#Henceforth Solutions
henceforthsolutions · 5 months
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though I also find brainy and computo's relationship a little comedic if you think about Brainy having a 1,000 year-old supercomputer son
This somehow was eaten from my inbox and it just now appeared... But you are so right.
It's even more comical when you think about Computo's beef with Querl being 90% a misunderstanding because he was unable to TALK to Computo after Iron mentioned they were going to dismantle him - there was no room for Querl to find a solution, no one allowed him to.
Talk about the misunderstandings trope.
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There's a really unfortunate cycle characters tend to go through in long-running games that personally makes me quite sad as someone who tends to really like new characters and designs.
A game starts up, gets a surge of interest and players and henceforth a lot of the earlier characters are very popular. Sometimes if a game is lucky, this will go on for quite a while (such as Arknights), and a lot of fanart gets made of a ton of characters for one reason or another. Maybe they're a really good character, maybe they are one person's blorbo, or maybe they're just hot.
Then the game starts to stabilize in terms of interest. Players either remain steady or leave and newer additions are slower. Newer characters don't generate as much interest. People still really like the older characters, and hence the cycle begins.
New characters don't have much fan creations made of them as earlier ones, signaling to other people a general lack of interest, even if new fan creations for older characters are also slowing. This results in older characters getting the majority of the attention, further creating the effect that newer characters simply aren't popular, resulting in less fan creations than before.
Often times the only characters that survive this as characters connected to other, older characters (Degenbrecher, Viviana, Shu) or characters who are different versions of their older counterparts (Wis'adel for instance). But it means a ton of different characters basically stop existing at large. If you like Valarqvin or Coldshot or Santalla, or even some of the newer 6-stars like Ascalon (this one baffles me) or Narantuya or Zuo Le don't get anywhere near as much attention. A lot of the time you are looking for content of these characters in the hands of a few enthusiasts. This might surprise you, but Coldshot is pretty unpopular outside of the handful of really big enthusiasts for her.
This is to say nothing of like, NPCs either. If you're someone who likes NPCs like me you're just guaranteed to be suffering.
I don't know if I posting this out of a desire for a solution or anything, it just makes me kind of sad. It's a product of our human brains working overtime but I really wish sometimes I could find more good content of the characters I enjoy, and not just the same characters from 3-4 years ago.
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maniculum · 11 months
Bestiaryposting Plan
So the poll is still running, but I think I'm safe in saying there's sufficient interest, so I'm going ahead and typing up a "how we're going to do this" thing, which I will schedule to post after the poll ends properly. As of the time I'm writing this, over 500 people have voted for the "yes I want to draw things" option, and I had been expecting to get maybe a dozen, so we definitely have enough participants. Let's get started then:
Our Source
I had originally planned to translate an Old or Middle English bestiary, but haven't been able to find a good one -- the best option I was able to dig up only has thirteen critters, which I feel like isn't enough to really have fun with. I was debating the idea of translating a Latin one -- this would have been far more time-consuming since my Latin is terrible, but also I do need to practice it, so I figured it evens out -- when I found a solution that doesn't involve me spending hours and hours on translating.
It seems that when Aberdeen University created their digitized version of the famous Aberdeen Bestiary, they released it under a Creative Commons license. (Assuming I'm reading their copyright policy correctly; I'm not a lawyer.) It does not seem to specify whether the transcriptions and translations they attach to the scanned images are also covered by Creative Commons, but since all of those are already freely available online through their website, I can't imagine they would have a problem with me posting them here as long as I provide attribution (which I am hereby doing right here on this post) and am not using it for commercial purposes (which I am not).
The Aberdeen Bestiary is missing a few pages, but there exists a very similar manuscript, the Ashmole Bestiary (they're sometimes called "sister" manuscripts), which is not missing those pages. And I happen to have a translation of the Ashmole Bestiary in hardcopy on my bookshelf, so I can just use it to fill in the gaps. Edit: whoops, the one I have is the Bodley Bestiary. They are in the same bestiary "family", though, so it still works well enough. (I think that should qualify as "fair use", since I'm only taking excerpts and not using them commercially.)
The upside of using the Aberdeen Bestiary is that it means when I round up all the art of each critter, I can include their very nice illustrations alongside the reveal of what animal was being described.
The downside of using the Aberdeen Bestiary is that since it already is free online, people might be tempted to "cheat" by looking up the entries and finding out what animal they describe. For that, please see the next section...
Guessing the Animal
Guessing what animal is being described is not the point of the exercise. (Feel free to have theories and whatnot, but please keep them to yourself so as not to influence the artists.) If you see an entry and think, e.g., "oh that's describing a raccoon"*, and then you create a picture of a raccoon... well, you could have done a perfectly good raccoon at any point and didn't need this framework to do it. So just don't worry about what animal is meant, and do your best to draw (or paint or stitch or whatever else) based on the description! You're not getting ranked on accuracy and there are no prizes forthcoming, so... just have fun with it.
*Example chosen as something that will, for obvious reasons, definitely not be in a 13th-century European bestiary.
Edit after starting to type these things up: some of these are going to be super easy to guess, though, to the point where I don't know how possible it'll be to block out prior knowledge. Sorry about that.
General Procedure
I'm going to schedule a post every Monday (I'm thinking of queuing them for 6pm Eastern Time) with a new entry. It will be the translation of an entry from the Aberdeen Bestiary with all references to the animal's name replaced by a randomly-generated nonsense word. (Henceforth to be referred to as "nonsense-names". I'm Googling* each one before using them so I don't accidentally generate one that actually means something.) These posts will all be tagged maniculum bestiaryposting, so you can follow that tag if you want to make sure you see them.'
*Later Note: Did you know that if you search dozens of nonsense words within a short span of time, Google makes you prove you're not a robot? Repeatedly?
Anyone who wants to draw the critter being described should do so. (You are encouraged to describe your thought process re: why you've depicted it the way you have.) You can put it in its own post, or reblog the description with an image, or however you want to do it. Then tag your art with the nonsense-name I've given to the animal.This will let me and others find it. (You should probably employ copy/paste there to make sure the spelling is the same, since nonsense words are hard to spellcheck.)
A week after posting the bestiary entry, I'll go through that tag and round up all of the art contributed. Then I'll put the images in a big post (or series thereof, considering how many people might participate), along with an @ and a link to your original post.
If you want...
to not have your work included in the round-up post
to have only a link to your post included and not an image
to have me include a link to your website / other social media / etsy shop in addition to or instead of your tumblr
to have other information included alongside your work
anything else along those lines
... then just say so in your post and I will follow your instructions to the best of my ability.
I will also include, at the end of the round-up post, an image of the creature as depicted in the Aberdeen Bestiary and what it is actually called.
All posts I make on this will be collected at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting so that people can look at previous ones without scrolling through the tag.
Various Notes
I'm going to trim out any religious digressions in the original entries -- bestiary authors had a habit of adding stuff like "and the raccoon is symbolic of god in such-and-such fashion, which teaches us...", and I just don't think that's relevant here.
The entries will also be presented in a random order. This is because they're sorted into categories in the original text, so if I don't change the order we're going to get stuck with, e.g., a few months of All Birds All The Time.
You should all be aware that the animals described are not guaranteed to be, you know, real. There are several entries describing animals that straight up do not exist -- some of which are mythical creatures familiar to most people, others of which are extremely obscure.
Explanations of the animal's name within the entries will be redacted.
If other animals are mentioned within the entries, they will not get replaced with nonsense-names. Originally, I was going to make the switch globally, so that if, e.g., the entry for "raccoon" read "a raccoon is about the size of a possum", and the random generator had decided that a raccoon was a balzikhear and a possum was a flunggrish, the "raccoon" entry would now read "a balzikhear is about the size of a flunggrish". However, I decided that it will cause more problems than it solves to obscure any comparisons to other animals -- so the name-switch is now localized only to the specific entry. A possum is a flunggrish only in its own entry, and remains a possum everywhere else.
I was originally going to do one post for every single entry, but there are a lot of them and they vary wildly in length & quality. So I've cut it down to exactly 52 posts, meaning that if I queue them up for once a week, this will run for roughly a full year.
Most of that cutting-down mentioned above was done by combining a bunch of the really short entries into categories -- the last half-dozen posts in this series will be group entries. You can choose to make art of any of them that strike your fancy, or do a group portrait, or just ignore them --I dunno, I'm not a cop, do what you want.
I did also directly cut some, mostly domesticated animals because there's a somewhat different approach to them based on author and audience familiarity.
So yeah, that should cover everything.
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byaahrs · 30 days
Locked up with Rafe Cameron
Warning! If you still haven’t watched season 3 of Outer Banks, and you’re planning to soon, I advise you not to read this fanfiction, as it could contain major spoilers of that season.
Word count : ~3000 SFW From Aahrs, Love ! 🌴🌺🌴
Contextualization : Rafe Cameron had been keeping you locked in his house for days. Basically, he was using you — a friend of Sarah’s — to gather valuable information about the Pogues and their upcoming plan. Ever since they had met in South America and discovered El Dorado, Rafe was furious; the only person he ever cared about - and above all, the only one he admired - had just passed away. Indeed, his father, by trying to save his daughter Sarah, died, Rayan’s bullet passing through his heart. And even though he was trying to hide it as best he could, Rafe found himself shaken. Traumatized to say the least. As payback, he had taken you, the first Pogue whom he got his hands on. While waiting for your friends to come and save you from him, you had to obey him. But most importantly, you had to be wise. After all, in the past, Sarah had told you about her brother's wild and cruel nature; Rafe was mentally unstable. One wrong move, and he could easily end your life. If you wanted to live, you had to play it safe. 
Behind your kidnapping, Rafe had one goal in mind : kill each of the Pogues to avenge Ward Cameron and save his honor. At the beginning of your captivity, he did not even want to speak to you. In his eyes, you were literally disgusting. If he dared talk to you, it was only to throw insults and threats, when he had drunk way too much. However, as the days passed, certainly very alone in the world, he became more inclined to conversation. While you thought you could get out of this unfortunate situation by creating a bond - a sincere friendship - with him, one night, you heard him talk to Topper in the living room opposite to your bedroom. In order to hear their words correctly, you put your ear against the wall. And when you finally got to perceive them correctly, you let out a gasp. Rafe had just sworn to kill you if you did not reveal the location of the Pogues quickly.
Although you knew he was insane, you were no less shocked. Just when you thought you and he were beginning to get along, he was betraying you. But it was your fault, and yours only. Why would you believe the guy who abducted you in the first place ? Between you and Rafe, maybe you were the most insane. 
That evening, panicked, you couldn't sleep. You thought about the discussion of Topper and Rafe all night. One single solution presented itself to you; if you cared about your life, you’d have to kill him before he had a chance to come after you.
Locked up
Out of breath, it felt impossible to calm the pulse of your pounding heart. What had you done ? You raised your head slowly, to estimate the situation. You peeked at Rafe, who was already staring at you in a hostile manner. Standing, he was not moving an inch. From afar, he did not even seem to be breathing. He was like a corpse in the middle of the room; pale. Livid.
“Damn”, you muttered quietly to yourself. You knew. You knew you had just signed your death warrant. It was only a matter of seconds before Rafe caught up the distance that separated the two of you, and chocked you with his massive thick hands. At the thought of his grip tightening your neck, you swallowed. Rafe was impulsive. He only reacted out of emotion, even more when he was angry. Yes, it was very likely that he ended up strangling you.
Picturing that was not very clever of you. Even though you were already trying to calm down, this thought doubled your anxiety. Your heart was henceforth beating so hard against your chest that you were physically suffering. At this point, it was so loud you wouldn't even be surprised if Rafe, at the other end of the room, could hear it. It was like dying of fear. You were feeling nauseous. Fortunately, the lack of food in your stomach kept you from vomiting. Indeed, you had nothing to throw up but acid. 
Although the last few seconds had passed like hours, Rafe startled you when, in a sudden and beastly gesture, he hit the vase of flowers to his right. He picked it up, and then crushed it on the floor against the hard and cold tiles. The sound of it breaking was bitter. But compared to the tone of his voice, it was nothing. 
“Is that how you want me to react?” Rafe yelled violently.
His words were vibrant with scorn and anger. You could have heard him from outside. He took a step forward.
“Because that is the impression you’re giving me” he continued.
What were you supposed to say in return ? No, instead, how were you supposed to react to that ? At first, indifference seemed to be the best option. That was until Rafe screamed once again. 
“Don’t you dare stay silent! Answer me!”
The vehemence in his tone forced you to face reality: at this very moment, you were so vulnerable. You were nothing more than a hungry young woman, in a room she didn’t know. In a house she didn’t know. If you tried to escape, Rafe, near the frame, would easily stop you. He would grab your wrist before breaking it in a second. The worst part of it was that he wouldn't feel remorse afterwards. 
If you tried jumping over a window, you would also miserably fail. Despite the fall - if your legs were intact, which already seemed impossible -, you would not know where to go to escape from the neighborhood. How would you find the Pogues without your phone? You didn’t even know the way to John B’s house. Or Kiara’s. Rafe would always be one step ahead of you. Even though his father had passed away, he still had Ward’s last name, he was a Cameron. And with it came the benefits. The contacts. One call would be enough to find you and exterminate you for good. Yes, you had no doubt about it; you were trapped with him for good.
To you, it felt atrocious to admit it, but in any case, you would get killed. Wherever you may go, whatever you decided to do, it was over for you. Especially since you had nothing left to protect yourself. If you’d been a little smarter, you might have survived his fists. But no, you had to break your only useful weapon, which now, had become totally useless. What was a knife without its blade ? A minute ago, when Rafe had entered your room in the middle of the night, you literally panicked. Hearing the door crack, the steps approaching the bed… More and more… It had been awful for you. Since you caught his discussion with Topper, you had been making a knife in your spare time, behind Rafe’s back. It had not been no small task. However, with the help of several elements in the room, you had succeeded.
So when you heard Rafe lean towards you, that night, you turned around to jump on him. Unfortunately, you couldn’t even make a move that he broke your weapon in half. As if he had planned each of your actions.
Seriously though, what was going through your head at that moment ? Did you really think you could have gotten rid of Rafe Cameron, the boy who had chased the Pogues to the other side of the world ? It was stupid. You were so stupid, to go after him. For thinking you actually had a chance to beat him. Anf from now on, you would have to face the consequences. Even after your death, you would regret that night. 
“No.” You wanted your answer to be simple, only because you did not know what to respond. “Because you deserve it.”
Rafe’s eyes slowly widened. In fact, he was as astonished as you were. Where did you get the strength to come up with such a response ? The nerves you had !
The moment you opened your mouth, you regretted it. In one simple step, Rafe swallowed the few inches that separated you from him. Good job ! Thanks to your answer, the little sense of security your had — if any remained at all — just disappeared for good. 
Rafe was making you shiver, and in the wrong meaning of the word. He was unbelievably big… Much taller than you, he made you feel dominated. It was like you were a thing he was toying with, and it scared you to death. Fear had paralyzed you, prevented you from raising your chin again and challenging him. You could not physically face him by looking at him in the eyes.
However, on the contrary, Rafe did not stop devouring you with his eyes. As if he was looking one last time at his prey before eating it, you could feel his gaze burning your skin. His heart throbbed intensely too. The attack you had planned on him must have startled him. Right ? He was sulking; taking in deep breaths, so deep that you could clearly hear them. Was it intentional ?
“You saw what I did to that vase a second ago, right ?” Rafe asked. 
And again, you couldn’t react.
Hoping he could force you to reply, Rafe imprisoned your jaw with his venous hand. If he lifted it a little high, he could have blocked your mouth without any difficulty.
“...I must have heard you wrong. What did you just say?”
“Yes, I have seen what you’ve done, Rafe.” Your voice was getting increasingly weak.
“Well I could do a thousand times worse. To you.”
That was it. It was the end. Rafe was going to tighten his grip until he blew your face out.
You chuckled nervously. “Really?”
Rafe gave a simple laugh. A hearty, loud laugh. A bitter one too. As if you suddenly regained your assurance, you scanned the room from left to right. You were looking for a shelter, an object that would allow you to face Rafe without putting yourself in danger.
Not knowing how, Rafe guessed your intentions the second your gaze left his. Cursing, he grabbed your arm aggressively. It was so painful that a guttural sound escaped your throat.
“Now, tell me where the fucking money is!” Rafe barked, furious. “I’m running out of time. And out of patience.”
Just like a dog, he showed the fangs.
“Let go of me!” you shouted.
If Rafe thought you would help him by betraying the Pogues, he thought wrong. Even if it meant being severely hurt, you would remain faithful to your friends.
“You know you’re risking your life here, don't you? If you don’t want to end up like Peterkin, speak up!”
“I have no idea where they might be now. They haven’t tried contacting me again.”
You were lying and Rafe knew it.
“Bullshit!” he muttered stormily.
He gave you a skeptical look. It was amazing how cold and sharp his blue eyes could be sometimes. You wondered: was there a time when they were nothing but caring? Warm, perhaps? God, what were you thinking! While you fantasized about him, the guy was choking you! Rafe only knew nonchalance and vehemence. Comparing him to a nice guy was like comparing a cat to a dragon.
Rafe then knelt to the ground and picked up the small blade. As he was scrutinizing it, he laughed. “Is that what you tried to fuck me up with?”
You let your gaze fall on him. You were too embarrassed to respond.
“Impossible,” Rafe whispered, truly taken aback. “Don’t you see there’s a high difference in size and power between the two of us? Even if I hadn’t countered your attack, I wouldn’t have been badly hurt. What were you expecting, seriously?”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you. I just wanted to hurt you enough for me to get away.”
Skeptical, Rafe frowned. 
“Are you hysterical?”
“See that blood stain on your cheek? The only one hysterical here is you.”
Teeth clenched, Rafe gawked at you, which sent shivers down your spine.
“If you want to shoot me, go ahead," you shouted. "Do it, Rafe! Quickly! I don’t understand why you want to steal this money so much, since you are rich, but whatever! Why is it so interesting, in your view? For little money, you’ve gone this far. Killing people, causing disasters… You even destroyed a historical gem, the Cross of Santo Domingo! And now, you’re going to finish off the girl you took captive. Great. What an achiever.”
“Even if you tried, you would never understand.” Rafe grunted in reply. “Don’t speak to me that way. The Pogues killed my father. The real monsters, here, are by your side. Not mine.”
After he reluctantly mentioned the death of Ward, which was his trauma, Rafe’s forehand began to drip with sweat. “I had to prove to him that I was a son he could be proud of.” he explained, more sincere than ever. “All I did was in order to please him. Satisfy him. I had to become an improved version of him. But all he ever saw was Sarah. All he ever found himself concerned about was Sarah’s fate, not mine! Still, I tried. And these Pogues… they… they killed him. Sarah, his beloved daughter, had its part in the crime. She betrayed me. She betrayed my father, and for that I will not forgive her!”
The grip of his hand around your arm became firmer. At this point, his nails were so deep in they were scratching your skin. Rafe seemed more tense than annoyed. When he spoke again, his voice sounded so weak, so fragile, that you had to focus on it to hear it.
“That's why… you have to tell me where the Pogues are. For me, for my father.”
Despite the emotion of the moment, you stayed lucid. Not wasting time before Rafe snapped, in a sudden gesture, you managed to push him back. He stumbled and fell to the ground. You tried to run in the corridor, but because of Rafe’s hand finding your tibia, you were forced to stop.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he roared. “Stop!”
When he said that last word, you picked up the blade. Yes, the one you found useless a minute ago. Yet, it was your only weapon, a way for you to defend yourself against the psychopath who had been wanting to kill you for days.
“What is it like to be in the position of victim?” you asked while you toyed with it.
Riled up, Rafe struck the air with his fist. A blow hit you, you endured it. The adrenaline that flowed in your veins helped you greatly. As you knelt and were about to stab Rafe in the trachea, you interrupted. 
What the hell were you doing?
As if you had been burned, you broke free of Rafe’s grip. You could have killed him. One second too late, and you would have cut short the life of another human being. No matter how rotten he was, Rafe did not deserve that. You could have become a monster, and that thought terrified you.
A feverish voice had come to you. You turned back. Unlike before, Rafe was not looking at you proudly, but wept. 
“Why did you try to attack me?”
Your eyes widened in shock. The pinch you felt in your heart was scarier than everything you experienced until then. 
“Don’t play dumb,” you said. “I knew about your plan. I caught you talking with Topper.”
“So you heard nothing! He persuaded me not to kill you. Clearly, I shouldn’t have listened to that asshole. Anyway, he never gave good advice.”
“So it took a friend's words for you not to kill an innocent woman? You pretended to get close to me and stab me in the back. That’s supposed to be the victim’s technique. Didn't know you were such a coward."
You wanted to be sure of yourself. Unfortunately, the trembling voice that came out of your mouth proved otherwise.
“No!” he defended himself. “I was saying something offhand. I wasn’t seriously going to kill you. Are you stupid? In order to reach out to the Pogues, I have to keep you alive and well.”
Then Rafe looked at you.
“When I came into this room, I just wanted to tell you…”
“What is it ?”
“I want you to stay. There, with me.”
“I beg your pardon?”
As you waited for him to carry on, time stood still.
“We’re having a good time together, aren’t we?” he asked.
Without being able to talk, the words were cluttering in your mouth. Rafe was a professional at leaving you stunned. What was he on about ? Complicity ? You just thought he was going to kill you!
To fill the heavy blank, Rafe continued. “I… I’m lost. I don’t know where Rose went. After she stole all the money, she flew off to some fucking country, and she didn’t even try to contact me. As if I wasn’t worth her time... And as for Topper, he’s not a real friend whom I can count on. He would rather save Sarah than me. I have no one, and I feel so alone... At least, even if you are a Pogue, having you here is my only company. It gives me someone to talk to, someone to take care of, and I want that to stay that way. With you by my side, I feel useful.”
“We could have been friends,” you replied. “Whether you kept me away from my friends or not. You didn’t need to go to such an extent! Who would want to befriend you after this?”
“I don't like Pogues. Even if you consider yourself one, you’re more like me, a Kook, because of your rich parents. You have to admit it… You just can’t leave.”
“That is not how you maintain a healthy and stable friendship, you know ? Also, you are aware that I am friends with Sarah. You’re criticizing Topper, but in a certain way, I’m the same as him.”
“Sure. But you weren’t there when they killed Ward. You joined later. Besides, until then, you were the nicest to me.”
Again, you were lost at sea. How could Rafe go from one emotion to another so rapidly ? Before you could escape the house, he pulled you to him and you fell on his lap. His eyes, hungry, went from your eyes to your mouth. You knew what he was going after. You could have pulled away, but no. Instead, you stayed there.
Rafe leant towards you, sealing his lips to yours. Just like him, it had a bitter taste. It was like kissing grapefruit, wet and sour. As the sound of guilt came ringing to your ears, you became more stiff.
Before he locked you up, how many times did you fantasize about Sarah’s brother? More than once, that was for sure. And for that reason only, you gave in.
Damn, he was such a hottie.
You can find me on : Instagram : byaahrs Wattpad : ByAahrs
Thank you for reading <3!
From Aahrs, Love ! 🌴🌺🌴
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satharionsunday · 1 month
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Welcome to Satharion Sunday! 🧜‍♂️🌸
What is it?
The second Sunday of every month is henceforth dedicated to celebrating Satharion!
What to expect:
3 weeks prior to a Satharion Sunday a prompt will be announced. This is meant to inspire content but content not following the prompt will be accepted as well!
How to participate:
Follow satharionsunday for updates, to participate in voting on prompts, and more!
Post content (art, fics of any length, edits, anything really) and tag satharionsunday directly, or include the tag “#satharion sunday” in your post.
Support the event by reblogging, commenting, or otherwise engaging with the submitted content!
Please, no AI Generated content. If you want to participate but aren’t sure how to participate without AI, please reach out to us at satharionsunday directly to discuss a solution.
Be respectful and be kind! The golden rule is still golden, even behind computer screens.
Mark your calendars, the first official Satharion Sunday will be September 8th!
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Drunken Shenanigans
May 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - this is Thai BL living its best life. Wait, who is Kong? Another ex? Ah just a Boy from the Past. (HI BIG, I love you, when you gunna lead a BL?) Chot & Pat’s friendship is giving me LIFE! It is the best thing in BL right now. Also this show is defining slow burn. Jeng & Pat both primping for their date? Come on! I am so glad I get to start my week with these boys. Also I would like to see the BL (within this BL) staring Up & Rice. They are VERY pretty together.
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I end my week with this one and it’s almost as good as starting with Step. The brothers relationship is pitch perfect younger to middle. P’Pat is serving up yacht rock visuals. (I’m not mad about it. Reminds me of Tay in DBK.) I do like them as a couple I just mistrust Pat’s constancy and motives. Although I am beginning to wonder if his motivation might feel suss because it’s pure lust (and we see that so rarely in a BL we innately mistrust it). Meanwhile, I like that Tai has a younger guy interested in him and with whom he has chemistry too. And it’s the one his brother likes. This is messy gay in a good way. 
Our Skyy 2 (Boss & Babe) eps 11-12 - I was drunk for this one, so I thought it was mostly just foolish. While Book seemed to be having a bumper of a time with his role as Lord of Misrule I fast forwarded through a lot of it. It did make me laugh with some of the wordplay, but the fact that they involved an entire office (non-consenting) in their kink rollplay was a bit weird for me. 6/10 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - The subs are truly bonkers (including a few captions that seem the be the subbers notes to themselves). There are 2 lead couples: 1 is an LTR with an overworked doctor & his recently fired husband and the other is an E2L jock+nerd with high school students (way more my thing). It’s actually pretty good for a pulp, the acting is decent and the pacing on point. I’m not mad at it especially now Dome has shown up. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10? - I’m doing a trash watch! I was drunk, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, but the first 1/4 of a JittiRain BL never is. 
Past-senger (Weds Gaga) ep 12fin - thank fuck that ended but also: WTF is with that ending? Guess that’s a massive prospective age gap relationship. I’m… unsettled. (And age gap doesn’t bother me.) Anygay, anydaddy that’s the lingering flavor from this BL: unsettling. You know I tend to judge on endings... full review below. 
The Promise (Weds YT & WeTV) ep 10fin - did’t air to YT this week
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - I love this show. I know everything that’s gonna happen and I’m still riveted. Sweetly awkward confession. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 3-4 of 8 - I’m enjoying the complexity of this one. It’s like a combo of Shoulder and 8th but somehow easier-going than either. Not totally my cup of tea, in a way because of that complexity, but also I faintly mistrust its BL-ness. Also: That was one of the most painful confession scenes ever. Ouch. (Meanwhile, have I mentioned recently I hate icky’s interface? Well I do. Also iQIYI is now officially icky henceforth!)  
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 7-8fin - The asshole ex was perfectly cast but I felt a touch let down by this ending - it didn’t have the strength of its convictions. Full review below. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - I like the Taiwanese boss, he knows what’s up. Cool dude. Arranged a sleepover and everything. Also... we win when there is experimental kissing but odds are Japan is faking us out. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - is it me or did this not drop? If it did I missed it. 
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It’s Airing But ...
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) 10 eps - I bounced at ep 4. Someone will tell me if I should bother with the rest after it ends.
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 6-7 of 10 - Terminal illness for the sunshine. I bounced at ep 6. DNF. Ends next week, someone tell me if it’s as bad as I thought it was gonna be. 
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) ep 1 of ? - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*) also I’m really not inclined to hunt. 
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Ended this week
Past-senger - Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) & Copper (My Engineer) star in a time slip story of a 90s kid who travels to 2022. The central premise was solid and the actors gave it their best but the show was bloated with unnecessary awkward side couples and the ending went from confusing to unsettling to plain old (and I do mean OLD) not good. 4/10 NOT RECOMMENDED, FATALLY FLAWED
Love Mate - Launched very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic if arrogant younger seme with no respect for boundaries. Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable since fear of love makes it about the couple rather than one person’s self-acceptance journey. However, because the denouement in Love Mate was driven by a late in the run faen fatal and not the central relationship, the conclusion felt forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so if falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL AKA solid high standard and eminently watchable. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
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In Case You Missed It
Both the Egoist (Japanese movie) and Tie The Knot (Pinoy series) got picked up for international release. Tie is coming to Prime. Not yet sure who bagged Egoist but at least it has distribution. These both seem more “messy arse gay” than BL but I have been waiting for them. About Us but Not About Us (2022 Pinoy movie) is also coming to Prime. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
6/2 Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - Andre, a film maker from the Philippines, works in LA. He finds a Korean-American roommate, Joshua,  who helps him navigate the challenges and uncertainties of living in America. The two develop a bond, but then it’s time for Andre to go home. It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I won’t watch this. 
6/3 Let’s Eat Together AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai (Japan movie) - Japanese cinema release means no inter distribution. Looks cozy: daily lives of college students and roommates who enjoy meals together, and a v codependent, adaptation of yaoi Let’s Eat Together Aki and Haru. I’ll keep an eye open for it but assume we can’t get it for now. 
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June 2023 Line Up
6/7 Love Tractor (Korea iQIYI) 8 eps - announced in 2022 from WATCHA (Semantic Error) I've been WAITING for this one. About a stressed-out law student who family obligations force into the countryside where a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his hunky young farmer neighbour. Will this be an extended version of Strongberry’s Some More? Or Korea’s take on Restart After Come Back Home? I'm chuffed. Country boy meets city boy is a very underused romance trope in BL.
6/9 Boys Love Omegaverse AKA The Boys Love sequel no one asked for (Japan movie) - everyone jockeyed to release the first ABO but it looks like Japan will take it. They do like to do all things BL FIRST. This seems to just be borrowing the branding of Boys Love, showing little resemblance to either original, since it's about 4 men in an idol group. (But could go very dark with that title. Boys Love is technically the first and one of the darkest BLs ever made.) Movie+Japan = no inter distribution. 
6/15 Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan ????) 8 eps - Based on a yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Japan does Our Dating Sim? Cool. Of course no idea where to watch it. Oh Japan, must you? 
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it will air... nothing except that it exists.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai ????) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a cute uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rk's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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This bit made me bark laugh. The more Thai BL I watch the more I get the word play jokes the funnier they are. Language is so cool. 
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Dear Boss & Babe your ForceBook is showing. 
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Yes! One of my favorite dishes too! Nam Khao! Try it some time, you will not regret it. (Step by Step) 
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These too are gonna break us. (Star Struck) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? P1Harmoney’s Peacemaker  
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JLPT Journal 29/06 (Countdown: 155 days)
Today I:
Wrote some sample sentences for recently-studied grammar points
Watched a grammar video about てからでないと/てからでなければ and made shadowing audio
Watched a grammar video about ように/ために and made shadowing audio
Did ~45 minutes audio shadowing
Read 27 pages of Wind Breaker
Reviewed 22 kanji
Did a Renshuu vocab quiz
Listened to the radio
N3/N4 Vocab from today:
修理(しゅうり)repair, mending, fixing, servicing
否定(ひてい)denial, negation
整理(せいり)sorting, arrangement, putting in order
実際(じっさい)reality, actuality, truth, fact; practice (as opposed to theory)
毒(どく)poison (from 食中毒 = food poisoning)
実験(じっけん)experiment, experimentation
他人(たにん)another person, other people; unrelated person
正確(せいかく)correct answer, right solution, right decision, right choice
芝居(しばい)play, drama
まるで quite, entirely, completely, at all; as if, as though, just like
認める(みとめる)to recognise, to observe; to deem, to judge
向かう(むかう)to face; to go towards, to head towards
望む(のぞむ)to desire, to want, to wish for, to hope for; to expect (of someone)
収穫(しゅうかく)harvest, crop, gather; fruits of one's labour
居間(いま)living room (Western style), sitting room
苦しむ(くるしむ)to suffer, to groan, to be worried
今に(いまに)before long, even now
今にも(いまにも)any moment now, at any moment, on the verge of (doing), just about to
以来(いらい)since, henceforth
違反(いはん)violation, offence
痛み(いたみ)pain, soreness, ache, grief, distress
至る(いたる)to arrive at, to reach (a decision)
Higher level/non-JLPT words
殺菌(さっきん)sterilisation, disinfection
消毒(しょうどく)disinfection, sterilisation
全身(ぜんしん)full body, whole body
親指(おやゆび)thumb, big toe (omg this means "parent finger"??? That's so fucking cute wtekfahdwks Japanese ily)
庇う(かばう)to protect (someone), to look after (eg an injury), to defend, to cover for, to stand up for
振り回す(ふりまわす)to wield, to brandish, to wave (about) eg a weapon
ぶっ飛ばす(ぶっとばす)to knock (someone) off (their) feet, to send flying, to drive away (one's sorrows, worries etc)
ヨロヨロ tottering, staggering, faltering, reeling
抗争(こうそう)rivalry, feud, conflict, dispute
傷つける(きずつける)to wound, to injure
怖がる(こわがる)to be afraid (of), to fear
勝手(かって)one's own convenience, selfishness, one's way
英雄(えいゆう)hero, heroine, great person
モテる to be popular (esp with the opposite sex)
Things to review
Tomorrow I won't be doing any reviewing or studying at all (asides from maybe reviewing difficult kanji). I'm planning to catch up on some anime and maybe play some Pokemon. I may note down some words/phrases, but my goal is to enjoy interacting with Japanese rather than learning anything new.
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kottkrig · 9 months
To Embrace The Shadow: Faith
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In Mother Lucretia's absence, her oldest disciple dons the mantle of leadership, but he can only see so far ahead of him when he is thrown into the Shadow alone. He isn't ready, and everybody knows it.
World of Warcraft | Original Characters
Light Angst | Found Family
With the chief position unexpectedly made empty, Brother Cletus was the default substitute to represent his sector. Their teacher’s responsibilities were significant, and while he wasn’t yet level with her prestige, Cletus prided himself on being Mother Lucretia’s most promising disciple. He knew that she expected to see him stepping forward first when she proposed anything, and he triumphantly followed her word. Cletus was her star student, her prodigy and pride, the most dashing and charismatic man in Deathknell–... no, in all of Lordaeron! Oh, how he loved to impress everyone with his silky voice. When he sang, it was for the glory of the Shadow! This time was different. He felt no desire to gloat in his position. It wasn’t something he had earned, and there was no ceremony to celebrate him. He was a temporary solution, her fervent sycophant who had stood behind her for years, from where he couldn't see the full extent of her plans. He just followed, and longed for the day when he would complete his training, but she never deemed him ready to walk in the Shadow alone. It had him determined to follow her masterful wisdom as closely as he could, knowing how dangerous their practice was, but he couldn't deny that it made him more uptight. Was he anywhere near as competent as he had believed?
The Dark Clerics reminded him of his place, and this was just until the trio would be ready to accept a new mentor.
Managing her leftovers, his own responsibilities, and assisting with Lafayette's new disability, Cletus was forced to pause his own practice and instead work overtime. He sorted and stashed away the piles of unopened letters addressed to her, leaving their senders waiting in limbo. He canceled most classes, sermons or events that she was booked for, as he struggled to find someone else to fill in. Sometimes, he had to go himself, and he could sense people's disappointment in seeing him instead of the Shadow Mother. Cletus had followed her for over a decade. She knew every strength and weakness of his, and she had saved him from ruin many times. But despite her power, she was not invulnerable. This wasn’t the first time she saw defeat, and when she stayed in the Void to heal, it wouldn’t take much longer than a week for him to sense her aura again. Never this long. Never over a month of nothing. But there was little time to grieve, for he was simply too busy for his emotions to catch up with him. That is, until he was in his office, and all of his stress poured out in solitary tears. Lafayette and Zala refused to submit to an unfamiliar mentor so soon, and although he struggled to juggle everything, Cletus couldn’t let them down. They were taking things the hardest, and it crushed him to see them so hurt. All of his prayers were for them.
One day, Zala burst into the room with her mouth full of words, while he was in the middle of imperative business; new year’s preparations. But he set it all aside, and made time for her. If he was going to speak for them henceforth, he wanted to honor the trust of his Sister and Brother. She had been distressed ever since the lake incident, lacking focus and lashing out often, and now she was yanking his sleeve in her excitement to show him something. He complained about her stretching his uniform, until he was put alone with her, Lafayette, and that elusive raven. The explanation they gave him could reignite what he had believed before they abandoned the Whispering Forest. For this, he was hoping to be wrong for losing faith. “You have to touch her!” Zala was bouncing on the balls of her feet for him to interact with the creature. He hesitated, even though he didn’t believe that she would lie about something like this. “Having to hide for this meeting doesn’t put me at ease,” Cletus replied as he felt the bird's beady stare on him, “I’m not as good with animals as you are.” “It’s not an animal, you moron. Stop fussing and let her connect with you.” He was as persnickety as ever, but complied with her wishes, and when his brow was graced with black plumage, all three of them had Mother Lucretia’s voice connecting them once more.
They had a hundred questions for their curiously avian mentor, but her words were faint and fading in and out of their minds, so they risked drowning her out with their collective enthusiasm. They could make out that she was weak from leaving the Void prematurely, and she couldn’t consume much energy to communicate. She needed time to reform, and asked them not to expose her until then. Cletus knew why she had to lay low, knowing her intense reputation and many critics, but he chose not to question it. He just needed her to fill the void she left behind. When he proposed funneling their powers into her, Mother Lucretia objected to the risks of them draining themselves, but nothing in their pledge said that they had to follow a bird’s orders. Those who had tried to destroy them were neutralized, but she hadn’t made her return to the cult official, so Cletus was the man in charge until further notice. She was going to recover and return to her duties as soon as possible.
Whatever disapprovals he could make out eventually gave way, and he was pleased to receive her acceptance. It would be a trickier affair than he expected. They had endured so much tension, and they could carry out the coming days with less fear of her intimate role in their lives being replaced. But Cletus had eyes on him often and had to keep up appearances. He depended on Lafayette and Zala making time to channel their magic into her, until he could join them in their small room with limited resources. He brought in a basin with water that could be charged with Shadow, which saved time spent exhausting and recovering everyone's mana pool.
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“I haven’t had the need for a bath in years.” Mother Lucretia shook her feathers as she sat in the basin, splashing enchanted water over herself.
“But it feels nice, doesn’t it?” Cletus used his physical voice to respond to her thoughts. “Yes. It’s one of the few things that I missed about having a mortal form.” As time passed, she was able to project longer thoughts between them. She told them that she was sorry, and promised to explain things when she could spare the strength. 
Theoretically, she could have floated back into the Void and meditated until recovered, but it could take her weeks. That was too long and vague for her worried students. They had a faster way, and it might securely anchor her to the mortal plane, so she could relieve some of her focus and rest. Cletus made sure that their room stayed booked and their privacy was respected. Every time he left, he reminded himself to trust Lafayette and Zala with safekeeping their patient. Lafayette used the opportunity to work on his vision while close to his teacher and the magic they studied. He insisted that she let him practice the spell himself, and she would only guide him on the way. Sparing Cletus the task, the two of them worked together to research and keep records of every reagent they collected. Half of them were fetched from faraway places that only Zala could reach, stretching beyond her strict borders. Mother had no choice but to let her try, but the increased responsibility seemed to make Zala more mindful. Whatever paperwork was needed for her hauls to pass, Cletus covered for her. Every time he returned, he swelled with pride for his siblings of the Shadow. He gladly filled in when he could, so that they may rest with the knowledge that he had their backs.
“It will not be long,” Mother told them one day, “soon, I may fully reform and return to the clergy.”
The trio stood in front of her and watched her radiate with the confidence that she was known for. Her health was reinvigorating faster during the winter nights, when there was more darkness to tap into. She would be back as their teacher soon, and Cletus might finally find the time to breathe. But… would things just return to what they were? Would Lafayette and Zala go back to being swaddled in her shadow? Would Cletus be able to handle more years of being her best, but never enough? He didn’t feel as much relief as he thought he would, and he believed that she caught it when their eyes met. He had to speak up, for all of them.
“... and then, what?”
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loveletterworm · 2 years
“Solving” the “Mystery” of “Chair”
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This chair from the sweepstakes website (henceforth referred to as "Chair") has been subject to a decent amount of confusion and fairly mild amount of discussion since its introduction. Its heavily Gaster-adjacent page titles, shadow-y blob form, and random Spamton jumpscare have remained largely unexplainable considering it's only been about a week or so since this page showed up and any part of the game "Chair" appears in has not released yet and will not for at least several months.
Or has it?
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Noted scholar "poop mcfarten", among a few other persons, has claimed this chair is the same one that is located in Rudy's hospital room throughout Chapters 1 and 2. This revelation would close the book on "Chair", as the most obvious solution is that this is the chair from Rudy's hospital room and he's going to die because the chair turned into Shadow Forme and attacked him at his most vulnerable moment (while he was already dying for non-chair-related reasons)
However, things are not so simple in the world of "Chair".
By using inspect element to get at its image file without accidentally saving "eyes.png" again, we can see "Chair" without its black background and at its original scale (as it is displayed larger on the website) Now it is possible to compare it directly to a rip of the chair sprite in Rudy's hospital room. (Note that the chair in Rudy's room is actually part of the same sprite as the rest of the tiles in that room and has been edited out of its surroundings here for clarity, however rest assured I am confident that I was able to tell a chair apart from the floor it was on)
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Looking at these chairs side by side, a host of discrepancies arise. "Chair" is slightly larger, at a different angle, its seat is thicker suggesting possible upholstery, its legs are much darker in color in a way different lighting is unlikely to accomplish, and the most damning evidence against it being the same chair: It has those little things sticking out of the top of the back, previously largely obscured by the dark background. (I don't know what the things are actually called.) This is clearly a different chair.
It also cannot be the chair from town hall, though town hall chair makes a slightly stronger argument with its similarly thick upholstery and darker legs. It’s still missing the things on the back and is actually evidently too big to be “Chair”, the opposite of one of hospital chair’s issues, so despite its best efforts it’s out of the running.
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But is “Chair”, as others have suggested, secretly notable other blue chair from a Toby Fox game Chairiel?
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The answer is: Still no! There have been two Chairiels throughout history. The one in Undertale is a blue chair, however it looks even more different from “Chair” than the hospital chair does. And the chair that the Chairiel torch would be passed to in Deltarune obviously looks the least like “Chair” out of any options, not even fulfilling the basic requirements of being blue and having visible legs.
And so, as this obnoxiously long post about chairs reaches critical mass, I must conclude that “Chair” is an entirely new, unique chair that we have not been introduced to yet.
Which probably does not actually matter at all.
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henceforthsolutions · 8 months
On-Demand Revolution: Exploring the Pinnacle of Pickup & Delivery App Trends
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Exploring the On-Demand Revolution: Unveiling Pickup & Delivery App Trends
With the arrival of on-demand technologies, pickup and delivery services have undergone a profound transformation. Led by pickup and delivery apps, this revolution has revolutionized how businesses and consumers approach logistics - ushering in an age of unprecedented convenience and efficiency. This article delves into key trends within these apps to demonstrate how on-demand technology is altering last-mile logistics in America.
1. The Origins of On-Demand Services: Shifting Consumer Expectations
On-demand services were developed as a response to consumer expectations in an age characterized by digital connectivity and instant gratification. Smartphones and high-speed internet paved the way for on-demand services, changing how individuals access goods and services. Pickup/delivery apps emerged as drivers behind this revolution by connecting directly with consumers while streamlining delivery processes.
1. The Growth of Instant Gratification
On-demand services thrive off consumers' desire for instant gratification. Consumers accustomed to digital experiences sought the same level of convenience in offline interactions; pick-and-delivery apps became the catalyst to fulfill this demand by offering an effortless means for individuals to access goods and services quickly via smartphones.
2. Shifting Consumer Behavior
The on-demand revolution saw a dramatic transformation in consumer behavior. Traditional models of purchasing and waiting for deliveries gave way to an expectation of instantaneous goods delivery; consumers no longer accepted long delivery windows or complex ordering processes as normal; pick-and-delivery apps addressed these expectations directly, giving access to various services instantly at consumers' fingertips.
II. Key Phrases Denoting On-Demand Excellence
Understanding the key phrases defining the on-demand revolution is paramount to understanding its effect. These terms capture the essence of on-demand services while reflecting their interaction between businesses and consumers seamlessly.
1. Pickup Delivery: Instantaneous Fulfillment
"Pick up delivery" captures the spirit of on-demand services: instantaneous fulfillment. It signifies the swift transport of goods between locations to meet consumers' expectations for on-demand fulfillment services. In an on-demand paradigm, "pick up delivery" is not just a service; it represents our dedication to providing immediate solutions for consumer needs.
2. Pickup App: An Essential Tool for Convenient On-Demand Ordering
Pickup apps provide consumers with access to on-demand convenience. Individuals use them to connect with businesses, place orders, and receive deliveries quickly. Their user-friendly interfaces further contribute to an easy on-demand experience - making pickup apps indispensable tools in modern consumers' arsenals.
3. On-Demand Delivery Service: Meeting Immediate Needs
"On-demand delivery service" captures the core concept of satisfying immediate consumer needs. Businesses leveraging on-demand delivery services transcend traditional models by meeting instantaneous consumer expectations for food delivery or other essential items. Thanks to on-demand innovation, business capabilities have expanded considerably in terms of meeting instant needs.
Technology Powering On-Demand Excellence
At the core of the on-demand revolution is technology powering pickup and delivery apps. Not only has it made on-demand services possible, but its advancement has enhanced user experiences to unprecedented heights.
1. Real-Time Tracking: Giving Customers Visibility
Real-time tracking features built into pickup and delivery apps offer consumers unprecedented transparency into the status of their deliveries, offering peace of mind in terms of control and assurance during their on-demand experiences. Businesses offering this level of transparency gain consumer trust while improving overall service quality.
2. Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics
Artificial Intelligence plays an integral part in on-demand services through predictive analytics. AI algorithms utilize massive datasets such as past delivery patterns, traffic conditions, and user preferences to accurately forecast demand fluctuations, allowing businesses to allocate resources efficiently while meeting peak hours or special occasions demand spikes efficiently.
3. Seamless User Interfaces: Mastering Simplicity
The success of on-demand services depends heavily on their user interfaces of pickup and delivery apps, which prioritize simplicity to make placing orders, tracking deliveries, providing feedback, and providing information more seamless for users. An intuitive user experience plays an essential part in spreading the adoption of on-demand services; consumers tend to favor platforms that are user-friendly more readily.
IV. On-Demand Delivery within a Business Landscape
The on-demand revolution has far-reaching ramifications for businesses, going well beyond traditional last-mile logistics. Not only is on-demand delivery used to meet immediate consumer needs, but it can also serve as an invaluable strategic asset in today's fast-paced markets.
1. Enhancing Customer Retention and Loyalty
On-demand services provide customers with immediate, convenient services that help build customer retention and loyalty. Businesses that prioritize on-demand delivery build strong relationships with their customers by meeting their expectations for speed and efficiency - an invaluable asset in an increasingly competitive market.
2. Differentiation Strategies in an Overcrowded Market
Industries with numerous players often rely on on-demand services as a major differentiator between themselves and competitors. Businesses that embrace this revolutionary concept stand out by providing unique value propositions - whether that's food delivery via an on-demand restaurant, product deliveries through retail store delivery services, or adopting them to differentiate their business from their competition.
3. Adjust to Shifting Consumer Preferences
Consumer preferences are constantly shifting, and businesses must adapt accordingly in order to stay relevant. The on-demand revolution represents this evolution by increasing expectations towards immediacy and accessibility; businesses that strategically incorporate on-demand delivery into their operations demonstrate their dedication to understanding and meeting shifting consumer preferences.
V. Delivering On Demand Beyond Logistics
The on-demand revolution extends far beyond logistics to encompass every element of delivery services; from customized services to instant communication, businesses using on-demand delivery apps are forging ahead to create an era of customer-centric excellence.
1. Customization: Tailoring Services to Individual Needs
On-demand delivery services excel in personalization. Pickup and delivery apps use data analytics to understand individual preferences and tailor recommendations accordingly, whether that means suggesting menu items from favorite restaurants or offering tailored promotions - businesses can create an unforgettable customer experience for every single one of their customers.
2. Instant Communication: Fostering Transparency
Communication is at the heart of an on-demand experience. Pick-and-delivery apps facilitate instantaneous dialogue between businesses and customers, providing updates on order statuses, estimated delivery times, and any unforeseen delays - building trust and improving overall customer experiences.
3. Contactless Delivery: A Safe and Convenient Approach
Integrating contactless delivery options has become a staple of on-demand services. Businesses offer contactless delivery in response to safety concerns so consumers can receive their orders without direct physical contact from delivery drivers. Not only does this feature match current safety expectations, but it also enhances consumer convenience for on-demand delivery services.
VI. Challenges and Opportunities in the On-Demand Landscape
Although the on-demand revolution offers many opportunities, it also presents its own set of obstacles. Navigating these difficulties successfully requires taking an aggressive and calculated approach while staying abreast of current developments within this fast-evolving field of on-demand services.
1. Balancing Speed and Accuracy
Businesses delivering on-demand services must strike a delicate balance between speed and accuracy when providing orders promptly without compromising service quality and accuracy. Finding this balance will be key to maintaining customer loyalty and satisfaction.
2. Infrastructure and Scalability Adaption
On-demand services frequently experience spikes in demand during peak hours or special events, posing a formidable scalability challenge to businesses. Scalability requires optimizing logistics, increasing delivery fleet capacity, and using technology effectively in order to handle fluctuations in demand effectively.
3. Concerns Related to Data Security and Privacy
Data analytics in on-demand services creates concerns over data security and privacy, prompting businesses to prioritize effective cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive customer data. Addressing these concerns is necessary for regulatory compliance and building consumer trust.
VII. Future Horizons in On-Demand Delivery Services
The on-demand revolution is ever-evolving, with new trends shaping the future of delivery services. From virtual reality applications to eco-friendly practices, these trends offer insight into what lies ahead of on-demand excellence.
Augmented Reality (AR) for Increased User Interaction
Augmented reality (AR) technology promises to revolutionize user interaction. AR features can offer real-time visualizations of consumer orders, interactive elements, and enhanced product information - creating a more immersive and enjoyable user journey than ever before.
2. Sustainable Practices: Eco-Friendly On-Demand Services
With environmental sustainability gaining prominence, on-demand services are exploring eco-friendly practices. These include adopting electric or hybrid delivery vehicles, using eco-friendly packaging materials, and optimizing routes to minimize carbon emissions. Businesses that embrace eco-friendly practices not only contribute to environmental conservation but also attract an increasingly environmentally aware clientele.
3. Integration of 5G Technology for Transformative Connectivity
Integration of 5G technology will radically change the on-demand landscape by providing rapid and dependable connections. Through 5G's faster connections, real-time data transmission, enhanced tracking capabilities, and better communication between businesses, delivery services and consumers will become even faster and more responsive than before - thus elevating overall on-demand service quality and speed.
8. Conclusions: Navigating the Peak of Demand Excellence
The on-demand revolution, powered by pickup and delivery apps, has reached its zenith, completely revolutionizing last-mile logistics and consumer expectations. From instant gratification to cutting-edge technologies, businesses that embrace on-demand services remain at the forefront of an evolving market.
American consumer culture values convenience and efficiency, making the on-demand revolution not just a trend but a major paradigm shift. Businesses integrating on-demand delivery services not only meet immediate consumer needs but also differentiate themselves in an otherwise competitive market by providing personalized services with open communication; on-demand experiences transcend logistics; they represent personalized service commitments as well as a seamless fusion of technology with consumer expectations.
As businesses navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the on-demand landscape, strategic adoption of emerging trends will be integral in maintaining success. Augmented reality, sustainable practices, and 5G connectivity represent emerging frontiers of excellence within this space, offering businesses an opportunity to elevate their services while staying ahead in an on-demand market that redefines convenience and immediacy with each delivery experience. The on-demand revolution isn't simply a moment; rather, it propels businesses towards an era where excellence will be measured by speed, convenience, and personalized touches of delivery experiences.
0 notes
xalygatorx · 9 months
Unbound | Chapter 6, "Dexterity Check"
Áine Ts'sambra—a wayward half-drow bard with a painful past—has her world upended when she's snatched up by a Nautiloid ship and furnished with a tadpole to the brain. In her journey to remove the infestation before it can turn her and her newfound companions illithid, she not only finds that their solution has more layers to parse through than she can count, but that a particular vampire in her party does as well.
Unbound is an ongoing generally SFW medium-burn romance based in the world of Baldur's Gate 3 between Astarion and a female OC. Any NSFW content will be marked in the Warnings section. Contains angst, fluff, explorations of trauma, spice, graphic fantasy violence, and a guaranteed happy ending.
For anything additional on what to expect (and not expect), check the preface post.
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Summary: Astarion faces the party with the revelation that he’s a vampire. Áine comes to his aid. Astarion gives Áine a lesson in lockpicking. Áine’s past skill set comes to light while helping to save the group from some gnolls and Wyll confronts her about her claimed occupation. Astarion realizes with this new side of Áine coming to the forefront, he has some competition brewing among their companions.
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!OC
Warnings: Graphic fantasy violence and gore; blood; angst; suggestive descriptions and dialogue; Astarion being a cheeky shit; big sexual tension; potentially piss-poor description of picking a lock (fun fact, I know how to lockpick in practice, but I’ve never had to describe it); moments of mild fluff; lightly proofread
Word Count: 5.5k
Listening to: River - Bishop Briggs
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Áine stirred the next morning with a bit of brain fog and a throbbing in her neck. She groaned and curled deeper into the pillows she’d padded her bedroll with. Even through slitted eyes, she could see the light infiltrating her tent through its sweeping mauve canvas walls and more directly through a sliver between the tent flaps. 
She sighed and accepted that she needed to get up so they could keep moving, especially if they were going to make it through the gnoll-torn territory they’d been able to see across the way and also find somewhere safe to camp by nightfall. Áine stood up on slightly shaky legs and walked to the wooden trunk with her clothes, changing into the light armor she wore on the road and lacing the ties as she ducked through the tent door.
When she exited her tent and straightened back up, she found herself right in front of Astarion.
“Oh, good morning,” he said, seeming uncharacteristically startled.
Áine frowned. Either he was doing a bit or he’d been distracted enough by something else to not have heard her get up and move around while she dressed. She hadn’t exactly been quiet. “Tavern’s closed while I replenish stock,” she said, making a joke about how she felt after last night, trying to keep it light for both of them.
He scowled, but it held an edge of…embarrassment? “The sole reason I approach you henceforth isn’t just going to be because I’m thirsty,” he said sharply. It would be difficult for him to resist finding another occasion to take her blood in the future though—she was sinfully delicious and the pure euphoria that had either come from a thinking creature’s blood or just breaking Cazador’s rule in general was addictive. “I just—here.” 
He thrust his hands out toward her and Áine realized belatedly that he was standing there holding something. Cradled in his palms were the water canteen from her bag, which she’d forgotten outside in her fatigue the night before, and a bowl containing raspberries and a sliced apple. 
Áine’s face flushed as she took the offerings from his hands, her fingers brushing his in passing. “Thank you,” she said, a little overwhelmed by her emotional reaction to the gift of water and a bit of fruit but she knew it was the thoughtfulness that touched her so deeply. She smiled at him and instinctively took a step closer to hug him before remembering that he wasn’t one for that sort of thing. As if to confirm her recollection, she saw him tense. “Sorry, sorry, I remember, don’t worry.”
Astarion relaxed a little but felt a twinge of something unfamiliar, at least regarding his usual reactions to physical touch that he didn’t initiate himself, when she stepped back again. Was it disappointment? Because she didn’t hug him or do whatever she’d almost done? 
“Did you cut this apple up, yourself?” Áine asked suddenly, breaking the surface of his brooding.
Caught off guard and flustered, Astarion just mumbled for her to hush as he started to stalk away, but when he turned around, he unexpectedly came face-to-face with everyone else in the camp.
“Áine, what happened to your neck?” Gale asked, but his hard tone indicated that he already knew and was just initiating the conversation.
Áine realized what was going on and shelved her silly little vision of Astarion sitting on his throw pillows and cutting up an apple for her with his dagger and the silly little sensation it caused in her stomach.
Astarion tensed. “I can at least be grateful to each of you for leaving the torches and pitchforks in your tents,” he said, fidgeting anxiously with his cuffs. 
“Chk. There is yet time,” Lae’zel pointed out.  
“So is this the truth of it?” Shadowheart asked. “Do we have a vampire in our traveling party?”
Astarion checked the cleric’s hands for a stake before he answered. “Alas, you do.”
Shadowheart’s gaze flickered to Áine, roaming between the bitemarks on her neck and the little bit of breakfast she held in her hands. “Are you alright?”
Áine nodded. “I’m fine,” she said. 
“Fine?” Wyll exclaimed, looking between them. “Áine, he’s a vampire and he fed on you!” 
Áine’s eyes caught on Wyll’s hand, now resting a bit too close to his rapier hilt for her liking. When her eyes met his again, her gaze was cooler and she took one step forward to shoulder her way around Astarion, standing between him and the rest of the party now. He didn’t move from standing directly behind her and she noted subconsciously why, in all the times he’d put himself physically close to her, he’d kept his chest at a distance—not a single beat from the heart against her back. The one time she could recall that this had not been the case was on the beach when he’d tackled her out of the way of the descending harpy, but her own heart had been too thunderous for her to notice that his was silent.
Astarion’s wary gaze had moved from their companions, wondering which would move to strike him first, down to Áine when she moved in front of him. In stark contrast to what she was currently experiencing, he felt her warmth and her heartbeat reverberate through his hollow chest. It was steady and strong, hardly elevated in the slightest. Once again, her confidence grounded him in his anxiety. 
“And you’re defending him,” Wyll added incredulously. “Don’t you understand? He attacked you! He’s a monster!”
That cut Astarion a little more deeply than expected, but he didn’t show it. In front of him, he heard Áine say without hesitation, “He fed on me because I let him.”
Wyll was shaken by this and Astarion could only feel gratitude toward Áine that she’d opted to completely skip over the part where he’d opted out of asking permission and likely would’ve proceeded had she not awakened. 
“Why would you let a vampire put its fangs in you?” their resident monster hunter asked.
“For the same reason I’d give Gale magical artifacts to soothe his condition,” Áine said. “For the same reason I would help you if and when you needed it. We’re a team. And I’ll not tolerate anything less.”
Wyll was taken aback. Gale seemed to be in deep thought, eying Astarion with consideration. Shadowheart was the first to speak and her words shocked Astarion. “I suppose that does explain the pallor,” she said in a gentle jab before more seriously adding, “Given our group’s nature, I don’t see much harm. We’re each monsters in the making after all.”
Lae’zel hummed in agreement. “So be it,” she said simply. “But should I wake with so much as a drop of blood on my neck, I will end him.”
Astarion relaxed a bit—the three he’d feared retaliation from the most were on his side, or at least accepting of his presence. He’d been right to choose Áine to warm up to, he decided as he watched the group slowly fold beneath her ruling. At this rate, he wouldn’t even have to bed her to secure her loyalty.
There was that tinge of disappointment again.
“For the record, Astarion,” Gale said, seeming to be fighting a smirk. “I taste absolutely awful.”
Astarion smirked back and then all eyes fell to Wyll, who looked aghast at how the tables had turned. Cautiously, Astarion suggested, “She’s not wrong… We’re bound together. No matter what comes.”
Gale gave him a withering look. “You say all the right words, but I’m not so sure you mean all the right things.” Shit. Laid it on too thick. “Still, I will respect the decision that was made.”
The silence stretched uncomfortably until Wyll finally gave a defeated sigh. “Hunting with vampires…,” he mused. “Never thought I’d see the day. Very well, but I will be keeping an eye on you. And no wisecracks about having us for supper!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he wondered sourly, receiving one of Áine’s elbows into his ribs.  
“Then it’s settled,” Áine said, offering her companions a grateful smile. “Lovely. Let’s pack up and see where the road takes us today. Maybe the gnolls have cleared off.”
Except for a small sideglance from Wyll, the group did as requested and cleared off to get packed up. Because they were standing so close together, Astarion felt the faint tension that left Áine’s frame when she wasn’t met with further pushback. 
His brows rose when she inclined her head back to look up at him, the crown of her head lightly bumping his sternum. “So you did cut this up yourself, then?” He tsked at her and stepped away, missing her warmth immediately and only superficially perturbed when she giggled at the effect her teasing had. “I’m sorry, it’s very sweet and appreciated,” Áine said, which was somehow worse than her just laughing at him. The flip his dead heart gave was alien and unwelcome. “I do need to know how we’ll be feeding you though from now on.”
“No innocents,” Astarion sighed. “You have my word. Only people we’re going to kill anyway because what’s the harm in that? I can fight with all my weapons now that you and the others know. Teeth included.” He flashed his fangs at her and her gaze dropped from his eyes to his Cheshire smile, a faint shiver going up her spine when she remembered that those had been buried in her neck just hours ago.
Áine nodded. “Makes complete sense to me,” she said, not having any moral quandaries with him feeding on the enemies they were going to fell in battle anyway. “For the record, I’m not opposed to helping you again in a pinch, just don’t sneak up on me next time.”
“That is more than reasonable,” he said, but she did see the way his eyes lit up with hunger when she suggested that she, herself, wasn’t off the table forever and all time. Áine wasn’t sure whether to be unsettled or flattered, so she opted for both. “No more unexpected visits. I’ll leave it to you to decide when we next dine together.”
She wrinkled her nose at his choice of words but left it at that. “Good. I’m assuming you’re feeling better after last night then? You seem to be more…happy, as you put it.”
Astarion nodded, pulling in a deep breath. “I genuinely do feel better. Drinking from thinking creatures is a wholly different experience. And, truth be told…you were my first,” he admitted, his tone adding a twist of innuendo to the words. Áine felt fairly certain that it was fully intentional on his part. “Before you, it was animals in these woods, and then before that…well, whatever rats and bugs Cazador allowed me.”
It was the first time he’d spoken the name aloud to Áine. The first time he’d spoken it at all since the Nautiloid sprung him from the bastard’s clutches. But she’d been inside his mind last night, even briefly. He knew she’d at least seen him. 
Confirming his suspicion, Áine’s features darkened and she asked, “Was that who… You know, it’s not my place to ask. Tell me as much or as little as you want, but I don’t even like that I accidentally saw as much as I did.”
“Because it disconcerted you?” Astarion guessed, immediately assuming that she was upset about the visions she’d been subjected to being in her mind at all. Imagine being subjected to them in real-time over and over again, he thought caustically.
“Because it’s not my business unless you make it my business,” Áine said. That put him at a bit of a loss. “But whatever that was…whoever he was…seemed horrible. And I’m sorry.”
Astarion scoffed. “What are you sorry for?” he asked with a sneer Áine immediately saw through. “No, don’t answer that. I am not in the market for pity, but these tadpoles’ little intervention does work in the spirit of surfacing what we may be up against.”
Áine frowned. “You think you’re being hunted?”
“More than likely not,” Astarion said. “At least not outside of the city. But these mind flayers aren’t the only ones spinning a web for us. And they’re hardly the only threat out there.”
Áine gave a soft sigh that bordered on a humorless laugh. “I know. But it’s never a bad reminder, I suppose,” she allowed.
“Now drink. Eat. You look lightheaded,” Astarion muttered as he left to gather his things.
“Thanks,” Áine grumbled, the single word steeped in sarcasm. Astarion smirked to himself, only a few paces away when he heard her voice again. “One thing.”
“One more thing, you mean?” he asked, stopping and looking over his shoulder at her.
Áine gave him a scolding look. “When the parasites did whatever they did, did you see anything?”
“I saw what you saw, unfortunately,” Astarion said. 
“I meant of mine,” Áine clarified.
A younger Áine flashed through his mind, her white locks cropped short and her supple body clad in armor as she stood before a mirror and adjusted a blade on her back. To the Áine before him, he said, “No.”
She nodded once and turned away, nibbling on an apple slice while she got her bag ready for the road. After having one slice of fruit, Áine’s stomach recognized she was hungry and she worked through the rest just as quickly, sipping from her canteen as well. It was almost funny how endearing she’d found his presentation of the fruit and water, especially considering that he was doing it purely because he was the one who’d caused her wooziness. Still though, she found it thoughtful and, loath as she was to admit it given the circumstances, quite cute.
Absently, she’d started humming while packing her bag and, upon slinging it over her shoulders and straightening up, realized she had an audience. Áine’s eyes found Gale’s as he lingered nearby with Shadowheart and Wyll, Astarion soon to join them while Lae’zel paced a bit ahead near the road beyond the trees. A bit smug, Gale said, “You know, simply part your lips doing that and you’re singing in front of us. Not so hard, hm?”
Perhaps Gale had meant to give her a whirlwind epiphany from that nugget of advice, but he swiftly realized he wouldn’t be achieving that when he took in the cool look she gave him and stopped her humming instead. Finding that look mirrored on Shadowheart and Astarion’s faces as well, the wizard exclaimed, “What?!”
“She’s surely cured of her nerves after that,” Shadowheart quipped lightly as the group moved to join an impatient Lae’zel at the roadside. “So, Astarion, how is it you’re able to be out in the sunlight with us, given your condition?”
Astarion replied, “I’m honestly unsure. It must be the parasite, although I know not why. Perhaps for the same reasons we’ve all not transformed—someone or something wants us all alive. They’re changing the rules.”
“I wish I’d managed as well as you with my own parasitic influence,” Gale sighed. “Instead it feels like I’ve lost the breadth of my ability while my condition worsens by the day.”
“Did that artifact not put you to rights?” Áine asked, frowning as she looked back at Gale. 
“It did, but something still feels a bit off,” he hastened to reassure her while remaining transparent. “It could very well be simple fatigue if I’m honest. I sometimes attribute too much of my bad days to a symptom list.”
“We’ll keep looking for trinkets on the road to hold you over,” Shadowheart said with ease. “No chance you’ll tell us a bit more about what this condition actually is?”
“Let a wizard have his secrets,” Gale said, his tone good-natured with a sliver of something creeping toward anxiety imperceptibly beneath the surface. “All in due time.”
“Cutting into our treasure stash, I think, pares down some of the standard privacy privileges,” Astarion commented.
“Well, cutting into our leader does the same,” Gale suggested likewise.
“I already apologized and told the—literally—bloody truth,” Astarion groused. “What more do you want?”
“That’s not funny,” Gale said curtly.
“It was a little funny,” Shadowheart disagreed with a smirk.
“I thought you liked puns, Gale,” Áine pointed out with a similar expression to Shadowheart’s.
“When they don’t come back to bite me, sure,” Gale said, only realizing what he’d said in full when he had several sets of eyes on him, waiting for him to notice. “Oh, come on, that’s not what I meant!” As much as he protested, however, he finally cracked a smile.
Along the less bloodied path forking from the other side of the bridge were all manners of abandoned crates, barrels, and chests, including a pale blue cart that perhaps held even further spoils. The freshness of the abandoned wares was both worrisome and a godsend, and the group set to work picking through everything for useful supplies.
Áine had wandered further down the line of crates, finding a couple of chests toppled against each other at the end of the line. She set them both back upright, listening to the items shift inside and bringing a faint smile of anticipation to her face. The lock on one had busted open on impact and she started there, unlatching the chest and lifting the lid to peer inside. Given its size, she hadn’t expected anything substantial, but she did find a pouch of gold inside and some personal effects that included a Selunite rite, an emerald, a simple burnished necklace, and a half-used spool of gold thread.
She pocketed the gold and the gem, forgoing the necklace and the rite. Áine plucked the spool from the chest and thought back to Astarion’s cuff, how he’d evaluated it by the fire the other night and found it required some repair. She wasn’t sure if he had the means to do it already, but figured it couldn’t hurt to give it to him just in case. Even if he used it another time or gave her a hard time about bequeathing her find to him, she could at least make the effort.
Áine shifted the looted chest aside after pocketing the spool of thread, pulling the other toward her and trying to lift the lid just to find that this one’s lock had survived the crash. She sighed and glanced over her shoulder to see if Astarion was nearby. When she saw he was, she called his name to get his attention. “There’s a lock over here I could use your assistance with,” Áine added, standing up and starting to back away to give him room to work. 
As she was brushing the dust off her hands, she felt him approach only to place the leather-wrapped picking tools in her already-raised hands. Áine looked down at the kit and then at him with some measure of horror that made him chuckle. “You asked me if I would teach you,” Astarion pointed out as he nodded toward the chest. “Welcome to Lockpicking 101.”
“I don’t know if I should, what if I break them?” Áine fretted even as he nudged her back toward the chest. “We only have a couple of kits left, don’t we?”
“They’re not terribly hard to come by,” Astarion said. “Plenty of forgetful or deceased criminals in these parts to inherit them from. Besides that, this one looks relatively straightforward.”
“You can tell that from up here?” Áine asked.
“Well, sure,” Astarion said, once more as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
Áine grimaced at the chest, suddenly feeling as if it were a foe itself now that she was under (purely self-inflicted) pressure. “But are you sure you—”
She turned her face back to him just to end up with one cool fingertip against her lips, effectively shocking her into silence. Astarion’s vibrant red eyes bore into hers, his face nearly close enough that they could’ve touched foreheads if she’d leaned in. Bold of him after she’d developed a track record of headbutting him, she thought to try and shoo away the butterflies that hit her stomach. 
“I will help you,” he murmured, nothing but confidence in his quiet tone. Briefly, before he removed his hand, his gaze fell to her lips and lingered for one painstaking moment. When he met her eyes again and placed his hand back at his side, Áine wondered if it could be possible or legal to feel so kissed without having been physically kissed. Astarion was proving dangerous, and primarily to her in ways he’d not voiced.
Áine remembered to breathe and cleared her throat as she looked down at the chest, remembering what they were discussing with some difficulty. How had he scrambled her mind so effectively with just a look and a light touch? This was embarrassing, and just a plain weakness to boot. She’d have to work on that—nothing good, in her experience, came from being so quickly and easily swayed. Maybe some power of suggestion came with being a vampire. Surely that was it.
She knelt and spread the kit open, her hesitant hands selecting the tools she’d seen him choose before, although when she eyed the lock she wasn’t so sure they were the right size. “You may want to start with something smaller on this one,” he said, confirming her concerns.
“Oh, you mean the ones that look even more breakable. Good, good,” she mused, hearing a deep chuckle behind her as she selected smaller tools from the leather.
“Now, you have your tools in the correct hands, so you’re halfway there,” Astarion said. “The one you have in your left hand will sit against the tumblers while you move the other deeper into the keyhole. If you feel an inordinate amount of tension, just ease your grip because it’s probably not aligned correctly. That’s how a pick snaps.”
Once Áine had the picks in the lock, her nerves eased a little and the part of her mind that loved to learn how things worked overrode her anxiety. It was like a puzzle and she took to it immediately with focus and determination. Astarion did note that she was being a little overcautious still, which was fine until it came to completing the last little bit. 
Fretting again, now at losing her progress rather than at trying in the first place, Áine asked without taking her eyes off the lock, “What if I break it this far into the keyhole?”
Astarion laughed softly. “You’re not going to break it, you almost have it. Just a little further in.”
Áine’s jaw tightened and she incrementally adjusted her grip on the tools, but her right hand doing most of the work was starting to shake. She was talking herself up to try to calm her nerves when she saw Astarion’s alabaster hands move to cover hers, his sure grip steadying the tremors. Her gaze dropped to the circle of his strong arms around her and she felt the blood rush to her face. He’s just trying to help you, stop being weird, she told herself sternly as he used her hands to adjust the pins she held. 
“Little known truth,” he purred right next to her ear, “lockpicking has a surprising amount of crossover with other, more tactile skill sets.”
Right, you’re no longer the only one being weird, carry on, her inner voice amended and she smirked and shook her head at his antics, the ridge of her ear brushing his jawline. She was surprised she didn’t cut herself on that exquisitely sharp line of his. “I have concerns if you’re using our lockpicking kits for anything but locks,” Áine bantered back, subconsciously following the guidance of his hands to adjust the pins a few degrees and reattempt the last tumbler.
She felt his chest vibrate against her back as he chuckled. “No need for a kit to coax open those more intimate places,” he murmured, “but similar care and dexterity apply… And while those activities have more intoxicating sounds to note progress…” The lock under both of their attentions suddenly clicked free. “...This one certainly never gets old.”
Áine was fighting the blush that threatened to deepen on her cheeks and ears as her pulse picked up the pace with his words and the pleasant bergamot and rosemary notes of his cologne wrapped around her when the lock clicked, and she was so shocked by the success that for a second she forgot all about the sudden, hot-blooded desire that had pooled in her stomach. Something else to decipher at a later moment.
“It worked!” she exclaimed, a new kind of excited as she carefully removed the pins and turned her head to look at him. He’d remained at her shoulder and their noses almost touched. Áine became self-aware again that he could probably, no definitely, hear how her heart was pounding and how it had been pounding for the past couple of minutes. “Thank you,” she said, offering him an embarrassed smile. 
Astarion regarded her with slightly hooded red eyes and one of his rakish smirks, but one that held a hint of softness to it too. “Anytime, my dear,” he whispered, his cool breath caressing her face. Before he leaned back and stood up, he nudged his nose against hers, maybe just to acknowledge their proximity or make her acknowledge it with him. 
Regardless of the reason, it was yet another cute small thing he’d done to add to her short, but growing list. Yes, this one was definitely dangerous in all kinds of heartrending ways. Some he very much knew and exploited, some she wasn’t so sure he did. Meanwhile, Astarion’s reaction to his own instinctual little nudge was to not only be utterly baffled at where that had come from in his vast repertoire of seductive flirtations but also to be embarrassed by its affectionate nature. He was congratulating himself on ruining a perfectly perfect moment to plant ideas of raw, uninhibited sex in her thoughts when she finished pilfering the chest and stood up, their eyes meeting again just for the span of a breath, but long enough for him to read her expression. Had he ruined it after all? 
A shout down the road caused both of them to snap to attention. Áine was quicker than he to react, roughly handing him back his lockpicking kit as she dashed past him to get to the others. Astarion noted as he hastened to store the kit and follow that the shout had sounded like Shadowheart.
By the time Astarion arrived, Áine was already deftly dodging around a gnoll that she’d distracted away from the others. Lae’zel and Wyll were both grounded, the gith looking in awful shape with a sizable chunk taken from her shoulder. Shadowheart was bent over both of them, trying desperately to stabilize them both while Gale held a shield in front of them, another gnoll swiping at the conjuration while maniacal cackles erupted from its bloodied jaws. A blast of red light shot from Wyll’s fingertips in the direction of the beast, but he missed his target as he crumpled back into the dirt. 
Quickly, Astarion drew his bow and shot an arrow through the throat of the gnoll attacking Gale’s forcefield. He could smell nothing but fresh blood, but it struck him how easily he was able to turn his more feral instincts away. 
Because it’s the blood of your friends, a small voice in the back of his mind spoke honestly. 
Astarion’s mouth warped into a grimace at his own thoughts’ betrayal even as he continued to loose arrows into the oncoming gnolls that threatened to overwhelm Gale and his protective stance over their downed companions. In his peripheral vision, Astarion searched for Áine, fearing—fearing?—the worst initially given how they were fairing. She’d sprinted up the hill to, he assumed, head them off at the pass to give Gale and Shadowheart some breathing room, but he couldn’t see her from his vantage point.
He’d no sooner thought it than he saw his—his?—little hellion tumble over the hillside in a full-on scrap with one of the great, mangy beasts. 
Áine twisted and sprang from its hold, the both of them managing to land on their feet as they squared off. While the gnoll’s actual hackles were up, Áine’s proverbial hackles wrenched even higher, the sight of her companions so desperate and bloodied unhinging something in her she’d not tapped into in…
…well, a long time that would never be long ago enough.
She raised her scavenged wooden shield and a scimitar as the gnoll bore down on her. From the ledge above them, a hyena lunged out of some brush, attempting to take her down from an aerial jumping point. Without hesitation, Áine caught the hyena’s gut on her blade and in one cruel twist of her sword, disemboweled it and slammed it into the earth at its ally’s feet. She then set her sights back on the horrid creature she’d started with. 
“Come on!” she challenged it, cracking the flat side of her bloody blade against her shield. The gnoll looked between her and the felled hyena, seeming to be reassessing who the real apex predator was. With its tail between its legs and a haunting hybrid sound somewhere between a cackle and a whimper, it loped back up the road.
When she was sure it had gone, she slowly straightened her posture, her breast noticeably rising and falling with each intake of breath. Áine looked down at the shield she held, her jaw tightening as she tossed it back to the ground, glad to be rid of it though it had proven useful in the moment. She kept the sword and turned to check on the others as she sheathed it, only to freeze in place when she found all five of her companions staring at her, some of them slackjawed. “What?” she asked, her voice coming out breathy.
“That was…,” Gale began, but his sentence tapered off as he found himself at a loss for words.
“Sublime,” Lae’zel said, seeming a bit more stable now after Shadowheart’s still somewhat reluctant efforts to heal her up. “I underestimated you.”
“Áine, you don’t fight like any bard I’ve ever seen,” Wyll interjected, his eyes both awed and suspicious. “When do you mean to tell us what you really are?”
“Mystra’s eyelashes, Wyll, she just saved your bloody life,” Gale said with exasperation, gently waving Shadowheart away from healing his own lacerations so she could focus on herself or Lae’zel and Wyll. “Perhaps a thank-you wouldn’t go amiss before you start an interrogation.”
“I’ll thank her plenty when I know who I’m thanking,” Wyll said as he unsteadily rose to his feet, meeting Áine’s eyes with a challenging look of his own.
“Of all the people to pick a fight with,” Gale was muttering under his breath, “sure, pick the sword maiden splattered in gnoll blood, that’ll end well for you…”
Were Astarion’s full attention not fixed on Wyll, he may have laughed at one of Gale’s jokes for once. He was absolutely right though—it was unclear whether Wyll thought he was doing a good thing by picking at Áine or if he was simply feeling emasculated after being saved by her, but regardless he was very wrong to be poking the bear. Áine looked the very portrait of a war hero standing there and if Astarion knew a thing about battle-born adrenaline, Wyll could’ve picked a better time to stir the pot.
Instead of snapping back, Áine smirked, her lip split from her scrap with the gnoll. Astarion had smelt her blood when she’d hit the ground nearby and he noticed now that she’d taken a scratch up her ribs where her light armor didn’t quite cover her tunic, but it didn’t seem to be deep enough to concern her at the moment. She nodded toward Wyll. “And you fight like no swordsman I’ve ever seen.”
Wyll was visibly unsettled at his accusation being upended. “I don’t know what you mean,” he said, his teeth clenched.
Áine sniffed, rolling her shoulders as she said, “Humans can’t cast eldritch spells on their own. Add to that the fact that you’re hunting a devil and, well…” She smiled at him, her next words positively saccharine. “I’m just very glad that we both know what we’re doing.”
Astarion was admittedly disappointed when it didn’t come to blows. But it was fun to see the Blade of Frontiers back down and proverbially roll over to bear his belly to the acting alpha. 
Not to mention the true crux of the confrontation, for him at least—angry, bloodied, battle-fresh Áine was hot.
His glance toward the rest of the group brought with it a faint wave of possessiveness. Based on every single inspired, lusty, or downright moony expression he saw lingering in the bunch—bleeding Hells, even Wyll’s—he was far from the only one who thought so.
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Next chapter: Chapter 7, "Night Orchids & Wine"
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omniaimy · 1 year
Potions and love
ELLOO, okay so this one is a sbi kinda fic, but mainly talking abt phil and wilburr. Pairing is readerxwilbur ofc, cuz why notttt.
I didnt know what to post, even tho i have lots in my drafts, so comment some numbers between 1 and 15 and ill post whatever number that draft is!
This story is inspired by an Idea from @neverlover follow this acc if youd like! On this account you can also find a link to a discord server in wich you can connect with writers! New writers or advanced, we dont care! Everyone is welcome.
Okay Ill shut up now, have fun reading lovess!!!!!
(Short story, like rlly short, but ill post part 2 if this one gets some reconition)
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In a cozy village corner, Y/n's sibling ran a quaint potion shop. Nearby, a mysterious fellow named Philza often wandered in, curious about the enchanting wonders within.
One day, Philza faced a puzzling potion challenge and turned to Y/n's sibling for solutions. Yet, the potion's complexities remained unsolved. Coincidentally, Y/n happened to be around that day, sparking a fateful connection.
As Y/n entered, their gaze met Philza's curious look. A mutual fascination kindled, and they delved into potion-making mysteries. Impressed by Y/n's skill and genuine passion, Philza found a dependable partner.
Henceforth, Y/n became Philza's potion helper, crafting specialized brews and forging a bond that went beyond mere supplier and customer.
Unexpectedly, the tale took a twist when, during a regular delivery, Philza introduced Y/n to his sons—Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno. A swift bond formed, laughter and chatter making an intangible magic.
In the midst of this, Y/n felt a strong pull towards Wilbur. Their talks flowed naturally, laughter came easy, and their shared moments felt like a symphony of emotions. It was as though their hearts recognized a shared rhythm.
Over time, what started as friendship between Y/n and Wilbur transformed into a love that was as magical as the potions they mixed. Their connection held stolen glances, gentle touches, and eyes that spoke a secret language.
Each potion Y/n brewed for Philza carried a hint of their love, a silent tie linking their hearts.
Seasons turned, and the shop retained its magic. Philza and his sons became part of Y/n's life, expanding the family they found within the shop's walls.
And so, in the tapestry of time, a story unfolded—a tale of friendship, magic, and an extraordinary love. Y/n, Wilbur, and their potions became symbols of a bond meant to endure.
Okay, part 2? Lmk
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punkass-diogenes · 11 months
Zionism isn't what people think it is (it's worse)
Note: this was not written by me. It was taken from here.
I often get the impression that most people discussing the Israel-Palestine issue have done very little research into the history of Zionism, the history of Palestine, the history of the Jewish Diaspora, or the history of the State called Israel (henceforth called Medinat Israel). It can lead to very frustrating discussions where nobody seems to understand why the other side won't agree with them or change their mind or even empathize with the other position in the slightest.
You often encounter liberal American Jews who say things like "I am a Zionist, but I oppose the occupation, and the Likud government, and believe in separation of religion and State, and support equal rights for Palestinians, and even right of return of Palestinians... but I'm a strong Zionist like I really believe in Zionism" and it begs the question "what do you think Zionism means then?" Likewise, you sometimes encounter anti-zionists, like myself, who seem to have no idea why so many Jewish people moved to Palestine, or why these holocaust survivors keep electing fascists, and then we'll say ignorant things like "they should all move back to Europe" which basically immediately tells whoever is listening that you have no idea what you're talking about.
For a full-disclosure, I'm an anti-zionist, I do not believe in Zionism. I think Zionism is the golden calf of our day and has turned many Jews away from Judaism and towards a fascist nationalist worship of the State. I think Medinat Israel is an awful racist apartheid state and needs to be abolished and replaced with a secular bi-national state with equal rights for all and a right of return for Palestinians in diaspora, and that the funds used for Aaliyah programs should be diverted to helping any Palestinians who return to re-settle in the new state, ideally on their original lands which had been taken from them only a generation or two ago. I also believe in freedom of movement, that is unethical to displace someone from the place where they were born, and that there should be no enforced demographic proportions or attempts to affect who has the majority at any give time. I even think it's maybe possible for a one-state solution to still provide a safe refuge for Jews fleeing persecution in very hostile countries without privileging Jews over Palestinians; though right now I think it honestly makes more sense for us to encourage them to settle in like, New Jersey, which is honestly objectively safer for Jewish refugees than an active war zone like Palestine.
And that last part might confuse some people. How can you be an anti-zionist and also believe that Palestine can be a safe refuge for Jewish refugees? and that would be because most people don't understand what Zionism means.
Here's some terminology:
B'nei/Beney Yisrael: This means "The Sons of Israel" and has referred to the Jewish people for thousands of years. In many languages, this is just what you call Jews. Yisrael/Israel, on its own, for thousands of years, just meant "All the Jewish People." In Jewish liturgy, any time "Yisrael" shows up it's not referring to the Land of Israel and certainly not the State of Israel, it just means "The People called Yisrael."
Bene Yisrael: This refers specifically to the Jewish diaspora in India and Pakistan, the many Jews who, upon being expelled from Judea by the Romans, headed east and settled in the Indian subcontinent. After the partition of India and the movement of Pakistan and India towards being states defined by being Muslim or Hindu, most Bene Yisraeli Jews feared persecution and moved to Medinat Israel, the US, or other British Commonwealth countries.
Benai Yisrael: This spelling generally refers to Samaritans, who are a different ethnoreligious group in the Levant region, mostly Ha'aretz Yisrael, who were never expelled and do not consider themselves Jewish though they do claim to also be descendants of the ancient Israelites, just a different tribe than the ones who became the Jews.
Bnei Isro'il: This refers specifically to the Jewish diaspora in a part Central Asia that is now within Uzbekistan, they are a subset of Mizrahi Jews called the Bukharan Jews. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union shit got really difficult for them and most of them moved to Medinat Israel or to the United States.
Beta Israel: This refers specifically to the Jewish diaspora in Ethiopia, who have always faced a lot of racism from other Jews and were more separate from the other diaspora groups because of it, thus their version of Judaism is more different than Ashkenazi or Sephardic Judaism (though it's still very much valid Judaism!!). This racism is, of course, because Beta Israeli Jews are Black. Ethiopia was kind of a rough place to live what with WWII and the famine and the wars, so Beta Israel actually was really interested in leaving Ethiopia more-so than most other diaspora groups. The Ethiopian government, however, for a long time, prohibited Jews from emigrating from Ethiopia. During the Ethiopian Civil War in the late 20th century, things got worse, with the Ethiopian government becoming increasingly hostile to the Jewish population in retaliation for horrible human rights abuses enacted by Medinat Israel, even though the Jews in Ethiopia had nothing to do with it what since they were living in Ethiopia and not allowed to leave the country by the same government attacking them. In response, Medinat Israel evacuated nearly the entire Beta Israel community to Palestine through an elaborate MOSSAD operation; and since then, some have moved to the United States. Once in Medinat Israel, they have faced lots of racism including coerced sterilization by the government; with many Beta Israeli women saying that they were told by immigration officials they would not be allowed to immigrate unless they agreed to being injected with a long-term contraceptive drug.
Ha'aretz Yisrael: This refers specifically to The Land of Israel, regardless of who is living there now or what the current government is. It's where the Kingdom of Israel from the TaNaKh supposedly was though the exact borders are under dispute. It's also where we all originated, albeit over 1800 years ago (and you can tell by looking at us that all of us are of mixed heritage now, no matter what anyone claims). This land traded hands between various empires constantly who all liked to change the name, so Jews just refer to it as Ha'aretz Yisrael rather than trying to keep up with what we're calling it these days according to whoever most recently conquered it. Traditionally, there is a prophecy that someday in the distant future, when there is no more war or hunger, a messiah will come who will lead all the Jews in diaspora back to Ha'aretz Yisrael and then all the dead will come back to life and everyone will be immortal and it's basically the closest thing Judaism has to an afterlife; and most Jews don't even believe this anymore. Some Jews believe that we explicitly should not preempt this and should avoid living in Ha'aretz Yisrael before the messiah comes.
Medinat Yisrael: This means "The State of Israel" and refers specifically to the government, the State, that has been established in Palestine, which named itself "Israel." It didn't ask us all if we wanted them to use the name that traditionally referred to the entire ethnic group as the name of their government but that's what they decided to do and now we're stuck with it. More abstractly, it can refer to the idea of "A Jewish State" of a non-specific location, it just so happens that the one that exists is also in Palestine.
Israelis: People who have been born in Medinat Israel, or have become Israeli Citizens through immigration, regardless of if they are Jewish or not. This includes Israeli Arabs and Israeli Palestinians.
Israelites: The ancient people of the Kingdom of Israel as featured in the TaNaKh who Jews, Samaritans, the Banu Israil Muslim community in Uttar Pradesh, the Knanaya Christians in Kerala, the Lemba people in Zimbabwe and South Africa, some Pashtuns, some British Nationalists, some French Nationalists, some Scandinavian Nationalists, some Kurds, some Japanese Nationalists, the Black Hebrew Israelites in the United States, and the Mormons in the United States all claim ancestry from. Genetic testing has shown evidence that Jews and Samaritans (discounting recent converts) probably do actually share a common ancestor that lived where the Kingdom of Israel was around that time but like, that's so long ago we really can't say anything for certain.
Sabra (pl. Sabrim): Jewish people who have been born in Medinat Israel; which is what a lot of people mean to refer to when they say Israeli.
Aliyah: When a Jewish person immigrates to Medinat Israel, they call it "making aliyah." Someone who has made aliyah becomes an Israeli but not a Sabra.
Anyway, that's all super easy to remember right? So here's the misconception: Many people believe that Zionism is the belief that B'nei Yisrael should live in Ha'aretz Yisrael but actually Zionism is the belief that B'nei Yisrael should live in Medinat Yisrael, which happens to be located in Ha'artez Yisrael but it didn't necessarily have to be. Zionists, in turn, have helped Bene Israel, Bnei Is'roil, and Beta Israel emigrate to Medinat Yisrael (among others in B'nei Yisrael). Benai Yisrael was already in Ha'aretz Yisrael before the Zionists established Medinat Yisrael in Ha'aretz Yisrael. Simple, easy to remember.
Could You Please Say That Again in English
There is a misconception that Zionism is the belief that Jews from across the diaspora should all live together in the Land of Israel, AKA where Palestine is now. They might even think it's just the belief that the country called Israel should be allowed to exist at all, and that the Jews who live there should be allowed to continue living there. But that is not what Zionism is.
Zionism is the belief that Jews should live in a Jewish State, which is to say, a nation-state that is majority Jewish and controlled by Jews and only or primarily Jews1. It is explicitly and openly a colonialist venture. The Zionist movement originally didn't even care if the proposed Jewish State was in Palestine, although it was definitely always their top choice.
Theodor Herzl was the father of modern Zionism as we know it. In his manifesto, Der Judenstaat, Herzl talks about how establishing a Jewish state would be this magnificent replication of European colonialism and would elevate the Jewish people to the level of the Western Civilizations. He proposed that the Jewish state be established in.... Argentina! Well, he also proposed Palestine, but he thought Argentina might be more practical.
In fact, here's all the locations that Zionists proposed might be good places for The Jewish State to be established:
Grand Island, Erie county, New York
British Guiana
The Polish provinces that had previously been annexed by Russia
Jordan ("Eh, close enough to Palestine?")
Saudi Arabia
The Dominican Republic
Eastern Prussia/AKA what is now that weird exclave of Russia.
Kiryas Joel, New York
Vietnam, which was actually offered to David Ben-Gurion by Ho Chi Minh himself, which supposedly David Ben-Gurion dismissed by just saying "for obvious reasons, this was unacceptable."
G... Germany... Just... right in Germany... which I'm sure all the Jews would feel very safe doing.
There are many flavors of Zionism, certainly. Liberal Zionists believe in having a liberal democratic capitalism state. Religious Zionists who basically believe David Ben-Gurion was the aforementioned messiah. Labor Zionists who believe that the Judenstaadt should have socialist collective farming or something. The current flavor of Zionism that dominates Israeli politics and is the ideology of the ruling Likud party is Revisionist Zionism which believes first and foremost in having a strong military to defend the Jewish State, that "the ability to shoot" is the most important thing, and that the Jewish majority in the Jewish state must be maintained through violence in order to keep Jews safe. They are also territorial expansionists and believe that Medinat Israel and Ha'Aretz Yisrael should map 1:1 to the fullest extent, which is to say, they believe in annexing Palestine, and chunks of other neighboring countries as well. Likud also came into power by assassinating a sitting prime minister, which is cool. They'll claim that they're not responsible but the assassin was a member of the Likud party, so, like, take that as you will.
Let me be clear, all flavors of Zionism are colonialist ideologies, but the Revisionist Zionists are downright fascists. The Irgun, the armed militia that the Likud party grew out of, openly praised Adolf Hitler and said that they would only fight the Nazis because they are antisemitic and a threat to Jewish people, not because they disagreed with anything else that the Nazis were doing. They said that the anti-semitism of Nazism was the "shell" that they would discard, but they would keep the "Anti-Marxist Kernel" which they admired in Nazism. Here is a citation for this because I know many people might struggle to believe this, but it's in like the first thirty pages of this book.
I do not believe that all the Jews currently living in Medinat Israel should be deported, especially not the sabrim or the refugees whose entire communities moved there looking for a place where they wouldn't be persecuted. I think it's always wrong to displace people from where they were born, whether they be Jewish or Palestinian, and that it's important for people to accept refugees and immigrants. But I don't believe in Zionism, because I do not believe in a Jewish State. I do not believe in maintaining a Jewish majority. I do not believe in ethno-states or theocracy or ethnotheocracy. I do not believe Jews are entitled to owning all or any of Ha'aretz Yisrael and I do not believe Jews should be aspiring to replicate Western Colonialism. In fact, I believe that colonizing and displacing the Palestinian people from their land is morally wrong and contrary to the ethics of Judaism. Thus, I am anti-zionist.
Zionism is not believing it's OK for Jews to live in the State of Israel; or that it would be cool for Jews to live together in our ancestral homeland; it's believing that Jews should control a State of Israel as a privileged class with a unnaturally maintained majority. Zionists believe Jews will never be safe unless we control the government to exclusions of everyone else. I disagree. I think diversity is good and it's possible to live in harmony with other peoples. The Zionists disagree with me. I think they're racists and, these days? mostly fascists.
OK so, wait, how the hell do so many Jews believe in Zionism then? Most Jews are pretty anti-fascist given the whole holocaust thing, right?
Here's the thing that I think a lot of people miss. Most Jews living in Medinat Israel didn't really have a choice, and they have nowhere to go back to either. Before WWII, Zionism was not very popular. You can find so many historical documents of Jews making fun of Zionists as "wanting us to waste a lot of money and go die in the desert." Jews across the diaspora weren't exactly doing stellar but for most of them, they were living in society and the way the Zionist framed things (whether or not it was true) was that settling Ha'Aretz Yisrael was gonna be this whole colonial venture of building up new cities from scratch and working the land and farming and being survivalists and shit. When everything is already so precarious, why risk what you do have for a hypothetical thing that sounds exhausting and risky?
But in the mid-20th century, well, their hands were forced. The holocaust happened, and entire communities were wiped out. The Lithuanian village my great grandmother's family was from? After they left, the holocaust killed 100% of the Jews living there, and then the Soviet Union displaced all the Lithuanians, demolished all of the buildings, and just built an entirely new settlement with new people living there. In fact, they did this to the entire Marijampole metropolitan region. The Marijampole region as my great grandparents knew it is just gone. Lithuania once had some of the most Jews in the entire world, with some parts like Majiampole being super-majority Jewish. Of course the Jews in Marijampole didn't find Zionism particularly appealing, they already had their majority Jewish city, why build another one? In the year 2000, there were only 3600 Jews left in all of Lithuania. The city of Minsk in Belarus? It was once 55% Jewish, and no, Zionism wasn't very popular. The Nazis killed 90% of the Jews living in Minsk. The rest of the Jews all emigrated to Medinat Israel or the United States. Minsk is now less than 1% Jewish. Minsk is where my grandmother's parents had been born, but the Minsk they knew is gone entirely. After the Nazis killed all the Jews, and WWII destroyed most of the city, the Soviet Union basically just built an entirely new city and settled new people there who weren't Jewish.
And what were the Zionists doing at this time? They were evacuating refugees. When the Nazis are on your trail, you don't really ask where you're going. The Zionists said "Hey, looks like living in Europe isn't going so well for you, wanna come settle Palestine with us?" and the Jews of Europe said "SURE, FINE, GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, ASAP." Remember, the argument of the Zionists was "Jews will never be safe if they don't control the State" and now were extending their hand presenting themselves as the only way to escape the holocaust. Remember, also, that a lot of countries were refusing to take holocaust refugees, or setting very limited caps on how many they would take. The Zionists said "come here, all of you, no matter what."
A lot of the state-building the Zionists were doing was before the holocaust, and they were certainly building popularity the further they got along, but the holocaust was when their huge population boom happened, it was when they hit critical mass, it was when the majority of Jews came to sympathize with the Zionist project. The holocaust became the perfect example for the Zionists to use to argue that the Judenstaadt is necessary. This was a rhetorical trick. If you read Der Judenstaadt this was never the original concern of Herzl. Herzl believed that the Jewish State should be a technocracy run by corporations using Jewish immigrants as cheap loyal workers to turn a profit. But, hey, Herzl didn't foresee WWII.
Now, all that? That's just the Ashkenazi Jews and some Sephardic Jews. But let's talk about the Mizrahi Jews. The Mizrahim are the Jews who didn't travel too far from Jerusalem after the Romans expelled us. They lived in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, even Palestine (it's not like the Romans were still keeping us out forever.) Under most Muslim governments, Mizrahim were given the status "people of the book" and considered a sort of protected second-class citizen. While not as privileged as Muslim citizens, they were still able to attain a pretty comfortable and stable middle-class life. Again, why would Zionism appeal to you? Sure, you weren't top of the food chain, but life was fine enough.
But when Medinat Israel declared independence and started pushing out all the Palestinians, all the neighboring Muslim nations were outraged (and rightfully so!) Unfortunately, they retaliated against the Mizrahim who lived within their borders, who had nothing to do with Medinat Israel but were blamed for it anyway. Many Jews were downright expelled from these countries, or were forced to move to Medinat Israel through negotiated "population exchanges" where Medinat Israel deported thousands of Palestinians to neighboring countries who in turn deported an equal number of Jews to Medinat Israel. This is a violation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
This same story is repeated throughout the world. Once the State of Israel was established, people could finally tell the Jews to "go back where you came from." Entire communities emigrated, whether to flee existing persecution, new persecution that is arguably the fault of the Zionists, or were just absolutely terrified of being next, after seeing what was happening in the rest of the world.
If you tell most Israeli Jews to "go back where they came from" the question they'll ask back is "and where exactly is that? Is that not here? Because those other people told me to go back where I came from and sent me here." They'll say "you're insane, why would I do that, did you see what happened to us there?" They'll say "The place I'm from doesn't exist anymore. It was destroyed. Everybody left. It's gone." They'll maybe even say "I'd love to, but I'm not allowed to."
Here's another way to think of it: The Israeli Jews are like a child who was beaten growing up and grows up to be violent and angry and to believe that being strong and intimidating is the only way to protect themselves. They are fiercely loyal to Medinat Israel because it took them in when they lost everything. They believe the fascist Likud narrative because to many of them, it is their own lived experience. They thought they would be safe, then they faced violence, and then they were forced to flee. Medinat Israel was the only guaranteed safe place to go. Perhaps you could try to emigrate to Canada or the United States but passage wasn't guaranteed and that would still be colonizing someone else's land. Medinat Israel guaranteed they would be brought in and even given help to settle. It was a deal they couldn't refuse. And besides, haven't the Jews always lived on someone else's land? Weren't they always unwanted wherever we went? What was different this time in that sense? How were Palestinians different from Germans or Ethiopians or Moroccans? The Zionists would say: "The difference is this time we are stronger than they are. This time we will be in charge."
And it is sad. It is horrible. It is tragic. It is miserable that so many people who have been the persecuted minority themselves would turn to becoming the oppressor. That victims of genocide and displacement would turn to genocide and displacement as what they believe is the way to protect themselves. And they are wrong, too. This is not necessary. The violence is not necessary and is evil. Palestinians and Jews have so much in common culturally, spiritually, even genetically. We could have lived together in peace and become the best of friends. If only the Zionists had been willing to live together in peace. But peace is not possible within their ideology. The Zionist ideology is inherently one of state violence. There is no way for one ethnic or religious group to control a state without persecuting a minority, and forcing them to remain a minority through violence. Zionism is the belief that Jews cannot be safe unless Jews have a monopoly on violence within a given region.
And what of the Jews in diaspora who support Zionism? The Americans and Canadians and Argentinians and Brits who do not wish to move to Medinat Israel but support it in everything it does uncritically? The younger Jews, the fourth or fifth generation immigrants, we don't have much attachment to whatever shtetl or city our families came from, it's easier for us to see the horrors and evils of Zionism for what it is. But for our grandparents and great grandparents, they remembered those shtetls and cities, they had family and relatives there, and they listened on the radio as all of those people died, as their old world was destroyed completely. Nobody wanted to talk about Marijampole or Minsk to me. They are gone. It's best not to ruminate on them. Jews have been displaced every generation with no attachment to where we were, I was told, so why does it matter.
To these Jews, Medinat Israel represents having one place in the entire world where the Jews are safe. One place that will always accept them as refugees if America or Canada or Argentina doesn't work out.
It is an unfortunate and tragic reality that most people will put their own safety and needs over the safety and needs of others when they feel that they are under threat. The place of empathetic breakdown is that at some point you say to the true Zionist "Don't you see that what you're doing to the Palestinians is wrong?" and the true Zionist says "Yes, it is wrong, and it is also necessary for us to survive and that is more important."
And they are wrong. Had the Jews fleeing to Palestine just treated the Palestinians with respect and dignity, as equals who deserved this land, as the owners of this land who had a right to it, then Jews would actually have been safer. Solidarity is safer than animosity. Palestine was a former British colony achieving independence for the first time in centuries. The Jews and Palestinians could have worked together to rebuild a new country based on mutual respect and dignity and solidarity.
But, alas, that is not their mentality. Their mentality is one of a beaten child. And so seventy years pass and you ask the American Jew living in the suburbs of New York "do you support the State of Israel? Are you a Zionist?" and they say "Uhh... I guess I'm a Zionist. I don't really know the history. But I want the Jews there to be safe, that's important to me. They shouldn't have to leave."
Zionism isn't just colonialism, it's worse, it's millions of historically persecuted people turning to fascism because of generational trauma. It demonstrates that just because someone is from persecuted minority, doesn't meant that violence and power can't corrupt them just the same.
Because the Zionists have convinced us that those are the only options, that co-existing is impossible, that friendship and solidarity across differences is impossible. Zionists created a narrative that if the Jews do not hold absolute power, then they'll have to leave. But it's not true. They are wrong. Peace is possible, if we can just believe in it, if we can loosen our grip on power, if we can be willing to pay reparations. I truly believe that that is possible.
In-turn, anti-zionism is not the belief that Jews shouldn't live in the Land of Israel. It's the belief that Jewish people shouldn't be trying to establish an ethno-state or replicate colonialism.
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 10 months
Guys why can't I draw the ducks (or people)
Context: my friend and I had a really long phone call on Wednesday wherein we talked about all the stuff that must've happened off-screen in The 87 Cent Solution, and I wish I could make it into a comic that does it justice
Random Rambles under the cut for those who wanna know more (I explain all of it)
Scrooge had been working wayyy too hard all week and that's how he ended up sick. I've decided.
The morning the episode starts definitely opened with a near-exact mirror of the first scene in DT87's Scroogerello. Differences are: it's Dewey, not Huey, that goes to crack the egg on Scrooge's face to see if his fever's high enough to fry it (Beakley stops him) and it's Beakley, not the kids, who drags his stubborn feathered ass back to bed.
Now, one thing that always confused me about this ep is "WHY DIDN'T THEY CALL BEAKLEY??" And I know the logical answer for us is "Well if they'd called her we wouldn't have had an episode" and honestly that probably goes for a lot of the episodes but IN UNIVERSE there is no reason why they wouldn't call her
UNLESS she was like literally unreachable.
So together we came up with the idea that she was doing a two-day deep-clean of the mansion (an annual Beakley tradition) which she hyperfocuses on so hard that she legitimately forgets everyone else exists. She also has her airpods in (she listens to opera/death metal fusions, and that was my friend's idea. Nightwish is probably one of her faves) and so she cannot hear ANY of the ensuing chaos.
Right before she starts this 48-hour seclusion from reality, she declares that Duckworth is in charge of taking care of Scrooge. Now, this was a big old mistake-a-rooney from her because as we know, Duckworth doesn't much care for her and is loyal to Scrooge to a FAULT.
Scrooge stays in bed for just long enough that Beakley is out of earshot, and then immediately gets up and starts getting dressed.
As he pulls his jacket on, he locks eyes with Duckworth from across the room.
The pair make what shall henceforth be known as the "Fuck You, Beakley Agreement". Under the terms of this, Scrooge can now escape, and Duckworth won't tell. They even do this 🤐.
Scrooge does the thing you see in movies when a kid is grounded and has to sneak out for Plot Reasons (cause he's basically been grounded by Beakley), and ties his bedsheets together and makes a rope to go out the window.
His next step? Getting to work without a driver. Launchpad is off buying him a birthday card, as we see him (I assume mistakenly) think it's Scrooge's birthday in the episode. Luckily, for reasons of I Said So, he finds a pair of rollerskates belonging to Webby. He puts them on, straightens his top hat determinedly, and speeds off down the hill and into Duckburg.
Shortly afterwards, Huey and Webby go to check on Scrooge.
They quickly run into two problems.
He is not there.
Beakley is unavailable.
So the kids' first instinct is to call Launchpad, who isn't available EITHER cause he's shopping (for, again, THE ENTIRE WRONG DAY)
So instead, Huey calls Fenton - Gizmoduck can take them to the Bin and maybe even beat Scrooge there.
Cue a kick-ass chase sequence through Duckburg, which, in my mind, is set to "Holding Out For A Hero" and I can see it SO CLEARLY.
Now, Gizmoduck has speed, sure, but Scrooge is going, like, ALARMINGLY fast for a 150 year old man on quad skates, and what's more, he knows every inch of Duckburg (he was there when it was built) and so knows every shortcut there is.
It turns out Scrooge gets to the Bin first, and in order to stop, he ends up having to literally brace himself against the wall with both hands. As he comes away from the wall he slips. So the skates come off, and he runs down a corridor, where he scares the daylights out of a new secretary/intern.
He leans against the door to catch his breath, and demands coffee "blacker than my soul".
The secretary looks him over.
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather have tea, sir? Perhaps with some honey and lemon?" they ask sweetly
"Are you questioning my judgement?" Scrooge snaps back, a fire in his eyes. The secretary runs off, realises they don't know where the drinks machine is, and runs the other way. She gets him six shots of espresso (Good Omens in-joke cause we both thought it'd be funny as hell) which he is juuuust about to down in one go when BAM! In comes Gizmoduck with the kids. Dewey takes the coffee, and takes a sip. He immediately hates it (it's super bitter - not his thing at all) and propmtly decides that Coffee Is The Worst. (It isn't, espresso was a bit of an ambitious first try).
There's a moment where everyone just stares at each other. The secretary backs away slowly.
Scrooge BOLTS down the hall. Huey and Webby follow him.
Then we get to the start of the episode, but the fun is just beginning!
Between the bit where it's revealed that Scrooge may have Gold Fever, and the bit where he does the live news report from his office, I think one night passed. Scrooge didn't sleep a bit, which explains why he looks like hell on wheels in the next shot.
Now, the bin was on total lockdown, so no-one was leaving that night. You know what that means...
(Webby voice) SLEEPOVER! Everyone sets up camp in the lobby. The boys raid the break room for couch cushions, Webby gets chairs and an old tarpaulin from a store closet to make the most majestic fort the world has ever seen, Gyro gets a hotplate to roast marshmallows over (a campfire was too risky) and Louie sets up a projector for a movie night. All in all, it's actually fairly cool, given the circumstances.
Then Act 2 happens and everything goes to Deepest of Shit.
Honestly really the whole thing is building on this piece I wrote that I have FINALLY got motivation and ideas to do more with!
Scrooge FINALLY agrees to get the fuck home, and it all sorta catches up with him as he leaves the Bin.
Beakley has noticed that things are quiet but does not yet know why.
However, she is about to find out.
The doorbell rings.
The kids are all talking over each other trying to explain everything. Launchpad is helping Scrooge walk up the steps to the house. Scrooge is wrapped up in a tartan blanket like a little Scottish burrito, his arms and legs like jelly, and his voice nearly completely gone.
He promptly passes out and falls into Beakley's arms. Beakley is Hella Confused, she thought Scrooge was in his room and Duckworth was looking after him. She glares at Duckworth, who floats away without a word.
Scrooge rests for a couple days, and then eventually he comes down as if about to apologise. But he does not. He stands awkwardly in the corner, like a child who opened their Christmas presents early.
Everyone else is currently discussing how to get back at Glomgold (they have by now figured out that he is somehow behind this)
Scrooge is like "what the hell have I missed"
The kids show him their plan to fake his death. Scrooge thinks it's crazy at first - but it's just crazy enough to work.
Beakley rings up one of her old S.H.U.S.H. contacts for Scrooge's disguise - this is gonna be good.
So they send invites to the "funeral" and ask that a report get done on Scrooge having passed. And then all THAT happens.
And then that's kinda the end I guess sorry for the long post.
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erenfox · 11 months
Episode 4.
It's the best piece of work Marvel has made after they made IW and Endgame.
spoiler alert 🚨
lemme start off with our favourite Miss Jolly Rancher Unhinged Clock and Victorian-Era HWR Fangirl. I KNEW Ravonna had somehow helped HWR in building the TVA, but him erasing her memories was straight up evil.
Then we come to the absolutely gruesome deaths of Dox and the others. HOLY SHIT MISS JOLLY RANCHER IS AWFUL like she was enjoying every second of Dox and her hunters literally getting crushed to their deaths. B-15 was traumatised, to say the least and you can see on Ravonna and Brad's faces a hint of disgust. But Miss Minutes grinning like that - outright disturbing.
I can't get over OB and Victor fanboying over each other's work - it was so funny yet wholesome.
Now let's talk about Loki and Sylvie. As a diehard Sylki stan you know I am, my fangirling heart was overjoyed seeing these two lovesick ducks working together willingly! I mean, yea, they did have that rather awkward talk in Pie Land (mind you that's it's official name henceforth) but after that they worked together as teammates! Now I must say, I completely agree with Sylvie on snapping on Mobius, because, well, yeah, the multiverse is a bigger priority than pie and I legit don't get why tf antis hate on Sylvie for doing so. Like you hated her for not giving a damn abt the TVA + the multiverse, but now when she stood up to do so y'all are hating on her again?? Like?? Make up ur mind, smh.
Anyways, back to Sylki. Sylvie got stuck in the elevator and the way she and Loki worriedly called out each other's names was so soft! And the "You ok?" trope CAME BACK OMG! THAT PHRASE IS LITERALLY THE BACKBONE OF SYLKI! When I tell you my fangirling heart screamed with joy omg-
The the whole paradox scene which brought Ep 1 back in a circle. I absolutely loved the way our Loki realised what he had to do and went real slow to prune his past self just so that Past Loki could get a glimpse of Sylvie; which would then lead him to be more determined than ever to go look for her. And I quite literally died on Sylvie being confused af as to wtf she just witnessed.
Then there's the telephone scene. OH MY GOD it was literally OB all this time when fans were out here speculating it was Kang or someone lmao. Both Loki and Sylvie yelling simultaneously to turn the security thing off gives out so much Couple Vibes, I absolutely loved it AAHHAHAH-
our friendly neighbourhood lovesick ducks teaming up to enchant Brad was just too good. Loki in his hot, creepy voice luring Brad into a dark area while Sylvie very swiftly just straight up grabbing his face from the back - pure horror. Absolutely loved it, 10/10. Tho I must say, to do execute elaborate scheme, these two must have done some detailed planning (=more Sylki moments we were robbed off).
Can we talk abt Victor's redemption? Man had been portrayed as evil since Quantumania, and has been manipulated by both Ravonna and Miss Jolly Rancher, but at the end of the day, he was a sweetheart. Man fanboys OB and basically became besties with him and Casey, worked together to create the solution to a mess he most certainly didn't want to be a part of, and then himself stepped up to fix the Loom once and for all to prove to everyone (and not let Sylvie's choice of sparing him go to waste) that tho he contained HWR's DNA, he wasn't HWR - he was a far better person HWR could have ever been. Seeing him getting spaghettified was tragically heart-wrenching, man deserved so much better :(
BUT HOLY SHIT DID THAT ONE HECK OF A GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WTF WAS THAT?? U can't just kill off a character who had redeemed himself, and then make our main character and his homies watch literally EVERYTHING THEY WORKED SO HARD FOR GET ANNIHILATED TO THE GROUND-
But we know our God of Mischief isn't dead, and so are his homies eheheh.
However the looks on everyone's face was tragic. Loki knew all was lost and had tears in his eyes. Sylvie looked like she had accepted defeat and her death. Mobius and OB were in denial, refusing to believe that Victor was dead. Casey and B-15 looked horrified, as they realised what was to come now upon them.
Tldr, this episode was an ABSOLUTE BANGER. IM READY TO CLAIM IT SUPERIOR THAN ENDGAME, come and fight me. Its a top cinematic piece, and the suspense to Ep 5 is eating me up.
Ig i should go and study for the 4 tests this week before ep 5 ;-;
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