#He's not afaid to ask for seconds.
searsage · 7 months
The bastard was propositioning her, a request Robin should have immediately shot down..but didn't.
"Yes. However you are not obligated to humor me…"
"I never said i wouldn't! I- just..Stop putting words in my mouth damn it!"
"Are you receptive..?" Al-an inquired placing his claw against the glass, it took Robin a moment to recognize the odd lilt to his calm voice as the eagerness it was, a emotion she had not yet known the architect capable…
Steam escapes the shower as the glass door slides open, the blue biolight illuminating off the wet shower walls as the precursor stepped into shower with her.
"But didn't we just-" Robin begins flundering for an excuse, stepping back as the large precursor moved further into her, too quickly she felt the cool chill of the shower press against her bare back.
"I will be gentle.." Al-an trilled darkly, his claw finding her jaw and guiding her face to stare up into his own.
Robin was about to say something, anything to fill the deafening silence left behind by the almost possessive assurance, but her voice died in her throat when she realized something.
This close she could feel it, the low rhythmic thrum of energy, the soft of hum of artificial life, Al-an's pulse as rapid as it was…
It matched her own, in synch beat for silent beat, in beautiful harmony.
Sam had once joked that she would find her soulmate through silly means such as matching pulses, silly synthetic mythes to distract themselves from the grim reality of their existence..
Silly tales of love Robin would have to downloaded a brain corrupting malware at gun point to believe in...
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clumsyenby · 3 years
Hi! Could you do the main four and sun/moon drop reacting to a gn!S/o whos afaid of the dark? Love your writing!!
second request!!! woop woop <3 hope this is what you were looking for! i used to be DEATHLY afraid to the dark, so writing this was fun to look back and see how i've grown from then! ^.^
TW: none (unless you count fear of abandonment as a trigger?) gender neutral, adult reader!
Total word count: 9122
contains: separate scenarios with each animatronic, including an extra of Sun & Moon (separated)! just pure, tooth-rotting fluff :) + i had another idea and combined it with Freddy's part.. i might have gotten carried away with it - it's a small therapy session with Freddy >.<
masterlist + how to request! | all of my FNAF imagines on AO3
Even In The Dark, All I See Is You
- your animatronic lover thinks that they know you inside out, from the roots of your hair to the tips of your toes. yet, they cannot help but feel surprised to find out that you have a fear of the dark. not to fear, they will be there to comfort you. ♡
*(Y/N) - Your Name
Glamrock Freddy (He/Him)
- 1896 words
"Superstar, can I ask you something?"
You raised an eyebrow at the orange bear. Freddy usually just asked whatever he had on mind, rarely asking for permission to question someone else about something. Odd.
Out of all the Glamrocks, Freddy was definitely the most innocent. You were sure his question wouldn't be anything too out of the ordinary. You shrugged, you had nothing to lose. "You already did, but sure." You replied with a small smile, encouraging him to go on.
Freddy takes a moment to rethink the phrasing of his question. He was worried from the wording that it would offend you, or that it would cause you to shy away in any form. You placed a hand on his cheek, causing him to redirect his focus to you. "Everything okay, big bear?" You asked him instead. His awkwardness was a surprise, it made you almost nervous for what he was to ask about.
Freddy leaned into your touch, a soft, mechanical purr leaving his lips. Oh, the discovery that your mechanical boyfriend and friends could purr made you feel like a child on Christmas. Who knew they were just like big house-cats?
Freddy just twiddled his thumbs, nervous to ask. As adorable as it was to see Freddy like a nervous teenager, your curiosity was getting the best of you. "Come on babe, spit it out!" You said and grabbed at his shoulders, in an attempt to shake him. He barely moved, considering he was practically thrice your weight, but you tried. A poor try, but it still counts.
Freddy chuckled at your desperation, his voice box crackling with amusement. He wraps an arm around your waist, easily guiding you closer to him as he envelops you into a hug. His other hand runs through your hair while you wrapped your arms around him. You giggled at the sudden display of affection. "You must be really nervous over this question if you're acting this way," You quipped. Freddy could hear the smile in your voice, it melting away all qualms he had.
He placed his head on your shoulder, his mouth right beside your ear. You could feel the hot breaths coming out of him, you had hoped that his coolant was working properly. You would hate for him to overheat.
"Doyoueverfeelafraid? Likeyoureafraidthateverythingyouhavenowisgoingtodisappearinasecond?"
You blinked in surprise. Huh?
Freddy sounded just like when Sun when he was rambling about children. What was his question? You missed it completely.
"Could you repeat that? You spoke so quickly." You laughed. You could feel the steams escaping his metal casing through the small openings at his joints. He was really stressing over this question.
"Do you ever feel afraid?" Freddy finally manages to get out of his throat after a moment. You had the urge to laugh. That was his question? That was what he was so nervous about? He was nothing like this when he asked you out.
You hummed at patted him on the back, trying to comfort him. "Of course I do. Are you afraid about something?" You asked in return. Was he insecure about something? You knew the fellow animatronics such as Roxy and Monty had their fair share of insecurities, but Freddy had barely shown any, or talked about feeling insecure.
You feel Freddy shifting to hold you a little tighter, a little more closer to him than normal. You were sure there was a potential of that leaving a bruise, but you knew Freddy would never intentionally hurt you. "Fear is a weird emotion. I've seen children experience it, but experiencing it myself is.. It's more that I ever thought of." He mutters softly.
"I'm afraid that this is all a dream," He continues. "I'm afraid that if I wake up, you'll be nothing but a fond memory that lived in my head,"
"I'm afraid that you'll one day fall in love with another, maybe even another human, and leave me here, all alone." He rambles on. You watched as his eyes darted away from you as he spoke, looking directly to the floor. He was ashamed for even feeling this way. Was it selfish for him to feel like this?
"And I'm afraid that-" He continues again, only to be cut off by you knocking your face onto his. You sloppily kissed him, putting all of your energy and passion into it. It was a little odd considering Freddy could not physically kiss back, but the action was well appreciated. He lets out a little delighted hum from the physical contact.
When you finally pull away, you're panting, desperately trying to catch your breath. You place your forehead against his, staring into his blue eyes. They resembled calm blue skies and the salty ocean. "It's okay to be afraid," You whispered through exhales.
"Fear is something all of us experience; It's never a good feeling. Sometimes it eats you up alive, the worry factor making things worse at times. But, you should never let it control you. You have to face your fears in order to overcome them." You smiled at him and pecked at his nose, the soft honk from it making you giggle.
"And that's what you're doing right now - facing your fears. You're telling me that you're afraid of loosing me, right?" Freddy nods. You can see it in his eyes, that he was processing your words, trying to figure out the next response to do. You kiss him again, square on his mouth this time.
"Your fears are valid. But, I promise you that this is real, all of this; and that I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here beside you."
Freddy feels his non-existent heart swell at your words. If he could shed tears, he would have been sobbing. You meant so much to him, and to have you reaffirm your affection for him made him emotional. He presses his face to you, a small kiss as a gift for your heartwarming words. "Thank you, my love.. Really, thank you." His voice box crackles, sounding almost as if like it was underwater.
Freddy reaches out to wipe a stray tear from your face, one that you had not realised it escaped from your eye. "Are you choking up?" You tease from the sound of his voice box. Freddy laughs as well, his voice now back to normal. He pecks you lovingly once more.
"You mentioned that you've felt fear before.. What are you afraid of?" He asks. You pursed your lips together. You were afraid of many things, from small spiders to falling off from a height. Freddy already knew those fears of yours. But there was still one more fear of yours that you never told him about. You were afraid of being judged for it, as you had been since childhood.
Should you tell him? After all, he had just bared his heart to you.
Just as you opened your mouth, the lights in his green room went out. You squeaked, scrambling to wrap your arms around your boyfriend. Freddy felt your heart rate pick up at an alarming pace. "What's wrong, my love?" He asks gently.
"T-the d-ark.. I don't like it.." Your teeth chattered. Goosebumps had risen along your arms that were clinging onto Freddy for dear life. Freddy hummed, his chest-plate reverberating against your head. He presses a kiss to your head, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
"I can't believe my Mx. I'm Not Afraid Of Animatronics of a partner is afraid of the dark.." Freddy jokes lightly. You could not help but laugh as well, albeit still on edge. Throughout your time as the Pizzaplex's technician, you had never been afraid of any of the animatronics. Sure, they were eccentric and had such solid personalities, but they meant well; even if it was hard to see at first.
"I had no idea that the lights went out at night.." You huffed. It was your first time staying overnight at the Pizzaplex; a special request of sorts from management. They had said that the animatronics needed some extra TLC (tender loving care) this maintenance weekend.
Freddy rubbed your back comfortingly. "They do for every other hour. It is to save on some costs, I suppose." You squeaked, "An hour?! And this REPEATS?!"
Freddy placed another kiss onto your head. "No need to be afraid, my dear. I'll be here with you." You snuggled into Freddy's chest, thankful for his warmth. Being afraid of the dark seemed like such a 'childish' fear when compared to the fear of heights, or the fear of being forgotten. This fear of yours has been long kept a secret since childhood, and you planned of keeping it that way. Until today, though it was unplanned.
Damn it, Freddy.
Your animatronic boyfriend started talking about his day, how adorable the children he met were and about how glad he was to be spending time with you. When given the chance, he was quite the chatterbox. You did not mind though, especially in this situation. You appreciated the bear for being a distraction, he was someone who made all your worries melt away.
Though it was pitch-black in Freddy's green room, you could see how his eyes lit up (literally) with love when he looked directly at you. It showed in the way he moved, how he always controlled his strength when touching you, treating you as if you were made of glass.
As Freddy continued to ramble, he was interrupted by you kissing him this time, on his cheek. You see the confused look on his face and giggled. Another kiss was given, "Just a thank you, Freddy."
Freddy leans closer to nuzzle your face, his loud purrs filling up the atmosphere. "Thank you as well, my love. Thank you for listening and helping me face my fears. I really do adore you," His voice drops to a whisper at the last sentence. His declaration of love was sacred, something that he only kept reserved for you.
"Thank you for staying with me while I face my fears as well; I love you too." You whisper back.
As Freddy was about respond, the sounds of bells jingling outside Freddy's room was heard. Then came the sounds of footsteps, pitter pattering across the floor. You nearly screamed, burying your face into your boyfriend's neck. Freddy only laughed, patting your back. "Not to worry Superstar, it is only the Daycare Attendant."
"Sun isn't supposed to leave the daycare!" You almost yelled, whipping your head up to look out of the glass panel that also acted as a 'wall'. Through the small crack of where the curtain separated, you could see Moon on the other side. His red eyes shone brightly in the dark. He lifted a hand, waving all five fingers slowly. It was eerie, exactly what you were afraid of seeing in the dark.
"It's past your bedtime~"
Freddy blew a raspberry at the nighttime animatronic, "Stop scaring them, Moon." He scolded lightly. He used his free hand to wag a finger in disappointment. Moon slumped in defeat and walked away. You knew that if Moon had visible irises, he would be rolling his eyes.
"That was not cool, Moon!" You yelled. You only heard the faint crackle of his voice box as a laugh and the sound of bells fading away into the distance.
Montgomery Gator (He/Him)
- 1556 words (it's so fun to write soft Monty hehe)
"That's it! You're getting it!" You were learning some bass guitar chords from your animatronic boyfriend, Monty. He cheers you on encouragingly, more than ecstatic for his partner to be interested in his own craft. Though you only played a single chord, the G chord, Monty felt his heart swell with pride. You were already perfect in his eyes but the love he felt flowing through him as he watched you try his interests was indescribable. The simplest term he could find for himself as a video-game enthusiast, was that his love was on another level.
It was hard for Monty to explain the feelings he felt. All he knew was anger prior to meeting you. After that fateful day of crossing paths with you, he knew you were special.
Was it love? He first questioned himself. But that seemed impossible; an animatronic loving a human? Deep down, Monty knew it was love. He felt it when he first held your hand, when he first kissed you, when he first saw you wearing his merchandise and when he hears you say his name.
The sounds from his bass came to an abrupt stop, pulling him out of his thoughts. He calls your name, concerned. It takes him a moment to adjust to the sudden darkness of his green room, he could only see you due to his night vision. Shadows were casted on your face from your hair and you were frozen in place. Monty waves a hand in front of your face, "Babe? You okay?"
The gator picks you off from his couch and onto his lap in an effortless manoeuvre, a hand smoothing down your hair comfortingly. You snap out of your frozen state, now shivering in fear under Monty's hold. Your boyfriend could not understand why you were shaking. You were barely afraid of anything - What were you afraid of that caused you to react this way?
"It's alright, I'm here.. No need to be afraid of anything," He whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You leaned onto him, letting go of your own weight and quietly cried. Monty was even more puzzled than before. First you were afraid, now you were crying? Was it the mood swings? Must be a human thing. Monty could not comprehend what was going on, literally.
Monty felt the cooling fans under his metal plating whir to life. He was starting to overheat from confusion. Who knew that could happen?
The sound of the cooling fans oddly enough, calmed you down. Your quiet sobs came to a stop, you looking at your boyfriend worriedly. "Are you okay? Why are you overheating?" You asked. Of course, leave it to you to worry over someone else over yourself. Monty raised an eyebrow as he wiped the salty tear stains away from your face. "Why were you crying?" He countered back.
You bit your lip, afraid of telling him. You were afraid of judgement, especially from someone who you held dear to your heart. Monty interpreted your silence as you feeling offended. He knew you did not like confrontation and tended to shy away from it when necessary. He rubs your back softly, "Look babe, I'm sorry I said that.. You don't have to tell me, just know that I'm here if you want to talk-"
"I'm afraid of the dark." You blurted out, cutting him off.
"Huh?" Monty says immediately. "The... Dark?" He repeats slowly. The gears were still turning in his head, trying to connect the dots. His eyes go blank, processing new information. After a moment of silence, he snaps his fingers. "Oh! Nyctophobia. Sun has it as well,"
You nodded, "Something like that, though for different reasons than Sun." The alligator continues to rub your back comfortingly. "It's okay, babe. We all have our fears. Why didn't you tell me about this before? I would have known what to do if something like this happened,"
Oh Monty. Sweet, sweet Monty. He was such a sweetheart when it came to his loved ones, especially in their times of need. He could be an arse at times (scratch that, most of the time), but he always meant it in good fun. He always knew not to go overboard, and apologise when he accidentally did.
"You were going to plan something if you knew?" You asked back. You ignored his first question, you were still too embarrassed to admit to as to why you never told him yet. That was another problem you often faced - social anxiety, also known as the fear of judgement from others. It was something that both you and Roxanne shared. And luckily for you, Monty has had his fair share of comforting Roxy during her anxiety attacks. They shared a sibling bond of sorts, despite acting like polar opposites and fighting childishly in front of many.
Monty grumbles, a deep yet comforting sound that you've grown to love. "Of course. If I'm with you, I'd do anything to make you feel better, no matter how small the matter is," He uses his tail to slide his bass guitar that was left unattended on the couch towards him. He places it gently over your lap as you sat on him, hooking his fingers onto the fretboard with ease. "Get comfortable, doll. I have a surprise for you." He smiled cheekily. He gave you a moment to shift around. You settled yourself comfortably, leaning your head under the crook of his neck and wrapped your arms around his torso.
Monty began to strum, playing one of his solo songs from the performance earlier that day. He hums, his throat vibrating against your face. You felt your muscles relax, the worry leaving your body; as if it was never there to begin with. The music slowly but surely, lulls you into a dazed state, sleep threatening to take over your body.
Just as you were going to fall into a deep slumber, Monty starts to strum the opening to a new song. A very familiar song. It takes you a few seconds to think straight. "Is that my favourite song?!" You asked, buzzing with excitement, all prior drowsiness gone.
Monty chuckles as he saw you perk up. "Is it? I had no idea," He teases as he began to sing the lyrics. His voice was smooth like velvet (not butter) and as sweet as his favourite cake from the PizzaPlex's café. You hummed along, enjoying how your boyfriend looked in front of you; His guard was down and his true emotions were showing. You wished he was like this to the others, but you felt honored to be the only one he showed this side of him to. It made you feel special.
Special was barely enough to describe how Monty saw you. Words or phrases like angel, perfect, a gift from Heaven barely did you any justice either. It was indescribable for him to express just exactly how he felt for you. Monty never tried to force his feelings and the way he saw you in a specific box. If you were to ask him, he would say that you did not need a box to be defined, that you were too good for any of said boxes. Sometimes, it is better for things to be left the way they are.
As the song came to a close, you gave him a kiss, catching the gator off-guard. He squeaks, immediately regretting making that sound. "What was that for?" He asks as he looked away embarrassedly, steam escaping through his joints. You giggled and gave him another peck. "Thank you, Mon. You've always been so good to me." You said. Monty knew you were being sincere, he could hear it from the way you spoke, he could see it in the way you looked right back at him; eyes full of love, and he could feel it with each touch you gave him.
He nuzzles your cheek, a soft contented sigh leaving his lips. "I'm sorry it wasn't much.. I only had the bass on hand. Next time, I'll have a slice of cake ready or maybe your favourite drink.." He replied. He felt upset for not being prepared beforehand, despite not knowing that such an event like would happen.
"You don't have to get anything, babe. You being here is enough. You're enough." His heart swelled from hearing your words. You knew him like the back of your hand, you knew every single insecurity and fear of his. You never failed in reassuring him and repeating your affections for him so he would get it through his stubborn wires and endoskeleton, even at a time when he was trying to comfort you. Due to night vision, Monty could see you clearly, the way you teared up while speaking as your hands trembled. Monty frowned, "Why are you crying again? Did I do something wrong?"
You shook your head and gave him a hug, "No, no! These are happy tears, babe. You just make me so happy!" Monty moves his bass to the side and returns the hug. He inhales, breathing in your scent. You smelt just like him now; mint with a hint of cedarwood, and it made him more than happy to know that he was truly yours, as you were his.
Roxanne Wolf (She/Her)
- 1398 words
Roxanne purrs in delight as you run a hand through her mane. You laughed, "Eager, are we?" She growls jokingly, a smile hiding behind her eyes. "Hurry up!"
Deciding not to tease your girlfriend any further, you started brushing her long silver mane, starting from the roots down to the ends. Her purrs got louder with each swipe of the brush, eyes rolling to the back of her head from pleasure. You smiled with amusement as you continued to pamper her.
It was nights like these that Roxy loved, having some well-deserved alone time with her partner. It allowed her to fully relax and not worry about showing a confident front to the many children and parents she regularly interacted with. She knew she could speak her mind with you, she could let out every single frustration she had held up over the past few hours and know that you would not see her as any less. You, being her pillar of support is what made her fall in love with you. She needed someone like you for years and when you finally came into her life as the newly assigned animatronic handler, she swore that the Gods above had finally answered her prayers. Albeit she was rough around the edges at first, she allowed herself to fully melt into your arms, becoming nothing but a puddle of love in front of you.
"How was your day?" You asked as you continued to brush her hair. Roxy loved having your attention at any given time, so she sometimes made her stories a bit more dramatic than its reality, just to get different reactions out of you. She loved watching your face contort and twist painlessly to express different emotions, ranging from the squeal of joy to a cringe of disgust. She felt jealous for having a much more inexpressive face compared to yours, yet relived at the same time. It made hiding her emotions much easier when needed.
She smiled and howled with laughter from seeing your many reactions for today's story. Apparently, some child had gotten too excited from meeting Freddy and ended up puking on him. Poor bear.
Just as she was going to ask about your day, the lights in her green room had shut off. It was pitch black. Your brushing came to a stop. She heard your gasp. She reaches to grasp your hand, "Honey? Are you okay?" She asks worriedly. You squeezed her hand tightly as you shivered. "It's dark.." You simply replied.
Roxy shifted, moving to your end of the couch to wrap you in a hug. Her internal heating immediately turned on, a warm exhale leaving through her lips. You sighed deeply and embraced the warmth emitting from her. "Don't like the dark?" You finally heard her speak after a few moments of silence. You groaned softly and buried your face in her shoulder, "No.. I've hated it since I was a child.."
Roxy hums in response, drawing shapes onto your back soothingly. "Why didn't you tell me? I thought I knew everything about you," She asks. She almost sounded dejected, as if you did not trust her enough to tell her this fear of yours. You panicked, scrambling to find an answer. "You do! It's just that I thought you would judge me for having such a fear.." You trailed off. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, as if it could jump out at any moment.
Roxy scoffs lightly, "Why would I judge you, babe? I've told you every insecurity and fear I ever had. It wouldn't be fair to you for me to judge you for having a fear." You hear the light teasing tone in her voice despite being serious. She was trying to lighten the mood, trying to make you feel better.
Roxy snaps her fingers, an idea fresh in her mind. She unwraps herself from you, causing you to whine softly. She laughs, "One second, babe. I just remembered something," She gets off from her couch and slips past the metal door that leads to the storeroom. She returns a moment later, hiding something behind her back. "Give me your hands!" She says with an excited grin.
You raised an eyebrow skeptically and followed her instructions. In the dark room, you could only see her eyes that glowed brightly. She places a small circular object in your hands. Your fingers fumbled with the item until they hit something solid. Applying pressure, the solid moved to the right and the item lit up. It glowed a light purple, Roxy's favourite colour.
Roxy pushed a lock of hair behind her ear sheepishly. She swung on the balls of her feet, back and forth, back and forth. "Do you like it? It's my old nightlight." She asked.
If you were not so mesmerised by the stunning purple the light gave, you would have pounced onto her and peppered her with kisses. You smiled, reaching out to grab her hand. "It's beautiful, baby. Thank you for sharing this with me-" You started, only to be cut off by her. She smiled back, "You keep it. I know you need it more than I do."
She had your full attention now.
You yanked on her hand, pulling her down to your eye-level as you swiftly gave her a kiss. She squeaks in surprise, not used to you taking charge. She was the one to usually initiate physical contact. You pecked her on her nose, rubbing it with your own right after. "You're a gem, you know that?" You said with a giggle.
Her eyes are a mix of yellow and purple under the soft gleam of the nightlight. She looks beautiful. You always tell her about how beautiful she is, especially on her low-mood days; but this sight was something different. She looked much more happier, more in love and most importantly, more like herself. The Roxy that all of the Mega Pizzaplex knew was arrogant, rude and boisterous. But, the Roxy you knew was nothing like that. She had a heart of gold, though it was coated in silver in order to protect what was truly underneath. She was is perfect.
Roxy shifts, settling back onto the couch to sit next to you. She picks up the brush that you were using on her, long forgotten. It was quivering at the edge, threatening to fall onto the ground at any second. She nudges you gently, getting you to lean against her, your back facing her. She begins to brush your hair, gently working out any knots and tangles along the way. She hums the tune to your favourite song as she continues to groom you.
"You know, I used to be afraid of the dark too." She says after finishing with your hair. You were now leaning on her, her fingers now on your scalp, massaging away the fear and tension you felt. You smiled slightly, relived to hear that she could relate to you, "Really?" She shifts you slightly, pushing you to lay onto her lap.
She nods. "Not exactly the dark, but being alone in the dark. I hated being alone in the dark, it reminded me of all the insecurities I had. Sometimes, I heard voices, repeating these insecurities at me." She sighs. You felt upset for making her recall such a memory, but you appreciated her nonetheless for sharing. You reached your hand up to cup her cheek, rubbing it with your thumb. She purrs softly, a small smile on her lips.
"But then, I met you. You became a light in my life, and I was no longer afraid of the dark anymore." She continued.
Tears welled up in your eyes, "Oh Rox.." You whispered. She giggled lightly, leaning down to kiss your lips - Spiderman style. "So, I mean it when I say that I love you. I know I rarely say it, but you've done so much for me, more than you'll ever know." She leans into your touch, feeling more content than ever.
"You don't have to say it, Roxy. I know you do." You flipped around, embracing her again. "And just for the record, I love you too. I find that I love you a little more as each day passes." Roxy bursts into tears from your response, causing you to laugh as you and her continued to cuddle.
Glamrock Chica (She/Her)
- 1128 words
Your conscience is yelling at you, urging you to quicken your pace. You were repairing a security robot near the green rooms, when the lights suddenly went out. It was your first time staying overnight at the Pizzaplex, and this was definitely not going according to plan. You just wanted to finish your task and go chill with your robot girlfriend, NOT run in the dark; with the possibility of being grabbed by anyone.
As you reached the hallway of the green rooms, all of the lights of the Glamrock's rooms seemed to also be off. Except for Chica's.
A little faster, (Y/N)! You're almost there! Her door is right in front of you! I know you're tired, but it's a sprint away!  You hear your inner voice yell once more.
The faint sound of bells jingling caused you to squeak. It seemed to get louder with each passing second - It was now or never. You gave it your all, sprinting to your girlfriend's door and knocking rapidly.
"Hey, sugar! What's u- wrong?" The chicken's smile dropped instantly the moment she saw you shivering at the door of her green room. She ushers you inside, throwing a spare blanket over your shoulders. You're shivering under her touch, teeth chattering like there is no tomorrow.
Under the dim UV lighting of her room, Chica was practically glowing. Her neon outfit consisted of pinks and greens, two of her favourite colours. It was a welcome sight after you rushed to her room when the lights went out. Chica slips into the storeroom, grabbing a bottle of water and returning to your side. "My sweet, you need to tell me the problem.. How else am I supposed to help you?" She asks gently and handed you the water. You grabbed at it, chugging the liquid down like a dehydrated animal.
You blinked and looked at her confusedly. "Why are the lights on in your room?" Chica chirps, clapping her hands together. "Any kinetic energy generated at the play attractions, like my Mazercise, is converted into backup electrical energy for the green rooms! Pretty smart, right?" It made sense - a lot of physical energy would be generated at the attractions from guests running about, such as in Fazerblast. It was not new news to you that Fazbear Entertainment wanted to make as much money as possible, so implementing a different generator for the Glamrocks' rooms was not too much of a reach.
Chica slips under the blanket with you, her hands attaching onto yours. She plays with your fingers, tugging and pulling them gently. "You don't have to tell me, darling. But, whatever spooked you outside probably was just from a S.T.A.F.F. bot malfunctioning," She said. You shook your head and leaned onto her, your head on her shoulder.
"It's not that.. I was fixing up a bot then the lights went off, then I heard the sound of bells getting louder and louder.. It was terrifying!" You exclaimed. The memory of the bells jingling getting louder made you involuntary shiver again. Chica rubbed your hands, blowing hot air into them as an attempt to calm you down. "You're afraid of the dark, aren't you?" She finally asks.
Your sigh was shaky as you finally admitted your weakness, to the one you loved the most. "It's that obvious, isn't it?" You muttered. Chica tutted and pecked your forehead, moving closer to you. "It's okay to be afraid, you know. I have my own fears as well," She replies. Her words felt warm and reassuring, like a hug for the soul. Chica knew just how to made you feel better.
She manages to get you to lie on her while she's on the sofa, taking you into her arms. Her hugs felt as great as her words were; it was something that could not easily be reciprocated by another. She always made you feel safe, no matter how she chose to comfort you. Her favourite thing was to play with your fingers during a conversation.
As you spilled your heart to her about how you have always been afraid of the dark, you could not help but notice how gorgeous she looked under the UV lighting. She has always been beautiful, but this sight was something else. The lighting made her outfit and eyes glow with a subtle shimmer. She looked as if she just came out of a movie.
Her eyes held nothing but love as you gazed into them, blue eyes staring back at your own. She giggled as she looked at your dazed state. "Everything okay, honeypie?" She asked. You hummed, leaning up to give her a kiss. "Yup. Just admiring how beautiful you look under this light,"
She squeaked. Chica has never been the one to take compliments easily; it always made her flustered and shy. "T-thank you.." She replies quietly. You almost laughed at her but held it back. She just helped you through a panic attack and laughing at her would seem mean, even if she was not your girlfriend.
Oh, fuck it.
You did let out a giggle.. Which then turned into a full-blown laugh. Chica looks confused, a squawk reaching your ears. "I'm sorry, you're just adorable when you get flustered.." You heaved out between giggles. She huffed and looked away, "Not funny!" She ignored you for a moment before laughing as well, turning back to face you. She smiled, relieved to see you much happier - Even if it came at the expense of her being teased by you. Not that she minded, of course. The bird loved you more than anything, she would do anything for you.
Correction - She loved you more than anything, except for pizza. That savory dish still remains first in her heart. You swore one day you would get the number 1 spot, one day.
Chica continued to make jokes and played with your fingers as she talked about her day prior to you running into her room, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she described an interesting child she met in the afternoon. "Oh and did I tell you his name? It was-" She stopped herself, noticing that you had drifted off in her arms. She hums contentedly, pecking your forehead.
Knock, knock.
Chica snaps to her side, eyes darting to the glass panel of a 'wall'. On the other side, stood Moon. His faceplate spins in amusement, "Are they asleep?" Chica nods. Moon gives a thumbs up and skips away to the other green rooms, the sound of bells fading into the distance.
Chica gasps as something clicks in her head. Oh! That was what you heard, the sound that terrified you. Turns out, it was just Moon doing his bi-hourly night patrols.
Sun/Moon (He/They)
- 1723 words
Sun's hands are shaking as he held yours. "Sunshine, I think you should go hide.. Moony is about to come out, the lights will power off in a few minutes.." You knew that he's afraid. But, so are you. Your voice cracks as you talk to your boyfriend, "Sunny, I think that you should know that I'm afraid of the dark; just like you."
Sun's faceplate spins as he guides you to his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. "I know, sunshine. It takes one to know another," His words are nothing but comforting. The shared fear between you and him made you feel better, albeit your reason for being afraid is different from his.
"I trust you, Sunny. I think it's time that I finally overcome that fear, tonight." You tried to be strong in front of him, though you knew he could see right through your tough words. Sun runs his thumbs back and forth on your hand, a comforting tactic for both of you. "Are you sure?" He asked. Sun was nervous. It was the first time you would meet Moon, and after hearing about how he has gotten aggressive in the past, you were not looking forward to it.
But, you had this gut feeling that everything would turn out alright. You trusted your boyfriend, and you knew that part of loving him is that you would have to accept his counterpart, Moon. Moon was his mirror image, a 2-in-1 package deal. You cannot love one without loving the other.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Yes, baby. I trust you, which means I'll have to trust Moon too." Sun as nervous as he was, he was definitely overjoyed upon hearing that you were going to give Moon a chance. He felt selfish for 'keeping' you to himself, away from the only other being he trusted with all his heart. Sun and Moon knew each other inside out, right until Moon started displaying aggressiveness. If he could, he would have kept you all to himself, under the premise of keeping your safety top priority, until he could get Moon's issues resolved.
He knew doing so was wrong. Though Sun was your partner, he knew you were your own person. You could make your own decisions by yourself. He could only support you. He only hoped that you would remain unscathed from your time with his mirror image.
"You're so strong sunshine, choosing to face your fear tonight! I'll be right here with you, even if you can't see me!" He perks up and swings you around in his arms. "Yesyesyesyes! You're so strong, sunlight!" He said. You knew this game he was playing; he was trying to distract you from feeling fear. Though the unsettling pit bubbled in your stomach and you felt a lump in your throat, you swallowed down your tears and smiled back at him. "Thank you for always being so supportive, Sunny." You placed a soft kiss on his cheek just you heard the generators let out the sound you dreaded. You watched as Sun's face faded from view, his smile blending into the darkness.
"I'm proud of you!" Is the last thing you hear from him before his hold on you tightens, squeezing you for dear life. He lets out a few pained groans and pants. It hurts you to hear him react in such a way, the bright eyed and bubbly animatronic was showing a side of him that only few people knew about. Your heart clenches, wanting to comfort him but you knew it was dangerous to disturb him as he transformed into Moon.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, your heart beating loudly in your ears as a soft lullaby tune reaches you. Sun's hands suddenly feels much more colder than his usually warm ones.
A chuckle emits from the animatronic in front of you. "Oh my, who do we have here?" The voice is rough, raspy and downright terrifying. It sounded like the complete opposite of Sun's. Your eyes shot open, widening at the sight of bright red eyes staring back into your own.
The animatronic tilts its head to the right as its faceplate spins in amusement, "Are you (Y/N)? Sun's sunshine?" You nodded slowly. You could feel all hairs on your body stand straight, goosebumps rippling your skin. The animatronic lifts one of your hands to its faceplate for a 'kiss' (You shivered as more of the cold metal came into contact with your skin). "I'm glad to finally meet you, starlight. I'm Moon; I'm sure our Sunny-boy would have talked to you about me already." He says.
"N-nice to meet you too.." You finally managed to get out after a moment of silence, internally cringing slightly at your stutter. Moon hums, running his thumb across the back of your hands, just as how Sun does. The gesture was comforting in its odd way.
"Sun mentioned that you have a fear of the dark?" He asks. You could only let out a sound of agreement. It was frightening to have an animatronic practically twice your height talk to you in the dark, where you already felt extremely on edge. Not to mention that said animatronic had aggressiveness, their issues yet to be resolved permanently.
Moon tugs on your hands, guiding you with him towards the nap room of the Daycare. "Adorable humans like you should not be awake at this time," He says softly. His red eyes acted as a 'nightlight' of sorts, lighting up your line of vision for a meter or two. He brings you to the largest beanbag in the room and placed some plushies on the floor next to you as he settles down. He pats on the beanbag, gesturing of you to sit on it.
You reluctantly followed his silent instructions. You were still on edge and grabbed the nearest plushie. Lucky for you, it was a plushie of the very animatronic that sat next to you. Moon lets out a small laugh, his voicebox sputtering and wheezing. It was much different from Sun's joyful cackles. You liked the soft creaks and mechanical whirs that you could hear with every movement Moon made. Yet as different as him and Sun were, you could not help but feel.. Oddly comforted with Moon's presence.
Moon provided a sense of calm and tranquility in the dark, while Sun provided joy and excitement in the light.
Moon moves a hand to run it through your hair, massaging gently on your scalp. "You're doing so good for facing your fears," He hums. The lullaby tune emitting from him increases in volume slightly. He pushes you backwards so that you laid on the beanbag and slung your legs onto his lap. As much fun he was having in your presence, he knew you were too terrified to do anything. It seemed that he would have to get you used to him first.
Your heart swells from his praise. It truly was taking a toll on you for facing a fear, even if fearing the dark seemed childish for many. It was still a fear. You felt the exhaustion creeping up on you, threatening to pull down on your eyelids and drag you to dreamland.
Moon watches in content, he knew you were already drifting off. He could see it from the way your grip on the plushie of him loosened, from the way your breathing evened out and in the way your heartbeat calmed down to a normal pace. He pushes a stray hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ears, placing his faceplate on your face.
He feels the warm breath fanning from your exhales on his face, warming up his cold exterior. He chuckles softly, not wanting to accidentally wake you up. He looks at your face, studying every single detail; from your hairline, to your eyelashes, to the tip of your nose, to the very bottom of your chin.
"I thought Sunny-boy was playing a joke on me when they said that you were attractive, (Y/N).. But, it seems that there is more to just your gorgeous face.." He whispers to you, despite it falling on deaf ears. He leans down again, bumping his oddly placed nose onto yours, "I'm proud of you for facing your fears. You did well. You'll never have to be alone in the dark again, because I will be with you."
You stirred slightly in your sleep, moving your face upwards. Your lips accidentally connected with Moon's, causing him to immediately jolt and stumble back. He hears the fans beginning to whir within him, a sign that he was overheating. He huffed to himself, "Stupid starlight.." Yet, he could not ignore the joy he felt as he put a hand to his lips. He could still feel your touch lingering on him. Settling back on your side, he keeps watch in case for any danger.
As he acted as a guard while you slept, Moon could not help but to repeat the scenario again and again in his mind, right until the lights turned back on.
Sun stretched, spinning his faceplate happily. Sometimes, he and Moon happened to share memories during the transformation. One memory that Moon will certainly not forget happened to reach Sun.
Sun gasps as he watched Moon's memory. "Oh nonononono! What a mess! What will sunshine think?!" He chatters worriedly to himself. His eyes snap to you. You were still quietly dozing on the beanbag, the Moon plushie sat loosely in your arms.
You looked so beautiful in his eyes, even more so when you were asleep. Sun knew you also had your fair share of anxiety just like he did, so to see you peacefully asleep with no troubles in sight, made him relieved. Sun places a kiss on your forehead before laying down himself next to you. He places his head on your chest, delighted as you instinctively take him into your arms despite being asleep.
He purrs in content, feeling calm and serene just as you did before dozing off in Moon's presence. Sun looks at your face once more, rubbing your cheek affectionately, then goes into power-saving mode; it was enough for him to doze off like a human, yet be awake and alert, should anyone call for him.
Sun + Moon (Separated, He/Him for both)
-1429 words Song used: La Da Dee by Cody Simpson
You yawned, stretching your arms. It was the dead of the night and you were currently doing handicrafts with Sun. Your warm boyfriend had boundless energy, bouncing about the Daycare despite it being an ungodly hour to be awake. Though you were quite the insomniac, you were starting to get tired.
In the chair next to you, sat your other boyfriend. Moon was already dozing off in his chair, slumped over the art supplies that Sun had provided. You were sometimes jealous of the nighttime animatronic and his ability to easily fall asleep practically anywhere.
Sun looked away from his work and at you, "Are you sleepy, baby?" You frowned and shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Sunny!" You said to him, though you felt like you were trying to convince yourself as well. Sun tutted and let go of the marker he was holding.
He stood up, pushing himself off the comical, child-sized chair he had managed to squeeze himself onto and sauntered to you. He picked you up with ease, throwing you over his shoulder. "Sun!" You shouted and kicked at him, but to no avail. He was literally made of metal, it was going to take more than that to hurt him.
Moon sat up groggily, looking at his partner and mirror image oddly. "What are you doing to (Y/N)?" He asks after yawning. Sun clapped his hands, "Our sunshine is sleepy! Yesyesyesyes, it is the perfect time for a proper sleepover~!"
"No! No sleepovers! I told you that I'm fine!" You yelled. You tried to twist and turn to get out of Sun's grasp, but to no avail.
Moon hummed, seemingly 'thinking' about Sun's idea. You glared at Moon, mouthing at him to tell Sun to let you down. Moon glanced at you, mischief twinkling in those red eyes of his. "Oh, what a good idea, Sunny.." He replied. You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You kicked your legs again in protest, "Damn you, Moon!" Moon only chuckled as he watched Sun squeal in excitement, skipping away with you over his shoulder towards their shared bedroom. Moon sighed, glancing at the messy table left behind. "Clean up.. Clean up.." He muttered to himself. Moon put away the art supplies and picked up the drawings you and Sun left behind before jumping upwards, landing gracefully on the balcony pad of their room.
He was greeted with a sight for sore eyes.
Sun has already wrapped you under a blanket, rolling you snugly so that you appeared like you were contents of a burrito. You groaned under the blanket, obviously grumpy. "Sun! I told you that I'm not tired yet!" You protested. As grumpy as you were, you were adorable to both of the animatronics. Angry cinnamon roll, was what you were. They wanted to do nothing but protect you.
You tried to escape the burrito roll of a blanket but Sun held the ends tightly with ease so that you could not escape. Sun pulled you, his grumpy burrito of a partner, onto his lap and cuddled you happily, ignoring your sounds of anger. Moon chuckled and placed the drawings on a spare table, moving closer to you and Sun.
"(Y/N), why must you be so stubborn? You're always falling asleep in the day, we are trying to help you fix your sleep schedule.." Moon tutted. Sun perked up upon seeing his mirror image, "Moony! Doesn't our sunshine look so adorable like this? Don't they? Don't they?" Moon hummed in agreement as he joined in the cuddle, content with the warmth you and Sun were providing. Like a little kid, Sun squealed. "Moony, you're so cold!"
The sound of the generators powering down caused you to jolt. You began shivering immensely under the blanket, despite it being warm and comfortable. "Sunshine?" Sun called, his face coming into view. Through the pitch-black room, Sun emitted a soft, orange glow. He looked like a nightlight, literally. You grabbed onto him like a lifeline, your quiet sobs escaping.
Sun hummed comfortingly, rubbing your back. "Why are you crying, baby?" Moon sat still. Shocked was not the right word to describe the way he felt. Surprised was more fitting. He was surprised to see you, someone he saw as fearless, shivering and sobbing right in front of him.
What were you so afraid of? You rarely cried in front of them, you thought it made you appear weak in front of them.
Everything was okay just a minute ago, when the lights were on- oh. It clicked in Moon's head.
"Darling... Are you afraid of the dark?" He asked. Sun laughed at his mirror image, "Moony, don't say such things like that! Our (Y/N) is as fearless as they can be-"
"Yes.." Your soft reply interrupted Sun. The bright animatronic let out a 'Huh?' before the puzzle pieces came together in his head. "OOOOH! That's why you always refused a sleepover!" He exclaimed.
Your nod was all the response they needed. You pulled yourself away from Sun's shoulder to look at Moon. Just like Sun, he shone softly like a nightlight, a calming silver shine to him. Sun yanks you into his arms again, now cradling you like a little baby. "Our sweet sunshine, afraid of the dark... It's okay!" He happily sang. You grumbled, "It's not funny!"
"Sunny, stop babying them." Moon scolded lightly. Sun pouted and released you onto the mattress. You sighed in content, finally free from Sun's clutches-
Moon yanked you downwards, causing you to fall onto the mattress with a thump. You made a sound of protest, only to be shushed by the animatronic. He pulled off his nightcap (Who knew he could take it off?) and placed it gently over your head. "It's time to sleep, my star. Sunny and I will be right here with you." He whispers. Something caught your eye. As you looked up, you noticed the small glow-in-the-dark stickers in the shape of stars littered the ceiling. You felt the mattress dip on your sides, both the animatronics settling to lay down as well.
"Do you like it? I had the inkling that you had nyctophobia and thought these would be useful," Moon's voice distracted you from the stars. You smiled, reaching out to rub his cheek affectionately. "I love it, babe. Thank you." Moon purrs happily under your touch, his faceplate spinning in content.
Sun wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling himself closer to you. "What about mEeE~?" He warbles. You giggled and rubbed one of his sun-rays with your other hand. "You too, Sunny. Thank you."
Moon begins to sing, his voice a deep yet gentle resonating sound that you always loved. Though you've often heard him sing during the nap-times in the daytime, this song he was singing was an new song, an entirely new experience.
La da dee La da dee doo La da dee me La da dee you La da dee La da dee doo There's only me There's only you
You swayed your head along to the tune, happily enjoying his performance. It was beautiful. Though Sun trusted you early on in your friendship with him, it took quite a while to gain Moon's trust. It was rare for Moon to show a side of him like this - where he was completely at peace and did what he wished. You were glad he felt comfortable enough to act as such around you.
As he continued to sing, you could not help but feel dazed, the temptation to sleep was growing stronger with each word your boyfriend sung.
La da dee La da dee doo La da dee me La da dee you La da dee La da dee doo When you are gone I think of you
Moon glances at you after finishing his song, satisfied that you had finally given in and drifted off. He glances at his mirror image, only to notice that Sun had entered power conservation mode; an animatronic's version of snoozing. Sun's arms were wrapped snugly around your waist, his face buried to your back. Moon checked the clock, 2:45AM. The lights were to turn on soon.
You looked so peaceful in your sleep, it was hard for Moon not to just take you into his arms and cuddle for all eternity. He settles back on your side, placing your head gently on his chest as he listened to your even breaths that lulled him into power conservation mode.
At least he knew how to put you to sleep now.
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agl03 · 6 years
You may have already seen this/heard about it, but just in case - a very, very eagle-eyed Redditor has pointed out that the person standing in front of Daisy at around the 52 second mark appears to be The Doctor. Eeep! Not sure how to feel about that, but can’t wait to hear your thoughts on all the new footage!!!
Anonymous said: I hope you answer this cos im concerned. some fans pointed out that in the scene from the s6 trailer where Daisy is quaking a group of guys at the lighthouse that the guy in the middle looks like the doctor. they zoomed in on a screencap and I fear it is. I cant handle Fitz going full doctor again after they rescue and being him home and confronting Daisy again. I thought we’d get their friendship back :/ also fitz has suffered enough. 
Anonymous said:Uuummmm…. 1:15….. The DOCTOR in the lighthouse?!? what?! Help!! What does this mean?
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Definitely the most popular ask of the day.  
Yes, you can see someone who could be The Doctor in the promo.  And yes I do agree that looks like the Lighthouse.  
I zoomed in quite a bit on the picture and I’m not 100% sure either way.  It could be The Doctor but it could also be a new character.  Some sort of gov type or even another Chromicon like Enoch (remember there is a Chromicon Hunter listen for episode 5).  I have to keep its not him on the table.
If it is The Doctor I DO NOT believe that its Fitz, or “our Fitz”.  I think Fitz has been Fitznapped by some Space Goons and they are still trying to find him.  Whatever that is is some sort of manifestation.  
I mean where does Evil Space Doctor get himself a fine suit in Deep Space?
A manifestation fits if that giant white hole of doom in the Promo is what they called the Fear Dimension last season.  We are also dealing with advanced tech here, one baddie had a transporter, there could be some sort of weapon in play that Daisy was hit with and causes her to see this.  We also can’t rule out some sort of Mad Science thing going on here.  
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While AOS likes to use the same story elements they don’t really ever do it the same way twice.  So if they do bring back The Doctor they will find a new and creative way of doing it.  They’ve already pulled the Fitz is the Doctor twist with the split.  
Fitz is the Doctor is also not the kind of twist they would give away in a promo, no, that is the kind of thing they hide and hit us over the head with ala 4.16 and 5.14.
I would also like to point out Daisy doesn’t look afaid here, she is in the blast the doors open, kick butt, and take names mode.  I also noticed in the back left there is a goon (who looks like a mech) guarding a door.  Daisy could be looking for someone, could be in a version of the fear dimension, but it’s not her fears she’s working through.
To be honest I have a huge video game vibe from this who moment here.  Daisy has entered a boss battle, he has minions, with one minion guarding the door to the next room.  There are also just too many elements from previous stories here for me to think its “present” or “reality”.  
I do hope that helps everyone.  This is where I”m going with this until I see more evidence otherwise.  
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ginger-snaps014 · 5 years
Am I crazy? When I guy asks you out on the date, sets a time and location, clarifies the location, texts you all week, then texts the day of that he is excited to see you that night- the date concrete going to happen. Like these are the concrete plans and words that were used.
Never did he ask for a confirmation. Or ask if we were still on. Never did I get a second text after the “I’m excited to see you tonight” checking in. No calls to cancel to double check the plans. Like if you had a question, fucking ask it. I don’t play games. I don’t use hidden messages. I don’t overthink what you said.
In all fairness, I was out and about all day having a life not looking at my phone, and I did not reply to the excited to see you text until right before the date. But like??? Dude I would canceled if I was going cancel. I would have the balls to use words. Sorry I have more important shit to do than moon over my phone all day.
Like also this guy was an ass after I said I wouldn’t wait at the restaurant for an hour for him to get his act together. Like don’t tell me to fuck off because you were to scared to ask me a damn question and then I wasn’t waiting an hour for you. Like I literally ran I get ready in a half hour (didn’t even realize I still had sunglasses on my head from earlier in the bath I was so frantic). Clearly we have different communication styles, but seriously get over yourself.
Also just ask like an adult. I didn’t have time to play games and guess if your texts have double meanings (one of my guy friends said that “Hey! Excited to you tonight!” Is not a text about being excited to see me tonight, but rather a “I wanted to double check we were still going on the date, but I’m afaid asking directly will make me look weak. Also, I won’t send a messages clarifying my agenda in this message because I’m afraid of double texting... even though I already did a couple of days ago??”). Like I’m not a mind reader and take words at face value.
Thank god I could just go hang out with my friends and watch the game- and look fabulous at the same time. Plus there was a guy there who not so coated in toxic masculinity that he is scared to ask a god damn scheduling question.
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sapiophile-j · 6 years
MC has it all. (707 x MC) part 1
❇ With the height of 5'7", a face so sophisticated and can make head turns, money and power, some talents with music and dancing (you are forced to learn this when you were young), and most importantly -- you were a secret agent and hacker. Much greater than Seven.
❇ Having all these, why are you lead to join an organization of some sort and stay in a cramped apartment? Simple. You're bored.
❇ When you received that notifitication, you did a research about who send it to you and you are able to tracked down that person, however, as much as you want to dig further, you cannot get the name of the hacker. It peaked your curiosity so you accepted the stranger's request to go to that address and now here you are.
❇ When they start bombarding you with questions on how you know the address of the apartment and how come you are able to download the app, you decided to play dumb. You didn't have anything to do anyway ever since you quit as a secret agent and you really find the situation entertaining.
❇ You wanted to have fun first before taking over your family's business. You also did a background check with all the member and you found out that one of them is Jumin Han, CEO of the rival company, you smirk. This is getting more and more interesting for you.
❇ What really got you is that 707 is the organization's hacker. Very well.
❇ You've learned what the organization is for. Member's are wary of you. You made sure that your information is unknown, well, your real one that is, before accepting on joining this RFA (maybe, a hacker's instinct), so they know you by the name of Callen.
❇ As a former agent, you are trained with all the aspects and traits that is needed to get people's trust, so it's not surprising that you are able to get theirs in just a short period of time, specially, Seven's attention since he saw you from the CCTV image.
❇ Both of you got along well as you are able to understand his humor and make some jokes of yours to. All other members also noticed the visible changed on Seven's attitude specially when he started to slack off and can't focus on doing his work for the agency while checking you on you every after 2.35 seconds. You actually laugh about it and joke about you both had an eye contact once which the other member finds weird.
❇ Seven also once joked about him having a girlfriend already in which he said that it is 606. Funny, it is your alias as an agent. You asked him if he's sure and if 606 knows that he is his boyfriend but he said he is so sure that you replied a long 'lol' to him.
❇ You've been in the apartment for 5 days now and you pretty much exceeded their expectation of you and you are enjoying Seven's company although it is only through chat and CCTV.
❇ You know he's doing background check on you but he seems to get almost nothing, aside from the information that you have let him see. You know Seven very much, personal and agency related info. You entered the agency before him so technically, you are his senior but he never gets to see, not even once before as you rarely show your face there and the only one who knows you is Vanderwood. He knows you when he accidentally bumped into you and your boss called your alias. Have you mentioned that you are one of the best hackers there is and your alias is pretty famous in the hacker's world. So how did you quit without any problem? Simple. Your father is the boss of the biggest mafia in Korea so your agency dared not to touch you. As for some clients who doesn't know you, your father is handling them.
❇ You've learned that there is a bomb planted in the apartment to protect some clasified documents. You're not afaid, you're used to it but what in the world is the woman who used to live there, thinking when she requested for that bomb to be planted?!
❇ Seven started to worry for your safety when he notice the changes in the security's algorithm. You assured him that you are fine. You can actually deactivate the apartment's security but you are not going to do that. It is none of your business anyway and it will lessen the thrill of your stay there.
❇ You are worried about Seven's state as he cannot focus on the work that he needs to do for the agency and you learned that Vanderwood is actually with him. You are just hoping that Vanderwood is not yet blowing up your cover as Seven mentioned that he is his maid, which apparently is Vanderwood the one watching the CCTV feed.
❇ You decided to contact Vanderwood and ask him to meet you up. You made sure that Seven will not be able to track you for a short while so you tampered the CCTV feed and left your phone connected to the app in the apartment.
❇ You two met at a café that is fairly distant from the apartment (you wanted to keep the apartment address confidential for Seven) and Vanderwood told you that he was actually shocked to see you in the CCTV feed but assured you that he hasn't mentioned a thing about it to Seven. You are thankful but you playfully threaten him to not mess with you which earned a laugh from Vanderwood but deep inside, he knows better not to really mess with you. Both of you bid goodbye and you went back to the apartment.
❇ When you got there, you checked your phone and noticed that you have 13 missed calls from the RFA members, majority from Seven. He is really anxious about your security that when you read the chat logs, you've learned that the system in the apartment has been completely hacked and that he is going to the apartment himself to fix it and make sure that you are safe.
❇ You are tempted to say you will do it but you wanted to see him so you decided against it and called him instead to checked where he is. When he answered the call, his voice is full of worry and that filled your heart with happines. It sounded off but for you, hearing that means that he cared. Some cares for you genuinely. People who knows your identity would say that you are living a happy life, it seems almost perfect. Perfect aside from the fact that your family is too complexed. Even since your childhood, you are forced to learn things from running a business, being a proper lady to learning about the mafia (yes, you're father doesn't care if your a girl, you still have to learn to also run it as you are his only child). Basically, everything has been planned for your life, even your marriage. No room for disappointment. So, when you decided to be join an agency and be a hacker, you felt freedom. Your father is against it but you stand firm with yiur decision. You are able to do one of the things you like.
❇ You were out of your trance when you heard the sound of glass shattering and when you go out of your bedroom, you saw the hacker. Yes, you know him. You did your research well so you are not surprise at all seeing him there.
❇ "Hey, lady, just stay there. You might get hurt from the shattered glass." Said the man infront of you.
❇ "I do intend to stay where I am, thank you." You retort and the hacker seems amuse by your sassyness but was able to gain his composure back.
❇ "Feisty, I see. You better be ready to get out here as I was ordered to bring you alive so save your energy and not struggle." He smirk.
❇ "Oh, didn't I made myself clear? I'm not going anywhere. So please, you save your energy and leave." You dead pan. Youdon't have time for this and you need him out before Seven gets here. You don't want to stress him anymore but this man seems to be persistent as he starts to advance towards you. You guess? Yes, you know how to fight and he was surprised or should you say shocked as he was not expecting it. He might be a great hacker, at par with Seven's ability and talent but not very good at fighting. You pinned him down on the ground and removed his mask.
❇ "You... Are you Saeran?..." You trailed, wanting to confirm something when the man beat you to it.
❇ "Don't call me that name! I hate that name!" He struggle beneath you. You let him go, you are still a bit flustered to learned that this man is Seven's twin. Saeran crouched in front of you, he seems to be having a panic attack that when he looks at you, his eyes shows nothing but anger and hatred.
❇ You tried to ask him what happen, why he is doing this but all he told you about is that he will do revenge to Seven and to all the people who wronged him. You can feel pity for this man but you cannot let Seven see this as you know that he will downhearted him.
❇ "I wouldn't say that I understand you as I don't have the full knowledge of what happened to you and Seven in the past, but I suggest you go. I think you have a better grasps by now of the situation. You cannot get me to go anywhere. You should've known my identity, part of my identity that is, so give up and any moment Seven will be here. I don't want your reunion to be this way." Saeran looked at you dead in the eye and left without a word.
❇ The apartment door bursts open the same time that Saeran got out of the windown.
❇ Seven run towards you, worry written on his face and horror when he saw the shattered glass on the floor.
❇ "Are you alright? Why does the window glass...?" his questions came one after another.
❇ You placed your hands on his shoulder and told him that you are fine so he need not worry about you but his not buying it so you told him it was the hacker but leaving the part of his brother being the hacker.
❇ Seven called someone to fix the window and once it is done he turns towards you, his attitude turned 360.
❇ You are a bit hurt by the sudden coldness but you understand him. Gone is the Seven you know in the chat room but you know better than to be upset about this. As a former agent, you know that it's dangerous for the likes of you to be involve to someone out from your world but why... Why is it getting into you?
❇ You flash him a smile and say you understand and you will try to not distract him.
❇ Picking up your laptop, you saw an encrypted email from Vanderwood letting you know that Seven went to you without finishing his work and he knows you know what will be the consequence if the client will be upset.
❇ Yes, you knew better and that made you anxious. You walk to where Seven is and asked him if you could do anything to help him. No response. You waved your hand infront if his face and he pay you little attention saying that you can just shut up and it will be a big help.
❇ You saw that Seven is fixing the algorithm of the apartment's security so you replied to Vanderwood's email saying that you will do his work. Vanderwood is more than pleased as it means that his work will be lessen, that is explaining to the boss why the work isn't done yet when it's been passed the deadline and the need to hunt Seven down.
❇ Seven noticed that you are not going out of your room for almost the whole day so he tried to check you and saw that you are asleep while sitting on the bed with your laptop on standby mode. It's quarter before 11 in the evening and you haven't eaten yet. He is worried.
❇ He shook your shoulder gently and that wake you up. You intend to sleep for atleast an hour and you wilk finish the work in less than 2 hours more.
❇ "You haven't eaten yet. Take care of yourself. I'm not here to be tour babysitter so don't be an invonvenience. Help yourself with food. I've bought a take out. Just go to the kitchen." He left you after that.
❇ You can't help but be happy and hurt at the same time. And your cursing yourself for that. Just why are you being sensitive? Hah. A tear escaped your eye. You know very well why. You wanted to say to Seven to stop being cold towards you, that he doesn't need to worry because you can protect yourself, that you are also the same as him, maybe, just maybe he will start to reciprocate your feelings, but you cannot bring yourself to do it. You are afraid it will also caused for him to move far from you further. No, you don't want that. You just want to be love, for once, without any expectations from you, you wanted to be love for just being you.
❇You didn't noticed that you are already crying. You laugh, a bitter one. You are trained to stripped your emotions since you were a child, what's the difference now? You fucking know the answer. So you wiped your tear-stained face, gather your composure and got out of your room.
❇ After Seven left your room, he stayed on the other side ofnthe door, he knows he is being a total dck. It is for your own good, he thought. He knows you are crying and he wanted to comfort you but he cannot do that. That will break his walls and he cannot let you be in danger because of him. He cannot picture you being targeted by his agency. When he senses that you are about to go out of the room, he goes back to his station.
❇ You saw Seven working on his laptop again. You asked him if he ate but he just told you a simple 'yes'.
❇ It's been 3 days since the incident of the hacker and there are no changes with how Seven is treating you although you tried all the ways you know just so you could get him to talk to you, but to no avail.
❇ You sighed. You have checked your email again and saw another one from Vanderwood thanking you for finishing the work and asking when will Seven go back. You told him you don't have any idea and you ask him if he can look for an apartment for you to move in to. You've made up your mind. This is hard for you but maybe it will be better for the both of you.
❇ That night is the same as any other nights passed that you are with him. His presence is enough for you -- scratch that -- you wanted more but you cannot forced it to him. You have to let him sort his feelings on his own.
❇ Seven tenses at the sudden weight that he felt knowing exactly what it is. He can smell you and he really love your scent.
❇ You rest your head on his shoulder while your back is against his, feeling his warmth.
❇ "Thank you, Seven. Thank you for caring for me. I'm really happy."
❇ "As I have said to you multiple times, I don't care about you. It is my job as an RFA member to protect you." He said, his voice void of any emotion.
❇ Hurt. Yes, you are. You close your eyes and just feel the warmth that his body is giving off, "...I know, Seven. I know. But I would like to think that you cared for me. This is the first time that I have liked someone genuinely and you are that someone. Thank you for coming into my life." A tear escaped but you wiped it right away. This is no time for you to be emotional. "Can I rest here just a bit? Tomorrow is the party. I'm excited to see the other members!" You said trying to sound happy as you can.
❇ "Why don't you rest in the bedroom instead?" He said, his fingers still typing.
❇ "I will. But let me close to you just this once, Seven. Just a moment. I just want something to keep with me."
❇ "Do as you please."
❇ You mumble a soft 'mmm'. Yes, you will cherish this and make the most out of it.
❇ The day of the party came. Everything has been prepared to perfection. You have met with the other members and they are so happy to meet you at last.
❇ The party is in full swing and in just a few minutes, the auction will. Your eyes roamed the party hall looking for him but he is nowhere in sight but he can see you. He's been watching you even after you two parted when you arrived at the venue. And he knows that you are looking for him. You are so beautiful. He wanted to walk up to you and he is fighthing with that urge.
❇ You managed to be as lively and perky as your can throughout the party and now it's time for you to go home.
❇ You and Seven used your car to go to the party since he can't use his due to the fact that he can be track by the agency, Vanderwood to be specific.
❇ Seven drove you back to the apartment. The travel was filled with awkward silence as Seven is not use of you being quiet.
❇ When both of you is in the apartment, Seven collected his belongings and told you that there is no reason for him to stay in the apartment now as he already fixed the security system. He said his goodbye to you and when he is about to walk out the door, you hold his arm and that made him stop.
❇ You're sad. You are feeling empty just the thought of you not going to see him but you manage to smile sweetly, "...thank you, Seven. I just wanted to let you know that I cherish the time I spent with you. I just hope that you'll be happy someday... I..." You choke. You can't continue because if you do, you will definitely breakdown. You are no longer an agent but why is it seems that you are still bound by the agency's rule? "...no, uh, nevermind. Take care." With one last glance and smile, you close the door infront of him. Goodbye, Seven.
❇ You're eyes are puffy and red when you woke uo the next day. You started your daily morning routine and collected your laptop and other gadgets that you bought fir yiur stay in the apartment. You left all your cloths though thinking that it will be obvious once Seven notice you carrying a huge bag when you pass the CCTV. You wanted to leave silently and erase your trace in the organization.
❇ You wrote down a letter stating that you will be leaving the RFA and a personal letter to Seven saying your goodbyes.
❇ You left the letters on the bedside table and proceed on walking out the door.
❇ Vanderwood is watching you from the CCTV but he did not dare tell it to Seven as you wished. He is shaking his head while thinking of how sad Seven will be once he knoew you were gone.
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1: Forget-Me-Not
Fandom: Hamilton
Character: Phillip Hamilton
Warnings: Angst, Character Death
Summary: Phillip had been acting strange… you’re worried about him.
Being married to a Hamilton meant many things, but above all, it meant that there would never be a dull moment in your life. Happy ones and tragic ones, sure, but never dull. For example, right now, you were pacing back and forth in your house. Your mind was clouded with worry. Your husband, Phillip, had left much earlier in the morning than he normally would have. Did it surprise you? No, not really. Phillip was just like his father - he was constantly running around doing something, not giving himself even a small break. But this time… it was different. 
Phillip had been acting strange the night before. He was much more affectionate than usual (if that was even possible), but he had also acted unbearably distant. When you’d asked him about his day, he seemed to avoid details and then quickly changed the subject. As his wife, you could see the anxiety etched into his otherwise young and care-free face. You had never seen him like that… it scared you. 
Then, when you woke this morning, you found yourself lying alone in the bed that you share with your husband. You sighed, closing your eyes and turning to face his side of the bed. After a couple of minutes of struggling, you realized that you wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. Instead of being greeted with an empty spot in the bed - like you had expected to see - you found a flower (a forget-me-not, to note) and small letter carefully placed on the pillow beside yours. 
You are my moon and my stars; my light in this world’s unending darkness. Please forgive me, but never forget me. I will be thinking of you for the rest of my life. 
Wait… what? Reading the small note again and again, you suddenly felt wide awake. You sat up in your bed, worry seeming to latch onto you like a beast would to its prey. He couldn’t be doing something unreasonably dangerous and stupid, could he? 
Oh, who were you kidding. You married a Hamilton. Of course your husband was off doing something ridiculously dangerous. A deep feeling of dred filled you, motivating you to rush yourself out of bed. You quickly dressed yourself and immediately raced out the door - letter and flower in hand - toward the only place you could think to go. Your husband was very brash and quick-to-act, but you had never thought that there would be a day you would start to hate that quality of his. You never thought that it would make you terrified for his safety… not to this degree, at least. But that note… the choice of words… it was as if he may never see you again. 
Without thinking, you knocked on the Hamilton’s door. You bit your lip in anticipation focused on swallowing the lump that was slowly forming in your throat. Something was wrong. Truly and deeply wrong. You couldn’t shake the gut feeling telling you that your husband was lost to you, and that thought alone brought tears to your eyes. 
You turned around and placed your book on the nightstand with a gentle yet surprised smile. Even without looking to the voice’s source, you knew who it was immediately. 
“Phillip? You’re home early,” you smiled, “that’s unusual.” 
“They let me leave work early today. I told them it was your birthday, and my boss asked me what ‘the hell’ I was still doing there. He practically shoved me out the door.” He chuckled, though it sounded more forced than he wanted it to. 
Without another word, Phillip changed into his night clothes and joined you in the bed. He wrapped his arm around you and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. The smile never left your lips, even for a moment. It wasn’t often that Phillip could get home from work that early, and it had been so long since the two of you could just… relax. However, as peaceful as it was, you could tell that something was eating at your husband. As safe as you felt in your lover’s arms, there was a thick tension filling the air. 
Then, his expression turned serious, though you couldn’t see it. He pulled you closer to him and held you much tighter than you were sure he had ever done before - almost as if he were afraid you would leave him and he would never see you again. 
“You know that I love you, right?”
You turned to face your husand, hurt flashing in your eyes for only a second. “Of course I do, and I love you deeply in return. You’re my husband, silly.” You paused, puzzled. “Are you alright?”
Phillip nodded, taking one of your hands in his. “Of course I am, you’re here with me. I just… don’t think you truely understand how much you mean to me. I sort of… I feel like I’m never home nough to tell you, to show you, how much I love you. I love your smile, as gentle as ever. I love your hair and the way it curls so easily around my fingers, and the way it shines in the light. I love your beautiful, beautiful eyes, and the way that it’s so easy for me to get lost in them. I absolutely adore the way your cheeks are turning bright red as I’m telling you this right now. Y/N, I am hopelessly, irrevocably, in love with you.”
You stared at your husband in shock. “Phillip I… that’s so sweet… but why are you acting like this so suddenly? What made you think this way? Did something happen today?”
Phillip smiled his certified-to-make-even-the-coldest-heart-melt smile, and shook his head. “No, everything’s fine. I just want to make sure you know how much I love you.” 
“I love you.”
When the door finally opened (which honestly took the longest couple of minutes of your life), you were shaken from your memory and greet with the familiar and comforting presence of your mother-in-law, Eliza. She seemed confused y your surprise visit, and immediately ushered you inside. With a wavering voice, you asked her if Phillip was there.
She shook her head in confusion. “No, he isn’t. Why? Did something happen between you two?”
Eliza didn’t realize it, but her words felt like knives to you. You blinked, willing the quickly-forming tears away. You shook your head. 
“He - he left early this morning…” You stuttered, suddenly feeling the need to sit down, handing Eliza the note and the flower. “I woke up and found this on his pillow… I’m afaid, Eliza. He seemed troubled last night, but I couldn’t sem to get him to talk to me about it. And he was much more affectionate than usual… he would hardly stop talking about how much he loves me. But I woke up this morning, and he was gone. This note… what could it mean?”
Eliza took one look at the note and flower, and her blood ran cold. Almost immediately, she ordered you to stay put and ran upstairs, calling for Alexander. You took the moment to sit down and tried to even out your breathing. You wound your arms around you middle protectively and sighed. You hadn’t even been able to tell him yet. 
After a couple of minutes, Alexander can downstairs with Eliza hot on his trail. 
“I’ll find him.” He promised, almost regretfully. “You should go on home to wait, just in case he comes back. The moment I find something out, you’ll be the first to know.” 
The moment the man showed up on your doorstep, your heart raced in your chest and you felt as if you would be sick. Your stomach twisted and turned in nervousness, and you had to grab onto the wall in order to balance yourself. Where was Alexander? 
“He’s not coming home, Mrs. Hamilton.”
Your heart shattered in your chest, and you drew in a quick, shaky breath. “Wh…what?”
“I-” the man bit his lip and stuttered “There was a duel… he- You’ve got to hurry if you want to see him… he doesn’t have-”
Michael, your husband’s dear friend (and, as you would later find out, his second in the duel), didn’t have time to finish his sentence. In the flash of an eye, you had shoved him out of the way and began racing toward the hospital. Had you not been in such a panic, you may have realized that you hadn’t even bothered to put on house shoes (or close the door, for that matter). But you ignored it. Every part of you screamed, willing your legs to move faster. 
It’s not real. You prayed. A sick joke, that’s all it was. That’s all it could possibly be. God, please, let this be a dream. Just a dream. A terrible, terrible dream. You prayed that you would arrive to the hospital in a frenzy, and find your husband and his friends doubled over, laughing at your expense. You would be enraged, of course, but that would be so much better than this. Yeah, that’s what it was. A sick joke. Phillip would hold you as you cried and yelled at him for playing such a cruel prank, and would beg for forgiveness.
But you soon found that it wasn’t. 
You raced inside the hosital doors and soon found Phillip’s father standing there, tears filling his eyes. He turned to you as you ran toward him. The expression on his face burned every bit of hope you had beforehand. This wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a prank. It was reality, and your husband was dying. For a moment, neither of you spoke. Alexander stared at you, occasionally rubbing his red, puffy eyes, trying to gauge your reaction. Finally, after the entire day, you broke. Alexander quickly wrapped you in a protective, fatherly hug as you both began to sob.
“Wh-Where is he?” You whispered, your voice cracking. Alexander bit his lip and hesitantly escorted you to your husband’s room… in the trauma ward. 
“It’s not good,” he warned. Then, he ushered you into the room. 
The first thing you saw was Eliza, who was sitting in a chair hunched over, crying silently. She hed her son’s hand tightly. 
Then you saw the blood, and you froze in your spot. Your legs began to shake, and the only reason you didn’t completely collapse was because of Alexander’s grip on you, holding you up. He rubbed small circles on your back and slowly led you forward while muttering a soft ‘He’s been wanting to see you.’
The third - and final - thing you noticed was your husband, who looked up at you with a weak, obviously pained, smile. He made a small attempt to sit himself up, but soon realized that it was impossible. He was much too weak to hold himself up. He winced in pain as his mother forced him back down, and drew in a sharp breath. 
“Mom told me that you found the flower…” he trailed off.
The flower… the forget-me-not. Your eyes widened suddenly as you realized exactly why he had chosen it. He was going to duel; he knew that he likely wouldn’t survive. Your heart shattered. Absolutely, positively, shattered. 
You felt as though you couldn’t breathe. Your chest constricted, and you felt the waves of nausea return. You grabbed the other chair near his bed to balance yourself before finally sitting. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak. What could you possibly say to him? What would you say to him? There was so much left to say, but there was so little time. But you couldn’t bring yourself to say goodbye. You simply couldn’t. 
He’s not going to die today.
“Did you like it? The flower, I mean. Well - or the note. But I don’t think you liked that part as much…” 
“I would’ve  liked it much better if you weren’t using it to- to say goodbyw.” You tried to return his smile, but it fell after only a second. He was so pale, and his face seemed to lose more color with each passing moment. “Why did you…” 
“He was insulting my father… I couldn’t let it slide.” Phillip confessed. “Then- then he brought you into it… said the Hamilton men had a ‘nasty habbit of getting with… with whores.” He coughed, but shook it off and continued. “I’m sorry, my light. I lost control of myself.” 
You shook your head, processing his words. “But… why didn’t you tell me, Phillip? We’re married - I love you with all my heart. I could’ve- I could’ve-” 
Alexander hesitated for a moment, but after his son gave him a glance - as if he were begging for help - he stepped forward to answer. “Phillip was afraid that you would sneak to the duel… try to jump in front of him or something.” 
“I would rather take the bullet for you, Phillip. It’s true. I would rather be the one dying than you. But- look at you now! God dammit Phillip…”
Phillip slowly brought his hand up and wiped your tears, which had finally begun to freely flow. You bit your lip and took a deep breath to calm yourself. Then you took his hand in yours and held it tightly. 
“I have to tell you something, love… something important. I… I was planning on telling you later tonight, when you returned home, but…” 
Phillip blinked and raised his eyebrow. He tried turning his body in your direction, a small indication that he was focusing on your words. You paused. Did you really want to tell him? Yes - of course you did! And this… this would be the only chance before he…
“I- Phillip, do you remember telling me that you wanted to be a father? It was right after we married, just a day later.” You paused and waited for him to nod. “Well… I’m pregnant.” 
Phillip’s eyes widened in surprise, and then immediate regret. If he hadn’t regretted the duel already, then he definitely did then. He couldn’t believe how selfish he had been when he challenged Eacker to that duel. Now, he was going to be a father to a child that he would never meet. His heart broke, and he was suddenly terrified of death. He couldn’t possibly leave you now, not that he had wanted to before, of course. “Y/N, are y-you really?” He rasped, his eyes wide. “Can I…”
He weakly placed his hand on your stomach, and began to stroke it with his thumb, slowly and gently. “My ch-child. A boy,” he winced in pain again, though he quickly shrugged it off, not wanting to worry you any more, “or girl?”
“A boy, I hope. With freckles like his father’s.” You confirmed, adamant that the baby would be a boy. “Phillip, I love you.” You sobbed. 
“I love you too, Y/N. And I need you to promise me something.”
You struggled to swallow the lump in your throat and nodded. “Anything.” 
“I don’t want you to forget me… but I don’t want you to be alone when I’m gone. Don’t-” he groaned, “Don’t forget to move on, above all things.”
You shook your head. “Phillip,” you sobbed, “I don’t want anyone other than you. I can’t… I can’t promise you this, I’m sorry.” 
Phillip coughed. “That baby,” he rasped, “that baby in there is gonna ne a pop… and I won’t be able to be that man. Please, my light, you have to- to-” 
“Phillip!” Eliza cut in, racing over from the other side of the room. You hadn’t even noticed that she and Alexander had moved back to give the two of you room. “Phillip, please take it easy, my son. Save your strength.” 
“No.” He protested weakly. “I don’t have long.” He turned his head from his mother, to his father, and finally back to you. “I love you… and I love that baby…” he said, as he fought desperately to keep his eyes open. He was so tired. But he didn’t want to die. His chest began rising and falling much too fast as he struggled to breathe. “Forget-Me-Not, my love…”
Just like that, for the second time that day, you broke. Your body racked with sobs. You grabbed his hand again, this time choosing to hold it against your cheek, a last hope to comfort him in his final moments. In return, he slowly rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. His breaths grew even more labered and you knoew - you just knew - that his time was up. 
“Phillip!?” His mother cried out in panic. “Phillip, baby, keep your eyes open. You can- you can fight it, my son. Come on, count with me, just like we used to.” 
A few seconds passed before he nodded. 
“Un, deux, trois…” She counted, pausing every couple of moments to be sure that her son was counting along. Phillip followed her closely behind, managing to count all the way to nine, but that was all he could manage to say. He was silent from then on. 
“Sept, huit neuf… sept, huit, neuf…” 
Meanwhile, you noticed his eyes close slowly. His arm suddenly became much heavier than it was before. His chest stopped moving.
Phillip Hamilton was dead. 
Your husband was lost to you.
You gasped and looked up toward Eliza, only to meet her gaze just before she let out a gut-wrenching scream. Alexxander, slowly processing what had happened, quickly made his way closer to the bed. 
“Phillip!?” You cried, gently shaking his shoulder. You received no responce. “Phillip!” You shook his shoulder harder. Your sobs grew louder as you continued screaming for your husband, praying to God that he would change his mind and give yor husband back to you. “No!” You screamed, throwing yourself across his still body in despair. Alexander choked back a sob as he made an attempt to pull you from your husband’s body. But you refused. You wouldn’t - no, you couldn’t - let go. You couldn’t…  “No, no, no! Phillip! God, God please! Please, no…” Your love was gone - completely and utterly gone.
You would never speak to your husband again. 
Two days later, you stood in the middle of the graveyard with the rest of your- well, your husband’s family. The funeral was small, you had requested it to be a family-only occasion. You grabbed onto Eliza’s hand and slowly walked forward, stopping just before the freshly-dug grave. After his death, you and Eliza had relied heavily on each other. In fact, you had clung to each other for hours, sobbing for Phillip. You spoke much more than before, and at this point, she felt more like a very good friend than a mother-in-law. Alexander had chosen to grieve by himself at first - he locked himself away in the room that used to be Phillip’s, and once in a while you could hear the sound of paper crumbling and quiet sobs coming from there. It pained you to hear him like that, and you knew very well that it hurt Eliza as well. But still, the both of you knew that Alexander would come around in time, and would soon be ready to share his grief with you both. 
As you stared at the carving on the tombstone, you knew immediately what your child’s name would be. 
After all, how could you forget Phillip Hamilton when his child bore the same name?
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