#He met Garfield and the two got into a fight
masquenoire · 2 years
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Roman didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, at least not inside his social circle. He was too rough, too vulgar for the other socialites to warm to even with his parent’s ‘education’ on how to behave around their sort. He did, however, get along with a few, most notably @babydxhl and @sanguine-salvation, whose company Roman liked enough. @brutalscaled​ was the very first friend he made without his parent’s knowledge, early one spring while holidaying at their country estate. Roman had taken a liking to the scaled boy, preferring his company over the hateful rich kids his parents forced him to befriend. During his teens, Roman would go on to make more friends. One of these new friends was a boy named Garfield Lynns. Angry delinquents at heart, the two got along like a house on fire, committing petty crimes and even acts of arson together. After Roman was caught sleeping with Circe (and summarily disowned), he knew exactly who to turn to and together they burned down the Sionis Estate, their first crime that result in people’s deaths.
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starsluver · 1 month
Random Facts About the Slytherin Boys
Part 1
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Mattheo Riddle
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In the first year, no one believed that he was related to Voldemort. mainly because no one thought he'd have a child
He also fluently speaks Spanish since he was raised by his mother (ngl I believe that Mattheo is either Guatemalan, Mexican, Colombian, or Puerto Rican) cause his father didn't want anything to do with him until he got older
Had a side part phase for most of his first through fourth year because his mom liked it until his fifth year where he learned how to take care of his natural hair and he takes VERY big pride in it, he literally spends all his money and time on it and REFUSES to let anyone touch it.
He got the scar on his eyebrow from trying to give himself a slit eyebrow in his third year because he'd thought he'd look cool but ended up with a scar and his mom yelling at him but tells everyone he got it from a fight
He got the scar on his nose in his sixth year from banging his nose on a sink but tells everyone that he got from a fight with a guy from racenclaw (Theo's the only one that knows the truth)
Secretly a theatre kid
Has the messiest hand writing, literally no one can read it.
Silver Tooth Kid activities !!!!!!
He had perfect grades until 5th year when he started slacking off cause his dad would always pressure him to get good grades
had a THICK Spanish accent and was kind of used to get made fun of for it. He barely speaks it around people which is pretty much why most people completely forget he's Latino
Made friends with Blaise, Enzo, Theo, and Draco in that exact order
Blaise thought Mattheo looked like he was gonna cry when his mom dropped him off at the train station first year. so he and Mattheo played on his Nintendo DS the whole train ride
Enzo soon met Mattheo in their second year after Blaise introduced them.
Afterward, Enzo introduced Theo to Mattheo that same year. They bonded over the fact no one else understood what they were saying and that they had deadbeat dads
"Blaise, what are they saying?"
"Don't know but at least they're getting along!"
His middle name is Andrés
He grew up with two cats and a dog. He had a ginger cat named Garfield who died from obesity because Mattheo wouldn't stop feeding him table scraps. He currently still has a black cat who he named Loki until later on finding out it was a girl because she got pregnant and had kittens, renames her Kali (inspired by Kali Uchis 😛) he currently has a pitbull named Dodger
He met Draco through Blaise again
"why do you talk like that?"
"why does your face look like that?" In a HEAVY Spanish accent
Used to bite people he didn't like
Sassiest 1st year
He was so obsessed with death note in his third year that he'd put the names of people he didn't like in the book hoping they'd just randomly drop dead. (They didn't)
He had a crush on Padma Patil since his FIRST YEAR TO HIS SIXTH YEAR. And even thought of asking her to the yule ball until he realized she was going with Ron. He beat Ron up as soon as he found out and told him to stay away from his girlfriend. (He never even had a conversation with her)
Theodore Nott
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He was SUCH a cute 1st year. All the older girls would tell him how cute he was and he thought he was sooooo cool.
Didn't know English until his second or third year and barely anyone understood what he was saying.
Enzo met Theo when he saw Theo alone on the train ride. Enzo showed Theo his Pokemon collection cause neither of them understood each other and Enzo was basically his only friend at the time.
"anch'io ho quella carta!"
Eventually Enzo introduced him to Blaise and Mattheo. Where him and Mattheo bonded the most
"è un tale sollievo che qualcuno mi capisca!"
"¿que es eso güey?"
Theo met Draco long after through Lorenzo again
"why can't anyone here speak proper English?!?"
"il furetto,"
"Ki sa l menm ap pale de?" (I feel like Blaise is Haitian on his mom's side idk why but I'll explain it in the next part!)
"pinche guëro"
He was named after his father and had two middle names. Niccolo and Brando (the real ones know)
He grew up in the country side of Italy and was a VERY energetic child
He started smoking after a random 5th year asked if he wanted a hit in his 1st year
Perfect grades and handwriting
He's secretly friends with Neville and Luna because they secretly sell weed on the side but also the fact that he was also a loner and refuses to let any of his friends bully them.
Had a crush on Ginny and thought of asking her to the yule ball until Mattheo told him she was dating Dean Thomas (he cried himself to sleep)
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ncstalgicz · 1 year
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miles morales x reader
sypnosis: where you lose your memories helping Gwen in a battle and only remember one certain event, also that some of the scenes mentioned are from atsv and itsv plot: angst, fluff warnings: minor blood, trauma, slow-burn, atsv or itsv does not belong to me words: 3.3k music: i bet on losing dogs - Mitski
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~ part one ~
Before Miles was able to catch the monitor, Doc Ock took it with her tentacles on her back. Miles was falling off the branch but before he and Peter B. Parker could fall, webs tangled on their body. You and Gwen zoomed past both of them using your webs. You shoot your webs towards the two tentacles on her right while Gwen took the two down on the left.
You land next to Gwen as you take off your mask. “Hey, guys.” Gwen greets them both. “Wanda?” The boy with the Spider-Man merchandise asks looking at you mostly. “It’s Gwen actually.” “You know her? Very cool.” Peter comments sarcastically. “I’m Y/n!” You tell them cheerfully. “We’re from another dimension. I mean another another dimension.” Gwen specifies. (I’ll skip Gwen’s intro and move onto yours)
Alright let’s do this one last time, for real this time. My name is Y/n L/n, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last 1 and a half year, I’ve been the one and only spider women. I saved my Uncle, I couldn’t save my brother. “Peter…” You hold his body hugging him close to you as you weep softly. After that I distanced myself from everyone, my boyfriend broke up with me. It hurt more because my brother was always there for me, but not anymore. I was trying to figure out who killed him when suddenly this weird thing appeared in my room. I got sucked into the weird looking portal and ended up in New York, except it wasn’t my New York. My spider senses told me to head to Visions Academy where I met Gwen. We told each other that we were both Spider Women. I wasn’t the only one was my first thought, we both belonged in the same dimension and we became close and that’s when I met him.
Miles Morales saved New York from being sucked into a black hole. He became my new friend along with Peter. He’s the reason why I didn’t grieve about my brother anymore. I finally socialized and became friends with other people. I became a new role model to children, The PDNY soon started connecting the dots and found Spider Women to be a suspect of the murder of my brother. My dad was a police officer as well. He would always tell me how close he was to catching Spider Women. He never knew it was right in front of him this whole time.
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You were currently fighting the Vulture along with Gwen. You were thrown against a wall and so was Gwen, vulture soon grabbed you both and pinned you against the wall. Vulture lifted his talons up getting ready to scratch Gwen when suddenly a red neon web got attached to the talon. Suddenly a familiar looking portal appeared and a weird-looking Spider-Man came in throwing himself towards Vulture as you look at him making eye contact. You and Gwen get out of vulture’s grasp as you and Gwen swing yourself towards the unknown man. You look at his hands and notice claws and a watch.
“I’m sorry who exactly are you supposed to be?” Gwen asks first. “That’s classified.” The man turns his head around glancing both of you a look. “You’re…The Blue Panther?” “No.” “The Caped Blue Seder?” “No.” “Dark Garfield?” “Stop.” “Macho Libre!” You exclaim this time. “I’m from another dimension.” The man tells you two. “You are?!” Gwen puts her hands over her mouth in shock. “Wow, actually I am not confused.” You snicker at her comment. “My name is Miguel O’Hara.” The man was about to tell Gwen about his backstory when she stops him. He was telling you both about the watch, how he can go through different dimensions without glitching with the watch, and convincing you both to let him fight Vulture by himself. “Alright, knock yourself out.” You told him noticing Vulture appearing behind him. “What is that supposed to mean—” Before he can finish his sentence he was attacked from behind by vulture. (I’m going to skip the whole battle scene lol)
Miguel was about to bite the vulture until he noticed a helicopter telling him to put the body down. “I’m a good guy.” Miguel reassured them. “You don’t look like a good guy.” They answered back. The vulture threw his knives towards the helicopter as the aircraft started going down. Your spider senses warned you as you looked up and see the helicopter going through the damaged building. You and Gwen looked at each other as if you had the same idea. You used your webs to make a spider web, you shoot your webs into different directions until the helicopter starts getting close to the ground damaging most of the building. You were to busy to notice the pieces of the building started to fall off. Gwen swifts through them but notices you were to busy saving the helicopter. “Y/N LOOK OUT!” She shouts for you. You get out of your daze before a piece of the building hits you on the head.
You felt the harsh pain in your head as you started falling down. Jess soon comes to the rescue with her motorcycle as she catches you in time. “We’ve got an injured spider.” She tells Miguel through the Watch. Gwen hurriedly shoots her webs to catch the helicopter, with all her strength she grabs the webs as they start to rip from the hold of the helicopter. Once successful she lets go and pants heavily, she quickly goes down towards the floor where she tries to walk but falls on the floor. (I’m also going to skip the father and daughter scene)
Before Gwen’s father could shoot her. Miguel throws a device which locks her father into this red looking cage. “No, Dad!” Gwen tries to reach for him but Jess stops her. “It’s alright we got you, right Miguel?” On Miguel’s shoulder is Vulture and your unconscious body as he lays you down on the floor checking your pulse. “Y/n…” Gwen walks towards your unconscious figure, she looks at your bloody head as tears start forming. “Shes alive but she needs medical attention.” Miguel reassured her. “Lyla, scan this mess.” Lyla scans, “No further anomalies. Canon remains intact.” She tells him.
With the watch, Miguel opens a portal as Gwen’s father looks at his daughter who was holding you in her arms caressing your head. “We can’t just leave them here. She’s doing this on her own.” Jess tells Miguel who looks at both of your figures. “I don’t know how to fix this.” Gwen cries softly looking at her dad. Jess looks at Miguel as he sighs and pulls out two watches. “Yeah, well, join the club.” He tells Gwen throwing both watches towards her. She looks at the watch in her hand as she puts it on her and your wrist. Miguel grabs your body and hauls you over his shoulder. Both Miguel and Jess go through the portal with him carrying you as Gwen stares at her father one last time before she goes through the portal. Once you got into Miguel’s Dimension, he immediately transports you to the medical wing and gives the doctors a brief summary of what happened. Gwen was waiting outside sitting on the floor with her head buried in her hands crying softly for her friend and for what had happened with her father earlier.
Two weeks later you finally wake up from your long coma. Gwen was alerted immediately and gave up on her mission to head towards you not caring about the consequences. Once she arrived she sneaked past the lady who was answering a call and found your room. “Excuse me miss.” A nurse behind Gwen noticed her tapping Gwen’s shoulder. Gwen quickly grabbed the wrist of the nurse as she exclaims in shock unwrapping her hand from the nurse. “If you’re here for her..I’m sorry…she has post-traumatic amnesia.” The nurse told her as Gwen took off her mask sobbing silently. She looked at your figure who was staring emotionless at the ceiling. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Gwen asks the nurse. “Time is all we can hope for. Let’s hope in a couple of weeks she’ll be able to remember certain things.” The Nurse walked away from the grieving girl.
During the week, Nurses would always check up on you asking what you remember. “I remember feeling pain…someone shouting…” you muttered as you hold your head in pain. Gwen would always be there for you during the check-ups hoping it would help your memory if she was there. Once the nurses left Gwen tried talking to you. “Hey, Y/n. Do you know who I am?” Gwen asks. You look at her and shake your head, she sighs as she lifts up her mask. “What’s the outfit for?” You ask her. “You had one too. It’s for us Spider people. You know?” Gwen tells you as you shake your head.
Gwen starts telling you about spider man and the radioactive spider, how you became spider women along with her and had these amazing adventures saving people. She didn’t wanna tell you about your family hoping that it would help your social anxiety. “My brother…is he worried?” You ask, worry laced in your voice. Gwen never knew you still remembered your brother. She looks at you not answering your question, she decided to ignore it. “Have I told you about the time you saw me perform?” Gwen asked you changing the subject. You shake your head.
For the past week Gwen has been visiting quite a while that she sneaked in two of her friends, Pavitr and Hobie. You got along with them just fine, they would bring you tasty food, fun games and even taught you the basics of your powers. You never asked the same question ever again. You were soon gonna be able to leave again anyway so you would find out yourself later. Once you were able to leave, your friends took you everywhere, to Pavitr’s Dimension, meeting his girlfriend, drinking some chai tea which you got scolded by him, experiencing traffic. You visited Hobie’s dimension watching one of his bands. When you asked Gwen to go to your dimension she declined. “But why not?” You asked her again. “We just can’t, or well I can’t at least.” She muttered the last part.
You never knew how to go to your dimension so you were never able to go, but one day you will find out.
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Miles was on his bed listening to music on his headphones. Next to him was his notebook full of drawings of you and Gwen, mostly you. He wasn’t paying attention until Gwen called his name. “Miles. Miles!” He got up startled when he noticed the weird portal. Gwen got down with an orange jumper around her shoulders. “Nice room.” Gwen started observing everything while Miles was looking at her confused of where she came from. He hissed when she took off the action figure from the box, which pained him. She noticed the notebook. Miles tried grabbing it but Gwen was quicker and turned the pages noticing the drawings of Y/n. Her face held pain since he didn’t know about your condition yet. Then she stops on a drawing of her.
“We missed you too.” Gwen told the boy. “Wanna get out of here?” She asked. “I’m grounded.” Miles told her. “Oh.” She went towards the window and took off her jumper. “Is Spider-Man grounded?” She asked with her mask on.
Both Gwen and Miles were swinging around the city until they decided to stop for a short break. “So, how’s Y/n?!” Miles broke the silence watching the sunset while hanging upside down. “She’s been good…” Gwen faded. She toyed around with her watch nervously. Miles noticed her fidgeting around. “Let’s go back, yeah?” Gwen asked Mile’s starting to get up.
They got back and used their webs to grab food. They were underneath a water silo where they were eating all the fresh food. “This is what keeps you from glitching when you go to a different universe?” Miles asks Gwen holding the watch in his hand. Gwen spaces out until she notices Miles clicking something from the watch. “Oh, no no no. Miles don’t touch that!” Gwen hurriedly grabs the watch keeping it away from the kid. “My bad.” Miles stands their guilty. “I’m sorry for thrashing out like that.” Gwen apologizes. “It’s fine.” It stays quiet for a while until Miles kept thinking about Y/n.
“Why didn’t Y/n visit me?” Miles breaks the silence. “We couldn’t.” Gwen tells him looking at the city view. ‘I have to tell him eventually.’ Gwen thinks to herself. “Listen Miles, something bad happened to her—” Before she was able to explain Miles parents appeared and started talking.
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“I should probably go.” Gwen takes her leave, putting on her jumper that was given to her by Rio, Mile’s mom; “Wait, Gwen what about Y/-” Miles was cut off by Gwen leaving immediately. ‘What was it that she was trying to tell me?’ He thought to himself. “You should go after her.” Rio tells his son. “Just promise me you’ll be back. With a better cake.” She scolds him. Miles hugs his mom as he follows Gwen with his Spider-Man suit on. Gwen stops in front of an abounded building that seemed to have giant holes all over. She distracted the cops by reversing the car which successfully caught their attention.
She swiftly got inside the building and told Lyla to scan the area to figure out what has happened. Miles follows her inside as he uses his invisibility to not get caught. As she saw the scene unfold with The Spot creating more holes on his body to go to different dimensions. “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot.” She kept muttering as The spot creates a tiny machine. Jess soon appears behind her. “Gwen. How’s the chase going?” Jess asks the teen noticing her stressed state. “Uh, it’s going great. Almost got him.” Gwen lies. “Jess we’ve got another anomaly who seems to be moving quickly.” Lyla tells her. “So you’ve almost got him right?!” Jess asks Gwen. “You made another visit to the kid again, didn’t you?”
Gwen stays quiet and nods softly. “Gwen you can’t keep doing that. Think about what would happen if the spot gets away, Y/n already tracked his location several times but he moves quickly.” Jess told the girl. Miles ears perk up at the mention of your name. “He’s here, no wait here, here, wow this guy moves a lot, okay he’s not moving anymore at Earth-50101. Y/n is heading there at the moment.” Lyla told the ladies. “Gwen you have one day to fix this mess, until then you can’t see the kid anymore.” Jess told her. “Alright.” Gwen looks down at the floor.
Miles eyes widen in betrayal. Gwen opens up a portal as she looks at the city outside. “Goodbye, Miles.” She goes through the portal. Miles turns visible now as he looks at the portal. He remembered the mention of you going to, Earth-50101? ‘What am I Doing? What am I doing?’ Miles hesitated before he went inside the portal where he was sucked into this tube and was transferred to Earth-50101. He kept falling where he passed roads as he shot out his webs but before he could grab on he started glitching, hurting himself in the process as he continues falling. Going through hanged clothes, pedestrians, and finally falling all over again.
He soon hears The Spots Voice and Looks over to see Gwen and..you. “Stay still.” Gwen looks at The Spot as he keeps going through different holes, trying to keep up with him you shoot a web at him while he was talking to people on a balcony. You were about to punch him until Miles shouts your name. “That’s the best you can do?” The Spot kicks your face by making a hole as you start falling. “Oh no, Y/n!” Miles catches you swinging away. “Did you follow me?” Gwen appears looking at the Miles who was carrying you. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to see Y/n real quick.” Miles told her looking at you. “Um, who are you?” You ask the unknown boy.
“What? It’s me, Miles..Miles Morales?” You look at him confused until you look away and see Pavitr heading towards you three. “Hey, Y/n, Gwen, who’s the new guy?” He asks. “This is Miles. He came in unattended.” Gwen told him. “Wow, you came in here without permission, new guy must be in love with you.” Pavitr teased as you laughed getting off of Miles as you shoot a web, swinging away until you found a place to land, the three following you. “Hey, Pavitr. Nice to see you again!” You throw an arm over his shoulder. Miles seems to notice as he looks at you hurt. He looks at Gwen as well. “We’ll talk about it later, okay?” Gwen reassured him.
The four of you enter Alchemax trying to stop The Spot. You were currently trapped when he put a wall mechanism to not let you four stop his idea. Miles puts his fingers on the wall trying to use his power until another Spider-Man came in using his guitar to remove the force field. “Hobie!” You exclaim in happiness greeting the boy with a handshake. Miles looks over at you as he notices that the handshake was the one he taught you when you first became friends. He looks away and notices Gwen looking at him sadly. “Don’t just use your fingers mate, use your palm as well.” Hobie advised him.
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Nueva York - Earth 2099
“That’s not fair!” You chase after Hobie who decided to play a game of tag with you to let time pass by. Miles and Gwen were seated at a bench staying quiet while looking at the two. “How come she doesn’t remember me?” Miles asked the teen next to him. “I tried telling you- I swear I tried. But I couldn’t knowing how much it would hurt you and me both.” Gwen told him. “She got injured during a fight, she got a serious concussion and I wasn’t able to do anything but wait. Miguel took us in, and immediately took her to the hospital where we learned that she was in a coma. Once she woke up, the nurse told us that she had post-traumatic amnesia. All we could do was wait until she remembered certain things.” Gwen finished off fidgeting with her hands.
“Was she able to remember?” Miles asked the girl. Gwen looked up to see you tackling Hobie finally being able to catch him. “Her brother, she thinks he’s still alive.” Gwen told the boy. Miles eyes widen as he looks at you who looked back at him until Hobie tackled you back. “Isn’t he..dead?” Gwen nods. “She doesn’t know, and I don’t intend to tell her. You know how she acted before when she still remembered things, I don’t want her to be like that again. I love the way she is now.” Tears fill her eyes as she holds them back, not letting them fall. “You have to tell her one day, just like me.” Miles told her as she looks up and shook her head. “No, you can’t. I know it’s bad but if she finds out about his death she’ll probably want to change the canon. We can’t let that happen. She already wants to figure out how to visit him but we don’t let her.” Gwen warns the boy who just looked at you in worry.
‘Just what happened when I wasn’t here.’ Miles thought missing the girl he used to know.
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Besides Werewolf by Night and the characters presented in the show, who else would you be interested in seeing MK system meet up with? Any other MCU characters?
Boy Howdy.
So…. Of course I want him to meet up with Jack Russel. They could be BFF.
Who do I want the MK system to meet up with otherwise?
If we're talking already established MCU characters:
Dare Devil - They have such a complicated relationship. And there's so much room for shenanigans and silly situations. Angsty Catholic Boy meets Angsty Jewish boy is always an A+++ in my book.
Not to mention Highly Observant Steven catching on right away that the blind man has more going on than it seems.
FRANK CASTLE - Oh man. Jon Bernthal and Oscar Isaac on the same screen? I don't think I'd survive. Marc and Frank talking war crimes shop? Family trauma? Vengeance???
Not to mention the whole issue with Khonshu in the comics being jealous of Frank and trying to get Marc to be more like Frank.
Circling around to bigger MCU lines….
See, I want Mk to interact with Spider-Man, but not Tom Holland Spider-Man.
MK and Spider-Man have always had a nice relationship, but it's an older Spider-Man, not a little wide eyed naive kid Spider-Man. He needs to be snappy and witty and on his game Spider-Man. Like almost Andrew Garfield Spider-Man but not quite. He has to fill in the silence from the non-communicative Moon Knight side of things.
DeadPool. Almost. That's a rough one because Moon Knight at full angry vengeance mode plays so well with Deadpool. But that's more comics MK and not quiet MCU MK if that makes sense? (Though Steven might hold up with his snark).
The Hulk has potential. But I also don't see any of them getting along with Bruce well enough.
Bro-Thor might be a wholesome interaction. I could see emotional kind Thor making friends with Steven easily. Not to mention Steven could geek out about mythology to him.
I don't think Ironman would work well. Honestly, Moon Knight and Ironman have never gone well together in my books.
Captain America in THEORY has always been a nice one for quick interactions. (Steven Grant may or maynot be a fictive of Steven Grant Rogers, but that's a differnet story from the comics), but Captain America and Marc have never gotten along at all.
It's hard to imagine Marc (marc in particular) mingling with the other MCU characters because they have all been done as quick witted chatty guys with egos and Marc in MCU is so socially awkward.
Put him and Bucky in a room and you just got two silent broody men standing on opposite sides of the room with Bucky staring intently and Marc not picking up social cues and doing his best to maintain eye contact till one of them breaks. You would need Steven or another outside force to bridge the gap and try to connect, but then you have Marc being overly protective of Steven and fighting his overall impulse to not let anyone know about his mental health issues and forcing front to keep Steven out of it.
But this takes me back around to characters that are already soft, quiet, friendly, and who also suffer from misunderstandings and issues: Jack Russel. The ultimate friend and buddy to MK system. With his sweet smile and desire to please and make people happy. He'd be soft with Steven, chatty for Marc (to cover so Marc doesn't have to talk), and a great Spanish drinking pal with Jake.
And Ted. I think Ted would love Steven.
Elsa Bloodstone? She's already met one man with a dual side and complicated story. She'd take one look at Marc and heavily sigh and accept that she seems to just attract problems.
NOW: Who do I want to see them interact with that are NOT already in the MCU?
Task Master. Hear me out - He's a villain that can make the rounds in ALL MCU shows/movies. He has a photographic memory and can instantly learn and mimic any fighting style. And in the comics, he loathes the day that he learned Moon Knight's style and wishes he could forget it.
The Sentry. If they could introduce the Sentry and get him RIGHT I'd be so happy. He is the direct opposite of Moon Knight on so many levels.
I'm trying not to ramble here because I could go on and on about why I think some characters would and would not team up well with MCU MK....
But let me pose this to you, which was not part of your original question:
Can you imagine protective Layla with MK meeting up with the MCU cast? I want to see her character evolve and I imagine she's latched onto Steven and taken up Marc's position of "This delightful piece of marshmallow fluff must be protected at all cost".
I think if anyone tried to give them trouble or pointed out the issue of Marc and Steven switching in front of them she'd be in their face so fast.
"What's that? You can't trust him because he's too unpredictable? How about I unpredictable your face?" That girl is a spit fire.
But I think she and Elsa would get along well.
Anyways, I have a wish list but I also have anxieties depending on the writer. Historically Moon Knight has not done well in groups and tends to get labeled "that schitzo lunatic" that just stands in the background a lot. Which would be a shame to do to Oscar Isaac and doubtful that they would be able to do to him. But so many MCU characters have been written With intense egos...
Who do you want to see them interact with? Anyone I forgot? Anyone that you think would actually be able to make friends with them?
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
Okay, so how would different villains react to a vigilante reader doing this to them in the middle of a fight
Also I absolutely adore your fic and writing, please and thank you, and have an amazing day
used the freedom of getting to choose myself to practice writing music meister :3
(also im glad(?) to inform you i got that video on my fyp like two hours after getting this request lmao)
OH AND THANKYOU THAT MEANS A LOT i hope you also have a good day!!!
General! Music Meister & Firefly x reader
Warnings & Notes: None?? i got carried away w firefly, not proofread (reader is a bit dumb at the end of firefly's part lmao)
During your time as a vigilante, you had learned to always bring earplugs wherever you went, just in case if you bumped into him.
“You do know your trick doesn’t work on me, right?” You chuckled, adjusting your domino mask. The music meister – or Darius, had taken control of the Gotham city opera house, where the both of you currently were. Luckily for you there were no civilians present when he took control – except for some guards, Who had left – leaving you alone with him.
“One of these days, you will be the one to do my bidding” he started, “It’ll be just a matter of time.”
Now, technically taking care of him without anyone to control should be easy, but you didn’t really want to hurt him. But then again, What were the chances there actually were people there being controlled, but just hiding, waiting for you to attack? You wouldn’t put it past him to plan that, he was quite smart. “Why won’t you just be good for once and give up voluntarily?” You suggested, and was met with him chuckling. “If you won’t, I still have a card up my sleeve.”
You walked closer to him, To which he didn’t react – planning something? Were you playing into a plan he had in his head? Fuck it, you already started going through with this, may as well go for it. You were maybe a meter away from him when you practically jumped up to him, placing a kiss on his lips. He made a sound of surprise, eyes wide as he looked at you, a sweet red creeping up to his cheeks.
Then you handcuffed him. “Sorry, Darius.”
Adding a cape to your uniform was one of the purely aesthetic choices you made. In your defense, capes were really cool. Unfortunately, They could be very inconvenient when they got stuck. Especially when there was a specific pyromaniac trying to immolate you. Trying to pull your cape from under some barrels that had fallen, you heard him -
“There’s going to be nothing but ash left when I’m done with you!” Firefly yelled, sharply inhaling as he landed a few feet away from you and adjusting his grip on his flamethrower. You turned to quickly look at your utility belt, spotting the butterfly knife on its usual spot. Turning to face Firefly, you sighed,
“We’re not done yet.” You straightened your back, watching as he walked closer. You took the knife, making sure he didn’t see it and starting to cut your cape off.
He laughed. “You will burn with gotham tonight-”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ve told me that quite a few times already.” You interrupted him, and regretted it almost immadietly when you felt the warmth of the flames from the flamethrower come dangerously close as he fired it for just a second.
“Any last words, hero?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice, “before I melt your face off?”
“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Heh heh, Too bad.” He laughed. You needed time. You knew that. If you didn’t find a way to either keep him talking or catch him off guard, you’d be as good as dead.
“Wouldn’t you prefer a nice slow burn over an explosion?” You questioned, Motioning to the barrels of… What ever was in them. You didn’t know, but it probably wouldn’t mix well with fire.
He stopped. Probably considering whether to blow you up or burn you. You cut the last bit of fabric off of your cape, free to move. Lunging towards Firefly, you pushed away his flamethrower, one risk taken care of. Now you just had to restrain him. You needed to catch him offguard. So you almost instinctively tried to place a kiss on his lips, but was met with the cold surface of his helmet. But hey, it worked. He stumbled backwards and you seized the opportunity to tackle him to the ground and tie his hands together.
“I could’ve taken my helmet off for that, hot stu-”
“Shut the fuck up.”
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
I like reading your history posts. You make history interesting.
If you haven’t already could you do one on Lucretia Garfield and her tangled love story?
I have talked about it a bit, but I'd love to go into more detail. Perhaps the best thing I can do is link you to this article by Michelle Krowl from the Library of Congress, who happened to be my favorite recurring guest on Presidential, but I'd also like to give the quick, chatty version of my understanding of the story.
James and Lucretia Garfield are the definition of a slow-burn love story. They met each other in high school, and then again when they both attended the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute (a kind of prep school) and became interested in each other though they had very different personalities and upbringings. Lucretia's father helped run the Eclectic Institute. James could only afford to go there by working as a janitor (at least until his second year there, when they gave him six classes to teach). Lucretia came from an extremely reserved family where you didn't show emotions ever. James' family was loud and emotionally open and openly affectionate. But the two of them shared a love of literature and learning, and in 1853, James tentatively started the courtship by sending her a letter, and by 1854, they were engaged.
But it was a very slow and painful trip to the altar. James left for college after they got engaged, and since he was a handsome, gregarious, and openly affectionate guy, he attracted the attention of other women. Lucretia, being shy and reserved, didn't know how to express the emotions she felt about her fiance, especially via letter. At one point (though I can't quite figure out exactly when this happened), James told Lucretia he was worried she didn't truly love him. Lucretia (in a move that could inspire a whole new fanfic trope) responded by handing him her diary, which contained years' worth of entries where she poured her heart out. After reading the private emotional turmoil that she'd been too reserved to show, James was finally convinced that she loved him.
But he wasn't quite sure that he loved her. Like I said, he was an emotionally open guy, and wasn't sure that she would be warm and gushing enough to satisfy his need for affection (he was a bit needy). He got involved with another woman, and when Lucretia found out about it, she wrote him this heartbreaking letter where she forgave him for his transgression, assured him that she still loved him, but begged him to break it off if he loved the other woman more than her, because, "to be an unloved wife, O Heavens, I could not endure it".
But that's exactly what she became. Despite their doubts (both worried they were marrying more for duty than love), they finally wed in 1858. In their first five years of marriage, they spent twenty weeks together, because James was constantly off dealing with his political career, and later, serving in the Civil War. Their young daughter died, they kept spending time apart, and they just couldn't seem to connect with each other.
The low point came when James had an affair with a widow when he was off fighting in the Civil War in 1864. James confessed the affair to Lucretia, and she forgave him, asking only that he break off the relationship. Her strength in dealing with her heartbreak over this finally made James realize what an awesome wife he had--and it probably helped that they were finally able to live together when he started his political career in Washington. By 1867, they were writing each other letters about how desperately and deeply they loved each other, and they were deeply in love for the rest of their lives.
Which makes his tragic early death by assassination all the more heartbreaking. But at least they got a few years of happiness to make up for some of the suffering they went through to get there.
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Time to info dump about my au: banbash!
This au includes characters from the fandoms listed: Undertale, bendy and the ink machine, poppy playtime, sans aus, creepypasta, MLP, baldi's basics, garten of banban, rainbow friends, Garfield, famous/well known lps videos and characters (ex; lps popular or lps addicted), and scp foundation background shinangins, along with some more animal jam background shenanigans, plus Cuphead.
yes this is serious. I am seriously making an entire au with tons of fandoms. I am seriously doing this. I am honest. I'm deadass. These fuckers will all interact. (As a noteee! Main characters are going to be from only garten of banban and rainbow friends. All the other fandoms will be in the background or will only pop up randomly, as most of them don't live chose to the sillays.)
some notes about garten of banban characters I never touch on or fandom characters!
bendy + huggy wuggy.
bendy is a recovering alcoholic. Huggy is his old friend who always tries to assure he doesn't get back into old habits. They don't live together anymore, but they used to when money was tight. This is when bendy got into rehab via huggy's request. Bendy is always in his taller, lankyer ink form. His ink sticks to his body hard, rarely does it come off, allowing him to wear clothing.
Banbalena + nabnab and nabnabalena
Banbalena is the main person who keeps banban and the spiders in check, as she lives with them. Banbalena is NOT related to or in a relationship with banban, they are an adjacent species, as banbalena is not a demon. Banbalena and banban are very very close and old friends. Nabnab is usually not that active, nabnabalena is slightly more active than him, often chatting with banbalena. The spiders are also very good friends with banban and banbalena, using their rare times of activity to cook and clean. (Nabnabalena is the better cook, as she hoards cooking books constantly.)
Baldi + principal (pretty sure that's his name, if not, I'm just gonna call him that. Nicknamed prince.)
Both are retired teachers. Long time friends who met at college. strictly background characters, they will almost never have a prominent role in the story. Sorry baldi fuckers.
(sanses) dream + nightmare
Dream and co have stopped fighting with the evil gaggle nightmare formed long, long ago. they now chill with one another in a frienemy way, often poking fun at one another. Again, side characters, but these guys will have some major roles here and there.
Garfield + odie
Garfield is now a snow leopard and odie is an artic wolf-dog. Both anthro, both pretty large. Yes, Garfield still loves lasagna and still hates odie. Odie is a classic optimistic puppy-dog type, not fitting at all with Garfield's more melancholy ways of life. They live together and have annoying roommate dynamics. Side characters.
Green + cyan
Green and cyan often train together doing gymnastics. green has scarred, foggy eyes and a short, fluffy coat of green fur. Cyan is more wyvern-like, having wings that double as arms, though their bones are too thick to fly. part of the main cast.
Stinger Flynn + red
Red used to do experiments on himself, earning him sharp claws that he hides constantly behind gloves specialty made for his odd little hands. he has fangs and a long, snake-like tongue, but his mouth is not visible, ever. He and stinger Flynn met and bonded through being nerds about scientific shit. Stinger Flynn is kept to his usual design, except for scars all round his eye. He has a humanoid form that follows the same logic as Squidward, tentacles acting as legs + hands. He has long, flowing hair in this form with one eye to boot. He is rarely in this form, though. Him and red are both retired scientists, whom do not live together. Stinger Flynn and red are the main two who decide if the respective groups go anywhere all together. red lives with all the rainbow friends, though they often leave to do their own thing, but almost always come back.
slow salene + opila bird
Slow salene is a pretty shy one, but does often see the gang when their all met up. She usually visits banbalena in her free time. opila lives with her children and husband, also coming over often to meet with banbalena.
purple + orange
Purple and orange are quite good friends, bonding over how SMALL and STUPID they are. Voices of reason for the rainbow cast right next to red. Purple resembles a hairless cat without ears, a nub tail, and clawed hands in the place of paws. They usually crawl around on all fours, slinking into vents and any other small space they can find. Orange is alligator gar based, having most of the features of a alligator, with the fishy genes of an alligator gar. They have their own pool they are most often seen in. they are the least ticklish out of the rainbow friends. Adores sunbathing.
Theirs tons more characters. Why are they not listed? Here's why: their extremely unimportant background characters, their just not all that interesting as they don't bounce off of any specific characters, they are so important to the story that mentioning them would spoil what I have planned, or I was just too lazy to write it.
Don't judge me for this I swear I'm normal.
RAAAH this took me like 2 hours to make raaaah
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briamichellewrites · 10 months
2005. Paris’ cell phone was hacked and published on the internet. Text messages, pictures, and phone numbers were all exposed. Out of curiosity, Chester happened to look through it. He found one text message exchange between her and Bria that caught his attention. After printing it out, he brought it with him to the studio to share with the band. They were involved in meetings to plan for their next album, so he thought it would be the perfect opportunity.
Fuck you. My boyfriend is Jewish and so is our other friend. I also have a friend who is gay and two friends who are Asian. You do not get to use them to prove to people you’re not homophobic, racist, or a fucking idiot. I don’t tolerate that shit. My father raised me to respect others, no matter what. He always treated your family with respect, even though he didn’t always agree. I’m sorry you won’t be able to meet them because you’re too narcissistic and narrow-minded to think about anyone except yourself. Don’t ever say that shit to me again! – Bria
Good for her! That was the girl they knew and loved! She would be the type of person to stand up against discrimination, especially when it involved the people she loved. What did Paris say? He couldn’t find her response. It just had her text message. Bria was making headlines for being the Forgotten Hilton Sister, or that was what the press called her.
She was seen as a sister who didn’t participate in partying or getting into trouble. After people found out that Richard had another child, he was forced to confess that Bria was his biological daughter. The press tried to dig up information about her that would show her being as scandalous as Paris, but they only found out she was a quiet, law-abiding citizen. The adopted daughter of a billionaire and an investor herself. She didn’t even have a parking violation on her record.
After fighting cancer for two long years, she was finally in remission! She worked with a physical therapist to learn how to walk again. The band was overwhelmed with emotion when they heard the news! She and Brad quietly broke up because of the stress. He continued living with her to help her become independent again.
She did the exercises recommended by her physical therapist and she practiced walking around while holding onto furniture. Just like a baby before taking their first steps. Her legs were getting their strength back. One step at a time. She held onto Mike’s outstretched arms while Brad followed behind, ready to catch her if she fell. They walked halfway across the living room before she fell. After making sure she was okay, they congratulated her! That was awesome!
They helped her back into her wheelchair, where she caught her breath. Joyce and Donn were impressed by her progress. Throughout her cancer journey, they thought of her as the daughter they never had. Even after she and Brad broke up, they continued keeping her in their lives. He didn’t mind at all. After officially ending their relationship, he met a woman named, Elisa Boren.
They started dating and in 2003, they got married. He had moved out by then, as she was finally independent. Her hair had grown back to its beautiful state. She was growing it out.
She also gained the weight back that she lost. Since she was finally independent, she could drive around town and go back to her previous life before being diagnosed with cancer. Did she keep her wheelchair? No, she donated it to charity. After leaving his band, Phoenix joined Linkin Park for their second album, Meteora as their guitarist. His relationship with Mike ended after two years.
They were just two friends who worked together, instead of romantic partners. Their breakup hurt but they were able to work through it without it affecting the band. Bria bought another house for her and her cats. Tiny and Garfield were older but still active and judgmental of their human. Tiny even more so than Garfield. Humans were strange creatures. They couldn’t figure them out. She was told by the vet to keep an eye on age-related changes.
There was so much Bria wanted to do! Mike told her not to get ahead of herself. She had every right to be excited about the future, but he didn’t want her to get overwhelmed with everything. At twenty-four years old, she could do almost anything.
“You know what, Michael? The Beastie Boys fought for my right to party. So, I’m going to fucking party”, Bria said.
He laughed. After selling the house she lived in with Brad, she moved into a twelve-bedroom, ten-bathroom house in Los Angeles. It had a wine cellar that held up to fifty wine bottles, an indoor and outdoor pool; an indoor and outdoor movie theater; a spa, a separate studio guest house in the backyard, and a walk-in closet that resembled a showroom for her clothing, shoes, and handbags.
The living room also opened up to the backyard with pocket doors, making it seem a lot bigger. It was expensive at one hundred million dollars. The cats had free reign of the house. They toured the property when they moved in. Their cat beds and furniture were placed in the main floor living room. Kathy and Richard stopped by as she was hanging out with Mike. They wanted to see the place, so she gave the three of them a tour.
Richard and Kathy thought she made the right choice. She joked about not living with any boyfriends for a while. How many has she lived with? Two. They were both named Brad. They were interested in Mike, so they sat down with him in the living room. He was from an upper-middle-class family. His parents were both engineers. From his father, he was a third-generation Japanese immigrant.
His mother’s side was European. His grandfather’s family came from Japan before the Second World War. They were placed into an internment camp after Pearl Harbor. He was a producer, singer/songwriter, and rapper. How did he meet Bria? He met her in 1998 when she came to his art show at his college, Art Center School of Design in Pasadena. They dated for a while but it didn’t work out. That was fine. Did he have any siblings?
He had a younger brother, who was at Harvard studying to be an architect. They were impressed with that. Harvard was a very prestigious school and architecture was a great career. If he wasn’t a musician, he would have been an artist. What were Bria’s plans? She planned to keep being awesome. Other than that, she and Mike could always go to Saks for an afternoon.
“Now that I think of it, I’m going to meet with Rob to go over my stocks. Maybe I’ll go over and see Brad tomorrow if he’s in town.”
“Which one? Brad and Elisa are going on vacation”, Mike asked.
“Brad Pitt. I need to make sure he’s staying in line.”
How the hell did she know him? She met him in Cannes in 1998. It was cute because they met at a restaurant and he was struggling to order food because he didn’t know French. She had to translate for him. They lived together for a while.
But she left him, due to his drinking. He went to rehab and apologized to her while she was fighting cancer. She jokingly called him an asshole. Mike confirmed their relationship was odd. After her parents left, he put his arm around her. He called her adorable before kissing her. They told each other I love you before going up to her room.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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So My Ex-Boyfriend Is Spider-Man {Peter Parker}
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Plot: When you’re ex-boyfriend (that you still harbour some feelings for) is Spider-Man and is constantly in the news, it makes it hard to form new relationships.
Character: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x Gender Netural Reader
Warnings: description of explosion, casualties and brief mention of blood, swearing
Break-ups were tough regardless. Random things would remind you of them; random things would ruin all of the progress you’d made. Some people were reminded of their ex on a cold morning as they walked through the park, some were reminded of the ex through music... you? You were constantly reminded of your ex. Your ex-boyfriend was none other than Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. This meant that more often than not your ex-boyfriend was in the news as Spider-Man near enough every single day. He was plastered over billboards, newspapers, adverts, kids wore his mask in the street; the whole of New York City reminded you of your ex-boyfriend.
You and Peter had dated for a few years. You’d met each other in college, he was the nerdy sweetheart and you fell for him pretty much straight away. It didn’t take long before you started dating. Your relationship was a whirlwind, it got very intense very quickly but that wasn’t a bad thing at all. When you fell, you fell hard and so did Peter. It was around the six month mark that he came clean about his secret identity after you’d found him bruised and bleeding in his dorm room one night. Of course you were shocked and worried but it was Peter’s decision at the end of the day and of course you were going to support him regardless. The two of you dated all through college but one day something happened; something that changed the fate of your relationship.
One day, as you walked home from work late one night, you were knocked out and kidnapped. Turns out that the villain of the week had discovered Spider-Man’s love affair with you and had tracked you down and used you to get to him. Peter came and saved you but you got hurt and you were terrified. Peter had always promised you that he’d keep you safe and he couldn’t forgive himself that he’d been so reckless to have you be recognised by a villain. He grew distant after that, you’d see him less and less until one day, you didn’t see him at all. It was weeks later when you finally managed to pin him down. It resulted in a big blow out fight. Peter was pushing you away, trying to make you hate him so that it made it easier for you to break-up. You knew what he was doing and you tried so hard to make him change his mind. He didn’t. You didn’t see him after that aside from seeing him on the news.
You had tried to date, tried to move on but living in the same city as your superhero ex-boyfriend proved to be a lot harder than you’d anticipated. You couldn’t move on without seeing him everywhere, you couldn’t bring your dates into your apartment without Spider-Man being on the news; you couldn’t get away from him. It hindered you from moving on because really, you didn’t want to move on. You missed Peter. You didn’t blame him for you getting kidnapped and hurt; you knew that would a risk when he told you that he was Spider-Man. You were terrified from the incident but you never wanted it to come between you and Peter.
“(y/n)?” A voice asked, “You zoning out?”
“Huh?” You asked blinking quick and coming out of your trance of thinking about Peter.
Tom, the guy you’d been on three dates with, laughed, “You’re adorable... I was asking if there’s any crazy ex’s of yours that I need to worry about.”
You faltered as you tried to think of something to say, “Um... I wouldn’t say that he’s crazy.”
Tom raised his eyebrows, “Oh yeah? What’s his-”
Tom was cut off by a rather large explosion that erupted at the bar of the restaurant. You and Tom had been sitting close-by which meant that the force of the explosion threw the two of you out of your seats and skidding across the floor. Everything was a bit of a haze. Your ears were ringing and your head was agony. You must’ve hit your head off of the floor on your way down.
Tom’s face hovered over yours a moment later. You could see that he was talking but you couldn’t hear him. It sounded like you were underwater and then all at once, your hearing came back. The sounds of the alarm, screaming and shouts of help were overwhelming.
“We gotta get outta here,” Tom said, “You doing okay?”
You managed a small ‘yeah’ as you allowed him to help you up and led you out of the restaurant. As you stumbled through the rubble and chaos, you had to step over a few bodies. Your stomach churned at the thought. Tom led you to safety outside of the restaurant and it was then you realised that the bar was on fire and there were still various people in the restaurant either unconscious or trapped.
“We have to help,” you said, attempting to stand up but falling into Tom’s arms.
“Whoa,” he said, moving you to stand up straight, “you’re bleeding.” He tutted, staring at a cut on your forehead, “You might have a concussion, you’re not going anywhere.”
“But Tom-”
“The police will be here in a minute, they’ll deal with it.”
It was then a voice came from above, “I’m not the police but I’m the next best thing.” Your whole body froze as you heard that voice and then suddenly, Spider-Man dropped into your vision. Tom felt your body stiffening as you stared at the masked superhero, he glanced down at you and asked if you were alright. You stared at your ex-boyfriend and through the mask, Peter Parker stared straight back at you, “(y/n)...” He whispered and then he noticed the slow trickle of blood down your forehead, “You’re bleeding,” he said, approaching quickly, “Are you okay?”
Tom’s head whipped between the two as you said, “I’m fine, I’m fine,” you stepped out of Tom’s embrace, towards your ex-boyfriend, “There was an explosion at the bar. I don’t know if it was a bomb or what but it was big... There are still people trapped and it’s on fire, you need to help them.”
Spider-Man nodded, “On it.” He turned to leave but hesitated, “Hey-”
“Hey-” you said at the same time as him. He turned to you and you gave him a small smile, “Be safe.”
He nodded quickly, beginning to jog into the restaurant, “Get them checked out by the paramedics, will you?” He called to Tom, “They’re just coming!”
You watched as he disappeared into the depths of the restaurant and then you realised that now you’d need to explain the situation to Tom. Slowly, you turned to him with an awkward smile, “Remember you were asking about my ex? So... turns out that my ex-boyfriend is Spider-Man.”
His face was priceless and had it not been so awkward you probably would’ve laughed, “Spider-Man?” He asked, “Spider-Man is your ex-boyfriend?”
You nodded, “Yup.”
“Oh wow, okay,” he muttered, rubbing a tired hand over his face. It wasn’t the worst reaction to finding out that your ex was Spider-Man, “I’ll deal with that later. First, let’s get you checked out.” Course it was a shock to the system but Tom seemed to be coping okay as he tried to lead you towards the ambulances that drove up to the restaurant, “Can you check them out?” He asked, leading you over but you couldn’t take your eyes off of the restaurant, “I think they’ve maybe got a concussion.”
“I’m fine, Tom, I just really need to-” you tried ducking under his arm to get a better view.
“You need to make sure that he’s okay.” Tom’s tone was a little bitter. You turned to him, guilt all over your face, but he shook his head, “Can you let the paramedic check your head wound out? I’ll keep watch and tell you when he’s out.” You thanked him quietly and allowed the paramedic to check on you.
It only took a few minutes for them to check you over. They put a band aid over your cut and said you had a slight concussion but nothing major, you’d be okay. You walked over to Tom, “Slight concussion, nothing serious,” you told him.
“He brought out three and went back in for someone else.”
You felt terrible, “Tom...” You felt like you owed him an explanation, “That’s the first I’ve seen him in person in a long time... It’s hard, trying to date when your ex-boyfriend is all over the news constantly.”
He shook his head, “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I just want to know what you want.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, “I know we’ve been on three dates but I’d like to see you again. It seems you have some unresolved things here and I want to know what you want. I don’t want to compete with a superhero.”
You resembled a fish out of water, mouth moving but no sound coming out. To be honest, you didn’t know what you wanted. You had tried to pretend by going on various dates that you were ready to move on but the truth was that even if Peter wasn’t plastered all over the news and billboards, you’d still think about him and miss him. You’d never experienced a love like the love you had with Peter and it was time you admitted that to yourself.
“There was an incident that started in the kitchen of the restaurant, some workers seeing what stuff they could microwave and then set on fire... It got a little out of hand and that’s what caused the explosion, officer.” You whirled round to see Peter chatting to the Chief of Police, “Few fatalities, I managed to get the rest out.” As soon as you heard his voice, your full attention was on him.
The Chief of Police nodded and shook his hand, “We’ll take over from here.” 
Peter approached you, “Where’s your boyfriend?” He asked.
You turned to your side where Tom had previously stood but he was gone. You looked around and could see the silhouette of him walking back to his car, “He’s not my boyfriend,” you muttered, “and if he was then him leaving me here without telling me surely means that’s things ended.”
The pair of you stood there awkwardly in silence for a few seconds before Peter asked how you were going to get home, “I mean, my date just left so I’ll need to get the subway or something.”
“Nah,” he said shaking his head, he opened his arm, “Come on, I’ll get you home in two minutes tops.”
You shook your head, causing a sharp pain to radiate through your skull, “Ow!” You hissed, hand flying up to your head, almost falling to your side but Peter caught you easily.
“I’m taking you home, (y/n),” he said softly, “I need to make sure you get home okay. Don’t fight me on this one.” With a sigh, you nodded and curled into his embrace. You tried to not think of the fact that you could smell his cologne and it was still the same one; the bottle that you’d gotten him for his birthday years ago. You tried to not think of his hand on your hip, holding you tightly in place as he swung through the city. You were used to zooming through the air with him though it wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience so you buried your head in the crook of his neck. Peter tried not to think of the fact that he loved when you hid in his neck, he tried to not think of your hands that clung to his body... He focused on the buildings and continued to swing.
It was exactly two minutes later when he landed on the rooftop of your apartment complex. Immediately, you let go of him, scuttling a few steps away,  “Are you sure that your head’s okay?” He asked you.
You nodded, “I’ll be fine. I’ll take painkillers and I’ll be fine. Thanks, Pete.” You gave him a small smile and went to turn away when he asked a question that froze you in your tracks.
“Was it easy? Moving on from us?”
Slowly, you turned to him with a confused expression, “Who said I’ve moved on from you?”
“You seem to have moved on quite well in fact. You’ve got a new boyfriend.” The fact that his tone was dripping with irritation annoyed the hell out of you.
“First, he’s not my boyfriend and even if he was, what the hell does it matter to you?!” You hissed, “You’re the one who ended things, Peter. Don’t get pissy with me for trying to carry on my life after you shut me out of yours.”
Peter scoffed, “I’m only asking because it seems like you’ve completely forgotten about me-”
“Forgotten about you?!” You were angry, your blood was red hot and you let the pain and grief come spilling out, “Do you know how hard it is to move on when you’re literally everywhere I go?!” You yelled, “You are on every screen in New York, in every shop window; on every fucking billboard! I can’t do anything without being reminded of you, Peter!” Peter was taken aback but you weren’t finished yet. You were breathing heavy, “He’s not my boyfriend,” you huffed, “I’ve not had a boyfriend since you. I’ve been less than ten dates! I can’t get past the third date. I mean, how can I move on? You’re literally everywhere so it means that I can’t get over you! I can’t stop thinking about you and worrying about you! How can anyone I date come close to that?! You are in my head every single fucking day, Peter!”
“You still think about me?” He pulled the mask off and you could see his expression; that sad, pained look in his eye. You’d missed seeing his face. He looked tired, probably hadn’t slept in a few days. Peter avoided feeling his true emotions by throwing himself into being Spider-Man when things got tough. It pained you to see him do that to himself.
Seeing his face made you soften completely. You hadn’t meant to tell him all of that but you were angry and you needed him to know that you were hurting just as much if not more than he was. Your chest heaved as you nodded, “Of course I do.”
He stepped towards you, “I thought that I was protecting you,” he said softly, eyes full of tears, “I thought that by pushing you away it would make it easier but it- it hasn’t. I was stupid.” He shook his head, “I-I don’t want you to get hurt like that again though.”
“Me getting hurt wasn’t your fault, Pete. You need to stop blaming yourself for it. I’m okay, I survived it, didn’t I? You got me out, you saved me. I forgave you a long time ago but I need you to forgive yourself.” You barely registered that you’d stepped closer to him too.
“I think about you every day too.”
“Oh.” I mean, how were you meant to respond, “Thank you?”
Peter scoffed with that stupid dorky half grin on his face, “Thank you?” He repeated, “I basically tell you that I’m still hopelessly in love with you and you say ‘thank you’?!”
You found yourself grinning and laughing slightly in front of him before you realised what he really said, “Wait... you’re still in love with me?”
He looked at you, “There’s never been a moment where I was never in love with you, (y/n). It’s you; it’s always been you.”
“Peter,” you whispered, “I... I still love you, too.”
“Can I kiss you?” The fact he asked, the fact that even after all of this time he was still so careful with your consent and with your trust to ask for a kiss. Peter Parker wasn’t like any guys you’d met before. Aside from the fact that he was the only superhero you’d met, he was a rarity among men; kind, caring and so freaking selfless. He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and yet continued to make sure you were okay first.
“Kiss me,” you whispered, closing the gap between you and pressing yourself against him.
He didn’t hesitate and you didn’t need to tell him twice. He kissed you and you melted into him. He tasted the same as always; coffee and chocolate. You kissed him as though you’d never been apart, as though the last few months never happened. His hands were on either side of your face, cupping your soft skin so gently yet kissing you with such hunger and passion. He’d missed you. He’d missed you so much. The two of you only pulled away when the need for oxygen burned at your lungs. You buried your head in the crook of his neck, needing to feel him against you, “God, I’ve missed you.”
“Do you forgive me?” He asked softly, pulling you closer to him, “I can’t promise that you won’t be targeted again but I do promise that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
“I forgive you and I trust you... Do you forgive yourself?” You pulled away looking deep into those gorgeous eyes of his.
He nodded again, “Yeah,” he whispered, “I forgive myself too.” He kissed you again, a gentle kiss that lasted only a few seconds, “Can I come into your apartment? It’s freezing out here.”
You laughed as you rolled your eyes, trust him to ruin the moment, “Let’s go, Spider-Boy.” You teased as you took his hand and let him to the rooftop door which would allow access to the stairs.
“You know, I didn’t miss you calling me that.”
And just like that, things were seemingly going back to normal.
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
Hey Gabriella, congratulations again 😊
Could I ask you for a ✨, please? Thank you 😌
[My 200 follower celebration is now closed. I’ll just be finishing up on the remaining asks. Thanks for joining!]
prompt: Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran (I was 24 years old when I met the woman I would call my own)
Tell Me a Story
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"Daddy," Your daughter, Sophie, cooed from her spot on the living room floor, "can you tell me a story?"
"Sure pumpkin." Andrew smiled, lifting the toddler from floor and onto his lap with a small grunt, "What story do you want me to tell you?"
Sophie was silent for a moment, thinking about what she wanted to hear before she excitedly piped up, "How did you meet and fell in love with mommy?"
Hearing your little girl's request from the kitchen where you were making tea for you and your husband, a small smile grew on your lips before you opted to stand by the doorframe - two steaming cups in hand.
Andrew grinned, ready to please his daughter as he started.
"Well, I was 24 years old when I met the woman I would call my own. We were both working on a movie and when I saw her, it was like she put me under a spell."
"Why daddy?" Sophie asked, big brown eyes beaming up at him.
"Because ever since the day I met mommy, I couldn't stop thinking about her." He replied, causing you to roll your eyes at his cheesiness.
"Then?" Your daughter urged him on.
"Then, since we spent a lot of time together, we became friends even after the movie was finished."
"Like me and Mark?" Sophie said.
Andrew had to fight back his urge to roll his eyes at the mention of his daugther's male friend at kindergarten.
"So, we continued to see and spend a lot of time with each other over the next few years then when we started doing Spider-Man, I finally asked her out on a date."
"Where did you take her to?"
"I took her to her favorite bookstore then we had a picnic in the sunset. Then, after many dates and years later - I married her and we now have a little angel named Sophie."
"Now how long has mommy been eavesdropping?" He grinned, only now noticing your presence.
"Long enough to hear the whole story." You said, handing him his cup of tea.
Sophie lovingly beamed up at her parents, "When I grow up, I want a love story like you and daddy's."
"Fine, but you're not allowed to get married until your 40." Andrew said as he started tickling her.
"Daddy!" Sophie squealed, trying to wiggle away from his grasp.
"Oh leave her alone," you teased, "We got married when we were 32."
Peter Parker and Andrew Garfield Taglistl:
@beloved-bucky , @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes-recs, @holy-macncheese-ballscheese-balls
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justabigassnerd · 3 years
A gift to remember
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Pairing - TASM!Peter Parker x reader
Word count - 3,146
Warnings - angst, mentions of death
Summary - it's Peter's birthday and you want to spoil him
A/N - it's another TASM fic y'all!! I'm not sorry at all I'm in love with Andrew Garfield and his Spidey. And I'm not joking when I say I have a notes page full of ideas for this Spidey and it's getting longer by the day. Big shoutout to Moose for helping me and listening to my ideas, I love you more than words can say. As per y'all, please send in requests and enjoy!
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Sliding out of Peter’s arms in the morning was always the hardest part of getting up. He was your personal heater, holding you close and keeping you protected even as he slept. But no matter how hard it was, you had to do it, especially because today was his birthday and you wanted to spoil him. Starting with breakfast in bed. As you moved gently, trying not to wake him up, he groaned and tightened his grip on you ever so slightly.
“Pete, I need to get up. I’ll be back in a few alright?” You whisper to him, pressing a kiss to his nose as he smiles slightly, opening his eyes sleepily. You manage to wiggle out of his grasp but not before pressing a second kiss to the top of his head.
“Ten minutes, don’t move.” You say, climbing out of bed and heading into the kitchen where you get started on making breakfast for Peter. You put bacon and eggs into a pan and start cooking them while putting bread in the toaster. You hum to yourself as you cook the food, thinking about the present you got for him, hoping he’d like it. You knew that no matter how much he tried to hide it from you, he still missed Gwen. His birthday was always tough for him since Gwen died and you understood completely. He lost his first love in horrific circumstances. You had first met Peter in a university class the two of you shared because in a last-minute rush you had forgotten a pen to take notes and since Peter was the closest person to you at the time you had tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he had a pen you could borrow. At first, Peter was quiet, he would only talk to you if you spoke to him first but over time he opened up. It wasn’t until the two of you became official that he told you about Gwen and the fact he was Spider-Man. You remember holding Peter as he cried, begging you not to get involved with any fights he may face. You agreed to Peter’s terms. As much as it kills you to let him go out and fight criminals you knew that he was more than capable of doing that and if you were out there with him it just gave him an extra thing to worry about during a fight.
You jump out of your thoughts when the toaster pops, revealing perfect golden toast and you turn the hob off, satisfied with how the bacon and eggs are cooked and start plating everything up, spreading butter on the toast and putting it alongside the bacon and eggs before pouring a glass of juice. You grab a tray and put the plate and glass on it, grabbing some cutlery and adding it on the tray too before picking it up and carrying it to your shared room. As you walk into the room you can see Peter has dozed off again, bringing a soft smile to your face. You walk over to the bed, placing the tray on your bedside table before perching on the edge of the bed, running a hand through Peter's hair to gently rouse him. It took a minute but eventually, Peter opened his eyes once again and smiled when you locked eyes.
“I smell bacon.” He says, tiredness still evident in his voice as he sits up.
“You’re correct. It’s not much but I wanted to make you a little breakfast in bed. You know because you’re the birthday boy and it’s my job to spoil you today.” You say, picking up the tray and handing it to Peter who places it on his lap and starts digging into his breakfast. You move to sit next to him, resting your back against the headboard as he eats.
“This is really good! Want some?” Peter praises, gesturing to his plate as he looks at you.
“No thanks, Peter. It’s your birthday breakfast, I’ll make something for myself in a bit.” You say, shaking your head as Peter rolls his eyes.
“Come on, you know you wanna. Besides, you can’t say no because it’s my birthday.” Peter says teasingly, getting some bacon and eggs on his fork and holding it up towards you with a cheeky grin.
“Okay but only because it’s your birthday.” You reply, moving closer to take a bite of the food.
“Good right?” He asks, his brown eyes lit up as he grins.
“Pete, I made the food surely I shouldn’t be praising my own cooking abilities.” You say, laughing as Peter gasps in mock offence.
“Well if you won’t compliment your cooking, I’ll have to do it myself. This is delicious, thank you so much beautiful.” Peter says, inching closer before pressing a quick kiss to your lips before returning to his meal. Once he finishes his breakfast you take the tray and tell him to get ready for the day. You wash the dirty dishes, cutlery, and glass and as you wipe down the tray over the sink you feel two hands rest on your hips and a gentle kiss being pressed on your shoulder.
“Hello, mister.” You say, looking over your shoulder and smiling when you lock eyes with Peter who rests his chin on your shoulder, occasionally pressing little kisses on your shoulder. His hair was damp, a clear sign he’d had a quick shower before getting ready for the day ahead.
“Go wait in the living room. I need to get changed.” You say, putting the tray down and turning to face Peter. You watch as he leaves the kitchen and heads to the living room while you go to shower and get dressed. Once you’re ready, you head into the living room and take Peter's hand in yours, attempting to tug him to his feet with a smile.
“Let’s go for a walk, go to that café you like.” You say, laughing as Peter dramatically flops against the sofa in mock protest.
“Come on bug boy.” You continue, you notice Peter's eyes flash with reminiscence, and although he smiles and gets to his feet you see the sadness he’s tucking away behind his eyes. He was thinking of Gwen. You slipped up and called him a nickname Gwen had called him and now he was upset. You’d done the one thing you didn’t want to do on his birthday.
“Are we going?” Peter asks, making you look to him, nodding quickly.
“Yeah, let me just get my shoes on, sorry.” You say, walking past him to put your shoes on, then grabbing your keys.
“Shall we?” You ask, gesturing with your keys towards the door.
“We shall.” Peter replies, the two of you exiting the flat and heading down to the exit. You step into the bustling streets of New York and if instinctual, Peter grabs your hand in his, holding on tight so you don’t lose each other. You didn’t really have a plan on where you wanted to go other than Peter's favourite café so that’s where you went. You enter the small building, welcomed by the smell of coffee and pastries. You tell Peter to wait while you order two hot chocolates and two pastries to go and once you pay and receive your drinks and food you join Peter and the two of you head out of the café to continue your walk. You walk to a nearby park and sit on a bench, watching the people walking past as you eat.
“We should probably swing by and see May after this.” You say, breaking the comfortable silence after you took a sip of your hot chocolate.
“I take it you don’t mean literally swing by?” Peter questions jokingly, raising an eyebrow as he looks over at you.
“Of course, I don’t. You’d give poor May a heart attack.” You say, shoving his shoulder as you both laugh.
“We’ll finish our drinks and then go and see her.” Peter says as you nod in confirmation. You always tried to make sure Peter sees his aunt as possible, especially since he had moved out and he owed it to her to visit every so often. When the two of you finish your drinks, you chuck the rubbish in the nearest bin and start the walk to May’s house.
“It’ll make her happy to see you, Pete, we haven’t stopped by in a while.” You say, manoeuvring through the sea of people with Peter stuck to your side like glue.
“She’ll be happier to see you.” Peter replies, glancing over at you momentarily with a small grin before suddenly tugging you out of the way of a businessman who was speed walking down the street, phone held up to his ear in one hand and a large coffee in the other.
“Maybe we should’ve swung.” You mutter, cursing lightly when you get jostled by another person storming past. Eventually, the two of you make it to May’s house and knock on the door.
“Peter!” May exclaims happily when she opens the door, throwing her arms around her nephew and pulling him into a tight hug as you watch with a smile.
“Hi, Aunt May.” Peter says, reciprocating the hug.
“y/n, it’s good to see you, sweetheart.” May says, releasing Peter and moving to hug you.
“It’s good to see you too, May.” You reply, squeezing her tight before letting go. You then all go into the house and sit in the kitchen.
“I didn’t know if you were going to come by today but on the off chance, you did. I got some cake and a present for you, Peter.” May says, opening a cupboard and pulling out a tin with a small cake inside it before hurrying off to her room and coming back with a neatly wrapped present and place both on the counter in front of Peter.
“May… you really didn’t have to do this.” Peter starts, glancing from the cake and present to his aunt.
“I’ve been getting you birthday presents since you were born, I’m not going to stop now. You’re my boy Peter.” May says with a smile which Peter mirrors, clearing his throat so he doesn’t choke up at her words. You watch as Peter opens the present, revealing a new case for his camera. You see Peter's eyes light up at the sight as he leaps to his feet, wrapping his arms around his aunt and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Thank you so much!” He exclaims, practically bouncing off the walls in joy.
“You’re welcome, Peter.” May says as Peter releases her from the hug and moves to sit next to you again.
“That'll keep that camera of yours safe. God knows how it's still standing.” You tease as you admire the case, knowing Peter has dropped his camera too many times for it to be functional anymore but by some miracle, it hardly looks like it’s been dropped as many times as it has. May then gets some candles and puts them on the cake, lighting them before you and her sing happy birthday to Peter as he smiles, taking your hand in his. When you finish singing, he blows out the candles as you and May clap.
“What did you wish for?” You ask, resting your head on his shoulder as he laughs.
“I can’t tell you otherwise it won’t come true.” He replies, kissing the top of your head and you groan and pull away. You help May cut the cake, putting the slices on plates, and handing them out along with forks. The cake was delicious, May had made it herself. She told you that every year since her and Ben took him in, she would make Peter a cake for his birthday. You thought it was so sweet that May did that for Peter, she clearly loved and cared for him so much and it made you happy to know Peter has such a wonderful mother figure in his life.
You spend the majority of the day with May, enjoying her company and listening to her tell stories about Peters childhood, much to his embarrassment. As the sun starts to begin its descent you decide to head home. The streets were not as busy as they were earlier but there was still a fair few people around. You make it home relatively quick and upon Peter's request, you order a pizza for dinner, neither of you being in the mood to cook something. You sit on the sofa as you share a pizza, conversing quietly while the tv blares in the background. When the pizza has been eaten and the box thrown away you get the courage to give Peter his present.
“Stay put I’ve got a present for you.” You say, getting up from the sofa and heading to your room to find the present you got Peter. When you reach the room, you dig the box out of your bedside table drawer before returning to the living room. You sit beside Peter and hand the present to him. Nerves eat away at your stomach as Peter opens the present, revealing the dog tags on a chain. You saw Peter open his mouth to say something, but he stopped when he noticed the engraving on one of the tags. You’d taken them somewhere to get Gwen’s initials engraved on one side and his on the other.
“I thought it would be nice for you to have a way to keep her close. I know how much you miss her and… god I’m sorry it seemed like a good idea at the time…” You start, your voice becoming quieter when you noticed Peter hadn’t said anything and was just staring at the engraving. Without thinking you get up and dart out of the flat, your feet taking you up to the roof of the building. You sit down on the edge of the roof, legs dangling down as you watch the hustle and bustle of the nightlife of New York City. There was something peaceful about being above it all, watching it without having to get involved. You wondered if Peter did things like this on patrol or if he was too busy to get a break. You bit back tears as you thought about Peter. You’d messed up twice and ruined his birthday for him and you couldn’t forgive yourself. It was the first birthday you celebrated since getting together and you wanted everything to be perfect for him. You hug your arms around your waist in a vain attempt to block out the chilling wind blowing past.
“Figured you would’ve come up here.” Peter's gentle voice makes you jump which makes Peter fire a web from his web shooter and pull you away from the edge of the roof. You scramble to your feet and look at Peter with wide eyes. You didn’t know if you would’ve fallen or not but knowing Peter wasn’t willing to let there be even the slimmest chance of you falling made your heart flutter.
“Peter, I’m so sorry. I should’ve thought the present through a little bit more. I-” You’re cut off by Peter pulling you into one of the tightest hugs you’ve ever been trapped in.
“Stop apologising. I love it.” Peter whispers, running a hand through your hair to calm you.
“You do?” You ask, pulling away slightly to look up at him, your eyes shining with unfallen tears in the city lights.
“Of course I do. You didn’t have to get me something to remember Gwen by, but you did. You were thinking about a way to help me heal and keep Gwen with me. You’ve always been there for me when I needed you and you care so much. And I love you for that.” Peter’s words make your heart stop as you look up at him.
“You… love me?” You question, tears springing to your eyes again as Peter nods, his small smile growing.
“How could I not? I know Gwen would’ve wanted me to move on and she’d be so happy seeing that I fell in love with someone as beautiful and caring as you.” He says, leaning forward so your foreheads are resting against each other’s, both of you smiling as you look into each other’s eyes.
“I love you too, Pete.” You say, leaning in and connecting your lips. Neither you nor Peter had the courage to say those three words before now but neither of you could deny the pure love you felt being with the other.
“I was thinking.” Peter says when the two of you pull apart for air, but still maintaining a close distance.
“A dangerous habit of yours.” You tease, laughing slightly as Peter pouts jokingly, receiving a kiss on the end of his nose to change his pout into a smile.
“As I was saying. I was thinking, when you first left the flat, I noticed there were two dog tags, and only one of them was engraved. I’m going to find a place and get your initials on the other one.” Peter says and, at that moment, you notice he’s wearing the dog tags, he really did like the present.
“My initials?” You question.
“Yes, yours. Gwen was my first love. But that doesn’t change how I feel about you. You deserve an engraving on one of these too.” Peter says, holding the dog tags loosely between his fingers before dropping them again and reconnecting your lips once more. This time, when you pull apart you both wordlessly decide to head back into the flat to get out of the cold.
Upon returning to the flat, you get into comfy clothes and go into the living room to watch a movie. Peter decides to sprawl across the sofa and lay his head in your lap, but you don’t mind. You sit there and run a hand through his hair, admiring the softness as you smooth his hair out of his face, having been ruffled in the wind. As you watch the movie, Peter kept stealing glances up at you, admiring your smile or the way the colours reflected off your face, making you look even more gorgeous than he thought possible. He couldn’t believe how lucky he got with meeting you after convincing himself there was no chance, he’d find love after Gwen. He’d never forget Gwen, she’ll always be a part of him but with each passing day he felt himself healing, and it was all thanks to your love and dedication. It had taken him longer than he should’ve to realise just how in love with you he is but now that he told you. He wasn’t ever going to let you forget it.
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The Night We Met ~ P.P.
A/n: decided to do a two-part fic for Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker because I’ve been crushing on him and missing writing. Some major angst because I am. Sad. Lol. I tried to make this all one part but it was well over 11,000 words so I broke it into two. It’s completely done and I’ll post the second part in a bit <3
WARNINGS: nightmares, Gwen’s death (mentioned), loss, depression, general heartbreak, violence, blood, gun use (by villain), guilt, trauma responses having to do with Gwen’s death
Word Count: 5200+
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I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt. I've been searching for a trail to follow again - take me back to the night we met.
As his eyes flew open, Peter knew immediately that today was going to be a bad day. He was breathless, and his heart pounded in his chest. His cheeks were already wet with tears. Tell-tale signs that the rest of the day was lost. Ruined.
And sure, he could already see May’s warm smile and eyes full of gentle reminders as she said what she always did - that his struggles were real and emotions were valid, and that some days were worse than others, but you had to keep going. You had to keep your eyes on the future and take one step at a time. One dream couldn’t ruin him… Not completely.
But it would. He knew she would understand that too. That if he asked, she would hold him and rub her hands through his hair. Because, even if she handled her own loss with raging strength and faithful love and endless joy at what she still had to enjoy, she knew that not everyone grieved the way she did. That when she had first lost Ben, her whispered reassurances that he would want them to be happy and keep living life and being their best selves - it wasn’t for everyone.
He also knew that she would scold him, too. That once he wasn’t so distraught she would give him a stern look - the look of a mother who didn’t approve of her son suffering a demise that he himself caused. He could already hear her telling him just to fix it. To go back. To talk through it, and fix it. That even months later, Y/n was the kind of person who just wanted him to fight for it.
It was why he didn’t go to her for the dreams anymore. That when he jolted awake after being wrapped up in a dream so full of everything that he wanted that he had to rip himself away from it before he didn’t want to wake up, he could lie to himself… but only if May didn’t know he was doing it. She wouldn’t allow such foolishness, and would call him out immediately. So the sunlight through strands of hair and a laugh that settled into his bones and a voice that was slowly but surely slipping away from him the longer he was away from them, it all stayed in his head and he ignored it and could at least pretend it wasn’t eating him alive.
Barely. But still.
It got harder when he went to school. Y/n was everywhere here. He had met them in this college, and since then they had tainted every surface with remnants of them. Y/n was in the sharp edges of the staircase that lead to the front doors, where they had often met an hour before class and helped each other wake up and mentally prepare for the day ahead of them. Y/n was in the hallways where they had held hands, or his arm had rested across their shoulders as the pair had talked. Y/n was in the cafeteria, where they had worked for a while… Peter still couldn’t go near the sandwich shop without feeling his heart burn in his chest. He remembered too clearly how Y/n would come home smelling of meat and cheese and bread and ranch.
Peter tried to fight it. Tried to remind himself why he was here. He really did try. But-
Y/n was in every inch of the science classroom. They majored in business of all things, and hated science with a burning passion. They had always been much better at math, and the slight disconnect between the two subjects was just enough that all their skills fell just short of success. Peter was in an entirely different course, but had been aceing his stuff. When his teacher had proposed a tutoring session with a student who was struggling, Peter had picked it up. He didn’t have a lot of free time between working, going to school, and of course being Spider-Man, but he could at least give it a shot.
Of course, Peter had his own classes in that room. That’s why he had to return, and yet he never remembered the memories he was making or the ones he had all by himself made. He could only think of the times he had walked in to see Y/n bent over a text book, notes splayed out as they tried to put together what they were missing. It had almost made him laugh to see someone he knew in passing - someone he had heard people rave about in discussion of Y/n’s math skills, in the same tone people would gawk at his skill with science - struggle so much with something so close to what they were supposed to be good at.
At first Peter had thought he was in the wrong room, or that this trouble student also needed help with math. But it became clear that was not the case when they looked up and sighed, “Are you Peter Parker?” The relief was so obvious that Peter found himself immediately endeared to them.
“Yeah. That’s me. Are you… who I’m tutoring.”
Y/n had blushed. “Uh, Yeah, I’m-“
“I know who you are.” It came out too fast. Peter had a bit of an admiration built up for Y/n. He had heard so much about them and admired them so much, it felt so odd to be meeting in this situation and not in a project or after school discussion. Y/n seemed part flattered and part surprised by his outburst. He cleared his throat. “You’re kind of big talk around here. One person called me a genius one time in passing and all the nearby nerds went off about how I couldn’t be as much a genius as you.” He raised an eyebrow, amused by the memory.
That seemed to make Y/n feel more embarrassed. “Oh god.” They laughed and Peter felt instantly comfortable - like this was a familiar thing. A favorite part of his day. Expected, anticipated even. “They’re a bunch of elitists. Obviously given a lot of shit in high school for being the smartest kid in the room. Walking around here like…” they shook their head. “I’ve never been good at keeping my mouth shut. They started running around talking about how smart each of them were and blah blah blah - what was I supposed to do. Not show them up?”
Peter snorted. “And now they worship you?”
“Something like that.” Y/n rolled their eyes, grinning. “If they knew I was shit at science, I think they would either explode or go back to being the little assholes none of us miss.”
“Then we’ll have to fix that. Let’s see if I can help you, hm? I like shutting people up too.”
Y/n tilted their head. There was approval in the way they looked at him. “Please do.”
Peter had to rip himself away from their smile and how, even in mere memory, it still made his own lips twitch with the urge to curl to match. He wanted to hear them laugh again…
Focus, Parker.
He sighed as he sat down at his new desk. The one he had moved to after he had distanced himself from the person who had come to mean everything to him. They had visited the old desk too often. Sat there together to study. He had thought about them in that chair too often - now he had a new space. And it wasn’t any less tainted, but the new vantage point of the room helped a little at least.
At least in class he could be absorbed into work he really loved. He didn’t have any reminders of Y/n when he was learning about science - other than a very small voice in the back of his head that still fondly recalled the one time Y/n had looked at his homework and had almost had an aneurysm - and it was almost a complete break.
He didn’t have the same experience at work.
Otto Octavius loved Peter Parker. He loved the boy’s mind and his presence and the way he cared about all the same things Otto did. They were on a first name basis, and had been like this for a while. It hadn’t taken them long since the internship had started that they had taken to doing so either. Y/n had joined the second them and Peter had grown close, often showing up to his work because they hated to go home to an empty apartment and sit in silence at best, neighbors arguing at worst. They’d much prefer to follow Peter around and watch him be a complete nerd. Tease him, or talk to Otto and try to understand the projects around them and how they would come about. If Y/n wasn’t in the headspace to try to wrap their head around this science term or that one, the conversation would turn to the math of the projects, or just the general beauty of geometry. Y/n loved geometry.
Otto had loved Y/n too. He had loved their spirit and their adoration and their passion for life. Their yearning for knowledge had been something he could relate to. Something he respected.
He had loved Y/n and Peter separately, for different things and in different situations. But most of all, he loved them together.
Even months later, Otto still asked how Y/n was doing it, and prodded Peter to reach out to them the same way Aunt May did. Just to check on them… Peter had never explained why he had stopped talking to Y/n. He hadn’t explained to anyone - not even Aunt May. So Otto tried, to the best of his ability.
It didn’t make life easier for Peter. In fact, it made it harder. As the days passed, he missed them more and had to try harder to ignore it. One day he would slip up. He knew eventually he’d break.
But that wasn’t today.
So for now he glossed over Otto’s usual comment about Peter’s missing better half, and he got to work and steered conversation to safer topics. And he ignored it.
What else was he to do?
He couldn’t exactly explain to these people who cared about him that he was Spider-Man. That it was dangerous for Y/n to get involved with him. That he was dangerous. That he only hurt the people he was around… the people he loved.
No, he couldn’t tell them about her.
About blonde hair and a tight smile and a scolding voice and a scream filled with joy. About someone who had once understood and loved science just like him. Someone who should have stayed away.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
Even if people didn’t understand why he did it.
Even if it hurt.
And then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do. And then I can tell myself not to ride along with you.
This had not been his best idea. By far.
Yeah sure Pete, go to the cafeteria. That won’t go wrong at all. Ugh.
He had heard that Y/n had moved to a different job. It was more than safe, and he couldn’t avoid it forever. He had paid for on-campus meals, so why not use them? Not to mention, he needed to make new memories. Replace all the ones he had with Y/n. They couldn’t have enough power over him to keep him from eating. If they did, that would be an even bigger problem.
Of course they did, but he ignored that. This was not a problem he could fix, therefore it was not one he wanted to acknowledge.
He had thought it would be easy. Dip in, snag food, dip out. Gone very fast. Over in a moment.
As if he was that lucky.
When he saw them, he wanted to bolt immediately. But he had already begun his order. It was an assembly line, like in a mall cafeteria. The people serving would add one thing to your plate and then pass it on. Different stations offered different things you could put on your plate, or could pass on if you didn’t want it. He was halfway through the line, too far in to pass up the sausages he wanted at the end of the line - he had wasted too much time waiting in line, and gotten himself too excited over them - but was too far from the end that it wouldn’t be obvious that he would be stealing glances at them, or on purpose avoiding eye contact for the rest of the time he was here. They held his plate, looking up at him. When their eyes had met they had both stuttered, and he had almost tripped as he moved to the side to be in front of them. Now they just… stared at each other.
Y/n broke first. They cleared their throat. “Can I get you anything today?”
He swallowed and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Fuck. “Yeah.” NO. He had meant to say no, to move on and avoid this whole interaction, even if he had been eyeing the potato wedges that were in front of Y/n for a while now.
When silence began to stretch again, Y/n asked, “And that would be?”
Peter wanted to strangle himself. His throat felt suddenly dry and his tongue wouldn’t work. He tore his eyes away from them and felt their body buzzing, cold and numb rising but that linhrering warmth reminding him how beautiful their eyes still were to him. He freshly remembered how their voice sounded. Not trusting himself to speak, he just pointed to the potato wedges. Without even having to ask, even if his gesturing was vague, they reached for the wedges and gave him some. Like they had already really known what he wanted. Maybe they did, he thought to himself. How often had they shared a plate of potato wedges and argued about whether they were or weren’t the exact same as fries.
“Have a good day.”
Peter couldn’t respond. He just nodded and moved on. His eyes stayed on the food, and he tried to keep responding as people asked him what he wanted. He skipped until the end, got his sausages, and then booked it the second he had his plate in his hand.
His suffering did not end there though.
A hand on his upper arm stopped him. He felt a lump form in his throat as he turned and saw Y/n standing there. Their touch had been brief, as if the contact had burned them, and he didn’t blame them. It had burned him too. “You forgot your fork.” They held up the utensil and Peter nodded again, grabbing it from them.
They both avoided skin contact - they had taken off the gloves they’d been using while serving food - but he could still feel the warmth that radiated from their skin. “Thanks.”
It was their turn to nod. They turned away, eyes on the floor, and booked it back to the line.
Peter watched them the entire time. He was cemented in place, his eyes locked on them. He had almost escaped the pain that he felt now. The agony that ripped through them, getting worse every step further they got away.
Chase them, his brain begged. Tell them you were wrong. Make it better. Listen to Otto and May. Listen to me. Please.
He blinked away the tears that had begun to form in his eyes and turned away, walking out of the cafeteria. He had to return the tray and was glad he had only gotten one plate today. He had planned to eat a little more - he had the budget for it, and was feeling extra hungry this morning, so why not - but now he could just drop his tray off, carrying the single plate, and then he could leave.
Eating in his room was acceptable. It’s fine. It’s totally fine and normal and not because Y/n was in the room right now and his super senses were straining to pick them up even at this distance. To hear them, or see them.
He had to distract himself. He had to stop thinking about Y/n. His head was rushing with memories and images of them. Mostly, of what had just happened. How they had been smiling genuinely before they had realized he was in front of them. How their smile had dropped like it had been smacked off of their face. How their voice had been just a little hoarse when they had spoken. How they had been looking a little low energy, their skin not having the same level of warmth and glow it usually did. How they looked a little like how he did when he wasn’t sleeping very well. How it was probably all his fault.
His attempts to distract himself weren’t much more helpful. He forced his mind to turn away from recalling every detail he had just absorbed, but his immediate thought was that he wished he had never met Y/n. That neither of them had to go through with this pain. This loss.
But of course that thought just drove him to think about what it would have been like if they actually hadn’t met.
He imagined if his teacher had asked someone else. If he had seen them slip into the room after his class every day and talk to someone else. He thought of all the progress they had made with understanding their own class better, and wondered if they could have done it with someone else. If it would have been more successful. Sure, most people weren’t as smart as he was when it came to physics, but he knew how much his smile and proximity had distracted them. How they would tease him about the way he looked when he got super focused. Would they have had an easier time focusing? Would they have had a better time with someone who could be there every day, and didn’t dip out at weird times to run off to god knows where?
He tried to imagine if they would have fallen for that person instead. If they would have smiled to themself, fumbling over words and wringing their hands and cutting off what they were saying with little nervous giggles and soft teases directed toward themself had they tried to say that he they had come to like him so desperately. If they would have asked that person out, like they had asked him. He wondered if that person would have run away like he had. Blocked them and ignored them and assigned someone else to be their tutor anyway.
He wondered if they would have been happier if they had never met him. If they were having as much luck with the tutor they had now.
He got to his room in a haze and placed his pate on his desk, flipping backward onto his bed. His hands covered his face, fingers massaging his eyes as he tried to make them stop stinging and watering.
A small voice reminded them why he had left them behind. Why this was for the best.
And then suddenly he was thinking of another loss. Fingers just out of reach and rushing air in his ears. Blank eyes and parted lips and loose hair that weakly waved in the air as a soft breeze passed through the blonde strands. A voice he would never hear again. A touch that had haunted him. A promise he had broken. One that had gotten his first love killed.
First love?
Only love.
Right? Who else had he loved the way he had loved Gwen?
His merciless brain answered him. Compared Gwen’s touch to Y/n’s. Compared their smiles. Their voices. Their laughs. The way they each had leaned against him. So different, with only one thing in common: how they had both made him feel.
His hand lowered to cover his mouth, eyes squeezed shut as finally the tears fell.
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you… Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you… Oh, take me back to the night we met.
Peter was having nightmares he had not had in a long time. One that used to chase him every night. The night he had lost Gwen. Sometimes it was Y/n. Sometimes it was still Gwen. Sometimes it was a similar situation, but not that horrible falling and chasing that he knew he was too late for. But always, it was that he was too slow. Too far. Too late. Sometimes they were already gone when he got there. Sometimes they died as he got to them, like Gwen had. And sometimes, they died in his arms. Sometimes they didn’t die to his knowledge at all. Sometimes they were dragged into a dark corner he knew they would never emerge from, their screams echoing around him like sirens, but cut off suddenly. He never found them again. Sometimes that was his worst fear. The running, as he screamed their name and tried to find them. Always looking, begging, trying his best. But his best still wasn’t good enough and he failed them. That was what every dream drove into his mind until his skull began to ache. That he would fail them. That no matter what he did or how hard he tried or what he prepared for, he would fail them.
You would think it would make it easier to stay away from Y/n. That it would harden his resolve. Unfortunately, he was a selfish man. He always had been. He had once disguised it as determination or optimism. He had lied to himself that he was just strong enough to prevent any of the bad things from happening. But, he was wrong. It was all about how much he missed them. How much he wanted to hold them, and have him run their hands through his hair and promise him that they were okay and right next to him and remind him over and over again that they loved him so much. That it would be okay.
He was just selfish.
His punishment came without relenting. Those nightmares followed him throughout each and every single day. They came to him at random moments. The second he thought he was finally catching a break, he’d let a breath out and then remember why he had been holding it to begin with. 
Even when he was swinging through the city, or being Spider-Man in general, he would find that his chest would suddenly tighten and as he blinked, the bloodied face or blank eyes would fill his vision and he would have to shake his head clear of it. He had almost fallen out of the sky more than just a few times, and had taken more hits in fights than he normally would.
He was spiraling.
It wasn’t just his grades, social life, or well-being being threatened either. His quippy remarks became much more biting and bitter. He wasn’t funny anymore, at least not like he used to be. He didn’t banter as much, he just gave people shit and then moved on. He was getting a little sloppy too - unless he was being a hard ass. Either tying his webs too loose, or too tight. Hitting too hard, or not hard enough. He would either slip up on keeping track of rubble, or he would catch it just like normal and then immediately weaponize it, even if that wasn’t the play that was best in the situation. He was more aggressive, and didn’t interact with passerbys like he once had. Everyone had noticed. JJ Jameson was having a ball saying that Spider-Man was slipping, showing more of his true nature. People who looked up to Spider-Man… Peter didn’t listen to what they had to say anymore. It just made him feel worse.
Somedays he wondered if he wasn’t allowed to be a little selfish. If he wasn’t allowed to be a little bitter. If it was fair that he was punished so much for wanting Y/n in his life. He wondered if maybe… maybe he hadn’t deserved to lose Gwen either. That his failure to save her, and his broken promise to her dad, were worth how dare and grim his life was these days. But he stifled that. Because either was angry at himself, or other people.
Being angry at other people was a lot more dangerous.
He tried not to think about his own feelings and his slow downfall too much. He tried to fall back into numbness, and to let the aches fade to the back of his mind.
The universe had a different plan for him though.
He didn’t know if this was further punishment, or a sign to give himself a break (maybe a little bit of both? That’s what it felt like at least) but when he heard a scream and swung into the scene, what he dropped into was very similar to what he had seen a million times. Someone in a mask, weapon in hand, closing in on someone who had been cornered at a dead end and was looking for some way to defend or escape. What was new, was that the person in danger was Y/n.
 All of Peter’s literal nightmares loomed around him, pressing and screaming at him.
He was going to fail.
Y/n was going to get hurt. 
His heart thumped in his ears, blood rushing over that - the layers of panic that blocked him from being able to hear or process anything other than his own sheer terror. He shot his webs, latching onto the thug and sending the dude flying. He saw red for a second and launched toward the would-be assailant, back to Y/n as he raised his hand for what would have been an absolutely fatal blow.
Fingers wrapped around his wrist. He snapped his head around, expecting an attacker he hadn’t previously seen. But then there was Y/n, eyes wide and lips parted. He froze, seeing the water in their gaze, the way their hands trembled against him. There was fear there, but not just at the person who had gone after them, but toward Peter as well. Toward… Spider-Man. There was something that told him they knew he was about to kill this man. He wondered how long ti would have taken him to regret it. How much more it would have destroyed him when he did finally have a clear head again. He saw, for a moment, a future where Spider-Man was tainted, in a way. Not only darker than he had once been, but maybe even the monster he had once been accused of being. How many people were terrified this exact scene would happen? That Spider-Man would slip more and more until he fell completely?
He wondered, above it all, what Y/n would have thought of having to see it first hand. What they would have felt, seeing someone they probably saw generally as a local hero, become something dark and ugly and terrifying.
And then, just as fast as it had all come, it cleared away. Instead, he saw the world he was in now. The world that Y/n had saved for him. The line that had been preserved, only because of them.
He broke.
Peter didn’t know what Y/n was thinking when he half pulled his mask off, just enough to expose the lower half of his face, and pulled Y/n into a kiss. He didn’t know why they melted into him, if it reminded them of Peter, or if they just liked the idea of kissing a celebrity, or if it was shocking or if they understood why he did it. He didn’t know why they pulled him in, clinging to him, and why their lips pulled a little bit into a smile. But, it did make his heart swell ten sizes in his chest.
When he did finally pull away, he didn’t go far. He still held them, his forehead resting against theirs, his eyes closed. “Sorry,” he whispered. Then he finally leaned away completely, clearing his throat. “You just…”
He struggled to come up with what to say, but Y/n just chuckled very softly. “No it’s okay I… I think I get it. You’ve been going through a really hard time recently, haven’t you? That’s why you’ve been so upset recently. And… well, I can’t imagine how you must have been spiraling. Since you kissed me, I mean, I’m assuming you lost that person… the one you wrote the I love you web for on the bridge.” Peter looked away and they swallowed. “Sorry. For your loss. And I know that doesn’t mean much but-” They reached out slowly, tentatively, and Peter looked back, reaching out to meet their hand with his own. Their fingertips pressed together. “You’re still a hero, Spider-Man. You’re still my hero.”
Peter blinked his eyes, glad his mask covered the tears that were gathering. “How? I’ve been… so…”
They nodded. “I lost someone too recently.” Peter flinched. “Not-” They sighed. “I mean, we were friends. He meant everything to me. We… I thought he loved me like I love him.” They shrugged. “I think he did, honestly. Still. But… he lost someone too.” Here they laughed. “Lots of loss happening these days I guess. I don’t know.” Their smile fell a little bit, and they leaned forward so their fingers interlaced with Peter’s instead of just touching them. “Some people lose themselves when they go through stuff like that. But… I still see you, sometimes. And sometimes even heroes need to be saved.” Their smile returned, bright even as their eyes watered. “Please keep being my hero, okay? Not just for me - but for everyone who looks up to you. And for yourself too.”
It was what he had needed to hear. Better for him than anything even Aunt May could have said. “I will. I promise.” He squeezed their hand, sealing his promise with the gesture.
They seemed to know that. “Thank you. For everything you’ve done, and what you did tonight, and everything you will do. Fuck Jameson - he’s an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Peter laughed. He hadn’t laughed in so long, and a weight had been lifted from his shoulders with the action. “Thank you, actually. I… I needed this.”
Y/n hesitated. “I hope you get more of this then. I hope I get to see you again.”
Peter pulled his hand back, looking away from them. “You… shouldn’t be around me. Too much. I have a lot of enemies, and if we were seen together - if anyone thought that you were especially important to me -”
Immediately Y/n nodded. “Of course.” They paused a moment. “I hope you don’t shut people out when the mask is off for that reason though.”
Peter looked over at them in surprise. “What?”
Y/n gave him a knowing look. “You’re a hero, you’d do anything to protect people that mattered to you. And… I think you need to know that saving other people can only happen if you save yourself first. Don’t push people away just because your life is a little dangerous. Some people, they wouldn’t mind the danger. It would be worth it to them. And you deserve to be with people who love you. You deserve it often.” Then, before he could argue, they gave him a small salute and took off out of the alleyway and down the street.
Peter shook his head.
Whatever he had been feeling about Y/n before, it had just gotten worse.
So, so much worse.
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sttarkeys · 3 years
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭: 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 (part 2)
summary: eight years ago veronica was lost in a world that was the unknown. she is now found by her one one true love in a whole new universe where she has been living for the past eight years. pairing: peter parker! andrew garfield x original character (OC) veronica owens/stark warnings: fluff, swearing i think, NWH spoilers fandom: Marvel, MCU word count: requested?: No
MAJOR NO WAY HOME SPOILERS!!         please DO NOT READ if you have not seen NWH yet 
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Earth 6-1-6  2014 New York City
“AGH!” Veronica gasped for breath as she quickly rose from the bed that she was now sitting on. Her entire chest felt heavy, like there was an amount of weight on there that she could not push off of her. For instance when she looked down Veronica did not find her midtown High sweatshirt covering the top half of her body no- she found the layering of a white and grey spider suit upon her body.  “What the hell.” She questions to herself as she get up off of the bed and looks at herself in the mirror that was in the corner of the room that was suposbly to her own. Everything looked somewhat the same but the feeling that she had in her body was not right. So the one thing that she knew she had to do right now was to find answers.  Just like Peter had done more then once in her own universe she opened the window the room that she was in and she flung herself out, not knowing if she was going to make it or not. But the spidey-sense that she now had helped her with swinging back and forth between the buildings that were next to her, she had never felt the sensation like this before, maybe because the only time that she had ever been swinging was with Peter- her Peter. Veronica needed to figure out what was going on and now. 
Earth 6-1-6  New York City, 2018
Those years went on and Veronica lived in this new earth like it was her own, her sense told her to go and find the Avengers, for some reason she knew that they would be able to help her. I guess that kind of thing comes with the powers that she had,  Tony was the one who helped her get on her feet, and she is lucky that she found Tony when she did as well, 2012 was she arrived in this earth, with no knowledge of what was going to happen to her she needed to be with the people who were going to be able to help her the best.  From what Tony and Bruce were able to tell her, she was from a completely different universe, but they have no idea as to how she got there in the first place, and it didn’t help that she could not remember anything before she woke up in her bed that morning that she arrived.  So from that day onward she lived a new life as Veronica Stark, the new girl who came into the life of the people who were closest to him, Veronica was now the daughter of Tony Stark and she was kept in sight of someone who knew at all times, even if that meant that Happy had to somewhat babysit her, I mean come on- how can you babysit someone who has the agility to climb walls and glide between the tallest towers of New York. 
But, right as of now. Veronica found herself with Tony and a seventeen year old boy who was also named Peter Parker up in space fighting a titan who went by the name of Thanos. When she met this world’s Peter Parker, it was like meeting a version of her brother back home, he was shy, kind but endlessly never ending in a way of trying to make her laugh. They met at Midtown High, Veronica was now too old for school but Tony was able to get her a job there teaching biology and physics there part time, a lot can happen when you’re Tony Stark’s ‘daughter’.  Veronica was able to help the boy learn how to use the power that he gained when he was bitten by the spider. There were now two Spider-people of New York, two more people who were gonna keep the world safe. 
“Strange, what is going on? What are you doing.” Veronica called out as she watched the older man give the time stone to the purple titan. And once Thanos got his hands on the small gem he stepped into a portal and left Titan. 
“What did you do? We had him!” Veronica stormed to the doctor but was pulled back by both Tony and Peter.  “We had him!” She lets out a cry as she looks over at the man once more.  “It was our only choice.” Was the only thing that he said as he sat there  in front of everyone.  It wasn’t until she got the same feeling that she had those years ago, her sense was growing all out through her, herself and Peter locked eyes they could both sense that something was going on, Thanos did it, he got all the stones.  ‘Ronnie? I don’t feel so good.” She turns and looks at Peter, his hands to his chest, the look of worry in his face. She could feel the pain that he was now feeling.  “No, Pete come on.” She helped him to lay down on the rocky ground that was beneath them. “Not again come on.” But as she spoke the boy that was she was sharing the same pain with slowly began to dust away.  “I’m sorry.” And with that a second Peter Parker that she had known was now gone. “No, no.” She looks up to Tony and they both share the same look.  “It happened, he did it.”  Now it was just Veronica, Tony and Nebula on this planet floating more and more into space. 
Tag-list  @spoonerhead​  lol please inbox or comment if you want to be on the tag-list for this series ❤
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jinx-jade · 4 years
Meeting the Titans... And getting a date?
“Not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with you Dames, but why, I can’t stress this enough. Why did you call us to the tower on a Sunday at nine in the morning!” Jon asks exasperatedly.
“Sorry Damian, but I have to side with sup’s here. It’s a weekend and way too early in the morning.” Wally claims through a yawn.
“Stop complaining. It’s not that early, we would have already been at school if it was a weekday.” Raven chastises beast boy and kid flash.
Robin just rolled his eyes at the people he reluctantly called friends.
They ended up starting an argument about whether it was too early in the morning or not, for a meeting that wasn’t about a mission, or an emergency. After about five or so minutes of chaos, the titans heard someone giggle. Their attention snapped towards Damian, or more specifically, the person behind him.
The person was using Robin like a shield to hide behind. She has blue eyes and hair so black it shined blue.
Damian’s annoyed look softened when he caught sight of her. He gestured for her to step forward, to which she complied after a few seconds of hesitation.
“Tch. The reason I called this meeting in the first place was to introduce you to our new member. Titans, this is Mockingbird. Mockingbird, these are my teammates, Raven, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Beast Boy.” Robin introduces everyone.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you all,” Mockingbird greets shyly.
“How come we were never told about getting a new teammate till now?” Raven questioned with her eyes narrowed in her boyfriend’s direction.
“Sorry, that would be my fault. I was having a game of tug-of-war with my nerves about joining or staying at home. Sorry, if I caused any trouble.” Mockingbird apologizes.
“Tch. what did we say about apologizing all the time,” Damian reminded her.
“Sorry. Ah no sorry, I meant… Ahh, I mean Ughhh….” Mockingbird shifted from her human form to her cat form, easily running and hiding under the lounge’s couch from embarrassment.
“What the heck… just… happened,” Jon asked, crouching down to look under the couch.
Sure enough, there was a small black and blue cat curled up as if she was trying to disappear.
“Mockingbird gets flustered easily, and when she’s flustered, her natural response is to hide in small places,” Robin informs them letting out a sigh.
“You seem to know a lot about Mockingbird,” Rachel claimed with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
“She’s my little sister. Why wouldn’t I know everything about her?” Damian questioned his girlfriend with a raised brow.
“Since when do you have a little sister?” Wally explained in question.
“Since she was born? Mockingbird is my only biological sibling, even if we’re only half-blood siblings.” Damian informs them.
“Ok, but like, when did your family find out about her?” Wally asked.
“Father has been aware of Mockingbird since she was born. However, Mockingbird’s mother had full custody over her till about seven months ago, when the mother and step-father were found to have been extremely negligent and emotionally abusive.” Damian states, clearly displeased with the topic.
Turning their attention back to Mockingbird, they all looked under the couch only to find a green cat laying next to her. They weren’t touching and there are about two or three inches between them, but the size difference was easily noticeable. 
The green one is bigger and seemed to be watching the black and blue one with curiosity. The black and blue cat was still curled up into a tiny ball and seemed to have been stressed but calming down. The green cat was letting out a low purring noise that seemed to be the source of what was calming the black and blue one.
“Mockingbird will most likely stay there till she’s completely calm.” Robin guesses, moving to take a seat on the couch. The other titans followed his lead.
“How about we watch a movie!” Superboy suggests. Receiving a cheer from Kid Flash, a shrug from Raven, and a groan from Damian.
About halfway through the movie, Beast boy took a seat on the couch in his human form. A sleeping Mockingbird was settled in his lap in cat form.
Damian glared at Garfield but did nothing to remove his sister from Beast boy’s lap, not wanting to accidentally wake her up.
After the movie, the group moved to the training room, Mockingbird turning back into a human.
“So, what kind of powers do you have?” Jon questioned excitedly.
“Oh. Uhm… I can shapeshift and create illusions.” Mockingbird answers, shifting her weight nervously between her feet.
“Cool! I’ve never met a shapeshifter that wasn't Beast boy! … Actually, I don’t think Beast boy has ever met another shifter either.” Jon states.
“Tch. That’s why father wanted Mockingbird to join the Teen Titans, to begin with.” Damian says while glaring at Garfield. “Mockingbird has never met a shifter and father believed it would be beneficial for her to be able to interact with someone of a similar skill set.”
“Makes sense,” Wally states with a shrug.
The teens started an everyone for themselves spar, only for Mockingbird to disappear into thin air with a giggle.
The giggle made the corner of Robin’s lip turn upwards the slightest bit, as he automatically dropped into a fighting stance. Since no one knew what to expect from Mockingbird, the titans followed Robin’s lead.
At the end of the spar, the only ones standing were Raven, Beast Boy, and Mockingbird. Despite Robin’s advantage with knowing Mockingbird’s fighting style, he was at a disadvantage due to his lack of abilities.
Kid flash was in a similar boat due to his only ability being the speed force and healing fast. His weakness was cold temperatures, so Mockingbird froze his feet in place with ice.
Superboy’s weakness is kryptonite and magic, so he ended up losing due to a magic-user attack him while also being attacked by someone he can’t see, even with his x-ray vision, Superboy couldn’t see Mockingbird, 
If the spar continued, it was clear that Mockingbird would have won.
“Uhm… Hey! How did you create the ice out of nowhere?” Garfield asked Mockingbird.
“Oh! I was using an ice dragon shift.” Mockingbird answered.
“You… used an ice dragon shift… and it can spit ice...” Garfield repeated what Mockingbird had said, impressed.
“Yup! Wait, is that not normal?” Mockingbird questioned.
“I’ve never been able to do it before. Maybe you can teach me sometime?” Garfield responded with a soft smile, full of curiosity, and nervousness in his tone.
“... Are… Are you asking me… on… on a date?” Mockingbird asked, dumbfounded and full of nerves.
“Yes? If you want to, that is. We can always actually work on shifting if you don’t want to…” Garfield was the one to seem nervous now.
“Sure! I’m pretty sure practicing shifting with you would be fun, and … maybe after we can get ice cream?” Mockingbird asked in a hopeful tone. “I’m Marinette, by the way, so you don’t have to call me by my code name all the time.
“Ya, that sounds great! I’m Garfield,” he says, smiling at her, ignoring the glare that was drilling a hole through the back of his head.
“Damian, let them be,” Rachel stated, leaning against him, Damian naturally wrapping his arms around her waist. “Besides, I’m pretty sure she can handle herself. Have a little faith.”
Damian let out a frustrated sigh. It always got him in trouble when he didn’t listen to his girlfriend, so he figured he would leave Garfield be.
For now.
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curlybookwriter0294 · 3 years
Unwelcome Visitor
Summary: Raven gets an unexpected visitor from an enemy. And it’s one that she knows very well. Damian Al Ghul.
AN: HAPPY FREAKING DAMIRAE WEEK!!!! Eeeppp!!! Hope you guys will love this cuz it’s a bit uhhhh steamy ha!
It wasn’t the pounding of the rain that was on her roof of her apartment that had woken the sleeping empath. Nor was it the clap of thunder that came a few seconds later, brightening up her room briefly before it had gone dark again.
None of these things would’ve woken her up from her sleep.
No. It was a familiar wave of emotions that had disturbed her.
Raven laid still in her purple covers as she tried to figure out a plan of action. Her lavender eyes looked at her Titans Communicator that was lying on top of her dresser. She thought about grabbing it and make a call but knew that by the time the others would arrive he would’ve been long gone.
Maybe this is her chance to finally get some answers. There has to be a reason why he had come to her apartment. She took a deep breath and without moving from her bed she finally spoke. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, hello to you too, Raven.”
Raven sat up in her bed and narrowed her eyes when Damian Al Ghul came out from the dark corner of her room wearing his full gold and green armor from the League of Assassins. He held a smirk when he walked over to lean against the wall of her window as his eyes scanned across her room. “Nice apartment,” he commented, his smirk never leaving his face when he turned to look at her.
“What are you doing here, Damian?” Raven repeated, folding her arms across her chest.
“Can’t I visit an old friend?” he asked, scoffing at her question with a shake of his head.
“We’re not friends.” Raven reminded him, grounding her teeth together as she balled her sheets with her hand tightly. “Our friendship ended the moment you left to join the League.”
Damian made a Tt sound at her. His forest orbs looked around her apartment once more. “What made you move out of that Tower? Did you finally had enough of the insufferable Garfield Logan?”
“Tell me why you are here. Or I will send you to another dimension,” Raven threatened, taking deep breaths as she could feel her magic growing inside of her with each passing second. “Or better yet, how about you leave? You are not welcomed here.”
“I will in a few minutes. I have to do something first,” he told her, leaning off the wall and walked over towards Raven with a frown on his face.
Raven moved back towards the headboard of her bed with a raised hand, and she could feel her eyes growing dark when she could see a pool of magic started to form around her hand. “Stay away from me Damian. Azarath Metrion Zin—” her eyes widen in surprise when he had easily caught her wrist and had pushed her back on the bed with him slightly on her. She tried to break free of his hold, but each attempt his hold on her wrist got tighter. “Let go of me. Now.”
“I came here specifically to give a warning,” Damian told her lowly, leaning in closer to her ear and Raven tried not to shiver as his warm breath tickled her pale skin while he pinned both of her wrists above her head. “Maybe he’ll listen to you,” he said with a snort.
“Tell him what exactly?” she asked, glaring up at him and she knew exactly who he was referring to.
“Tell Grayson that his little plan of his won’t work. I will not hesitate to use my assassins to fight back whatever it takes.”
“You could’ve gone straight to him to tell him that. Yet you came here. Why?” Raven asked, wiggling beneath him to get free of his hold that he has on her. “I will not ask you again to let go of me.”
The empath and the former hero glared at each other before Damian decided to let her wrists go. Raven hoped that he would move off from her but instead he had placed his hands on each side of her head and neither of them said anything to each other. “Come back to us Damian. That’s why he’s doing this.” Raven pleaded, making sure to look into his intense emeralds.
Damian pressed his lips together in a thin line as he looked down at the powerful daughter of Trigon beneath him. “I am not coming back. You should give up while you still have lives,” he hissed out at her.
Silence followed them and Raven tried to read Damian’s emotions, frowning deeply when she realized that he had put a block on them. She finally figured out that he had only let down his wall to let her know that he was inside her apartment and had quickly put them up afterward she had discovered him. She started to remember of the rare times that he had let down his walls and let her inside his mind. Back then, they were close and there were times she even had a slightest thought that maybe— Raven bit the inside of her cheek harshly and quickly ignored that last train of thought.
“Stop trying to get inside my head,” Damian demanded, breaking into her thoughts. “I won’t let you inside. Never again.”
“Tt. I gave you my warning.” Damian said, sliding off from Raven and walked over towards her window to leave.
“Wait.” Raven said before she could stop herself when she watched him unhook the latches on her window. He didn’t turn around when she spoke, and she could see that he held on the edge of the window tightly with his tan fingers. “You might’ve blocked me out, but I still know how to read you. You could’ve gone to Dick and you didn’t. Care to tell me why?”
Damian turned his head slightly to look at her. She braced herself for his answer even though deep down, she already knew. How? Because his big red brick wall that he would constantly have up went down the moment she had asked the question.
“You already know why, Raven.”
Raven slowly met him by the window standing behind him. She wanted to reach out to touch the upper part of his shoulder that was covered by his gold and green armor but held back and instead rolled up her hand into a fist by her side. “Then that should be enough for you to come back. If you truly—”
“Don’t you dare try and use that against me, Raven. It won’t work.” Damian interrupted, turning his whole body to face her. His eyes widen slightly when he noticed the proximity the two young adults were. “I had offered you a place at my side if you were to join me.”
Raven rolled her amethyst eyes at him as she huffed. “You know damn well that’s not going to happen, Damian you know that.” She snarled out in a hiss, taking a step closer to until they were nose to nose.
The former Robin took a step back from her and narrowed his eyes into slits. “If Grayson goes through with his ridiculous plan, I will not hesitate to fight with full force to take down my enemies. And that includes you,” he said, his voice was filled with acid and Raven tried her best not to react when she felt a wave of anger that was coming from him when he had briefly let his wall down again.
Purple meets green when Damian moved closer to her and Raven pushed him back with her hands. She could feel her anger brewing inside her. Her breathing became hard as she continues to push him backwards with her hands. She was hoping that he would fight back, or at least prevent her from pushing him on his armored chest.
When his back was pressed against the wall, she used one of her hands to aim at his smooth olive skin face. But before it had made contact, he catches her hand easily in a tight hold. “Enough, Raven,” he said in a quiet voice, narrowing his green irises at her. “Make sure you give Grayson my warning.” He let go of her hand and made his way over to the window to leave her room.
Raven wasn’t sure what made her do it and knew that there was a chance of her regretting her decision that she was making. However, he was leaving and knew that the next time she would see him would be at the Nanda Parbat. But in that moment, on this stormy night, she didn’t care about what happens tomorrow.
She turned him around and her lips landed on his in a fierce kiss and brought him closer when she wrapped her pale arms around his neck. She gasped when she could feel herself being lifted by his strength and used her legs to wrap around his waist as he brought them back over to her bed.
They were both breathing heavily when Damian broke away from the kiss and stared down at her beautiful eccentric lilac irises that he could easily find himself lost in. He used a hand to place it down underneath her black tank top and he could feel her shiver at his warm touch against her skin. “Do you want this?” he asked, moving his hand upwards towards one of her breasts. “Will you regret it?”
Raven breathed in and out when the tips of Damian’s fingers started to play with one her nipples. She closed her eyes tightly at the touch as she bit her lower lip. She opened her eyes to stare into his green ones. “I don’t know if I am going to regret it,” she finally answered him softly and she watched him and was starting to pull away from her. “But I do want this,” she quickly added in a whisper.
She used her hand to grip the back of his neck in order to have his mouth back on hers once more and few minutes later their clothes were thrown off somewhere across the room and they had paused their moments briefly as he lined himself against her. He whispered her name as he finally entered inside her and Raven did the same as he started moving at a steady pace.
“Damian,” Raven moaned breathlessly when he had continued to thrust in and out of her in swift movements. She dug her nails on his upper bare back and she heard him groan at her touch. “Please. I-I need—“
“What do you need, Raven?” Damian asked her huskily against her ear, leaning down to nibble on her neck which cause her body to move upwards against him. “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”
“Please, faster. Harder.”
He made sure to give her what she had commanded. To make sure that she would remember what it had felt like when he was inside her. Because he knew that after tonight, if his older brother did decide to go through with his plan with the other Titans, they would be enemies once more. He wasn’t lying to her when he told her that he would fight her if the older hero didn’t heed his warning, and if he knows his brother and he certainly does, he will go through with his idiotic plan to take down the League in attempt to get him back.
Despite everything that might happen the next day, he certainly didn’t mind being her lover for just one night.
They were both out of breath as he wrapped his tan muscular arms around her tiny body. Neither of them said anything to each other. He used his fingers to run through her plum hair and sighed heavily. “Raven.”
Raven shook her head against his chest as she tried to savor the moment that had transpired between them. “Don’t.” She told him as she closed her eyes to let sleep take over, knowing that in next few hours he would be gone.
She was right of course when she woke up a few hours later alone in her bed. She tried not to think much of it as she listens to Dick’s plan in the mission room with the other Titans. After explaining the plan, she watched the other Titans leave the room. She stayed behind in the back and watched him whispered something into Kori’s ear before she had walked away from him, smiling at her as she left them alone.
“There’s something on your mind. I may not be an empath, but I can tell.” Dick told her as she walked over to stand next to him. “What is it, Raven?”
“He found me at my new apartment.”
There was a brief pause between them, and Dick didn’t even have to ask the sorceress who she was talking about. He folded his arms over his chest as he eyed her with his blue eyes making sure she wasn’t injured.
Raven, sensing his unease, shook her head at him. “He didn’t hurt me. He… told me to give you a warning,” she said, leaving out the part where he did more than just give her a warning. She sighed when he had lifted a brow at her. “He will use his men against us with full force. Dick—“
“No, Raven. We will use full force as well. This will work. We will get him back after today. Can you trust me?” he didn’t wait for her answer and instead walked away from the operations room, leaving her to her own thoughts and emotions.
“I’m don’t know, Dick. I’m not sure about anything anymore.”
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shblackeagle · 3 years
BBRAE Week 2021
Day one: Unconventional Kiss
Garfield Logan was known to have the silliest jokes and pranks at the most stupid and unpredictable times. He was practically famous for it.
Raven knew that, actually everyone did. That's why she often didn't care if he pulled up a prank or cracked a childish joke when everyone least expected. None of those silly jokes got the team into trouble, at least most of the times, so she basically never invested so much into them. He'd always been like this ever since she knew him. It didn't even change when he became an adult. Gar's silly jokes never changed.
But his feelings somehow did.
As an empath Raven could easily feel the slightest changes in everyone. She always knew if something had changed in someone before anyone, even before the person themselves.  Such power was really helpful to the team in many ways. She could feel if someone was being dishonest or too afraid for a mission, maybe even expose a villain's lies. She basically knew things about Titans other titans didn't even have a clue. 
She knew about Dick's inner fears, Kory's homesickness no matter how much she tried to hide it, Victor's sadness about his humanity, Donna's insecurities and many more that they didn't dare to share. Despite that, she never pried more than she was allowed to. But being a very powerful empath she was, she often found herself knowing some private secrets she was not supposed to know. It was hard at first but then she learnt to keep this power more under control, not to expose what she knew and maybe even forget them.
But Gar's sudden change of feelings was not something she could easily overlook.
She knew it wasn't as sudden as she wanted to think. She had been feeling it for months now and at first thought it would disappear like many changes of feelings others went through. But not only didn't it stop but it grew stronger each time she felt it.
She knew exactly when it happened. It was long ago in the medical room. She could picture it in her head easily.
She felt his first slight change of feelings when he was badly injured in a mission and she had to spend a long time healing him. It was an ugly fight and if she wasn't quick enough, he might have died. It was a very painful process for her. Absorbing such pain wasn't as easy as she talked about it. The pain would stay with her forever, but it was worth it. Gar was worthy of it. She would always do she could to save him. Whether he knew it or not, he was important to her; more important than she wanted to admit.
When she was done, he opened his eyes and met hers, he smiled at her.
"None of Vic's medical treatments will ever be as good as your healing touch. Thanks" He said weakly. Raven just nodded at him despite the pain she was feeling at that moment. She didn't want him to feel guilty. 
He got up from the bed and sighed.
"But as much as I appreciate it Rae, do me a favor next time will you?" He said pulling away the cover.
"What is it?"
He hesitated for a moment, "Don't heal me next time." She looked at him confused.
That was the first time she felt it. A sudden strong feeling coming suddenly and almost overwhelmed her but before she could totally embrace it, it stopped. It only lasted for a very short moment and she wondered if it was from him in the first place. She had just absorbed his pain so she was probably messing up her head due to the pain?
"I can heal myself quickly and Vic's treatments also come in handy. You should use your healing powers for something more important than me."
It wasn't the first time they had this conversation. Gar always asked Raven to never use her healing powers on him and whenever she asked why he always said the same answer.  
Something more important? What could possibly be more important than his life?
But before she could ask, the door opened with a bang as Kory came to the room.
"Garfield!" The Princess flew towards the weak man and lifted him up from the ground, hugging him tightly. "I was worried!"
Gar laughed, "No need to be Kory. I'm fine." He looked down at Raven, "All thanks to Raven."
Raven tried to forget that strange feeling from that day and she would have been successful if it didn't come to her out of nowhere consistently when she wasn't ready. 
Next time she felt it, even stronger than before, was when the Titans decided to have a movie night. They were superheros but even superheros needed some time to be themselves, even if it was just for one night.
It was not unusual for Gar to arrange the whole thing, definitely with Victor's help but mostly himself. He even forced everyone to be in their rooms when he was preparing the movie night in the main room. Dick found it a little extra but who could stop the Changeling? He was always unstoppable when it came to their short gatherings. 
Raven was sitting on her bed that night while reading her new book when she heard someone knocking on her door. She knew it was Gar of course. She easily felt him coming to her door excited a minute ago.
Without even looking away from her book, she called. "Yes?"
"Rae it's Gar!" He was definitely too excited for it. It wasn't like they've never done this before but something obviously never changes. 
"I'm done preparing the main room for movie night. Everyone is now in the main room. Please join us! The movie I picked is amazing!"
She'd rather not think about the last time he picked a movie to watch. She was so scared that she had to meditate for hours to keep her emotions under control the next day. It was even harder when she could feel others were also scared.
"What genre?" She asked. There was no way she was going to watch another scary movie and absorb others' fear of it for a week.
"Comedy! I promise you'll laugh."
She shook her head. Was he really still into that? She was really impressed by his commitment to take any chance of making her laugh. She appreciated it of course, but found it unnecessary. 
She opened her door and found Gar in his pajamas with a grape soda in one hand, offering it to her. She took it, thanking him by a nod.
He was just so easy to read. He always wore his heart on his sleeve, letting her feel anything he was feeling and since he was usually in a good happy mood, Raven always welcomed his presence.
Not that she would ever tell him that!
"Let's hope this one won't come out as silly as the last time you showed us a comedy movie. It was basically a kid show." 
Gar gasped, "How dare Rae! No one is too old for cartoons!"
Raven grinned, "So you agree it was a kid show." 
Gar opened his mouth to retort but nothing came. Raven just shrugged and started walking toward the main room with a  grin on her face. Gar quickly caught up with her from behind.
"It still made you laugh! I remember that."
"It didn't. It was just a silly cartoon."
"Do you want me to go and get the security cameras to prove my point?" He winked at her as she tried to hide her smile and the door opened to the main room.
That was the moment she felt it again. That powerful strange feeling. It hit her in every way possible as she tried to find the source. She looked at Gar but his face remained straight.
"Hey Rae! Join us. The movie is about to start." Cyborg said with bags of chips in his hands.
"Where's Wally? He said he would come." Donna asked looking around.
Suddenly Wally appeared on the couch with many bags of snacks and drinks in his arms.
"What are you talking about? I've been here for the last three seconds!" He obviously bought them from the supermarket downtown. It didn't take long for him to come and go.
"Okay then. Now that we're all here. Let's watch it." Dick said.
But Raven couldn't understand what they were saying because that was the moment the feeling faded away as quickly as it came. Was it from Gar? Roy? Donna? She wasn't sure. Gar was always so easy to read. She doubted he could feel something so strong and hide so quickly...but could he? If the feeling didn't belong to him then who was it? Who was the one that possessed this powerful confusing feeling?
She immediately looked down at Kory who was cuddling with Dick on the ground. Kory was indeed capable of that. She was also there when the first time it happened. But what was it? Kory's emotions were always loud to read for her and she usually never hid them. Raven knew it. 
Raven sat on her favorite part of the couch which was now filled with pillows and blankets and some of her favorite snacks. Thanks to a certain shapeshifter who outdid it. Despite her curiosity, when the movie started, she tried to forget about that powerful feeling. She only felt it twice and it was probably no big deal. For now maybe she would just enjoy being with her friends rather than investing in something she probably had no role in.
Raven was sitting at the end of the couch with Gar beside her. Vic and Wally were also sitting on the couch while Dick and Kory were on the ground, sharing the same blanket. Donna and Roy were on the ground as well but not as touchy as them. All the Titans knew they were a thing but apparently, they were the only ones who weren't convinced.
This time the movie was actually very funny and she found herself chuckling at some of the parts. The main room was filled with Titans laughter as they enjoyed themselves after a long busy week. 
That was all she needed. The whole room was filled with happiness. Everyone had forgotten about missions, stress and plans even if it was for just two hours. Even Boy Wonder wasn't feeling uneasy as he was laughing loudly with Kory by his side whose laughter was so beautiful to hear. 
Raven closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting in all the happy emotions around her,. Even two days of meditation would not give her such peace as this did.
Azar! How much she missed it! 
She didn't even care if she missed some parts of the movie as the Titans kept laughing. Them being happy made her happy. She was so deep in herself and in her own world as she didn't even notice she wasn't even watching the movie. 
That was the moment that once again, that feeling came to her.
She opened her eyes quickly, looking at all Titans faces to find a clue yet she found nothing strange. Everyone was busy laughing, eating and drinking exactly like how they were before she closed her eyes. 
"You okay Rae?" Gar asked as noticed her curious face, "You seem worried."
Raven looked at him, "I thought I felt something."
"Felt something?" 
"Yeah." She said looking at everyone again but she didn't spot anything unusual or something she would worry about.
"Anything dangerous?" Gar asked as he stretched his hand to get another soda from behind.
"I don't think so…" She pressed her back to the couch again, trying to let it go. She didn't want to worry Gar for nothing. "It was probably nothing."
"Well I trust your emotions detector more than anything. It saved us more than we can count." He offered her the grape soda he grabbed, "but for now, let's just not overthink things and enjoy the movie. I'm sure if it was anything alarming, you'd know it by now."
Raven took the soda from his hand, "Yeah...Yeah you're probably right." 
Gar grinned, "when wasn't I?"
"Do you want a list?"
He laughed. "Maybe I'll ask you to show me later."
Raven smiled at him as he turned his head to the TV and continued watching. He had a point. If it was anything dangerous, she'd have felt it, but it was so powerful to let it go. During the rest of the movie, she felt it come and go very quickly many times, especially the times she was laughing or chuckling. It was weird how the person could switch it on and off whenever they wanted it. Was it a sort of a red alarm? Was it really dangerous? She doubted it because whoever possessed it was in the room and there were only Titans. 
But one thing was certain, as much as the feeling didn't feel harmful, it was very powerful that she could detect it among all those happy emotions surrounding her. What could it possibly be? How could such emotion be that strong? It even beat Kory's loud emotions.
But she'd lie to herself if she said it didn't feel so good. Everytime she felt it, she was overwhelmed by it in a very good way. Whatever that was, it put her in peace and gave her warmth. She would be a big liar if she said she wouldn't welcome it the next time she felt it.
Even if Raven wanted to let go of that feeling, that feeling didn't seem to let her go. 
It came to her in the most unexpected places, rushing through her whole body and leaving before she knew it. She noticed that each time it came, it lasted longer than before but it was still all over the place and Raven couldn't exactly point her finger to anyone; especially because it came to her randomly.
During battles, her daily training routines, her meditations, sometimes even when she was eating lunch or just walking, even when she was reading her book on the couch and minding her own business! Each time it came, there were many of her friends around and it was hard to figure out who it was.
Mostly because a big part of her didn't want to know who it was either.
It was the truth. Raven never went deep in her investigation to realize it. Probably, if she really wanted to she would have realized it long ago, but she feared that if she knew, she wouldn't feel it again. That powerful feeling, whatever it was, put her in peace and gave her strength. She was fed from emotions and one of her friends was giving her something she didn't know how desperately she desired. 
A feeling of home, comfort and warmth. She didn't want to lose that! Raven figured if it was from one of her friends, she didn't need to worry about it. It wasn't like she suspected anything bad about it.
Azar! How selfish of her! 
She closed her book and sighed, lying on her back on her bed. She was being selfish. What if one of her friends was in trouble and it was their way of giving her a heads-up, or asking for her help? But such an act required a serious knowledge of how her powers worked and she knew none of them had something like that.
Dick and Victor were the only ones who knew how her empathic powers worked better than others but giving her a strange yet amazing feeling to ask for her help didn't match any of them. Dick would have directly said it and Vic was more into technical ways. 
She shook her head and tried to let it go. She shouldn't be using her strength over something ridiculous. No one asks for help by filling her soul with a particular strong feeling. No one even knew she was capable of feeling their deepest emotions as much as she let it show and they most of the time forgot it as well. 
She heard a gentle knock on her door when she was struggling with herself. It was Gar. She never mistake his aura.
"Hey Rae...are you there?"
It was a stupid question. Everyone knew that Beast Boy could easily pick up anyone's scent even from far away or hear their heart beats if he wanted to. His heightened powers gave him advantages that most of the time they forgot he had even; just like her.
Pulling her hood down, she walked to the door and it opened as she stood in the doorway. 
Gar was in his casual clothes. A dark jacket with a T-shirt underneath, his dark jeans and a cap. She would never tell him, but he looked very handsome in them. She quickly put that weird thought away before it got somewhere she didn't want it to get.
He was standing with one hand behind his back and his usual smile on his face.
"Great!" He looked around making sure no one was near. Yeah he was definitely nervous but why?
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh everything is great! I was just…" He scratched the back of his head with his other hand nervously.
He sighed, "Well I was in the city to get some fresh air and I passed by your favorite bookstore...thought of something you might like to read but then I saw this." He took out a book from his back with his hand and Raven's eyes widened in surprise. "I know you've been reading the first novel of this series...I thought you want the second novel soon." He stretched his hand and gave it to her. Raven was flattered if she was honest. Gar knew what book series she was reading and bought her the second part of it! She never even thought someone like Gar, who couldn't really focus on reading books, actually cared about her hobbies so much that he knew what she wanted; even before she told him anything.
He suddenly looked scared, "Please tell me you haven't bought it already!"
Raven shook his head. "No, I haven't." 
Gar sighed in relief a bit dramatically, "Thank God that would have been awkward." 
Pressing the book on her chest, Raven said, "Thanks Gar."
He smiled, "No problem Rae."
That was the moment it hit her again; that familiar feeling. Raven looked around. No one was there except them. There was her chance. This time she had to put her selfishness aside and for once make everything clear. 
She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. With just Gar around her, she was now able to figure out who it was.
"You okay Rae? You seem...paler than usual." Gar asked worriedly.
All of the sudden, Raven opened her eyes.
"Where are the others?" She knew the answer but had to make sure.
"Oh? Well Dick and Kory are out, thinking it's a great time to have some alone time. Vic is in his room, coming up with a new technology which I still didn't understand. Don't tell him that though. Donna is on her secret date but let's be honest we all know it's Roy." He laughed and continued, "Wally is off to meet his family and said he would be back…" He took a glance at his watch, "in 45 seconds top."
Raven looked uneasy and pulled the cloak tighter around herself, looking down.
"So...it's just you and me here?"
Gar shrugged casually, "Yeah pretty much but don't worry. If anything happens, we can handle it. It's not the first time we might face a threat alone." He gave her a reassuring smile, "and others are probably heading back as well. So yeah no need to worry."
She wanted to tell him she was not worried at all. She was shocked! But she couldn't bring herself to tell him that right now because she wasn't sure about it.
"Well I'm headed to the kitchen. Do you want me to make something for you? You haven't gotten out of your room since morning. You must be hungry."
Raven tried not to look suspicious so she looked at him with a forced smile, "No thanks."
"You sure? I wouldn't make it too vegetarian for you."
"No no thanks…"
Gar simply shrugged, "Okay." 
He turned around and started walking away. Raven looked down at the book then at him for a second and before she knew it she was speaking.
"Thanks again Gar...I appreciate what you did for me."
He turned his head back to her with a smile, "Anytime Rae. If you ever feel hungry, you know where I am."
The door opened and closed and he disappeared from her sight as he went to the kitchen.
Raven stood there for a couple of moments, not believing what she just found out. It was him! That strange feeling came from Gar himself. She just couldn't believe how easy it was to figure it out. It was so obvious. He was there anytime she felt it. It made sense it was coming from him.
But it wasn't Gar who surprised her, what he was feeling shocked her more than anything. 
She suspected that she had felt that feeling before and it turned out she was right. She felt it from all titans before; especially from Kory on great levels. 
It was love. 
Of course it was love! Only love was so powerful that could give her such warm feelings from inside and put her in such a peace no meditation could ever do. Love was a powerful emotion, she knew it better than anyone. 
She held the book harder as she looked down. The realisation hit her harder than she expected. She didn't know why she regretted knowing the truth or why she wasn't happy about it. 
Gar was in love...it was a truth she wished she never knew.
"Have you noticed Garfield has been acting...weird recently?"
Raven asked Victor days later at the gym as he was lifting up weights and she was done meditating. After knowing the secret behind the strange feeling, Raven started to avoid Gar in a subtle way. She was ashamed of prying too much into his emotions when it was obvious he was trying to hide it; so the farther she was from him, the better.
That didn't stop her curiosity though.
"No, why?" Vic asked casually, "Did that green ass do something stupid again?"
"No…" she lowered her voice.
It was hard talking about it. She already knew something she believed she shouldn't have and now she was trying to know more. It was wrong, yet she really wanted to know.
"Then what is it?" Vic's question brought her back to the gym, "You seem worried."
"No, not worried. It's just...he seems different. He...feels different." She said the last part in more of a whisper but Victor heard her.
Yet his face didn't show anything. He just gave her a blank look. Victor was good at not showing his emotions but not as good at not feeling them.
"What I mean is…" she felt stupid in asking, "Is he seeing someone?" Her question tasted bitter on her tongue and she felt she didn't want to know the answer.
This time Victor stopped his exercise and turned his head to her, giving her a questioning look. Raven kept her face straight, not letting him see more than she allowed it but she knew her question wasn't something to just ignore. Victor was curious to know why she would ask such things, especially about the Changling of all people.
After some intense moments, Victor turned back on exercising. "No."
His answer was way firmer than she expected. Raven was taken back on how he seemed upset about her question. 
"No, he's not seeing anyone. At least not someone I know." His words sounded angry and Raven wasn't sure why.
"Why are you angry Victor? I just asked a question." He scoffed.
"It's not you Rae…" he lowered his voice, "Stupid green bean!"
He looked at her with an angry face. "You're the empath here. You should know it by now."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Before she could get any answer from him, the gym's door opened with a bang.
"The Animal Man is here!" Gar shouted excitedly, "Please cheer for the new gym captain!"
He was in his sports clothes with his towel on his shoulder and a big speaker in his hand. He almost seemed to be at a party rather than at the gym.
"There's no such thing, Animal Man." Dick said following Gar from behind. 
Gar put the speaker on a table and turned to the Boy Wonder with a grin, "well I guess I just invented it." His eyes landed on Raven and Victor. "Oh hi Cy! Rae!" 
Victor stood up suddenly and walked towards his best friend. Raven could feel how his anger leaving his body the moment he saw Gar. His sudden change of mood surprised her, especially because it was Victor.
"Looks like someone is here to get his ass kicked." He patted Gar's shoulder. 
"Oh you wish! I beat Richard, you're easy."
"Only once." Dick said in defense, "and only because you were lucky."
"Two out of three isn't once and it sure as hell wasn't luck."
"Well I guess there's one way to find out." Victor said. 
Raven felt her presence was not welcomed anymore. She wanted to leave the gym as soon as she could. Seeing Gar was hard especially when she knew his little secret when she was not allowed. However, the moment he stepped in the gym, his love poured over her like a waterfall. It was hard to stay and harder to leave. 
If only she didn't dig in too much! She regretted it more than anything. If she let it be the way it was, maybe she wouldn't feel uncomfortable around him anymore. So what if Gar was in love with someone? It wasn't her business. She shouldn't care! He could be in love with anyone he wanted. It wasn't like it mattered to her. It didn't matter!
She wished she could sound more convincing in her head.
"What do you say Rae?" Gar's voice interrupted her thoughts.
"I asked if you wanna judge the game, to see who's better?" 
He was close, too close and he was letting her feel everything! She wasn't sure if it was his doing or was it because she already knew his deepest emotion; as in she couldn't turn back. 
Up close, Gar looked way better than from far. When did he start to look so attractive to her? Did she always find him attractive? She knew he was good looking but now it felt different from the last times. It had changed! Something had changed about him, or maybe about her?
She should leave. She should leave as soon as she can. 
"Sorry I can't." She said quickly flying over him to the exit door.
"W-what? Raven you okay?" 
She didn't even look back, "I'm fine." And left the room with no other words, leaving the boys there confused.
Except that she wasn't. She wasn't fine at all. Something was happening with her and she knew it was all because of her nosiness from that day. Love was a powerful emotion. Something she shouldn't just mess with especially when Gar initially had kept it hidden within himself. There must have been a reason why he didn't let her feel it in the first place.
But it didn't matter how many times she told herself otherwise, she couldn't help but wonder about Gar's secret lover. 
Was she a superhero too? Was she blonde? Azar was it Cassie? No! Gar would never go after girls way younger than him. Then who? A normal citizen no Titan knew of? Someone he met online? He could do that. He just needed to take a picture of himself in those sports clothes and everyone would be all over him.
"Raven? What's with the rush?" She heard Donna's voice as she and Kory were headed to the gym as well. They were both in their sports outfits as well.
She stopped flying and landed on the ground before them. Kory got a worried face as soon as she looked up.
"Raven, are you okay?"
"Yeah...just finished meditating at the gym." She tries to sound normal, "the guys are already there." 
"Yeah we know." Donna said, "but are you okay?"
Raven raised an eyebrow, "I am. Why do you both keep asking?"
Donna and Kory exchanged some confused looks and Raven just wished she knew what it was about. She didn't want to get into another intense conversation or an awkward one like the ones she had back at the gym with them. She needed to be alone right now more than anything.
Kory stepped closer to her, "Raven... you're blushing!"
Life always put people in the most unexpected situations, kind of like Gar's jokes; you basically couldn't predict them.
But Raven was used to find herself in situations she didn't expect, being Trigon's child gave her that. She was herself unexpected.
It wasn't that Raven was unfamiliar with love. Maybe the time she just left Azarath she could say she was, but it was years ago. She gained more control over her powers and emotions ever since. If she could recall correctly, she always felt love from others, especially when they were younger with more unbalanced emotions.
She felt Kory and Dick's love throughout the years and the alien princess could overwhelm anyone with her emotions, let alone a powerful empath like Raven herself. She felt Donna and Roy's thing with each other, Victor and Sarah's and Gar's. 
Azar! Even her own!
So why did it feel so different this time? Why was it so powerful? Raven knew Gar's love before. She'd witnessed many of his crushes before her own eyes. But this time? This love? It was so different on considerable levels.
"Raven! Cover Flash!" Kory shouted as she tried to block the attacks from this demonic creature who seemed to just get out of hell. A gift from her father? Raven decided not think about it.
As Wally was running fast towards the creature, Raven used her soul-self to block the fires. The monster was indeed strong and possessed dark magic as she felt it. 
A green flying eagle flew above her fast and went straight to the monster. Raven saw how Gar shifted into a gorilla and attacked it with his power hands. A smile appeared on her face. His presence alone always made her smile.
She still didn't get the time she wanted to talk with him. After her awkward conversation with him at the gym, Raven couldn't get the courage to ask about his feelings; mostly because she was afraid if he was actually in love with someone.
She didn't know how to approach the subject either. For all that matter, Raven wasn't the titan with the best social skills. How was she supposed to start the conversation even? And tell him she basically invaded his mind and his privacy by accident? When she knew it wasn't an accident at all? That she knew he was in love? That she was jealous? To the point she couldn't stop thinking about him?
As if she would ever do that.
So Raven waited for the right moment. A moment she was brave enough to talk about it. It was frustrating how this right moment she was waiting for didn't come for weeks. The universe hated her. She had to endure months to finally find out about the truth and now weeks to talk about it? She knew what he felt, she knew what she felt and that was the biggest problem.
A familiar yell caught her attention as she saw Gar being thrown in the air.
"Beast Boy!"
He tried shifting to something to reduce the pain of landing hard but he was too weak for that. Gar crashed on the ground hard with a hand on his side, trying to stop the cut from bleeding.
Letting go of what she was asked to do, Raven quickly teleported herself on the ground where Gar was lying on the ground groaning in pain. 
"Oh Azar…" she whispered as she kneeled down above his head. There was a big cut on his side which he was covering. Raven put her hand on his and tried to remove it so she would heal her but Gar didn't stopped her. 
He groaned. "Don't Rae… it's not that important." His voice was weak, "Go help the others. I'm fine."
Raven frowned. "You're bleeding. If it doesn't stop soon it will get dangerous. You might even die."
And it scared her. She couldn't just leave him because of his stubbornness. She had to heal him before it caused him his death. Raven made a move with her hand and made a magical force bubble around them to prevent any attacks or interruptions.
Gar opened his eyes slightly.
"I heal quickly...you know that." He hissed for a second and continued, "Don't waste your power on me...Go!"
It all started with a similar moment didn't it? Him asking her not to heal him. It was months ago by now and Raven remembered all of his words. It all started that day, maybe she would finish it today.
She put his head on her thighs and looked at him upsidedown. Putting her hands on his cheeks, she started to caress them gently. 
Stubborn or not, Raven couldn't leave him.
Gar smiled through his pain. Weakly he put his free hand on her and leaned to her touch.
"Raven…" he whispered.
And then it hit her. Raven's heart froze as she realized how stupid she was the whole time. Gar was in love with her!
It all made sense now. How could she be so blind over something so obvious? Anyone even without her powers would have figured it out already. It was right before her eyes. There was a reason Gar's feeling was more powerful than others, that she felt it stronger than others, why he tried to hide it from her, why such a powerful feeling never left her head...and her heart.
She just looked down at him. He was so lost into his world that he didn't feel she had already started the healing process; she knew it because he would have stopped her. It was painful and she tried hard not to make any sound so he wouldn't notice what she was doing. 
"God It feels...it feels like heaven…" his words got her attention from his wound to his face. Even wounded, Gar was smiling and making her smile as well. It was what he excelled. He always managed to make her happy even though she didn't admit it. 
She was done heading him yet she didn't let go and he didn't seem to be willing to leave the situation either. He looked so in peace and it was heartwarming.
She looked down at his lips. They were slightly apart and hot breath was coming out of his mouth. Raven bent down a bit, still staring at his lips. His smile never left them and Raven realized she couldn't stop herself either.
Still caressing his cheeks, Raven closed her eyes and kissed his lips upsidedown. 
Azar she was kissing him! And how much it felt amazing! His lips were soft on hers and she felt him kissing her back shortly after. A smile appeared on her lips as she kept kissing him gently. That's what she wanted. Him with her. How much of a fool she was not to realize it sooner. It felt as if her lips were meant to be on his at that particular moment; and she figured she didn't mind if these moments become more often.
"Guys! Really?!" It was Roy, "in the middle of a battle?
Neither of them cared as they kept kissing. A battle, a mission or even an apocalypse, none of them could take away this moment from her. She had waited long for this to finally happen.
They broke the kiss slowly. She didn't open her eyes and knew Gar didn't either. She could feel his breaths on her face and his hand on hers. He was rubbing his tomb on her hand. She heard him chuckle.
"You knew it all the time, didn't you?"
For that moment, that was all he was feeling. She smiled.
"Well, you're always easy to read Gar."
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