knows that it's up to him to continue the farwynd lineage, but with his house's fame he knows it won't be easy to find suitable marriages for himself + his siblings.
as with all farwynd, alesander is considered an odd person, spending most of his time in solitude. although he can be well spoken and charming when he wants to, he hides behind his family's reputation when he doesn't feel like engaging in small talk with other noblemen.
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How I want to write (and read) the judgment day in fics where it is kayfabe compliant, Rhea/Dom is not and has never been toxic, and Rey Mysterio is a deadbeat (who wants to be better eventually). This is mostly gonna focus on Dom since he’s my favorite.
Also please note, I’m new to the fandom and most of what I know is based off what I’ve found in tiktok, YouTube, and here. But I think I’ve got the general gist of the bigger things about this group whom I’m growing to adore as my comfort group.
Early Life:
One major change for Kayfabe is that in my mind we never know who Dom’s bio dad is. Rey and Angie were having trouble consummating, and one night while they were drinking with Eddie and his wife they all had a foursome. This is around the time the doctors projected Angie got pregnant and since they knew that they had been having trouble it was likely Eddie was the father. They told him and he said they would be great parents, he just wants to be in the boys life. He was given the position of godfather. Eddie straddled the line between uncle and father a lot but Rey didn’t mind that. The custody battle still happens almost exactly how it occurred including the announcement but after the battle it was discovered that the test results were mixed up at the lab and that the results for theirs was inconclusive/lost. Eddie and Rey decided that Dom should decide if they do the test again and Dom says no, that he’s okay with two dads instead. When Eddie dies not long later Dom vows to never find out unless it’s a medical necessity because he doesn’t want to potentially lose that connection. He has a very close relationship to Eddie’s family because they know about the arrangement too.
One of Dom’s major issues with his dad is this battle, he would have told them he would love them both equally if they had just asked instead of fighting over him like a prize on live television. He feels as though they did not consider his feeling at all during this event, especially since their fighting led to him being out in foster care for months until it was resolved and he did not like his foster family (they weren’t nice).
He calls Rey dad/jefe, he considers Eddie papa/padre
He was an autistic/adhd child who has issues such as hypersensitive hearing, moments of being nonverbal, anxiety/depression, texture issues, and more. He went nonverbal during the custody battle for a week, he went nonverbal after Eddie’s death for almost a month.
Other wrestlers who are close to Rey became uncles and aunts of Dom. Edge is Dom’s honorary godfather (note apparently he has 7 does anyone know who they are), Batista and Randy Orton (who is close to Rey in real life) are others uncles who really adore him. All of them help train him to wrestle when he decides to pursue that.
Like Dom has stated Rey had a bad habit of putting work first. He missed many of his children’s birthdays, christmases, graduations, and other school events (such as soccer games) and made up for it with gifts. Rey didn’t realize how much he missed and how much that hurt them until after Dom joined judgment day when Aaliyah got in his face about it.
Speaking of he adores his little sister and his mother, but he’s annoyed that they would always tell him to not bring up his complaints and ruin the few moments they had as a family. He felt as though it wouldn’t be so few if he had the chance to speak but whenever he tried to do it, he always backed down seeing them get upset. He’s an older sibling by nature and he wants to protect them, even from his displeasure.
He had some temper issues in school which caused him to get into fights. He was also relatively smart, but he prefers doing research on things that interest him. He’s the type of guy to go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole.
When he came to WWE events and Rey wasn’t around, people who had an issue with Rey (other wrestlers/crew/etc) made their problems known to him. He was getting yelled at and threatened at a very young age. He has made his peace about most of it (or at least he thinks he has) but still holds a very big grudge against CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.
He has two guardian angels, his mothers brother (from the ghost story segment) and Eddie, who are literally always watching him and so proud
Pre-Judgment Day:
He was so incredibly grateful to be able to fight Seth Rollins in response to what he did to his dad, but he feels like everyone around him thinks he got the shot because of his dad
In hind sight he should’ve just escaped the cage and won against Rollins but he wanted to prove he could pin such a legend.
He’s protective over his sister, so he knows he really didn’t react well over the Buddie situation but can you blame him
He loved fighting on a team with his dad, those moments will be some of his most treasured moments after he turns on him
His dad has a bad habitat of deciding on their matches, strategies, and even outfits without giving Dom a say. Rey is doing it because he wants to put Dom in the best position he can for when he eventually goes solo but even when several others (Randy, Edge, Aaliyah/Angie) point out he’s stifling his son and making him seem weak/reliant Rey doesn’t listen.
Fighting Judgment Day
Dom feels bad, but secretly he completely understands why TJD betrays his uncle. His uncle is great a lot of the time but has a crazed/sadistic side that he doesn’t trust or like being around.
TJD had no problems with Rey until they realized he was working with Edge. Because Dom is a team with Rey they figured he also knew and was working with Edge. Meanwhile Dom had no idea anytime Edge was coming to help them, and when he started see the pattern tried to convince his dad to stop. It wasn’t any of their business and it was quite literally painting a target on their backs. Rey not listening about this was the start of the end.
TJD realized quickly that Dom was not getting a say in anything and that’s why they decided to try recruiting him. He kept choosing his father, so they treated him like the enemy even though they had no hard feelings against him (this was actually something Dom liked, it made him feel like people were actually listening to him when he made a choice). They’ll also admit not all of their attempts to get him to see their way was conducive or healthy, but they did apologize afterwards and vowed to protect him and never let him get majorly hurt ever again.
He is on the edge over his loyalty for weeks but ultimately decides to join them after Rey sides with Edge after the spear incident and when he finds out Rey is going to replace him as a partner for CATC. He isn’t planning to do more than declare it until his sees Edge wearing a lucha mask during their entrance, that plus not getting to celebrate their victory sets him over and in the heat of the moment he acts. TJD finds it hilarious and back him 100% because they want to prove they trust him and his ideas from the start.
Judgment Day
First thing the group does is sit down and discuss everything that happened so far. Apologies and amends are made. Plans are put into place. They decide that they’re gonna make it seem like they manipulated Dom into everything as a way for him to have an out of the stress of betraying his father gets to him. Dom is only okay with this because he sees the potential of seeming like he’s easily manipulated in future altercations.
He and Rhea are not together right away, it’s several matches later that they discuss it and it takes all of them sitting down again and making sure Dom doesn’t feel pressured/coerced before she even entertains the idea of getting together.
Dom wants to be taken seriously by his dad for all of the past wrongs. He wants his dad to truly reflect on his controlling/deadbeat ways. But things just keep adding up: his dad is unrepentant, doesn’t take his son seriously (he wants to have a fight with his dad and he doesn’t think that’s a bad ask), and especially the spanking on live television has pushed Dom farther away. TJD were pissed seeing that move. When he’s making that speech about his dad being a deadbeat, he starts feeling too vulnerable and decides to talk about the car thing to not bring up how truly hurt he was his dad gave Edge a Lucha mask.
He decided when he joined TJD he wants to change his style up a bit, do less of his dads moves (one because it feels weird/almost dishonorable and two to differentiate himself more) which is why he ends up looking weaker/needing more help.
TJD truly does feel like a real family (he doesn’t know it but Damien/Rhea/Finn only started feeling like a family when they finally had him with them). The other three are super protective over him and want nothing but the best for their boy. They have timers set on their phone to make sure he’s drinking enough water, eating (he forgets to when he’s doing interesting things), and taking any medication he needs.
Dom starts to feel comfortable to explore his identity with them, something that he always thought would disappoint his dad. He loves feeling pretty (dresses or other cool clothes, makeup, etc). Rhea loves helping him shop and do makeup. Currently I have no plans on making him trans just a boy who likes presents more feminine. At most I would make him non binary or gender fluid.
Edge was definitely in his bad mode during their match, which is why Dom was so nervous. But after a few months Edge reaches out over text, and all it says is: “Sorry Dom. Proud of you kiddo. Give your dad hell until he figures his shit out” but that doesn’t mean he’ll go easy on Dom if they ever face off again.
Randy and Dom don’t talk until after the war games match. He comes up to TJD while they’re licking their wounds and when they looking like they’re about to fight him off he turns to Dom, “Hated to do that to you kid, but no nephew of mine is getting special treatment. By the way, give your dad more grief, all of us told him he was going to drive you away and he didn’t listen. He deserves it”
Dom did not like Rhea bringing up Becky Lynch’s daughter during her smack talk. When they left the stage he stayed silent for over two hours. When TJD finally got the courage to ask about it, he explained that it reminded him too much of being his dads collateral damage growing up, but he didn’t want to be unreasonable, ungrateful or unsupportive of his family. The rest of them made sure to explain to him that they would never do anything to make him uncomfortable, that they would always listen to his boundaries, and that they love him. Rhea even apologized to Becky away from the cameras.
That moment when Rhea told Dom that he couldn’t come back if he didn’t win back his title was bluster because she felt like she couldn’t show favoritism/weakness while Damien and Finn were fighting but almost as soon as the group got off the stage Damien and Rhea were apologizing to Dom and telling him how much they loved him/how proud they are of him. Damien felt really bad about throwing him under the bus, and promised to make it up to him. They all are human beings, tempers rise and amends are made.
Dom always felt like he had to be the good kid when he was with his dad, so when he came to TJD and got free range to be a menace to any of their opponents it was like he got back a part of life he missed out on. And TJD will defend him and his menace behavior until death, they see how he lights up when he pisses people off.
He does the ex-con Dom shit as mental warfare to his dad. His dad called the cops on him so he gets to suffer the embarrassment and shame that comes with seeing that.
Of all the people who his dad hangs around with now, he hates Dragon Lee. It just feels like Dragon Lee is a replacement (a respectable lucha son for his dad to finally have)
Dom and Rey (how I would resolve their issues)
Eventually Rey is put up against an enemy like Brock Lesnar who goes too far in a match. Dominik (and TJD) was out there watching under the guise of fucking with his dad but he was really just worried. When the guy goes too far he and the others help Rey avoid serious injury.
The two of them form a temporary truce to work together preferably as a tag team (maybe the enemy is currently one part of the tag team title holders). The two of them win the titles and defend them for a couple of months. During this time Rey learns to listen to his son and let him become a partner instead of his baby. He also starts showing up for him when he’s doing Judgment Day business.
Eventually they lose the title in a way where Rey realizes he’s not getting any younger.
The next week he brings Dom out and announces that he wants to retire. Dom is shocked, but he’s even more so when Rey says that he wants his last match to be against Dom at whatever next big event is coming up. And that he wants to put his mask on the line. Dom is forced to accept by the crowd.
During the build up to the match Rey continues to show up for his son showing that he’s learned from their last team up and he’s not going away anytime soon
During their match the two give it their all, but eventually Dom pins Rey. 1,2, Dom let’s go before 3 shaking his head because he does WANT this to end. Rey and Judgment Day (they still don’t like Rey but respect him and came to be ringside support but not cheating this time) tell him he has to, that they have to finish this. Dom and Rey continue. Dom eventually pins his dad while crying. 1,2,3 Dom wins.
Rey is so proud of his son hugging his son but there’s something else he needs to do. And takes off his mask in the ring, giving it to Dom. He’s not gonna force Dom to become the next Rey Mysterio, but he wants Dom to know that he has earned his mask and that he can carry it with him always (physically or metaphorically)
Dom and Damien
Damien is the most protective of Dom, loves when Dom hides behind him or relies on him
Dom loves having someone taller than him around
Damien loves to read, Dom loves listening to Damien read
Their love languages are acts of service and touch.
Dom and Finn
Finn is like “is anyone gonna adopt this child” and doesn’t wait for a response.
Love languages are words of affirmation and touch (and fighting Rey Mysterio)
Dom and Rhea (slight maturity)
Rhea is a domme and Dom is her sub, but they do occasionally switch if one of them need it.
Dom was not happy about how she reacted to Jey and Drew but she apologized as soon as she figured out he was upset.
Love languages are words of affirmation, touch, and acts of service.
In the cases of Poly Judgment Day
Finn is queerplatonic with Rhea and Dom but romantic with Damien
Damien is romantic with Finn and Dom but queerplatonic with Rhea. He is also Dom’s dom.
Dom and Rhea are obviously still romantic
If they do a Finn betrayal
Finn planned to destroy TJD from the inside, that’s why he joined. He always planned to go back to Liv and AJ
He started getting second thoughts when TJD became a family following Dom’s joining
He was okay when he and Damien got the tag team titles, but when they lost them and Damien took the WHC title/didn’t want to get their titles back he started growing resentful of their family. He feels like he is taken for granted and overlooked.
That’s when he got back into contact with Liv
He takes JD McDonagh with him because he never felt as much like family (because of Damien)
His only regret is that he betraying Dom, and he truly loves Dom
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