samithemunchkin · 29 days
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alidravana · 8 months
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Started off intending to write Keegan whump and ended up with Kick angst instead!
Fandom: Call of Duty
Ship: Implied/Background Logan/Keegan, hints of Hesh/Kick
Length/Rating: ~1.3K, Teen
Tags: Canonical Character Death (Elias still dies), Post Sin City, Kick's POV, Grief/Mourning, Injury Recovery, Missing Scene, Everyone Loves Riley
The U.S.S. Liberator. The last fighting-capable aircraft carrier of the US Navy Fleet. And the final resting place for the one, Elias Walker. Like the rest of the Ghosts, Kick struggles to deal with the fallout from the Las Vegas.
Can be read here on A03!
Would love to know your thoughts - been a while since writing some Ghosts content 💕
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aquaticcowboy69 · 1 year
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hesh/kick doodles 💥💥
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artdrawsok · 2 years
Lil Hesh x Kick thoughts here!
Hesh meeting Kick for the first time and he's internally freaking out because 'oh god why is he so hot' despite the fact Kick clearly is a mess at the time, I'm thinking Kick is trying to get past some sort of firewall and has probably been up for at least a day. And yet Hesh is down bad for this man.
Cue Logan trying to not lose it seeing that Hesh has been zoned out the whole time as Merrick was talking about what Kick did in the Ghost team. Let's just say he had to ask Logan later on what Merrick said because he was too busy being down bad for the tech guy.
OK now, this is probably an unpopular opinion buT, I like to think Hesh knew he liked guys but never really found a guy he would like to date so he mostly went out with women.
Tying into that, he's probably had the occasional one-night stand with guys, so he's somewhat experienced in that department. But I like to imagine Hesh is still nervous when he ended up being intimate with Kick for the first time. Also, both of them are switches and you can't convince me otherwise.
Moving onto more squishy wholesome stuff, I like to think that Hesh shows his love for Kick through actions. He's not the greatest with words, but he'll be the one to patch Kick up if he's ever hurt. Being as gentle as he can be, constantly checking if Kick is ok. He'll make little dishes that Kick likes when he can even if some of the ingredients are a bitch to find.
Kick probably shows his love through words (opposites attract ig), this man at any opportunity will tell Hesh he's doing great or when Hesh wakes him up in the morning he'll say something like "Morning hun, did you have a good run?" HE LIKES TO LISTEN TO HESH TALK. Also, he's a big guy for nicknames/affectionate names. Hun, love and angel are the most common.
However, both of them are very much attached at the hip. Whether it's cuddling or holding hands they will somehow be touching each other. Many times the Ghosts have seen these two in the kitchen, one of them has their hands wrapped around the other's waist. Much affection, much squish.
Kick probably unconsciously traces his fingers along the shapes of Hesh's tattoos or scars when the two are in bed, calming down after a long day. Hesh is comfortably accustomed to this, as he reads a book in the dimly lit room. The small bedside lamp being the only source of light.
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callofdooty · 1 year
If I Wake Up And Accidentally Crawl Into Your Arms
Also posted onto Ao3
Fandom: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Summary: Written for Whumpril 2023 Day 2's Prompts of Stress, Insomnia and "Get some rest."
"But in times like this (times like right now, where he's sat up in bed, chewing at his own nails, praying to whatever the fuck is out there that he doesn't wake up Kick, blissfully asleep beside him) the thoughts aren't just incomprehensible noise. No. They all swirl back around to the same thing, discordant shrieks and wails crackling inside his head, sending ripples of pure discomfort to stretch across his skin- his nerves - under one unified point of interest.
The eye of the storm, the source of it all, is his brother.
His brother, who's out there somewhere. Alone. At the mercy of a merciless enemy.
Hesh wonders if their heads are just as loud as each other."
OR. Hesh struggles to sleep as the Ghosts search for Logan. Kick provides a little comfort.
Rating: Gen
Relationships: David "Hesh" Walker/Kick
Warning/labels: Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Stress, Insomnia, Self-Hatred, Sleep Deprivation
Night hours were always the most conflicting for Hesh. While the day often brought an avalanche's worth of distractions - duties, responsibilities and the like - the night was mostly void of them. A time where the world became quiet; settled, even just a little.
In the day, the distractions made it easy for thoughts to escape. No time for dwelling, or mulling things over. Sometimes, it proved stressful. But most of the time, it was welcome. Hesh always preferred the physical, he didn't like to get stuck on things that he couldn't solve. Especially if said things weren't worth solving in the first place. 
At night, though, the thoughts themselves are the distraction. Trapped, clouding around until thunderstorms raged on in his skull, making any semblance of sleep nigh-on impossible. Seemed like as soon as the sun sank down below the horizon, all of buzzing and noise around him found sanctuary inside his head. A lot of the time, there's so much going on that even Hesh himself doesn't know what he's thinking. It's all too loud; a cacophony of nothing and everything all at once. 
But in times like this (times like right now, where he's sat up in bed, chewing at his own nails, praying to whatever the fuck is out there that he doesn't wake up Kick, blissfully asleep beside him) the thoughts aren't just incomprehensible noise. No. They all swirl back around to the same thing, discordant shrieks and wails crackling inside his head, sending ripples of pure discomfort to stretch across his skin- his nerves - under one unified point of interest.
The eye of the storm, the source of it all, is his brother.
His brother, who's out there somewhere. Alone. At the mercy of a merciless enemy. 
Hesh wonders if their heads are just as loud as each other. 
Logan's out there, and he's suffering; dying from the inside out and Hesh isn't helping. He's just... fucking around, fumbling like an idiot. Wasting day after day after day, getting nowhere closer to finding him, to bringing him back home, to safety.
It's been haunting him for a while, though he dreads to think of a solid measurement for it. Weeks, months, fucking years? He doesn't know right now. And either way, any stretch of time would be too long. In efforts to derail that particular train of thought, he shakes his head, instead laying his eyes on Kick. He's fast asleep, breaths steady, a contrast to the chaos raging on inside Hesh's head.
Kick is always steady. And Hesh would be lying if he wasn't a little envious of it. He's been heralded as a leader before; fuck, even Merrick seemed to think as much. And maybe he was, at some point. But now, ever since... the beach... he's been out of sorts. Seems like Rorke kicked the leader qualities right out of his fucking head, because God knows he's nothing more than a mess, even if he's mostly able to keep it under wraps, only letting it show around the other Ghosts. Where he was once practical and collected, he's now a desperate, despairing mess. A failure that couldn't save his father or his brother from a single man.
Would Logan have been in this same state? Would he be just as destroyed if it was Hesh that had been taken? Part of him wants to say yes. Wants to imagine that both of them would crumble in the face of pressure and grief. But another part of him, a louder part, is repulsed by the idea alone. Logan's nowhere near as pathetic.
Fuck, he's so tired.
Sleep has been an issue for far too long at this point. He's pretty sure the last "good" sleep he got was when he passed out after being picked up that damned beach. And that was hardly, as they say, "restful" - at least not for his wandering mind. It's all this... noise. It's hard to ignore, impossible to dampen, even with his best attempts. Constant, persistent. And it doesn't matter if he stays awake the whole night ruminating, by the next sunset he'll once again be stuck listening to a beehive that only he can hear.
But he can at least try.
As quietly and carefully as he can, he lays back down, pressing against Kick, as if just by being close, he could absorb some of that steadiness for himself. It doesn't work, of course. And instead, he's just subject to more thoughts, making him sigh shakily into Kick's neck, tears springing to his eyes.
"Hesh?" He freezes. Kick's sleepy mumbling hit him like ice water, far from the comfort and warmth it'd usually bring. He doesn't answer. He can't. But in doing so, it only seems to make Kick more alert, as he shuffles and pulls back a little, and Hesh makes the smallest of whines that seems far too loud against the everything-and-nothing.  "Hesh, what's wrong?" 
Instead of answering, Hesh sits up again, knees coming up to his chest. He manages all but a second of eye contact before he breaks it, instead letting his gaze wander the room that's only lit by rogue moonlight. He traces the shapes and shadows in the darkness, as if any of it would hold answers, would magically fix everything and bring Logan right back to where he should be. 
To noone's surprise, the revelation doesn't come. Instead, Kick sighs. It's small, would hardly be audible if not for the deafening silence, but it weighs heavy on Hesh's heart all the same.
There's been a lot of sighing lately. From Hesh, to Hesh, about Hesh. 
A bitter, perhaps selfish, part of him wonders when Kick - when all of them - will finally have had enough of him.
If they've already reached that point, Kick makes no show of it. He speaks again; softly, quietly and in a gentle manner that Hesh doesn't feel worthy of.
"Thinking about Logan again?"
Hesh closes his eyes to block the tears that start spilling out, one by one. His throat constricts painfully around nothing.
"I just..." he chokes out, just barely. "Fuck, he's... He's waiting on me, Kick..." It's a fight to contain himself, to stop himself from turning into a sobbing mess right then and there.
"Waiting on us, Hesh." Kick reminds him, "And we'll find him. We're not going to give up until we do." A hand lands on his arm and tugs slightly, coaxing him to let go of where they're curled around his knees. "C'mere."
He lets himself be pulled back down into Kick's awaiting arms, and lets out another shaky sigh against Kick's chest.
"I feel useless." It's an undignified whimper, one that he'll probably beat himself up over later, but in the moment, it's all he can muster up as a response. 
"I know, I know..." Kick soothes, "We're doing all we can. But right now, there's not a whole lot you can do. And I know it's hard, but you should try and get some rest, okay?" He pulls back again just to look Hesh in the eyes, a hand coming up to cup his cheek, wiping away stray tears with his thumb. "You've done enough, Hesh. You're doing enough. Just because we haven't got there doesn't mean we haven't got results. We'll find him soon. But you can't help him if you're running on empty."
The more Kick speaks, the more the noise in his head settles, leaving him exhausted, both mentally and physically. The thunder is still there, but now it's softer. Distant. Muffled. A lull, like ocean waves; though he doesn't like to think about that kind of thing anymore. For once, he is able to stop his mind from wandering, focusing on the warmth of his partner insteaad. He's certain that he would've stayed awake all night, had Kick not woken up. But now, while he can, he lets himself admit defeat. He lets the tiredness take hold.
"Yeah... You're right..." he mutters before turning more sheepish, "...Sorry for waking you." 
"I'd rather you wake me up than suffer alone like that, sweetheart." A soft kiss is pressed to his forehead, and then he's free to bury himself into Kick's chest completely. The third sigh he lets out is once again shaky, but contented as they wrap themselves in each others arms, and quickly the exhaustion starts to settle in, already beginning to pull him under.
"L've you..." is the last thing he can think to say, practically (blissfully) half asleep.
"I love you, too, Hesh." Kick hums, and just as he drops off, he hears the added hush: "Always will."
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Keegan: Dude. It’s so obvious you have a crush on Kick.
Hesh, flustered: What?! No I don’t.
Keegan: You literally wrote “H <3 K” on your mission report. Merrick had to re-do it for you.
Hesh: You don’t know what that stands for.
Keegan: Seriously? H is you. K is Kick. It’s obvious.
Hesh: No! K is Keegan.
Hesh, hesitantly: Because we’re besties..?
Keegan, tired of being the only sane person on the team: Okay.
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yooo-lets-go · 1 year
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Keegan, the man, the legend
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antomatkoen · 5 months
erm guys i was looking for ingredients for my soup and….i found this weird thing in a pit.. does anyone know what it is?
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cod-dump · 17 days
Logan: You know when I told you as a kid I didn't want to join the Boy Scouts?
Hesh: Yea?
Logan, pointing at Merrick and Kick: That includes Dad's version
Merrick: BOY SCOUTS?
Kick: Oh Keegan is going to die- I need to write this down hold on-
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capt-zjaybird · 2 months
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gunnrblze · 22 days
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I like their eyes
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samithemunchkin · 16 days
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alidravana · 2 years
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Fandom: Call of Duty Ghosts & Modern Warfare
Pairing: Logan Walker/Keegan P Russ, Hesh Walker/Kick, Simon "Ghost" Riley/Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Length/Rating: <2.5K, Ch. 1/15?
Tags: Post-Canon, Crossover, Kidnapping, Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Gunshot Wounds, Chronic Pain, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, All the Whump, Found Family, Recovery, Intimacy, Other Tags to be Added
"Dad taught us many things, but one lesson always stood out... Good men are defined by the choices they make. Logan and I made a choice, a promise. To the fallen Ghosts before us. To dad. We'd fight Rorke and we'd stop him... no matter the cost." — David "Hesh" Walker, during the opening credits of the Ghost Killer
Worn and broken, the Ghosts try to regain their strength after Logan is taken.
Because one thing is for certain. They are done losing Ghosts.
Here it is, the first chapter in my large WIP crossover that I keep talking about!
Due to the potentially triggering nature of several of these tags, I want to reassure the readers that I will highlight the related tags for the chapter at the start in the author notes, and if you have any concerns or questions, please do reach out. Tags will be added as we go (due to the nature of WIPs), although I have tried to include what I am expecting/what is ahead already.
Thanks to the wonderful @lisbetadair and @sugaredmayhem for all their editing assistance thus far, and to the Ghosts discord for all the encouragement.
Check it out here on A03!
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lizzy019 · 1 month
Me when any CoD man is either super cool or super silly and all I wanna do is feed them and pamper them and give them the nicest blowjob they've ever had so that I can be the light of their life... also because I need money and these fucking military jobs give sergeants and higher the best paycheques:
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artdrawsok · 2 years
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did some doodlin' to distract me from my sunburn pain
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callofdooty · 2 years
Ship bingo - Hesh/Kick?
Oh boy here we go!
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This ship I think is probably one of the biggest example of the Ghosts Fandom being able to turn ashes into gemstones.
Unlike Keegan/Logan, Hesh/Kick doesn't seem to have nearly as much canon material to back it up, at least from what I've seen. And yet this ship thrives! Because there's so many creative liberties to take with the story and the characters (especially Kick) it stands out as a very unique and malleable ship.
Kick himself benefits much more from fanon than canon, with select community members building him a complete personality that lets him stand as his own fleshed out character. I find this kind of shit fascinating because it's a product of pure fandom love! It's collaborative creativity! It's people coming together and making something just for the hell of it.
The ship is sweet, and for most of the fics written by the wonderful members of the fandom, they're sort of like... a little flicker of hope against the doom and gloom that permeates the atmosphere. Despite the hopelessness, the agony and the strife; these two are able to find solace in each other. Ember sparks in the darkness. It doesn't drive back all of the shadows, and at times things can get shaky, but the warmth, the light the life is still there.
It reminds the characters - and ourselves - that even though they're losing, there's still things worth fighting for.
And I think that's wonderful :)
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