#Hearing aid support supplement
tplink247 · 1 year
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sushine24 · 5 months
The Natural Wonders Behind ZenCortex Supplement
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Exploring the Origins of ZenCortex's Natural Ingredients
ZenCortex is formulated with a meticulous selection of natural ingredients sourced from around the globe. Let's take a closer look at the origins of these powerful components:
The Lush Rainforests of the Amazon: ZenCortex supplement harnesses the potency of herbs and plants native to the Amazon rainforest, renowned for their cognitive-enhancing properties. Ingredients such as bacopa monnieri and ginkgo biloba have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to support memory, concentration, and overall brain function.
Ancient Herbal Traditions of Asia: Drawing inspiration from ancient herbal traditions, ZenCortex incorporates ingredients like ashwagandha and Rhodiola rosea, revered in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for their adaptogenic properties. These herbs help the body adapt to stress, promote mental clarity, and improve cognitive function.
European Botanical Wisdom: From the rolling hills of Europe come botanical treasures like rosemary and sage, known for their cognitive-boosting effects. These herbs contain compounds that may enhance memory, attention, and mood, making them valuable additions to the ZenCortex supplement formula.
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healthysuprev · 1 year
Top 5 Ear Problems and How to Prevent Them
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Top 5 Ear Problems and How to Prevent Them
Our ears are an essential part of our body, responsible for not only hearing but also maintaining balance. However, many people overlook the importance of ear care and often suffer from various ear problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 ear problems and how to prevent them.
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Ear Infections:
Ear infections are one of the most common ear problems and can occur in both children and adults. The infection can affect the middle ear, inner ear, or outer ear and can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Symptoms of an ear infection include ear pain, fever, fluid drainage from the ear, and difficulty hearing.
To prevent ear infections, it is essential to practice good hygiene, especially if you have young children. Always wash your hands before touching your ears or your child's ears. Avoid sharing personal items such as earbuds, headphones, and towels that can spread germs. You can also get vaccinated against flu and pneumonia, which can lead to ear infections.
Watch it before it’s too late! You’ll learn a method you can apply at home, using only your fingers! 
Tinnitus is a condition where you hear a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears, even when there is no external noise. It is often a symptom of an underlying condition such as hearing loss, ear injury, or circulatory system disorders. Tinnitus can be distressing and can affect a person's quality of life.
To prevent tinnitus, it is crucial to protect your ears from loud noise, which can damage the delicate hair cells in your inner ear. Wear earplugs or earmuffs when you are exposed to loud noise, such as at a concert or when using power tools. Also, limit your exposure to loud noise by turning down the volume on your electronic devices.
Working with limited resources in rural China, a doctor by the name of Chung T’Hsu sought to cure the ringing in his ears that was driving him mad. He turned to traditional Chinese medicines, but took the exact ingredient specifications from Western studies . Finally, he did it, creating a treatment that cured 322 people within 7 days! SEE HERE!! 
Earwax Blockage:
Earwax is a natural substance that helps to protect the ear canal from dirt, dust, and other particles. However, too much earwax can cause a blockage, leading to earache, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
To prevent earwax blockage, avoid inserting anything into your ear, including cotton swabs, which can push the earwax deeper into the ear canal. You can clean the outer ear with a damp cloth, but do not try to remove the earwax yourself. If you have excessive earwax, visit an audiologist who can safely remove it.
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Meniere's Disease:
Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that affects balance and hearing. The condition is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the inner ear, leading to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss.
Unfortunately, there is no known way to prevent Meniere's disease. However, you can reduce the severity of the symptoms by avoiding triggers such as stress, caffeine, and alcohol. You can also follow a low-sodium diet, which can help to reduce fluid retention in the body.
Swimmer's Ear:
Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear caused by water that gets trapped in the ear canal. The condition is more common in children and can cause ear pain, redness, and swelling.
To prevent swimmer's ear, it is essential to keep your ears dry. Use earplugs when swimming or showering, and dry your ears thoroughly after water exposure. You can also use a hairdryer on the low setting to dry your ears.
In conclusion, ear problems can cause discomfort and affect a person's quality of life. However, most ear problems can be prevented by practicing good ear hygiene and taking steps to protect your ears from damage. If you experience any symptoms such as ear pain, hearing loss, or tinnitus, it is essential to seek medical advice from an audiologist or ENT specialist.
Far from being a harmless nuisance, tinnitus has been linked to memory loss, hearing loss and dementia…did you know it actually physically wipes 1% of your memories every month, attacking the brain in the most violent way? Click Here To Find Out How To Save Your Brain And Your Memories Today!
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disabledfurry · 3 months
i may have made this post already
happy disability pride month to people with conditions that cause muscle atrophy and weakness, especially progressive muscle atrophy and weakness
to people who choke all the time, to people for whom swallowing hurts or is so uncomfortable it makes eating and drinking miserable, to people with moderate to severe gerd, to people who can't get rid of gas and it just stays trapped in their chest or stomach and hurts, to people who get nauseous every time they eat, to people who don't want to eat because of how it makes them feel, to people who get sick after eating, to people with dumping syndrome
to people who are losing the ability to walk even with an aid
to people who can't pull themself out of a seat easily or at all
to people who are losing the ability to pee or use the bathroom on their own, to people with chronic constipation and urine retention, to people in serious pain because of those things
to people who can't easily cry or laugh or cough or who can't cry or laugh or cough at all, to people who get or are too weak to talk, to people who have to fight to keep breathing, to people who stop breathing over and over because they're too weak to do it anymore, to people with worsening heart problems, to people who hallucinate and are confused from lack of oxygen and do and say strange things that they regret later because of it
to people who are losing the ability to use their hands, to people who struggle to grab and hold onto things, who drop stuff often, to artists with atrophied and weakening hands especially, to people who use speech to text or wish they could but it doesn't work with their voices or accent
to people for whom chewing is tiring, to people who can't chew on their own
to people who can't blow their noses
to people who can't hold their head up or sit up on their own
to people who are losing their sight or hearing
to people who can't move without feeling like they've been working out, to people whose muscles are always sore, to people who often can't be touched without pain, to people with angry nerves, to people who like me get random pinching and searing, to anyone else that's getting worse for
to people whose muscles twitch constantly
to people who are in bed all the time or most of the time, to people who feel like they're asleep more often than they're awake, to people who are forced to lay down and then can't even talk or open their eyes because they're too weak
to people who also have worsening cognitive issues, to people who thrash and twitch and twist, to people who have always had seizures or just started having them, to people who stutter and stammer and can't make sense, to people who just "feel really weird"
to people for whom everything seems like a fight because their muscles just don't want to work
to people who are losing or who have lost the ability to do adls
to people who have already lost a lot of things and will lose more
i just wanted to make a post. i can't list every experience, but tried to list as many as i could think of of my own, and as many as i know about. i think having this experience is lonely, for what it is, especially if you have no support irl. i rarely meet anyone like me, i really only know of 3 people, 4 tangentially- someone offered to connect me to her, but i feel like it's weird to ask. i wish i met more of us in the wild, as it were, and not by chance like someone's spun a wheel. i'm also glad i guess that this isn't that common of an experience considering how much it hurts. i always just feel really distraught and insecure about both being able to see and feel my body deteriorate. i worry about what i'll lose next. i worry about how to supplement what i have lost. i worry about my chest as a whole and my esophagus and my bladder and my stomach and my brain and my spine and my heart.
there's a lot of things i could say if i knew how to say it, but anyway, i'm glad you're here. i just really hope you have fun.
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kp777 · 3 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
July 6, 2024
One leading Democrat warned Republicans' spending proposals would "demolish public education" and "let corporate price gouging run rampant."
With much of the public's attention on the looming presidential election and high-stakes jockeying over who will take on Donald Trump in November, congressional Republicans in recent weeks have provided a stark look at their plans for federal spending should their party win back control of the presidency and the Senate.
The appropriations process for Fiscal Year 2025, which begins in October, is currently underway, with congressional committees engaging in government funding debates that are likely to continue beyond the November elections.
In keeping with their longstanding support for austerity for ordinary Americans, Republicans in the House and Senate have proposed steep cuts to a wide range of federal programs and agencies dealing with education, environmental protection, Social Security, election administration, national parks, nutrition assistance, antitrust enforcement, global health, and more—all while they pursue additional deficit-exploding tax giveaways for the rich.
"Some of the most concerning policy riders in the House Fiscal Year 2025 budget bills include mandates for new oil and gas leasing, prohibitions on the establishment of important protected areas for wildlife and natural ecosystems, and limitations that hinder federal agency ability to regulate polluters, putting water quality, air quality, and the climate at risk," the Surfrider Foundation noted in a statement earlier this week.
"Two of the key federal agencies that administer these programs are the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), yet the House budget bills call for a 20% funding cut to the EPA, and a 12% funding cut to NOAA," the group added.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, has been attempting to sound the alarm over the GOP's proposals, which she has warned would "demolish public education," endanger the health of women and children, gut mental health programs, "let corporate price gouging run rampant," and "expose children to dangerous products."
"I respectfully request that those on the other side of the aisle go back to the drawing board and come back with a new slate of workable subcommittee allocations across all 12 bills so that we can proceed with the important business of our 2025 appropriations work," DeLauro said during a markup hearing last month.
But Republican lawmakers have made clear that they are bent on pursuing steep cuts across the federal government, proposing spending levels well below the caps implemented by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, legislation that suspended the debt limit through January 1, 2025.
"House Republicans now intend to fund 2025 non-defense appropriations bills 6% below the 2024 level rather than provide the 1% increase" negotiated in 2023, noted David Reich, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Republicans in the Senate have also pushed for damaging cuts to non-military spending as the upper chamber prepares to hold markup hearings for its appropriations bills next week.
The Food Research & Action Center warned in a recent statement that legislation put forth by the top Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee would slash Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits by $30 billion over the next decade, jeopardizing critical food aid for tens of millions of people as hunger rises.
According to a May report by Feeding America, "the extra amount of money that people facing hunger said they need to have enough food" has "reached its highest point in the last 20 years."
Congressional Republicans' spending proposals for next fiscal year are in line with the draconian cuts pushed by Project 2025, a sweeping far-right agenda from which Trump—the presumptive GOP presidential nominee—is attempting to distance himself as horror grows over the initiative's vision for the country.
Project 2025's 922-page policy document calls for more punitive work requirements for SNAP recipients, massive cuts to Medicaid, the abolition of the Department of Education, the elimination of major clean energy programs, and the gutting of key Wall Street regulations.
"Despite Trump's claims to have 'nothing to do with' Project 2025, his administration and campaign personnel contributed to the project," The Intercept's Shawn Musgrave wrote Friday. "Former Trump administration officials wrote and edited massive chunks of the manifesto. One of its two primary editors, Paul Dans, who directs the Heritage Foundation's 2025 Presidential Transition Project, served as the White House liaison for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration, among other positions."
"Rick Dearborn, who was briefly Trump's deputy chief of staff, wrote the White House chapter," Musgrave added. "Russ Vought, Trump's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote the chapter on OMB and similar executive offices."
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Take it from someone who is chronically ill…
I will try to hear you out when you are offering me health advice. I know it’s probably coming from a place of concern and you think this advice would help. But take it from someone who’s been through this for years. There are some things that just don’t fly well with many chronically ill people. Here is my short list but I’d like to hear from others in the community.
Please don’t recommend:
Exceptions made if the disabled person is asking you for a particular type of recommendation.
Anything ingestible. Supplements & diet changes are really difficult to talk about for a lot of people with chronic illness. Most of us have trialed handfuls of supplements a day and extreme diet changes. It’s often a phase we go through when undiagnosed or newly diagnosed because we don’t feel like we are getting enough support from doctors but we need to try something (ANYTHING) that might help us. Most of us also have GI issues and/or eating disorders. We have learned the hard way what works for our broken bodies. It’s a really sensitive topic for a variety of reasons and chances are the person has done the research and already knows more about them than you do.
Exercise. Disabilities are not all equal and this is especially true when it comes to exercise. Someone who is an amputee or paralyzed might not have the same issues as someone who has migraines or chronic fatigue. Exercise intolerance is real and many disorders are exacerbated by physical exertion. Even things like stretching and physical therapy can be too much or easily done in the wrong way. It’s a sensitive topic with heavy implications that the disabled person is lazy and/or wants to remain sick. Unless someone is specifically asking you for recommendations, this really should be off limits in conversation.
Mind over matter. The mind is capable of amazing things. We are aware of this. Our disabilities are not cured by positive thinking. Some of us may have already adopted our own strategies for being happy while dealing with chronic illness. It is a very individual experience and having an abelist tell us we are “choosing to be sick” is not as helpful as you think it is. Just don’t.
So what CAN you recommend?
Mobility aids and assistive devices. Not only is it actually helpful advice but it’s validating our experiences and shows us that you are comfortable with us showing our disabilities around you. Bonus points for really obscure, new or cool looking mobility aids especially if they are affordable!
Pain relief. Topical creams, ice packs, heating pads, braces, wraps, TENS, etc. Chances are we have already tried it but it shows us that you’re thinking about our pain and on the off chance it’s actually a good recommendation it could be a lifesaver and we will be forever grateful!
Small businesses run by people who belong to our communities (disabled, POC, LGBTQIA+, etc) Don’t try to compare our abilities to disabled business owners but it shows us you recognize we are a part of a community and that you might not be but that you are conscious of it and supportive. Buy from these shops for yourself to show your support or shop gifts for your chronically ill besties. Just be cautious about things that might be triggering to some. Some disabled people appreciate affirmations, “warrior” mentality, etc but others really don’t so choose wisely.
Accessible hobbies. Chronic illness makes it hard to commit to things. Period. We don’t know if we will have the physical ability to do an activity, the resources to do it or if our body will support scheduled activities when the time comes. It’s a huge challenge but that unpredictability can also be super conducive to picking up hobbies. Things that don’t require a ton of energy or scheduled classes. Things that can be picked up for a little bit when we are having a good day and put down when we aren’t feeling well. Most of us love to hear about your hobbies. It’s great to feel included in things when we are often cut off from people because we’ve been deemed “unreliable”. We are itching to talk about something fun with someone we care about. Something that isn’t related to our health or unmet expectations of us. So share your hobby. Share your second cousins neighbors hobby. Google some hobbies that could be fun for disabled people. It’s sure to be a fun conversation.
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colibay · 3 months
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Presenting a Breakthrough Solution for Tinnitus Sufferers
Crafted with a potent blend of natural extracts clinically validated to enhance cognitive and auditory function, Zeneara is your comprehensive solution. Incorporating Zeneara into your daily routine can yield the following benefits:
Relieving Tinnitus - Consistent consumption of this supplement fortifies the auditory system and amplifies cognitive capabilities, facilitating the optimal operation of neurotransmitters and auditory functions. Additionally, it enhances blood circulation to the ear and brain, diminishing occurrences of tinnitus.
Healthy Hearing - Crafted from a blend of plant-derived components, vitamins, and minerals, this natural supplement aids in preserving optimal hearing health. Supported by scientific research, the formula is designed to enhance auditory function and promote overall ear health.
Improved Quality of Life - By alleviating the effects of tinnitus, this supplement enhances the overall quality of life for those affected by this condition. With the persistent noise no longer overwhelming their daily activities, individuals can regain focus, enjoy better sleep, and participate more actively in their personal and professional endeavors. Empowering individuals to manage their tinnitus, this ear supplement enables them to embrace life to its fullest potential.
Natural and Side Effect Free - Zeneara harnesses the power of 100% natural ingredients sourced from nature's extracts, providing a safe and effective solution to support your hearing health. With its plant-based composition, Zeneara minimizes the risk of side effects, offering users a trustworthy option for maintaining auditory wellness.
Better Brain Health - This formula helps maintain the health of nerve cells in the brain by repairing nerve connections. By promoting healthy interactions among brain cells, it reduces brain fatigue and supports overall brain health.
Provides Good Sleep - Tinnitus often leads to insomnia, as the constant ringing in the ears disrupts sleep. However, taking the appropriate dosage of Sharp Ear can alleviate this issue, leading to improved sleep quality by addressing the root cause of the problem.
Support Blood Flow - A common cause of tinnitus is inadequate blood circulation. To address this concern, Zeneara's developers included a specialized combination of ingredients in the formula aimed at enhancing blood flow. Gingko biloba, for instance, is believed to enhance blood flow to the ears, promoting ear health and alleviating tinnitus symptoms.
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amazon1836 · 28 days
This Deep Sea Hearing Formula Supports The Health Of Your Ears
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The human ear, with its delicate and intricate structure, is a marvel of natural engineering. Yet, this complex organ is vulnerable to a range of ailments that can compromise its function. As people age, hearing loss becomes increasingly common, leading to a diminished quality of life. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural remedies that support ear health, particularly those derived from the deep sea. This shift towards marine-based solutions reflects a broader trend in health and wellness, where individuals are seeking safer, more holistic approaches to maintaining their well-being.
Understanding Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be attributed to various causes, including prolonged exposure to loud noises, infections, genetic factors, and the natural aging process. The impact of hearing decline extends beyond the mere inability to hear; it affects communication, social interactions, and even mental health. Conventional treatments for hearing loss, such as hearing aids and surgeries, while effective, come with their own set of limitations and risks. This has led many to explore alternative treatments, such as supplements designed to bolster ear health from within.
The Science Behind Hearing Support
The ear is composed of three primary parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each section plays a critical role in the process of hearing. Over time, factors such as reduced blood flow, inflammation, and oxidative stress can lead to the deterioration of auditory cells, resulting in hearing loss. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing effective treatments that can slow or even reverse hearing decline.
The Promise of Deep Sea Ingredients
Marine environments, particularly the deep sea, are rich in bioactive compounds that have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. The unique conditions of the deep sea—such as extreme pressure, low temperatures, and minimal light—foster the development of robust, nutrient-dense organisms. These organisms possess remarkable properties that can be harnessed to support human health, including the health of the ears.
Key Ingredients in Deep Sea Hearing Formulas
One of the most potent ingredients found in deep sea hearing formulas is Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and are crucial for maintaining the health of cell membranes, including those in the auditory system. Another powerful component is Astaxanthin, a red pigment found in certain marine algae and seafood. It is one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, capable of protecting auditory cells from oxidative damage. Marine collagen, derived from fish, plays a key role in strengthening the structural integrity of the ear’s connective tissues. Seaweed extracts, rich in vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive compounds, offer additional support by nourishing the auditory system.
How These Ingredients Support Ear Health
The benefits of these deep sea ingredients extend beyond basic nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the ear, which is a common contributor to hearing loss. Improved blood flow to the auditory cells ensures that they receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to function optimally. Antioxidants like Astaxanthin protect these cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, while marine collagen helps maintain the ear’s structural integrity, reducing the risk of age-related damage.
Research and Clinical Studies
Numerous studies have explored the effects of marine-based ingredients on ear health. Research indicates that individuals who regularly consume Omega-3s have a lower risk of hearing loss. Clinical trials have shown that Astaxanthin can significantly reduce oxidative stress in auditory cells, leading to improved hearing outcomes. Case studies from users of deep sea hearing formulas further corroborate these findings, with many reporting noticeable improvements in their hearing ability.
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Comparing Deep Sea Formulas with Conventional Supplements
One of the advantages of deep sea hearing formulas is their high potency and bioavailability. The nutrients derived from marine sources are often more easily absorbed by the body compared to their synthetic counterparts. Additionally, these formulas are typically free from synthetic additives, making them a safer option for long-term use.
How to Incorporate Deep Sea Hearing Formulas into Your Routine
To reap the full benefits of deep sea hearing formulas, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and timing. Most experts suggest taking these supplements with meals to enhance absorption. Pairing them with a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can further optimize their effects on ear health.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
While deep sea hearing formulas are generally safe, certain individuals should exercise caution. Those with allergies to seafood or certain marine-derived ingredients should avoid these supplements. It is also important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking other medications, as there may be potential interactions.
Choosing the Right Deep Sea Hearing Formula
When selecting a deep sea hearing formula, look for products that are sustainably sourced and have been tested for purity and potency. Reputable brands often provide detailed information about their sourcing and manufacturing processes, which can help you make an informed decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
One common question is how long it takes to notice results. While individual experiences vary, many users report improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. Another question is whether these formulas can prevent hearing loss. While they cannot reverse existing damage, they can help slow the progression and support overall ear health. As for long-term use, these formulas are generally safe, provided they are taken as directed.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Users of deep sea hearing formulas often share transformative stories of how these products have improved their hearing and overall quality of life. From regaining the ability to enjoy conversations to experiencing less ringing in the ears, the positive feedback is both inspiring and encouraging.
The Future of Hearing Health
As research into marine-based remedies continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions for hearing health. The potential for these natural compounds to not only support ear health but also address other aspects of wellness is vast, making them a promising area of study.
In summary, deep sea hearing formulas offer a powerful, natural way to support ear health. By incorporating these marine-based ingredients into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps to maintain your hearing and overall well-being. The journey to better ear health starts with informed choices and a commitment to taking care of one of your most vital senses.
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anonymusbosch · 11 months
so I give mr senator Padilla my little email about "hey I see you voiced full-throated support for Israel and I think it would be cool to do a ceasefire actually" and I got a response in my inbox which included, in addition to the salutation and closing,
(begin quote)
Please know that my heart breaks for the more than 1,000 Israelis murdered in Hamas’ brutal acts of terrorism, as well as for the hundreds of Israelis taken hostage. My heart also breaks for the many innocent Palestinian civilians who have been injured or killed in the subsequent violence.
It is important to understand that Hamas – an internationally recognized terrorist organization – is responsible for the violence which began on October 7th and has resulted in the injuries and deaths of thousands. Israelis and Palestinians have both been victims of Hamas’ terrorism.
Hamas’ attacks have also impacted us here at home. United States citizens are among those killed and among those taken hostage. We are doing everything we can to support the families in California and across the United States who have lost loved ones or are anxiously awaiting details on their friends and family who remain missing. It is imperative to secure the release of all the hostages held captive by Hamas as soon as possible.
I strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself and the Administration’s swift action to provide support for our ally. These efforts have included bolstering our own military presence in the region to promote deterrence, as well as providing additional military assistance and support to replenish the Iron Dome defense system. I will be working with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to pass President Biden’s supplemental funding request to provide the necessary aid for Israel to continue to defend itself and work towards security in the region. And I echo the President’s calls to minimize civilian casualties as Israel defends itself and works to eliminate Hamas.
(end quote)
over a thousand Israelis and many Palestinians? How many, Sen Padilla? over nine thousand and sixty. nine thousand and sixty.
going to keep doing my little civic duty phone calls. did some this morning. talked to my mom last weekend and I think I changed her mind on a lot of things. passed some info around to friends on supporting the ceasefire resolution in the House so they're also calling/emailing. idk. I want the congresspeople to hear that their constituents don't stand for the slaughter of innocents
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queerjoys · 11 months
I attempted to call my senator Alex Padilla to urge him to support a ceasefire in Palestine. His voicemailbox was full so I sent an email instead. Today I got a response that absolutely disheartened me.
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It reads as follows: [Thank you for writing to share your thoughts regarding the recent terrorist attacks against Israel and the ongoing security and humanitarian situation in the region. I appreciate hearing from you.
Please know that my heart breaks for the more than 1,000 Israelis murdered in Hamas’ brutal acts of terrorism, as well as for the hundreds of Israelis taken hostage. My heart also breaks for the many innocent Palestinian civilians who have been injured or killed in the subsequent violence.
It is important to understand that Hamas – an internationally recognized terrorist organization – is responsible for the violence which began on October 7th and has resulted in the injuries and deaths of thousands. Israelis and Palestinians have both been victims of Hamas’ terrorism.
Hamas’ attacks have also impacted us here at home. United States citizens are among those killed and among those taken hostage. We are doing everything we can to support the families in California and across the United States who have lost loved ones or are anxiously awaiting details on their friends and family who remain missing. It is imperative to secure the release of all the hostages held captive by Hamas as soon as possible.
I strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself and the Administration’s swift action to provide support for our ally. These efforts have included bolstering our own military presence in the region to promote deterrence, as well as providing additional military assistance and support to replenish the Iron Dome defense system. I will be working with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to pass President Biden’s supplemental funding request to provide the necessary aid for Israel to continue to defend itself and work towards security in the region. And I echo the President’s calls to minimize civilian casualties as Israel defends itself and works to eliminate Hamas.
I recently joined more than 30 of my Senate colleagues in urging Secretary of State Antony Blinken to prioritize providing humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians fleeing the violence in Gaza, and I was pleased to see the Administration set aside an initial $100 million for this purpose. As we work to deliver humanitarian aid, the United States must also work with partners in the region to ensure relief reaches civilians in need in Gaza without being diverted by Hamas.]
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healthtodys · 5 months
Java Burn works 10× faster, the world's first 100% natural weight loss and Metabolism Booster formula
Java burn means fat burning Java coffee. This coffee is being sold rapidly in countries like America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia. This coffee not only burns your fat but it also reduces your weight loss and controls your cholesterol.
Java Burn is described as a 100% safe and natural proprietary, patent-pending dietary supplement inte0ded to revamp one’s metabolism naturally. Evidently, the benefits that result from targeting this aspect of digestion range from an energy balance and increased rate of calories-burning to some level of weight loss.
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New Revolutionary Supplement
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What is Java Burn?
Java Burn is a natural weight loss supplement that you can easily mix into your morning coffee. This fantastic supplement is frequently used to increase metabolism, allowing you to burn calories and lose weight more quickly. This powerful supplement comes in handy packets that dissolve rapidly in your coffee. To achieve its objectives, Java Burn makes use of natural substances such as green tea extract, chromium, and L-theanine.
How Does Java Burn Work?
Java Burn is simple to use. Java Burn comes in a box of 30 single-serve sachets. Each Java Burn packet contains a powder. When you add the powder into your nice cup of coffee, it dissolves immediately. Then you take a sip of your coffee. Because the powder has no flavor, it will not alter the flavor of your coffee.
The EGCG, green tea extract, L-theanine, and chromium in coffee work together with the chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and other natural components to create a proven metabolism-boosting mix that can help you lose weight faster. Users do not need to be concerned about the type of coffee they drink. It can work with Java Burn as long as it contains caffeine and chlorogenic acid, which are two natural components found in coffee. Anything added to coffee, such as cream or sugar, does not affect how Java Burn works.
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How Does Java Burn Coffee Supports Weight Loss
Java Burn coffee is a powerful supporter in the weight loss journey, blending natural ingredients to aid wellness. Its unique formula boosts metabolism and helps burn calories efficiently. Adding Java Burn coffee to your daily routine promotes healthy weight management by targeting stubborn fat.
Crafted with natural components like green tea extract, Java Burn coffee enhances metabolic rates and reduces cravings, aiding weight loss efforts. Its quality and safety are assured with production in FDA-approved facilities. With consistent use, Java Burn coffee can help users achieve their desired weight loss goals and improve overall health.
Ingredients of Java Burn
Green Tea Extract: This ingredient is rich in antioxidants and helps speed up metabolism, assisting in shedding excess weight.
Chromium: It helps in regulating blood sugar levels, potentially reducing cravings and aiding in weight control.
L-Carnitine: It supports the transportation of fatty acids into cells, facilitating the burning of fat for energy.
L-Theanine: Known for its calming properties, L-Theanine can help reduce stress-related eating habits and support weight loss endeavors.
Chlorogenic Acid: Derived from green coffee beans, this compound may help lower blood sugar levels and promote fat loss.
Benefits of Using Java Burn
Enhanced Metabolism: Java Burn boosts metabolism, helping the body burn calories more efficiently and aiding in weight loss.
Appetite Control: It helps manage cravings and reduces the desire for unnecessary snacks, supporting healthier eating habits and weight management.
Increased Energy Levels: Java Burn provides a natural energy lift, keeping you active throughout the day and potentially enhancing physical performance.
Targeted Fat Reduction: It helps target stubborn fat areas like the belly and thighs, leading to more effective weight loss outcomes.
Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Java Burn may sharpen focus and mental performance, keeping you alert and attentive to your weight loss objectives.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Some Java Burn ingredients assist in regulating blood sugar levels, promoting overall health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Is Java Burn safe for consumption? A1: Yes, Java Burn is crafted with natural ingredients in FDA-approved facilities in the USA, ensuring safety and quality. It's a reliable choice for those seeking a safe weight loss solution.
Q2: How does Java Burn coffee aid in weight loss? A2: Java Burn coffee harnesses the power of natural ingredients to support weight loss efforts. Its unique blend promotes metabolism and fat burning, making it an effective addition to your weight loss journey.
Q3: Where can I purchase Java Burn coffee? A3: You can buy Java Burn coffee directly from the official website to ensure authenticity and quality. Avoid counterfeit products and enjoy special discounts available exclusively on our website.
Q4: Are there any discounts available for Java Burn? A4: Yes, Java Burn offers discounts of up to 86% off on select packages. Visit the official website to take advantage of these exclusive offers and start your weight loss journey at a discounted price.
Q5: What are the natural ingredients used in Java Burn? A5: Java Burn is made with natural ingredients known for their weight loss properties, including green tea extract, L-Carnitine, and chlorogenic acid. These ingredients work synergistically to support your weight loss goals.
Q6: Can I find Java Burn coffee on Amazon? A6: No, Java Burn coffee is exclusively available on the official website. Purchasing directly ensures product authenticity and quality control, along with access to exclusive discounts and offers.
Q7: Is Java Burn suitable for vegetarians and vegans? A7: Yes, Java Burn is suitable for vegetarians and vegans as it contains no animal-derived ingredients. It's a plant-based supplement crafted with natural ingredients to support your weight loss journey.
Q8: How long does it take to see results with Java Burn? A8: Results may vary, but many users experience noticeable changes within a few weeks of regular use. Consistency is key, so continue taking Java Burn as directed to achieve your desired weight loss goals.
Q9: What is the recommended dosage of Java Burn? A9: The recommended dosage of Java Burn is one serving per day, preferably in the morning with your coffee. Follow the instructions on the packaging for optimal results.
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doescortexiwork · 6 months
Welcome to the Cortexi Review channel.
In this blog we will post everything about the Cortexi supplement.
We created a review about Cortexi explaining whether the supplement works, what the ingredients are, how to use it and much more.
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✔ Cortexi What is it for?
The Cortexi supplement will help your ears stay healthy. Here are some of the benefits of taking Cortexi:
Healthy Hearing Support
Natural Memory Shielding
Mental Sharpness Aid
Overall Inflammation Reduction
These are the main benefits of Cortexi.
✔ Does Cortexi Work?
Yes, Cortexi works because it contains only the natural ingredients that are effective in supporting amazing hearing naturally.
✔ Cortex Ingredients
The Cortex formula has more than 20 ingredients that support healthy hearing. We can highlight:
Grape Seed: Antioxidants protect the ear
Green Tea: Improves blood flow to the ears
Gymnema Sylvestre: Supports hearing
Capsicum Annuum: Supports healthy inflammation
Panax Ginseng: Neuroprotective properties
Astragalus: Supports clear sounds
Chromium Picolinate: Supports auditory health
Maca Root: Boosts Your Energy
✔ How to take Cortexi?
Take one dropper in the morning before breakfast and take another dropper before lunch. You can place it under your tongue, dissolve it in a glass of water, or natural juice. You will love the results and how you'll feel.
✔ Where to Buy Cortexi Supplement?
Buy the Cortexi Supplement only on the official website of the manufacturer, as this way you guarantee the Original Cortexi with all the benefits of the product.
I left the Cortexi Official Site link in this description.
✔ Cortexi Guarantee
The manufacturer of Cortexi offers a 60-day product Guarantee.
✔ Cortexi Results
You can see customer testimonials by going to Cortexi's official website
✔ Is Cortexi 100% Natural?
Yes, Cortexi has a 100% natural formula.
✔ Cortexi Side Effects
Because it is a 100% natural supplement, Cortexi has no side effects.
✔ Does Cortexi work for tinnitus?
Yes, Cortexi works for Tinnitus.
Tinnitus has been linked to memory loss, dementia and hearing loss.
So, taking Cortexis is worth it and I recommend using it to fight tinnitus and have healthy hearing.
✔ Cortexi Reviews
That was the Cortexi review, I hope I cleared all your doubts about this supplement for healthy hearing.
Now you know that Cortexi Works and that it is worth taking.
>>> Official Website Cortexi Supplement
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healthysuprev · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Treating Common Ear Problems
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The ear is a complex organ that plays a crucial role in our ability to hear and maintain our sense of balance. However, like any other part of the body, it can be susceptible to various conditions and problems. In this guide, we will discuss some of the most common ear problems, their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
Ear infections Ear infections are common, especially in children. They occur when bacteria or viruses infect the middle ear, causing inflammation and fluid buildup. Symptoms include pain in the ear, fluid draining from the ear, and difficulty hearing. In some cases, fever and headache may also occur.
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Treatment for ear infections usually involves antibiotics to clear the infection. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also help alleviate pain. In some cases, ear drops may be prescribed to help reduce inflammation and pain. It's important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have an ear infection, as untreated infections can lead to more serious complications.
Tinnitus Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears ringing, buzzing, or other noises in their ear. It can be caused by exposure to loud noises, ear infections, or age-related hearing loss. Tinnitus can be temporary or chronic and can significantly impact a person's quality of life.
There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. These include sound therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Some people find relief from tinnitus by avoiding loud noises, reducing stress levels, and incorporating relaxation techniques into their daily routine.
Or, watch this short presentation made specifically for you by a tinnitus expert, in which he explains the root cause behind tinnitus and hearing loss, and how you can stop both problems dead in their tracks today.
Watch it before it’s too late! You’ll learn a method you can apply at home, using only your fingers!
Wax buildup Earwax is a natural substance that helps protect the ear canal from dust, dirt, and bacteria. However, too much earwax can build up and cause hearing loss, earaches, and ringing in the ears. Treatment for earwax buildup typically involves removing the wax with ear drops or by using an earwax removal kit. It's important not to use cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ear, as this can push the wax deeper into the ear canal and cause more problems.
Meniere's disease Meniere's disease is a condition that affects the inner ear and can cause vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. It is caused by a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, which can disrupt the delicate balance mechanisms of the ear. Meniere's disease can be challenging to diagnose, as its symptoms can be similar to other ear problems.
Treatment for Meniere's disease includes medications to control symptoms such as nausea and dizziness, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake, managing stress levels, and avoiding triggers such as caffeine and alcohol can also help manage symptoms.
Working with limited resources in rural China, a doctor by the name of Chung T’Hsu sought to cure the ringing in his ears that was driving him mad. He turned to traditional Chinese medicines, but took the exact ingredient specifications from Western studies . Finally, he did it, creating a treatment that cured 322 people within 7 days! SEE HERE!!
Swimmer's ear Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear canal that is caused by water that remains in the ear after swimming or bathing. Symptoms include pain, itching, and discharge from the ear. Swimmer's ear is more common in people who swim frequently or have a history of ear infections.
Treatment for swimmer's ear typically involves ear drops that contain antibiotics and steroids to reduce inflammation. Pain relievers may also be prescribed to alleviate discomfort. It's important to keep the ear dry and avoid swimming until the infection has cleared to prevent further complications.
Check Out this Recommended Natural Supplement that its primary focus is to restore ear health, ensures better cognitive function and improves overall wellness too. CLICK HERE NOW!!
Otitis media with effusion (OME) OME is a condition where fluid builds up in the middle ear without any signs of infection. This can cause hearing loss and a feeling of pressure in the ear. OME is more common in children, but adults can also develop the condition.
Treatment for OME typically involves watching and waiting, as the condition usually resolves on its own.
Far from being a harmless nuisance, tinnitus has been linked to memory loss, hearing loss and dementia…did you know it actually physically wipes 1% of your memories every month, attacking the brain in the most violent way? Click Here To Find Out How To Save Your Brain And Your Memories Today!
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - still more fun supporting characters
Following the jump are a few more supporting players that I couldn’t fit into the schedule in that the idea for extended cast supplementals was an idea that came to me late in the process.  Apologies in advance for all of the cool supporting cast members who are not included.
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The enigmatic warrior and sensei known only as Stick was born blind, yet honed his other senses to such an uncanny degree as to entirely compensate for his lack of sight.  He was taken in and raised by the shadowy order of warriors known as the Chaste who believed Stick to be the reincarnation of Yamato-Take.  
The Chaset had been in a centuries-long war with The Hand and Stick was selected to lead The Chaste in this ongoing conflict.  
He received extensive training throughout his life, including tutelage in the mystic arts by The Ancient One (the then Sorcerer Supreme).  Having become a master of multiple forms of martial arts and mystical practices, Stick set about recruiting and training new warriors to bolster the ranks of The Chaste.  Among these students had been Matt Murdock whom Stick sought out not long after Matt had lost his sight.  Stick helped Matt utilize his hearing and special radar senses to compensate for his blindness, aiding him on his path to becoming the superhero known as Daredevil.  
A later pupil of Stick was Electra who ultimately turned away from him to become an assassin for The Hand.  After Elektra was killed in battle against Bullseye, Stick sacrificed himself, using his life energy to bring Electra back to life and purge her of the evil influence of The Hand.  Although Stick was later himself resurrected by the cosmic entity known as The Grandmaster.  Actor Terrance Stamp portrayed Sick in the Sony Films movie, Electra; whereas actor Scott Glenn portrayed the character in the MCU Netflix television shows.  The blind sensei first appeared in the pages of Daredevil Vol. 1 #176 (1981
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Wendy Kawasaki
Wendy had been a student who asked Captain Marvel for an interview as part of her research.   Marvel was so impressed by Wendy that she hired the young woman on to act as a personal assistant.  
Wendy would later join the Alpha Flight Space program.  She earned the rank of lieutenant and has more recently been appointed commander of the program.
The character first appeared in the pages of Captain Marvel Vol. 7 #9 (2013).
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Ganke Lee
Ganke Lee is the best friend of Miles Morales, and one of the only people whom Miles had shared his secret with. It was Ganke who figured out that Miles carried similar abilities to Spider-Man. He was first alerted to his friend's newfound powers when Miles came bursting into his room and explaining the events that transpired to give him such abilities.
Thrilled at Miles's ‘cool’ powers and making the initial assessment that he was a Mutant, Ganke made suggestions that he should be a superhero and embrace his abilities; though Miles was much more reluctant to use his powers and wanted to ignore them in pursuit of a normal life. Ganke later made the correct deduction that Miles's abilities were not a product of the X-Gene, but as a result of tampered genetics.
Following the Secret Wars event wherein the Ultimate Universe was destroyed, The Molecule Man recreated Ganke in the 616 Universe as a favor to Miles who had shown him kindness during the ordeal.  
Actor Jacob Batalon portrays a version of Ganke (renamed Ned) in the MCU Spider-man movies.  The character first appeared in the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #2 (2011).
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Moira MacTaggert
Doctor Moira MacTaggert had been a brilliant geneticist, medical doctor and researcher who became a staunch alley to the X-Men and Mutant rights all over the world.  Based on Muir Island, MacTaggart was at the forefront of trying to find a cure for the terrible Legacy Virus.
She was later revealed to be a Mutant herself who possessed the capacity to recall the events of her life across a near countless spectrum of alternate realities.  She used this knowledge to guide the Mutant race so to avoid extinction events and establish the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  Yet the emotional toll of having experienced and being able to recall her own death across some many different time lines ultimately drove her mad and she became evil.
Actress Rose Byrne portrayed MacTaggert in the Fox Films X-Men movies.  Moira MacTaggert first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #96 (1975).
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Roz Solomon
Agent Roz Solomon served as a member of SHIELD in the organization’s environmental sciences division.  A staunch environmentalist, Solomon investigated an illegal oceanic drilling practice conducted by the Roxxan Oil Corporation and ended up sharing an adventure with the Mighty Thor.  Following the dissuasion of SHIELD, Solomon accepted an offer by King T’Challa to become a part of his Agents of Wakanda program.  The intrepid young agent first appeared in the pages of Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013).  
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Ian Soo.  A latent Inhuman who gained his powers by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis did not alter Ian’s physical form and endowed him with telekinetic powers, the ability to lift and manipulate objects with the power of his mind.  The upper limits of Ian’s telekinetic abilities has yet to be revealed.  Ian was living in New York City when he was bestowed his powers.  He had recently lost his job and apartment and was having terribly difficult time finding new employment.  Desperate, Ian chose to use his newfound powers to rob an armored car.  Brand new to this would-be turn of becoming a super-villain, Ian chose the truly awful codename of ‘Telekinian.’  
Ian’s attempt to rob this armored car was foiled by the hero Hellcat (Patsy Walker).  Rather than duking it out in typical fashion, Ian and Hellcat ended up bonding on their mutual love of musical theater.  Patsy convinced Ian to give up his villainous ways and the two became roommates and good friends.  On occasion, Ian would resume his guise as Telekinian to aided Hellcat in her heroic endeavors.
The hero first appeared in the pages of Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (2015).
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A toddler aged Morlock whose Mutant powers and attributes were active at birth.  Leach’s abilities act to nullify any other Mutant’s powers in his immediate vicinity.  He essentially takes away other Mutant’s powers, although these powers return once they are away from Leach’s vicinity.  Leach’s power-nullification abilities also work on some non-Mutant super powered beings and the reasons for this remains unknown.  Leach survived the Morlock massacre and currently resides at The Baxter Building as a member of The Richards’ Family and student of The Future Foundation.  Young Leach first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #179 (1983).
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Arthur ‘Artie’ Maddicks’ Mutant powers manifested in childhood, leaving him mute and physically transformed in a fashion that his father found grotesque.  Although he had lost the capacity to speak aloud, Artie gained the power to tap into and project the thoughts of himself or other people.  
Artie’s father had Hank McCoy abducted so to force the scientist to find a means of ‘curing’ his son’s mutation.  The ordeal resulted in tragedy and Artie’s father was killed.  Now orphaned, Artie was taken in by X-Factor were he became lifelong friends with fellow Mutant child, Leach.  He first appeared in the pages of X-Factor Vol. 1 #2 (1986).  
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A latent Inhuman named Jovanna whose transformation was caused by exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis endowed Swain with psychic powers that enables her to read and control the emotions of others.  The transformation also left Swain with a reptilian-like tail.
Following her transformation, Swain accepted the invitation of asylum of New Attilan.  She was made the captain of the Royal Inhuman Vessel (or RIV), an enormous flying fortress that circumnavigates the globe following the Terrigen Cloud.  Swain’s central role aboard the RIV is to use her empathic powers so to maintain the wellbeing of Hub, the new Inhuman who was transformed into a powerful dynamo of unlimited energy.  Hub’s energies power the RIV, yet his transformation has caused him great pain and emotional duress.  Swain has used her powers to help Hub feel in control of his anxiety and the process of powering The RIV acts to quell his pain.  
The intrepid NuHuman first appeared din the pages of All-New Inhumans #1 (2015).  
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Nancy Whitehead and Mew
Nancy Whitehead is the college roommate of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  A young woman of incredible intelligence and ingenuity, Nancy has become involved in many of Squirrel Girl’s adventures and her quick thinking and no nonsense attitude has proven crucial in saving the day on numerous occasions. 
Nancy is a proficient author of fan fiction and self-made comic books.  Her favorite character is CatThor, a version of the Mighty Thor who is also a cat.  She is Loki’s favorite human.  Shge claims her cat, Mew, is the greatest cat in the world (debatable).  
The unbeatably clever roommate first appeared in the pages of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 #1 (2015).  
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Dinah Soar
Much of Dinah Soar's history remains a mystery. However, during her long life, she came to live in Wisconsin where she was drawn to helping others despite her inability to communicate with others and many humans fearing her appearance.
Dinah Soar was one of a few individuals who answered Mr. Immortal's advertisement looking for costumed superheroes and became one of the founding members of the Great Lakes Avengers.  Sadly, Dinah was killed in action whist battling the villainous Maelstrom.
The mysterious heroine first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 #46 (1989).
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Tyesha and Gabe Hillman
Tyesha Hillman is the fiancee and later wife to Aamir Khan, the brother of Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel).  Tyesha and Aamir later had a son whom they named Malik.  Her younger brother, Gabe is a classmate of Kamala and has acted as a member of the ‘Kamala Korps,’ a group of would-be crimefighters who stepped in to patrol the streets of Jersey City during a time in which Ms. Marvel was missing in action.  
Actress Travina Springer portrayed Tyesha in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel; actor Jordan Preston Carter portrayed Gabe in this same series.  Tyesha first appeared in the pages of Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #2 (2015); whereas gibe first appeared in Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #5 (2016).
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Very little is known of the origins of the Inhuman hero known as Naja.  A latent Inhuman whose transformation was caused by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis greatly altered Naja’s physical appearance, changing her into a reptilian form, with green scaled skin, clawed hands and feet, and a web-like membrane connecting from her wrists to her lower trunk that allows for glide-based flight.    Along with these physical changes, Naja also gained greatly enhanced dexterity, strength and durability, the aforementioned flight, as well as the capacity to alter the color of her scales so to blend in with her surroundings in a camouflage-style process.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Inhuman (2014).  
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William Reilly was a Mutant who possessed the ability to control and redistribute fatty deposits on his body.  This enabled him to increase his size, strength and durability.  He was recruited into the corporate iteration of X-Force and served as a member of the team under the alias of ‘Phat.’  He was later killed in action, although a portion of William’s lipid structure was saved by Doop who used it to create William’s ‘daughter’ BabyPhat.  
The character first appeared in the pages of X-Force Vol. 1 #117 (2001). 
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The friendly fellow affectionately known as Grills had been a neighbor of Hawkeye (Clint Barton) when the Avenger was living in an apartment building in the Bedford-Sty area of Brooklyn.  The two became pals and Hawkeye assisted Grils in tending to his aged father during Hurricane Sandy.  
Unfortunately, being friends with superheroes can be a dangerous matter and Grills was sadly killed by the assassin known as The Clown.  
A version of the character featured in the Disney+ series, Hawkeye portrayed by actor Clayton English.  Grills first appeared in the pages of Hawkeye Vol. 4 #1 (2012).  
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Dave Granlund :: @DaveGranlund#MikeJohnson
* * * *
December 13, 2023
DEC 14, 2023
In a day that was chock full of political stories in which Republicans were launching attacks on Democrats, Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) made a key point. “We have not passed an emergency supplemental, a Farm Bill, or regular Appropriations,” he said. “The story is not what they are doing. The story is what they are not doing.”  
Schatz was referring to specific, vital measures that are not getting through Congress: the outstanding funding bill for aid to Ukraine and Israel, border security, and humanitarian aid for Gaza; the Farm Bill, which governs the nation’s agricultural and food assistance programs and needs to be renewed every five years; and the regular appropriations bills that Congress must pass and that House extremists tossed out former speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over because they wanted deep cuts that he had agreed with President Joe Biden not to make. 
But there is a larger point behind Schatz’s observation. Republicans, especially the extremist wing, have garnered power by promising to stop the government from acting. The extraordinary gerrymandering in Republican-dominated states following Operation REDMAP in 2010 created such safe districts that Republicans did not need to worry about losing elections. That safety meant that their role was not to offer real legislative solutions to problems, but rather to gin up support for the party nationally by pushing party talking points on right-wing media. Those talking points focused on slashing the government, which they claimed was hurting their constituents by defending secular society and providing benefits to undeserving minorities and women. 
Now, though, the Republicans are in charge of the House of Representatives, and they actually need to get work done. But extremist Republicans’ skill set involves pushing talking points to create a false reality that demands gutting the government, not legislating, which requires compromise and deep understanding of issues. 
We appear to be watching Republicans’ fake image crash against reality. 
This morning was the scheduled date for the House Oversight Committee’s closed-door deposition from President Biden’s son Hunter. Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed him in early November, trying to find evidence that the president participated in illegal business deals before he became president. But, in fact, the committee is making its case entirely by innuendo—it has turned up no evidence of any such schemes—and publicly misrepresented the closed-door testimony of Hunter Biden’s former business partner to say the opposite of what it did.
So Hunter Biden’s lawyers called their bluff, saying the younger Biden would be happy to testify…but only in a public hearing, so that his testimony could not be misrepresented. The committee refused that offer, saying he must appear behind closed doors, a condition that seemed to undercut their claim they want transparency. 
Today, Hunter Biden turned the tables on their habit of giving press statements by showing up himself outside of the Capitol to reiterate that he would answer “any legitimate questions” in a public hearing. “Republicans do not want an open process where Americans can see their tactics, expose their baseless inquiry, or hear what I have to say. What are they afraid of?”
He offered his own statement. “Let me state as clearly as I can,” he said. “[M]y father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of Burisma, not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman, not in my investments at home nor abroad, and certainly not as an artist,” he said. “There is no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business, because it did not happen,” he said. 
He portrayed his father as a loving parent who supported him through his addiction struggle, and noted that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) had showed naked photos of him in a committee hearing, taking “the light of my dad’s love for me” and presenting it “as darkness.”
Republicans say they will prosecute Hunter Biden for contempt of Congress because he defied a subpoena. But that, too, is awkward, as a number of Republican representatives—including Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan (R-OH)—ignored subpoenas from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol. 
Pushing the idea that there is a “Biden crime family” is a transparent effort to create confusion by suggesting that the Bidens are simply the Democratic version of the Trumps, whose family business, the Trump Organization, was found guilty of tax fraud in January 2023. Judge Arthur Engoron also found that company, along with Trump and his two older sons and two other employees, liable for bank fraud in September 2023 and is currently considering fines of at least $250 million and ending the Trumps’ ability to do business in New York. Testimony in that trial concluded today. 
With no comparable Biden Organization, Republicans are trying to invent one. 
Their effort to convince voters that President Biden is corrupt has led to the tail wagging the dog as, after hearing constantly about how lawless Biden is, their supporters have demanded that House Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry into him. Today, House Republicans unanimously voted to open such an inquiry, though the lack of evidence made them caution that such an inquiry did not mean they would ultimately impeach the president. 
When asked what he’s hoping to gain from an impeachment inquiry, Representative Troy Nehls (R-TX) answered: “All I can say is Donald J. Trump 2024, baby.”
Biden reacted with uncharacteristic anger, calling out Republicans for ignoring the many imperative issues before them in order to “waste time on this baseless political stunt that even Republicans in Congress admit is not supported by facts.” He listed the nation’s unfinished business: funding for Ukraine and Israel, immigration policy, and funding the government to avoid “self-inflicted economic crises like a government shutdown, which Republicans in Congress are driving us toward in just a few weeks because they won’t act now to fund the government and critical priorities to make life better for the American people.”
Biden pointed out that having wasted weeks after tossing out their own House speaker and “having to expel their own members”—a reference to George Santos (R-NY), whom the House expelled two weeks ago—Republicans are now “leaving for a month without doing anything to address these pressing challenges.” 
Republicans’ image has met reality today in another way, as well. In 2020, former president Trump insisted that Biden would tank the economy, but in fact, under Biden it has bloomed. Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average, one of the key measures of the stock market, climbed to a new all-time high, topping out at over 37,000. At the same time, unemployment has sat below 4% for months now, and inflation has fallen, showing that “Bidenomics” has been hugely successful. 
Tonight, though, Trump doubled down on Republican talking points, telling an audience in Iowa that unless he is reelected—presumably to reverse Biden’s policies—“we’ll have a depression the likes of which I don’t believe anybody has ever seen.” 
But in an interesting rejection of House talking points in favor of reality, this evening the Senate passed a clean $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which gives a 5.2% pay raise to military personnel, by a vote of 87 to 13. House Republicans had loaded the measure up with a wish list of attacks on abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and diversity initiatives.
Tomorrow the measure will go to the House, where extremist Republicans angrily oppose it, but experts expect it will pass nonetheless. 
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cursos-belleza · 1 year
CORTEXI – CORTEXI REVIEW ((TRUTH 2023!)) Cortexi Supplement Review
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#cortexi #cortexireview #cortexireviews #cortexitinnitus #cortexisupplement #cortexidrop
Cortexi: The Ultimate Solution for Hearing Health and Cognitive Function
Aging is a natural part of life, and with it comes various challenges, including changes in our sensory perception. Hearing loss is one of the most common age-related issues, affecting millions of people worldwide. Difficulty in hearing can lead to communication barriers, isolation, and reduced overall well-being. Fortunately, advancements in science and technology have led to the development of innovative solutions to support hearing health and cognitive function. One such groundbreaking product is Cortexi, a revolutionary hearing support formula designed to provide comprehensive benefits for individuals facing sound clarity challenges.
Understanding the Impact of Hearing Loss
Hearing is a crucial sense that allows us to communicate, connect with others, and experience the world around us. However, as we age, our auditory system undergoes natural changes that can lead to hearing loss. This decline in hearing ability can vary from mild to severe, and it can significantly impact our daily lives.
Hearing loss not only affects our ability to comprehend conversations but also affects our emotional well-being. Feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and isolation can arise when we struggle to understand what others are saying. Additionally, hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline and a higher risk of developing conditions like dementia.
Traditional Hearing Solutions and Their Limitations
Traditional solutions for hearing loss primarily include hearing aids and cochlear implants. These devices can be effective in improving sound amplification and clarity for individuals with hearing impairments. However, they may not be suitable for everyone and can come with certain limitations, such as:
Cost: Hearing aids and cochlear implants can be expensive, making them inaccessible to many individuals who could benefit from them.
Inconvenience: Wearing and maintaining traditional hearing devices can be cumbersome and may require frequent adjustments and professional assistance.
Social Stigma: Some people may feel self-conscious about wearing visible hearing aids, which can lead to hesitance in seeking help for their hearing loss.
Limited Cognitive Support: While traditional hearing devices address the physical aspect of hearing, they may not offer specific cognitive support to address memory and cognitive function concerns.
Introducing Cortexi: The Game-Changing Hearing Support Formula
In the quest to address these challenges and provide a holistic solution for hearing health and cognitive function, Cortexi emerges as a groundbreaking hearing support formula. Cortexi is not just another hearing aid; it is a comprehensive, science-backed supplement designed to enhance auditory health and cognitive abilities.
The Power of Cortexi’s Unique Formula
At the heart of Cortexi’s success lies its carefully crafted blend of 20 natural ingredients, each selected for its specific benefits. These ingredients work synergistically to target various aspects of hearing health and cognitive function, providing users with a multifaceted approach to address sound clarity challenges. Some of the key ingredients in Cortexi and their potential benefits include:
Chromium Picolinate: Known for its role in regulating blood sugar levels, Chromium Picolinate enhances blood flow to the ears, supporting healthy auditory function. Additionally, it aids cognitive abilities, including memory and attention.
Panax Ginseng: This powerful herb has been used in traditional medicine for its adaptogenic properties and ability to promote overall well-being. In Cortexi, Panax Ginseng supports both hearing health and cognitive function, enhancing memory, and reducing stress and fatigue.
Gymnema Sylvestre: Native to India, Gymnema Sylvestre is known for its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. In Cortexi, it improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation in the auditory system, protecting the auditory nerve and supporting optimal hearing health.
Maca Root: Hailing from the high Andes mountains of Peru, Maca Root is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It enhances cognitive function, reduces stress, and supports overall well-being.
Astragalus: Renowned for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, Astragalus contributes to improved hearing and cognitive health in Cortexi. It also enhances memory and attention.
Green Tea: Packed with antioxidants, particularly catechins, green tea aids in improving blood flow to the ears and supporting overall health and cognitive function.
Grape Seed: Derived from grape seeds, grape seed extract is rich in proanthocyanidins, powerful antioxidants with various health benefits. In Cortexi, grape seed extract protects the ear and hearing health, supports cardiovascular health, and enhances cognitive function.
User-Friendly Dosage and Convenience
Cortexi is designed to be user-friendly and easy to incorporate into daily routines. Users are advised to take one full dropper of the liquid formula daily, either directly under the tongue or mixed into their favorite beverage. This simple and convenient method ensures that individuals can enjoy the benefits of Cortexi without any hassle.
The Power of Positive Reviews
The success of Cortexi is further amplified by the numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied users. Many individuals have reported significant improvements in their hearing abilities and cognitive function after using Cortexi. Users have expressed gratitude for the supplement’s life-changing effects, allowing them to reconnect with loved ones and experience life to the fullest.
Scientifically Backed and FDA Approved
Cortexi is a scientifically-backed hearing support formula manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, adhering to strict quality control measures. The product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness, providing users with confidence in its reliability.
Unlock the Potential of Cortexi
If you or someone you know is facing sound clarity challenges or concerned about cognitive function, Cortexi offers a powerful solution worth exploring. By combining natural ingredients with cutting-edge research, Cortexi delivers a comprehensive approach to support hearing health and cognitive function.
Final Thoughts
Hearing loss and cognitive decline are significant challenges that can impact our quality of life as we age. However, with the advent of revolutionary products like Cortexi, we have the opportunity to proactively address these challenges and unlock the potential for better hearing and cognitive abilities. Cortexi’s unique formula, user-friendly dosing, positive reviews, and scientific backing make it a compelling choice for individuals seeking a comprehensive hearing support solution.
Complete Review CORTEXI
Still have doubts? See now our full review talking about CORTEXI, I'm sure you'll like it
CORTEXI Official Website
Well, now that you know that CORTEXI really smoothes and really works, I'm going to leave the official CORTEXI website here again, where you can place your order in a calm and safe way.
Official Site + Special Offer CORTEXI➡️ https://rebrand.ly/cortexisiteofficial
The post CORTEXI – CORTEXI REVIEW was first published on Cursos Belleza.
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