#Hot Peppers
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The pepper situation this year is as follows: the sweet peppers were supposed to be kapia and ruffled pimento, instead they're a yellow romanian stuffer variety (all several dozens of them) and while the hot peppers I bought last year weren't hot at all, these ones are so hot you can barely eat them.
There's always a risk when you buy your plants from farmers market, I guess I was just lucky until now, as this is the first time I got any wrong varieties. It happens. I didn't have time to sow any of my own peppers, so all of them are bought. I am a little sad as we don't really eat or like the yellow ones that much. And I miss my kapia peppers. Those are my favorite. Don't really care about the hot ones, I just thought it was funny.
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lixslife · 20 hours
Cucumbers and peppers starting to pop off!!! Got some green onions planted as well. Parsley and other herbs are also doing really well!
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I also managed to get a dragon fruit seeds to sprout!! Hopefully a couple others do too
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themostrandompolls · 1 month
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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acmeoop · 1 year
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Moonscar Island Peppers “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” (1998)
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catherine-white · 2 months
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Hot pepper in small leaf plate.
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dudja · 4 months
Club Spicy 🌶️ #funny #memes #comedy
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Soon to be hot sauce 😈
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stumblngrumbl · 20 days
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uh oh
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denim-bias · 4 months
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lixslife · 11 days
Never been happier! I have so many peppers growing on my plants right now I am so amazed and can't wait until they are ripe!!
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So many Thai chilis, habaneros, and real deal peppers +a jalapeño and a couple mystery peppers. Google says they are habaneros but I haven't bought any new habanero seeds and they look completely different from my other habaneros. Still super exciting!!!
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July 19
Garden "fails"
So I was watching my purple echinacea sprout these green flowers and though, "Huh, that's an abomination, but I like it".
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Turns out it is DISEASED. So I pulled the plants that I could see were affected. I'm not really concerned about losing the echinacea as it's easily replaced if lost. It was hella established though, so it would be somewhat of a shame.
Next, my hydrangea is doing what it always do. No matter where I plant it, how I baby it, what spells I cast. Nothing. They always die this slow death.
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I sowed some rosemary and sage and didn't label them, so they accidentally ended up in the flower garden. This is all the progress they've made since May.
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These petunias have sucked the entire time.
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I don't know what this is.
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But I was delighted to find some ripened Thai dragon peppers!
I love my garden despite it's (and my) shortcomings.
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lady-of-games · 6 months
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Nerd fact: did you know birds can't taste capsaicin?
Banjo Kazooie doodle in CSP. Starting to get the hang of it :D
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wildrungarden · 5 months
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5/4/24 ~ peppers I’ve transplanted update 🌱🌶️
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I got too eager. I should keep reminding myself that I shouldn’t try to do ambitious long-form drawings for Inktober. I was stoked about this one because I really like this scene but I am not so delighted with the results. This one should have been in a “manuscript” style but time pressed me, not allowing me to fully realize what I had in my head. I stressed a bit (ok, a lot) over it but decided to wrap it up, regardless of what I think about the end result. Soo, uhhh, yeah, flavor text: Inktober Day 12 – Spicy “The story says that the Treaty of Adelia was signed in the small border village of the same name (now a flourishing town). Seeking shelter from the rain, the prince of Rel’Sev and the tzar of Dos signed the important document in a poor peasant’s hut. Not having much else to offer the aristocratic gentlemen, the peasant, who produced hot peppers for a living, provided them with a plate stacked with the spiciest peppers around. The hot pepper has since become a national symbol of Rel’Sev”
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jasonraish · 8 months
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Paintings for the 2024 Grumpy Bert/Harman Projects Red Envelope show celebrating the Year of the Dragon. Artists painted on the ubiquitous red envelopes that the Chinese fill with money and give out as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. "Yangban Dragon" is inspired by a nobleman portrait I saw at the National Gallery in Seoul. 3.5x6.5" acylic painting on red Chinese new year paper envelope. If you didn't know, Koreans also celebrate lunar new year. The gallery asked a few artists to also paint big 18x36" paintings, so I painted mine in acrylic on wood panel. Dragons are associated with agriculture and rain and the show has a red theme so it seemed natural to paint the Korean heirloom peppers I grow on our roof every year. Show runs from Feb 10-24th, 2024 https://www.harmanprojects.com/exhibitions/65-red-envelope-show-2024/
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