#How salty you ask.
A POX on FedEx. May they go spectacularly bankrupt and go out of business
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Arthur “Disaster Bi” Pendragon learning about true loves kiss as a cure like:
Gwaine: For fuck’s sake, he’s not enchanted every time he smiles at someone else, Arthur! He was literally just laughing at my joke!
Arthur, aggressively frenching Merlin on the council room floor: YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL OKAY-
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anyroads · 1 month
British people: these avocados must go they're past their prime please won't someone eat them
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The avocados:
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unlimitedhearts · 6 months
RIP Tumblr you would have loved Psych 😭
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thatswhatsushesaid · 10 days
this person has me blocked, which is something i used to genuinely lament because occasionally i'd see bits of their very thoughtful commentary floating across my dash, and i'd find myself sighing sadly over what other gems of wisdom i was missing out on by not having access to their blog. i'd even lament about it via dms to some of my pals who did still have access to this person's blog. what interesting discussions must have been happening beyond that "???" "this is no one" "uh, who??" opaque door that tumblr always presented to me whenever i clicked on this person's username? would i ever know?
a friend this morning: want to see a bad take to get mad at
me: obviously yes
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anyway as it turns out, it looks like i'm missing out on exactly nothing, actually, so that's a huge relief
more seriously, recalling the insightful commentary that i have seen this person reblog in the past when it has come across my dash, i am frankly in awe of this one, because it is so profoundly disconnected from reality and how people experience stories. like i'm not even sure where to start with peeling back all of the wrongness layers at work here because i haven't taken my adhd meds yet this morning, but the primordial stupidity at this take's core (coming from someone who is clearly smart, ftr, i am targeting the stupidity of the concept, not the person) has made me genuinely angry. it's not even just about applying this framework to mdzs, though of course it is principally about that because this book DOES actually place class front and centre at multiple points in the narrative. it's the idea that we just shouldn't be having conversations about classism, or sexism, or [x]-ism, in the romance genre, because don't we realize the point is the romance, actually?? these other things clearly don't matter and aren't worth talking about??? and this mindset is so utterly foreign to me because at no point have i ever felt compelled to stop myself from thinking thoughts about a book because "oh, but this is genre fiction, i need to turn my brain off to read and enjoy this, i forgot." or "this thought is not appropriate because genre fiction, i'd better stop thinking it before i ruin the story."
like. i am deeply, deeply sorry for this person, actually, that they are not picking up on precisely what mxtx is putting down in the text, especially considering mxtx has explicitly explored themes of class in at least two of her novels (i'll get back to you on including svsss once i've read it). but also, a critique of class in the jianghu, or how mxtx has written her female characters, is entirely as valid use of fandom time and energy as writing one more definitely original and not remotely repetitive thinkpiece on the power of wangx!an's morally good love to overcome all obstacles (not saying OP wrote any of these, just that there ARE a bunch of them out there).
like. why do you want to simplify the experience of reading and thinking and talking about these books? why do you want to push for more boring analysis of stories? why are you using your platform to encourage this? i'm so mad about it actually. people listen to you, and this is what you're encouraging them to do: think less.
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saltynsassy31 · 1 year
There is no fucking way that the devs for splatoon aren't aware of the problem, like, they even removed the votes from the sneak peek but like, they aren't willing to fix the ACTUAL problem that is the non-regional votes.
A part of me wished they had fixed that sooner because its SO OBVIOUS who would have won if it were regional, but no, it's shiver everytime and we don't even stand a chance against her :/
And the worst part is that if they do not fix this before the final fest, I fear of what it might become.
Idk, it's kinda....sad, really, like...ugh, it just all feel so hopeless now....
Also, was gonna put on tags but if people are to reblog this, then I need everyone to see this
Do NOT put the blame on shiver, it is NOT her fault, you guys are blaming the wrong person, we need to address the actual problem and point the fingers at the REAL culprit and that is Nintendo for not doing anything about this, obviously Japanese people are going to choose someone who represents their culture, I almost do the same by supporting big man (I'm Brazilian), I don't vote for him often as he doesn't have the themes I tend to like, but I still like him a lot just because of that little fact.
So please, stop throwing hate at her and start trying to hold Nintendo accountable
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jq37 · 4 months
You know not to keep harping on this but like if Kipperlilly wanted a mystery that's close to home it didn't have to be her parents, ya know? Like her party Wizard's grandma was paling around with Kalvaxus and her party cleric/best friend? is a descendant of a clan that was subjugated by followers of a god the Barbarian teacher is trying to revive, there was so much going on girl. If what she wants is a big exciting adventure then that's a skill issue, frankly. And it wouldn't have even helped her grades
You're right and you should say it.
Like, no idea if Oisin was flaunting that info from the jump but if she was down to hack her parents' emails I can't imagine she's above getting into her party's private business.
I really would like to pick her brain about what is it exactly that she wants because it's not like there was a lack of adventuring opportunities in the general vicinity. There were shenanigans happening in her party as you stated. A dragon crashed the prom that everyone was invited to. The sun went dark for a summer--did she try to do anything about that? This is Spyre. Things are CONSTANTLY happening.
And it's not like her party doesn't have advantages. She's being all, "There's a flaw in the system >:(" while she has Oisin on staff to supply the party with as many revivify diamonds and spell components as they need. I'm sure not every party has that advantage but you don't see her campaigning about that.
The thing about Kipperlilly that's been stuck in my head since we learned it is the fact that SHE came up with the High 5 Heroes name and was upset when it was changed. That's a name that makes me think of cheesy Saturday Morning Cartoons where things follow a certain formula and the good guys are best friends who always get along and all that (think Super Friends). Is that what she was expecting? Is that what she thinks she's being deprived of? Did she resent their name getting changed to the (arguably much more fitting as far as we know) Rat Grinders because she was holding on to the hope that they could still be that tight knit group of adventurers that she always wanted to be a part of? Like, she obviously has a major case of Main Character Syndrome and the fact that her life isn't conforming to that is what's driving some of her actions but I also have to wonder.
Is Kipperlilly more jealous of Riz's dead dad or his friends?
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koko2unite · 1 month
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therealraewest · 2 months
Jumping feet first into Moon Knight comics and I still have a lot of ground to cover but the difference between this in the 2014 run
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Of Marc calling on Khonshu for a favor and him immediately complying vs the 2021 run
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Calling out multiple times, with the same verbiage, but Khonshu only responding when he gets what he wants out of Marc (recognizing Khonshu as father) is just ugh
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i promise yall will be so much happier with your fanon ships if you first of all recognize they are fanon and unlikely to happen and secondly go nuts with fics and art and headcanons. did i ever expect zemma to happen? no. am i still having a great time with them? yeah.
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salcreus · 2 years
klavier. fuck him up real bad. make him super sad. guy has had the worst time of his life type deal.
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
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i uh. well. don't know how to explain why i'm just putting this on your dash without warning but Fighter (2024)'s trailer is out and this one's going to murder me
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ley-med · 7 months
Some days the hardest part of my job is convincing other people that they actually need to do their job. No you are not doing me a favour and I'm not asking for a favour either, I'm telling you to do your goddamn job.
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biaswreckmepls · 7 months
Gentle reminder - reblog!
Hi everyone!
Not sure if you've been keeping up with all the changes that keep happening on tumblr, but every single time this website and company is acquired by someone new, they try their best to turn it into another facebook, or instagram, or tiktok, or whatever the cool new social media platform is. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how this platform works and the benefit of the anonymity and workings of the unique algorithm. But every single time, they've tried. First when yahoo got it, then when it went to verizon, and then when they sold it to automattic. Now with the death of tumblr live, they're trying to do another rebrand.
Tumblr is one of the few remaining online spaces where we get the opportunity to truly curate our online space, and share and experience things in a way that can't be capitalised on. The concept of a tumblr influencer doesn't exist, because there's no advantage of it, there's no benefit of being an 'influencer'. But the only way we can keep this website around, is to keep using it as the way it was originally intended, in the way that other websites have not worked.
Likes on tumblr are not the same as likes on instagram or youtube, they don't really do anything! They don't help the creator, they don't help promote the post itself in any meaningful way, it's just a way to safekeep it for yourself later. And while that's a totally valid reason to want to like something, just as a reminder of something and a way to revisit a post later in the future, I would highly encourage everyone to try and reblog things as well!! Whether it's art of your favourite ship, whether it's a gifset of your favourite onscreen couple, whether it's a meta around a certain show, or whether it's discussions of the latest major current news event, the only way to truly circulate it and create a positive impact is by reblogging! The more people that get to see any given post, the better.
As an example, KOSA is becoming a thing again, and we're all being encouraged to act against it. I wouldn't have found out about KOSA if someone I follow hadn't reblogged it first, and then i reblogged it again. KOSA is one thing that could impact our online experience DRASTICALLY, and it's imperative that we spread the word about it - forewarned is forearmed, and only when we know about it can we take action against it, right?
I'm not saying this to try and promote this blog at all. I won't lie and say a few more reblogs on this blog here and there wouldn't be nice, but frankly at the end of the day my blog contributes little to nothing to the larger fandom discourse in the grand scheme of things. I'm saying this for everyone else out there. If you want tumblr to survive and thrive as our internet experience continues to evolve in the coming decade, keep using it as much as you can! Reblog anything and everything you can! Your one singular reblog can have a butterfly effect on a post. When you just like, the movement of the post stops there.
And tying into my blog (sorry lads, i'm only human and have to make it a little relevant for me as well 😭), if there's one type of post on the website you encounter anywhere that I strongly recommend you reblog, it's a poll. A poll only serves it's function if it reaches people who can actually vote on it, and we can only get a true reflection of the views of the masses when the most number of people get to participate in it. That's democracy, babey!
Anyways, that's my biannual rant. Back to your regularly scheduled programming, and see you in 6 months for the next big rant!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 5 months
was watching a stream where chat was arguing whether x/ch/ng or s/ngch/ng was the better ship... couldn't help but think of that meme that goes "they having a mid off"
i am not familiar with this meme but just judging by the vibes it extrudes into my mind, it fits lol
that said at least sangch3ng is based on a preexisting relationship between jc and nhs. like, their lan summer camp hijinks are very funny, esp in cql, so i can see why some people would enjoy it as a ship! it is just very much not my thing.
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curioscurio · 1 year
Most of my sinus infection has cleared up besides the occasional cough and irritated throat but now this ear infection.... everything hurts can I please have a break before I have to go back to work just a day without pain so I can clean up my sicknest without feeling like ass
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