#He just a little paranoid about the situation but he get things done
hallowxiu · 5 months
The Brothers Reacting to You Messaging Your Ex
Nothing flirty/shady. Your ex is reaching out for advice (up to you on the type of advice).
(Also up to you if your ex is a demon, angel, or another human)
Lucifer’s noticed you on your phone more often than usual. It’s nothing out of the blue for you to be texting, but this much?
He’s a little suspicious and more than that, he’s growing paranoid. 
He knows you’d never do anything to hurt him or break his trust, but still, why are you on your phone so much and who are you texting? 
Finally, when he can no longer stay silent, he corners you in his office and flat-out demands who you’re talking to. 
You notice the anxious expression on his face and you feel your heart tighten in your chest. You explain that you’re in contact with an ex, and before he can panic, you quickly shut down the idea of anything scandalous going on. You explain that your ex simply needs advice for a life-changing event, and once you’re done helping them, you’d drop contact.
You can tell he isn’t delighted with the answer (can you blame him?) but he drops it, content that you’re being honest with him. 
Still, expect to see sudden bouts of jealousy throughout contact with your ex until the matter is fully dead. 
You might notice possessiveness from him as well, though I’m sure that’s nothing you can’t handle. ;) 
With how glued to your side he is, you didn’t have to tell him who you were texting. 
While he trusts you, that doesn’t mean he has to trust the intentions of your ex. 
“Seriously, who do they think they even are? What advice is so urgent that they need the opinion of their ex?” 
You try to soothe his anxiety, constantly reassuring Mammon that you’re only trying to help someone who once meant a lot to you. You even offer up your phone so he can read your messages, but he refuses, saying he trusts you. 
He makes you promise dozens of times to tell him if your ex tries anything fishy though.
“Devildom, Celestial Releam, Human World- it doesn’t matter where they are. If they think they can hit on you and get away with it, they’ve got another thing comin’.”
Despite all his complaining, he’s secretly proud of you that you’d be willing to help someone that you’ve had such a complicated history with. If anything, it only solidifies his feelings for you even more. Not just anyone would be nice enough to help out an ex, but you? Well, he’s convinced you’d help anyone, even if they’ve wronged you. 
Honestly, how are you so perfect?
It does not go over well. At. All. 
He doesn’t yell, scream, or ignore you. He just shuts down. 
You told him as soon as your ex reached out for advice; you hadn’t even responded yet. 
Leviathan means the world to you, and being the Avatar of Envy, you know how devastating something like this could be to his self-esteem if not gone about the right way. 
You swear up and down to him until your face is blue that your ex is only asking for advice, and how you would never talk to them unless Leviathan was comfortable with the idea. 
Clearly, he’s not. 
Despite saying you wouldn’t respond to your ex unless Leviathan was comfortable, he mutters under his breath about how you can respond, and how he doesn’t own you or control what you do. 
While he verbally agreed to it, you don’t like how he feels as though he has to. 
You make a point of deleting your ex’s text, showing Leviathan in the process. 
“I never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. They can get advice from someone else if they need it that badly.” 
The two of you spend the rest of the day cooped up in his bedroom, snuggled up while watching anime and playing games. 
Surprisingly, he handles it pretty well. 
Satan can be level-headed when he wants to be, and when you come out and explain the situation, he doesn’t really see any need to worry. 
Still, you can expect to find him at your side more than usual. 
You’re also gravely mistaken if you think Satan hasn’t warned this ex of yours. 
“If I find out you need anything more than advice, I will make sure you have nightmares about me for the rest of your life.” 
He sends the threat from your D.D.D., deleting it afterward so that you don’t see it. He isn’t worried about your ex ratting him out however; most people tend to stay quiet after a threat from him. 
If your ex had ill intentions from the start, you’ll never find out. 
Unbeknownst to you, Satan has his eyes on your ex, knowing their location at all times. 
Like I said, he handled it pretty well if you really think about it. 
Asmodeus couldn’t really blame your ex for wanting to reach out to you. I mean, you’re such a beauty. 
And to top that off, you’re dating him, and he’s also a major beauty. 
Honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if your ex was actually just trying to get close to him.
At least, that’s what he’s been telling himself to keep from panicking. 
He knows he’s the most desirable demon in all the Devildom, but do you know that? 
Your ex can’t actually think they can win you back, can they? 
He’s been biting at his nails, that’s how stressed out he is. 
You pick up the subtle signs of his distress, chipped nail polish, his hair missing its usual shine, and the slightest of bags under his eyes. 
You sit him down one morning in the kitchen before the others wake, and carefully explain to Asmodeus that there’s nothing to worry about. Your ex only needs advice, and as soon as you’ve given it, you’ll end all contact. 
You also promise to drop all contact if your ex makes any kind of flirtatious comment, and that seems to ease his stress a little. 
“Ha, I don’t even know why I was worried in the first place. After all, how could you fall for anyone but me?” 
What Asmodeus doesn’t say, is that he will hunt down your ex if they try anything. He’ll risk breaking a nail if he needs to. 
Beelzebub is not one to get possessive. If anything, he’s one of the calmest out of the brothers as long as he’s eating. 
He’s always trusted you, and you’ve always known him to have a level head. 
So when you approach him regarding your ex, he’s surprised to find himself somewhat… bothered. 
He can’t exactly word his thoughts, but he’s not happy. Far from it. He doesn’t know your ex, he has no reason to trust them, and they must be your ex for a reason. 
What are their intentions? Do they really just want advice from you?
He’s startled to find himself thinking violent thoughts, wondering all the ways to cook up your ex if they try anything he doesn’t approve of. 
He knows he wouldn’t really do it, but… 
He sits you down before you can. He expresses his concerns and requests that you don’t communicate with your ex, even if it’s a selfish thing of him to ask. 
You, just being happy that Beelzebub is for once comfortable with his feelings, oblige. 
A happy Beel keeps everyone happy, after all. 
 Belphegor shrugs it off. He really doesn’t care. 
What? Did you expect him to get jealous? 
Sure, he might get jealous over his brothers whenever they compete for your attention, but a total stranger? Yeah right. They’re beneath him; he has no reason to be concerned. 
Belphegor is confident in his abilities to keep you happy and satisfied. He knows you don’t have a wandering eye. 
This person, whoever they are, is your ex for a reason. Clearly, they must’ve fucked up somewhere down the road. 
Why should he worry if they plan on stealing you back? It’s futile and he doesn’t mind watching them make a fool of themself. It’ll make for good entertainment for him to fall asleep to. 
You’re a little surprised by his lack of a response, but then again, maybe you should be happy. You don’t necessarily want a homicidal Belphegor throwing a fit. 
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painted-bees · 2 months
Raf's amount of self awareness and the amount of time he spends analyzing himself in his own head seemed a little far fetched until I got to the part about his past relationships and how badly things went despite having started therapy back then. It makes a lot more sense that he didn't get to this level of awareness and grace until way later after years of working on himself. But I really want to know how his relationship with Margie might have gone if he was less aware?
Oh, fun question lmao Assuming he never sees his behavior as something that he needs to work on: I think Margie's impulse to be honest and straightforward, and to wear her emotions on her sleeves would still have likely gotten her past his defenses and into a close relationship. But the closer/more important someone becomes to Raf, the more and more reactive/mercurial/mean he'd get. Those close relationships--the ones he treasures most--are the ones that pose the highest level of danger. They're the ones who'd hurt him the most if they betrayed him. Coupled with Margie's conflict-averse instinct to wilt, roll over, and apologize before considering if she'd even done anything wrong--we'd have likely seen a much more possessive and controlling Raf. We don't see that in his relationship with Lacey, because Lace would often bite back twice as hard, and was able to [very aggressively] assert boundaries with him. Margie, tho--so long as he kept encouraging and enabling her to make music, and providing warm, enthusiastic support on that front, she'd be easily convinced to change any behavior he didn't like--under the pretense that she was working on becoming a better, easier person to live with. I think, tho--if there ever arose a moment where he asserted that she couldn't pursue a music/career-related opportunity (that didn't require his involvement), if he threatened to take back all the 'nice things' he's given her as a tool of punishment/manipulation, or if he started discouraging her from vising friends or family--and if she couldn't reason with him on that front/it consistently resulted in a big argument every time--she'd end the relationship. She was, at least, raised well by her mother to identify that kind of situation as a 'get out now' 0 tolerance red flag of abuse. And--you know...if she had to do that, I think this would be the event that sees her move back home with her parents. Emotionally and psychologically, she'd lose a lot to this relationship. She'd need her family to help center herself again. Otherwise, Raf would likely sabotage the relationship for himself, and break things off with her over some catastrophic misunderstanding or another--where he is just unable and unwilling to hear her out and take her word at face value. But if certain lines are never crossed; if Margie learns to stifle/bury her excited impulses and exist as quietly as she is able to, and if Raf is able to pull himself back from enacting on paranoid compulsions just enough, he and Margie would probably find a tenuous but """comfortable""" stasis. Like with any relationship, they'd have moments both good and bad, catastrophes that maybe only resolve themselves for the convenience of it rather than out of a proper understanding, as well as tender moments of joyful whimsy, when the circumstances were right for it, that'd serve to remind them of why they're together in the first place and help bolster the staying-power of their relationship. But it'd all be balanced...very differently. They'd be a lot less fun, I think. Margie would have never suggested going to Cortes Island. She'd have been reluctant to suggest much at all. Raf would be stuck with the persistent suspicion that she resented him--and yanno--she might. But not for the reasons he'd think.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
This isn't an nsfw ask- but I wanted to ask for the rottmnt boys in mating season and how they act towards their s/o
Mating Season
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Rottmnt x gn!reader
Warnings: feral turtles, aged up
A/N: there is nothing explicit in this, just turtles being turtles
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He made precautions once they all started dating
It wasn't an issue before because April is their sister
You can tell it's starting because he gets more affectionate
Normally kissing your neck more
He talks about the way you smell
During mating season, Donnie is locked in his room
He can't get out, he made sure of it
He is feral
Donnie doesn't speak hardly at all, instead communicating with chirps and hisses (mostly hissing)
If he does speak, it's normally begging
He doesn't like being away from his lab, but he can't do anything when he's in this state anyways
Larger, bulkier blankets and such have to be removed because he'll tear them up
He makes a nest on his bed with his clothes and thinner fabric
Due to him being feral, Shelldon is the one who gives him food and water
You sometimes give Donnie food, but it can be dangerous so you leave it to Shelldon (he bites)
Paper plates and such have to be used otherwise you won't be getting them back as he adds them to his nest
After mating season, he dismantles his nest immediately
He hates having a dirty room
Also absolutely feral
But! Donnie is a little scarier when feral...
Leo tried not to show when it's coming on, opting to remove you from the situation completly
Although that hardly ever works
He locks himself in his room as well
Unlike Donnie, he actually does talk
He's a sweet talker, tries to convince you to let him out... That it's over
He's done so successfully a few times
Leo is very persuasive
He's not as dangerous to approach
He'll bite sometimes, but that's just on bad days
If you give him food and water, he'll stay as far away from you as he can
Leo will wait there until you back up from the door
It's almost like Leo takes the logical part of Donnie's brain during this time
He also makes a nest
He doesn't tear things up like his twin so he has a bigger, comfier, bulkier nest
After mating season, he'll leave the nest for at least a week just to make sure it's over
Mikey doesn't lock himself up
He knows himself and will let you know when bad days are coming
He rarely goes feral during mating season
When he does, you're not coming over
He still talks and everything, but he needs physical contact otherwise he'd lose his mind
His nest is pretty basic, it's not too big, but it's comfy
He likes having you stay over so his nest is warm and inviting
He feeds himself so you don't have to worry about anything
Raph does go a little feral at least he thought so
But he saw Leo and Donnie and realized he was just paranoid
He doesn't lock himself up, but he tells you not to come over at all during this time
He's worried he might hurt you
Raph acts pretty normal for the most part
He does make a nest, it has to be in the living room because his room isn't big enough
He can go feral like Mikey, but he tends to be pretty mellow
Raph has a tendency to tear things up, but not as bad as Donnie
During this time, the couch is moved out of the living room so Raph has more room and doesn't feel the need to tear up the cushions
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oleander-nin · 10 months
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Yandere Headcanons
A/N, not important: Saw the movie the day it came out, then did this before I forgot everything. I'm going to be making both yan and non yan bots of them soon, so yay. Sorry if any of them are OOC, I'm going off of memory. I'll tweak them once I can see the movie again. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: kidnap mentions, dark themes, yanderes, manipulation, stalking, ai, Mutant Mayhem spoilers
Words: 2246
Summary: Mutant Mayhem Yandere Headcanons
Mikey would be a dependent yandere with protective and manipulative tendencies.
Mikey cares for those around him and bonds quickly, but you, you’re a human. You’re everything he’s ever wanted to be.
You’re human, you’re perfect, and you’re his.
He is constantly worried about you, almost like a mother hen. Once he realizes how the human body is more fragile and weaker than his own, he gets really protective about you.
He doesn’t go about it well though. Mikey wants to hang out with you the way he knows how, and that usually involves some sketchy or dangerous stunts. Despite his worry for your safety, he still drags you into unnecessarily dangerous areas because he wants to show off or play hero. He does get upset when you get hurt, and he tries to save you when something happens, but he doesn't stop bringing you into the situations in the first place.
He wants to impress you and keep you interested in him. He’s still paranoid that everyone might forget the good they’ve done and decide to cast them away, so he is in constant need of approval.
He treats you like royalty, to the best of his ability of course. You’re his first priority when it comes to most things. If anyone tries to harass you, he’s quick to step up and use his influence to shut it down. Or force if needed.
Mikey’s aloof and in constant need of your praise and attention. He just wants to be able to hang out with you, but he does understand you can’t do everything he can. Which is why he takes you along anyway so you can depend on him. He just wants you to see he’s needed. Love him so he can keep loving you.
Needs you around him constantly, his mental health relies on it. You’re everything to him, and he doesn’t even realize as he puts more and more of his burdens onto you. You’re his everything.
Uses the fact he never had much social interaction to brush off anything weird he does. Mind you, he completely knows he’s in the wrong, he just doesn’t care much. He slowly deteriorates your will until you depend on him too, making you think everything is normal. He just wants normal, but he realizes he’ll never truly have that. So, he makes his own.
Mikey also wouldn’t hurt you, or at least, not on purpose. You deserve the world, but sometimes the things he drags you into don’t go as well as he wants. In those cases, Mikey leaves with you in tow, fretting over you the entire time. He never wants to hurt you, he just wants you to be happy with him. He’s gotten really good at bandaging you over the time he’s known you.
Mikey would wait until you’re both older before kidnapping you. He knows it wouldn’t go well, plus he can’t keep you anywhere in the lair. He might try and figure out how to run away with you, but he loves his family too much to try. He’d wait it out with you, loving you to the best of his twisted ability.
In the meantime, he makes sure you’re with him every step of the way. He pulls you in with cheesy pickup lines and jokes, trying to make you forget all the bad that has happened with him. 
Donnie was harder to pinpoint, but I think he’d definitely be a more delusional and stalking yandere. Possibly even an isolating one.
As always, Donnie seems to be the tech nerd, with his little bed fort including all these computers and electronics and such. He’s almost always on his phone, and knows how to navigate the digital world quite well, so he uses that to his advantage in a lot of ways.
He’s always watching you, and has massed hundreds of pictures and videos of you on his phone. He likes to just look at them at night, making edits of you and collages of his favorites. He probably even taught himself how to hack into camera systems so he could find more film of you.
From all the audio clips he’s recorded of you, he developed a scarily accurate AI voice of you that he uses to talk to him. Whether it’s making it say sweet nothings to him, or to just have one way conversation type stuff, he’s hooked to it.
Eventually, he starts to believe the voice, and forgets the audio recordings he saved of the AI isn’t actually something you said. He starts to fully believe you’re just as in love with him as he is with you and that you’re just too shy to confess to him. Donnie gets really upset if anyone tries to break him out of his delusion by reminding him it isn’t real.
Is already convinced you’re both basically dating despite neither of you ever actually talking to each other.
I mean, he saved the world. Who wouldn’t want to date him. He’s obviously the coolest boyfriend you can possibly get.
In the back of Donnie’s mind, he knows what he’s doing isn’t right, but it’s as if he falls into quicksand with his delusion. Every time he tries to remind himself that something is wrong, he sinks deeper into his idea that this is just how your relationship works. You can’t always trust what you see online, after all. The movies and TV shows just aren’t depicting it right.
When he finally does ‘confess’ his feelings for you, it’s less of a confession of love and more of an assumption you already said yes. You barely get a word in before he’s telling the entire world about your relationship with him.
He never gets too violent, but he will push you around sometimes. Anytime you poke a hole in his perfect fantasy of how your relationship is, he freaks out and starts to whine until you give in.
Would one day just bring you home. Since in his mind what he’s doing is perfectly normal, he sees nothing wrong with taking you home and keeping you there. He doesn’t like having to share space with his brothers still, but that’s okay. He can make room for you in his bed area and you can just stay there! Until his dad or the other mutants let you leave of course.
This would devastated Donnie, and would probably be his snapping point for waking up and seeing it wasn’t as perfect as he made it. But, unlucky you, he only snapped out of the ‘everyone else sees this as normal too’ bit.
Next time, he just brings you to a whole new area of the sewer to live. Just you and him, together forever. Just as it was meant to be.
Raph would be an overprotective and a threatening kind of yandere.
Raph was always one of the first to suggest they do something and ran in head first into a problem. He was also always one of the first to dip when things started to go south. If someone tries to start something with you, he’s not afraid to remind them why people once considered him a monster.
Directs his need for a physical anger release at your friends/family instead of you. He doesn't want to hurt you, but he needs you to understand how you rejecting him is hurting him. So, he threatens your family and/or friends to get the message across. 
Oh, you don’t love him anymore? Well, guess you better start preparing those savings to pay off some medical bills.
He’s prone to violence and is very loud, but only the verbal side will ever be targeted at you. He’ll shout, cry, mock, or even belittle you if it means you won’t leave him for just one more minute. He’ll comfort you afterwards of course, but he panicked and it just spilled out. It’s your fault, really.
If you have something that makes you insecure, he might randomly bring it up to poke fun or mess with you if you’re being difficult. He tries to 
Would punch someone just for looking at you weird.
Doesn’t tolerate any flack from anyone when it comes to you. You’re his special someone, no ones getting in the way. He’d fight Superfly all over again if it meant you were safe and happy with him.
Loves to show off in front of you. If you ever go to watch one of his wrestling matches, he’s absolutely dominating the mat. And probably getting a lot of points off for illegal moves.
Loves to drag you around and make you do the stuff he wants to do. You’re his partner, you need to support him after all. He gets offended if you have other plans or just don’t want to hang out with him at any given time.
He’ll most likely try to sabotage your plans or make you feel guilty for not hanging out with him.
When it comes to kidnapping, it would definitely be harder for them to pull it off. Not only does he have his dad and brothers to worry about, but now there’s a whole plethora of other mutants living in the same sewer pipe as him. What he’d most likely do is try and find a secluded area in the sewers to keep you in.
He’d fix it up to the best of his ability and make sure it was a safe area to stay in, then he’d just take you and move you in.
He’d be baffled when you get mad at him for bringing you here. He promises to take care of you, he just thinks it’d be better for you to stay here. Where it’s safe. With him. And no one else to bother you.
He, of course, does not stay there, but always knowing where you are makes him happy. To him, it’s the thought that counts.
Leo shows signs of being a worshiping or obsessed yandere with hints of dependence.
Like how he did with April, he latches on to you, and he latches on fast.
This man never lets you go. Glued to your hip 24/7, 365. Anything you do, you’re doing it with him by your side.
He just constantly needs to be near you at all times. You are everything to him, and he needs to prove it to you. Have chores? He’s showing up at your house to lend a hand. Need to go somewhere? He can take you there, no problem. You never get a second to breathe from how much he stays near you.
He sees no wrong in anything you do. You’re a walking, talking, embodiment of perfection! Of course he’s going to vehemently defend no matter what. If you did it, it was the right thing to do, no matter the situation.
He’s constantly talking about you to anyone who’ll listen. Leatherhead asks him to play some games? He’s talking about your favorite game the whole time and how good you are at playing it. Everything is about you. No one knows how he does it, but he can divert any conversation into a love blind rant about you.
He gets all huffy when you don’t give him as much attention as he wants. You’re his everything, so why can’t you just treat him the same? It’s not like it takes a lot of effort, you just need to pay attention to him instead of whatever else you’re doing.
Guilt trips you A LOT. He doesn’t really mean to, but he definitely plays the ‘poor me, I’m a mutant and people think I’m a monster’ card anytime you show any hesitance with anything he does.
He’s your own personal knight. If you have any trouble, whether you got robbed, are being bullied, etcetera etcetera, he’s there to help. He still loves violence like his brothers, and he would never pass up the chance to fight. Especially if it was in your honor.
Doesn’t hurt you, but can get really frustrated if you resist him. He will play his woe is me routine, but if that doesn’t work, he’ll withdraw from you completely. He’s still watching you of course. He’d never actually leave. But you don’t know that. Just like you don’t know he’s the one who made sure you’d run into trouble the next night and only had Leo to call on. You need him, just as he needs you. He’ll forgive you of course, but he’ll hold it over your head for about a week, just to make sure you won’t try again for a while.
Doesn't kidnap you. He thinks about it a lot of course. Being able to be with you every second of the day, to make sure you’re safe and happy. But he logically knows he can’t. He even tried to convince you to run away with him a couple of times, but that didn’t go over well. Instead, he spends every waking moment by your side. Pushes for sleepovers, hangouts, dates, all the things. There’s never a time when he’s not near you.
And if you do say no or try to make other plans? Well he just ‘happens’ to be in the area and shows up.
He doesn't understand how you could ever be angry or upset and anything he does. After all, it’s all for you. You should be thanking him.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Can I ask for a yandere platonic injustice Superman and Batman with vigilante reader that doesn't want to be part of any sides
Sure! I'll talk a little about them :) This could go for either platonic or romantic but it leaned more towards platonic for you. Only their motive would change if they were romantic. This felt too tame for me but this was mostly me commenting on generally how things could go.
Yandere! Platonic! Superman vs Yandere! Platonic! Batman
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective yanderes, Violence, Manipulation, Stalking implied, Kidnapping, Murder mention.
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This is not the first time these two have been pitched against one another.
I do think this is one of the more intense times they've fought.
Both Batman and Superman are stubborn with their beliefs.
They both would want to protect their darling from the evil of the world but in different ways.
They're stubborn and oblivious to the pain they cause you.
In a way they're more alike than you'd think, just one's a god among men due to his powers.
I feel in any other world, Superman would be the one trying to be considerate.
Not in this one.
I feel what makes this worse is you're a vigilante who isn't on either side.
A neutral party if you will.
Which to them simply won't do.
In this universe these two are under the belief that they're the right side.
The fact you want nothing to do with either of them is frustrating.
It makes you an unknown party, a possible threat if the other side gets their hands on you.
You hate them both for your own reasons.
Maybe you see their argument as stupid or are upset at the destruction of Metropolis.
Either way you don't want to deal with them.
It'll only lead to more pointless fighting.
Despite how you see the situation the two sides keep a close eye on you.
I don't doubt you'll encounter other "heroes" talking to you to convince you of a certain side.
Yet you say you don't agree on Superman's dictator-like views or Batman's no kill rule.
Or something along the lines of that.
You keep saying you want nothing to do with them, that there must be a better way than all of this.
I wouldn't put it past either of them to talk to you in person to convince you or just straight up kidnap you.
Superman would be the one to murder, Batman still would not.
Their messages to you are mostly the same, that they're in the right, but it never convinces you.
What may hurt even more is you've probably met with both of them before.
It hurts to see Superman so corrupt when he was so nice before.
Batman's just grown more paranoid and delusional since you last met him and it concerns you.
You hate that they've changed, so you try to distance yourself from them.
Yet they can't handle that.
In terms of how they see you, in this concept they probably see you as an apprentice or kid, maybe even just a friend they want to be a good influence to since this is platonic.
Now that the League has been torn, they are fighting for who gets to continue associating with you, among other things.
They both would be the type who'd want to lock you away from "the evil of this world".
Batman tries to keep to his traditional ways, hiding you from Superman and caring for you like he's done before.
Superman is more aggressive than Batman, being the one who'd murder thousands if it meant he had you.
Superman believes he has to kill in order to protect you.
He needs to cleanse this world because he doesn't wish to lose you.
A fear of losing you is another trait they share.
A lot of this rivalry shows the duality of Batman and Superman.
They're very similar, it just depends on who would go further to achieve their goals.
Batman would hide you in darkness and ignore your pleas because he feels going off the grid will protect you.
He understands you'll hate him at first, but he's trying to preserve you.
Superman would lock you away but not entirely feel he has to hide you.
Any threat that would try to take you away from him would probably end up dead.
Superman doesn't mind the sight of blood if it means protecting the people he loves.
Both of them have lost people they care about.
They both want the same if not similar things for you... they want you safe and under their care.
If only they could agree with one another.
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vctrvn-ls · 9 months
Hellooo, could you write a '3am though ' about the Boys being clingy? Cause I feel like everyone is clingy in a different way hehe
Types of Clingy | Beta Squad |
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His clingyness would show through being a little too co-dependent. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be able to make independent decisions at all, but most of the time he would definitely want your opinion…on pretty much like everything. New shoes, place to stay while on a work trip, where to eat, how to dress for the weather and on and on. Sometimes it’s nice to know that someone wants to hear your point of view, but other times it could be very very annoying.
Sharky’s thing is definitely constantly texting or like somehow communicating through his phone 24/7. Doesn’t matter if you’re calling, chatting or just sending each other goofy snaps, he needs to constantly talk. He’d always send “update” messages out of nowhere, like imagine he decided to go to the store to buy some fruits and he’s in line, waiting and bored and suddenly some drama happens between a customer and the worker. He’d whip out his phone in a fraction of a second and begin describing the entire situation to you. Most of the time you don’t mind it, the opposite, you actually like it, but sometimes Sharky can get a little persistent and if you don’t reply while he’s currently bored, he’s going to spam your phone, asking where are you and “why are you ignoring me?”
Time is money to this man. Quality time is gold and Niko definitely wants it. He’s a busy man himself but if he finds out you have even a small 20 minute break from anything, you best be ready for him to appear and persuade you to do something together. Maybe you’re at work and you’re having lunch, in which case he’d offer to drive you to the nearest coffee shop, maybe you’re at uni and you have a free period during which he’ll sneak you out to have some ice cream. And when he’s done with work for the day, the first thing he’s doing is calling you and saying that he’s finally free from whatever, after which he would definitely suggest going somewhere, no matter how tired he was.
“Lisa are you dumb? AJ hates human contact, he said so himself like 100 times! You’re not telling me he’d be the physically clingy one!”
Hahahah - is my response guys. AJ. Would be. Possessive. (as fuck) Okay yes he hates it when people touch him BUT YOU AREN’T JUST PEOPLE! He wants you to constantly hold his hand or arm, he needs it. And for him it would be a totally normal thing to have his arm around your waist at all times when going out. He wants people to know that you’re with him, that you’re his and that nothing is getting in between the two of you. Doesn’t matter where: party, grocery store, at a fucking dentist appointment, this guy couldn’t care less, just as long as he’s somehow holding onto you or you’re holding onto him.
This one a bit sad. I think Kenny would be a little insecure. Like ok we know he’s the sexiest man alive but in his eyes he’s still not good enough for you. And that’s exactly what gnaws at him. Sometimes arguments would spur between the two of you out of nothing. Imagine you went out and didn’t tell Kenny, just forgot to mention or you were in a hurry. When you finally come back home he’d be like “where have you been?” , “why didn’t you tell me you were going out?” , “who’d you go out with?” , but it wouldn’t be in a controlling sense, you get me? Like he’d be worried, paranoid even and to you sometimes it would seem stupid. Like you shouldn’t be constantly explaining things to him. But no matter how mad or pissed you wanna be at him, you can’t. Why? Cause it’s Kenny and Kenny is 🔛🔝 of everything <3
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
catch the embers on my tongue
kinktober prompt: frottage; @eddiemonth prompt: crush explicit | 5.2k
read on ao3
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Steve's leaning into Eddie's side and they are high, high, high.
It's about time they got high together. After everything they've been through, and after he spent months recovering from wounds so deep they didn't know if he was going to make it, Eddie thinks they deserve this.
He hasn't smoked in months, the longest he's gone since the first time he tentatively took the joint from some kid he was hanging out with back in like middle school.
He hasn't been able to - the damage to his entire body was rough, his lungs were just one of many things that will probably never be the same. But it's been long enough, he figures. It doesn't ache when he breathes anymore, his body on the up and up.
So he invites Steve over to smoke with him because he remembers selling to him a handful of times when he was in high school, Steve showing up at his locker or waiting by his van after school sometimes. He remembers always wondering back then what Steve would be like when he was high. If he's the talkative type, the paranoid type, the quiet and contemplative type, the horny type.
Even he can admit he's thought about Steve enough to have thoughts on all of those situations and musings about how he'd handle each of them.
But he's not exactly prepared for Steve to be handsy, to be giggly and leaning into him and joking and touching him casually. Because sober Steve keeps his hands to himself, Eddie's noticed.
He's had a theory for years now that Steve is probably touch starved, from not having his parents around much, from the only form of intimacy other than sex being clapping his friends or teammates on the shoulder.
And knowing him now, actually knowing him, he knows he was right. Because Steve is somehow so touch starved that he's touch averse with most people, like he can't handle it, the lightest brush of someone's hand oh his skin has him dodging out of the way to avoid it.
The only person he isn't like that with is Robin. And Dustin has speculated enough times why that might be that Robin eventually came out to the group just to get them all to stop talking about it - well, that and she trusts them. It felt like Eddie's heart was going to burst in his chest at being part of that trusted group.
So Steve doesn't really touch people, doesn't reach out for any of the group for hugs, doesn't really cuddle with anyone during movie nights.
But high Steve, he touches.
They don't even finish the joint they're sharing, because it's been a while for both of them. Eddie's feeling the pleasant buzz under his skin, his lips feeling cold and tingling a little when they're barely halfway done with it. He stubs it out when Steve bows out of taking it from him.
Without the joint to pass between them, they talk. One of his hands somehow ends up in Steve's grasp. He touches Eddie's fingers, plays with his rings, as he talks.
It's mostly chatter that Eddie mostly can't keep up with as he acclimates to the way his brain feels less fuzzy than it has in months, the background noises fading away until all he can hear is Steve, all he can feel is Steve's fingers spinning one of his rings around.
He feels grounded, kind of, focusing in on Steve's voice, watching his mouth move as he talks. He's calmer than he's felt in months, feels less out of control, sitting on his bed next to Steve, letting him touch his hand.
It's only a handful of minutes later when they're laughing about something or another, when out of nowhere Steve puts his hands on Eddie's chest and pushes him down on his bed in what has to be a moment straight out of Eddie's wet dreams before he realizes that Steve is pressing him into the bed because he wants to cuddle with him.
It still has his heart racketing in his chest even after realizing, because he's so close to Steve. Their faces are pressed close together and he can feel the several points of contact between them like a brand on his skin.
It's one of those weirdly hot September days, so they're both in shorts. Steve's wearing a sweater even though Eddie knows he has to be hot in it. Even with the sweater on, this is more skin contact than Eddie is used to with anyone.
He realizes now, in this moment, that he too has become a little touch starved since everything happened.
He couldn't handle a lot of touch in the beginning, his body healing, his skin scarring over in a lot of areas. The scar tissue was sensitive for a long while even after it was safe to touch, so the party and his friends stopped touching him - he'd flinch or brace himself when people got near, ready for the ache or pain or sensitivity that comes with touch nowadays, so they stopped touching him as much to spare him of that.
And now, laying here, pressed up against Steve Harrington, of all people, he's realizing how much he craves touch, how much he's missed having someone's skin against his like this, even platonically - not that he has much experience with things being not platonic.
But his friends stopped touching him because any touch hurt him for a while and then they just kind of haven't started again.
They're probably waiting on a cue from him, he guesses. It's what he'd do, if touch suddenly hurt one of his friends. He'd wait for them to say it was okay, or to initiate touch, before he started cuddling up to them again.
So even though he knows cognitively that's likely the reason, there's a thread of a darker thought that passes through his head, that maybe his friends don't touch him anymore because he's somehow even more of a freak than before. That his scars make him untouchable, undesired, that even the freaks of Hawkins don't want to touch him.
He shakes himself free of those thoughts. He knows that's just his brain being dumb. His friends don't care what he looks like, they never have. If they did, they wouldn't be his friends anyway - that's not the kind of company he keeps.
He tries to get back to the feeling of finally having someone's warmth against his skin after a long, touch-starved drought, calming his thoughts again so all he feels is Steve.
He likes it, he finds - the warmth. Steve's skin is hot to the touch, the air around them warm from having the air conditioning off.
He likes this, probably too much, hasn't had enough touch in months, and Steve is the one here giving it to him.
He likes this and he's been unknowingly craving this. That's a dangerous combination.
He wants to burrow deep, to pull their clothes off so he can get even more skin contact. He wants to feel the whorls of his fingertips dragging on Steve's own scars, because he's maybe the only one who can appreciate it. He's maybe the only one who can understand this - what it's like to want to be touched but not be able to be, to feel like maybe the scars are the reason why he's not getting the touch he needs.
He feels the heat seeping from Steve's skin against his and he wants to wrap himself up in that warmth. After a moment of contemplating whether it would be a good idea or not, he does it anyway.
He's spent months not being able to do the things he wants to do, is the thing.
He's spent months not getting high, not really being able to have his friends touch him without it hurting, not being able to get out of bed, not being able to stand for too long without it hurting. He's spent months bored out of his fucking mind while his body healed from something more traumatic than he ever thought he'd go through.
He thinks he's allowed to have this. He thinks he's allowed to enjoy this, even.
So he pulls Steve closer to him, impossibly close, pressed together all the way from their chests to their shins, legs tangling together. He tucks his head in close, rubs his face against the soft fabric of Steve's sweater.
"I've missed this," he finds himself saying, sighing into Steve's shoulder.
Steve pulls back a little to be able to look at Eddie's face when he asks, "Getting high?"
Eddie snorts. "Yeah, that. But also, this," he says, trapping one of Steve's legs between his and squeezing it between his. "I feel like no one touches me anymore."
There's more he could say, the introspective thoughts about how he gets it - the self-deprecating jokes about his scars bitter on his tongue. But he doesn't say it because Steve already gets it. He has similar scars. Scars that run along his back and his torso and his neck. His neck scar is still visible in most shirts. Eddie knows he gets it.
"Yeah," Steve says quietly. "I think I missed this too."
They've never touched like this before, never spent an afternoon curled up together, and he wishes he could go back in time to tell himself to befriend Steve, so they'd get more moments like this. So they'd get thousands of moments like this before all the bad stuff happened.
His brain conjures up the image of high school Steve in his bed in his old trailer. He thinks of Steve's coiffed hair and his polos and barely contains the laugh bubbling up in his chest. He'd look so out of place there.
But Eddie doesn't think he would have been, not really. Not after he lost his crown, after his downfall from King of Hawkins High. He thinks Steve would have fit right in with the rest of Eddie's things - his sweetheart, his posters, his rack of cassette tapes, his Steve. Eddie thinks he would have liked Steve in that room, surrounded by all of Eddie's favorite things.
But he knows his past self wouldn't have allowed it. Even though Steve had changed by his senior year, Eddie was still very much subscribed to a nerds versus jocks dichotomy.
He doesn't think he would have allowed Steve to get close enough to him to be someone he invited over, someone he invited into his room, his space, the only place in Hawkins that was really Eddie's. He would have been too paranoid that Steve would have been trying to pull something over on him.
He's pulled from his thoughts by Steve putting his hand on Eddie's side. He's not touching his skin, but Eddie still flinches. The skin has long since healed over into scars that sometimes pull weird with sudden movement, making it feel like the skin is going to crack open.
"I'm sorry," Steve whispers. "Do your scars still hurt? I should have probably asked that before tackling you to the bed."
"No," Eddie says. "They don't hurt. The skin's just weirdly sensitive sometimes. You can keep touching me. It's fine." The second the words are out of his mouth, his face is on fire.
You can keep touching me. That's a loaded sentence if he ever heard one.
Steve either doesn't notice or doesn't care that his face is beet red. He just returns his hand to Eddie's side, where his shirt has ridden up a little. This time, instead of letting his hand rest over Eddie's side on top of his shirt, he pushes his shirt up more, spreading his big hand over the expanse of Eddie's largest scar.
God, his hands are so big. And this is so not the time to be thinking about that.
The feeling of Steve's hand on him makes Eddie shiver. He tries to suppress it, but it wracks its way through his body regardless.
He knows Steve feels it. He has to, with the way his body is pressed so close to Eddie's. There's no way he misses it, the full body shudder, the way his breath hitches a little because of it.
Steve doesn't say anything, but he thumbs at the scars on Eddie's side, right where the scar meets his unmarred skin.
He's being so gentle with him that it makes Eddie want to whine. It makes him want to whine and rock his hips against Steve's, the delicate way he's touching him, just the slightest pressure of his thumb on his skin. It's like a tease, almost. It's like Steve wants Eddie to feel like this, like he knows exactly what touching him like this is doing to him.
Eddie tries to get his bearings right again, tries to be normal about this, but he's high, and it's been so long since he felt good like this. Part of him wants to give in completely, right away, wants to, to knock Steve onto his back and climb on top of him. Wants to press his entire body weight onto him, feel every inch of his skin against his own.
But he knows that's crazy. Even if Steve were receptive to the things that Eddie wants, he doesn't think Steve would want to jump right in. He seems to be the type that would want it to go a little slower, to want to be wooed in bed. He's the type to hold hands during sex and look deeply into his lover's eyes for the connection. At least, that's what Eddie assumes about him, anyway, from the way he talks about relationships and love and what he wants his future to look like.
So even as high as he is, he knows Steve probably wouldn't want to be pushed around like that, at least not at first.
The longer Eddie thinks about it, the longer he has Steve so close to him, the longer he has his hands on him, the more Eddie craves it. He's never wanted like this before, he doesn't think.
He's not super experienced beyond quick and dirty hand jobs or blow jobs. He's never had someone touch him like this before. Touching just to touch. Any touching during his previous encounters were just the quick preliminary touches to get the other guy out of his jeans. The touches didn't linger. They certainly didn't feel like this.
He tucks his head close to Steve's neck again, lets his lips just barely brush against the skin there, tries to keep his breath even. It could be written off as an accident, that he just got too close, because they're already so close. Steve could ignore it.
He doesn't.
He slides his hand down Eddie's side, past his hip to grip his thigh and hitch it up near Steve's hip. Eddie can't keep the gasp from escaping his mouth.
He's already half-hard, just from thinking thoughts about Steve. How the hell is he going to survive this?
Steve's hand travels back up the back of his thigh, stops right before it reaches his ass.
Eddie's heart is beating so fucking fast in his chest.
He pulls back to look at Steve. His eyes are dark, and his lips are red like he's been biting them. Eddie wants to bite them, too.
"Steve," Eddie says, unsure exactly what to say, what he could say to get Steve to want this. Does he have to convince him? Does he have to tell him it doesn't have to mean anything? It would be a lie - it would mean something to him. But if Steve only wants this now, when he's high, Eddie thinks he can handle that. He thinks he can be okay with it, if it means he gets to have this right now.
Steve shushes him though, doesn't seem to need any convincing before he leans in and kisses Eddie.
Eddie lets out a shuddering breath against his mouth.
He hadn't realized how much he's been wanting this because he never really let himself think about it. It's not just touch, not just anybody's touch, not just anybody's kiss, that he craves. It's Steve's touch, Steve's kiss. It's Steve's lips against his, Steve's body against his.
He obviously knows Steve is attractive, but they've grown close over the past few months.
He thinks Steve is probably one of the best friends he's ever had. And of course, with that comes other feelings because how could it not? How could anyone look at Steve and not want? How could anyone know Steve and not want him?
Eddie hasn't been thinking about it, about how he looks at Steve sometimes, about how he watches him. He hasn't thought about it because he knows what it means when his heart beats faster because of it. He knows what it means when his heart feels like it could burst out of his chest when he makes Steve laugh. He knows what it all means, so he hasn't let himself think about it.
But with Steve pressing sweet, gentle kisses against his mouth, the feelings slam into him. He's wanted this so bad.
This impossible crush, these impossible feelings that he has tried so hard to ignore, tried to get to lay dormant when he became friends with Steve, come rushing to the surface with him so close like this, with his mouth on Eddie's like it belongs there.
He pulls Steve's bottom lip into his mouth and bites it. He can't not. Steve gasps against his mouth.
He sucks on his lip gently, tongues at it to soothe the sting away, and hears Steve let out a sigh.
Steve's hand is still on his thigh, trapping his thigh against Steve's hip. He wants his hands on him, wants Steve to touch him everywhere.
He licks into Steve's mouth, slow and deep, their tongue sliding against each other like they've got all the time in the world.
Eddie's hand has been idle against Steve's chest, but he needs to touch, needs to feel him. So he slides his hand up to cup Steve's neck, to tilt his head to better lick into his mouth. He keeps his hand there, fingertips brushing the scar on his neck, his thumb digging into the hinge of his jaw.
He kisses him and kisses him and kisses him, until all the air in his lungs is gone, until he's hard in his shorts, until his lips feel swollen.
Steve's hand stays stubbornly on his thigh, not moving an inch up towards his ass. Eddie might be a little offended by it if he couldn't feel the way Steve is also hard in his shorts, if he hadn't just spent ten minutes getting to know the inside of his mouth.
He likes this so much, he realizes. He's never been the type to savor it - he hasn't ever really had the opportunity to. The few times he's had anything like this, it had to be quick, it had an expiration date, it had to be over as soon as possible. He's never just sat around and kissed someone until his jaw hurt, until his lips were aching.
He didn't expect it to be this easy, to just put a tiny little thread in the loop and have it spin so easily for him. He didn't think that maybe Steve had been wanting this too, craving this for just as long as he had.
He couldn't even imagine it - Steve, looking at him and wanting, Steve watching him when he's not looking the way that he watches Steve. He can't wrap his mind around it, Steve looking over at him being a dumbass in so many situations and still being like, yep, I want his tongue in my mouth.
But it feels like that's what this is. Because Steve's kissing him with just as much hunger. Steve's kissing him and has his hand on his thigh, gripping him like he owns him. Eddie wants him to push him on his back, to spread his thighs open and show him just how much of him he owns. He wants him.
He pushes his hips forward experimentally, a slow grind. It makes Steve groan against his mouth. The sound is addictive - Eddie wants to chase that sound, to make Steve groan over and over and over as he chases his pleasure between Eddie's thighs.
Steve bites his lip, harder than Eddie had bitten his, and it stings. They've been at it for so long that Eddie's lips were already getting swollen and sensitive, so Steve biting one of them like that pulls a moan out of him.
He pulls back, breathing heavy, to kiss his way down Steve's neck, to bite at his neck. He wants to cover him in marks - deep, purpling bruises. He wants to see his neck and his chest covered, a molten mess of love bites.
His heart stupidly stutters in his chest at the thought of biting a bruise the shape of a heart into his skin. God, he's so gone for him. He has a heart boner for him in addition to a regular one.
He pulls the neck of Steve's sweater down and sucks a bruise into the smooth, tan skin of his collarbone, and when he pulls back, the skin is a deep red. He smiles at his work, knows it's going to deepen in color with time. He's never felt possessive like this before, like he wants to cover him in bruises so everyone knows he's someone's, so everyone knows he's Eddie's.
Is he Eddie's?
The look in his eyes when Eddie looks back up at his face says yes.
Steve pulls Eddie on top of him, their bodies flush together again, and gets a hand in his hair. He tugs his head to the side so he can bite at Eddie's neck the way that Eddie was just gnawing on his. It startles a moan out of him. He didn't know his neck was so sensitive.
He lets Steve suck a bruise into his skin and tries not to accidentally come because of it. All the kissing, their bodies pressed together, their cocks hard and grinding together through layers of fabric - it all feels like so much, too much almost.
He's on top of him, but he doesn't feel in control right now at all.
He can barely stop himself from grinding down and coming in his underwear like a teenager. He wants it, wants to come with Steve's mouth on his skin.
Steve kisses his neck, where his skin is likely bruised now, before he pulls back, thumbing at the mark like he's satisfied he left his mark on Eddie as well.
Steve releases his hair from his grip and slides his hand down between them. Eddie can't stop the groan that leaves his mouth at feeling Steve palm at him.
"Is this okay?" he asks, and Eddie isn't sure what he's talking about - his hand touching Eddie's dick? Hell yeah, that's okay. This entire thing? Again, hell fucking yeah.
He nods, because any way you spin it, everything they've been doing is a-okay with Eddie.
Steve grins up at him and Eddie can't help but grin back at him, still in awe that this is happening.
Steve undoes the buttons on Eddie's shorts and unties the tie at the waistband of his own shorts.
Eddie sits up to shove his shorts down and off, watching Steve do the same, leaving his shorts around his thighs.
He looks at Steve's bulge, his cock hard and straining in his underwear. He wants to lean in and put his mouth on it. Get the fabric nice and wet with a mix of his spit and Steve's precome. He wants to suck it through the fabric, tongue at the soft fabric and pull noises from Steve the entire time.
He wants to put his mouth on Steve's thighs. They're paler than the rest of his tan skin, milky and smooth. He wants to see that skin mottled and bruised too.
He can wait for those things, though. He thinks he has time. The thought makes him damn near giddy - the thought of more, of doing this again and in different ways, in every way possible. They haven't even made each other come yet and he's thinking about all the other ways he wants him. He's so far gone on him.
When Eddie lowers himself back down, he tries to keep his reaction to their cocks rubbing up against each other through their underwear to a minimum, but he feels a shiver run through him. It feels overwhelming, and they aren't even naked, aren't even touching cocks with nothing separating them.
He thinks that would probably be enough to make him come immediately, feeling the velvety skin of Steve's cock against his own as they grind together, if how overwhelming this feels is any indication. He feels like he's just a few breaths away from shoving his hips down and humping Steve with abandon until he's making a mess of both of them.
He grinds down against him slowly, trying not to overwhelm himself. He presses his mouth to Steve's again, tangling his tongue with his as his hips move. He rolls his hips against Steve's, their dicks pressed together tightly.
He pulls back to look down at the way they're pressed together and he groans. There's a wet spot on Steve's underwear where he's leaking precome into the fabric. He's losing his goddamn mind.
He sits up and pulls his shirt off so he has a moment to take a breath.
He leans back in and grinds down on Steve again, pushing Steve's sweater up, not sure how he's even still wearing it. Eddie's sweating and he was only in a short sleeved shirt.
Steve enthusiastically pulls his sweater up and in the excitement, it gets a little tangled getting over his head, so they have to stop grinding against each other to figure it out. Steve's head pops out of the head hole of his sweater and Eddie can't help but sit up and laugh. Steve arms are caught up in his sweater, awkwardly making his arms box his head in.
He looks flushed and aroused and out of breath from struggling with his sweater and his hair is a mess, but he's still so unfairly pretty.
Steve pouts at him and says, "Don't laugh at me. Help me out of this?"
"Hmm, I don't know," Eddie says with a grin, sliding his hands up to push the sweater up a little, exposing more of Steve's biceps. Eddie wants to bite them. "I kind of like having you at my disposal here."
He says it as a joke, mostly, ready to help Steve get his arms untangled from his sweater. But he sees the way Steve's eyes darken, sees the way he licks his lips like he likes that thought, the thought of being at Eddie's mercy.
He asks, "You like that?" because he has to be sure he isn't reading this wrong. Steve nods his head, slow and sure.
So Eddie grinds his hips down slowly, pushes Steve's sweater up more, to free up more of his arms. He pushes his hands into the arm holes of the sweater and tangles his fingers with Steve's hands where they lay draped above his head. He knows their hands are going to get sweaty underneath the fabric of Steve's sweater, but he doesn't care right now.
He presses his weight more fully onto Steve, uses his hands to press Steve's into the mattress as leverage. He spreads his legs, knees digging into the bed so he can roll his hips against Steve's harder, still keeping the pace slow and steady.
"Fuck," Steve says on a breath out, keening at the rough way Eddie's cock is sliding against his.
They're breathing the same air, not really kissing, mouths barely an inch apart.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, and Steve nods desperately. He closes the gap between their mouths and licks at Steve's open mouth, his tongue brushing past Steve's lips, tasting him.
His brain is only a little hazy, but Steve's tongue feels hot against his, hot like the embers at the end of the joint they just shared.
He rocks down against Steve faster, picking up the pace, feels the vibration of his moans against his mouth more than he hears them.
He feels the familiar coiling in his stomach, the tightening of his core muscles that tells him he's going to come soon.
He gives into it, huddling impossibly closer, hips moving faster, less controlled than before. He's sweating, his hands on Steve's are damp, beads of sweat rolling down his neck. But he keeps going, he's so fucking close.
"Stevie," he whispers against his mouth.
Steve nods, says back, "I'm gonna come."
Yeah, yeah.
So Eddie releases one of Steve's hands and gets it between them, squeezes Steve through his underwear. He lets Steve jerk his hips up against his hand, chasing his orgasm. He curls his hand around Steve more firmly, hears the curse that falls from his lips.
He bites at Steve's bottom lip, the feeling of his cock riding up against the back of his hand as he gets Steve off overwhelming, Steve's gasping breaths and groans the only thing he can focus on.
Steve lets out a sharp cry and Eddie feels the wet heat of his come seeping through Steve's briefs. He strokes Steve's cock through his briefs, feeling him tremble a little when it gets to be overstimulating.
Steve, having finally weaseled his hands out of his sweater, rubs his hands up and down Eddie's back gently as he comes down.
It's the tenderness, this moment of connection, that has Eddie leaning down and pressing his teeth into the soft skin of Steve's neck.
He's still riding close to the edge and now feeling the satisfaction of making Steve come. He turns his hand over and barely has to put any pressure on his dick before he's coming too, his open mouth pressed against Steve's throat.
He pants through the waves of it, feeling his briefs get stickier and wetter with each pulse.
He's shivering when it's over, the sweat on his skin drying, the come in his underwear cooling.
His hand feels sticky when he pulls it away and he wonders if he'd taste a combination of their come if he licked his palm right now. His cock jerks painfully at the thought.
He rolls off Steve, sated and sweaty, breath still shaky.
Steve reaches between them and laces their fingers together.
"Are we- what are we doing?" he asks, a little nervous, looking over at him.
Steve brings their entwined hands up to his mouth and kisses the back of Eddie's hand.
"Whatever you want," Steve says easily, letting their hands fall between them again.
Eddie steels himself and bites the bullet. "And if I want everything?" he asks, heart in his throat.
Steve smiles shyly at him and squeezes his hand. "I can work with that."
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pansy-picnics · 30 days
A vat7k related question.
What do you think is Hugo's gender identity? Cus I want to hear what you think Hugo's gender is and the story behind it.
EHEHEHE personally i think she’s genderfluid and uses he/she/they pronouns…….I think he was kind of an uncracked egg up until the trials though. like, he’s been in survival mode for so long that he’s never had the time or luxury to really think about himself or his identity….i think he’s had a lot of different disguises over his career though, and those personas are either male or female depending on what the situation calls for so he’s not a stranger to dressing femininely either.
but yeah…i think for a long time hugo just identified as male by default cuz like…what else would he be LOL. if he had any doubts at all they weren’t significantly hindering him or anything so he just buried them with all the other of the emotions he doesn’t want to feel. but like the closet is made of GLASS and this becomes especially obvious when she teams up with 3 other teenagers who are also transgender so sometimes she’ll just Say Shit and they all turn around and look at her like “…….🤨”
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i have this very vivid scene in my head where varian comes out to the gang as trans and hes clearly really uneasy abt it. and hugo doesn’t know what to say so he just tries to relate by saying the first thing that comes to mind and goes “oh yeah i get it i mean. sometimes i wish i was a girl but like not all the time yk” and nuru and varian both just stop and stare at him
hugo, getting nervous: …Sorry that’s probably not the same thing forget i said anything
nuru: No i think we should talk about this?
anyways yeah….other than her traveling party giving her some weird looks nothing actually really came of these conversations bc hugo would refuse to think about herself even if you put a gun to her head
fast forward to post-trials though, and hugo’s been living in the castle with varian for about six months…it was REALLY messy for both of them while she was adjusting, but at this point shes finally started to let her guard down a little, and all of a sudden she has SO much free time and she has no idea what to do with any of it. she’s stealing collecting things, tinkering with all kinds of useless little gadgets, rapunzel is teaching her tons of little arts and crafts projects. overall shes pretty content despite everything. So anyways then the gender crisis hits them like a fucking freight train
honestly i’m like half joking when i say i think it started bc they just kept forgetting to cut their hair. like one day they looked in the mirror and they’re like “wow my hairs getting so long i kinda look like a girl lol. Wait”
AND AS FUNNY AS IT IS ITS SO. WILDLY UNFAMILIAR TO THEM. like all of a sudden theyre SO insecure for as far as they can tell, NO reason and it drives them CRAZY. i dont even think that hugo dislikes their masculine features after coming out, i think they embrace them if anything but its just like…going from 0 to 100 so fast and suddenly being so hyper aware of themselves in a way that they NEVER were before…having to realize that they’re definitely Not cis. it’s fucking TERRIFYING!!!
not to mention it hits him all at once during a time when he’s still frankly really paranoid about him and varian’s relationship, and he’s kinda walking on eggshells bc deep down he’s convinced that var’s just gonna get tired of him eventually and kick him out. its like he’s just waiting for the final nail in the coffin despite the fact that there is literally no coffin.
All that being said i think it takes him a while to work up the courage to talk to varian about it. and he knows he won’t like. hate him for being trans or anything (I sure hope he wouldn’t, at least, seeing as he is literally also trans) but varian’s already done SO much for him and helped him through literally everything already….he doesn’t want to burden him any more than he already has. he also cant comprehend that someone can just Like him, like, as a person, so he’s convinced himself that varian must see something specific in him right now and he’s afraid that if he changes himself drastically in any way then whatever varian saw in him just. won’t be there anymore. If that makes sense
as for who he actually goes to first- honestly i think it’d have to be lance. at least in my head lance was the first person hugo really started to bond with aside from varian….he didn’t start letting his guard down with rapunzel until quite a while after that. also i think he’s worried that if he tells rapunzel she’d end up accidentally spilling something to varian (which is like. Valid bc she’s a horrible liar) he’d definitely write a letter to nuru, too, but nuru is also in another kingdom, and that message takes a while to get to her, so it’s more something they talk about after the fact
when he finally does get a letter back after dumping this revelation on her it’s just like
“dearest hugo. upon reading your letter i desperately wanted to tell you that i told you so, but i realize that would be in poor taste, seeing as you are clearly struggling right now. Moreover,-“ /j
regardless of who she tells first, they obviously all support her and encourage her to talk to varian as well…And ofc varian hypes her up to no end when she finally does. i wanna say it’s a sweet emotional scene but i feel like varian was also under the assumption that she figured out the gender thing like a year ago /j
hugo: ,,,,so like. i don’t think i’m a guy
varian: . yeah?
hugo: TFYM “YEAH”?????!!!!???
hugo: ,???? NO???!!???!
jokes aside though as soon as hugo does decide he wants to explore his presentation more varian immediately consults rapunzel who gets WAY too excited about it and it kind of scares hugo a little bit. /j like Do you want to cut your hair? Dye it? Do you want new piercings? TATTOOS????
they eventually just settle on getting her a few new pieces to add to her wardrobe and that works out fine. varian sees his girlfriend in a dress and loses his mind etc etc. All is right in the world
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trulycertain · 6 months
I couldn't help wanting to write something ridiculous with spawn!Astarion learning to turn into a bat. And then I got thinking about how the tadpole nerfs spawn powers. AU, post-canon, Tav/Astarion. About 1.3k?
Lora's feeling out a new riff, trying to work out if there's enough of a solid foundation for it to become a song, when there's a thunk and tinkle from the kitchen.
She sneaks through, knowing that Astarion's probably doing the same, if he's all right. If he's not… best to take in the situation. 
A vase rolls past her through the doorway. There's a small flappy sound, like someone's just pulled a sheet of leather taut. What -? An undead, perhaps? She pokes her head round the corner. 
There, sprawled on the kitchen countertop where she normally chops vegetables she'll be the only one eating, next to a fallen jar of herbs, is a bat. Big, albeit not as gigantic as some she's fought who turned out to be vampires in disguise; still, it's got an impressive wingspan, one of them hanging off the counter like a curtain. Or, she thinks, absurdly, the way Astarion likes to dramatically hang an arm off a fainting couch, while he's reading a book. He'll not be impressed by that comparison.
Her unexpected visitor is albino, and… fluffy. Really fluffy, chest like the world's smallest thick fur rug, or like it's got a little proud collar. Small, clawed feet are sticking inelegantly in the air, not quite spread-eagled (spread-batted?), as if it's going to try and jump back onto them. But who's heard of bats standing?
…Unless it's a vampire lord. But there aren't any of those after them - well, not anymore. And they're usually better at the whole bat thing. Less of crashing into Astarion's favourite vase. 
How in the hells did it get in? It's not like she left a window open; both she and Astarion are a tad too paranoid for that. 
It's not dead, at least: its chest is moving furiously. Makes sense. Bats are smaller, probably with a faster heartbeat. If it's in pain - well, she hopes it's not in pain. 
She's got no idea how to escort it off the premises. It's not that she's got a problem with bats - more that she's certain neither she, nor the bat, signed up for this. An angry wild animal? She has visions of it hanging from her finger by its teeth. Though honestly, she had a similar vision with Astarion, and things turned out pretty well there. But they're only borrowing this place for a while - she called in a favour. That favour probably didn't include bat tenants. 
Edging closer, she notes that it doesn't seem to be moving. Knocked itself out? Oh, that's not ideal. Though maybe she can sneak it out before it wakes up… No, from what she can see - one red eye - it's just staring at the ceiling. Almost glumly, if a bat can be glum. 
And then it spots her, and… lifts its wings to hide its face. In embarrassment. 
White fur. Red eyes. The way he looks when he's caught between trying to brazen it out or stalking off to hide his cringing. 
Its - his ears twitch, and he raises a wing, holds it there. The way he'll raise a hand in acknowledgement and Don't even say it. 
She blinks, and whistles a few notes, hits a high C - there. Speak with animals. That should do it. “Are you hurt?” she tries; it’s been a while since she’s done this spell without a lute.
“Only my pride,” he mutters, mulish and with the slightest nasality - makes sense, between a flat snout and fangs. “I think your basil came off worse than I did.”
She stares. Definitely strange, hearing that familiar wry voice come out of a bat.  “What happened?” He’s normally so pretty - the kind of pretty he endlessly preens about. The pinkness of his nose is oddly adorable against white fur, but she suspects he’s ended up as a vampire bat. Apparently, vampire bats look like they’ve crashed face-first into a wall. Which he most likely has, but she suspects that’s no explanation for the horseshoe-shaped nose and his little squinting eyes.  It's sort of cute. If you're very, very drunk. Or if you're overly fond of a grumpy vampire.
“Nothing we need talk about,” he says hastily. He rubs a thumb over his face. “I’m sure I’ll work out how to change back in a moment.”
“You’re not stuck like this, are you?”
He casts a narrow look at her with those blood-red eyes - different, and yet so very familiar. “Darling, are you saying you wouldn’t love me if I were a rodent?”
He stretches a wing experimentally: pale, thin skin and white fingers. “I don’t… think so. There’s already a sort of - itch under my skin, like I just have to yawn hard enough and, pop. But first, I need to brood.”
“I thought only Cazador could turn into a bat.”
“Into a cloud of bats, my dear.” He gestures at himself with a folded wing, more stiffly than his usual - difficult, when your arm doesn’t bend the same way. “Do I look like a cloud?”
She can’t help her grin at that. “I don’t know. You are all white and fluffy.”
He sighs, loudly. When she reaches out a slow, careful hand, however, he doesn’t move - even in this form, he’d dodge. Or she’d get an annoyed warning nip for her trouble, she’s sure of it. Fangs are second nature to him. As is how to be gentle with them, by now.
She says, “I love your ears.” She strokes a fingertip carefully over them; they twitch underneath it. “Look at the size of them!”
“Ugh. If you’re about to make an elf joke, I have one word of advice for you: don’t.”  It’s deeply surreal watching a bat roll its eyes.
“I wasn’t! Is your hearing better like this?”
“Much.” He makes an expression that’s probably meant to be a grimace, but on a slightly squashed bat-face, it’s not so different. “I can hear the tavern three doors away. Their bard isn’t nearly so good as you.”
She strokes between his ridiculous rabbity ears, just with a finger, lightly; big as he is for a bat, he’s so tiny. Even tinier than usual. She'd hate to hurt him. “Have I mentioned I love you?”
“Yes, yes, I know you’re weak to flattery.” But there’s warmth in his voice.
“Do you want to hop up? I feel like you won’t want to turn back into yourself on the counter.”
“Please. That test flight - flights, really - was exhausting. No-one warned me there would be so much flapping. I thought creatures of the night would be fonder of a smooth glide, but no.”
She holds out an arm - and then there’s a bat clinging to her woollen shirt with thumbs and little claws. Clinging being the operative word. He climbs up her a little uncertainly, holding tight while she stays as still as she can, until he arrives on her shoulder, flopping there with a dramatic sigh.
She heads through to the lounge, and beside her ear, a small voice says, “I’ve been able to do… more, since our wriggling little unwelcome passengers were removed. I don’t know if it’s that or simply not starving. Honestly, I thought the bat thing was a myth. For spawn, anyway - we get the rather inferior part of the ‘vampire powers’ arrangement. But the claws have come back, and the agility. I’ve never felt so strong. It’s… strange. And a little intoxicating.” She can’t quite raise a brow at him when he’s so close to her, but he clearly gets the idea, because he adds hastily, “As in, I’m rather happy. Not as in ‘I’m about to become a cackling vampire lord.’ We’ve... covered that one already. It’s more - is this what it’s meant to be like? Being a spawn? Not a starved slave?” His voice is soft, with a genuine, non-snarling curiosity to it. A little amazement. She feels him shuffle just a bit closer to her, wing curling a little around her back.
Sometimes he doesn’t like to be touched when he’s thinking about the bad old days, but this clearly isn’t one of those times. At that, she has to sit in an armchair, and reach up, offering a hand to her shoulder. He clambers onto it, with the kind of instant trust that makes her chest ache - though he does give her a puzzled look while he shuffles about to get comfortable and sits on her knuckles. He folds his wings neatly, primly, in a way that’s so him she’d laugh in any other circumstance. She sneaks over her other hand and strokes his pointy pale head, runs a soothing couple of fingers over his back. She feels sad for him, but also, Lathander, he’s so fluffy. She could happily do this for a while.
The flap of wings startles her. What - ?
Being hugged by a bat is more like having a very strange necklace. One that hooks its thumbs into the back of her shirt collar, accidentally tugging it wider, ears twitching against her neck in a way that’s almost ticklish, tiny heart fluttering against her collarbone. She holds him there with a hand, thumb stroking through his fur. He murmurs, “I just wished, and this time…”
The smallest cloud of mist blooms. She blinks, and the world is suddenly rather heavier. It could be the rogue sitting side-saddle in her lap, his arms around her neck, grinning at her. He blinks in a little surprise.
“...there I was. Hello, darling.” Leaning in, he brushes a swift, smiling kiss to her cheek.
She reaches up and runs a hand through his hair, the way she knows he likes even if it ruins his pomade. “You were very cute.”
“Of course I was. I was adorable.” He winces. “Aside from looking like I’d run face-first into a carriage.”
“You were cute!”
“Hm. Good for scouting tucked-away places that the owners don’t want us to be, however.” His happiness takes on a fiendish edge.
“You’re going to pick locks with your little thumbs?” 
The idea seems to delight him rather than offend. “Once I learn how? Absolutely.” He swoons dramatically, leaning back over the chair arm. “Now, darling, I find I’ve utterly run out of energy.” He darts her a look from under his hand. “It must have been the transformation. I don’t know if I can even find it in me to stagger to bed.”
She raises a brow. “Really?”
“Really. I’m just… utterly drained. It’s a mystery.” He holds his arms out. “Would you mind?”
While she’s carrying him through to her room, she says, “I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh?” he asks smugly, arms still wound around her neck. “And what’s that?”
“You’re going to pull me in with you.”
Pouting, he says, “How dare you. I’ll have you know I’m an honourable man. Well. I'm a man.”
“You’re going to pull me in with you and make me cuddle you to sleep.”
“When you put it like that, it sounds disgustingly juvenile. True, but juvenile.”
“This was easier when you were less than a kilogram of fur.” Not that she minds him being a bit heavier. It’s a relief, compared to how bird-boned he sometimes felt under all the muscle in the early, hungry days.
“I can fix that.” There’s a tiny poof! and then… a self-satisfied bat fluttering awkwardly to sit on top of her head.
She reminds him, “Watch the hair while you’re surveying your kingdom.”
“I could get used to this.”
“I’m never getting used to this.”
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whoopsyeahokay · 1 month
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October Sun
summary: you and Wally had finally had a chance to talk, reviewed the information at your disposal, which, by then, had included the text you'd received from Xavier. Even with everything you'd been taught, had researched, had a profound knowledge of, things still hadn't made sense. Had Mr. Anderson really been the Big Bad of your Nancy Drew story? Or had something darker been afoot?
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence.
sorry for the delay, gorgeous ghouls; school bit me in the booty. like, just took a whole chunk of my 🍑 in its teeth and tore 🦈 but that's done now 🫠 onwards and upwards!
bon reading, frens
"—and then this morning, Zav texted—"
"Xavier? Maddie's boyfriend?"
Recognition dawned, "Oh, yeah. I know him," spoken with a sour inflection.
"Yeah, him. He's like my brother from another mother." One who'd flounced out of Xavier's life in 8th Grade and had taken half the family assets with her to Milwaukee.
The situation was complicated, at best. While not officially divorced, Claire Baxter refused to come home. Treated the Sheriff as if he'd forced her into exile. Xavier resented his father for it—whatever it was. The details were murky even to Xavier, though he wore that chip on his shoulder like a cross to bear.
"Anyway," You resumed your summary of events, "He sent me this." Leaning forward, you showed Wally the picture of Maddie's ticket on your phone. "They found it in the woods not too far from here."
After yesterday's series of unfortunate interruptions, you and Wally had ensconced yourselves halfway up the rows of spectator seats in the stadium. Apart from a groundskeeper on the field and a maintenance worker floating about the upmost level of the grandstand, you were blissfully alone.
You sat sideways, Wally's varsity jacket balled up and shoved behind your back so the armrest wouldn't dig into your spine (his idea). Your knees were bent over the armrest that divided your seat and Wally's, socked feet on his lap, lounging as comfortably as was possible in your position.
Wally, meanwhile, held your ankle, thumb occasionally stroking under the hem of your jeans, and had his legs splayed wide to accommodate their length in such a tight space. Arm stretched across the backs of your seats, fingers of his other hand absentmindedly lifting and placing strands of your hair at the back of your head.
It was nice. Casual. Totally and utterly attuned as if sharing space was routine. You weren't a closed person, naturally. Weren't entirely open, either, but you were the normal amount of tactile amongst your friends. And still, after knowing them since baby teeth (minus Mathilda and Eli, who'd come into the fold during the latter half of your freshman year) you couldn't recall a time you'd been this snuggly with any of them.
Once again, you'd spent the night with your nose in the gutter of every book you'd thought would be relevant, and not one had had even the insinuation of an answer. Albeit you and Wally had mutually agreed to put your connection on the back burner in favor of solving Maddie's missing body problem, symptoms were still worth noting.
"Alright," Wally crooked his arm at the elbow and propped his head on his fist, "Mr. Anderson paid Maddie off."
"But he's paranoid, so he decides to tie up loose ends and remove Maddie from the equation."
"He lures her to the boiler room, attacks her, manages to hurt her enough to get blood on the walls, and then..." Wally's voice and expression went dubious, "Maddie runs?"
Things weren't adding up. You could slot the facts into a neat little order, but there were too many holes to hold up your coma theory. Or any theory, for that matter, that didn't involve Maddie's body decomposing in a ditch somewhere.
You sighed heavily and slouched further into your seat, head falling back. Puzzle pieces floated in the abyss, waited for you to put them where they belonged, but they were just blobs of color and there was no picture for reference.
"She ran for it," You picked up where Wally left off, following the breadcrumbs, "Mr. Anderson goes after her. He catches up to her in the woods, knocks her out, hides her somewhere."
"Like, not on school property?" Wally wanted to know, doubt in his creases.
You lifted and dropped a shoulder, "It's possible. If he was able to pin her down and sedate her." Wally's expression remained unchanged. "The girl weighs a breeze soaking wet, Wally. I don't think he'd have much trouble carrying her around, even if she was dead weight." You heard it a second too late, insisted, "Not like that."
Wally shook his head, brushing off the idea altogether, "Babe, she's haunting the school."
And why was he talking to you like you had letter blocks for brains?
"Yeah, and..?" You tried not to let your annoyance slip into your tone, but seriously, while you were sure it hadn't been his intention, you felt condescended to.
Wally caressed your foot, soothing, soft. A bid to listen openly instead of leaping down his throat as you'd been winding up to do. "We haunt where we die, pretty girl." Then added as an afterthought, "...Or are drugged out of our bodies by shady high school staff."
That didn't clear anything up. Ghosts could haunt anywhere they wanted on a whim. You knocked the information around in your mind for a moment, absorbed what Wally had said, and then, sitting up and tilting forward, registered, "Are you stuck here?"
Slowly, treading ice that could give under him at any moment, Wally verified, "Yeah. Whenever we step off school property, we end up back where we died." He glanced at the five-yard line warily. "It sucks."
You actually needed to get a functional To-Do List together, because things were spilling into a sea of fuckery in your brain and you couldn't sort it out.
"Wally," You breathed in and out deeply before continuing, "That's not normal."
The world fell away as your words penetrated. Wally stilled, didn't breathe, didn't blink, didn't make a sound. As if he could stop the truth if he stopped himself first.
He'd known. Known it like common sense; the feeling like looking at a green sky and knowing it was supposed to be blue. Like being sick from Day One yet knowing that that wasn't what healthy felt like. Wrong wrong wrong.
In the earliest days succeeding his untimely demise, Wally had tried to leave the school.
Not to follow his mother home after she'd donated his trophies and helmet to display in the stadium entrance. Not to join his friends in Rodney's basement to get stoned after his memorial service. Not to break his own heart by stalking Jenny to the motel where she and her second choice prom date, Gary fucking Reid, lost their virginities together.
Rather, to go for a walk for the sake of getting some air. Despite having been flung back to the field multiple times by then—a lesson that had drilled into him the habit of remaining perpetually vigilant of his surroundings—Wally had had this deeply rooted understanding that he could travel beyond what the barrier permitted.
So much so that, one evening, he hadn't kept track of where he'd been going (partly because he'd trusted himself to veer away from the perimeter, but mostly because he'd been relaxed. Not actively chasing down a loved one). It'd been an unconscious series of actions; one foot in front of the other, listening to Eddie Money's Can't Hold Back on a Lost & Found walkman, strolling into the thin smattering of trees on the edge of the grounds, and then wham—
Back to Start.
It had happened a few times after that, too. Rhonda would cackle around her lollipop du jour, roll her eyes, and tell him to, "Get smart, Jockstrap."
When Charley had come along, he'd experienced the same thing. And then Ajay and Katelynn. Learning the lesson after the lesson had been learned. Mr. Martin had calmly and wisely informed them that it was merely the result of not having internalized being dead yet.
But that hadn't sat right with Wally, similar to having been given the excuse of roughhousing when he'd caught his parents in a compromising position one innocuous summer-break afternoon before he'd aged into double digits.
"Babe..." Wally croaked, just above a whisper, the weight of what you'd unveiled slamming into his chest and leaving him winded, "What are you saying?"
Your eyes, marbled and bright—though not outright glowing like they had in the theater—stared right into him for a moment. You were obviously calculating what it meant that Wally couldn't leave the high school, all the hows and whys flittering like dust motes between you and him.
"Unless you're a residual haunter, like Mina or Yuri, you should be able to go wherever you want. How long have you been stuck?"
Wally's throat clicked when he swallowed, "Since I died."
You snatched your hand back as if scalded, wrapped your arms around your middle, and said to the air, "That's not possible."
"I mean, maybe it is?" Wally attempted, stitching together his own theories based on what he'd learned as an actual dead person. "It's not like ghosts wrote those books you read. Maybe whoever wrote them got it wrong."
Shaking your head, "Actually, babe, they did. Not the physical copies, obviously, but how else do you think the authors got the information?"
Wally didn't know how to answer that. Didn't know if he could answer a lot of things anymore. Did he even know how to properly be dead? Shoving the existential crisis aside, Wally sat up straighter and caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling your attention back to him before he lost you down a rabbit hole.
"Maddie's stuck here too." He said, circling back, "We can't leave and, so far, no outside ghosts have come in. If she's a ghost here, then she became a ghost here."
You inhaled, held it for four counts, and then released the breath through your nose. Centering yourself. Wally had seen you practice the technique a few times by now and knew it meant you were overwhelmed.
"Take your time, baby." He said, moving to cup the side of your head, nails scratching your scalp to diminish your stress.
Finally, you presented your hypothesis. "Mr. Anderson attacked and sedated Maddie here enough to put her in a coma. He'd have to hide her, though. No way he'd be able to carry an unconscious student out of the school without someone catching him." Wally resumed stroking your ankle, encouraging you to keep going, "He stashed her somewhere? But where the hell could he do that without someone noticing?"
"Plenty of places," Wally admitted, "The school's got a lot of dark corners, trust me."
You did. Wally felt it through the connection, a solid cord from his heart to yours.
"Alright. If we follow that yellow brick road: Mr. Anderson relocated her body," You lit up, words spilling into each other as you worked things out, "but whatever has you stuck here has her stuck here, too, so she couldn't go after her body. Which explains why she's still In Between."
"Still haven't told me what that is, by the way." Wally reminded you. He was behind you all the way apart from that tidbit, unable to properly form an opinion with no knowledge on the matter.
Curling back up into a cozy little ball in your seat, you happily walked Wally through it.
"It's exactly what it sounds like." You said, "It's a plain between plains."
"Yeah, pretty thing, you're going to have to dumb it down more." Wally huffed a chuckle, comfortable admitting that he needed you to define every word in the magical dictionary.
Smiling, "Think of plains like different worlds. I'm in the living world, you're in the dead world, right?"
"Got it."
"Now, pretend there are doorways into those worlds. In Betweens are the spaces between the doors." You pulled the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth and Wally's attention immediately slipped, the urge to lick into your mouth making him twitch. Sweetly unaware, you back-tracked slightly and tried a different avenue, "Maybe not doors, maybe clear glass walls?"
"The door thing made sense. I mean, I think I get it. In Betweens are those places that anyone can access, whereas the living world is just for the living and the dead world is just for the dead. Am I close?"
"For the most part, yeah." You beamed and Wally had to stifle the desire to puff out his chest and preen. "Not anyone can access In Betweens, but if your soul can travel, that's where you go."
"So, when you project, you're in an In Between." Wally stated, though he was hedging for clarification.
"Exactly." You perked up, "I have notes for you, actually."
He went marshmallow-soft at the notion of you staying up late to write out your research for him. That you'd been thinking of him, considerate and willing and thoughtful in a way Wally hadn't been subject to in so long it may as well have never happened before, made his heart swoon.
Wally smirked, slanted forward, flirtatious and bold, and slid his hand from your ankle to your thigh, "Gonna let me copy your homework, baby?"
"Gotta get those grades up before the big game." You played along, flirting right back, "Don't want you kicked off the team."
Without hesitation, Wally struck, halfway out of his seat, hand gripping the armrest behind you to hold himself up. He loomed over you, little thing that you were, squished into your seat and completely caged in by him. He hovered, listened to your breath hitch, and watched your eyes soften.
"Lucky to have a girl like you on my side, then, huh?" Wally said, voice low, tightly controlled, closing the distance between your lips in increments.
You reached up, held his face in your hands, "Damn right, big shot," and then pressed in.
A throat cleared somewhere over Wally's shoulder, from behind and moderately above, and drove him back into his seat at Mach speed, his hold on you resituating to a socially acceptable place on your ankle. The interruption was accompanied by that arcing of gravity that emitted from a living body which meant Wally was once more on the outside looking in.
"Okay there, hot shot, time to get moving. Students aren't s'posed to be up here outside-a game time." The maintenance worker said, illicit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.
Wally noticed the man wasn't quite looking at you, and, for the first time, Wally had to wonder what the hell people saw when you and he were together while you were still in your body.
You pulled yourself up as fast as the angle allowed you to without injury, foot still tucked in Wally's lap. As soon as your head peeked above the back of your seat, the maintenance worker clutched a hand to his heart and plucked the cigarette from his lips.
"Jesus, girl, you can't do that to folks." He scolded you, southern accent thickening, "Lookin' like a zombie comin' out the grave or what."
"Sorry," You said and sounded as puzzled as Wally was by the man's overreaction.
"Just hurry up and get goin'." His eyes swept in a strange pattern, away from you then back then away, fixing on a point that would be Wally's nose if he weren't invisible. "You kids these days thinking you can be wherever you wanna be, huh? No respect for the rules, like they don't apply to you..."
God, this guy. "Can it, asshole. Give her a minute to get up." Wally snapped, ignoring the fact that the man couldn't hear him. Bolstered by that truth, Wally decided to shove in the man's face, "Bet you're bent outta shape because all that nicotine makes your dick about as useful as a wet napkin."
He heard you choke on a laugh that you quickly masked with a cough.
The man squinted, lips pursed in aggravation. Surprisingly, he departed with no more than a swift, "Get gone!" and stuck his half-burned cigarette back into his mouth.
Wally glared after him as he marched up the stairs toward a ladder stood under a curtain of wires and metal that spilled from an opened section of the ceiling. Clearly, the man had been in the middle of fixing something when he'd seen you.
"Fucker." Wally grumbled. He patted your leg, pressed a kiss to your knee before he released you.
"I appreciated the support," You giggled, "Even if it doesn't do much on my side of things, it's nice to know you have my back."
"I always got you, baby." Wally vowed as he unfolded himself and rose to his feet, couldn't help tacking on, "Every bit of you," with a wink that made you pink up so prettily.
You wetted your lips, ducked your face into your shoulder; shy after you'd been caught in a what might’ve been a very awakward position. "I'm starting to get that."
Wally let you take the lead, enjoyed how you brushed up against him as you shuffled out of the row and onto the stairs. He shot the maintenance man one last angry look before he trailed you across the field and out of the stadium.
At the top of the grandstand, feet from the ladder, the maintenance man examined his cigarette through a profoundly glum expression. Years of his life burned away to ash.
With a grunt, he dropped it to the ground and crushed it under the thick sole of his work boot, simultaneously pulling the crumpled, two-from-empty pack out of his breast pocket and whipping it into a nearby trashcan.
note: friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! i'll be traveling about 4 time zones back tomorrow and might not have the opportunity to write again until Monday 😔 i'll get the next part up as soon as i can, though, i promise. definitely before the end of next week 🫶
if you'd like to be kept up to date, please FOLLOW ME and TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS, since the taglist has malfunctioned 🙈 i'm still adding ppl to it, but i can't guarantee that it'll notify you when i update 💀
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kaplerrr · 1 year
König saves the day
Warning: based on a true story (based on two true stories actually), I am terrified of spiders and so is the reader in this one, König saves the day and prevents me you from having a stroke, fluff, König's your neighbour, first meeting??? Sort of ?? and you're referred as "small"
I need to vent because there was a f*cking spider in my room but no König to help me 😔😔😔
König was laying on the couch as he lazily scrolled through his phone. On his left was a glass of a warm beverage that was waiting to be drank, the weather was cloudy and windy and he was feeling at peace. A peace he rarely felt before. He sighed happily, turned off his phone and let his hand rest on his chest. He closed his eyes, the simpleness and the calmeness of his flat that he has missed so much for months were magically soothing his body, lifting an invisible weight off his shoulders. He felt himself dozing off, when-
Knock knock
A knock, so quiet he thought he had imagined it. He jumped on his feet, walking to the hall, looking the door as if it did something wrong.
Knock Knock
He quickly grabbed a mask, covered the bottom half of his face and opened the door.
And he looked at you.
His small neighbour.
You were looking terribly embarrassed, your eyes going wide as you looked at him and tried to maintain eye contact. He rose an eyebrow, confused and slightly worried. He wouldn't call you a friend, you were polite, kind and respectful but you never had a true conversation together. And honestly with his job he wasn't surprised, he was absent more often than not and he really wasn't one to go out and get friendly with people. But you seemed like a kind person for sure. You were for now his stressed neighbour.
And it was stressing him.
"Can I... Help you ?" He asked, unsure of what to say as an awkward silence settled.
You cleared your throat and tried to explain the current situation "Yeah, hi, hmm... I'm sorry that is so embarrassing but-" you stopped, your cheeks burning in shame "I mean.. I'm sorry to bother you but-"
"theresaspiderinmylivingroomandicanthandlethosethings" you said quickly, hoping he would understand.
He blinked, trying to understand what you had just said "Eh.. I'm sorry I didn't catch that, a spider ?"
You grimaced and sighed, trying to calm down "There's... A spider in my living room. And, the thing is, I'm very bad at handling those things, I just can't, they're- they're terrifying and... I mean, if I'm not bothering you, could you... Could you please help me get rid of it? Please ?" You hide your face in your hands, mortified. You were a grown up, you weren't supposed to bother other grown you barely knew up because of your fears.
König felt himself relax again and he wanted to sigh in relief that it was nothing dangerous but hold it back as he thought you might interpret this the wrong way.
Instead he smiled, eyes crinkling and nodded.
"Ja, of course, don't worry about it !" And just like that he stepped out of his flat, following you to yours.
As he saw how hesitant you were to enter your own flat, he suggested you to stay out for a minute so he could quickly eliminate the spider and bring you peace. You vividly agreed, thanking him profusely.
The spider was... Small. (no, you're just too tall konig) He didn't know what kind of spider he was expecting but now at least he understood how phobic you were. "I'm sorry little guy, nothing personal." He said before getting the job done.
"Thank you so much ! It means a lot, you prevented me from moving to a new place." you said only half joking, eyeing your walls fear running through your veins at the very idea of another spider intruding your home.
König noticed the quick glances you were giving to walls. "Do you want me to check the other rooms to make sure that no spider remains?" He asked kindly.
You paused for a moment. You wanted to say yes so bad, you were being paranoid about those spiders. But you didn't want to push your luck, your neighbour has done so much already you didn't want to overstep.
As you were gathering strength to refuse politely, you looked into his eyes. Beautiful baby blue eyes shining with kindness. He wasn't judging you and you wanted to believe that he wasn't asking that just out of politeness.
Your strength disappeared as quickly as it appeared and you sighed sheepishly "if it doesn't bother you, I would really appreciate that."
As soon as you said that, he disappeared, checking thoroughly each room. When he was satisfied, he came back, two thumbs up "your flat is spider free." He chuckled softly.
Your laugh was nervous even if you were feeling a little more at ease "I really don't know how to thank you enough for what you did" you smiled. Then your eyes widened "I'm sorry, I don't even know your name !" You quickly extended your arms, telling him your name, feeling silly for not asking that earlier.
"I haven't really thought about it either, so don't worry, we're even. I'm König" he said shaking your hand.
"Well, nice to meet you König." You beamed. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to thank you ? We can grab coffee sometime. Like tomorrow or Friday ? If you're fine with it, of course !" You cringed at your failed attempt of gratefulness that sounded more like a very bad flirting line.
König blushed but couldn't help laughing slightly, eyes so beautifully expressive.
"A coffee sounds great ! Friday's perfect."
It's 2am, i should be sleeping, but here I am instead 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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rainba · 1 month
ohmigosh wait i have an idea:
So Kairo and Luka, with a darling that is yandere…
for someone else ^u^ so chaotic.
imagine that any efforts that kairo and luka make to get rid of these outliers in their picture perfect fantasy with their darling is blocked FIERCELY by their darling themselves =w=
Their darling, yandere… For someone else!?
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To be totally honest, Luka would react to it strangely. There’s a huge part of him that’s kind of angry and jealous, but there’s also a part of him that thinks it’s a little… Thrilling?
Luka's perfect life is being blocked off by you. You’re both his greatest enemy and the center of all his fantasies.
...And that makes you even more enticing to him.
The fact that you’re a yandere must obviously mean you’ve done some fucked up things in the past. So… Luka would absolutely blackmail you. After all, it's the easiest way to catch and hold your attention! With a dark and smug look in his eyes, he’d say something along the lines of, “you should listen to me, if you don't want your ‘love’ to discover what you've done.”
If the blackmail works? He’d practically have a field day. Luka would force you to go out on dates with him, spend time at his house, make you delete all the photos you have of your beloved from your phone, etc. Over time, he’ll slowly attempt to chip away at your love for the other person and will make you obsessed with him instead. ^^;;;;;;
But if none of that is enough, he’ll switch tactics. Now he’ll try to make your beloved into someone completely undesirable.
Luka will destroy the person’s belongings, cut and mess up their hair in their sleep, leave death threats at their door so that they become reclusive and paranoid, etc. Whatever he needs to do, he'll do it.
…And if none of that works, Luka will simply find a way to make your beloved move far, far away. ^^;;;;; If you try to leave too, though, that’s when he’d just resort to kidnapping you. 
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For Kairos... He wouldn’t be nearly as thrilled as Luka. The moment he learns that you’re literally obsessed with someone else, he would break down sobbing; hyperventilating as he wonders why it isn’t him that you love instead. Life is, once again, pulling a cruel and twisted joke on him. (ノω・、)
But... He would refuse to give up! Kairos’ first reaction would be to start stalking your beloved, on top of stalking you. He takes notes and learns everything about the person you love, studying them day and night. Then he’d start trying to act like them. ^^;;;;
If the person you love is very outgoing and friendly? He’ll act just like that, too! (Although... He wouldn't be very good at it, so that means the act wouldn't last very long.) (╥_╥)
If your beloved dresses in pastel clothes and listens to pop music? S-sure, he’ll, um… He’ll do that too...!
But if all of these things fail to catch your eye, he’ll give up the act entirely and try something else. The idea of doing blackmail crosses his mind every now and then, but he’s not bold enough to try it on you.
He could kidnap you, but the living situation would be… Less than ideal. 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。Having you tied up in his bed 24/7 does sound nice, but he knows you wouldn’t really be happy like that– and he’d also be scared of not having enough money to feed the both of you.
So, what does he end up doing? He’d do everything in his power to make you fall in love with him! Flirting with you, getting you small gifts, texting you a lot, etc. And if you push him away? He’s not above getting down on his knees while crying and begging you to obsess over him instead. (。•́︿•̀。)
...Also, murder is always an option, even if it's just a last resort...! If your beloved is dead, then you'll have nobody else to love except Kairos! Right...?
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hello, I've read about your post about yoriichi's headcanons and I love them!
Just thinking can I request a headcanon about reader jealous about Yoriichi being pestered by another woman? and how would he react after finding out his s/o's jealous?
thank you!🌹
I'm so glad you loved them! ^^
You must certainly can request that, anon! That is a very interesting scenario.... Lets get into it!
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You and Yoriichi lived a humble life. You would both go to work, and then come home to each other. Sure, sometimes people would hit on you, but you'd always tell them that you were taken. You were faithful to him and expected the same in return. No matter who hit on either of you, the other would be the first to know and the third party stood no chance of disrupting your romantic union, as you were two devoted people in love.
This was how things were and how you believed they always would be.
That was, until she showed up.
You always liked to watch Yoriichi walk home from work, on your comfy queen-sized mattress, gazing out of the window roughly fifteen minutes after his shift ended; seeing him walk briskly back to you just filled you with an inexplicable jubilation. However, about two weeks ago, you observed something horrifying: he started walking home with a despicably beautiful young woman who you had never seen before. Soft-spoken, he would never say much, so she did all of the talking.
Every day, the same thing would happen: you would stare out of your window after his shift, he and the woman would stop outside your house and say their goodbyes, then he would be home. He never said anything about the woman, which made you paranoid. Why didn't he ever speak of her? Was she his dirty little secret, something he was trying to hide? Was he cheating on you?
One day, you decided you couldn't hide your emotions anymore. You exclaimed how you felt dramatically, voice cracking due to all the feelings that had bottled up; you told him that you knew about the woman, that you wanted an explanation, and that you were worried about what this woman could mean to him.
After you were finally done, Yoriichi, calm as the gentle waves brushing against a rock, cupped your cheek lovingly and said these words:
"My love, it has been weeks and I still don't even know her name."
Your eyes widened. If he didn't know her name, that meant-
"She is nothing to me but a co-worker. In fact, I still don't even know why she wishes to follow me home after work, but people have their reasons. Perhaps she is simply afraid to walk alone." He explained, relaxed.
You felt a little embarrassed. This was the first time jealousy had ever been a factor in your relationship, and it was ultimately over nothing. "I-I'm sorry.. We've just built such an incredible relationship, and then I saw this new woman and I just-" you were stopped abruptly by a warm finger meeting your lips. That same silky hand then navigated down to your shoulder, massaging it calmingly.
"Please, you don't need to explain yourself, Y/N. I understand." You looked up and saw nothing but sincerity residing in his maroon stones. Immediately, you felt all of your embarrassment wash away. He saw no fault in you whatsoever, and if a woman that beautiful was really nothing to him, then your relationship had to be secure. It was clear to you in that moment he wanted you and only you.
Then, you kissed him firmly on the lips with burning passion for your beautiful man. He was a little taken aback, but relaxed into the kiss and even offered some initiative of his own, interlocking his tongue with yours. He cupped your face with his hands as you two continued to kiss.
He then whispered something in your ear, words you wished to capture in a jar and keep forever: "You are the only one for me, my dear... I beg of you to never forget that."
Ultimately, I believe Yoriichi is the kind to be very cool-headed in a situation like this. He wouldn't shame his S/O at all for experiencing jealousy, but would simply inform them of the truth, then comfort them after. I hope you liked this anon! <3
(NGL I kind of wrote this twice since the first time I accidentally deleted the entire thing HAHAHAHA I think it came out even better the second time though so perhaps it was a blessing in disguise?? anyways defffff had to harness my inner Yoriichi to not get mad when I deleted my first draft lolol)
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Fuck, I'm here again. Goddammit. I've been doing well. I've been keeping Jiang Cheng off my mind (and my computer screen). Things have been peaceful.
And then today happened.
Again, a fic. Again, not naming names, both because that's rude and also because this issue is hardly specific to one fic alone. I've seen it many times.
But I've been pacing for half an hour, too agitated to keep reading, so I'm just gonna get this off my chest, and then skim through the fic 'til it stops talking about it.
I need to talk about the golden core reveal.
Specifically, I need to talk about an attitude I've seen cropping up recently in a lot of fics. (By recently, I don't mean it's only recent fics that do it, just that I've only noticed it recently.)
So it'll be a fic, usually canon divergent, but prior to the golden core reveal. Wen Ning or Wen Qing will often be involved (though I can think of a few times it was Lan Wangji). And the character, who knows the truth about the golden core transfer, will urge Wei Wuxian to tell Jiang Cheng.
They'll say "you have to tell him". They'll say "he'll find out eventually". They'll say "he deserves to know".
And... the fic will support this.
Will frame Wei Wuxian as irrational, paranoid even, to keep it secret.
Will sometimes even punish him, narratively, for his "failure" to disclose such a thing.
And I am... completely baffled.
Where the fuck is this coming from?
I suppose, if I'm being generous, I can kind of see why an individual sympathising with Jiang Cheng might have a knee-jerk reaction to this. If you see them as being essentially family, the idea that a family member that you love deeply, keeping what amounts to both a huge sacrifice and a massive disability from you would be extremely painful. You might feel hurt, that they didn't tell you. Angry, at the implied lack of trust.
I get it, as an emotional response you might have in the moment. I don't find it particularly relatable, but I can follow the thought process.
But like... that's an emotional response. Surely, at some point, logic has to kick in, right?
Because the thing is. Okay, there's two aspects to the secret, right? One, is that a medical procedure was done to Jiang Cheng, sort of like an organ transplant, I suppose, but he wasn't told that the organ was donated by Wei Wuxian. And the other is that Wei Wuxian made this huge sacrifice for Jiang Cheng, and didn't tell him.
But thinking about this for even five minutes should tell you that... neither of those things are actually Wei Wuxian's responsibility to deal with?
The first one is the by far the more common argument I've seen. I've read fics where Wen Ning and Wen Qing are tortured with guilt over having performed the procedure without telling Jiang Cheng all the details. I've even seen people have them blame Wei Wuxian, for demanding they keep it secret, had them secretly resent him for it. He's portrayed as deeply selfish, for keeping the truth of Jiang Cheng's operation from him.
But the thing is... if you're going to apply modern medical ethics to the situation... Wei Wuxian was in the right? They all were?
Under modern medical ethics, you have no right to know the identity of your organ donor. That can feel a little weird (it's probably why people often have a knee-jerk reaction that demands the opposite); after all, it's my body, shouldn't I have a right to know where the organ that goes in it comes from? What if it has cooties?
But according to medical ethics, the donor's right to medical privacy is more protected that the recipient's right to that information. Right to medical privacy is pretty highly valued; it kind of ties into body autonomy, which is kind of the keystone of... most modern ethics. You have a right to control what happens to your body, and that includes controlling whether or not people know about any medical conditions/procedures. So you might have an emotional response, thinking Jiang Cheng is valid for being upset that his golden core came from Wei Wuxian without him knowing, but... ethically, Wei Wuxian has the right to withhold that information.
But! some scarecrow says, If a person has the right to control what procedures happen to their body, surely that means Jiang Cheng has a right to control what happens to his own body! Therefore, the procedure was still unethical, because he didn't know everything!
And I say, well... not really. The reality is, we don't actually know how much Jiang Cheng was told. He was told to walk up a mountain, lie to the person he encountered about his identity, and ask for a golden core. And he left that mountain with said golden core... but we don't know how much Wen Qing told him when he reached the top. We know he believed Wen Qing was the Baoshan Sanren. We know he received a fully developed core, not just the ability to form a new one. Was he told that the core was from someone else? Were there signs of the transfer? Did he know the chance of success/failure? Did he not find any of the situation dubious?
(Did he really spend two and a half years fighting a war alongside, and then running a sect for a year with, someone and not realise they didn't use orthodox cultivation even once?)
The truth is, a doctor is required to inform a patient of risks, and answer any questions they ask. Wen Qing may well have disclosed the risk (if there was any to Jiang Cheng, other than potentially the transfer failing) prior to the surgery, we just don't know. We don't have any evidence that Jiang Cheng asked any questions, and from what we see in the novel, it seems likely that he simply didn't want to know. He got a core, his life was somewhat back on track; we never see any evidence of curiosity or confusion in him as to the specifics of how that happened.
The only lie we are sure that he was told was the identity of the person who he met on the mountain, who "gave" him the core. I could be petty and point out that as he was also lying about his identity, it kind of cancels out, but that would be a bit ridiculous, and unnecessary besides. The truth is, ethically, Wen Qing could have knocked him out and performed the surgery from the comfort of her own office. Because one of, if not the main reason you can ethically violate someone's body autonomy... is to save a life. And Jiang Cheng, after losing first his family and sect, and then his golden core, displayed clear suicidal ideation. He indicated, repeatedly, that he wanted to die. He refused food. Wei Wuxian even doubled checked, before giving him hope of getting a new core, that he was serious! (Rereading that scene is horrible; Wei Wuxian's dread, and eventual resignation/resolve becomes very apparent once you know what's happening).
The characters around him, including a trained doctor, believed that if he didn't get a new core, he would give up and die. Under those circumstances, a doctor has authority to make medical decisions, without a patients consent, if they believe it is a medical emergency. Wen Qing was an unquestionably brilliant doctor; if she believed doing the surgery was the right/necessary decision, who the hell are we to dispute her?
So, to be clear, under modern medical ethics (which seems to be what is being applied in these claims), Wen Qing has the right to do whatever surgery she feels necessary to save the life of her patient, no consent needed, and Wei Wuxian has the right to keep his identity as the donor a secret, since that's his own private medical history. Modern medical ethics (a bit ridiculous, when talking about magic powers, but I've seen the argument) supports our protagonist.
Now, onto the other thing. This is a lot less... ethics discussion and a lot more feels-bad-so-wrong type thing. Wei Wuxian kept the loss of his golden core a secret.
Jiang Cheng being upset by this is understandable. Like I said, I can follow the emotion/logic. Someone keeping a big secret from you can be hurtful.
But just because it's hurtful to you, doesn't mean they're in the wrong to do it!
If someone I cared about kept a massive secret from me, and I found out, I'd be upset! But my first thought would be 'Why did they feel they couldn't tell me?' And the answer here is obvious; Wei Wuxian didn't think he could tell Jiang Cheng because he knew he'd be horrible about it! Wei Wuxian admits, after the reveal, that the process of losing his core was distressing, and that he wasn't as okay with it as he pretended to be. If something like that happens to you (not... that it can, but, you know, equivalent), and you're struggling to hold it together, the last thing you want is someone you care about yelling at you about it, insulting you, making you feel bad for what happened!
Wei Wuxian didn't tell Jiang Cheng because he knew Jiang Cheng would be awful to him because of it. Jiang Cheng's jealousy when they were young was something Wei Wuxian felt he had to manage*, and he knew Jiang Cheng would feel inadequate if he realised his accomplishments were made with Wei Wuxian's core. And he would then lash out at Wei Wuxian for it, at a time when Wei Wuxian was already feeling emotionally fragile. Hell, nearly twenty years later, Jiang Cheng getting up in his face was enough to cause a Qi deviation; I can't imagine it would have been better any sooner!
No one wants to think of the people they love keeping secrets from them. And sometimes, people who keep secrets are doing it for their own sake, because they're scared, or unsure, or guilty, or whatever. But sometimes, when a person keeps a secret, the reason is not internal. If someone acts horribly to you when you tell them things, you're going to stop telling them things. And the person responsible for that gap in communication is them; all you're doing is protecting yourself.
And before anyone thinks that I'm assigning reasoning to Wei Wuxian that he doesn't have; he essentially admits it. After the reveal, Wei Wuxian states that he knew Jiang Cheng would react badly (though he didn't expect it to be quite so bad). Wei Wuxian is shown to have been managing Jiang Cheng's moods since they were young**, it's probably not the first secret he's kept. But that's kind of just... how that works; if a king kills every person who brings him bad news, eventually, all his advisors will only ever bring him good news. And he has no one to blame when his kingdom falls but himself.
SO. tl;dr. Modern medical ethics supports Wen Qing performing the golden core transfer, and Wei Wuxian keeping his identity as the donor a secret. Jiang Cheng can be upset at Wei Wuxian for not telling him that he no longer has a core, but it's not unethical, or selfish, and the nature of their relationship, with Jiang Cheng lashing out with impunity and Wei Wuxian trying to manage his moods, meant that secrets like that were pretty much inevitable. Unhealthy relationships are unhealthy. Truly, newsworthy take.
And one final note, on Wei Wuxian keeping secrets from Jiang Cheng and being portrayed as selfish for doing so; I have yet to see a. single. fic. that says Wei Wuxian keeping his sacrifice secret is wrong, but then goes on hold Jiang Cheng equally accountable for keeping his sacrifice secret. Not. One. Jiang Cheng often tells Wei Wuxian afterwards, that he deliberately got the Wens attention, but he's never framed as selfish for keeping that secret. Not. Once.
* see post-Xuanwu argument, when Wei Wuxian drags himself out of his sick bed, having just woken up from a coma, to reassure Jiang Cheng that he's no threat to his birthright. Because Jiang Cheng was jealous that his father acknowledged Wei Wuxian's skill in surviving, under horrendous circumstances. -_-
** childhood flashback; after arriving in a new place, having a massive change in lifestyle and meeting many new people (and, it seems, trying to make a good impression), Wei Wuxian took the blame for his broken leg, despite it being because Jiang Cheng locked him out of his room and threatened to sic dogs on him. Entirely because he knew one of them would get blamed, and he wanted to keep Jiang Cheng happy. People who grow up with aggressive/abusive family/people around often end up learning to juggle mood changes.
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lavender-jukebox · 9 months
How about parental decepticon stuff? I like the episodes where Tarantulas and Starscream end up as mentor figures
I love this idea...I hope I did it right-
Characters are Starscream, Soundwave, Tarantulas, Shockwave, Breakdown
(Reader is human btw-)
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Will gladly answer any questions you have about himself or about the history of Cybertron
He's protective of you weither you're bot or human.
he'll take you for flights in his cockpit when you've had a bad day and let's you vent whatever you need to.
He tries his best to be a role model for you but thinks because he was a decepticon he isn't good at it
You two have deep talks about the past and listen to eachother
Seems like he doesn't care for platonic cuddles but actually loves them
Likes to praise you for things you've done
Gives headpats
If you ever do anything that could involve you getting hurt, get ready for a stern lecture and a shit tone of scolds when you explain your reasoning
He just wants you to be safe and happy :)
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Probably the most parental decepticon out of them all
NEVER let's you out of his sight and insists you either stay beside him or sit on his shoulder
Gets a little worried if you and Frenzy ever rough house (cause you is a fleshie)
If you wanted, he would teach you how to hack
Has unlimited patience and you test this. All the damn time.
He always knows when's somethings up, but won't force you to tell him if you don't want to
If you want any affection he'll give it to you
VERY PROTECTIVE and will kick someone's ass if they lay a atom on you
He can be stern in more serious situations but doesn't intend to make you upset
If you're ever hurt he goes into mom mode and patches your injuries no matter what size
Likes it when you sit on his shoulder and blabber nonsense. He's all ears to hear what you have to say, no matter how stupid it seems
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Questions himself how he "adopted" a human but goes with it
Always keeps you within a distance where he can pluck you up if he senses danger
If you're energetic he'll let you climb and swing from his extra limbs
Some days you can convince him to play hide and seek
If he sense someone coming, he has a tiny burrow hole your size and hides you in there
A little paranoid if you leave the lab that G.H.O.S.T might find you so you have a little living space
Likes to poke you with his extra legs to make you giggle
Will teach you new things and walk you through whatever inventions he's making
Is happy if you offer to help him
More than happy to comfort you in a situation and has many limbs to hug you better
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He's like the strict dad who has eyes on the back of his head
Ironic for someone with only one eye but-
When you try and sneak out the lab or go for a walk, he'll ask where you're going or what you're doing without even turning
If you give him sass, he'll sass you back and you guys have a lot of playful bickers
Basically "home schools" you but not really
Just teaches you something new every day
Seems like he hates affection but will hold you in his hand or let you fall asleep on him as he works in the lab
Listens to every word you say and gives suggestions to help
You stump him all the time with shower thoughts
He makes sure you're healthy and makes you drink 8 cups of water a day as well as eating meals
Does not take no for an answer
Doesn't matter if you're 10 or a grown ass adult, he'll put you in a corner for time out
Oh he knows you're too old he just does it cause he's petty like that
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Not the best influence but definitely one of the more fun ones
He'll take you on energon runs as he explains to you not to turn out like him
Takes you to an empty street or raceway to absolutely speed
He cracks dad jokes all the time.
If you have a bad day he'll try to make you laugh by jokes or something
He's protective of you to the point where when he knows the littlest thing of G.H.O.S.T in the area, yall are gone
Teaches you how to fight in case of an event where he cannot be there for you
Doesn't mind carrying you or letting you sit on his shoulder
He might be a douche sometimes and moves the shoulder you're on to catch you off guard
Laughs when you swear
I wouldn't say he's like a parent but more so a parent / big brother type of guy
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sessakag · 19 days
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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