#Hercules the long journey
francescatelford · 1 year
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Sara Wiseman as Hephates in Hercules: The Legendary Journey
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iolausian-fields · 4 months
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ɪᴏʟᴀᴜꜱ - ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Best friend and loyal companion. A hero in his own right with a heart as golden as his unruly curls.
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shierajones · 2 months
Rise of Red
So I’m watching this movie and doing Simone Biles levels of mental gymnastics to make this all connect to the original story and have the plot holes fill in. Here are my attempts at cohension from the beginning:
It’s been 30 years since Auradon was founded.
The math isn’t mathing but sure, let’s say after D3, everyone went on adventures, Ben and Mal got married and they all took time to mature and grow in their roles. As the years have passed, they recognize what a terrible job Beast did as a leader and they want to increase trade and foreign relations with other countries.
Uma says that Ben and Mal put her in charge of everything while they (along with Evie and Jay) are making alliances with other countries.
Of course! Because Beast sucks as a leader so they don’t trust him to take back over even if only temporarily. Gil and Harry (and most of the pirates we’ve seen) are missing from Uma’s crew, because she asked them to help Ben and Mal on their journey. Hook is serving as Captain in Uma’s absence and Jay and Gil have grown very close since traveling Auradon together through the years so it makes sense.
Chad is Cinderella and Charming’s son, but Chloe will one day be queen of Cinderellasburg.
Cinderella and Charming had fertility issues at first and Chad is adopted. Chloe is their miracle baby and, though younger, is the true-born heir to the throne. They love and support Chad in all things and have pampered him his whole life. Given the struggles they had to conceive, they don’t regret showering Chad with love but they recognize he’s a bit spoiled and not fit to be king one day.
The future shows Red and the Queen of Hearts ruling on the throne together. I guess we’re assuming since she’s black and red it means she’s evil.
We never actually see that this future is prevented. The ultimate endgame may still be the same, that Red rules with her mother. I’m going to say, this future was not prevented, just that the Queen of Hearts turn to evil was delayed.
In the past, many of the heroes and villains that we know are in high school together.
Many but not all. This is just a blip in their histories and the stories to come in the future are still canon. We don’t actually see any of the villain/hero pairs (Maleficent & Aurora) (Hook & Peter Pan) (Hades & Hercules) so outside of two couples being established (Jasmine and Aladdin in love and Ella and Charming flirtation/mutual pining) there’s nothing that makes some of the stories automatically false. I’d say some of the events in high school just blacken their hearts more and turn them into real villains.
Bridget and Ella’s personalities seem to be switched (with a more evil skew on Bridget’s end as an adult). This one is long.
Ella was Bridget’s only friend and because she was grounded, she wasn’t supposed to be able to make it to the Castlecoming. She cancels on Bridget and leaves her alone. However, Fairy Godmother is also friends with Ella and has been practicing her magic more and is now in possession of a powerful spellbook (more on that later). She wants a way to help her and is finally successful casting an enchantment that gets Cinderella to the dance for a short time. When her curfew hits, the spell will be reversed and send her home. When she gets to the dance, instead of finding Bridget, she gets caught up in Charming and after the song playing changes to So This is Love, they share their first dance. The two are so engrossed in each other and discovering their feelings are mutual that she doesn’t notice anyone or anything else. However, Bridget sees her and is excited at first until she realizes Ella isn’t seeking her out. She’s stuck on Charming. The song playing when Ella walked in is Shuffle of Love and Bridget is trying to focus but makes a mistake. She turns again to Ella to see if she’ll jump in and help but she’s still too distracted by Charming. Left heartbroken she moves and just watches them on the dance floor while staying isolated on the sidelines. She tries to ignore her feelings because she should be happy for Ella but she can’t stop crying a little. She should’ve been there for her. Isn’t that what friends are for? Then, Uliana comes to talk to her and seemingly comfort her. For a second, she thinks she’s coming around to be her friend. She doesn’t think twice when she offers her a cupcake. Suddenly she’s transformed to a monster and everyone around her starts laughing. Ella and Charming’s attention is finally broken from each other and they turn to see what’s going on. Upon seeing this monster, they laugh too thinking it’s just a prank—with no idea who the monster is. But Bridget’s last shred of hope is broken seeing her only friend laugh at her pain after ignoring her the whole night. When Ella finally realizes who it is, she tries to run after her and loses her shoe. She almost catches her to comfort her but then is whisked away by Fay’s spell and finds herself back at, sitting in the barn. Ella, still grounded is left feeling a mixture of joy, love, pain and regret from the events of the night. She can’t contact Bridget or see her until school starts again on Monday. By Monday it’s too late. Bridget, having spent the weekend with no one to talk to or comfort her decides Love Ain’t It and takes on a new mantra for her life. She looks into the Looking Glass and sees her evil future with her daughter. Fine, if that’s what she becomes, why try? At school, Ella tries to apologize and beg for forgiveness but it’s too late. She tries to tell her how her kindness made her strong, how she’s always respected that about her and loves her like a sister but it’s not enough. She tries to show her with her actions. She takes on the persona Bridget always had because it was good, it was kind, it was true strength. She doesn’t want to suffer for one mistake and doesn’t want Bridget to allow that night to define her, but again, it’s too late. Bridget already knows how this story ends and it’s not with love and friendship. She decides to let the fear and power be her friend and becomes the worst bully they’ve ever seen.
Uliana and her crew were troublemakers so would never have been able to open the spellbook and prank Bridget.
Before Red and Chloe showed up, Uliana and her crew were going to lure someone else in to get the book. Fay! They manipulated her with fear and hope—the promise that she could use the Sorcerer’s book when they were done to perfect her magic. So she did it, just like her daughter tried to take the wand in D1.
Merlin just lets Red and Chloe into school, partners them with their mothers “coincidentally” and sees the open window after the break in but doesn’t try to find out who else was able to escape.
He’s aware that Red and Chloe are time travelers and knows there’s a reason to change the timeline as they have. He knows what’s to come with Beast banning magic and shipping off the villains. He wants to change that story too and these girls are the catalysts. This change in history is going to open the doors for magic to be welcomed back to Auradon in the future as they return and have to fix what they’ve changed.
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sunkissedchldrecon · 1 year
𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the nintendo ds, pile two is the panasonic, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 🌐
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"The Gospel Truth I / Main Titles" from Hercules
"I Want It All" from High School Musical 3
"Lip Gloss" by Lil Mama
"Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani
"Breakthrough" from Lemonade Mouth
Three of Wands, Six of Cups, The Hermit (Rx), The Empress, The Magician, Knight of Coins, Ten of Swords, The Chariot, Eight of Wands
Those who chose this pile might've really liked the movie "Hercules" as a kid; I told your inner child I'd never seen the movie, and they were offended 😭. Little you might've had really big ambitions and dreams but maybe felt like things and/or people held them back. My internet randomly went out when writing, so I feel like that was a sign of how your inner child felt or could even feel at this time. 
You could be someone who has to rely a ton on self-motivation rather than being able to depend on others; you may feel like you always had to take "the long way around" in order to accomplish things you really wanted to do. Your inner child can tell you still have to do that and actually admires that you're willing and able to rely on yourself rather than others; it's like they see it as a thread connecting you to them - like you never left each other or changed all that much. As much as they admire this connection, they also can tell you're still lonely and feel rejected by society; they might even feel this way themselves. 
Your inner child wants you to connect more to the energy of The Empress. For some of you, they want you to literally comfort them and listen to them like a mother would. They want you to tap into your emotions and recognize what all you feel, consciously and subconsciously. More than anything, they want you to stand up for yourself and ask for what it is you need. If you need someone other than yourself to rely on, they want you to turn to people in your life and ask them to help you or share with them things you've been hiding out of fear. If you need obstacles to be removed more easily, they want you to ask your guides and the universe to help remove them; they might even want you to confront the people or objects hindering you personally. If you need a figurative breakthrough, they want you to ask for it. 
With The Magician, your inner child recognizes you have the potential to accomplish whatever it is you want to, and that ambition and hard work you've always relied on gets you through a ton, but things could potentially be a lot easier if you ask for the help you're wanting. Some of you may be feeling very bitter about having to do things all on your own; some of you may even be averse to asking others for help, but your inner child is asking that you try anyway. They want you to embark on this journey with them even if you think nothing will come of it. With Eight of Wands at the bottom of the deck, things may actually work out better than you think. 
Overall, your inner child wants you to ask for the help you need. If you never ask for help directly, then you'll never receive it. Of course, some people will be stubborn and not help, but there is also likely a group of people who are willing to do so but never knew you were struggling in the first place. With the cards in this pile, you do have control over your situation pile one; it may not feel that way, but you can achieve more than you think - even if it takes forever and a day to do so.
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"Year 3000" by the Jonas Brothers
"Fruit Salad" by The Wiggles
"The Naked Mole Rat" from Kim Possible
"Brand New Day" from Camp Rock 2
"Naturally" by Selena Gomez
Six of Cups, Page of Cups, The Magician, Five of Swords, Four of Coins, Four of Cups, Three of Swords, Five of Cups, Two of Wands, Queen of Swords, Five of Coins, Six of Coins
With the "Year 3000" coming out first, I feel like this pile might have people who were super into science-fiction as kids! You could've loved movies like Meet the Robinsons and Minutemen. You might've been a quiet kid who, when they were finally comfortable with someone, ended up talking a ton; I found this really endearing, so if you still do that or feel an urge to - don't shy away from that!
Your inner child is another one that's open to the idea of nostalgia and may feel like there's a clear connection to the current you and them. You could have youthful features or a youthful way of thinking; maybe you're very optimistic and sensitive, and you might even be very intuitive. You could be highly perceptive to things relating to the spiritual realm; with that, you may find that things like magic, manifestation, etc. come easy for you. Despite this, you may not share those gifts, or you may feel ashamed of these traits connected to you. 
You could've been bullied as a child or always felt as if you had to submit to other people rather than being who you truly are. Maybe you were shamed for being too sensitive; people might've said you were too optimistic or in your head and not being realistic. Because of this, you might've decided to close yourself off from others - emotionally and in other ways. You may have evaluated what people said about you and took it to heart, deciding to become who they wanted you to be versus existing as you were/are. You might've felt like you were in a situation where you act how people want you to, or you don't survive - even if it hurt you a ton. 
It seems like your inner child is heartbroken by your choice to close yourself off - when you decided to do it and also now as you continue to engage in that behavior. I also accidentally wrote your future child, so there could be a worry that you take the advice you were given as a kid and impose it on your future child which would only make the pain generational. To an extent, they feel as if you're harming yourself and staying stuck in the same place you were a kid when you decide to close yourself off to others. Some of you may be in the same hometown or around the same people that caused you to become this warped, unrealistic version of yourself. I heard, "I just want you back". 
Your inner child wants you to leave the area you're in completely - this could be the physical space your in and/or the mental space you're in where you've cut yourself off from being your true self. Your inner child wants you to use the knowledge and experience you've gained along with the optimism and sensitivity you had as a child. That power I was talking of earlier in terms of connection to spirituality and intuition still exists; the "unrealistic" things you want are still possible. It's okay to daydream a little while also including some realism; you don't have to be "the stuffy adult they told you that you have to be". 
For this pile, this acceptance of all the things about yourself that you were told to shun would do you good. Your inner child would be happier, but it could also lighten a load on your current self. Instead of feeling isolated and not like yourself, you could be your authentic self and find that people are now more accepting and similar to you than they once were. It's also important to note that often you as an individual are not the issue, but the environment you're placed in can be. Don't be afraid to express the parts of yourself you hid for so long; it's important to be true to yourself over anyone else. 
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"Lovebug" by the Jonas Brothers
"Be Prepared" from the Lion King
"Un Poco Loco" from Coco
"Don't Run Away" from Let It Shine
"Suite Life of Zack & Cody Theme" from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Sun, Nine of Wands, King of Swords, Justice, Ten of Wands, Ace of Coins, The Tower, The Devil (Rx), The World, Six of Coins, Six of Wands
For those who chose this pile, you might've been chronically sad as a child. You could've started out with a sunny, positive disposition, but it seems that happiness might've been destroyed early on in your life. Some of you might have been the type of kid that sympathized with the villains because you understood why they did what they did. Others of you might have loved love as a child, but the idea of love you had became warped - maybe because your parents mirrored bad love habits or you were left heartbroken early in your life; I get the feeling you and your inner child still love love though!
You might've understood the rough or undesirable circumstances you grew up in very early and learned how to persevere through them. You're the type of person that understands how to keep going when it seems like everything and everyone is wanting you to give up or wither down. Your experiences with a lack of happiness may lead you to take on a leadership type of role in your current position. You could be the type of person to build up relationships slowly, you could have a strong sense of what justice is and what's "good" and "wrong". 
Your inner child feels as if you always had to be more adult than they wanted to be. This could've doubled as a blessing and a curse because taking control and being more mature led you to more security and knowledge, but it also meant you never truly experienced a childhood in a sense. It seems like this upsets your inner child a lot; it gives them a lot of anxiety because it's like they were a child for a short period of time, and then all of sudden they were left behind, and you just magically became an adult. 
This pile's inner child wants you to go back and look at your foundations - to re-evaluate why you had to become an adult so fast. They want to be able to release all the anger they have towards the fact they couldn't be the kid they were. Overall, your inner child wants to be happy again - like they were when they could still be the young child they were. Your inner child wants to talk; for some of you, they want counseling and/or therapy. For some of you, they want you to take care of them like you took care of others your whole life. 
Along with self-reflection and possible therapy, I'd also recommend engaging in activities you liked as a child and/or activities your inner child might like pile three. You don't have to do this all the time, but I think your inner child would like it if you integrated them with your current self more; I said this earlier, but they very much feel as if you abandoned them almost? Overall, they're saying they want some type of closure, but inner children never really leave you know? It's important to foster them just as much as you foster and take care of your current self, so maybe look into how you can cater to them more and in turn cater to the present you.
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"Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat" from the Aristocats
"Call Me, Beep Me" from Kim Possible
"It's My Turn Now" From Jump In
"I See The Light" from Tangled
"The Fairly Oddparents Theme" from The Fairly Oddparents
The World, Page of Cups (Rx), Nine of Cups, The Empress, Three of Wands (Rx), Knight of Cups (Rx), King of Wands, Four of Wands, Four of Coins, Two of Cups (Rx), Judgment, The Star
For those who chose this pile, your inner child seems really happy with you overall! Something could be coming in for you soon that makes them very excited, and/or you're doing things in your life that makes them so proud of you. It's like a "I knew you could make it" attitude from them. Despite childhood problems and other things trying to knock you off your path, you've always pulled through and made things work for you and given yourself a ton of life fulfillment as a result. The second verse from "It's My Turn" explains your current energy very well according to your inner child. 
Your inner child wants to talk about the way you interact with your emotions, nature, and the way you view your accomplishments. Although your inner child sees you as succeeding, it seems your current self does not see things the same way. You could feel as if things are delayed, and as a result you're frustrated. Your inner child sees this as you being petty and moody; almost like you're throwing a tantrum for some of you. You could think luck isn't on your side, and therefore you feel immense anxiety and internal imbalance. Some of you are trying to rush things when there's nothing to rush - it's a matter of patience and resilience as you wait for things to come in. 
With the King of Wands, this pile does have a lot of inner strength, and your inner child wants you to hone in on that skill. They want you to be bold in your decisions and self-expression; for them, being loud and open about who they are and what it is they want to do is important. They want everyone to know you're going to all these events and aspire to be whatever profession you want because they know you (and as a result, they) can do anything it is you/they want. They don't want you to be "stingy with information”. 
To an extent, your inner child feels disconnected from you. They could feel as if you don't talk to them enough, and/or they feel as if you don't come to them for advice even though they have good ideas too! They can be helpful too! Your inner child has a lot of ideas and ambitions that they feel you're shutting out or forgetting about, but they know they can achieve them if you let them. 
Overall, this pile's inner child wants them to recognize how much it is you're achieving - even if it doesn't feel like it. They want you to listen to them because they have great ideas that can lead you to achieve goals you and they have. Overall, they want you to have hope because good things are coming in, and you're gonna be so happy soon; they want to be able to enjoy that merriment with you, but you have to be willing to let them. Your inner child wants your mentality to match with your reality and their mentality; they want you to shed your anxiety and instead think of what all you have accomplished because they're ready to go for more.
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linkspooky · 3 months
overhaul with his quirk likely never had to face consequences if he accidentally injured one of his subordinates he could just heal them
Hello, kiddos.
This is the perfect time to explain the new term I just coined called: Narrative Gaslighting.
Narrative Gaslighting is not:
Breaking Show Don't Tell: A story failing to properly demonstrate in story something, usually a narrator tells you about a character, or setting. For example: Telling us Endeavor is on a journey of atonement, but never having him take any action in story to show this.
Retcons: Short for retroactive continuity, an ongoing story, a new story detail revising something in the past often changing or imposing a different interpretation of previous described events. For example, in doctor who the reason why Wilf wasn't at Donna's wedding in "The Runaway Bride" is because he apparently had the Spanish flu. Retcons aren't necessarily bad, because sometimes you get cool new ideas, like Wilfred objectively the best doctor who character.
Plot Holes: An inconsistency in the narrative. These are sloppy storytelling but they're not usually done onpurpose.
An Unreliable Narrator: The classic example of this is the Agatha Christie novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" where the narrator / perspective character is the murderer, and hides his role in the murders the whole novel until hercule poirot exposes him. This is a character in the story deliberately misleading the audience, either to conceal a twist, or sometimes unreliable narrator adds to characterization, like a character says something untrue and you're supposed to go "no that's wrong" and it turns out the character is lying to themselves.
Narrative Gaslighting is when a narrative deliberately tries to mislead you, straight up lies, or just insists that that did not happen totally happened guys. Much like real gaslighting it makes you question what you just read. The intent is to just manipulate you into read the story way the author wants you to instead of what's written.
The ask that anonymous sent to me is an example of narrative gaslighting because it's insisting upon something that's blatantly untrue. Overhaul faced consequences, he lost both of his arms and could no longer use his quirk, he was jailed and kept in isolation so long he was reduced to a state where he couldn't do much more than beg for someone to help restore his father figure from his coma. The main character also seeing Overhaul in such a desperate state, instead of agreeing to help wake up Pops who was in a coma (and innocent of the whole affair with Eri mind you, he told Overhaul to stop) instead put a condition that Overhaul is only worthy of human sympathy if he apologizes to Eri first.
Another example of Narrative Gaslighting is the narrative insisting that Deku is someone who "is possessed by a drive to save others that eclipses all common understanding" because his action of not wanting to save Overhaul directly contradicts this, but Horikoshi still wants us to believe Deku is an all-loving hero who's the embodiment of "Heroes who Saves" so he just straight up lies to manipulate us into seeing Deku the way the narrative wants us to, even if it doesn't align with his actions at all.
Here is another example of narrative gaslighting, where a story just insists upon events that are patently untrue to the point where it makes you question what you just read.
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No he didn't. No he did not. You're lying. You're a liar.
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sunkissedchld · 11 months
𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the nintendo ds, pile two is the panasonic, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 🌐
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"The Gospel Truth I / Main Titles" from Hercules
"I Want It All" from High School Musical 3
"Lip Gloss" by Lil Mama
"Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani
"Breakthrough" from Lemonade Mouth
Three of Wands, Six of Cups, The Hermit (Rx), The Empress, The Magician, Knight of Coins, Ten of Swords, The Chariot, Eight of Wands
Those who chose this pile might've really liked the movie "Hercules" as a kid; I told your inner child I'd never seen the movie, and they were offended 😭. Little you might've had really big ambitions and dreams but maybe felt like things and/or people held them back. My internet randomly went out when writing, so I feel like that was a sign of how your inner child felt or could even feel at this time. 
You could be someone who has to rely a ton on self-motivation rather than being able to depend on others; you may feel like you always had to take "the long way around" in order to accomplish things you really wanted to do. Your inner child can tell you still have to do that and actually admires that you're willing and able to rely on yourself rather than others; it's like they see it as a thread connecting you to them - like you never left each other or changed all that much. As much as they admire this connection, they also can tell you're still lonely and feel rejected by society; they might even feel this way themselves. 
Your inner child wants you to connect more to the energy of The Empress. For some of you, they want you to literally comfort them and listen to them like a mother would. They want you to tap into your emotions and recognize what all you feel, consciously and subconsciously. More than anything, they want you to stand up for yourself and ask for what it is you need. If you need someone other than yourself to rely on, they want you to turn to people in your life and ask them to help you or share with them things you've been hiding out of fear. If you need obstacles to be removed more easily, they want you to ask your guides and the universe to help remove them; they might even want you to confront the people or objects hindering you personally. If you need a figurative breakthrough, they want you to ask for it. 
With The Magician, your inner child recognizes you have the potential to accomplish whatever it is you want to, and that ambition and hard work you've always relied on gets you through a ton, but things could potentially be a lot easier if you ask for the help you're wanting. Some of you may be feeling very bitter about having to do things all on your own; some of you may even be averse to asking others for help, but your inner child is asking that you try anyway. They want you to embark on this journey with them even if you think nothing will come of it. With Eight of Wands at the bottom of the deck, things may actually work out better than you think. 
Overall, your inner child wants you to ask for the help you need. If you never ask for help directly, then you'll never receive it. Of course, some people will be stubborn and not help, but there is also likely a group of people who are willing to do so but never knew you were struggling in the first place. With the cards in this pile, you do have control over your situation pile one; it may not feel that way, but you can achieve more than you think - even if it takes forever and a day to do so.
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"Year 3000" by the Jonas Brothers
"Fruit Salad" by The Wiggles
"The Naked Mole Rat" from Kim Possible
"Brand New Day" from Camp Rock 2
"Naturally" by Selena Gomez
Six of Cups, Page of Cups, The Magician, Five of Swords, Four of Coins, Four of Cups, Three of Swords, Five of Cups, Two of Wands, Queen of Swords, Five of Coins, Six of Coins
With the "Year 3000" coming out first, I feel like this pile might have people who were super into science-fiction as kids! You could've loved movies like Meet the Robinsons and Minutemen. You might've been a quiet kid who, when they were finally comfortable with someone, ended up talking a ton; I found this really endearing, so if you still do that or feel an urge to - don't shy away from that!
Your inner child is another one that's open to the idea of nostalgia and may feel like there's a clear connection to the current you and them. You could have youthful features or a youthful way of thinking; maybe you're very optimistic and sensitive, and you might even be very intuitive. You could be highly perceptive to things relating to the spiritual realm; with that, you may find that things like magic, manifestation, etc. come easy for you. Despite this, you may not share those gifts, or you may feel ashamed of these traits connected to you. 
You could've been bullied as a child or always felt as if you had to submit to other people rather than being who you truly are. Maybe you were shamed for being too sensitive; people might've said you were too optimistic or in your head and not being realistic. Because of this, you might've decided to close yourself off from others - emotionally and in other ways. You may have evaluated what people said about you and took it to heart, deciding to become who they wanted you to be versus existing as you were/are. You might've felt like you were in a situation where you act how people want you to, or you don't survive - even if it hurt you a ton. 
It seems like your inner child is heartbroken by your choice to close yourself off - when you decided to do it and also now as you continue to engage in that behavior. I also accidentally wrote your future child, so there could be a worry that you take the advice you were given as a kid and impose it on your future child which would only make the pain generational. To an extent, they feel as if you're harming yourself and staying stuck in the same place you were a kid when you decide to close yourself off to others. Some of you may be in the same hometown or around the same people that caused you to become this warped, unrealistic version of yourself. I heard, "I just want you back". 
Your inner child wants you to leave the area you're in completely - this could be the physical space your in and/or the mental space you're in where you've cut yourself off from being your true self. Your inner child wants you to use the knowledge and experience you've gained along with the optimism and sensitivity you had as a child. That power I was talking of earlier in terms of connection to spirituality and intuition still exists; the "unrealistic" things you want are still possible. It's okay to daydream a little while also including some realism; you don't have to be "the stuffy adult they told you that you have to be". 
For this pile, this acceptance of all the things about yourself that you were told to shun would do you good. Your inner child would be happier, but it could also lighten a load on your current self. Instead of feeling isolated and not like yourself, you could be your authentic self and find that people are now more accepting and similar to you than they once were. It's also important to note that often you as an individual are not the issue, but the environment you're placed in can be. Don't be afraid to express the parts of yourself you hid for so long; it's important to be true to yourself over anyone else. 
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"Lovebug" by the Jonas Brothers
"Be Prepared" from the Lion King
"Un Poco Loco" from Coco
"Don't Run Away" from Let It Shine
"Suite Life of Zack & Cody Theme" from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Sun, Nine of Wands, King of Swords, Justice, Ten of Wands, Ace of Coins, The Tower, The Devil (Rx), The World, Six of Coins, Six of Wands
For those who chose this pile, you might've been chronically sad as a child. You could've started out with a sunny, positive disposition, but it seems that happiness might've been destroyed early on in your life. Some of you might have been the type of kid that sympathized with the villains because you understood why they did what they did. Others of you might have loved love as a child, but the idea of love you had became warped - maybe because your parents mirrored bad love habits or you were left heartbroken early in your life; I get the feeling you and your inner child still love love though!
You might've understood the rough or undesirable circumstances you grew up in very early and learned how to persevere through them. You're the type of person that understands how to keep going when it seems like everything and everyone is wanting you to give up or wither down. Your experiences with a lack of happiness may lead you to take on a leadership type of role in your current position. You could be the type of person to build up relationships slowly, you could have a strong sense of what justice is and what's "good" and "wrong". 
Your inner child feels as if you always had to be more adult than they wanted to be. This could've doubled as a blessing and a curse because taking control and being more mature led you to more security and knowledge, but it also meant you never truly experienced a childhood in a sense. It seems like this upsets your inner child a lot; it gives them a lot of anxiety because it's like they were a child for a short period of time, and then all of sudden they were left behind, and you just magically became an adult. 
This pile's inner child wants you to go back and look at your foundations - to re-evaluate why you had to become an adult so fast. They want to be able to release all the anger they have towards the fact they couldn't be the kid they were. Overall, your inner child wants to be happy again - like they were when they could still be the young child they were. Your inner child wants to talk; for some of you, they want counseling and/or therapy. For some of you, they want you to take care of them like you took care of others your whole life. 
Along with self-reflection and possible therapy, I'd also recommend engaging in activities you liked as a child and/or activities your inner child might like pile three. You don't have to do this all the time, but I think your inner child would like it if you integrated them with your current self more; I said this earlier, but they very much feel as if you abandoned them almost? Overall, they're saying they want some type of closure, but inner children never really leave you know? It's important to foster them just as much as you foster and take care of your current self, so maybe look into how you can cater to them more and in turn cater to the present you.
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"Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat" from the Aristocats
"Call Me, Beep Me" from Kim Possible
"It's My Turn Now" From Jump In
"I See The Light" from Tangled
"The Fairly Oddparents Theme" from The Fairly Oddparents
The World, Page of Cups (Rx), Nine of Cups, The Empress, Three of Wands (Rx), Knight of Cups (Rx), King of Wands, Four of Wands, Four of Coins, Two of Cups (Rx), Judgment, The Star
For those who chose this pile, your inner child seems really happy with you overall! Something could be coming in for you soon that makes them very excited, and/or you're doing things in your life that makes them so proud of you. It's like a "I knew you could make it" attitude from them. Despite childhood problems and other things trying to knock you off your path, you've always pulled through and made things work for you and given yourself a ton of life fulfillment as a result. The second verse from "It's My Turn" explains your current energy very well according to your inner child. 
Your inner child wants to talk about the way you interact with your emotions, nature, and the way you view your accomplishments. Although your inner child sees you as succeeding, it seems your current self does not see things the same way. You could feel as if things are delayed, and as a result you're frustrated. Your inner child sees this as you being petty and moody; almost like you're throwing a tantrum for some of you. You could think luck isn't on your side, and therefore you feel immense anxiety and internal imbalance. Some of you are trying to rush things when there's nothing to rush - it's a matter of patience and resilience as you wait for things to come in. 
With the King of Wands, this pile does have a lot of inner strength, and your inner child wants you to hone in on that skill. They want you to be bold in your decisions and self-expression; for them, being loud and open about who they are and what it is they want to do is important. They want everyone to know you're going to all these events and aspire to be whatever profession you want because they know you (and as a result, they) can do anything it is you/they want. They don't want you to be "stingy with information”. 
To an extent, your inner child feels disconnected from you. They could feel as if you don't talk to them enough, and/or they feel as if you don't come to them for advice even though they have good ideas too! They can be helpful too! Your inner child has a lot of ideas and ambitions that they feel you're shutting out or forgetting about, but they know they can achieve them if you let them. 
Overall, this pile's inner child wants them to recognize how much it is you're achieving - even if it doesn't feel like it. They want you to listen to them because they have great ideas that can lead you to achieve goals you and they have. Overall, they want you to have hope because good things are coming in, and you're gonna be so happy soon; they want to be able to enjoy that merriment with you, but you have to be willing to let them. Your inner child wants your mentality to match with your reality and their mentality; they want you to shed your anxiety and instead think of what all you have accomplished because they're ready to go for more.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 days
Hello & also how are you?
If its okay to request, RoR x Pokemon?
Romantic & Platonic W/: Thor, Loki, Ares, Apollo, Buddha, Hercules, Lu bu, Huang, Jack, Leonidas, Adam, Odin, Susano, and Okita
(You can change the scenes if you want)
Human Reader as human historical figure or hero in Pokemon
She lives in Ancient times of Galar w/ her brother and they're (Pokemon) Partners, the Hero Duo (Zacian & Zamazenta). Reader's partner, Zacian & the brother's Partner, Zamazenta
(or Reader's Zamazenta and Brother's Zacian, whichever, You can change Reader's and her brother's partners and titles and some related to Hero Duo, if you want Ex. Their Crowned forms, and it's crowned forms' signature moves Zacian: Crowned sword, Behemoth Blade Zamazenta: Crowned shield, Behemoth Bash)
If you remember the storyline in the game/anime, about the story/history of the 1st Darkest Day, and the heroes who stop it
In the Darkest Day happens, Reader and her brother as the heroes and they partnered with Hero Duo, to go on the journey to stop/fight the Darkest Day
Reader, her brother, Zacian, and Zamazenta are very close to each other like a family. They train, help, learn, and care for/love each other. Zacian and Zamazenta are willing to fight/help their Partner along the way
They met Eternatus and they fought it together, and defeated Eternatus and the Darkest Day ended
After days of their victory, they humbly earned the titles (as heroes or crowned), Reader/Zacian as the 'Fairy King's Sword' and Her brother/Zamazenta as the 'Fighting Master's Shield', as they traveled/explored new places together and save/help others in need
As they grew, until, Reader and her brother are about to die (in old age or other), they say thanks, vows, and goodbyes to others (who're humans & pokemon who're are close to them) and their Pokemon partners for everything, they died, while Zacian's & Zamazenta's sad/mourn their human partners' death. They went to Slumbering Weald, where they (Reader, her brother, Zacian, & Zamazenta) possibly 1st met, and became statues and waited when there's danger arrived…
So is it okay to make a scenario where they're in Vahalla and how would Reader interact w/ ROR characters, as her Brother and also the hero duo can be overprotective to Reader
-For as long as you can remember, even when you arrived in Valhalla alongside your brother, your partner Pokemon Zamazenta, and his partner Zacian, the four of you had been inseparable.
-You and your brother met the two legendary Pokemon many years ago, when the Darkest Day threatened to wipe out Galar, going to the Slumbering Weald and you each became partners to the legendary Sword and Shield Pokemon with the shared goal in mind of saving Galar and stopping the Darkest Day.
-You became a hero alongside your brother and Pokemon, saving the nation, and you became co-ruler with him, but after you both died, living out your lives into old age, the true legend was lost, morphing into one single hero with a sword and shield, who stopped the Darkest Day, not the two of you and the two Pokemon.
-In Valhalla, you were amazed to be around other warriors of history, ones who did great and bad things, and the gods as well, many who admired the hard work your brother and you had put into saving the world all those years ago.
-When your partner Pokemon arrived in Valhalla alongside you both, you were grateful, as you had seen how they had mourned your deaths, returning to the Slumbering Weald and turning themselves into statues until the world needed them again, and came to you in Valhalla to stand by your sides again.
-You had befriended many warriors, those who admired you, much to your brother’s annoyance, as he didn’t like seeing men around you, not wanting you to get hurt, but Zamazenta was a good deterrent for those wanting to try anything funny.
-Lately your brother had been seeing you hanging out a lot with (Love) and at first it seemed like you were just friends, but as time went on you seemed to be growing closer and closer, but Zamazenta wasn’t doing anything, silently telling your brother that the Pokemon trusted (Love), at least to a point.
-When Zamazenta would get jealous, when he felt like you weren’t giving him enough attention, he would squeeze between you and (Love), pushing (Love) away and making you dote on him instead, much to (Love’s) annoyance and just a bit of amusement.
-It was when the skies turned unnaturally dark suddenly on just a normal day in Valhalla that a siren sounded out, sounding a threat.
-Your brother and you had seen this before, knowing what this is as in the sky, from behind the dark clouds, came something you never thought you would see again, Eternatus, looking more powerful than ever and was now putting the lives of gods, humans, and Pokemon alike at stake.
-(Love) was preparing to fight, to protect you, telling to you run to safety as he headed to battle, but you turned when you heard your brother, “Y/N! Let’s go!” you turned and saw your brother riding Zacian, charging toward Eternatus, and you quickly turned to Zamazenta who nodded and you got on him, charging towards the fighting.
-You saw many gods and warriors were injured were injured when you arrived and you froze, seeing (Love) trying to pick himself up as you stood by your brother, your Pokemon on either side of you.
-A bright flash of light surrounded the four of you, as the two Pokemon performed a Volundr with you and your brother, putting you both in powerful armor, him with a massive sword and you with a massive shield and you both charged into battle.
-Eternatus recognized you both as the one who defeated him all those years ago, screeching out loudly, preparing an attack but you and your brother were prepared.
-As the attack was launched you leapt up first, lifting your shield and you blocked the blow, protecting everyone behind you as the energy played on all sides.
-Your brother leapt up from behind you, charging in with a war cry and stabbed Eternatus deep in his chest, much like when you first fought the massive Pokemon.
-The Pokemon screeched as it was defeated once again, fading away as the sky returned to normal and you and your brother drifted back down to the ground where everyone was waiting and cheering for the two of you.
-You separated from your Pokemon partners and instantly (Love) had you in his arms, hugging you close and you beamed, your arms around his neck, “I’m fine (Love)- this wasn’t our first fight with Eternatus.”
-He smiled softly, relaxing before he lowered his head to kiss you, relieved to see that you were okay before your brother grabbed you, “Not happening!!” you whined at your brother as he glared at (Love) who was amused, seeing your brother so protective as the two Pokemon growled at him, trying to keep him away from you.
-(Love) knew that it was because they cared, just smiling and walking away, as he knew that he would see you later, which you also knew, hiding your smile behind your hand as you realized this before you scolded the Pokemon and your brother, telling them that you were allowed to date, but your brother didn’t seem to think so- while Zamazenta knew what was up, but kept silent, wondering how this was going to all turn out.
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amoremoccidere · 1 year
The Power of Waking (A Queer Reading of Kingdom Hearts)
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At the start of Sora's quest in Kingdom Hearts 3, he and Riku are given separate tasks.
To Riku, find Aqua in the Realm of Darkness.
To Sora, discover the Power of Waking.
And Sora was given some very important advice at the start of his journey.
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And he follows it. He follows his heart to Hercules, who reminds Sora of when he gave his all to save Meg.
He follows it to the Kingdom of Corona, where he watches Eugene nearly die to save Rapunzel's life.
He follows it to Arendelle, where he sees Anna, frozen, having saved Elsa.
Jack gives up immortality to save Will, Mike and Sulley part with Boo to keep her safe, Woody saves Buzz and lets go of Andy, Hiro destroys the chip Tadashi originally made to save Baymax.
Again and again, Sora's heart leads him to places where he learns about true love, that it's what matters most to someone, above all else. Whether it's romantic, platonic, or familial, it's someone for whom you'd give up something you really, really want, as long as it meant they were safe.
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It's someone you care about so much that losing everything else wouldn't matter, as long as you were with them.
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It's someone you'd die for.
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It's what matters most. It's something you want to protect with all your heart.
The Power of Waking is true love, which... Well, of course it is. Historically, it always has been, ever since Disney's start.
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But Sora's heart wasn't only leading him to these worlds. There was another direction Sora's heart consistently led him to throughout his journey.
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Ironically, it seems the place Sora's heart pulls him most fervently to on his quest to discover the Power of Waking is the one place he's not allowed to go until his quest is complete. It's a catch-22.
Of course, fate intervenes, and Sora famously does find himself at Riku's side once more.
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And what should immediately follow that reunion but...
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...Sora's first use of the Power of Waking.
As Ventus said, he never lost it. It sleeps within him, and it has for a long, long time.
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somewhere only we know
—or, herc visits captain fairbairn’s new office.
They walk through the terminal, the same way they once did all those years ago, though now Herc can sometimes be a little unsteady on his feet. It should be difficult to reconcile with the robust captain Linda remembers from the beginning of her career, who had been a bit of a health-nut even before it had been overly trendy, but—everyone who has loved Linda, and she has loved in return, is getting older. Such, she reckons, goes the arc of life.
“All right?” she asks him, who has a hand looped through her arm. He sends her a positively sappy look, and she rolls her eyes. Beside them, a respectful distance away, walk the two other pilots on this long-haul flight. The first officer operating out tows Linda’s flight kit along with hers.
“You’ve come such a long way, my dear,” Herc tells her as they continue down the terminal to their gate. He hasn’t been flying for a little over two years now—he had seen his last student to a multi-engine certification before hanging up his hat and bowing from the flight-school enterprise that Carolyn’s airline had metamorphosed into, the one Arthur had inherited and was currently managing back in Fitton. “You’ve worked so hard.”
“But you are to thank for…a lot of it,” she returns, focusing on guiding him onto the moving walkway ahead of her first officer and relief pilot.
“I’m honored to have been part of your journey, in that case.” He pauses, and Linda looks aside and sees the twinkle in his eye. “Captain Fairbairn.”
She feels her ears grow a little warm, and she ducks her head with a shy smile. It has taken some getting used to, but after moving from short-haul legacy A320 to long-haul A330 and subsequently bidding into one of the inaugural A350 captain positions, she finds that it’s less of a foreign title than when she began at Swiss. It’s just that when Herc calls her Captain, or her dad…those are the only times it makes her blush.
They approach the gate; a gate agent comes up to them. “Good morning, captain. You requested a non-rev seat for a guest today?”
“Yes,” Linda nods aside at the man on her arm, who’s now staring outside the terminal windows at the glistening A350 on stand at the apron, its fuselage narrowing into a daintily pointed nose and its wings gracefully curving up at the tips. She doesn’t blame him—the A350 is objectively a beautiful aircraft. “Hercules Shipwright,” she tells the gate agent, and Herc tears his gaze away from the airplane to acknowledge the agent with a nod.
She can’t wait for him to see inside of her aircraft.
“Wonderful,” the gate agent says. “Welcome, sir,” she says to Herc. “We’ll give you priority boarding, as requested.”
“Thank you.” Herc disengages himself from Linda, and she misses the comforting presence of her friend at her side. “Linda, I’ll find a seat by the window. I’ll see you out there, yeah?”
“See you,” Linda tells him, and leads her flight crew down the jetbridge.
The previous crew has left the plane turned around and ready for them; Linda pops her head into the galleys while her first officer starts preflight checks, greets the flight attendants, and reminds the purser about her guest.
As preboarding approaches, the first officer excuses herself to do the walk-around, and Linda is left alone with her thoughts in the flightdeck.
She peers out of the wide windows, past the six touch-screen LED displays. Though kitted out with more technology than she could ever have dreamed of, the family resemblance is clear in the design philosophy of the flightdeck—it’s very clearly an Airbus, from the fold-out tray tables to the blatant absence of a yoke. There had been a time when she’d thought she might make the switch to Boeing, but when Swiss had decided that the A320s it had taken in the merger with Cal would stay in the fleet, Linda’s future as a true-blue Airbus pilot was cemented.
Not that she’s complaining about it, when some of her happiest memories are framed by an Airbus-designed flightdeck.
Herc, true to his word, has taken a seat by the window of the terminal and is staring out at her with a smile.
Linda gets up, leans over the displays, and holds a hand up to the window in greeting; in return, Herc languidly waves at her. She grinned as he holds up a finger, one minute, and gingerly takes his phone from his pocket to snap a picture. Once finished, he lowers his phone, checks the photograph, and flashes a thumbs-up at her through the terminal window.
A knock at the doorway, and Linda turns to see the redcap peeking inside. “Captain?”
“Yes,” Linda acknowledges, and rises from her seat.
Before long, her first officer has returned, and the boarding time is flashing on the chronometer. Linda feels strangely nervous.
“You okay?” the first officer asks. “You look a little…” she trails off.
Linda shakes her head. “I’m fine, it’s just…” she casts a look out the flightdeck windows. Herc is no longer at his post by the terminal window. Her heart begins to pound.
“He’s…” The first officer ponders a little. “He’s not your dad, right? I forgot. I know you told me earlier.”
“He’s my best friend,” Linda replies automatically. “We haven’t been in a flightdeck together in—years.”
“I see. Well, I’ll just greet passengers outside,” her first officer tells her sympathetically, squeezes outside, then Linda hears her say, “Oh! Welcome onboard, sir.”
“Thank you,” says a voice she would know on any frequency, anywhere in the world, and Linda is immediately at ease. A second later, Herc pokes his head through the door, bracing a hand on the doorway. “Hello there, Captain. May I enter?”
She rises from her seat. “I’m coming, Herc.”
Linda stands at his side once more in the doorway, and he stares all around the A350 flightdeck with an expression of wonder on his face. “Good Lord, Linda, so many screens. How do you manage?”
“You pull the stick for up and push the stick for down,” she replies dead-pan, and Herc lets out a laugh so loud that several flight attendants and boarding passengers look in their direction. “Herc!” she hisses reproachfully.
Still grinning from ear-to-ear, Herc loops an arm around her shoulder and pulls her close to him. “Yes, Linda?” he asks, maddeningly innocent, and she rolls her eyes.
“Come on, let’s sit,” she says, and begins to lead him further into the flightdeck.
“You’re on the wrong side,” he points out, and Linda realizes she’s automatically drifted to the right seat and her first officer’s already-configured chair.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are, Captain Fairbairn,” Herc returns with the patience of a primary school teacher.
“I want you on my left.” She knows she sounds like a child insisting it, though she’s got several strands of silver running through her hair and glasses on her nose, but—she knows also that having Herc on her right in a flightdeck like this is not what she had envisioned when dreaming of bringing him up here. “Please,” she adds, as an afterthought.
He cracks a smile. “How very silly,” he says, and it doesn’t sound patronizing from him—it’s got all the affection she remembers. Yet he sits anyway, situates himself in the captain’s seat next to her, and—
The technology is so different from the ancient A320s of Caledonian, and yet—the flightdeck is so familiar.
Like they never left it.
Herc looks across the console at her with a breathtaking smile, and it’s like he’s de-aged about twenty years—maybe more.
“We should have done this,” he says softly, and despite the smile on his face, his eyes are suspiciously bright. “Even if it had been just once.”
“Done what?”
“Long-haul.” He casts a glance over the screens, the evolution of the same instruments that must have guided him for longer than Linda has existed. “Linda, I’ve half a mind to steal this plane,” he changes the subject.
She laughs at him, knowing that regret and Herc are two things that she’s careful not to let mix too much, and goes along with it. “I’m sure you could figure it out if I set it up on the ground,” she says lightly. “If I weren’t concerned about such things as, you know, keeping my job.”
“True, that is of slight importance.” Herc looks behind him, then curls his left hand around the sidestick lightly. The sight sends a wave of nostalgia through Linda—he could very well have been preparing to lift the nose at V1 on Bristol’s runway. “In any case…” He lets go of the sidestick, turns to Linda, and smiles gently at her. A single tear is tracing the groove of a smile line. “I wouldn’t steal an A350 with anyone else in the flightdeck but you.”
Linda reaches across the flightdeck, brushes the tear away with her thumb, and rests her hand on his face.
He leans into it, still smiling.
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phoenixcatch7 · 6 months
Remembering my first time playing oot as a kid and hearing about the heroes of legend, those who had used the master sword before. And because I wasn't part of the larger community, no internet etc, I didn't know I was supposed to think of the other zelda games.
My theory was that every zelda game took place simultaneously across an infinite sea of parallel worlds, and each link could reach out and witness the other adventures alongside their own. I thought of them as different facets of the same soul, which turned out to be true enough, I suppose XD.
But I also thought the master sword was too simple a name and design, too overarching to not, similarly, be a culmination of different aspects, referencing different swords from real world myth and legend.
I remember I believed past heroes referred to people like King Authur, like Odin, like Hercules and Theseus and Achillies, like legendary samurai and kings under hills and travelling swordsmen and ladies lost to time.
And now, this small child, this little backwater kid my age was going to take up that mantle, join the ranks of heroes unsung, perform great feats in forgotten temples and save the suffering kingdom, here and gone, to slip back to home and safety upon journey's end, the kid with a hero's story and a precious, gleeful secret. That was how a lot of stories go, when they're targeted at little kids. Save the fairy kingdom from the bad pixie and run back to your parents before they wonder too long where you've been.
The direction Nintendo ended up going with making a canon timeline and destroying the mystery of how it all began (tho SS is amazing) takes a lot of the fable, the secrecy, the hushed gleam in the eye of it. But I still love it. For older players, it's another turn of the cycle, the new and old mixing into something unrecognisable and yet so familiar.
For new players, for children, the creator truly captured that feeling of stepping into another world behind your own, shifting ivy aside with your dirt scuffed hand, the feeling of wonder welling up inside as you step into the sunbeams of a brand new horizon where everything they told you about magic is true. The feeling of becoming something greater than the sum of your parts, of hearing a thousand silent voices at your back, of meeting equal with the legend, of being good for the sake of it and being rewarded with making a thousand memories, a thousand experiences beyond your wildest dreams.
Of, at the end of it all, being rewarded with the privacy and peace you really wanted, not being forced to perform nice for rude adults and go on stage to accept your little trophies. Something to cradle in your heart and smile secretive smiles, to be true to yourself, to always have that little something extra, something adults will never notice but you know. You know, and you will never breathe a word of that beautiful, magical world, because it's just. For. You.
I suppose that's always why I've liked the epilogue of a zelda game, the Links all choosing to close the loop, to return the master sword and return to their peaceful lives. To fulfil your purpose. To become everything they said you'd be and more. To go home, and your enemies don't follow.
The adults doubt your magic, but you don't. Not anymore.
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jasonswh0rre · 6 months
AK! Jason Todd x Disney Songs
Matching Disney Songs with my best man!
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1. Out There - Movie: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
This song encapsulates Jason’s desire for acceptance and his struggle with the isolation he feels from being betrayed by Batman and tortured by the Joker. It reflects his longing to prove himself and find his place in the world.
2. Hellfire - Movie: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
While it’s from the perspective of a villain, the intensity and dark themes of obsession and internal conflict can mirror Jason’s darker moments, especially his transformation into the Red Hood and his vendetta against Batman and Gotham’s criminals.
3. I'm Still Here - Movie: Treasure Planet
This song captures Jason’s resilience and the journey of self-discovery after experiencing betrayal. It resonates with his determination to survive and forge his path despite the pain of his past.
4. Reflection - Movie: Mulan
This song can reflect Jason’s struggle with his identity, especially during his time as the Arkham Knight and later as Red Hood. It speaks to the conflict between who he is inside and who he was expected to be by Batman and others.
5. Go The Distance - Movie: Hercules
Although it has a more optimistic tone, this song can represent Jason’s underlying desire for redemption and to prove his worth, not just as a hero or a vigilante but as someone more than the tragedy that befell him.
6. Be Prepared - Movie: The Lion King
Echoes Jason’s strategic planning for revenge against Batman and taking control of Gotham’s criminal underworld.
7. Family - Movie: James and the Giant Peach
(Not a Disney movie but still a good feature, this song speaks to the concept of found family, which Jason grapples with in his journey.)
8. One of Us - Movie: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Represents Jason’s feelings of betrayal and being outcast from the Bat-family.
9. Strangers Like Me - Movie: Tarzan
Reflects Jason’s curiosity and conflict about Batman’s world and the criminals he fights, seeking to understand and find his place.
10. Who Are You - Movie: Alice In Wonderland (2010)
A song that deals with questions of identity, suitable for Jason’s complex character evolution.
11. Surface Pressure - Movie: Encanto
“Serves as a poignant reflection of Jason Todd’s complex character, capturing his struggle with the expectations placed upon him, his feelings of isolation, and his deep-seated desires to prove himself and make his actions meaningful.
12. If I Never Knew You - Movie: Pocahontas
Though this is love song, it captures the deep, unspoken bond and regret between Jason and Batman, acknowledging their complicated relationship.
13. No Way Out - Movie: Brother Bear
Symbolizes the depth of Jason’s despair and the feeling of being trapped by his past actions and his quest for vengeance.
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twisting-echo · 1 month
Hello. Just whenever you see this. I had some ideas for Disney crossover ships and I wanted to run them by you. First is Hercules x Cinderella. They make sense to me because they're both kind and kinda outcasts but in different ways. Hercules was an outcast because of his strength,and Cinderella was an outcast and abused in her own home. The second is Aladdin x Mulan. I thought they made sense for similar reasons. They're both outcasts and free spirits who feel trapped for whatever reason. Sorry for the long ask. And sorry if this was a bother.
Hello, Sailor Brunette! It's nice to hear from you again. 🥰
OoOoH! I love it when I get asked about ships! This is no bother to me at all.
Hercules and Cinderella make an interesting couple! They were both treated as outcasts in their respective universes. Blending their unique strengths and personalities to see how they would complement each other as a couple is what I'm here for!
Hercules x Cinderella (Hercuella)
Complementary Traits:
Strength and Kindness: Hercules, with his immense physical strength and heroic nature, could provide a sense of protection and adventure. Cinderella, known for her kindness and resilience, could bring a calming and nurturing presence to their relationship.
Optimism and Determination: Both characters are incredibly optimistic and determined. Hercules never gives up on his quest to become a true hero, while Cinderella remains hopeful and kind despite her hardships. Together, they could inspire each other to overcome any obstacle.
Humility and Grace: Hercules, despite his godly strength, is humble and down-to-earth. Cinderella, with her grace and poise, could complement this humility, creating a balanced and harmonious relationship.
Romantic Dynamics:
Shared Values: Both value love and loyalty highly. Hercules’ willingness to give up his godhood for Megara shows his deep commitment, while Cinderella’s unwavering hope and kindness reflect her strong moral compass.
Supportive Partnership: Cinderella’s nurturing nature could provide emotional support to Hercules, who often faces immense pressure. Conversely, Hercules’ bravery and strength could help Cinderella feel safe and cherished.
Adventurous Spirit: Hercules’ adventurous spirit could bring excitement into Cinderella’s life, taking her on thrilling journeys beyond the confines of her previous life. Meanwhile, Cinderella’s grounded and practical nature could help Hercules stay focused and balanced.
Potential Challenges:
Different Backgrounds: Hercules comes from a world of gods and heroes, while Cinderella’s life has been more grounded and humble. They would need to navigate these differences and find common ground.
Balancing Strengths: Hercules’ physical strength and heroic duties might sometimes overshadow Cinderella’s quieter strengths. They would need to ensure that both their contributions are valued equally.
Overall, their relationship is a beautiful blend of strength and gentleness, adventure and stability, making them a well-rounded and complementary couple~
Mulan x Aladdin (Muladdin)
Aladdin and Mulan make a fascinating and magnetic couple to me. They did honestly feel trapped in the circumstances of their lives. I honestly don't know why I never thought of them before, especially since they're both in Disney Mirrorverse. When I was blending their unique backgrounds, skills, and personalities, I found myself really attracted to their chemistry.
Complementary Traits:
Resourcefulness and Bravery: Aladdin’s street-smart resourcefulness and quick thinking could complement Mulan’s bravery and strategic mind. Together, they could tackle any challenge with a blend of cleverness and courage.
Adaptability and Determination: Both characters have shown incredible adaptability. Aladdin navigates the complexities of Agrabah’s streets and royal life, while Mulan adapts to the rigors of military life. Their determination to succeed against the odds would make them a resilient pair.
Humility and Honor: Aladdin’s humble beginnings and Mulan’s deep sense of honor and duty could create a balanced relationship where both value integrity and respect.
Romantic Dynamics:
Shared Adventures: Both Aladdin and Mulan thrive on adventure. Their relationship could be filled with exciting journeys and shared quests, whether in Agrabah or across ancient China.
Mutual Respect: Aladdin’s respect for Mulan’s strength and Mulan’s admiration for Aladdin’s cleverness could form a strong foundation of mutual respect and admiration.
Supportive Partnership: Mulan’s strategic thinking and Aladdin’s quick wit could make them a formidable team. They could support each other in both personal growth and their shared adventures.
Potential Challenges:
Cultural Differences: Coming from different cultural backgrounds, they would need to navigate and respect each other’s traditions and customs.
Balancing Roles: Both are strong, independent characters. They would need to find a balance in their relationship where both feel valued and supported without overshadowing each other.
Overall, Aladdin and Mulan create a dynamic and balanced relationship, filled with adventure, mutual respect, and a shared sense of purpose~
I'm honestly in love with both of these ships. I think that their personalities mesh really well together.
I can just imagine how shy Hercules would be around Cinderella and how adorkable she would think he is~
I can honestly just imagine how fun and quippy the banter between Aladdin and Mulan would be. Especially if Aladdin met Mulan as Ping, where Aladdin would treat Ping like his bro and slowly start to have BiPanic around him until Mulan reveals her true identity. Aladdin is happy no matter who Mulan is, and Mulan supports her newly bisexual boyfriend~
Thank you for this ask Sailor Brunette. You made me kick my shipping goggles into high gear, and I loved the outcome. This is just good crossover ship food for my soul~
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likeniobe · 1 year
ulysses tells dante and virgil of his final voyage in inferno, canto xxvi, 85-142, trans. allen mandelbaum
The greater horn within that ancient flame began to sway and tremble, murmuring just like a fire that struggles in the wind; and then he waved his flame-tip back and forth as if it were a tongue that tried to speak, and flung toward us a voice that answered: "When I sailed away from Circe, who'd beguiled me to stay more than a year there, near Gaeta–– before Aeneas gave that place a name–– neither my fondness for my son nor pity for my old father nor the love I owed Penelope, which would have gladdened her, was able to defeat in me the longing I had to gain experience of the world and of the vices and the worth of men. Therefore, I set out on the open sea with but one ship and that small company of those who never had deserted me. I saw as far as Spain, far as Morocco, along both shores; I saw Sardinia and saw the other islands that sea bathes. And I and my companions were already old and slow, when we approached the narrows where Hercules set up his boundary stones that men might heed and never reach beyond: upon my right, I had gone past Seville, and on the left, already passed Ceüta. 'Brothers,' I said, 'o you, who having crossed a hundred thousand dangers, reach the west, to this brief waking-time that still is left unto your senses, you must not deny experience of that which lies beyond the sun, and of the world that is unpeopled. Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live your lives as brutes, but to be followers of worth and knowledge.' I spurred my comrades with this brief address to meet the journey with such eagerness that I could hardly, then, have held them back; and having turned our stern toward morning, we made wings out of our oars in wild flight and always gained upon our left-hand side. At night I now could see the other pole and all its stars; the star of ours had fallen and never rose above the plain of the ocean. Five times the light beneath the moon had been rekindled, and, as many times, was spent, since that hard passage faced our first attempt, when there before us rose a mountain, dark because of distance, and it seemed to me the highest mountain I had ever seen. And we were glad, but this soon turned to sorrow, for out of that new land a whirlwind rose and hammered at our ship, against her bow. Three times it turned her round with all the waters; and at the fourth, it lifted up the stern so that our prow plunged deep, as pleased an Other, until the sea again closed––over us."
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ingek73 · 3 months
How we made
‘I was attacked by a bloody rabbit’: how we made Xena: Warrior Princess
‘The studio was hesitant about suggesting Xena and Gabrielle were in a romantic relationship. But as time went on, they decided to look the other way and just let us get on with it’
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‘Somebody once asked me if they had ever had sex’ … Lucy Lawless as Xena and Renee O’Connor as Gabrielle.
Interviews by Chris Broughton
Follow Chris Broughton
Mon 1 Jul 2024 16.19 CEST
Steven L Sears, writer and co-executive producer
I was in a meeting with an executive from Renaissance Pictures when he mentioned a series they were going to do: “A hip, updated version of Hercules.” Xena was a character in that, compellingly brought to life by Lucy Lawless. When Hercules: The Legendary Journeys became a big hit, they decided to spin her off into her own series. That’s when I became involved.
Building on Xena’s backstory, we developed a character who has been turned into a feared warrior because of things that happened during her childhood and early adulthood, but at heart she is a good person keen to help others. The common take was that she was on the path to redemption, but my belief was that she felt she could never redeem herself for the thousands she had killed.
Gabrielle, meanwhile, is a simple village girl given the chance to realise her dreams of adventure. Since she recorded the duo’s escapades on scrolls, fans started calling her the battling bard. Right from the start, though, we refused to make her just a sidekick. She offered a beautiful innocent perspective on Xena’s darker, more barbaric character. Ultimately, she became Xena’s saviour.
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Steven L Sears in 2022.
‘We went from drama one week to satire the next’ … Steven L Sears in 2022. Photograph: Paul Archuleta/Getty Images
The show’s co-creator Rob Tapert would present us with wild ideas and leave us to make them work. I can’t think of a regular show that did a musical episode with original songs before we did The Bitter Suite. One time, Rob wanted me to change the word “camouflage”. He said: “It’s a French word and this is not a French show.” I said: “You’re having a problem with a French word in a series set in ancient Greece with a protagonist played by a New Zealand actress using an American accent?”
Later, we expanded our universe quite a bit. In one episode, clones of our heroes interacted with Xena fans in the present day. Another, set in an alternative reality, saw Xena ruling over the Roman empire with Karl Urban’s Julius Caesar after their marriage. Xena offered the opportunity to go from drama one week to satire the next and, more importantly, had a cast and crew that could pull it off.
People called Xena a sword and sorcery show, even though our universe had swords but no magic. There were mythological creatures and entities with powers, but those powers had restrictions. Most of the gods echoed the pettiness of mankind, with all their egos and desires.
Back then, the studio was very hesitant about suggesting Xena and Gabrielle were in a romantic relationship. They even objected to a moment in the title sequence where Xena is seen walking seductively towards the warlord Draco, because he was shot from the back and had long hair, so could be mistaken for a woman. But as time went on, they decided to look the other way and just let us get on with it. Somebody once asked me if Xena and Gabrielle ever had sex. I said: “It’s none of my damn business. They do social and domestic duties together, they have fought for each other and died for each other. If you’re defining the relationship just on sex, you’re really missing the whole point.”
We had a very varied following, from children to students to older people. My dad once spotted a neighbour, in his 80s, waving a stick in his front yard as if sword fighting. “I’ve been watching my favourite show, Xena: Warrior Princess,” he explained. “You should see it – there’s a guy called Sears who works on it.”
Renee O’Connor, played Gabrielle
My focus with Gabrielle was how to make her feel empowered and not just the damsel in distress. The time I’d spent doing gymnastics at school probably helped with some of the moves I had to perform: handstands, backflips and so on. I loved working with weapons and dancing around stunt people. During one fight, my stunt double was standing in for the antagonist and, as we were twirling around, we stepped too close to each other and she ended up with a broken nose.
Even in the first season, we started to hear from people who thought Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship was more than just friends. Later, that subtext started to develop. We didn’t get a sense of how big the show was becoming until Lucy came back from a convention in the US and said: “Oh Renee, it’s like you’re a rock star!” At that point, the show hadn’t started airing in New Zealand. So, as we filmed in our little sacred space in Auckland, we could still walk around anonymously.
I tried showing Xena to my kids when they were young, but my daughter was terrified, seeing her mother repeatedly getting beaten up – or even attacked by a bloody rabbit. I kept the weapons Gabrielle used and still have a few boxes of costumes. My daughter’s 18 now and I know she’ll end up wearing them on a date or something.
I can relate to the young Gabrielles I meet at conventions who appreciate that kindness doesn’t mean you’re weak. Being able to live through my character emboldened me, helped me stand up to the bully. That’s definitely carried on for the rest of my life.
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99point9percentwhump · 3 months
The midday sun was beating down as Jason and Pythagoras struggled to push the over weighted wooden cart thru the soft sand just outside the city with Hercules picking up the rear.
"come on lads nearly there now." came the jovial encouragement from behind Pythagoras stood stretching his back painfully shooting the larger of the three a dirty look
"You know we'd have been there a half hour ago if you helped." the blond mathematician pointed out as Jason leaned wearily on the cart.
Hercules scoffed offended "Its my shoulder! I need to rest it or it'll never heal." rubbing it for dramatic effect.
Jason drew a hand across his sweaty forehead trying to fight off the wave of nausea threatening to strike "Pythagoras lets just get on with it." and readied to continue the journey into the city as Pythagoras  continued his disagreement with the older of the three "It'd probably heal faster if you didn't keep reinjuring it lifting pint mugs!" he accused.
Feeling anger and starting to physically shake Jason turned abruptly to the two "would you both just shut it and get this damn thing moving!" Jason shouted louder than intended shocking the duo
Hercules squinted at the younger man as he noted him starting to sway slightly "You alright?"
"w-we just have a little further to..." was all Jason managed before his gaze turned to the sky and his eyes rolled back and his body gave out collapsing to the sand barely being caught in the arms of Pythagoras  who struggled to support his deadweight.
"Jason?!" both men called out in worry as Pythagoras  eased him to the ground Hercules knelled down to take the younger man in his arms as Pythagoras lifted one of Jason's eyelids then placed a hand on his friends forehead "He's very warm!" he noted worried
"It is very hot out." Hercules pointed out leading to shake his head "no this is something else I think he has sun sickness we need to get him home."
Hercules pondered the situation for a moment "Right."
He grasped Jason under the shoulders and lifted him into his arms.
and the two rushed thru the busy streets to their sanctuary.
in their shared dwelling finally out of the scorching sun Hercules lay the younger man on his bed.
"we need to cool him down take off his tunic and Ill make a tonic!" commented Pythagoras as Hercules followed his orders.
Once the drink was ready Pythagoras returned to Jason "Help sit him up."
Bracing Jason between them Pythagoras poured his herbal elixir between his friend's lips causing his to cough after a moment and finally his eyes fluttered open and gaze blurrily at the duo.
Hercules smiled "There he is."
Pythagoras peered into Jason's eyes and ran a hand over his forehead then let out a sigh or relief "think he's gonna be ok."
Jason groaned "i feel more dead than alive"
Letting a chuckle " as long as you dont go fainting on us again Im sure youll be up to getting the cart back here before dark eh!"
"I did NOT faint!" Jason countered
"well technically..." Pythagoras started but a cured look from Jason cut him off. "well you most certainly not going to go pushing that bloody cart at least."
Hercules scoffed "Fine Ill just have to use the donkey to bring it in then."
Both Jason and Pythagoras looked at the older man shocked "You mean you had a mule to pull that cart the whole time and didn't use it?!"
Hercules looked offeneded "Firstly a mule isnt a donkey second the cost would've been taken out of our pay and it was outrageous trust me." he finished with a nervous chuckle.
"How much?" Pythagoras asked causing Hercules to stammer "In terms of ale how much?!"
Jason grabbed the pillow behind him and threw it at the older man who ducked and took several quick steps to the door "two maybe three but its a sacrifice I'm willing to pay for till Jason is over his fainting spells." and he bolted out of the house.
Leaving Pythagoras and a still shaky Jason to look at each other dumbfounded Jason fell back heavily to the bed "Never."
Pythagoras shook his head "Nope ever again helping that... that mule of a man!" Jason laughed then groaned and lay an arm over his eyes.
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starkstruck27 · 2 years
Okay, but hear me out: a Harringrove Hercules AU
Billy is a demigod born to Zeus and Hera on Olympus, but Zeus decides he has enough children and that this one (who is kind of a runt of the litter at first) isn't worth the effort of raising. Hera feels different, and so do most of the other gods/goddesses, so she and Persephone cook up a plan. Persephone asks her husband, Hades, to turn the baby mortal, then she and Aphrodite will take the baby to live on earth. Hades does it, but his little henchmen screw it up, and the baby is almost mortal, but he still keeps his extraordinary strength. Still, no one realizes the mistake, so they continue to go through with the plan.
Persephone and Aphrodite take Billy to live with a lonely, childless woman named Susan, who had been praying for the chance to be a mother for years. As a thank you for taking in the demigod, Aphrodite promises that in four year's time, she'll have a baby of her own, as long as she continues to raise Billy until adulthood. She agrees and does just that, raising the two as siblings.
It's a happy, good life that Billy lives with Susan and his sister, Maxine, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. The townspeople don't like Billy, as his strength is seen as unnatural and dangerous, and people fear he's some kind of evil demon sent by Hades to punish the town for any wrongdoings. So Billy is an outcast, and eventually, he gets so fed up with his clumsiness and the townspeople hating him that he goes to seek help.
He finds it in the most unlikely of places. A woodsman that lives in a modest cabin outside of town with his wife, daughter and two sons, takes in the poor child who wants to learn to understand his strength. The man's name is Hopper and he was in the Greek army for a number of years, and even though he's retired, he still knows how to fight and how to teach someone to fight. He teaches Billy all he knows, and sends Billy back home to his real family.
Billy is excited to go home with his newly learned skills, but it's a long journey, and he doesn't have a horse or any other mode of transportation other than his own two feet. That is, until the first night of his journey, when he finds a wounded Pegasus in the woods. It's hoof is what seems to be the problem, and Billy, who lived on a farm for most of his life, knows there must be a rock or something in there that is hurting it, so he approaches the animal slowly, picks the rocks and dirt from its hoof, and slathers on some of the healing ointment Hopper's wife Joyce sent with him just in case. The Pegasus is so grateful that it won't leave Billy's side, and after giving it a day to heal and rest, they set out together for home. Billy names the Pegasus Camaro, which means friend or comrade.
The next day into the journey, Billy and Camaro are still in the woods, when they come across a small village, and on the edge of the town, a man being harassed by a pack of thieves. The man looks helpless, and Billy, wanting to prove himself a hero, jumps in and defends him. He saves the man and then offers the man a ride with him and Pegasus, and his heart nearly stops when he sees the man's face. He's handsome, and kind, and he smiles and accepts Billy's offer, since they happen to be going back to the same town. The man asks for Billy's name, and he says that his is Stephen.
The journey takes a week and a half, and in that time, Billy, Stephen, and Camaro face all sorts of challenges. Stephen seems to have a knack for finding trouble, and Billy is always there to get him out of it. He finds himself falling in love with Stephen over the course of their journey, and on their last night together, he tells him so. Stephen feels the same and they fall asleep together after gazing at the stars, warm even though the night is cold.
When they finally make it back to their town, the people rejoice. It turns out, Stephen was a nobleman's son, and he'd been off in another town to help his father's trade business. They are less excited upon Billy's return, but when Stephen tells them all of how Billy and his fearless steed Camaro saved him from trouble time and again, they start to warm up to Billy as well. A celebration is held in their honor, which lasts for three days and three nights.
The only problem is, during the festivities, the people are constantly thanking the gods for the boy's safe returns, and Zeus begins to get suspicious. The boy Billy sounds eerily similar to the son he ordered to be killed 17 years earlier, and the fact that he was so strong, could tame a Pegasus, and was so eager to be a hero only confirms his suspicions. He gets angry and on the third night of the festival, in an act of revenge, sends a cyclops to the town to destroy it and everyone in it.
Of course, Billy refuses to let anything happen. He, against everyone's advice, fights the beast, for Stephen, for Maxine, for Susan, for Camaro, and even for the town that hated him for so many years. He fights as valiantly as he can for all of them, and even though he slays the beast, he doesn't come out unscathed. In fact, by the time Stephen gets to him, he's breathing his last, and after kissing his lover goodbye, he succumbs to his injuries.
However, the gods of Olympus are watching this go down, and they decide it was time to stand up to Zeus and his tyrannical rule. Persephone goes again to Hades and asks if, as God of the underworld, there's anything he can do. He finds Billy's spirit and offers him a choice: he can have his warrior's death, and be worshipped as a fallen hero and demigod, or he can have a second chance, he can go back and live among the humans as an ordinary mortal, with no more superhuman strength and no ties to Olympus except the ones the humans have. Billy doesn't even blink when he chooses the second option, saying he'd rather live a million lifetimes with those he loves than a single day without them. Hades does as was asked of him and returns Billy to the Earth, no longer a demigod, but still considered a hero.
From that day on, it takes Billy a while to recover from his injuries, but eventually he regains most of his strength. He and Stephen live happily together raising horses on the countryside by the sea, and Max, Susan, Hopper, Joyce, their children, and Stephen's little brother Dustin and his friends all come to stay with them from time to time, making their life perfect. Even if Camaro likes to bat the other horses with his wings and then pretends to be shocked when they bite back.
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