#How the world works
pratchettquotes · 1 year
"What made you decide to become a wizard?" [...]
"It's indoor work with no heavy lifting," said Cutwell. "And I suppose I wanted to learn how the world worked."
"Have you succeeded, then?"
Terry Pratchett, Mort
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freshmoviequotes · 2 years
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Triangle of Sadness (2022)
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
I frankly think the problem is that people who post about the "worthlessness" of the vote are a combination of people who've lived with the privilege their entire lives and thus don't recognize its value, and of people who think that doing ANYTHING that is part of the establishment is inherently dirty and needs to be avoided to maintain their ideological purity. And mixed together with an unhealthy dose of capitalistic undertones of instant gratification that they've never truly reckoned with.
Because that's what this is really all about; keeping their own hands unsullied of what they see as a poisonous system, where the establishment is inherently bad no matter what good elements are still left trying to be fixed and improved, and they want the results immediately regardless of the consequences.
As it's been said before, as horrid and evil as the fascist right are, they did their due diligence for over 50 years, putting their zealots into various positions of power year after year, decade after decade. because they were willing to go through their own hell in order to ensure that the poison trees they were planting would bear fruit, even as they have their clowns and assholes to distract the rest of us. I have never seen that kind of single-minded long term thinking in a very large majority of online types.
I mean, last night I received an anon scolding me about how I was "driving away young leftists and liberals" by whatever I was saying on Tunglr dot hell (which has consisted almost in its entirety of forcefully telling them to vote, to not be antisemites, and that yelling at a cancer hospital wasn't going to magically awaken more people to the Rightness of your Cause and actually backfires on the cause you're claiming to help). And while the urge to do a forensic and deeply salty response was Strong, I reminded myself to do the smart thing and block it. Which I did, but also I'm still wondering how, if these precious snowflakes are indeed "driven away" by someone telling them to vote and not be antisemites, then yeah, we're doomed. It was also entirely likely that this was the usual version of "not a threat-threat" wherein if I don't stop telling people to vote on Tunglr dot hell, apparently this might cause the entire moral continuum of the universe to collapse and it will be my fault. Sorry if I haven't been always totally nice about it, but after eight years of dealing with this bullshit nonstop, my patience is now deeply limited.
Anyway, my point here is that if this is actually what we're dealing with, wherein they will blow right past the most basic of advice about how to actually do something and not just get short-term Moral Good Person Cookies out of it, coming from someone who actually agrees with what they want to do and the changes they want to see in the world, in order to focus on This Personally Made Me Feel Bad :(, then yeah. We're doomed. On the other hand, as scolding anons on Tunglr dot hell are again, hardly representative of the actual state of things, it likewise should be taken with a healthy grain of salt.
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Bo Burnham is a modern-day Nostradamus
Exhibit A from 2/21/2016:
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Bostradamus strikes again...eerie, right?!
Is it too late to nominate this guy instead? ✌🏼🐔
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animetit · 3 months
don't forget this america day that:
• the simple narrative taught in every history class is demonstrably false and pedagogically classist
• the world is built with blood and genocide and exploitation
• the global network of capital essentially functions to separate the worker from the means of production
• the fbi killed martin luther king
• private property's inherently theft
• neoliberal fascists are destroying the left
• and every politician, every cop on the street, protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite
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puzzled-pegasus · 10 months
If I never get around to it I want everyone to know that if I had the time and energy I would 100% make an art piece with Bandit Heeler and Unicorse singing How The World Works by Bo Burnham
I just think it would be funny
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januscorner · 10 months
Stop making activism about you. Activism is about helping people not about boosting your image. If you get upset that no one knows that you did something good you’re probably not doing it for the right reasons. If you are a person in privilege it’s your fucking duty to help people without it.
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artistmarchalius · 1 year
*frightening, liminal space*
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rachel-sylvan-author · 5 months
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"Animal Farm" by George Orwell book recommendation by Rachel Sylvan
Thank you @themaryjaneedition for the reread! ❤️
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askcharaandfriends · 11 months
If I can predict the future of this world because of the other one can I change it
It has already happened.
I've long since decided there are certain things that are destined
and certain things that are... flexible.
You cannot avoid everything, but there are some new paths you may take.
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thesillygoosecompany · 2 months
whenever someone annoys me, I’m gonna hit them with the “why do you rich fucking idiots insist on seeing every sociopolitical conflict through the myopic lenze of your own self actualisation?”
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stalkinghedgehogs · 5 months
I hope you learned your lesson? I did and it HURT.
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imaginesomethingrand · 8 months
Actually I'm never having sex bc I'm not giving a man that kind of power over me.
I'd get attached while the idiot would just swoop on to the next person, as men do. It happens over and over.
If I ever gave myself to someone it would mean something. It would be with someone who I knew 100% for a fact treated me like an equal and respected me and really loved me, not just lusted. Those sorts of feelings can be fleeting. And are. I dont want any intimacy with someone I don't totally trust. With my heart 1st. Heart isn't going to go groveling after some random guy who really would do it with anyone.
I want it to be personal. With me me. Uniquely me, and me only.
And I would expect no less of him. To wait for me.
And that in itself is a tall order. Plus a man that 100% is not abusive and isn't addicted to violent rape porn plus loves things i love and who I get along with
So yeah probably never having sex. Unless a miracle comes along
And it's perfectly fine with me. I don't need sex (no one needs it). There's a lot more to life, which I'm gonna enjoy without men and only with them if they're not only decent but upstanding, outstanding, matches w me perfectly.
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Triangle of Sadness (2022) by Ruben Östlund
Book title: How the World Works (2010) by Noam Chomsky
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screenpalettes · 1 year
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Inside (2021)
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
most days i feel like i’m the only person in the world who thinks it’s weird as fuck that so many people think death is the worst thing that can happen to an animal or any other living creature.
like, the meat industry isn’t bad because the animals die, and it’s not bad because the animals die for human consumption. these animals would die anyway, and if they were in the wild, they would die often much more horrific deaths.
every living thing dies so that another living thing can use its corpse as food. it’s called the circle of life, and it’s no different when an animal is farmed and slaughtered for the consumption of humans. 
what ACTUALLY matters is making sure an animal has a healthy, comfortable life BEFORE slaughter, but i almost never see anyone criticizing that about the meat industry.
no, it’s always “the fact that animals die in the first place is horrible because death is obviously not a natural part of life and in the wild every living being is peaceful and happy and never starves or gets horribly sick or torn apart by other animals”.
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