#Helpful Resources
stil-lindigo · 4 months
I want to spread awareness about the scams that have been going around Tumblr taking advantage of innocent people’s suffering.
These scams operate by finding GoFundMe’s and copy-pasting the stories onto a tumblr post where they will link their PayPal account at the bottom for people to send money too.
They’ll send out DMs and messages to people’s inboxes asking them to donate saying that the donation link is in the pinned post.
These scam blogs are always just a few days or weeks old and they retweet pro-Palestinian posts to make themselves look more legitimate. If you attempt to confront them about it they will instantly block you.
I’ve received a large amount of these scam messages in the past week, a few of which had a concerning amount of notes, and want to raise people’s awareness that way they people who actually need help can receive it.
This is the link to a longer post I’ve made with a few ways to identify possible scams:
link to the longer post
(please reblog and share, i've unfortunately been exploited by one of these scammers.)
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haxyr3 · 1 year
If you don't use Wiktionary regularly, maybe you are missing something. Something that is free and very helpful. Wiktionary, an online multilingual dictionary created and maintained by Wikimedia, is one of the tools I use literally every day. I consult Wiktionary for both my language learning and teaching tasks. It has become irreplaceable to me because the information it contains is so much more than just words and their translation! In this article, I’ll show you how to use Wiktionary to learn more than just new words. 
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Weird coping / distraction / skill thing I do.
Often I need some distraction, but it is very difficult for me to do something when I'm having a real hard time.
I love writing, but most of the time I can’t write down my thoughts. It’s too exhausting and I have no idea how to put it into words.
So here’s a random thing I’m doing.
I watch YouTube videos whenever I need distraction, because movies and series can be very stressful for me as well. But just watching videos is not enough to provide real distraction.
So I combine it with writing, but I don’t really have to use my head, which is helpful.
I mainly use my phone and the pen it has, but you can of course also do it on paper.
So, I click on a random video and then start writing down the most random sentences the creator says.
Just some parts of sentences or words as if I’m quoting them.
I just take random things from the video and write them down, not the whole script, just something in between. When I’m done writing one thing, I’ll just take the next sentence I hear.
This doesn’t require much attention, I don’t have to focus completely on the video and my hand has something to do. Besides, hand writing is a very satisfying thing for me.
It’s a very simple distraction and makes little sense, which is good, because when I feel bad, I don’t want anything meaningful, but just something that I don’t need to move for or something that I really need concentration for.
It can also be fun to read the nonsense later. Maybe it helps someone the way it helps me. <3
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A Complete Guide to 'Limited HTML' on AO3 CodenameCarrot
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1-800-ishi · 3 months
For Eu look up: Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up: US campaign for Palestinian rights
BOYCOTT LIST: Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc), Chevron (including Caltex and Texaco brands), Siemens, Carrefour, AXA, SodaStream, Ahava, RE/MAX, PUMA, Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds and Isreali produce in your supermarkets
OTHER RESOUCES: https://Arab.org/clicktohelp/ https://gazaesims.com
These are important!!
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whale-in-that-case · 8 months
It's easy, it's free : learning about mixed species continuous cover forestry in Europe through an online course (you just watch small video and then answer a few questions, you'll get a certification for the course if you complete it).
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spiced-wine-fic · 8 months
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yeah-ima-nerd · 2 years
Hi it's Ari💕 Ive had this on my mind for a while now and I thought I'd share
For those of you who struggle with anxiety, ADHD, DID, Depression, autism
Your feelings ARE valid.
And I know you've probably been told that before, though I really mean it.
I have adhd, and I've been struggling with mental health issues recently, feelings of self-doubt. I ended up convincing myself that I was an awful human being, I was a burden. I couldn't do anything right. Those thoughts ARE NOT OKAY! And Honey- if you ever feeling like that DONT HESITATE IN THE SLIGHTEST to go to my Dms and vent/talk or anything. Guys I love you all and I never want people to feel the way I feel sometimes.
you don't even have to be neurodivergent ITS OPEN if you feeling any self doubt.
I'm genuinely happy to tell you that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU AND YOU ARE AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING!! We can be support buddies
Stay strong and I love you and Jesus loves you
Mwah mwah~💕
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 2 months
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About Gaza Funds
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deoidesign · 1 year
A general cane guide for writers and artists (from a cane user, writer, and artist!)
Disclaimer: Though I have been using a cane for 6 years, I am not a doctor, nor am I by any means an expert. This guide is true to my experience, but there are as many ways to use a cane as there are cane users!
This guide will not include: White canes for blindness, crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs as I have no personal experience with these.
This is meant to be a general guide to get you started and avoid some common mishaps/misconceptions in your writing, but you absolutely should continue to do your own research outside of this guide!
This is NOT a medical resource!!! And never tell a real person you think they're using a cane wrong!
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The biggest recurring problem I've seen is using the cane on the wrong side. The cane goes on the opposite side of the pain! If your character has even-sided pain or needs it for balance/weakness, then use the cane in the non-dominant hand to keep the dominant hand free. Some cane users also switch sides to give their arm a rest!
A cane takes about 20% of your weight off the opposite leg. It should fit within your natural gait and become something of an extension of your body. If you need more weight off than 20%, then crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair is needed.
Putting more pressure on the cane, using it on the wrong side, or having it at the wrong height can make it less effective, and can cause long term damage to your body from improper pressure and posture. (Hugh Laurie genuinely hurt his body from years of using a cane wrong on House!)
(some people elect to use a cane wrong for their personal situation despite this, everyone is different!)
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(an animated GIF of a cane matching the natural walking gait. It turns red when pressure is placed on it.)
When going up and down stairs, there is an ideal standard: You want to use the handrail and the cane at the same time, or prioritize the handrail if it's only on one side. When going up stairs you lead with your good leg and follow with the cane and hurt leg together. When going down stairs you lead with the cane and the bad leg and follow with the good leg!
Realistically though, many people don't move out of the way for cane users to access the railing, many stairs don't have railings, and many are wet, rusty, or generally not ideal to grip.
In these cases, if you have a friend nearby, holding on to them is a good idea. Or, take it one step at a time carefully if you're alone.
Now we come to a very common mistake I see... Using fashion canes for medical use!
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(These are 4 broad shapes, but there is INCREDIBLE variation in cane handles. Research heavily what will be best for your character's specific needs!)
The handle is the contact point for all the weight you're putting on your cane, and that pressure is being put onto your hand, wrist, and shoulder. So the shape is very important for long term use!
Knob handles (and very decorative handles) are not used for medical use for this reason. It adds extra stress to the body and can damage your hand to put constant pressure onto these painful shapes.
The weight of a cane is also incredibly important, as a heavier cane will cause wear on your body much faster. When you're using it all day, it gets heavy fast! If your character struggles with weakness, then they won't want a heavy cane if they can help it!
This is also part of why sword canes aren't usually very viable for medical use (along with them usually being knob handles) is that swords are extra weight!
However, a small knife or perhaps a retractable blade hidden within the base might be viable even for weak characters.
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Bases have a lot of variability as well, and the modern standard is generally adjustable bases. Adjustable canes are very handy if your character regularly changes shoe height, for instance (gotta keep the height at your hip!)
Canes help on most terrain with their standard base and structure. But for some terrain, you might want a different base, or to forego the cane entirely! This article covers it pretty well.
Many cane users decorate their canes! Stickers are incredibly common, and painting canes is relatively common as well! You'll also see people replacing the standard wrist strap with a personalized one, or even adding a small charm to the ring the strap connects to. (nothing too large, or it gets annoying as the cane is swinging around everywhere)
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(my canes, for reference)
If your character uses a cane full time, then they might also have multiple canes that look different aesthetically to match their outfits!
When it comes to practical things outside of the cane, you reasonably only have one hand available while it's being used. Many people will hook their cane onto their arm or let it dangle on the strap (if they have one) while using their cane arm, but it's often significantly less convenient than 2 hands. But, if you need 2 hands, then it's either setting the cane down or letting it hang!
For this reason, optimizing one handed use is ideal! Keeping bags/items on the side of your free hand helps keep your items accessible.
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When sitting, the cane either leans against a wall or table, goes under the chair, or hooks onto the back of the chair. (It often falls when hanging off of a chair, in my experience)
When getting up, the user will either use their cane to help them balance/support as they stand, or get up and then grab their cane. This depends on what it's being used for (balance vs pain when walking, for instance!)
That's everything I can think of for now. Thank you for reading my long-but-absolutely-not-comprehensive list of things to keep in mind when writing or drawing a cane user!
Happy disability pride month! Go forth and make more characters use canes!!!
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anonbeadraws · 8 months
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I made a Room Building tutorial! Lemme know if it helps! 🧡
Tip me here| Commission info here!
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vintacha · 3 months
for all the artists out there, here are my favorite resources i use to learn!
The Complete Famous Artist Course
Art Books and Resources
Art, Anatomy, and Color Books
PDF Files of Art Books
Internet Archive
My YouTube Playlist of Tutorials
How to Draw Facial Features
Drawing and Art Advice
Drawing Lessons
Art Fundamentals
Anatomy of the Human Body
2D Animation
Perspective Drawing
Pinterest Board for Poses
Another Pinterest Board for Poses
Pinterest Boards for References
Reference Angle
Sketch Daily
Line of Action
Human Anatomy
Animal Photo References
Humanae - Angélica Dass
Fine Art - Jimmy Nelson
Character Design References
CDR's Twitter Account
iamagco's Twitter Account
taco1704's Twitter Account
takuya_kakikata's Twitter Account
EtheringtonBro's Twitter Account
Color Wheel
Color Palette Cinema
Free Images and Pictures
Free Stock Photos
Screen Musings
William Nguyen Light Reference Tool
Animation References - sakugabooru
Animation References - Bodies in Motion
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deception-united · 2 months
Writing Tips Master Post
Character writing/development:
Character Arcs
Making Character Profiles
Character Development
Comic Relief Arc
Internal Conflict
Creating Distinct Characters
Suicidal Urges/Martyr Complex
Creating Likeable Characters
Writing Strong Female Characters
Writing POC Characters
Character Voices
Plot devices/development:
Intrigue in Storytelling
Enemies to Lovers
Alternatives to Killing Characters
Consider Before Killing Characters
Emphasising the Stakes
Avoid Info-Dumping
Writing Without Dialogue
1st vs. 2nd vs. 3rd Perspective
Fight Scenes (+ More)
Writing Prologues
Dialogue Tips
Writing War
Writing Cheating
Worldbuilding: Questions to Consider
Creating Laws/Rules in Fantasy Worlds
Book writing:
Connected vs. Stand-Alone Series
A & B Stories
Writer resources:
Writing YouTube Channels, Podcasts, & Blogs
Online Writing Resources
Outlining/Writing/Editing Software
Writer help:
Losing Passion/Burnout
Overcoming Writer's Block
Fantasy terms:
How To Name Fantasy Races (Step-by-Step)
Naming Elemental Races
Naming Fire-Related Races
Ask games:
Character Ask Game #1
Character Ask Game #2
Character Ask Game #3
1000 Follower Special
Writing Fantasy
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Writing tips for long fics that helped me that no one asked for.
1.) Don't actually delete content from your WIP unless it is minor editing - instead cut it and put it in a secondary document. If you're omitting paragraphs of content, dialog, a whole scene you might find a better place for it later and having it readily available can really save time. Sometimes your idea was fantastic, but it just wasn't in the right spot.
2.) Stuck with wording the action? Just write the dialog then revisit it later.
3.) Stuck on the whole scene? Skip it and write the next one.
4.) Write on literally any other color than a white background. It just works. (I use black)
5.) If you have a beta, while they are beta-ing have them read your fic out loud. Yes, I know a lot of betas/writers do not have the luxury of face-timing or have the opportunity to do this due to time constraints etc but reading your fic out loud can catch some very awkward phrasing that otherwise might be missed. If you don't have a beta, you read it out loud to yourself. Throw some passion into your dialog, you might find a better way to word it if it sounds stuffy or weird.
6.) The moment you have an idea, write it down. If you don't have paper or a pen, EMAIL it to yourself or put it in a draft etc etc. I have sent myself dozens of ideas while laying down before sleep that I 10/10 forgot the next morning but had emailed them to myself and got to implement them.
7.) Remember - hits/likes/kudos/comments are not reflective of the quality of your fic or your ability to write. Most people just don't comment - even if they say they do, they don't, even if they preach all day about commenting, they don't, even if they are a very popular blog that passionately reminds people to comment - they don't comment (I know this personally). Even if your fic brought tears to their eyes and it haunted them for weeks and they printed it out and sent it to their friends they just don't comment. You just have to accept it. That being said - comment on the fic you're reading now, just do it, if you're 'shy' and that's why you don't comment the more you comment the better you'll get at it. Just do it.
8.) Remove unrealistic daily word count goals from your routine. I've seen people stress 1500 - 2000 words a day and if they don't reach that they feel like a failure and they get discouraged. This is ridiculous. Write when you can, but remove absurd goals. My average is 500 words a day in combination with a 40 hour a week job and I have written over 200k words from 2022-2023.
9.) There are dozens of ways to do an outline from precise analytical deconstruction that goes scene by scene to the minimalist bullet point list - it doesn't matter which one you use just have some sort of direction. A partial outline is better than no outline.
10.) Write for yourself, not for others. Write the fic you know no one is going to read. Write the fic that sounds ridiculous. You will be so happy you put it out in the world and there will be people who will be glad it exists.
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tricodekus · 3 months
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How to draw ears, by me.
tip me a ko-fi!
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novlr · 10 months
The symbolism of flowers
Flowers have a long history of symbolism that you can incorporate into your writing to give subtext.
Symbolism varies between cultures and customs, and these particular examples come from Victorian Era Britain. You'll find examples of this symbolism in many well-known novels of the era!
Amaryllis: Pride
Black-eyed Susan: Justice
Bluebell: Humility
Calla Lily: Beauty
Pink Camellia: Longing
Carnations: Female love
Yellow Carnation: Rejection
Clematis: Mental beauty
Columbine: Foolishness
Cyclamen: Resignation
Daffodil: Unrivalled love
Daisy: Innocence, loyalty
Forget-me-not: True love
Gardenia: Secret love
Geranium: Folly, stupidity
Gladiolus: Integrity, strength
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love
Blue Hyacinth: Constancy
Hydrangea: Frigid, heartless
Iris: Faith, trust, wisdom
White Jasmine: Amiability
Lavender: Distrust
Lilac: Joy of youth
White Lily: Purity
Orange Lily: Hatred
Tiger Lily: Wealth, pride
Lily-of-the-valley: Sweetness, humility
Lotus: Enlightenment, rebirth
Magnolia: Nobility
Marigold: Grief, jealousy
Morning Glory: Affection
Nasturtium: Patriotism, conquest
Pansy: Thoughtfulness
Peony: Bashfulness, shame
Poppy: Consolation
Red Rose: Love
Yellow Rose: Jealously, infidelity
Snapdragon: Deception, grace
Sunflower: Adoration
Sweet Willian: Gallantry
Red Tulip: Passion
Violet: Watchfulness, modesty
Yarrow: Everlasting love
Zinnia: Absent, affection
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