#Honest Luka au
maspers · 10 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how good of a Doctor Who Companion they'd be.
Marinette: She'd be great at it, but she would also hate it and just want it to be over. She's tired and has no time for this shenaniganry. Please give her this chance to not be involved. 5/10
Alya: Would have SO MANY QUESTIONS. Could do very well, but I can see her veering dangerously close to Adam Mitchell territory. Careful there, Alya. 7/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: I think he'd be a decent TARDIS passenger, but he's the type that'd be part of an ensemble. Wouldn't work as well as a solo companion. 4/10
Chloe: Sorry Chloe fans, but no. The Doctor can pull a redemption arc out of anyone, but they also have no patience for bullcrap. It's just not happening no matter how much I want it to. 1/10
Sabrina: I think she would be great, but the fandom would not like her as a companion. 6/10
Mylene: Yeah, she would not like it. 0/10
Ivan: If Mylene isn't going, then neither is he. 0/10
Rose: Would be absolutely hilarious due to her name alone. Accompanying a Classic Doctor might be better for her. 7/10
Juleka: I don't care what you say she would be excellent and the fandom would love her. Ironically would probably fit better with a NuWho Doctor. 10/10
Kim: The Doctor does not want Kim in the TARDIS. Kim has been in the TARDIS at least once, and the Doctor has vowed that it will be the last time. They're wrong. 4/10
Max: The Doctor would ADORE Markov. Max would be Markov's plus one. 7/10 by proxy
Alix: Pretty sure she already is a companion. Like. In canon. We haven't seen it but it's definitely happened, fight me. Alix/10
Nathaniel: I want to say he'd be great but in my heart I know he would be Very Stressed. Definitely would not want to travel with the Doctor, but would keep getting dragged along by his friends. The fandom would love him though. 5/10
Lila: As she is now? Absolutely not. The Doctor would despise her. -10/10, BUUUUUUT if she was picked up before Volpina (or pre-Chameleon at the latest) I think she could be redeemed like in the Scarlet Lady AU. She would be hilarious. She gives me Turlough vibes. If the Doctor can deal with Turlough and Missy then he can deal with Lila. She has the potential to be unique and have an interesting character arc compared to other companions, and let's be honest NuWho needs something unique and interesting. 8/10
Luka: Like Nino, he works better as part of ensemble. Would be an excellent supporting character for Marinette or Juleka if they were companions, or maybe be a very cool Oneshot Companion like Wilf. 3/10
Kagami: The Doctor would have their work cut out for them, because Kagami is a "stab first ask questions later" person and the Doctor doesn't vibe with that normally. Neither The Doctor nor Kagami would be happy with this arrangement. So naturally Kagami's sole season would be one of the best in the entire show. 9/10
Marc: He would travel with either the Second or Thirteenth Doctors. He would do wonderfully, but his seasons would definitely be more focused on the Doctor than Marc himself. Sorry Marc. 7/10
Ondine: Is too busy keeping Kim out of trouble. And as stated previously, the Doctor does not want Kim in the TARDIS. 2/10
Felix: I just don't think it would work. Felix could definitely be a major recurring character, but somehow I can't really see him actually being a companion proper. He does get bonus points for being British. Perhaps instead of being a companion he spends his free time annoying Torchwood. 3/10
Zoe: She'd be great. But the universe would be Very Cruel to her. People will die, and she will not be happy about it. 8/10
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
concept based on the “what if?” of “what if Ivan didn’t go back with Till when they ran away and instead ended up with the rebellion?”
(also based on this post from @alalnsted)
note: this is going off of the assumption that they were in their early teens during their escape attempt (~13-14)
While watching Till run back to the garden despite being given a chance at freedom, Ivan comes to the conclusion that nothing he can ever give Till will be enough. If nothing Ivan could ever offer Till would compare to Mizi, and he only annoys Till, then he has no real reason to stay. Ivan believes that Till will be happier without him around bothering him constantly and he will be forced to watch Till be in love with Mizi, as well, so he chooses to leave instead. He thinks of it as a selfish decision, leaving his friends and his beloved behind, but he also thinks that they will be better off without him, so it’s not that hard of a pill to swallow.
After leaving, Ivan kind of just drifts for a while before crossing paths with Hyuna, who he recognizes from the Garden. Hyuna recognizes him too and scoops him up off of the street because he reminds her of Luka and if she can take care of Ivan, and he turns out fine, then maybe that will mean that she didn’t fail Luka (and that she didn’t fail Hyun-Woo, by extension)
Taken under Hyuna’s wing, Ivan grows up into someone a little more crass and brusque than his charming persona in canon- as Para (@shakingparadigm) said, his child self is actually really close to his real self, and his child self is blunt, quiet and stoic- and I think that if Hyuna, Dewey and Isaac were some of the figures he was growing up around as a teenager, he would end up presenting more authentically insofar as he would kind of lean into that more brutally-honest side that we can see when he's a little kid. He might be a little more sarcastic and outright rude but he would still have some of his more playful nature we see in his canon adult self (after all, Hyuna’s definitely easygoing and witty, and she, Dewey and Isaac definitely seem like they enjoy just fooling around and shootin' the shit together)
Ivan becomes the rebellion’s bookkeeper! He would still be able to fight and go on missions himself but he would mostly make sure that the money and the documents are in order, allowing the rebellion to execute more covert missions and stay on budget. I just think he’s more of a strategist/planner than someone on the front lines.
At his canon age of ~22 (I think), the new ALNST contestants are announced and he realizes that Sua, Mizi and Till are part of that group, I think he would probably panic. The human rebellion in and of itself seems like it is focused on dismantling ALNST as an institution anyways so having a mission surrounding the upcoming season makes sense but Ivan initially removes himself from it, because it’s personal and he doesn’t want that kind of attachment to cloud his judgment. Hyuna drags him into it, either right before Round 1 or after Sua dies (I really don’t know if I want to keep Sua dying in or not because as much fun as it would be to have Sua, the whole point of this AU is kind of to have Ivan and Mizi both grow on their own, separate from their partners. Ivan would get to do that pre-ALNST and Mizi would do it afterwards). Ultimately, they save Mizi. She and Ivan have a tearful reunion. Though she isn’t happy with him for making her think he was dead, she forgives him.
Eventually they save Till, too, but that’s actually less important tbh. I mean. Ivan and Till have a reunion and Till is glad to see that Ivan is still alive and that Mizi is still alive and he has to work through his own guilt and Ivan is kind of just . . . tired because he might still be in love with Till but at the same time, he came to terms with the fact that Till would never love him back a long, long time ago and he’s way past hoping for something like that
I'm thinking of writing something with this idea but if anyone has any notes or ideas in regards to this AU please let me know! I have some doodles for it that I'm probably gonna post later today or tomorrow . . . who knows though haha
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impactedfates · 1 year
“And Action!” - Various HSR Boys x GN! Reader (Modern School AU)
Summary: Getting the lead role in the play for school was one thing, but now your love interest in the play is your crush?? AND THERE’S A KISS SCENE????
Characters Included (Separate): Jing Yuan, Blade, Luocha, Welt, Dan Heng, Sampo, Gepard, Luka
Genre: Romantic + Fluff (hopefully lol)
Warnings: None (Well, this is debatbalty proof read if you wanna count that)
Extra: I swear I am not bias to certain characters, some characters were easier to write for then others for this prompt for me/srs // Reader is shorter or the same height to the males
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Jing Yuan is probably one of the top 3 candidates for the lead role so you shouldn't be all too surprised when you found out he was going to be playing your love interest in the play.
What did surprise you however when you were reading your script, was the kiss scene. Your face heated up as you continued reading the lines, too concentrated on the words and actions to notice a sleepy pair of golden eyes peering over your shoulder.
"Then he leaned in and gave them a long sweet kiss"
Came a voice, reading out one of the lines of the script, your head whipped behind you, and you felt it heating up more as you stared at Jing Yuan, who was looking back with a sly smile.
"Hm, if we want the play to go on well, then we should practice no?"
He speaks, a teasing tone in his voice as he stared directly into your eyes.
Did he know you liked him...?
"How about it, want to practice now my dear?"
Oh he definitely knew.
"Jing Yuan, the plays over, we don't have to-"
He cut you off promptly, planting another kiss on your lips. As his hands lay rest on your waist. He let out a low chuckle as he leaned in, his face right beside your ear.
"Y'know...we didn't actually have to kiss for the scene, we could've just faked it...but this gave me a GREAT excuse to give you a lot of kisses"
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How Blade managed to land himself as the lead role made many scratch their head. No one exactly doubted his acting abilities, they were willing to give him a chance it's just...the lead role he got was expected to be given to someone kind, charming and sweet...3 things Blade was not and no one could really see him as those as well.
No one could tell what he thought about it either, he had his usual expression on his face. But hey, at least he took his script and read through it with no problem right?
He actually read the script with you, and you both paused upon reading about the kiss scene.
"I think the director said that we don't have to do all scenes exactly, so we won't have to do this if we don't want too"
He speaks, looking away with the slightest blush. His grip on the paper seemingly tightening a bit before he glanced at you, leaning in to see your reaction to his next question.
"Which would you prefer? We fake a kiss or an actual kiss"
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If I'm being honest, Luocha doesn't seem like the type to audition, at least voluntarily. If the school made it mandatory for everyone to audition he might get the role, mainly due to his looks.
However, if it was voluntarily auditions, I feel someone may have signed him up and he went to get it over with. In either case he didn't expect to get a big role, especially not one of the leads.
But now that he got it, he decided to just do it anyways. No harm done really. After he's done with reading the script and finds out he'd be able to kiss you, he seems happy enough to do the play, even if it ends up being fake. Being close to you is enough for him.
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I actually see Welt and yourself being teachers in the school instead of students. You wanted to show the students the play that they'd be doing however...someone lost the CD you wanted to use. Welt was about to suggest to just look for it on the internet or even buy another one but...Himeko insisted that instead of that, the teachers should just re-enact the play. And in her words.
"It may give the students a confidence boost to try out"
Welt wanted to counter argue but gave in as Himeko seemed adamant about this idea. She was quick to assign you and Welt as the two leads of the play and as the two of you were practicing together, not knowing what to expect from the play. (Himeko chose it out and didn't tell anyone)
Your voices both died down as you saw the kiss scene laid out in words on the sheet.
"Himeko...surely we can fake the kiss?"
"C'mon Welt, we gotta make it realistic, you two have to kiss"
Welt was about to speak up about it when you intervened, stating it wasn't so bad and it was just one kiss right?
So he agreed, after it was recorded, Himeko showed the school and the students were rather surprised it was the teachers in the video instead, a collection of gasps was heard when they saw the kiss scene between you and Welt though.
Himeko simply laughed at the embarred faces of the two of you as she hid a certain CD in her bag.
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Dan Heng probably wouldn't audition either. He'd much rather just watch on the side lines. However he was okay tagging along with March so she could audition.
When March saw you in the audition room she was quick to quietly urge Dan Heng to do so as well. Trying every thing in the book.
"You'll get to see them everyday! Well…when the play is in production"
"You might be able to get close to them"
He shot down all her attempts though. As much as he imagined giving you a kiss, he didn't want to force you. Still...when March knows you two share mutual feelings with one another, she could not sit still.
Cue wingman March as she secretly signed Dan Heng up, and much to his annoyance, it seems he can't unsign himself up. He managed to get a lead part, much to his AND Marchs surprise (she was excited though once she found out you were the other lead)
Dan Heng, although he didn't want to do the play, he still took the time to read and memorize all his lines. He suggested to you that youse could fake the kiss scene. If you agree to fake it he will agree (ofc) and fake the kiss scene. You two do grow close after it even so.
HOWEVER, if you ask if you could actually do the kiss, he'd be surprised by agree. His kisses are soft and sweet :))
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Sampo is the most dramatic person ever during the plays and even during the kiss scenes. At least at the start of practising, he does actually want the play to go on so he does eventually tone it down and properly act. He actually knows that the kiss scene could be faked, but he found out that you liked him and hey, he likes you as well, unless you show any form of being uncomfortable with the kiss scene, he'll happily do it with you.
Actually...after the successful 3 nights of the play, he might as well confess to you right? (This happens whether or not the kiss is faked)
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Gepard is also definitely part of the top 3 best candidates for the lead role. He was happy to do it as well! Though when he found out about not only the kiss scene, but it was YOU he'd be kissing. He ended up internally panicking at the thought of kissing his crush.
Thankfully someone did tell him it could be faked so he did that, h o w e v e r.
During the first night that the play was officially opened up for showing, Serval who was also part of the act and even in the scene thought it would be a good idea to subtly push Gepard to ACTUALLY kiss you.
He could only thank the aeons that the curtains fell for the next scene. The play went on without any stops, you and Gepard were able to stop your blushing faces thankfully, but after the play Gepard was apologising so much as Serval was snickering nearby.
But hey, he can't blame his sister too much, he in fact got himself a partner, that being you :)
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There's meant to be 3 in the top 3 candidates for the lead role, and who do I think the 3rd one is? Well Luka!
Luka is very enthusiastic about the role and cannot wait to practice, especially with you!
He read the kiss scene with you, not wanting to make you uncomfortable he opted to just faking the kiss. However he did ramble to his friends about wanting to actually kiss you...which you one day heard.
He's rather embarrassed but admits his feelings for you, this happens before the play is officially opened to the public, so after you two got together shortly after the not so planned confession, you decided to give each other sweet kisses not only in the scene but quick ones before you both were on :D
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I had this idea in my head for awhile now, but never had the motivation to write it...until now :D
Posted right before school starts so hopefully you enjoy this while I’m suffering at school ♡
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Dead Boy Detectives AU
I saw someone sort of do this, but I wanted to take a crack at it too.
We'd have to play fast and loose with the ages on this because certain characters would be older and younger than then their Stranger Things counterparts.
Steve as Edwin and Eddie as Charles. I know, know. Eddie=Edwin... but hear me out.
Steve who has gone through almost as much Hell as El and Will and he's not even technically the main character (could be debated but for ease here, Stranger Things is mainly about Will and El, let's be honest.) So he's Edwin. Yes, Steve isn't known for his book smarts, but eh, it's all guidelines, anyway. But he could totally make a map to get out of hell.
Then you have Eddie who canonically sacrificed himself for someone else, the way Charles dies because he was protecting that Pakistani kid. Plus Eddie could have been at the school because Wayne (a caretaker there) got him a scholarship to get him away from his abusive dad. But because he was a scholarship kid, Wayne couldn't get them to care about what happened to his nephew.
Steve escapes Hell and he sees a shivering Eddie in the attic and reads to him until he dies. Eddie is for Heaven because of the kid, but Eddie makes a split second decision to stay with Steve. For several reasons, to watch over Wayne. To make sure his dad doesn't beat his mom to death. Because this kind boy who had literally escaped Hell, stayed and comforted him.
Now a lot of their personalities are reversed here, but as one of my favorite Youtubers likes to say adaptions are not copy and paste. Steve is the "brawn" with his nail bat. While Eddie is the brain with his magic. Steve would be gay and Eddie the closeted bi disaster (something I've done a couple or three times before).
Flash forward 30 years and they're Dead Boy Detectives. They meet Chrissy who is a psychic on the run from her demon boyfriend Jason (I love the twisting of Jason for this, because wooboy was he a horrible person.) and they help her out. Even when she loses her memories.
They get trapped in a coastal town because Steve pisses off local cat king Billy (because let's face it Dacre Montgomery and Lukas Gage have a lot of the same sex appeal.)
Robin as Niko. (and it's gay, not just sprites).
Hopper as Tragic Mick.
Nancy, the youth seeking witch and her crow Jonathan.
Joyce and Murray as the sprites.
Tommy as Simon, the kid in hell.
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msweebyness · 2 months
Weeby, Sparky, and Artzy’s Code Names Guide!!!
Hey, y’all! This is a helpful little tool for you guys! Whenever we’re talking about characters in the context of our AU’s, we use code names to distinguish! Here’s a guide to those! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Updates will be added as new content is released!
Class of Heroes
Class of Villainy
Monstrous Youths
Ghoul Squad
Animal AU
Akuma AU
LaNd BeFoRe TiMe Au
Barbie AU
(Extras: Were!(Name)= WereMiraculous, Phantom!(Name)= Phantoms of Paris, Shady!(Name)= Shadyverse)
Marinette: Marilan, Mari De Vil, Maridoll, Marideath, Mari Von Bugg, Iron Gal, Jestress, Heranette, Maribug, Miss Fortune, LADYBUG BAT, Princess Mariliese, DuCkYnEtTe
Adrien: Adripunzel, Jafardrien, Average Adrien, Haydrien, Adrien Jekyll/Chat Hyde, AdriQuin, Thunder, Zeusdrien, AdriCat, Chat Blanc, CAT BAT, JulAdrien
Alya: TiAlya, YzAlya, SpectrAlya, Alynis, Diblya, Whirlwind, Enigma, ThemAlya, Alyfox, Lady WiFi, REPORTER BAT, Alyarinne
Nino: Fairy GodBro, Honest Nino, FrankenNino, Nino Jekyll, Mr. Marvel, Mudslide, DioNyno, Shellno, Bubbler, SONIC BAT
Chloe: Chloéstasia, Lady Chloe, Chloepatra, Chlophaba, Diamond Demon, Dagger, Chlolios, ChloBee, Queen Wasp, Chloetta, CHARISMA BAT
Sabrina: Sabrinocchio, Madame Sabrina, Zombrina, Invisibrina, Duality, Miss-Appear, Hestibrina, SabriHound, Vanisher, SUPPORT BAT
Max: Maxiro, Maxdrome, Max Steam, Maxtian, Nuit Panther, Max Luthor, AtheMax, Ponyax, Gamer, TECH BAT
Kim: Kimules, Kimton, WereKim, Kimzilla, Croc King, Spider-Bro, PoseiKim, MonKim, Dark Cupid, Prince Kimiel, POWER BAT
Alix: Aladdix, Alix Khan, Alix Gorgon, Winlix, Caracal, Widow, Hermlix, Bunlix, Timebreaker, PenelAlix, SPEED BAT, CeRaLiX
Mylene: Snow Mylene, Mylensula, MyLeaf, Mylentasma, WitchyLene, Nightmare Weaver, Bullseye, DeMylenter, Mousylene, Horrificator, Rolene, EMPATHY BAT
Ivan: QuasiIvan, Ivan Oogie, Ivan Bumble, Ivan Kong, GrizzVan, Venom Bringer, Capitaine France, HephIvan, Oxvan, Stoneheart, Prince AntonIvan, STRENGTH BAT
Rose: Roselle, QRC (Queen Rose Candy), SkeleRose, Rose Frankenteen, GhostRose, Thorn, Miss Marvelous, AphroRose, Rose Piggy, Princess Fragrance, Rosiana, PeTrOsE, LOVE BAT
Juleka: JuleBeast, Juleficent, Draculeka, Jubella, JV (Juleka Voorhees), Feline Shadow, Doctor Odd, Julemis, JuleClaw, Reflekta, Julexa, STEALTH BAT, ChOmPlEkA
Nathaniel: Sleeping Nath, Nath of Hearts, Nath Goyle, Nathra, Nathfield, Colossus, Rage, Nathdes, Goathaniel, Evillustrator, Nathpunzel, ARTIST BAT, NaThFoOt
Marc: MarcElsa, King Marc, MothMarc, Marcoyle, Count Marcula, Myzan’r, Discord, Marcsephone, Marckerel, Reverser, Prince StefMarc, SpArC, WRITER BAT
Zoe: CinderZoe, Zoe of the Southern Isles, NeferZoe, Rouge, Inevitable, Zolene, ZoWasp, Sole Crusher, Princess Zonika, PUNK BAT
Luka: Maestro Luka, DiabLuka, Luka Cullen, DracuLuka, The Maestro, Shadow, Chi Punch, ApolLuka, Snakeka, Silencer, MUSIC BAT
Kagami: Kagamerida, Kagami Yu, DracoGami, Kagami Hollow, Herushingu, Naginata, Kamakiri Kānjo, KagamAres, Komodogami, Riposte, PRECISION BAT
Ondine: AriOndine, LeOnDine, Ondine Blue, HuntressDine, LagoOndine, Sea Enchantress, Shield Maiden, Onditrite, HerOndine, Syren, Ondette, SWIMMER BAT
Aurore: BlueRore, MimRore, Astrarore, WitchyRore, Whirlpool, Geode, Zephrore, Swanrore, WEATHER BAT
Mireille: Miremba, Mireides, SliMireille, Witchyreille, Echo, Multiply, Boreille, Mireillnguin, MOON BAT
Jean: Jeanzco, Jeanatoa, OperJean, Phantom of DuPont, Spellbound, Mariner, ThalJean, Jeacaw, SONG BAT
Lacey: Lacey Bell, Lacey Gothel, Flamecey, Wildmorph, Lightning Run, Nikecey, Cheecey, PARKOUR BAT
Denise: Demolition Denise, Doctor Cabello, Denisquatch, Buster Nise, Wonderer, Battlemonger, Gaianise, Bisonise, BUFF BAT
Simon: Simon Pan, Minister O’Connor, SiClops, Buster Si, Speedster, Crimson Warlock, SimOuranos, Simval,TECHNO BAT
Cosette: Robette, Cosettewether, CosetTaur, Buster Co, Voltage, Deathcall, Irisette, Aidette, Hedgette, INCOGNITO BAT
Ismael: IsmaGenie, IsmaScar, IsmaCat, Buster Is, Krypto-Kid, Bizarre, IsmaPan, Ismacoon, MAGIC BAT
Reshma: Reshmabela, Reshma Hook, Spider Resh, Sapphire Beetle, Lady Oc, Nyxma, Reshmaphant, GEM BAT
Austin A: Austin LeBouff, Austin Whistler, Austin Gorgon, Star Quartz, They, Ausglaia, GLAM BAT
Austin B: Austin Deavor, Austin Trollson, Roulette, Mystic, Mnemostin, BAT BITE
Austin Q: Austin of Motanui, Austin Screams, Cosmic Lord, Mako, Tethstin, SHARK BAT
Austin T: JasAustin, Sheriff Austin, Austin Grim, Austine, Jade Lantern, Lunar Soldier, Ausmonia, BAKE BAT
DJ: Collector, DJ Cipher, GJ, DJche, Malleable, Trash Panda, PRANK BAT
Spinelli: Spinelli Bunchoy, Spinelli De Spell, Spinellisk, E Voila, Uomo di Sabia, Terpsinelli, GRACE BAT
Victoria: Lightning LaSalle, Vicnifico, Mertoria, Inferno, Electra, Anantoria, HOOP BAT
Gerard: GerEVE, Dr. Grundlershmirtz, Marsh Gerard, Voltaic, Professor Chill, Coerard, GENIUS BAT
Mindy: Mindy P. Sullivan, Mindy Sanderson, MindOgre, Buteos, They-Hunk, PolyhyMindy, HARMONY BAT
Gia: Sergeant Griswold, Gigo, Jersey Gia, Peridot Shot, Blizzard, GiAlke, G.I. BAT
Mason: Agent M, Emperor Mason, Mason Bogie, Emperor, Ms. Extraordinary, Daskalson, INFO BAT
Rochelle: Clopchelle, Rocifer, Gnomechelle, Artemis, Chief, Rocheme, BLACKMAIL BAT
Lotta: Launchpad Jameson, Peg Leg Lotta, Faunta, Power Up, Harbinger, Lotbe, STUNT BAT
Kendra: Kendralice, Kaadra, Yowdra, Groove, Green Imp, Kendrotus, UPSIDE DOWN BAT
Ayesha: Ladyesha, AyeshAngel, Heavenly, Rainbow Surfer, Euprosesha, SPIRIT BAT
Dot: Dot Thatch, InvisiDot, Badass, Speck, Cliot, SECRETARY BAT
Petra: Petra Porter, Petracorn, Karma, Rascal, IaPetra, Petrobie, SKETCH BAT
Roxie: Roxgara, Rocksie, Stellar, Infinite, Nemoxie, REBEL BAT
Anthony: SalAnthony, DaemAnthony, Umbra, Bloodsucker, Anthonatos, SHADOW BAT
Candace: Miss Candace, Conjuring Candace, Equilibrium, Saber, Candomia, CHEER BAT
Eri: Eri Skellington, KitsEri, Hex, Amethyst Witch, HecatEri, MACABRE BAT
Staci: Rayci, Snakeci, See-You, The Master, StacErebus, COMBAT BAT
Margo: Fix-it Margo, CalaMargo, Vanquisher, Fury, MargEos, CRAFT BAT
Brecken: Brecken Hood, Brecken Horseman, Oak, Multiple, Cybelecken, CRITTER BAT
Soo-Yeon: Soo-Lin Lee, Dokk-Yeon, Blood Bro, Magnetite, Soo-Eurus, SNIPER BAT
Parker: Parker Hopps, Pondker, K.O., Ares, ParKratos, SOLDIER BAT
Aggie: GoGo Findlay, Faegie, Platinum Tide, Specter, Atëgie, SKATER BAT
Mona: Tow Mona, Gryphona, Hurricane, Mind Warp, Monapheus, DIRECTOR BAT
Evie: Evie Poppins, SirEvie, Lady Mars, Screech, EratEvie, MELODY BAT
Eloise: Eloislin, Roboise, Liz, Illuminate, Metoise, MATH BAT
Anais: Anais Lemon, Batnais, Gear, Critter, UrAnais, SCIENCE BAT
Jesse: Prince Jesse, JessEel, MAPT Jesse, The Weeping Boy, Jessemene, Midnight, MalevoLyricist, MANAGER BAT
Missy: Flounssy, MisShark, MAPT Missy, Rancor, Quick Fire, Misclepius, Lissy the Unicorn, DIVER BAT
Lila: Lila De La Cruz, Lila Porter, Harpy Lila, Hell-La, Demonla, Cerebral Queen, Mind Bend, LiEris, Foxla
Felix: Casslix, Felix Darling, Jack O’Ripper
Jess: Jessahontas, Deputy Jess, Jessdigo, Akicita Igmu, Grey Bat, Jesslanta, GREEN LANTERN
Fei: Fei Shang, Feisper, Lady Wu, Sonar, Feipolyta, BEAST GIRL
Socqueline: Socquelinace, Miss Soklinebryglk, Buzz, Socquelinacles, SPIDER-GIRL
Aeon: Wall-Aeon, Deputy Aeon, A.E.O.N.(Adaptive EmotioIntelligent Organization Network), Swarm, Holo, Princess Aeon of Sparta, VISION
Lucien: Prince Lucien, HercLucien, Lucien Van Helsing, Gal-Yant, Vengeance, ZeLucien
Emani: Yosemite Pulateur, Emani White, Spyware, Violet Influence, Dolmani
Sasha: Sasha Oogie, Sasha Bumble, Frostbite, Eilethasha, Crystallight
Kiran: KirAnna, Prince Kiran, MothKiran, Aura, HypKiran, Sandboy
Bustier: Calinora, Fairyline, Empoustier, Witch Caline, Buster Bustier, Miss Mystery, Gorgana, Lachestier, Zombizou
Mendeliev: Yendeliev Sid, Fairy Godteacher, Headless Mendeliev, Busterliev, Witch Olga, Ant-Woman, The Professor, Atrodeliev, Kwami Buster
Winters: Aswanters, Professor Polymorph, Threaded Thespian, Clothers
Grotke: GroTiger, Soulshock, Nocturne
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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wisteriasymphony · 5 months
The LuckyBug Miracle Team Sucks - TWEOS AU Analysis
(4 individuals who don't work for their miraculous, and 1 person that does)
Just to start off, yes, I am analyzing my own work. Nobody really has the same depth of information on this other than me, after all. I want to get more into these sorts of things, because I like to organize my thinking behind the choices I make in this fic, and maybe even draw people into my work as well!
Lucky Lucky Ladybug - Viperius - CARA.PACE - Renared - Chat Noir
These are the five main holders of the LuckyBug Team before CN quits at the start of TWEOS. We're going to be talking about why most of them suck at their job (but mostly why Lucky chose terrible miraculouses for her peers), starting from worst to best synergy.
Viperius - Snake of Intuition
The ideal holder of the Snake Miraculous is someone who is level-headed, wise, and capable.
Luka Marcel Couffaine is the exact opposite of all of these things.
In TWEOS, Luka Couffaine is as far removed from empathy as humanly possible, making him a terrible superhero in general, much less one with a power as important as interrupting the flow of time. Luka never goes out of his way to explore his abilities, rarely involves himself in battle unless forced to, and put more thought into giving his superhero form a sexy haircut than into being a good teammate. He is explicitly only a superhero for the money it brings in even though he is already the son of a world-famous rockstar. Luka is not intuitive or wise, he is shallow and self-serving.
More Suitable Miraculous: None of them. Maybe the Mouse so he can multiply and go fuck himself.
CARA.PACE - Turtle of Protection
The ideal holder of the Turtle Miraculous is someone who is stable, sacrificial, and steadfast.
Nicolas Ibrahim Lahiffe, unfortunately, falls short of the mark.
While not as outwardly shitty as Luka, Nino also lacks the right qualities in an effective superhero. Nino is the type of person who, as Quinton Reviews once perfectly put it, "would rather be chill than be right". Nino is laid-back and likes to show off with his Miraculous, enjoying how cool it makes him look while still helping out at the end of the day. ...But he's not exactly protective. If anyone even stood up to Lucky being physically abusive, it should've been him. But Nino does not protect the weak, because he is the kind of person to stand on the sidelines. Nino is not a source of stability, he's too much of a laid-back (and often cowardly) jokester to protect anyone.
More Suitable Miraculous: Monkey, Pig.
Renared - Fox of Illusion
The ideal holder of the Fox Miraculous is someone who is cunning, sly, and witty.
Aaliyah Thérèse Césaire is trying so hard to make it work, but is underserved by what she's been given.
If anyone in the team has the braincells, it's Alya. Alya can draft up plans with her Holo-Illusions like second nature, strategize on the fly, and takes to her ability to make diagrams out of thin air like a fish to water. ...But that's not what the Illusions are for, is it? As natural for her determined nature, she strives to bend her miraculous to her will anyways, rarely ever using her Illusions to actually distract and more to help her with her thankless job of the actual team leader. It makes sense that she would function this way, though! Alya is a proponent of the truth through and through, and is rather blunt often to the point of being brutally honest. Alya is not cunning, she is forthright and stubborn. If only she got a miraculous to reflect that.
More Suitable Miraculous: Ox, Rooster, Bee
Lucky Lucky Ladybug - Ladybug of Creation
The ideal holder of the Ladybug Miraculous is someone who is creative, compassionate, and clever.
Marinette Anne Louise Dupain-Cheng is this in all the wrong fucking ways.
It does take a creative person to formulate a plan to woo your celebrity crush with a perfect version of you. It takes someone who knows how to be compassionate to so effectively deny a shred of it to Chat Noir. It takes a clever person to make up a fake eulogy. And yet, at the same time, Lucky Lucky Ladybug is hindered by her hot-headed entitlement and her need to be the center of attention. She lets her team do the creative work, weaponizes her compassion as something to market herself with, and is somehow so caught up in her own world that she ignores evidence of Adrien being a relationship when it is staring her in the face. Marinette is best described as an embodiment of "creation" only in the sense that she will one day orchestrate her own undoing.
More Suitable Miraculous: Anything would be better than the Ladybug. That way she isn't brainwashing people anymore.
Chat Noir/Errant - Black Cat of Destruction
The ideal— Actually, let's break from convention for this one.
If anyone is fit to embody Destruction, it is Adrien fucking Agresté.
Once you get deep enough into TWEOS, Adrien is by far the most emotionally turbulent character out of any of them. It helps that the narration is so often colored by his input, but his range is exceptional and takes up a significant focus of the story. He is the mostly openly self-destructive and suicidal, romanticizing the idea of dying with his girlfriend, but is equally willing to destroy others in pursuit of his goals.
It's also worth taking into account that TWEOS is essentially a corruption arc. The whole point of the story is to witness his circumstances tear him apart, unearth his traumas, show a version of Adrien that becomes bitter and violent and vengeful. What power would suit a vengeful, violent person better than the power to destroy things?
In short, it's meant to be incredibly ironic that the only holder that truly embodies their miraculous is the one that quits. The entire ordeal is a stageplay put on by higher powers, of course it's more important to them that their puppets are obedient more than anything.
Of course, this isn't to say that synergy between a person and their miraculous is a good thing, either; That's what makes the eventual magic-induced insanity even worse, after all. This is what killed Emilie, what's ruining Marinette's relationships, and what is starting to happen to Adrien as well.
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So.. every AU usually have ships. So does yours orrr..?
Then, I'm assuming if Romeo doesn't have a pet, then there will be no tragic pet-death after WitherStorm? Or will poor Waffles die?
Also if none of them loves Magnus, doesn't it mean no one will go after him during WitherStorm? So it's only Ellegaard which means she's gonna die without a choice?
In canon it's usually Axel he puts Aiden or Lukas in their place, but since Fred is kind of a goofy guy, Romeo will do it by himself? Or maybe even Xara?
Honestly? I haven’t thought about a lot of these. The only ships I like that would be affected by the swap is 1) Romesse which will probably not be a thing. Instead of temper tantrums, admin Jesse will just act all hurt and get teary eyed and then not pay attention to all the items that are flying around or any of the destruction that it’s causing. Romeo, even in this version, does not have much empathy and this is an absolute turn off for him. It’s not that he thinks she’s evil or a monster, she’s just irredeemably annoying to him. And 2) Lukesse. In this version Lukas will probably be the one to sympathize with her and try to help her redeem herself after she loses her powers making this the new Romesse dynamic. If you listen to ‘Never The Muse’ like I mentioned earlier, you’ll notice that Lukas is actually exactly what admin Jesse wants, she just doesn’t know it yet. Xara, like Petra , I headcanon as aroace, so no ships for her. Fred is straight, but content without anyone for now. (He does end up with a dad relationship with Binta the way Jesse and or Lukas has a parent relationship with Radar.) Romeo doesn’t want love. He wants admiration and attention for his achievements. (Again, this version of him has strategies to get it in healthy, honest ways.) He loves the prospect of becoming Jesse’s champion until she starts being a crybaby.
I don’t know about the pet thing. Does Waffles have to die? Does it have to have one to one plot beats? I like chickens a lot more than I ever liked pigs. What is the significance of having a pet die in the end anyway. If Reuben is still dead in this universe, just like canon, then Waffles probably is still alive.
Maybe Romeo is the one to advocate going to get Magnus. That would be his second choice after Gabriel. And Fred decides. My version is not a choose your own adventure. There is no gameplay. What if I just let other people have more agency.
Like I said, Romeo is the strongest and the most physically adept. Fred is the stable one with no mental disabilities or cryptid-like habits. And Xara is the wittiest. So it would either be Romeo or Xara doing the cutting down depending on the situation.
This was cool, but split your questions up next time! I want the freedom to make an essay of a post for each one!
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artistic-moth-man · 11 months
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So im gonna be honest, and you guys arent gonna like it.
Our au involves breaking the sacred law of miraculous aus; adrien and marinette dont get together. This show seems to be one of the many that values romance and drama over truth and love, if that makes sense.
Ofc lady luck and cat love each other, but they really are just friends. That doesnt mean they cant deeply care about each other, and i think the same goes for mari and adrien.
Besides, i always liked the idea of adrien and luka being a cute couple, and we all know marigami wouldve been beautiful.
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p1nkwitch · 11 months
Here me out. 10 for that prompt list and Lonelyeyes.
Sorry it took me this long! Between lonelyeyes week and having to finish the good omens au, i was busy. Anyhow!! Here you go i had a fun writting this.
10.  “you died and left me on the hook for a hereditary marriage contract”
Peter was furious, he read the paper in his hand, over and over again, till eventually he crumpled it in his hands and put it inside his pocket. He quickly put on his coat and went to the Magnus Institute at a quick pace. 
The letter had been clear, there was no line that he could use to escape, no loophole. He even called his uncle on the way there, wanting to check just in case, but Nathaniel merely let out a sigh and told him it was in fact a clause that Mordechai had signed up with Jonah Magnus many years ago. It just so happened that no other head of the institute had any need to call upon it till now. James Wright instilled his right to it and now Peter was seemingly stuck. Cursing loudly he hangs up on his uncle telling him to keep it cool.
When he finally arrives at the building, he takes no time at all to make his way to the office of the new head of the place. Elias Bouchard.
Peter had liked James, in fact he had fancied him quite a bit, before his death, the two of them had a bit of a relationship. Which was fine by him, Peter came and went to the sea and back to land to spend some time with James whom he held fond feelings for. Quite…romantic in kind in all honesty.
He flushes just thinking about it. Unfortunately they were still working for opposing forces, therefore they were very prone to fights, so in his last trip, they got into a big one. Things were said. Peter left to simmer on his feelings for the next ten months, expecting to get back to James with a cool head. Unfortunately by the time he did come back he was informed the man was dead and he missed the funeral as well.
It really just…well it shook him quite badly, enough that he refused to go to the institute at all to meet the new head of the place. Telling Nathaniel he was done with it and to find someone else.
That of course didn't seem to work for long, because now he got this stupid bloody letter!
Peter grumbles but he struggles to remember where the office is, he tends to get lost easily in the stupid building and the sensation of being watched made him feel sick, enough that it distracted him too much to properly know his location. Eventually he finds someone from staff who points him to the right direction and so he finds himself in front of James' office.
Rosie tries to stop him but he starts to use the lonely when she picks up her phone and tells him after a few seconds that Elias shall see him. He quickly enters and closes the door behind him.
The man in front of him was sitting behind his desk with a set of glasses that were slightly sliding off his nose, they were red rimmed, which contrasted a lot with his dark gray suit.
“Ah, Mr. Lukas I was not expecting you today, what can I do for you sir?” 
He almost deflates. Elias was at most a couple of years younger than Peter, maybe barely hitting his thirties. He was shorter than him, which he noticed when the man stood up and pointed to the seat in front of him. The feeling of being seen was present so at least the man knew what he was or James picked someone with promise for the spot.
Thinking of James makes his head hurt for a very specific reason.
“What you can do is get rid of this” He takes the crumpled paper from his pocket and slams it on the desk, sliding it towards Elias who picks it up and reads it. His eyebrows raise till eventually he looks up at him with a blank expression.
“This is a bit of a surprise to be honest, but unfortunately…i can't do anything about it. I legally cannot undo the contract”
Peter chest burns.
“You cannot expect me to think its ok for James to pawn me off to you! We aren't in the 18 or early 19 century. We don't arrange arranged marriages anymore!”
Elias makes a sort of motion with his hand. “Maybe not here but its technically not-”
Peter glares at him. “I'm not going to marry you because James lost his mind before he died” He doesn't like looking people in the eyes, it's horrendous, instead Peter stares at the spot between their eyes. This is why he notices how Elias' expression turns pinched and his mouth turns slightly downwards at his outburst.
“Mr.Wright was under all his faculties before his untimely demise Mr.Lukas. A heart attack is a heart attack, not a reason to question his sanity. Albeit its quite the shock that he thought about this. He did mention you to me, as he was training me. I presumed you two were close from the way he spoke of you…very hm, yes fond”
Peter shivers and steps back feeling that horrible sensation of eyes raking over his skin, of being known.
“Knock it off. He did not-”
But Elias nods and walks around the desk to stand in front of him.
“He did, I was very curious about what sort of person he would talk so fondly of, you know? Ah it was a pity when i found out you were quitting your place as the representative of your family, i wanted to meet you. Albeit of course also not under this circumstances”
Peter feels a mix between shame and…and he is not sure. Especially as Elias' hands landed on his coat's lapel, he was fixing up his lapels and letting his hands linger for a bit. Making his skin crawl and his face burn. Elias is handsome. He will give him that, he also has sharp eyes, the same color as James too, a very cool shade of gray.
“Listen, I'm not the sort of person you get to know, that's not how I work, but even less so…I don't do arranged marriages! Why would James even think this is a good idea to begin with at all?!” Elias tilts his head and says he doesn't know.
“But it's not such a bad thing isn't it?”
Peter gapes at him.
Elias smirks at him, his lip slightly lifting upwards, it was both very nice on his face but also very insufferable.
“Take it as an opportunity, besides i talked to Nathaniel on the phone and he was mentioning something about you perhaps soon having to find a wife, since you were now no longer doing business with the Institute” Peter didn't know-
His face burns in shame about this little bastard knowing so much about him and yet Peter had nothing on him. “He wouldn't-”
A tap on the chest makes him look down at Elias. What a…handsome devil.
“But he would, now as I said, you can call this a blessing in disguise. Arranged as it is, we can make this work. You still travel, and leave for most of the year as you Lukas tend to do. I'm busy and I don't have time to dwell too much in relationships, they all bring me headaches. So…a transaction if you may. A marriage in name but its more of a…collaboration if you will?”
Swallowing a bit he asks carefully what that would entail. Elias smirk gets more wicked and there is something on the way he does it that just tickles the back of his brain. There is something so very…familiar in the motion.
“Well, for one, I do not like your replacement, I can tell you that right now. Conrad is a prick” Peter can't help but snort and smile just a bit, a hint really.
“Yes, that tracks”
Elias' eyes flutter and Peter has to look elsewhere, he is handsome, so what? Peter is still placed in a binding contract between entities and a marriage that he never asked for.
“Still what else? I want to win something out of this whole farce”
Elias walks around him like a predator measuring up with their prey, it makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Well, I only want some time to talk, perhaps dinner if you may. It is a marriage, perhaps not conventional or legal yet, but one made by our predecessors and bound by our entities. Quite the thing isn't it? As for you, well, what is more lonely than this? A marriage with no love?”
It is true, but that's not…
What fuels his loneliness is not the complete lack of something, but an absence. Peter is lonely because there is something to miss. An empty relationship as miserable of an affair as that is, doesn't feed his patron at all, because its not making him lonely, just miserable. Fun for a watcher not for Forsaken.
“I'm afraid you are going to need something else to sell it out to me, Mr.Bouchard. That's not how it works for me”
“Oh? And how is that then? Aren't you sad about what happened to Mr. Wright? Isn't it lonely enough to be married to someone else than the person you actually…cared about?” He was sure he was going to say love, in that case Peter would have just sent Elias to the lonely. Clenching his fists he tells him through clenched teeth to watch it.
Elias' eyes narrow and his expression turns wicked.
“Why? Isn't it the truth? Mr.Wright was fond of you but i'm sure he got over it quickly when you left him”
Peter stares and then grabs him by the tie, gripping it tightly as Elias smiles at him. “Grinning little freak, shut up”
“Perhaps that was what did it, you wore down his heart” Peter face twitches and Elias eyes seem to drink it all in. 
“I am going to get rid of this little contract, after all who cares if you are dead right?”
The beholder laughs and grips his wrist tightly with a hand as he leans so close to his face Peter has to step back, yet Elias follows.
“Do that, and I will shove so many memories of other people's lives and their thoughts about you that you will turn into a blubbering mess Peter dear, don't test me. Im being kind darling”
The niggling sensation on the back of his brain intensifies, the tone, the posture, the bossiness.
The eyes.
“Well, its a good thing i dont give a shit about James, he was a douchebag and he had a horrible sense of fashion too, you on the other hand have a nicer look” Elias face turns outraged for a second too long, his eyebrows twitching in consternation. Peter grips him by the jaw. “What the fuck James?!”
His expression turns blank and then resigned before going to be amused. “I suppose I gave my hand away too early, huh? Hello Peter” Oh he is going to kill him for sure. “Oh sod off, you won't”
“Stop messing with my head!”
“Stop making it so easy darling. Put some more effort into shielding those thoughts. Now, about that marriage-”
Peter headbuts him. “You fuck-” Elias is grabbing his forehead, his expression turned into that of outrage. “What is your blood problem-”
“My problem?! You died and left me on the hook for a hereditary marriage contract!!! What the hell is wrong with you! What- How are you alive, what is this? What the bloody hell is going on!”
Things devolve for a while, mostly into Elias explaining while looking sour that he was in fact Jonah Magnus, that he swaps bodies, that he changed his and when Peter did not come to meet his new body he had to find a way to drag him back. He was going to wait till there was a founding party, but Nathaniel did in fact talk about making Peter find a wife soon and Elias…
Oh Elias was possessive. Peter could see it in the way he described his plan and the way he grabbed onto him as they sat on the small loveseat in his office. The way his hands touched him and his lips curved up in smirks that had him flush.
“So I invoked the right to pass you along, honestly Mordechai and I were really drunk when we made that clause back then. Neither of us were actually thinking clearly, it was a wild weekend. What can I say? When you mix your vices and bring in your friends..”
“Ugh, can we not- I dont want to know how you fucked my grandfather. That's just gross”
He glares as a warning so Elias lifts his hands in surrender.
Peter holds his face in defeat. “I'm not marrying you. Not now”
There is a long pause, Peter knows what his words mean, the implications. Elias probably can see it too, is likely smirking like the Cheshire cat. 
“Just- just shut up would you? Just…” Peter doesn't want to marry, not now, not like this, let alone not when he is processing a lot of information that he is trying to be cool with in such a short amount of time. “Let me think”
“Be my guest”
Like this he just tries to sort his thoughts and what he found out and eventually he reckons, the best course of action is to keep going as they were. For now at least. “I'm going to continue to work, and drop by to…talk about business”
Elias' expression is guarded, Peter rubs his own jaw deep in thought, the cons about this whole thing are growing, are exponential, this whole thing is wrong and will have dire consequences for him.
Yet the pros….
Well Peter was a gambler at heart. What's life without a bit of spice? Without a bit of a spark to make things interesting? Elias, James, Jonah or whatever he wants to call himself is his spark of chaos. Painful as it is to admit it.
“Dinner? Your place or mine”
He can see the momentary surprise at the acceptance. Soon it flickers into smugness, but Peter brushes it off. 
“Oh? Is that so-”
“Well yes, I haven't gone out with Elias Bouchard yet, perhaps i don't like him, perhaps you are…boring, or perhaps you are interesting enough to keep around. Maybe to even stay over at my flat”
Elias' face is wild. “Maybe i find you boring instead”
Yet Peter shakes his head in fond exasperation. “If you did, you wouldn't have basically trapped both of us into an arranged marriage under the suspicion that I would soon find a wife. So, dinner this friday? Your treat this time since you basically almost made my blood pressure burst”
The chuckle is a mockery, but it suits Elias and its…he has a lovely voice. Charming and low and makes something twist on his gut.
“I can live with that. For now we can be engaged, that at least will keep your family off your back, isn't that great?”
“You are so horrible” Elias' hand touches his cheek.
“I am and yet here you are?” 
Here is indeed. Peter tilts his head to brush his lips against his palm, he can see pink on his cheeks for the first time and he really is starting to like the idea of figuring Elias out. He seems more expressive than James. With a hum he leans downwards and kisses him.
Its different but also familiar. He feels arms wrap around his neck and when the kiss deepens a bit too much, Peter retreats and starts to drift into the lonely to meditate a bit about this whole thing.
Peter laughs this time at the pout on Elias' lips when he begins to slip away from his grasp. “Pot and kettle you utter insane bastard. I'm going to try and process the whole 200 year old dandy thing, now, see you on friday Mr.Bouchard”
Peter is almost gone when he hears him say goodbye.
“-Mr.Lukas, its a pleasure to meet my new fiance”
Peter's face burns all of a sudden as Elias gets the last word in before laughing at him.
Horrible man! 
Yet…it does serve him well.
Enough that in a few years he will propose to him properly this time, with rings and a silly post it note to seal the deal. Curse him for being charming and a bastard, he is weak to such things.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 15 days
. . i know i may not sound very coherent when i say prepose this silly idea to you but . . madoka . . magica . . au . ? for alnst ocs . ? ?
specifically the witch part . . ill be putting out a official question for this on the s39 account but . . may i ask what you would think of the possible designs of the witches for some of the ocs ? your free to pick whichever you’d like by the way !
i have been brainstorming a bit . . but i only have smol thoughts myself . like sai and or himei both maybe having orchestra halls similar to sayaka’s as their labyrinths to represent khoi and tallis, or maybe azure’s being pretty empty other then an endless sky of stars . . or maybe they’d even be combined type witches like walpurgisnacht made from the pairings instead ?
sorry that this is pretty unorganized and a bit random : ( but i hope that your monday is hopefully going well and it continues that way, if not getting better ! love you rock : > ( sai & khoi : @bittersweet-adagio / himei & tallis : @lookatmysillies / azure : @azureitri )
Good afternoon, Apri! I love you, too <3 My monday is going alright, I hope yours has been good or at least, relatively inoffensive heh
Considering that, to my knowledge, a witch is created when a magical girl gives into despair, the witch forms for each of the ocs would have to be representative of each character's breaking point.
With that in mind, I think orchestra halls is really fitting for Himei, because of Tallis' musical skills and specialization in the harp, which is pretty much just a classical instrument that is played in orchestral or performance settings (unless it's a celtic harp but that's different lmao). For Sai, I feel as though it might be a little more complicated than that? I feel like it could be an orchestra hall again but specifically at night, with ghosts haunting the halls, or maybe a hedge maze at night where there is classical music playing and the faint sound of laughter but the farther in you go, the darker it gets and the hedges are stained with blood?
I think the empty world filled with only stars would work better for Tov (@ivanttakethis), actually! Similar to that scene in Howl's Moving Castle (the movie) where they're surrounded by the dancing star figures and it makes Howl's wizard form flare up? I'm thinking something like that, where the stars circle ominously and there's either singing or laughter or both, and the stars are all representative of the people she loves. The ground of the world would be visible below, too, to further disorient the people inside.
For Azure, perhaps some kind of world where there's not any real distinction between the sea and the sky, like they can't be told apart from each other, and the surface that people can walk on is a cloudy/white cap substance? A world barren of land, something commonly associated with life, leaving any inhabitants to be consumed by the churning sea and the endless sky.
Maybe a place filled with plants and animals in cages, squawking and whining and crying, for Solei (@solei-eclipse)? Because of Ouro's practice of growing plants and keeping animals, something with both would probably be pretty fitting for Solei, who grew up surrounded by those things and then, against their will, was turned into another creature to be caged. Perhaps animals in the cages even wear the faces of their friends, screaming out in agony for Solei to save them, even as Solei can only see them as prey.
Those are the main ideas I have right now, I hope they make sense? To be perfectly honest with you, I've read some of the Madoka Magica manga but . . . I haven't finished it. I just know the lore via osmosis heh so I'm really sorry if I got anything wrong <3 love you Apri thank you so much for trusting me with your idea!! I think it's super fitting
(makes me think about an ALNST canon madoka magica AU with Sua as Madoka, Mizi as Homura, Hyuna or Luka as Mami, Ivan as Kyoko and Sayaka as Till . . .) (anyways hope you have a good day!!)
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I recall some people shipping Sabrina/Max, more towards the earlier seasons. I've also seen a fair amount of Alix/Luka but I can see both of them being single parents? Like Alix adopted a kid but Luka has a bio kid? There's also the aromantic and asexual headcanons for Max and Alix based on one of TA's tweets. I will say, for some reason my brain said "Max's son is Markov, he has a body now."
Sabrina/Max was more early fandom and kinda 'pair the spares in a straight relationship and also they're both nerds'. Plus, gonna be honest, I can not imagine Max with a woman.
I sometimes like Alix/Luka because they're both the Time Travel Besties and also the only brain cell in this hot mess of a friend group, but I'm not sure I'm feeling them for this au.
While I'm usually down for more ace/aro rep TA's tweets are a hot mess. But also Ace/Aro is a spectrum and also people can make choices so them having partners at some point is on the table.
I'd be down for considering Markov as Max's kid but he'd be 20 by now so not in the class.
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majestydeerakuma · 7 months
So I started writing a Vocal Synth AU (Vocaloid, UTAU, Cevio, Synth V and my own OCs mainly) called Chaosloid!
Here are the personalities for the Crypton Vocaloids:
Hatsune Miku
-She acts very sweet and cheery. She tries her best being social despite being an introvert. She is pretty chill for the most part. She has an insane vocal range though that seems to be all that she is proud of for herself. She is very protective of her friends
Kagamine Rin
-She is an energetic tomboy. Though despite being mostly tomboy, she DOES like some things considered girly and DOES wanna become a princess in the future. She tends to be impatient and sometimes acts before thinking! She is extroverted and loves meeting new people! She especially becomes excited if she meets fans
Kagamine Len
-He is energetic like his sister, Rin. Despite his energy, he is often mistaken for being as chaotic as her. He has more patience and self-control than her despite him trying to act all cool around others sometimes (and being a bit cringe in the process). He is sometimes Rin’s impulse control, other times, he tags along with her chaotic antics but only if he knows no one will get hurt. He is ambiverted
Megurine Luka
-She is calm most of the time. She is very sweet and kind to those around her. She is quite intelligent as well. She is very protective of her friends like Miku. She is ambiverted. She loves cute things and has a pink teddy bear she had since she was very young. She also has a sweet tooth
-He is very fun-loving and has a great sense of humor. He loves to see his friends smile. He is extroverted and loves to hang out with his friends, he hates being alone for a long time. Despite being a goofball, he is really smart and is sometimes referred to as a mastermind of sorts
-She is very tough and sassy. She is always making sure her friends are alright. She hates liars and is always honest with herself and others. She is ambiverted, she doesn’t mind socializing and doesn’t mind being alone. She has confidence in herself however, she ISN’T arrogant. She may unintentionally come off as rude or intimidating
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ikeromantic · 1 year
CinderAlice pt. 1
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The winner of the IkeRev 1K AU story poll was Cinderella! Featuring the Black Army guys and Alice as Cinderella. Pt. 1/4
Alice felt a trembling excitement in her heart. Her eyes scanned the royal decree nailed to the lamppost just beyond the gates of her home. There would be a ball at the palace and all the citizens of Cradle were invited. That meant even her, she thought, and couldn’t stop a smile from spreading on her cheeks.
“You look happy.” 
The unexpected words surprised her and Alice gave a little jump. Turning, she saw Luka. He was just back from his early morning delivery run. A light sheen of sweat graced his brow and his patched work clothes were dusty. His gentle expression was turned to an apologetic frown.
“I didn’t mean to surprise you.” He looked away, his bright amber gaze skittering over the mostly empty street. “I thought you heard my come up.”
Alice always felt a little self-conscious around Luka. He was sweet but shy, and very pretty. He also worked hard - harder than almost anyone she knew. “It’s ok. I was spacing out. It’s just - did you see this?”
Luka nodded. “I saw Sir Godspeed putting them up around town.” He looked back at her, his gaze unexpectedly intense. “Are you going to go?”
“I -” Alice paused. The idea of a royal ball was wonderful. Beautiful people and clothes and good food, music and dancing. But that was for people with money and power, like her step-sisters. They would have pretty dresses and jewelry to wear. But Alice had just her work clothes, and a locket with a picture of her mother and father. “I wish.” She laughed it off and waved a hand toward the poster. “I don’t think parties like that are for me. I don’t even know what I would wear!”
Luka studied her expression. “So you would go if you had a nice dress?”
“Sure, I guess.” She shrugged. “Anyway, I have to get back inside before my stepmom notices how long it’s taking to put out the trash.” Alice took a step back toward the house. “It was good seeing you, Luka!”
He gave her a wave, his face solemn. “I’ll see you later, ok?”
“Yeah,” she grinned and headed back inside. Once home, all her good feelings faded quickly. There was tea to put on and breakfast to make for her step-sisters and step-mother. Then she had to slip upstairs while they ate to clean their rooms and make their beds and gather the day’s washing. 
On her way back downstairs, she could hear them chatting about the royal ball. Of course they’d heard about it by now. Anastasia, the eldest of the two, was already certain she would capture the eye of Prince Ray, while Drizella was of the opinion that this would be the perfect time to get close to Sir Godspeed, protector and friend to the prince. 
Alice sighed. She didn’t imagine either of them would be capturing anyone’s hearts. They were both too sharp and bitter, always ready with a cruel observation or a cutting remark. But they would get to go and probably have a great time while she would be stuck here at home, dreaming. 
“What are you sighing about, girl? Feeling sorry for yourself?” Lady Tremaine’s sharp voice brought Alice back to the immediate present. 
“N-no, my lady! I was only - that is, I was thinking - how nice it would be to get to go to the royal ball.” Alice swallowed, nervous. There was no choice but to be honest when the Lady asked a question.
Her step-mother frowned, the expression natural to her severe, gaunt face. “Really? I wouldn’t think you would be interested. But if you like, you can go of course. I won’t stop you. First, you’ll need to complete all your chores. I won’t have the house a mess because of your daydreaming.”
“Thank you, my lady!” Alice felt the first faint glow of hope, and a small smile crept to her lips. 
“And you’ll need to figure out what to wear. There isn’t money or time to get you a new gown, so you’ll have to make do.” Lady Tremaine gave her a cold smile bereft of any affection. “If you go dressed like that, it will only embarrass you.”
Alice nodded mutely and stood aside as her step-mother passed her in the hall. She wondered at moments like this what her father had loved in this woman. She couldn’t imagine it. But she could imagine the ways she might get a dress, even with no money. 
The rest of the day’s chores sped past, even with Druzilla and Anastasia adding more mess to the usual work load. Alice was in such a good mood, even their teasing couldn’t bring her down. By mid-afternoon, she was done with pretty much everything but dinner service and the Lady’s bath arrangements, but that left her plenty of time to run into town for her own little errand. 
She set off for the Central Quarter to make some trades for her dress. There was only about a week to the royal ball, which wasn’t much time. Alice stopped at a tailor’s shop and went around to the servant’s entrance in the back. She knew the workers here, and they liked her. She had helped them out a time or two with hem repairs and other stitchery - so when she asked for odds and ends, whatever scraps they had, they were happy to help.
Alice left there with a bag of fine cloth, enough for what she had in mind. Her next stop was a little rundown antique shop. Full of old items, many worn out or broken, and some that she wasn’t even sure what they were for. They knew Alice from when her father was alive, and were once frequent guests at the manor. Though the Lady Tremaine no longer welcomed them, they had a soft spot for Alice.
She explained what she needed, and came away with a whole jar of buttons, lace bits, and other odds and ends. Just the sort of pretty notions a fancy dress would need. Or, they would be once she shined them up a bit. 
Alice was turning the jar slowly as she walked, admiring all the pretty little things inside. But she wasn’t watching where she was going. One moment, she was moving forward, and the next, she was nose first, pressed against a broad, warm chest. Fine fabric, brass buttons, a sword at the hip, and a pair of polished boots. Her mind took inventory as she scrambled back, already apologizing.
The man in front of her was tall, with large, violet eyes and a soft, wise smile. “Don’t look so worried, little lady. You didn’t do me any damage.” He bent down to look at her more closely. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes?” He was very handsome, she realized, and also definitely not a commoner or even a merchant. “I’m really really sorry I bumped into you.”
“It’s fine. I wasn’t paying attention either.” He grinned and straightened. “In fact, it’s probably mostly my fault. Why don’t you let me buy us a tea to make it up to you? There’s a sweet shop just around the corner that’s supposed to be very good. And I’m told there’s no better way to apologize than a warm drink and something sweet.”
Alice blinked. Had this gorgeous stranger just asked her out to tea? She looked down, a slight flush in her cheeks. “Umm. Thank you but no. I have to get home and make dinner.” Which was true. She’d taken a little longer than she meant to at the antique shop and if she didn’t hurry, she’d have hangry step-sisters to deal with. 
The man sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Alright little lady, I won’t keep you. But - if you change your mind, stop by where I work, hm? Just ask for Sirius. I’d like to apologize properly. Besides, it’s not everyday I nearly run over a beautiful girl.” He jotted an address down on a scrap of paper and slipped it into her bag.
“Thanks,” Alice stepped away. His smile made her heart do funny things in her chest and she wasn’t at all sure if she liked it. Besides, if she stuck around he would definitely notice her blushing and that would be so embarrassing. “It was nice to meet you. Bye!” She hurried off before he could do anything else that would make her feel even more awkward. 
Once home, she stashed her bags and forgot all about the man and his note in the chaos of supper preparation. Anastasia was gluten-free and Druzilla didn’t eat meat, and Lady Tremaine required a broth and fresh bread at every meal. Alice ate whatever was left over from their plates and wasn’t picky about it. 
She still remembered the one time she’d set herself a plate. Just a bit after her father died, and their first family meal without him. Alice just assumed she would be included as usual. The ensuing humiliation clarified her place in the family now though. Servant, unseen and unheard, out of the way. Not a sister nor a daughter. She was no one. The girl that slept in the kitchens. 
It didn’t bother her anymore, not really. That was what she told herself, anyway.
Alice was exhausted by the time she finished emptying the water from Lady Tremaine’s after dinner bath. She didn’t feel much like working on anything, but her imagination spurred her on. The royal ball would be like nothing else. And she would be there, in the dress she made. 
The cloth she had was off-casts, the ends of fabric rolls, and badly cut swaths. Different colors and textures and patterns. A rich panoply of cloth that Alice could visualize in the dress she wanted. It was difficult work to cut and pin, to piece the skirt and bodice together from this random assortment of velvets and silks. But she managed. 
Every day for the next week, she spent any spare moment stitching. Every night, she stayed up as late as she could. She polished the best of the notions from the jar, silver buttons and little paste gems, even a set of tiny bells for the hem. Alice wasn’t entirely sure it would all come together, with so many layers and panels, but it did. 
The dress featured a slow fade from the bright center panel at the front, to a dark central panel at the back. The mismatched patterns were brought together with embroidery, and set with paste gems. And the silver buttons made a beautiful closure for the bodice. One she could do up herself, as she would need to. Alice tried it on. The silk felt so different against her skin after years of wearing rough-spun linen and cotton. 
She couldn’t suppress a laugh as she spun, making the skirt flare out around her legs. The tiny bells made soft music with every motion, only adding to the magical feeling of wearing something that made her feel beautiful. This would be the perfect dress for the royal ball. No one else would have anything like it. And just in time too. Tomorrow was the royal ball and she wouldn’t have time to get ready and finish sewing. 
The next morning, she hurried out to tell Luka her good news. She knew he would be happy for her, and she was too full of joy not to tell someone. Alice caught him just as he was heading out to his second job. “Luka!” She waved him over.
“You look even happier than you did last week.” He smiled at her and then looked down, shuffling his feet. 
“I am! I finished my dress!”
“So . . . you’re going to that royal ball?” Luka raised his head just enough to see her nod affirmation. He sighed. “I heard it’s just so the prince can find his lady love. All the women in Cradle are going on about it.” He let out another long sigh. “I guess you want to marry a prince too?”
Alice frowned. “Nope. I don’t care about that. I just want to go dance and hear the music and see all the pretty decorations. And I want to look beautiful for a night too!”
“You’re always . . . pretty.” Luka’s ears were bright red. The rest of his face was hard to see as he looked down and his hair fell over it. 
She felt as if her breath left her at that unexpected compliment. She’d known Luka for years and he’d never said anything like that. “Th-thanks.”
He glanced up and his cheeks were flushed. There was some unreadable depth to his amber gaze that Alice was afraid to search. “I thought . . . you might . . .” Luka murmured something she could not hear. And before she could respond, he shoved something into her hands and hurried away.
“Hey! Luka! Wait! What is this?” Alice tried to get him to stop but he was nearly running. She looked down at what he’d handed her. A small, wooden box. Alice opened it and nearly dropped it. A pair of tiny earrings lay inside. The delicate metalwork held two tiny stones that matched the color of her eyes perfectly. 
Alice took a trembling breath. She hadn’t expected a gift, much less something like this. Had he meant for her to wear them to the ball? She wasn’t sure, but she decided she would - and then she would give them back. It was too expensive to accept, especially when she knew the long hours and hard work he put in to live on his own. There was no way he could just buy something like this. It was too much, and it made her chest feel tight and hot to think about what he must have done to give this to her.
She tucked the box into an inner pocket under her apron and went back inside. 
The manor was buzzing with activity. After breakfast, there were seamstresses and tailors, shoe fitters, and jewelers in and out of the manor all day. The final fittings and accoutrement for Anastasia and Druzilla. Alice could only admire their lovely ball gowns and jewelry. Stones worth more than the whole manor hung around their necks and gems decorated their hands and ears and hair. 
She did her best to stay out of the way, the quiet and efficient maid she was expected to be. But her step-sisters kept summoning her to them for one thing or another. “Fetch my shawl.” “Bring the other petticoat.” “Get my slippers.” “I want a bite to eat.” “Get me a glass of wine.” 
Of course, Alice knew the real reason for it. She hadn’t told them she made a dress or that she would be going to the ball. And they wanted to show off in front of her. To taunt her with all of the things she could have, if only she wasn’t her father’s daughter. It hurt, more than she cared to admit. But this was hardly the first time and it would not be the last. The Lady Tremaine spared no expense for her daughters. 
She was in the middle of pouring a chilled white wine for Druzilla when the lady herself swept in to inspect the proceedings. The shoe-fitter had only just left, and no doubt Lady Tremaine wanted to see the results. Two pair of perfectly fitted, perfectly matched shoes sat on little pedestals. Bejeweled and shining, with gold filigree and thread of silver. 
“Hm. These might do,” Lady Tremaine gave them a haughty gaze. “Though I dare say he’s done better work.” 
That was the moment Alice noted what the lady held. An all too familiar bit of embroidery poked from the folds of a colorful silk ballgown, but there was something wrong with it. The colorful panels were smeared and stained as if -
“I found this cleaning cloth in your room, Alice. How often must I tell you to clean the rags or dispose of them when they are beyond use?” The lady’s gaze snapped to Alice in the same moment, a sour smile at the corners of her thin lips. She shook out the dress, displaying the damage as if proud of it.
The embroidery was torn and coming undone. Paste gems hung from their stitching or were missing entirely. Several of the panels were coming apart at the seams, with tangles of thread exposed. And the whole thing looked as if it had been shoved into a chimney and pulled through. 
Anastasia’s eyes lighted on it and a fierce wicked flame lit her from within. “What an awful mess that rag is!” She grabbed a sleeve and tore it off. “Was this meant to be a dress? For a cinder-ball?”
Druzilla laughed. “I don’t think even a street urchin would be caught dead in that.” She tore off a gem and crushed it under heel. “Cheap paste. I think even the servants at the palace wear better.” 
“Indeed. This is just a filthy rag.” Lady Tremaine tore the gown, ripping it from seam to seam so that the little silver buttons popped off and rolled about the room. “Throw it in the garbage bin. Unless - Alice, did you have something to say?”
Tears stung her eyes, but there was no way she would let them fall. Not in front of her step-mother. Her heart hurt to see her beautiful creation decimated in moments by cruel hands, but what could she say? ‘No, stop! I am wearing that to the ball?’ It was ruined. And there wasn’t time to even try to repair it. “I- I’ll toss it out right now, my lady.” Her voice was soft, muted. Holding back the rage and disappointment, hiding it under the subservient face Lady Tremaine expected.
“Excellent.” Her step-mother handed Alice the dress and watched her go. Just at the door, the lady called out. “Oh, my dear, I almost forgot to ask. Did you manage to find something to wear for the ball?”
“No, my lady.” Alice bowed her head.
“It’s just as well,” Druzilla remarked. “What would you even do there? Bore them with stories of dusty curtains? Or regal them with recipes for roast duck?”
Anastasia nodded enthusiastically. “I’m sure the royal court would be enamored. Tales from the maid! Can you imagine! I almost want to drag her along so we can watch her humiliate herself.”
“Now girls,” Lady Tremaine’s voice cracked across the room, sharp and cold as ice. “Let’s not be cruel. There is nothing wrong with being a maid. The girl knows her place. And you should know yours. Try to act like a proper lady or it won’t matter how nice a gown I’ve dressed you in.”
“Yes, mother,” both girls replied sulkily. 
Alice was too far down the hall to hear more, and she didn’t want to anyway. Her heart felt as if it was breaking into a thousand pieces. It was so stupid. The whole thing. To think she might get to go to a royal ball . . . to imagine having anything nice. That wasn’t the life she was fated for. No, she’d slave away under Lady Tremaine until her step-mother died. And then she would work for Druzilla, or perhaps Anastasia, until her time came too. That was it. That was all. 
She imagined running away sometimes. Making a life for herself. Working three jobs didn’t seem so bad, and if it was for someone other than Lady Tremaine, it would probably be better. But she was afraid. Cradle could be a dangerous place for a girl on her own. And Alice wasn’t at all sure where she would run to, or how to even start a life. Where to sleep, what to eat,how to find work . . . 
No, this was it, and it was best she accept it. Alice made her way to her room and lay down, silent sobs shaking her shoulders as she cried away her hopes and dreams. She held the remains of her dress in her arms and let her tears soak the silk. 
Part 2
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cardiac-agreste · 8 months
WIP Game
Yesterday I RBd a thing where you list your WIPs, then people send you asks about specific ones, and you share a little. @bohemianrhapsody711 asked about these:
Into the Bugverse
I am SUPER excited about this idea, but it's in very early stages (no actual snippets to share, just some disjointed points I'll fill in right now). It is, as you might guess, a riff on Into the Spiderverse. A bit of crack taken seriously where the multiverse is all the fics on Ao3.
We begin with a universe in which Marinette is navigating not to disappointing her parents, who want her to learn the family trade.
Chat Noir, who fought alone most of his life before Marinette was recruited (think of this as kind of a plot divergent Hey, Ribbons by childoflightningg aka @peggiecarter aka @annaethchase), has died (he was Felix Agreste). She's all alone as LB now. The whole of Paris mourns him.
She also meets the new kid, Adrien, and a new Chat Noir shows up. Suddenly, pulled through the "bugverse" into her own world is an older Marinette from another fanwork, possibly Semantitheft's L'Oublie Marinette. They bond while fighting the big bad (imagine a vibe kind of like @leviaana's wonderful comic about Minibug, the jaded older LB who still loves her younger self).
At a low moment for them, other Marinettes get pulled into her world, all from other fanfics. Maybe
a paranoid @buggachat BEAU Marinette or mistrustful one from @wackus-bonkus-maximus One Does Not Love Breathing
Maybe a Marinette from a Coffee Shop AU like Allez savoir pourqois by Yilena who has no powers but is still smart
Or possibly a blog AU like Chat Noir's Miraculous Award for Truly Magical Food by @mommadon. Non-magic Marinette will receive a miraculous as a temp hero!
Marinette from a fic where she's pregnant as fuck but still fighting (the one I'm thinking of it's kind of a twist she gets pregnant later on, so I won't mention it).
Definitely Marinette from Ghost in the Machine by @jheqiawrites alongside her AI companion Adrien.
Possibly an akumatized Marinette
lip service to the MariBat fandom with a very well-capitalized MARINETTE (see what I did there?) from Miraculous LadyBat by BoxTops
a princess or knight Marinette like from A Royal Pain by jheqia and @sing-in-me-oh-muse
At some point in the fighting, we find out that Adrien died young in this universe and Papillon and Peahen are the enemies, and they're trying to get the miraculous to wish him back to life.
The Adrien in this universe is actually from a universe where Marinette/Ladybug is dead, and OMG, Marinette, he's Chat Noir!!!! Possibly from Hamburger Ladybug by @raspberrycatapult or from Last Wishes by @kasienda
Blah blah save the world, everyone returns to their universes. Hint at sequel that brings in other fanfics' Ladybug versions! Do we get a transdimentional love story?? Who knows? I DO!! (I don't.)
I think there's something of an ethical issue for me about using other people's Marinettes for my story, but I think if it's crack it's more OK (it's somewhat like parody) than if I were creating spinoffs with the same tone. BC to be honest, I suspect none of the BNFs would ever see a message from me asking permission. Better to beg forgiveness, right?
Miraculous: Bachelorette Edition
Alya, sick of watching Marinette flounder into her 20s, unable to confess to Adrien, submits her friend in secret as a potential Bachelorette for a reality TV show where many men vie for her hand. Through the magic of crack, a bunch of guys from the show end up contestants: Adrien (his father made him), Luka (he's pan so why not?), Nathaniel (STILL IN DENIAL about his feelings for Marc), Theo the sculptor with the bad soul patch, etc. Oh, and much to Ladybug's annoyance, Chat Noir is also a contestant?!
All of Paris is begging for Pajamagirl x Adrien Agreste
This is going through revisions in my head, but the initial kernel that is actually written down in my WIPs is
Ladybug falls in a crowded area and unconscious, de-transforms. Someone takes their camera out. "Don't you fucking take that picture. Hawkmoth can't know who she is!" Some teen girl "Is that Pajama Girl? Annette, I think that's Pajama Girl!" "OMG Charlotte, you're right! "Wait, didn't Adrien say in an interview that his celebrity crush is Ladybug?" "Dude didn't I see that Chat Noir took her on a date to Andre's?" Marinette wakes up surrounded by people, freaks out. "Don't worry girl, we're not gonna tell anyone, and no one took any pictures. Your secret's safe. Later that day, Annette and Charlotte get #adrienshoulddatepajamagirl trending on social media. Gabriel, who turns out to have been full of SHIT when he told Marinette that he determines what the public wants, pressures Adrien to date his Very Good Friend for the brand.
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Stammering Adrien AU: Hey Luka we know how you change Chloe, but have you noticed any changes yourself since you started to date miss Bourgeois?
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"Well, I can definitely say I've developed more expensive tastes. I shop at pricier stores, eat at classier restaurants, and use nicer, fancier soaps, shampoos, and colognes. You can say I've become a little high-maintenance. I treat myself more often, which is easy now that my parents are back together. I've also started doing things like moisturizing and exfoliating. And if I'm being honest, I feel like being with Chloe has helped me embrace my feminine side, and I love it."
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"I'm glad I've had a positive effect on your life, Lulukins."
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
adrien making any sexual relationship a prostitution dynamic is something i never thought about but it makes so much sense. is his love language gift-giving or does he only hide behind that sort of label because he thinks no one wants to have sex with him for the sake of it, because they actually enjoy his company without ulterior motives (i rly like thinking abt this even tho i sound incoherent rn i think maybe only claudia would have sex with him without wanting anything💀 atleast in tweos au?) also luka as joker.....the implications are something alright 😭
It's partially gift-giving, but more in the sense that he likes helping his s/o where they need it the most. ...And when you're one of the richest idiots in Paris, most of the time the one thing they need more than you is money.
Going a bit into a Marxist analysis of the Cannibalism Chapter , Adrien is conditioned to see himself as a resource first and person second. This is why being eaten alive is so tantalizing to him—it's the distribution of his "value" to those who are more worthy of it. (Actually, his interest in it is multifaceted, but I'll leave that for its own silly post.) So, this willingness to provide financially is an extension of that same desire. He finds that the pinnacle of his worth as a person is what others can exploit him for, as that is what he was raised to believe by his (exploitative) parents.
That kind of bled into your second guess as to why he would unconsciously hookerify his partners, but I do agree that that is also true—He has plenty of insecurities regarding people appreciating him for who he is. He has horrible abandonment issues and has felt unloved in most of his interpersonal relationships, so he will leverage anything he can if that means his partner won't leave him. This is why he hastily regifts Marinette's pastries to Claudia in Chapter 55: Not only has he been using his money to bribe Claudia into maintaining their relationship (before the breakup, that is), but now he's doing it with food, something that he knows Claudia has trouble getting. Chapter 55 is actually so good for showing off a taste of Adrien's more manipulative habits. Like with the prostitution thing, his intentions are... pure-ish? But it's still kind of scummy and pathetic, and I like when his flaws get to shine.
Also if Claudia wasn't so caught up in her reluctance to rely on others (because accepting gifts is, in her mind, what leads to people asking things from you in return), she would 100% be willing to continue the relationship even if it was solely financially driven. She does appreciate Adrien's company on its own, and she does genuinely care for him... but her issue with the dynamic is actually more that accepting money puts her in a "debt" to him and she doesn't like where that could lead. This was the intended implication of her Ch49 spiel to Karra, and later fleshed out in her conversation with Chat in Ch55, but I'll be more explicit about it in the future now that it's brought to my attention. Especially when they're finally honest about these insecurities and talk it out like they should. I had a few scenes in mind where this would play out, but they were written with a different trajectory for the story in mind so they might not work anymore. Oopsies
@nocturnal-notes b/c the lore and analysis :3 eat up pookie
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