#Heresy on the main
myosotis-and-gracidea · 6 months
Hey people that actually read the book, so the one kid from the far future sent by arceus with a magic device to talk to it and with pokemon taming abilities like no other
The more I look at it the more I realize this is probably a random modern kid that got picked up by arceus and given a magical latchkey before being turned loose
Imagine being adopted by arceus and sent back like 100 years only to get exiled because your adopted siblings started fighting
Probably not the worst family situation but up there rip
-- Guppy
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ask-the-crimson-king · 7 months
End and the Death Vol II Liveblogging Thread
I'm making this as my official post from which I will add a chain of various points in the novel that make me go "what the fuck" in various degrees. Again, the tag for this is end and the death vol II spoilers if you want to blacklist it.
This thread is going to be very, very long, so I may decide to break it up at some nebulous point. We'll see.
And to kick it off, we have this, from the Interlude I, II, and III:
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Time has completely stopped, and there is going to be the advent of a new god. Will it be Horus? The Emperor? Some other third thing? I'm very curious. Already enjoying the differing perspectives off the Interlude, definitely is showing off the scale of the Siege extends FAR beyond just the Solar System.
The most fascinating bit is that the farseers just... cannot see a future right now. Eldrad doesn't even know if it exists.
Also End and the Death counter: 1
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cav-core · 5 months
I love it when people call various Horus Heresy protags "the main character of x Legion" cause while it's accurate it does strongly make me think of "you are not the main character of this grocery store".
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Tfw you get recommended a particular pastor-teacher by a peer and you have gotten just wise enough at this point to go look the person up before just ingesting their teaching, and the top two things they have recently said are "Christian Nationalism is a good thing and a God-ordained pursuit" and "Israel should by no means pause or cease fire" and you're just like. Aha. Ok then. Glad I checked first. 😅
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sailforvalinor · 7 months
I just realized that since Ace was officially ordained by the Church of England, he can legally officiate marriages within the UK and it would be a downright crime to not use that for comedic effect at some point
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iapetusneume · 1 year
So with a lot of the books I’ve happened to pick up, I’ve been running into a lot of Loyalists from Traitor Legions. And I was already loving them, but when I read The Unremembered Empire, I felt like my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Especially when I consider the interactions between Guilliman and  Dantioch, and then Dantioch and Polux.
Spoilers for The Unremembered Empire under the cut.
At the start of the book, Guilliman doesn’t know the fate of any of his brothers, Loyalist or Traitor. He considers the hypothetical that he is the only surviving primarch. And while the Lion shows up early on (but not immediately) in the book, there’s a solid bit of time of the unknown.
And then Dantioch comes along. I’ll admit, if it’s explained how him and Guilliman crossed paths, I haven’t gotten to that book yet. But anyways, here is an Iron Warrior Loyalist. How many has Guilliman met by that point? He might have been the first.
It’s mind-boggling to me the idea of everything the Traitor Legion Loyalists had to get through to be able to fight with the other Loyalists. Obviously a lot of them didn’t make it, even discounting Istvaan III.
So, Dantioch gets out, and gets to Guilliman. He proves to Guilliman that he’s loyal, and Guilliman is confident enough in this judge of character that he puts him in charge of the Pharos.
And I can’t help but wonder, as both Guilliman and Dantioch were in unique positions of isolation and grief, if they both just... talked? Sometimes maybe a little bit longer than an update on the Pharos was needed. Guilliman was mourning the betrayal of his brothers, and Dantioch was mourning the betrayal of his Primarch. Who else could understand what they were going through? It isn’t the same connection, but it’s close.
And then we get to Dantioch and Polux. Classic set up for conflict, with their Primarchs having a legendary rivalry. Polux questions Guilliman’s judgement about appointing Dantioch to the position he’s in.
By this point, Dantioch is absolutely used to this. He’s used to everyone being suspicious of him, and the only thing he can do is do everything he promised. After all, if he does what he says and only tells the truth, he can’t be caught in a lie.
But I wonder if one of the things that bothers Polux is that... Dantioch went against Perturabo. He went against his Primarch. And yes, Perturabo is a traitor, but how could you go against your Primarch? I don’t think it’s something that a lot of Astartes can comprehend.
And I think it’s another reason why it was a comfort for Dantioch to work with Guilliman. Because Guilliman understood the gravity of the betrayal.
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oubaahouru · 2 years
"Do you know the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypses?" All For One purred as he appeared behind the younger man, looming there like the Reaper himself coming to collect another soul. He made no move, simply stood there, a tall dark figure crowned in a black mask that hid his maimed face. But the smile was evident in his ominous musing tone. "Do you know their names..."
@dad-for-one​ || unprompted.
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" of course. "
humming, overhaul sets one of his many books on a shelf, the feeling of static in the air doing little to calm his habitual dusting routine. he mutters beneath his breath, something about ' strange entities ' and ' attracting sprites '.
" granted, they are referred to in the book of revelation ;    not all subscribe. in fact, many refuse. "
taking down yet another book, overhaul passes a glance towards all for one, bright gold watching closely, then opens the novel to scroll through the pages.
" some believe there is a fifth - humanity.    personally, i think it's all an allegory for humanity. don't you?    death is the only one truly named ; there are theories    of the others, but nothing is truly parsed in text.    assuming, naturally, that the belief even exists in the first place.    considering humans are innately terrified of death, i'm hardly surprised -    of course. . none of this is real, all for one.    religion, the book, none of it is real. "
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----           " but i am. "
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so i was perusing the shelves of target today, as you do, and i saw a romance novel about a vampire who used to be a Catholic priest before he got turned, but then left his life of celibacy when he met! a cute! girl! because romance novel. Logic.
Anyways the summary on the back left me with one question.
do his vows still apply even if he was turned into a vampire? asking for the author of the romance novel a friend.
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felikatze · 2 years
catching up on the webnovel and i still love it so much
an entire chapter was dedicated to how not in love w the protag The Main Girl is.
"do you ever feel flustered, or shaky around him? do you think about him a lot?" "no. never." and then she internally monologues abt how not in love she is. it's like the "i have feelings for you" (the feeling was friendship, but neither of them had ever experienced it) comic but these guys r being so nd abt it
in the current chapter i'm on the protagonist has obtained a totally not cursed sword through Bad Life Choices and the entire narration is currently dedicated to how afraid he is of being decapitated for having A Totally Not Cursed Sword in a world where the inquisition still exists
these plots are happening concurrently
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
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Said something about figuring armor out by trying to put Bobbie in Fire Warrior kit. About 50 cents of the adhesive foam and some half-assed cutting got me this, I’m sure whole-assed cutting, a ruler, and better pre-planning would get me armor worth trying to save when I remove it.
So here’s a very rough look at a 40K-AU Bobbie Draper, I guess.
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To me, Slime is another in a long line of evidence that Dream could not manipulate or brainwash his way out of a wet paper bag. It’s not really his thing, and frankly he’s pretty terrible at it.
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berylbled · 1 month
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Character & verses (2/2)
#❝ saintess of salvation hence turned demiurge of destruction. ❞—✦ in character#❝ the divine speaks in a thousand tongues‚ yet not a single syllable fathomed before the fall. ❞—✦ ic replies#❝ the oracle could not portend such an omen‚ so she only pretended to know in the end. ❞—✦ headcanon#❝ the old gods are doomed for decay and yet the saint remains pledged to an even older existence. ❞—✦ dossier#❝ hark‚ the black sands still yearn to embrace thee‚ a requiem for the absolution ever out of reach. ❞—✦ lore#❝ she spoke like a hymn‚ a voice of honeyed madness and speaking heresies. ❞—✦ ic answered#❝ i lamented‚ i cursed‚ i blasphemed. ❞—✦ isms#❝ monolith of falsehood‚ propagator of heresy‚ an emergence marked and coated in blood. ❞—✦ aesthetics#❝ and she yearns for the life she could not have‚ for the futures stolen away‚ for the passage of time. ❞—✦ mini study#❝ the epitaph that yearns for a place to be engraved‚ lamentation of devotion and woe. ❞—✦ history#❝ they cursed ye in the hymns most holy‚ making ye a surviving relic of the lost ages. ❞—✦ verse info#❝ there’s red in the ledger‚ bound by laws that ye cannot defy‚ none shall redeemed at the edge of doomsday. ❞—✦ verse ||| main#❝ madness is the oldest form of power‚ so says the scripture etched into her blood. ❞—✦ verse ||| path to nowhere#❝ starsung saint strung along by the merciless wiles of fate. ❞—✦ verse ||| honkai star rail#❝ the oracle speaks of a place where the black sands shall deliver ye‚ yet the deliverance has long been sundered. ❞—✦ verse ||| unknown#❝ the constellations shall make a door and ye shall pass through it. ❞—✦ verse ||| genshin impact
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ranticore · 3 months
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eh i might as well just post em here. Sirenian humans for ya. ftr i never got round to doing this for selkies or the other guys
the individual drawings for these are.. not the best and the text formatting and typos are woeful but i have a lot of fondness for them (especially the hopper harpies, they're my favourites) and the reason i made this blog was originally to talk more about them in a more relaxed space
there's also... this attempt at describing the naming conventions of the most populated settlement
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one thing i really wanted to avoid with these guys was the notion of culture being tied to what type of person you are (physically i mean). it's very rare that a settlement is limited to only one type of human. culture is instead related to settlements and geographical regions (can u tell I hate the common trope of Monolithic Fantasy Race Culture). because the humans who originally settled on siren spoke english, all of the languages spoken by modern sirenians are derived from english (and this is how scholars can back-translate ancient records about ishmael et al). some people with very specific adaptations (like hoppers) might be concentrated in the area that best fits their morphology but there are no exclusive groups based on body type.
the modern sirenians do not believe they are (or were, originally) aliens on siren, they do not know about earth, they know nothing at all aside from the fact that there were once Precursors who've left some technology behind.
the main story is about our guy Qedivar travelling from the spire to the old Precursor ruins to do some research, and on the way he hires Huarva as a tugboat and Terwy as an astronavigator. They have each lied to the other about some fundamental aspect of themselves of course so there's drama but eventually Qedivar gets home and publishes a preliminary report on what he found there (which is the record of Ishmael's life). Conservative factions immediately decry it as heresy and call for Qedivar to be killed, so he has to go into hiding and publish under a pseudonym.
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i am Scared. bc. uhhh... ah. all da ghosts and angels that endlessly haunt me!!!
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youryurigoddess · 7 months
Have you noticed how Crowley’s main objective this season is basically running to the rescue and saving others? First and foremost Aziraphale, obviously, but also Jim — both from the official manhunt and from himself, like in the window jump scene — and multiple humans.
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Crowley started off as an angel willing to question the highest — and only — authority in order to save not only his newest creations, but the whole vast, beautiful universe from the unjustified and untimely destruction.
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Crowley was the one who stopped Sitis from cursing God — even when her own husband and a literal flock of angels stood in silence. Not to mention saving the kids of two species from a Heaven-sanctioned death sentence.
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Crowley was the one who self-sacrificed in order to drive away Elspeth from suicide and make sure that she’ll be taken care of for the rest of her life, effectively minimizing her struggles.
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Crowley was the one who saved Nina and Maggie from the demons appearing on Whickber Street at dusk and directed them to follow the light of their bookshop, a safe harbor by design and by choice.
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Crowley was the one who also made up a nonexistent rule to safely evacuate almost all of the humans out of what started as a monthly Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association meeting and ended up as a literal war zone.
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Literally in every episode of S2 Crowley is showing a consistent pattern that‘s not only painfully in-character for him, but also more than common among human trauma survivors and those struggling with mental health issues.
According to research, doing nice things for people and focusing on the needs of others may actually help those with depression and anxiety feel better about themselves. They’re basically offering others the same kind of help they need or needed in the past.
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By saving all of those people, Crowley is not only extremely kind as the angel he used to be, but also subconsciously processing his past mistakes and traumas. He becomes a protector of the oppressed and guardian of the weak, taking under his wings those he deeply identifies with.
The fallen angel who asked too many questions, who hanged with the wrong crowd, who got rejected by his peers, who cursed God, who went through what seems like panic attacks, depressive episodes, and contemplated suicide by Holy Water, who understands love… became a patron saint.
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Like Saint Anthony is a patron of lost things, Anthony J. Crowley is a patron of the seemingly lost cases. But remember that this level of heroic sanctity in life can also lead to martyrdom or heresy later on — a saint is supposed to intercede, not act on their own like God does.
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