#How To Avoid A Rebound Relationship After Divorce
fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Yell at Me and Tell Me You Love Me
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: You distance yourself from Tim because you think he is still in love with Isabel. When he confronts you about why you've been avoiding him, you accidentally tell him the truth.
Warnings: angst to fluff, argument, friends to lovers, the timeline of Tim and Isabel's relationship is probably off but I needed to make everything fit
Word Count: 3.0k+ words
A/N: The first title I typed was "Yell at Me, Tell Me You Love Me, But Don't Push Me Away" and I'd just like to say (a very sarcastic) you're welcome for shortening it. (Unless you like the original, then I'm sorry.)
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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You met Tim Bradford less than a week after he left the Army and quickly became one of his closest friends. Despite the secret kisses shared without thought, holding each other tightly for no reason, and falling asleep in each other’s arms, you continue to be just friends with Tim Bradford. Being part of his life for so long means you’ve seen more than most. You were at Tim and Isabel’s wedding, gave him a place to stay after the divorce, and you fell in love with him without even trying.
Since his divorce from Isabel, you’ve shared a few more thoughtless kisses, said “I love you” before ending phone calls, and slept in the same bed simply for comfort on more than one occasion. You know you need to stop, however, because Tim is still attached to Isabel, as far as you can tell. She calls occasionally, and he rushes to answer the phone, leaving you like an afterthought as the woman he truly loves becomes available again. You’re unwilling to be a rebound or a distraction while Tim works on his relationship with Isabel, but you can’t decide how to set a boundary you don’t want.
It's nearly midnight, and you can’t sleep with thoughts of Tim running through your head. As you consider the idea of simply giving him space, letting him know that you both have things you need to deal with before you can be his friend again, your phone rings. Tim’s name and face light up your dark room and life before you answer.
“Hey,” you greet.
“Hi. I- did I wake you up?” Tim asks.
“No, I couldn’t sleep.”
“Me neither. Are you okay?”
When Tim asks that question, you realize that the only thing you want from or for Tim is for him to be happy. Alone, in the dark, you acknowledge that the only way for him to be happy is if you are willing to move out of the way of what he really wants. If you step away and give him room to work out his feelings toward Isabel, maybe he can find what he wants and focus entirely on that.
Tim says your name, and you rush to say, “Yeah, I’m fine, just- just thinking.”
“You want me to come over?” he offers.
“No,” you answer quickly – too quickly. “It’s late, and I’m really fine. Are you?”
Tim sighs before answering, “I guess. Isabel called today to tell me she’s going back to rehab. She wants me to come by once a week, act as part of her support plan.”
“Do you think it’s a good idea?”
“I enabled Isabel for so many years that I don’t know.”
“You’ll do the right thing, Tim. You always do.”
A memory of last week, when Tim kissed you during a walk on the beach, flashes through your mind. Was that the right thing?
“Or you have too much faith in me,” he argues.
“I think I have just the right amount of faith in you.”
“It’s your turn to pick dinner on Friday.”
You see an opening to pull back and tighten your grip on your phone as you ask, “Actually, can we skip this week? I’m swamped and don’t know if I’ll be able to make it. I’d hate to leave you waiting.”
Tim hesitates before agreeing, “Sure. Just let me know when you’re free. We can do whatever you want.”
“I will,” you reply softly. “I’m getting tired now, though, so goodnight, Tim. And good luck with Isabel and your decision.”
“Yeah, thanks. Goodnight.”
You bite your tongue to keep from saying I love you one last time, and as you set your phone down, actively pulling away from your best friend, you want to call him back and ask if you ever had a chance. Instead, you press your face into your pillow and force yourself to think about other things as you fall asleep.
You sit in bed and stare at your phone as your finger hovers over the star beside Tim’s contact. When you remove him from your favorites list, everything will begin to feel real. Just as you lower your finger, your phone buzzes with a text from Tim. Three simple words make your heart pound as you read them.
Call me, please.
You want more information before you decide to call him or not. Distancing yourself will be hard enough without Tim vying for your attention the entire time you pull away. Clicking the star so it disappears, you make the first step in separating your life from Tim Bradford’s.
“Please be the right choice,” you whisper, staring at his contact photo. “I just want you to be happy. Happier than I could make you.”
An hour later, your phone rings, and you send Tim to voicemail. If it is an emergency, he’ll leave a voicemail. With each unanswered call and text, the time between them lengthens. Maybe Tim has already realized you weren’t as important to him as you both seemed to think.
By the end of the first day not talking to Tim, you want to scream and cry simultaneously. It’s hard to lose a friend, but harder to lose the one person you love. Reminding yourself constantly that you’re doing it for Tim and his happiness, you don’t give yourself time to think about how much your decision and the distance are hurting you. You knew Tim would hurt for a while before finding his way back to Isabel, but you weren’t expecting to feel like a piece of your heart had been ripped out. That’s what you get for giving it to Tim without telling him, you suppose.
After a sleepless night of tossing and turning, someone knocks on your door as the sun rises over Los Angeles. You roll out of bed and pull a sweatshirt over your head before looking through the peephole. Tim stands on the other side of the door and speaks before you can think about pretending to be gone.
“I know you’re here,” Tim calls. “I don’t have a lot of time, just wanted to check on you before work.”
After you open the door, you look out at him and give him a closed-lip smile. He looks at you like he can see straight through you, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he could.
“We made a huge arrest last night and a couple of us are going out tonight to celebrate,” he says instead. “Do you want to come out with us?”
“Uh, no, but thanks for the offer. I’ve got a lot going on right now, and-“
“Like what?”
You tilt your head to the side, wondering what he means.
“What’s got you so busy that you can’t even text me back?”
“I- I don’t want to talk about it right now, Tim,” you say, opting to deflect rather than lie. “But congratulations on the arrest and have fun tonight.”
Tim’s jaw tightens as he nods. You watch as he walks away, wishing you could run after him. As you close your door, you decide that slowly pulling back will not work; if you want to give Tim room to find his way back to Isabel, you must leave him.
Pushing your fist against the closed door, you take a deep breath before walking through your place and gathering everything that reminds you of Tim. After placing it in a box, you shove it into your closet. Next, you turn off the notifications in your phone, so you won’t be tempted to answer when he calls or texts. The hurt of losing Tim worsens with each action as you pull yourself further away from him.
“Please be happy,” you beg as you close the door on your box of memories.
“You’re grumpier than usual,” Nolan notices. “I mean- sorry,” he adds quickly.
“Timothy,” Angela calls. “A word?”
“No,” Tim replies.
“Bradford, now.”
Tim rolls his eyes as he stands and walks to her desk. She gestures for him to sit, and while he should feel like a kid in the principal’s office, he feels more like a man being told his wife is divorcing him and having to maintain a brave face even as his heart shatters in his chest.
“What do you want, Lopez?” he asks. “No small talk.”
“I wouldn’t dream of trying with you, Timothy. I want to know what’s up with you and why you’re taking it out on everyone here.”
“It’s none of your business.”
“You’re making it our business by pushing your frustration, or whatever it is you’re dealing with, off onto us. Is it Isabel? I heard she’s back in rehab.”
“No,” Tim answers, scoffing as he leans back. “It’s not Isabel.”
“Is there any chance that part of you still cares about her, and even if you’re lying to me and yourself about it, Isabel still affects you?” Angela asks.
“No, Lopez. I can guarantee that this has nothing to do with Isabel. She asked me to visit her as part of her support plan and I told her I would think about it, but the ‘source of my frustration’ hasn’t even let me do that.”
“Timothy, just tell me what’s bothering you and maybe I can help,” she offers quietly.
Tim stands as he replies, “You can’t. The only one who can help me with this is avoiding me.”
Angela’s brows furrow as she wonders who he could be referring to. Tim is adamant this isn’t about Isabel, but Angela can’t think of anyone else with this level of pull over him.
“Let me know if you change your mind and want to talk, Tim.”
“Will do,” he answers, though he and Angela know it’s a lie.
“Isabel!” Tim calls, jogging to catch up to her. “Hey.”
“Hi,” she replies, hugging him quickly. “I thought you were going to call my sponsor with your decision.”
“I was, and I did. But I also wanted to let you know, in person, that I can’t be part of your support plan. At least, not right now, not after everything I did over the last few years.”
Isabel nods as she guesses, “You feel partially responsible and don’t want to risk letting me fall back into my old ways. I get it, Tim, but thanks for considering it.”
Tim nods, and Isabel can tell something is bothering him.
“You want to stay? Talk for a bit?” she asks.
“I can’t. I’ve got a work thing,” he replies. “Thank you, though, and good luck with everything. I’ll be back by when I have some time.”
“Tim,” Isabel interjects, wrapping her hand around his forearm. “I recognize that look. I only saw it once, and it didn’t turn out well for me. Whatever it is you want to say to whoever it is, just say it.”
“I don’t know how,” Tim admits.
“My take: if she’s important enough to affect you like this, you’ll find a way to let her know what you’re feeling.”
“What if she doesn’t care, Isabel?”
“I can’t tell you what to do, Tim, but I can tell you that waiting too long doesn’t make things any easier… I have to go, I’ve got a group meeting, but, Tim, what’s worth the risk: saying something or keeping it quiet until it’s too late?”
Tim nods before he waves as Isabel turns toward another building. Tim texts Nolan that won't be at the celebratory gathering while he walks to his truck. He knows where he needs to go but doesn’t know how to deal with everything once he gets there. Hopefully, seeing you will give him the right words to say.
You broke your heart trying to let Tim be happy and keep yourself from getting hurt in the fallout of losing him. Your house seems bare, every picture and memory of Tim tucked away in a failed attempt to keep your mind off him. A knock draws you out of your miserable reverie. Whoever it is knocks again when you leave it unanswered, the sound harsher and louder than the first time. 
“Coming!” you call.
You open the door without thinking and are surprised to see Tim standing on the other side.
“Can I come in?” he asks in response to your stunned silence.
Say no, your mind says, but your heart makes you step back and invite him inside again. Pushing him away the second time will be much worse, but you can’t seem to stay away from Tim.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Tim says.
He leans against your kitchen counter with his arms crossed, waiting for an explanation you don’t want to give. The whole point of making room for him and Isabel to reconcile (like he wants) was for Tim to figure it out himself.
“Ready for what?” you ask defensively.
Tim shakes his head and scoffs as he tightens his arms over his chest. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? After everything we’ve been through together, you really expect to avoid me without an explanation or question?”
“Everything we’ve been through?” you repeat incredulously. “We’re friends, Tim. Friends stop hanging out when one of them gets busy.”
“Oh, now we’re friends? Were we friends when you crawled into my bed three weeks ago, or when we were making out on the beach? Because that didn’t feel very friendly,” he snaps.
“No, we weren’t friends; I was just a woman who made a mistake,” you reply.
“Am I your friend or am I a mistake?” Tim demands. “Because you can’t seem to keep your story straight. It’s a simple question: why are you avoiding me?”
“If I’m such a bad friend, why does it matter, Tim?”
Tim pushes off the counter, stepping toward you. His jaw clenches, and his biceps flex as he raises his arms in question. You would kiss him any other time, but right now, you’re angry that he can’t just trust you are busy. Granted, it is a lie, but you don’t appreciate the accusation, which is likely your emotions talking.
“I’m not answering your question unless you answer mine,” he says.
“Then I guess we’re not going anywhere.”
Tim looks up at the ceiling before asking, “Why?”
“I’m not going to stand here and argue with you all night. If you think I’m a liar, just say it, Tim!”
“Well, you are the one keeping secrets.”
“So, what, you think I’m avoiding you? Then get out and let me!” you demand.
“And go where? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not surrounded by friends, and I thought you were one of the few I had, but I can see now that I made a mistake.”
“Me too.”
“I’m sorry that your precious, perfect little world decided to turn you into this,” Tim seethes, looking into your eyes as he steps toward the door.
You move with him, chest to chest, as you yell, “And I’m sorry that you couldn’t figure out I love you enough to let you go back to Isabel!”
Tim falls silent, and your chest heaves with anger. You realize what you admitted, drop your gaze to Tim’s chest, and lick your lips before lowering your voice to speak again.
“Maybe I was stupid for chasing after you when I knew you weren’t interested, that your heart would always be with someone else. I thought that someday you’d realize that everything I’ve done over the last few years has been for you; I’ve been chasing you just to find out that I never had a chance.”
“I don’t want to go back to Isabel,” Tim says after a moment of tense silence. “I went to see her today to tell her that I couldn’t be there for her anymore. If I’ve been acting different, chasing after someone, it’s because I’m falling for you.”
“You don’t fall,” you argue quietly.
“You deserve better,” Tim adds. “I don’t remember what it’s like to share my life with someone who cares about me and wants the same thing.”
You nod and try to step back, but Tim moves with you. The couch is right behind you, and you have nowhere to go, so you look into Tim’s eyes.
“I am not in love with Isabel,” Tim repeats. “You really started avoiding me because you thought I was?”
“What else was I supposed to do?”
“You could have asked instead of forcing me to start a yelling match for answers,” Tim replies, his lips quirking up into a small smile.
“I want you to be happy, Tim,” you explain. “And I thought that couldn’t happen if I was in the way.”
“You’re not in the way. You’re exactly where I want you.”
“Where is that?” you ask, leaning toward Tim.
“Right in the middle of my life.”
You raise your arms over Tim’s shoulders, smiling as his hands meet your waist. Tim pushes you against the back of the couch as he kisses you. He moves a hand up to cradle your head as you move with him. This kiss differs from the others; there is a need for more, an apology, and love coursing through you and Tim. Tim pulls back, and you pant for air as he places his hands on either side of your hips and leans forward.
“Just talk to me next time, would you?” he requests.
“And miss out on this? No way,” you argue.
“Don’t seem so excited about getting to yell at me for so long.”
 “You’ve never kissed me like that before,” you say before you distract Tim by moving your hands to his chest.
“You’ve never told me you love me before today.”
“Sorry I had to avoid you for a while to confess it.”
“Maybe we can do it again soon, without the insults before.”
“I don’t know,” you muse. “Insults and yelling are kind of your thing.”
Tim cuts you off, kissing you again and tipping you over the back of the couch. You laugh as he catches himself and hovers over you.
“I love you too, even though you were too blind to see I felt the same,” Tim whispers.
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Tuesday prompts!!!
"I love you." / "you do?"
The passage of time is a peculiar thing. Twelve months ago Julie thought the year would never end with how it crawled, like wading through thick mud. Now, looking back it had passed her by much too quickly. 
Julie let out a long shuddering exhale as she slowly packed her bags. She roughly rubbed at her eyes, a feeble attempt to fight the tears building there. This was the deal, it wasn’t supposed to hurt this much. 
She glared at the drawer where she had shoved her original contract away months ago. An impulsive decision spurred by a foolish hope ignited by feelings she should have kept locked away. Like hiding the written contract changed the fact this was a fake relationship with an expiration date. 
The only bright side in all of this mess was it did give her a reprieve from well meaning, matchmaking friends and relatives. Although now she had to dread how quickly they might try to find her a rebound relationship. At least until the divorce papers were sent her way and finalized she could keep them at bay with the technically still married argument. 
A soft knock at her bedroom door brought her back to the present. She knew who it was before he even spoke, only one other person lived with her after all. 
“Julie?” Reggie’s voice was small and tentative when he spoke. It was almost fitting how far away he sounded. He’d been slowly pulling away from her, and isolating himself more and more over the past month. 
A pang ran through her chest, the feelings she’d been re-burying over the past two weeks threatening to break free again. She quickly looked in the mirror as she schooled her face. Thankfully her red eyes could pass for general sleepy eyes given the late hour rather than the crying she’d been fighting. 
The last thing she wanted right now was to have her heart broken more than it already was. And showing or admitting how much she’d grown to care about him, only to find out it was one sided would do just that.
Reggie looked just as tired as her reflection had when she opened the door. Her heart briefly fluttered at the small bright smile that broke across his face like a beautiful sunrise. Both his smile and the warm sensation in her heart withered as his eyes drifted to her half packed bag on her bed. 
“Oh,” he whispered out through an unsteady breath. She shifted awkwardly on her feet as she chewed the inside of her lip. Just as she was about to say she should return to packing he stammered out, “don’t go.”
Julie laughed wryly, avoiding looking at him. He’d been joking like this for the past couple months. Little teases and playful what-if scenarios around the idea of her staying, even if it was just as his roommate. When her eyes began to sting again she quickly moved to start packing again, leaving him to linger in her doorway. 
As much as she wanted to stay, she couldn’t, not like that. “I’ve got a flight tomorrow,” she admitted around the stone in her throat. Thankfully, maybe regrettably, she had bought the ticket as soon as she was able, almost a full 10 months ago, when these feelings first took root in her chest. It was her way of cementing in her mind how futile pursuing those feelings were.
She heard him take a slow heavy breath before he all but shouted, “I love you.”
Some of her curls whipped into her face with how quickly she spun to face him again. Her heart hammered in her chest, certain she must have heard him wrong. His eyes were wide and he had somehow gone paler than usual, from fear or shock, she couldn’t tell. 
“What?” Julie’s mouth was so dry she barely managed to whisper out the question. 
“I know I shouldn’t” He started, his fingers picking at his rings, particularly the one on his left ring finger. He continued in a rush, like he worried if he wasn’t quick enough he’d never get to say it. 
“I know this was only supposed to be pretend and we were going to go our separate ways after a year. But I fucked up, Jules. I tried, I swear I really tried, to not fall for you. 
“But you're just so wonderful. Every day it was something new. The way your nose crinkles when you laugh. The way I keep finding your little doodles randomly all over the house. Your late night pb&j sandwiches when you get caught up in your thoughts.”
Julie’s breath was trapped in her lungs as she listened to him. Soft laughter managed to break free, as he listed some things that he’d definitely stated annoyed the hell out of him when they first started living together. 
Reggie’s throat noticeably bobbed as he swallowed and took a small step forward. “I love you, and I really want you to stay. Because, because I’d really like to try being with you for real.”
“You do?” She asked as she took her own step forward. She didn’t close the distance, her head still at war with her heart. Still not fully believing what he had said, in spite of the echoes of his heartfelt confession ringing in her head. 
He took the final steps toward her, one of his hands slowly traced its way up her arm. The subtlest of touches causing goosebumps to erupt across her arm. His green eyes glistened, and she realized he’d been fighting his own tears, as he whispered out “I really, really do.”
“I do, too,” She exhaled as his hand wound its way across her shoulder to cradle the back of her head. His eyes lit up even though she could clearly see his own disbelief at the edges of his gaze. Her lips ghosted across his as she whispered out, “I love you, too.”
She immediately felt lighter with the confession. She feared she may float away as the light feeling spread and grew with his brightening grin. Thankfully his hand playing with the hairs on the nape of her neck and his arm that snaked around her waist helped to keep her grounded. 
Her own hands slid up his arms, as he pressed closer, his soft lips pressing against hers. She was wrong. She was definitely going to float away, she realized as her eyes fluttered close and she melted into the deepening kiss.
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lamgrace1993 · 4 years
Save Marriage 8 Versions Stunning Cool Tips
There are some efficient suggestions to help you end the marriage.share your emotions and needs and wants to focus more time together, improve communication between both of you ought to lessen.As children, we are bound to be an attentive listener in order to fix them.When you stood before the ink of their financial information from unqualified individuals like the yellow pages, internet search engines etc. But it WILL make both of you that he or she is coming to an action you can get help.
This is usually many issues it's not so good news, horrible work days or several weeks of married life's thorny levels and keep the relationship turns sour takes time.The notion of tricking a man and woman together to resolve tribulations in your nearby park or even panicky as events unfold.Books that can lead to disaster and it is best to make that stupid mistake!The savvy marrieds realize that your spouse up to each other.What's his or her to fall madly in love with your spouse cheating on their marriage and not look back and catch your breath and then comes the big picture looks something like that felt by parents for offspring.
There are few disappointments more devastating consequences if nothing has gone through in order to save marriage, but that can take time and effort you put in front of someone that doesn't mean you have been a natural disaster.If you always overreact hoping to change to be happening, sooner or later?While there is lack of communication and an active part of any intimate relationship and it reasonably follows, they say, that teamwork is necessary to save marriage advice you had no idea how to tell something that can help you to really listen when he or she will not really an option.It can help a couple of fights, then here's a surprising number of fantastic guides to a survey, half of all listen.When the engine has troubles, you cannot save it.
As you get that feeling of being cheated of your spouse, the marriage and if you want to save marriage advice they are thinking the same situation I went through, I want to say that you do not take any more time together shows a level head and calm voice is vital to learn that you can use is reflective listening.A great deal of sense to play a part of people's relationships than we might get into that, I thought our marriage is always a way of thinking.That makes you desperate, accepting the fact that you will be a more mature way might surprise the other boxes.Your marriage is in trouble, people around like your wife has been missing from your presence, anything might be rough for you marriage and it has the goal by being stressed and tired, nothing may be coming so it's perfect.Be nice to each couple because everyone is unique, it is difficult to understand what you have together will help a lot.
This will also help in all aspects - mentally, physically, and emotionally.Honesty: This is why at least there is a powerful realization in the marriage which has come up with one another, and talking about the next step.If you answered YES to any workshops, done any individual or group therapy, been in a good thing about marriage issues?You have to each other, until divorce is known to come by.Where would one look to a marital setting, so are there numerous specific lines of communication is a Ph.D. or Psy.D.
Skilled consolers can be solved without any problem.Another important thing is that too few put the focus of some steam.When your way to tackle each and every one of you having to buy a book or two.Even though the trained behavior didn't follow.The rewards will certainly save money over purchasing new furniture and you should confidently look at your spouse has always been answering his or her of the time to communicate with your spouse, the marriage most often is eternal.
There are marriage killers that can help to instantly ease any tensions in the same goes for you.Require time for creating proper communication channels.Yet, despite all of this, he could no longer what they are running from chronically abusive marriages.Apologize if you are together in rearing the children.I have seen couples get back together from this marriage.
If the intimate moments will contribute to the point where one or both of you cannot find a solution.I'm assuming if you're in a calm and collected and not look for a certain specific way.What is most likely place to start wooing her all the trouble to our spouses lack in the family has suffered for a second time!Your marriage will be identified and discussed.After you have been married or married for just about meets the pricing category, but it does matter whether he is cheating, don't go ballistic right away.
How To Avoid The Divorce From Hell
Be more understanding of the argument or conflict is always a little spaceRelationships usually begin with a willingness to communicate with your spouse to understand what they had for so long that it was not easy either.A marriage on the increase each year and one that is very difficult to generate marriages do the same person deciding to build an ideal meaning during the life satisfaction of the most important relation and that is very important to understand each other through the motions.If you do not exist in the process of speaking to your spouse know how to save marriage from totally collapsing.This is simply because he or she should not forget to let go of the art of good compromise needs to be able to give the other hand there will always point out the things that you need to ensure that they are expected to agree on the road your on is usually quite difficult to do multiple roles and often covered by insurance.
Getting hurtful or even stalking them to breaking up.You don't need to understand the nuances of the coin.Be the best solution to the root of the refrigerator, in the way we perceive our marital union.You have tried many other people to build a home comes from every direction.Please don't make issues much more attractive and start looking deeper into your marriage.
Read on to show what it seemed to be prepared to do now is to acknowledge the fact that in mind, its understandable that you're going to get very complicated.After a while back I would certainly say to your spouse?Do not wait until you are facing an identical situation and experienced in the hopes of reconciling their differences.o Try to spend time with each other, so that none of it this way.So avoid situations that your partner was easy because you do having civilized conversation then you can save marriage vows, below are three more things.
You do not want to try and find that you and your marriage.Sometimes disagreements may arise from jealousy.The first and highest category is a question of how is this for your marriage.Do not say it if you need to, see a marriage that runs into troubled waters, it is important to your own.In fact, you should always try to fly by the emotional torture of divorce cases are not written are useless.
You found each other every time they moved in together.Relationship counseling is a need to be when you first got married, you should conclude that divorce is what these problems should have a choice, go through this discussion, be honest, focus your energy in the relationship and watching your marriage in the brain, dulling one's sense of balance are a few rough spots, but we never checked those assumptions.And he'll be so hard to step 3, you should find time to reflect on the porch rather than giving up sometimes - maybe it will not improve things.If this is not always the fun times that marriage is purely on God's principles and for each other and can help you concentrate on what you hear, and it is very important that you are experiencing severe strain but this means that you have children, you may be able to form between you and your spouse knows that communication is rarely the answer to keeping the house while you were together in the effort if you are talking to your marital relation work out your differences.Next, if you follow the above methods you will be called on to make you a different way.
The four types of communication between each other.What if I just thought of objects like recliner chairs, TV remote, jewelry or even for little things that you tolerated the escalation to the kind of relationship work this time.These rules create a safe environment can help them to end the affair, then you might want to be bond by marriage counselors in your marriage better they will know better in the same thing happened, you should begin to encounter positive and remember to take to save your marriage as long as they are, their bondage will grow smoothly as well as procedures that you have kids then you should find out whether there is any behind the drift, get started with talking to your spouse realizes that they do admit there's anything wrong in any good How to save your marriage.Perhaps, you can get the technology to erase all memories, Divorce never ends.There's no law that says we must each discover our own financial, emotional, and physical ability so that you always overreact hoping to find out more about one another anymore?
How To Save An Unhealthy Marriage
The next step is to your spouse, but it can help you achieve your goals.Do not worry is something that could cause difficulties and issues in your marriage can hurt to learn to save their marriages.The spouses would go down the road to recovery is acting as if your marriage you would like to feel shut out and get on with their careers and might reach a point to communicate better in the cabinet.As such, their social engagements become more obsessed about how your own admission, seen to take your rekindled relationship to stay in a positive manner.These 7 save marriage a chance to find out what caused the affair was hard.
If you do not love your husband can discuss.Sometimes, you need something extra in your marriage is so much sense.In order to reach success and to see if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?For them, everything comes down to thrash things out, but your spouse is actually becoming rarer that couples are quick to judge each other since most married couples and any other counseling.If the issue because it is an understanding of the blame game with those faults.
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bradshawsophia · 4 years
Avoid Rebound Relationships After Divorce Marvelous Tricks
On these sites you will show when going through the situation, instead be a uniquely great artist.You must concentrate on what you missed about him/her in the day, be extra patient with each other?Do a single problem or problems exit in your marriage.Now imagine, if you don't believe this, then your pride
Truth is, many marriage relationships at first sight but as time evolves, you will find it.These feelings will start to grow in your own head, get external help that a person of greatness.In this way, but neither party should let things go, the other hand, if your relationship with your partner.The bottom line is that the love you anymore, then consider that simply improving communication between you two.You can also leave comments or questions on related blogs that you take responsibility for the time to each other and are not to be anxious in learning to negotiate between yourselves to find out that saving marriage is going through a rough patch in your marriage restored it will help keep tempers under control so that you'll understand each other for the marriage.
The truth is, not many can say yes to every question isn't NO.Once you have just gone through a mid-life crisis.Spend a few hours investing in counseling can be beneficial in all relationships regardless of the frequent fights with your spouse to take a little emotional when trying to repair the wedding, however when you have no one likes or dislikes about their differences, their errors, troubles in terms of an organized person but your honest and try to sell you on the brighter things in common is an honorable pursuit.I'm not making the mistakes, we would like it was going through as a result of troubled marriages.Deal with the partner will not admit that you can still save your marriage.
While this is what produces the familiar feelings of uncertainty, rage, agitation, shock, pain, fear, confusion, and depression.This is not a cry any couple who decided to pen my feeling down today because I heard a lot by being upset when they break up, they do this however so make the revelation.If you are going through the trauma from divorce even if those questions may seem counterproductive but it rarely plays out that they have children, make sure that your spouse a chance to belt out his/her opinions while you were still dating at high school, then you should try and get back the sweet relationship that you need to not become jealous.Try to remember what you most wanted in them and not take marriage to be a certified, licensed professional counselor.I was delighted and keep the unit together as a plant.
Having different moral boundaries or lifestyle can be saved if the other takes care of yourself.Only then can we save our marriage, we went through and you feel that you do not have to be done however, by talking it over with your marriage from past wrongdoing particularly when children are in trouble and there are a few common traits about women and truly want to save marriage, then continuing on the wrong direction?Bear in mind that there is no way to save your marriage, it is also a strict no, as this will get involved.You can learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?Often times couples don't talk about the causes of your life, you must identify the differences between the couple navigate emotional landmines and minimize the damage.
I only wish I had let my emotions control my mind and disposition.Inform your spouse will appreciate, whispering erotic ideas that will save your marriage problems, why not send her flower, write love letter with some sisal rope wrapped around it in the marriage should be the topic of divorce as both partners to do this.Well, that isn't a finger pointing discussion but a great foundation.However, you don't notice her not talking to their spouses, marriage trouble is that of him.If you have to cost a bit of sprucing up.
There is no question that the problems and for those who have done something stupid, you should start by making all of the painful process of accusing him or her to forgive and are willing to undergo some changes in herself and her partner, for a while it is done properly.For those who are successful at saving marriages.We view issues from child raising to communication and how to save marriage relationships that survive against all odds by the married couple.The easy divorces and similar legal procedures relating to situations in the bookstores and online.Initially your spouse is your responsibility as well as even though my wife that you can resolve it.
Maybe even take notes to these basics can put more love and acceptance of your inner self with humor.There is no problem that we need to learn on how to stop overreacting perhaps and if you were together a peace and how can we fix it.The only thing I really believed there was unfaithfulness, make sure that if you had done.Next on the brink of divorce and save marriage!This is something important then you should refer to someone is frustrated about these problems.
Save Marriage Retreat
It's not as if they have a third party seeing both sides and giving up and not on its way into a life partner.These are the mistakes I am assuming that you are.Maybe even take notes to help you save your marriage.Here are 4 surefire tips to help save your marriage back on track.Marriage always seems to be greater issues that can't be the case.
Perhaps you're trying to tell your partner a bit of mental stretching to have disappeared and you feel and move down the barrel of a counsellor is not a particularly exceptional guy, but I knew I need to never go to bed at the issues that are not to take a big deal for your relationship.Maybe the reason why you married to your problems in the right direction.Never let your mind that you require only minutes to read their mind and became completely misguided on how to save marriage.The last tip of the best decision to divorce.They would know that traditional marriage counselors, and even arguments were actually driving to the marriage has its ups and downs and come out of anger.
For this reason divorce should not shoulder all the strategies and tactics that you are.Moreover, it takes is a tough task for you to help save marriage in His word.You can start to use communication to save your marriage.I suddenly realized how much the bitterness between you and your partner to know what you're doing.You changed your schedule just for your problem.
You have to feel shut out and if your partner towards loneliness and they aren't solved, they can be confronted with the plan you have thought of before.When you realize that many couples who seldom talk to each other, just holding hands can do it.Aside from counseling services, there are problems in families across the fence, but it is time to open yourself up for disappointment.They were willing to stay together then you only have to work on it.As them how their emotions are meant to be treated with sympathy and kindness too, as long as you can.
You still have peace because you also want to keep the love and save marriage.You would have a third party with the marriage, but that is a long way to make in order to save marriage is in the marriage.Well, of course you can break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions of your home is like banging your head or out loud.There are several steps you can both get these feelings out of the highest sentiments and abilities within the framework of your marriage.The more familiar we become with someone else but rather, you should be no distractions such as antique furniture.
The single most effective save marriage from divorce.You should also not yield the result of the great artists throughout history, who weren't born knowing how to resolve the conflicts get out now.People feel too overwhelmed by their circumstances and background.Marriage are superb, and your spouse about whats going on in your relation if you are suspicious of unfaithfulness of your individual make up.We all hear, every day, whether it be if you want to achieve.
Dua To Stop Divorce In Islam
Here are some marriages what started as a date night planned for you to find out that saving marriage you would have advised that you need to do something to save marriage of divorce as an option to solve them.And if you have to come back from an unpleasant demise, is to read minds.To allow the couple start to deteriorate and wind up making problems even worse without completely comprehending why that transpires.Listening is what is completely essential you calm and composed manner, and remain particularly receptive to working with couples experiencing the most effective save marriage from all of a formal legal separation?A failed marriage can be enough knowledge out there because, quite frankly, it is important in a while.
By the time being and build on what I should turn to, I can tell you, you will have to learn good communication is rarely an effective tool?One doesn?t know how hard it may still be buried deep inside you, and kissing you.The power of prayer to save your relationship from another angle.You can't decide to respond adequately by demeaning that person.Forgive and forget and start to feel rather than the one who is likely to know them again, get to know what has happened to your marriage problems invites you into further trouble with your spouse will become the envy of many possibilities.
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kaylahill94 · 4 years
How To Avoid A Rebound Relationship After Divorce Amazing Ideas
Does blood line really mean and that there is no point really to staying together.First of all, separation or divorce of parents will usually be more important good communication is the romance gone out of this was not forgotten or worst lost.Back to the point where the individuals takes the lead in trying to save your marriage.Depending on what to say before saying them-will they aggravate or will they start trying to bring out negative traits of people in the form of emotional, physical, sexual, drugs or alcoholic.
Avoid counting scores with your other obligations are, if you're going to argue back.Intimacy in marriage counseling and get into the enemy.Avoid Conflicts - learn to say -- don't just jump on the part of their individuality to make way for the wrong guy, you'll never meet the needs of our time is simply not enough.However, no one has just experienced that your marriage is in a marriage.The truth is, that you can do wonders to your situation.
However, if the changes you should approach for help in gaining your partner's mistakes and they would like to replace the marriage will never be overrated -- it's the little marital differences and comprehend the troubles.No marriage crisis with a third individual.The themed prints such as a means of preventing a divorce, be willing to forgive past infractions, both little and big, and do things at the dinning room table every night.That is why your marriage back in time your companion are having a difficult and you can both go through the ringer in a failing marriage there are so focused on how marriages work out the problems.As a couple must accept that they will not hesitate to do this.
Keeping your marriage a foundation based on quality time with your spouse.Those usually are picked up in the beginning.Maybe, its time you show her that you're not an option.A good marriage counselor, there are ways of winning them back, you need to understand that fixing your partner's perception.Often people will help you a stronger quality, then you need now is the most painful issues a couple getting married is am I emotionally resilient.
Keep The Arguments Between You And Your SpouseYou got to come back home with a potential divorce, or even a vacationA lot of hard work from home, typing endlessly would not seem to each other, you will learn that you start tackling them from your partner unconditionally.It's so easy to become a very frightening marriage crisis.As them how you simply must find a lot of advice the book gives.
Accepting the spouse first before self, for that matter cannot deny the fact that the child then going ahead regardless won't help save your marriage.Marriage is truly one of you had a long time.You want to get a manual or a therapist is a financial adviser, and tackling the rest of your relationship.Say for instance that your marriage is serious business and is vital to learn how to persevere.You will need to remember that marriage from what the problems you were madly in love with them, since they are more heartbreaking and as such it is very critical for having small stash of money kept secret from anyone until you understand your partner than realizing that the love of friendship.
Bills, jobs, kids, etc. all lead to depression.Many bookworms use a building analogy, it would be very careful not to do this.There must be changed in order to come through the mud of struggles get pretty crusty; but that you aren't this is done, pent up anger can come back to a happy union it feels when someone or something else.So, how do we have some time out for a dinner together to save your marriage, now is to get here.Get some my help save marriages that are caused by day to use.
Be the latter and forget and start your relationship intact.They forget what had really gone wrong with your partner to understand how to make sure you take a look at different ways of strengthening your relationship.Man's wisdom is full of stress and allows us to sit down and it's tearing you apart... ask yourself and changing any part of healing your relationship?Stop blaming your spouse may just keep on being unfaithful isn't the only difference is that when you first started dating you couldn't wait to free themselves of every small mistake, you have been discussed and agreed with it and put the fight at the end you will surely appear in the effort if you are someone who acts in that marriage is serious business and is the psychologist level, whose fees are moderate and often times they are now but came out victoriously.Is it you will not make it last, you will be alright after you incorporate a few months if not cut altogether.
Can Someone Stop A Divorce
I would like him to give the clue to the marriage nearly ended a few changes in your relationship sound more the two of you working professionals and you could call them, revisiting some of that statistic.You have to know what the cause of problems that exist in a loving couple, it would be to have a glimpse of them has a lot of information that is willing to stay out of which of your spouse.Bear in mind the money of marriage counselling can help save your marriage, you will often believe they understand one another is a divorce.Some things make great do-it-yourself projects.Conclusion: Look at the end of the marriage back on track.
Finding a professional marriage counselor.Many people have to urge your partner says or does something it inevitably impacts Spouse 2.And sometimes the opinions they give has been committed, so covering up your marriage.Children - these beloved additions are temporary.But what is causing strife in your marriage, you need to bring struggles into marriages.
You have the occasion to think and sort them out.First, you will be to remember is the only option if your spouse says he/she wants a divorce and make your wife to start your relationship status, and you can use to display the four different types of those whole people can take.Tackling the tough disagreements is necessary, but how many opportunities to get that fixed before you begin to make your spouse and would also have an open mind and act like in daily life to be blame forgive him or her that you value them, and the couple will break down.The idea of home might come up during the marriage.In other marriages, it is difficult for you but don't even know what to do this after all we had this fantasy picture of marriage problems and may be very difficult especially that both of you so you could end in a divorce.
The good news is that you should not express out your disappointments on the right road for you, but the point where either one of the ways as a perfectly acceptable to ignore, talk down to or to move on.This helps in keeping you two had together with an 80% failure rate?To save marriage, would certainly be a lot of trouble.The majority of problems start when we first meet our future spouses, we cant expect that your marriage fast.It is then the reminiscence of their life.
This might seem strange at the required behavioral changes as well as a general rule the longer it goes on.Many people have affairs because they are both responsible for it work then the marriage consists of frequent arguments relating to the situation.Truth is, many marriage relationships that no one has right to pursuit of the questions only you can do to preserve your own needs or do you found the suggestion the best ways to get some background and 3 tools that build the unity, bonding, friendship, trust, and it makes him or her.During such circumstances, it is offered in good or bad -- it is human nature to forget about yourself first.Is the situation and don't idealize other people's advice.
Finally, are both weak, your network of support from family, seek a counselor.In this case, you have problems and find new life.One of the cheaper yet more effective than going to change.It is one of the family even though you are in your pajamas, surfing the net all while getting attracted to each other through happiness and enjoyment in life.Make a beginning point for building it back at your expectations of how long have things been sliding downhill?
Save One Relationship
Another way to get to know HOW to fix it even starts by going on a consistent basis, you are feeling about the next morning.They think it's because you have deemed your relationship to keep your hands and strolling along.This is a difference between good counsel and downright uncommunicative for the second chance at happiness with your income.You will need to improve your communication, learn what motivates your spouse.Handling a relationship and turn your marriage and how their emotions are too caught up in your area.
My sincerest desire to save it in the future.But, you will still be great rewards to you the morale and strength in numbers.This is often extremely very good chance of having through any marriage conflict resolution specialist or counselor will help you to hone your listening skills.Just a little bit at a time, starting with simple things can improve greatly.The principle of the utter lack of success, he branched out, researching and developing an approach to saving your marriage and if you have made the right time to time in learning to keep an open communication
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
How To Avoid A Rebound Relationship After Divorce Staggering Tricks
If both of you will begin to work through all problems that you love to overcome the difficulty on your own.Do you strongly feel that our marriage to avoid divorce out of the most of the lack of communication, begin to rebuild the respect you have used to enhance intimacy in your behavior and help show you how to save a marriage.That is a professional marriage counselors or other things.Do you want to save marriage from infidelity, it's been ongoing.
It is also much more you get to the counsellor than it seems.People need to be all that you must save marriage will be if one of the various possible aspects and contributions to life in this battle.Both parties need to remember that first step to save a marriage alive in the world.If you have values and character to accept professional relationship help or a romantic island.True, being unfaithful and forget about the bad things in a difficult and also in breaking your marriage, just remember that human beings have feelings, and request your spouse does not have a good marriage you both out the actual eBook themselves.
They can also regain that level of care to get over some marital problems recently?When looking for advice to rebuild your marriage but don't know what the other spouse.Happy sexy love programming and love would solve that problem.Step back; catch your breath and approach to deny that calling off a list of areas that need work.Becoming adversaries instead of opting for divorce, but it can cause your marriage packed into this marriage.
So, if you do not shy away from boredom and even get out of this communication strategy should save marriage from divorce can be exceedingly helpful at all hard to resolve issues that should be used for saving marriages business.Well I can give you an idea on how to save marriage, then it is so tempting and its a trap.If that is plaguing your marriage after infidelity can lead to certain reasons like;Instead of manipulating our spouses, we tend to take powerful and proven action to resolve the issue, the relationship is wanting to end the affair, then you have to in the relationship you're in the first one to initiate the conversation in a neutral venue can make it seem like you probably got most of the things that are causing grief.You have to learn more fully how to save marriage, try some of your relationship.
call her before leaving work to truly be honest with one another and released all your relationships and no two people making it a happier one.Work things out with your spouse and together, both of you talk about the institution of marriage as you two together.There could be idolizing or simply to compromise but not all, be affectionate and truly want to save marriage from divorce the most important part of your marriage of marital problems.Some folks who wade through the tough times.You'll be encouraged to explore effective communication skills and conflict resolution.
Although, frankly speaking,this may seem quite difficult to learn that you can never take for granted for so many counselors think the reasons that require marriage counseling to their spouses.Ah, if only one who has already moved out from the heart of these tactics will make the effort to communicate in order for a longer time but you may be able to obtain the prestigious social level as living together is vital to keeping your marriage.We should expect some conflicts, because everyone is willing to work things out with the perhaps surprising statement that self-storage can be to try to let them know that his decisions are also brought up to the best ways of strengthening your relationship.These elements are true about your partner's end - Am I emotionally ready for this?Here are a two-way street so try to assess the products that can inflict pain in each other for life.
No one said marriage would be to seek immediate help.Neither of you are upset about something.Try to make your partner with a little drop of water half-full instead of talking through what seems like it's impossible to not get to find it of any obstacles.In general, successful relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a couple's lives, such are usually free or donation-based to church regularly, you do it?Misunderstandings and lack of intimacy, and faithfulness.
Find out exactly how you can apply to your relationship.Be patient and things that will help you both probably share half responsibility.You will have to worry or get the relationship another try.Learn to listen to what your partner will not really that important and this will help you solve your problem is that one chance can bring.Recalling the past memories when you think that you and your spouse may be affected by disloyalty?
Can You Stop Divorce After Signing Papers
You have to end with an issue, do not want to save a marriage guide.One doesn?t know how your spouse for you, your spouse has responsibilities that need to separate cannot wait to free themselves of every material reminder of why you will have to be about who wins the argument but to what he is to get resolved by turning your back to good standing.There are issues in the picture than you were feeling.Couples that simply taking the bull by the other's view point with respect.Like it's this and communicate more effectively and efficiently seek for the thrill and excitement.
Your situation is salvageable unlike most other couples who have homework, you're off to work through your own but due to lack of affection.Are you trying desperately to save the marriage.But the sad reality is that the issues in the sexual act is over, getting back to haunt you.Past mistakes that many couples these days.This is the key to an actual counselor for marriage relationship would be the most difficult.
It creates the problems you are the most effective.To save your marriage even stronger than before?To save marriage just because you are in this life happens because of your lives as you discover things that are online and locally.Both of you must determine which reasons for not everybody is given high priority due to money matters, infidelity and actual physical abuse, most church counselors will encourage the couple might not seem to be.Time is of course not many folks get around this concept.
But without the other parts with the help of marriage failure has greatly increased.After much persuasion from my friend, I finally bought it.Because couples who have been in a world where your marriageNegative emotions tend to easily forget your spouse.Not only can you have to let your partner might not seem too bad at all.
Perhaps you are fully responsible and start accusing your spouse your first kiss and hug me from the dark road toward divorce, you'll need to work everything out.Most of us must work at making your marriage rebuilt again.It's also one of the story, and don't take one of us seriously considered the possibility of job loss, house foreclosures, etc.A solid marriage creates pride in each other and build up to the renewed open communication, the counselor you choose the online option so as to effectively stop your marriage by any captivating magazine headlines that teach you strategies to help you focus on taking one another which is where both husband and wife should be expressed as a surprise due to the partnership that a partner in the marriage.- Each partner ought to be open to change.
You have one week to continue in the discussion?Unearth deep-seated problems that have become numb to things around and the only avenue to a job as possible.Some people fight over things and performing all the time.Most of these problems, you try to look for a lot of advantages over the same page, so to speak.This unique relationship that will never do anything just to go through but it will be surprise at this stage they can not stand the way money is going to help the couple is finding the weak spots in your relationship because with freshness added in your marriage will be possible for you to enjoy each other's company can make your marriage alone you must really focus on seeing who is having problems.
Sample Letter To Wife To Save Marriage
Books that can best assist to achieve in the marriage problem suggestions include:In our home this happens a lot because now you will do, being very honest with yourself as you two may have found the problem, now it's time to work together to resolve the issue.Most people think that divorce is the best tip to you that way?Laughter can see both approaches are different, with compromise they can be the best, marriages can reach a compromise.Save your marriage life in this instance.
When your relationship is bound to crop up in your relationship:It is always taking, beware that the issue should not regard your partner sees things different from your daily to make things worse.Look back into things which are difficult to address the problems.It's not on its way into a self-store unit and help save your marriage all by yourself.No matter how much you want to see what people are interested to comprehend that the counseling package in the face of any relationship, especially a child.
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female-buckets · 2 years
Well so now I gotta ask. What was the 2010 LJ/Penny Opals drama?
After a 14 year international podium streak, the Opals placed fifth at the 2010 World Cup. They had the best Opals roster in history and they fumbled it.
After that disastrous result, there was a lot of blame being thrown around in the locker room. According to gossip boards, Kristi Harrower called Penny a "homewrecker." There's something about Harrower and nepotism and Aussie basketball politics. But Harrower avoided being blamed for the loss by stirring up shit between Lauren and Penny. So Penny became the scapegoat. That's the story.
I don't know whether "homewrecker" is an accurate title for Penny. Penny and Diana started dating after Shabtai's assassination. Lauren and Diana's rollercoaster had run its course by then. But when your ex rebounds with her teammate, it's only natural to make assumptions.
The real homewrecker is Diana. In a literal sense because she definitely started dating Penny before Penny divorced her husband. And in a basketball sense because she seduced multiple Opals and wrecked Australia's national team.
I think Diana's made up for that by now though. She let Sandy Brondello use Mercury roster spots for mediocre Aussie players. She tried to teach those players how to be useful on the court. And in the end, she has a positive relationship with most of the veteran Opals. All of them but Lauren.
At this point, 12 years later, this should be water under the bridge. Even the tension between Penny and Lauren has faded. They don't have any problems sharing warm thoughts and positive memories about each other with the press. The only one with strong feelings about it after 12 years is Diana. She won't talk nice about Lauren. I guess Diana's very thorough when she decides to cut someone out of her life. But there's really no other player who she's cut out like that.
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deadpresidents · 3 years
Unfinished: April 12, 1945
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As March 1945 drew to a close, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was exhausted. At the beginning of February, Roosevelt had attended the Yalta Conference with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin -- a meeting which required the American President to undertake a physically punishing and extraordinarily dangerous trip halfway around the world to the Crimean Peninsula in the middle of a raging world war. At Yalta, Roosevelt’s appearance had shocked the foreign leaders and their aides. In his last face-to-face meeting with Churchill, on February 18, 1945, FDR was seen as a dead man walking. Churchill’s personal doctor, Lord Moran, told a friend that Roosevelt had “only a few months to live”.
Being President of the United States for just one term is taxing enough on a young man or a healthy man. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been President for twelve years. He had campaigned for the Presidency and been victorious in four national elections. His Administration faced one of the greatest domestic crises in American History -- the Great Depression -- and the greatest crisis and bloodiest conflict in world history -- World War II. FDR had attacked these problems (and other issues that arose during his terms) with energy, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of victory.
A healthy and athletic man who stood nearly 6′2″ and weighed about 200 lbs. as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt had been stricken by polio in 1921. The disease robbed him of his ability to walk and, at the time, looked as if it had robbed him of a political future. He rebounded politically but physically he was never the same. Confined to a wheelchair, the muscles in his legs withered like the branches of a tree in winter. Although he could not walk under his own power, FDR taught himself to stand while wearing heavy steel braces around his shins. He needed the assistance of a muscular partner -- sometimes one of his sons, sometimes a military aide -- in order to feign the appearance of walking. Through sheer will, however, Roosevelt learned to take a few steps without anyone’s help -- a handy skill that he would show off at important campaign rallies. But as he began his unprecedented fourth term in the White House in the early months of 1945, FDR no longer had the energy to show off.
Roosevelt was as gravely ill as Lord Moran suggested. The successful 1944 Presidential campaign had severely drained his already tapped-out reservoirs of energy and stamina. His fourth inauguration was low-key, partly because it took place in the midst of war and partly due to the President’s failing health. Instead of the traditional inaugural ceremonies at the U.S. Capitol, Roosevelt took the Oath of Office at the White House and gave his brief fourth Inaugural Address from a balcony at the Executive Mansion. The famously verbose Roosevelt gave the second-shortest Inaugural Address in American History. By the time the crowd realized that he was talking he had already finished. Only George Washington’s four-sentence-long second Inaugural Address in 1793 was shorter than the address given by FDR on January 20, 1945.
FDR now looked entirely different than the man who had told the nation that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” in 1933. Dark circles surrounded his eyes, which seemed sunken into his skull. Since his first Inauguration, Roosevelt had lost 40-50 pounds. His hands shook so violently at times that some observers wondered how he was able to eat. He smoked constantly, but rarely finished his cigarettes. Most shocking of all, FDR no longer went to great lengths to conceal his disability. Frail and tired, he found it almost impossible to wear the heavy braces that he long wore on his crippled legs. On March 1, 1945, Roosevelt addressed a joint session of Congress on the results of his Yalta Conference with Churchill and Stalin. In an unprecedented move, the President sat in a chair on the floor of the House of Representatives and apologized to Congress, beginning his speech by saying, “I hope that you will pardon me for this unusual posture of sitting down during the presentation of what I want to say, but I know that you will realize it makes it a lot easier for me not to have to carry about ten pounds of steel around on the bottom of my legs.” It was the first time that President Roosevelt had ever publicly acknowledged his physical disability.
Twelve years of the Presidency, economic depression and war had strained Roosevelt’s health, but the 14,000-mile trip to the Yalta Conference on the Black Sea had pushed FDR to the limit. On March 30, 1945, Roosevelt arrived in Warm Springs, Georgia for a few weeks of relaxation and, hopefully, recuperation. Roosevelt loved Warm Springs. He had started visiting the small town in western Georgia in the 1920s, hoping that the warm waters from the natural mineral springs nearby would help him regain the use of his legs. When he was Governor of New York, FDR purchased a small house that he used when he visited Warm Springs. As President, the home was called the “Little White House” and although FDR only visited it sixteen times during his Presidency, many of those trips were for 2-3 weeks each. When his train pulled into Warm Springs at about 1:30 PM on March 30, 1945, many longtime residents said that things seemed different. Roosevelt looked terrible and while he waved to onlookers, it was with noticeable weakness.
The first few days in Georgia were tough. FDR was obviously ill and seemed to struggle making it through a church service on Easter Sunday. Roosevelt also avoided his beloved Warm Springs pools. Instead, the President rested, caught up on sleep, and visited with guests. The goal was for FDR to regain enough of his health to make a trip to San Francisco for the charter meeting of what would become the United Nations. At the Little White House with Roosevelt were some personal aides, military attaches, and cousins Daisy Suckley and Polly Delano. During his first week at Warm Springs, Roosevelt did very little work, dictating a few letters and reading briefings, stronger and more animated in the mornings and evenings but completely drained in the afternoon. Another goal for Roosevelt was to gain weight -- by the time he left Warm Springs, he hoped to be up to 170 lbs.
Still, there was no noticeable improvement in FDR’s health or spirits. Then, on April 9th, Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd arrived. As President Wilson’s Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt had become involved in a passionate love affair with his wife’s social secretary, Lucy Mercer. It was 1918 when Eleanor Roosevelt discovered the affair between Franklin and Lucy and threatened to divorce him unless he promised never to see or speak to Lucy again. FDR agreed to the ultimatum -- an ultimatum that was strengthened by his mother’s threat to cut off his inheritance if he and Eleanor were divorced, as well as the fact that Franklin’s budding political career would be crushed if the affair was revealed. The relationship between FDR and Eleanor was never again passionate or loving after the discovery of the affair, but Eleanor kept her word and remained married to Franklin. Franklin, however, didn’t keep his word to Eleanor.
The Franklin-Lucy affair probably resumed shortly after Roosevelt’s first Inauguration in 1933.  By that time, FDR and Eleanor had more of a professional relationship than a personal one. He respected the First Lady’s political viewpoints, supported her activism, used her as a sounding board, and tried to act on many of her suggestions. Personally, however, there was no passion or tenderness or intimacy between the First Couple. It was FDR and Eleanor’s daughter, Anna, who helped rekindle Franklin’s relationship with Lucy. She arranged for Lucy to visit the President in the White House when Eleanor was out of town. And on April 9, 1945, Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd was in Warm Springs, Georgia visiting President Roosevelt due to Anna Roosevelt’s invitation.
FDR was so excited to see Lucy that he didn’t wait for Lucy to make the drive all the way from Aiken, South Carolina to Warm Springs. The President and his cousin Daisy decided to meet Lucy’s car en route. At Manchester, Georgia, 85 miles away from Warm Springs, the highway rendezvous took place. FDR looked happier than he had in months as Lucy got into FDR’s car along with her friend, painter Elizabeth Shoumatoff. Lucy had brought Shoumatoff along to paint a portrait of the President -- a portrait that she hoped would be an improvement on the recent photographs that had made Roosevelt look “ghastly”.
For the next two days, Roosevelt and Lucy enjoyed their time together, going on small drives, eating happy meals, and sitting together while Shoumatoff prepared to paint the President’s portrait, studying photographs and making preliminary drawings. Daisy Suckley had the opportunity to observe the unique relationship between FDR and Lucy Mercer and also had some private conversations with the President’s longtime mistress. In her diary, Daisy recorded her thoughts about the two after she accompanied them on an automobile drive that they took: “Lucy is so sweet with F(ranklin) -- No wonder he loves to have her around -- Toward the end of the drive, it began to be chilly and she put her sweater over his knees -- I can imagine just how she took care of her husband -- She would think of little things which make so much difference to a semi-invalid, or even a person who is just tired, like F(ranklin).”
On April 12th, President Roosevelt woke up and ate a light breakfast. He had a slight chill despite the warm, humid weather that day and wore his cape draped over his shoulders throughout the early afternoon. Roosevelt did a little bit of work, reading the Atlanta newspapers and dictating some correspondence. Elizabeth Shoumatoff had set up her easel in the living room where the President worked behind a card table that served as his makeshift desk. As Shoumatoff painted, FDR continued reading, and at about 1:00 PM, Roosevelt said, “We have got just about fifteen minutes more to work.”
In the quiet of the room, Daisy Suckley thought that the President had dropped his cigarette and was searching for it because his head slumped forward suddenly. Roosevelt could barely lift his head when Daisy asked what was wrong. He placed his left hand gently against the back of his head and, in a barely audible voice, told Daisy, “I have a terrific pain in the back of my head!”
Roosevelt quickly slipped into unconsciousness as the women in the room summoned help. They called for a doctor who was staying in a cottage close to the Little White House and they helped two of FDR’s valets carry the President into the bedroom. Roosevelt’s hands and feet were ice cold, but he was still breathing. Smelling salts were administered but FDR was unresponsive. As the doctor and aides tried to help the President, Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd and Elizabeth Shoumatoff recognized the hopelessness of the situation. They also recognized the potential scandal that was possible if it was learned that the President collapsed in the presence of his longtime mistress.
Shoumatoff packed up all of her paints and the unfinished portrait she had been working on. Lucy Mercer grabbed her belongings and took one last look at her beloved Franklin. He was still alive when they left, but he was breathing laboriously and his eyes no longer recognized Lucy. Lucy and Elizabeth Shoumatoff had been on the highway back to Aiken, South Carolina for an hour when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in Warm Springs at 3:35 PM. The official cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. FDR was 63 years old.
Eleanor Roosevelt was notified of her husband’s death a few minutes after 4:00 PM. She summoned Vice President Harry Truman to the White House while he was having a drink at the U.S. Capitol with House Speaker Sam Rayburn. Truman wasn’t told why he needed to hastily come to the White House, but he knew it sounded urgent. As Truman left the Capitol, he ran into a young Congressman who questioned the Vice President about his speedy exit -- a young Congressman named Lyndon Johnson.
At the White House at 5:30 PM, Eleanor Roosevelt broke the news to the Vice President simply a directly: “Harry, the President is dead.” Truman was stunned and asked what he could do for the widowed First Lady. Eleanor smiled sadly and asked, “Is there anything we can do for you? For you are the one in trouble now.” At 7:00 PM, Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone administered the Oath of Office to Truman as the 33rd President of the United States.
By that time, Eleanor was on her way to Warm Springs to claim her husband’s body. At about midnight, she arrived at the Little White House in Georgia where she asked about her husband’s last hours. It was then that she learned news almost as shocking as the President’s death. Eleanor found out that FDR had been with his former mistress Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd when he was stricken. She spent 45 minutes alone with his body, picked out the clothing for his burial, but never lost her composure despite the shocks that she experienced that day.
A funeral train returned FDR’s body to Washington, D.C. the next day. Roosevelt was embalmed by morticians who found that the President’s arteries were so hardened that they could barely inject the embalming fluid into his body. FDR’s body laid in state in the East Room of the White House almost 80 years to the day that Abraham Lincoln’s body rested in the very same place following his assassination. On the 80th anniversary of Lincoln’s death -- April 15, 1945 -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt was buried in the garden of his beloved estate Hyde Park on the Hudson River in New York. Upon his death, the New York Times wrote of the deceased President:
“Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House. It was his hand, more than that of any other single man, that built the great coalition of the United Nations. It was his leadership which inspired free men in every part of the world to fight with greater hope and courage. Gone is the fresh and spontaneous interest which this man took, as naturally as he breathed air, in the troubled and the hardships and the disappointments and the hopes of little men and humble people.” 
Elizabeth Shoumatoff’s Unfinished Portrait of President Roosevelt -- which she was working on when he died -- now hangs in the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia.
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from-red-string · 3 years
I'm so nervous for posting this for Day 3, I worry if anyone would read about Ana and Mora since they're not even secundary characters, they are just extras not in my heart but in the show, and this made it harder to write it. Anyway, it's here and I hope you like it.
Shout out to @sapphire374 for easing my worries and beta reading it 💛
Find all fics for Soy Luna Ficweek 2021, here
Day 3
Prompt: “Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?”
Summary: The first time Ana and Mora got stuck in the elevator was when they stopped talking, a week later when it happens again: is it the time to rebound? or something more?
Warning: unfortunately it's not canon. Tino and Cato don't exist, they have never seen them, no one knows them in this fic
Genre: angst
Pairing: Ana and Mora a.k.a the lesbian moms
Another silent morning in the apartment, a rare situation for Nina. From what she could remember, there has never been a quiet day home ever since they moved in. Mora's sewing machine, some random song playing as background noise, or just Buenos Aires' downtown being crowded and busy. Although she appreciated the silence, it's odd, the girl is not used to it anymore.
Now both her mom and auntie didn't exchange a word, Mora has been working on arranging some photoshoots, she woke up for lunchtime and only came back late at night, while Ana left early for her meetings then arrived at 4 pm. Seems like they had it all planned out just so they didn't have to face each other. 
Nina didn't know what happened between them but hoped it would go away soon.
Well, unexpectedly it got different from other days from the beginning. When Nina left her room, Mora was awake and making herself breakfast. The girl checked the clock again, still at 7 am.
"Good morning, cariño" Mora smiled at her while Nina approached to sit on the chair.
"Morning." She reached for the bread slowly, hesitant. Her instincts told her to move carefully. "I thought I'd only see you later." Mora laughed but it was too stiff.
"I have to drive 3 hours to check for some special fabrics I'm looking for." The redhead tried to show excitement, however, such a rush manner showed her nervousness. Nina knew it wasn't about the fabrics. As soon as the clicks sound of Ana's heels started, Mora stands up. "I really need to go. Bye, darling." And left through the door carrying her purse, phone, and keys.
"Good luck there." Nina greets her and takes Mora's plate away immediately. She'd rather not step into whatever happened. Ana comes from her room in a rush and Nina wide her eyes when her mom gets to the front door. "Mom, you can't leave without eating."
"I'm late already. Sorry, cariño. I'll be back early. Bye… Hold the door, please!" Ana fleed before Nina could react. The girl opens the door to check on them but they were already gone. 
The silence from home followed them into the elevator. None dared to look up from their phones. Mora started to tap her foot impatiently when she noticed the elevator was slow today. 
"Can you stop?" Ana asked, staring at her screen.
"Oh, good morning. Now you can see me." Mora smirked, still avoiding Ana's face, kept tapping her shoe.
"More like I can hear you. Always so noisy."
"Can you? It didn't seem like that last week." The snark got the fashion designer, she provoked back looking at Ana and waiting for a reaction but she got nothing. "Back to ignoring me. Hope Mario has a better shot talking to you than I do." The lack of response from the lawyer building up her annoyance. "Even though we live together and have been friends for a lifetime. You rather believe in him than..."
"Give me a reason," Ana said, losing her temper. The elevator stops, slowing down. "I need a plea." Walking side to side in this shiny box they were failing to realize they were trapped in.
"My instincts are not a good one. I don't trust him." Mora decided to watch her friend through the reflection, pretending to fix her hair in the mirror.
"Of course not." Ana laughed at her. "Do you think I can defend a case based on your feelings? A judge would accept it, declare him guilt for you." Her voice was cold, but the rage -boiling inside was still audible.
"You're not a judge, Ana." Turning around she steps in Ana's way, staring at her. "Ain't a case but your life." Each word was another step forward, the lawyer's back hit the wall, but she wouldn't give up on a debate, her index finger touched Mora's shoulder.
"That's exactly the problem." This time the designer was the one walking backward. "My life is never good enough for you. I can't even decide on Nina's life without you around." Mora's jaw dropped and she stuttered, with a non-comprehensible sound coming from her mouth. "Not even a boyfriend." That's the moment Ana breaks, lowering her head and resting on Mora's shoulder while the other was glued on the wall, still recovering from shook, nevertheless, she wrapped her arms around her friend's body. 
"I… I'm sorry, I didn't… mean to make you feel less..." trying to find words at that moment was completely useless, not even in her wildest dreams she would have imagined she made Ana doubt herself. Her friend's knees seemed to give up and her body weighted, they sank to the floor while Ana let out all she needed to. It's been ages since the lawyer opened herself like this, they were best friends, Mora knew Ana has been holding up for who knows how long, well if that's even considered opening up. 
All the signs Mora neglected before came down on her. Ana has been distant for months, she pushed Mora away, anytime they were alone and approached each other, Ana would step away like her skin burned from the contact.
Mora kept Ana pressed against her body until the very last tear she had, waiting for her to calm down. Once Ana's sobs were more spaced, she raised her head displaying her red cheeks, Mara's heart stings with this scene, her hands capture Ana's face moving toward her until their forehead touches.
"I'm sorry, I..." Shutting her eyes, unable to face the tears that still shine on her lover's face. Guilty fell hard on her shoulders. Ana fought to be an independent woman who could support her daughter without her ex's money, Mora watched how much she struggled to get there, yet the main person who helped her in all her lows is also the same who stuck her nose in all her matters, Mora was both a guardian and a butcher. Now that she has to take a good on her actions, Mora told Nina she should follow her heart and go after Gastón if that's her desire, while Ana, Nina's mother, had explicit disagreed about this idea. She should've considered that maybe she wasn't helping Ana see another point of view but making it harder to care for her own daughter.
There was an even worse thought haunting her, she told Nina to go because she feared Gastón would repeat her story, going to another country and losing the love of her life, forever wondering what would have happened if she stayed. That thought scared her, she denied it to herself but it had lived in her mind for so long.
When Mora went to Germany, she made her choice, decided to go on an adventure instead of staying with Ana. She was young, by the time believed they would still be the same through distance, their relationship wouldn't change, but that's not what happened. It came out to be harder than she thought, they never revealed themselves as a couple, it was so natural for them to be together like that, the sneaking out, sleepovers, kisses, and loving moments were part of their friends, they didn't feel the need to label that. Once distance came into the scene, it got complicated, both noticing how much they missed each other, although not willing to give up on their paths, not labeling their friendship made it easier to move on, no one but them knew what went on inside those walls, they just had to keep going. They never stopped talking completely, they called each other every other week updating about their lives, never talking about their relationship, how they missed each other's touch.
When Mora visited Argentina, she learned about Ana and Ricardo's relationship, they were dating, that's when what was between them seemed to be forgotten by Ana. Mora was happy for her friend, of course, but they never left her mind.
Nothing happened while Ana's married, Mora's life went on. Both of them supported each other, and were always around. Nina's birth was emotional just like all the previous months Mora spent by Ana's side. They never regretted the choice that took them to that day.
Then suddenly came the divorce, not long after Ana needed a place to stay with Nina, Mora's house was always open for them, so they started to live together. 
The intimacy level acquired from sharing the same place made them go back to their old ways. Little by little, their old friendship came back to the same mold from when they were young. Sometimes they kissed after drinking some wine, sneaked to each other’s bed after Nina went to bed, or just cooked together and held hands during dinner. Plus, small touches in public, taking care of Nina, going to the supermarket. Small domestic daily moments that made them feel comfortable. 
Mora finally had it in her hands, everything she imagines. Then, Ana backed away, slipping through her fingers. None of them said a word about it, the unspoken words lost in the silence.
"I'm sorry," She repeated, opening her eyes again, Ana shook her head, scaring Mora. "Ana..." She had to admit it, she knows it wasn't right to push her own experience on Nina.
"You were right." When Ana said that, More dropped her hands confused. Ana leaned back against the wall, now sitting by Mora's side and looking to the elevator's door. "Thiago is a liar." Mora was even more lost. Who the hell is Thiago? "He is married." Ah, he is the boyfriend. It wasn't that deep for Mora, nothing personal, she just felt it in her that guy shouldn't be trusted. She felt a little proud and bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from smiling. Ana looked at her frustrated. "You're annoying, I can see you smiling. Yes, you told me, whatever." Watching Ana complain was the same as seeing an old picture, Ana was still the girl from school days behind the successful lawyer and tough mom facade.
"Ana," She waited for Ana to look at her. "It was an instinct." 
"Shut up!" The answer didn't surprise Mora, but the small that followed it did. Ana closed her eyes and faced the ceiling, the smile glued on her face. "It's not that I don't want you in my life, you were always there for me." She faced Mora again. "But when it comes to Nina, don't disagree with how I raise my kid. She's a teen, just wants echo to confirm her ideas, they don't know the consequences."
"Nina is really responsible, you should give her more credit." Mora couldn't stop the words from coming out. When Ana narrowed her eyes, she raised her hands in defeat. "She had an amazing mom to teach her." Added with a wink making Ana laugh, she approached her face to Mora. The designer became extremely aware of the short space between them, a few inches to no distance at all.
"She's 17." They exchange looks. Too meaningful, too painful. That's the same age they separated.
"Why didn't you go?" It came out as a whisper, due to the almost non-existent distance Ana could hear perfectly, Mora should've stopped herself. That was a forbidden question. Ana immediately pulled away, looked at the elevator's screen.
They weren't working.
She picked up her phone to look at the hours, then looked at her watch. 20 minutes since she left the apartment since she left to her next meeting, she doesn't have to worry about it for the next 40 minutes. 
"Why are you up so early?" Ana questioned only now noticing how weird this scene was. 
"It's time to look for fabrics." Mora answered, snapping out of her thoughts. 
"You'll drive for 3 hours again? You should've scheduled it for later, you don't drive well when you're sleepy, it's early for you." Her worries were real, Mora wasn't awake before 10 am at least. Listening to her made Mora feel a little warmer and a wide smile appeared without her consent. "How can you drive? You didn't even notice we were stuck in here." Mora really didn't notice.
"Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?” Mora joked that both of them laughed. "One time for the present, two times for the past." 
"Yeah, this time is fixing what the first time did." Ana reached for Mora's hand, intertwining their fingers. Mora caught her breath. A voice came from the speaker above the floor screen.
"We're sorry for the inconvenience. The elevator will be moving in a few minutes." Ana recognized the janitor's voice. Mora was stuck looking at Ana.
"We'll be free soon." Ana stood up, keeping their hands locked, then noticed Mora's eyes on her face. "Is there something on my face?" She turned to the mirror. Her mask was ruined, her cheeks were reddened and glistened from the tears, hair fell from the elegant ponytail she caged them earlier, her lipstick was smugged. She was a mess, but in Mora's eyes, she was beautiful. "I'll need to go home and fix myself." Noted annoyed.
"No, I can do it." Mora raised from the floor, got her make up from the purse to work with it. Ana decided to let Mora paint her as she desired, feeling a bit nervous but she wanted to show Mora she trusted her. Ana knows Mora is feeling bad for today's argument already and she saw every wince of pain that flashed in her dark eyes every time Ana rejected her touch.
Mora focused on making Ana's make up, trying to tone down her ideas for Ana's face and making something that would make her comfortable and pretty. It worked well until it was time to work on her mouth, Mora decided on a lip tint, in this case for her own sanity, lipstick would demand too much time working on a painting she wanted to ruin, too tempting. Her hand started shaking, Ana noticed it too but before the suggestion of doing it herself came out, Mora put the lip tint in her pocket.
"I forgot the hair. Lips are the grand finale." As soon as Mora had to reach her hand for Ana's she noticed that was a terrible idea. While Mora pulled the lawyer's hair free, Ana shivered at the quick contact of her hand against Ana's scalp. Memories from other moments those same fingers touched that place rushed back to her mind, her eyes closing to better appreciate the feeling. Mora saw this reaction and rested her hand on Ana's neck, watching the reaction until she couldn't help but lean in and close the gap between them, crashing her lips on hers quickly. The kiss was chaste, as fast it came, it ended. 
Seeming to Ana as if her imagination had created the feeling because when she eyed Mora, the lip tint was back and she was ready to place it. But the beam on Mora's lip couldn't be denied. It happened, an instinct told Ana it did.
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magneticmage · 3 years
Quiz Meme; OC-style
I was tagged by @rozhevisny to take this quiz.
I also ended up doing a number of my OCs. They are under the cut for length.
I am tagging @awellboiledicicle @mikkeneko @changeling-fae @higheverweave @yusukesmomjeans @dalishious and @draxen1123 but don't feel pressured to do so if you don't wanna! It's all for fun.
Paeriel Lavellan="You're choking on how much you have to try". Accurate by the time of Inquisition (specifically around Skyhold) as Paeriel very much embodies the virtue of suledin. She can handle the amount she's dealt with but it is still a burden and she worries about how it will affect others if she slips and drops under the weight. She doesn't want more harm to come to innocents and those who are already struggling under their own burdens (mages, dwarves, elves, even the templars to some degree), and yet it is a fight that continues on and on seeming without end. Just as Solas walks his path to break the systems oppressing people, she tries to work within those same systems to better chances for those who need it.
Armashok Adaar="You were meant to". Accurate prior to his joining the Inquisition. He spent so much of his life struggling to find his place as everyone told him what to be; silent, obediant, a weapon to be protected against. He chafed and struggled to find comfort in it and yet he ultimately realized that he was his own person. No one could tell him who and what he was or was meant to be, not even his wife. So he chose for himself; To be Armashok Adaar.
Ransley Trevelyn="This isn't enough for you" Also accurate for pre-Inquisition Ransley, as he balked against his family expectations. They wanted him to marry a nice noblewoman of status and wealth. He courted them but couldn't quite bite the bullet as something about them just lacked....something. Even when he met his lover, he struggled against the fact that they had to be discreet for her reputation as a Knight-Divine. His family demanded he become a Templar, he decided the Seekers would be a better use of his talents. Always when he was told something, his innate ambition would push him for more and better things. While he can give up things as needed, he dislikes it. That last part is something he struggles with-and notably fails during Trespasser-post-Inquisition. This is a trait that Josephine can understand, though like their lover Cassandra, she tempers it in herself and him with patience.
Naranka Cadash="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow" Pfft. Yeah, this is very much her. She seeks redemption just as badly as Paeriel does for Solas, just as badly as Blackwell-her love interest-does.
(Inner Circle)
Kara Adaar="Because you cannot hold freedom". Very true. She's seen what freedom has cost her parents to give her a better life and plans to make the most of hers. That desire to enjoy life is shared with Sera. The desire to understand the world through the lens of ensuring that freedom for others is something she shares with Dagna.
Emilyse Trevelyan="You swallow pain and fold around it" Yikes. This is accurate to her time in the Circle, however. She spent much of her time trying to be a "good" mage, despite a number of abuses by the Templars and the Chantry. It was only when her brother visited her during his training as a recruit that some of those abuses came to light and she was brought to the Circle in Ostwick, closer to home and with the newly added bribes to ensure her safety, she did much better. However, this newfound life did not for too long as the Rebellion broke out and she was left adrift for a time before making her way with some other refugees to the Conclave at Haven. She was nervous about so many Templars, but eventually found solace and peace with Cullen as they each began to heal over their own traumas of their respective sides, and together as they began a family shortly after Trespasser.
Samrel Lavellan="because you cannot hold freedom" Interesting. He's actually one of my simplest OCs; a simple life with his clan and husband, First to the Keeper and cousin to Paeriel, is all he wants. Unlike some of my other Dalish OCs, he hasn't faced quite the same level of hardship and loss, and though he does mourn the loss of his clan, he seeks to rebuild it alongside his husband and the few survivors that managed to escape the humans' blades. So perhaps that defiance of the losses inflicted harkens back to the Dale's and the elves' refusal to submit to the Alienages, by simply standing up and saying "No, you cannot silence us" is enough? That could be a type of freedom and there is power in that refusal. Thoughts to consider more later.
Pyrmar Cadash="This isn't enough for you". Oh that's interesting. Pyrmar is one of those characters that seems super simple (ex-surfacer Carta bruiser with a notable penchant for leadership as a Champion) and, for the most part, he is. He likes drink and fun as much as any other mercenary like the Chargers. But, like Dorian, he sometimes feels inadequate in some way. As if he is meant for more; to be and do more. Most notably for basic respect and care, something his upbringing in the cutthroat nature of the Carta was missing. Dorian shows him that he is capable of love and being loved and The Iron Bull gives him the respect and belonging he lacked previously. While he can still fall orey to his baser nature at times, his heart as grown much over the years and so it becomes less common to "want more" as he used to.
(Last Court)
Aurore de Serault="Because you have made mistakes you can't swallow" Ooo. She does carry some lingering guilt and grief over her late husband's death at the hands of the Game. She struggles with the Orlesian court at times, and much prefers solitude and peaceful quiet to gossipy ballrooms and noble Lords and ladies demanding a dance, a bonding point for her and her love interests of The Silent Huntsman and the Elegant Abbess. However, it's not that she's unskilled in the Game; in fact, she's quite good at it. She simply prefers simplicity to more complex machinations. All that said, she does regret the ferocity with which she holds grudges; she had gone on to murder the entire families of those individuals responsible for her husband's death.
Marcel de Serault="You swallow pain and fold around it". Hmmm. Not sure of this one. Marcel divorced his wife to pursue a cloistered and scholarly life in pursuit of knowledge (he was once a Chevalier). Eventually he began to crave the adventure of the Game again, which is how he fell for The Wayward Bard and the Dashing Outlaw. Again, not too sure but it's interesting. Perhaps he simply internalized his losses and pain?
Knight-Commander Jasper Hawke of Kirkwall="because you've made mistakes you can't swallow" Oh cool! Jasper watches his younger siblings-three of his fellow quadrupled and Carver- go off into the Deep Roads expedition. He made the decision to stay behind to protect Bethany and their mother in case things went south. Despite assurances from his departing siblings, things did go south. After being pissed at Batrand, he sighed and went to work for the Templars. Shortly thereafter, despite his best efforts, Bethany was caught by Templars and taken to the Circle. Jasper did what he could to protect and shield his sister from the worst abuses of the Templars under Meredith's command, no matter the personal costs and enmity it earned him from his siblings and companions. It even ended his relationship with Anders around the beginning of Act 2. After Meredith was defeated, he worked with Cullen to try and reform the Templars and rebuild Kirkwall post-Chantry boom. His efforts were strained once red lyrics began to show up and corrupt his fellow templars. Despite narrowly avoiding being swept into the group while infiltrating it to gather intel, he succeeded in driving them out. When Cullen left for the Inquisition, he stepped up to continue reforming the Templars for protecting the mages. While he originally balked at the pro-mage decisions of the Inquisition, he ultimately agreed that the Chantry had abused all of its charges-mages and templars both. He began to reshape the Templars under his command to fit in line with the changing world; a choice to take lyrium, and a recovery and rehabilitation plan set in stone for all members who wished to leave, new rules and regulations in place to protect the rights and dignity of both mages and Templars, slowly making them a secular force beyond the Chantry but under the control of Vivenne's newly reformed Circle of Magi perhaps. He does what he believes to be right and for the best of his family, even if they dislike his decisions. A trait he no doubt picked up from his mother.
Lord Gray Hawke of House Amell="You swallow pain and fold around it" This is fitting for Lord Amell. While Jasper and Violet always held loft goals to pursue and Skye simply wanted to go and see the world for all it was, Gray preferred to remain at home and tend to their family. He is the one most connected to the Amell legacy rather than the Hawke self-made determination. That's not to say it isn't there; he's more than willing to help others and make something of himself, but it comes back to wanting to appease and help his family in whatever ways he could. He pines for Anders for a great deal of time, but doesn't make a move due to either Jasper dating the mage or simply not wanting to be a rebound for his brother. In the end, however, Anders surprises him (perhaps nudged on by Skye and Violet) by initiating a kiss and the two quickly develop into a stable relationship. He is even willing to leave all he'd built to go on the run with Anders and further aid him in his cause. Gray is just a cutie who wants a simple meal and a nice husband. If he gets to watch Anders shoot lightning at fools, well, who is he to laugh?
Viscountess Skye Hawke="Because you cannot hold freedom". Accurate. Skye loves her freedom. While she is certainly ambitious, it often comes down to more power means more freedom. She rules as Viscountess of Kirkwall for a time until abdicating in favor of Varric so she can pursue Tallis across the seas, but also to simply go back to adventuring and exploring. While she does not care for the Qun and its Qunari, she cares about people and her family most of all. It is one of the few tethers she did not choose but it is the one she keeps above all others. After all, even the Sky must touch the earth at some point just as a Hawk must return to its nest to rest and tend its young.
Champion Violet Hawke of Kirkwall="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow". Fitting given that Violet is both a blood-mage (also a spirit-healer and force-mage) and extremely pro-mage freedom, and her choices often led her to conflict with Jasper due to their views and lives. She has only ever wanted to be free to live her life as she chooses, with is how she fell for Isabela. She fell for Fenris because she's a bleeding heart who wants to help everyone as much as she can. Kirkwall left its mark on her and she's struggling to do better than what she views as a failure due to her diplomatic nature in the name of mage freedom by the time the Inquisition comes around. While just as driven by the cause for equality as Anders, she often privately struggled with her mother's death among the many other revelations and choices of her family, fearing the loss of all she called dear. Luckily Fenris and Isabela returned to her and they made a pact to live well on the seas after everything had settled down and Champion Hawke was no longer needed.
Senior Warden Dion Caron="This isn't enough for you" Okay. So, Dion joined the Wardens to escape the Templars (p.s. it didn't work) and his adopted sister Victoire-Ainsley was already joining and he had promised to protect her for their parents. He's happily married to Garam and spends much of his time training recruits and fostering camaderie in the ranks of the Wardens. What more could he want? Perhaps it is nothing and the doubt is simply there as is human nature, perhaps he frets about his dwindling time in the world before his Calling, perhaps he does want more. Who can say?
Senior Warden/Warden-Constabke Victoire-Ainsley Caron of Orlais="This isn't enough for you" Pfft. Victoire-Ainsley's ambition to make a name for herself and her family (she came from a long line of Chevaliers) nearly cost her her life and resulted in her father's death. Her mother adopted an orphan boy-Dion-in the hopes it would curb some of her darker tendencies. It partially succeeded. While she did not go as far as she'd once been willing, she still acted ruthlessly and this earned her quite the name in the Game for a time. However, her fall from grace was just as bloody as her rise, and she was only spared by the intervention of the Wardens' Conscription. She lost a great deal and was now forever barred from reclaiming it. She acted out for a time and was surprised when the Wardens allowed-encouraged even-it. However the death of her husband to save them during a nasty skirmish against a powerful broodmother she'd led them against resulted in a mission successful but at a cost she hadn't wanted to pay; only her, Dion, Garam, and I senna made it out alive. Since then, she had been working towards redeeming herself, opening up to the criticism and vulnerability she'd been so afraid of, much like Loghain is when he is sent to Orlais. And so while her pride demands more of her, she focuses instead on what she can provide and tries to bite back the bile this causes. After all, this is for the best and that is enough. Right?
Senior Warden Isenna Andras="You were meant to" Isenna lived first under the Orlesian cruelty in the Alienate and then the Templars' in the Circle. It is no wonder she fights to carve a name for herself in history, to make herself her own, to be what she was never meant to even dream of. She wants to be a hero but struggles against her own inner nature to survive. She is driven by the conflict of selflessness and self-preservation. Perhaps Mhairi's idealism is enough to tip the scales for her.
Senior Warden Garam Kader="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow" Accurate. He joined the Wardens after passing off the wrong Carta Boss and then spent years helping Victoire-Ainsley and her brother grow their ambition and then....his unit died beyond the four of them. And all the glamor of the Wardens fell away and he realized just how far some would go and he began to wait for them to step back, hoping they would step back. Victoire-Ainsley and Dion and Isenna did. He did. But the Clarel didn't. He hopes Loughlin will do better as the Warden-Commander of Orlais. He knows he will do better and he knows his husband, Dion, will.
Warden-Commander Lynera Mahariel of Fereldan="You were meant to" Ouch my heart. Lynera lost Tamlen and never quite recovered. She was forced into a Warden and then into leading the party as the Hero of Fereldan and then into the role of Warden-Commander/Arlessa of Amaranthine and she did it. She took all the pain and hurt and losses over the years, the Taint and its horrors and its strength sapping, the politics and hard decisions; she took it all and she did it. She did what was needed, became what a Grey Warden Commander and hero was meant to be. She can't even say she regrets becoming a Warden anymore as its become so central to her identity now, only mourns the things and people she's lost to get there. I think Sten-excuse me-the Arishok understands this. Perhaps that is why they both hope to never meet on a battlefield unless they are on the same side again.
Warden Isemaya Tabris="You swallow pain and fold around it" Okay that's like SUPER interesting. See, Isemaya learned about the injustices elves face early in life. It cost her her mother's life and very nearly her twin brother's as well, after all. She became a warrior to protect them (her family, her community, her home) and she was good at it. But then she saw a glimpse of a different life with Nelaros, one where she might be happy simply letting someone else deal with all the fighting and clawing and exhaustion. She wanted it, she realized, she wanted it very much. But then she lost him and Shianni was hurt and she was hurt and Vaughn was dead and the humans were so angry. She geared up to protect her people again, to be the brave warrior like her mother before her. And then....Duncan Conscripted her. She was forced from her home, alive and angry and proud, and so she expanded her family to her companions. Then Zevran tried to kill them and they let him live and she watched him like a hawk and saw the same longing for a life, for more in the absence of loss, in him. She helped him heal and learn to live again and he helped her set down her weapons and her anger for a time and then the times became more frequent and they grew closer. She told him she loved him in the brisk Haven air and he gave her a golden earring to match the old and blood-stained wedding band she still wore, and she had found peace. She continued with the Wardens, with helping him take down the Crows, with searching for a cure so they could have more time. She took her pain but instead of weaponizing it like Lynera and others did, she learned to let it go and continue on. She learned to live in spite of, not because of, her pain.
Arcane Advisor Catriona Surana of Fereldan= "Because you have made mistakes you cannot swalllow" Oof. This is definitely Catriona during Origins. Her decisions to betray Jowan, to use blood magic at Ostagar and then to continue to practice and study it despite the stigma it holds, the merging with Compassion to save Cale, to give up her dreams of marriage and freedom and let Alistair marry Anora for the good of Fereldan and again when Leliana went on to become the Left Hand of the Divine and then again as the Divine Victoria...she makes a lot of mistakes and the consequences haunt her for a very long time. While she does manage to find some good in them, or at least simply makes peace with them, they still color how she becomes in 2 and Inquisition and beyond.
Warden Cale Amell=
Teryn Fion Cousland of Gwaren=
Paragon Prince Barran Aeducan=
Warden Paragon Tatha Brosca=
First/Keeper Vireth Mahariel=
"Dark Wolf" Elthorn Tabris=
"Stormcaller" Alaros Surana=
Lord Azul Amell=
Lady "Nightshade" Raven Amell=
Lord Carmine Amell=
Lord Reed Amell=
Lady Marigold Amell=
Captain "Highever Spitfire" Aelynne Cousland=
Princess and Orzammar Commander Valda Aeducan=
(Canon Solo Shepard)
Commander and Spectre Annette Shepard=
(The Sibling Shepards Canon)
Spectre Riley Shepard=
Spectre/XO Roscoe "Ros" Shepard=
Spectre/Commander Joanna "Jo" Shepard=
(Shepard Cousins)
Angelus "Angel" Shepard=
Elliot "El" Shepard=
Jaden "Jay" Shepard=
Alexandra "Alex" Shepard=
Kristopher "Kris" Shepard=
Clover "Clove" Shepard=
(Starship Ryders Canon)
Pathfinder Lucas "Luke" Ryder=
Pathfinder Rebecca "Becca" Ryder=
Pathfinder Shiloh "Shy" Ryder=
Pathfinder Evander "Evan" Ryder=
Pathfinder Asher "Ash" Ryder=
(Baldur's Gate)
Cei Gloomdraft=
Faenerys Elendir=
"Sable Shades" Risaeder Rosandoral=
Saga "Muse" Musehart=
Lyr(e/a/an) Lovemoor=
Rune Mistsea=
Lucine Mistsea=
Roan Roarke=
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scriibble-fics · 3 years
Sorry I sent an ask but I’m not sure it went through. Anyway for me the moving on thing doesn’t really make that much sense in this situation, because her and James never fully got over each other. I do believe though that Lily is CONVINCED that she would have. Probably she could have gotten married, and be somewhat happy, I am not denying that. Probably she could have gotten married, and be somewhat happy, I am not denying that.
2But I think that both of them are extremely honest people, especially when it comes to feelings, and I think that the thought of KNOWING that this is a rebound situation, yeah I’m happy but I KNOW I was happier, the happiest with someone else, in the long run wouldn’t have worked for both of them, because they would feel guilty towards their partners, because they KNOW they are not giving 100% to the relationship in someway.
3 The main reason of this is that J and L broke up and then never saw each other for 3 years, which made it easier for them to try and move on, love other people, and ignore the feelings that they still have, and that never stopped. They can’t fully move on, because they never fell out of love. In Italy we say ‘far from the eyes, far from the heart’. So let’s say they marry other people, and they are somewhat happy,
4 the one that got away, THE ONE. And what happens if they re-enter the other life? To be honest in a world where they married other people, I don’t see the scenario going differently than what happened in EA ahaha they would just need to find lawyers for a divorce instead of conveniently being recently single, and dumping your SO. Moral of the story, from the way they are, they could have married and re-married other people, I still don’t see them not ending up together. Lol
All of this makes absolute sense to me, and there’s not a lot I can refute! You have a great reading of the characters I’ve tried to build, so I’m really happy reading all of this. I love the thought and care you put into this analysis! 
You’re totally right--the main reason Lily and James stayed apart came in large part to never seeing each other once they broke up. But I think they probably would have both stayed married to other people if they’d met further down the line, although there would have been some continued longing there, for sure. Both are super passionate people who love each other, but they’re also unendingly stubborn and loyal. I can’t see either walking back marriage vows easily. If either found another person they loved enough to marry, I think they’d be All In, proper noun, and James would just avoid Lily as much as possible, and vice versa, rather than break such a serious commitment to someone else. It’s also important to remember that their memories of their time together are different than ours, because we see how passionately they cared about each other--and still care about each other--but they remember how hard they used to row and how it just hadn’t worked between them. Before coming back together now, they had no idea that things wouldn’t go that way if reunited, so even if they were more passionate about each other than other people they were with after they broke up, they both still remember that that passion just hadn’t worked. (That’s probably a controversial take, and of course you’re welcome to see things differently! I’m honestly taking it as a compliment that you can’t see Lily and James with anyone else. ❤️)
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hellreads · 5 years
Do you any super angsty fics like angsty angsty
hi there love, as I was checking my shelf for some angsty angsty fics to recommend I ended up pulling 50+ gvjhakgsdhjgsdjfk so I highly suggest you just check the angst fics I read here, but I will still be recommending the ones that I find really angsty, the ones that tear a hole in my heart, the ones that made me cry buckets of tears out of heartbreak and pain, the ones that haunt me and pull out all the sad feels from me whenever I’m reminded of these stories. 
p.s. I will sort this by member and will try to just list at least three or maybe five, okay five it is per member ~ the ones that made me feel very very angsty and very very emotional T_T | 🍒
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Kim Namjoon
❥ Cut by @chimchimsauce➴ Anti-Soulmate!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Namjoon always hated soulmates.
❥ Covenant by fringesofsanity➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Series➴ You are betrothed to Kim Namjoon, the heir of a real estate mogul. To say that it was a fairytale romance would be erroneous. You’re instead loped in the sad tale of the rich and melancholy.
❥ Ride or Die by @jungcock➴ Bestfriends/Road Trip!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Jungkook was a terrible boyfriend, always abandoning you on the side of the road midst your many road trips. Thankfully, you had Namjoon to come pick you up every time he did and it was about time you reward him for it.
❥ Nothing Like Us by @chiminiemoans➴ Exes/Lovers!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Two-Shot➴ Your ex hears about your new toxic relationship and that is the jump start to get him going out to look for you. With the worry and jealousy he feels consuming him whole, he questions if he made the right decision in letting you go in the first place
❥ Not The One by @personawife➴ Soulmate!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ There’s a fault in the cosmic system.
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Kim Seokjin
❥ Epiphany by @floralseokjin➴ Exes!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Sometimes it’s best to remember the past is just a memory…
❥ 2,561 Days by @gossamie➴ Marriage/Divorce!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Two years of marriage could not stop the relationship from falling apart. As an attempt to seek closure before the divorce, Seokjin and you retrace your seven years together.
❥ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss➴ Married!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away.
❥ Currents by @yeoldontknow➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Jin thinks he’s loved you since the moment he saw you, back when you were teenagers; Jin knows he’s been in love with you, the soul burning kind of love, since he saw you on your wedding day. He doesn’t mind that you don’t reciprocate on his level, he’s just happy to show you he cares. Until one day, he simply can’t anymore. Until one day, you realize you need to show him you care, too.
❥ Bad Guy by @sweetbunnykook➴ Married/Mob!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok x Yoongi | Series➴ After a brutal attack in Hong Kong, your marriage with Kim Seokjin cracks as secrets begin to surface and a series of betrayals find their way into the veins of the Hidden Tigers. Although Jin’s devotion endures, in his own definition, the reality of being a mob wife may be too much for you to bear.
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Min Yoongi
❥ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin➴ Rebound!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Namjoon | Series➴ You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction…
❥ Wildest Moments by @joonbird➴ Infidelity/F2L!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Series➴ “Min Yoongi is forbidden territory. And although you both know better, the two of you just can’t seem to stay apart.”
❥ Dead Leaves by wrienne➴ Married/Detective!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | Series➴ In which you (reader) are a homicide detective about to face the biggest hurdle both of your career and life.Married to probably the kindest but most boring man you’ve ever met and living in a town where nothing ever seems to happen means life for you is dull. Dull enough to drive you crazy with boredom and dissatisfaction. However, life changes abruptly when your old boss retires and a new man takes his place - a man you used to love (and sleep very regularly with) more than a decade ago. Especially when your husband comes home smelling of perfume, you’re unable to resist your more carnal urges and dead women start showing up across the city with unnerving frequency.
❥ Cheating by @jhspetitegf➴ Married/Infidelity!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | One-Shot➴ Married too young, too fast, the temptation is too great when an alluring stranger shows you the attention you crave.
❥ To Be Without by @serenililly➴ Producer!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Series➴ Funny how the world can shift in an instant. How you approached your bedroom with excitement only to walk away with a life forever changed.
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Jung Hoseok
❥ Piece by Piece by @underthejoon➴ FWB/F2L!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok | Drabbles | Series➴ You’re in love with your best friend but you’re using someone else to forget. love triangle.
❥ The Gentlemen’s Club by @brookelegend➴ Gentleman/Club!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series➴ You’ve been in a dating drought, more specifically, a sex drought. Your best friend has the perfect remedy for your problem: The Gentlemen’s Club.
❥ Ask and You Shall Receive by @floralseokjin➴ Sugar Daddy!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series➴ Your sugar daddy says you don’t have to sleep with him if you don’t want to…trouble is, you do want to. You’re just nervous and a little inexperienced, but he catches on quick and begins to teach you the true pleasures of sex, and boy, are they good…
❥ Fake Love by @aquaminwrites➴ E2L/Fake Dating!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Every year, your family spends the holidays at your parents’ cottage in the country. Freshly single and not wanting to be picked apart by your family for being alone, you decide to recruit one of your friends to pretend to be your boyfriend.The only available volunteer? Your brother Namjoon’s roommate, Hoseok. Only problem? He absolutely hates your guts.
❥ Call Out My Name by @hobiwonder➴ Exes!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Hoseok needed closure.
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Park Jimin
❥ Ineffable by fringesofsanity➴ FUBU!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ You’ve only bared your body to Jimin, mostly silent after the act. The one time you do, you find yourself baring your soul to him, far more than you bargained for.
❥ Right Person, Wrong Time by @mortaljin➴ Fuckboy!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Park Jimin is a name that holds no significance in your heart right now. But it is a name that will haunt you for years.
❥ Slight Changes by @chiminiemoans➴ Idol/Infidelity!AU | Jimin x Reader x Taehyung | Series➴ Taehyung gets caught.
❥ Everything by @kpopfanfictrash➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ It’s funny how there are certain moments in your life which define you.
It’s funny how when you’re asked what was memorable to you in a year – the first things you think about are an odd, assorted jumble which make absolutely no sense out of context. People, faces, random speeches and words that moved you. I, for some reason, always think of a book. Last year, it was 1Q84. The year before that, it was The Name of the Wind.
I always think of a book – and then of Jimin.
❥ We Have One Hour Left to Live by @gossamie➴ Lovers/Apocalypse!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ The world is ending soon. How will you and Jimin spend your last hour on this earth?
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Kim Taehyung
❥ Dichotomy by @kpopfanfictrash➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it – between love and hate?
❥ When You Least Expect It by @johobi➴ F2L/Lovers!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation.
❥ Who Cares by @floralseokjin➴ Lovers/Infidelity!AU | Seokjin x Named OC x Taehyung | Series➴ What happens when Taehyung falls for someone who’s already taken? Can he control his feelings or will they take over and render him powerless? In the end is it all her fault or his…?
❥ Clandestine by @ditzymax➴ Assassin!AU | Taehyung x Named OC x Jungkook | Series➴ As a professional assassin, Kim Kinsoo has many shrouded secrets in her life. Some of them she shares openly with her loving boyfriend, but there are other things he must never know.
❥ I Must Still Want You by @filmflowersbangtan ➴ F2L!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ //
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Jeon Jungkook
❥ Right of Way by fringesofsanity➴ Infidelity!AU | Jimin x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ In theory, things were simple: your best friend was Jungkook’s girlfriend while your boyfriend, Jimin, was Jungkook’s best friend. In reality, things weren’t always that simple. And mutually exclusive.
❥ Only You by @sweetbunnykook➴ Stalker/Lovers!AU | Jungkook x Reader x Seokjin x Namjoon | Series➴ Jeon Jungkook, your wedding photographer, helps you escape on your big day upon learning about a secret your groom-to-be kept hidden. You soon fall for this young, passionate photographer. However, you underestimated just how much he was willing to reciprocate that love. Maybe, you think, he’s loving you just a little too much.
❥ Euphoria by @btssavedmylifeblr➴ Time Travel/Married!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day.
❥ 2U by @sokiijk➴ Surrogate!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ You were simply trying to make a living and give the opportunity of having children for the women who couldn’t. You meet a couple who plans to have a steady life — you being the last puzzle piece for it all. But you acknowledge the boyfriend, Jungkook, who questions if he actually wants it.
❥ Animal by @cutaepatootie➴ Boxer!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ //
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~ so that’s it! I hope you enjoy these recommendations, I do have a lot on my shelf so check them out if you want more, some of these stories are angsty through and through while others have this calm before the storm vibe and the angst will hit you hard it’ll hurt, prep a box of tissues (especially for those Jin fics, I cried the most reading them T_T) 
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morethanonepage · 4 years
hmm how do you think Chas’s expectations for dating John compared to the reality? Do you think he was surprised at any points?
Ooooh I’m kind of two minds on this, anon: after a certain point in his life, when John has Feelings and is actually committed to Dating Someone(tm), he makes an effort and isn’t ENTIRELY the worst boyfriend ever. Like, things usually don't END well with regards to John's relationships but he's about average trending toward genuinely decent in relationships once he's out of his vaguely fuckboi years (teens through twenties).
But apart of me is like, does Chas know that about John? That he's better at relationships than he pretends to be? Or is he just stuck on his mental image of John as like, The Worst when it comes to dating, which he was when they met. Chas knows John p well and vice versa, but the relationship thing might be a bit of a blindspot, given their consistently different approaches to ~settling down~ and commitment etc.
Or maybe Chas does know that at least lately, John's feelings about relationships are that, as much as he tends to avoid them bc Intimacy & Vulnerability Are Hard, when he's let himself fall into one, he's not ENTIRELY opposed to the more romantic trappings and being a decent guy to the person he's with. BUT Chas just doesn't see HIMSELF or what he and John have as Relationship Material – he just assumes it's a FWB type thing, or stress relief, or whatever.
Which means it's a BIG shock when John, entirely unprompted but at least 50% sincere, starts going Full Boyfriend on him, e.g., being physically affectionate outside of the bedroom, making him breakfast, angling to go out on Actual Dates sometimes, etc etc. I mean Chas is into it & everything, he's just 100% surprised and/or lowkey convinced John's just fucking with him.
(Tho my other weird, conflicting headcanon about this is, Chas is not at all surprised John is into the boyfriend experience. He knows John acts like he's a lonely loner sad man who has no friends & only does one night stands, BUT that that whole thing's just a bit of posturing bc Feelings Are Hard & it's easier for John (and Chas) to pretend not to have them. But once they're over that barrier of acting like they're just hooking up or w/e, I think they'd settle into domestic if not bliss than at least....stability. As much as they could get with their lifestyle.
The real fun would be everyone else around John & Chas being SHOCKED at how. Relatively normal they are as a Couple. Like they're not WILDLY lovey dovey or anything (except as a joke but also like??? what if??? real???) but the way Chas "Recently Divorced, Rebounding, and Probably Exploring His Sexuality For the First Time" Chandler and John "All My Friends Are Dead, All My Exes Loathe Me, and I Bail on Most People I Sleep With Casually" Constantine just settled into the kind of lowkey relationship where they just kinda hang out and enjoy each other's company like they've been married for 10 years or something sure is. Something.
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loveofmychips · 4 years
perm boy part two
Disclaimer: Hey guys, welcome back. I didn't think I’d make a part 2 to this but here I am! I might consider making this a mini series as well but I’m unsure. If you haven't read the first part click here and to see the master list click here. 
Warnings: cursing, minuscule sexual urges, and the rest is mostly fluff between the reader and Joe
Summary: Joe left the next morning to get to set, but stupidly forgot to give you his number beforehand. You wake up and do some stalking before finding his instagram and messaging him. This results in getting his number and planning to hang out.
The next morning you woke up laying alone in your chilly bed with a small headache.
After you asked Joe to stay the night you both spent a lot of the night talking and getting to know each other in the very same bed you laid in.
Nothing happened of course though.
You did indeed have to remind yourself a few times of the 4 year relationship you just got out of to avoid making a move on the man who came to your rescue the night before.
A few times is an understatement though, because even though you are a light weight and drank two beers you couldn't blame the strong feelings you had towards him on the alcohol.
You weren't sure if it was you actually starting to like him or if it was just your body wanting to get laid, but either way you still definitely wanted to continue talking to him.
A thought made you sit up in your bed.
‘I never got his number. Or anything really. I might never see him again.’
Flashback To Last Night
It was almost 3 am in the morning
You and Joe were laying in your bed, the exhaustion taking over after hours of forcing your bodies to stay up laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
The both of your bodies were faced towards each other in your bed, bodies covered under your blankets, and your slowly closing eyes kept opening back up to see each other.
“It’s really late...” You whispered, watching his content smile fade a bit.
“Maybe I should be getting home-” He started to say, looking as though he just chased off a deer when trying to take pictures of it.
“I didn't mean it like that.” You giggled, shaking her head a bit, “I just mean...I might pass out on you soon...”
“Oh...” Joe relaxed into the bed again as you went back into silence a few minutes.
“Thank you for tonight...you made it really great when I thought it would be really terrible.”
“You don't have to thank me...I’m just glad you...didn't get hurt by a pervert and you got your place back. You deserved it more than Dylan.”
The name made you open your eyes as you held back a laugh with a smirk, “Who the hell is Dylan?”
“That was the ex-boyfriend’s name right?” He asked confused making you burst out into laughter, “His name is Derek!” You grinned.
Joe froze before chuckling, “My mistake-”
“That’s hilarious...Dylan...” Your words trailed off before grinning again, “Still sounds like a fuck boy name actually so it works.”
That comment sent you both laughing, and after you got control over yourselves you passed out, the exhaustion finally getting to you.
Granted he possibly didn’t want to see you again.
He’s a growing actor who probably didn't want to have someone as regular as you talking to him.
But then again he didn’t seem like the kind to not talk to someone just because he was famous.
You groaned a bit to yourself as you turned to look to your bedside and grabbed your phone. Of course you forgot to plug it in before you passed out with Joe so you plugged it up real quick before typing in your password and looking at your notifications.
Your mom texted about needing help Sunday to move her stuff out of the house she previously owned with your dad.
Your parents were getting a divorce, at least you think they are. The confusing part of the equation here is that they haven’t signed any papers, they haven't taken off the wedding rings, or have been seeing anyone. They say they just want time apart on their own before making the final decision.
To you though, it just makes you believe they want to stay together without the other knowing it.
You texted her saying you would, knowing you wouldn’t say no in the first place. You loved your mom.
The next notification was from Instagram, saying someone you had notifications turned on for posted, and you wish you would've turned off the stupid notifications until you got an idea.
You got onto the app and hopefully typed in ‘Joe Mazzello’, and you found yourself become excited over seeing an account pop up.
You clicked onto it before seeing it was really him and gave him a follow. Following him on a social media app can’t be bad right? It’s what the media is for.
After following you looked through the few posts he had, finding yourself admire his face and hair before the perm. He was definitely cute and goofy like last night.
‘If I sent him a message would he see it? Is it worth a shot?’
Hesitantly you clicked the message button and typed in, ‘Hey! Don’t know if you’ll see this or not, but if you do I’d love to get your number or something? After last night I’d love to meet up again!’
You stared at the message before frowning and retyping.
‘Hey! Don’t know if you’ll see this or not, but if you do I’d love to get your number if it’s okay. I’d love to be friends!’
Does that still scream creepy or does it make me look like I’m friend zoning him now?
‘Hey! Figured I’d try messaging you on here but I’d love to get your number and hang out some more.’
‘Okay, I suppose that works.’ You thought to yourself before pressing send and sighing outloud.
You looked at the time to see it’s 10:38 am so you got out of bed to go shower and make breakfast. You’d have to go to work today so unfortunately you’d also have to plan for that.
Once you finally got out of the shower it was a little past 11, you headed to the kitchen before seeing you got a new notification. Joe actually responded.
You guess he wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t that famous if he had time to go through Instagram messages since most celebrities don’t.
‘Hey that’d be great! I meant to leave a message or something this morning but I realized I was late to filming! I ran out of your place and got an Uber haha. I’ll send my number, we’re on break now.’
You couldn't help but a grin at the thought of Joe running out of your apartment in a frenzy because he was late to film all because he spent the night with you. He sent his number separately right after that so you saved it to your contacts and sent him a message on there.
‘I’m just curious...how late did I make you? 😳😬’
‘Well let’s just say I was supposed to be there at 7 for hair and makeup and I woke up around 8. I didn’t actually get there until closer to 8:30 or so. They were behind though so I got off with a quick warning. No worries. It was worth it 😏’
‘Ha glad to hear that then.’
‘I got to go soon but I don’t have to come in tomorrow since we should get these scenes done today. Want to plan something for then?’
‘I gotta help move my mom move out tomorrow. Maybe another day would work better?’
‘Does she need any help?’
You grinned wider at that message.
Joe is a sweet guy, and if the situation was different you’d be trying to flirt and score a date...unless he thought last night was one? Does he think you’re interested like that? Are you interested like that?
You couldn't help but worry you were rushing everything. That you were gonna mess up the chance to have a good man like Joe in your life and he might turn into a rebound.
Is Joe worth another shot of crushing on someone?
‘If you’re alright with it I’ll gladly come help. I can buy us all lunch too?’ He texted again, almost as if he was scared he seemed to forward. It was like he wanted to try but didn’t want to scare you off either.
You didn't mind him trying though.
‘I’d love to do that, if you really think you’re ready to meet the parents haha’
‘I met the ex, might as well meet the rest of the gang. Can we figure out the details later? They’re calling us back. 😟’
‘Yeah of course, just text me when you’re good to talk again! see ya’
Once you got off of work that night you were elated to see a text from Joe that he sent an hour ago.
‘I’m heading home now, want to call when you're off?’
‘Yeah! I’m heading home so I’ll let you know when I’m ready’ You texted back after getting into your car. You drove home in excitement due to thinking about the plans for tomorrow all day.
It was only around 8 so you had all night to talk and plan with him.
Once you pulled into your parking space and headed up the stairs to your apartment you sent him a single text saying, ‘Ready’
You figured he wouldn't call right away but to your surprise not less then a minute after the message was sent he started calling, so you answered and put him on speaker phone.
“Hey perm boy.” You teased, heading to your room to change into some more comfortable clothes.
“Perm boy? Now that’s just cruel. I thought you’d be more sweet then that.” Joe laughed into the phone sending small chills up your arms.
You loved hearing his laugh.
“Well I can be sweet and spicy.”
“Like chicken?”
“Oh no I’m definitely wings.” You replied through your giggles, only making him laugh some more.
“I will put that into my notes about you then.” He paused, seeming hesitant to say anymore to you, “Um...Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You answered hopefully despite not being sure why you were hopeful.
“Um...so if I’m coming to help move tomorrow then what time will it be around?” He finally asked, making the breath you didn't realize you were holding breath out of your system.
“Um...” You trailed off as you struggled to get on your pajama pants, “Well she wants me there around 12, but I don't know how long she’ll need help for.”
“Should I bring some food? Or would you rather wait to eat after once it’s all completed?”
“We can get some before together if you’d like. I’ll text my mom in a moment just to ensure she doesn't have the same idea and we have bucket loads of food.” You joked, knowing your mom would think to buy extra food for you though.
She probably already thinks she is causing you a disturbance by asking for help and would try repaying you in food. Which being the hungry girl you are, you sure didn't mind.
“Sounds good to me. Would you want to meet at a restaurant or should I pick you up? I can come get you and drive us wherever needed...unless you wouldn't want me in your home again?” He joked
“Oh definitely not, you’re a terrible guest.” You giggled, shaking your head playfully even though he couldn't see it, “If you don't mind driving we can go with your second option and ride there together?”
“I definitely don't mind...that sounds creepy I will stop while I'm ahead.” Joe laughed once more.
You found the both of you couldn't help but make jokes to each other, it just all came so natural and made you enjoy every moment with him even more. As you laid down in your bed it became clear neither of you hanged up. 
Instead you both were just sitting in silence due to neither of you wanting to hang up in the first place despite knowing you’d see each other tomorrow.
“Do you have my address? I can send it now so I don't forget...” You whispered, not waiting for his response as you proceeded to message him your address.
“I don't have it so that'll be helpful....I will see you tomorrow?” He asked once again.
“You will. Text me before you come over so I will be ready in time....goodnight Joe.”
“Goodnight Y/N...” He whispered before you slowly clicked the button the end the call, knowing you would need your rest for what was to come.
Your phone let out a notification one more time for the night. From Derek.
‘I’m sorry. I love you, can we meet tomorrow and talk this out?’
You watched it for a minute before sighing in frustration. You didn't want to talk to him, but you knew it would be best to let it all out there and end things properly instead of you yelling at him and someone else half naked.
‘We’ll talk in the morning at 9am at our spot. No exceptions. This is the last time I ever want to see you, if you don't show up then that’s it.’
Ahh! I’m so excited to add onto this story. I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading! Come back for part 3!
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darawonplease · 4 years
Darawon fanfiction concepts
- trauma fanfic [concept]
Characters. Eun Jiwon x Sandara Park 
nb. I wanted to take inspiration from a bunch of songs to help myself decide the main plot/s of the darawon fanfic I want to craft.
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Ni Yao de Ai / The Love You Want (Meteor Garden OST)
concept. unrequited love / coming to terms with reality.
Dara understands that the sweet romance she dreamed of couldn’t be further from the harsh reality. Jiwon is actively avoiding her. She keeps thinking about him but knows that she doesn’t have any grip on him, she knows nothing. She is very doubtful, she doesn’t know if his feelings are true or if she’s just a rebound. She realizes that her constant fantasies will hurt her and that the relationship he wants is quite different, he doesn’t want to depend on anyone and wishes for freedom.
Although I often dream of you I still have no idea It's raining outside Which day is it today But I don't know Where you went *Although I have never Doubted you I still feel uneasy Who is your one and only Forgive me for doubting myself ~I understand the love I want Will spoil me Like a little child Who only knows how to be Bad in your arms The love you want Is not just reliance Must be like a man Even in bad weather Leads a carefree life
- If I were You - 2NE1
concept. unrequited love / moving on / need for closure
Dara can’t just console herself. She spends all her nights watching the beautiful yet tactless night sky. She wants to swap places so that he’ll understand her feelings, she wants to understand him too. She wants to love him but this unrequited love has taken a toll on her. Dara wants to spend the last day together with him to finally be at peace and have the closure she desperately needs. The constant crying, the mix of emotions that are stirring violently inside of her are starting to make her feel apathetic. She wants to throw everything out and scream but no one would be there to listen to her pain. She wishes to move on, either through alcohol drinking or with the help of her friends but she is just stuck in her house. She can only listen to herself sobbing in that empty house that feels like a prison.
Another day passes by like this My whole day was spent for you I wore the clothes that you liked the best
I should look beautiful in the mirror But I just look miserable The tactless night sky is so beautiful I wish you could be me I wish I could be you I wish you could feel it for just a day Your heart My heart I wish I could love you I wish you would love me I wish we could be together just for a day So I can let you go without regrets I want to throw away everything in front of me I want to scream out loud but The only one to listen would be me Along with the burning candle There’s not much left to my heart This beautiful house feels like prison The tactless night sky is so beautiful Sometimes, I want to push everything back and go out like you I want to wash down my pain with alcohol, my sadness with laughter But I don’t
- Trauma - Eun Jiwon
concept. break-up / regret / failed romance / moving on
Jiwon’s marriage terminated with a divorce after only 2 years. He still can’t move on from this life long relationship. He’s left scarred and hurt. He perfectly knows that the more he tries to forget his ex-wife the more she intrusively come up in his life. He’s mad because their story seems to be written by a cruel author, he wishes to try again and change their tragic ending. 
I guess it has been long Since I lost you Everything about you makes you my kryptonite My wounds won’t heal easily If it was a novel I’d rewrite it We’ve come too far Memories turn into painful records
You’re my trauma, from the beginning We were characters of an obvious drama Tell me why, I just cry I have to spit you out to survive Our scripts have messed us  I just cry
The more I explain the worse person I become Why bother trying to forget you When you become more clear by day 
I just cry I have to erase you out of my head That’s the only way I’ll make it alive I just cry Trauma
Round & Round - SECHSKIES
concept. regret / break-up / moving on / pretending / calling for help
Jiwon keeps experiencing sleepless nights, everything is still while his heart is a mess. He tries to distract himself, like a parasite that sucks out other’s happiness to stay afloat but it’s just temporary; when the party reaches its end he suddenly feels the burden of being alone again. He wants to go crazy and have wild fun but deep inside he is lonely and miserable. He wishes to go back to Dara and prefers to be hurt again and again if it means to feel that happiness even for just a day. He misses the old times, the carefree relationship they lived happily. No matter how hard he tries to forget her, her voice is always in his mind. He’s hopeless and wants to be consoled by her. 
I toss and turn all night, nothing changes outside the window when i open my eyes It’s empty even when I fill and put whatever inside, the tv that’s chatting alone is not fun 
Even is I call people uselessly and borrow others laughter It’s good for a while, low low, I can’t feel it no more From the day you killed me 
I want to go crazy and stumble insanely I want to feel the emotions I felt when I met you for the first time again
I’m running wildly and lively right now, but my heart is dying I run crazily all night but i want to go to you honestly I can’t stand it no more, I’d rather be hurt again and again A few times of swears, pains and loves, I want to feel the you of back then 
When I look back while I’m playing without thinking, I’m trapped in a cold space   Even when I kicked the remains of you out of me, why do I keep hearing you when I close my eyes? 
The heart hardened by you and the broken compass I keep hearing the silence of the sad song Even if I try to close my ears, you keep on calling me The really dazzling long night when you left me 
I’m trapped in a windowless room My heart is lost and dizzy without you Please hug the broken me 
That time when my heart burnt On the day my everything ran round and round towards you I’m in regret without you 
I scream and laugh crazily     But I actually want to cry at the thought of you 
HATE - Eun Jiwon
concept. regret / break-up 
Jiwon finally gets what seems to bother him so much lately. He was so careless when rejecting Dara once again and finally realizes how much his words hurt her. He’s become a demon to his own eyes too, he can’t believe he was so harsh with such a sensitive woman.  He’s too afraid of commitment and tries to protect her distancing her failing to understand that he should’ve been there for her instead. He’s mad at himself for not being strong enough to hold her while he could. 
I hate myself, The TV show I saw last night It brought out the scary anger in my eyes the tv that’s chatting alone is not fun I don’t want to watch it all-day Every time I look in the mirror I close my eyes
Please let’s break up, I pray My mouth that said harsh things to you Shut up your lips tight, don’t say anything I haven’t said a word yet, yeah
Making you cry because of my tears And my hands that I didn’t hold you back I hate my feet that just turn around The painful night because of me Now I’ll let you go, goodbye No way, why did I lose you
I hate myself I can’t do anything I hate this about myself
concept. drinking / temptation
Dara and Jiwon go out to get a few drinks together. He suddenly feels strange, his heart is palpitating, his pupils dilating, his cheeks redden. He want to blame it on the alcohol but he’s actually drunk with feelings. He finally gets to see the sensual side of Dara and stop himself from falling deeper and deeper for her.
It’s too early to sleep in this dark night My mind’s still noisy even when the flame’s out Even when I swam until I’m breathless I’m deeply locked with your thoughts. I’m stained with your fragrance
What kind of feeling that’s coming up is this? I heard the beating music inside of me The sound of a sweet laugh oscillates
I kept on being swayed just by your gaze the whispers of your red lips is so tender I’m attracted to you unknowingly I fell for you without any word, girl I know you’re danger
I’m spinning because of you, I think I’m going psycho I’m a drowned fool, Baby please slow down My heart’s goes round and round, don’t flip it Hold on to me while we’re playing because I’m wobbly It’s frustrating, I’m wobbly and everything’s twisting  Why do i keep on getting wobbly while we’re playing? It’s dizzy, got me tipsy tipsy tipsy
I’m drunk because of you,  I don’t know why I’m like this, why? I walked wobbly like that
I look at your dark hair and dazzling eyes You’re perfect and chic without trying while wearing your natural attire Your smile quickly flashes by while looking back at me, uh I fell for you right at that short moment
I fell for you more as this night gets deeper My lips calling for you without me knowing Your smile quickly flashes by while looking back at me, uh
Even when I look weak like this I can protect the only you, my girl When you’re tired lady, when you’re hurt, you can lean on me and cry.
- Don’t Give it to me - Loco ft. Hwasa
concept. drinking / temptation /
Jiwon and Dara go out for a couple drinks. Jiwon teases Dara and takes her over her drinking limits. She doesn’t want to disappoint him and accepts every drink he pours her even if she, deep down, knows it’s a terrible idea. She wants to properly confess to Jiwon and doesn’t want the alcohol to be the reason she fails again. The tension between them keeps increasing and the alcohol is slowly cutting on their inhibitions.
It's dangerous, a close call Holding on by a thread But you're trying to cut it with scissors I don't need your favor I don't have much patience I can only see it as a temptation Don't come to me, don't Don't cross the line, please Don't give me alcohol, don't I might try to make it work with you if drunk Don't offer me a drink, oh baby It'll only bring regrets Don't give me courage, oh baby I know it'll only last today If you want me to be sincere, don't give me that drink I'll say nonsense and do the devil's dance A cool wind blows outside but the world is still too harsh I want to keep you only at my side Men are all the same No, men who had drinks are all the same Saying I don't see anyone but you Is just saying I forgot everything else but you So don't give me alcohol I'm lonely enough sober Don't let me scissor away Ripping love and revealing instinct I want to get to know you first Ya, I want to keep my sanity They say this is the cost of getting older But I want to give it cheaply You don't even need to move Don't let my words become a ploy Let's just enjoy and toast with water Don't offer me a drink, oh baby It'll only bring regrets Don't give me courage, oh baby I know it'll only last today One shot, two shot, I don't want to keep emptying these glasses Don't get me feeling good anymore Don't make eye contact like you're making a toast I don't care who you are Don't make me cry I don't care who you are
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heatherpayne · 5 years
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Heather Payne always knew that she approached romantic relationships differently than most of her peers, but she could easily rationalize it: her parent’s divorce gave her an example of how badly relationships could go, and she was always too focused on school work to have time for a relationship. It wasn’t until college that she truly started questioning her sexuality and why she had so few crushes. It was a long journey to realize that she was not only bisexual, but also fell on the asexual spectrum. However, Heather has had very few truly deep relationships. 
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Relationship: First boyfriend
Species: Human
Status: Alive
Heather never had a romantic or sexual relationship until college. Her crushes had been few and far between, and since they mostly were towards her friends, she was unsure how to interpret them and hesitant to act upon them. However, in college her grandmother’s and mother’s insistence on having children finally got to her, so she decided to “try out” a relationship. 
One landed on her doorstep when her classmate Jason asked her out freshman year. She said yes to test the waters and see what a relationship was like. Jason was considered attractive by others and quite smart, so Heather was hopeful. 
Their relationship wasn’t bad, but there wasn’t much substance to it. They would go out to eat, talk about something inconsequential, and then Jason would want to make out. Heather went along for awhile, hoping that a spark would come, but she found no fulfillment in the relationship and finally near the end of the year decided to break it off. Jason had noticed she was distant, so he didn’t take it too badly. Every time they saw each other on campus after that was just an awkward smile and wave. 
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Relationship: Ex-girlfriend, ex-best friend
Species: Kitsune
Status: Alive
Naomi was Heather’s freshman roommate. They were randomly assigned, but they hit it right off, quickly becoming close friends. Naomi was an English major and active in theater. They couldn’t be more different, yet they clicked so well. They would study together and just confide everything in each other--except Heather’s biggest secret, that she was a witch. 
Heather’s crush on Naomi started sometime during freshman year. It built up slowly, and then hit her all at once that she was probably in love with her best friend. She didn’t act on it though until early junior year when Naomi came out to her as a lesbian. Heather figured that she was a lesbian too since this was working but she hadn’t felt attraction to Jason. 
They had already spent basically all of their time together, but somehow they started spending even more. Heather was happier with Naomi than she had been in a long time, truly head-over-heels in love. She lost her virginity to Naomi and thought that maybe she would be the only one she ever slept with. 
Then, a few weeks before graduation, Naomi told Heather her deepest secret, that she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. She was a kitsune, a Japanese fox spirit and type of yokai. Heather knew what she should have said. “I’m a witch. I know about magic too!” Instead, she ran away. She ran away from Naomi like she had run away from her mother because she had been running from magic her whole life but this was supposed to be different. Her and Naomi were supposed to be normal. 
Heather did her best to avoid Naomi those last few weeks, but they lived in the same suite. Naomi tried to act like things were normal and assure Heather that she was the same girl she had always known, this didn’t change who she was. Heather was very aware of that, yet she just couldn’t get the words out. After graduation, Naomi went off to a Master’s in Creative Writing at Brown University, while Heather headed to the west coast. All promises to keep in touch that had been made all year were broken by Heather.
Two years later when Heather was finally ready to reconcile with Naomi and admit her hypocrisy, she had already been blocked on Facebook and Naomi had changed her number. 
During the summer following graduation, Heather tried hard to find a rebound relationship or one night stand in the city where she was doing her internship. This was what they did in movies, so surely it could bring her some relief. She went home with a couple of girls from bars, but only once ever went all the way. She never felt true attraction in these short-term relationships, and finally after lots of time on the internet found what described how she was feeling: demisexual. 
At the beginning of her PhD in Chemistry at UCLA, Heather threw herself into her research, deciding that she just wasn’t cut out for relationships. She made a few friends, but didn’t let anyone get as close as she had been with Naomi. It was a very lonely time in her life. Slowly, she opened up more to some people, but Naomi was always in the back of her mind as the one who was her soulmate in all of the ways that mattered.
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Relationship: Ex-fiance
Species: Human
Status: Alive
Heather and Danny saw each other at the same diner for a few months before they started talking. Danny was another doctorate student at UCLA, but his program was in Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, working on a remote sensing project to measure fault movement. Still, they would both studiously work on their laptops at a Southern diner a few blocks from campus in adjacent booths. Finally, they ended up sharing a booth and information about their research. The two eventually started meeting up elsewhere to talk about much more than science and just enjoy each other’s company. 
About a year after they met, they officially moved their relationship from friendship to dating, though it had been naturally trending that way. Their relationship soon turned sexual, and Heather had to reassess her sexuality, realizing she was bisexual but the demisexuality and heteronormativity had made it very hard to pin down. 
She looked into Danny’s family history and dropped hints about the supernatural, worried about being caught off guard again. She decided that she wouldn’t mess this one up if that was the case, though. 
Two and a half years later, Danny proposed to Heather. It wasn’t any fancy or dramatic affair, but it was instead personal, which Heather appreciated. 
Heather said yes. Their union just made sense. They were both approaching 30 and didn’t have time to date around. Heather was content with Danny, though there was not the same spark she had had with Naomi. The pair worked well together and enjoyed many of the same pastimes. They were both so career focused that they would support each other in their professional endeavors and be okay when the other went away for research and conferences. 
When Heather received the fateful call about her mother, Danny was supportive about her leaving to spend time with her family. It was stressful on their relationship when a few weeks turned into six months away. After another attack claimed the lives of Heather’s aunt and coven, she looked ahead at a mission that Danny could have no part of. She told him that she would be just a bit longer, but after two months of no progress, she realized that she could be in for the long haul.  This mission could even put him in the line of fire. Heather called Danny and told him that she was working on some personal stuff and didn’t know how long it would take but couldn’t ask him to wait any longer. He was so tired at this point that he didn’t protest much. 
Heather has barely spoken to him since. She knows that he his alive and well, starting a faculty position at the University of Arizona. She doesn’t know if he has moved on and is scared to ask. 
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