#pain killers i ordered hours ago
ley-med · 4 months
Some days the hardest part of my job is convincing other people that they actually need to do their job. No you are not doing me a favour and I'm not asking for a favour either, I'm telling you to do your goddamn job.
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zorosleftmantit101 · 4 months
Bro wtf im alive!!
As shit from the groupchat
C/W: swearing, NSFW, mentions of suicide, general shit post stuff.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Chopper, Usopp, Ace, Sabo, buggy, Shanks, Crocodile, Doflomingo
NOTE: Schools back and its been super fucking busy + plus im hyperfixated on bulders gate and game of thrones rn
Luffy: My balls dropped insted
Zoro: Peburty
Zoro: How tf do u spell iy
Zoro: Pubesraty
Zoro: Pubes
Sanji: Valentines more like. Suicide
Buggy: Ur so wacky
Shanks: *wanking
Shanks: 109 mph dick slaming in and out of this dirty half full starbucks cup i stole from a homeless crack addict (im imagining its ur tight boy pussy asshole)
Buggy: Shanks.
Buggy: Stop.
Shanks: Erm no!
Franky: Teachers should NOT say nice things to me (i have a praise kink and daddy issues)
Nami: Bro i gotta shit so bad
Nami: Im in the car
Usopp: Oh
Nami: I am NOT shitting at school
Usopp: PUSSY
Nami: this was all a trick girls dont shit
Brook: Im so excited to drink today im actually shaking #slotmachines
Luffy: Happy Monday!
Chopper: It is NOT Monday my guy
Luffy: ... the shotgun is in my mouth
Franky: Bc l've got another day off
Franky: Should I come visit
Robin: YES
Franky: Hmmm
Franky: If I get bored I'll ride up
Robin: Then ill ride u up
Franky: What time u guys got recess and lunch
Robin: Get u preggo
Franky: SHIT
Kid: just punch the customer
Law: nah I need that shit to traumatise them, I need the customer to be rude to me and I start levitating in the air while chanting and blood pouring out my eyes
Kid: When parents let their kids order and its like "what's that fetus, your learning to speak!! Yeah well spell trombone, didn't think so faggot"
Ace: U stick ur dick in ur bum and get urself pregnant
Ace: 2024 lets make it happen
Sabo: "Emo!" So close! I'm actually wearing the skin of your mother
Crocodile: WAIT
Crocodile: NO
Doflamingo: NGHH (reverse psychologyed your ass)
Sanji: Ouchieeeeeeeeeeee my back hurtsss urghhhhh i wish their was a big sexy latina to sit on my face, only to make the pain go away of course
Nami: Guys i close the store in half an hour and im boooooredde i already finished cleaning wveryhringggg
Robin: Okok pro tip
Robin: Do u have pens?
Robin: Hand sanitizer
Robin: And paper towel
Nami: Im gonna just finger myself
Franky: That was my son 3 years ago before the incident...
Brook: Was the incident me whipping the nae nae! YOLO cash money dab on them fortniters
Franky: No
Franky: Big Foot stepped on my unborn baby
Law: If i die i wanna be reborn as an electric chair
Killer: Cheaters are dick beaters - Shakespeare probably
Sanji: You are quite literally the most cutest girl I've ever seen
Luffy: Bro my dick actully smells so fuckimg bad, it never smells bad do i have aids
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Batbro rwader who gets the flu or has bad fever but refuses to rest and still wants to go on patrol? (2nd youngest like 2 years older than dami) PRETTY PLEASEEEEE
Yup yup. Lol Bruce has to keep an eye out.
Summary: (Y/N) gets sick. He still wants to go on patrol.
Warnings: sick fic, fluff, attempt at comedy
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There is something in Gotham that makes every single person shudder. Something that comes during the fall and the winter. What that might be, I hear you asking?
It's a silent killer, just sweeping through homes and making the kids sick. And sometimes adults, but they are more durable than kids. Who is this years victim?
(Y/N). He hated being sick more than anything in this world. Also him being sick meant that he is going to stay home and stay off of patrol. But there is another issue.
(Y/N) wants to go out on patrol every night, enjoy the feeling of the city, enjoy putting bad guys behind bars and he loved investigating. It made his brain tickle in the right way.
But this stupid flu made his brain slow down. He sighed through his mouth, because his nose was stuffed beyond belief. His brothers laughed at his sighs, but they left him alone because (Y/N) didn't want to be pestered.
Also, he is confined to his room so that is really nice. And it gave him some time to think about sneaking into the cave. He needs to go on patrol or he will lose his mind.
He took of the covers off of himself and stood up. It was difficult, but he would manage. He opened his door, freezing when he saw Jason in the hall, leaning on the wall.
" And where do you think you're going? " Jason asked, crossing his arms.
(Y/N) sighed as he turned back to go into his room. Jason smirked.
He muttered a good boy as he watched him close his door. His job is done now. It's up to everyone else to do their job now.
Damian was sitting in Bruce's office in the complete darkness. He knew that (Y/N) would come here in order to get to the cave. He knew that Todd sent him to his room an hour ago, but that didn't deter (Y/N) from getting into the cave.
He was petting his cat, Pennyworth, sitting down on Bruce's chair. He listened for the footsteps in the hall. He recognized Bruce's and Dick's and he continued listening.
He heard (Y/N), smirking to himself. He didn't know why he would want to go on patrol while sick, it would be a distraction and he could get hurt.
But father was just like that too. Never resting, saying that there is always something to do. It made everyone in the house go nuts when Bruce was injured or sick, Alfred specifically.
But (Y/N) was probably even worse.
Damian looked up from Pennyworth when he heard the door opening. He turned on the lights, making (Y/N) sigh.
" Not you too Dames? " (Y/N) asked, voice gruffy and nose red as blood.
" Yes. Do you really think that we are going to let you go out on patrol? Move it. " Damian ordered, pointing at the door.
(Y/N) grumbled something as he left the office. Damian smirked as he pet Pennyworth.
(Y/N) finally managed to sneak into the cave. He was quiet as a mouse, passing Dick and Tim so quietly that he could pass as a shadow. He moved to the locker room, wanting to get to his suit. But Dick and Tim were prepared.
(Y/N) took a deep breath as his suit wasn't there. Instead, there is a little note, saying ' No patrol for you, you need rest little bird. Your beloved brothers. '
(Y/N) wanted to scream from the frustration, but he knew that his throat would kill him from the pain alone. Tim and Dick turned to each other, smirking.
" Looking for something? " Dick joked, making (Y/N) glare at him.
" I think you should go back to bed. " Tim said, smirking.
" So help me God, if one more person tells me that I have to go back to bed, I will kill them. " (Y/N) said, turning around. He walked back to the surface.
Dick and Tim smirked to each other. (Y/N) is going to thank them in the end.
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I Don't Remember
Hi, it's been 3 years since I've posted lol.
Warnings: head injury, dying mention, loss of consciousness, abandoned, drugged, feeding tube, hospital setting, memory issues
Sometimes, the villain wondered if he was really the villain of this story. Or was that a made-up concept to protect the real villains.
How could he be the villain when he were the victim?
Villain gasped as he lay across the bench in the park, fingers grabbing onto nothing. His head throbbed, and his vision went in and out of focus as he watched the stars in the sky.
Why did it have to be so beautiful? For such an ugly world, why did it have to be so beautiful?
Tears streamed down Villain's face. Why did he have to be so alone and so cold? Why couldn't he have someone to go to?
Blood trickled down Villain's face, from the gash in his forehead and from his broken nose. He struggled to breathe. Every breath made him dizzy.
He hurt so much, but he couldn't tell if it was from his body or his heart.
He knew that Hero had someone to go to after he beat Villain into a senseless pulp about thirty minutes ago. He knew that he would've been caressed and taken care of.
More tears trickled down Villain's face, but he wasn't as aware of them. He was slowly losing consciousness as the world swirled and numbed around him. Maybe it was from blood loss, maybe from a concussion, or maybe just pure exhaustion.
Prior to being beaten up, Villain hadn't slept for about 24 hours trying to escape Hero's pursuit. He ran, desperately trying to evade capture. Maybe capture would've been better than this. Maybe in capture, he would've been warm...
Villain felt himself being pulled under. Maybe he would die. Maybe he would never wake up again.
Villain struggled to open his eyes.
Bright lights blinded him.
He felt no other sensation.
Blackness took over again.
"... restrain him."
"We need law enforcement to do that."
"We can justifiably sedate him, right?"
Villain was hardly aware of what was going on, but he was moving. Moving. Villain struggled to grasp the concept. What was going on? Where was he?
He couldn't move and everything hurt. Bad.
Villain let out a small sob and the voices stopped.
"He's awake."
"We are 4 minutes away from the hospital, and he's extremely out of it. Let's just wait until then and let law enforcement deal with it."
Law enforcement? Like heros? Villain thrashed and started to panic.
"Don't!" He screamed. Hands grabbed his.
"Shh, shh. Don't hurt yourself."
Villain stopped, immediately exhausted. He opened his eyes and made out an unrecognizable face.
"Do you know where you are, Villain?" The person asked. Male. Big. Strong.
"No," Villain responded.
"You are in an ambulance. You're getting help."
"Okay," Villain whispered and fell limply against the surface he was on. He was confused but accepted it.
About 30 seconds later, he was out again.
The next time Villain woke, he knew instantly that something was wrong but he couldn't fathom it.
He felt suspended in the air. His arms were restrained above his head, and his ankles were tied to the sides of a bed. He felt no pain.
He glanced around, recognizing a hospital. His eyes drifted to his body. His ribs were wrapped in bandages, and his lower leg had a cast on it.
Villain didn't know. He didn't remember what happened or how he got there.
His eyes flicked to his suspended arms. An IV stuck in his right elbow.
"Drugs?" Villain whispered, his tongue thick and barely movable.
Villain jumped and glanced to his other side. A nurse stood there, shaking.
Villain didn't reply.
"I have some food."
Villain glanced down at the plate she was holding. Mashed potatoes and a green substance.
"I'm going to feed you."
"Oh," Villain murmured.
"Then I'm going to give you your next dose."
"Of?" Villain weakly asked.
"I-I have been ordered to keep you moderately sedated and on pain killers," the nurse replied and spooned Villain a bite. Villain took it, but he felt too weak and woozy to swallow.
"You need to swallow."
Villain tried, but couldn't and started to cough. The nurse hesitantly rubbed Villain's throat and he eventually swallowed.
"I'll be back," she said and ran out of the room.
Villain was exhausted, barely awake at this point. The room morphed and spun. After what seemed like ages, the nurse came back with a man.
"He can't swallow?" The man asked.
"He's very, very weak and probably too drugged up to swallow," the nurse replied
"We can insert a feeding tube, but I don't want him awake for that. He hasn't eaten in two days. He needs nutrients. Or we can give him liquid nutrients. I'm going to consult my colleagues."
"Okay, what should I do now?" The nurse asked.
"Give him his painkillers and sedatives. He's too awake right now if we aren't going to feed him."
The nurse nodded and started to prep the sedative. Villain didn't feel awake. He was barely keeping his eyes open.
What even happened?
Before he knew it, Villain's thoughts left his head, and unconscious took hold.
"... still unconscious..."
"He's waking..."
"...be out of it... back later."
Voices filtered through Villain's extremely drugged mind. He slowly peeled his eyes open and immediately felt like him was falling...
He jerked.
He was entrapped. He felt his ankles tied aggressively to the bed, and his arms were suspended in the air. He looked across his body. His ribs were bandaged and his leg was in a cast.
Villain's eyes felt thick as they shifted to his side. It was a girl, a nurse.
"Are you with me?" She asked.
Villain just stared at her, trying to absorbed her features.
"You've been asleep for a while. How do you feel?"
Villain couldn't bring himself to reply. He didn't even know what he would've said.
"Good or bad?" The nurse pressed.
"Bad," Villain forced himself to rasp. He felt his eyes drooping again. Soon, he'd pass out again, and he knew it.
"How many days has he been like this?" Another spoke spoke, oddly recognizable, but Villain felt as if he was imagining that detail. He was really high on drugs anyways.
"About five," the nurse replied as Villain drifted into unconsciousness once more.
The next time Villain was awake, he felt more with it, but he didn't remember what he was comparing it to.
"Oh my gosh Villain!"
Villain looked at the man running into the room.
"Oh my. Who did this Villain?"
Villain stared at him for a while before saying,
"I don't remember."
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simpforfandoms · 1 year
Here with me
a/n: I got my wisdom teeth out and I’m high on pain killers rn so I don’t know what this is also it's been like a year since I've last uploaded I've just haven't had the motivation whoops. Also requests are open so please request I'm running out of ideas.
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader (probably could be read as gender neutral)
summary: reader got broken up with by a text of all things
genre: angst, hurt with comfort, tooth-rotting fluff at the end
word count: 2665
warnings: language, not proofread
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“you’re nice and all but I don’t think this is going to work out.”
You’re heart drops. You read the text over and over again. Guess he lives up to his name. What kind of person ends it over text? You don’t know how to respond. A million thoughts at once fill your head. Do you respond with a whole ass paragraph begging him not to leave you? Do you call him? Do you run over to his work? What the fuck do you do? Your finger hovers over the call button. If you call him would he even answer? What could you do to salvage this relationship? It wouldn’t be the same if you could fix the relationship. Doubt would fill your brain. More doubt than you already had. In retrospect, you should’ve seen this coming. Dick Grayson is a beautiful human sent from the heavens above. And you? Well, you’re just you. It was stupid of you to think that a guy like him could ever love a gal like you. You check the time.
You know Dick can see that you read the text for almost six minutes now. You freak out and reply with the first thing you could think of.
He reads it almost instantly.
And just like that, it’s over. Almost a three-year-long relationship. Down the fucking drain. It’s funny it seemed like only 2 hours ago he was telling you how much he loved you and missed you. Where did you go wrong? You’ve done nothing but been there for him. You’ve been a good girlfriend. Maybe not the best. Definitely not Barbara. Barbara. Her name brings a funny taste to your tongue. A pit in your stomach forms. She’s everything you’re not and more. He probably reconnected with her and realized that he’s better off with her. Oh my fucking god why can’t you be better. Be better. Be fucking better. So many words that you want to say to him. Please being the most frequent one. You want to cry. Scream. Anything. But you can’t. It’s like you’re paralyzed. You’re hands are shaking as you find the caller ID and quickly push it.
“hey what’s up?”
“me and dick broke up?” You say it almost like a question.
“What oh my god! What happened?!?! I’ll kill him”
“Babs I need you to be completely honest.” You say gulping, “did you have anything to do with it?”
“No of course not,” she says
Of course she didn’t. She might be Dick’s ex but she wouldn’t betray you. A part of you hates yourself for ever thinking that.
“I’m coming over right now” you hear a muffled voice in the background but before you could ask she hangs up.
Weird but you didn’t have time to focus on that. You just got dumped. You can’t say you didn’t see it coming. You don’t know what hurts worse, being broken up with or believing that for once you were worthy of love. People say that “you accept the love you think you deserve.” If that’s true than why the hell were you and dick together. Dick is the most perfect boyfriend. Maybe it was all a mask. Maybe he didn’t actually love you. A small part of you hope that its not true, but the logical more realistic part know that it was all just a fantasy. A beautiful fantasy, but a fantasy nevertheless. You wish you could cry. You feel like everyone else in this situation would cry. Maybe it’s because you’re still in denial. You’re still hoping for Dick to say this is some sick joke.
1 hour earlier
“You don’t understand I love her!” Dick retorts.
“Dick you don’t understand. Y/n’s a civilian. Telling her, hell even dating her puts her at risk. I am ordering you, not asking you, to break up with her.” Bruce says.
Dick takes a long exaggerated sigh. Leave it to Bruce to turn innocently declaring that he was going to propose into a full-blown argument. His brothers sit and watch patiently. As if they’re waiting for a lion to attack. Barbara, on the other hand, is waiting for a chance to speak. After all, you are her best friend, she has to do everything she can to prevent you from getting hurt. By that, she means mentally. She has no doubt in her mind that Dick can protect you. Honestly, she found it heartwarming that Dick had come to her for the approval of the engagement ring. She only regrets suggesting that he tells Bruce.
“Bruce I’m not a kid anymore you can’t boss me around.”
“Think about all the people we have lost because they knew our identity. If you truly loved this girl you would set her free.”
Dick mutters something under his breathe. Barley auditable. Something along the lines of “I don’t want to”
You don’t bother to answer the door you know it’s Barbara. You know she has a key.
“Oh honey I’m so sorry!” She says as she runs over to hug you.
“It’s okay it’s not like your the reason he broke up with me.”
You notice a falter in Barbara’s face. She showed a tinge of guilt but as quickly as it appeared it went away.
“I know but I’m still sorry” she says.
“Y’know it’s funny Babs I thought I was gonna marry him. For a moment there I thought he felt the same. It was stupid of me. I turned a blind eye to him coming home late all the time. It shouldn’t have been such a big shock. I guess in the back of my mind i always knew there was someone else. I guess I should pack up my shit and get the fuck out of here. I don’t think I can handle looking into eyes without crumbling.” Tears begin to fall.
Barbara does nothing more than squeeze you tighter. A reassuring comfort that it’s not your fault. You know she knows something you don’t know and only wish she could tell you, but you also know that maybe she won’t tell you to keep you safe. You think about, if she knows that dick broke up with you because of someone else, maybe she’s just saving all the pain that comes with feeling you’re not enough. But she also has to know that you already feel your not enough. You pull away from the hug to look her in her eyes. Searching for answers. You grab her hands in yours.
“Babs if you know something I don’t please tell me, I know you want to protect me but please I assure you that I already have self doubt and if you tell me that there was for sure someone else all that could bring is closure. So please for the love of god tell me.”
She suddenly pulls away breaking eye contact.
“No! It’s not that- it’s uh. It’s all my fault Y/n. I’m so sorry.” She says in a hush voice covering her face in guilt.
As if your heart couldn’t possibly break it more, it feels betrayal.
“Babs were you the other woman?” You say not understanding.
“Oh my god of course not.” She turns her head to look at you. “I would never ever do that to you”
“Then how is it your fault?” You question confusion mixed with sadness on your face.
She turns away again.
“It’s just- oh god. I promised dick I wouldn’t tell you.” She closes her eyes and gulps. “A week ago Dick came to me asking to help pick out an engagement ring for you. He was going to propose.” She then looks at you searching for any reaction.
“He was? I don’t get it then why would he break up with me?”
“I convinced him that he should tell Bruce and all, thinking that Bruce would want to know. It ended up turning into a big argument. In the end Bruce convinced him to break up with you.” She sighs once again looking at your confusion ridden face.
“I still don’t get it. Bruce loves me. Why wouldn’t he want Dick to marry me?” You question.
“What Dick does for a living is dangerous.”
“I’m fine with him being a cop, he knows that.”
“No, it’s not just that. What we all do for a living is dangerous. Bruce likes you, he does. At first, he didn’t think you and Dick would last so he never thought that your relationship would get to the point where Dick would have to tell you the truth, but Dick had other plans. So when Dick told him he wanted to marry you, well-“ She stops taking a deep breath, “Bruce knew that marrying you would mean Dick would have to tell you the truth. So he told Dick that the only way to keep you safe was to break it off and if he truly loved you he would set you free.”
“How is any of that your fault?” You ask.
“Well after Dick stormed away I followed him to convince him not to break up with you. But he wouldn’t budge. He believed it would be selfish to continue your relationship while putting you jeopardy. He sacrificed his own happiness for your safety. He said he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something ever happened to you. I knew he wouldn’t budge so I at least tried to get him to break up with you in person but he knew if he saw you he would never be able to do it. You called me after it happened Dick begged me not to tell me anything but here we are” She finishes with tears in her eyes.
“None of that is your fault, Babs.” You say as you pull her into a hug.
She chuckles dryly, “I’m the one who should be comforting you.”
You both laugh through the tears.
“I still have one question though. What does he do for a living?”
Barbara stops laughing and contemplates telling you. She eventually stares you in the eyes and says barley above a whisper “he’s nightwing”
Though you barley heard it, you’re eyes widened. Suddenly everything made sense. The late nights. The excessive bruises. The leaving dates early. It was like the final piece of the puzzle.
“Where is he?” You say though you already know the answer.
You get up from the couch, grab your keys and are almost out the door til you hear babs say “Y/n please don’t tell him I told you”
You stop for a moment and say, “Thank you Babs” and rush out the door.
“Dude I can’t believe you actually listened to the old man” Jason says.
“I don’t need your shit Jason.” Dick mumbles on the Wayne manor sofa.
“I’m just saying, you’re in love with her. Everyone can see that.”
“That’s why I had to!” Dick yells, standing up.
Jason stands back, seemly pushing Damian in front of him as if it’s his turn to talk some sense into Dick.
“What Todd is trying to say is, it’s absurd that you of all people would take Father’s advice about love seeing how miserable he is.” Damian states.
“Ya, Bruce doesn’t know shit about relationships, even I can see that” Duke chimes in from across the room, not even looking up from his book.
"You wanna know why he can't seem to keep a relationship? Because he lets his fear consume him." Tim says bluntly.
"Yeah take Tim for example isn't he dating a civilian? Benard? Nothing has happened to him" Jasons says.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing" Tim replies.
"Shut up, I'm trying to make a point." Jason sighs, "He's not dead is he?"
"Yeah, Tim and Benard seem to be going strong," someone chimes in from the doorway.
That voice. Dick could recognize that voice anywhere. They all turn to look at you. Jason is the first one that turns back towards Dick.
"See y/n gets it." He shrugs
"Yeah, I do."
There is a moment of silence. The silence is so loud. The tension so thick. The boys seem to notice this and walk away. Jason gives Dick a look that reads, "Don't fuck this up, lover boy"
When the boys all leave the room, leaving you and Dick alone, you walk towards him. Dick's piercing blue eyes stare into yours. Almost questioning you, as to say "what are you doing here".
"You didn't really think I'd let you break up with me over text, did you?" You smile.
Dick can't help it, he smiles back. Even though it's silent, you both are saying a million words to each other. He can look into your eyes for eternity. He can't believe he broke up with you without getting to see those gorgeous eyes again. But as much as he wants to keep looking, he can't, he knows if he does, he'll come running back to you. He knows if he does that, he'll never see those pretty eyes again. The reality of the matter hits him. He breaks eye contact, turning away and crossing his arms, as a way to say "please leave". You however have other plans. You come closer to him barely an inch away from him. You take his face into your hands and turn his head towards you. He tightly closes his eyes.
"Dick, please look at me." You say.
"I can't," he whispers.
He sighs closing his eyes even tighter. "You know why."
You silently remove your hands from his face, sliding them down to his chest. You sigh, about to remove your hands completely until he untucks his arms and lightly grabs your wrists. He looks down, finally looking into your eyes.
"Please don't go yet," He says.
"Dick I need you to tell me the truth"
You search his eyes for a sign, anything at all. What you find is remorse.
"Y'know I love you" You say
"I know."
"Dick you can tell me anything"
He sighs, "You already know the truth"
"But I need to hear it from you"
He sighs again, this time deeper. He stares into your eyes almost pleading with you so he won't have to say it because if he does it makes all of this a reality. The harsh reality that he'll either have to love you from afar, or put you in jeopardy because of him. He'd rather stay here with you in complete bliss. As long as he's with you he's complete. He can't imagine you gone. Alive but gone or dead and gone. He wishes things were simpler. In another time or maybe another universe, he thinks.
"I'm Nightwing"
You burst you laughing. Making Dick confused, but he couldn't help but start chuckling with you.
"My fiance's Nightwing" You start singing.
When you eventually catch your breath, Dick seems to have an even more confused face.
"What?" You question.
"Fiance?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Well yeah but only if you want to be" You smile sheepishly.
Instead of replying Dick swoops you up and kisses you. Not like any other kiss you've had with him, it was one filled with passion. All of the love left unsaid was poured into the kiss. Any doubt that either of you had was solved. When you finally break apart, you two are panting resting your forehead on each other. Dick casually slips an engagement ring on your finger. To which you pull away to look at.
"Oh, Dick it's beautiful!" You gush.
"You have Babs to thank for that," He says pulling you in for another kiss.
You're the love of his life, and he's yours. You know what you're getting yourself into but ultimately you'd rather die having him by your side than not at all. As long as you're with him you've got a smile on your face.
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tjswritingstuff · 2 months
March has ended!
It was a pretty good month.
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While most of the writing I did was for class my total word count for the month was 11080 words.  
I finished reading three books this month:
George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaids Tale
Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Two of the books that I finished were for class. I’m currently reading five other books; my current reading list has never grown this fast in my life. I started paying attention to the days read counter on my kindle app. I read (in the app) 18 out of 31 days.
I only went to the gym 3 times this month, I had a surgery on March 12th, and it limits what I’m allowed to lift. While that doesn’t affect everything that I could be doing at the gym I know myself well enough to know that I would break the rules just a little and end up hurting myself.
I did end up in the hospital. After my surgery I was prescribed Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen. Turns out that I am allergic to Hydro’s. The general response to that discovery has been, “have you really never taken them before?” I did. About 20 years ago…and I ended up in the hospital then. About 20 years ago I was bitten by a brown recluse spider and had a nasty spot come up on my arm, my doctor prescribed me some pain killer I took it according to orders and ended up passing out. My ex-husband took me to the hospital, where they immediately acted like I had overdosed and wasn’t taking it correctly. When I insisted that I was they did some blood work and then told me that my potassium levels had completely bottomed out. I believed for many years that was the reason that I had ended up in the hospital. The hospital put into my chart that I’m allergic to hydrocodone. But they didn’t TELL me that. Since all my doctors that would prescribe painkillers are linked in the same hospital network, they all have access to that information. No one ever prescribed me it, and I honestly don’t like taking stuff anyway. If Tylenol works just fine, why take anything stronger?
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I went to get an augmentation surgery through a doctor that is not linked to that network. He asked about allergies. I didn’t know of any. My pain meds were prescribed 2 every 6 hours for pain. I was taking 1 every 8-ish hours depending on how I felt. My liver started shutting down. I discovered this after about a week when I woke up throwing up. I was bloated. At my post op checkup, I was told that swelling is a normal side effect of the surgery. Did you know that swelling is a side effect of liver failure? I do now.  My kid’s dad found me half conscious on the bathroom floor and when I tried to stand up, I was shaking too much to walk.
Guess who got to spend a night in the Emergency Room hooked to an IV. I guess the good news is it happened during spring break, so I didn’t have to worry about getting homework done.   
My lowest grade is an 82%. While I am a little disappointed with myself for not hitting Straight A’s this semester, I’m not going to complain too much. Currently my grades are:
Astronomy – 87.86
Astronomy Lab – 87.65
Creative Writing – 96.84
Transatlantic Lit ’45- Present – 82.81
History of American Peoples – 87.32
World Lit Beginnings – 650 CE – 94.14
My goals for April are:
Write 15,000 Words
Read 5 Books
Maintain Grades
Gym 2x’s Week (when I’m cleared to go back)
Draw more.
I feel like my life is moving in the right direction, I have some things that I still need to work out, but I feel like I’m starting to figure things out.
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inkstaindusk · 1 year
You: I'd like es or khr prompts
Me: how about Aria's banishment backstory
Opal immediately after I saw your prompt I wrote this in the five minutes it takes to boil water and cook ramen. Is this the canon backstory? No idea! It's just what I thought of first! But it's fun so this is what I'm going with for now Aria is ~16 years old at the time of this scene CW for descriptions of violent injury and death
There’s a dead body in Aria’s room. She's pretty sure it's her cousin—one of them, anyway, some son of the queen's great-aunt, or something like that. She doesn't know or care for the specifics. It's not as though they've ever spoken, or if they have, she doesn't remember. All the pretty faces and sinister smiles of her extended family tend to blur after a while—and when the face is so wrecked that she can hardly identify it, well, there's no point trying to figure it out.
Aria leans over the body soaking her rug in blood. It wasn't a pretty death by any means; someone was clearly feeling vindictive. His face is carved with jagged, uneasy lines, eye sockets empty. His mouth was left alone and is still open wide in horror. His killer seemed to have had fun stabbing him in the torso a few dozen times, too. His clothes—which would have at least told her what house he was from—are soaked and shredded, as unrecognizable as his face.
She takes a few steps back as the blood slowly spreads closer to her feet. She can practically taste the metallic on her tongue, and has to swallow back the bile that threatens to rise in her throat.
It's not the first time she's seen a dead body. It's not even the first time she's seen a relative's dead, tortured body—
(—they tried to hide her, they loved her, they screamed and she couldn't find their hearts in that cold, dark room—)
—but it never gets easier.
Aria shuffles along her wall, eyeing the body warily, and rings the bell by her door again. It always takes a few tries before someone answers her call. All the kind servants disappeared a long time ago.
A butler does appear, eventually, wrinkling his nose in distaste as he recognizes the body on the floor. He orders cleanup, tells Aria to bear with it and she nods and leaves the room, still barefoot in her nightgown. The cold floor seems to seep into the soles of her feet, but there's nothing to it. Going back to her room would be worse—though, it's probably not going to be hers by the end of the week. They always make her change rooms, simpering about how she shouldn't have to stay in rooms with such horrid memories.
She'd laugh, if she cared enough to be angry.
Aria makes her way to the library and barricades herself in the music section, which is where the crown princess finds her two hours later, leafing through old sheet music no one ever plays anymore.
"Oh, Aria!" the princess cries, throwing her arms around her, like she's trying to squeeze the life out of her. She might be.
Aria sits quietly while the princess pretends to fuss, perfectly manicured nails digging into her skin, drawing the tiniest droplets of blood. She vows to take care of everything, don't you worry, dear cousin, I won't ever let such a thing happen to you.
It's a threat of some sort. Aria stares up at her without blinking, not saying a word. The princess' lips twitch.
"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight?" she offers sweetly. Aria shakes her head. She's not stupid, no matter what they say. The princess clicks her tongue. "Fine then. I'll set up another room for you, hm? Come now, Aria, it's late." Aria goes without protest, allowing the princess to wrap an arm around her shoulders like a shackle.
A few days later, she's summoned to the office. The princess sits behind her large desk, smiling sadly, eyes dancing with annoyance. "I'm so sorry, Aria," she says, dripping with falsity. Aria has never understood the need for this acting in private. It's not like they're not both fully aware. "Although it pains me, I'm forced to admit that this place is no longer safe for you."
Aria tilts her head, slight surprise stirring inside of her. Is this where they finally kill her?
The princess grows more irritated at her lack of reaction, though her smile stays firmly in place. "As such," she continues, "we have decided to send you away. We have a nice, unused palace in the port city, you remember?" She doesn't. They hardly ever allow her outside—not that she would want to if they did. "Don't worry," the princess says, bright and cold in equal measure. "You'll be very well taken care of."
Ah, thinks Aria. They've decided to be rid of her after all.
She bows her head and lifts her skirt in a polite, acquiescing curtsy. By your will, your highness.
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slasherbish · 1 year
Quiet Nights Part 13 (Michael x GNreader)
The morning started as normal as any morning could. You woke up and got dressed before making breakfast and some coffee for the man that had taken up residency in the second room. Yawning they placed it on a hallway table right outside his room before knocking. “Hey breakfast is on the table outside your door. I have to get to work.” They called out before grabbing their keys and leaving the apartment. 
Their first job this morning was at a small local cafe, most of the customers at this hour were locals who came by often with the odd tourist passing through. As you put on the apron that held your pad of paper you heard one of your favorite locals, Mel, say goodmorning to you while sitting at his normal booth. “Hey Mel, any new progress on that old truck of yours?” You asked. It had become an inside joke with the two of you that the older man would never actually finish fixing up the truck he had been working on for the past couple years. The man chuckled and then asked for his usually, black coffee and eggs. He didn’t have to actually say anything because you had it already written down. 
Turning to a couple faces you had never seen you decided they must be tourists here to investigate the notorious Shape of Haddonfield. The girl of the group was thin and had black hair, her eyes were a mocha brown. She was pretty, you had to say. The two men sitting across from her looked to be similar in age to the woman, one was blonde and the other a dirty blonde. You held back an eye roll as the girl opened her mouth. “Do you have any insider details about the Shape of Haddonfield?” Of course they were fangirls of the killers. These people really didn’t give a shit that people had been killed and that a man had been horribly maimed by the so called mental health system. “No I don’t. What would you all like to eat and drink this morning?” You responded, catching Mel’s sympathetic gaze out of your peripheral vision. He knew you hated putting up with the fans, especially since he was one of the few people that knew about your rocky history with murder and mental health. 
The blonde man rolled his eyes and muttered something rude under his breath. “Don’t mind him. Uh I’ll have the egg and pancake breakfast” The dirty blonde male smiled kindly before harshey nudging the man next to him. “I guess I’ll take medium coffee with pancakes and bacon.” You nodded writing it down and then gave your best customer service smile turned to the girl. “And for you miss?” You asked. “Tea with grilled cheese please.” She said. Writing down the rest of the orders you nodded and walked to the kitchen. You nearly tripped over air when you noticed a glimpse of the navy blue boiler suit that your roommate wore. The fuck is he doing out, you thought. You gave the tickets to the kitchen staff and tried to ignore the fact that you were definitely being stalked. 
“Those kids are going to get themselves hurt or worse trying to catch a look at that monster.” Mel said as you set his food down. “I don’t know if I’d call him a monster” You said softly under your breath. “Broken maybe but not a monster” The graying man smiled at your words, he was always happy to see the optimism you held for those that had been treated badly. When your parents died Mel had been one of the people to really help you out. For years after you were in and out of institutions for multiple reasons. The older man and his now late wife had taken you in since they lived next door at the time. Technically you still had the home under your name but refused to go back due to the painful memories. Mel smiled gently and patted your hand. “Never change hun” He said before you turned back to the kitchen to get your next table orders. 
Setting down the drinks at the table of twenty somethings you overheard something you really didn’t want to hear. “I bet that body found like a month ago was him.” The girl halfway whispered. “I know he’s still out there but like wouldn’t that be stupid after the last time he came out from hiding?” The blonde replied. Keeping an ear on the table you brought them their food, you weren't usually the most attentive waiter but this morning you would. You needed to make sure they weren’t catching on to anything too concrete. What they didn’t notice was the dirty blonde eyeing you as you left the table. 
It had been about an hour and Mel was about to head out for his morning walk to his wife's grave. “Say hi for me” You called after him as he left “Always do” He answered. They then turned to the few other booths that they had to take care of and offered more drinks to each of them. The dirty blonde stopped them and asked for a refill of water before you could turn to get the water pitcher he added “Oh and my name’s Jake.” His smirk made you roll your eyes. You quickly filled his water and walked away.
In the distance hidden behind some bushes a masked killer watched the way the man eyed you like a piece of meat. He didn’t like it, a predator recognized another predator easily. He knew he had a gut instinct to follow you today. He continued to watch your uncomfortable movements under the gaze of the man. The whole group gave him bad vibes and that’s coming from a stone cold killer. 
Inside the diner the trio was finishing up their food and paid their bill. You said a friendly goodbye as any server worth their salt could give and took not that they had been talking about the area around the body that had been found. You almost smiled at the idea of those creeps finding exactly what they were looking for. 
tags @vampire-hunter @babygurl97 @adaydreamaway08 @villainfan @makosgubaog
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
The Devil and the Flower -chapter 4
TW: Mentions of self-injuries
No playing, no winning
The second time the door opened, the Grabber carried with him a leather bag, which was slung anyhow over his shoulder. The face was hidden behind a mask which was now accompanied by a grin from ear to ear, and in fact, from the tone of his voice, he seemed genuinely in a good mood.
"How are you?" he asked by way of greeting. He didn't close the door, he didn't need to worry about that, with an immobile leg Violet didn't stand a chance in hell of escaping. The girl didn't even straighten up from the mattress, she looked at the bag swinging against the man's left leg "I brought you medicine... and I'm going to change your bandages, okay?"
The Raptor squatted down in front of the mattress and began to pull several things out of the bag: a bottle of mineral water, a couple of new bandages, gauze, iodine... Curled up like a cat, Violet followed his movements with her eyes, his hands were big, firm, some rings adorned his fingers, although she couldn't distinguish if they had any insignia on them. She had seen rings like that before, some years ago, and felt a mute pain in the pit of her stomach.
"Get up" the Grabber ordered, his eyes, veiled by the mask, went to Violet. "I won't say it again."
There was a hint of menace in his voice, and the girl preferred not to try her luck. She sat with her feet very close to the edge of the mattress, crossing her chest with one arm, feeling for the first time uncomfortable with the lack of a shirt. The Grabber began to unwrap her leg, saying nothing, utterly devoted to that labor which Violet was led to believe was only a palliative, a syrup that numbed the pain moments before dropping a proverbial axe on her neck.
"It's still a little swollen..." he commented, catching the heel in his left hand "Can you wiggle your toes?" Violet did as he instructed, and grimaced in discomfort "Hmm... looks like it's not broken... Let's adjust the bandages a bit, what do you think?"
He tightened the new bandages without any difficulty, and Violet had her eyes on his hands that wrapped around the ankle with little effort, straining every time he tugged at the bandages. As if the scene were unreal, the girl dared to speak:
"When are you going to kill me?"
The hands stopped moving, the Grabber raised his head.
"Excuse me?" but Violet didn't ask the question again, she knew he had heard her. The man snorted "Why do you think I'm going to kill you?" 
"Because..." her voice was weak, and she didn't know if it was because of the fear she refused to let out at all or because she hadn't spoken in who knows how many hours or days "it's what you do, isn't it? Kidnap... and then kill..."
Behind the mask, the man frowned.
"Is that some kind of invitation?" 
What kind of answer was that? 
" You killed Vance Hopper... he was my friend..." her nose flaps flared, a feeling she knew all too well, anger, bubbled up inside her "And the other kids too... there can't be two killers at the same time in a shitty little town like this..."
The Grabber turned his attention back to the bandages.
"Listen..." he pointed at her, finishing the adjusting "There are two things I don't want to hear: the first, it's rudeness, and the second... it's about that whole thing about... the... kids" he raised his head again, Violet could feel his eyes angry "Got it?" she didn't respond with more than a nod "Good. I need you to come closer, I'm going to check your nose."
"Leave things here, I'll do it myself" she didn't want to feel those hands (the hands that killed Vance, she thought) on her again.
"You don't have a mirror, if you make a mistake you'll be left with a shredded nose." 
"And what do you care? If I'm going to die anyway-"
"I said come closer!"
The Raptor made no move, but it was clear that his patience was at its limit. She remembered Vance's advice, don't fight, don't give him what he wanted, and he surely wanted an excuse to get violent. She remembered how she and Hopper gloated about not doing what the "stupid adults" asked them to do, and feeling again like crying, she advanced on all fours to the edge of the mattress. The man swallowed saliva and, as if there had been no interruption, proceeded to remove the makeshift splint.
She couldn't see, but felt the swelling that still lingered, and yet the Grabber acted so carefully that he really did look like a doctor, except that Violet didn't know of any doctor who attended in a soundproofed basement. With the tip of his forefinger he traced the edge of the nose, probing lightly, and Violet barely made any gestures.
"Lift your head..." he didn't seem too convinced by the way the girl stretched her neck, so he held her face with both hands to maneuver as he pleased. Violet flinched, she could feel the rings on her jaw and that made her feel even more uncomfortable "There's still some blood... Listen, I'll put a piece of gauze with iodine, don't you dare move because if you do, I'll hurt you" it wasn't a threat properly, he said it with condescension, almost kindness.
Violet closed her eyes as she felt the gauze going in, tied to a wooden stick, through one of her nose pits.
"It's okay to cry" the doctor had told her, a bald but frankly smiling man who had seen almost every child in town parade through his office that summer alone "It hurts, yes, but it's a momentary pain...that's it, you can put your head down..." 
Her mother hugged her, protectively, as she returned to her side. Her lip was swollen, but there was no more blood left than the almost imperceptible droplets on her shirt. The doctor dismissed them both, warning Violet to be careful when playing, and the two proceeded down the main avenue, silent, unsmiling. They passed by the soda fountain, both stopped, looking through the huge glass panes, at the bar where the cups and plates for the various delicacies being served were displayed.
Her mother nervously checked her watch. Then, with a sigh, she asked:
"How about some ice cream?"
"Can we eat it?" asked Violet. They both understood the meaning of that question, and the woman forced a smile.
"Eat it on the way, and be very careful, don't get yourself dirty."
They also stopped by to buy a new glass, exactly like the one that had broken, cutting the girl's face. There was to be no trouble, no disturbing the order, at home, everything would go on as before. Violet would go to bed early, so her father would not notice the wound on her lip....
"And that's it..." placing the last piece of tape, the Grabber ended his work. As last time, he held out some pills and the bottle of water "Take them now, I'll be back later with the food."
Blind and absolute obedience, Violet knew what that meant, she knew it when she took the pills to her mouth and took a few long gulps without taking her eyes off her captor. Would he have done the same with the others, with Vance, with Robin? And, when they stopped obeying him, did he end their lives, as punishment for their insolence? There was only one way to find out....
She set the uncapped bottle on the ground, and immediately, knocked it over with her hand. The Grabber jumped, the water nearly hit him on one shoe, and Violet waited, anxiously, for his reaction. 
"What was that?" he growled, looking at her. 
"I'm sorry, it was an accident."
"Pick it up immediately" Violet didn't move, she continued to stare at the man "Pick it up or I'll...!"
"Or what, you'll kill me?" she spat, tense. She noticed his fists clench, fear rose in her throat and she braced herself for what was coming. Those who disobey must be punished...
The man sighed. He grabbed his bag and kicked the bottle, which rolled off to the wall on the left. Violet closed her eyes in a gasp, she hated that sound, glass hitting the floor, porcelain shattering, a book slamming on a table. When she opened them again, the man was already standing by the door.
"You will soon heal" he told her with a growl "And then, there will be no more pity for you, naughty girl."
He slammed the door shut. Violet, knowing he couldn't hear her, screamed:
"Son of a bitch!" and collapsed on the mattress in anger. She looked at the bottle and wondered if she could throw it at his head next time. 
Violet didn't know, but it was already Sunday. At home, Mrs. Betsy was coming home from mass, not caring if the neighbors mentioned the absence of her granddaughter, whom she was practically dragging along so that she would at least have the decency to ask the Lord's forgiveness for her bad blood. No one talked about her, really, no one knew she was underground, buried alive in a murderer's basement, with an old, damaged phone as her only companion, digging her nails into one leg with all her might until blood began to gush out, a relief of such caliber that she ended up rolling on the mattress a few minutes later, dozing off, staring at the silent phone that seemed to breathe....
The first time she saw Robin Arellano, he was buying iodine at the pharmacy. Violet was holding an atomic bomb in her hands, the symbol of her femininity, and noticing that the boy was turning his head, waiting for the shopkeeper to give him his change, she hid the rectangular packet behind her back, like a thief. The two looked into each other's eyes, Robin had a scraped knee, bleeding exaggeratedly.
When she came out with the package wrapped in an opaque plastic bag, she found him on the curb of the street, wiping the wound on his knee. She didn't know what prompted her to speak to him, perhaps that their gazes met again, and it seemed rude to pretend she hadn't noticed.
"Bike fall?" she asked, friendly. 
"Fight in the park" he clarified, calm. Robin must have been at most twelve at the time, and he wore around his tousled hair a tarnished bandana.
"And how did the other one turn out?"
"I think I knocked out a tooth." 
"Did he ask for it?"
"Of course he did, he said something disgusting to me and... I couldn't tolerate it, could I?"
"Of course not" a sad smile tugged at Violet's lips "Take care" she said goodbye and went on her way. You couldn't tolerate other people's crap, that kid was right, and it would be good to put it into practice next time....
"Naughty girl..."
Violet jumped. Again the damn dream, but now she was in a park, the park near the town waterway, all engulfed in that depressing gray and black snowflakes falling from the cloudy sky.
The girl started forward, saw the picnic tables, broken and worn, and the dying trees shedding their last leaves.
"Vance?" she called with all her might "Vance Hopper!"
She didn't know exactly how long she was walking, the mist was devouring everything after a few yards and it was impossible for her to see where she was coming from or where she was going, but she found, nailed to a dead oak tree, the black phone. She didn't think twice and picked it up.
"Vance, can you hear me?" she asked into the speaker. She waited a few seconds.
"Who's Vance?" the voice on the other end was much higher pitched, of a younger boy. 
"Excuse me...who are you?"
The boy hesitated.
"I don't remember... I mean, not very well..."
"You're one of the missing children, aren't you?" asked Violet, looking around.
"Yes... you're the naughty girl then."
"Naughty girl? I'm Violet."
"Violet... Violet... like the flowers..."
"Where are you? I can't see you" 
"Wait... do you hear?" a bicycle bell, but it wasn't ringing on the other side of the speaker... Violet rounded the trunk, and then saw the boy. He was wearing blue shorts, long socks and tennis shoes, his hair was blond and matted, and he was holding on to his bicycle with an absent expression. The girl shuddered, that little boy looked to be only about ten years old.
"Now I see you" she saw the boy move his lips, but his voice was only coming from the phone "You're very old...older than us, I think."
"Yes...in a week I'll be eighteen...that is, if I make it" she added bitterly.
"Well, that depends."
"On what?"
"The game's already started, and you have to play, whether you want to or not."
"What game?"
"Naughty boy" the little boy raised his eyebrows "It's his favorite game. You have to play it, because if you don't play it, he can't win."
"Naughty boy... what is that, what...?" she blanched "Don't tell me that... he..."
"I'll explain, don't worry. One of these days, you'll see that the Grabber closes the door, but doesn't lock it. That means you can get out, but don't be confident, he'll be waiting for you, with that belt..."
Violet gulped. 
"You'll have to escape, and he'll follow you, if he catches you, he'll have won, and then you'll go to the next level..."
"And what if I... decide not to play?"
The boy laughed, but it was a frightening laugh, almost from beyond the grave.
"Do you think you have a choice? He likes games, and if you don't play with him... well, he'll find a way to make you, and it'll hurt, it'll hurt like hell."
"You know, my fucking nose is broken, I don't think he could hurt me with anything worse than that."
"No, he won't break any bones, because then you won't be able to play, but he'll hit you with the belt" the little boy's eyes got huge "He'll hit you regardless, until you start bleeding, and then he'll hit you harder. You'll cry, you'll beg him to stop, but he won't. He'll skin you alive if you don't pass out fast, and don't try to pretend you passed out, he'll keep going until he's sure."
"My God...did that...did that happen to you?"
"Not to me...but trust me, he will. Then again, who knows, it's the first time he's had a naughty girl in his basement."
Violet looked down.
"Little girls get beat up too, you know?" she muttered.
"I guessed as much. But, it's so weird, isn't it?" The boy mounted his bike and rang his bell "One more thing, to get out of the house you have to open a lock, it has a combination, I just... I don't remember it."
"You don't remember it? You mean... you knew it?"
"Yes, it was from my bike. Anyway, good luck, Violet-as-the-flowers." 
She watched him disappear into the mist, with the sound of his bell as the only sign that he had ever been there.
(If you want to tip: https://paypal.me/ItchiMoon?locale.x=es_XC )
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thatbitch2828 · 2 years
I based this off a prompt I found on pinterest: In a world where you can’t physically hurt your soulmate, you become a serial killer in order to find yours.
A/N: Ok so Ive wanted to get back into writing for a while and decided to just go for it. Im VERY rusty so plz no hate. Love you guys and hope you enjoy the series!
TRIGGER WARNING: DEATH SMUT (18+ only please) probably some other stuff I’m forgetting
Chapter 1: the beginning
You always knew someone would try it. You think, “who wouldn’t wanna meet their soulmate?” That being said, it was no excuse for murder. As soon as the chief of police had briefed you on the case, you swore you would find whoever was doing this. So far, no one could find any common thread between the victims. Men and woman alike had been shot, stabbed, poisoned. Found dead in bars, alleyways, restaurants. Luckily, no children had been attacked. Yet. There was no telling what this psycho would do next. Chief reminded you time and time again that it was not officially being treated as a serial homicide case but your gut told you otherwise. This was the work of one person and you knew it.
Even with all the stress at work, you were able to enjoy your personal life, In fact, you had tickets to see a concert tonight with your best friend, Stacy. You were going to see Harry Styles, live! Even at 23, that man gave you the same butterflies he had given you 10 years ago, when you and Stacy were diehard One Direction fans. You were ecstatic when Stacy had surprised you with front row tickets in your hometown of LA. You’d had your outfit planned for weeks: a black short sleeved crop top patterned with silver stars and a silver skirt to match, black vans, flashy silver star drop earrings, and a half up hairstyle to complete the look.
You rushed home to get ready and were glad to find Stacy already finishing up her make up. She looked stunning in a classic little black dress and tall, strappy heels. You internally groaned at the shoes, knowing she would be complaining of foot pain within the hour. You threw on your outfit, meticulously did your hair, and Stacy artfully applied your make up. As soon as she was done, you tossed your wallet, ticket, and pepper spray (safety first!) into your bag and you and Stacy hightailed it to the street outside your apartment complex where your uber was waiting. When you arrived, you were shocked at just how many people were there already, just waiting for the doors to open. When the finally did, you and Stacy were quickly caught in the tide of people, being shoved towards the entrance. You somehow made it to your spots unscathed, right next to the catwalk where you knew Harry Styles himself would be in a few short minutes. The lights came down and you felt your dreams come true.
You were having the time of your life! Singing, or rather screaming every word to Canyon Moon, What Makes You Beautiful, Woman, and bawling when he sang Matilda and Little Freak. When the concert was finally over, you were exhausted. You felt completely drained, but at the same time like you could take on the world. Stacy suggested the two of you go to a nearby bar to wind down for the night and you happily agreed.
Four shots in and you were tipsy as can be. “So, any new cases at work?” Stacy giggled.
“Nothing too exciting, just a string of murders.” You said, barely keeping your eyes open from both exhaustion and the alcohol.
“ooOoooHhh, that’s exciting!” Stacy slurred, a drunken smile plastered on her face, “who do you think did it?”
“I just got the assignment today, Stace, I have no idea who could have done it.” you groaned.
Stacy gasped, “I know you too well to believe that y/n cmoooooonnnnn, who do you think did it?”
Knowing she wouldn’t drop the issue without an answer, you blurted the first name that came to mind, “Harry Styles, probably”
a beat if silence
Stacy’s jaw dropped, “Seriously?!? Why the hell would Harry Styles kill anyone?”
“Maybe he just wants to find his soulmate,” you retorted, regretting bringing up the case in the first place.
Stacy opened her mouth to argue, but before she could get a word out, a pair of very attractive men appeared next to you. “You ladies look lonely sitting here all by yourselves,” the blonde one said, “care for a bit of company?”
The brunette slid his arm around Stacy’s shoulders and she giggled, looking up at him. You knew the exact doe-eyed gaze she was using, it was the same one she used on every other guy brave enough to approach her. You chuckled and turned to the blonde, shocked to find his hands on either side of the bar behind you, gazing deep into your eyes and, obviously, hoping for some action that night. “Can I help you?” you asked, voice innocent but eyes hungry.
He chuckled, “I think you can. I’m Chase, by the way, and you are?” he asked, leaning in so your faces were mere inches apart.
“y/n,” you said, eyes dropping to his, Chase’s, soft link lips, licking your own subconsciously.
“y/n, I like that.” he growled, licking his lips in return, “I think I’m going to kiss you now, if that’s alright.”
“Hmmm, yeah I don’t mind.” you whispered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his lips meeting yours.
You gasped at the heat from his mouth and he groaned at the sound. Digging your fingers into his hair, you traced your tongue along his lips in a silent plea to be let in. His hands slid to your hips as he opened his mouth, attacking your tongue with his own. Keeping one hand in his hair, you moved his hands to your ass, standing to give him easier access. He pulled away slightly, breaking the kiss. “Do you wanna take this somewhere a bit more private?” You quickly glanced around, looking for Stacy, spotting her pinned against the wall, passionately making out with Chase’s friend, the brunette.
“Yeah” you whispered, looking back to him.
“Don’t worry, your little friend and Bret will come too, we share an apartment just around the corner.” Chase said, settling your worries, “I’ll tell them the plan if you just wanna wait here,” he purred, nipping at your bottom lip as he pulled away. You knew for sure this was gonna be a great night.
Thats the end of chapter one, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feel free to message me with any feedback, I will gladly accept it :)
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inky2556 · 10 months
Magix Ultra
Chapter 7
The young silver haired fairy stood before the head of the most renowned school for fairies. The large archive room they were in just moments ago vanished with a snap of the elder fairy's fingers and was replaced with a beautiful starry void.
"Do you know what the dragon flame is?" The Headmistress asked.
"Dragon flame?" Said the girl as she curiously stared at the head of the school.
"The dragon flame is a really powerful source of magic. It originated from the Great Dragon and is pas- WOAH!" She yelped when a large fiery serpent dragon flew passed her. The dragon flew around them in circles before shooting upwards and exploded like fireworks.
"The dragon flame isn't the only powerful source of magic that exists." The Headmistress started as another magical replica of the Great Dragon appeared and clashed with something in the middle of her and the Headmistress.
"Take the Water Stars for example. As powerful as the dragon flame is, it could still be neutralized with the power of the Water Stars." She explained. Although the silver haired fairy already knew all of this, she couldn't quite get what the Headmistress was trying to say.
"I know that. The Water Stars were what the Winx tried to use to defeat Valtor. But what does that have to do with me?" She questioned.
"Beyond the Great Dragon there existed another powerful dragon." Suddenly the girl found herself alone.
"Headmistress Faragonda? Headmistress Faragonda!" She called out to her teacher but was met with silence. Then she jolted when she felt a powerful presence behind her. When the fairy turned around slowly and looked up,her violet eyes met a larger pair of violet eyes. In that moment she heard the Headmistress's voice that said,
"It is called the Dragon of Light."
After hearing that, she didn't break eye contact with it. It's pure white wings with gold markings rested behind its back as it sat in a crouching position before her. She wasn't scared or anything, she just couldn't look away.
"Dear child, your will and desire to save your loved ones alone was strong enough to draw out the power that lays dormant within you. For that, I commend you." It said in a gruff yet gentle voice.
"However, the injuries you sustained had left you at the brink of death. It was thanks to that Ultra that you survived. Even so, you still remain in a comatose state with the risk of dying..." It said as its wings spread widely.
"Your friends are waiting for you... especially him..." One shiny silver claw gently tapped her forehead as light began emitting from it.
"So take this as my gift to you..." Streaks of light started circling around her from head to toe. Her entire body felt better and lighter.
"Soon, the time will come for you to fully awaken. Once you do, then so will the full power of my spark..."
Once again Zero found himself walking down the halls of Silver Cross to Chiara's room. That's all he's been doing since planet Kirax. He, Orb, X, Geed and Z were ordered to rest after the Space Garrison heard about their near death and death experience.
When they escaped the dark killer zone and arrived back to the Land of Light Chiara was already at deaths door. Ultra Mother barely managed to save her and now the purple ultra has yet to wake up.
Since then he stayed by her side for as long as he could. The others visited her too. But not as much as him.
Zero would be the first one there the moment visiting hours start until end and then some. He would play it off as nothing but they knew what happened to Chiara messed with him.
Today his steps felt especially heavy. Yesterday Chiara's condition took a turn for the worst. She was hanging between life and death and there was nothing any of them could do. It was either she wakes up soon or never.
As Zero neared her hospital room, Ultra Mothers words echoed in his mind.
"You may have to prepare to say... your last goodbyes..."
The despair they felt was painful. Chiara might die and there was nothing they could do.
The moment he entered the room, he froze. What he saw stunned him. There she was, sitting on the bed like she just woke up from naptime.
"Zero!" She beamed as soon as she saw him. Though she was caught off guard when he took several large strides across the room and pulled her into a hug.
When the shock wore she too hugged him back. After what felt hours but in reality only a few minutes they pulled away though Zero still had his arms around her.
"How?..." he was glad that she was fine. But it was just yesterday they were told might not make it. Yet here she was alive and well. The warmth returned unlike how cold she felt when she was injured and unconscious.
He didn't really get an answer when she hugged him again. This time she hugged him tighter and he could feel her tremble.
"I almost died didn't I?..."
He stayed quiet but they both knew the answer to that.
"I...I was scared...not of the darkness... not of dying...I was scared I wouldn't see any of you again..."she admitted as she choked back a sob.
"It hurt. It really did...but the thought of not seeing you all again was more painful... After all, you guys were still busy with darkness clones, right? I couldn't give up that easily. "
Wait, she didn't know? That Orb, Geed, X and Z technically died and Zero himself was beat. That it was thanks to her that they were saved. That she held out longer than any of them. Yet here she was putting herself down.
He so badly wanted to tell her that. But he figured hearing that they died and who knows what Ultra Dark Killer had plan for him would put her on edge.
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You're stronger than you know." Waiting for her to calm down a little would be best. Once again they pulled away but still held each other.
It was only for a brief moment, but when he stared into her eyes, he again caught a brief flash of violet eyes staring at him before going flashing back Chiara's ultra eyes. It was short but he could tell so many emotions were being conveyed through those eyes. Did they belong to Chiara? If so than what was going on?
For now that didn't matter. She was here alive and well and he was grateful for that. The others were depressed thinking that they might lose her. So knowing that she's fine would definitely cheer them up.
Speaking of the others, the two embracing ultras suddenly heard something flash and someone clearing their throat. Chiara straighten her head and Zero glanced back to see Ultra Mother and Hikari standing behind them. The rest of the new generation were peeking from the door.
"Not dating my foot..." Ginga whispered to X.
For someone who just woke up from a coma, Chiara still packed a punch when she shoved him away. Did he need to get that checked? Probably not (probably yes).
"Chiaraaaa!!!!" Grigio came stumbling in towards. She was about to hug her but then caught a glimpse of Chiara's torso wrapped in gauze tape. She didn't want to make any injuries worst. So she settled with holding her hands.
Soon everyone started crowding around her.
"You had us worried there."
"We thought we'd never see you again."
"We were ultra worried that you might've-"
Ultra Mother then interjected sensing how overwhelmed she must've felt.
"How are you feeling?" Marie asked as she went around to examine her.
"I'm fine Ultra Mother."
Marie pulled down the blanket and revealed a gauze tape wrapped around her torso. She used two fingers to gently press her stomach as she asked the purple ultra,
"Does this hurt?" To which Chiara answered 'No'.
Marie pondered for a moment before asking them to leave so she could do a further examination.
And so they left the room as Ultra Mother and Hikari stayed with Chiara.
Outside, Zero did a double take when he turned around and met everyone's knowing stares. Grigio looked especially giddy.
"Guess you guys weren't entirely wrong." Said Orb.
"He's probably in the denial phase."
"That was before. After what happened he's should be in the crush phase."
"I'm right here ya know! What on M78 are you talking about?" Zero questioned clearly annoyed. But they just smiled at him.
"Don't worry Zero, it's normal to be confused about something you've never felt before." Said Rosso.
"He's right Zero. Discovering love is always beautiful!" Grigio cheered.
"W-what?! I am not in love with Chiara!"
"Funny though, we never said it was Chiara." X smirked. That made Zero splutter.
"You're still 20000 years too early to be-"
"Can you keep it down please. You're making too much noise." Said Hikari as he peeked from the door
"Sorry..." they apologise. Hikari nodded before going back in.
A moment passed before Blu broke the silence.
"So, are you gonna confess? Cause there have been other male ultras eyeing her lately."
All through out the planet, every ultra that ever fancied Chiara felt a shiver rundown their spine.
Wattpad & AO3
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glassballdinosaurs · 3 years
Everything is so much always
#nearly missed my bus because my neighbor who knows I want to be a nurse almost more than anything stopped to talk about a caregiver job#and I like my current job I DO#but it’s so hot and I’m not skinny and have to squeeze into really small nooks and crannies#I think about losing weight 24/7 especially since if worse comes to worse I could become a lap dancer if I was skinny#I eat like a meal a day as it is and fast over weekends because I just stay home and attempt to recoup#my right foot has a torn ligament and I’m on my feet a majority of the day and so I whine about it because it’s solidly EXCRUCIATING when I#take my shoes and socks off to shower after work#episome salt does nothing and I avoid pain killers because they don’t work on me (I’m serious)#that and I tried to OD on them years ago and avoid them if I can#I’ve had to reschedule 2 Psychatrist appointments b/c work conflicts and dude I’m suicidal like 98% of the time#I want to be more productive and not be bitched at by my parents about life choices I’m making#I’m not okay#I’m really fucking not#I didn’t even get to sleep in b/c my parents interrupted me like 6 times#I had to order some stuff and clearly I dont deserve rest b/c of it#they were supposed to leave me alone for a week and I barely got 48 hours alone#personal#i wish i had more time#I wish I had more money and energy too#I’m begging for it to rain here because I’m so sick of the HEAT#I can’t even escape it at work because it’s hotter there#I can’t cool down anymore I swear#maybe I’m dying
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lex-the-flex · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if u could do a Paul imagine? One where maybe the reader has to do the pain thing while he’s outside her door? And he’s worried about her? Thanks!
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The High Handed Enemy
Paul Atreides x reader
Rolling your neck, you massaged the sore body part as you desperately tried to wake up. Following closely behind Paul, he lead you to the library where you just were only a few hours ago.
The dark hallways were illuminated by the single lantern orb that trailed along behind you, revealing the presence of Wellington Yueh, the well respected Doctor of House Atreides.
“Hello, Mistress.” The man spoke lowly, with his voice startling you.
“Hello. Is there you need?” You ask, unaware of the situation.
“If you don’t mind, young Master, I must check her vitals.” Yueh asks, directing his question towards Paul, but keeping his gaze at you.
Nodding, Yueh begins to lightly touch the outline of your face and neck, checking your health. Swallowing, you open your dry lips to speak.
“What’s happening here?” You ask, as your e/c eyes bounce all over the doctor’s face for an answer.
“You are to be tested. Tread carefully, Y/N.” Yueh says, dropping his touch from your jawline.
Turning his attention back to Paul, the doctor places his hand on the small of your back, and taps his index and middle finger on the folds of your spine – revealing your secret code.
Two fingers meant danger. Glancing over at the library door, a truly terrifying danger awaited you from behind, and you had no idea what it was. Opening the door, the library remained empty; except for a single chair in the middle of the circular floor – where Reverend Mother Gaius Mohiam sat.
“You must do everything the Reverend Mother tells you. Be still Y/N.” Paul advises, before closing the door without a second thought.
Turning back towards the Reverend Mother, you barely had a chance to think, and she opened her mouth.
“Come here. Kneel.” She ordered, using the lustrous Voice.
Suddenly, you were kneeling in front of this woman, forced at her beck and call. Raising her right arm, she held a needle at the base of your neck, a Gom Jabbar. You’d only heard about these cruel pieces of equipment, but had never seen one before.
“I hold at your neck the Gom Jabbar. It holds instant death at the point. Now, put your right hand in the box, and we shall see if you at the service to be with that boy.” Mohiam explains, revealing a small ornate wooden box underneath her hand.
“You mean as a concubine?” You ask.
“As an ally.” She spits.
Placing your hand in the box, the ends of your fingers rubbed against the corners. Then in the blink of an eye, you felt a slight stinging, an itching on the top of your hand.
Clearing your throat, you straightened your spine as the pain became too severe. A gasp escaped your lips just as tears formed in the base of your eyes. Pressing your lips together, you shouted in pain from these test, and it was enough for Paul to hear you.
Cradling his hands together, he winced at the sounds of your muffled screams from the next room, as he could do nothing in return.
Calming yourself, you brought your gaze up toward the Reverend Mother, and stared into her soul.
‘I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.’
Remembering your training, you felt as if you strikes in fear in the Reverend Mother herself as she removed the needle. Calling Paul inside, he stood tall in the doorway.
“Goodbye young girl. I hope you live.” She said one last time before closing the door behind her.
Removing your hand from the box, your hand stayed completely normal, expect with a bit of redness at the base of your knuckles.
Facing Paul, you stood up and the both of your ran to each other. Fully embracing you, Paul leaned his forehead to yours, relishing in your well being.
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maybaenk · 3 years
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This isn’t goodbye, this is simply see you later
Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: JJ needs to leave the island in order to protect his best friend, charged with the murder of Sheriff Peterkin. You get your heart broken being left behind.
Warnings: angst, cursing
Based on the song See you later (Ten years) by Jenna Raine
“Please don’t leave.” You whispered softly.
Your face was strained with tears, a never ending flow cascading from your eyes that were desperately searching for JJ’s. But his eyes were not on you. He was looking at anywhere but you, a strained expression painfully painted on his beautiful face.
“Please, J.” You begged quietly, feeling pain swim in your chest and constrict your lungs.
It was getting harder to breathe, you couldn’t really understand what was going on.
For the past month, you had briefly seen you boyfriend. Him and his friends had been busy with a treasure hunt; they had been searching for the Royal Merchant ever since stumbling upon a sunken boat, everything had escalated quickly in a chase for the gold between armed killers and investigating police. You were scared for JJ, you truly were, but on those nights he had made some time for you and he had told you all about his adventures with sparkling eyes, lit with excitement and hope you couldn’t help yourself but feel so incredibly happy for him. You knew about his home life and seeing him so thrilled about something was really touching to you. You had listened to him, looking up at him with nothing but adoration. You had always waited for him, supporting him and never once complaining about his lack of presence in your life lately. You knew how important this all had been to him.
He had shown up at your window not longer than an hour ago, telling you all about how things had gone down pretty quickly. Rafe Cameron had killed Sheriff Peterkin, and they had blamed John B. The fault had been falsely placed on JJ’s best friend and he was now being searched and wanted for the murder of Sheriff Peterkin.
You had been shocked knowing Sheriff Peterkin had been killed, a hand coming up to your mouth while you gasped a stunned breath out.
If things weren’t already bad enough, JJ told you they had to escape in order to save John B.
They had to escape.
Although JJ had not wanted you to meddle with the dangerous events going on in his life to protect you, you had never even mentioned wanting to interfere. You weren’t part of his group of friends and respected he had a life outside of your relationship. You just wanted to be a safe place for him, when things got too much. Despite this, however, you had been introduced to the pogues and had hang out with them multiple times. In the time you had been with JJ, you had grown to love John B — as the rest of them — deeply. The news had shocked you, not grasping the fact your friend was being chased by the police to be thrown away in prison.
JJ had told you they would arrest him, he would end up in jail in the best case scenario — worst case, was death penalty.
You loved John B, and understood the situation. But JJ couldn’t leave. He just couldn’t.
He bit the inside of his cheek, he was struggling with his own mind. You could see that. His gaze was set on something you couldn’t place.
“I’m sorry, baby. I have to.” He spoke up then.
It's funny 'cause I've always dreamed of me and you
Now here we are
Staring at the stars
You just broke my heart
Even though you promised you'd never do that from the start
But I guess we can only make it so far
You felt your legs give in beneath you, suddenly struggling to breathe. You took a step back and closed your eyes to brace yourself. You tried to keep your irregular breathing at bay, not being able to get air in your lungs. It felt as someone was squeezing them.
When you opened your eyes, he was finally looking at you. You observed him trough wet lashes. His face was contorted in sadness and pain, bruises littered his skin, a cut was on his lip and another on his cheekbone. Anger rose inside of you at the thought of his dad beating him up after he had been arrested, and you quickly looked away before your feelings would get too much to handle.
You took in a breath, gathering your thoughts before you spoke up;
“I know this is important. That this is something — something serious. Okay? I know that. Shit went down.” Your voice was shaking as you spoke, “And I love John B. But you can’t leave. You can’t leave me J.”
You didn’t dare looking at him. You saw him bring a hand up to pull at his hair, clearly in distress, through the corner of your eyes. You stood still, letting the tears flow down your face.
“I can’t leave him alone in this. I can’t. He needs me.” He whispered.
You let your head fall down, closing your eyes in pain.
You needed him too.
'Cause time wasn't in our favor
This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later
“What about me?” You whispered back, your voice so low he almost didn’t hear you.
You looked at him to see the collected expression he had been struggling to keep on his face — failing miserably — completely breaking down as he searched desperately for your eyes. You could make out the tears forming in his eyes through your own blurred vision.
He was in front of you in a matter of moments. His arms suddenly circled your waist, hugging you tightly. His face was in the crook of your neck and you felt his lips move against your skin when he spoke up;
“I know. I know, baby. You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry — so sorry.” He started frantically, his painful apologies leaving his mouth in a sorrowful rush.
You broke down then, unable to keep it in anymore. You started sobbing, your arms embracing his neck to tightly hug him to you. You never wanted to let go.
Your sobs filled your room, making JJ’s heart crack each time a strained cry left your lips.
“I’ve been the shittiest boyfriend this past month. Never had time for my girl. Never around. I’m fucking sorry. I’m sorry, baby.” He soothed you in his arms, “You were always so supportive, always had my back, didn’t you? I don’t deserve you. My beautiful girl.”
Your feet slightly lifted off the ground, JJ not willing to let you go just yet. His words were making you cry all the more.
“My girl. So perfect. I don’t deserve you.” he repeated, and you could swear you felt tears on your skin.
JJ was crying.
“I need you too. I swear I do. I just can’t leave him alone right now. His life depends on this. Please tell me you understand, baby.” He whispered.
You nodded slightly, just enough for him to get you. His arms hugged you impossibly tighter.
You continued to cry. You couldn’t believe you were losing him. He rocked you in your loving embrace to soothe your cries.
“I love you.” He confessed suddenly.
You froze.
You and JJ had never told each other. You had been together for a year, yet the three big words scared the both of you immensely. It simply was a big deal for the two of you, not just some meaningless thing you could say to someone. And you were firmly convinced that’s how it should’ve been.
Although you had realized a few months ago you loved him, you were afraid to confess yourself, scared JJ would not reciprocate your feelings. He was JJ Maybank after all, it had shocked you to begin with that he even liked you when he had confessed it a little over a year ago. He was known for having quite a fame between the girls on the island, and it just hadn’t seem right for him to want you.
This was everything you could ask for, except JJ was leaving you. You felt your tears fall harder at his confession.
“I love you, J.” You cried on his shoulder, hoping you were having a bad dream right now and he wasn’t really about to get away.
He pulled you closer to him at your words, exhaling deeply in your shoulder, almost as if he was relieved you were reciprocating his feelings. Was he really that oblivious?
“Fuck, Y/N.” His voice was strained while he cried in your loving arms, tears wetting your t-shirt.
He moved his head from where it was nestled in the crook of your neck, and put some space between your faces to look at you. His beautiful blue eyes found yours desperately, and you couldn’t stand to see his face in pain and streamed by tears.
Let me know when it's time to come back
Maybe when your life is on track
And you don't have to hesitate
Hopefully it isn't too late
Luckily for you I'm patient
I'm ok with you making me wait and
As long as you're near, I'll be here
Even if it takes ten years
“I’ll find some way to get in touch with you.” He promised softly, a hand coming up from your waist to rest on your cheek.
You nodded once again, not being able to get words out. You sighed, lifting your hand to place it on his own.
“Please, just —“ he trailed off, not really knowing how to put it, “I don’t know how long it’s gonna take, and I know this might sound selfish but — wait for me, all right?”
A sob escaped your mouth at his words. It felt like someone was ripping your heart from your chest.
“However long it takes.” You managed to let out, squeezing his hand under yours, “Even if it’s forever. You didn’t have to ask me.”
JJ let a sigh out, and brought his other hand on your face. In mere seconds his lips were on yours, passionately kissing you while salted tears stained your painful exchange.
You could never move on from him, and you put as much love as you could in that kiss. To show him you loved him. To show him you would be here, waiting for him when he would get back.
Can't fall in love, when I found the one
How am I supposed to move on
When you're never really too far gone?
The memories won't go away
I feel pain every time I hear your name
But I always think of you the same
“Me and you, baby.” He whispered against your lips, “Nobody else, right? Just wait for me.”
You knew he didn’t think too much of himself, his father having eternally ruined the golden-hearted boy, but for him to think a single thought about anybody else could even cross your love-struck mind was just irrational. Everybody knew how much you adored JJ, and couldn’t possibly be with anyone else as long as your love was there. Was he really worried you would forget about him? Move on to someone else?
“Me and you.” You confirmed feebly, “Nobody else but you, JJ. Don’t you ever worry about that. Ever.”
He understood what you meant, you had told him multiple times jealousy shouldn’t even be on the plate in your relationship because you were utterly his. Nobody else could ever compare to JJ. How could they? The feelings you felt for the boy were something you had never experienced before. Your heart, mind, body and soul belonged to JJ forever.
'Cause time wasn't in our favor
This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later
His forehead rested on yours and you both closed your eyes to relish in each other’s touch one last time, whispering sweet farewells in your embrace.
You felt exhausted, worn out even. The emotional struggle you were facing was draining you mentally and physically.
JJ sensed your distress, and brought his hands down the back of your thighs to lift you up.
You got the hint, and jumped in his arms, your own still around his neck. He carried you to your bed, while he repeatedly showered your face and hair with soft kisses.
He placed you on the mattress, your head hitting your pillow. Your knees came up to your chest as you laid on your side, letting out the last tears you had in you.
You panicked at the loss of JJ’s touch, turning around to see him sit down beside you. You grabbed his wrist and brought it in front of you, cradling it. You placed wet kisses on his skin before tugging him to you. He was already laying down behind you, his front facing your back as he wrapped the arm you were cradling around your waist in a protective hold. JJ intertwined your fingers, resting your hands in the position you kept his own just seconds ago. Near your face and between your arms. Sweet kisses were placed on the back of your head.
The two of you softly cried together, your bodies one as the pain didn’t seem to subside, not even slightly.
“My precious girl. Do you know how much I love you? Always here for me. I didn’t even show up most days and still here you were always waitin’ for me. Not even once complaining. Precious, precious girl.” His whispers were soothing in your ear as you closed your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears and the terrible headache they were causing.
You brought your intertwined hands even closer to your chest and wished to never let his own go.
“You sleep, alright? I won’t let go until you do. I’ll be here with you until you fall asleep.” He spoke quietly.
You nodded just briefly before placing a kiss on his hand.
“Don’t be afraid. We’ll be together again before you know it.”
You wished it was true.
You could feel your eyelids starting to get heavy, a sleepy daze engulfing your tired body.
“I love you, baby.” You heard at last.
“I love you, J.” You managed to let out before letting yourself drift into a deep sleep, stopping forcing it away.
You couldn’t stand the thought of having to watch him go, JJ knew that. So you let yourself finally fall asleep, your body exhausted. You hoped, in your nearly asleep state, this would just be a bad nightmare once you would wake up.
The next morning, JJ wasn’t there. His touch wasn’t there anymore. You turned around slowly, only to be met with the empty spot JJ had been in just hours ago.
On your nightstand, sat a white paper. You could make out black ink on it.
Sitting up, you took it in your hands so you could read it, already dreading the tears that were starting to form in your eyes.
Your hands trembling as you read the words JJ had probably scribbled down in a rush.
I’ll be back for you. I love you more than anything else in this world.
Me and you, nobody else.
Yours, JJ.
Let me know when it's time to come back
Maybe when your life is on track
And you don't have to hesitate
Hopefully it isn't too late
Luckily for you I'm patient
I'm ok with you making me wait and
As long as you're near, I'll be here
Even if it takes ten years
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
I'll Come Back for You (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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REQUEST: ANON - something where he is in winter soldier mode and protecting the scientist (y/n) where she is the only one who can sort of calm him down after a mission
ANON - winter soldier!bucky being protective over his scientist who’s forced to be take care of his health and she’s being kept there against his will too
ANON - Bucky Barnes request about how both reader and Bucky are each other support systems? It could be like a headcanon, how would the reader comfort him while how he comforts her so forth and so on
WORDS: 3506
A/N: So I don't know if I was inspired or if I just wrote too much, but I'm not sure this story's good. Anyway, feedback is really appreciated and I hope you'll like it :) (also don't forget to tell me if you want to be on my taglist ^^)
“What happened this time ?”
Her voice was only a whisper in the quiet room. The broken man silently sat on the examination table while she stuck a needle in his functioning arm. He didn’t speak, didn’t even flinch. This masquerade had started the moment she had set foot inside Hydra secret base. They had brought her against her will to take care of their most valuable soldier. It was always the same dance, rehearsed a million times since she had met him. After each mission, each murder, he’d come to her. She’d fix his physical wounds, take care of his arm and let him go.
More than often, she found herself feeling sorry for him. She knew what Hydra was doing to him, she’d heard the screams echoing in the distance. It would keep ringing in her ears for hours. Sometimes, the simple thought of picturing what he was going through was enough to bring her to tears. No one deserved to suffer this way.
The Winter Soldier was a cruel man, an assassin. She had seen him in action, had even been attacked the first time they were introduced. But despite being the necessary tool to take care of their valuable killer, she liked him. This wasn’t a place anyone could handle, not even him. And while she was aware of the danger Hydra represented, he was a different story. The man he once was had been trapped in a small corner of his mind, disconnected. His hands were his own, but his actions were dictated by an army that had invaded his head long ago. He was a machine turned on and off at will by the power of ten simple words.
“I was stabbed” Was his only answer. He didn’t give any detail, simply raised his shirt so she could inspect the injury.
“Do you feel any pain ?”
He blankly stared at an invisible point on the wall, avoiding looking at her. He was aware anyone could be listening.
“Soldier ?” She called him, stopping her movement and waiting for his response.
“I don’t feel anything” His voice was emotionless and a chill ran down her spine when he spoke. He was detached, impassive, a statue unaware he was capable of sentiment.
She cleared her throat, trying to stay focused on her task. She cleaned the wound, took his vitals, wrote down the conclusion of her examination and prepared what she needed to sew him up.
When she was about to administer the anesthetic, he suddenly grabbed her wrist. She caught her breath, frightened, but made no movement. For the first time that day, he turned his head to look at her. Whatever she saw in his eyes was enough to ease the tension in her shoulders and she relaxed.
“It’s okay” She whispered, a kind smile on her face. “This is propofol”
She knew he would recognize the name. She had spent countless hours explaining everything she was doing to him in detail so he wouldn’t be uncomfortable or scared. He was a super soldier that required extreme measures of treatment.
“No drugs,” He told her.
“You might regret that decision once I start to put the stitches in”
“I need to stay conscious,” He explicated, almost begging her. “Please”
She didn’t argue, only glanced at a camera behind her recording their interaction.
“Alright” She conceded. “I’ll switch to saline”
He nodded, grateful she wasn’t pushing. She turned her back carefully so her table was no longer in the camera’s field of view and he watched her emptying the needle and filling it with a harmless mixture of water and sodium chloride. Nothing that would put him to sleep.
“Have you ever been to Greece ?” She asked him out of the blue. He stared at her curiously. “I’ve always dreamed of visiting. It has the longest coastline in Europe, with so many islands between the blue Aegean Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Ionian Sea to the west. Can you imagine how beautiful it must be ?”
She kept talking for a while about the country, the books she had read and the films she had seen about it. His eyes stayed on her the whole time, his head tilted to the side, wondering why she was telling him all this. Not that he minded, he loved listening to her. She had the power to calm him down. He was constantly on high alert, ready to fight whomever he was told to kill, prepared to endure whatever torture they had prepared, but this room and the woman inside were his only small moments of peace. Her voice was the music he desperately needed to sooth his soul.
“Why are you telling me this ?” He wondered out loud.
She smirked. “To take your mind somewhere else than here. Seems like it worked”
He glanced at his stomach and realized the stitches were already there. Too engrossed in her story, he hadn’t noticed or felt anything.
“Funny how magical words can turn out to be, isn’t it ?”
She could swear she saw the flicker of an emotion on his face looking back between his wound and the woman, but just as quickly as it came, it was gone.
“Thank you, doc”
She hesitated a moment before gently taking his hand on her own.
“Be careful” She muttered. “There’s only so much I can fix”
“I will” He promised. “Are they … are they treating you right ?”
She shrugged. “If threatening to kill me is what you consider right, then I guess I’m a real princess in a castle”
He ran a jerky hand through his hair and seemed to be looking for the right words to say but never spoke.
“Can I ask …” She began, curiosity getting the best out of her. “What is your real name ?”
When his gaze fell on her, all she saw was pure panic. Her question, as simple as it may have been, had surprised him. He didn’t remember, didn’t even question anyone, because it hadn’t mattered. He didn’t need to be more than a ghost to be able to kill.
“I’m sorry” She apologized. “I shouldn’t have asked. I didn’t mean to…”
“I don’t know” He admitted.
She gulped and looked away. His eyes held too much confusion and despair. Coming face to face with the enormity that was this man’s fate was sometimes undeniably heartbreaking.
“Can I call you Winter, then ?” She suggested.
He seemed to ponder for a while before offering her a small smile. “Yes, yes I’d like that”
It hurt to see a glimpse of happiness on his face for something as simple as a name and the woman didn’t realize that what she had just given him was the shred of an identity. A tiny piece he would hold onto. He was living inside a nightmare he had no idea he was trapped into, and if she dared to help, she would pay it with her life. So all she had the power to do was give him a name. Make him feel alive again.
The next time she saw him was only a couple of days after, carried by two agents, head hanging low and barely conscious. His clothes were stained in blood and his metal arm seemed dislocated.
“Patch him up” One of the men coldly ordered. They dropped the injured soldier on the ground like he was nothing more than an object, not even human.
She rushed to his side, checking his pupils first with a flashlight to rule out any intracranial damage to his brain. She did the same on his chest with a stethoscope, searching for any potential life threatening injury. When she moved to his shoulder to inspect the metal bones, he regained consciousness. Maybe it was the sight of yet another scientist above him or the touch of her fingers on his skin, but the man was quick to react and got on his feet in no time. His human hand wrapped around her neck tightly and he pushed her body with force against a wall, choking her. She tried to speak, but the action had been so sudden and violent that she was unable to move a muscle. He was in a trance, eyes filled with hatred that she knew was not directed toward her. Whatever he was picturing in his mind had awakened the assassin. She was the threat and he was in a game of survival.
She whispered his name several times but it was only after a minute, when she was on the verge of passing out, that he seemed to realize what he was doing. He stared at her with wide open eyes and released her from his grip. Her body fell on the floor before she started coughing, struggling to catch her breath.
“I’m…” He tried to speak, looking down at his hands in horror.
“Water” She managed to whisper.
He brought the woman a bottle and tried to help her on her feet. When he reached for her, she involuntarily flinched. A pure reflex. She didn’t miss the sadness on his face as he recoiled from her.
“I didn’t mean…”
“I know. It’s alright”
“I could’ve killed you” He said it more to himself than to her.
“But you didn’t” She laid a hand on her chest, taking a deep breath to try and calm her heart rate. “What happened ?”
“You touched me,” He explained.
“I touch you all the time” When he smirked, she realized the double meaning behind what she had just said. “Hm … why would it be any different today ?” She immediately changed the subject.
“Usually, when I’m unconscious I can … sense them around me. Working on me. And I can’t move but I still feel the pain”
Once again she was at a loss of words against the heaviness that was the burden of his life.
“Are you sure you’re alright ?” He repeated almost in a childish voice.
“I’ll get over it, don’t worry” She tried to reassure him. It didn’t seem to work. He took a temptative step, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable. He moved his hand toward her neck, deliberately going as slow as he could. His eyes stayed on hers, watching out for any sign of fear. “What are you doing ?” She said in a breath, a different kind of shiver rolling down her spine.
“I need to make sure I didn’t hurt you” The sincerity and concern she heard in his voice were unsettling. She stared back in disbelief, but didn’t move. This was the closest they had ever been and it almost felt unreal for both of them. Too good to be true, especially in a place of nightmare like this.
He tilted her head to the back, still looking at her, and softly brushed his thumb over her skin. A bruise was already starting to appear. She saw the change in his eyes, the regret and sadness when he lowered his gaze. He kept inspecting her from all angles possible, making her chuckle in the process.
“Are you done, doctor ?” She joked.
He tried not to smile but miserably failed. “Almost. Haven’t found a diagnosis yet”
This time she laughed.
“C’mon, I’m not the real patient here. I need to take a look at you” She glanced at his metal arm, still dislocated. He was avoiding using it and she had noticed.
He sighed but didn’t remove his hand from her neck. Instead, his thumb slowly reached her cheek and he gently stroked her skin.
“I wish I could get you out of here” He whispered. “You don’t deserve any of this”
“Neither do you”
He clenched his jaw and plastered a tight smile, refusing to acknowledge what she had just said. He lowered his arm and sat on the examination table without saying anything.
“I’m gonna … hm … I’m gonna need to cut your shirt open” She gulped, trying to keep her cheeks from getting any warmer.
The man smirked and grabbed a pair of scissors nearby that he handed to her. She took it but didn’t dare to look at him, too uncomfortable by the situation. As she cut his shirt higher and higher, her hands started to shake. He could see her shifting her weight from side to side and desperately avoiding any eye contact. She was embarrassed and he was enjoying every second of it.
When finally she had taken it carefully off his body, she huffed in frustration. There was no denying that he had beyond toned muscle structure, verged into defined and well built curves.
“Is it… is it alright if I touch you ?” She allowed herself to take a glance at him, and rolled her eyes when she saw the smirk on his face.
“More than alright, doc” He teased her.
The moment her hands came in contact with his skin, he involuntarily flexed his muscles. She took a sharp breath, trying not to lose focus when she cleaned his wounds. She looked up at him to make sure he wasn’t in any pain, only to realize he was already staring. What should have been a quick glance turned into something more, a moment that lasted a little too long. When he leaned in toward her, she suddenly seemed to notice the lack of space between them. She cleared her throat and took a step back.
“Quit flirting, Winter” She reprimanded him with a playful grin.
He laughed. It was the first time she heard that sound and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her mouth. He looked so carefree and alive, so human. She was finally meeting the man behind the assassin, and he troubled her even more than the silent killer.
“I kinda like to see you flustered, doc”
She ran a hand through her hair, trying to hide her obvious nervousness.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” She pursed her lips to keep from smiling.
“Sure you don’t” He sniggered.
She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna need to put that shoulder into place”
Instead of talking, he grabbed her hips and considerably shortened the distance she had put between them. Her eyes widened from both the sudden gesture and the feeling of his fingers on her body.
“Go right ahead, doc”
She leaned in toward him to have a better access to the injury, ignoring the unexpected shudder. She was practically over him, a hand on his shoulder, the other on his broad back. If he felt any pain when she pushed the bones back into place, he didn’t show.
“All good ?” He muttered, heavily breathing. She was about to ask if he was okay but the words stayed stuck when she realized how close their faces were. He wasn’t hurt, no, he was perturbed by her presence. He could smell her perfume and see the hair raising on her neck. Whatever he was feeling, she felt it too.
“Do I make you nervous, soldier ?” She said, a smile building on her full lips.
“You have no idea, doctor”
She turned to face him. They locked eyes and, for a moment, none of them moved. The atmosphere instantly changed when he bit his lips. He bent closer and closer, and this time she didn’t push back. When finally he kissed her, she froze in place. He was about to draw back when she grabbed his neck, deepening the kiss. A sensation she couldn’t comprehend took over her whole body. He didn’t rush, took his sweet time lingering his lips over hers. She could swore her knees would have given out if he wasn’t holding her in place. Her chest was fluttering and she lost all sense of time. He pulled back from the lack of oxygen, but not before caressing her mouth one last time.
“Too much?” He inquired quietly.
She shook her head, laughing. “No. Just enough”
“I’ve been dreaming of doing that for a while” He admitted.
“Quite the change of attitude. I could’ve sworn you wanted me dead only ten minutes ago” She joked.
He pouted, not particularly happy she was reminding him of his previous outburst.
“You’re all set up, Winter” She announced after one last look over his chest. “No major damage”
“Have you checked my heart ?” He joked with a smirk. “I think it’s beating a little fast”
She coughed to try and hide her laugh.
“I’m afraid that’s not fixable” She started to write her report, ignoring his lingering gaze on her. Her brain was still fuzzy from the kiss they shared. “Unless I stay away, which would probably ease your … discomfort”
“Who said anything about discomfort ? That’s a kind of pain I’d rather enjoy”
She raised an eyebrow, not missing the way her own heart palpitated.
“Don’t play with fire, soldier”
He smirked. “Between us, I’m trying to delay the moment I’ll have to go through that door again”
This time she lost all joy and raised her head from what she was writing on her report to look at him.
“You’re strong enough to leave this place, you know”
“Leave where ?” He asked.
“Somewhere you’ll find who you really are”
“Does that somewhere include you ? ‘Cause you should know I won’t go without you”
She walked up to him and took his hands.
“Save yourself while you still can, Winter” She sadly replied.
“What about you ?”
“I’m just … collateral damage” She exhaled.
He gently pressed his forehead to hers.
“I promise I’ll come back for you after that last mission”
“I’ll hold you onto that”
He planted a soft kiss on her lips, making her forget once again where they were and what their reality was.
“I’ll take you to Greece” He whispered. “Just the two of us. Wouldn’t that be great ?”
“It’s a date” She grinned, making him laugh.
“You’ve got yourself a deal. We’ll get out of here” He swore. “And I’ll take you dancing under the stars of Mykonos”
He didn’t know then that he would never have the occasion to keep that promise. They would have more moments, stolen from the chaos of this place, but nothing more. Weeks later, he would hear rumors about treason and compromising positions. He would understand too late they meant her. She was his weak point, and the Winter Soldier couldn’t have any weaknesses. She was disposable, he was an assassin with superpowers. All the recordings they had proved he no longer could be operational so long as she was still breathing.
“Buck, you alright ?” A voice suddenly spoke in the agonizing silence.
He turned around to his friend, brushing the tears he didn’t realize had started to fall. Standing in the empty room, he couldn’t move away from the dried patch of blood on the floor.
“Yeah, I just need a minute” He shook his head, trying to make the painful memories disappear.
The man behind him began to inspect the place, searching through scattered papers around a desk.
“Dr. Y/N Y/L/N” He read.
Bucky closed his eyes, clenching his jaw. The simple sound of her name was enough to widen the open wound inside his chest. He sat on the examination table one last time, without her. Forgetting he wasn’t alone, he let himself wander into his most precious memories. He remembered the taste of her lips, the smell of her perfume and the touch of her skin. Every detail engraved in his head forever.
“Did you know her ?” The person asked.
The man stopped what he was doing and observed the former assassin for a solid minute. He looked heartbroken.
“Bad memories ?” He inquired.
“Not in this room” Bucky sadly smiled.
“What happened ?”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Steve”
The Captain hesitated for a moment but didn’t push. He was aware his friend was still healing and whatever the place was, it was part of his pain.
“Is she dead ?” He only questioned.
He gulped and tilted his head backward to keep the tears at bay. “They took her away from me” His voice cracked when he spoke. He was not able to stop the violent sob that escaped his mouth. He wanted to say so much more but the lump in his throat was far too heavy.
“I was too late,” He whispered. “I promised I’d come back for her but I was … too …”
His shoulders started to shake as tears ran down his bloodshot eyes. Steve rapidly closed the distance between them and hugged his friend, letting him express his sadness. They stayed there until he was calm enough to take a deep breath.
“You ready ?” The Captain inquired.
The broken soldier silently nodded.
“Where to now ?” Steve asked him. “You’re free to go anywhere you'd like”
“Greece. I have a date in Greece”
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raineydays411 · 3 years
So warm and tender
Tony Stark x Daughter!reader
A/n: Hello! finally the last part of Ember. I hope you guys like it and sorry for making y’all wait so long for the confrontation lol)
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Y/n’s POV
“Aunt Pam?!” you say in shock as you stop struggling against the vine wrapped around your body.
“Y/n, is it really you?” your aunt said as the vine loosened its grip and gently lowered you on the ground. “ Where have you been? Everyone has been going crazy looking for you”
You don’t answer as you look at your aunt. You didn’t realise you missed her as much as you did but now all you want to do is throw yourself in her arms. So you did.Pam, sensing you needed comfort rather than an interrogation, wrapped her arms around you. “I missed so much my Petal.” 
With those five words, all the hurt and pain you bottled up came out. and you cried.
As you cried, your aunt looked at the girl she hasn’t seen in eight years, and wondered what she’s been going through and if she did the right thing by giving you to your father all those years ago.
“Petal, I think you need to explain what’s going on”
You look up and sniff, “ Yeah, i think an explanation is well in order.” and you tell her everything. From the years of being ignored by your father, your last argument, the two weeks you spent in captivity, and your new powers. 
“ And that’s when I found you.” You finish looking at the grim faces of Pam and the other woman, who now that you think about it looks really familiar. 
“Oh, you poor puddin’!” you found your face being squished between two ands and then you were comically pressed against a body in a tight hug. 
“Don’tcha worry bout a thing, me and Pammy will take care of everything, you just sit here and---”  This seems familiar...
“ Harley, I don’t think she can breathe.” “Oh right, now you remember, it the blonde woman who used to sneak into the apartment”. You think to yourself as you struggle to get loose from her grip. You hear someone snicker and see Danny looking at the commotion. 
“ Shut up Danny, where have you been?” You say, forgetting that you’re the only one who can see him. 
“Exploring, do you thing she could hug me like that too?” 
“ If you weren’t already dead, I’m sure they would kill you for that comment”
Pam and Harley look at each other in concern as it seems like you’re talking to yourself. 
“ Hey kid, if you’re gonna talk to yourself, try an’ do it when other people can’t see you, like me.”  The blonde says as if someone talking to themselves was a daily occurrence for her.  You explain that with your powers, you were basically dead and can speak and see other dead people. Hearing that, Pam’s expression darkened
“He let you die?” she said in a grim tone. All the vines and plants in the room started whipping around angrily as if they were looking for the person who wronged you. It was then when you realized it wasn’t your Auntie Pam who taught you how to plant petunias you were looking at, this was Poison Ivy. 
“ Men, you can never trust em’. Well, whadda say little flower, ya up for a little premeditated murder?” and that was the infamous Harley Quinn. 
“ It would’ve been nice to know that you’re related to scary criminals y/n....” Danny said in a fearful voice. And if you were being honest you just found out that your aunt Pam was also the Poison Ivy but to be fair you haven’t seen her since you were like eight. 
“I don’t want to kill him” you finally say. “ I don’t want anything to do with him. Nor his precious Spiderling.” The plants calm down as Ivy calmed down and was your aunt Pam again. “ What do you want to do?” she asks.
You think to yourself and say,” I want him to know how he made me feel, and then I want to stay with you.”  Your aunt and Harley froze when you said that. 
“Petal, there is nothing I want more than for you to stay with me again,” She started, “ But it isn’t safe for you to stay.” Your eyes started to water
“But I-I have powers now, I can defend myself! I won’t be any trouble, it’ll be like I’m not even here” At this point, anything was better than going back to being invisible. “Please...I don’t want to go back...” 
Hearing the desperation in your voice broke Pams, Harleys, and Danny's heart. Pam because this was the daughter of her closest friend. She vowed to protect you from anything the day you came to her after losing your mother. Seeing you like this just reminded her how she, in her mind, has failed you. Seeing you so desperate to get away from the man who broke your heart reminded Harley of herself. The nights she would sneak into the tiny apartment you shared with Pammy, in hopes of escape only to get drawn back with empty promises. So yeah, she had a small soft spot for you. And Danny, you were the only person who saw him after months of being invisible. He felt like he needed to help you in your mission to get your father regret ignoring you.
“Hey Pammy...maybe we should call him...” Harley started to suggest. 
“NO, I’d rather drink weed killer than go to that...orphan collector for help.” the red head spat. “ No. We’ll figure it out but she can stay here for now.”
Hearing that you had a place to call home now, gave you the motivation to go and confront your father. Not only for ignoring you, but for leaving you in that..cell for two weeks. He didn’t even attempt to look for you as far as you knew. You’d have thought at least one of the other Avengers would have came to save you. But no one came. After all those years, no one came.
“Y/n.. your eyes” Danny whispered, his cold hand touching your arm snapped you out of your mind. The neon glow of your eyes faded to your normal e/c. 
“ Aunt Pam, Harley is there any way you guys can get me to New York and back?” You ask, finally ready to confront your father. 
“ Well....” Harley say as with a smirk
~~~~~~~~~one terrifying ride on a stolen batplane later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Upon arriving to New York you made Pam and Harley wait a few blocks away from the tower, as you really didn’t want the Avengers to find out your aunt was a wanted criminal. You “went ghost” as Danny like to call it and snuck into the Tower with ease. You then snuck into your room, seeing everything covered in a layer of dust as no one has been in there for over two weeks. You packed a bag and filled it with some clothes, books and a picture of you and your mother. You took that bag and walked to the door, looking around at the room that was both you prison and safe space. It was decorated with multiple trophies, medals, and ribbons all from the multiple sports and clubs you joined to impress your father. Not like that ever happened. Danny wander around looking at the multiple teams photos you had hung up.
“ You’re a volleyball girl?” he said, “ Huh. I’d never have had guessed.” 
You rolled your eyes as you finished packing. “ Hey I have a job for you.” you say turning to him. “ I need you to go to the control room and turn off the power for thirty minutes. Then turn it back on and come find me in the common room.”
“ Yes ma’am” Danny says, saluting and disappearing through the wall before he comes back. “Ummm, wheres the control room?” 
You roll your eyes and explain how to get to the control room and wait. When the lights go out and you’ll make your move. Your father would have to pass through the common room to get to the control room from his lab, which you assume he’ll be. There you’ll be waiting for him. 
The lights go out. It’s showtime.
Tony's POV
The team spent three more days searching for you. They followed every lead and half of the team even flew out to the building that collapsed an hour ago. Tony, Steve, and Natasha stood behind to look at more clues. It was a little past midnight, and both Steve and Natasha went to bed leaving Tony to tinker in his lab. Tony was making improvements to a certain spider suit as he thought about what his daughter said to him before she went missing.
“Sir, there seems to be someone in Y/--” FRIDAY started to say when the power cut out.
“FRIDAY??” Tony questioned as he walked out to check the control room, making sure to get his nano bracelet just incase. As he walked down the hallway he thought about waking up Steve and if he was brave enough to wake Natasha when he heard it.
“Hi daddy.”
Tony stopped dead in his tracks as he looked up in disbelief. The lights turned back on to reveal his daughter. Wearing a black halter top, spandex leggings, grey boots with elbow length gloves. She looked skinny, as if she hadn’t had a proper meal in the weeks she was gone. And for some reason the air was cold in the room. But there she stood.
‘Y/n” Tony said breathlessly. 
Y/n pov
As you wait for Tony to walk in,you look around the common room and reminisce. You think about the time when you first moved in, and you got lost trying to find the bathroom and accidently walked into Natashas room. YOu thought she was going to kill you but ended up walking you to the restroom and back to your room. Or when you made the volleyball team way back in eighth grade, and you ran home to tell your dad but ended up telling the whole team, who were rarely all together, and they all took you out to get ice cream, minus Tony. You had to admit, even though your dad didn’t pay attention to you, Nat and Steve did. As well as the whole team, but those two really became the parental figures in your life. That’s why it hurt when not even they came for you. Even they had forgotten you.
“Hi daddy” you said in a mocking voice. Your father stopped dead in his tracks, as he looked you over in disbelief.
“Y/n”, he said in a breathless voice. 
“Oh, you remember my name?” You say in an sarcastic tone. “ Didn’t seem like you did when you left me in a hydra cell for two weeks.” 
Hearing that you were a prisoner of Hydra made Tony’s blood freeze. 
“Hydra? Oh Y/N are you okay? What did they do to you?” He asked frantically as he walk towards you with the intent of checking if you were injured. You jerk away from him, avoiding his touch and say
“ Oh, I’m wonderful. Just so fucking fantastic. I was just experimented on and injected with various liquids that caused excruciating pain. No big deal” 
“ Y/n..we spent days trying to look for you. Me and the team--”
“You and the team what Tony? I was there for two weeks. TWO WEEKS I WAS POKED AND PRODDED. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE.” You scream, anger filling your heart as you remember the agony you went through. You think about the scratches on the wall of the cells, the taunts from the guards, and screams of the undead.
“ You have no idea what I went through. What I’m going through.” You say, feeling your body grow colder as you lose control and start to shift. “ You don’t care about me. If I were Parker, you would have saved mem within SECONDS.”
“That's not true. Y/N you have no idea how much I love you.” Tony tries to say. He’s filled with the need to tell you everything he didn’t tell you before. “I know I haven’t always been the best father. Trust me I know that now. But if you give me a chance, I want to make everything right. Please.” 
You didn’t think it would go like this. In fact you were not at all prepared for Tony to say this. You expected to walk in on him continuing his life as normal, tinkering in his lab and such. You had always yearned to hear him say those words to you. But now, they just fill you with anger.
“You think you could just tell me what I want to hear and what? I’ll just act like nothing happened?? I know you’re not that stupid.” You spit, the room growing colder as you get angrier. “ It’s too late for all that Tony. I’m not the same girl i was two weeks ago.i won;t take it any longer.” 
“Y/n..your eyes” Tony says as he slowly starts to put his gauntlet bracelet on, realising that you are becoming a threat. 
“ Oh do you like them?”, You ask “ This is what happened when they injected me. I can also do this.” You shift, shades of blue taking over brown skin. Tony stared at you in awe and a bit of fear. 
“ Y/n this isn’t you. I know you’re angry but--” “ Isn’t me?” You interrupt.” You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’m like. And even if you did the old me died in that cell. Literally I died” You and Tony stared at each other. and that's when you heard the doors open. Two sets of footsteps started rushing to the commotion. 
“Y/N some red head and beefy blonde are on their way” You hear Danny say as you realize you had to wrap it up. If anyone can convince you to stay, it’s Steve and Nat.
“ It doesn’t matter anymore Tony.” you say as you start walking to the window. “ I can’t stay here anymore. There’s nothing for me. You win. Peter can be the child you always wanted cause from now on, consider me dead.” and with that, you phase threw the window and let yourself fall, knowing that you won’t actually fall as you can fly. 
Tony freaks out and calls for his suit, only to see a blue blur shoot up and across the sky. Then he just sits there and stares. The footsteps reach the common room and he hears someone ask 
“ Stark..what was all the yelling. What's going on?” 
“she's gone” He says, and that's when he truly realizes his mistake. He became what he never wanted to become. He became his father. And now you were gone.
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