#He goes by Levi
izurou · 2 years
“gonna suck up to me now, huh?”
the sound of levi’s voice greets your ears, coaxing your gaze from the television and onto him—him and your son, who’s all cuddled up in his arms.
your husband was on bath duty tonight, which is an undeniable favourite of his—one of those little moments that makes him feel like a good father, much better than the one he briefly had.
however, the unimpressed look on his face—this one just a little more intense than the one you’re used to—tells you that this evening’s bath wasn’t the perfect dream it normally is. come to think of it, you didn’t hear the usual fit of giggles coming from your little one, and your bigger one seems a lot wetter than when he went in there.
“little shit,” levi mutters, peering down at your son—who looks nothing short of innocent as he leans into his dad’s chest, snug and warm in his hooded penguin towel.
on any other night, your son would already be fed, bathed, and in bed at this hour, but your visit to uncle erwin’s ran a little longer than expected—he has a habit of rambling, and levi has a habit of enabling it.
“weren’t you supposed to be the one giving him the bath?” you smile as you swing your legs onto the floor and sit up, welcoming them beside you.
“easier said than done,” he replies, gently laying your baby down and rubbing the towel over his brown hair, which is uncharacteristically messy, much like his father’s first thing in the morning. “you teach him to splash like that?”
“no, but what’s the big deal?” you mumble, rolling a bottle of baby lotion toward them, and following it up with a clean diaper. “he had fun, arrest him.”
your baby has been an absolute angel since the day he was born—waking up no more than twice a night for a feeding, and falling back asleep mid bottle almost every time. he’s been sticking to the same schedule for a couple months now—eating and napping like clockwork. honestly, you didn’t think he had a mischievous bone in his little body, but—he’s still a baby, after all.
“twenty years without parole, you hear that?” levi pokes at your baby’s tummy as he talks—earning himself a few giggles.
“bit of a harsh sentence,” you point out, “do you have something against our son?”
“the kid shits himself daily,” he says, wiggling one of your son’s feet into the little plaid pyjama set erwin bought him. “of course i do.”
as much as you love your baby boy, you love your husband and his often questionable humour all the same—so it’s okay to laugh, right?
“because baby levi was above shitting himself?” you snort, hoping this answer is just as good as the previous one.
“yeah,” he hums, lifting your son onto his lap and smoothing a hand over his hair. “he must get that shit from you.”
should’ve known better than to expect anything more than that.
“right, sorry for passing that gene down,” you roll your eyes—but still find yourself scooting closer and leaning your head against his shoulder.
you knew levi was nervous about becoming a dad—he didn’t know the first thing about fatherhood, never had that example set for him, was never on the receiving end of any fatherly love. can you really give something you’ve never had?
“it’s bedtime,” you warn, glancing at your baby, who knows the word all too well—already clinging to his father for dear life in hopes of avoiding his crib altogether. “nice try, dad won’t save you.”
you can, maybe not always in the form of words, but in the things you do—levi is living proof.
“he’ll be out in ten minutes,” he hums, running a hand up and down your son’s back to soothe him, or at least attempt to. “long day of eating, shitting it out, and eating more.”
now, the two of you have a happy, healthy, loved little boy. he’s cute—almost a carbon copy of his dad, save for the few telltale features that indicate he’s every bit yours.
he’s smart too—he knows the meaning of at least a couple dozen words, and he’s mastered quite a few as well, his favourites being hi and dada.
in fact, he’s so smart—he’s about to master one more.
“dada, shit!”
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rebouks · 1 month
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Byrd: Why’re you scared of water? Levi: I’m not. Byrd: There must be a reason. Levi: Why is anyone scared of anything? Like why are you scared of the dark, or why is Wren scared of blood n’ stuff? Wren: ‘Cause it’s gross and no one’s supposed to bleed, swimming is fun. Byrd: I guess you could drown if you couldn’t swim or whatever. Levi: I think it started when I was a kid n’ almost drowned in the bath. Byrd: How? Levi: I don’t know, my mom was probably being shit-.. I barely remember. Byrd: Enough to be scared though. Levi: Apparently. [Byrd floated aimlessly on his back for a moment, thoughtfully peering at the clouds] Byrd: Dad says you’re supposed to do stuff you’re scared of or it gets worse, like he’s always turning the lights out on me or shoving our cuts n’ bruises in Wren’s face-.. in a nice way though, y’know? Levi: Is it working? Wren: Kinda. Byrd: Why don’t you just stick a foot in? Levi: No thanks. Byrd: C’mon, no one’s gonna shove you. Levi: Nope. Byrd: Pfft. Oscar: Christ, Byrd.. what the hell are you doing in there?! That cast is gonna stink. Byrd: Oh-.. oops. Oscar: Get out and put it in the sun! Oscar: Now. Byrd: I’m cominG-.. it’s getting chopped off soon anyway, right? Oscar: Yeah, and the poor doctor’s gonna pass out from your stank.
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kilucore · 11 months
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i have a feeling that eren wouldve gotten his ass handed to him if he had a chat with levi in the paths
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honeynclove · 3 months
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yes that is fluttershy’s cutie mark on his shirt
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strong urge to write an Obey Me fic where MC figured out really fast human fascinate demons for many reasons and gets a Devilhub account. they're really popular on it really fast. but the thing is
they're just doing normal shit and chatting about what life is like in the human realm
and demons go wild for it
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ambagel · 5 months
There are so many things I love about the new Obey Me event but THIS THISSSS
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He wants us to rely on him??? 🤧😭🤸‍♀️
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He clearly cares??? So like??? Are we opening some possibilities here? 🧐 PLEASE???
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She's so sweet I love her so mUCH
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Can we be best friends thirteen
I'll do anything please
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keirientez · 8 months
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radarchives · 7 months
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I feel like Levi would hate impractical uniforms and armor in Anime.
Because, like, yeah, he is an otaku, and it is fan service. I still feel like he would absolutely hate the impracticality of heels on armor.
He was a general! He knows how important the type of clothing you wear during fighting.
I can see it going both ways, but I feel like it's more plausible for him to hate impractical armor
Pls share your wisdom. Oh, obsessed one🙏
Levi definitely loves fan service too much to complain all the time-
Like it’s more 50/50 he gets it characters have to look good and everybody loves a good uniform!!!!
But the other 50 he’s ranting about it; nobody would be moving like that in a dress uniform!! That’s why it’s called a dress uniform!! It’s for dressing up, showing off, an example of your rank and the honor you hold. But the right uniform wouldn’t look as hot so they just ignore that!!!-
Levi just goes on ‘n on- waving his hands around and huffing about how dumb it is-
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asmorule34 · 1 year
diavolo after he calls luke a chihuahua (this is the most sinister april fool’s prank he could conjure up) and luke responds w “get ur nose out of my business and into the hands of a plastic surgeon.”
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
We're continuing our rewatch so more notes:
The existence of a village full of just normal, nonevil demons when all the demons we meet later are evil really feels weird and out of place. Like maybe just say the people on the island got corrupted by Zeref's magic centuries ago and changed over time but stayed civil or something at least
Files gray having no embarrassment or interest in the demon woman who liked him but just saying something to appease them under my aroace gray folder
If mashima had actually considered the magic of team shadowgear when having them hospitalized; droy would have broken arms, Jet with broken legs, and Levy with eye injuries. Setting up shadowgear as a noncombat team would've also made phantomlord cowards for attacking them knowing they were easier targets.
The lack of proper characterization for shadowgear/scenes of them really does soften the blow of them being attacked. I love them because I've seen the show and love levy, but more proper build up of them would've made the scene hit so hard.
I do actually like the scene of fairy tail attacking phantomlord where we get to see other side wizards show off. Wish we had more scenes of side characters showing off their abilities
Juvia's rain ability should've come back later. Have her be unable to control it at first but learn it over time. (Side note I adore her entrance. Baby girl deserved so much better from Mashima than what he gives her after this arc 😔)
I love the gags with erza but every plot point with her just makes me more and more sure that her absence would've been far more effective than her inclusion. Having her as an S class wizard just makes me go "she should be able to take enemies down no problem"
I do think Makarov is one of the few examples of Mashima effectively showcasing a character's power whenever they're involved in fights. This might change as the rewatch goes on but so far I'm pretty happy with it.
I really, really wish mashima had more flashback scenes for characters. I would've adored seeing Jude and Lucy go from loving to distant in the wake of Layla's death due to their differing ways of grieving. And in general better fleshing out of Jude beyond just "evil dad to poor and trying to fix things.
Bisca and alzack got screen time taking out some ghouls and it was delightful
Rewatching this arc I can say as someone with Gajeel as my favorite character: he should've had a much longer time of people being angry at him/him earning trust from everyone. We needed far more moments between him and Team shadowgear/Lucy before we got a redemption. (Every action this man takes reinforces my Let levy hate him and be petty for a while agenda)
This arc really Kickstarts makarov getting into fatal situations and just being fine. I wish mashima would've made it a joke among guild members that he won't ever die because then I could at least find these instances funny.
Likely we'll be getting to tower of heaven by Sunday so I'll be interested to see how that goes.
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moemoemammon · 1 year
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Alright, give him a try!
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
actually imagine lucifers embarrassment at being the only one NOT wearing the matching shirt... when everyone wears it but you, you look like the angsty teen in all the pics. I Will wear my matching shirts and lucifer will beg to wear it or leave us alone, his choice
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... my hand slipped. Uhh anyway seeing as he's literally the avatar of pride and never admits when he's cringe, there's no way he's wearing that shirt. He's taking that awkward family photo and insisting on acting like nothing is wrong at all while all his brothers are clowning on him and he seriously consideres leaving.
And then Diavalo and Barbatos show up also in matching shirts.
Unless solomon is actually the one who made them then nb! Barbatos also won't wear it and Lucifer has someone to go be emo with in the corner.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Levi would love Power Washing Simulator
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rivangel · 1 year
this might be obvious and just me, but i never really absorbed the extent of levi’s injuries after the thunderspear because that one frame in the anime is straight up traumatizing.
like he looks dead. no light in his colorless eyes, barely opened but seeing nothing. that frame more than ANY other before or after screams how tired levi is the loudest. the space around his eyes is shaded and just. heavy.
plus of course he’s covered in blood. the wounds are superficial but head wounds bleed. a lot.
but there’s a lot of blood around his mouth as well which is part of my belief that the explosion (like explosions tend to do to a person) caused internal bleeding. he also coughs up blood later.
so like Levi is not okay. but this time i looked at the frame and noticed just how much wood shrapnel is in his face. one side is just lambasted with it. it’s just😭😭
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heartonxions · 6 months
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