phroggiesinabucket · 1 year
I tried doing some pixel art (sorta)!
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
There was a post, I can't find it, If anyone else can find it please link it.
About how the north American audience was missing nuanse in Gideon's charecter because we didn't understand the new zealand and Australian cultural imperative to "not make a fuss"
And that gideons jokes and flippant comments were her way of displaying a lot of anger.
It was a really good post. And I'm sad I can't find it....
I figured that it was my ugly American duty to start consuming more Australian and new zealand media in order to understand this better.
And since I like true crime and have a relatively high tolerance for non eye related creep....I started with a podcast called "the teacher's pet"
And oh my god, this is an excellent true crime pod cast.
And I'm starting to get it....
In 1982, young mother goes missing and everyone is convinced her husband killed her....but no body brings thier suspicions to the police because they don't want to overstep the family right to report the crime
And now 40 years later this pod caster is going around and talking to them, and the pod caster, Hedly Thomas, is really good. But also, these people have all just been waiting to be asked....and now that they finally have a place to were they can speek, the flood gates are open.
Please note, I don't think I understand Australia and New Zealand from half a podcast and an excellent tumblr post. But I do think that I'm starting to investigate the uncanny valley between two cultures were we use the same words but mean different things. If anyone has any good Australian and new zeeland media suggestions to help me get better at picking up ques please let me know
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artparadis3 · 1 year
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some of my fav hedi slimane memes
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genderoftoday · 2 years
today's gender is listening to "Bones Shatter" by Hedly and replaying an old warrior cats amv in their head that they watched a hundred times when they were like 12.
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ezrajstanley · 2 years
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Who called for backup?! Best part of 2022 was graduating from the @BayArea_TrainingAcademy accelerated EMT program, and then on the verge of tears blowing my own mind and passing the NREMT in one go! I can only describe the learning as being a Cliftnote doctor, and having to pass all the tests with no medical background…phew, I haven’t studied that hard in decades! I am now a hired EMT in San Francisco in an effort to beautify our city and clean up the streets, helping with the OD’s and fentanyl crisis, the psych wards, 911 calls, Covid surges and assist our stressed out medical workers. Enough b*tching and NIMBism, more doing! 🤜🏾 Thank you to my sweet angel Laura Hedli @StageSynapses for her redunkulously massive heart, support, love, and patience. And as well as the words of encouragement from my SF Brothers, my cool and quite young classmates, BATA Professor and incredible human being Steve Albright, and dedicated CEO Nicky Bahr who all had my six through this wild summer. And a big thank you to my talent agencies for your amount of patience! #Frontlines #EMTlife #FirstResponder #EmergencyMedicine #CalFire #CovidResponse #ParamedicLife #EMSlife #SFbay #BayLove #YayArea #BayAreaTrainingAcademy #Covid19 #SFFD #SFFire #Firefighter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0jJU2uK0T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444namesplus · 9 months
Adrame Afi Alu Amdoji Amdokh Ammrgxudl Ani Annu Aslidfuul Bakjinn Balligxudlis Baph Bdaonn Bdenn Bdirnus Bdoki Bdoski Beam Beaminni Beamosi Beddorh Bedj Bedjid Bedjr Bedrusr Bekhiku Beki Belomme Bemwid Bendoki Bendokj Bendokoe Beni Benim Bennidrus Bennus Bepi Berkem Berkemi Beysi Bhimbr Bhommobr Bhomob Bhomobb Bhomobbe Bhomobbi Biddy Bidit Bidjosr Biedrus Bikj Binid Binidr Binidris Binidrus Binny Bise Bissospnus Boiddi Boiddinni Boidki Bokjinn Bonnr Bonnwes Bubi Budnid Budrespidgxudlis Bufidr Bufimm Bummedl Bunnid Bunnr Buumi Dalumbh Dan Danmilpi Daot Darh Darrimm Darru Dealgxudlis Debheëm Dekhim Dembh Denmogg Deosid Derwarris Desgxudlis Deslemm Deslumbh Dewodit Dewriy Dewur Dewuse Dey Deywusl Deywusli Dhulir Diikir Diil Diiri Dikhidkhigxudlis Dikrvuns Diol Diommy Dioshedl Dioshuml Disé Diséi Diyir Diysumlr Doker Dokh Dokhedl Dokhedlr Dokhedlrus Dokhiste Dokhwusl Doki Dokide Dokidr Dollmi Domiy Doppr Dour Doxbgxudlis Duekh Dufi Dufmesl Dukhe Dukligxudl Duldokait Duldopait Dulpidr Dumesl Dumg Dummosr Dunh Dupid Dupidr Dure Duredou Duremir Duri Durose Durr Duseml Duvidn Duvidne Duvidnr Duvidnrus Duvidrus Duvmir Duvos Duvosrus Duvvosr Duweos Duwes Duwidu Duwrlemrgxudl Duwvejis Duxer Duy Dyes Dépor Déposi Déwo Déwy Eadokj Eadudi Eadémoi Eadémois Ealdiy Eaparn Earngxudlis Earnigxudlis Earnos Ederkojgxudl Edminni Ednhad Edseal Edsln Edsuml Edwos Edwrndusp Ekidy Ekikilu Ekome Ekurne Eldoes Elewr Elimhiol Elimi Eljosr Elumg Emeos Emfos Emgdil Emgudl Emizeslde Emizesldi Emizeslid Emizor Emkedelu Emkedit Emkos Emmis
Emmorus Emoki Emose Emosi Emrnus Emuor Emvidn Emwan Enjosr Enjosrus Epaoddi Epaomed Epsir Epsèr Erhmiy Erndol Ernegxudlis Esldie Esldier Esldifr Esldé Esldéi Eslidrus Esnhusy Esnuosi Esnus Espimoje Espémokai Esrped Esse Essemoiri Essi Essimoiri Essimori Essiwedoi Essoi Essokj Evvunn Ewemoe Eweslosi Ewimoe Ewémoi Eyeme Eyidr Ezim Fdophn Feddis Fedi Fedl Fedsid Fehmisvidpgxudlis Feli Femjid Femm Femmeki Femmid Femmr Femnid Femnidr Femnus Femrh Fenidr Fenjosr Fennr Fenrus Fepsid Ferhospnus Fhiimid Fhonejid Fhongoiml Fhoni Fhonihiel Fhonmiy Fhonsiy Fidshid Fidsid Fiekid Fiijr Fimkh Fimmr Fiorr Firn Fistim Fivid Fivrnid Fivv Foivji Fomhimw Fomhimwose Fomiy Fomjidrus Fomjosr Fomjosrus Fomkuz Fomlid Fommoew Fommoewr Fommoewrus Fommor Fomndal Fomrus Fonn Fopposr Fori Fosgdoil Fosnidr Foxligxudlis Fudjwes Fumg Fumgi Fumgpesp Fusp Fuul Fuuledl Fuulfedl Fuulgxudlis Fuulr Fuunis Fyenn Fyss Gaisnir Gammid Gamnus Garegxudlis Gdeaji Gdesj Gdesjmos Gdesjr Gdeskj Gdeskor Gdeskosi Gdesku Gdest Gdesçuor Gdesçuori Gdetoid Gdiiwes Gdildoj Gdilidokj Gdiogxudlis Gdiskh Gdoidgxudl Gdoildokh Gdoiliwess Gdont Gdurn Gdy Gdyi Gdæsgxudlis Gdélédok Gdøygxudlis Geamjsid Geddimm Gedmiy Gedwid Gesegxudlis Gessigxudl Gessy Gevdoki Gevois Gevoissi Giddimm Gidlosesl
Gidparus Gidseslit Gimoz Gminkhid Gmiwosp Gmudir Gmudiski Gmudisn Gmudoes Gmufidr Gmuyl Gmyss Goimlr Gontbendokj Gontpideml Gopaidue Gorhid Gorkhid Gornidgxudl Goskh Gosmiy Gossøygxudl Gudgxudl Gudiwes Gudl Gudvir Gufmid Gumiy Gumle Gupsegxudl Gurnid Gurrospgxudl Guz Gænnisgxudl Gødligxudlis Hadmiy Hadrn Hagg Haggwes Halrus Hamm Hankhosrus Hapainni Haphir Hapu Hasn Hasnid Havid Havidn Havvedl Hawbhdiy Hedbid Heddimm Heddor Heddorus Heddospnus Hedeml Hedkiy Hedlespidgxudl Hedlos Hedlosp Hedly Hedn Hednwes Heduml Hedwus Hefjosr Hehs Helrimgxudl Hemi Hemiy Hemm Hemregxudl Hengoiml Hesiy Heskukj Hesr Hesris Hesrus Hesseh Hessi Hessimudi Hewbnus Hewomnus Hewsirgxudl Hewwusl Heyir Heylis Heyr Heysir Hiddide Hiddosp Hidfop Hidkojgxudl Hidké Hidlmigxudl Hidseslit Hidvidn Hidwes Hidwess Hidwosi Hidxesprgxudl Hidøygxudl Hiel Hienh Hifonn Hily Himise Himmiwugxudlis Himmwanh Himpe Himpi Himwan Himwanh Hioliwedoi Hiolo Hiosdokh Hiosid Hioso Hiost Hiosu Hirnid Hirr Hisdo Hisdoinni Hisdy Hisldokjr Hisldoz Hislidrus Hisrmiy Hisrus Hividn Hiwsgxudlis Hokjr Hokjwes Holmigxudl Homle Homli Homlipedl Homm Homwe Hopposr Hosir Hosnus Huari Huarnus Hubbid Hubjosr Hudnus Hudrn Huds Hudsi Hudsrasl Hufedl Hufi Hufimm Huggwes Hulpi Hulpir Humkuwv Humlid Humlis Hummesl Hummufey Humn Humpid Humwes Humwir Hupes Huubid Huukid Huul Huvvr Hximnigxudlis Hxødaslgxudlis Hyli Hymmirnelgxudlis Hymrgxudl Hårniosrgxudl Hémèsi Høprgxudlis Høyesprgxudlis Idgxudlis Idhedl Idirgxudlis Idoje Idok Idokjrus Ienus Ifeml Ifosp Ijjihedl Ijwesgxudlis Ike Ikesr Ikidinn Ilfedlr Ilonh Ilwasl Iløygxudlis Imgdoili Imji Immor Immorus Immounn Imre Imwed
Insigxudlis Iolespidgxudl Iolrgxudlis Iomhedl Irbosute Irigxudlis Irndele Irnhid Irnimmi Irnir Ispmesl Ispmorh Istu Iwidrus Iwom Iwomoi Iwomy Iwwe Iwwesaim Iwwesaimmi Iwwidokh Jadigxudlis Jadn Jagxudlis Jdewid Jdurrgxudlis Jeagwes Jedm Jedmhiost Jedos Jedosi Jedrnis Jemlgxudl Jemlkåpgxudlis Jendos Jenxe Jenye Jesi Jiamisgxudlis Jidd Jidrnos Jikos Jimmid Jimmiy Jimmy Jionh Jisn Jissily Jiwb Jiy Jkidsirgxudl Jkonrøygxudl Jkårigxudlis Jkæsespis Jmear Jmear-binid Jmios Jmosi Jodj Jodjmesl Jodvy Joll Jomrgxudl Josp Jossiy Jow Jsebb Jsophn Jsufmir Jsuz Judsrnelgxudl Jukh Jusdel Jusprgxudlis Juvvigxudlis Jågxudlis Kaddy Kadnor Kaisnos Kaoss Kassosphew Kawwospr Kdat Kdefgudl Kdegn Kdeop Kdesi Kdurr Kdurvy Keaphes Keaphs Kedbisnid Kedd Keddommu Keddumm Kedespidgxudl Kediy Kedkid Kedliser Kedm Kedmrus Kednid Kednlemrgxudl Kedper Kedrus Kedsiy Kedumi Kedumose Kedumosi Kemhuas Kemiskoe Kemisnos Kemisnosi Kemistaime Kemlfimm Kemlidus Kemlit Kemmehes Kemnid Kemrøygxudlis Kemédoi Kenhidosi Kenrgxudl Keos Kerh Keri Keriy Kerkait Kerndu Kernesile Kernommu Kerreslde Kes Kesirre Keski Kesna Kesndimm Kesp Kessus Kesymkrgxudlis Ketkait Kevdide Kewbur Kewbvimm Kewekhu Kewidus Kewommi Khadkh Khdorne Khdornim Khdornimmi Khdornisris Khdornoes Khdornoesi Khdornosi Khdornubhi Khdornug Khebwes Khedmir Khedmunni Khekit Kheri Khes Khesiy Kheslmid Khesnem Khesp Khewvidr Khiddy Khis Khmué Kidkesnir Kidusoke Kigrsgxudlis Kimerkait Kimetkait Kimgxudlis Kimit Kinmigxudlis Kipe Kipegxudlis
Kirngxudlis Kmeali Kmealoe Kmealosi Kmede Kmedj Kmedji Kmeodi Kmey Kmeynus Kmikimesl Kmiwisnr Kmiwusr Kmosi Kméwiski Kméwisn Kodposoi Koknud Koknudoe Kommeddiem Koskisn Koslegxudlis Kosrus Kosxigxudlis Koume Kubimesl Kudemoi Kudiy Kudnit Kudose Kudossi Kuggiy Kuhis Kukhdes Kumi Kuminni Kumiwes Kumlrgxudlis Kummdenh Kummoid Kummosr Kumnus Kumus Kumvy Kuni Kunnus Kusdel Kusfey Kusmiy Kusndider Kussid Kuubid Kuuj Kuuji Kuumiy Kuvv Kuwbnus Kuwvr Kuz Kydom Kædespgxudlis Kédusokai Kékomi Kéldok Kémosi Lades Ladhew Laggy Laji Lakigxudlis Lalmiy Larnos Laskes Lasmeb Lass Ldeji Ldewwisrgxudl Leaphidny Lefrus Lekisbudn Lekol Lekolrus Lekor Lemi Lemnus Lemrgxudlis Lepuvidn Lepwed Lesoim Lesoimmi Lesoimr Lesoèmi Lewois Ley Lies Likjid Limbhosi Limekdat Limesiy Limius Limpelu Lisor Lisori Lissor Lixirar Loese Loet Loildokh Loindokh Loinid Loinidokh Lokjidrus Lokjrus Lokjrusgxudlis Loloid Lommedl Lommus Lozus Luapmer Ludriy Lufsr Lulrus Lunrus Luseml Lusemlrus Lusukes Luwosokai Luwospait Luymi Lyid Lymes Majer Mak Maker Makoi Makois Makoissi Malfop Malukok Mant Marndegxudlis Mase Meade Meadi Meadiski Meadisn Mede Medr Medris Medrus Mefdiski Mefrus Meinonoe Mejrigxudl Mekespis Melormear Mesi Meskernid Mesldy Mesp Mespesprgxudl
Mespgxudlis Mespmiy Mewv Mewvidn Mi Miekh Mifor Mii Mikos Mikosi Miky Miodgxudlis Mirnid Mise Mius Miusedl Mivmesk Mmuyl Moese Moigligxudlis Moirm Mokosprnus Mommi Momoesi Monnmi Mornegxudl Morvinh Mose Moslrey Moslriy Mousim Muaimme Muaor Muaori Mubit Mudisnt Mufi Mufidy Muki Munhed Munn Mupes Musp Muwgxudlis Muïk Myloe Myloi Myrejidgxudlis Myrigxudlis Myskh Myspisgxudlis Myss Myusr Mée Münuml Nadsid Nakjid Ndaxommu Ndekor Ndes Ndikosu Ndirgxudlis Ndummgxudl Nduslhiowrgxudl Nduspgxudl Ndæsgxudlis Negxudlis Nemmiy Nempxigxudl Neni Nesegxudl Nessid Newede Neymud Nhoiddy Nhudsnus Nhuwbrus Nhuwer Nhédèri Nhéu Niddimm Niddy Niwbimgxudlis Nommwes Nose Nospkummgxudlis Nowu Nublemrgxudlis Nuddir Nufsrisl Null Nuvoer Nuw Nuwdigxudlis Nxakgxudlis Nxusprgxudlis Nymid Nyrgxudlis Nyrrigxudl Nyrus Odfos Odwe Odèsi Olligxudl Olrigxudl Omuse Ore Orevimme Orevimmi Orgxudlis Osldi Ospdew Ospdol Ospu Osskædgxudlis Osèr Owimle Paidde Paiddidu Pammirgxudlis Panhdoi Panoiddit Paolu Paommeawi Pasnhid Passijmikgxudl Patwes Pay Pdehew Pdekir
Pdenespis Pdesn Pdey Pdiid Pdiis Pdiisi Pdine Pdini Pdinim Pdinkhis Pdipudy Pdoggonh Pdoggos Pdoslegxudl Pdowir Pdowrnelgxudl Pdurr Pdépudy Pdøsgxudlis Pebegxudl Peddinn Peddorus Pedkoe Pedlrraslgxudl Pedlsid Pedsid Pedte Pemmephid Pemmipur Pemmufey Penir Peosir Peslrgxudl Pevdoim Pevdoimi Pewvmi Pey Peénes Peëmmi Phormeosi Pidedl Pideml Pidhedln Pidl Pidn Pidndali Pidsun Pidwed Pidweosi Piodespidgxudl Pisikoèki Pisndy Piudp Piudpi Piudpinni Piudpir Pivhedl Pmerr Pmiss Pmukid Pomir Pomm Pommir Pommirboi Pommoew Pomvidn Pomwudi Porime Porimhid Porèmi Posinni Povrus Povvr Puaml Pudlus Pugg Pumlis Punngdoil Punnmoiv Punnrkhemj Pustemir Pustemit Puul Puulfos Puulwes Puwit Pédedl Pönt Püsnhid Raedit Ramegxudlis Rammokes Rannus Raressi Rasslemrgxudl Rassymkrgxudlis Ratessi Rawwidr Rbedjr Rbiedr Rbiski Rbiskid Realegxudl Reaslidr Redeh Redpisn Refyid Rekepi Remer Remeted Remhargxudlis Remoser Repgxudlis Rerrisgxudlis Resgudl Reskhit Reslde Resldosi Reslid Reslidr Resligxudlrgxudl Resliolrgxudl Reslrgxudl Reslukem Resnese Resnoepu Resnur Revdose Revosi Rewaim Rewbrus Rfesrus Rfiin Rfiisiy Rhedb Rhedbi Rhef Rheggid Rhessus Rhibbedl Rhibedl Rhibhidl Rhidwes Rhidym Rhimnus Rhoimlr Rhudn Riddesu Ridpi Riedr Rikidos Rimmidr Rimvxødsrgxudlis Rimwe Rivernoes Riznus Rjalisirgxudl Rjossid Rjxidrnelgxudlis Rjxumlegxudl Rjxuwis Rjåsikojgxudlis Rkhamnt Rkhduilid Rkhfednt Rkhsiolid Rkhwoln Rkis Rkisxe Rkunn Rmenid Rmues Rnaedn Rndokjmesl Rndusp Rnedj Rneggudl Rnekgxudl Rnesmiy Rnesnus Rnibhis Rnibhisr Rnibhisrus Rnifedn Rnigesoe Rniimi Rnikisr Rnikisrus Rnios Rnuan Rnudgxudlis Rnujir Rnusi Rnxødsgxudl Rnébhesi Rnébhesoi Roipgdoil Romke
Roporwasl Ropwasl Rospminus Rowbrus Rowr Rowus Rowusi Rowwusr Rsolid Rsommgxudlis Rsoprgxudlis Rsuf Rsylid Rubhoi Rumespi Rumor Rumuwus Rumvidpgxudl Runu Rupsigxudl Rure Rusoe Rwemm Rwonh Rxuse Ryjir Ryjjymkrgxudlis Ryklrgxudlis Rymkeos Rymkirnid Rymkoi Rékidosi Révernois Rødgxudlis Rødpam Sasit Sekeddu Seloe Selosi Senemoi Senhemoi Serh Sessi Sewrgxudlis Siem Sifnus Sifwes Simrus Soikir Soimris Sojume Sokemlu Sokhumr Sokhumrus Sokumear Sokumer Sokumi Sose Sozus Spayis Suddor Sudlgxudlis Sudligxudlis Sudllemrgxudlis Sudlpamgxudlis Sudnus Sudwes Suim Sumes Suvmi Suéwoi Sædøygxudl Tewude Towwidweseldois Udd Udjlemrgxudlis Udndal Udnipe Udnot Udwigxudl Ufis Ufisr Ugungxudl Ukhue Ukussud Ukéesi Ulinni Ulomi Ulussimm Uluw Umeg Umokid Umokoe Umokoid Umpe Umris Umrus Unhwed Unnu Unnuwed Uregxudl Urked Urmugxudl Urnidgxudlis Urvuds Urvudsi Usiem Usiom Usiomm Uvdois Uwvugxudl Vaddor Vadji Vadjr Vadkh Vadn Vadnus Vadpirr Vadsinn Vadsr Vakheses Vakj Vakjmiy Vakjsid Vammukj Vanmid Varh Vassigxudlis Vdaki Vdasu Vdelgudl Vdelmiy Vdelrhef Vdely Vdeskh Vdey Vdifid Vdikojrgxudl Vdisses Vdolpir Vdonn Vdophn Vdoponni Vdoppr Vdufs Vdufsosp Vdukj Vduujr Vdyes Vdyesn Veaid Vebnorni Vedd Veddide Veddinn Veddus Veddy Vedjid Vedmuf Vednminn Vednus Vedsinn Vedsir Vedvede Vedvid Vejid Vemlfos Vemm Vemmedl Vemrgxudlis Venir Vennmi Vensgxudl Veodl Veomiy Vernoes Verr Vesjr Veznid Viddy Vidndesl Vidndew Vidp Vidpid Vidsedl Vidselinni Vidsl Viedl Viekh Vien Viene Viermiy Vies Vikj
Vikjid Vimm Vionrnelgxudlis Virn Visilojn Vislid Visnmiy Visnus Visrus Vissinn Visuîn Visxewos Vmeji Vmekj Vmekjfimm Vmekjvads Vmeod Vmesjisrhob Vmeskhedl Vmikosr Vodl Voesje Vommigxudlis Vorhub Voslemrgxudlis Vufidr Vufis Vufwes Vujsegxudl Vulu Vumnus Vusl Vussid Vuujid Vuunh Vuusi Vuyid Vuyl Vuymi Vxapsgxudlis Vxødsegxudlis Vydl Vygxudlis Vyidr Véendoki Vøjgxudl Vøwmegxudlis Wadbhy Waddey Wadoim Waimmid Wammis Wammosr Wasut Weadespidgxudl Weadoki Wedjr Wedk Wedkait Wedkar Wedkim Wedkimmi Wedmisi Wedne Wednos Wednosi Wednosit Wedoar Wedoe Wedoessi Wedoi Wedoikhdornosi Wedoikmeali Wedoinhédèri Wedose Wedosi Wedou Wedous Wedpaidoni Wedpedini Wedrh Wedrhemm Wekj Wekluseml Wekoer Welimiosi Wellis Welluz Wemespis Wemkose Wemluselu Wemni Wemusi Wenhifr Wenhoia Wenhomli Wenhor Wennhifr Wennhoer Wennhoia Wepemo Weplemise Weplemisigxudlis Werriy Werus Wesaim Wess Wessosp Wesus Wey Weyid Weyr Weysedl Weyu Wezfimm Wezowi Wezowomoes Widdomm Widdonn Widkelu Widkid Wielufr Wigxudlis Wiledl Wilose Wimgxudlis Wimislit Wimkos Wimnus Wimøygxudlis Wiosdel Wislit Wislute Wixoe Wiyid Wiyidr Wkbhidrus Wkgedmesl Wkgellis Wkjey Wkjii Wkjistoi Wkjossiy Wkjsophn Wkkammuaph Wkkdey Wkkednhy Wkkedny Wkkemm Wkkmadi Wkkmeos Wkkudwokj Wkkussimm Wkkuy Wklesoim Wklufimm Wkluseml Wkmeaphmos Wkmies Wkmiul Wkosnurh Wkosnydi Wkpaodi Wkpii Wkpufes Wksiom Wkvdoli Wkwehus Wkwommes Wodesle Wodiommi Wodju Wodku Wodoew Wokheim Wokheime Wokheëm Wokhim Wokhimmi Wokhimosi Wokhèmi Wokjeëm
Wollminus Wolnpamis Womir Wommid Wommr Womu Wonkhimm Wosse Woxisgxudlis Wuddor Wuddorus Wudduf Wudemir Wudes Wudisu Wudnus Wudont Wudos Wudpes Wudpesi Wudri Wuhewil Wumligxudl Wumose Wurir Wurmiy Wurr Wusdui Wuse Wusnpuwidy Wusnuye Wusoje Wusokai Wuudi Wuuly Wuus Wuusiy Wydoew Wyidr Wémesoi Wémorre Xabb Xaedit Xamoe Xamoi Xamoinni Xamois Xanne Xarnoki Xarnosi Xedgxudlis Xedkor Xekjrus Xekkaimosi Xekkair Xekuv Xekuvr Xekuvrus Xese Xesosi Xewir Xiduwi Xidweosi Xies Xiesbeam Xiesboiddi Xiesgdesçuor Xieskmeali Xiesmak Xiesmuaor Xiessi Xiessosi Xieswedk Xieswedoi Xieswokhim Xiggidrus Ximregxudl Xirroke Xisjosr Xisris Xissogid Xissospr Xowisit Xudles Xuekhow Xuhess Xuhesse Xuhessir Xuhsr Xuhsrnus Xuhsrus Xukimysi Xuribh Xurinni Xurn Xuré Xusenhes Xuser Xusir Xuyki Xuysid Xuëm Xuëmmi Xédôwi Xödp Xørisgxudlis Xørrospgxudlis Xüdpis Ydjigxudlis Yenir Yesp Yess Yessokj Ykinni Ykinnielkisngxudlis Ykir Ykussi Yndi Yuasp Yudj Zekoid Zisoe Ådlemrgxudl Ågxudlis Åjdegxudlis Åwøygxudl Édok Ékimysiekhow Émoesi Émorevinh Émori Émuloi Énoissi Éwomoi Øjrgxudl Øjrndegxudlis
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hs-aesthetics · 7 years
Davepetasprite Playlist
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Bombastic -Bonnie McKee
You know I'm bringing bombastic  / I'm feeling freaking fantastic  / Turn up the music, get plastic  / You know I'm playing like no more mister nice guy
Mahou Shoujo -N∑∑T
gonna rock to the beat til i’m tied up / walk into the club it’s fire / getting crunk and wired / move your hands scream louder
Everything At Once -Lenka
As warm as the, the sun, as silly as fun / As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea / As hot as fire, cold as ice / Sweet as sugar and everything nice
Evolution -Terminite
[instrumental track]
Nine In The Afternoon -Panic! At The Disco
Into a place, where thoughts can bloom / Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon / And we know that it could be 
Anything -Hedly
Be a movie star / or rock the main stage / An XBox tester / or an astronaut in space / If they tell you that you can't / you can shove it in their face / I can I can I can so
Energy -Watsky
My head's up in the sky it's higher than the clouds are / I like to look up at the stars and wonder how far / From what I hear about a billion babies are delivered every day and so it's like the planet is a clown car
[art found here]
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ghcstwcrld · 5 years
yall ever just wanna give up your day job to be a florist?
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
There was a kind of comfort when she was with him. When she was with him, she could be just herself, and he would be her friend. Unlike with most people, she was a carefully curated mask, aiming to help, aiming to please, but never herself.
Perhaps it was because he understood the constant need to not offend others, to keep others happy, to try to offer help. Olivia was grateful to have him as a friend, could feel her shoulders slowly releasing tension when they were alone instead of having to talk to other people.
It was always weird to have someone genuinely like her as her, like her as a friend, not as a fortune teller or someone who they could gain information from. Sometimes she had the urge to tell him the story of her pre-teen years, when she had yet to join VFD. (Her parents died a little after that, and she was quickly swept in after their death.) She had the urge to tell him that it was always surprising that he would enjoy being friends with her, that anyone would enjoy being friends with her.
She’d known she was a little odd, growing up. Not fitting in. She was always so clueless about what the latest fashion was, about what everyone was talking about. It was okay, so she enjoyed different things, read odd books her classmates didn’t read, was bad at every kind of sport and did not know the popular singers others talked about. She liked her own interests and wouldn’t mind enjoying them on her own, even if it was a little lonely sometimes. But she’d always found solace in the books. Even if other people found her a little odd, she could live with that.
Except in the last two years of elementary school, when she transferred to another school, that she realized it became more than that. Her classmates didn’t just find her odd, they hated her and didn’t bother hiding that. They didn’t simply find her slightly weird - they hated her. She never really found out why - she hadn’t known then, and she still didn’t know now, years later. She did find out why they disliked one of her only friends at that time - because the other girl had hanged out with her.
Looking back, she couldn’t really remember exactly why they’d made her so scared at that time. When she tried to think back, her brain just went blank and refused to delve deeper into anything. It refused to load the memories. She was sure they’d never done anything physical - well, maybe a few threats about what they would do during dodgeball in PE class - but she’d managed to mostly avoid that. Plus, she was petite, that must made it a little harder to aim, right?  She was sure she’d been scared and worried every day, she remembered at least 3 quarters of the class were one big friend group, and they all disliked her. She remembered her friend who stood by her despite making herself a target too - how did she ever deserve such loyalty, she didn’t know. It’d lasted till almost graduation but then suddenly two very prominent members of the gang had a large fight and then they were all taking sides and suddenly lost interest in her.  She’d been thankful for that too, though she never found out what exactly caused the fight between them either. She was just grateful she could take a breath.
She had, in her adult years, tried many times to search her memories what they had done that terrified her preteen self so much, but her brain always refused to cooperate.  She wondered if she’d just been too sensitive and too easily scared and too eager to be like that she couldn’t stand most of her classmates disliking her.  At least they hadn’t done anything physical, she told herself. Maybe I had just been too sensitive, she told herself.
She still couldn’t remember. 
She thought she once remembered more.
In her first few months in VFD, attending all the trainings, she’d been quietly relieved that at least in this new environment she wasn’t universally hated. She was still a little weird, but there were other people with their own rare interests too, and it felt a little safer, a little more comfortable - comparatively, anyway. One of her fellow new recruits at that time liked socializing a lot and somehow became friends with one of her previous classmates that disliked her.
She remembered, to this day, finding out about that and the new recruit wanting to introduce them to meet, and the way she had vehemently said no and burst into tears. She remembered being fucking scared at the thought and the new recruit had quickly agreed to not introducing them and didn’t bring it up again.
That was a memory that stayed.
The sudden panic again, the tears, after finding out about how someone in her current circle knew someone from her past circle who were part of a group that terrified her so much that even the idea of seeing anyone from that group again immediately made her burst into tears.
That was the memory that, whenever she thought back to her preteen years, that came to mind the most. Unlike what exactly happened that made her so miserable and scared back then which her brain always gave her a blank when she tried to remember, the crying of that day, already in VFD and no longer in the same class as those people, was a memory that seemed deeply etched and she didn’t know how to forget.
It didn’t make sense to her, but it was not like she understood much about how memories and brains worked either.
From then on, she did her best to avoid being dislike, did her best to please others. She didn’t need others to like the real her, as long as they didn’t hate her, she would take that. If they liked her - even if it’s her mask and not the real her - she counted that as a win.
If, in the rare case, they liked the real her, and was willing to be friends - like he was - she was always surprised and deeply grateful, in ways she didn’t often know how to articulate.
“Bertrand,” she began. Impulsively. “Could I tell you a story about the school I went to before VFD?”
He raised his head from his book. “Of course.”
#aaaaaahhhh i did not proofread anything and i don't know if this made sense in the context of book!olivia but well anyway#no one ever said projection had to make sense right? right? right??? ahahhahah who said anything about projection no i'm not projectingahaha#vera.txt#olivia caliban#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so sorry god idk if i write her well or not and i know there are other people who are bigger fans of her than me#so if the characterization sucks i'm sorry!!!!! i just felt she was the most fitting for what i need to get off my chest now#but instead of saying certain things i'm just going to write about fictional characters instead cuz thats what i do#im a fucking mess i don't know why i even wrote this but like its feels good to write things out even if its 4am and i have no idea what im#writing about it still feels good to write itout but like im super sleepy but i'm fine i'm over it yknow have been for many years#i just v v v ocasionally htink back and think about that one occurence of uncontrollable tears but like. detachedly you know. thinking detac#hedly. not affected. but anyway still felt like writing a fic about fictional characters so then i did ahahha it's just fanfic#character analysis. yknow. analysis. analysis!! character. thing. fictional. fandom. hahaha#etc#detachment in looking back memories! detachment. something something.#love being fine!#if you read all these tags i'm so sorry for wasting your time#time to post 10 posts out of my queue to forget i wrote this
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glowpop · 6 years
do you and your gf have matching icons??
me and @racistz are just bffs but yea we do have matching icons
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phroggiesinabucket · 2 years
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OoOoooOooOoOoo~ p u r p l e.
This is my OC, Hedly! 💖 ✨
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house md characters from gay to straight:
wilson/house (package deal)
allison "straight demon" cameron
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genevieveetguy · 5 years
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Whatever Happened to My Revolution (Tout ce qu'il me reste de la révolution), Judith Davis (2018)
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ezrajstanley · 1 year
“The robots are already gaslighting us.” - Laura Hedli
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minxieque · 3 years
Movie/Show List
Here are some of my favourite movies and shows on the topic of Mythology and Ancient Civilisations. Please add or let me know of more because I’m always looking to watch and learn more!! This is also my first post ever on Tumblr after 4 years of using it and three years off it so please be nice <3 <3 
TV Shows:
The Odessey (1997). Miniseries by Andrei Konchalovsky starring Armand Assante as Odysseus and Greta Scacchi as Penelope. Available to watch on Youtube here.
Troy: Fall of a City (2018). Miniseries by Owen Harris and Mark Brozel. Starring Bella Dayne as Helen, Louis Hunter as Paris, David Gyasi as Achilles and Joseph Mawle as Odysseus. Available on Netflix in Australia.
Troy (2004). Movie by Wolfgang Peterson, starring Brad Pitt as Achilles, Eric Bana as Hector, Orlando Bloom as Paris, Diane Kruger as Helen and Sean Bean as Odysseus. Available to watch on Netflix in Australia.
Julius Caeser (1953). Movie by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, starring Marlon Brando as Marc Anthony, John Gielgud as Cassius, James Mason as Brutus and Louis Calhern as Julius Caeser.
300 (2006). Movie by Zach Snyder, starring Gerard Butler as Leonidas I, Lena Hedly as Gorgo, Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes and David Wenham as Dilios. Available to watch on Netflix in Australia.
300: Rise of an Empire (2014). Movie by Noam Murro, starring Eva Green as Artemisia, Lena Hedly as Gorgo, Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes and Sullivan Stapleton as Themistocles.
Hercules (1997). Disney Cartoon Movie by Ron Clements and John Musker. Starring Tate Donovan as Hercules, Danny DeVito as Phil, Susan Egan as Megara and James Woods as Hades. Available to watch on Disney+
Agora (2009). Movie by Alejandro Amenabar, starring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia, Max Minghella as Davus and Oscar Isaac as Orestes.
Gladiator (2000). Movie by Ridley Scott, starring Russell Crowe as Maximus, Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus, Djimon Hounsou as Juba and Connie Nielson as Lucilla.
The Mummy trilogy (1999, 2001, 2008). Directed by Stephen Summers and Rob Cohen, starring Brendan Fraser (1-3), Rachel Weisz (1-2), Arnold Vosloo (1-2), Jet Li (3) and the Rock (2). Available to watch on Disney+
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014). Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Christian Bale as Moses, Joel Edgerton as Ramses and Sigourney Weaver as Tuya.
The Prince of Egypt (1998). Dreamworks cartoon directed by Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner and Simon Wells. Starring Ralph Fiennes as Ramses, Val Kilmer as Moses and God, Michelle Pfieffer as Zipporah and Sandra Bullock as Miriam.
Special shout outs to these movies that are entertaining, kinda terrible, but I still love them:
The Percy Jackson movies (Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Brandon T. Jackson) are Available to watch on Disney+;
Clash of Titans (2010, Sam Worthington, Gemma Arterton, Ralph Fiennes, Lian Neeson);
Wrath of Titans (2012, Sam Worthington, Rosamund Pike, Ralph Fiennes, Lian Neeson);
Immortals (2011, Freida Pinto, Mickey Rourke, Henry Cavill, Luke Evans, Isabel Lucas);
Hercules (2014, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Irina Shayk, Ian McShane);
Pompeii (2014, Kit Harrington, Emily Browning and Jessica Lucas);
The Legend of Hercules (2014, Kellan Lutz, Gaia Weiss, Liam McIntyre);
Gods of Egypt (2016, Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Brenton Thwaites)
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aiiaiiiyo · 3 years
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Just for fun, here's Hedly Lamarr from 1974 Check this blog!
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