#How do I turn safe mode off Android?
recoverandroiddata · 2 years
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 9 months
"An Odd Little Thing" (Pt. 4)
The monster snored. Very, very loudly. But they were asleep, and that was a relief. If it was asleep, it couldn’t scrap, or hurt, or turn him off. He’d be safe, at least for a few hours. 
Safe…but still trapped. 
He had hoped that with enough of a charge he’d be able to escape, but he was quickly finding out that no amount of power could move his rusted joints. And if by some miracle he managed… 
A loud, hideous squeak echoed throughout the dungeon. No, no! He’d wake the monster right up! 
But if he just waited here… 
Does not compute. 
Does not compute. 
He let the blue screen fill his vision. What was the point of rebooting? No one was expecting any use out of him. His programs weren’t needed. Quite simply… he had outlived his purpose. 
I don’t want to die. 
Not here. Not at the hands of a monster in dark, dingy, unfamiliar room. If could have a choice… he would have wanted it at the hands of his masters, being able to offer one last play time. 
Surgery time! Put the patient under! 
A sticky, sugar-coated finger would press against the power button on his neck, and he’d hang limp, his processors writhing and twisting in an endless conflict of hope and dread. Hope that this time, maybe this time, nothing bad would happen. The fear that he would never come back or turn on again. That this time… he would be too broken. And of course, the dread. Dread that came from the knowledge of a repeated pattern he knew all too well. Because if every time he woke back up, and if every time it was in even more pain than before, then it would happen again. His gears would find a way to keep clicking. Because the game never stopped, no matter how hard he begged. Begging was part of the fun, just like the paint, just like the gum, just like the surgeries. 
Why hadn’t he given up earlier? 
Because you still had purpose. You had a function. 
But now, all that was left was the privilege of not caring anymore. 
She awoke with a sore neck and a hard imprint of the mechanical arm she was working on stamped against her cheek. I must have fallen asleep at my desk again… 
She sighed. 
What time was it anyways? She glanced at the darkness outside the window, and then to the clock on the wall. Just a little past midnight… of course it was. She stood up, stretched, and went to wash her face. It was a little early, sure… but it wasn’t as if she had anything better to do. Her dreams hadn’t been all that pleasant anyways. 
From behind her, a single glowing eye stared, cracked optic sending scatters of orange light throughout the workshop. 
“Still awake?” 
She should've remembered. Sleep Mode kicked in automatically for most androids, but if the internal timer was malfunctioning… then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume any time-dependent programming would fail too.Ugh… she should’ve remembered to turn him off before falling asleep. 
Not like the thing would ever let me. 
She cleared her throat. “Sorry. You must have been pretty bored, eh?” 
No response. 
Huh. This was new. Had his audio processors finally broken down? She snapped on her goggles, tied her face mask around her mouth and nose, and worked her way around her mounds of junk to her newest project. 
“Hey.” She said. 
The robot didn’t even twitch. 
She picked it up and yelled in its ear. “HEY!” 
A very noticeable flinch. So the processors were working. It was just ignoring her. 
Why, the little—! She bit her tongue. The last thing she wanted was for it to start crying again. Instead, she kept her tone neutral. 
“I’m going to run the rest of the diagnostics now, OK? After that, I’ll see if I can get rid of that rust.” 
She set the android down on her desk, after clearing as much space off as she could. With a little adjustment, the overhead light shone directly above in the perfect position. “Just let me get my tools ready. I’ll be right back.” 
That was a lie, sort of. Most of what she needed was already there. But she needed an excuse to look away, to not have that cracked, orange gaze burning into her soul. Why did she salvage a model with eyes, if she couldn’t even handle nonhumans looking at her? 
She pretended to sweep the grounds, picking up random wires and a spare wrench or two that had wandered away from her tool belt. Wait… maybe there is something… 
She straightened. “I’ll be upstairs.” She said, and closed the door behind her. 
Five seconds later, she popped back in.
 “Wait, I should do this first, right?” 
Without another word, she retrieved the rag previously used as a blanket and wrapped it once again around the robot’s shoulders. 
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twaaay · 2 years
Just some fun time with prompt generators I had, why not post it here too?
1. Y/N repair the attendant`s body after Moon`s shenanigans (they fell or got into a another fight with fellow animatronic or got a prank put of control etc) as Sunny complains and wines about it.
2. Sun\Moon watching Y/N doing something stupid and just smiling because they get to marry this dumbass someday.
3. Sun goes up to Y/N and grabs them into the air and spins them around, Y/N asks what they are doing and Sun responds with, “I just realized I love you, and it feels amazing.”
4. Y/N being super tired and as Moon is helping them to bed Y/N says “You know I have a crush on you two, right?”. Sun screeches like a siren in their shared headspace, Moon short circulates but Y/N is already deep asleep, no idea they just broke the daycare attendant. It`ll be a fun ride once they woke up.
5. Y/N falls asleep on their shift so Moon carries them to bed with them.
6. Sun and Y/N as the scene from The Owl House where Amity kisses Luz on the cheek and freaks out after it.
7. Sometimes Y/N struggles with noise. It could be something small like the tap dripping that could set them off on their worst days, so often Sun/Moon will lie with them in bed when things get bad and massage their head with their fingertips as Y/N takes in their scent and listens to soft daycare music playing in the background.
8. Y/n’s partner breaks up with them, and although daycare attendant feels bad for y/n, they can’t help but feel a certain…relief.
9. Moon and Y/N are watching a movie together at naptime corner. Y/N gets tired and leans against Moon's shoulder and mutters half-asleep: "more comfortable.."
10. Y/N living on a farm and their parents brought Sun/Moon as a farmhand. Y/N attempts to show android how everything works and every time Sun/Moon messes up, Y/N laughs hysterically.
11. Y/N is or gets turned into a child in this prompt. Moon, as a daycare attendant they are, tuck Y/N into bed and stay with them until they fall asleep. This prompt is supposed to be taken in more of a platonic way, as fluffy interaction between the characters.
12. Sun`s tries their best to stay quet while Y/N takes a nap.
13. Y/N finds Sun/Moon ignoring the problems with a scowl on their face.
14. Sun and Y/N finger painting with a child.
15. Y/N: Maybe we’ll just, I don’t know, run away? Live in the woods? On the moon?
16. Before they started dating, Sun/Moon and Y/N are best friends. Whenever Sun/Moon would get upset, hurt or just really tired, they would snuggle up on Y/N and nuzzle their face into the crook of Y/N’s neck. When Sun/Moon and Y/N finally confess their feelings for one another and begin dating, Sun/Moon immediately snuggles up in 'their' spot on Y/N and just completely relaxes. Y/N asks why they always do this, and Sun/Moon replies that it makes them feel safe and calm.
17. Sun/Moon waking up in the middle of the night from reast mode to find Y/N still working. Sun/Moon has to drag Y/N back to bed.
18. Moon: Do you want to join me in my blanket fort?
19. Someone 'accidentally' left the Christmas mistletoes up all over the place and both Y/N and Sun constantly got under one after another during the day. (Moon: no need to thank me, just hit the light switch before you overheat us) The children are ecstatic lil shippers.
20. Sun is trying to impress Y/N and ends up falling flat on their face. As Sun lays on the ground and slowly die from embarrassment, Y/N has a mind blowing realization that they actually really like that dork and when they help Sun up off the ground, they pull them into a kiss.
21. Y/N teaching Sun how to use their new tongue and Sun ends up kissing Y/N really quick, nervously asks 'Like that?' and leaves Y/N silent and flustered for a moment.
22. Moon: You can stay one night. But that’s it. In the morning, you better be gone.
Y/N:*Kisses Sun/Moon's forehead*
Sun/Moon:*frowns* You missed
Sun/Moon:*Leans forward and kisses Y/N's lips*
24. Sun trying to surprise Y/N with a lovely, self-made Valentine's dinner. However, Sun isn't that skilled at cooking and by the time Y/N comes to find them, the kitchen is a mess and Sun is distressed and close to tears.
25. Moon and Y/N sleeping together. Moon wakes up first and contemplates waking Y/N with a kiss. Moon leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. Y/N opens their eyes and says, 'Well if you won't do it, I will.'
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How to Turn Safe Mode ON and OFF in Vivo S1 Pro
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Hey there! Let's dive into the world of Vivo S1 Pro and tackle those pesky issues head-on. If you're just dipping your toes into the smartphone realm, navigating the ins and outs of your Vivo S1 Pro might feel like deciphering a cryptic code. But fear not! This article is your trusty guide through the maze of troubleshooting, including turn safe mode ON and OFF in Vivo S1 Pro.  Read More - ADDING IR SENSOR  | AS REMOTE Got a Vivo S1 Pro and puzzled by glitches? Don't fret; we've got your back! Safe mode can be a real head-scratcher, but fear not, we'll guide you through kicking it to the curb. It's like a warning light on your phone, but we'll help you navigate through it smoothly. Stick with us, and we'll have your Vivo S1 Pro sailing smoothly again in no time! Read More – Screen overlay Detected Problem solved on vivo S1 Pro What is Safe Mode? Why Turn Safe Mode ON and OFF in Vivo S1 Pro? How to Use Safe Mode? How to Turn ON Safe Mode in Vivo S1 ProStep 1 : Turn Off your  vivo S1 Pro Step 2 : Press and Hold the Power Button Step 3 : Release the Power button and hold the Volume Down Key Step 4 : Hold the Volume Down Key Step 5 : Release the Volume Down key and unlock your vivo S1 Pro An Alternative Method to Turn On Safe Mode How To Turn off Safe Mode ON Vivo S1 Pro Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)What are the benefits of using Safe Mode on my device? How do I know if my Vivo S1 Pro is in Safe Mode? Can I still make calls and send messages while in Safe Mode? Will turning on Safe Mode delete any of my data or settings? Can I still access the internet and use Wi-Fi in Safe Mode?
What is Safe Mode?
So, what is Safe Mode? It's like a superhero cape for your device, booting up with disabled third-party apps to troubleshoot issues. Specifically on Android 9.0 Pie OS, like the VIVO S1 Pro, you can activate Safe Mode to kick out those non-system apps causing chaos. It's a detective hat for your phone, helping you detect and delete virus-ridden apps. Devs adore it as a debugging tool for pesky app issues.
Why Turn Safe Mode ON and OFF in Vivo S1 Pro?
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Let's dive into why Safe Mode is your go-to when your phone's throwing a fit. It's like hitting the reset button, disabling all third-party apps and leaving the essentials untouched on devices like the VIVO S1 Pro. Perfect for when your Android's acting up, Safe Mode is your trusty troubleshooter, sniffing out crashes and malware. Need to nix a virus-ridden app? Safe Mode's got your back. And when it's time to bid farewell to Safe Mode, just restart your VIVO S1 Pro to get back to business as usual. Read More – What Can You Do With Safe Mode
How to Use Safe Mode?
So, how to use Safe Mode like a pro? When your Android is throwing a tantrum, it's your trusty troubleshooter. Facing issues like "Screen overlay Detected" or wonky sound? Safe Mode's got your back. Just hold down the power button, long-press "Power Off," and follow the prompts to activate it. And when you've conquered the chaos and are ready to return to normalcy, simply restart your VIVO S1 Pro, and you're back in the game. Now, let's talk about how to turn off Safe Mode in VIVO S1 Pro and bid adieu to its safe confines. It's as easy as pie—just restart your device, and you're back to full functionality. See, since Safe Mode locks down certain features and apps, you'll want to make sure you don't get stuck in its protective bubble for too long. It's like a diagnostic tool for your phone, sealing it away from potential troublemakers until you've sorted things out. And hey, if you notice your device running smoother in Safe Mode, it's probably a rogue app causing the fuss. But if issues persist even in Safe Mode, it might be time to dig deeper into the operating system or hardware for a fix.
How to Turn ON Safe Mode in Vivo S1 Pro
Here are some steps that you have to follow: - Turn Off your vivo S1 Pro. - Press and Hold the Power Button. - Release the Power button and hold the Volume Down Key. - Hold the Volume Down Key. - Release the Volume Down key and unlock your vivo S1 Pro. Above, we're outlining the methods in detail, step by step, accompanied by visual aids... Step 1 : Turn Off your  vivo S1 Pro
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Before you get started, make sure to power down your vivo S1 Pro. Simply press and hold the Power Button for a few seconds until you see the option to turn it off. Then, just follow the on-screen instructions to shut it down. Step 2 : Press and Hold the Power Button
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Once you've switched off your device, you can turn it back on by pressing and holding the Power Button again. This will boot up your device and get it ready for use. Step 3 : Release the Power button and hold the Volume Down Key After pressing the power button on your vivo S1 Pro, promptly press and hold the Volume Down key when you see the logo or when the first lights up on your screen.
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As you begin to press the Volume Down key, remember to release the power button. During this time, you can only press one button at a time. Step 4 : Hold the Volume Down Key Please keep holding the Volume Down key for a few seconds until the restart is complete, and you see the Lock Screen appear. Just like it's demonstrated below.
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Step 5 : Release the Volume Down key and unlock your vivo S1 Pro - Once the Lock Screen and Safe Mode display appears, release the Volume Down key. - Now, you can unlock your Galaxy using the lock screen. - Congratulations! You've successfully enabled Safe Mode on your Galaxy. - Next, take a close look to see if the Safe Mode icon is displayed on the left corner of the screen.
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An Alternative Method to Turn On Safe Mode
- Press and hold the Power button until the Power off box prompt shows up. - Keep touching and holding the Power off option until the Safe mode prompt appears. - To confirm, simply tap on Safe mode. (You can use this method if you encounter issues with the Volume Down button)
How To Turn off Safe Mode ON Vivo S1 Pro
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You can follow below steps: - Press and hold the Power key. - Tap Restart Now. It's all about the simple restart process of an Android device that turns off the safe mode. For more detailed instructions, you can follow the guide on "how to disable safe mode".
In conclusion, understanding how to navigate Safe Mode on your Android device can be a valuable troubleshooting skill. Whether you're dealing with performance issues or troubleshooting errors, Safe Mode provides a helpful environment for diagnosing problems. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily enable or disable Safe Mode as needed. Remember to share this knowledge with others to help them overcome similar challenges, and don't hesitate to explore further resources for additional assistance. With these tips at your disposal, you'll be better equipped to keep your device running smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the benefits of using Safe Mode on my device? Using Safe Mode on your device offers several benefits, including the ability to troubleshoot issues caused by third-party apps, detect and remove malware, and ensure smoother performance by temporarily disabling unnecessary applications. How do I know if my Vivo S1 Pro is in Safe Mode? You can tell if your Vivo S1 Pro is in Safe Mode by checking for a "Safe Mode" indicator in the bottom-left or bottom-right corner of the screen. Additionally, all third-party apps will be disabled, and only system apps will be visible, giving you a clear indication that your device is in Safe Mode. Can I still make calls and send messages while in Safe Mode? Yes, you can still make calls and send messages while in Safe Mode on your Vivo S1 Pro. Safe Mode only disables third-party apps, so essential functions like calling and messaging remain unaffected, allowing you to stay connected even during troubleshooting. Will turning on Safe Mode delete any of my data or settings? No, turning on Safe Mode on your Vivo S1 Pro will not delete any of your data or settings. Safe Mode simply disables third-party applications temporarily, allowing you to troubleshoot issues without affecting your personal data or device settings. Can I still access the internet and use Wi-Fi in Safe Mode? Yes, you can still access the internet and use Wi-Fi in Safe Mode on your Vivo S1 Pro. Safe Mode only disables third-party applications while leaving essential system functions, such as internet connectivity, fully operational, ensuring that you can browse the web and utilize Wi-Fi without any interruptions. Thanks for sticking around! If this page has been helpful to you, please consider sharing it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit so that others can benefit from this SafeMode Guide too. Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you encounter any issues or error messages. Keep browsing our page and remember to subscribe for updates on the latest news. Your support means a lot! Read the full article
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famisafe · 7 months
Game addiction and in children using Famisafe apps?
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Whether it is YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok, explicit content are everywhere, and as a parent, we are concerned that these are inappropriate for our kids. Also, our Kids suffer from Game Addiction. What can we do, though we realize we are in the 21st century and technology can help us as it is now advanced? Wondershare Famisafe is one such initiative by Wondershare, one of the world’s top software and mobile application development companies. Through their Famisafe, we can control our kids’ devices and ensure their safety all the time, right from our Android or an IOS device or our desktop. However, you will argue. Keep reading this article to know what you can do with this app.
Restricted Mode can be bypassed.
You might feel that the restricted Mode is on and the device is safe, but there are chances for a new account creation, and your kid can turn off the restricted Mode on his device. However, with Famisafe, you can stop your kids from doing so. Through famisafe parental control, you not only disallow turning off the restricted Mode on YouTube but also keep track of all the YouTube accounts your kids can create live through your smartphone or web portal. And hence, now you can feel your kids are safe.
Whether it is TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter, you can turn on the family safety through a toggle button, and the rest of the work is done by Famisafe. All the explicit content will be instantly removed from the app algorithm search result, and your kid will always see what is appropriate.
Look at the below screens.
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What is above will certainly ring an alarm In your ears, and one big concern for you is undoubtedly your child playing mobile games all the time and suffering from game addiction. What will you do then now? You can check your child’s mobile screen time, and if you find your child playing games for more hours than allowed, you can stop your kid right from your mobile phone or desktop. I am sure the Wondershare Famisafe is now pleasing you and taking you at bay.
However, you will still wonder how this is possible and what the steps for installation are. The steps are small in number, and the outcome is enormous. You only need to download the Wondershare Famisafe app from the link below for parents and kids.
Download link: 
For Parents’ Devices: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/download.html
For Kids’ Devices: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/download.html
User guide: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/user-guide/
Install the Parents app on the Parent device and the Kids app on the kid’s device. As you install the kid’s app on your kid’s device, the pairing will start, and your kid’s phone is now connected to your phone, and you can control it from your phone now.
The image above already shows how many options you have with you, and you can restrict access to almost all the apps on your kid’s phone. And Everything is covered, whether the apps, explicit content, or the games; you can control Everything with your fingertip.
Some useful links:
Below are the links to more details on the Wondershare Famisafe.
Screen Time: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/screen-time.html
Activity Report: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/phone-activity-report.html
YouTube App Control: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/youtube-parental-controls.html
Tiktok History: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/tiktok-history.html
As discussed, explicit content is always a concern. Below is the link where you will find details on how to keep your child safe from such content.
Keep the Content Safety
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Inappropriate Pictures: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/detect-suspicious-photos.html
Explicit Content Detection
Content Manage
For web safety, see below:
Web Safety
Web Filter: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/block-websites.html
Browser History
Safe Search
For Geolocation tracking, see below:
Your Family Location Tracker
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Live Location: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/kids-location-tracking.html
Location History: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/kids-location-tracking.html
For pricing, see below:
Pricing for Family: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/store/family.html
Pricing for School: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/store/school.html
Market Trends
The Wondershare Famisafe has new features, such as upgraded web filter classification and a more straightforward interface. For more details, see the below link.
But Why Wondershare Famisafe?
 The above images are for setting parental control on Google Play and iPhone. I am adding some cons:
The above methods are not cross-platform. This will not work on Android. Also, you have limited security as this does not come with any anti-virus or malware solution. Your kids can easily bypass the above restrictions by creating new accounts or using third-party apps.
Using YouTube Kids
While there are some pros, check the cons below:
Kids can use the YouTube website or download the YouTube app on their phones. Thus, they can easily bypass the parental control lock. Also, this is not 100% walled.
Using Google SafeSearch for YouTube Parental Control
Some cons are blocking of acceptable sites, not being able to stop all explicit content, and kids can use other search engines like Bing and Yahoo.
You already know about YouTube parental control tips and tricks.
Now, see the screenshot below from Wondershare Famisafe. You can check all the apps as you can see below:
Check below how you can block Tiktok:
Step 1: You need to install FamiSafe, which you need to download the FamiSafe app via Google Play or the App Store on the parent's phone.
Step 2: Now Register an Account.
You need to register an ID for FamiSafe or log in with the help of a Facebook ID, Google ID, or Apple ID.
Step 3: Now Connect the Kids Device
You need to scan the QR code on the kid’s phone on FamiSafe in the parents’ phone to install the FamiSafe Jr, and the pairing will start automatically. Now go to the App blocker section and block the Tiktok App. You are done. There are no cons when you use FamiSafe, so you should select FamiSafe.
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Isn’t Wondersafe FamiSafe looking like an excellent app? After downloading it, You need not worry about your child's safety; the most significant thing is you will always know your child's Location apart from other features we discussed above. There is no need to worry anymore, as Wondershare FamiSafe will always make your child’s safety worries disappear. Subscribe and download the app now.
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cartoonyfangirl · 11 months
(So this is something that I wrote up recently for a story (Remember Us on Wattpad) that is based of an AU created by @thepixarau so I thought of something on my end of like a side story, featuring both characters from your favorite franchises, as well as some of my own OC's to add in some kick. This is non-canon, which means that if LadyLuxo does write up something for this story, this is not going to be in it, this is something I wrote down for fun!)
(Now that we got that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this snippet of what I have written so far!)
The scene cuts to one of the watch towers, as we see Journey scoping out the large land in front of her, making sure no Dreamworks androids or anything from them would try to attack the base, she knew this place was indestructible, hence why the group giving up on destroying the place, but they would send out their android bots to keep a close eye on the building, as well as anyone who comes out. Journey was drifting off to sleep, when she heard someone coming up, she turned to see Blair Mercurial, her long-time friend and inventor, alongside him was a human/dragon hybrid, named Figment
"Oh my word, you two scared me for a second!" Journey said, placing her hand over her heart
"Oh i'm terribly sorry about that Journey, me and Figment came up here to see how you were doing" Blair said, walking next to Journey, and placing a hand on her shoulder
"Have there been any signs of new allyie people?" Figment said, his wings flapping excitedly
"Sadly not, it's been awhile since we got anyone new, besides, The DreamWorks have the area sort of surrounded with their bots! So it's getting tougher for anyone to make it over here"
"Oh...." Figment said sadly, Blair places his other hand on Figments shoulder as well
"Don't worry my little buddy, if anyone can't get here, we can help! Anyone that is invincible can make it here in one piece"
Journey looks to him and smiled. "Hey! You have a point! As long as they are invincible, nothing can stop them!"
Figment nodded, but then softly frowned. "I wish all the humans in the world were like us, where we can't die by anything"
"I know, but once we are ready, we will make sure those DreamWorks fools are sorry for what they have done to this planet for centuries!" Blair said, looking at both Journey and Figment
The three then heard something from afar, a loud screech, followed by a faint crashing sound, Blair runs over to the edge, and places his goggles on, his goggles zoomed in on where the sound happened, it turned out to be a huge bus, he recognized it to be one of those vehicles that turns from a van to a bus, before he could even say anything, the bus blows up, a huge boom sound can be heard from where they were, even those inside the base heard it, within 5 seconds, a voice came through the speaker
"Eh! Hey doc! What the hell was that?!" It was Bugs Bunny, one of the leaders of the base, his voice sounded both worried and angry
Blair picks up the mic and turns it on. "Sir! We saw a vehicle crash near the base, and I think either the DreamWorks had one of their bots throw a bomb over there, or something else, because it blew up!
"Was the vehicle empty?!"
"I don't think so, but considering that it was in bus mode, I'm saying it could be a group that was in that!
Journey gasped at that, a group of humans, they need to get over there, and see if there are any survivors
"Bugs, what do we do?" Blair said, hopefully waiting for the right answer to come out of the bunny/hybrid's mouth
"I will send a group over there to find whoever they can, You, Journey, and Figment stay up in the tower, keep an eye out for any bots or androids that go near the site!"
"Okay Bugs, stay safe" Blair said, before putting the mic down, he sighed, and looked at Journey and Figment
"We will be staying here, keeping an eye out, Hopefully there are some survivors from that" Blair said, with a worried tone in his voice
"Don't worry Blair, I'm sure they are....I hope" Journey said, looking out at the now orangish yellow lighting from the tower"
Back inside the base, Bugs makes it to one of the rooms, inside were Woody, Winnie, Motion, Wonder, Gonzo, Rizzo, Felix and a few other toons that were either hanging out, or being treated of their wounds
"Oh boy! We got ourselves a problem!" Bugs said, grabbing the keys to one of the medical vehicles
"What's going on? Did something happen?" Winnie said, before coughing, Woody gives her some medicine
"Easy Win, you don't want to make your Toon Virus worse now" He looks up to Bugs "I heard a faint explosion, what happened?"
"From what I got from Blair Mercurial, apparently a bus crashed not far from here, and not even a few seconds after, it exploded!"
Everyone looked to Bugs with frightened looks
"WHAT!!!" they all shouted
"Dude! Are you serious right now?!" Rizzo said, as he hops down from some of the crates
"Yes rat! I'm not kidding around" Bugs said with a serious look. "All I know is that bus could've been filled with folks that were trying to get here!"
"So what do you want us to do?" Motion said, walking next to Bugs
"I'm saying we form a rescue squad, I shall lead the group, You, Wonder, Gonzo, Felix, and Daffy are going to come with me, to make sure no one tries to stop us"
Motion nodded, Wonder nervously nodded, she usually goes with a group since she has Healing Powers, Felix tips his hat
"Alright rabbit, I'll go, only because I need to make sure my magic bag is working once more" Felix said, as he grabs his keys for his vehicle
"What do you mean I gotta go Bugsy?!" Daffy said, hearing his name from the other room, Bugs glares back at him
"We need the help, and you haven't done so in a bit, You better grab your things" Bugs said, Daffy rolled his eyes, and runs off
"I can go see if some of the others can help too" Gonzo said, quickly rushing out, Rizzo running behind him
"Hey wait up dude! You know I can't run very fast!" Rizzo called out to him
Bugs softly smiled, and heads out, Woody, Motion, and Wonder walking behind him
"Alright, lets go help those civilians"
The scene cuts to the characters going on the rescue trip, along with Lola, Tina, The Warners, Buzz Buzzard, and even Horizon, as she had Chaos Magic that can help them out, Bugs hops into the medical vehicle, as everyone else hopped into their own, Lola gives Bugs a thumbs up from the Spy Car, and the huge doors open up, Innavena from one of the booths also gives the group a thumbs up
"Okay sisters and toons, your good to go!" Innavena said through the speaker
Bugs starts up the medical vehicle, and soon, it zooms off, the rest of the vehicles also followed after, they all make a left turn, and off they went, from the tower, Journey, Figment, and Blair watched the vehicles make their way to the site, Journey nervously playing with her pendent
"Please let them be okay" Journey whispered to herself
As the vehicles zoomed across the cracked road, some of the toons noticed the bots heading their way, Yakko smirked, and pulled out his cannon
"Oooh! Look guys, it's our "special" friends!" Yakko said, pointing at the bots
"Oh good! Time to test these bad boys out!" Gonzo said, pressing a button, a few cannons popped out of the jeeplike vehicle. "And Kermit said that these are dangerous, well he is wrong!" He looks over to the Warners. "Don't tell him I said that kiddos
"We won't!" Yakko, Wakko, and Dot said at the same time, Bugs noticed and gives the signal
"FIRE!!!!" He yells, the toons used their weapons onto the bots, taking them down in a matter of seconds, Daffy and Tina laughed as they blasted down some from their vehicle
"TELL THE DREAMWORKS FOLKS WE SAID FUCK OFF!!!" Tina yelled, blasting one in the head
"That's my girl?" Daffy cheered
The group managed to get pasted all the android bots, and soon made to the sight, Motion quickly zooms out on her RRF (Realistic Robotic Feet), and skids her wheels to a stop, Wonder also checks around, carefully making sure she didn't fall or trip, she noticed that all the figures that were on the ground were unharmed, minus the scrapes and damaged clothing from the explosion, she scans around, making sure everyone was alive and accounted for, Bugs quickly makes his way in, Motion and Wonder returning to him
"E-Everyone is alive, c-children included, t-they only have minor i-injuries, and are out c-cold" Wonder said with her stutter in place
"And this is very rare, but everyone is accounted for, no one is missing from this group Bugs!" Motion said, typing down who the group could be from her inner catalog of groups
"That's impossible, the last group that was nearly accounted for was The Muppets, and that's because they're at 95% of who is with them, what other group could it be that has everyone accounted for"
Motion gasped, she double checked, this couldn't be right
"B-Bugs.....I think I have the answer"
"The others made it to the sight, Motion showed Bugs what she got from her gadgets and pendent, he gasped, alongside the others"
"It's.....It's the Pixars!....."
(I might do more soon, but because Writers Block loves me so much, it might take me some time, but what do you all think, I hope you guys loved it)
(The Pixar AU/Remember Us was created/written by @thepixarau )
(The EPCOT Sisters (Journey, Motion, Innavena, and Wonder) was created by me)
(All Canon Characters mentioned belong to their rightful owners)
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writingworld2023 · 1 year
Government officials have announced that a UK- wide emergency alert system will be tested on Sunday 23rd April. In addition to the warning message, a loud siren like sound and vibration will be heard on phone screens starting at 15:00 for a duration of 10 seconds.
In a statement, Oliver Dowde, the minister responsible for the system, said it was a “vital tool for keeping the public safe in life threatening situations”.
The message will contain information that says “This is a test of Emergency Alerts, a new UK government service that will warn you if there's a life-threatening emergency nearby”
As well as,
"In a real emergency, follow the instructions in the alert to keep yourself and others safe”. 
"This is a test. You do not need to take any action."
The test was postponed from its initial early evening time slot to avoid conflicting with an FA Cup semi-final that began at Wembley Stadium at 16:30. To continue using their phone as normal, users have the option to swipe away the alert message or click "OK" on the home screen.
The warnings will function on all UK 4G and 5G phone networks and on gadgets running the following software.
Smartphones and tablets running Android 11 or after, 
as well as iPhones running iOS 14.5 or after.
However, previous "non-smart" phones and gadgets that are off or in aeroplane mode won't be able to receive the warnings. When a phone is in silent mode, the alarm will still sound.
The government has stated that anyone without a suitable gadget will be notified by other means by the emergency services.
People were concerned if Local news, radio, and social media will be affected however they will not be replaced by the warnings. 
With concerns of data leakage, the cabinet office has stated personal data regarding one’s specific location or user won’t be shared nor collected.
When might people in the future use emergency alerts?
On uncommon occasions when there is a threat to human life, the government or emergency services will send emergency notifications with safety tips - locally or nationwide. Yet the most dangerous weather-related incidents will be their initial focus. Catastrophic flames and flooding unusual weather.
However, domestic violence organisations are worried that the warning would reveal hidden phones that victims of abuse keep hidden, which is why knowing how to switch off these alerts are important.As simply putting on silent mode won’t allow the sound to not be heard. 
An option could be  placing the smartphone in aeroplane mode or completely turning it off before Sunday, April 23, 3:00 p.m.
Examples of articles I found to help find information on this story:
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(photo taken from government website)
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farolli · 2 years
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Achievements are included with OpenFeint! Traverse 60 different, surreal levels in an attempt to either score as many points as possible by pulling off amazing stunts (Stunt Mode) or getting to the finish line as quick as possible (Time Trial Mode). IStunt is an addictive 2D Snowboard action-packed game with a strong emphasis on physics. "iStunt is a 2nd generation snowboarding app for the iPhone with insane twists and turns, upside down, rotating, anti-gravity stunts that will speed your heart rate and put a smile on your face at the same time. "iStunt is one of the best line racing games for the iPhone, and is well worth $.99" - Pocketfullofapps "The smooth game play and graphics that were recently improved make this game a one of a kind." - AppModo "iStunt is all about feel, precise control, and a lot of fun." - TouchArcade ★ iStunt is a FreeAppADay Silver Winner! ★ Pull off amazing stunts, snowboarding through surreal landscapes in a world where rules can be bended! ★★ NEW: Added a new board: A HoverBoard! Now there's the Classic board, the Jet Board and the HoverBoard! ★★ IStunt Reloaded is now available in a PRO version, containing two extra packs, a JetBoard and a HoverBoard for only $1.99! or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android Pie 9.0, Quince Tart 10, Red velvet cake 11, Snow cone 12 or later versions Compatibility: Requires iOS 3.0 or later.
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trustswitch · 2 years
Phone number for amazon kindle fire support
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Service Prime Music Books Kindle Books Registry Amazon. I have tried to connect amazon customer service not responding properly. If you need help, we offer a number of options for customer support. There are apps that I use for calculating my shots that prove much more helpful if I have a precise location, but the trick is that I might not be in an area that has any kind of Wi-Fi signal, so grabbing GPS information from my phone is a tremendous help. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is. Like most major retailers, Amazon prefers. For instance, one of the main reasons I bought my Fire Tablet was to use in conjunction with my DSLR camera. Amazon Call Amazon customer service Amazon's customer service phone number is 1-88, and that number is live 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Why would you want to do this if you have a phone with actual GPS tracking, and why wouldn’t you just use your phone to do what you want to do on your tablet? There may be apps that are better suited to use on a tablet than on a phone. Then follow the instructions in the app to transmit the location information to your tablet. Then you simply use an OTG cable and USB cable to go from the phone to the tablet, or connect via Bluetooth.
You will set up your Android phone to be the host (or sender), and your tablet will be the receiver.
Then download an app called GPS Tether to both your Fire Tablet and your Android phone. Here are the steps that you’ll need to take:įirst, sideload Google Play onto the tablet (which can be done safely without rooting the device), so that Android apps can be downloaded and used. Next, you should make sure that the locations services option is correctly switched on. If it’s there, then you’ll need to repeat the actions above up to step 3, and to tap on the Airplane mode toggle to ensure that it says Off. If there’s a little icon of a plane there, then airplane mode is on. To make sure that it’s not in airplane mode, check the notification bar at the top of your tablet’s screen. If it’s the first time connecting, then you’ll probably need to enter a password.Tap on the network that you want to connect to.Tap the switch next to Wi-Fi to turn it on.To find if your country or region is supported, go to. Swipe down the quick action panel from the top of the screen. The Amazon Appstore and mobile apps are only available in select countries and regions.Turn on or wake your tablet and go to the home screen.The first thing you’ll need to do is to make sure that your tablet is connected to a wireless network, and that it’s not in airplane mode (which turns off all signal sending and receiving capabilities on the device). How to Turn on Location Services on Your Fire Tabletīecause the Amazon Fire tablets don’t yet come with a GPS tracking chip, you’ll have to rely on the slightly less accurate Wi-Fi tracking described above.
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Dating Sam Wilson HCs
Sam deserves some love— he just radiates comfort ❤︎
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Coffee shop dates— Sam likes taking you fun places, usually with a chill and relaxing atmosphere. So, something you’ve both come to love is looking for small local coffee shops you can spend the afternoon at. Usually it takes a smidge of a road trip, but that’s part of the fun! *Little sandwich shops are also a favourite, with a nice outside sitting area, you’ll just stay and talk for hours. One time you did get rained out and had to eat lunch in his car after booking it to the parking lot. Sam held his jacket over your head as you made a b-line in the rain together. It’s a great memory though!
↳ it’s always precious to you when a kid comes up and asks if he’s The Falcon from the Avengers; Sam gives an apologetic look to you when more than one person comes up to him, because he doesn’t want to flaunt it or take away from your time together, but you just bite the inside of your lip and smile happily, finding it absolutely adorable. When he gives you a “what?” You shake your head smiling, “nothing,” / “mhmm, something you just don’t want to tell me.” Sighing your give in, “you’re just really good with kids, that’s all.”
Being worried about his missions— he’s literally surrounded by danger, so of course you worry about him. You don’t doubt that he can handle a lot, it’s just the world is getting tougher and more dangerous with enhanced individuals or aliens, wizards, and androids coming into play. “You don’t think I can do this?” He asks, sincerely. “You fight with your heart, and I love that more than anything, but they don’t,” you say honestly, “and that’s what scares me most.” He kisses your forehead and promises that he’ll always come back home to you.
Goodbye kisses— if you’re headed off to work you stop to give him a quick peck on the cheek, but of course he catches you by the waist, pulling you into his lap, giving you a “nuh-uh, that is not a goodbye kiss,” you roll your eyes, trying to wriggle out of his arms, “Sam, I gotta go, I’ll be late,” / “yeah and what if I fall outta bed and knock myself out, that’s the last kiss you want us to share?” You pause your attempt to get free and look at him with a dead pan, “that is not going to happen-“ / “but if it did?” He raises his eyebrows and gives a head tilt. “Fine,” you smile, going in for an actual kiss. “Mhmm, that’s the good stuff,” Sam says, setting you back on your feet.
Groovy slow dancing— in the middle of the living room, Sam puts on his record player and you get close to Marvin Gaye’s song Let’s Get It On. You usually wind up laughing at Sam’s over dramatic lip syncing while he holds you close. When he goes for those high notes, you can’t help but laugh, burying your face against his chest. He finally breaks character, laughing at himself along with you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing his temple to yours as you both laugh. But seriously, its so much fun, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. It just radiates positive and cute vibes.
Talking about each other’s day in bed— at the end of the day, you’re almost always the first one in bed, waiting on him. When he joins you, lying on his side facing you, he props himself up on his elbow. “And how was your day, gorgeous?” he asks, looking down. With your head on your pillow, you roll onto your side, looking up through your eyelashes at him, stroking a pattern against his bare chest or bicep, you start talking about your day together. He’s an excellent listener, seriously. He doesn’t hit you with counsellor mode either, it’s true and genuine.
↳ if you’ve had a bad day BE PREPARED, it’s all comfort and fluff from the moment you start to express it wasn’t that great of a day. “This guy at work…,” you start, shaking your head and glancing away, immediately Sam’s stroking your side with his fingertips, he’s really big on sincere physical comfort, “I don’t know, I guess he just got to me,” you swallow, trying to remain calm even though it still upsets you. “And how are you doing now? Still thinking about it?” Sam asks. Shrugging you look up with teary eyes, “c’mere babygirl,” Sam opens his arms, waiting for you to shift a little closer so he can totally cradle you, kissing your temple.
FLYING— oh yes, he’s taken you up before. Unsure at first, you kept asking if it was safe, “honey, I gotchu, I’m not gonna drop you, I promise,” he half laughs at how much you were overthinking it, but also wants to let you know he’ll keep you safe. When you’re comfortable enough, you agree. Wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, you feel him wrap an arm around your waist securely, and you’re off. You swear you’ll never get used to it though. 
Learning how to drive a the boat— basically you were talked into it. When you came to visit Sarah he wound up getting the boat to run and was super excited to teach you how to drive it. A little nervous, you made sure he was right behind you, hand on top of your hand on the steering wheel and speed control.
↳ you were super hesitant about it, going incredibly slow, until Sam started shifting it a little faster. Naturally you leaned tensely back against his chest as he guided your hands, assuring you, saying “you’re good, I got you, we’re just getting up to speed.” It was all good until a bird flew super low in front of the boat and you completely let go of everything, covering your eyes and burying your face in his chest. Luckily, he kept his hands on all the controls, but of course he lovingly teased you with, “Oh my goodness… babe we could have died with you just wavin’ your hands off the controls,” you relaxed bearing his tone, placing your palms against his chest, but he wasn’t done yet, “did Scuttle scare you?”
Hanging out with Sarah & learning family memories— she 100% spills all the embarrassing childhood memories of Sam. She’s even got family photo albums including pictures from Halloween and Christmas of Sam entirely embracing the seasons. Sam has a lot of confidence, so he tries to embrace every ridiculous photo Sarah shows. “Sarah, you have to get me a copy of this one,” you giggle leaning into her, the minute she sees it she laughs too. “Yeah, yeah, what’s so funny?” Sam asks, before you turn around a picture of him with swimming goggles and inter-tube arm floaties shaped like little wings, a sudden shock comes over his face, “your first set of wings,” you smile through a laugh.
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Ch 9
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: You hunt down the deviant and are faced with a troubling dilemma.
Story banner by @uh-kitty-got-wet
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As soon as Det. Anderson’s order to not pursue the deviant had been overridden by your mission instructions, you vaulted over the fence and gave chase to your target. Calculations from your combat suite had allowed you to navigate the high-speed vehicles with ease, making it to the median strip without incident.
You hoped the detective would realize his concern was misplaced and he would stay where he was, because you certainly couldn’t deal with the unstable deviant and dedicate attention to keeping your human partner from being killed on the highway at the same time.
Fortunately, he had remained behind, safely behind the fence, so you turned your attention to the dangerous android.
You held up your hands, palms forward, showing it you were unarmed and willing to negotiate. Your diplomatic protocol was already up and running, switching to negotiator mode as soon as you assessed the increased danger to the child.
“Don’t move!” it screamed, pointing a condemning finger at your face. “Don’t you fucking move!”
“I won’t, Todd,” you spoke, loud and clear over the sound of rapid traffic. “I’m an YN800 model, and I’m here to help you.”
You rapidly accessed as much information about the case as you could, including the android’s designated name, how long it had been with the Williams family, and if it had shown behavioral defects before.
“You’re not here to help anyone!” the deviant yelled back, an unpleasant scowl twisting its features.
The girl in its grasp was trying to be quiet but there were tears running down her face, a hiccup of fear escaping her as a truck passed by close enough to whip the hair of her ponytail across her cheek.
“You’re trying to take my little girl away from me!”
“No one wants to do that, Todd.” You softened your voice to indicate sympathy in an attempt to bring down its elevated stress levels. “We just want you and Alice to be safe. And this is a very unsafe place for a child, don’t you agree, Todd?”
The deviant, looking far more like an unstable human with its baggy clothing and unkempt hair, glared with an astonishing amount of hatred and animosity, its lips twisted and the grip on the child’s shoulder painfully tight.
“She’s safer with me than she’ll ever be with those liars! She’s my daughter! They said I’m malfunctioning, but I’m not! I know she’s mine!”
The deviant’s stress spiked without warning, hitting the lethal threshold of 100% in a fraction of a second. Despite your advanced processor, perhaps the most advanced outside of a laboratory, you couldn’t anticipate what it did next.
The android named Todd picked up the child around the middle, put its hand on the railing, screamed out in fury, “You won’t take her away from me!” and leapt over the side.
The girl’s terrified wail echoed off the sloped walls of the highway, piercing straight through your auditory sensors.
Without hesitation, you vaulted after them, tucking into a roll in order to avoid being hit by an industrial truck. You kept running, springing over the hood of another vehicle, and reached out to grab the deviant by the hood of its jacket.
You yanked it back hard, forcing it to drop the girl onto the divided lines as it whirled backwards. You let go, swiveling your arms to regain your balance after a car clipped your hip.
Time appeared to slow as your processors jumped into overdrive, activated by the calculations that determined a pivotal moment of decision.
The deviant had landed on the road into the path of an oncoming utility truck. The human girl was splayed on her stomach, looking over shoulder at you, eyes wide and frightened but ignorant of the autocab bearing down on her.
There wasn’t enough time to reach them both.
Your Good Samaritan program indicated you should protect the human, but your mission parameters suggested you override the protocol and push the deviant out of harm’s way. It would be worthless to the investigation if it were destroyed, and your mission was the highest priority for the survival of the human species.
You hesitated. Choosing to sacrifice a human would undoubtedly create more friction between you and the detective. He already distrusted androids, and this would no doubt solidify his bias against them.
Out of the corner of your vision but still within perfect view, the detective was in mid-flight across the pedestrian bridge that would lead to the other side of the highway. His expression was tense, pale with distress, and it was clear he was trying to make it to the opposite end of the bridge in order to assist.
What would the detective choose if he were in your place?
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanofff x Reader : Thin Line
Summary: You’re wild and free. She’s strict and trained. You and Natasha are polar opposites and it drives her crazy. Each move you make annoys her to no end. But, there’s a thin line between annoyance and adoration.
Rating: 18+ Violence, Mentions of Death, and Smut
Side Note: This is the final chapter of Thin Line. Before you read I’d like to thank you so much for reading my fic and I’m assuming if you read this far you like it. Fee free to stick around for the many fics and imagines to come. Love You 3000❤️
Chapter 11
They had been flying for hours. Sam fell asleep, almost instantly, after he got on the jet. Wanda had fallen asleep an hour after Sam, her mind had been reeling far too much for her to settle at first.
Steve was piloting(technically the jet is in autopilot so he wasn’t) but that didn’t steal his air of authority. Bucky having just been left in Wakanda.
And Natasha.
The red head had firmly planted herself in a seat near the jets door an hour after boarding.
Steve spoke to her before then. He knows how much she loves you and had to make sure she was one hundred percent on board with leaving. She assured him she was.
While she still stands by that, her heart was seemingly screaming at her, aching at your absence and her decision to leave.
Those feelings is exactly why, for majority of the flight, she had been staring at a picture. The only picture she ever bothered to hold on to: one you had taken on your second date.
“Natasha, babe, we fight lunatics and terrorists for a living, and you’re telling me you’re scared of a rollercoaster?” You stood beside her with a teasing grin, the large metal contraption in front of you.
She rolled her eyes and mushed your face,“ I’m not scared of anything. I just don’t want to get on.” Her eyes then skeptically watched passerby.
You, noticing that she was slipping into Widow mode, grabbed her hands and pulled her closer,“ what if we,” you stretched the word and looked around,“ go to the beach instead.”
She’s still hesitant. It’s not often that she subjects herself to being out in the open like this, but you had pouted and fucked her into giving in. Turns out your adorable face mixed with a mind blowing orgasm was the perfect kryptonite.
“Come on Natty,” you tried one more time,“ just for a couple minutes. I don’t want our date to end just yet.”
Once again, you pulled a pout, eyes softening just enough to make her groan and look away.
“Fine, fine,” before you could cheer she added,“ but only for a couple of minutes.”
The two of you had walked off Coney Island and down to the beach. You took her to, what looked like, the only secluded spot, and pulled her into your lap on the sand.
With the sun ending it’s appearance in the sky, stars scattered above you and pink and orange streams painted across the horizon.
“Picture time!” You exclaimed childishly, whipping your phone out, and holding it up.
“No.” Her quick response halted your actions.
Leaning back to look at her, you asked,“ do you not want to remember this moment?”
“I’ll remember.” She assured.
“But I might forget. This picture is for me!” You then smushed your lips on to her cheek and took the picture, but not before she could cover her face.
The stupid grin she pulled hidden by her hands.
****End Flashback****
Despite her not wanting to take the picture, she stole it from you the moment you had it printed off.
And now it sat in her hands, the top corners dogeared from her fidgeting.
She needs this picture, just in case. In case you don’t find her clues. In case you can’t crack her password and encryption. In case she never sees you again, intentionally or not.
She needs her memories of you.
Her eyes linger on the picture, before she’s pocketing it, and going over to Steve.
“We’re ten minutes out, mind waking Sam and Wanda?”
Natasha simply nods and sets off to do just that. Her hand rests on Wanda’s shoulder, gently shaking the young witch.
“Maximoff, wake up.”
Wanda has never been much of a heavy sleeper so she wakes with that little effort, saying a small, sleepy, “alright” with a rub of her eyes.
Sam however doesn’t wake as easily. The gentle shaking just makes him mumble “five more minutes mom,” before drifting back off. Harsher shaking makes him groan and complain, rolling over to face the inside of the seats.
Natasha decides to just roll him off the chairs.
His body slams on to the floor and that just barely wakes him up. Still laying on the ground, he yawns and rubs his eyes with his fist.
“Wilson get up, we’re here.” Steve’s stern yet gentle voice says.
This has everyone moving to get the few things they did have.
Here is a safe house in Spain.
Steve had lifted a list of them from paper files at the compound, crossing referencing with the ones listed on the computer files. He narrowed it down to a few that could only be found on paper and took them.
It didn’t mean they were completely untraceable, but it would take a lot more than a look up to find them.
The small group walks through a span of woods were the jet is hidden, to the safe house. Before entering they survey the area.
Upon finding nothing, they go inside.
Feeling just the slightest bit safer, everyone slumps sigh exhaustion.
“We’ll move in the morning just in case someone managed to find us, but for now everyone rest up.” Steve’s voice rings over the small group with the same commanding tone he took with all the Avengers.
Everyone nods and heads into opposite rooms, except Natasha and Wanda, both seemingly frozen in the loss of the people they love.
It’s the brunette Witch who breaks the sad silence,“ do you think they’ll forgive us?” 
Natasha feels the tears spring into her eyes.
Leaving you was the last thing she wanted but the decision has been made. She can’t take it back now. She’s also a fugitive at this point.
“They’ll forgive us.” She tries to assure,“ hell they probably don’t think we need to be forgiven. Just,” the red head takes in a deep breath and places a gentle hand on her friends shoulder,“ shower, get some rest, you’ll feel better in the morning.”
Despite her saying that, she doesn’t believe it. Why should she when she knows it won’t work. 
Not having you is like not having her heart or soul, no shower or sleep could ever make that feeling better.
It’s why she cries the second she’s out of the shower and in her room. The tears she managed to hold at bay pour from her eyes as she nearly curls into a ball on the small couch. 
That sadness, however, is short lived.
“Awe, don’t tell me those tears are for me Pretty Girl.”
She hadn’t know what this felt like. To have her hope be fulfilled. Truthfully she’d never really had hope before but she hoped in you and this- this euphoria, it feels amazing.
She left you clues and you followed them because why wouldn’t you? She’s the love of your life and you’d be damned if you just let her get away.
You found her. Her trust in your intelligence was well placed. As was her trust in your feelings for her.
Wiping her nose with the sleeve of your (stolen) shirt, she sniffs, and looks up at you. Green teary eyes meet yours and you smile at how beautiful she is even when sad.
“You’re so annoying Y/L/N.”
You step closer, taking her deathly delicate hands in yours. The warm smile you pull still manages to be cocky in some way and it drives Natasha crazy.
Pulling her up and into your arms you say,“ as if I’d let you slip away.”
Her eyes are roaming over your body just to ensure that you’re actually here,“ I was hoping you wouldn’t.”
Natasha wraps her arms around your waist and hugs you to her. You return the hug, breathing in that cinnamon and vanilla scent you had begun to miss over those few hours.
But Natasha knows you, and she knows you won’t let the silence last, which is why she’s already smiling and shaking her head when you break it.
“How could you not, I’m fuckin awesome.” You over dramatically wink at her.
The red head rolls her eyes, a small laugh on her lips as she starts to walk away from you.
“That was a moment, and you ruined it.” She points out.
Feigning shock, you press a hand to your heart,“ I would never!”
Your heart soars as she laughs once again, sound lighter than the last. This beauty has been through a lot of shit recently and to make her smile and laugh despite it all is an achievement worth the highest medal.
Before you can step closer to her there’s a knock at the door.
Natasha quirks an eyebrow before going to it. Cracking it, she peeks outside, befor stepping back and fully opening it.
“I’m sorry for bothering you I just, I think I’m going mad. I keep hearing Y/N’s voice and I can feel Vision as if he’s right beside me.” Your witchy best friend stammers out the second she’s inside.
Your eyes widen,“ oh shit, Vision.”
Neither Natasha or Wanda have time to react as you’re out the window already.
Wanda blinks a couple times to not sure if this is real or if she has in fact lost her mind. One glance at Natasha’s uncontrolabbly smiley face and she knows that was actually you.
Her slight joy is wiped away as she realizes her presence just scared you off. That’s what she thinks anyway.
She’s proven wrong when you step back through the window, this time followed by Vision phasing through the wall.
“Tada!” You whisper/yell, hands gesturing to the red android.
“Viz.” Wanda’s shocked response whispers through the room.
“Wanda.” He smiles back with a nod.
“Wait!” You ruin yet another moment.“ Before you two get all lovey, I’d like to hug my best friend.”
Arms wide you step closer to Wanda. Her magic flickers through her eyes in fear.
No, she’s not scared of you, she’s scared that you hate her. That you’re disappointed in the choice she made to side with Steve.
“Uh Wanda, this is getting awkward.” You murmur.
“You don’t hate me?” The Witch asks, barely above a whisper.
“Woah! Hate? I could never hate you kid, I love you. And I’m not holding anything against you. We all did what we thought was right. I’m just really glad you’re okay.”
At that the brunette throws herself into your arms, wrapping her own around you tightly.
Her body relaxes the instant she’s in your arms. The comfort of your warmth is an unbelievable contrast to the cold of her cell on the Raft. The gentleness of you hand on the back of her head nothing like the harsh presence of her shock collar. Your hold tight but not restricting like her straight jacket.
“Please tell me they didn’t use that shock collar on you.” You whisper, praying they didn’t hurt your best friend.
She doesn’t answer. She can’t. Not when there’s the smallest of a burn mark on her neck, reminding her of the sharp sting of the electrocution.
And you know they did. It’s why you to tighten your hold just a little and blink away your tears.
“I’m strongly tempted to go back and kick their asses”
The girl immediately pulls back, brown eyes staring into yours. Your girlfriend also looks at you, waiting for an explanation.
“No. No more violence, please.” She whispers.
For the first time sense he came in, Vision speaks.
“I agree with Agent Y/L/N. They deserve reprecutions for their actions toward you.”
Wanda steps from your hold and over to Vision. Her hand just barely cups the androids cheek.
“That’s not necessary. I’m here, I’m safe now,” she pauses,“ and I’m with you.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Vision smile, until now.
It’s faint but it’s there, and it’s all cause of the girl in front of him.
“You guys are cute.” You smile.
Luckily the android can’t blush, or he’d be redder than his skin. Much like Wanda, who’s cheeks blaze.
Natasha rolls her eyes,“ okay, Wanda, Vision, I’m sure you two want privacy and rest.” She gestures to her door.
They both nod and leave with a smile to you and Natasha.
“You just kicked th-”
She shuts you up with a fierce, burning, loving kiss. Hands on both sides of your face, body flush with yours.
“You’re so very annoying.” Her lips brush yours with each word.
Grinning like mad, you pull the red head over and to the bed.
Once she’s in your arms, you sigh contentedly,“ I may be annoying, but you love me.”
A deep breath in and a sigh out.
“Yeah,” she smiles softly to herself. Wiggling her body closer to yours,“ I do love you.”
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How to Disable Safe Mode in Oppo Devices
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Have you ever found yourself stuck in Safe Mode on your Oppo device and just couldn't figure out how to get out of it? Don't worry, you're not alone! Putting your Oppo phone into Safe Mode might seem like a straightforward task, but getting it back to normal mode can sometimes be a bit tricky. But fear not, because we've got you covered. In this article, we'll walk you through various methods to disable Safe Mode in Oppo devices, ensuring that you can easily switch back to the normal mode you love. You see, Safe Mode can be a lifesaver when you're troubleshooting certain issues on your Android phone. It strips away all the fancy bells and whistles, allowing you to start your Oppo device with only the most essential features and services. However, if you find yourself unable to exit Safe Mode, it can quickly become frustrating. We'll help you navigate through the steps to remove Safe Mode from your Oppo device, ensuring that you can enjoy your phone in its full glory once again. So, let's dive in and bid farewell to Safe Mode woes together! Read More - ADDING IR SENSOR  | AS REMOTE What is Safe Mode? Why is your Oppo Device in Safe Mode? Methods to disable Safe Mode in Oppo DevicesRestart your Oppo Device Try from the Notification Panel Use Power Up with Volume Down keys Take Out the Battery Remove some Apps Factory Reset your device Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)How do I know if my Oppo device is in Safe Mode? Can I still access my apps and data while in Safe Mode? Is it possible to accidentally activate Safe Mode on my Oppo device? Can I seek professional help if I'm unable to disable Safe Mode on my Oppo device? Is it safe to continue using my Oppo device while it's in Safe Mode?
What is Safe Mode?
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Safe Mode on your phone isolates pre-installed software, suspending third-party apps. It's a troubleshooting tool to identify problematic applications and settings. By disabling most third-party apps and background processes, it provides a clean slate for diagnostics. Essentially, it's a method of booting with minimal software to resolve issues effectively.
Why is your Oppo Device in Safe Mode?
Your Oppo device may enter Safe Mode automatically due to issues it's encountered. This could result from a problematic mobile app or malware. Alternatively, you might inadvertently trigger Safe Mode yourself. Read More – Screen overlay Detected Problem solved on Oppo Safe Mode on Oppo devices prevents unauthorized apps and ensures smooth performance. Even without issues, it's vital for optimal device functionality. Don't overlook its importance, as it maintains device capabilities. Read More – What Can Do With Safe Mode
Methods to disable Safe Mode in Oppo Devices
- Restart your Oppo Device. - Using Notification Panel. - Use Power Up with Volume Down keys. - Take out the battery from your device. - By removing apps. - Factory Reset your Oppo Device. You can disable Safe Mode using the methods outlined above. Here, we briefly explain these methods. Restart your Oppo Device
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Most people resort to this method when something goes wrong with their device. To disable Safe Mode, follow these steps: Hold down the Power Button until the Power Off option appears. Wait a few minutes, then turn your device back on. If this method doesn't work, then try the next one. Try from the Notification Panel
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This method may not work for all devices, but some have a Safe Mode notification in the Notification Panel. Simply go to the Notification Panel and tap on "Exit Safe Mode." Still unable to disable Safe Mode on your device? Then consider using hardware methods. Use Power Up with Volume Down keys
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Many people have tried this method and found it effective. First, turn off your device, then simultaneously hold down the Power Button and Volume Down keys. If your Volume key is broken, your device may mistakenly detect that you're holding one of the volume buttons, triggering Safe Mode unintentionally. This can occur during reboots or even when you're not attempting to do so. If this happens consistently, you may need to repair your device. Remove the protective case as it may disrupt the functionality of the phone's physical keys and hinder proper startup. Take Out the Battery
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First, you need to turn off your device and then remove the battery. Wait for a couple of minutes before putting the battery back in and turning the device back on. Remove some Apps
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If you're still unable to turn off Safe Mode on your device, it could be due to a mobile app. Your device may have some apps that are causing errors, leading to Safe Mode activation to protect it from potential harm. Before uninstalling any app, consider clearing the app's cache by following these steps: - Open Settings on your phone. - Navigate to Apps. - Select "See all apps." - Choose the specific app you want to clear the cache for. - Go to Storage and Cache. - Select "Clear Cache." You can also attempt to delete the app's data with the following steps: - Access Settings on your phone. - Navigate to Apps. - Select "See all apps." - Choose the specific app. - Go to Storage and Cache. - Clear the storage.
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Deleting an app's storage clears the cache on your user data for that app. You'll need to go through the setup process again, but this could resolve the issue and allow you to exit Safe Mode. Follow these steps to uninstall the faulty app : - First, identify the problematic app causing Safe Mode activation. - Since apps cannot run in Safe Mode, uninstallation is the only option. - Navigate to Settings >> Apps to view the list of downloaded apps. - The recently downloaded app is likely the cause of the Safe Mode issue. - Select the app you want to remove and proceed to uninstall it.
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Factory Reset your device
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Before attempting this method, it's better to try all the methods mentioned above. If you're still unable to disable Safe Mode, proceed with this method, but keep in mind that it will erase all data on your device. Remember to backup your data before resetting the device. This method will likely work, based on my knowledge. We believe this guide will help you successfully disable Safe Mode on your Oppo Device.
In conclusion, navigating Safe Mode on your Oppo device can be a hassle, but with these comprehensive steps, you can troubleshoot and disable it effectively. Remember to try various methods and backup your data before resorting to a factory reset. Share this guide with others to help them overcome Safe Mode issues and keep your device running smoothly. Stay informed and connected by subscribing to our page for future updates and tech tips.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I know if my Oppo device is in Safe Mode? You can tell if your Oppo device is in Safe Mode by observing the words "Safe Mode" displayed on the screen, usually in the bottom-left or top-left corner. Additionally, certain features and functionalities may be limited while in Safe Mode. Can I still access my apps and data while in Safe Mode? While in Safe Mode on your Oppo device, you can still access your apps and data, but only essential system apps will be available. Third-party apps won't be accessible until you exit Safe Mode. Is it possible to accidentally activate Safe Mode on my Oppo device? Yes, it's possible to accidentally activate Safe Mode on your Oppo device. This can happen if certain buttons are pressed during startup or if there are issues with specific apps or software, triggering Safe Mode activation unintentionally. Can I seek professional help if I'm unable to disable Safe Mode on my Oppo device? Yes, if you're unable to disable Safe Mode on your Oppo device using the provided methods, seeking professional help from an authorized service center or Oppo customer support is advisable. They can offer specialized assistance and solutions tailored to your device's specific issues. Is it safe to continue using my Oppo device while it's in Safe Mode? Yes, it's safe to continue using your Oppo device while it's in Safe Mode. Safe Mode is designed to restrict certain functions to diagnose and resolve issues, but it won't cause harm to your device. However, some features may be limited until you exit Safe Mode. Hey there! Thanks for checking out our page. If you found this guide useful, consider sharing it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit so others can also take advantage of it. And if you run into any trouble or encounter error messages, don't hesitate to drop a comment. Our team is here to help you out pronto. Oh, and if you're wondering how to disable safe mode in Oppo, we've got you covered! Stay in the loop by subscribing to our page for all the latest updates. Read the full article
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smegdwarf · 3 years
But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer x Reader) - Chapter 19
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Warnings: little tense towards the end
Summary: Basically giving Rimmer the love he deserves :p
You had been staring into the bottom of your mug for what felt like hours, only being brought out of your dissociative state by the hands resting gently on your shoulders. In reality about 10 minutes had past and Rimmer, having woken up when you left not much earlier, had come to look for you.
“Hey what are you doing up?” He spoke softly in your ear as he sat down in the chair next to you.
“Can’t sleep” You muttered, eyes still on the cup in your hands.
“I know that look, what’s going on?” Rimmer kept his voice soft and quiet.
“Ah don’t worry about it I’ll be fine” You tried to smile but you knew he’d see straight through it.
“What’s going on in that noggin’ of yours?” Rimmer smiled sweetly.
“I’ll be fine!” You sighed as Rimmer looked at you worried.
“Alright ok” Rimmer muttered “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“You don’t have to worry about me Arnie I’ll be alright” You tried once more to shoo him off.
“Of course I have to worry about you darling” Rimmer looked at you a little sad “I love you don’t I?”
You let out a little laugh with a small smile, of course he was going to worry about you, you were faced with a bad event you knew absolutely nothing about, an event that had caused you multiple panic attacks and almost put another crew member at risk but most of all he loved you.
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” Rimmer asked again, feeling lost and clueless not knowing how to help you “At least come back to bed?”
“I won’t be able to sleep, I can’t do anything while not knowing what’s going to happen on that ship tomorrow” You finally broke, your eyes tearing up.
“I knew I’d get it out of you eventually” Rimmer smiled as he stood up, holding your hands for you to follow “Come here”
“I’m scared” You mumbled against his chest as he held you tightly in his arms.
“I don’t blame, I would be ...infact I am” Rimmer replied, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re always scared” You teased with a sniff as you felt Rimmer chuckle against you.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that” Rimmer smiled “You’re not going through this alone, I’ll be right beside you every step of the way ...no matter how scared I get”
“I know you will” You let out a quiet laugh.
“And so will the boys, Lister, Kryten and even Cat” Rimmer reminded you  “Sure we might not be the best crew but there’s not a lot of options when you’re 3 million years into deep space”
“I wouldn’t change my crew for the world, especially you” You looked up at Rimmer with a smile, you eyes a little red and your cheeks tear stained.
“Come on let’s go back to bed” Rimmer smiled as you furrowed your brows.
“I told you I can’t sleep” You frowned.
“I didn’t say you had to go to sleep?” Rimmer looked down at you “I want you to at least rest”
You sighed with a smile as you let Rimmer take you back to bed, you were still absolutely terrified but knowing Rimmer will always be beside you made it that little bit easier and if Lister was to hear you say that you’d be sent straight to Kryten for a full medical to make sure you hadn’t gone completely insane. Rimmer still kept his walls high but you had knocked down a few layers and you were now warm and safe inside.
“So what do you think we’ll find on this ship then?” Rimmer asked as you snuggled into his side, his arm around you, his fingertips running up and down your spine “I hope it’s aliens”
“Oh here we go” You teased as you felt his fingers squeeze your side “You would hope for aliens!”
“Well there’s no excitement in hoping for something predictable?” Rimmer chuckled, not a single cafe in the world about you winding him up over his crazy hopes and dreams.
“Ok I’ll give you that” You smiled as you looked up at him “You should get some sleep?”
“I’ll be fine, I want to stay up with you” Rimmer replied as he gently placed kiss to your forehead, his thumb rubbing your shoulder “I don’t want you up all night on your own worrying”
“Awh aren’t you sweet?” You teased again as he chuckled.
“You’re the only one I’d ever do this for you know that right?” Rimmer smiled as you snuggled into him more.
“I know, thank you for letting me in” You mumbled as he went back to running his fingertips up and down your back.
“Anything for you darling” Rimmer spoke softly and sweetly in your ear as you smiled.
After a couple more hours spent talking the two of you fell asleep ...much to your disappointment of being woken up by Kryten doing his round.
“Morning sir, morning ma’am!” Kryten sang cheerfully.
“Kryten bog off” You grumbled earning a sleepy chuckle from Rimmer as you still lay in the same position you fell asleep in.
“Are you going to get Lister and Cat up? Or should I do it?” Rimmer yawned as he sat up.
“It’s up to you sir!” Kryten shrugged.
“I’ll do it then, it’ll be a laugh!” Rimmer got up to get ready as you sat up “Are you coming?”
“What? And miss it all? Of course I’m coming!” You smiled as you stretched.
Rimmer had briefly considered running into the room the boys were sleeping in screaming at the top of his lungs but he figured he’d be somewhat nice about waking them up. Still he went in shouting, reminding them that he was an officer and they couldn’t ignore him or his orders, even if they tried he wasn’t leaving.
“You’re such a smeghead Rimmer” Lister grumbled as he finally made it to the cockpit.
“Takes one to know one Listy!” Rimmer smirked as you shook your head with a laugh “What?”
“That comeback was awful, even for you!” You smiled as he screwed his nose up at you.
“Right everyone’s here, let’s go!” Rimmer ordered as the boys took Starbug out of the asteroid and to the time hole.
“Everyone armed and ready?” You asked as you flung your bazookoid gun over your shoulder.
“I think so” Lister looked everyone over.
“Are you ready?” Rimmer spoke quietly to you.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” You smiled before walking off ahead “Come on let’s go!”
You were being bold and brave now but you knew that could very quickly change, you didn’t know what lay ahead and you could never be ready to find out what terrible thing happened to you on this ship but you had Rimmer and the rest of the crew by your side and that gave you a little comfort.
“What is this ship Krytes?” Lister asked.
“The SS Pandora!” You grumbled a little.
“Pretty sure I asked Kryten?” Lister mumbled under his breath.
“Lister shut up!” Rimmer growled as you all walked slowly around the ship.
“It’s Miss Y/N’s old ship sir!” Kryten filled him in.
“Ah!” Lister looked over at you sheepishly.
“What are we looking for anyway?” Cat added his 2 cents to the conversation.
“We don’t know yet” You were more focused on the corridor in front of you than the chit chat going on between your crew mates “Maybe we should split up, Lister and Cat you take left, we’ll take right”
The SS Pandora was relatively small in comparison to the Dwarf and it didn’t take long for you all to find each other again. You had checked all the rooms on board except one that was locked from the inside.
“I’m gonna have to switch to soft light so I can walk through the door and open it” You sighed as you prepared yourself.
“Yes Ma’am” Kryten nodded as he held the small keypad that could switch both you and Rimmer between light modes.
“Wait, let me do it!” Rimmer looked at you, worry in his eyes.
“I’ll be fine Arnie” You smiled even though you knew he could see straight through it.
“We don’t know what’s on the other side of that door and you’re too much of a target!” Rimmer rambled in panic “Please let me do it!”
“Since when did you become brave?” Lister couldn’t help but make a comment.
“Alright fine” You smiled, Rimmer’s willingness to take a risk to keep you safe made your heart flutter.
“Right let’s do this!” Rimmer took a deep breath as Kryten gave him a nod before pressing the button, watching him as his uniform changed from blue to red with a wiggle before stepping through the door.
“Anything?” Lister shouted.
“Not really!” Rimmer replied as you felt the presence of another being behind you, your hard light body becoming tense and rigid.
Before you could scream for the others, a hand was slapped across your mouth as you were dragged alway.
“Y/N?” Lister shouted as he turned to notice you had gone.
“Well that was a bust” Rimmer grumbled as he opened the door “What?”
The other 3 stood and stared at the spot where you were standing as Rimmer noticed you were no longer with them.
“Are you telling not one of you thought to keep an eye on her?” Rimmer growled before storming off ahead.
“We searched the entire ship and didn’t find anyone, how can Y/N have been taken?” Lister tried to catch up with Rimmer.
“You were supposed to be watching her therefore your fault!” Rimmer grumbled, although he was holding the others responsible for you being taken he was really blaming himself, maybe if he had let you shift light and go through the door you’d still be with him, had he just been his usual cowardly self instead of being brave maybe you wouldn’t have been taken.
As the rest of your crew ran round the ship trying to find you, you found yourself in the engine room. The thing that had taken you was a simulant, an insane Android that you had no recollection of.
“He’ll be soon” The simulant looked down at you as you sat chained to a pipe.
As the simulant left you tried your hardest to pull the chain but it was hopeless, whoever ‘he’ was knew about holograms and hard light having made sure that the chain was unbreakable.
“Come ...on” You aggressively hit the chain against the pipe, in hope that by some sheer luck it might break “HELP!”
Your scream for help was only loud enough for Kryten to hear as his rubber ears pricked up.
“This way sirs!” The mechanoid directed them towards you.
With the sound of your screaming that only one of them could hear and no life sign showing on the scanner you expected it to be awhile before they found you.
“Y/N? CAN YOU HEAR ME?” You heard Rimmer shout out, they were much closer than you thought.
“IN HERE!” You shouted back as the boys finally found you.
“Y/N!” Rimmer exclaimed as he ran over to you, trying to break the chain that bound you to the ship.
“Arnie don’t bother, it’s pointless” You sighed almost in defeat.
“We need to do something?” You could see the absolute panic and terror in his eyes as he looked you, your arms desperate to hug him and tell him everything will be ok ...even if you were the one chained up.
“The chain is unbreakable”
“Unbreakable ma’am?” Kryten walked over with Lister and Cat not far behind.
“A simulant took me and locked me up and whoever ordered them to do it knows about holograms and hardlight” You explained as what felt like a sharp jolt of electricity ran through you as you screamed.
“What the hell was that?” Rimmer panicked.
“Step away from the hologram!” A much lower almost evil voice appeared.
“You!” You stared at the man as everything that had been a mystery slowly started to come back.
The man was a professor, Professor Ruin to be exact, he had spent years trying to kidnap you when you were on the Pandora and nobody believed you when you tried to report it. His plan was to kill you and resurrect you as a hologram purely for him to run experiments and torture you ...or what he would call ‘research’.
“Finally you have returned” Professor Ruin grinned, Rimmer taking a huge gulp.
“You cracked my light bee, you’re the reason I glitched out” As everything hit you, you couldn’t help but cry.
“STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Rimmer shouted as the professor went to take a step towards you.
“Oh another hologram ...excellent!” Ruin chuckled manically, the boys all cocking their bazookoids ready to shoot.
“If you want either of them you’ve got to get through us first!” Lister stepped forwarded followed by Kryten and reluctantly Cat as Rimmer stood by you.
“Arnie!” You whispered as you managed to kick your bazookoid to him, hitting the back of his feet.
“I don’t know how to use it?” He kept his voice as quiet as possible.
“Blue switch at the bottom, aim at the chain and shoot!” You whispered the instructions as Rimmer shakily picked up the gun, not quite comfortable with the power he had been given, after all he knew what kind of mods you had given to it.
“I can’t, what if it hits you?” Rimmer looked at you wide eyed at your suggestion.
“Either that or he hits me and I’m gone for good!” You looked at him, eyes glossy as they filled with tears, the thought of living without you bringing Rimmer to a decision.
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monchikyun · 3 years
XIX. never let me go
Connor would love nothing more than to just initiate stasis and enjoy the current moment, the same way Gavin does. Seemingly at peace, the man clings to his body like the android is his favourite teddy-bear. His heart-rate is steady, breathing is even. No nightmares are raging behind those closed eyes, and Connor can’t help but feel a bit jealous. Not of Gavin, specifically, but people in general. People who have the ability to sleep and let themselves be carried to a world of their mind’s own creation. Sure, it might not always be a pleasant experience, but no matter what one’s brain decides to show its owner, they still have the ability to escape the reality of their waking life. Connor’s version of a shut-eye is nothing like the one in which humans get to lose themselves. When he enters his so-called sleep-mode, everything just… stops existing to him. It’s more like a small, temporary death. He can’t believe that several months ago he wished to never leave that state, to be allowed to interrupt himself from living, permanently. 
Not just then, though. It’s not like he didn’t hold his gun close to his then active LED only days before the start of December. It’s not like he still doesn’t fantasise about the sweet embrace of the eternal void at times when there's nothing or no one to distract him. 
Like now. Although he technically has a company right next to him, accumulating their mutual heat, he senses he’s missing out on something important. Due to Connor being a machine, there are many things they won’t be able to do together, and he thinks that it’s fine, that he doesn’t have to try and force himself to adapt his being to that of his partner’s. Gavin wouldn’t most likely appreciate it if Connor went ahead and got himself some of the new updates that have been designed to make android appear more organic anyway. 
He quite likes his own body, likes that he doesn’t have to waste money that he doesn’t have on food and other necessities he can function without.  
Gavin shifts, though almost imperceivably, still, he strokes the side of his face, relishing in the warm tickling of his breath against his bare neck. As he’s now, all safe and almost tranquil, all he can contemplate about is their possible future. His own demise hasn’t even crossed his mind. It hasn’t done so in a while, maybe not since their first proper hug. Having a close, nurturing relationship is one of the healthiest things one can do for themselves, he is well aware of this fact, but that doesn’t mean that all his previous doubts are suddenly gone. 
They haven’t even talked about what they wanted to call each other. To Connor, the title of a best friend is more than enough. He doesn’t need anything else. Maybe he’d like it, but it’s far from being a priority. Things are near perfect as they are. As long as they’re together… a condition which presents the biggest issue. The ugly truth that he’s been trying to hide from. 
His entire mental stability depends on the presence of one person. He realises that’s wrong and probably dangerous, still, he doesn’t care. Why shouldn’t he rely on someone for happiness, isn’t that what humans have done since the beginning of their time on Earth? Seek out company and with that, reassurance?  
Connor is no different. He just needs someone to stay close, and the right person just happens to be his irritable partner. 
He wants to say that he’s certain that Gavin won’t ever let him go, but how can he be, really. Anything can happen. The man can die tomorrow and then what would Connor do. Look for another company like a dog that has lost its master? No, he thinks himself pathetic enough that he would just give up on everything, including any and all socialisation. The pathway towards leaving this bane of existence would be wide open to him, and he would be more than willing to step on it. It has been terrifying enough seeing the possible funereal of his soulmate and now he’s back on a similar track of thoughts. He should be used to it by now, to his inner unrest and all the gunk that comes with it, but he still can’t keep calm, not even a semblance of it. He lets himself spiral down to the horror-infested basement of his mind too easily, and getting himself out is all but simple.  
Luckily, there is help available right beside him, currently beginning to stir lightly in his arms. Maybe he could make it into a valid excuse for waking him up. 
“Gavin.” He starts with a quiet whisper, not enough to disturb even the lightest of sleepers. 
The man mumbles something that has little to do with any words known to men and takes a breath through his nose, a sign that his first attempt might have been successful after all.
“Are you still asleep?” Connor dares to increase the volume of his voice, hoping to make his awakening as pleasant as could be, while not appearing to be the selfish one who would interrupt his well-needed rest just because he feels a bit sad. Or scared. Panicked, perhaps. He can’t really tell, emotions are not really his area of expertise. He just knows that he can’t focus on anything but the turmoil of bleak images overwhelming his entire self. There are tears forming in his eyes, his first natural response to everything that reminds him of the finality of death. He really is weak, isn’t he. A weak little robot not coming to terms with the concept that is the circle of life. 
“You tryin’ to suffocate me?” comes a small, breathless question, bringing him back to the grungy motel room that has become their safe haven for these past several days. 
He can’t relate the words to anything that’s presently happening, at least not for a couple of seconds. Then he notices that he has been clutching Gavin to his own body using too much strength without a conscious choice to do so. He immediately releases the struggling man, giving him a needed space to catch his breath. The loss of direct contact makes him almost shiver with something unidentifiable, like there’s ice forming on those places that were being warmed by human touch. His eyes are darting everywhere but his friend, hands gripping the sheets like he needs to hold onto something lest he floats away. The unspoken apology stuck in his throat, stubbornly refusing to get out of there.
It's not the first time he goes through something like this, though there is usually no one around to witness this inconvenient state of mind. He isn’t sure what to call this, not sure if it really matters.
 Right now, he's just immensely grateful that there is someone with him. He loathes having to deal with it on his own. 
"What's wrong?" the man in question asks, careful gentleness embedded in his voice. He places his palm on Connor's shoulder ever so tentatively, like the android has suddenly lost his integral structure. If he has, he'd need every bit of support to rebuild it back. A small touch like that is not nearly enough. But he takes what he can get. 
"More visions?" 
"I… I don't know. Just… I think telling you about the accident broke something in me. I can't… I can't stop picturing all the worst scenarios and… it hurts. I keep preconstructing both mine and your death and it’s making me go crazy." 
Gavin puts his arm around his shoulders before he finishes talking. He immediately leans into the contact, being glad that for once he is able to abstain from crying. 
"Maybe you weren't ready to-" 
"No, no I'm glad I told you. It's not that." 
He assumes time has little to do with his current situation. It's been almost a year and the pain still drowns him. Not always, but as soon as he's about to forget, something grabs his leg and pulls him deep under. 
He gathers his courage and pulls Gavin into yet another embrace. He really must have been touch-starved, only now getting his supply of what would be the android equivalent of oxytocin. 
"I'm sorry to say this but I came to the conclusion that…" he pauses to second guess his confession, only to decide that revealing this part of himself would only be advantageous to his healing process in the long run. 
"I need you."
 It surprises him how easily those words have come out. How it doesn't make Gavin's body flinch in the slightest. 
"I realise that it's not right nor fair, but-" 
"Shhhh," he places his hand on Connor's mouth, like that would stop him from vocalising his sentiments. Still, it takes him off guard and he obliges, "Shut up, Con." 
This time it's Gavin who does the squeezing. 
"I get it, I get it."  His reassurance strokes his soul and drapes it in budding calmness. 
“I’m never letting you go, I promise.” He isn’t sure what exactly Gavin means by that, but it still turns the unsightly pain inside of him into something less so. Something he would dare call beautiful.
“Hell, you’re only a one-year-old, of course you need someone to look after you.” That manages to elicit a chuckle out of him, which in turns makes Gavin place a sweet kiss on his cheek. 
Connor thought that he’s given the man all the love that he has before he finds out that feelings aren’t a constant. 
Love always changes, always shifts around. In his case, it’s growing like a garden blessed by spring’s good weather. He’s one of the lucky ones, ones who are able to keep its light-source near. 
It’s hard not to smile now when he finally understands. And why wouldn't he, really, when the world sits within his arms.
it seems this fic is 50% two broken idiots in bed thinking, occasionally talking, and when we’re lucky, snuggling
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bee-boyz · 4 years
you guys can have little a dbh whump. as a treat.
Connor could have sworn he was alright five minutes ago. They’d been at a crime scene, analyzing evidence like he always did. One sample and...the thirium on his shirt and dripping from his chin spoke for itself. He let out a groan of pain, eyes firmly shut to keep the lights of a patrol car out.
Patrol car?
Connor opened his eyes just a bit to see he was sitting outside, Gavin next to him with a begrudging look on his face. “Haaaaank?” Connor slurred mechanically, trying and failing to do a diagnostic. The files came back corrupted time and time again. The only things he could register were how goddamn bright it was and how much he ached. Ached? In short, Connor felt like shit, which was unusual.
“‘S Haaaank?” He tried again, looking up at Gavin as a fresh wave of discomfort washed over him. “‘S dad?” Connor mumbled to himself absentmindedly, head lolling to the side. “Daaaad!” Connor’s head snapped up, voice louder but less clear than before. The action sent frantic notifications dancing across his vision, and Gavin reached quickly to guide Connor’s head over his lap as yet another round of thirium came up. The sound was eerily human in a way that made Gavin flinch in sympathy. “C’mon now tin can...” He tried in a quiet voice, pulling Connor around for a moment until the android was successfully leaning against him. His fans whirred, LED cycling a lazy red over and over again.
“Someone call Hank!” Gavin yelled to the techs milling about, pointing to Connor. “NOW, YOU ASSHOLES!” He growled, wrapping an arm around Connor in what he validated as not wanting Hank to kill him. Really, Connor had been naught but kind, and he was vulnerable. Shivering and whimpering and perhaps even overheating a bit. Connor looked like a child curled into his side, and it tugged hard at Gavin’s heart.
Within minutes they greying lieutenant was sprinting over to them, dropping in front of Connor in a panic. “Hey, Con, Connie, look at me!” Hank held Connor’s face in his hands, listening to the quiet murmur he let out at the warm contact and cursing under his breath. He ripped his jacket off, ignoring the frigid January air and wrapping it around Connor. “Can he stand?” Hank leveled his gaze to Gavin, who shook his head. With a sigh and a grumble, Hank gently got his hands under Connor’s knees and around his shoulders and scooped him up like a child. Like Cole.
Connor twitched in his arms, letting out a pitifully overheating computer-ish whine. “‘S daaad?” He asked hopefully, eyes opening ever so slightly. His LED flashed an overjoyed blue for a moment before spinning back to red, and the android let out a giggle. “Daaaad!” He cheered, hot face against Hank’s neck.
“Dad, yeah.” Hank mumbled, holding Connor close to him. He was too focused on the way the android was limp in his arms, the way his artificial skin burned with heat even though both jackets. Connor’s head lolled back and Hank snapped his gaze down, seeing his chocolate brown eyes flutter shut. Shit. He’d passed out.
Captain Fowler was at the scene, and Hank called to him urgently. “Fowler! Open the goddamn car, Connor’s out.” The captain took one look at the limp android and the thirium covering his shirt and scrambled to whisk the car door open, allowing Hank to set Connor gently into the backseat. The android curled in on himself, arms wrapped around his stomach like a sick child. It made the greying detective’s heart clench in his chest with what could be called affection.
Hank leaned into the car, wiping the last traces of thirium from Connor’s lip and brushing his hair back from his face gently. “Hold on son, we’re going home and you can sleep or enter rest mode or whatever stuck up shit you call it. Just stay right there, okay?” No response; but he knew Connor had heard him by the way his LED cycled to yellow and back to red. “Get some extra blue blood shit.” Hank muttered, tucking his jacket around the android and shutting the door.
Once they’d pulled into the drive of the house, Connor seemed a bit more lucid, arms still wrapped tightly around himself. “Hank,” He said in a quiet, pitiful whimper, not daring to move. “Hurts.” Hank’s head immediately snapped back to look at him, and if Connor was human his face would be flushed green. As it were he was colored a pale blue all over, and his head lay flat against the seat as he panted in what was probably pain. “Shit, kid, you okay?”
Connor pushed himself up suddenly, clapping a hand over his mouth. Drips of deep blue thirium leaked from between his fingers as he fumbled dizzily with the door handle, finally shoving it open and falling to his knees on the driveway as a frankly nauseatingly human wave of sick flew from his mouth. Hot, sick, embarassed tears- saline, usually for cleaning his eyes- ran down Connor’s cheeks as he rocked back onto his heels, keeping his hands firmly on the floor as his head- technically his gyroscope- spun wildly. His breathing shallowed, artificial stomach still cramping.
Hank came to kneel next to him, ignoring the thirium on the ground but dutifully avoiding it as he rested one hand on the back of Connor’s neck and the other on his side. “Deep breaths, Con. It’s okay, thirium evaporates. I know you’re sick, it’s okay, we can go get you cleaned up and cooled down.” The detective soothed quietly, rubbing gentle circles on Connor’s too-warm skin and wiping the thirium that dripped down his chin. “You wanna get up now?”
Connor nodded slowly as not to mess with his head, sniffling and sitting back to lean on Hank. His brown eyes were slightly glazed, face splotchy and blue from where he’d been crying. “Hank...” He whispered, voice modulator crackly from all the thirium that had run through it. “‘M tired. Feel like shit.”
Hank laughed, wrapping his arm around Connor and gently slipping the other under his knees. The whole plastimetal frame thing meant he wasn’t too heavy, luckily. “Yeah kid. You look it, too.” The detective slithered one hand from under Connor to unlock the door, pushing past the boisterous St. Bernard and taking Connor not to the couch, but to his bedroom. This confused the already feverish- no, overheating, the detective could almost hear Connor saying it- android, as he never slept in Hank’s bedroom.
“Quiet, kid. You’re sick, you’re sleeping with me. Lets me monitor you easier.” Hank shut him up before Connor got a word in edgewise, settling the android on the bed and starting to take off his shoes. Despite his earlier protest, Connor was quiet now, almost worryingly so. He was just exhausted, Hank reasoned, pulling the younger detective’s jacket and tie off. Connor looked startlingly human like this, tired and sick and needy. Like Cole, a bit.
“Con? Hey, Con, look at me buddy.” Hank looked up to see his eyes closed and his LED cycling a lazy red, cheeks a feverish blue. Letting out a sigh, Hank put a hand behind Connor and eased him onto his side, tugging the blankets from under him to cocoon him in warmth. Connor seemed securely asleep, so Hank rationed it was safe to lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. “Get some rest, son. I’ll be in the living room.” He whispered before turning off the lights and walking out, leaving the door cracked. True to his word Hank settled in his recliner and flipped through stations for a bit before settling on a movie. “Fast and Furious, huh?”
Roughly six hours later, according to his internal processors, Connor awoke from rest mode. He felt at least a bit better, though his diagnostics were still offline and his gyroscope was still a bit off. He pushed the blankets off and sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as he took in his surroundings. “Hank’s room..” Connor mumbled confusedly, pushing himself up to his feet. The floor was unexpectedly cold, making him almost hiss at the sensation. His sensitivity felt like it was dialed to eleven.
Slowly, carefully, Connor made his way to the living room, seeing Hank in his recliner. “H-Hank?” He called quietly, hand resting on the wall to steady him. Maybe Hank was asleep. Connor thought to himself, turning to go back to bed until he heard rustling. “Kid? That you?” Connor whipped his head back around, face flushed a dark, embarassed blue. “Hank!”
“You’re up early.” The detective quipped, standing and stretching before stepping over Sumo and walking over to Connor. “How you feeling, kid?” Connor thought on the question for a moment. “Not...On the verge of shutdown.” Hank let out a short laugh, resting his hand on Connor’s forehead. “Temp’s down. Think you might just be alright, son. There’s cold and warm thirium in the kitchen, if you’re up to it.”
“I think...I would just like to lay down.” Connor’s hands had started to shake a bit [MECHANICAL MALFUNCTION: BIOCOMPONENT B26A IS EXPERIENCING INSTA-] He dismissed the notification. “Out here.” The android made a brief nod toward the sofa, and Hank seemed to get the idea, wrapping a gentle arm around Connor’s waist to keep him steady and guiding him to the sofa. The detective fussed about him, grabbing a blanket Connor hadn’t even noticed- were his analysis functions also offline?- and tucking it in around him until he looked almost as comfortable as he felt. “T-Thank you, Lieutenant.”
Hank groaned, slapping a hand over his face irritability. Sarcasm. Connor’s system detected. “C’mon now, kid, it’s Hank or even...I don’t know, fuckin’ dad or something. Not Lieutenant, I get enough of that shit at work.” Connor could’ve spluttered, a distinctly human thing. He sat up at just about mach speed, processors going haywire.
Hank could practically see the dizziness in Connor’s face, spreading a hand over his chest and pushing him down onto the sofa firmly. “Con! Look at me, jackass! You look like you’re gonna fucking hurl, a g a i n, calm down.” He could feel the android’s chest heaving under his hand, “cooling his internal biocomponents”. At the moment, it seemed more like a calming move, and after a minute or two the panic seeped away from Connor’s eyes and the kid just looked beat.
“Alright, son...” Hank paused, sliding his hand down Connor’s chest and under his legs, sitting down and resting the android’s calves in his lap. “Get some rest.” Connor tried his damned best to keep his eyes open, but what with Hank gently tucking his blanket tighter around him and the weariness that filled his frame, who could blame him for sleeping?
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