#He loves Kiryu very much and he thinks of him and misses him but Majima's whole world isn't actually focused on Kiryu.
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I finished the first and second game and moved onto the third game, finished that and now I'm on the fourth but I can't get over how much calmer and more normal Majima is in general but especially with Kiryu, where's all the obsession gone?
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
Sad day being a majima Stan 😭😭😭😭 how the fuck does Yokoyama miss the mark on majima so bad it's insane 😤😡🤯 anyway glad we got you to keep the love alive 🤗 have an egg during these trying times 🥚
also thankies for the egg 🥺
hi this is Captain CapsLock and I will be in charge of your flight this evening
doesn't understand why the fandom loves a "scary character" THAT'S WHY WE LOVE HIM HE'S A LIL WEIRDO. also he's like not scary whatsoever. like sure theoretically because he's literal yakuza but even in the context of the games? no way he's a total goober are you kidding me
Majima would have nothing to do in the games WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST REPLACE A CHARACTER WITH MAJIMA INSTEAD YALL KEEP MAKING NEW ONES I DON'T CARE ABOUT YES YAKUZA 6 I'M LOOKING AT YOU AND ANYWAY KIRYU'S UP TO SOME BULLSHIT FOR NO REASON AGAIN GET MAJIMA IN THERE CUZ FUCK IT. ngl it always peeved me off that Kiryu and Saejima were the "pillars of the Tojo Clan" then like wtf was Majima the entire time if not babysitting the whole ass organization. yeah I'm showing favoritism but c'mon jklsdkldkl
bruh I knew that stream was gonna piss me off and I was right lmaooo. I already got trauma from being a halo and warhammer fan bro I cannot with this kldskllkd. and here's the thing, I don't want Ichiban's story to be overshadowed by Kiryu's (and by proxy Majima) but also they keep shoehorning them into things while being like okay lol this is the end of it we prommy 🤞
like whoopdidoo what a "send off" for the umpteenth time. I think what hurts most is you can really see how much Ugaki loves voicing Majima and the fact that RGG really wants to leave Majima to the wayside while still putting Kiryu front and center for who knows what reason this time is just hhhhhhhhhh. now of course, this doesn't mean Majima is like, potentially out of the party system all together but if he is? lol okay very cool
I'mma keep making stuff I love cuz bruh I sure as shit ain't getting it from RGG. and like, I'm not naïve. I understand all things come to an end at some point but man I just wish it was satisfactory. maybe it was for other people but not for me. but I also realize I speak from a point of extreme bias. I certainly feel miffed about this more than most but at the end of the day I'm just a silly lil fan shouting at clouds lol so take anything I say with grain of salt
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koorinokujira · 8 months
Yakuza Kiwami is an AMAZING game and I'll shove my love for it in everyone's faces now
So, I kinda realized I didn't make this post yet, and I literally finished Kiwami 2 yesterday, so... whoops? But no matter, better late than never, as they say! Spoilers below, like always, so keep reading at your own risk!
So, Yakuza Kiwami. I've actually seen a full playthrough of it a few years back, so I roughly knew what was waiting for me, but my memory is not my greatest strength, so I luckily forgot most of it. And honestly, even knowing some stuff didn't take away my enjoyment at all!
Now, I gotta say, playing this right after 0 was insane. It made my immersion so much better, and really made me feel things more strongly. I was violently dragged out of the relative peace I got after the whole fiasco with the Empty Lot, the familiar streets with shops and minigames I knew and loved into a new, unfamiliar version of Kamurocho along with Kiryu. It was rough- a lot of things stayed the same or at least similar, but there were enough differences for it to feel like a mockery of all the things Kiryu held dear. He was lost in a place he used to know intimately, and that really got to me, because I had just finished the previous journey with him and Majima.
And slowly unraveling what happened to Nishiki and seeing him fall so far from the bro we used to know genuinely hurt. Especially knowing that he wasn't a bad person before and that he was a sensitive soul that got completely crushed by the circumstances in his life.
As for the story and characters in general, I loved it, it got me in the feels and I was hooked the whole time! While I still think 0 is the best from what I played so far, this story was also amazing. Majima going all out in all the fights and with costumes and disguises, Date-san being an incredibly pathetic man and father who pulled through in the end and sorta sharing that with the Florist, Haruka being a little badass, Reina's tragic, misguided love... there was so much that I adored about this game, and the characters in the main story never really fell flat for me. It also made me love Kashiwagi even more, I just love it when he's there. And the ending was pretty heartwrenching too, though I wish it focused more on Nishiki's death than Yumi's, as I felt their brotherly bond ran way deeper than Kiryu's relationship with Yumi. But that's just my opinion, I still cried and thought it was pretty solid!
Then there are the sidequests. Hoo boy. I have to admit, I didn't really like those that much. They just lacked the spark that the ones from 0 had, and seemed somewhat repetitive in their themes. And there was of course also those very questionable ones. Of course, there were some pretty good ones too! And I had a blast in the whole Pocket Circuit saga, I love Fighter with all my heart.
Speaking of Pocket Circuit, the minigames were still really enjoyable, but I really missed Disco, to be honest. I wish you could groove in a club somewhere at least. The Karaoke gave me whiplash because it was so different (post Yakuza 0 immersion strikes again), and I hated the new version of Heartbreak Mermaid. But I have to admit, I absolutely loved Iji Sakura 2000 and definitely sang it way too many times.
Gameplay was pretty good too! I didn't really like some changes to the fighting system, but overall, it was still really enjoyable to punch everyone in close vicinity. I learned to use Dragon Style a lot more, in 0 I barely used it even though I had it. Tiger drop is spectacular, I will never sugarcoat anything ever again. The upgrade system took some getting used to, but it ended up being my favorite as it was more clear-cut and it was mostly stuff I'd actually use. The Majima Everywhere thingy was pretty fun most of the time! It could get a bit tedious to find specific Majimas, but I got through it like a champ.
So overall, amazing game as the title says, and I will also make another post with some funny screenshots for this game soon! Thank you for reading, and like always...
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Have a great day!
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 1 month
Okay uhhh big 'thoughts and ramblings' dump for the entirety of chapter 1 and and very early chapter 2! Random tidbits and pondering Majima. I'll put Akiyama in a petri dish and study him in another post tomorrow, it's literally 00:35 as I'm writing this and I wanna be coherent for that one.
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I'm sad they got rid of these adjectives before the item names. I got a "creepy tauriner" before this and it gave me a lil' giggle. What was done to it for it to be creepy? Who knows! It's a small thing, but it's a source of amusement for me.
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I might be wrong, but... I get the feeling that this man has a widespread, dedicated and horny feral fanbase. Idk. Just a hunch.
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I thought we were getting 'Ten years in the joint 2: electric boogaloo' for a second. Thankfully Hana (THE GOAT THE MVP THE LEGEND HERSELF) saved the day.
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Also idk who this man is exactly but he's cute so I think he's gonna be nice and cool and I will love him. Maybe he's Akiyama's Date? He seems fun. I like the look in his eyes. I wanna trust him.
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Oh. THANKS FOR THE REMINDER AND RE-BREAKING MY HEART I GUESS??? Nah but seriously. Did Nishiki really indirectly save this man from homelessness and help him rebuild? Incredible. RIP King.
I did NOT miss the names "Shibata" and "Ueno" being thrown around. I've watched enough Y0 playthroughs to remember them. So... are we finally getting the backstory on the whole thing that cost Majima his eye? ARE GETTING THE SAEJIMA COMEBACK???
Okay I'm probably getting too hyped, they might give the backstory now and bring Saejima back in 5 or 6. He WILL be back, I feel it in my bones! they wouldn't foreshadow it in Y0 if not!! But like... no way they don't give us the tea now.
On the topic of Majima: KAMUROCHO HILLS IS BACK, BABY!! Good for Majima!! I wonder if it's actually Majima and co. featuring Google who's building it or if it's an actual team of pros working under the Majima family. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiwami 2 design come back, I'm very fond of it🥺
It tickles my brain in a weird way that Majima has actually had more of a presence in the game than Kiryu this far and we're getting Shibata and Ueno stuff. Is this gonna be like... the Majima Game™? Do I dare hope?
I don't see how Kiryu would fit in the equation based on the story this far. But he's very much at the forefront or the cover art, so I'm certain he'll find his role in the game sooner or later. I have faith in the writers. It's just that this far his presence doesn't feel needed. But, then again, I'm in the EARLY-early game.
Also HANA DESERVES THE WORLD. She deserves a raise, she deserves a long vacation, she deserves praise, a healthy amount of sleep and all the good things in this world. We stan Hana in this blog.
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dragon-business · 11 months
Kiryu and queer customs + Nishida’s touch
Oh, Kiryu learning about queer culture. Code phrases, secret language like in spy movies are all cool of course. But also have the context of the invisible wall, and hiding in plane site, and loneliness and fear. Kiryu knows a thing or two about all this already.
But there’s also the camp, the bars, and safe-spaces, and the relief of having someplace you can just relax and be. And also there’s anger of outlining yourself on purpose, just by not conforming to expectations.
Kink is welcomed at pride and in Majima Constuction ✊ Not cops, tho. Unless they are officer Majima 👉👉
(Nishida struggles 101: is it appropriate to cite your boss's fashion as an example of camp for Kiryu?) (Majima is high camp, expensive af, bright, leather, shoes too cool for this world)
– Kiryu, looking at straight porn: *cringe, disgust, looking away* Kiryu, watching naked men engage in the passionate manly bathhouse battle: *smiling, leaning in, tilting the head*
I feels like after discovering queer scene Kiryu’s tolerance for heterosexual stuff dropped. Can’t even sit through porn with a straight face 👉👉👉
Like, why even care, when martial arts movies exist. No more obligatory blank face sit through girl on balloon action :’D
Discovering he doesn’t have to do it (or enjoy it) was probably a relief, too. Unspoken rules of this world are weird and complex, but sometimes it works out.
(Remember how Kiryu immediately ranted to Rina about how boring the typical routine talks with cabare girls are? How tiresome it is to keep playing this game?) (And after that Kiryu told Goromi, that he doesn’t need to pretend with her, and it’s very freeing)
– In Kiryu’s brain, complimenting Goromi is how it’s Supposed to Be, you say nice things to ladies. But he’s still trying to understand what the rules are around mlm stuff. Gotta approach it right.
After many struggles and frustrations, Kiryu might ask Nishida for advice. His help is very needed. Someone gotta tell Kiryu that giving compliments is alright, and gender should not stop him.
Kiryu “gender is not important” Kazuma should get a moment of enlightenment there. Since childhood he has learned to compliment only the ladies. He made Nishiki and some other boys really uncomfortable a couple of times when growing up, and got told that boys don’t really say nice things to each other like that (it makes them feel vulnerable and defensive).
But still… Even if he and Nishiki would always talk all brotherly, and “hi, assface” eachother, Kiryu will always tell other people that Nishiki has the best taste in everything, great hair, and amazing karaoke voice. Because all of this is not compliments… it’s objective reality.
Kiryu himself doesn't really react when hostesses give him fake compliments, but gets super lost when approached on the street, or when girls poke at some unexpected topic. Like when Rina said he would be popular among men. 
Kiryu is an orphan with social issues, he would’ve loved to hear something nice, even if he doesn’t think he does. But he did tell Rina that he would like to be wooed and praised for once, not the one doing it.
Meanwhile, Majima suddenly got self-conscious about sending Kiryu a gift after Kiwami. Even if he did so much to surprise Kiryu, to train him, to get him to smile as well (it was an unexpected bonus at first, wasn’t really planned, but after the first one Majima started to chase those smiles like the fights)
Majima, holding a cue as a weapon: I came to challenge you! Translation: Kiryu seems to like spending time playing games. Also he smiles more when he is relaxed. Not gonna say anything about the fights then, we’re just gonna play some pool. We’re being chill. This can also be a lesson, right? Probably.
Meanwhile, a year later Kiry is watching construction boys flirt at the bars, and some mlm couples being all gooey: ……??? >C *is a bit sad now* 
He missed so much, apparently. A whole world of things. And Majima is in his denial arc now. Hitting on those “unwanted” feelings hard.
Is there some segway to be so at ease with yourself, to be openly affectionate? Is there a milestone he needs to pass? Kiryu can’t discern it >c It seems to just happen for everyone, and it’s upsetting.
And here Nishida’s help will be needed. Coming to Kiryu smoking outside the bar with a big sad frown on his face.
– If Kiryu voices his frustrations, Nishida can explain that yes, society places a lot of weird expectations on people that couldn't possibly fit everyone. And everyone has to follow them even if it's uncomfortable and even if it hurts, just to be accepted, not shut off.
Sometimes to be true to yourself in this world means being alone, and shunned. So it's alright if not everyone can go for it, this is a heavy life to handle. But that's also why people who don't fit in the "rule and form", they need to stick together. Even delinquents form gangs. And queer people have their communities, and tight friend groups. And they make the world where the things that are taboo or different are safe to exist. That's our lot in life – sometimes, to be ourselves (to do just that!), we have to decide to do it. Have to make the world where we can do it, bit by bit. It can be a bar, or a street, or a family, or just another person you are willing to trust.
Because people aren't made for being alone, Nishida thinks. And they can't live with all of themselves locked away forever.
It's a scary path to take, but it's beautiful, too. Seeing the world from a new angle, seeing the new ways you can live and love, seeing beauty where others don't – it makes the world more beautiful, doesn't it?
So yeah, men can compliment other men, just because they want to. It's as simple as that, and also is not – not for everyone. Some rando in the street can still punch you. But also someone out there probably wants to hear these words, because he's also backed up into a corner by what he's supposed to be in this world.
So you can make a new one, safe and accepting world between each other, Nishida says. That's beautiful too.
Nishida's touch needs to be applied to and absorbed by the best of us. Kiryu was telling Rina to be herself, but it came to be a little bit harder to do in practice. Kiryu for sure will come to admire her bravery. Sure, it's more acceptable for women to be affectionate with each other than it is for men. Raises less eyebrows off the bat. But still, she just goes for it. And it's inspiring, in a way.
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emptylotfiasco · 8 months
my review for yakuza 1 on the ps2 it is a really good game. you should play it forever and ever. i will probably replay it one day or like get round to finishing kiwami cause it was really fun i had a lot of fun with it <3 the minigames are cool and the substories are good and the localisation is funny and worth experiencing for urself but it also like its not a haha play this game cause its so bad its fun it is acutally a good game and i liked it a lot. 10/10 ten million thoughts under the cut
first of all minigames love in heart massage parlour my favourite it is very funny. talking to prostitutes minigame is fun i completed all of them. almost. haruka cock blocked me for one of them. baseball is good it turns me into the devil sometimes but i like it. gambling. suprisingly not that bad everytime i had to do it. i wish they would have let me skip the 60 second long roulette animation because i know that is not real. crane game. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moving on. slot machines. sucked but thats okay idgaf they should have figured out not to put it in subsequent games though. colliseum yeah i did it it was fine pretty typical.
substories were good i did almost all of them excepttt i missed the casino royale one because i progressed the main story too far rawr </3 oh i didnt finish the gangbusters either because i run away from random encounters as much as i can. so i also didnt fight amon. but i like how maybe because ps2 limitations and resource limitations substories were super short and simple. i think in kiwami it was mixing the longer formatted substories with what were originally very basic premises and it didnt work for me. it is what made the substories feel like a slog to me in the remake. but in this game it is easier to gaf about a simple substory when it doesnt take that long to complete. the original game had a lot of the funny ones the one where you give tissues to a guy who ran out of toilet paper in the public bathroom and the one where kiryu picks up a dead guys phone and follows every instruction given to him by a complete stranger until he is eventually hired to kill himself. and the one where tghe guy makes kiryu get all the toys from the crane machine for his sugar baby. and the one where kiryu has to talk a guy down from suicide. and there were ones that werent funny but i still liked like that one with the street artist because I thought it was cool how you can use items from that substory to complete other substories and that one really long chain of substories that takes you all over the map.
Unmm jingu is a shitty villain but I think that has been knew. I thought the story and the way it unfolded was really good until the very last few chapters where the government stuff really kicked in. I did know most of the story already but like. Some parts I liked were helping the counterfeiters at the hostess club and them saying they did a forgery for kazama 5 years ago. The body of the fake mizuki being explained by a a copycat bar that was trying to capitalise on Ares success having someone pretend to be mizuki and that person getting killed. I thought that was cool and interesting I like this level of detail in my weirdly complex crime drama plotlines. I think it was funny that he was voiced by Robert atkin downes. i liked haruka trust meter i thought it was so cute i liked increasing it by buying her things. I think Yumi is interesting and Reina <333 Reina <33 Reina <3 lalalalala Reina <3 kazama. nishiki wasn't interesting but like I've played yakoza 0 so like I know he is so it's fine. Sera... Idgaf like I kind of gaf but not really. I think maybe because the only involvement he had was the jingu stuff and jingu sucks so. That one guy that tortured kiryu. Actually that is an interesting part of his character that I have heard surprisingly little about. Who else. Oh yeah shinji. Anyways. Who else.
Majima category oh yeahhh Majima oh yeah . Majima was awesome because Majima is alsways awesome. People like to say wow can you imagine playing Yakuza 1 on the ps2 and thinking that one day people are gonna want to bone Majima. That must be so crazy so insane. My asnqwr is that you're not a real Majima fucker. I've always wanted to fuck him. I've alwayyysss wanted to fuck him. I was there from the start. And I want to fuck mark hamilljima too. There is no shame in this. I don't care how many polgyons he has the sleazy bpd princess with the steel tipped shoes leather pants snakeskin jacket eye patch knife bat and tits out is a monument to sex. When he threatens that one sex worker and he's like so what do you say you wanna be my bitch I'm like ohhhh do I. plus the whole point og his appeal is that hes kind of ugly. he was pretty in yakuza 0 because they gentrified him that is not the real majima. look at his ugly ass hair cut. hes fourty yhears old and a bowlcut on his head. So if you do nat wanna bone him then you cannot be trusted and I'm the only one allowed to fuck him sorry that's the rules. I swear I was going to actually write a review part here I don't know what happened. I'm just gonna move on.
the localisation is my favourite part of the game i really love how comically vulgar it is it gives me the same enjoyment factor as the silly writing from yakuza 0. it made the game very interesting and i would miss it dearly if it wasnt there. i liked it when kiryu said are you retarded or just deaf. and when yuya said look at you fuckhead. and when kiryu said i did have the urge to hit some balls today. seems like yours are gonna have to do. and when he said step the fuck up its time to die. i loved ten years in the joint fight. come on fucker bring that shit kazuma ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy it made me say its kiryu time and i kiryued all ovedr the millenium tower. the delivery made everything really funny and like ueah it undercut the dramatic moments but it also made me like enjoy the finale scene with jingu because i kept laughing at everything everyone said so i think there was a net benefit. there was two scenes where i thought the english dub delivery made things funnier on purpose. one was where kiryu took haruka to the bath house and he was like its take your daughter- its a social studies field trip and the one scene where date was like lets break open the amulet and reina and haruka were like NO!! and he was like haha nevermind just kidding. and the one where kiryu explains what a bath house is to haruka was funny too. i love this va i think like. as strange as the action hero deep voice is for kiryu when u have not expereinced this game hes also so sooooo awkward. so awkward. and it wraps around to sounding very kiryu. cause like that kind of is him like hes intimidating but hes also awkward and autistic and doesnt know what a cell phone is or how to babysit a child so he lets her gamble away all his savings. by the way his ps2 model has very beautiful eyelashes.
OH YEAH. i like the combat. sorry. i forgot about the central gameplay mechanic of the whole game i got distracted. like of course it is clunky its a playstation 2 game. but it also was really fun <3 i especially liked. i forgot his name but the moveset of that guy that is like the captain of the nishikiyama family is kind of sick and it was cool to fight against. the combat in this game is the exact mixture of satisfying and so frustrating makes me want to rip the skin off my face and eat it that i love. kiwami is also like this. and i liked how short andd snappy the heat action animations were not to say i prefer them but just that like. i guess it made the fights feel fast paced and it felt just as good to do them as the overly animated ones. i liked how even hough some guys had huge healthbars fighting them didnt take ten million kajillion billion years. WAIT but fuck the komaki training i couldnt even complete it cause it was too hard. that was fucked up they were fucked up for that.
i really liked the style of this game i liked the art and i liked the models and. i looked at some of these cutscenes in a very damnn that looks good kind of way. that one post that is like ps2 is peak aesthetic is so true cause it looked really nice at times.
okay the end. do not expect anyone to read this becuse i said it all for myself. i wish i did get round to making the html copy of kiryus blog work cause that is probably where id ramble about yakuza. but i hate java script and also i dont care. so tumblr post.
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hey, i hope life's treating ya well this week! i finished y6 yesterday and came to share some thoughts if you don't mind :)
i think kiryu tried to project on his kids what he wanted kazama to be like as a father, but ultimately kazama'ed all of them, especially daigo. i found the ending of y6 very touching, but that's because i like daigo in all of his bland npc glory, and i agree with a lot of criticism of that ending being somewhat weird, especially when we had so little interaction with haruka, who just. you know. woke up from a coma. i wrote this already in my blog, but i'll repeat myself: that ending would've made much more sense if we had just more of daigo in general amd/or saw his transition from his y2 version to his version later in the series. like, we know haruka and kiryu are close, and we assume daigo and kiryu are close too, but i'd love to see more evidence of it in the actual text. that one substory in y0 clearly wasn't enough. i wish we could have more of haruka, MUCH more of haruka, too. the lack of her agency in y6 after y5 felt frustrating
i did enjoy the game, though. i really liked the callbacks to the previous games. as for side activities, it never seizes to amaze me how the eroge minigames are become just more and more unhinged. but all the missed storytelling opportunities, man
(it's also v funny that daigo's sr card code in clan creator is kiryusavemepleaz. i don't speak japanese and therefore haven't played rggo, but i know about a story where majima lets daigo win him on purpose or something? also the situations daigo's often put in (which are mostly near death experiences), him never getting any kind of resolve with ryuji as well... i think yokoyama kinda hates daigo lmao)
Heya! I sure love thoughts and I sure love talking about Daigo :]
On the note about 'Kazama'ing his kids, I'm going to be ugly and take a minute to interpret what that means if you don't mind.
When it comes to what Kazama did to his kids, he allowed Nishiki and Kiryu to join the yakuza despite knowing the dangers of it at their insistence. Ergo, we see Kazama prioritize the yakuza, telling Kiryu to leave the Dojima situation in Y1 alone. Moreover, despite Kazama lacking faith in Nishiki's abilities as a yakuza, he still expected him to be able to lead a family by himself while he took care of Yumi in hiding.
As for Kiryu and his kids, it was evident Kiryu wanted to be able to parent the kids at Morning Glory- to speculate, maybe as a way to atone of Kazama's messy paretning without outright admitting Kazama had faults. However, his bond with those in the yakuza inevitably kept him coming back, especially in regards to Daigo (who, of course, we find out he sees as a son. In this, it's a case of Kiryu still wanting to be a good parent, but the priorities aren't exactly there). In this (and I've discussed this in a post prior), Kiryu's attempting to spread himself thin when it comes to his family: he wants to help the Tojo, if not predominantly due to Daigo's presence there, but he also wants to father the orphans at Morning Glory. Unfortunately, since Kiryu can justify leaving the kids as Okinawa's a safer setting and he's admittedly at his best in a fight, he ends up leaving for Tokyo every time action's needed.
It's actually Kiryu's constant leaving that had me assume he was writing his letter to Haruka at first during Y6's ending, specifically when he was talking about how he lamented not spending more time with her. On the subject of Haruka, Y6 really did her disgustingly: as soon as she was of age, she becomes a mother and, on top of that, she gets hit by a car and is in a coma the majority of the game and doesn't even get to properly spend time with Kiryu before he vanishes. I genuinely wish and- foolishly- hope one day Haruka can actually get the respect she deserves after having been such an important, prominent, and interesting character throughout this franchise.
To talk about Daigo and Kiryu, the main subject of this ask I feel, I think RGG did as much as they could when it came to demonstrating Kiryu and Daigo's relationship. In Y5, it's revealed that Kiryu believes that people who become close to him suffer (and in this scene in particular, he's referring to Daigo after he gets shot on the roof)- how long he's had this mentality I couldn't definitively tell you, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has been a thought since everyone's deaths in Y1. Because of Kiryu's fear for others' well-being, it can be reasoned that Kiryu might have wanted to keep his distance from Daigo as much as he could lest something go wrong (but of course, he also feels responsible for protecting others, leading him to take action where he should probably leave things be). In Y4, we can see the buds of Kiryu regretting not being there for Daigo when he needed him most, outright apologizing to him for putting him in the position of chairman without any proper training or time. Considering all of this, Kiryu's letter to Daigo aligns with what we've seen: even if Kiryu wasn't able to be close to Daigo and properly guide him like he should have, he still confesses that Daigo was incredibly important to him and he regrets letting that fear stop their bond from deepening.
Daigo on the flip side, we become very aware that he values Kiryu immensely. To return to Y5, at the end of his taxi ride he tries to reassure Kiryu that he's able to carry himself without his help (i.e. 'I'm trying my best to walk this path' after Kiryu kicks him out of the car). Daigo's need for Kiryu's approval is also evident in RGGO: the story with Majima you're talking about is one of his character stories where he first becomes chairman. In this story, Daigo struggles to understand what Kiryu's intention was entrusting him to the Tojo Clan, but once he realizes it, this is his turning point to stop being the brute he was in Y2. To extend on RGGO shining light on Daigo's feelings for Kiryu, during his initial meeting with Mine in Mine's story, he lets Mine know he was so ardent in watching the Tojo at first so he could make 'the man' who put him in that position proud, and later during their bar conversation in another one of Mine's stories, he lets Mine know that while he doesn't consider Kiryu family at this point, he still considers him someone incredibly close to him (and as we see in Y6, Daigo will do a hard 180 on this and proudly call Kiryu his father). To jump back to Kiryu for a second, we can argue that Mine's whole 'what could Daigo see in a man like you' line could have contributed to Kiryu's want to distance himself from Daigo. Because what if Mine had a point: what WAS there to admire in Kiryu? What could Daigo POSSIBLY like about Kiryu, and would it not just be better if he wasn't in his life after- inadvertently- getting him put in a coma? To end this segment on a goofy note, Daigo's clan code being 'kiryuhelpmeplz' is super funny with the father/son lens: Daigo's gotta call his dad to help him out </3
EDIT: In regards to the RGGO story I mentioned here, I misremembered the exact quote and that drastically changes the scene and meaning I'm referencing, and significantly portrays the relationship between Daigo and Kiryu differently from what I've said. For the correct quote and sentiment, please refer to this ask here (x)
In all of this, it's reasonable that RGG couldn't expand on Kiryu and Daigo's relationship, but that's what makes Kiryu's letter so significant. We see from Kiryu and Daigo's sides individually that they saw each other as family, but neither of them were able to confront that fact directly for one reason or another (Kiryu, again, with is fear of hurting those he loves and his general inability to express his emotions perfectly. Daigo might have thought seeing Kiryu as his dad was inappropriate, especially after having had to believe he killed his actual dad). Kiryu lamenting the bond they could have had wouldn't have had the same merit if Kiryu and Daigo were actually able to bond more, but because they didn't and we see they still cherish each other, the impact's there.
My long ugly ramble aside, I'm glad you still enjoyed the game! I don't know if you have any more of the games left to play, but if you ever get around to them I hope you enjoy them!
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skysquid22 · 1 year
i've recently read your minedai fics and they're so good... bangkok necktie especially was my fav but seriously! you write them so well! i'm very excited to see what else you write for them ^^ your fics are some of the best minedai fics have read! thank you for sharing your wonderful work hehe
i was wondering about your experience with the rgg franchise... would love to hear about how/when you got into it, your favorite games/the ones you've played, fav characters or moments in the series overall, etc. ^^
Thank you so much!!!! It feels great to know the works I write are also enjoyed by so many others. The tension and themes I can wring out of these two are incredibly fun to write and as I write more of them, I just find more and more facets to explore. I’m not sure if I’ll ever write more within the ‘universe’ of Bangkok Necktie, but I really should write all the ideas I had for what would happen next in a tumblr post and just share that instead.
Okay so about my RGG journey you gotta promise not to laugh aldjdkdjdndmd
So the only RGG game I’ve played was Y0 back in like 2021 I want to say. I wrote a Kiryu/Majima fic* that I left sitting dusty in my Google Drive until around this past June when I got a sudden and vicious urge to replay Y0, but alas—no way to. Instead I did what I didn’t manage to do in 2021 and just give in and watch the cutscenes for Y1 because I needed the Yakuza fix lol. Later watched Y2, then Y3, and… I haven’t gotten to any of the other ones LOL. I don’t really care about spoilers and engaging in a fandom means I already have an idea of how things play out and some characters, but I still gotta consume those tasty all cutscenes videos on YouTube for the rest of the franchise.
I do want to play the rest of them (particularly Y2, Y7, Ishin, and Y8 eventually), I just don’t have the means to. In terms of favorite characters, I think the order goes Mine, then Daigo, then Majima. I like the formal business types that are actually dangerous, just clicks with me and Majima is just flat out a fun and interesting character. Really, I’m gravitated to the characters I can chew on the canonical information given. Doesn’t have to be much, it just has to lead to interesting examinations. Favorite moments include Mine showing up to Kiryu and his band of friends with his kyodai’s head in a briefcase as an act of apology and just before he leaves decides that he can’t hold back so just shit talks Kiryu’s decisions to his face. Also every scene with Y2 emo Daigo. ALSO that scene in Y0 where Majima is beating the shit out of Lao Gui and Dojima shoots a gun at him and the camera focuses on the missed shot in the wall before focusing on Majima’s Hannya and he says “you can wait your damn turn. I’ll just be a sec. You get to be next.” KING! The cinematography of it all……. Show stopping… love that scene so damn much. Anyway thank u for da ask, always happy for an excuse to ramble about either my own works (future or past) or about things in this series.
*I did at last post it yay and before Minedai took over I do have two half written fics involving Majima that I haven’t touched since July. I’m sure I’ll get around to finishing those two eventually lol…
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Chapter 6 completed! Time for some thoughts:
love our gay bestie Rina, and Kiryu once again proves himself to be a good boy. He doesn't judge based on gender, and doesn't think anyone should
Majima took one HELL of a beating but here's very happily having the longest smoke break. I miss him so much
Date you useless bastard. Love the whole slapping his daughter and going "I'm a failure of a father", you're a funny guy
Also love to see Kiryu kick a door in and send a guy flying
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jayjamjary · 1 month
feel free to tell me to hit google’s line, but i thought you might like the opportunity to infodump and i’m curious. can u tell me about yakuza and what kind of game it is
Okay so I actually don't know a ton, I've only played Kiwami 1 and heard about the rest of the games a bit but I will tell you everything I know !!!!! (That is not spoilers)
So if you hadn't guessed, the Yakuza are a pretty big part of the game series, through from what I've heard later games a a bit less about them. I think they're decently widely known, but if you don't know what the Yakuza are, they're organized crime groups from Japan kinda like the Mafia. But still active and shit. I've seen a thing where somebody actually showed a member Yakuza one of the games and the guy said it was pretty realistic to how the actual Yakuza works and acts but that the main character, Kiryu, dresses like shit (intentional) and that he got into an absurd amount of fights (it's mostly a fighting game so. I think that's a very excusable inaccuracy lol).
The guy you play as at least in the first games is Kiryu Kazuma. He was orphaned as a child and raised by a Patriarch of the Tojo Clan, Kazama (very simular names but they are not related). Patriarchs in the Yakuza run their own families in their clans and can have smaller patriarchs above them. For instance, before Events, the Kazama family was under the Dojima family.
Kiwami 1, which is on of the games most people start with Kiryu being 27, then going to jail for a decade for a murder he didn't commit but took the blame for to protect his really close friends. When he gets out, the Tojo clan is a wreck and one of his friends turned is super unwell and eeeevillllll and the other is missing and a suspect in a massive crime. You spend the game trying to figure out what's going on, beating the shit out of people who are mad at you for the murder you didn't commit, protecting a girl you found in the streets who is now essentially your daughter, trying not to get scammed, being confused by modern technology and the changes in the world since you were in prison, and getting jump by My Favorite Character!!!!!!! Goro Majima!!!!!!!!
Majima is a freak and is obsessed with Kiryu and I think you would really like him too!!!! He is possessive and violent and spends all of his free time watching Kiryu and trying to plan ways to suprise Kiryu and get him to fight him!!!! I love Majima!!!!!!!! There's and entier mechanic in the game called the Majima Everywhere system where he's!! Everywhere!!!! And may attack you at any given moment in a wonder variety of ways!!!! Also he crossdresses!!!!!
Now, I don't know as much about the other games, but I know that Yakuza 0 is a split story that takes place before Kiwami 1 and is about both Kiryu and Majima and about how Majima turned his freak up and about how... Kiryu is being accused of murder again?? Bro can't catch a break. Anyway, they don't know each other until the end of 0, they've really only heard of each other and apparently have some shared finances.
I think the rest of the games focus around Kiryu trying to avoid the Yakuza because he's tired of that bs but the Yakuza being like "Nooooooo Kiryuuuuuuuuu helllpppppppppp you're so good at punching people so hard they die pleaseeeeee come back and punch these people so hard they dieeeeeeeee." And then there's also a guy named Ichiban bar and grill and I think he might be a main character in later games. I don’t know a lot about him but I think he is very beautiful and it is likely I will fall madly in love with him when I finally get to the games he's in.
There's also a lot of cool stuff in the Yakuza game series like mini games! such as karaoke (kiryu is the guy who sings the Dame Dane song if you've heard of it), baseball, billiards, darts, horny card fighting, tiny race car racing, bowling, and claw machines (at least in Kiwami 1). They're also really cool about sex work! And queerness! And it's so fun!
I really recommend playing it if you are able c: It's on the Xbox (free with game pass) and $20 on steam!! Maybe other places too idk. If you have any questions or ever want to vc and watch someone play it hmu !!!!!!!!
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futuresconnected · 9 months
Dec. 17th 2023: Yakuza Kiwami and Granblue Fantasy Versus
Happy Sunday everyone, and welcome to my inaugural journal entry in this project! Lets get into it.
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First up! Over the last few weeks I have been playing through Yakuza Kiwami, the 2016 remake of 2005's Yakuza by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios. I am still very much new to this franchise, but by the nature of being in and around many internet spaces that talk about Japanese games, I have come to know Kazama Kiryu (the main character of most of these games) as if he were a friend of my own.
I played the 7th game in the series, Like A Dragon, back when it came out in 2020, having played at that point half of Yakuza 0 in 2018 and enjoying my time with it even if I fell off and only just recently went back to it. I loved my time with Like a Dragon, and felt that despite a lot of the growing pains of that franchise moving from action-based to turn-based gameplay, RGG really had something on their hands with their new protagonist and game structure. However, I sure was missing a LOT of context, half-remembering playthroughs of Yakuza 4 watched on Youtube and the half-explained recaps of the other games that game provided. With that, I am endeavoring to make my way through this series before I play the upcoming Infinite Wealth. I have absolutely no aspirations to do it all before that game comes out, I think trying to shove six relatively similar games into a few months would be a fools errand, but I am setting a goal for myself to try and get through them all in the next year.
So after finally finishing my 5-year (on and off) playthrough of Yakuza 0 recently, I kept the momentum up and immediately booted up Kiwami. Without knowing much of what has been changed or updated from its original incarnation, my main thoughts at this point are that I am enjoying the combat in the game more than I expected, but I find that this game has a bit less of the heart of 0, at least as far as the substories are concerned. I feel that there were more memorable side characters and side plots in that game than in this one, while the main plot is still full of that same deeply dramatic goodness that I found in 0 and Like A Dragon.
However there are still some heavy hitters to be found in the side cast! The one that has been sticking in my mind strongly is the story of Rina, one of the cabaret club girls that Kiryu can "date" in this game. Rina comes out the gate swinging by letting Kiryu know that the main reason she took the job of cabaret hostess is because she's gay and gets to spend all her time surrounded by cute girls, while Kiryu (friend to all) is a bit confused but ultimately enjoys helping her sort out the joys and frustrations that she experiences as she tries her best to put herself out there and date some ladies.
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Her story really gets to the heart of what I have enjoyed about these games so much, and what makes Kiryu such a fun character to play. For as much time as he spends in the criminal underworld avoiding death at every turn, he's just as happy to make a new connection and do his best to help them get (or keep) their life on track as best he can. (Its also very funny that despite the above screenshot, you do get a gravure video of her as a reward at the end anyway, video games!)
My main other thoughts on this game are that I'm enjoying finding Majima around the city and beating him up, and the character progression feels pretty good once you get the ball rolling on new Heat Moves, more health and meter, and all that good stuff. I think I still feel that the combat in these games is distinctly OK, especially when I've played plenty of other combat-based RPGs that felt much tighter, more intuitive, and satisfying to pull off. However, seeing Kiryu absolutely beat the shit out of someone in a new way when you get a new Heat Move is always going to be fun, that ain't going away.
I'm a bit over halfway done with the main plot of the game, sitting in chapter 8 of 12 or so, and I'm certainly not going to try and go for full completion, but I plan to hit up the Pocket Circuit and do more of those quests, as well as getting more of the Dragon Style moves back from Majima's old mentor in West Park, so please look forward to my continuing adventures in this game.
FGC Corner!
I'll be wrapping up each week with a brief look at how things are going in my journey to be a competent player of Fighting games.
As we speak I am a Plat 3 Cammy in Street Fighter 6, the result of months of hard work and daily play, and I can see the path ahead of me to keep up that grind. The goal is to get to Diamond and eventually Master Ranks, and attend my first National Major at Combo Breaker 2024.
But for now there's a new guy on the scene, and his name is Siegfried.
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This guy has everything I want, which is mostly heavy armor and a big-ass sword to swing around! I've been greatly enjoying Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, and can already feel that this is gonna be a game i'm gonna devote some serious time to. I'm gonna start by learning Siegfried here, and also want to spend some time learning Cagliostro and Narmaya, two other characters that are in new archetypes for me. It's a real saucy game, and I can't wait to see how it develops!
That's all for now, thanks for reading through this. Let me know if you have any thoughts you'd like to share, and I'll see you next week!
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spacevulpix · 10 months
ichiban is such a good character to introduce as a main character in the like a dragon series, idk if i can exactly call him a "foil" for kiryu but there's a few things about them that i love comparing:
kiryu and kasuga are both born with nothing, not even parents, and end up in the yakuza to survive but there's one difference: while kiryu really was an orphan, you find out as yakuza 7 goes on that kasuga is actually the son of a high-ranking yakuza, switched at birth with the son of a prostitute (which, by the way, i found a gamefaqs forum where some people were complaining HARD about this plot twist bc it's so "soap opera-y" and like are we playing the same game series??? these games have ALWAYS been soap operas with gameplay in between!! that's the genre!!! plus if you gave a fuck about the intricacy of storytelling, you could find a million reasons to love this and how it changes something about every single character when you think about how everyone in the story relates to each other!!!)
kasuga and kiryu both went to prison to protect someone else, but while kiryu felt he had to because he was protecting his best friends/found family brother and sister, kasuga is protecting a different high-ranking official who treats him like shit, because his father figure to whom he feels he owes everything, asks him to for the good of their branch of the tojo clan. they're both doing it out of an obligation to someone they love, to keep their found family and their literal yakuza family safe from harm but they're going about it under very different circumstances.
the tragedy of kiryu is that it always comes down to him to be the person who moves in the shadows, getting things done for other people and being unable to become close to anyone lest his enemies involve them in their conflicts. (this is the main theme in yakuza 0, contrasting this aspect of kiryu and majima) the games starring kiryu tend to be somewhat hopeless, piling the odds against kiryu and making him lost some part of himself every time.
the tragedy of kasuga ties better into the style his games, which is focused on how he sees himself as a hero: although he's a pawn the whole time, piecing together the puzzle arakawa leaves him in after the opening, he gets to fulfill this fantasy of being a knightly hero. spending age 24-42 in prison meant he missed out on a crucial time for socializing and building relationships, but he's so naturally charming and caring that he's able to find a new family for himself, just by *being* himself (meanwhile in his newest game, kiryu isn't even allowed to have his own NAME). his tragedy comes from never getting to have a father-son relationship with arakawa in a soap opera sense, AND in a high fantasy sense where he's basically a lost prince and will never be able to take the throne he rightly deserves because his kingdom was usurped while he was imprisoned, and he has to help destroy it when he finally gets out of prison!
i think there's so much they can do with him moving forward, he's a much needed addition to the canon of player characters bc kiryu's like 51 now he can't keep going through it forever
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eurofox · 2 years
Yakuza Kiwami Review
This was way shorter than 0 and it kind of caught me off guard but it is a remake of a nearly 20 year old PS2 game so I’ll cut it some slack. Also the writing was nowhere near as good as 0 but they’ve added some cutscenes to expand upon the story which helps as lot. Anyway spoilers :
The good shit:
It all looks very nice I must say. Outside of NPC’s in the street who are very PS3
Still has the style switching which I prefer for the strategy. Rush seems a bit more useful this time.
Like I said, the new cutscenes help expand on Nishki’s development, which is really needed.
Kiryu has some cute interactions with Haruka
Introduction of one of the best characters, Date. And his helicopter. And his shitty babysitting
I didn’t mind having money separate from experience this time
No Mr.Shakedown
I enjoyed the Majima everywhere system, it was funny and occasionally panic inducing when I was injured and could hear him coming. I imagine it’d be a nightmare if you were a completionist which I ain’t
Final Boss with Nishiki is great
Again, another fantastic soundtrack
Someone matched the old english dialogue with the new cutscenes and it’s funny as fuck
Little references here and there to 0
It’s very similar to 0 gameplay wise so what’s good there is mostly still good here.
The Bad shit:
Feels short, but I get why. Like a big DLC download really.
Haruka’s voice cuts through my head like a knife
The majima in the actual story clashes with the majima everywhere system’s personality. Can make it a bit confusing.
Substories here a more boring, lots of scams.
Most of the boss fights in this game are fucking awful, I’m sorry. The mid fight healing can get tae fuck. Shimano’s first fight is tedious as shit and takes forever if you haven’t unlocked much moves yet. The gun guy is also bullshit. Jingu is the second worst boss fight in the entire series, WTF where they thinking. I’m just glad I got him on the first try. 
Substories that are actually important to the plot are easily missed. Daigo’s mum and the fake Mizuki wouldn’t trigger for me so I just watched them online. Bizarre choice.
I do not care for the florist. And I care even less about his stupid son who doesn’t add anything to the story. Purgatory as a whole sucks imo.
Reina deserved better.
Cool tracks being wasted in one off situations. why did ‘Intelligence for Violence’ get used on six random mooks you finish off in a minute. Should of been a boss theme
Having to slowly unlock legend style. Couldn’t be arsed.
Fucking guns knocking you flat on your hole again.
Shitty car chase section 
No disco
If it wasn’t for 0, the story would feel very weak. I get it was made without anything else in mind, but even with the added cutscenes it’s not great. Why:
Yumi got no development in 0 for some reason and barely gets any here either. She’s kiryu’s great ‘love’ but I did not sense that at all. He had to be basically be told to get her the ring for her birthday and they barely interact. She’s gone for most of the game and then appears, gives a speech about real happiness and then dies. 
Kiryu finds Haruka in a pub he was recently in full of murdered civilians and there’s no follow up on that? Next time I went the pub was back to normal? WTF?
Jingu appearing near the end with little build up and is comically evil with his stupid villain laugh. He was apparently loving but then went super evil because of ‘power’ and despite being married to the prime minister’s daughter is doing all this bullshit. I see they tried to tie him into future games but yeah this felt like bullshit.
Sera gets murdered offscreen and it’s implied Nishiki did it and it’s left at that. Disappointing after his role in 0
Shimano and Kazama built up as masterminds in 0 but don’t seem to be all that in this game. Shimano is reckless as hell and kazama just dumps exposition and then dies. 
Kiryu is very calm about the fact his father figure killed his parents. This is never followed up on in the series BTW. 
Nishiki doesn’t appear enough and didn’t have to die that dumbass death. The bomb was already going off you tool.
A lot of people said this would feel like a downgrade, as 0 is considered one of the best games in the series and I agree with that. But it does help this game overall if you’ve played 0 first storywise. The game was always going to be limited but they've really put the effort in for a new audience. It’s still really fun.
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snuggetfish · 4 years
Majidad and spouse headcanons?? 🥺🥺 (nsfw too if youd like e h e)
Hell yeah 👀 I tried to keep them mostly gender-neutral, but some headcanons will fit more to a female partner. Everything under the smiling Maji cut!
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Let’s start with the cozy, wholesome ones! 😊
You know how cute Majima’s genuine smile is? The one he doesn’t show quite as often once the Mad Dog takes hold?
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Well, I think a sure-fire way to bring it out would be watching his partner and child doing just about anything together: 
...Cuddling on the couch when it’s well past the little one’s bedtime and they’re already sound asleep, but neither he nor his spouse have the heart to move them to bed. 
...Baking a cake, with the kid just barely tall enough to peek over the counter and stick a tiny finger into the chocolate ganache.
...Getting ready for school, tying shoelaces and buttoning up their coat so the cold doesn’t creep in. 
Honestly Majima can’t believe how lucky he is to have been blessed with such a family. He could stare at them for ages and never get tired... which is exactly what a picture is for. One he could keep in his wallet, in his desk drawer at the office and on his phone. Cliche for a parent? Yeah, but who’s gonna stop him? He anyway doesn’t talk about his family while at work. Who knows what ears might be listening...
He wouldn’t stop at one picture though. Since the games have thoroughly established how sentimental he is, I think he’d take lots, to capture everything from important occasions such as birthdays to more casual moments like going to the park or the zoo. And, as much as he’d like to be there all the time to experience each milestone, he knows that’s not gonna be the case... so instead his partner would promise to photograph and record everything he might miss: first words, first steps, first drawing, first day of school... 
Ohhh about those first words, I think Majima might get a bit competitive. Is it gonna be “mama” or “papa”? He loves his spouse of course and he’d be happy either way, but... in his heart of hearts, he kinda wants it to be papa. Maybe he’ll cheat a little and try to double his odds: how about Goro? Well it would sound more like Gowo for sure, but he’ll take it!
When it was still just the two of them as a couple, I think Majima was very much the little spoon in bed. It made him feel warm and loved, all while the Hannya kept watch over his partner. But if we’re talking pregnancy, then he’s switching to the big spoon, for comfort reasons, but also because there’s really nothing better than holding both your beloved and the tiny life inside them all at once. Only once the kid grows a bit older does he revert to his usual position, though it turns out he’s most often the middle spoon now: partner on his back and little munchkin nestled in his arms. Truly the coziest spot in the world, sandwiched between his two favourite people.
As we’re on the topic of bedtime, I think both he and his partner would complement each other well as storytellers. They do the narration and Majima does the voices and sound effects. With his sing-song tone and his silly faces, he’s got the kid completely fascinated, even if it’s largely all improv. After all, he doesn’t need to look at the book, he can make up a better plot on the spot. And when he can’t... well there’s always the narrator to set things straight again. The only problem is, he’s so good that the kid refuses to go to sleep before hearing the end of the story!
Now what if Majima’s child inherited his uncontrollable energy? Well I think the two of them combined would be quite the handful for his partner. They’d zoom around the house doing pretend chases, incorporating all the costumes Majima can dig out of his closet (bonus points if he gets matching ones done for his toddler - imagine the disco outfit!) and eventually they’d have to be shooed out to expend all that energy on a more outdoorsy adventure. When Nishida delivers them home later in the evening, Maijma’s carrying one very tired kid and an equally exhausted look in his eye... but it’s made instantly better with a kiss and a soothing bath.
I’ve touched on the topic of bath time briefly before, but I really think it would be a valuable bonding moment for Majima’s family. It’s not unusual for parents and children to bathe together in Japan and this would give Majima an opportunity to flaunt another hidden talent: haircare. Imagine if his daughter was keen on growing out her hair and her go-to person for that was always daddy. He somehow knows all the tricks that make her hair looks shiny and gorgeous: combing through slowly, detangling from the bottom upwards, using only the gentlest shampoos and conditioners... His partner is of course familiar with his past and knows he’s far better at handling long hair than one might infer just by looking at him... though maybe they can’t help but feel a tiny little bit jealous of how much of a daddy’s girl their daughter’s shaping up to be.
All right I’ve gone through the SFW ones, but a couple does need their intimacy, even with a kid around, so... 👀
Given how hectic and overwhelming first few months of parenthood are, nobody’s surprised that here’s not much time for sex. Nights are sleepless... but so is Majima. He’s not going to grumble if his partner isn’t in the mood after spending half an hour trying to put the baby to bed, though if they’re willing and just a bit too tired, he’ll focus solely on their pleasure. Slow movements accompanied by kisses everywhere. They deserve to lie back and be spoiled and feel his full appreciation for all the joy they’ve brought to his life.
Once the child gets older, the energy and libido return, but now they’re also more at risk of being caught. Majima may be a clingy dad by nature, but eventually even he realizes some time away from his little one would do them good. Kiryu and Saejima can help there. On that first quiet morning with the kid staying at their uncle’s place... the Majimas aren’t leaving the bedroom until well into the afternoon. He’s really, really missed making love his spouse and that’s gonna show in his long and deep strokes, how he keeps his body pressed close to theirs until they’re both lying in the dewy sheets, spent and sated.
Speaking of sated... Imagine that one day the kid blurts seemingly out of nowhere: “I want a baby brother/sister.” Majima would glance over at his partner, curious for their reaction... maybe with a hint of the same pleading look. He knows it’s their body, their call... but if they agree, he’s overjoyed. A sibling means the child would have another outlet for their energy and someone they can hopefully lean on later in life... although, that’s long-term. Short-term, it means that whenever Majima and his partner find a moment to themselves, there’s no more holding back. He fucks like a man on a mission and fills them up over and over...
Think I’ll stop here for now! Thank you so much for the ask! 💙💙💙
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mejomonster · 2 years
Yup.Kenzan came out in 2008,and a good chunk of the plot revolves around the relationship between Majima and Kiryu.The main plot of the game actually has a full translated series of videos by KHHSubs on YouTube.Although,there's a few errors in it,you'll still be able to totally understand the story.I won't say too much,but even Kiryu's other relationships in that game (like with Haruka,Date,and his love interests) are pretty fascinating.And maybe they're something more like potential past lives.It can be pretty nice to work off that view of it.
The pair you have to watch for is half Mine.I can't say a whole lot due to spoilers,but you'll have to keep a close eye on what he says,what's pushing him,and his behavior.I'd be happy to explain more whenever you're done with 3.
There's definitely some super worthwhile stuff at the end of the construction bit in K2.I'm trying to play through it myself right now so that I can experience the party interaction,and a semi-private Kiryu and Majima conversation.I've seen vids on both.The first one including all the correct responses which will be very useful.
Your interpretation of Majima after having played 0 first is honestly a lot better than most people's.Its true that in the original 1 and 2 he was much more of a focused crazy (especially in 1).While in 2,we started to see more of his serious side not unlike K2.3 presents some very analysis worthy Majima,too.
And Dead Souls definitely looks like something I'd want to try to play,too.Its got some err very interesting substories- like one between Daigo and Majima- and an overall story that I want to look at for myself.
Thank you for all of this! <3
Mmmm if you end up getting Dead Souls before me, please ee tell me what you think of the gameplay. Yeah I um 1. Intensely miss playing majima, yakuza 0 spoils people with 2 full main playable characters , so playing like 4 people is tempting. Also I really would like to see majima and ryujis whole sections, now that I know who more of these characters are now. Also I love genre Mashups so concept itself is tempting for the stories and whatever wild things it can allow for.
I'll look up the KHHSubs kenzan videos cool! I knew they did ishin videos.
Oh man there's correct answers to the construction side game talks later! Thank you for that heads up! Mm I may wanna check out more of that side game area then before I finish the game... I keep playing these games for like 30-60 hours then once the game hints I'm near the end I tend to just really get excited to see the end and start the next, so I'm missing like 60-70% of the game as far as that % complete says ToT which I'm hoping is at least like 50% high score stuff maybe and not story. But I definitely know when I go back to replay them next time, I'll have new substories and portions I just didn't get to yet. Which in a way is fun knowing there's more enjoyable stories to see even when I'm done.
(Mildly related but if you happen to like games where a LOT of the actual game stuff pays off with story, I highly recommend Nier Automata. One thing the yakuza series really does well is all the player time is mostly spent paying off with stories/side stories or mini games You choose to do - no required level grinding or material harvesting for things with no story payoff, no required hours of play to accomplish an objective that has no payoff. I can waste hours at the karaoke or bowling but one usually get a fun music video or story, and two it happens early so if I choose to keep doing it then it's optional for my own fun. I've played games where I spent over half the gameplay time level grinding or harvesting stuff, often with no story movement and not cause I enjoyed the task a bunch - compared to a fun optional mini game lol. So like I really appreciate that quality in yakuza, I don't feel my time is wasted, I'm always doing story relevant stuff I find fun or optional stuff cause I enjoy it. Nier Automata is like that- every side quest has an interesting side story related to the themes of the game or making the main story richer, mini games are optional if you find them fun - though not as many or as silly as yakuza lol, and if you do choose to grind for some weapon upgrade the weapons have stories which is their own little thing. Weapon upgrades are optional, and level grinding isn't required to beat the game by any means, so it's stuff you only have to do if you enjoy it. Nier Automata has an absolutely amazing story, but it also is really fun for you know not wasting player time and having a lot of care for its story and side stories.)
Whenever I play 3 and start/finish liveblogging yeah I'd love to discuss that game more!
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i can't remember if i sent you any questions in earlier or not but i meant to so, if didn't could you answer: A3, A8, B5, C6, D8, E1, F10 pleaaase. if i did, please disregard and hi! hahaha
Oh hiya! I haven’t seen the earlier question, I hope that doesn’t mean tumblr ate the ask
A3: Favorite protagonist(s)?
This is a difficult question, but I would have to go with Kiryu and Shinada. I just enjoy how they are personality wise. Kiryu is just a selfless and kind person who do what it takes to make sure his loved ones are safe and happy, even if it may not be the best outcome. Honestly it’s just intimidating guy + heart of gold + children he would do anything to protect = my type of favorite character where I tear up when he’s tender with children
Now as for Shinada, I just find him endearing and tragic. In the very first scene he appears, he’s such a mess and quite charming in how he is. Then there is the tragedy in that as a former baseball player, very much a civilian, he would likely be no where in proxmity to any yakuza, but he’s embroiled at the center of something bigger then himself and he’s the one who had to pay for it even if he genuinely had no idea what was happening and was just doing his thing. He then has to spend all those years struggling by and it’s seen then in the scene with Milky-Chan on the rooftop on how he wishes to escape to a new life and his earnestness is bittersweet to see in that scene. The sadness in his expression at being grounded right back into reality upon Milky-chan answering her phone shows how much he believed in running away to start a new life. He’s such an earnest and fun character with a tragic story to him.
A8: Favorite song(s)?
24 hour Cinderella (taps name), tonight, as long as you’re happy, pride from despair, machine gun kiss, and all of Haruka’s songs in Y5. It’s honestly quite difficult to choose just a few. If I had to only pick one from these it would be pride from despair if only for the fact it’s a Kiryu-Majima duet and honestly? The melody rocks so much as well as the lyrics which honestly sounds tragic given that it’s becoming stronger through painful events? That’s just if I were to try ranking these songs, though overall I still would put these songs together as my favorites altogether.
Also for songs that aren’t karaoke, I would go for Let’s produce a no. 1 hostess (y3), nervousness (y4), as you like (y0), all the disco songs from y0, all the songs from Haruka’s dance battles (y5), receive you the madtype (yk1), Takumi 2016 (yk1), and in a dead heat (yk1).
I clearly can’t quite pick a few songs, it’s liking choosing a favorite child…
B5: Which character do you think you would bump heads with most if you knew them in real life?
I’ll be honest. Probably Kiryu lmao. He’s well meaning for sure and he’s got good intentions. But. The. Number. Of. Times. I wanted to shake this man for being way too kind to antagonists. Stop turning away from them Kiryu! At least take the gun away…
There are other moments where I have the urge to kick him for sure though I probably wouldn’t be able to do anything but provide a soft kick he would not even feel at all.
C6: If you could revive any deceased character, who would it be and why?
Nishiki Nishiki Nishiki. I miss him. Going into Yakuza 0 blind, I was thinking to myself on how excited I was to see how Nishiki progressed through the games. Then Yakuza 1 rolls around. I just imagine how it would have been like if he stuck around and yes he did a lot in yakuza Kiwami 1, I just sometimes wish he lived and maybe just went to prison and over the games he and Kiryu slowly mend their relationship in some way. Though that’s just me. A ton of characters died in YK1 yet Nishiki impacted me the most given how dedicated he was to helping Kiryu in Yakuza 0 and it did not help that in my time playing YK1, a friend brought back lines from Yakuza 0 that foreshadowed how he’ll be in YK1. Just Nishiki. I miss him :(
D8: Which character had the absolute worst moveset?
Haha. So Shinada is one of my favorite protagonists. I did mention that earlier right. Well I love him but god his moveset is my least favorite out of all protagonists. That action where he attacks opponents in a way akin to him swinging a baseball? It’s a cool detail but it bugs me. Aiming a hit at an opponent felt difficult. And I found it difficult to control the direction of his meteor tackle. He was just not easy to control. If it weren’t for the fact that I needed money in his part, I would have put more effort into avoiding fights.
E1: Explore: Kamurocho or Sotenbori?
Kamurocho all the way. Going through all the games, it provides this feeling of nostalgia seeing how it changes over time, even if admittedly I only started playing the series back in May. I just have a soft spot for Kamurocho especially for the events that happened there and places such as the Millennium Tower. Then just the characters that are consistently there such as Date, the stardust hosts Yuya and Kazuki, Ako from Earth Angel, they all make the place lively and enjoyable to go back to in each game to see what they’re all up to.
F10: Who would be your kyodai?
Honestly I don’t know? I did try thinking this through but I can’t quite come up with any character who I would want to be my kyodai. Probably would suck too since I would bite the dust relatively fast so no clear answer on this one
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