#Household Chores
iibislintu · 2 months
Someone in the newspaper: "in fact vacuuming your carpets isn't the most efficient way of getting stuff off them. This common household tool is."
The tool:
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Me: "No way that's gonna be more effective. Ah well, I'll give it a try on this piece carpet that isn't even super dirty."
Two minutes later: "HOLY SHIT"
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justrandompolls · 4 months
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hey, I've recently discovered a Youtube channel, The Financial Diet, and they have some really good material. I've mostly been listening to the stuff about how domestic chores aren't evenly distributed in marriage. Whether a woman chooses to be a career woman or a housewife, she's still getting the short end of the stick and will usually bare the majority of the weight for the household. I'd recommend this video in particular, Solving The Problem Of The Adult Toddler Husband. They bring up some really good points that have sat with me since I first watched it. For example, a group of very accomplished women left the house for 2 hours and WWIII broke out at home because their husbands couldn't manage. All the women had to abandon their plans and go tend to the house. Hearing stuff like this gives me pause. I'd really like to get married and be a mother, but it just seems like a bad business move, no matter the type of man a woman marries. I'm not the sacrificial type--I want to be a mother and a wife and still maintain my own identity. Just thought I'd share this here because I live in a region where I'm not allowed to bring up these issues lest I sound like a, feminist (*gasp*).
Hi love! Yes, I think The Financial Diet channel is great. Chelsea has some great, easy-to-understand tips regarding personal finance/money management, and I love her guest contributors/podcast guest episodes. Oh, this notion highlighted in this episode is SO true IRL. A 2008 study found that husbands add 7 hours of housework a week to their wives' plates, while wives decreased a husband's household chores by 1 hour per week.
Check out Melanie Hamlett on TikTok if you want to dive further into this topic. She labels the man in this dynamic under the patriarchy as "King Baby," and it gets me every time!
The Commercialization Of Intimate Life by Arlie Russell Hochschild is a wonderful read on this topic (and the most intersectional text I've found on the subject).
Glad to share more on this topic in the future if there's interest xx
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Pst, psst, hey you, that basket of laundry sitting on the floor? Go put the laundry away. It'll take 10 minutes, and you'll feel better for it, I promise!
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la-pheacienne · 4 months
Reblog for bigger sample size plz, this is really important to me rn 😭
PS: if you live with parents but are in charge of a part of the family chores (aka not everything falls on your parents) this poll is for you too.
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tuna-core · 1 year
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yourfavepookiebear · 6 months
I vacuumed the WHOLE house today. My room, the hallway, the entrance, the exit, my mom's room, the living room, the kitchen etc !!!!!
It's the only chore I take pleasure in doing because I just LOVE vacuum cleaners !
A few days ago when I was at my aunt's house she was cleaning her house and I actually had to bite my lip to stop myself from offering to vacuum the whole house for her ! IM SAYING THIS SERIOUSLY
That's just how much I love vacuuming ! VACUUMING SUPREMACY
whenever someone talks about vacuum cleaners I feel hungry, strangely enough.
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WHy do we as a society have to put in new trash bags, I mean why don’t they just manufacture/package/sell trash bags all inside of each other like russian nesting dolls so that theres a new bag already there when you remove the full one. What the fuck. Kinda reminds me of how we didn’t think to put wheels on luggage until 1970 (one year after we put a man on the freaking moon.) What are we doing
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smoreboi · 3 months
it’s a known in my family house that I’ll do the dishes, i don’t even have a choice in that matter, it’s just a compulsion, i look at a sink with dishes and i get angry, idfk why, a product of my current lack of purpose and direction probably, but to get me to do anything else for the house is almost impossible unless i truly can’t think of anything else to do. BUT RECENTLY ive been practically inhaling the tgcf series, going a book a day basically, and because im a broke ass bitch my mom has been capitalizing on the fact that i that she can bribe me to do the miserable work no one else wants to do (floors, lawn mowing, cat litter, etc) by offering books, i just spent an hour going over the carpeted stairs with a fur remover and that’s getting me book 5.
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whatcha-thinkin · 6 months
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pretendcottagelady · 5 months
Household Tasks Tracker
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Again, another rename of a tracker that I always use. I think the term 'chores' can have very negative implications, especially if you grew up not liking chores or groaning about them.
Once more, I am changing how I am doing my chores. The plan is to make every Saturday a cleaning day and do as much as possible, with any leftovers being spread out over the rest of the week.
I want to see how far I can get if I do it by this method. Especially since I keep trying to finish all my household stuff in one go because I don't want to deal with it later.
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agwitow · 5 months
Crazy how an hour of tidying can make me feel a million times better...
My hubby didn't appreciate my june bugging (he wanted to focus solely on a single area), but we made progress and the house feels totally different now lol
So, this is a reminder to future me - even a little bit can make a huge difference. Who cares if you don't know where to start? Just pick up that thing. Yeah, the one right in front of you. Now put it away/throw it out. Congrats! You've started!
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shit-zu · 10 months
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maaruin · 7 months
I rewatched the (cartoon) Atla episode Warriors of Kyoshi, and I have to say, there is a pretty significant thematic oversight.
At the beginning of the episode Katara is mending Sokka's pants. Sokka then explains his idea about gender roles ("girls are better at sewing, boys are better at fighting"), which annoys Katara. Over the course of the episode Sokka learns humility and accepts that girls can be warriors too.
On Kyoshi Island, Aang enjoys his popularity and does a lot of showing off. Katara meanwhile collects supplies for their journey and is annoyed that Aang doesn't pitch in. Aang says it isn't fun and then later when she ignores him because of this he tries to get her attention by putting himself in danger. Finally he learns humility and admits that the fame got to his head.
Notice the oversight? Here it is: Will the boys take care of mending pants and stocking up on supplies from now on? Or will Katara be stuck with that? The mundane, boring parts of gender roles can and do create as much if not more conflict between men and women as excluding women from "boy's things".
There are other episodes in which conflict happens because of division of chores, for example The Chase. Characters generally reconcile, but we don't see the cause of the problem solved. If I was doing an Avatar adaptation, especially one that is intended to be more realistic, I would give chore division in the Gaang more screentime.
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laestoica · 9 months
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Primer lunes laboral del año. Retomar la rutina. El quehacer con TDAH implica varios descansos. xD
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masterdansan · 10 months
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